The Adam Friedland Show (Cumtown) - The Adam Friedland Show Podcast - Drew Dunn - Episode 62

Episode Date: July 12, 2024

The Adam Friedland Show Podcast - Drew Dunn - Episode 62 See Drew on the road: Follow him on Instagram: Merch Now Live: https:...// Instagram: TikTok: Patreon: Subscribe to  @TheAdamFriedlandShow for more here: Sign up to Patreon for Premium Podcast Episodes and to Support the show: -- LIVE SHOWS: ADAM FRIEDLAND: NICK MULLEN: #theadamfriedlandshow #tafs #nickmullen #adamfriedland #drewdunn

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm sorry. Hello everybody, welcome to the Adam Friedland show. Today's date is June, July? July 10th? 11 11th I really have to check I got no idea July 12th 2024 and it is another hot summer in New York this one's brutal yeah it's relentless yeah joining joining today is Drew Dunn hello good to be here I'm joining joining today is Drew Dunn. Hello. Good to be here. Yeah. Thanks for coming. Yeah. Yeah You were here like this this is the worst summer it's been in a while
Starting point is 00:01:14 Yeah, it's I feel like last summer. I mean I was on the road a lot last summer But it was it I feel like it we had breaks. It was like a couple days It'd be 90 and now it's just like every day. I'm sweating my balls off every other train car is no AC. It just sucks. Yeah, it's fun. Yeah. What are you doing to stay cool this summer? I also I have to be true be told I've been skipping the podcast. I've not been on the podcast for maybe a month now.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah. And I'm not even sure any particular reason or just not want to leave your house or. Well, Adam offered to do it. He's like, I can cover it. You know, is that great? Yeah. Yeah, perfect. Why not? Yeah, take a month What does it matter? You know, right? Yeah, exactly No, I just I just got to the point of being fat enough where I have to carry like a rag with me I like a towel just to fucking douse my face and my hair off
Starting point is 00:01:58 So I don't look like a sweaty pig in between spots. So yeah, that's been fun There's really not much you can do to like stay cool other than like walk into a random restaurant or something like that. I find that the big hats really help the big hat. It looks good on you too. Yeah. Well, yeah, somebody gave it to me. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's a, I see. I would think it would do the opposite. I feel like it would trap in cause I feel like when I take this hat off, I'm just a sweaty mother.
Starting point is 00:02:22 You remember as a kid you learn about Arabs and you're like, what the fuck are they doing? You're in the desert. Why are you wearing like a hotel collection bed set? It wasn't? You had a different? No, I mean, yeah. I mean, it's just funny to be like, what the fuck are they doing? Because that is your first thought as a little white boy in New England when you see a...
Starting point is 00:02:41 Yeah, you'd think that would not make sense, but it makes a lot of sense. Yeah, yeah. But what is the science behind that is it just because it's like a light fabric or is it just like airflow yeah I would imagine airflow maybe works like a radiator sort of but then you see people in the Caribbean nobody's wearing hijabs down there they're no shirt sandals maybe it's because it's more humid it it's dry in the desert. Yeah, the humidity probably fucks you up if you're wearing all the fabrics and Egyptian silks and shit. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And then in Yemen, I don't know what they wear in Yemen. Are you into this whole Middle East stuff? Oh, I put bets on it. Do you? Yeah, they got it on FanDuel. Yeah, it's fun to... It's exciting stuff. It's fun because it does remind me of what Hollywood's doing with movies, which they're just doing remakes.
Starting point is 00:03:34 It's just the same. It seems like the same conflict over and over again. The Yemen thing is new though. Yemen's new, but it's not really new. It has been happening for like 10 years. The Civil War I mean they only had like I think the Houthis only had like small arms now Iran's giving them like missiles and stuff yeah well blowing up all these ships that's awesome I think it's great I think yeah the more global conflict the better because it gives us something
Starting point is 00:04:00 to talk about you know if and for me I like, if we're gonna all die in a fiery hell hole, like, I don't think that'll ever happen. You don't think I'm agreeing with you on that? I think like it's just a distraction. It's just another thing to like, Oh, we're going to be, it's like, this feels like the red scare fucking fifties. We're all going to get nuked bullshit all over again. I don't think you're going to have, yeah,
Starting point is 00:04:21 you're not going to have nuclear conflict until we, we pass a couple of generations where they don't have the the the shadow of the Cold War yeah, I think it will take a Corporation coming up with nuclear technology so like that's where I see like the big if there is this big war It'll be some guy in a fucking ocean base right now. Who's building a robot army and figuring out how to make nukes? I don't think they're allowed to do that Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:50 But if you're trying to like make a new world order or something like that there's stuff like in in US law There's something called like a natural born secret. Okay, where like You know cuz we have like freedom of expression and freedom of thought. Right. I think legally, even if you're in your own head, you don't even write it down, you come up with an idea for cold fusion, the government just owns it and you're not allowed to tell anybody.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Interesting. But don't you think they would just buy it out and hire you and put you in a base themselves? They would probably offer you some money. But yeah, they do own it. But don't you think, I mean, when you leave, let's say you came up with Cold Fusion, when you just go somewhere else.
Starting point is 00:05:27 And I don't think it's, because Cold Fusion's like an energy solution. But if you came up with, actually I think, because you know, we already have like thermonuclear weapons, right? But the actual technology is secret. I don't think that like, you know, like they say like Iran can develop a nuclear bomb. I think that's just like just a fission bomb. Right. You're talking about like just what we made in the 40s kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Yeah, that kind of thing. Big huge 40 times the size of that nuke. A fusion bomb using an uranium explosion to make fucking you know turn hydrogen into helium and whatever that process is. Right. Right. Right. I think that's still pretty secret technology. And if you were to come up, if you were to figure it out,
Starting point is 00:06:09 like even if you were to, you couldn't go to like the New York Times and be like, hey, check this out. It's like a... Interesting. Yeah. Yeah, not that I'm sure you would. I think if you're the guy working on nuclear experiments
Starting point is 00:06:20 in your basement, you're probably trying to keep that secret as long as possible until you try and do something. But I mean, I think we're way more likely to have just random little terrorist attacks or conflicts or, or fights like that. That's more of the threat, I think, as far as like a war breaking out in the United States, less likely than a nuke just comes out of nowhere and drops it. I mean, and also I'm not really worried about that.
Starting point is 00:06:43 I'm pretty sure we have UFOs. I'm pretty sure we're going to be fine. Like if we have nukes and UFOs, who's going to fuck with us? You think we actually have UFOs? I think we have something. I think we have some crazy dark secret. You don't have that big of a military budget and don't experiment.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Do you think it's aliens, or do you think it's ancient civilizations that left technology somewhere in the ocean? It might be both. I think what we're probably seeing a lot of UFOs is more than likely what we're experimenting with and trying to recreate. I don't think a lot of it is aliens coming to visit from another world. I love the ancient apocalypse theory.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Do you watch that show Ancient Aliens? I don't watch Ancient Aliens because they get a little, I've seen bits of it but they get a little that shows amazing they get a little too out it's amazing I love hearing the theories but for me they always take it one step too far I'm like you didn't need to say that's what that was I know cuz it's always it's always all of this like insane conjecture but then throughout the episode it gets crazier and crazier exactly cuz it'll start off like you know radiocarbon dating shows that they were building these immense structures thousands of years
Starting point is 00:07:50 before they should have been able to. Right, right. And look at this stick figure. And that's where I'm in. I'm like, this is great. Look at this stick figure. Tell me that's not an alien. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Right. It's like, tell me that's not. Tell me that stick figure is not an alien. It's taller than the other right? It's not that nobody knew how to draw back. Yeah, right that they were just figuring out how elbows worked. Yeah Yeah, no I love that stuff because just the idea that we don't have it all figured out and that there are some mistakes in our Past line of history is exciting to me. Well, even with I mean, yeah, we don't have it figured out. And also, like technology isn't like it's not like you figure something out
Starting point is 00:08:30 and then we just have the ability. I mean, even in your own life, I'm sure you've done that. Like where, you know, everything's on YouTube now. So let's say your fucking laptop breaks. You're you seem like a smart guy. You know, your laptop breaks and you're like, well, I don't want to pay Apple fucking five hundred dollars to replace the screen. screen. Maybe I can try getting a replacement screen myself and see how hard it is to disassemble this laptop.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Totally. Yeah. And so you watch a video, you watch the video, you do it, you do it successfully and you're like, oh yeah, now I know how to open up a MacBook Pro and put a new screen in this thing. Give it two years and you're like, where do you start? And you're like, oh, fuck it. Yeah, absolutely. screen in this thing give it two years and you're like where do you start you're like yeah absolutely and it's like you know that's how NASA works you know like all the technology we developed to go to the moon it's like the all those like rocket engines those like f1 engines yeah like hand built and it was like yeah by one dude who had the idea now they're looking back 40 years later how the fuck did Mark do that we're trying to go back to the
Starting point is 00:09:24 moon I guess next year. Yeah, I was reading about this for a while. So the Artemis program, the Artemis program. And you know what? I don't consider myself to be actually prejudiced in any way. I say things that are like, you know, rude jokes or whatever. But, you know, it's I've always been like, yeah, I don't think I'm like prejudice. And there's no like I've never been bothered before about like, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:43 the idea of a black president that doesn't bother me. the idea of a black president that doesn't bother me the idea A black lady president doesn't bother me right But then I found out with the Artemis program that they're sending a woman of color and a gay man to the moon Specifically it's like they're casting survivor and that was the first time I was like No No, you know what I mean? Yeah, that's the. There should be one thing that white guys get to keep. Yeah. And it's the moon.
Starting point is 00:10:07 It's at least the moon. It's the moon. It is white after all. We were the... That's ours. We were the only ones that went there. Yep. As soon as like... As soon as the civil rights movement started, they said burn the files. Yeah, right. We're not... We're not... We're never... Forget it. We're not fucking, you know...
Starting point is 00:10:23 Wernher von Braun was a Nazi. Let's destroy all of his work. Exactly. We're not going back know verner von brun was a nazi let's destroy all of his work exactly back to the moon No one's going to the I mean there's all the whole conspiracy theory that we never went to the moon and all that stuff And we can't get through the radiation belts and all that. I'm not sure I buy any of that I mean, I think we went to the moon I think NASA and the government is that is that the argument is that there's too much radiation there's the radiation is yeah It's something sort of radiation belt that comes from our polls and goes around and that supposedly you're not if you send a human through that they would just die immediately but I don't measure that
Starting point is 00:10:55 level of that's what I'm saying something like you know because the moon is a it's a six to eight day trip right to go up there and that level of exposure it is elevated it puts you like you know I think the number is like Five to ten percent more risk of cancer over your lifetime sure it's not like you know being put in a microwave Yeah, but I think like with Mars. I think that's the problem is because it's a much longer exposure period Yeah, you're there for a long time and do the whole muscle dystrophy and all this other stuff that you have with being in space But yeah, I just would you go to the moon if you had the option to absolutely fucking not
Starting point is 00:11:32 I Don't know I think I don't think I'd want even ride in those you ever go to a building and they have like the elevators Or you have to like close the door. Yeah, that's my building and yeah No, I'm not using you don't want to get strapped into a rocket before they figured out what the fucking elevator I'm not yeah doing the machines job, right? Right, right. No. Yeah, I don't know I I do think about that cuz like I think about like William Shatner getting blasted into a rocket by Blue Origin just to like Barely even leave the stratosphere and come back down. I'm like, yeah, how much riskier is that than just getting on a fucking Delta flight these days? Or is it like, is it to the point where it will be routine enough
Starting point is 00:12:13 one day that it will just be like going to the airport and you just get in a rocket and watch yourself to Japan or go to a space station hotel for a monster. Yeah. But is yeah. So but right now it's like, no, it's way too crazy. There's no way Yeah, I won't even get on most roller coasters I won't like fuck and then I have to really ask myself if the rocket that's got the black lady and the gay man in it We're to blow up Right, you know, we're watching the I'm at a bar. Everyone's we're celebrating this Wow We're finally putting a black lady in a gay man
Starting point is 00:12:42 Finally the rocket blows up and then I have to look around the bar being like oh no What will my internal monologue be yeah, it's much it's less hard-hitting than the school teacher that died on the Whatever fucking the challenger. Yeah, Columbia also blow up Yeah, both the shuttles blew up. Yeah. Yeah, we also blow up? Yeah. Both the shuttles blew up. Yeah. Yeah. We're we're pretty solid at blowing up shuttles. It'll be interesting to see if we've gotten any better at it once we start doing this Artemis thing, because you would hope with Artemis Artemis is more privatized than the ones prior.
Starting point is 00:13:16 I think the space shuttle was that made by Boeing or is that I think so. There was a lot of involvement. I think it was one of those things like they were just trying to get every space X is doing the rockets for The Artemis program, okay Yeah, I mean yeah there I mean if there's anybody who's done enough trial and error on their stuff It would be it would be them it is still it still blows my mind that we can watch I mean that we can just land rockets like it's nothing and that nobody thought of trying that for a long time
Starting point is 00:13:42 We were yeah launching well that I think they had to develop that Specifically because there's like less gravity on the moon. So the lunar lander was like Less of a struggle than for Mars because Mars doesn't Mars has like pretty significant gravity Yeah, I mean, it's certainly a lot more than the moon. It's like maybe 75% of Earth or some of our yeah I don't and that's why when we landed those drones on there They just had like that big balloon basically that they just throw it into a Parachute see there because there's no atmosphere right right right yeah I mean, what do you think do you think we end up living on Mars in like a couple hundred years?
Starting point is 00:14:17 Do you think that's even an option or is this like just crazy because it just seems kind of silly to me to be like We're gonna destroy this planet, So let's go to a destroyed planet Yeah, don't you think it'd be better to just let this one get destroyed and fix this one It'll probably be it's like looking at it like a car that needs like a new transmission Yeah, and looking at like a Dodge Dart that's been in the yard for a hundred years But we should go to fix that car in my mind. It makes more sense to like well Shouldn't we figure out how to build underwater cities first? Yeah, if the world's gonna fly on eyes, Antarctica, right? You know, I mean that yeah that and the fact that we can't do that
Starting point is 00:14:50 It's like, you know or sky cities like the Jetson. We can't have anything that there's still a consensus I'm like what kind of pants you need to buy to go to Antarctica. You know, yeah We seem very far from figuring it out. Yeah, yeah. North Face is just lying to everybody. Yeah, it's fucking up to minus 50 degrees, and you'll be fine. And I watch dudes on YouTube. They're like, this is not working. I'm freezing to death.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Yeah, right. So I would definitely live in an underwater city. Yeah, I think that would be fun. But it's also just as dangerous as living in space. I would have to be drunk the whole time. Oh, yeah. Well, why wouldn't you be? I would have to be like the whole time oh yeah well why wouldn't you be I have to be like something like I'm not gonna go down there and start
Starting point is 00:15:28 doing just like a weird homo that wears like tuxedos all the time I'm always trashed they do need that because if it if it gets too formal down there in those well underwater bases people get a little up and we won't deal with surface dwellers they do need one guy in a tuxedo who looks like he's lost from his friends at a bachelor party to like reel them in Yeah, yeah, you're just fishing out the window pencil mustache Always touching people a little too much. Would you live on Mars? No, I think it would be like I Think I'd have to lose everything here
Starting point is 00:16:03 I would have to be like in a John Wick situation where they killed my dog and my family and I don't know how to fight or shoot guns well enough to like fix it. That might be John Wick five. John Wick five. John Morris, yeah. He goes there, there's still a hotel with the guy at it
Starting point is 00:16:18 and he takes the coin, he gets a fucking ray gun and starts shooting aliens. Yeah, I think that would be probably the only situation I would end up in trying to go to another planet is like I need to do that revenge story and I don't have the capacity to do it so then I just leave and try something else. Yeah it is it does seem pretty unfair and depressing that like the other planets especially even the ones because more the moon I get you know it's the moon,
Starting point is 00:16:45 whatever that makes sense that it's there's nothing there. Yeah. But more it's fucking hard to get the Mars. I think there should already be like oxygen or something. Yeah. It'd be like a pond. Yeah, there should be at least should be something like an ice skating rink at least cold enough instead of the pond. Pretty fucked up that it's just completely like, oh, well, we got to make an atmosphere. It's like that's Yeah, and then there I mean Elon was like always gonna nuke the polls, and it'll be totally fine I'm like that's what I mean. He says stuff like that and it's like You just you just have a lot of money. Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:19 Ideas that like a fucking like that's what I mean if there's a dude working on nukes in his basement right now It's it's Elon Musk. Yes, we made nuclear fusion. Yeah, we're going to Nuke Mars trying to figure out how to get gay and black women to Mars be very good Yeah, what's the thinking with that the nuking the pole something about pressure to create an atmosphere The nuking the poles something about pressure to create an atmosphere I'm too stupid to know what what it is But yeah something about it's kind of reignites the magnetic poles or something like that which would slowly make a man I'm not the fear premise of the movie the core They have to drill to the core of the earth and restart the because the earth is losing
Starting point is 00:17:59 Yeah, they have to go put something in the core to make it do its thing the poles wouldn't do it You would have to drill to the center of Mars and then. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it depends on who's doing more sound science, Elon Musk or the producers of the core. I think the producers of the core. Yeah, they did. The core came out in that.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And this is that I like to complain about this. I remember growing up, you'd go see movies, right? And the movies would just be they especially in the 90s they'd focus on you know those big blockbuster movies the high concept movies where it's mostly just a story they do no research into really the underlying thing you know you know like Top Gun or whatever right they consulted with the Navy and then the Navy was coming in and being like Well, that's not how any of this works, and they said shut up We're just gonna show you out where our job is to make people like movies right you know like we're not gonna make the Navy
Starting point is 00:18:57 Look bad, but yeah, but that was still a big selling point of that movie. I think of like wow they worked with the Navy Yeah, exactly exactly right but but point of that movie I think of like wow they worked with the Navy yeah exactly exactly but but you know I you know people complain about it they'd be like oh it's not technically accurate and then this weird era started of like well we'll get a lot of consultants and we will make it technically accurate but for the sake of like this now this is a boring movie this is a boring and shitty totally I don't want wanna see a documentary. I came here to watch Tom Cruise do something that,
Starting point is 00:19:29 fucking Terry Crews is actually the pilot can't do. You know what I mean? I would say, cause they did that with, I feel like Interstellar was kind of, now we've reached a better place. But Interstellar was great. Interstellar, yeah, it's not a bad movie, but the way people were sucking that movie off for being like
Starting point is 00:19:47 Oh, and that's actually how it would happen. It's like I don't care. Yeah, also, you know, like you don't fucking know that I don't yeah, I don't need it to be real right also You're all I'm going to say when you tell me that is like Well, no, it isn't tell me that is like well no it isn't. No it isn't because we're not going through black holes to go to other. Yeah you'll you'll probably die. What are you talking about. Oh yeah no. Matthew McConaughey. Yes you go behind your bookshelf. Oh we talked to a guy in Princeton and said if you wanted to travel through time to talk to your bull dyke daughter how would you do it how would you make that happen that was
Starting point is 00:20:26 very simple actually yeah yeah but that's where like but at the same time some of the stuff the silliness in movies like that can take me out of it like gravity that's what happened to me I'm like really we're just Sandra Bullock's just flying around the fucking gravity but that's what I mean at that gravity I thought was great because it's like visually very pretty. Very pretty, very fun to watch. And there are major plot holes in that movie. It doesn't make any sense. It's like the whole premise is this woman's son dies and so now she is sort of static in life.
Starting point is 00:20:58 She's paralyzed by the death of her son or her daughter. I can't remember. Her child dies. And she can't do anything. They present this character as if she's just been stuck since since her child died and it's like You're an astronaut in fucking space What do you mean you like I just can't yeah, I've been able to peel myself off the couch It's like you went to fucking space. Yeah. Yeah, like, you know know like oh, I just I don't know if I could brush my teeth This morning because I don't have a child to smile at anymore well time to apply to NASA Fucking PhD. Yes, I'll just do the hardest thing to do in a career
Starting point is 00:21:35 Yeah, my favorite part about is the movie opens on I saw when it came out So I don't even remember if this is accurate so who's the other person in the movie George Clooney Clooney Yeah, they're in space like outside of the ship, working on like the space station or something. Right. And he just sort of floats up there. He's like, so what's your deal? I'm like, this is the first time they're meeting. Yeah. These people have never had a substantive conversation None of that until now when you're Floating around in space together fixing the spaceship. Yeah small talk while you're just floating around in space Yeah, pretty fucking wild pretty well
Starting point is 00:22:14 I love when I get just like it like indignant about something and I'm yelling about it and then my pockets are just empty My pants are falling down. Yeah, it's a real passion that you have about Clooney. I love this show. Did you watch Biden's press conference last night? I watched Bits and Pieces. It was hard to stomach watching the whole thing. I get so, like, cringe in my chest when he's going to say, he says Putin, I'm just like, ah, you fuck.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah, yeah. Well, he delayed it for like an hour, so I ended up watching just CNN for an hour. Okay. And then CNN goes to Bakari Sellers. He's like, I find it really disappointing that there wasn't more wagons circling around this issue. And then after the debate performance, all of these conversations were aired publicly on News Network.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Yeah, yeah. And he's like, and you got, you know, George Clooney writing this letter. And it's like, what are the wagons in your mind? What did Clooney write? Clooney, because Biden's, I don don't know there was some kind I didn't actually follow this story okay okay my understanding is that Amal Clooney formerly known as George Clooney's wife okay Cluney she is involved in somehow in the either the ICC case against Netanyahu or the ICJ case against the
Starting point is 00:23:26 state of Israel with South Africa or something I don't know because you see human rights lawyer is which I guess is sort of like a hobby that she has outside of being George Clooney's wife yeah and so she was involved in the case and the administration like either rebuked the case or Amal Clooney in particular and then George Clooney wrote some letter or called the White House or something like that. Okay. Yeah, Bakari Sellers was complaining that the the wagons weren't circled and it's imagining some caravan that includes
Starting point is 00:23:59 George Clooney and Stacey Abram. Whatever is going on in his mind. That there needs to be that level of collusion where George Clooney cluny and stacey abram whatever is going on in his mind that those are that there's that there needs to be that level of collusion where george cluny should have privately called him first yeah yeah for criticizing the president very weird very weird I think that this is the best time to criticize a president or a candidate I think he should have done SNL right after the debate amazing if because even if he did terrible, he would be like, I was joking. Yeah. You know, jokes, folks.
Starting point is 00:24:27 That's it's supposed to be funny. Yeah. That would have been bulletproof. That's why these guys are all idiots. This should that would be like a day one answer. Totally. You know, if I saw that debate performance, I'm sitting in the White House. I'm like, call up Lorne Michaels, get Biden, have him host it now. Yes. Record it now. Make him do a parody of himself on the show
Starting point is 00:24:45 It's we keep him awake all night. Yeah, and by all night you mean until 830 p.m. Next time we have to yeah You know we have to shoot SNL Yeah, do not let that man get a wink of sleep make sure he is as as sundown as possible Yeah, he's just dozing off and then so Great be here on Matt TV. I have my favorite. Well. Oh. That would have worked. Yeah it would work. People be like oh he's joking. Oh he's. Oh it's always a bit. Yeah. Because then if we if he could get that endearing like like a lot of people criticize George W. But he did have that like silly endearing quality to him or he was just kind of like
Starting point is 00:25:29 that little kid that was always around. It's like, oh, look at him. He's doing that little laugh was like Biden doesn't have that endearing like, oh, he said something silly. It's like, geez, it's kind of concerning. Well, Bush was in eloquent. But like Biden's like, it's very funny to watch that press conference. And then you watch like there you read like print coverage and they transcribe what Biden said. And it's like, I understand that was the thrust of the sentence. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:54 It's not how it was said. Yeah. Yeah. We're not doing exact quotes here. This is doing this new thing now where he's like leaning in and whispering. Oh, yeah. this new thing now where he's like leaning in and whispering oh yeah yeah I'll be like he'll be like they all said they all said that we if my planner was gonna I was gonna then that inflation was gonna go that it was gonna be the worst ever was and then I'll lean in I'll go and guess what didn't happen he's like doing this you know but his body's too slow there was probably a thing he could have pulled off 40 years ago
Starting point is 00:26:26 Yeah, or I think he but now he thinks he's talking at a normal volume and his hand his weird skeletal like romantic hand Yeah, it's like coming up and he's like placing it like a claw over the podium. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah I'm president United States It is a whisper and sometimes it'll just go and yell. He started yelling at one point about like gun violence. Yeah. Out of nowhere. He's like, more child dies!
Starting point is 00:26:52 And then he just got quiet again. That's fun. It's fun that he's in charge. I don't know what our options are. I think like we don't know if anyone who's running is gonna be alive or free by the time the election actually happens. So it'll be it'll be fun I think. I think it'll just be Trump gets elected and then so. I think so. Unfortunately. Yeah he just does whatever I mean investors tell him to do. Yeah I don't. It's pretty it's uneventful and my
Starting point is 00:27:22 only problem with. There probably would be a lot of you know just the violence like you said but yeah groups of people would be riots and people will kill each other and totally and then Trump will sit there and go wow that's really terrible it's awful it's so bad that people that's terrible that they did that we're so sad about these people I had nothing to do with it but these people they're so crazy these people. That's terrible that they did that. We're so sad about these people. I had nothing to do with it, but these people, they're so crazy these people. Yeah. And then that's it. And we never hear about it. I will move right on to the next thing and he'll say something crazy. And yeah, my the only thing that affects my like day to day with Trump being elected
Starting point is 00:27:57 is people get like vilified against trying to find out if you're left or right. How about this? We do Artemis. Oh, yeah. And they send them up there. And then because of the riots, Trump doesn't let them come back. Yeah. We're leaving the black lady up there. We're going to leave them up there. No. If any other gay people want to go to the moon, we're going to do free signups for all the gays and blacks. Fucking the moon. Say he's fucking.
Starting point is 00:28:22 He's fucking the moon. We don't want that. He's having sex with the moon. We blacks. He's fucking the moon, say he's fucking the moon. He's fucking the moon, we don't want that. He's having sex with the moon, we have pictures. I don't know, we asked the scientist, we think he gave the moon AIDS. We're still doing a lot of tests. It's hard to tell, moon AIDS is brand new, it's a new science.
Starting point is 00:28:37 There we go, now we're cooking. That's good, you got Elon, you got Trump, who else you got? Uh, fuck. I mean, I do- Do you have any, because obviously you do impressions. I do impressions. I do more voices and characters than impressions. Everybody that does impressions says, I feel like across the board there's people that do impressions and like, you feel like I can do these because they're in the toolkit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 But then you always got one that's your like, that's you, you do this one. Oh yeah. that's you. You do this one. Oh, yeah. Well, I, I the one of the first impressions I ever did was the David Attenborough from Planet Earth. That was one of my favorite types of people when we're talking about planet Earth. That's probably very accurate. I'm having trouble remembering what he actually sounds like, because my mind it's just I mean it could be Jason state Yeah, any British person that and one I've been doing lately is RFK jr. Just cuz that's tough That one's a tough one. You have to pretend like you're shaking while you're while you're talking Yeah, as if you're getting pushed out a laundry basket down the stairs. There's There's a there's like an additional there's something else about his voice. It's like every third word he's sucking in air.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Yeah, it's like that. It's a lot. That makes it very hard. I can't listen. I've never heard more than seven words. It's hard. I listened to his Rogan just because I was trying to figure out what this guy was about. And if it was him being this extremist anti-vax guy that they say he is in the mass media
Starting point is 00:30:04 or if he's just got but I had to break it up for three hours straight to listen to that. It's a lot with the environment. It's crazy. That war is still going on. There's still like people there's on one side there's still the like the pandemic is still going on. I know. And then there's also the people that are still anti-vax and it's like you have to understand people could be dropping like flies from the vaccine right now. Right. And no one would care. Right. We've got bigger issues at hand. They're trying to put a gay man on the moon. I know. I know. We need to stay focused on what really matters. I'm sorry but it's
Starting point is 00:30:40 what point do you say enough is enough? The gay and on the moon. I think is the line I think And well once Bruce Jenner wants to go to space I think people will really be that'll be the final straw is are they Bruce again or oh fuck yeah fucked up There you go. You don't get no one who watches this shows clip it and ship it yeah Yeah, I don't know whatever whatever they want to be I wound up on the on the The penis making subreddit the Falloplasty because I every every once in a while. I'll check in and see how the surgeries are doing sure
Starting point is 00:31:18 Sure, and that's a good American shirt. They have It's really getting close. Yeah, it's really getting close. Yeah, it's really getting close. They're doing impressive stuff. It once they can figure out how to not like have to use half your arm. Yeah, I mean, that's the crazy the amount that goes into making a dick. Yeah, they're like they're like you would think it would be easier to make a dick than a pussy.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Yeah, well, because you see these posts on that subreddit where it'll be the have their cock. First of all, they're getting huge cock. Of course. There's a black guy on there that I mean, maybe because he's like black, they're like, well, I guess it should be huge. Just missing his arm. They took the whole thing. It's fucking it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:59 I mean, they show he's like just got the surgery done. It's right post-op surgeries. I mean, it's like. That's got a done. It's right post-op surgeries. I mean, it's like This got a wrist. It's beyond like even an eggplant I mean, it's just fucking this enormous Cock and then you zoom out on the picture and then it's it looks like the sex toy where it's just they've cut everything Oh my god, just to make this thing Yeah, I don't know if you could change your dick Would you like if you had the option to go in and get that surgery for now? No, I'm too. I'm too old. I don't fucking care. I'm the same way. I'm like, yeah
Starting point is 00:32:29 Plus this is just my dick now That's the nice thing about you get older and you start having like heart problems and joint problems I realize like how fragile and irreplaceable every other part of your body is yeah Yeah, and you're like I don't I would do the reverse if I had carpal tunnel syndrome I'd say dude cut that off and put the give me another time I know it works one way make it work the other give me a new wrist Because I don't have any feeling in this finger anymore. Oh really yeah It just went away on this side the nerve was compressed or something
Starting point is 00:32:59 Yeah If we take a little bit of your dick just cut my dick off and get I want it I'm tired of getting paper cuts all the time. I can't fucking feel my hand Yeah, it's just this is weird dull burning sensation whenever I do the dishes. There really is a subreddit for everything Yeah, they go specific enough to watch people just make their new dicks. Yeah, there's fucking we're hitting every category Yeah, yeah. Yeah. No, they've really dialed in and I remember I I can't category. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, they've really dialed in. And I remember I can't, I feel like it's comics. I've heard this argument, or I used to see it on stage about like the the trans surgeries about, you know, if that's fine, if you're FTM, like to get the phalloplasty, but they shouldn't be allowed to have a huge cock. Yeah, you should have to have the average. And you're forgetting something. It's like, they had to live as a woman for 20 years.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Right. Give them the huge cock. Yeah. What are you talking about? Yeah, they know what they wanted. They earned that. They had no dick. If you took some dick, you can get whatever size dick you want.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Right. Yeah. Exactly. You know what I mean? 100%. Yeah, I don't think there should be any restrictions. If there were to be one, I would say you have to do whatever the national averages of the country you're transitioning in. That's what you have. You know, it's crazy too. And this is something this is something that they have that I think maybe it's a little bit of a bonus. This is where it gets into unfair territory. Their dicks get bigger when they get fatter. Oh, because it pushes it out instead of absorbing it?
Starting point is 00:34:28 No, because it gets fatter. Oh, the dick itself gets fatter? Yeah, yeah, yeah, because they make it out of, what do you call it, like adipose tissue or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it'll gain weight also, so they get a fatter. Oh man, I just had, I was picturing like wagyu beef, like it's getting in between the muscle seams.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I'm like how long until that's a delicacy in some countries, eating trans-con? I'm telling you, I looked at this forum and you gotta do some like 24 zoom in enhanced level fucking pinching to really be like, okay, I see where this is. Right, right, right. I see what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah. You know, it's pretty, yeah. That's exciting. I mean, the idea that you could eat enough to give yourself a bigger dick, I mean, I thought I was doing that for a while. Yeah. You know? Didn't work out.
Starting point is 00:35:13 No, it's the opposite. Everywhere but the dick, actually. Yeah, yeah. It really resists. If you're a siss man, it's the opposite. It's tough. Yeah, for them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Maybe we could transition, transition back, just to get a fat-filling cock. Yeah, but you have to go the whole way. But then my dick would be unhealthy transition back just to get a fat filling cock. Yeah but you have to go the whole way. But then my dick would be unhealthy would have like a beer gut it wouldn't be looking very very good or not that it looks great now. I'm married anyway so it doesn't really get shown off. It doesn't matter. Yeah it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Yeah yeah yeah I don't need a I don't need a cock transfer. Yeah I don't know what's surge I got a gum graft that failed a couple months ago. So you wouldn't have much faith in a... Well it's not that I wouldn't have much faith I only brought it up to say that they have to like reschedule it and they want to do it again and I'm like I kind of don't want to I mean they said I should but... Yeah but they'll always say you should. Yeah. The dentist will always say you really should take care of it and sometimes they're right like I've not listened to them
Starting point is 00:36:05 And had like a tooth feel like it was gonna explode in my head and be To do it they had to cut like a pretty significant portion of the top of my mouth Yeah, I've had that done they take it off and they try and yeah to stop the gun from Didn't get it's healed now, but I feel like that can't really feel it and it's kind of weird and I don't know I mean, I Maybe it's like an emotional thing but after I didn't think about going in I'm like oh this is the thing I need the same thing as if I needed a root canal or anything else I'll just go in and do it but it's like getting it done it makes you feel very like I felt very like vulnerable and like I lost something
Starting point is 00:36:40 sure it's like emotionally pretty tough yeah I don't know if I could really handle any kind of surgery. I've never broken a bone or anything. Oh really? Yeah I've never had to have any. I've never had any kind of significant medical issue. Yeah the only significant thing I've had medical wise, like I had my tonsils taken out as a kid, all that shit. But I had an ulcer when I was 21. I had this bacteria called H. Pylori, which I guess a lot of people have yeah apparently now They're tying it to cancer and all this other shit if it stays in your body But I had an ulcer like explode in my stomach I was working at this in a conference center at the time and I was about to run this brunch for like 300 people Go to the just feeling awful I had like burps just tastes like death and I go to the bathroom throw up and I threw up what looked like
Starting point is 00:37:21 Coffee grounds like like used I had that I had that happen one time I Threw up I drank a bunch and then yeah, I threw up like like little black flakes Yeah, a little black flakes. It tasted like death. I was just like what is that and I googled it and it was like Oh, you're bleeding internally. It's it's blood mixing with stomach bile. Yeah, that's like doing all that and then I Ended up leaving work almost got fired for it. She was like, yeah My boss where are you going? I was like, where are you going? I'm like, I'm going to the hospital. I think I'm going to die.
Starting point is 00:37:47 She's like, no, you're not. I think I gave myself an ulcer from going to White Castle one time when I was like 25. Really? Yeah, because it was like six months. I would wake up every single night with this searing pain in my stomach. And I would have to roll over on all fours
Starting point is 00:38:00 to wait for it to go away. And I could get back to sleep. But it would wake me up every single night. Yeah, that's what it was for me for a while. Yeah. I could get back to sleep, but it would wake me up every single night. Yeah. That's what it was for me for a while. It was like through the last couple of years of high school and into college, it was just like the searing pain right here.
Starting point is 00:38:11 There's nothing I could do. No matter what I would eat, it wouldn't matter. I went on all these crazy diets. Nothing really worked. And then eventually, I just said fuck it and dealt with it. And then I was drinking a coffee in the morning, and it fucking exploded. I ended up in the hospital for like three days.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I had to get like five or six bags of blood put back into me and yeah it was it was pretty brutal but yeah that was like luckily I was still on my parents insurance because I was young enough at that point because if that happened now it would be a fucking nightmare oh yeah yeah but there you can't I know it passed in New York last winter, but if you have to go to the emergency room for something, you just don't have to pay the bill anymore. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:38:49 Yeah, because they can't report it to the credit agencies. Oh right, that's right, they passed that. It'll go to collections, and then collections is going to have to sue you, but if they do, then you can just deal with that. Yeah, and there's a thing with medical debt too that they have to accept any amount of payment and if like if you could only afford ten dollars and you try and give them a ten dollar
Starting point is 00:39:10 payment and they don't accept it the debt is forgiven yeah well yeah I think you have to set up a payment plan yeah that's be like I can give you five dollars every month right next 400 years yeah yeah yeah I mean it's getting to the point now but it is bullshit I mean that shit should be free my buddy just had a hemorrhoid removed that the surgery was $84,000 yeah, he was billed. There's no there is literally no argument against Just making it free. Yeah, I mean the the argument that is given is that people don't want to pay for other people shit But there are even really how taxes work
Starting point is 00:39:44 No No that people don't want to pay for other people's shit, but they're already doing that. That's not even really how taxes work. No, no. The government prints money to buy all the stuff. They set a budget and then they print all the money to pay for it and then you use taxes to take money out of circulation. Right, right, right. So it's like it doesn't make any sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Just make it free. Just make it happen. It's also, it's like, it's not a system that anyone can really take advantage of. You know what I mean? Yeah. Of all the entitlement programs, it's the one like, not that I'm making this argument, like you would have to be pretty sinister to do so,
Starting point is 00:40:11 but you could say like food stamps, it's like, well, yeah, food stamps work, but they shouldn't be able to get dessert. And it's like, they shouldn't be able to buy ice cream with it or, you know, stuff like that, because you're an asshole. But you can't even really do that with free healthcare. They're like, oh, what?
Starting point is 00:40:24 They can just go They could just go get an appendectomy. Yeah for fun. Yes. What are you talking? There's very few people I mean, I do know some people who are always sick that they always have something going on That in and of itself is a medical condition If you go into a doctor several times and you don't have something, it should be on the doctor to determine, okay, this is psychological. Now you go talk to a psychiatrist. Now you go talk to a therapist for free to resolve this issue.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Right. You know, it's like... And it's a way to, I mean, as far as like big pharma goes, you would think they would be the ones that are up in arms against it. They're still going to get paid. Yeah. And you're going to be able to get all these pills to way more people than ever that wouldn't have even had access to going to the doctor and getting the pain pills now that you can just fucking shovel it all down everybody's throat There's more money for everybody, you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:41:11 But yeah, I mean it's getting to the point now at eighty four thousand dollars for a hemorrhoid surgery You're almost cheaper to fucking go to medical school Take most of the degree learn how to do it yourself and do it in your fucking bathroom. Take the hemorrhoid off yourself. Yeah Yeah, that's another thing. I I don't think I will ever know if I have a hemorrhoid. Either I've never had a hemorrhoid or I've had hemorrhoids my entire life. Yeah, that's how I feel. I'm like, there's something, there's something, it's a mess back there. Yeah, right. And then, and then, and people are like, well, you can look. I'm like, what do you, how? Yeah. How many mirrors do you need in your house? What? Yeah. You need that like Egyptian setup where they put light in the bottom of the pyramid through
Starting point is 00:41:45 nine mirrors just to look at my asshole. To divine. And then I can figure out when Ra's coming back. Yes, exactly. At the same time. Yeah. Yeah, I'll never look at my asshole, I don't think. No, I think, I don't think there's a need to.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Yeah. Plus that's why I have a wife, you know. She can take a look if I have any real dire medical situations. I think that's why we developed bipedalism. I think that's why humans got smart. I think we developed bipedalism first. Yeah. And then you couldn't suck your own dick or look at your own asshole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:13 You see those monkeys. Well, I got to figure out something else to do. Yeah, exactly. And you're like, oh, I'll make a computer. Right. Right. Right. That is a lot of the progress.
Starting point is 00:42:21 I'll invent the iPhone. If you can't suck your own dick, you get a lot more done than if you could. Yeah, right. Dude, Look at those monkeys in the zoo They're just sitting there jerking off onto the fucking glass screen. Oh shit. My stopwatch turned off Pete. Oh Shit well today's episode is brought to you by blue chew Which that's not what this is blue chew. You ever use blue chew. No, I haven't not yet blue chew Well, I got plenty of them if you want you want to try it out. Give it a rip on my pregnant wife. Yeah Kill your baby. Yeah, go see if I haven't not yet. Would you well I got plenty of them if you want you want to try it out Give it a rip on my pregnant wife. Yeah Kill your baby. Yeah, go see if I can't hit the
Starting point is 00:42:51 Please review the entire document for an update on do nots. All right, so Okay, I Okay. Okay. So what Blu-chu is, is it's a chewable pill, and they have three different, it's not one medicine, it's three different medicines. It's Tadolaphyl, Sodeninophil, and then there's a third type and broadly speaking I think they're all vasodilators or they they do what like they maybe it makes more NOX in your blood or something and then maybe that's what the I don't know how they work but in general there's three types the tidalephyll is the one where it's like,
Starting point is 00:43:45 you can kinda just sort of take that top of the day, and then it just is like a general thing, whatever you need it. The Tadalaphil is more like, I gotta fuck now. I'm in Vegas, I've only paid for 30 minutes. That's what that one's for. And then the other one I think is for liberals. I don't, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I don't really have too much information on that one. Right, that makes sense. I imagine it's like if you wear khakis and you have like a boat that you're restoring, you have like an old sailboat that's your thing and then sometimes you and your wife go out on the big tree swing together. Yeah, if you tie a sweater around your upper neck. It's for coming in your pants to your wife you know, your wife is addicted to crossword puzzles That's fun and has fun purple glasses and a Jamie Lee Curtis haircut. Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:30 That's multiple flower tattoos. Yeah. Yeah that one's who's that for? So that's for the old folks I'm assuming the other ones are for young guys that are just looking to take some pills Yeah, just trying to add to that regimen Yeah, right. Let's let's own him with the vitamin D3 and everything else and just pop it tastes good it tastes like Smarties I gotta do that I keep coming back just for the taste that's got a you know fuck up the next few hours a day but they added stuff to the do not so I don't know if I'm supposed to say this or not but I think there is some evidence that for Tadala Phil like a, just taking it regularly,
Starting point is 00:45:06 is like, might be good for your vascular health in general. Oh, okay, just to keep blood moving through your body. I don't know, yeah, I've had issues with like high blood pressure and stuff, and you know, I'm not, look, I do the best that I can. I went to two cardiologists and they're like, you know, either you can get on medicine or just try to cut out the, not so many, not so much salt
Starting point is 00:45:26 and you know red meat and stuff yeah you're like keep the salt keep the red meat and just add a chew into the mix see if you can't just walk around a lot of beets and grapefruit I think that yeah that helps but yeah they work they're great and it does it makes you I don't know all the dumb shit in there about like you're gonna be killing it in the fucking Bedroom oh yeah, okay up your performance today with blue chew We don't need to explain what dick pills are now everyone gets it you guys understand how they work We knew it from the Viagra commercials people sitting in bathtubs on the
Starting point is 00:45:59 Lawns this stuff is better though because it's not as embarrassing as the older the older yeah, yeah, it doesn't have the the kind of connotations that you have with like a Viagra's like an old dick guy pill. Yeah, it's for Bob Dole. Right, exactly. It's like, dick don't work, Bob Dole needs it. Bluechew wants to help you have better sex, so discover your options at and we've got a special deal for our listeners. Try BlueChu free when you use our promo code TAFS at checkout. Just pay $5 for shipping. That's
Starting point is 00:46:31 Promo code TAFS to receive your first month free. Visit for more details and important safety information. And we thank BlueChu for sponsoring the podcast. What I would recommend, I don't know if you can really do it because I think you need to, this is my suggestion to Bluechew, is part of this deal. You should send the sampler pack with like the three. Yeah, because if you really, it's got to be a thing where you kind of like have to feel the difference between. Yeah, you want to see what each one's doing to you in a day to day. Yeah, because my personal experience, I don't particularly like the Tadalaphil, the Sidenaphil, and I might be confusing the two. Does it make you feel weird like in your head or your body? One of them makes your entire body like swollen. I might have had an allergic reaction. I might
Starting point is 00:47:15 be on it right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I remember it's like my dick was hard but also my nose was stuffy. Oh, interesting like it was like like just swollen. Oh interesting But then the other one works exactly the way it's supposed to yeah, okay Yeah, so go there experiment figure out which one you like they got like different options They have they have funny names for the different subscription tiers It's like the casual and then like the player and then the pro pack The probe which that's got to be short for prostitute yeah that can't be professional which also the same
Starting point is 00:47:49 yeah exactly all pros but that one it's like it's like 90 pills a month or something Jesus dude no it's it's it's like 26 it's one for they program in like maybe one or two days off but good yeah let's get every covered days when you're training that hard I tell you have all the things we've been a longtime sponsor of the show there's good folks over there we've done business them for a while I say on the back end they're a trustworthy company yeah and certainly on the front end as well so if you're interested go try it out you know you know you never know what you might find in life. Yeah, let it fly. Yeah, and we're back.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And we're back and we're discussing the tragic, heartbreaking news that the Biden administration has decided to put a gay man on the moon. Yes, and we're fed up. Yeah. We were hoping for more white men. And there's only so much that you can do with a...
Starting point is 00:48:46 I'm just imagining, we see the first moonwalk, this guy, what are his wrists doing? Yeah. Well, I mean, at least on the moonwalking, it's kind of like skipping anyway. I know, right. So I think that's... How bad is that going to look? That's going to be... We'll be the laughing stock of China.
Starting point is 00:49:00 I always love it when people say that, either about Biden or Trump. They're like, China is laughing at us. It's like, I don't think China laughs at anything. No, I don't think most of them speak English. I don't think they know what's really going on. I don't think China is laughing. Also, their internet's pretty restricted. I don't even think they can see most of what's going on. Let's be honest. We have done a lot of laughing at China. Oh yeah, yeah. For most of the 80s we were really... We've been laughing at China a lot. I don't really have they're like what they're laughing at our president yeah it's like we've laughed at basically every piece of their every occupation that you could have we've had some sort of saying any part of China has been a subject of ridicule yeah popular
Starting point is 00:49:36 American right what we said about nail techs alone in this country could be a company to what we're saying about the president. Yeah, it's equal. It's fair. Yeah. Yeah Now what that is one thing that China would not do is put a They would either put they would never put one gay man on the moon. They would put all of them or none Yeah, I don't I mean I Don't know what's the state of China space program Probably pretty hard to find out. I think they probably keep that pretty close to the chest. I want to say they're launching satellites all the time.
Starting point is 00:50:10 They did something recently. Maybe it was India claimed to put a guy on the moon. What if China or Russia, they also have a secret moon program, our gay guys end up there at the same time, and they fall in love? And they never want to go back. And then it solves, it creates world peace. guys end up there at the same time. They fall in love. And they never want to go back. And then it solves, it creates world peace. I don't know if that would create world peace.
Starting point is 00:50:31 I think a bunch of Christians would be like, there's gay guys fucking in the heavens. Get them! What if that's the answer to all of the world's problems is letting two gay guys fall in love on the moon? And that's the new livestream like the 1969 moon landing. Can you imagine how mad Italians would be at that?'s one small step for man more so than Christians I think it's like Italians the wife beater gold chain Italian guy leaving his pizza restaurant the end of the night he's wiping his hands in the aisle and he looks up at the moon he's like he's fucking disgusted you gotta be fucking kidding me this is fucking disgust Luigi, look at this.
Starting point is 00:51:06 They're fucking right there on the moon. Yeah. I can't stand it. I might even be looking at it. It happened. They gotta go to the dark side of the moon for that. You wanna fuck on the moon. Do it on the Pink Floyd Pie.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Do it on the Pink Floyd Pie of the moon. Yeah, it would be tough to fuck on the moon. It'd be like fucking on the beach, I think. You'd get sand in there. It would be a tough time. It is funny, too. And I'd said that I offer the disclaimer if I'm not racist, but maybe I am. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:51:33 When I, when I imagine, because I know it's not the case, but they're like, oh, they're sending a black lady to the moon. I imagine a black lady, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's like, like Wanda Sykes up on, you know, with mean yeah yeah yeah it's like at a central like one the psychs up on you know with an attitude yeah right yeah yeah and it's not that at all it's probably some severely autistic woman that was raised
Starting point is 00:51:53 by adoptive Korean parents and went to Harvard and has never had a day off and yeah yeah yeah yeah it would be much more fun if it was like somebody they just took right off of like Maury or Jerry Springer and just Put them in a spacesuit and sent them to the fucking moon I'm a gay guy that they just pulled out of a club one night. Yeah. Yeah, that's them That's the real what you want to watch And then you just get any captain of a football team white guy to go in and try and lead them and nobody gets along That would be they really got to make sure they don't die on that trip
Starting point is 00:52:22 Yeah It would be tough because all the conspiracies will come out and be like actually one of the guys who worked on the space shuttle Is a racist homophobic piece of shit and he actually a lot of people say he didn't screw it in tight enough So that they would die. Well, yeah, I mean they would just say Elon Musk. Yeah Built the rocket. I'm sorry. I don't I told him no gays and you know what's funny that will happen if the if this does blow up or something People will legitimately say that Think like they will honestly think that yes, Elon Musk would spend billions of dollars building a rocket Just to kill to kill one of each
Starting point is 00:53:01 Believe that I well I watch. I watched a guy, I was walking down the street and a cyber truck came down the street and I watched him fight his initial reaction because he was with his kid and he goes, oh, whoa, look at that. And his kid's like, wow. And he's like, oh no, son, that's Elon's. We don't like that. Boo, Elon, boo. And I was like.
Starting point is 00:53:20 They did that? Yeah, he did it. I was like, he was like trying to get people around him to like boo the car. I'm like he was like trying to get people around him to like boo the car I'm like for what you can't just enjoy the fact that there's this crazy looking car driving down the street that it looks like it Shouldn't exist. It looks really stupid. It's silly, dude It's so silly to turn a trapezoid into a car and pretend it's awesome It's like it's taking like design cues from like Outdated stealth technology. Yeah. Yeah yeah it looks like the fucking
Starting point is 00:53:45 Nighthawk yeah you know and it's like well we don't even need to build self fighters that way any right right we know yeah yeah exactly so but it was funny to watch the guy resist his initial reaction like oh that's cool that I'm seeing one of those but oh wait we don't we don't like that son to like just his morals just because he read an article about this guy that says he's racist or some shit Yeah, I'm not an EV guy. I don't really like I don't I mean I don't have one. I drove a Tesla once Actually, I actually shit myself while I was driving. I was going I was in LA No, I was it was a rental. It was a rental and I got like a free upgrade
Starting point is 00:54:25 Guys next to you it's like look at the screen. It's 18 inches. Yeah What's that smell you're like? Oh, it must be the electricity. Yeah, I don't know. It's an event or we're at a risk probably No, but I lithium I use the auto drive feature on the highway to wipe my ass How does that work? Like I always carry like some baby wipes in my carry on when I'm traveling. So you put them all around the tire and then you fucking jack the car up? I was on the highway so I just put on the fucking self-drive mode. It stays in the lane and I'm fucking scooching the chair back getting in there trying to do it.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Now see if you had died doing that, if there were like some fat white retard was wiping his ass and And died and we could get away with killing a black lady on the moon exactly would be balanced in the universe right exactly But since I lived you know you know knows we'll take one of theirs and we'll take one of ours exactly I've heard I technology yeah, right, right Yeah, no luckily. I lived and you remember that story like now 15 years ago about the astronaut love triangle no there was two astronauts that were like married or something okay and then the male astronaut was having like an affair with a different lady astronaut or maybe it
Starting point is 00:55:42 was like the one guy was fucking another guy's wife the whole point of the story is that one of the astronauts drove multiple states away to do this like quick overnight killing and get away with it so they would have like an alibi because there's no flight logs right they drove and to make the drive all in one shot they wore their special like astronaut diaper so they could shit and piss themselves while driving Which it's like you had to get gas yeah, yeah, you could have stopped The pump going wear a mask and walk into the bathroom. Yeah, what are we talking about? What a crazy solution to not only to go to kill somebody but to kill somebody with a diaper full of shit is a pretty wild way to
Starting point is 00:56:27 Get your first murder done. Yeah, I'd want clean pants if I'm killing somebody I rewatched Apollo 13 I think I said that at the beginning but I put that on Apollo 13. Yeah somewhat recently. Yeah. Yeah, it's great movie. That's great. Tom Hanks is great in that Yeah, yeah It's one of those ones too Where you they really talk about things that are like earlier where we're like oh that was realistic and they did it right. That was one where they stayed towards the realism and it actually I liked it. Oh yeah. Because it is kind of a documentary in a sense. It's like that mockumentary. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:57 You're like watching through the whole thing. And what is. Yeah. Because I watched it as a kid and you're like oh it's a story about a space flight going wrong and then they can't go to the moon. That's sad. Yeah. But it is. I mean it's better that that happened. Totally. The actual story is so much more impressive than going to the moon. Yeah and it does building a junkyard spaceship like you know. Yeah yeah. It's crazy. And it does leave you like one like that feeling in a movie like damn like that's what me makes a good movie is when like you feel like it's gonna go one direction and then it doesn't you're like, oh, that's fucking great Like that's like you want them to land on the moon
Starting point is 00:57:30 Even if you know the story or don't you're like, oh, they're gonna they'll figure it out. They'll get there They'll maybe they'll die on the moon But they'll at least get to touch them and then he doesn't and he just has to live with the orbit and going back around This is yeah, I do like that in a movie where it doesn't just I think that's why I don't fuck with the the Marvel movies as much Is it just feels so cookie-cutter that like even when it's all against all odds. It's blah blah blah blah the good guys win You know yeah eventually even if it takes two movies eventually the good guys win where I think some of the best movies is the good Guys don't win you know you look at that the rogue one Star Wars movie It's like shit like that the rogue one is that was that one in between that was the one in between that is the only
Starting point is 00:58:07 Star Wars movie I like yeah exactly as it ends with everybody fucking everyone dies they miss they accomplish their mission but you don't get to have that I said he gets the girl I said that before that's the only Star Wars movie that I'm actually like oh yeah this is yeah it's great and this is they came out with this I think the Andor series is similar to that as far as like they they fuck around a little bit more But that now they've like I I have no idea what's going on with it I haven't paid attention at all, but like the Star Wars IP they call it Yeah, it's so stupid to begin with totally that there's no way it is not
Starting point is 00:58:40 Absolutely fucking with all right. It just gets going it's got to be terrible. It gets real it's like every other show they put out as unwatchable silly like a Eleven year old girl is out running three grown men through the forest like shit like that We were just like man coming up with aliens has got to be like to create like the laziest Yeah, creative work you can do yeah, yeah coming up especially because anything prior to 1980. It was just like okay Well, this one's he's not Chinese, but he's Chinese. Yeah, this one's a Chinese clearly Jewish. Yeah, these are clearly the black guys. Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:15 Did the Star Wars didn't have black eyes though not until the new era they added what are the black? Oh, no, they had oh not they had black in fact the only science fiction Yeah, but he's a black man. Yeah, he's a black guy Yeah, I don't I mean the only science fiction I can point out where there is a racial stereotype of an African American That's like supposed to be an alien is the Transformers movies. Okay. There was like the dudes like doo-doo and mudflap Yeah, like these two like clearly Their names are like skidmark and Caca. And they had gold teeth and monkey ears.
Starting point is 00:59:48 And the teeth were like getting loose. And they'd be like, damn, Bumblebee, when'd you get them wheels? And I was shocked. Yeah, and it just is. Because the movie came out in like 2007. Right, right. And I was like, we're about to have a black president.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Yeah, they were trying to squeeze one in before. Yeah, this is from like the 1940s yeah yeah that's fun but I think with stuff like Transformers and stars they'd have so much so many rules to follow when you're making a new one that you kind of have to like those guys are probably characters in some comic book or whatever people are watching this and they're saying Jar Jar what about Jar Jar Jar Jar is Caribbean Josh has clearly Caribbean he's not he's not an African he saying Jar Jar what about Jar Jar? Jar Jar is Caribbean. Jar Jar is clearly Caribbean. He's not he's not an African. Mesa Jar Jar Binks! He's not he's not I know the Mesa makes it a little bit kind of a slave thing
Starting point is 01:00:32 but he's supposed to be Caribbean. Yeah he's a waterer they live underwater. He lives underwater he's got the style of like a Jamaican guy. Yeah yeah the floppy ears may as well be some dreads tied together in the back yeah yeah yeah exactly right oh boy yeah I'm trying to think they don't they really don't have any no I don't think so not not as far as you'd be like oh that's definitely the fucking yeah what are they doing here in the way that that like Lando's co-pilot might be the worst of all of them. Yeah. That like the Vietnamese fish guy. It's pretty tough, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:10 At the top. And that's the guy you take with you to blow up the Death Star. Yeah. You know? Han's like, take my ship and take care of her. He's like, oh, no problem. I'll find the most Chinese pilot I can. Yeah, let's get incognito with this Chinese fish head pilot.
Starting point is 01:01:24 Oh, okay, okay okay that's all he says we are having a problem okay okay okay like this guy's not Japanese yeah yeah made a sushi this guy's not Japanese yeah I don't think I can I can pinpoint any of them yeah that is I mean oh I guess we should get plugs out of the way because I haven't been on the show in a while so I don't know how the ticket sales are doing. But I will be at Hyenas in Fort Worth, July 20, either the 26th, 27th, 28th, or 27th, 28th. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:01:55 But it's a tiny room, and it's a lot of fun. We had a lot of fun last year come out. That's a show I'm looking forward to. And then I will be in September at the Lincoln Theatre in DC and the Wilbur in Boston one night before the other I can't remember the order you go to mall dog slash live shows live-shows If you want to get tickets, I think those are close to sold out They're talking about adding a second show, but nice personally. I would like to cap it. Have you done the Wilbur before? I did the Wilbur last year. it was a lot of great yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:02:27 that's awesome yeah I'm all over the road I'm doing Zany's in Chicago comedy vault out in Batavia House of Comedy Minnesota and a bunch of other stuff so for all the dates at drewduncomedy on socials for all the other content you do ACME no I haven't done ACME. Yeah, no, the House of Comedy people have been really good to me. So I've just been doing their stuff. But that said, it's in the Mall of America.
Starting point is 01:02:54 So it's a totally different. I've been there. I know, yeah, I've been to the Mall of America. I've seen the club. Yeah, I've heard great things about the ACME club, too. ACME's great. Yeah, yeah, that's awesome. No, Minneapolis got a good comedy scene out there.
Starting point is 01:03:04 It's a great city. I love Minneapolis. Especially go to Madison. You're right in that's awesome. Now, Minneapolis got a good comedy scene. It's a great city. I love it. They go to Madison. You're right. I was always sour on the Midwest, if only because it's like it's just in the middle of nowhere. Yeah. But especially I mean, the comics talking to comics out there and them having to do eight hour drives to do bar shows when you first get started is like crazy. Yeah. Texas is like that, too. Yeah. Yeah. I was in New England. It was all two, two, three's like crazy. Yeah. Yeah, Texas is like that too. Yeah. Yeah, I was in New England It was all two two three hours or less. Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:28 But Minneapolis is a great city. Yeah. No, I love it. Yeah. Yeah, it's great. It's interesting It's a shame that the entire city was burned to the ground. Yeah, I was there shortly after that I was in like there in like late 2021 and dude It was like it was dystopian to a point where if you've ever been to the downtown And dude, it was like, it was dystopian to a point where if you've ever been to the downtown Minneapolis with all the Skyscrapers and shit like that almost all of them have sky bridges Connecting the thing and you and then you go down to the street and it's like a totally different world It really feels like wow the upper-class rich working people up here and then everybody else down on the street Oh really? I guess when I've been to Minneapolis, it's been such a ghost town downtown
Starting point is 01:04:05 The first time I saw those sky bridges, I was like, let's go. Cause I'm an idiot. So when I go on tour, you know, it's like, oh, you should do something so that you don't get depressed in the hotel room. But then the stuff I have an interest in doing is like, it's always dumb. You know? And I end up just like going to Barnes and Noble. But I saw. Right. But I saw the sky bridges and I was like, let's fucking go. Yeah. No, it really like people will drive into that city park, get into their building,
Starting point is 01:04:33 go to five other buildings and never actually be in. Yeah. But you have to know how to navigate them because I did one sky bridge up in a lobby with like five escalators right nowhere. Yeah. And then it's like it's all. And then you go in those places and all the stores are like like off-brand subway you're like in a GTA game you know where it's like Sonora's pizza yeah places to buy stamps and yeah babies yeah companies that you're like how are you still in business like what is the rent on this building that you're so on nine beanie babies a week and
Starting point is 01:05:06 still paying rent? Yeah. Yeah. I was in Columbus in a big or either Columbus or Cleveland or I was in Ohio somewhat recently. I forget. But I stayed in like a hotel that had was like in one of those conference center hotels where it connects underground to all the other hotels., the same thing very depressing. I really hate being in hotels away from home. It's tough I mean, especially when you enjoy your life
Starting point is 01:05:33 Like if you like being home you like being with your friends or family or whatever it is Yeah, like, you know, I've I love being at home and that's like the other thing too. It's like, you know I've I love being at home and that's like the other thing too. It's like, you know, I've been skipping The pod like the I have I've been doing like I mean I've been doing things but just nothing publicly sure Almost a month and it's the best I felt in a decade. That's great. Yeah Yeah, I know you got I just took this whole past week off So like I just took like ten days didn't do any stand-up didn't fucking look at Text messages or emails or anything like that I just fucking locked it away and because you can get so burnt out of anything. And
Starting point is 01:06:08 I think like for me taking that time and coming back, like I'm excited to do shows again. I'm excited to write new jokes and do the whole thing where if you just stay in that day in day out grind, like I think sure, like that's the culture where you got to hustle, you got to work out, but you are squeezing a sponge with no fucking water left in it that you gotta fucking fill that thing up every once in a while You know you just go crazy like you don't have to have this hustle culture and comedy You have to have moments where you can put it on and really drive the boat for a while But then you also have to be able to like reset. Yeah, well, it's the intersection of like everything is like a Gig economy and also you have to be like a fucking influencer or whatever.
Starting point is 01:06:45 I know. And I resist that. I don't like me. I don't like who I am. I don't want to have to sell that to people. You know what I mean? I don't want to have to put every one of my thoughts on the internet at the moment I have it and then just look like an idiot two days later. I used to sell shitty cell phones and then I sold shitty cars and now I'm selling a shitty person and it's the same feeling. I just don't want person I just don't feel like you're getting one over on Just don't go to go somewhere else, please leave T-Mobile
Starting point is 01:07:15 Yeah, yeah, what are you doing for lunch Not the plan right now. Yeah, I'm gonna try and get back in the gym. I've had I say that, you know I mean I did I have there's been a lot of There's been a thing I've been working on a lot. So I have I've had a Three yeah, probably three weeks off from the gym now and I'm disappointed because I finally got like I didn't say I'm 35 So yeah, I didn't think I'd be able to like get a regular gym routine back. And I did this year, and I feel good. I got fatter, but I was also working out again. Sure.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Yeah, I do way better with the gym when I'm on the road. Because I mean, I played baseball my whole life, and I played through college and stuff. So I just got so burnt out of the workout regiment that once I started working a desk job and doing comedy, which now I just do comedy. But the desk job is like death for your fuck. Going from being an athlete to just wanting to get a cookie
Starting point is 01:08:10 halfway through your day so you don't wanna fucking jump out the window and kill yourself was like a hard transition for me. Yeah, I mean that's like, stand up and podcasting might be the least physically active job. You have to force yourself to do it. And that's for me.
Starting point is 01:08:25 I know I'll feel better after I work out. I got a bike, so I'll bike around. That'll be a good workout. Just go to the park and do that. But yeah, it's hard, man. I have to really force myself to fucking do that shit. But I'm way better on the road. If there's a hotel gym, I'm there.
Starting point is 01:08:44 To have to go and put all my shit on and walk to the park or or go, you know I have a lifetime fitness membership and that helps a lot because a lot of like they have a sauna. It's nice Oh, that's great. Love a sauna when I would go I would take Racine on the like the road We would go out together and then we would do the hotel gym. Sometimes. Yeah, no, it's Mike's getting mad that I fucking Says it's very fun. Like, you know, we'd be like, yeah think about maybe you know hitting the hotel gym I go down there with them and he would have his like ill-fitting workout clothes. Yeah that were from From two mics ago. Yeah, Homer Simpson body You're making me feel worse about exercise
Starting point is 01:09:24 If this is what it leads to, let's just stop now. No, Mike's, he's in great shape. I don't know. His clothes look good. Yeah, he looks great. Love Mike. Shout out to Mike Racine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Yeah, man, I don't know. The fitness stuff is fun. It's like, I get in a routine. I get locked into stuff. and then once I break it What was the last time you played baseball and I mean in any regard like batting cages? I just went to the batting cages for the first time in a while When I was in Colorado We went and did like some you know mini golf with a couple of my buddies that live out there and they had like the little
Starting point is 01:10:02 Fucking put a quarter in throw ten pitches at you kind of thing and that was fun before that I had there's this adult men's league once they do they play every Sunday up in New England so if I'm up there doing shows I'll link up with them I've played like one game a year with them over the last few years kind of thing and that's fun but my body really hard on your body your body? Because I was a catcher for most of it. So that's what I like to do. I enjoy doing that, putting the gear on, and following the game, and talking
Starting point is 01:10:30 shit to the batters and the umpire and shit. That wrecks me. My knees, my hips are fucking ruined. Yeah, it's great. I got a bag of balls two years ago. And then me and Adam and some other people, we just went out to Prospect Park. Just did like home run derby.
Starting point is 01:10:45 That's fun. The next day, I felt, I feel like whatever, however the bones between your forearm and your upper arm connect, it like was separated. Right. It was like, just from throwing the ball around. Because it's like this novel movement that in your head, you're like, yeah, I did this when I was eight.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Totally. And we also forget how sore your arm was back then if it was your first if you're in the routine of it you get used to it but yeah I go pitch a hundred pitches your arms fucked yeah I feel like it's my yeah the the the connective tissue is dried out but the flip side of that is also you're like I am a much stronger as an adult than I was so totally do things with way more force so't even you know Yeah for me it was like my arm was always my like a strength
Starting point is 01:11:28 I had I was I struggled to be a good enough hitter to like play the at the next level But I'd like I had like flavors of or a taste of trying to go pro with it Like when I was in high school, I would I would bullpen catch for the Toronto Blue Jays double a team Which is cool, New Hampshire So I'd go from my high school practice Go up to the stadium change in the fucking Utility closet and then go sit out on the bullpen and talk with the guys and warm dudes up before they went into the to The game and shit
Starting point is 01:11:54 So that got me a little bit of tension on like the scouting side of stuff But I was just never a good enough hitter to hit at that next level. So halfway through college I switched from catching to pitching. And that just fucked my arm up. I just said that because it's a whole different motion. You go from throwing like this to like a nice long. What is it about pitching that all pitchers end up needing surgery at some point?
Starting point is 01:12:12 Is it the mechanics of the movement itself? If you don't learn proper mechanics early on, you're just putting pressure on some point in your body that's going to fuck it up. And it's just repetition. Especially in my generation coming up, it's like now it's all pitch counts. Like when you were in Little League now if you watch the Little League World Series they all have pitch counts. So like the pitcher is not allowed to throw more than seventy five pitches. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Pulled out after that. Back in my day there was kids throwing one hundred and twenty pitches hundred fifty pitches a game just because they were the coach's son or the best kid on the team or whatever. Yeah. And then that kid needs Tommy John surgery by the time he's fucking you know 15 Yeah, and what do they actually do with that? They reinforce a ligament or something from your Ankle or your knee or something and they put another ligament into your elbow. Yeah, it's an elbow thing My my problem that I had was my shoulder So because it was a different arm motion and I was going from throwing like, you know, 20 hard throws a day down to second base to, you know, 100 per day.
Starting point is 01:13:10 I basically just started having this like shooting pain come down my arm when I'd warm up and then it would go away and I'd be like, all right, that's fine. And it would get worse and worse. It would take longer and longer to go away. And then my velocity was going from like, you know 80s low 90s to like you know low 80s I could I just couldn't throw the ball hard anymore go to the the PT people and all that and Basically my back muscles were wearing out so it was no longer holding my shoulder blade Against my back those muscles wear out because they're tired scapular dystrophy is something like that
Starting point is 01:13:40 And they put all it puts all the stress on your tendon So there's like four major tendons that connect all that and I could feel them they were so swollen I could pick them out individually it was it was wild and then I had the option I was going into my it was like fall of my senior year of college I just transferred from a D three school to a D two school and I had the option to like red shirt for a year do another year of college which I already knew I wasn't going to
Starting point is 01:14:03 use my fucking dumb ass marketing degree because I was going to school to play baseball. That was the objective. And then had the choice, yeah, red shirt or just quit. And then just said, fuck it, quit. And started doing standup like two, three weeks later, something like that. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Yeah, yeah. Very nice, yeah. You gotta be careful of those novel movements in your 30s. Totally. Same thing happened, I got to be careful of those novel movements in your 30s. Totally. I did the same thing happen I went to Dave and Buster's and just did the super shot or oh, yeah It is and then yeah, I was younger too at the time. I think I was like 26 That's funny cuz Dave and Buster's got me too cuz they have the fast pitch Yeah, where you can just throw the ball down the little tube and I remember waking up the next day
Starting point is 01:14:42 I'm like what the fuck happened my arm and it was just yeah it's just from that yeah just 12 basketball shots yeah I mean I would stay in the gym I've been in the gym mostly like through my adulthood but it's the motions that you don't normally do that fuck you up yeah so if you're only you know lifting weights a certain way over and over again because I'll do the algo play like long toss with my buddy and just play catch and then the next day your arm just feels like it's a thousand pounds like there's nothing you can do yeah I did for a while there was a there was a Boston comedy co-ed softball league when I was coming up which was fun so it was all the comics from the New England
Starting point is 01:15:13 scene would just come together we had like five or six teams we'd all just go play together on Tuesday nights that was fun slow pitches I can still get into a little bit because you can just fucking whack the ball there's no pressure like what really amazes me and I don't think this is a thing anymore this was more of like a Brooklyn thing maybe 10-15 years ago but like the guys that moved to Brooklyn to get a job advice who would have their midlife crisis and then start skateboarding again oh that's great I'm like you're begging for something yeah your knees are gonna go yeah something's gonna explode and
Starting point is 01:15:44 you're not gonna be able to be back on the board in three weeks like you were when you were a kid. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This could be life changing injury for you at this point when you're you know high 30s low 40s and you're fucking dropping 10 feet just so you can hit the rail or what you're fucked. What do you. What's the point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I get if it's fun you're you know you're doing little things here and there You're fucking around hitting little rails and shit But to go to like a skate park and try and hit a halfpipe when you're in your 40s is so crazy. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I don't know how they do it. I mean, I guess like what Tony Hawk still Skateboards and he's 75 years old. Yeah, how many dudes do you think thought they were gonna get the video game by now?
Starting point is 01:16:22 You know like they were gonna do a different one yeah well they thought like maybe alright Tony Hawk will have his era and then I'll finally it'll be fucking Bob Burnquist it's so funny because that's just the parallels between that and comedy and yes like that's the most depressing thing about there's never been more opportunity but it's also it's like every new opportunity has like such a small window there's like a million tiny windows totally well our celebrities don't fucking die anymore They all get healthy and try to live to be 150 years old well That's that was the other problem to like this is more of a problem prior like ten years ago in comedy was is that
Starting point is 01:16:55 You look at them. It's still some clubs now you look at their calendar, and these are the same comics You were booking every year yeah 15 years ago, right now I'm not gonna make an argument because those guys got bills to pay. Like oh well kick them out and get somebody new in. Especially if the somebody new is going to be like the I guess now like the there's like some girl that went viral for talking about how she fucks or something. Sure. They're like booking her to do an hour in comedy clubs.
Starting point is 01:17:23 And it's like that is a level even beyond the TikTok thing because it's like this was just someone that was caught in a viral Moment, right like the tick-tock people at least they've been producing content, right? They've been they could go on stage and say hey remember this video that I did. Let's watch them. Yeah, you know, it's like hey I'm the person from the article totally like how long till the huck to a girl's putting out a fuck That's what I mean. That's doing it. Yeah. Yeah Like how long till the Hawk to a girl's putting out a fuck? That's what I mean. That's yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, but at the same time it's it's a business it's all money They're just trying to they're like, oh, we're just trying to get eyes on this if we can say we had the Hawke to a girl Yeah, and I'm not saying like oh don't book her over me. Sure. Sure, but
Starting point is 01:17:59 You know what it comes down to the agents really the agents it's the salesman that's going like we can make some fucking money off Yeah, yeah, let's get her in you know I'm just trying to make a counter argument to saying you know talking about clubs still booking the old comics You never get out, but with like the window thing It's like you know was podcasting like when we had successful come town people be like would you do and I would be like I'm gonna be completely honest with you. I have no idea right right don't know yeah Anybody tells you knows what they did they don't yeah like you know they're looking backwards and figuring out what they Oh, yeah, that's what we have in the moment
Starting point is 01:18:32 You're rarely that calculated still talk to agents And they'll be like you got to be doing crowd work clips, and it's like no you don't no you don't the guys It figured out the crowd work thing there's like that's you know they got it They got their market one or two you might have a clip go viral or two, but that doesn't mean it's gonna change your bottom line or your ticket sales. Like, yeah, totally. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:49 And it is. It's about, I mean, we talked about this a little bit, but it's like, you gotta just put your head down and make what you're gonna make anyway. And hope there's enough people that enjoy what you make that it turns into a career. And if not, be funny enough that you can do cruise ships until you die or kill yourself.
Starting point is 01:19:03 You know, like, that's. Yeah, my thing is more, I would rather do the stuff I enjoy and then if it's not lucrative, then, you know, I mean, I don't even know what it would look like, but I would rather just go get a day job. I would rather hate the thing that I'm doing if I had, there was no possibility that I could ever like it. So you'd rather like, instead of like having to do,
Starting point is 01:19:22 you know, live in Vegas for like five years or something like that, because you got some show going on, you'd rather like go work it. to do you know live in Vegas for like five years or something like that because you got some show going on you'd rather like yeah I would literally rather stay here and just work production on commercials yeah yeah yeah that makes sense yeah especially when you can have an actual career like that on the back end rather than like having to go work at best I did it I PA'd but through doing this I've like met enough people and like I have enough knowledge that you know my I could that those jobs don't pay bad right in production on commercials there's always
Starting point is 01:19:48 plenty of work and they pay the bills it's yeah hopefully I don't have to do that but you know yeah that's always the goal but it is nice to have a baseline and I think I think that both like that motivates me to want to work harder knowing that the alternative is not what I want so it was actually kind of when I start because I used to I would like PA on commercials. I would just drive camera trucks and stuff. Yeah. And the guy I worked with, the guy who got me into it,
Starting point is 01:20:09 he was a comic. He moved to New York to do comedy. But PAing can actually be fun, especially on commercials, because it's like the investment is low. Commercials are shot in three to five days. Right. And it's a very fast-paced work environment. Everyone there is essential, more or less. I mean, people count on you. So it does for those
Starting point is 01:20:28 three to five days you're like, yeah, let's get this done. Let's work hard. Let's, you know, and you can see the end of the road of it right there. Exactly. Long productions, 12 hour days of nothing. And it is fun and it's always different and it's like, you know, even though they're commercials, it's like, oh, sometimes there's like a celebrity or, you know, you're working on this, you're watching, especially, you know, like, like the, the grips or the camera department figure out some kind of creative solution to something. It's, it's cool to watch.
Starting point is 01:20:53 It's different problems every day. And yeah, yeah, yeah. But the trap with that, especially, cause I would recommend that the other comics I'm like, look, this is good. It pays 200, 250, sometimes $300 a day. Yeah. It's like, at the time my rent was nothing. It was like, I was paying four 50 a month. Amazing. And so, you know, it's like, I'd work six, seven300 a day. Yeah, it's like right time. My rent was nothing It was like I was paying 450 a month amazing And so, you know, it's like I'd work six seven days a month and my rent would be covered and then you know everything else is bonus, right, right and
Starting point is 01:21:17 Because it's fun and there is a path forward to move up it's like I knew at the time it's like I can't I can't allow Myself to move up because then you're trapped then I'm yeah. Yeah're trapped. Yeah you're in. Yeah I feel that I have to I mean going from baseball this I function working towards some impossible dream that I need to have that be my thing because if I just go oh I just got to do this job for 25 years and then I can retire and chill like I'll go crazy I can't function that way I have to be scheming and trying to figure out a path through something to achieve hopefully something new something fun something exciting that I'm not just locked in like everybody else yeah that's the right mentality to
Starting point is 01:21:56 have and then I think broadly I think that's probably how everybody works I think a lot of I think that but I do think a lot of people, I don't know if they're tricking themselves or if they just have a little differently wired up there, but they can lock into their job. They find passion and love in their job as remedial and pointless as it can be. They find joy in the relationships of their coworkers
Starting point is 01:22:19 and things like that, that they can actually find true happiness. The way that I feel satisfaction in pursuing this, they can find that satisfaction in their life. But that's what I mean. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, I mean, it's like those people aren't settling for, because there's people that find that being a social media manager, you know?
Starting point is 01:22:36 Right. So like you talk, you talk, I've met social media managers, and not so much anymore, but like, you know, maybe 10 years ago and You talk to them and they would all be like it's actually really exciting, you know Engagement and figuring out what works and getting people to engage with stuff right in your head. You're like, oh you must be lying to yourself But no, they really believe no They really do have a passion for that finding out that that's their puzzle for our puzzles trying to figure out how to make something Funny or great their puzzle is how do we optimize this or make it look right yeah yeah yeah well that being said anything
Starting point is 01:23:12 else you want to plug social media stuff no yeah just follow me online on social media at root on comedy I post new videos every week crowd work jokes podcast shit all that yeah come see me. I'm touring them for most of the summer and then I got my first kid coming in October I'll figure it out boy or girl girl. Okay. Yeah, and are you're deciding that you're not you're yeah, I'm letting her know You're a sinister. I'm raising hopefully a lesbian you could say you could make the claim that you are an abusive father so far Yeah, I'm really fucking her up. So I'm whispering all sorts of hate speech through the belly. You have a name? Yeah, I don't know if I want to tell people.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Oh, that's all right. I'm sorry. I don't want to. No, no, that's fine. I told my parents and then they got a dog and named it like sort of close. That's so annoying. And I'm like, what the fuck, dude? My parents buy a new dog every... They have like six dogs right now.
Starting point is 01:24:04 They raise seven kids. They finally have like two kids left in the house and they was like six dogs right now. They raised seven kids They finally have like two kids left in the house and they buy six dogs name is spot. Yeah Come on. Yeah, well, I was gonna name the kids nobody's doing name was gonna be spot No, they named the dog Ollie All and the girls the my daughter's name is Tony Hawk. It's Tony Hawk. Yeah So I wanted to be something. Yeah, right. Yeah, okay. All right. Yeah, I understand. Yeah Yeah, no, so I'm excited for that I'm excited to be a dad man That's cool next next stage of life and it for me too
Starting point is 01:24:35 It's like when you're doing this world the creative world I always felt like choosing this path was holding up the rest of my life as far as like I'm I can't afford to do this I can't afford to do that, I can't afford to do that. And now to have things come together enough where I can have a kid and feel like I'm not fucked is exciting. That's awesome, dude. That's good to hear.
Starting point is 01:24:53 It's more, yeah, that's the right path. Yeah. Congratulations. Appreciate that, dude. Hell yeah. Well, try to stay cool this summer, guys. Heat stroke is not a joke. It's real.
Starting point is 01:25:04 And until we can figure out how to get the Antarctica Try to stay cool this summer guys. Heatstroke is not a joke. It's real. Yeah. And until we can figure out how to get the Antarctica and colonize it, we're fucked. But yeah, thanks. Thanks guys. Thanks Drew. Yeah, thanks. Good night.

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