The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - TAFS – X05 – heat wave

Episode Date: July 14, 2022

We're melting here folks but making moves. If this one doesn't suit your fancy maybe check out the Patreon ( for this weeks premium epsiode with Mike Recine. Big news coming were s...o excited its puttin us to sleep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, Adam Friedland's show, politics, gossip, philosophy, we're adding philosophy to the show. It's going to be a philosophy section. Entertainment news. Today on the Adam Friedland show. What the fuck? Sorry. I had the main page there.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Today on the Adam Friedland show. God damn it. I wanted to do it. I was just going to read through New York Post headlines while the song was playing. You can run it back. Yeah, okay. Because I got to figure out that timing. Just play the theme.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Should we start it over and then... I mean, yeah, sorry. It's fine. We're figuring out the show. So this part will play. Yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, the Adam Friedland show, news, politics, entertainment news, the Emmys. Today on the Adam Friedland show, a video shows the heartbreaking moment both capsizes in
Starting point is 00:01:30 the Hudson River, leaving two dead. An ex-con who went on the lam, thanks to soft on crime, New York City judge busted in Puerto Rico. And a dad abandons his son five at school after discovering that he's not his father. In China. In China. It was in China. China news.
Starting point is 00:01:49 In China news. New York Post brings... A father has abandoned his son in school for five days. New York Post reminding you that in case you think China good, there's at least one bad father in China. Out of billions. Yeah. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:03 After finding out that it was not his biological son. Yeah. Can you believe that? That's like, wait, that's like cracking open a cookie and you get somebody else's fortune. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I'm trying to open the Google Doc, the monologue. I apologize. Oh, that's all right. My phone, my phone. Maybe we should, we need to find a sweet spot where I can prepare all the monologue jokes for you, but you just don't have trouble reading them. Yeah. Because there's got to, if we can find a way where...
Starting point is 00:02:35 Well, we need a teleprompter. We need a teleprompter, but... We need everything spelled out phonetically. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe. Especially these damn, you know what color names. Are we, do we got names in there?
Starting point is 00:02:49 No, we don't. The news of the day, the news of the day. First news, the news of the day. Day news, news day. Cool. Nice. Thanks. Hello, everyone.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And welcome to the Adam Friedland show. I'm your host Adam Friedland, a South African man. And I'm your, what? Well, I'm here. And this is my producer, best friend Nick Mullen, everybody. Give it up for him. Let's do an applause. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I don't know why they're laughing. I don't have applause. There's only three buttons on the seventh one. Well, the laugh is like an applause. Anyway. I can put an intro again or we can do the beep. Yeah, we need the beep. Once we got the, well, we'll tell people later, but we got surprising things coming.
Starting point is 00:03:45 We got a lot of surprising things coming. Nick and I had a big two days. We had a big two days. And we're pretty stoked on it. Honestly, for real. I mean, for real, we're actually, we're going to do something fun and cool that we are genuinely excited about. But before we get to that.
Starting point is 00:04:01 At the very least, we can promise you this. It'll be about the same quality as this, except it'll be way more expensive. We're about to spend so much money. We're about to spend all of our money. A very funny amount of money. We're doing basically what we already do for free was zero overhead. Yeah. A business that is constantly growing, that we have absolutely no reinvestment in over
Starting point is 00:04:25 the last six years. We are about to- A product that's been declining for years and just lost a third. I mean, weight wise, 50%. You know? Weight wise, probably 75%. Probably 75%. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:38 But, okay. But anyways. Before we get to that. The news, right guys? The news of the world today now. A South African man isn't having a very good day mate after drinking. Let's try that again. Just sorry, real quick.
Starting point is 00:04:54 But yeah. South African man. What do you want to do? Just real quick. What do you want to do? Do you want to just- What do you mean? I'll just write these and then if it's going to be a struggle to read them.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Did I fuck that up already? Yeah. I said all the words. You didn't fuck it up. We'll work together and figure out how to make it more clear. But it's a South African man. I swear my words. No.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Okay. And I don't want to critique you on air. But the- I'll keep it going. The South African man isn't having a very good day mate. Good day mate. Yeah. And so it's not, you read it as a South African man isn't having a very good good day mate.
Starting point is 00:05:30 I said good good day mate? Yeah. Oh that's bad. Yeah. That was a bad read. Let's start from the top. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:39 A South African man isn't having a very good- Oh shit. Oh shit. It's all right. Because you said it was in my head. Okay. A South African man isn't having a very good day mate. After drinking an entire bottle of the Yeagermeister and dying shortly thereafter.
Starting point is 00:05:58 The paramedics tried to revive him but had trouble getting his blood alcohol percentage down under.20. I think I grew into that one. Yeah. Yeagermeister killing a South African that's probably the first time Germans killed, I don't know, something about. The last time Germans were in Africa, you know, I don't know something about them being in the desert, it's dry, the last German in Africa.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I thought you were making, oh yeah yeah. The Desert Fox. Yeah. Something about the North Africa campaign in World War II. Yeah that could be a good thing to put in there. Well you know joke wise maybe that's, we could have gone that direction. I think you know relying on like word play if it's going to be like a prompter issue. You know.
Starting point is 00:07:05 A South African man isn't having a very good day mate. Yeah. After drinking an entire bottle of Yeagermeister and dying shortly thereafter. Yeah. Okay. I see what you're saying. Guys we're still in our test phase. We're still practicing.
Starting point is 00:07:22 This is still practiced. It's also full disclosure there's been a heat wave the last two days. And Nick and I have been walking around Manhattan looking for commercial real estate. And we found it. And we did find it. We found it a perfect spot. It is pretty sick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:38 It's going to be really sick. This is going to be good. So soon we'll be not necessarily abandoning this format but once the nuts and bolts stuff are done we can really focus on you know not starting the show and saying we'll figure out the Ernst Rommel connection on the fly. No no I mean we're staffing the fuck up. Yeah. We're going to have we're going to have a lot of you know we're going to get the sweater
Starting point is 00:08:03 brothers back in the bit back in the writer's room. A South African man isn't having a very good day mate. After drinking an entire bottle of Yeagermeister and dying shortly after. Yeah. That's good. Yeagermeister famous the famous Nazi drink Yeagermeister which means Yeagermeister once again making a splash in Africa. Once making.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Yes. Germany once again making a splash. Germany once again making a splash in Africa for the first time since the Desert Fox. Yeah. How about this. Yeah. This is the first time that a black person has died from shots not fired by the police. OK.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Not the first time a black person has been killed by shots that didn't come out of a police officer's gun. Yes. That's true. That would be good. Kimmel would do that. I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:56 OK. We've been watching a lot of Kimmel. OK. An African man isn't having a very good day mate after drinking an entire bottle of Yeagermeister and dying shortly after. This marks the first time a black man has been killed by shots that didn't come out of a police officer's gun. Uh huh.
Starting point is 00:09:12 It's pretty good. I guess they kill. They shoot each other too. Yeah. What about shot black shots on black shots crime. Yeah. Yeah. The black lives matter movement seems to be oddly silent after an African man drank
Starting point is 00:09:29 himself to death with the Yeagermeister where where is the parade. Where are the protests for that. Yeah. Protesting the man for killing himself. He in many ways he is like the what's the guy's name Derek Chavine. Yeah. He's his own George Floyd. You know what's what what are their signs.
Starting point is 00:09:58 What do you mean. What do they say. What are the signs. Say black lives matter protest. Oh. We like the process. Well how about a black lives matter protest for the guy that was killed by Yeagermeister. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And it's like you know say his name. That's one of the things they say. Say his name. Say his name. Black lives matter. Yeah. What's something that's kind of hands up. Don't shoot.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Hands up. Don't. Don't take another shot. Don't take another shot. Of Yeagermeister. Hands up. Don't shoot that. Yeager.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Hands up. Don't shoot that. Yeager. That's pretty good. Yeah. Hands up. Don't shoot. I can't breathe.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I can't breathe. Because I'm dead. Like yeah. From diet. Drinking from drinking too much Yeagermeister. From drinking too much Yeager. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:46 That'd be good. Are you enjoying this at home? I think. Oh yes. They are. Truth be told I have no idea. I'm enjoying it. That's all that matters.
Starting point is 00:10:57 But people seem to hate when I have a good time. No. People want you to have a good time. I think the people dislike it when I have a good time. People like it when the show is about having a good time. Yeah. I mean I tried. I tried.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Anyways. I'll try my best. Yeagermeister. Let's see. Is there more content there? The Yeagermeister Black Lives Matter protest. Black. Well there was a bar that got in trouble for black olives matter.
Starting point is 00:11:25 What the fuck. Who's drinking Yeagermeister. That shit is disgusting. The only time I ever had it was at a stripper's birthday party. Tired stripper's birthday party. She was retiring. Yeah. It was this old lady with these long tits.
Starting point is 00:11:40 It's like a cake song. Boom. It's an old bitch with some long tits. I don't know. David James in Austin booked me in Chris Cubis for it and it was at their house in South Austin. Yeah. And I was just in the garage.
Starting point is 00:12:04 I did a set and they had a spotlight for some reason so it just blinded you while you stood at like you know eye level in the garage. And the party had been all night so we had just been getting fucking trashed at this guy's house. Yeah. And I barely remember the set but I asked for a beer on stage and somebody just threw it at my head and it kind of just bounced off my head. Oh like you got like a concussion.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah. I got dinged and then I picked it up and it had created like a pinhole like. It was like spraying. So it was spraying so that's all I remember. It was kind of like your stone cold moment. Yeah. I almost died by Yeagermeister then. I almost said the South African curve.
Starting point is 00:12:43 What are some of the other South African thing. Afrikaans Afrikaans Afrikaans of beer after another Afrikaans I Afrikaans drive after drinking too much. The guy said I Afrikaans. Yeah. I Afrikaans drive after drinking an entire bottle of Yeagermeister because I'm dead. Yeah. And see you later folks.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah. And see you later folks after killing himself with the Yeagermeister. That's pretty good. Tonight 16 candles at 8 p.m. on AMC. Sorry. Just popped up on the TV. OK. Sorry folks.
Starting point is 00:13:26 We're getting way off track here. I thought maybe we would let you into the process the next couple of months you're going to be if you sign up for the patreon we're changing the patreon tiers in fact I'll do it right now. What are you changing. If you go to for now it's still just hometown the former tiers are just we're changing them so let me see what if if someone gives us we'll come up with a number.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Now the numbers are staying the same. We're just changing the names. No. But I have another idea. If someone gives us a certain number they get like a like an EP credit on the show like their name will go into the credits. What the fuck is this. This is so funny dude.
Starting point is 00:14:12 There's like this section on patreon of like manage and track what you give your patrons and this is like it says I owe patrons stickers to people. I have no I have no idea what this is. Sorry about the stickers guys. Yeah. If you were to do a sticker should I go back to the monologue. So here we go. Yeah go back to the premium episodes for re retitling that you're now if you pay five
Starting point is 00:14:36 dollars a month you're now a production assistant. Yeah. This is exact. I was on the same page here production assistant. Can you keep talking $10 a month. Best boy. Well hold on. Can you can you keep talking.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Well I just sorry. Sorry. Just you know what. It appears five dollars a month production assistant will knock out the fifteen dollar one. I don't know what the fuck the point of that is. And the other one there was never any really other tears five dollars a month. You get everything.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yeah. But maybe we'll do a higher up one. Yeah. Like 10 15 and then you're an associate producer on the show. Yeah. You submit monologue topics. Yeah. And for fifty dollars a month would you then become a executive producer.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I don't I don't what I'm thinking for fifty dollars a month you become like a state department liaison. Oh that's pretty good. And you have to you can you can email in ideological direction for the show. Yeah. But it has to come from a dot gov email. Yeah. Otherwise we're discarding it.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Exactly. And then for three hundred dollars a month Beijing Politburo like you can you can like then we'll take you know Chinese like exactly. Just undermine the American yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So if you want to incorporate Chinese communist propaganda yeah the Chinese state affiliated media.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Yeah. For three hundred dollars a month we'll put all the we'll fill the show with all that bullshit. We'll say Taiwan's not a country like a video of a two year old that's like really good at cooking. We'll edit out the thing we said in the New York Post about the Chinese the Chinese dad that's you know found out that his son is a different Chinese. No.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah. We'll get that rid of the story. Whatever you want but again it's got to come from a Chinese email but for now we're just changing the name of this thing. Yeah. It has to be like from dot China or whatever the email is. Go back to the model. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:40 It's back to the model. Sorry. But it's it's not it's not letting me change. OK. We'll figure that out. We'll be able to. An alleged thief dressed as Spider-Man clubbed and robbed a woman after she requested a photo sounds like he like he Peter parked her ass in the emergency room sounds like he sounds
Starting point is 00:17:03 like he Peter parked her ass in the emergency room. That's pretty good. And then we wanted to follow up for this joke. Yeah. So legit thief dressed as Spider-Man clubbed and robbed a woman OK and police caught up to him and asked him why he did it right and he said what is what is Spider-Man's great power comes great responsibility. That's one line from that movie.
Starting point is 00:17:33 He does like a yeah that the assailant they asked him why he did it and he looked at them and then it kind of like a stoned Tom Myers way yeah sort of Mary Jane made me do it. And he's high on he must have been a total pot he was a he was a pothead Mary Jane is also the girlfriend. Yeah. Yeah. No no I got it. I got it.
Starting point is 00:18:03 It's pretty good Mary Jane made me do it. These are good jokes man yeah dude I love doing these are good jokes. This is the dream. All right. A Georgia woman has been left paralyzed after a cervical that is pretty funny after a cervical spine adjustment resulted in four separate stop we stop this one and start over this one try to nail please. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:30 No pressure. But I think this one's fun. All right. And we're coming off hot after the Spider-Man can't be like a dead cat. A Georgia woman has been left paralyzed after a cervical spine adjustment resulted in four severed arteries in her neck. This news is devastating is a devastating blow to the Americans with disabilities lobby as they had only just recently paved the way for mentally disabled people to become chiropractors.
Starting point is 00:19:12 The initial. The initial. Yeah it's OK. That's why I kind of wanted to just leave it as a Georgia woman has been left paralyzed after visiting a chiropractor yeah they interviewed cervical spine adjustment like doesn't matter. Yeah it's the purple. Well I didn't want to repeat.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I was I have a thing about repeating words. Yeah in a two sentence joke you should have Georgia woman has been left paralyzed after a neck adjustment resulted in severed arteries in her neck. It's like I didn't want to put that in there. And then also which fucked me up with this one is the Americans with disabilities lobby. I didn't want to say mentally disabled again. You know I just wanted to I wanted to be a thing with disabilities lobby and mentally disabled.
Starting point is 00:19:54 Yeah. And the problem is is that all of the advocacy groups for mentally disabled people they still have the old school names. So the real ones are all like the Association of Retarded Retards for America. America's retarded children and Mongoloid moron. They still have those names. They just they kept the acronym because they like the ARC is still called the ARC Association of Retarded Citizens but they got now it's just the ARC.
Starting point is 00:20:21 No way. Yeah it's half the McDonald's logo. No way. Yeah. Well that's if you learn something every day. Yeah. What was another direction we were talking about is like oh the Lenny angle. It's still the Lenny angle.
Starting point is 00:20:36 Right. So you're going you're going the Lenny angle but you're not directly referencing the fact that the the mentally disabled. Well I think a Georgia woman has been left paralyzed after his after a cervical spine adjustment resulted in four severed arteries in her neck after interviewing the chiropractor and asked him what happened and he said you know when are we going to pet the rabbits George. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Some indication that it was a mentally retarded man that snapped her neck. Yeah. Yeah. Okay let's just yeah. Let's move on. Okay. The mother has been shamed for putting her baby in heels on TikTok but it was actually a viral marketing campaign for the new John Travolta and Kirstie Alley movie.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Look who's getting their penis cut off alternatively look who's taking hormones look who's taking hormones. Yeah. Yeah. A trans baby movie. A lot of the listeners of the show are younger they don't they are not familiar with look who's talking which was a movie where they just made a they made a baby talk. Could the adults hear it or is just the audience.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I think it was just babies talking to the babies could talk to each other the whole premise is the babies are being you know kind of sexually abused the whole time. I thought the babies want to get like Kirstie Alley and John Travolta to fuck each other. No I think they voice the baby. They did. I think so. Yeah. Oh I thought they were trying to parent trap the adults.
Starting point is 00:22:08 No the parents are Tom Selleck and Paul Reiser. Really. Yeah. It's two gay men it's Paul Reiser and Tom Selleck and the baby is voiced it's it's a it's a you know let's we'll pull up the video. Yeah. Put it on look who's pull it up look who's talk I lost the fucking cord. Yeah look who's talking taking hormones now because it's talking and taking.
Starting point is 00:22:44 That's that's good. But look who's getting their penis cut off. I think is also very funny. Yeah it's I think it works. I think but they both work. Yeah. Look who's talking trailer. Let's get to the bottom of this folks because we don't remember.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Yeah we don't quite remember. Try star pictures. It's the most natural thing in the world. Yeah that's try star but yeah try starring in a movie if you're a black person in America. Yeah that's true especially those days they got a single damn on the payroll. That's true. You know that's true. Just a reminder the show is a Democratic it's sort of a center mainstream Democrat.
Starting point is 00:23:25 It's a center left conserved socially conserved socially liberal economically conservative socially liberal yeah what's it called where you're like liberal but the second you're in convenience by anything you become like a racist like Karen sort of yeah like socially where it's like you know black lives matter like as long as they keep their they don't lean on the car. They don't talk so loud. Yeah they're a little quiet. Stop don't raise your voice.
Starting point is 00:23:55 The black lives are screaming at me sir. Yeah they don't interrupt. It's scary. You're scaring me. They don't interrupt my viewing of the yaw yaw sisterhood with loud questions or flapping your lips while you popcorn yeah that kind of asking the theater manager to call the police right exactly bringing your own laser pointer to shine at black women that are causing a problem in the movie theater but otherwise you know you're you watch the view yeah reporting
Starting point is 00:24:21 them for bringing Tupperware is their own food into the theater because it's not fair to you because you wanted to do that but you chose to follow the rules. Yeah I guess the politics of the show are harassing black women with a laser point of liberals. If I had to describe it if that's a kind of politics that we have I think so yeah we're very progressive. You're right. But we got a hundred watt green dot lasers oh yeah that NASA type shit yeah we're driving
Starting point is 00:24:50 through we're driving near bad neighborhoods and we're shining it recklessly in there. These laser pointers are not street legal oh yeah let's be honest you know we got them off the dark web we bought them from a nerd from a real nerd these are nerd yeah we got them from a real nerd a real bitch ass nerd you know you know what I'm saying. What is today. Today is Wednesday. Then these average early 13 these average really dried the fuck up in the middle of the summer.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I didn't book I didn't book anything. Oh the ads are coming back. Yeah they do. Starting in September we're booked to the rest. I mean I think we might even kick them off the peril because we're planning on some big big big contracts. Yeah we'll go to the ad reads after the monologue yeah that was funny the thing about the nerd that was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Who did we buy this laser pointer from Peter Parker. Yeah we bought it from a fucking nerd yeah okay let's go back to the monologue yeah you get a little laugh in the monitor yeah I thought this how about the Spider-Man Criminal Guide let's go back yeah it's like Peter Parker more like Peter Rosa Parkser Rosa Parkser ass in the hospital Rosa Parkser ass in the hot yeah. So should we run that from the top. No I think that I was thinking yeah what would black Spider-Man be Venom isn't that what Venom is he's black Spider-Man I think he's just Spider-Man with like a nasty tongue I had
Starting point is 00:26:39 a bad attitude yeah I'd watch the movie I loved it. I heard it was good dude yeah I think I watched it when I had COVID or my eye was I think it was my eye was real bad oh so you watched it with one eye yeah your perception was all off you know sometimes when you're real like vulnerable and it's kind of like yeah you just need some like you need like comfort. You want a little crap now I watch entourage that's what that's what I knew that yeah yeah I just want that world yeah it just feels nice the stakes could not be lower. The webbed what do they call them.
Starting point is 00:27:13 The web crusader yeah a black woman was assaulted by a black Spider-Man also known as the dark web. Okay yeah that's good this is after being beaten up by a black man dressed as Spider-Web she said Spider-Man she said oh I now know why people are always complaining about the dark web I didn't know what that was until black Spider-Man beat me up I think that's the one yeah now I know why people are always complaining about the dark web big one that's a big one boom yeah that's pretty good I'm liking these writers room sessions yeah I said NF she said she said NFTs that's a new technology everyone's mad about what is that
Starting point is 00:28:00 FaceTime for black people that's pretty good after being beaten up by a black man dressed as Spider-Man a woman said what are what's NFTs FaceTime for black people what does that stand for FaceTime what is that yeah what I see what you're saying but what would make getting beaten up make her think about NFTs well the dark web now I see what you're saying yeah okay so you at first you're like now I know why people are all up in arms about the dark web yeah exactly or crypto currencies but it's CRIPTO yeah okay alright yeah and that woman would be racist that woman would be racist that woman would be full racist not like the okay kind of racism where you know you have bumpers you have Obama bumper
Starting point is 00:28:55 stickers but you also got a couple of high powered laser pointers yeah just in case just in case people need to be pointed out alright let's get back to the news okay Fox News host Jesse Waters is facing harsh criticism after suggesting the story of a 10 year old rape victims abortion was a hoax water suggestion came shortly before a video surfaced of the young girl on the moon being raped by none other than Bigfoot Bigfoot himself himself I think maybe we need to like kind of maybe speed up their reads yeah Fox News host Jesse Waters is facing harsh criticism after suggesting that story of a 10 year old rape victims abortion was a hoax water suggestion came shortly before video surfaced of the young girl on the moon
Starting point is 00:29:54 being raped by none other than Bigfoot himself that's pretty good you know something like that yeah the 10 year old girl had to travel to Indiana from Ohio to get the abortion after being raped last week her mother was so horrified by the whole ordeal that she looked at the doctors and said let's just do the 10 year old also it's a messed up joke it's pretty messed up but okay but it's she didn't actually say that folks don't worry oh okay but the story turned out to be true Ohio police embarrassed doubtful Republicans after making an arrest in the case this week taking 27 year old Gerson Fuentes into custody hey Guillermo is that guy a friend of yours yes Jimmy he has a friend of me he is my friend because we're both
Starting point is 00:30:55 a Spanish we're both Spanish we're getting Guillermo we're getting Guillermo that's what we were talking about I we wanted to save it just for the patreon subscribers on slash Comtown yes you can sign up and we wanted to save it as a as a big surprise for the patreon subscribers but we got our own Guillermo that's what me and Adam are doing over the last two days it's not our own Guillermo it is the Guillermo from the Jimmy Kimmel show indistinguishable from the Jimmy Kimmel he says it's not his name but I'm pretty sure he's lying and once we have that basically every monologue joke you can just bail to tiny Mexican yeah is that right Guillermo yes he said every joke is that I am tiny
Starting point is 00:31:39 from Mexico yeah it's funny it's quite funny so whenever whenever when you do the joke and it's just about you said Donald Trump what they what they what the fuck is this guy he said doing and it's the joke is just being incredulous yeah you just look at Guillermo and say hey Guillermo would they let this fucking cocksucker run the taco truck right and I said no they wouldn't that's that's what the audience wants it's like a the chewy on Chelsea sorry sorry sorry sorry oh that's it for the monologue for this week I feel like the monologue was a little harder this weekend we know that we didn't have a monologue we're just working through it this weekend yeah that was way better I think so I liked
Starting point is 00:32:35 your burning man joke oh thanks yeah yeah that's that's one burning man festival where was it a woman wouldn't get raped maybe that's pretty good you know what I mean my brain is set up always on to the next thing yeah it's true you know you get it out move on to the next let's throw it away let's throw it away it's Amazon Prime Day is here and the deals are better than ever thanks inflation whether you're looking for a new couch or mattress or restock on your favorite skincare even an epic deal for $100 or less the 48 hour extravaganza is not an event you want to miss so what the fuck is Prime Day folks that's it look so what are the topics for the show we got to have we got to have segments so
Starting point is 00:33:21 after that I thought you were doing a read for an ad no that's oh yeah I guess we should do that yeah it's I thought it was an Amazon Prime no no no sorry it's not it's not Prime Day at Super Speciosa is the super ogx dot com or get super leaf dot com sorry get super leaf dot com is I'm sure let me see now if they have just fucking weed they sell cratum leaf tea powders and more oh yeah Super Speciosa they are it's cratum right it's cratum for your ass it's cratum for your ass made by nature perfected by us it's a GMP qualified vendor since 2016 we've been perfecting certifiably reliable ways to bring you cratum as it was intended unaltered untouched uncompromised they offer compromise uncompromised so this
Starting point is 00:34:13 is cratum that doesn't they will never support interracial marriage no I don't know what is uncompromised uncompromised means that you know they'll never cut corners they're principled in getting you your natural compromise to a to a permanent end yeah copper that could it could mean that too that kind of compromise yeah but it's uncompromised yeah very stubborn it's a stubborn company Osama bin Laden has been uncompromised to a permanent end I'd like to get Osama that pussy that's from the ad read oh yeah cratum that says I'd like to get Osama that pussy cratum powder this is their best natural leaf ground in a fine powder cratum capsules which are a little you know it's the powder but it's in a gel
Starting point is 00:35:09 uh-huh cratum tablets is pure cratum leaf pressed uh where you going you suck or something untangling right chord cratum tablets I guess it's the powder pressed into tablets and cratum tea bags so you can make the tea um you could dip it in your friend's mouth now they sent me this stuff we've used it it's uh it will I don't know what you're allowed to say Nick kind of lost a week I lost more than a week was it two weeks it was a lot of time it was kind of an in the couch kind of situation oh yeah it was a neat it was a it was a nice week um I guess I don't know I mean yeah it felt good but I don't need like I'm surprised this is legal but it is um yeah they got so good they got wholesale you'd be surprised
Starting point is 00:36:01 that's legal you can buy you can just buy wholesale amounts of product from them and you use promo code come town or come town 20 we're gonna try and get those promo codes changed over to the Adam Adam Friedland show yeah or Adam Adam 22 or something like that no but Adam Adam Friedland show Adam Friedland come town or come town 20 is the promo code and you either get 20% off or like free shipping or something on your first order try it out folks and if you don't become horribly addicted good but I'm telling you this stuff is if you're uh I don't know what we're allowed to suggest it for but it definitely works you know it works at that yeah it's a leaf it's from India Indonesia and it does it
Starting point is 00:36:52 well and we're back okay so the monologue is over folks we're back it's the back end of the episode the second half we got to figure out segments yeah so uh uh the top of the show we're doing that before the monologue after we typically would do a show introduction where we'd present a theme yeah so did you pick one for this week uh no I don't think I don't think we did it's heatwave folks we're cooking out in New York City 91 degrees 120 percent humidity it's hotter than it's been since last summer yeah and it only means one thing the climate is changing with a vengeance some might call it a double puberty the climate is reaching puberty and its hormones are out of control because it's becoming both genders
Starting point is 00:37:58 at once mother nature is becoming mr. lady nature imagine not just one not the angry part of one gender but both imagine a the worst parts of a six foot four man a former navy seal on their period yeah and that's what's happening to the environment but guess what it's not by choice no it's this is something that we're doing to it we've been raped we've been raping it not we're raping we're changing the gender of mother nature forcibly actually you know what a more lived way to put it for the show is that we're denying mother nature the precious hormones it needs to stay a woman and it's reverting back to its natural it keeps regrowing its testicles and is is reverting back to its masculine fucked up nature because
Starting point is 00:38:52 we're we're the the srs pills are being intercepted by our carbon emissions that's right so today on the atom Friedland show we're we're taking it to the streets and we're putting the responsibility on you individuals what you can do to stop climate change individually because it's your responsibility yeah it's not anybody else just like coronavirus that's your fault if you get it that's your fault I don't know what's that I don't know oh we can't can't mention the virus just take that back and say I take it back I take it back look society is about shared responsibility you know actually you I'll only guide you through this because we got a this show topic is going to be climate change and what you can do about it how it's
Starting point is 00:39:44 your fault right yeah and what you can do about them no not you but like you're the audience and so like this is this is going to be thing because sometimes we wouldn't have like you you're going to have like a fun relationship with the audience but sometimes you're going to have to get tough especially on social issues yeah like like episodes like you know how you know what people love you know how Howard Stern now like he does this thing where he's like I got a hundred million dollars and I've been living in a bunker for the last 25 years right and all of my food is delivered to me through like a slot yeah you know everything else is a microwave that cooks me my Amy's cuisine meals and it's delivered to me through
Starting point is 00:40:21 a slot yeah through it through a hand yeah it's got six latex gloves on it exactly and no one's allowed to contact me or look at me and I have a robot butler you know yeah I've got Rosie from the Jetsons and I fuck her and I fuck her and then she cleans my penis for the duster after I'm that guy that's me that's his life now that's Howard sir but also he's going to tell society what we need yeah because he's more in touch with me he's going to give the hard truth yeah he's going to so that's what we want from you so imagine your Howard Stern ever the most beloved entertainer in America yes nobody could ever criticize behind us probably yeah yeah that no everyone you know your your Howard Stern you wake up
Starting point is 00:41:06 every day you know that literally everyone loves you they think of Howard Stern in there in your mind it's still 1993 oh yeah you're the king of all media the king of all media everyone thinks you're the one eighty seven year old grandma that's cool you're like if the wrapping grannies were real you know yeah and now you're not but now it's time to get real yeah and let people who have enough small penis competitions you know let's let's grow up for a second yeah enough like making a woman compete for a breast enlargement surgery you know now it's time for Adam to get real and let these climate bastards these bad the bastards I'm fucking hot this one's yeah this one hotter than the hot outside yeah I'm tight
Starting point is 00:41:58 right exactly you're hot you're angry you're pissed off because because you got to keep the AC running all the time yeah because some greedy piece of shit in Cleveland some boomers some yeah some piece of shit has to drive to his job instead of being carried there by you know production assistance yeah by Rick Shaw's yeah by Rick Shaw by white Rick Shaw's by the way white Rick Shaw's we have a Rick Shaw that takes Adam to the set and every day we hire a new white person to do it and then fire them for cultural appropriation as soon as ever hire a minority to be my slave no no that'll be inappropriate we only hire black people we have a fake position at the company called boss yeah where we hire black
Starting point is 00:42:45 people for that yeah and B.A.W.S. yeah B.A.W.C.E. yeah yeah yeah and we hire and and so every black person that works for this company is technically the boss on the mast head yeah they're above us right yeah I mean they don't have any say over any of the topics on the show they have a lot of say I mean I don't know yeah basically we kind of just give them the office and the nameplate is that what you want to do no that's your call I mean I thought I was just kidding oh I don't I don't really actually do that oh okay yeah it's inappropriate should we hire any minorities or of course okay yeah you want me to check them out first make sure that they're not gonna like be a problem like a background
Starting point is 00:43:40 check yeah you know make sure they've never let's say gotten a spider-man costume per side yeah I don't know maybe give them like a lie detector you know does that work on them do a 23 and make sure they're not lying about the kind of a dole is all situation oh yeah that'd be interesting did they ever give Rachel dole is all a lie detector test no I don't think she she ever agreed to it yeah but they gave her a 23 yeah yeah you know it came back no Ghana Ghana yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna look that up I'm gonna I'm gonna see if that's true or not have you seen that did you hear about the African guy that drank too much Jagermeister turns out he's a Ghana cuz he died he got he's a goner he's
Starting point is 00:44:42 a Ghana yeah that's kind of like an old borscht belt kind of turns out he's a Ghana he's a Ghana a 10 year old girl had to travel to Indiana from Ohio to get the abortion after being raped last week mother was so horrified by the whole ordeal she looked at the doctors and said let's just do the 10 year old also you know what I'm thinking you've been giving me good direction on the monologue sure I'm thinking who does the best monologues right you were watching foul not yet we're watching foul yeah but you can see it there's potential there there's a fine thank you I appreciate this is you know I see talent and I know talent no you are a talent evaluate and I look at you and I say this is a guy who's just he
Starting point is 00:45:27 needs to get out of his own way you are riding my ass straight to the top and I appreciate yeah yeah yeah but you know we've been watching a lot of late night talk shows trying to figure out how to do a monologue we saw Anthony Anderson filling in for Jimmy Kimmel yeah kind of not very good Anthony Anderson filled in for Jimmy Kimmel last night yeah not very good raising questions as to where Jimmy Kimmel is in Israel perhaps with President Biden who's not doing a damage control tour trying to convince Israelis that they haven't completely lost the war of hearts and minds in America yeah they're still in charge yeah yeah don't worry you guys still run the whole damn country it's only a very small percentage of Democrats
Starting point is 00:46:15 that know that this is a genocidal apartheid state yeah it's true yeah but we are the mainstream center left talk show so we appreciate everything the president is doing over there yeah and all of our all of our weapons grade laser pointers were built by the state is by Israeli tech company incredible tech yeah very the high oh you want to boycott Israel well then maybe you should boycott Desert Eagle guns weapons grade laser pointers computer viruses that get stolen from the government somehow and used to so your credit is if you don't like you want to boycott Israel why don't you boycott your identity being stolen by my massage software yeah and your entire retirement you know whatever no no I think
Starting point is 00:47:06 you got your point across and the worst hummus that in the grocery store I don't know the hummus is pretty good that's the thing I don't understand why the fucking BDS thing they pick like the only good things is real history pretty sick yeah exactly you can have soda at home they're all they're all their exports are like fucking like weapons or computer virus we are not processing though yeah or like yeah or fucking no it's again it's like you know it's like a seltzer we're producing seltzer my job my job I wait social change is going to happen is if me personally or you the regular working man yeah makes changes to your already bullshit life that's right that's right while fucking Howard Stern takes
Starting point is 00:47:50 a private jet to Israel the you know go do is fucking borscht ball comedy for the soda stream factory CEO I heard he killed though he did yeah I heard he got the whole whack back Kevin Sorbo's over there what Kevin Sorbo's yeah that was that video that Nick Sarelli how do you pronounce I don't think it's Sarelli would you read yeah Chariah Chariah it's Italian it's Charao Chariah Chariah Teresa Teresa hey Guillermo what do you think about that you say this is his name sounds like that anyway the topic of the day climate change and what you can do about it as an individual right well I just want to go back to what I was saying about monologues right so we've been watching all these professionals doing it
Starting point is 00:48:47 and we're learning things and I think like you got to ask yourself who's the best at doing it right it's not me yet I'm gonna get there and I appreciate you know all the feedback you've been giving me but really who's the best in the business is Mr. Bill Maher right and the reason he's that good is because there's like a smugness to it yeah that I'm really I don't have the confidence to pull off yet but I'm working towards just being a real that shit eating what we want is Bill Maher with Guillermo Bill Maher with Guillermo yeah and he's saying you know Democrats are getting their panties in a knot over the January 6 Commission that's that's the best the biz right there yeah yeah yeah their panties they're
Starting point is 00:49:28 getting their panties they're raped panties in a knot over the January 6 Commission I'll tell you what I'd like to abort is this entire kangaroo court yeah the entire Republican party yeah what is it what is Bill Maher saying about the January 6 he's having an opinion on the January 6 oh he probably thinks it's it's you know he thinks it's bad they're bad yeah probably I watched his special with Brandon Wardell he was in town we watched the first 15 minutes but yeah the whole thing is called hashtag adulting and the whole thing is railing against you know these phone obsessed tick talking millennials right and like the funny thing is that he like he like doesn't realize that generations he exists and like millennials
Starting point is 00:50:21 are already like 55 years old at this point yeah yeah he and like literally like he's like he's 75 years old and that's like the youngest person he can imagine oh Jesus it was just a Dalhaha I forgot it was Eid yeah yeah it's the end of Ramadan the feast Al Daha yeah so Eid Mubarak to all of our Muslim I'd like to eat some pussy I guess yeah that seems like old format let's do a smarter okay guys climate change what you can do is go back to climate change yeah I think I think Adam would just if we could get you like more fired up you're angry or do you care about climate change do you give a shit or it's just hot out and you want to be mad at somebody because that's kind of what caused slavery I feel
Starting point is 00:51:14 because that was too hot in the south well yeah it's the south you know yeah that you take the heat away I mean they would they would have paid those guys yeah climate change cause slavery basically so that in in a lot of ways climate change itself is racist yeah think about where it get area gets the hottest Africa okay and so anytime when the temperature average temperature goes up one degree yeah in Africa it's going up the you know I mean one fifty one sixty yeah it's like it's probably two hundred degrees outside in Africa I feel I think about the Africans yeah a lot that's why they're so dark no I mean I it's it this is stemming from my same understanding of climate change yeah the more they get more
Starting point is 00:52:03 sun they're more melon and their skin sure all right you don't care about climate change well I do I mean I I care about climate change yeah sure okay I want to have kids you know I what kind of earth are they gonna so that that's okay maybe that's our angle here that's here you're you're what about the children yes what about are the kids are the kids are the giant climate change kids all right he's not all right is that five year old has been left at school for six days in China China yeah because his father realized that wasn't his son yeah poor kid yeah what do you think he's doing at school I sit probably learning Chinese learning more learning even more getting even better at Chinese yeah yeah our kids are
Starting point is 00:52:52 our kids are what just fucking walking around getting abortions traveling state lines abortions roadblocks meanwhile those kids are learning more and more Chinese every day yeah and we got nothing on that's true that's true yeah yeah those kids over there they give us over there they're trying they're Chinese in on a on a 12th grade level oh my god in elementary school yeah how we were like how could we compete yeah yeah and he doesn't even I'll tell you what we need to do yeah here's how we solve the crisis of the kids not being all right mainly due to climate change we open the borders yeah we get a bunch of five foot one Guatemalan guys Guillermo's we get Guillermo's yeah and we pretend they're 10 year old children yeah
Starting point is 00:53:40 okay yeah I think that's a good idea he me he me he likes Guillermo he me daddy said good idea thanks Guillermo thanks Guillermo yeah so we get a bunch of Guillermo's okay we just fill the elementary schools with Guillermo's and you know I mean they're reading they're fucking writing they're speaking English in a funny way yeah and on top of that they got a nice little mustache in a bowtie yeah and they're pretty fucking good at trumpet I would have liked to be a Guillermo show me show me that a Chinese Guillermo show me one where's the child where's the Guillermo is they don't have that they don't yeah it's absolutely true what the fuck do they have yeah guys that are good at Chinese yeah that's very funny
Starting point is 00:54:26 wishing that's very true how you say that is not your son wow he's in those yeah what what we show a long boy about me me me me me me me me me me me that's Chinese Guillermo doesn't exist doesn't know how to do it okay maybe he's a Uyghur a Uyghur yeah their Chinese Guillermo is like a Uyghur that they forced to be you know a five foot one Uyghur yeah yeah I would imagine their Guillermo's would be like Malaysian or something yeah yeah okay well what are you passionate about this week that relating to climate change what do you what's got you fired up what are your thoughts this week what have you been emotional about walk us through your day what do you mean well maybe a little avoid personal stuff I clean you're
Starting point is 00:55:26 you're in for like six hours and she probably like the she's mad at you for not cleaning I clean for six hours yeah which is something you can do to fight climate change yes yes clean your room that's what I was doing yeah that's what I was doing and she was just like it looks good yeah what looks good she said the house looks good but that was basically all I got oh yeah yeah I thought I was gonna get pussy immediately you don't just take it do you take minds no I try to fucking I try if they're okay I've been like going on the internet and there's this thing called acts of service maybe episode next episode topic of the day spousal rape hot topic right now you know highly contested yeah is it does
Starting point is 00:56:17 it exist yeah is it a real thing or is it anti like a kind of an anti religious sort of anti-Islamic or are the girls can girls do it can girls right yeah yeah well can girls right I think women can do whatever they put their mouth I agree I agree I think I think we can get a woman to be the bouse of this show we should find the woman that set her up with a job is the bouse yeah yeah she's a bouse yeah yeah we're definitely gonna get a bouse she's gonna get mad at us yeah yeah it's gonna be like a female version of the angry black lieutenant in a cop movie well let's stay on this and let's find let's find a change climate change let's find something you're passionate about well I was saying you
Starting point is 00:57:04 know it's it's unfair the kids I was saying it's unfair to us it's so hot outside uh-huh I was saying that uh you know parts of the earth are gonna be uninhabitable you're sending texts on your I had to respond to something work related what do you mean this is our job now I know but we're gonna we're gonna it's related to us yeah business stuff it's gonna go okay so get fired up we gotta keep we gotta get the energy okay all right wait wait folks we're here the audience is watching we got a studio okay so I'm they're all in studio we can't fall asleep I know it's hot out you want to fall asleep yeah we only have we only have two hours of work we have to do a week so let's stay fired up we've been working
Starting point is 00:57:53 full days Nick don't don't put it like this to them yeah okay no I mean me I mean I gotta stay fired up I don't mean you fucking okay listen I'm fucking I'm fucking cheesed off it's my if you if you're low energy it's because I'm low energy here's the thing you you were just okay you were you were you were I gotta get fired up need a base you need me and the black boss to be underneath you like like getting me up yelling at me you up tell them it god damn it free land exactly god damn it free land you better get them you better get your ass get on the camera and make Guillermo care about climate change you gotta tell Guillermo's ass in a way that's good tell the scare his ass so his little Mexican bow tie spin around
Starting point is 00:58:35 like a fan you gotta tell him a new asshole so go in the Guillermo okay Guillermo listen here's the thing when the temperature goes up guess what else goes up and the ice cream ice cream so I'm going to go up yes but what else goes up and he said they Italian ice said they sell him more yes Italian ice goes up what else goes up Guillermo they were popsicles they said okay popsicles too but what else in what is a trend at least a societal trend that coincides with rising temperatures inflation okay well no that's not template technically I think it's because the gas or something I have no idea what I mean the more emails from Hunter Biden's laptop I don't know if that has to do with the weather here's the
Starting point is 00:59:25 thing we get no we find out he does even more with his penis and crack he has that they had the hot or it gets the more Fox News says that the Hunter Biden he we see his penis yeah he has to take off more clothes no no Guillermo ride with me on this okay look follow me let me let me grab your hand yes okay when the temperature goes up in American cities and all over this country and all over the world crime goes up what kind of crime the spider man crime spider men saw violent crime mm-hmm so you say that a climate change makes black people do more crime only black people white people do crime too definitely do you think maybe that the reason crime goes up when they it is hot is because it reminds black people
Starting point is 01:00:24 that they are not in Africa no that's not that's not what I'm saying they get mad Guillermo no no no that's not what I'm saying they get mad because they have been stolen and they remember no that's not what I'm saying and they're saying that might could be and I was supposed to be somewhere else no that's not that come on well what I'm saying is there's a statistical correlation between a rise in temperature and rise in crime what if we want to keep our city safe yeah we want to keep our our loved ones safe from these from spider men elbows we have to get black people air conditioner it's not about well maybe I don't know why we have to buy ice cream for black people ice cream would be nice so we're going
Starting point is 01:01:05 to fight climate change ice cream forever ice everyone loves ice cream yeah but the real you're you're talking about the symptoms you're not talking about the root cause the root cause I love the Simpsons I love the dog about the Simpsons I love the bubble be mine here's because here's the Guillermo the Simpsons I guess because you if you think the Simpsons they are Chinese because they are yellow then bumblebee man is will be the Guillermo China that you you god why do we think of that because you didn't ask me because you pay oh yeah you pay me about you because Nick didn't know who the Guillermo you kidnapped me from you kidnapped me from TV you kidnapped me from my job oh so you're not Guillermo Rodriguez
Starting point is 01:01:54 from the Jimmy Kimmel show no I'm Guillermo Castoro Pineda Dominguez he is salvation the delicios is cream oh and dashboard confessional Rodriguez marinara really is my full name yes oh so you just have the same person I have the same first name yes I don't know what and we have to know that more there's more than one we have the same height and the same number of years belong to us in the same mustache we have the same we belong we are we belong the same mustache you have the same year we have the same belong years in life yeah to me I have belong to me there is 43 years that belongs to me in my life and that is the same as Guillermo Jimmy Kimmel uh-huh but I am I'm but you're not even a
Starting point is 01:03:02 man I'm Guillermo Taylor Thomas Victoria Coupe Deville ice cream oh dashboard confessional marinara is that a Spanish name that is my name dashboard confessional it was my name from my my confirmation yes because the church the church in my town was just a 1993 Ford Torres so the confession we would the whole town would be able to feed in the car oh it's like a I didn't realize you were Catholic like yes and you would we would go to go to the confession you would be you go into the glove box because I could feed in the glove box in the priest oh that's like the confessional booth that's where the name comes from and it's for being a little bit the band is it is hostile coincidence really yes have you
Starting point is 01:04:10 ever listened to the music of the band no I only listen to I only listen to like Walt's version of the Super Mario Brothers video game music really yes the way yes that's pretty bad I've never played Super Mario Brothers but I have all of the tattoos of the characters yeah yeah why would you why because I thought they were I thought it was I thought it was my uncle you thought it was something his name was Guillermo as well I thought it was my uncle who was beaten to death by Chihuahua's by the government the government sent Chihuahuas into the town to bite oh it was in the Chihuahua state the biting massacre the biting massacre yes by everybody was beat me they got beaten by the Chihuahuas when the biting yes the government
Starting point is 01:05:07 they sent him them into the town really because we did too much magical realism yeah because my grandmother she laid down and butterflies came out of her pussy and painted a rainbow that represents a right wing fascism has sponsored by the United States government I love Latin people especially big booty Latinas but they got to stop believing in ghosts they got to stop believing in ghosts that's what Hispanic women can do to fight climate change as they can stop believing in ghosts yes okay okay we I think we got some because a big part of that is Santoria so all of the candles if you consider the carbon emissions from all of the candles being lit by by superstitious Mexican women that they are probably the number
Starting point is 01:05:54 one contributor to climate change and therefore they're up there with auto industry yes well number one impoverished Mexican women lighting candles so they should be in jail yeah for starters first off or at the very least forced to buy Teslas yes I agree I agree oh to offset the climate yeah that's right carbon they should be they should be it should be illegal to drive whatever the car they have now and they should be forced to buy cars made by companies that are subsidized by the United States government that's true that's true they'll show their asses yes what else I don't know Guillermo I mean I do you want to be our Guillermo on the show or I mean I kind of we kind of Nick and I kind of you know like in the movie
Starting point is 01:06:46 Borat where I would like to be returned to work yeah in the movie Borat where they put the bag over Pamela Anderson they tried to get married to her we kind of Nick and I kind of did that to you that's right while you were at work because we want we thought you were the Guillermo from the Jimmy Campbell yes you dressed up in an Elmer Fudd costume and said beware the quiet yeah I am hunting Guillermo's yeah it's true and nobody laughed at it but you kidnapped me yeah it wasn't very funny mm-hmm well there's not a lot of things that are very funny on this show yet what do you talk about we're going to a decent episode we're going to have to work it out we're gonna get it together baby number one
Starting point is 01:07:24 is we have to get air conditioner dude it is that's it so that the boss we hire doesn't have a violent episode is true violent crime goes up mm-hmm when the heat goes up and when the heat temperature goes up the mouse she comes out of her office yeah and she starts going girl yeah and then she scientist called the girl index right is that what they call it yeah you know it's funny that because they used to call it El Nino yeah they did that's how they used to blame climate change they used to just say actually it's just Mexico it's some boys it's some little boy Mexican is one little one little boy luckily now we have white liberals to let us know that it's actually black women's fault it's black yeah
Starting point is 01:08:36 okay I'm back moving on to the next segment donating to a cause that's going to be a big thing here really yeah so you're going to want to you're going to find like a they're like a climate change thing yeah you're going to force other people donate we're not going to donate shit or so no no we're going to find other people we're going to we're going to tell the audience they got to donate their money to some kind of climate change thing yeah you know and then what are we going to do for them nothing what do you mean we're not going to like do you know we look like good guys for directing people if we're making other people spend their money yes exactly yeah and we're raising money and awareness
Starting point is 01:09:20 yeah yeah yeah so the donation segment okay that'll go in the show show progress update dream analysis I think we should bring that back you know we can bring that back that kind of has to happen organically yeah maybe the smart move would have been the ended with the Guillermo asking you questions we could have done that dream have you ever had a fever dream yeah I certainly have I have you yeah what was the what was the what was the fever dream what was the fever 102 but what was the dream I guess I don't remember okay great dream analysis over the dog mauling segment that was pretty good but we should like that but we should have a more animal related yeah you know so an animal thing I I I can't stress
Starting point is 01:10:26 this enough the show is not going to work unless there is more animal stuff yeah we have to have animals come on the show yeah yeah and different types of animals maybe we get the pangolin that started in the past we maybe do something like which animal do you think has the biggest prick a dillo yeah you know we'd say something like that yeah and then we'd go animal biggest dick yeah we could look that up and then maybe one of us would say like now do you like do you think it counts if the animal itself is big or do you think the ratio of dick to animal yeah we'd really break it down side and then we'd look up you know something that you know we'd look up an article about animals biggest penis yeah
Starting point is 01:11:12 and then we'd say that that then we'd find a video of a walrus blowing himself at a sea and then we'd be like no way that's crazy yeah but we're gonna be mature with animals on this yeah that's not that's not the kind of stuff we're gonna do we're not gonna have an animal come on the show and ask to see its pee what we're gonna do is we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna get dr. Fauci on and ask him why he put those beagles in allegedly allegedly I guess that's that's not true that's like a hoax story wait the dog thing is hoax for the purposes of yes violating the youtube community guidelines true not true dr. Fauci has never done anything but good stuff to protect us from from beagles from a natural
Starting point is 01:12:05 virus that was not come on you know can we can I'm can't say what you can't say it sarcastically I'm not saying it sarcastically yeah you are I'm sorry you feel that way you got sarcasm in your voice I don't have sarcasm in my voice say it confidently from a natural virus it is a natural it is a virus that came from a Chinese eating a pangolin and that is the official story yes and it came from a wet mark and we're sticking to it and that's real and yeah any story to the contrary you're a racist fascist and you deserve to be in all right yeah you do we you should be for having the wrong opinion regardless of whether if more information comes out you should be in jail the longest penis in the animal kingdom
Starting point is 01:13:01 let's hear it the biggest piece of all belongs to the largest animal that has ever lived the blue whale oh okay that's easy sorry the average length of a blue whale penis is eight feet no way can you fucking believe that can you imagine what you would do if your dick was eight feet okay all right all right I would be like damn that was the old dust dude we're not doing that kind of shit I would be using I would be using my dick I would even have a remote for my TV anymore I'd press the buttons from the couch no we're trying to do philosophy and yeah we're doing the philosophy thing yeah do you think do you think that like in in the animal world okay who gives a shit all right let's find we gotta find a little
Starting point is 01:13:49 hot note then the show don't okay so I thought the gear but thing was fine the climate change is big do you want it do you want this just Peter out no I mean I think you were shitting on it Peter Parker I don't want it wasn't shitting out I was not shitting on I apologize if you you got that that impression yeah no it's more optimism and like you know trying to try to say fired up you know let's get fired how do you come you come off the court look let's put it this way this is us this is us losing a game it's gonna happen you know today yeah who do we lose to ourselves that's that's just a daily it's gonna happen let's just get a lie brother and it's it's uh it's like the whatever the in sports they
Starting point is 01:14:32 do or it's a post game thing and they ask the athlete like do you think George Floyd deserved it or you know like whatever they do to have and they say you know just we gotta show more hustle yeah yeah it was like you know but I also better team great fucking work that I did yeah you too no the monologue I think you're really coming along you think I'm getting it together a little bit more yes the speed thing you told me I really liked okay good yeah I thought it was a good thing I gotta figure out how to the best way to just sort of got you know like whatever feedback and I need to construct I think you like my idea about doing a little bit more smug more smug is good yeah more smug is good and then
Starting point is 01:15:11 also if I would love it if maybe this week yeah try it out just get to a place where I can just give you the monologue jokes without having to read through them maybe four or five times before we do the show that way you can do them live and like you're you're feeling them out as as we go through because I think it'll make it a little more natural you're saying that I have to read that not read them at all maybe yet not read them at all okay we'll try that maybe we can find this was I remember in for the cloud the learning disabled classes that I took in school yeah as they had extra reading comprehension lessons maybe I can dig some of those up and we can just go through them and see if that maybe
Starting point is 01:15:52 they're like kind of like reading comprehension exercises and then worksheets yeah worksheets exactly okay and and like like to make learning fun yeah and make it make the the process of reading through the reads more fun and also not as much of a struggle you know yeah you know whatever you would describe it but but yeah okay so folks slash come town you can check out premium episode every weekend and then there will be changes coming very soon initially we are really excited about them genuinely guys for real this is gonna be awesome it is really gonna be awesome and it'll be a slow transition so for well not a super slow transition but for now it'll at the very least you're still gonna get the
Starting point is 01:16:39 premium audio episodes you're gonna get the premium audio episodes you're gonna get the weekly free episode yes but I tell you what the Adam Friedland show you get in on the ground floor you come in as a production assistant now you're gonna get to watch this this thing transform and evolve into somebody or something that is it at the very least of a hilarious money pit yeah and a horrible investment you will get to watch two men that didn't deserve any of this yeah lose it all blow it lose it all but get a couple of fun costumes in the process yeah we have been really focusing on the cost we're gonna have at least a very cool look book by the end of this I'm stoked thanks guys thanks for listening to Adam Friedland
Starting point is 01:17:23 show we'll be back next week and with very special guest Simon Pegg who we ran into we ran into last night I asked him to do the show and he said and he said no he said well he said I would he said I would I'm at the Bowery hotel he said I would put into his PR guy some guy and but he's Simon Pegg next week on the afternoon just hit up Simon Pegg the whole army together say that guy that harassed you the Bowery hotel he's actually a good guy yes we're gonna rehabilitate Adam Friedland's image with Simon Pegg get him on the show yeah and maybe have our own little British Guillermo maybe make him do an hour of Guillermo yeah he's a good actor yeah he's an actor he's a great actor we can cast him
Starting point is 01:18:08 as our Guillermo yeah maybe we can cast him as Chinese Guillermo let him figure that out maybe his highbrow British comedy have him you know how about Shawn of the China he can do that and go yeah Simon Pegg Shawn of the China go go yeah

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