The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - Ep. 77 – God damn i swear i uploaded this

Episode Date: November 10, 2017

I guess the form is fucked up and it just keeps refreshing? I dont know. anyhow there's more pedophile shit happening every day. we recorded this an hour before sheen raped haim and now we're behind a...nother pedophile

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good news everyone, Adam just hurt himself. He hit his head on the beach. Beach house, move that fucker. Check, we want to check the levels. Check. Check. Triple double check. Pussy, pussy, pussy. Okay. Well, I wanted to get Tim Dillon on to do a Hollywood child sex abuse blowout super episode spectacular. Wow. Let's do that the next one. Yeah, I guess we should, but I mean there's so much going on. We'll do it this weekend. I guess we could just focus on Weinstein and leave the pedophilia stuff. Yes. For the special treat. Yes. I know we already technically already did one whole episode on this, but I want to stay on this as long as it's in the news cycle. I mean really the only other thing going on is that
Starting point is 00:00:43 Antifa guy that shot up the church. Confirmed. Confirmed. Well, how about this? Prove he wasn't. You can't. It's Black Block is by definition anonymous. So fuck. He's an Antifa guy. Nick's right about that one. It was Jake Flores that did it. Jake went back down to his precious home of Texas. He was like, you know, I'm going to, you know, I'm going to shoot up a church. You know, I think it'd be a pretty good idea. You really punk rock. It'd be so punk because I mean, Rick and Morty is a good show. Take that, you fucking bitch, Jake. We just flamed your ass. Yeah. And guess what, dude? And guess what? Tarot cards are gay also. You got him. He's into that. Sorcery. He got into tarot cards like a year ago. Hilarious.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Isn't that like a girl thing? Maybe he's trying to get sucked off. Yeah. Smart actually. Yeah. I think it worked too. He's got some crystals. I think he RAPD. Our friend Jake raped someone. You heard it here. I didn't say that. Oh, I'm sorry. He RAPD. If we have any listeners out there in elementary school, earmuffs. Our friend Jake RAPD. RAPD. But that's the Asian cops in LA. There we go. Take that, Nick. Brilliant. Please. RAPD. Do you have a good time? Do you understand the words? I just watched Rush Hour again. Why, dude? To support Brett Ratner? You fucking moron. Yeah, dude. You love Brett Ratner? Yeah, dude. I stand with Brett. I stand with Brett. So sad that now that Brett Ratner is going
Starting point is 00:02:53 down that we probably will not be getting the biopic starring Jared Leto of Hugh Hefner. It is kind of Brett Ratner was going to make. That was going to be awesome. That's a shit. These guys that are like fat, ugly Jewish guys, right? Who would never have sex normally. Yep. Space is not Jewish. Do whatever they can to. I just want to say space. Space is Jewish. You've covered this. We've covered it. It's Jewish. Space is Jewish. You rape people. What more do you want? Slow-mo, space is Jewish. He's like fat, ugly Jewish guys. They wouldn't have sex otherwise. And then they do the one thing that allows them to have sex. Make a lot of money. 100 multi-millionaires that control the media. And then they finally
Starting point is 00:03:37 are able to have sex. The only thing they ever wanted. Is to eat pussy. And now it's been taken away from them. I don't think they were just having sex. They were eating pussy. They had like a gun to women's heads. Did they? No. Yeah, I think so. No, they're anti-gun. Yeah, they're anti-gun. They could have just fucked. They support the idea that no citizen should have guns. And if you want to protect yourself, you should have enough money to hire the government of Israel. That was the best part. That was fucking crazy, dude. What was the fucking headline? That's your second amendment. I used to hire extra national fucking foreign intelligence agencies to manipulate the American media and intimidate the victims. Someone's
Starting point is 00:04:24 like meeting with Rose McGowan, pretending to be a journalist. A pistol? No one should have that much power. Pretend not to be an anti-rape activist. No, no, no, Americans should have a gun. Can you believe we could trust people with that? That amount of power? Really something that has no effect on their lives whatsoever. Like guns. But yeah, not only was she posing as a journalist, she posed as like a rape victim. He also raped me. Do not pay attention to how big my hands are and my broad shoulders. And I was visibly sexed by a man. God damn. Yeah, what was it? Massade or what was it? It was a security firm that was staffed by two ex-massade agents. But there's no such thing as ex-massade.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah, blood in blood out. Is the massage like the bloods you get gang raped to get in? It's like the CIA of Israel. So yes, do you have to get raped to get into the massage? I don't know. Maybe. Do you? I don't maybe. I think it is. That's fucking wild. I literally did tell you on Saturday night when you were telling me about the website. You heard it here first, folks. Adam had prior knowledge. I did not have prior knowledge. Conspiracy. When Nick told me that there were websites and like Twitter accounts that were disappearing, I was like, yeah, there's definitely is really secure. Well, the websites and Twitter accounts that are disappearing are in relation to Brian Singer, which I think the Harvey Weinstein
Starting point is 00:06:01 thing, that's just one. I mean, the reason that story broke, the New York Times saying, I'm turning it like a complete conspiracy. Yeah, I know you've been texting us for five days about child rape in Hollywood. He's coming down. Nick is going full on spotlight right now. I don't know why. I don't know what about. I don't know what. What's the only thing that spooked me was that some guy accused Brian Singer and that Brian Singer just gets rid of his Twitter account, which means, okay, so yeah, you definitely. And he's had like a string of accusations over the last like, you know, 20 years. And then anytime like it comes up again, the people start sharing this story of this guy that brought a case
Starting point is 00:06:41 against him a couple of years ago who was exposed as like a con man and a fraud or whatever. But that was like one guy. Right. It's also like, I can see somebody turning into a con man when they were repeatedly raped by an authority figure that has the ability to, you know, destroy your life, destroy you ruin your career. But yeah, somebody accused him on Twitter and then the account disappeared because they were like threatened through DMs. And then and then a couple of places covered the story. And then the articles all disappeared. Damn. Yeah. Which is like, holy shit. Yeah. The amount of power you have to do that. But then Jessica Chastain, who like tweeted, she was like, oh, we can't let Brian
Starting point is 00:07:28 Singer get away with this. Oh, damn. She added his ass. She was like, she said his name. Yeah. She like linked some article about him and then that renewed interest. And I guess there's some petition at U. S. U. S. C. To have his name removed from the wall of famous pedophiles. Yeah. The how to rape boys in Hollywood and slash and Holocaust remembrance. Well, there's a there's a big over that Venn diagram is basically a circle. You know, Hiller did get rid of a couple of pedophiles. Statistically. Six million of them. Yeah. The children, not the women. Oh, you walked right into that. Yeah. I was gonna say you put yourself on the train. It was a good punchline. It worked comedically. Well, you know, factually
Starting point is 00:08:18 and community. Yeah. Can we go to the books on that one? Our boy close friend of the show, Larry David got in trouble for making pretty tame nothing Holocaust jokes on us. No. He said that if he was at the camps, that's part of the conspiracy. He tried to Jewish guy make a Holocaust joke so that they can pretend to be mad about something. But it's all orchestrated in house to get the attention off. Yeah. If they it's just a roundabout way to remind people of the Holocaust, the greatest tragedy that's ever happened. I'm not. I'm serious. So it was pretty bad. Real talk though. Yo, for real, sits backwards on a chair. I'll be honest. The Holocaust was bad. Yeah. It was a should do it again.
Starting point is 00:09:17 It was a pretty it was a kerfuffle. I'm 50 50 on whether we should do it again. Yeah. I mean, I'm leaning. No, I think it's wrong to kill people forcibly, you know, castrating them. Yes, you know, I'm just taking a you know, take a couple bulldozers to a couple of synagogues. You know what I mean? What's the big deal? I don't know about that. As long as it's empty. Right. I don't want again, I don't want to hurt anyone. You want to bulldoze a synagogue? Just the bad ones, man. Yeah, dude. What are the bad ones? They're all bad wines. I mean, yeah, whatever. The rape synagogue. There's no rape. That's Hollywood's new name. I don't know why I'm like defending synagogues right now. The big apple. We have
Starting point is 00:10:08 the big apple. It's the rapes. The old rapes. Yeah, no, I mean, I'm like just so jealous of of all the outright guys who are having I mean, this is the best way to be the best. Can you imagine how good that must feel? Unbelievable. To just to wake up to the head is real that Weinstein uses misad agents to hire through his fucking Democrat lawyer. Yeah. No, the Democrat lawyer that's the Democrat lawyer is now saying that he did not sign off on it, but instead his name was literally on the paper. Exactly. And he said that it was suggested to Harvey Weinstein by former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak makes it even worse, which is literally how does Weinstein hang out with that guy? They're just in the
Starting point is 00:11:12 same seat. He has so much money, dude. Well, he like donated more money than Weinstein. David Geffen. It's true. And Geffen is one protecting singer. David. You're absolutely right. David Geffen. Well, it's like that's a joke in Hollywood, right? If you're like a young actor, you have to suck his dick for a career. Yeah. I think Brandon sucked them off. Absolutely. Of course he did. Why do you? First of all, why do you think we're doing all this? I do. I'm to save Brandon. I just I didn't want to fucking go right into it, but we have to speak up on Brandon's behalf because he lacks the bravery to do it. Absolutely. Our friend Brandon Wardell was raped. Our best friend. Every man in Hollywood. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Let's go. Let's go down the list. Get a phone book. Find all the male names and you tweet them out as the all of these men raped Brandon. And he's so dead. Jeffrey Katzenberg. Jerry Brooke Aaron. Aaron Steen. Let's start Aaron. Aaron Burt. No, I guess that was the first one. Yeah. Literally everyone. Anyway, prayers up for Brandon. We pray for him every day. I've prayed for him every day since he moved to Hollywood and hashtag Brandon to and he was paid $600 by Peewee Herman to let Peewee suck his dick. Well, there was that. Remember that rumor about Andy Dick? Yeah. I was about to say it, but I didn't know if I. Yeah. There's like a rumor that Andy Dick raped Brandon. Some weird happened between Andy and Brandon,
Starting point is 00:12:57 dude. Yeah. And then that came out that he was licking people or whatever. And he's like, that's just how I say bye. Yeah. What? Like a dog? Like a dog. He licks people on the bed. He's got kids with women. Yeah, I know. He fucks women. Yeah. But he's also gay. But he also will suck off a guy. You heard about that. He fucked that lady cop. That's what that's what he did. He fucked a lady cop. Like while she was working. What? She like, I think came up to his hotel room. He was like drunk and causing a ruckus and he like grabbed her and like. Charmed a lady cop. And he fucked her. That's kind of a deal. Straight up. That's pimp, dude. That's pimp as shit. That's pimp juice. And it wasn't
Starting point is 00:13:32 even like the stripper kind of lady cop. It was a real lady cop. Was she hot? Probably. She's probably like fucking. Huge dick. Have you ever fucked a cop? I've seen a cop's dick. My old roommate in Baltimore was a cop. And I saw his dick. You lived with a cop? Yeah. My friend Josh is a cop. Did you blow trees? Yeah, they used to steal his gun. Oh, the guy that was with your brother? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's so fun to take his gun. Yeah, anyway, so I guess the overall chart, you got David Geffen at the top, right? Right. Underneath him, you got the guys he's protecting hard for some reason, which is, I guess, Brian Singer for exposure reasons, John Podesta, Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein,
Starting point is 00:14:28 you got a little too crazy with it, right? Yes. Is Jeffrey Epstein dead? No, he did two weeks in community service. He raped 400 children. And he did have like a soup kitchen. Oh my God. He did fucking like 10 months of supervised release or something. Oh my God. You know, it's like the abuses of the justice system at the top are so much fucking worse than the ones at the bottom. I mean, it's the same for like financial crimes. Well, it's like the fact that it's like, you know, like black lives matter. It is important to say, but also not as much as like rich lives don't matter nearly as much as like we were pretending that they do. Right. It doesn't really fit into a fucking hashtag, but like a good hashtag.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You literally can rape and murder a child and do 10 months. That is pretty fucked up. IMO. Yeah. And like everybody got mad about that Ethan Couch kid as if like that, you know, the problem is that's a child of someone that's a fucking billionaire rather than the fucking billionaire themselves. Ethan Couch was the affluenza kid that got off. Oh yeah. Yeah. He was too rich to understand consequences. That's unbelievable, dude. I mean, it's pretty believable. And it's actually, you know what, I have more sympathy for Ethan Couch than I would if his father did something similar and got an equal punishment. Yeah. Fuck both of them though. Yeah. Fuck both of them. Sure. But like, you know, the kid who's just had
Starting point is 00:15:59 some like absentee father that throws money at him instead of in lieu of being an actual parent, like he's fucked up, but he's still what he, what he do? He like killed. Oh yeah. He killed. Fuck him. Fuck him. But in terms of like who fuck who more. Right. Sure. Obviously the father because he should fucking know better. Yeah. I mean, but I hope that kid goes to jail and, you know, bad things happen to him for, you know, for a while. I'm not going to say, you know, what we're all about. We send them to Hollywood. I hope that happens to become an act. Exactly. Exactly. Yes. Yeah. I hope in jail, whoever he's with likes to roleplay as Harvey Weinstein. Yeah. Catch my drift. You know, it's the funniest thing.
Starting point is 00:16:42 I was looking at the Instagram page for Michael Lovitz's daughter. Who's that? Michael Lovitz was like the co-founder of CAA. Okay. And it's like, if you're like a girl whose dad was like a billionaire. Yeah. You just become a fashion designer in your like 30s. Right. Yeah. Yeah. When you still talk like you're fucking 17. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're like, what's up bitches? I'm 37 years old. I'm a fashion designer now. Like. Yeah. Nothing I've done before this is literally what the fuck is the fashion industry? It's like rich. It's rich girls. Yeah. Yeah. They don't even like pretend like gay men. Right. Yeah. And very mean gay men. Yeah. Like the only good kind of funny like bitch. Yeah. Like they
Starting point is 00:17:28 do insults. No, but they're like no insult comments. Drag race drag drag queens are that but gay guys and fashion are just mean and they don't make enough clothes for fat people. Yeah. Yeah. My problem. Stop. You should start getting custom clothes. I would love somebody with like an orthopedic disease. No, like a rich person. Can I play like an orthopedic? Just stop fucking touching things. I wasn't I was just it was just helping me focus. It helps me if I'm fidgeting with something in my hand, which everybody else. It's not distracting. What should be the custom clothing? I get like a nice fucking velvet suit. What if I got a custom if you could get a custom piece of clothing, what would it be? Oh, I'm in like
Starting point is 00:18:10 t-shirts and pants. Your shirt literally doesn't cover your body. It does. Your belly is coming under your shirt. You're riding up because of because of my relaxed stance. I think your body is leaking out of your clothes. You need a bucket underneath where you're standing. Spilling out of your fucking shirt. Yeah, dude, sexually spilling out, dude. Just showing you a little something. You can prepend whatever fucking adjective you want to it. It's you don't fit in your clothes. I'll prepend and then I'll rear end. What was that word prepend? Yeah. That was a good one. What does that mean? It's like, well, you know, you append something. You can prepend. Oh, okay. Got it. Yep. Nice. I can append. I'll put my dick in your appendix.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Okay. Through your your appendix. Yeah. You fucking you want to fuck you so deep it's gonna rupture your appendix and you're gonna get appendicitis. That's not nice. I hope that happens to Adam. I hope he gets, I hope he gets a perforated rectum from being fucked too hard by my friends. Which friends? Starting with me. The only other friend you have is the stuff and then the cat. I just listed them. Jake Flores. Yeah. Oh, I don't really want to fuck Adam, but I'll do it. Dude, that would be kind of punk. Stop pretending you have a good Jake impression. I do know okay, Jake. No, you don't. You don't know him at all. And literally everyone I know does a better Jake impression than you. Everyone you know is me and style. All my friends back in Texas. Oh,
Starting point is 00:19:46 I'm gay. That's better than Adam. That's not better than mine. Adam doesn't really do a good impression of anybody. Yours does suck to be fair. Yeah. I'm not saying mine's good, but it's better than yours. That's not good, dude. Shut up, Faggot. That was bad. Jake. That's Jake doing stop. Jake, don't say that word. Oh, I'm an Antifa, but I say Faggot. Oh, fuck. So what else is in the news, boys? I don't know some. A bunch of people won Tuesday night elections. Yeah, I guess we were supposed to vote for mayor today, but I wrote an Anthony Wiener. Hell yeah. Dude, give my man a shot. Let him govern from jail. I believe in a chapter 10 at this point. Listen to the second chapter. Listen, dude, if if like mafia dons can run their criminal operation from jail. Yeah. Why
Starting point is 00:20:42 can't Wiener be mayor from jail? That documentary is so mafia dons can't do that. Yeah, they sort of do. No, they just make pasta sauce. Yeah, that part of good is so awesome. Yeah. And they make the garlic because I was I was walking out of the coffee shop yesterday and heard like, oh, hey, Nick, I turn around. Oh, it's Racine Racine's there. He's wearing a full body, the lower track suit. Salute. Dude, we heard the other side of that interaction from Racine just now. What's that? That he said, I saw Nick and he was dressed normally. No, no, no. He said head to toe. He said, I saw I saw I saw Nick and the guy that works at the coffee shop is a gay black guy and he saw me talking to you to Nick and then Nick left and then the barista goes up to me. He's like, is that
Starting point is 00:21:31 your friend? And he's like, yeah, yeah, that's my friend Nick. And he's like, yeah, he's got like angry shoes or something. He's like, yeah, like, it's a $5 minimum. He'll like mutter to himself and stuff. No, I don't credit cards with the barista. That's what the barista said about you, dude. No, I won't. I don't mutter. I just took cash out. Look, man, don't get mad at us. That's what the barista said. Don't raise your voice, man. Oh, well, I see what the baristas never tip at that fucking coffee shop. That sounds like someone angry. Yeah, it sounds like you're getting a little hot. Well, I don't. I don't need his fucking review of my purchase. Fuck you, asshole. Damn, dude. He told Mike that you muttered after he said $5 minimum for credit cards.
Starting point is 00:22:17 No, I think I just forgot there was a $5 minimum. I said, oh, never mind. I have cash. Well, you gotta talk to this guy. Yeah, let's go fuck him up, dude. I will. No one disrespects our boy. I like that you had to mention that the barista is a gay man. I thought that was a good factor into the story. Well, yeah, he sucked off Racine after he said gay. So you're saying he's part of this smear campaign by Hollywood homosexuals to discredit me because I'm on to them. No, pedophilic homosexuals. Yeah, probably. Is there a term for people that are attracted to boys, like only boys? What are you talking about? Yeah, gay pedophile. They're like a specific type of pedophile. It's an Adam Friedland. Oh, good one. That's what the in the in the DSM. That's what
Starting point is 00:23:05 pedorasty is. I mean, by definition, I thought pedorasty is teenagers. No, pedorasty is fucking boys. Oh, what's the one if it's fucking teenagers? Oh, I don't know. It's like Heba file. It's Hebrewish. I think that's what it is. I can't remember for sure. Something like that. Fuck. Do you remember how much it sucked when Trump won? This is a year ago. It was a year ago today. Yeah, it was. I was on a fucking, fucking weird date. I went on a date. All your dates are weird. They're always at like noon. No, that was one time, dude. Relax. No, it's happened numerous times. Well, you got to get a brunch sometimes. You hit a fucking flea market. You do the brunch after you have sex with them. Right. You go on you go on like first dates in the middle of the day.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Yeah, that's that's happened. That's happened. Like I'm going to try and go smash with this woman that only would allow me to meet her at a car max at 10 or 10 a.m. Man, you know, shoot or shoot. She said we have to meet in the middle of Union Square. No cops. I'm going to have sex, guys. First of all, making me do a Skype interview at 3 p.m. Anyway, mother fuckers, either of you have a bathroom scale I have to stand on while on webcam. The proofs are that I'm under 300 pounds. I've been under 300 pounds for years now. It's been five years. Thank you. I'm fucking pissed at that stupid fucking barista. Because I wasn't at the time. Oh, hell, yeah, this rules.
Starting point is 00:24:57 What a fucking piece of shit. Anger issues. Fuck you and your $5 minimum. It's a coffee shop. Go off. Coffee there. That's the number one thing you get. It is a trap. I have a fucking $5 minimum at a bodega is different. You sell fucking beer and shit that costs more than $5. What do you think I'm supposed to buy a fucking scone every time I get a coffee? Yep. Your piece of shit. Take that. Fucked up old cookie. Yeah. Fuck the fuck scones. Fuck scones. Put more chocolate chips in there. Wait, did you leave a gift certificate for Burley at my house? Is that yours? Yeah, I think so. We were cutting up blow with it for a hundred. Was it like $150? Yeah, something like that. I got a deal over there. Oh, okay. Well, that's why I got a real
Starting point is 00:25:39 anger issues. What's your deal? I got guys everywhere. A lot of people don't know that about me, but I get discounts fucking everywhere. I got guys everywhere. Share the wealth. You're like a cop? Kind of. Wow. Yeah, it's more of like a you scratch my back. I scratch yours. What do you do? Why do you scratch their back? No, I've just always prided myself in having deals and guys. And guys. Yeah. Having guys is cool. Having guys is cool. It always felt cool to be a regular at a bar. I straight up had a Sherwin Williams guy before me and you were friends. Really? Yeah. That feels good. 40% off. Pink guy? Yeah. They never took advantage of it, but I had a Sherwin Williams guy. It feels good. Nothing feels better than when you're at a bar and
Starting point is 00:26:13 they know you and they give you fucking beer for free and someone fucks up an order to give you the food. Yeah. How much would you kill to have a ranch dressing guy stop? What kind of ranch is it? Hidden Valley. Hidden Valley. It's not that good. It's a truck that pulls up through the house. It's bad. They attach a hose to your face like the gas station does. That sounds pretty cool. But Hidden Valley is not good enough. If it was like one of those homemade fucking creamy ass ranches, I would give a I would be so excited. Oh, like a milk man? Like he brings like unmarked bottles of ranch. What happened to that a milk man? They fucked everybody's wives. Yeah. Is that what happened? No, they invented the supermarket refrigeration. I guess. I don't know. How long
Starting point is 00:26:57 did that? What if you just missed the milk man? They should just turns into yogurt on your front steps. Yeah, that's what happens to milk when you leave it out. Eventually it does, bitch. If it's hot, eventually. If it's hot, it'll turn into yogurt pretty quick. It's just curls. In a day. Yeah, that's what you that's what do you think yogurt is? No, there's a process. You got to separate. Yeah, whatever, man. I don't really understand. Basically yogurt. You should know how yogurt works. That's one of the things you should know. That's all we have left. I know how to cover up sex crimes. No, Greek people. Greek people is yogurt. We used to have all society, man. Yeah. Everyone used to take their cues from us. Everyone was fucking boys. Well, who do you
Starting point is 00:27:39 think is going to be the next person? I also want to say I read on Twitter today from an anonymous account, but somebody said that David Geffen raped Keanu Reeves. What? Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's why he's so pouty and sad. Allegedly. Somebody said that. I love Keanu Reeves. I'm hoping that's the plot of John Wick 3. What if that's the future of Hollywood? It's like the revenge. You know, it's all the actors getting revenge on the people that raped them. That'd be a lot of movies, dude. Yeah. That would be like, that would be more than Marvel's fucking calendar. Well, fuck it. It'll be an original story. Yeah. What if the remake of like, you know, what if the Ninja Turtles lived in the same universe as fucking Master Splinter was death
Starting point is 00:28:27 in the ring? The Street Sharks. Oh shit, Splinter was definitely molesting the Turtles. He was hanging out with teenage boys. Come on. He was their sensei. Put that furry ass rat dick all up in those smooth butt cheeks. Or alternatively, smooth green butt cheeks. We are at Asian Stone Rape. They're too peaceful. No, they definitely are. They have balance. What about the Rape of Nann King? That's a famous Asian Rape. That's Asian on Asian. That's not Asian on Turtle. You're right. No, you got me there. Listen. Oh, you're right. He was Jewish. He was Jewish. I forgot about that. He was Asian Jewish. I was just imagining his voice. I would always watch that movie as a kid with my eyes closed. Yeah. Pretend they were regular people. Well, you should open it up.
Starting point is 00:29:07 They're a pretty good movie. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't know. I didn't watch. I didn't know you were supposed to watch movies. With your eyes. Yeah. Until, yeah. I thought you just listened to them. Being a kid is weird. Adam, were you just telling a story about your cousin beating off to pink? To pink. Yeah. Just the music. The music. Yeah. Yo, his retarded cousin at their grandmother's. Oh, yeah. I told him at the live show before. At my grandma's wake. At her shiva at my parents' house. Nobody knows what a shiva is. It's like a wake for Jewish people. It's when you get a boy, usually a Gentile boy, you say, we're going to make you a star, kid. You're going to be the greatest star in the world. All you got to do is one thing. Is watching. Sit on this plate of butter
Starting point is 00:30:03 and wait until it warms up. I'm going to diddle myself until I have half an erection. That's a shiva. That's what a shiva is. Yeah. After my grandma died, my cousin was slurring out a masturbate. Sexually blow out all the candles on the menorah. With your ass. And then you turn that boy into a woman. Oh, fuck. What were we talking about? His cousin beating off at the grandma's funeral. I haven't said it on the podcast before. So I saw it earlier today. Walking on Memphis. Walking on Memphis, right? Yeah, I know that's all. But it's sucking a man's dick. I think you said that before. Who cares? That's a good one. That one got me all day long. Sucking a man's dick. I'm sucking a man's dick. It's fun. And it keeps back to you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Checking off until I come in his ass. Do you know who else probably? I don't know. We should probably just not wildly accuse people. No, no, no. Let's do it. Allegedly. Weird Al Yankovic, for sure. What do you think was weird about him? What do you think Yank means? Yank a child. Yank a. What's his last name? I'm convinced. This is such a fun game. Who else? Who else? Who else is he? We're about to wildly accuse. I just want to like zoom in on the head of that like is whatever whoever like in the Israeli government is friends with that security firm as this story broke today. Up close shot, tight shot of their face while the curb your enthusiasm song. As we were like, oops, looks like we just created a shit ton of global anti Semitism.
Starting point is 00:32:08 But the antithesis to the only reason the fucking Mossad exists. Yeah. What about Munich to right? So the Mossad guys. Yeah. Move on from killing terrorists. Yeah. To covering up protecting rapists. Oh shit. Is that what Munich was about? Yeah. It was about Mossad guys killing the people that attack the Olympics. Oh, tight. Is that a good movie? It is kind of a tight move. Eric Banner's in it. Eric Banner had a had a weird little run. Remember he was the Hulk in the shittiest Hulk movie. Yeah. He was a bad one. The Ang Lee ones, right? Yeah. Yeah. I like that movie. I watched the new whole yesterday. There was there was a sense of like, like loneliness and heartbreak to the Ang Lee Hulk that I felt was like fitting. Yeah. For the story. Yeah. But
Starting point is 00:33:01 it was just missing something. I don't know. It was just boring. I remember it was. I enjoyed it. Jennifer Connelly. Jennifer Connelly. She's a dime. Good God almighty. How did they ever tell you about going to see House and Sand of Fog with this fucking. Yeah. Yeah. Enormous idiot. Ben Kingsley. Yeah. No. No. This big fat kid that I used to know. Here's my mom's boss. That we walked out. And yeah. I'm enjoying the movie and halfway through he's like, yeah, we're not going to see your naked. Let's go. Force me to leave the respect. An alpha like me would have never fucking stood for that. I would have clocked in the fucking John back down. He's never clocked anyone in your life. I fucked up this one kid Joey Wright after he punched me. You fucked him up.
Starting point is 00:33:46 How old are you? I was like 10 or 11. Have you been in an adult fight? How much did you weigh? He was fatter than me. Thank you very much. The two fat. Everybody two fattest kids in school are fighting. Let's go. Come on, Piggy. Have I ever been in an adult fight? No. No, but I'm fucking itching. If anybody wants to get their ass kicked, come to Nick's house. I'll be here. Just knock on Nick's door and beat him up first. Yeah. To get to you, the boss. To get to me, the boss. No way dude. You're the sub-boss. Nick's the sub-boss. You're the sub-boss. Adam is the Koopas. I'm a putty. I'm one of the turtles that loses my shell and I'm like, I'm so cold. Those turtles and Mario are definitely Jewish. I played the new Mario on Switch. You got a Switch, right? I didn't get a Switch, but I played
Starting point is 00:34:36 it. Will got a Switch. Will, yeah. Will Menaker got one. Yeah. So if you're donating to their Patreon, just be advised, they're spending their money on Nintendo. Unlike us. I bought Redwood, an adult PlayStation. Yeah. I bought cool shit, like a toy wheel. Yeah. To turn your house into a race car. I bought three cast iron pans recently. Cast iron pans aren't that expensive, right? I got three on deck, baby. You got three? Why'd you get three? Because now I'm making every, I'm making cakes at the same time. I'm making snakes. He's gonna be awesome. You're gonna die. You're making cakes at the same time. I can't even pretend you're on a diet. I am, though. He's turning his life into an entire cake for yourself. I have been, bro. This is not even close to your birthday.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Months away. I'm practicing for my birthday cake. I mean, like, I can understand, like, not fucking maintaining your diet, maybe like, eight and extra pieces of bacon, but you bought a separate cast iron so you could make... Sometimes you want to make two steaks. Sometimes you want to make two steaks on a fucking cast iron when I'm gonna fucking have to wait. To bring to your noon dates at the fucking public library. Yes, exactly. I'm in the fucking, I'm in the fucking free DVD section. Yeah, stop. Most times stops on a date. The girl's wearing a wire. Just so you know, I got a sniper on you right now. Yeah, dude. Real fucking Lotharios can do it in any fucking situation.
Starting point is 00:36:28 David Donald Sutherland. In the middle of in front of the Jefferson Memorial. You weren't followed, were you? Oh, shit. Oh, god. Look, I'm ready. I'm ready for love. Yeah, it's funny. He doesn't have sex. He goes on bullshit noon dates. I've had sex recently, thank you. Okay, was my dick all the way hard? No. No, you gotta stop taking Adderall, dude. I'm done with Adderall. I put up a bed. It also makes you angrier, too. No, I mean, I think that's just... Yeah, why don't you go buy a drink over at Burley, see if... Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. See if the barista has any candy. They said I'm cute. How are your anger issues doing today? The barista said I was cute and nice. How are
Starting point is 00:37:20 your fucking AIDS issues? Yeah, take that. Hey, are you the fucking queer that was going around saying I got anger issues? You know I am. I'm Mark fucking Wahlberg. Mark. Oh, fuck. Shots out to Nick has a Mark Wahlberg poster above his bed. That's not true. No, no, it's not. It's not actually just a poster with like thumb tax. It's a frame poster. It's a friend poster and he has lights that fucking of a young lighted up like Mark Wahlberg. Lincoln Memorial. A youthful, a youthful Marky Mark and then we are not doing a bit and then to clip on lights on his headboard. It's true. Nick Mullen does have a headboard. Oh, yeah. That he can dim to make Mark look more mysterious. Do you look in his eyes while you come? Of course.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Oh, fuck. I love coming. Yeah, so I guess there's just not going to be movies anymore. You're going to have to give Hollywood to black women. I saw Rangan Rock. I saw Thor Rangan Rock. Are you going to give me how many different movies can you make about church or getting your hair cut you possibly have? Yeah. How many times have they secretly gotten us to space? You know, I think it is pretty ironic that they made a lot. They didn't make that movie. That's true. Hidden figures. I think it's it's it's funny that they made a lot of movies about Catholic pedophilia like doubt and spotlight. Dude, I watched this documentary in open secret and they can't get funding. Okay. Why don't you let me tell the story because I watched a documentary
Starting point is 00:39:00 instead of saying a thing I told you to my face as I'm about to say it. Yeah, multiple people to me. Yeah, no, no, they didn't. Chris Milner did. My GF did. To be fair, Nick definitely told us first and has been Texas about it nonstop. Yeah. And you kind of could have told you could you could feel that's where his story was going, right? That's not the point of the story. I have to say the facts first. I have to say the thing first. Christ almighty. I have to be the first one to say it. Adam, stop talking. Let Nick finish his story. Oh, thanks. I'm really sorry. Anyways, yeah, so she made she made an Oscar nominated movie about Catholic
Starting point is 00:39:49 priests raping boys and their next movie is about a but Hollywood pedophiles and they're like, well, but yeah, I don't think anyone wants to see this. Yeah, this is bad movie. Oh, yeah. Go ahead and not distribute this at all. It's fucking 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Like, yeah, nobody would want to see this. I don't imagine a world where people could want to watch this. And then and then like the fucking even the people that are like going hard defending that group or whatever. It's like, oh, well, you know, I mean, it's like sort of a hack job. And and you know, the case was sort of discredited. And it's like, yeah, welcome to the fucking world of documentaries. Right, right, right. Every single one is like extremely biased. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Show me a documentary that's worth watching that isn't just propaganda. I don't know. Definitely not Restrepo. That's all propaganda thin blue line. Thin blue line is filled with bullshit. As much as I love Aaron Morris. Yeah. First of all, Texas, not even a state. Yep. It exists. It doesn't date a fog of war. Also, Aaron Morris. Yeah. Also, that definitely has an agenda. I mean, I agree with it. Yeah. That's the only one I've seen. War is actually not that good. No. Thin blue line. I watched and Aaron Morris is first two documentaries. Gates of Heaven is really good. Masterpieces. Vernon, Florida's Vernon, Florida is so good. I got people. Every single person is just like
Starting point is 00:41:19 amazing character. Yeah. You know the story behind that, right? No. He like moved down there, right? No. He went down there because Vernon, Florida was famous for this type of insurance fraud. Right. Where people. Oh, yes. Cut their limbs off or whatever. Yeah. They were cut. Now who's saying the facts to my face? Huh? Now who's saying. You asked me, do you know? I asked Adam because I wanted to. And then I said. He doesn't know it. Yeah. And then I'm answering your question with me like, Oh yeah. In fact, I'm pretty sure we talked about this on the podcast. Did we? You know one of my only the only documentaries I watched 30 for 30s, baby. They're all good. It's baby. And I've cried to like 60%. I'm just imagining you shirtless in your kitchen, cooking three different
Starting point is 00:42:02 cakes at once. Watching 30 for 30 documentaries on a tiny TV. It's a big mysterious gender. It's pretty small right now. One of those tiny kitchen, the little white Panasonic. Oh, yeah. Mom. Yeah. Just eating icing directly out of the can with like a cord phone. I love learning. Do you remember those kitchen phones that had like a fucking cord that was like 90 feet long? Y'all, who remembers chords on phones? Y'all. Is that a good? That's a good. Observational bit. You should try that one out for real. Do you guys have that? Do you guys have that portable TV or a handheld TV? No. How cool those were. Remember hand portable DVD players? Yeah. That was like tech. Chinese people love those still. Yeah. I see people. You go down to Chinatown.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Every store has like a fan that's clearly designed to just burn down an entire apartment building and like a portable DVD player. Chinese aren't afraid of fans. Koreans. Yep. No. I mean like a, you know, like an electric fan. Yeah. Koreans are afraid of like electric. Fan death syndrome. If you want the exposed wire is extra. Do you want to find the wire coming out? Oh, yeah. That's going to be extra. I love that. Chinese people love ripping people off too. Yeah. Yeah. In Chinatown. I'm going to go into places and they'll be like, oh, the critical minimum is $18. I was like, you're out of your mind. First of all, all you sell is pencils and dried mushrooms. Oh, this guy has real issues. Oh, he's gay now.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Fuck dude. I do. I mean, I love going to Chinatown and getting fake shit though. I bought a fake Burberry or a fake Gucci backpack from Chinatown. Yeah. Does it work? This is also about a fake woman to have sex with down there. Yeah. Turned it up being a guy. You got to blow up to all you're having sex with. It's an ass. Dude, you got the wrong one. Dude, you're gay. No. No. I'm not gay. She's coming. I can't imagine fucking those would be like. I know. What? Like, what is the appeal that blow up? It's like a gag, right? It's something like a four-year-old would come up with. Yeah. Yeah. And people have definitely definitely fucked. I remember being a little kid
Starting point is 00:44:38 and like my friend's dad for his birthday got a blow up doll as a gift and they had in his basement. And my friend was like, I forget how he talked about. He's like, dude, can you imagine like if you're a girl putting a vibrator in your pussy? Imagine how good that feels. Your friend is trans, dude. I don't even know if that's gay. I don't know what you're saying, really. It's weird, but it's not gay, I don't think. Imagine how good that is. Why would I ever imagine a woman's pleasure? That's not the purpose of sex. It's to create more of me. To create minions. Minions. An entire army of minions. Genghis Khan style. Minions, by the way, I interpreted that movie to be Down syndrome people. Yeah. Yeah, they got Steve Carell's character. That's why
Starting point is 00:45:30 they're despicable. Steve Carell's character just fucked a bunch of bitches in a fucking x-ray machine. He plays like a hunchback in that movie or something? I've never seen it. Who plays a hunchback? Steve Carell. And what, Minions? Yeah, right? He's the guy. He's like a spooky guy. They said she saw Minions and it was good. Really? Minions? I only know it from the jokes people make about it on Twitter. Yeah, I've never seen it either. I doubt it's good. You know it's a lot better than Minions. It's also yellow. Funions. That is true. All those Minions got after Brandon. I used to think, I remember being when I was a kid and I was fat. I would eat Funions and I was like healthy. Yeah, vegetables. Yeah. Yeah. Believe me, brother. I had that same thought.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Of course. It's funny the shit you delivered yourself. I used to drink like three of Arizona iced tea. Tall boys. I'm like, it's iced tea. It's good for you. Tea, baby. Cleans out the system. Yeah. Flushes out my kidneys. Shit as good as hell. It's with the Native Americans in Arizona made. It's with all those jacked Buddhist drink before they set themselves on fire. That's in that Mr. Shy City video where he's going through his fridge. He's like, it's for the Erica Baduk type of girls. Like his concept of Arizona iced tea is for like spiritual woke girls. Mr. Shy City shots out to him. That's one of the classic all time great videos. Great internet videos. Here's a question, Adam. Why do you hate black women so much?
Starting point is 00:47:03 I don't. So true. That's a good question. Besides, I've had a lot of listeners email me and say, Nick, I'm a POC trans woman and big fan of the show. But Adam clearly has a problem with W. O. W. O. C. But W. O. T. C. Ends in particular. Wait. That's what they said. What the fuck is that? Well, can I respond? Can I can I be given a chance to respond? Oh, no, you need to sit down. Sit down and examine yourself, man. Examine that. I appreciate everyone in my life. That's what whatever that actor. You want to hazard a guess, Adam? I forget. I already immediately forgot.
Starting point is 00:48:17 You know it. You know what he means. Oh, fuck. I got myself good. Come down after dark, baby. Yeah, this is a late guy when the boys come out to play. I'm delirious. I've been eating Reese's cups all day. Yeah, I'm tired as fuck, dude. Yeah, we're tired. I had to work today. Oh, fuck. Goddamn. Fuck. I'm so laughing about that. That meme from earlier. Oh, that was awesome. The white guy arm and the black guy arm locking. And then it says white guys, black guys and the hands are grasped in the middle. It says
Starting point is 00:48:56 loud black women hating loud black. That's the common ground between white men and black men. Well, just the way the hands were like, yeah, it's a solid meme. Yeah, it was very funny. Solid meme. Yeah, if untrue for me, I love all my soul sisters out there. Oh, I don't hate anybody. You don't hate anybody except that gay man who served me early. He was P.S.C. too. He was a P.O.S. He has anger issues. Wait. Yeah, what? Yeah. Is that your friend? He's got anger issues. I have an anger issue because I don't like a $5 minimum, which I fucking didn't. I just said literally nothing. I just pulled cash out of my wallet. He said you muttered.
Starting point is 00:49:43 You mad. You mad. Camera on voice. I got dirt on you. You mad. She has to have the camera. Giles, my close personal friend. How much how about this? We should spend some of the Patreon money to hire massage agents to spy on Adam. I'll be fine. Me. Yeah, they could ruin my life like in two days. And that would be I'm super vulnerable. What would they do? How could they ruin your life? We should hire them to spy on Dan Ninen. That would be fucking funny, dude. Yeah, I still have his pilot script. Should we read it? We should read it sometime. We should do a dramatic reading. We should just shoot it. We really should steal his pilot. That would be funny as shit. I
Starting point is 00:50:26 mean, he'd sue me. How? We wouldn't make any money off of it. Yes, we would. For what? Making money. This is a fucking business. We just put it out for free on YouTube. Yeah, but I mean, people would know to watch it because of this show. We wouldn't sell ads. If you don't think there would be a way for him to sue you for, yeah, he's just producing his pilot. Listen, I'm most, I'm 93 percent. Does he have it like trademarked or some shit? 93 percent lawyers, seven percent pedophile. They all have different ratios, but those are the two columns. You can slide the scale one way or the other. Yeah. Old Jewish men come up to me and they're like, the force is strong with this one. Yeah. Is that what happens? Yeah. That's a great joke, dude. Someone told me
Starting point is 00:51:12 recently that Frank Oz is strong with it. That's really funny. Frank Oz based. That's a great, that's a cool bit to say. Shut up, dude. It's an extremely gay joke. I don't know. It's late, dude. I'm sorry. Someone told me that they. Oh, damn, dude. The force. The force is strong. I'm sorry. All right. Somebody told you what? That Frank Oz based Yoda, like the way Yoda talks off of old Jews. That's why he talks like, like, like a, like a acidic person. Everyone knows that. I didn't know that. That's why they don't know a lot about old Jews. You don't not much know about old Jews. Do you? I always thought Yoda was an old Asian having sex with men. You do into your ass. That's a bad Yoda. Sucking cock. You're having sex with men. You do do sex. Ben into your ass.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Into your ass. You fucking bitch. I remember one of the first memes I ever saw was a picture of Yoda and it set up the shot fuck underneath it. That's pretty good. I thought it was so funny. That's really good when I was like 10. Oh, yeah. I was like, Mom, look at this. Look at how funny this is. She had that bitch, man. She had that bitch, man. She had that. We were laughing about I was playing PlayStation and somebody's somebody's PlayStation name was Geo is gay. I was imagining it was some immigrant kid that's making fun of his younger brother named Geo. Mommy, and she said that I am gay on the PlayStation. Mommy, make him the name of the game is that I am gay. Shut up, don't tell.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Molestrious, don't make your brother say he's gay. Shut up, bitch, man. Do not fuck. Tell me how to play PlayStation. I will play station. I like you, bitch. Geo's gay. You can change it. Geo. Oh, I love molestrious. Yeah, molestrious is a good character. Shut up, you fucking bitch, man. Sucking my nuts, you fucking heart. Fuck you, bitch, man. She sacrificed so much for her family. We came to this country not so you could say to Geo that he's gay. Fuck you, bitch, man. Go make me lunch a time.
Starting point is 00:54:10 It's just boring. Yeah. Well, that's why that character was so funny. Yeah. It's just a general immigrant. Mocking immigrants, dude. Fucking rules. Yeah, it's pretty funny. Shut up, you fucking Geo. Shut up, bitch, man. Oh boy, what else is going on? I mean, really, it's like, it's crazy that this Harvey Weinstein has now been news for a month. Because everything state like is news for a week recently. And then we think of something new happens. I'm starting to think that Steven Paddock was a gun walk and operation gone bad. The massage. Maybe you know, does he have any ties to the massage? Well, no, it seems like something that the ATF probably fucked up. We never talked about that video of
Starting point is 00:54:56 Steven Paddock's brother on the pod. Yeah. Why would we? It's just funny. Somebody else showed it to you. Who showed it? I feel it showed it to us. No, I saw it on TV like the day after it happened. Stop pretending you discovered it. So are you serious? Yes. All right. Yes, I'm serious. When you said Steven Paddock's brother is a pedophile on the podcast, I said, what, the one in Florida? And you're like, no, I mean, I read comments from no, I saw the video of him outside his house. Having sex with a child. Yeah, you've never seen anything in your life. Open your eyes. Adam has his eyes closed, anticipating a large one in his rear hole. Why would my eyes be closed? Because you're wishing for it. Because if your eyes are closed,
Starting point is 00:55:46 you're getting combed on your face. Your eyes are closed and you're blowing the tip of a penis like there's an eyelash on it. Yeah. Well, why wouldn't you do that? That's just more romantic. Like a little birthday candle. Oh, that's cute. That's hot. Oh, fuck. You're trying to inflate the guy with his dick like it's one of those little mouthpieces. Could you, could you kills? You can kill a woman, right? By blowing a pussy. You can kill a man by blowing in a, in a dick. Into his dick hole. I don't know why. Maybe you got a little compressor to that. You know, didn't he forcibly go down on perfect crime? Yeah. On who? He kills them by eating their pussy. Did you see that like some guy from Gossip Girl was accused of rapes? Yeah, yeah. Ed Westwick.
Starting point is 00:56:30 And then there's all this like, you know, I don't know what the fuck Gossip Girl is. So it's all these like, you know, people that watch whatever that show is on Twitter, like, oh, I can't believe this. Like a turd Beasley or whatever the fuck he plays on the show. I can't believe, you know, Jack shit is rapist or whatever. And then there's, there's like a numerous people that were like, um, y'all didn't see this coming. Okay. And then like Chuck or whatever his name is on the show, try to rape Jen. Oh yeah, his character. I saw that. Yeah. So fuck. Yeah. Yeah. His character tried to rape someone. So people are like, yeah, like, y'all ain't no Anthony Hopkins be eating people. Yeah. He actually replied that. They were like, you know, they were like, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:16 Anthony Hopkins doesn't eat people. He's an actor. I would love it if we found out Anthony Hopkins ate people that would rule Rose McGowan has to call him out. And Anthony Hopkins has been eating people. And you know, that's the next scandal. He was in Thor Rangan Rock. Whoa, spoilers. Did you go see that? I saw yesterday. He's got big muscles. You've got a big body and touch it. I don't want to kiss it. No, I'm not into muscles. You want to rub it? No, I'm that Nick. You're into muscles. Not on myself. No, on other guys. My own muscles. No, and other guys that you look at. I'm not gay. I'm a straight man. Yeah, but you know, you know, I don't follow any bodybuilders. You know how to appreciate the male form. I don't follow Mark Wahlberg. But you just have a picture
Starting point is 00:58:09 of it in your room. I don't have a picture. First of all, who's gay? Me or the guy over here memorizing other men's bedrooms. That's a good point, dude. That is a really good point. He did also just admit that you memorized his bedroom and it did have a Mark Wahlberg poster. Yeah. So I'm going to say I'm just saying it's a false memory. So that's just so many men's penis. That's okay. That's fair. It's true. It's true. That's fair. It's not gay if you don't remember being gay. That's what there's another kind of momentum where he doesn't have gay sex. You're on. I'm just a simple homosexual. Just a simple country homosexual finds different ways to justify his deviant behavior in and out of public restrooms. The backs of movie theaters. All I can say is this,
Starting point is 00:59:07 if you don't remember a homosexual act, did the act even occur? No. Yes, he gave me herpes. I'll rest my case. Yo, I feel bad for George Michael getting arrested in the bathroom. He's a sexy ass guy. If he's alive 20 years later, if he's in his prime 20, 10 years later, we still can't have sex in a bathroom. But wasn't that like, I mean, that's a weird type of cop. What kind of cop gets assigned to the detail of having sex in the bathroom police? Kevin's Basie. That's good. That's good. Is it a guy that fucks up he has to go be like, slam dunk. Yeah. The force is strong with that one. Yeah. The force was strong with that joke. He was fine. He used to do a joke about subway Jared being the Kaiser Soze of pedophiles, you know, because he was just hiding in police
Starting point is 01:00:00 site or whatever. But now I guess it's just Kevin's Basie. Yeah. The Kaiser Soze is the Kaiser Soze. I was laughing too. It's like the funniest thing to happen. Did you see that on House of Cards, apparently he was just like sexually assaulting production assistants, which is like the funniest kind of person to molest is like, Oh, here's your Gatorade, Mr. Basie. Oh, I don't know if I should be in here. My dad got me this job. My dad said all I had to do was bring you water. Shut up and take it, Brian. Brian, you know you want it. Oh, he's so gross. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know, you know, if you had to fuck up in Thor Rangan Rock, they tried to they try to give trouble. I mean, if you had to fuck one guy in Hollywood, I think I think we'd all agree
Starting point is 01:00:51 it became a space. Yeah, you had to fuck one guy in Hollywood. Yeah, for sure. How funny is that story too about Terry Crews getting his dick wrapped? That was so funny. That guy just fucking in front of his wife. Yeah. I mean, it really is about time these Jews, you know, they've been behaving without with with him. Was it with impunity without impunity? It doesn't matter. We don't need words anymore once we get rid of the Jews. It's true. We don't have to think about shit. Do you see a picture of the guy? He just looks like gay Harvey Weinstein. He's like bald and like who has beautiful blue eyes, but he's ugly. Who the guy grabbed jerked off Terry Crews. Oh, who was it? Just another guy. Guess what religion he is? Did you look it up? I don't
Starting point is 01:01:39 even know. No, he is. Yeah. Did you look it up? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't actually look up any of these. I just know it like pop someone popped up on Facebook or some shit like that. You did. You Google. You did not Google it. I did not. It was on Twitter or Google Facebook or something. No, you looked it up. I did not fucking look it up for what reason to finish my fantasy. Whatever. About being the third guy in that three way. No, to be Terry Crews pants trapped in between that man's hand. And then that other guy at APA, it was like just fucking like on the phone at his desk with other people around being like, Well, maybe I can suck your dick later. But he's like on the phone with like 14 year old. Jesus Christ. And he yells at his secretary. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:37 Grace, give me a goddamn boy in here. Yeah. And then they're trying to say that they didn't know about that behavior. Jesus Christ, dude. Yeah. You want to fuck kids. So you're like, I'll just be an agent that works with kids. Yeah. I mean, it makes sense. I know. I mean, it's a good strategy. Right. It's a lot of vulnerable children whose parents are hot and whose parents have their act are really terrible and like pimp them out as it is. Adam was a child actor. I had an audition. His parents installed a sense of well, he never did any acting, but they did want him to get molested. Yeah. No, I auditioned for a Carl's Jr. Run around the house begging to suck his dad's dick. And his dad was like, This is
Starting point is 01:03:25 inappropriate. And so he went to his rabbi and he said, What are we supposed to do? And they said, Well, there's a solution. Usually it's only for Gentile children, but you can put him into the entertainment industry will be molested by members of the community. That's very funny. But in that movie I saw last week with Colin Farrell, the killing of the sacred deer. There's just this random scene where he's talking to his son and he's like, Listen to me, boy, let me tell you a story. When I was a boy, I walked into my father's room and I could tell he had an erection and I was scared because I saw the erection. So I touched his erection and I masturbated his penis and I walked out and there was a calm everywhere. And I've never told anyone that before. Oh,
Starting point is 01:04:09 that's a movie. Just like randomly in the middle of the movie. But Hollywood just trying to sneak in some depraved commentary about the Irish. No, it was an accurate. Actually, I wonder why they would do that. No, it wasn't Hollywood. It was a Greek Hollywood. It was a Greek director. Well, they're bad too. I guess so. Yeah. No, they're good. So you guys are going to help me out in the new Holocaust or you guys are going to just act like you don't know. I'll help you out, but I'm not going to be nice about it. Why? I'm opening a factory and you're going to fucking work. I'm not going to work on this list. Yeah. Come on. You know, also, it's going to be tough for me to hide that here because I earnest and I'm allergic. Actually, the Holocaust is kind of
Starting point is 01:04:53 already happening and this is the factory and your job is to be called gay audience of 100,000 every week and Schindler's podcast. Be called gay by plenty of strangers, too. Yeah. Yeah. That's part of this rape joke could have been a person. And this rape joke could have been a person. And this rape joke could have been a person. Schindler's podcast. It's very funny. Yeah. Voldemort was good in that movie. Who's Voldemort? Is it Ralph Fiennes? Rafe Fiennes? Rafe? Have you seen Schindler's list? Yeah. Somebody told me his pronouns. Rafe. Rafe Fiennes. I don't know. Maybe. Is there no Ellen there? No. It's Ralph. It looks like Ralph. Did the movie where his brother plays Michael Jackson
Starting point is 01:05:44 is out? That's his brother. Yeah. Joseph Fiennes plays Michael Jackson in a movie. It's not a movie. It's some British miniseries. Yeah. I guess. Apparently it was terrible. But more black face in cinema. Thank you. You know what's a miniseries is Adam's balls. What do you mean a series? I have more than one or two of them. There's two of them in succession. They're both small. Yeah. That's fucking good. Got them. Bitch. Yes. Motherfucker. Was it Jose Conceco was just saying like it's not that bad to have small balls. He was like yeah. Bad steroids. He's like what's the problem with having small balls? Make sure you don't sit on them by accident. It's true. Sitting on your balls. Falls are so uncomfortable. Every time it happens too you
Starting point is 01:06:32 feel like a fucking idiot. You feel yeah. It's a joke. I mean it's like it's like one of the funniest things to have. If it happens to someone else it's one of the funniest things to happen. Yeah. I mean but it's gonna be like if women once a week slam their breast shut. That would be hilarious. Balls are so uncomfortable. Stacey you look upset. Are you all right. No I just slam my titties shut in a car door. I'm not aware of my own body during the summer balls. Jesus Christ on a really hot. How long do you think an old guy's balls get. They they get big. You probably get in a gym locker room recently. It's been a while. Terrifying. Most of the old guys that plant finish the story don't let their balls hang out. Is that like a jeans gym. Yes. The
Starting point is 01:07:19 planet fitness and Bushwick I used to go to was like half dudes in jeans. My favorite guys at the gym are the middle age black dudes that like just know how to work out from jail. So they were like Dickies and Tim and they're insanely Jack and a wife. Yeah. Usually bring their own their own external audio equipment. Oh yeah. And there was a guy. I told you there was a guy doing a pill doing that. He'd be like brought a fucking like boom box. And he was listening to like Jada Kess. Oh yeah. Drinking from like a Tampico bottle like gallon that he just turned into his water bottle. Yeah. You mean Topo Chico. No I mean Tampico dude that pink shit. I love Topo Chico. What is that. It's a seltzer water. No Tampico is that it's that pink cloudy fruit.
Starting point is 01:08:18 When I lived in Texas there was a Mexican soda that was I read us. No. What is a different one. What was it called. No you go ahead. Tell your story about read us. You seem so desperate to say that and tell me the name of the thing. What was it called. Well the name. It was spelled P E N A F I E L. So I was like do you have any soda for a panty fire. I need a soda for a panty fire. That made me laugh real hard. That and all the other bimbos dessert products. Yeah. Bimbos. Bimbos rules. They have soccer teams. Do you have a doughnut. Do you have a doughnut because the doughnuts are called doughnuts. Yeah. Do you have a doughnuts that I could eat please. All right. I gotta go to sleep. Yeah. That's a late one. Yeah. Thanks for bearing with us audience. Good night.

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