The Always Sunny Podcast - Danny DeVito, Everybody

Episode Date: December 19, 2022

Oh shit. Wow....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is amazing. Just for the creeps and listeners out there, Danny has called no less than four times trying to figure out how to get here. Now, there is an address. He's coming. We've been told he's coming. We are a place. Now, we're up an address here and we are at a place in time where we have phones that have a map on. Now, generally speaking, I'd say that- Did he drive himself? Question. Well, I'm going to bet you that May being the A plus student she is, she got very specific with the directions of where to park, how to enter into the alley, and then where and what door to walk through. But in what building? The same one with the address. Yeah. Is that correct? Yeah. I gave a satellite photo with a big red circle around where the
Starting point is 00:00:46 parking lot was. That's amazing. I tried. But you know what? It's fine. He's an 80-year-old icon. You can lead a horse to water. You can lead an icon to a podcast studio. But you can't make him show up. You can't make him walk through the door. Oh, wait. I hear a voice. I hear a voice. I hear a voice I grew up with. It's like Santa coming, isn't it? Come have a seat. In the hot seat. In the hot seat, baby. So good to see you. Ladies and gentlemen, Daddy DeVito. Hey, you guys. Oh my gosh. Global superstar. Wait, because he went to some people's house. How did that go for them? Oh, that was really good. Here's the question. Did you drive yourself or did somebody drive you?
Starting point is 00:01:47 I drove myself and I used the thing. We're missing a north or a south or something or an east or a west. Is that? I have to pee, by the way. Go pee. Anyway, it was like around the block, but it was really good. You know, very big fans. And I took some selfies and we had a good time. But I didn't know. I swear to God, I said, when I called you, I said, you punk me. Well, you texted me very funny because I thought it was a joke. And it was nobody. It was like a residential neighborhood is really cool. And the people were very nice. And they had a Christmas tree up, not as elaborate as you guys. And you just knocked on the door? Well, I rang their little security bell.
Starting point is 00:02:31 They came to the door as a newlywed couple, and they were very happy to see them. What did they say? What was their reaction? They said, well, come on in. Come on. Why? Why? Why? I said, well, I'm here to do the. Then I started the backtrack. I didn't want to say like too much because I thought I thought it was like you guys were busting my balls. I say like it wouldn't be the first time. That would have been good. No, it would have been really good. Do you get your balls? You need to go to the bathroom? That's my bladder. I don't know where the pee comes from. It comes from the balls. This isn't a biology podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Well, it could dribble onto the balls. I don't know how it's going to go. Well, if it dribbles onto the balls, it's going to get really uncomfortable. Yeah. I better go. Yeah, you better go. I'm going to drain the monster. Drain the monster, baby. I'll be right back. Hey. Wow. This is a big day. Yeah. This is big. Look at that. Monumental. I'm going to put my sweater on. Yeah, get your Christmas sweater on, man. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:39 You know. This is so good. While you're putting on that sweater, I would like to pose a question to all of you, but mostly you, because I've heard plenty from them and I don't really want to hear anymore. I've had enough of them. How do you feel about Christmas music starting to play before December? I don't listen. Or before, sorry, before Thanksgiving? I don't listen to the, I don't go anywhere where it's like, I don't go to an elevator. You're not in the mall. Nobody in my house plays it.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Okay. Oh, really? Yeah. I mean, you know, but I don't dislike it, but I think it's stupid. And Christmas is like really like basically just to sell things, right? Because that's what happened. Like in the economy, like years ago, around that time, sales were dipping. So somebody said, well, we got to do something to fix this. So let's do some holiday. Yeah. So they picked, they co-opted the winter solstice or whatever it's called. Well, Jesus. Well, Jesus is birthday.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Well, no, Jesus wasn't born that day. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no, no. Hey, I will listen. What? I wasn't there. I shouldn't say that. What day was? I shouldn't tell. What day was? You know, the idea of the whole, well, they already scientifically researched this. Yeah, they found out.
Starting point is 00:05:01 They followed the star in Bethlehem at that time of the year that started and existed, existed at a different time. So he was actually born, I think, in March or a. Next thing you're going to tell me that the Bible is not true. Well, Danny, you've ruined Christmas. You've ruined Jesus. But I chickened out of doing the, the meat, what do you call it, the 23andMe thing. I went, I sent in the thing and then they sent me the kit. And then I said, you know, like, what am I going to do with it? You know, like get, because I figure like I got like a lot of my families from Calabria
Starting point is 00:05:40 and from think down. One of my grandparents is from like Calabria, which is right at the boot of of Italy. And right there is Albania. And she spoke, I only knew her like when I was like a really little kid. And she was like already 80 something and dying like of something laying in a bed. She broke her hip. Tragic story. Sorry to bring it up. But great Christmas story. But the idea is that she spoke a language called gag. And now people out there may know what that is. Some people may know what it is. It's a kind of an Albanian kind of hybrid language that was an Italian Albanian thing.
Starting point is 00:06:23 My grandfather, of course, didn't like it because she spoke it with her girlfriends. And that was the story. Anyway, what I'm doing is I come in the room, he's picking a gag. And the language is like I met one person on my travels who actually knew the language. And also a guy was born down in the real southern tip of Italy. And the language is really beautiful, like for rain. The only word I know is shh. And it's all these soft kind of we really beautiful sounds. Nothing like you would think like a hard Italian or an Arabic sound was all like beautiful, almost like musical sound. Shushing each other. Shut up. Shut the fuck up and get out of the rain. Well, I didn't do the
Starting point is 00:07:26 thing because somebody shushed you. Well, I was worried that like you get the DNA out there. And then you know how it is in the world. Everybody knows all this shit about you know, huh? There ain't no. Well, who's they? They computer people. Those guys. The people. They know. Those guys. The deep state. The deep state. They know where you're from. They know all about you, buddy. They know more than you know about yourself. So when are we going back to work, by the way? We start shooting at the end of January. We've got a lot of fun episodes we've been talking about. Man, that's exciting. Don't tell anybody. No spoilers here. No spoiler. OK. Should we visit the ghosts of Christmas past and should we discuss either your beginnings in the career?
Starting point is 00:08:14 Should we go that far back? Or should we just go sunny? We don't care about that. They can look it up. We'll talk about the beginning of sunny. Yeah, I'll tell you a story about sunny. Do you have a structure? I have some questions, but it was going to begin with asking you how you got involved with sunny. Well, I'll tell you how I got involved with sunny. Years and years ago, at Jersey, I worked with John Landgraf because he was at NBC and I needed somebody to run my television department. And we, he came to work with me at Jersey Films. OK, that was years and years ago. Then that all broke up. And then he got this gig with, you know, FX. He called me one day. He said, I just did this show, eight episodes of some
Starting point is 00:09:04 really crazy show that I, you know, I'm like, I don't know, you know, tell me what your opinion. So he sent me the eight episodes and Rhea and I and the kids watched the show. I loved it. It was fucking outrageous just the way they are. OK. And we all, you know, I immediately said, yeah, this is like an amazing show. You should, whatever you're going to do with it. I don't know. And then I hear from anybody, right? You know, like, you know, I don't talk to him all the time. All of a sudden he calls me up. He says, would you be interested in being on the show? And I said, yeah. I said, if they come up with a organic character, something that was not just Danny DeVito coming into a show, if it was, if it made sense, blah, blah, blah, all that kind of
Starting point is 00:09:59 stuff. And it was a good character. And so they wrote me in. And of course, my two kids are tall and blonde. And so I had to have, eventually, as we all know, my wife was a whore. So that was my first involvement in the show. But why this show? To return to television? Why? Everybody asked me that. Every single person that I knew asked me that. The doorman asked me that. Anybody. You know, why are you going to do that show? You were like a TV icon. You were in one of the most popular shows in the world, Taxi. You were all these blah, blah, blah, blah. Why do this show? And I felt like it's why do you do anything? It's a gut feeling. You feel comfortable. Then I had that meeting with you guys where we sat and talked about it, you know, where I was probably drunk.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Sorry. Dr. Kipper calling in. Dr. Kipper, Dr. Kipper. You had him on the show? I missed it. Hey, Dave. Hey, man. Oh, no, Valentina. Oh, I'm not getting a needle. I'm hanging up on you. I'm not getting a shot. Okay, goodbye. I gotta go. Danny, I often think about you having the foresight to, because I think it's really easy to start to get some success to get really careful and protective of that success. Yeah. Just the guts to say, I think I'm going to jump into this thing and to be able to see it and see the potential in it. I think, you know, you often read about like, I was just reading an article and I was talking about how much
Starting point is 00:11:43 Bert Reynolds hated doing boogie nights. I was just dragging PTA the whole time. And like, you know, I think there's a point in your career where you're like, what am I doing? I'm doing a movie about the porn industry? Or like, what am I doing? I'm running around in a filly and they're shooting in these crappy little cameras. But it's, I think you have that, I always have had that ability to just kind of see what could work. Did you think? Well, Bob, you just thought, who are you going to say? What I was going to say, were you thinking that far ahead or were you just like, well, yeah, no, I was thinking, I was thinking immediate. I always think like, right now, what's going on right now? So like, I did say what I said to, to, to Landgraf,
Starting point is 00:12:22 the, he probably communicated it to you that I was interested if, and then we had that meeting and you told me the story. There was a meeting before that because I came to your house just me and I remember that Lucy answered the door. And I remember I was really nervous and we weren't sure if it was going to happen, but it was not communicated to us that you were, you were interested, but you weren't in. No, I wasn't in. No. And so I had to go there and kind of pitch you the character that we had discussed. That's, that's what. And Lucy answered the door and from the time that she went and she like brought me into the, that old dining room area that you had and she called out to you and you, by the time you got there, I realized that you were going to
Starting point is 00:13:03 do the show. And I knew you were because of how much Lucy loved, loved the show. She dug it. And I feel like maybe that has to have had some kind of impact that your kids were saying, Dad, you should do. Oh yeah. Well, they were, well, we were all pissing at the show. We loved it, but they were like really enthusiastic about it. And, and you know, everybody, like, you know, that you, you've all experienced this now because you're successful and you're on television for 16 years or whatever it is. And, but the idea is that people will tell you, they'll warn you, like people said to me, why are you going to do that? That cable show or whatever it was, you're going to do that show after you, you know, you go to a network show, you got to wait for
Starting point is 00:13:48 movies to come along, you got to wait. And if you sit and let people do that to you, you'll never do anything. You know, you got to go with your gut feeling. And then you wrote, you know, great character and, you know, and it was, and we digested the fact that, you know, that Sweet D and Dennis were like almost six foot tall. Well, it was my kids, but, you know, we worked on it. We worked on that, you know. But did your gut feeling tell you that show is going to go 15 plus years? No, but I, and I, and I do know this about our show that in the first couple of seasons that I was on the show already, we were still in the toilet. And it was like, and what it is, is it's sticking to it. Like they stuck with us at FX, John and everybody.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And they promoted it and we kept doing it. And our enthusiasm, you know, lifted it up. And then once you, we got a track, cheers for the first two seasons was in the toilet. Nobody saw that show. Brandon Tartakov really stuck. Yeah. Absolutely. And it's, it's about a good, but that's why you hear John Landgraf talk all the time about, I was just speaking with about him about this, this weekend. It talks about the streamers and algorithms and making decisions. He's like shows, shows like Sonny would never exist if, if we operated the same way. Exactly. You have to go with your gut and sometimes your gut's wrong. Sometimes your gut's right, but it's the only thing you got. But sticking to it has got a lot to do with it. Even Taxi,
Starting point is 00:15:24 we went five years and we were still doing well. And we still had, and we had Brooks and Weinberger and Stan Daniels and Dave Davis writing for the show. All these people were, they were great writers. Okay. They never let you down. But in the fifth season, ABC, and I'm not afraid to say this, they just fucked us up. They moved us to every different night. They were using us as trying to use this as a lead in or whatever the fuck they were doing. And then they canceled our show. The year that I think everybody won an Emmy and the, and the show won an Emmy, they canceled the show. We were like blindsided. I was in New York going to do Saturday night live for the first time as a host, you know, and I got the news everybody was
Starting point is 00:16:14 the night of the show. No, no, no, no, no, a week, a couple weeks, no, a week before. And I, and I, and I said, and we, we all got together, all the cast and Brooks and whoever was around, we went to, we got drunk as we called everybody was what the fuck you're canceling taxi. We were like devastated, you know, and we got really pissed drunk. And I remember calling Lorne Michaels and saying, don't want to bring everybody on the show. And we, and I did, I did, I brought, he, he, he did my first line, I think on the center stage was after the applause died down. Thank you very much. They, I said, you believe ABC canceled taxi? You know, you have one of the, the greatest entrances in the history of television that introduced the world, not only the, the world to
Starting point is 00:17:14 the character of Louis de Palma, but the, the actor Danny DeVito. And I think it's worth, because my guess is that the vast majority of people who are watching this podcast did not see that first episode of, of taxi. And it is, and it might be worth putting in the podcast, Meg, because it is one of the funniest moments in, in television history. A little bit of history. If you're Louis, it was a voice first, like Carl and the doorman. He was a voice. And then they wrote the character a little bit more, because after I got in the show, and then I think it was Dave Davis, who just passed away, who was a real integral part of the post of all of the stuff that Jim did and, and, and all, all those guys from Mary time orbit,
Starting point is 00:18:01 he was the one that says hold out DeVito until, and they broke that joke. Like the joke was, I pushed everybody around from the cage. Now we're cow town. I was terrifying. And then when they wanted to borrow cab, I come out and I'm talking to Joe. Louis, I need a cab for the weekend. I'm going to my aunt. No. Let's take it. Okay, I got to get tough with you guys. We don't let camps out no more.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Oh, come on, Louis. It's very important. What about 1621? No, 2121. Hey, hey, hey, can I go along? I don't have anything. I'll have it back for you, buddy. I'm in a week. Alex, I run this garage and no one takes my cabs for joy rides. All right. Come on, let's take it. Give me a minute when I go to the camp. Thank you very much. But that was at a time when you could air an episode of television,
Starting point is 00:19:13 and 30 million people might watch it, maybe bigger, 40, 50 million people. And your life changes in that moment, right? The next day. Well, one day you're, you know, you're walking around like, and then the show airs, and then that Wednesday, I think it was on a Tuesday night or a Thursday night. Again, yeah, Tuesday night. Anyway, the next day, you can't go in at your 60 share air, something like that. Because 60% of the people who are watching TV, we're watching TV. Yeah. Yeah. Think about that in today's standards, like 50, 60 million people. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:19:44 How many different streaming services? How many shows? Not possible anymore. But it was astounding to, you know, you guys experienced it with Sonny, because I remember in the early days, right? 60 people were watching the show. Yeah, and then all of a sudden, when it kicked in, you guys, then you couldn't go anywhere without people knowing you. I can't go to an Irish pub. Yeah, no, there's no way.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I can pretty much go anywhere else. Philly, it's maybe a little different. You can't go anywhere. The first time I remember actually really experiencing that was one of the few early seasons. Maybe we were doing press for season two or three, and we were in New York, and we went out to a Yankees game with you. Oh, yeah. And people started spotting you, and a crowd started to swarm around you.
Starting point is 00:20:38 It was the first time that I had that feeling of like, this is a little unnerving. Like, this is borderline dangerous. Like, who's in this crowd? Like, what do they want? It's, yeah. It can get a little scary. It gets a little scary when it, yeah. Just when it gets a little big and packed in. I mean, we've had that in Philly a couple of times.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Yeah, where they start swarming a little bit. Yeah, but it wasn't for, it wasn't us. You get out. I was more just like, I gotta get Danny out of here, you know. Yeah, you get me in the car and shut the door. There's Paul McCartney like crazy out there. So tell us about the Goatee. My Goatee?
Starting point is 00:21:15 Yeah, is this for a reason? Well, I spent, oh, yeah. Well, it's for a movie that I just did with Chris Pine. His movie is called Poo Man. So I grew some hair and now my hair is a little shorter, but I had a pony tail sticking out of the hat, you know, like kind of, Chacha was a big influence, except for the Goatee.
Starting point is 00:21:40 We've talked about Chacha a lot. I loved, you know, Converse Assault. I just felt like, you know, like the character of, like in the movie was really a lot Chacha, but I put a Goatee on and a mustache to, like... It looks cool. So that's the Goatee and the mustache that had his little demon. Goatee man, goatee man.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I mean, we had so much fun doing that little demon. It's just like off the charts and it's really weird. I mean, you guys did animation, but, and we've all done the voices and stuff. But to go from soup to nuts with a little demon was, I think the first time I heard the pitch was about four or five years ago. And then every little step to get to the first script
Starting point is 00:22:33 and then to get the green light. And then doing the animation was like, and Jake, Jake and Lucy did it. Basically did, they did what you guys do. You guys show run our show. But you know that, that the intensity of doing that. Oh, it's so much work. It's so much work.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And then, you know, I've got the easy job in this, in this sunny show where I just come and fuck up my lines. Easy until we say, Hey, Danny. So we're going to cover you in baby oil and slide you through. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Easy until, yeah, easy until, yeah. Oh, buddy, we got some for you this year. We got some for you this year, man.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I can't wait. But a little demon was like everybody in it. All the, we've got all, you know, we had to do the, did it during COVID. She had to send the kits to everybody's house and did it online and all that. And it was like just a glorious experience. And the show's doing really well.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Show's doing really good. Like incredible accolade. We need more fans. We need all the sunny fans to watch it on Hulu. It takes time. It takes time. Danny, you once told me a story going back, even before we're going to go pre-taxi.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Yes. You told me a story about one of your first off-Broadway gigs where you replaced Bill Devane, William Devane, in a play. Yes. And then it led to a different part. Yes. And I think it's an inspiring story, just about sticking with something,
Starting point is 00:24:02 but also a little bit of luck and chance and staying just in the game. I was doing an off-Broadway play in the summer, a Pirandello play. Three by Pirandello, three one-act plays. I had two small parts in the three plays. And this is before any film, television days? Before anything.
Starting point is 00:24:20 You know, it was just like 1968. You're hailed. Okay. You know, I'm not 68. I'm born in 44. Just 24 years old. Okay. So a guy winds up directing this, being part of the play.
Starting point is 00:24:40 He was like an actor in it. And we ran in the summer, calls me up. He says, I got this thing I'm going to direct, but there's another actor who's already set to play the part, but I need to read it. And I go, okay, you know, I'll go read it for the, there were backers and there were other people and they want to, and it was a great part of a really irreverent stable boy.
Starting point is 00:25:08 My guy's like a pig, like a really wonderful part. And so I go read it, but the part wasn't mine. It was somebody else's. It was Bill DeVane. It was like a reading. It was Bill DeVane. Bill DeVane was going to play this part. Really, I have great, perfect for it.
Starting point is 00:25:25 Cut to, guy calls me up, says, you know, Bill just got the lead in this really big off Broadway show. And he's going to leave the, he's going to leave the show. And we want you to step in and play the part. And it's thrilling, right? It's like, oh, it's a huge break. It's a huge break. Plus, you know, at that time, I think the equity minimum was $72 a week,
Starting point is 00:25:53 which was, you know, pretty big, a lot of money. Anyway, cousin Chase, we go, I do the part, the actor strike happens and one of the actor strikes, we struck for like maybe $79. We were out of work for a month in the rain, picketing, blah, blah, blah. Come back to work, different director, they put a new director in. The guy who is my friend, they kick him out, right? Okay. We go do the show.
Starting point is 00:26:29 During the re-up of the show, the girl's playing my love interest in the play. Her girlfriend comes to the play, right? And we go have a coffee at the cookery and her name is Rhea, right? So you didn't tell me this part of the story, it's a whole different thing. So I, well, I'm getting to the, yeah. That's not the good part. That's not a good part, it's not a good part. But I had to throw that in there because that's how I met Rhea.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Okay. So there's all these like, So the play is a huge thing in your life. So now we open, you know, I think it was a Sunday night or maybe a Monday night. Anyway, I live not far. I walk to work every day and I try to get there early to the play, you know, go hang out in my dressing room, screw around, I look up, there's sets being taken out of the theater. I didn't know they closed, they closed the next day, the reviews were so bad.
Starting point is 00:27:26 So you've done one like preview for the reviewers. One for the reviewers. And the next day I got scraped for the sign. They're scraping the sign off. I'm like, no job. I walk in, right? This is the part that you, this is the part you're talking about. I walk into the lobby now, the general manager's there.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I said, what, what's going on? So how we closed, you know, nobody called here, you know, and I said, shit, oh, wow. So I got my stuff out of my dressing room, I'm out of a job. And he says, you know, they're looking for one part in this play, this other play that I'm general manager on. They're auditioning now up on 72nd street, right? They were looking for one part they can't cast. And I said, you should be able to go up there.
Starting point is 00:28:22 You'd be, I think you'd be right for this part. I get on a train or with a bus or whatever. And I go up to 72nd street, I go in and I meet these guys and they're doing this play called one flu over the cuckoo stests that I don't know anything about. Right? I walk in. There was no hardly any lines. They said, do an improv.
Starting point is 00:28:44 So I do some physical stuff just on the stage with me. I get the part. Guess who's playing the lead in that? William Devane, who bowed out of the other place that I took that I met Rhea at that. He's playing R.P. McMurphy. He's playing McMurphy. I'm playing Martini.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Unbelievable. That's the thing. You just have to view them from a perspective and then they don't look like failures at all anymore. And how much did doing that play lead to you getting the part of the movie? A lot. Because well, first of all, Hal Ashby saw it because he was going to direct it first. Michael Douglas was a good friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Got to was going to produce the movie. And then Milo's got to see the play. You know, amazing. You do this play. You do it just long enough to meet your future wife and mother of your children, right? And then it ends and it feels like a huge devastating thing. But it ends just in time for you to get a chance to audition for a thing that will lead to a major breakthrough and a huge film and which will pave the way towards Taxi and...
Starting point is 00:29:54 Everything. Great. How long it... It worked out for everybody except Bill Devane. Yeah. Bill Devane did fine. No, he did a lot. But he wasn't Jack Nicholson.
Starting point is 00:30:02 No, he will. Jack was already... Jack's Jack. Jack's Jack. You know, he was so bright for that part. How long had you been an actor at that point? Tell everyone your profession before... Hairdresser.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Yes. And people don't believe that one. I was a hairdresser. Yeah, Danny was a hairdresser. Well, I was first a gardener and then, you know, hanging around New Jersey doing nothing and my sister forced me to go to beauty school. She had a beauty parlor. You might as well garden people's heads.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah, what are you going to do? And I said, you know, how am I going to do this? She said, well, send you to school. So in the summer, she kind of prepped me for the school by, you know, my aunts and cut, you know, little, you know, she showed me how to do the curlers and she bought me... You met Angie. You all met Angie. She was like the force behind the family.
Starting point is 00:30:57 She was really the big mouth, you know, the smoke and the cigarette, you know, telling you what to do. She says, you got to cut hair. You got to cut hair, right? Yeah. I went to the school the first day. I was dragging my feet. I didn't want to know what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Even though I started learning how to do it in the summer with my family, you know, whatever. And then I walked into this place upstairs and never forget it. I opened the doors and there were like 30 girls there and maybe three guys. It was like my sister just gave me a ticket to heaven, you know. I went downstairs and called her up. I went to the phone booth and called her up. I said, Angie, I will give you my life, everything. There was so many nice looking women up there, you know, I mean, I...
Starting point is 00:31:45 So you went all the way through the program and then you were ahead? And then I worked for her. I went to work for her, sweeping floors, doing... She gave me all the old ladies. I would do all the old ladies, you know, she had a big clientele of like, you know, and... And then finally, I graduated into doing styles like I do, you know, a young woman. And I do like... Thank you, Danny.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I appreciate you gesturing to me. See, I couldn't do their hair, but I could do your hair. I'd let you do my hair right now. You know, I would do like, you know, some styles. I still know how to do that, cut hair really well. And I was... So I started getting like... But there's...
Starting point is 00:32:28 Styles from the wrong era. But... Yeah. Page boy puff. Or like a bouffant, a beehive. Sure. Oh, yeah. I could do the beehive and all this shit, you know, kind of one thing that I wanted to
Starting point is 00:32:40 say about the old lady thing at the beginning, because she gave me these. And I got really friendly with all these women from, you know, all around the... You know, they were like in their 70s, 80s, some of them had like, you know, no hardly any hair and you'd have to do the curls and do the whole thing. And then the first thing that happened, like, that was really weird, was one of my clients died. In the chair? While you...
Starting point is 00:33:10 Not in the chair. Oh my God. That would have been... That would have been... My God, Megan. My God, not in the chair, Megan. She bled out scissor wounds. Oh no, I just got him.
Starting point is 00:33:18 She died, but she asked her family, asked me to do her hair. No, in the coffin. For the coffin. Oh my God. And it was the first time that happened. And subsequently, I did several because my sister kept giving me... When you were... I would go to the...
Starting point is 00:33:36 How did you... How did we not know this? I would go to the more... I mean, come on. This is like... This is like gotta be a future sunny episode. And just to the dead body. But like...
Starting point is 00:33:46 No, seriously, they're dead, they're there, they're done up by the guy, the mortician. They're in the box, they're in the whole thing. And I would be the last person to... And I would take their hair and I'd use the dry... There was dry setting lotion. Yeah. Let that I had. My sister...
Starting point is 00:34:05 You know, I can't remember. I got it. And you curl the hair, set the hair, right? Let it set. And take it out. And then cut it. And then... I mean, not cut it, but fluff it up, do a little...
Starting point is 00:34:17 And then you were like, you know what? I want to do something else. I think maybe this is the end of the rope. Yeah, this might be it. This is the end of the rope. But also, I'm just catching out that the morticians don't do the hair? What kind of bullshit is that? Like, you do the whole body piece?
Starting point is 00:34:29 Well, no, I... I don't do that. I'm sorry. I don't touch the hair, man. It's a whole other stuff. The hair's gross. Well, I was... It was a request.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I was requested. From the deceased. From the deceased family. So, morticians, I think, do sometimes do the hair, is that what you're saying? Yeah. I think so. But in this particular case, they were like, no. It's got to be.
Starting point is 00:34:46 It was like, fine, you didn't do that. They needed Mr. Dan to come and do their... Mr. Dan. Dapper Dan. Dapper Dan. Well, some people called- This is your man. Danny.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Dapper Dan. Mr. Dan. This is your man. This is your man. This is your man. Dapper Dan. This is your man. This is your man.
Starting point is 00:35:07 This is your man. You guys, this show is brought to you by Better Help. It's trying to find gifts for everyone in your life stressing you out. You know what? Then stop giving them gifts and start giving yourself a gift instead. Give yourself the gift of Better Help Online Therapy, where you can talk to a licensed Professional about what's ho ho holding you back and really you owe it to yourself to give better help a shot I'm so glad I did it's easy confidential and completely online
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Starting point is 00:36:09 H-e-l-p comm slash sunny Hey, oh, we are supported by athletic greens athletic greens You mean the makers of the delicious nutritious green powder drink known as a g1. Is that the one you're talking about? That's the one I'm talking about. Oh, you mean the one that what do they say again gives you 75 high-quality vitamins minerals whole foods source Superfoods probiotics and adapt to gins. That's exactly what they say And that's exactly why I took it when I went to Wales to meet the king of England Did you guys hear about that? Did I tell you about that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we heard about that. We heard about it. Yeah, you guys Yeah, yeah, you heard about it. Okay. Well, it's just you know
Starting point is 00:36:45 Yeah, I took the AG1 to make sure my immune system was ship shaped when I met him That's a phrase that the English say. Oh, did I say that? Yeah, did I still say that? Listen, here's the good news now anyone royalty or otherwise can get their own Supply online to make it easy athletic greens is gonna give you a free one-year supply of immune supporting vitamin D and Five free travel packs with your first purchase. All you have to do is visit athletic greens comms slash always sunny Nope. Nope. No. No. No. No. No. No. That was a trick. Get it right athletic greens comms slash sunny Yeah, just slash sunny. That's it slash. Yeah, just that again for clarity and accuracy Athletic greens comms slash sunny to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance
Starting point is 00:37:29 Rob met the king. Rob met the king. Rob met the king of England Okay, so then okay my sister enterprising and she sent me to school to become him She wanted to sell makeup in the beauty power. So she sent me to New York to learn to go to Queen Helene To learn makeup. So I learned like from yeah, I swear to God It's a name of a it's a name of a product the line Okay, like you know, L'Oreal Clare all and I went to this place. It was the weirdest It was low almost like out of a like a a fritz Lang movie You went into this hotel and and the lobby is like small and dark and and then there's steps
Starting point is 00:38:16 It went down into a place that said Queen Helene and it was like it was almost like you'd think it was gonna be a fortune Tell our town. Yeah. Yeah, you know, it's really Interesting and I met this woman and she said well, you know I teach a makeup class at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts every Every Tuesday and Thursday or whatever Granted, I I don't think I ever thought of becoming an actor before no no thought. That's amazing. In high school No, well, I did a play in high school. I did a no speaking Tableau, I played St. Francis of Assisi and in a robe and and and without without shoes and socks
Starting point is 00:39:00 And it was a tableau. I played a saint But no, no real no real thought of being and I only did that because I wanted to get a good grade in my English class for and I wasn't you know paying attention in that. So I'll do it, but I'm gonna style corpse hair one day. I'm gonna be You'll see you'll see you're wearing gonna get that wax Sticking to your head and a man. They feel weird too. You ever feel deadly dead person. Oh, yeah Right away. Did you have you ever have you ever seen a dead person up close? Yeah, yeah, yes, I honestly like once besides I was a kid in I was an altar boy. Okay, this is a good one
Starting point is 00:39:47 And I used to do that there was a six o'clock mass six thirty mass and you'd fight over it because who the hell wants to get up at six o'clock And go do the Walter we want to so I get the six thirty mass one day for my friend who's doing the six o'clock mass I got there a little early freezing cold New Jersey fought maybe four or five old ladies in the big church For the six o'clock mass, right? I go early. I go into the one of the front pews I I sit there and watch they're finishing the mass all of a sudden I hear a thud and I look over and There's a dead lady right there right here like right where you are looking up at me with her eyes
Starting point is 00:40:33 It was scary And I go oh Oh Oh, no, I don't want to like a knife and a note Like right next to me would like with her and like staring at me looking right at you That was way before I ventured into the hair business So I it was my first dead the first dead body first dead body of many and it was scare They're scary as shit the guys have talked about the bodies they've found on the podcast
Starting point is 00:41:16 So you're doing a couple glasses at the beauty salon slash Yeah, and I get I get I get the bug I get like what did you get? Well the guys or something you get to well you get you get to get up and Uh to a scene or something again, you know you get you learn them. I had to learn a monologue or something I can't remember the first thing I learned but now for a lot of people that's very awkward That's very awkward, but for you right away. Some people who are very interested in getting up and showing off in front of people
Starting point is 00:41:49 But you're discovering that then I would imagine right? Yeah, hadn't really done place So you're discovering in the moment. You're like, oh shit. I like that's really cool Yeah, are you class clowning or you like do you like the I did I did like the attention Yeah, I should I wasn't like a A bookworm who yeah, you know stayed back and you ain't no wall flower kid. No, it wasn't a wall flower Now I was always out front spoken out front got out. Okay. Well, listen I know we've got some clips some dandy clips that we want to watch at some point some maybe some what is it? A highlight a bit of a highlight. I could stay here. I love it here, but I do
Starting point is 00:42:30 Yeah, drink. Yeah, you want to drink? Do I want to drink? How about a hot toddy? Oh, yeah We can make a hot toddy, but can I ask you uh because this is ultimately about the the show It's always sunny in Philadelphia. Yes, you're familiar with I am very familiar now when you started doing the show, right? You show up in the first day of set. Did you feel like once you got there and you were doing the show with us? Did you feel like you were in good hands? Did you feel like you were working with people who do what they were doing? I felt comfortable immediately and um, loved it right right from the start. Yeah. Did you have a moment where you felt a shift in your
Starting point is 00:43:08 Frank Reynolds like persona and performance from like season your first season to like a few in where you're like, oh, I'm gonna try To sort of settle into this character a slightly different way or did it feel the same from from the beginning? Yeah, what was that journey like? Just from our perspective it felt like Around the third or fourth season like you figured something else about the guy like an even more casual approach That was even funnier than what you were already doing not to say that other stuff wasn't funny because it's hilarious That we just fell in love with and then started writing two more specifically. Yeah No, I think I got it got deeper. It got more into like the um, see I one of my favorite things was that
Starting point is 00:43:48 I describe it to you in that scene where I say I want to be I I want to live in squalor and uh I used to live like this in squalor and felt always trying to get over on people scamming my way through situations Wow, I don't care. I want to live like you again charlie And so I felt like that that was the direction that frank was going Is more and more extreme and I always used to say to you Uh, push the envelope. Let's do more outrageous things Not only because I thought that's what the audience would like and the fans would like but that I would like
Starting point is 00:44:24 That's what you want. I feel like I would like I like to you know, I love when you throw me out of a window I love when I lose my memory I love when I get, you know, like caught in a You know, a coil a port a port a body Or a coil in my underwear or slimed or like and there if you look at the milestones of it You can say like, you know, when when when this happened of me and when that happened to me and when blah blah blah You know all the way down the line as a a through line for for frank's for frank's character You do start off
Starting point is 00:45:01 You know, basically you've become someone that you don't like Which is this like buttoned up business guy who you made lots of money. You were very successful But you're not happy. Yeah, you want to go back to living like you were when you were younger and You know, so your journey as a character mirrors maybe a little bit your journey as an actor on the show Where you know, initially you're like Trying to figure out. Okay. What how do I fit into this? Like what is this? Like how you know what I mean? Like what's my role in this?
Starting point is 00:45:27 I always feel that like in a in a when you're doing a movie or you're doing a Part that you you you know, if if it's not written You always create that backstory for yourself. You find out, you know, even beyond the thing What happened to martini after cuckoo's nest? Where does that character go? What's the journey of the character like frank? I feel like has so much There's so much range to that character. Yeah to frank Reynolds You know, you you you've given me You know
Starting point is 00:46:01 Like a canvas that and you feed it you feed it. I mean like why do I get to become a germaphobic? Why do I how how what happens to me? How you know, and then how far can we take it? Why is there a hand sanitizer all over the floor? Frank oh my god, what the hell did you do to yourself? I just want to be pure I have to say that trying to pick the best clips of you on the show danie is an impossible task So don't come at me in the comments because they're not all here because there wasn't Talk about your career. I mean like, you know, you can talk about twins
Starting point is 00:46:43 Batman You'll come back again. We'll do some more. We'll just follow you around with a mic like tell us about What are you saying a man in a couch? Hello That's absurd. I believe there's a man in that couch right there. There is no man There's no man say some things about frank reynolds. Say him loud and make sure that they're horrible horrible things And then we'll deal with the man in the couch. Okay, so there is a man in the couch All right, just call frank reynolds an asshole. Who is frank reynolds? He's the man in the couch
Starting point is 00:47:11 What are you people doing? Say something wrong with him or the boy. Let me tell you all about me Here he comes I'm too hot. A little couch. It's fine. It's hot. It's hot.
Starting point is 00:47:38 It's hot. No, it's hot. No, it's hot. Oh my gosh. No, it's hot. Yeah. I'm kind of proud of my wife. God bless.
Starting point is 00:47:47 You know, like, remember the— That's the Christmas episode. That was the Christmas episode. Oh my god. You know, like the thing is, you know, you read the script and you don't think—you're gonna get naked in front of everybody. Okay, well, we all know each other, the crew, we know the crew, but you don't realize it's gonna be like 50 background actors back there, like, standing around it.
Starting point is 00:48:07 You don't know. And then the first time, you know, that clip is on the thing where she doesn't talk. Yeah, and you're like, you're just hanging out there. My line is hot, hot, it's hot, hot, hot, and I'm standing there. You didn't say anything. And then she didn't— Was it my line? She was looking at me like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Well, none of us knew what to expect when we had tested the couch, but not had anyone rip through it. Nobody tested the halibut coming out. And then we greased you up and off you went, and I think we only did one take because I think we were like, we don't need more than one take. We're like, we got it. Oh my god. We got it.
Starting point is 00:48:51 That was like, that was hysterical. I love that. I think that's probably the most referenced, one of the most referenced moments of the show up here. For sure. That was so much fun. Well, we had read an article about people sewing themselves in a couch. And then we were thinking, like they were doing it to sort of like smuggle themselves maybe
Starting point is 00:49:07 in places. I can't remember why they were doing it, but it was a thing where people had been sewing themselves. And we're like, oh, would it be funny to sew yourself in? That is what it was. It was people sewing themselves into car seats to get smuggled into the country. I also remember coming in over a weekend and having seen one of those nature videos where an animal was being birthed.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And saying, let's figure out a way in which we can do some kind of version of that. I don't know what it would be. And then these two ideas just found themselves merged. And pitching it to you and not really knowing how you're going to react. No, it would have been a fine answer. If you were like, guys, I'm just going to tell you, but I want to keep it closed, I would have been like, we get it. That was too good to pass.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I get in your underwear. That was too good to pass. Well, we'll see if you say no this year. Is there anything you're hoping for to do inside? I'm not getting circumcised on camera. Oh, okay. That's a line. We would never do anything like that.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Oh, yeah. Charlie and I, we go down to sewer and the first thing we do is we preserve our clothes. We take our clothes off, we get totally naked because you don't want to get wet. We blow our clothes up, we stick them up some place high. This is what you're telling the people on the tour. Charlie's my buddy. We sleep together. We hang out together.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Once I pooped in the bed, I blamed it on him. One time the guys got hooked on crack. It was really crazy. Telling stories. I remember. They want to make some money with the baby, but nobody would buy the baby because it was white. They said I had to turn it brown.
Starting point is 00:50:54 We were fighting over the sword and just about when we were about to hit each other with the sword and social services came in, we thought we were killing the baby. I don't understand this talk. Charlie wrote this musical. Oh, man, it was really funny. I play a troll on the musical, yeah, and it's called the Night Man Comet. I can sing you my song if you like. You got to pay the troll toll to get into this boy's hole.
Starting point is 00:51:21 I was saying, uh, so he was saying, I thought I was saying boy's hole, one of the things I like doing most is banging whores. I, uh, I go out and bang a lot of whores. Hey, call me Johnny, don't think I'm on. Oh, God, we just left that going for that long. Yeah. Wasn't in the script. I think what we just saying, Danny, just just tell me about the show.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Recap old episodes. Yeah. Recap old episodes of the show to the best of your knowledge. None of that was scripted. It was just amazing. None of that was scripted. Well, it was all done. We did it all.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Yeah. That was on a barge. Recap it. Also, we were just like, it would be funny if like his version of a tour is like just telling stories about him again. Yeah. Yeah. Like also that they're like, we don't know who this is.
Starting point is 00:52:14 And he's like, Charlie. Charlie, my best friend. Charlie. Charlie. Charlie. I sleep together. I pooped in the bed once. I pooped.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Did the long hair of that season too, man, like season seven. He's growing it. He's my hair. Yeah. Well, how long do we have before? About a month and a half. About a month and a half. It's going.
Starting point is 00:52:32 It's like, look at it. Let it go. Let it go. I'm letting it go. I don't cut it. Yeah. Month and a half will be good. I cut it.
Starting point is 00:52:40 I like the Giuliani stuff from last season. Painting his hair. Yeah. And that was fun. He says he has sex with hundreds of prostitutes. Okay. And then this is another classic. Another classic.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Step foot in this high school ever again. Right? No. We can't go out like that. Look, if life pushes you down, you've got to push back. If you're dealt a bunch of lemons, you've got to take those lemons and stuff them down somebody's throat until they see yellow. And if some punk-ass kid humiliates you, you've got to do the only thing that's left to do.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Yeah. Whoa. Yes, Frank. Oh, wow. That was a great speech, man. That's the most coherent thing that's ever come out of your mouth. That was awesome, dude. You usually just ramble it on and on.
Starting point is 00:53:26 I was like a basketball coach. All right. So what is it? Yeah. Yeah. Man. What's the one thing left to do? What is it?
Starting point is 00:53:34 Well, the thing of it is, is that there's the lemon stuff, right? And then you got Matt who's a rat and Dee's body breaks. Look at how fat you are. Yeah. And that's the thing of it, and it's good. What are you saying? No. You're going to tell us what to do.
Starting point is 00:54:00 We can ask you if something was good or if it wasn't good. I lost my train of thought. Let's go back to the bar. Oh, my God. Oh, that was a speech. And then forgetting what we were talking about. We scored that, which is interesting. That's not something we normally do.
Starting point is 00:54:15 No. Sometimes. Sometimes it's like just a little extra mileage. That's a lot of fun. Right. This is a nice spot. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Oh, what's that? You're supposed to get booze. Oh, this is ham soaked in water. It's floating in the way. It's sat down. Damn it, Frank. The dogs on the beach. That is genius.
Starting point is 00:54:35 What the? What the? What is that? Oh, yeah. I got stuck. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a syringe. Be careful.
Starting point is 00:54:44 They are everywhere. Now give me a piece of ham. Dogs. Hey, hey, hey. Get out of here. Get out of here. God damn dogs. I'm telling you, dude, they were lurking before another swarming.
Starting point is 00:54:54 I'm not sharing my ham with no dogs. They were lurking before another swarming. I got a great idea. That was the best. Now, this was. Oh, my God. That was so much fun. Getting ripped shit on ham.
Starting point is 00:55:02 So, obviously, we're not in the middle. We're not in the middle. We're in the middle. We're in the middle. We're in the middle. We're in the middle. We're in the middle. We're in the middle.
Starting point is 00:55:10 So, obviously, we're not in the middle of the ocean. No. Do you remember? We were out. We were out a little bit. We're out a little bit. Yeah. The background's green screen, though.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Yes. After a certain point of ham becomes. Yeah, because I think we were shooting it. Why is that? We shot it in a pool. No, no, no. We shot this on the ocean. You did?
Starting point is 00:55:28 You were just, you had to be anchored, like, near a pier. You got any cookies or something? Yeah. Yeah. A couple of cookies. A couple of cookies. You know, guys, I got to tell you, I have become quite the reader these days. What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Are you trying to say that you're better than us? No. I just wanted to put it out there. I just wanted to have it acknowledged. Yeah. So, if you want the attention so bad, I guess we'll just give it to you right now. Hey, Glenn, what kind of books are you reading? Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Tons. Tons, actually. Yeah, I've been reading books on Audible on my Alexa, you know. It's the perfect hands-free companion for when I'm cooking, cleaning, or lounging on the sofa, resting my eyes, or reading a bunch. Now, that sounds like listening, right? Because I don't think it counts as reading if you're just listening to your books on Alexa.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Let reading evolve, you know. Gone are the days of licking your dirty fingers to turn pages. Now, all I have to do is say, Alexa, read Fear the Wolf by James Patterson. And voila. She reads it to me through my Audible app. Yeah, I said, voila. Okay. But again, you see, she reads it to you.
Starting point is 00:56:36 So, you weren't reading. You're being read, too. That's listening. That's right. I'm reading. Oh, so I'm reading you right now. The Book of Glenn. Maybe you should just listen to me and go check out the Audible slash Alexa discovery
Starting point is 00:56:48 option where Alexa customers can simply use their voice to discover new books or navigate within an existing listen. We'll let you unpack that one over time. Meanwhile, Alexa customers can listen to James Patterson's new power family football thriller, Fear the Wolf. Just say, Alexa, read Fear the Wolf. Now available for free on Alexa starting 12, 9. That's December 9th.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Offer only available in the United States of America. Buckle up, everyone. We're here to talk about cancel culture. Yay. Yikes. Oh, everybody. Inside the ads, we're going to talk about. Oh, yeah, buddy.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Today, we're brought to you by Rocket Money, the simplest and best way to cancel subscriptions you don't use anymore or don't even know you're paying for it. Okay. Right. I mean, perhaps you're being double charged for a service and didn't even know about it. That'd be pretty bad. Cancel them. Cancel them.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Or you could be paying for services you don't even use. Most Americans think they spend around $80 a month on subscriptions when the actual total is closer to 200. Egregious. Agree. Egregious. Begone for me. To cancel a subscription, all you have to do is press cancel and Rocket Money takes
Starting point is 00:57:58 care of the rest. Boom. The money's back in your pocket and that's the kind of cancel culture we can all agree on. Right? That's the fun kind. Get rid of useless subscriptions with Rocket Money now. Go to slash sunny.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Now, seriously, it could save you hundreds per year. That's slash sunny. Just go ahead and cancel your unnecessary subscriptions right now at slash sunny. I'm going to do this for real. As am I because I know I'm just leaking oil here with these apps. Absolutely. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:31 I don't know who I'm paying or what I'm paying or what I'm at the time. Yeah. You owe me $100,000 a day. You owe me $150,000. Yeah, me $175,000. Well, let's find out from Rocket Money and see what they say because they'll cancel it. They can cancel that.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Okay. You want some? Oh, I'll have some popcorn. Thanks, man. It's good. We're going to show. Watching a movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Do you like the scenes where you get to eat on camera because I know the fans really love, especially when you're eating quiches. I love eating quiches on camera. Jesus Christ, get out of here, Frank, you're an animal. I like to make it in my mouth, it tastes better. Do you think maybe you could eat that sandwich later? I'm starving. I just got sent a whole box of quiches, real ones.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I'm eating like a goddamn Highlander. You know how everybody like eats and then spits in a bag? Uh-huh. I don't spit in a bag. Yeah, you just take it. Now, once in a while I do, depends on what we're eating, that ham, I think we were eating that ham. Oh, man, the ham was great.
Starting point is 00:59:53 The ham was good. Once the dog started gnawing on it, I don't think we wanted to eat as much, but. Frank, Frank, we are no longer in a relaxing mode. We are now in survival mode. Why you stop being so dramatic? Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Where's the rum ham?
Starting point is 01:00:12 Oh, Frank, stay in the boat, Frank, stay in the boat, I'm rum ham, I'm sorry rum ham. I'm sorry. Now, this was a Wilson thing, right? For reference. Castaway. Castaway. Castaway. Oh, is that what the face on the rum ham was supposed to be?
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yeah, basically. It was kind of a Wilson thing. Oh, that's interesting. This is the debut of the move. Hey, how you doing? I like your top. Looking good, Mac. Ah, Frank.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Want to get down? Like the moves. Did you bring in that move? Or did they? Oh, yeah, that's all. That's all improvised move. And then you improvised singing, go, go for it, go for it. There was no music being played.
Starting point is 01:01:07 And then Rob and I went in post and added the lyrics, go, go for it, go for it, into the song that we put out. Yeah, because you can't. Because you don't want to sing a song that's recognizable because you have to pay for it. Yes. Yeah, but we also thought it was funny that you were singing that and we were like, oh, what if that is what the song is singing? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:26 In Twins, I improvised tonight is your night, bro. Tonight's your night, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight is your night, bro. Tonight is your night, bro. Tonight is your night, bro. Yeah, it's your night, bro. Because they were going to use tonight, tonight would be, you know, from the West Side Story. But they don't want to pay for it. Oh, nothing.
Starting point is 01:01:58 So I said, I said tonight is your night, bro, and sang it over and over again until people made me stop. How dare they? Wholesome nut mix. Yeah. Man, this is good. These snacks are good. Go for it.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Go for it. D! Sharpest item in the bar. I need it now. Let's go. Oh, what the hell's going on over here? So this is for the listeners, the cold open where Frank is trying to hang himself in the bar.
Starting point is 01:02:33 A real enduring image, I think, from the show. Pretty amazing. It's dark. It's dark. Is he all right, Frank? Are you all right? Don't try to stop me. I lost all my money in Ponzi scheme, Charlie.
Starting point is 01:02:45 I'm broke. His neck is so thick. I feel like he's just going to swing and dangle around for over the last one. That's what it is. That's what it is. Frank, you're not going to work for me again. I'm scared of me. I'm scared of me.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Time's tough. Time's tough. I'm scared of me. Shit. That's a classic thing. So are we suggesting that Frank really did try to commit suicide? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:08 That is what we're suggesting. Times are tough. That's right. Not very good at it. Don't commit suicide. No. Life is too important. It's true.
Starting point is 01:03:16 There are a lot of fun. Failures in the moment, as you said, might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you, right? Absolutely. Yeah. A thick neck. Yes. For life.
Starting point is 01:03:26 For life. Everyone should have a thick neck for life. Yes. Yes. Oh. Frank? Huh? What?
Starting point is 01:03:34 Is this your stock? Is this your plan? No. What is this on the shelf? No. How does anything happen, Charlie? Move past it, please. That's going to be impossible.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Yeah. Where are your clothes? Why are you naked and stuck in a coil? Just get me out of here. Yeah. So I just love, just as a story thing, saying how does anything happen? Move past it. Nobody needs to know how he got in the coil.
Starting point is 01:03:54 No. No. Never. Never explain it. Never explain it. And the whole credit sequence is just him there with a bunch of kids running around. Running around swatting me, right? When he got down the set, there was only one pole in that coil.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Oh, yeah. And it looked as if any man could easily just kind of climb out the side. I was stuck in there, man. Yeah. And then everyone was like, yeah, this is fine. This will do, right? No. This won't do it all.
Starting point is 01:04:21 It doesn't look stuck. And we had enough time while they were setting up because Danny had just come down and we just rehearsed the scene. And I said, are there any poles on any of the trucks? And there were some poles. I'm like, can we... And they painted it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Can we paint it or cover it in blue tape, which I think is what we love. Oh, yeah. And stuck those two other poles in. Yeah. Yeah. And it made it more, little bit more difficult to get out. This is the thing that I've seen people tattoo on their bodies and in the coil. The rum ham, manchita.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Oh, yeah. Sure. Yeah, rum ham. A lot of rum ham tattoos. A lot of rum ham tattoos. Very nice performance. Very nice. And clean performance.
Starting point is 01:04:58 I mean... Welcome. Welcome. Speaking of mortician, morticians and mortician makeup, the Frank's Little Beauties where they put you in the... Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's so many jokes you'll sometimes write and then you don't know how it's going to be until you come out in that mortician makeup and you're like, it's a thousand times funnier than we thought.
Starting point is 01:05:30 It's everything. Everything I could ever have. Yeah. Yeah. And just... Just ghoulish. A legitimate show of... Ha!
Starting point is 01:05:38 I look like it. Holy shit. I'm not attracted to it all. I'm not attracted to any of them. None of them. And that's the way it is. Anyway. Everybody put your hands together.
Starting point is 01:05:55 That's the way it is. And clap for the kids. Clap. Clap. And wave goodbye. Wave. Wave goodbye. Go to your dressing room.
Starting point is 01:06:03 We're going to start the show. Go on. It's okay. Just don't... Go to your dressing room. Over there on that side of the stage, I am going to my dressing room. We'll be right back. I'm over here.
Starting point is 01:06:16 I'm over here. Just such a good day. You know, I swear to God, I look a little bit like Peter Boyle in... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. In Young Frankenstein. That's what it is. Yeah. Oh.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Totally. Holy shit. It must be really fun to do the show in some ways because every time you show up, it's like a different thing, like sometimes you do in songs, sometimes you're dressed in like a crazy costume, sometimes you're stuck in a coil for an entire episode. Does that keep it like fun for you? Oh, it's fun. Oh, it's fun.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And like I said earlier, I keep saying, do more and more of that. That's like what I... That's really... I love that shit, man. Yeah, that's it. I like, you know, like so many things that we do there. Yeah, you've got weird taste. Just like us.
Starting point is 01:06:57 I like losing my memory. I like that kind of stuff. Uh-huh. It's so... It's easy to do. And who are you? Uh-huh. It's not needed to put you in a bunch of funny costumes and stuff because as we're about
Starting point is 01:07:07 to see you just talking is absolutely hilarious. So this is from the Family Fight episode. Get it on. Give me Janet. Give me Fred. Here we go. Oh, I didn't get a good look at you before backstage. Shabuya roll call.
Starting point is 01:07:25 All right, we got some sparks flying already here. Hey, can you play that again? Just the move. Shabuya roll call. Shabuya roll call. Shabuya roll call. Shabuya roll call. One, just one.
Starting point is 01:07:39 All right. Let's get up here and do this. Come on, Frank. You ready? I'm ready. All right, man. Top four answers on the board here. Name an animal that we eat but doesn't eat us.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Frank, pig. Show me pig. Oh, wait. This is where it changes. He's like, wait, I need to change my answer. Oh, yes, yes. Well, pass or play? You want to tell me a little bit about the family?
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yeah. Well, you know, Grant? Yes, Grant. I want to change my answer. What? I realize it's not totally accurate because I've seen a pig eat a man. In fact, I've seen many pigs eat me. It was a blood bath.
Starting point is 01:08:24 It was a blood bath. There are certain words that are so funny to hear. You say blood bath is like one of those. I remember us talking about that. I remember seeing in the movie Hannibal, that scene where those hogs eat that man and it's just being so awful and horrible. And I remember that being, in my mind at least, the inspiration for that. Roxy, God bless you.
Starting point is 01:08:49 You were a good whore. You serviced me like no other whore ever did. Not only my crank, but my heart. I'm going to miss you. Crank. By the power of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Reed Mental Institution hereby decrees Frank Reynolds to not have donkey brains. What?
Starting point is 01:09:14 That is an official documentary about this donkey brain on it. Well, it's written right here in plain English. Frank, would you like to clear this up for everybody? Well, all the kids in the neighborhood knew I got sent upstate. So they started calling me Franky Donkey Brains. And it was very traumatic. So I got my mommy to drive me back up to the looting where they signed this official certificate exonerating me of all donkey brains.
Starting point is 01:09:38 I love that speech because you're like running out of air at the end of the day. Oh, yeah, running out of air all the time. And then this is from the gang gets analyzed, is that what it's called, when Frank talks about his experience in therapy. I opened up to a therapist just once. I was a kid. I got into a fight. The doctor asked me question after question.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Got me so scrambled up. Next thing you know, I was Shanghai at upstate to a nitwit school. You know what a nitwit school is? I assume you mean a school for the mentally disabled. Yeah. Not just for nuts in the head. Bodies too. Back then science was real crude.
Starting point is 01:10:24 It stuck us all together. My roommate was a frog kid. You ever see a frog kid? Frog kid? Yeah. The place was windowless. There was a guard every 10 feet. All the wombs had drains in the floors so they could hose us down.
Starting point is 01:10:43 How terrible. Got my first kiss there. Frank? It was terrible. But not her. She was an angel. Always smiling. That's because she had no lips.
Starting point is 01:11:12 But her mouth was still very much in play. Let's talk about the dishes. She died two weeks later. She thought she was a spaceman with a plastic bag right over it. I unzip me. It's all coming back. It's all coming back. I hate you.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Her mouth was still very much in play. To go to that place but say such ridiculous things. That's what kills me. That's what I love about it. The beauty of the show is that it's absurd. But it's real. It's real people digging the hole. They dig the hole deeper and deeper and deeper.
Starting point is 01:12:03 But they do it with commitment. If you wink, you're fucked. No, that's what I'm saying. You're so funny. Everything about the show is that. It's all about that. Doing it straight. This is you and the gang beats Boggs.
Starting point is 01:12:25 Now, do you have any tips for drunk acting? How do you drunk act? I remembered this scene. Tips for drunk acting. A lot of research. I've done a lot of research in drunk acting. You have to research it. You have to.
Starting point is 01:12:46 And you know, if you really think about how drunks talk. I mean, there's always, it's a little bit pointed and slow. And you understand that, right? That's great. It's very good. Bear me, baby. You're 40 beers back. Sit back and enjoy the show.
Starting point is 01:13:15 I'm tired of people telling me what I can't do. They say I can't drink on a plate. They say I can't bang on a plate. I'll say I can't be a pilot. I'll play a toaster. I'm going to do it right in front of your face. I'm going to choke 15 beers right now. Oh, I'm so cold.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Just watching them. Just enjoying the show. So many bubbles. Just leave me here. Just leave me here. That's a fun show. I'm going to cut to you, Rob. You're just like, I'm just going to watch the show.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I'm going to watch them. That's you. That's not even in the character. There's no, I was laughing the entire time. Yeah, we might have had to use a look from a different moment. Just laughing the entire time. Yeah, we have the outtakes of the moment from the Gang of Franken intervention where Danny's chugging the beer
Starting point is 01:14:26 and then like, oh my God. That was at like six in the morning. Where was that? That was in Philly. Oh, yeah. And remember that? Yeah. Was there something going on?
Starting point is 01:14:37 Yeah, we did a live... Like a reporter came down. Yeah, a live morning show. What's in it for you? What's in it for you? Don't worry about what's in it for me. Oh, my God, Frank. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Oh, God. Oh, God. Okay. Oh. Oh! Don't worry about what's in it for me. Oh my God, Frank. Jesus Christ. I can't have you leave without talking about
Starting point is 01:15:03 some of your iconic characters of which we have seen a lot. Do you have a favorite alter ego on the show? Just to remind you, we have... Oh, God. ...Man Spider. Oh, I like Man Spider. Man Spider was fun.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Man Spider was fun. We also have Man Spider. We also have Man Cheetah. Man Cheetah was... Man Cheetah was... You want to do something with this? Do something with this. Yes!
Starting point is 01:15:30 And then on-go, go-go, go-go, go-go. On-go is like big. Yeah. On-go. Tattoos of on-go, stickers of on-go. With oboe. There's on-go. There's Mantis Toboggan.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Oh, Mantis Toboggan. Well, Mantis Toboggan is like... Oh, that was big. I love Mantis Toboggan. I love that you, in this performance, if we have it, where you come... You remember your name, or maybe you come up with your name.
Starting point is 01:15:56 Here, Mantis Toboggan. You remember... Dr. Toboggan. Mantis Toboggan. And I believe that... He's delighted. It gets better, yeah. I think that's a reference to the Dennis system,
Starting point is 01:16:08 because you were talking about how you were a Mantis that you feasted after. And then that's when it came back to him here. Mantis Toboggan. Mantis Toboggan, empty. Empty. There's the trash, man. And then I start eating garbage.
Starting point is 01:16:23 Yeah! They got me. Oh, man. They got me again. Oh, shit. Did I get you, Cricket? Did I get you? Did I get you?
Starting point is 01:16:34 Cricket. Did I get you, Cricket? Yeah. Oh, man. That's another tattoo. I've seen a lot of people getting the trash. You know, his arms raised up in the air. Just pretty amazing tattoo.
Starting point is 01:16:50 We're going to have some fun. We're going to have some fun. We're going to have some fun. We're going to have some fun next year. Yeah. Will you come back? Well, you talk to us again, because there's, I feel like there's a lot of questions that I have
Starting point is 01:17:00 that we can't delve into now. It's been a nuts. Yeah, I'll get you this. I'll get you this. You know what I mean? Everybody's got to have dinner clearly. It is dinner time. Everybody's very hungry.
Starting point is 01:17:10 It is our dinner time. I'm going to ask quite a bit what is Danny like in, in person? What's he like in real life? He is exactly what you think he is and hope him to be. Yeah. Wow. That's so nice for you.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Yeah. Yeah. You've been a notice. He didn't say what that is, though. No, I know. Yeah. I think people have an idea in their head of who they want Danny to be and when they meet him.
Starting point is 01:17:34 And that's exactly who he is. I've always marveled. I've always marveled at the fact that you've played such so many despicable characters. Not all your characters, but you've played a lot of despicable characters and yet people love you. What is that? I'm attracted to despicable characters.
Starting point is 01:17:50 Well, so am I. Why do you think that is? No, they don't love you. They don't love you. Yeah. No, they don't love you. Why do you like my despicable characters? No, it's like so much more fun.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Yeah. Yeah. I've played with guys like him. Yeah. No. Yeah. This year. This year.
Starting point is 01:18:06 Just laughing at me nuts. I guess I could have a chance to like pop it. We got something. We got a couple of things. We got a couple of things. We're going to have a couple of those moments that we're not going to be able to get through because we're going to be laughing so hard.
Starting point is 01:18:21 Yeah. We got some stuff for you, buddy. Don't worry. We got you covered. Danny, you're an inspiration. Oh. I love you to death, man. I love you, man.
Starting point is 01:18:29 I love you too. I love you guys. I love you guys. Yeah. I love you guys and I love you too. Thanks. Thank you for having me. Thanks for bringing us Frank Reynolds and bringing the
Starting point is 01:18:38 world, Frank Reynolds. Oh, man. Oh, man. And sharing our nuts. Thanks for eating my nuts. Thanks for eating my nuts. All right. You want to play us out?
Starting point is 01:18:46 We got a piano. Let's do it, man. God, you go. You go. Clowns, you on? Yeah. Yeah. You go.
Starting point is 01:18:54 Play something. There's a mic there if you want to. All right, man. Sing, dance. Do that. I don't know if it ever ends. I don't know if it ever ends. I love this one.
Starting point is 01:19:24 I love this one. It's a good one. Yeah. God, that's a classic. That's a classic. That's one of my favorites. Come on. That's not a joke.
Starting point is 01:19:33 You can't beat it. That's not a joke. That's not a joke.

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