The Basement Yard - #156 - The Secret Life Of Sucking Toes

Episode Date: September 24, 2018

Danny Sux Toes. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome back to the basement yard today it's me and Danny Danny's got his fucking feet up on the table apparently you think that's cool what I guess what it is your place now I guess oh and you got sneakers on not only do you have your feet on the table you got sneakers on you're breaking all kinds of rules here they're brand new this isn't this isn't nom there's rules the brand new that doesn't matter to me isn't that bad luck you know brand new shoes on the table no I've never heard that ever I've heard it you don't put shoes on the table I don't know brand new shoes I can understand shoes like you don't put
Starting point is 00:00:35 shoes on the table that could be bad luck brand new shoes like when is that rarely I don't make them up I just enforce them all right now please this is distracting it's really it's driving me crazy why just please I'm losing it over here all right what about one no because now all I'm thinking about is the stretch in your hamstring it looks very uncomfortable I think you're gonna pull a muscle halfway through this thing it's better for my back though what's better for your back hey listen I was sitting waiting around this place all day all right sitting around waiting would you say I've been sitting around
Starting point is 00:01:06 waiting around all day sitting and waiting sitting and waiting my back is stiff so but excuse me well you had a tough day it's not that it was a tough day I have a bad disc in my back you have no bad disc yes I do you've got serviceable discs I have a herniated disc you have nothing you want to see paperwork I want to see I'll show me the disc which one what's it called which disc are they numbered L5S1 thank you that's like a fucking code for Grand Theft Auto for unlimited guns look it up L1R2 would you say look it up L5S1 L5S1 Google it first of all even if it's true fuck your disc please get
Starting point is 00:01:47 that goddamn shoe off the table haters and also you're wearing a ton of Adidas right now I don't know what that is first of all I'm gonna cross my leg now I'm just over this episode I'm just leveling into you for some reason employer the year I'm not even upset I'm not even mad I don't know why I'm doing this I think you're just jealous of my sneakers I am I want those well you could just say that yeah I want them but I do want them off the table as well all right you know I'm saying thank you thank you see that you remember when just scumbag thing to do like yeah you know is the word you go you know when
Starting point is 00:02:26 you were younger and you stepped on someone's shoes to like yo you got to clean it yeah I do I do remember that that was the most disrespectful shit that's basically like yo suck on my fucking ass yeah and you did it I don't think I've ever cleaned anyone's shoes fuck no but I think I said that to someone and they're like dude I was like yeah I'm not I'm not big enough that's a hard-o move right yeah I was super young I only had one pair of Jordans in my entire life really 14's the red and white yeah I remember I had him my dad beat the shit out of me cuz I didn't wear him to my basketball games like why
Starting point is 00:02:58 the fuck did I buy him if you're not gonna you're trying to stay fresh yeah I was trying to get after it I didn't want to crease him I was walking like a duck no but I do wear a lot of Adidas yeah I don't know what's going on I mean you see you have a hat you have a you have the pants you have the shoes you got it basically everything and the socks sock game strong here's the thing it's a big you coordinated everything with Adidas on purpose no I just like to stay fresh big boy fresh PDF what happened today I don't know but I'll tell you this the lot of this is something I don't know no no I just I do
Starting point is 00:03:38 quite well yeah you do I do well yeah but um the reason I wear Adidas I love wearing Adidas is because they're they're big boy friendly they got a good plus size section yeah they're better than Nike like Nike shout out to Nike just do it I'm down I bought a pair of all black Nike Air Max 270s in support of the movement I did and I showed them remember I sent them to you yeah you were like I guarantee you bought a shoe today and I sent you the picture and their stuff just runs very small they're like for the real athlete yeah the casual wear is way better Adidas yeah I guess so make sense them in H&M big guy
Starting point is 00:04:23 friendly big guy friendly big guy friendly all right a lot of elastic get my stretch out also did you see Adidas they there was some article with some shit going around on Twitter they're making a shoe for this girl who's got like 12 toes oh yeah yes I did see that I don't like I don't remember much about it I'm losing my voice here um sorry I said yeah I didn't know whether to run like a girl or keep going with the fuck yeah I was like you'll go for a pass real quick no just check down but uh she has 12 toes which is you know you know I'm not a mathematician that's too too too too many yeah too too many right too
Starting point is 00:05:07 too many not too too many like whoa whoa whoa whoa too many too too many it's just the number too too many you're supposed to have 10 and Adidas is making her a shoe I remember I remember seeing this on Twitter hold up yeah pull it up because all I saw was a picture of her sitting down and she had 12 toes Adidas 12 which it didn't even look weird like I looked at it I'm like I had to count in order to know that it wasn't normal you know what I mean yeah athlete with 12 toes to get custom made Adidas footwear yeah after an appeal an appeal yeah where's that Asian Games gold medalist I'm gonna say this name wrong she's an Asian Games
Starting point is 00:05:51 gold medalist her name is Swapna Swapna barman whoa that's fucking sick yeah Swapna Swapna how do you see we'll soon get customized shoes for her 12 toad feet I don't mean to laugh I just I'm just reading sweet as sports authority of India SAI has tied up with footwear company Adidas to provide special design gear for the HEPTA athlete what is HEPTA athlete I don't know so I mean she like pays like five sports or something I guess I thought it was like an athlete that has like extra stuff no no no like a pair Olympian no I think like yeah like I have to at least kiss oh my god she was born with six
Starting point is 00:06:38 toes on both of her feet now here let me ask let me propose you something here okay oh god would you rather have 11 toes or 12 oh I want 12 balance in my life yeah yeah I'd be like the best tightrope walker in the world if I had 12 toes probably do you think that's like PEDs in a way do you think toes make you faster but she's got two extra toes like are we not if you if you hurt your big if you break your big toe yeah your balance is done now my balance is kind of trash to begin with if I lose my big toe I'm just leave me on the ground she has an extra pinky toe oh my god yeah first of all picky toes probably the
Starting point is 00:07:22 worst tell there is mine doesn't even look like a toe it just looks like a like a bubble it and the nail is just it's disgusting it's really gross especially because clipping that nail is almost impossible it's you can't it's impossible if unless the smallest nail I've ever seen I need a different fucking nail clipper for this toe yeah I like a real small one at first glance looks like 10 toes I know I looked at I'm like that's just two feet yeah but then you start counting you know one Mississippi to Mississippi I don't want this to come off weird but once you get in there it's a little creepy what 12 toes yeah of
Starting point is 00:07:58 course listen I everyone can I'm not trying to be offensive but 12 toes is not normal I mean shout out yeah shout out to Adidas but 12 12 toes is not normal this she was not gonna be normal no it's gonna be a little wider I'll cop a pair of this of the swap you're gonna get a 12 foot toe yeah wait what the fuck did I just say 12 foot toe that's a big ass no but she's got 12 toes I'm not saying that's gross I'm not saying the same thing wrong with that obviously it's not normal normal people have 10 yeah that's fine like people have third nipples yeah first of all weird I'd rather have 12 toes than a
Starting point is 00:08:34 third nipple yeah me too I don't like that no just like a random nipple just floating around when you're near your belly button and shit I don't like it yeah I don't either I wonder if you get the same sensation I was gonna say does it like can you flick it like suck suck my third suck me that's disgusting that noise you made was weird yeah that made it seem like I was down to do it that's not like a drop in like a movie trailer sound like a spaceship landing yeah yeah I think do you think do you think though they have sensation yeah in their third in it yeah probably safe that net yeah get it hard yeah so I do you you got a
Starting point is 00:09:11 knife in your stomach is like no I do is my nip no it's actually just my third my third nip is there a scientific name for nipple I know we talked about nipples last time but is there a scientific name yeah no I don't know I think there's nipples yeah there's nips yeah it's alright yeah so but I shout out to Adidas I saw that but I didn't know that they were yeah that's dope she won the Asian games yeah gold medalist gold medalist the first Indian to win the hip Dathalon that answers my question now getting custom shoes from Adidas what do I got to do clearly also this isn't like what do you mean what do I get it
Starting point is 00:09:48 I want a custom shoe to go get some extra fucking toes or some sure or win a fucking gold medal yeah could try there yeah because you can have 12 toes but you don't want a gold medal ideas probably not gonna know about it this is coming out of that field but I feel like if I went back in life I don't know I could have been an Olympian and here's why first of all let me stop you nope see you're thinking that you're way inside the box what team handball I would have a shot to make the Olympic team team handball I was amazing at handball yeah not this handball like in the park oh what handball like team handball when
Starting point is 00:10:33 you throw it and you have like three steps an Olympic sport yeah it's an Olympic sport dude it really yeah I played that in gym class yeah and I'll tell me you don't think you maybe could have had a shot I think I could have a shot now man love my Olympic dreams died I don't know about that maybe you could have done something else though maybe if you really I watch it on TV if you've really worked out you do like Bob's letter some yeah I'm saying you don't really have to be an athlete well you have to be an athlete we have to be an athlete of like I'm just yoked yeah and fast as shit yeah which comes with
Starting point is 00:11:07 working out I guess yeah now you couldn't have been that either actually why not I don't know your fucking slight yeah but you're not that fast I used to be yeah but you're gonna run a 4-4 at one time I you did not run a 4-4 I want to hear it no I ran a 4-5 though I was a hundred and sixty five pounds though yeah well four or five tell you what four five eight in addition to your fucking slip disc paperwork I'm gonna need that paperwork as well I mean that's you make it a bunch of claims today no it's all the greatest human that's ever lived it's on tape on tape yeah well you had the combine no it's just that I was on
Starting point is 00:11:41 tape I could find a place of Bob's you did get some offers right yeah what you gonna offers from St. John Fisher Hartwick was another one power state you said power state that was about it all right power state was the only g2 school to hit me up nice yeah all right well there's that's good but this chick with the chick with the I really want to ask though do you think that having an extra toe makes you quicker I think you is that a dumb question no I don't think it's a dumb question at all she had to appeal for something but we're both kind of on the same level of I feel like I feel like yes I feel like 12 toes would give
Starting point is 00:12:22 you an advantage and definitely not a disability now it was also that guy I killed his wife had the two fake legs yeah that's a little sketch to me too listen it's a beautiful actually fuck that guy shot his killed his wife fuck him fuck that guy and your fake legs yeah but that's the thing it was like isn't that kind of cheating yeah you got Terminator legs oh wait don't but is he with those of the Paralympics no he was a real Olympian first of all that's fucked up they're all real Olympians you know what I mean yeah I know what you made I'm kidding I just the ones that go on TV I was pushing you on the podium
Starting point is 00:12:57 like let's get this guy and start apologizing or something no but I got to fucking release a statement but he wasn't he wasn't he wasn't he wasn't in the Paralympics it was like just deal with no fucking motherfucker was out there running that's nuts man they called him the blade man I think cuz he had like blade likes well that's wild yeah dude if I lose a toe I'm toast fuck yeah dude you want to see my pinky toe by the way yeah we're talking about it before my toes aren't in good shape right now they're sure you want to do this yeah dump them out dump them out all right all the foot fetish people blogs are
Starting point is 00:13:37 gonna look at this damn dude you're pretty flexible getting that leg up there yeah I get after it bring that thing as close as you can you look at that my groin screaming yeah yeah put it down put it down it's not in his bad shape as yeah you gotta clean that up though you know my feet used to be a lot worse I'm not a big foot guy are you a foot guy I don't mind him you suck a toe yeah you've sucked toes yeah you've sucked toes I've sucked toe toe you suck toe are you suck toes I've sucked a toe which toe I mean big toe you don't gotta get a specific no I need I know I need details it wasn't the big toe it was a smaller
Starting point is 00:14:17 toe you got a small toe if anything I'm going like lollipop it's like it's not during like like give me your foot I'm gonna suck your toe right now it's just like in the heat and the passion of love a toe may have slipped into my mouth toes don't slip into mouths unless you're getting kicked in the face thumbs slip in the mouths yeah but I'm making yeah I'm purpose very very purple yeah little bit of that you like that oh yeah so wait hold on so okay a toe you know I think whoa and slipped in your mouth yeah okay and it wasn't the big toe first of all gotcha only the big toe can slip
Starting point is 00:15:02 into that mouth you can't you first of all you ever try to separate your toes it's impossible you can't do that so you you picked out a toe I'm trying to you pick it out you picked it out I just saw what was the first thing on the menu but did you grab the foot it's like when they bring you a menu at the place you'd be like what's the best thing you got okay and and I had that yeah but I feel like what you did was like remember that game guess who it was something like that you grabbed the toe you folded the ones down and then you found the one you're like you got that one no no no so then which toe you know the toe you
Starting point is 00:15:36 never forget that it I guess it was like the ring toe the ring toe that's one of the worst toes first of all toe rings remember those that's dumb how come how can I be comfortable I would always see girls and like thong sandals and ring toe rings first of all on who does not letting you go anywhere here I don't go bring it back you sucked on a toe ring no I didn't I mean you sucked on it that I did not the ring toe that I did not wait what is that toe called the ring toe toe it's not it's not a ring toe you don't put toes on you don't put rings on toes try to visualize it it's it would be the second it would be this toe
Starting point is 00:16:16 oh the foot was up here yeah no but I was this we were talking about mish I was on my side oh yours sideways mish I'm trying to figure out how I did this no it was like this okay I was holding the legs here yeah and I just and I was holding like the leg there yeah listen can you stop sorry I'm good I'm good without the but I need it for the the visual I understand like using it like a pump handle okay go easy on me here it didn't slip in there you sucked on a toe ring that's the whole ring whatever the time you're gonna say I can't I'm dyslexic right now I can't do it it's fine the ring toe yeah I don't think it's
Starting point is 00:16:59 that crazy to suck a toe I'm not like I stayed there for a prolonged period of time I listen all I'm saying is fucking sucking that thing off so listen I suck that toe to complete a little one of those oh you just hop in hop up okay test the water very short cab ride she she she stuck her foot in the water so you're the temperature yeah did she did she like the temperature not really not here's all I'm saying okay what I'm saying is especially the ring toe you got it right now that that one is impossible to move you can't move it yeah you can't you can't no so you isolated that toe and you went after it
Starting point is 00:17:49 and I'm not saying and listen toes are my cup of tea my bag or whatever right but you can't sit there and be like it's slipped I'm not you went after that what I mean by it slipped I mean in the passion of love making it happened why you keep saying cuz it's true the passion of love making the passion of love making okay you know so you toast up right in there I'm not a big toe guy I could tell yeah I'm not you something is toes I don't have anything against toes are you self-conscious about your own feet oh no one's sucking on these babies unless you want to get kicked in the face accidentally I kind of have hairy
Starting point is 00:18:32 feet I got some hairy I got hairy foot knuckles yeah that's all right you're town we're Italian yeah but it's not good you don't really have hair anywhere else like I got to do a lot of man scaping yeah no I don't have we'll have some chest hair but it's a little just like you know I'm saying small just a little pepper like it's you know yeah yours yeah I could turn into a sweater yeah I collect like I like I collect money on every like the third Thursday of every month right you know I mean this is a little pepper little pepper yeah no back hair I would take that off what I would not rock that why not if I had I
Starting point is 00:19:06 wish I had had that little what just assault just some pepper I cut that all off why and you're not back here either no thank God back here is gross well thankfully mine are like they're thin like Asian hairs so I have I have I have a I have a lot of take a hack at them okay I like to keep it clean back there can't can't be walking around crazy some of my buddies like shave their arms like swimmers and then they're just from here yeah I'll do up here cuz if there's hair like here I don't want that I'm I can't shave here though like that would just be insane yeah no I would look like a burn victim like if I did that yeah
Starting point is 00:19:50 it looks so weird it they I don't know why they should they shave their arms I'm like why just why like if you don't want to wax them yeah wax them or get near near for men near it's kind of scary I use near for men for right here do you really yeah does it burn no it's fine really yeah it's fine I feel like that burn no it's not too bad I mean you feel it there for a little bit it's like peroxide yeah it's like more like like by my traps and wait so how does an air work like you just put it on where the hair is and it burns the hair off yeah it like down to the follicle and then you wipe it off girls do that for their
Starting point is 00:20:28 mustaches mustoosh yeah yeah they have like that little you know that little thing yeah they got some peach fuzz and then you just they wipe it off that's what that's what I do just to get like I got like four or five here that I instead of ripping them out and I'm afraid of that shave myth oh like if you shave it comes back thicker whatever which is not true but I mean I don't know that was wishful thinking it's like it's not true wait I don't know yeah you know it's crazy you want to hear something pathetic it wasn't until I was like 21 that I figured out that girls have nipple hair yeah thankfully I haven't crossed one I
Starting point is 00:21:03 haven't crossed I I don't know if I have I don't know because sometimes you get a random hair in your mouth you're like I don't know if this is me or if it was like it was here when we got here or if it came from that nip no I get like girls hair in my butt random hairs like you're like what is yeah you're like what is this like gonna set a bomb off like I'm pulling at I'm like fucking David Blaine in the bathroom yeah but someone else's hair out of my ass I was like what is this you know it's funny when I was like I don't have curly hair when you see a hair like in your waistband you're like what the fuck so
Starting point is 00:21:44 you start pulling it and then you feel it like on your like opposite butt cheek you're like how long is this hair and you start pulling it starts tickling the whole way yeah it's going through my grundle and it's terrible my bunch I gotta like feed this thing out of here it's crazy yeah why how does that happen it's just walk it's just I don't know I walk around my apartment naked too much I guess yeah but do you ever walk around your apartment naked like from the shower to the to the to what to the bedroom to like change that that walk is too far it's way too far I hate I hate it I hate it I hate it God forbid you like leave
Starting point is 00:22:25 your phone the bathroom to oh my god or if I leave a light on oh I gotta walk fucking downstairs now this apartment should be a smart apartment what the hell's that mean like you should get all that stuff where you could control it through your phone oh so you don't have to worry about all that shit I don't know in this place that's true I'm getting the hell out of here soon so I think I might be moving to I don't know I don't know we having this conversation on on air probably shouldn't tell everybody where we're gonna be living where are we doing today where are we gonna live yeah I don't know yeah I know but the show must
Starting point is 00:23:02 go on show must go on so just make sure there's also gonna talk about a nipple hair yeah fucking so you've probably sucked a titty hair titty hair is funny yeah probably probably I mean definitely I mean there's hair everywhere on a human body so you know I'm out here sucking tits yeah man so I'm sure there's been a hair you know in my crosshair yeah I've crossed the hair I've crossed the hair it's 100% that's happened before this all came from a girl with 12 toes right yeah I don't know how I don't know where the rest is this is going but it's all gonna stem from that how will do you first
Starting point is 00:23:39 titty oh this is a funny question how was I when I first sucked a titty just weird that you do that for the first time right okay now my mom's fucking jokers out there yeah hope you're such your mom say we get it yeah we get it we all suck their mom's tits hell yeah I wasn't expecting that response hell yeah hell yeah I don't know you know I don't I remember like yesterday you remember the first time you sucked a tit I remember the first time I saw a tit it was a bit oh man did I tell this story do you ever see a titty and like you get that weird feeling in your brain what does that mean it's I don't know it's like mad
Starting point is 00:24:25 endorphins get released you're like oh that's this is awesome yeah I don't know explain it it was like grown men I know a tit never gets old yeah I still get excited around today even if it's like if you showed me a picture of the same tit every day I'd be like still good yeah like you wouldn't mind it at all whatsoever yeah you know it's so funny if like some people like if women just walked around topless all the time mm-hmm guys just like they would get decent desensitized to tits that it wouldn't be like oh my god I need to see like whatever and over here going nah no that's it'd be great it'd be the
Starting point is 00:25:03 greatest day of my life every day all the time yeah if we walk around in Time Square and they have like painted tits for no reason yeah and you're like those shitties those are two I know those are two there's titty under that pain isn't there I am on to you I know there's some nipple under that paint yeah I know you're talking about me like girl went to this thing called sleep no more you ever heard of that no it's at the McKittrick hotel it's like sleep no more yeah it's like it's like multiple floors we just do fucking cocaine basically but it's like multiple floors and it's like live action acting like a play are you gonna
Starting point is 00:25:42 say fucking well well people fuck there's they're naked all of them a good amount of them we're talking a percent I'm talking about like I saw like flaccid dick and tits and they make you wear mask and shit when you go in there it's like a live thing so flaccid ween yeah yeah flaccid dicks yeah but I'm telling you this if I'm in I'm taking a look at that dick just for comparison you know for scientific reasons yeah like we were there it's called sleep no more well you should look into it is very strange I'll be honest with you and there was a blood orgy type thing going on see now I'm definitely not going yeah wait what
Starting point is 00:26:26 yeah there's like a murder scene I was gonna say don't stop talking okay so tell me about the blood or so what happens is you walk around there's you walk up these floors you can get an elevator all these people are in character it's like very weird it's like you ever play bio shock yeah it's like that era like renaissance II like kind of great Gatsby yes yes a lot of comovers and suits yeah just like weird shit and then it's like your sport yeah yeah they'd be like how are you doing darling that's good to see you out loud racism not that not to that for that era I'm saying but there were two funny
Starting point is 00:27:03 moments where I was standing where an actor was supposed to like go on with the scene and I made them break character twice which I felt great about because I fucking couldn't stand these people wait were you like are you one of those assholes that would go to like Buckingham Palace like you're a nice fucking hat loser no it smirked no no it happened by accident there's phone booths in there and one of the phone rings I was just happened to be in that booth and it started ringing and one of the actors looked at me like I was like oh you fucking bro character you bitch I was like I got you and then for the
Starting point is 00:27:39 blood or G the guy puts like a horse head mask a bison head mask on him and then they put a strobe light on and there's just blood everywhere yeah why the fuck did you go to this because my girlfriend wanted to go to it yeah isn't that way a vampire I don't know why she wanted to go to this thing but it was very strange there was a strobe light horse head blood orgy yeah and then there was like titties and dick everywhere and insane insanely insanely yucky gross icky gross icky icky icky yucky gross so wait I'm looking I'm looking it up right now flaccid dicks are terrible dude covered in blood that just makes it
Starting point is 00:28:29 like ten times worse I can't even imagine yeah where is this in the city yeah sleep no more is the New York City production of a site specific work of theater created by British theater company punch drunk it's primarily based on William Shakespeare Shakespeare's Macbeth so it's like very creepy I'm gonna show you like a couple images but it was like kind of cool but it was like very scary like you see like those people wearing the mask that's what they make you wear oh this is freaky yeah it's freaky shit oh I don't like this and there's titties and dickies a lot of titties and dicks I see like a coffin
Starting point is 00:29:10 was people dying yeah dead people it's very strange what the fuck is I'm not going to this yeah there's a graveyard downstairs who's strange there's a graveyard downstairs what are you nuts I know dude fuck that yeah fuck that shit fuck that whole thing whatever you just said but titties are great yeah Kendall Jenner was naked riding a horse at that not at that just like recently in life yeah why it was for some it was for some shoot she said that she liked her titties out that's her quote not mine she used the word titties she like I like having my titties out my guts that's dope doesn't make doesn't hurt my
Starting point is 00:29:45 feelings no I definitely it actually I would I would argue that it puts out positivity to the world yeah she's not coming out with it was like a it was like a photo shit she's so naked yeah where does it oh she's very naked yeah she's very naked she's fully naked her titties are out there's no horse though I'm just seeing she's at the beach oh she's on horse now I see the horse now I see the horse for sure I wouldn't ride a horse naked you know too much yeah too much probably see these pictures in the reflection that's crazy fix and pose I'm gonna fix in a post yeah we probably won't so no hopefully YouTube doesn't
Starting point is 00:30:30 take this down but yeah um you could definitely see him in the mirror yeah he can yeah anyway so I just saw Kendall Jenner's tits what do you think she's pretty tall yeah she's huge yeah but you're asking me how I feel about Kendall Jenner's tits I mean she's a hottie if you showed me your tit a part of my brain at first would go whoa whoa and then you'd have to be like wait a lot of hair yeah and then I would and then the other part of my brain goes to we're good on that you can machete through there yeah I mean I don't I'm not a you know I trimmed it up for the summer I popped up I have long nipple hairs too
Starting point is 00:31:14 you gotta just shave them dog I don't want to shave my nips just clip them clip them what a nail clipper no what a scissor with a scissor yeah just go right up takes two seconds no way you probably have like six nipple hairs oh let me count don't look at me all right no there's a good amount here dude just just hit him with the clip there's more than I thought wow and now see right now they're all folded like you know when people make crop circles and they just kind of like push down the wheat yeah whatever the fuck that's what it looks like yeah but sometimes when I wake up in the morning and I'm not wearing
Starting point is 00:31:53 a shirt in bed like in bed they come out looking like remember the dog nipples have bedhead yeah exactly that's sterical well you fucking told me I had hair in my ears remember well you have you had a lot of hair it was nuts how come no one's ever told me that I bought that trimmer and this stuff came right out well when is everyone anyone even like that close to your ears I guess who's getting that close there's no reason to be that close to an ear that's true no one tells secrets anymore how often do you take your earwax out probably not as much as I should I've been doing it more recently I definitely hear better but I
Starting point is 00:32:33 heard you're not supposed to use q-tips that's bad for you I heard that too but fuck that I would never do that candle shit where they pour it in what they pour like wax into your ear and then they pull it out and it takes like mad earwax out I'm good yeah I'm good on that I'm good you know my dad used to clear his ears out with car keys oh that's a that's a real thing that's a man he would just be like this like dad can I give me the keys so I can start the car and he's got him in his fucking ear have you ever tasted earwax no never wow just by accident by accident what am I sucking on someone's ear no I put my
Starting point is 00:33:11 finger in my ear I've done this before I've gone to bite my nails and I've bitten to it earwax I don't I'm not a man in my mouth guy you know you don't bite your nails no I don't bite my nails I don't like nails that's why I wash my hands like crazy I wash my hands a lot but I bite my nails so what you taste the earwax what's that like disgusting is it worse than jizz never tasted jizz that's like that question when you were younger so I do your parents know you're gay you're like no oh so you are they just don't know yet there's no right answer to that question if your hands bigger than your face you're
Starting point is 00:33:45 genius yeah it's like slap your hand you fucking idiot dumbass hole yeah but uh no I've never tasted jizz kids are created is it gay to taste your own jizz is it gay to taste your own jizz it's just gross I think it's gross it's definitely gross jizz is gross it's just weird that our body has capabilities stuff out of nowhere and shoot different liquids out of our dicks and yeah what is this it's like those things at a bar it's like you want you want coke you want Pepsi what do you want it's like how the fuck can we do that just where that my body goes no not pay shoot the gooey stuff yeah no no not this we'll
Starting point is 00:34:20 do this stuff now yeah who's inside there doing this direct in traffic in there you know what I mean and also like it's also did he just make milk I know yeah girls can produce milk pee poop squirt they got a whole lot of stuff in there they got an arsenal in there hell yeah like a fucking Swiss Army knife fluids all right before we move on let's get to the sponsors here the first one we have is they are no stranger to the show you guys know they bring all the amazing services of the US Postal Service right to your fingertips you can buy and print a fist official US postage for any letter any
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Starting point is 00:36:12 thing but it's a new electric toothbrush that has sensitive sonic vibrations wow that sounds very sexual sensitive sonic vibrations gentle enough on your sensitive gums this is fun a built-in two time a two minute timer pulses every 30 seconds to remind you when to switch sides this is actually very helpful because I'm one of those people that I have no idea how long I have to brush my teeth I just do it till I get tired and sometimes like you know I go a little crazy and I start making my teeth bleed or something because I'm insane but with this it has like the pulses so it's like alright
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Starting point is 00:37:55 um Tommy Johns men and women's underwear sport a no wedgie guarantee ooh that comes in handy comfortable stay put waistbands and a range of fabrics that are luxuriously soft feather light moisture wicking what is the this is like a very detailed guys it's breathable stuff this is what they're trying to say okay I like I only I've never even heard of these adjectives before but they're very comfortable all right I'm not bullshitting you I put that shirt on my body and I was like I need I need my whole closet filled with this very nice stuff so also that includes their new life changing women's
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Starting point is 00:39:21 funny I thought you were gonna talk about like the human body and how amazing it is oh it's crazy that you brought this up tasting jizz oh god this is getting flagged um problems yeah anyway I saw this video on YouTube of this guy called a gay God gay God okay which he's the god of gay God is like the new Lil oh like Lil Uzi yeah got gay God he's not a rapper though he's just a gay dude I thought he was a rapper no no he's just gay dude oh he does YouTube he's a gay dude on YouTube and the title of the video was like do vegans taste better I'm gonna I'm gonna cut to the chase here do jizzes into a cup you don't see that part
Starting point is 00:40:25 he's just holding it the whole time yeah yeah yeah yeah yes so he's holding a cup with his jizz in it mm-hmm he goes into detail about how he got it in there okay right and then he he just tastes it in front of every in front of everyone in front of everyone I feel jizz or another guy no no it was it was his jizz which is way worse I think if you're drinking jizz you gotta taste someone else's yeah jizz jizz jizz also I'm gonna get to something else in a little bit ah but anyway my throat's closing I can't think about jizz yeah no it's not good it's so disgusting but anyway this dude's got his a cup of jizz a cup of jizz right how
Starting point is 00:41:14 much we talking here I mean it was a jizz a good amount of jizz it wasn't like a full fucking like Peter north yeah it wasn't anything crazy Peter north filled water bottles that guy that guy shoots ropes yeah that guy's fucking I don't know what he's doing in there but he's holding on to him for months is they're kind of weird that guys wish that like in the back of your mind it's like I want to bust huge I know why it's weird I don't know why it's like yeah I just like don't jerk off for three days so you could shoot a rope oh we're disgusting no but it's this is stuff guys think about it's true it's disgusting
Starting point is 00:41:52 yes but news flash men are disgusting yeah also and we're both very nice men women are disgusting also because if you watch porn they also want a giant they say giant load on porn yeah I don't know yeah we get like a bucket full that's a little too much I don't know how we're gonna have to call cleaning lady to come clean this up right but anyway this dude has a has a shot glass of jizz and he's tasting it and he's going oh it tastes sweet because he's vegan so I guess he's like oh it's sweet compared to other jizzes that I've had right cuz he's a gay dude so he's tasted jizz yeah yeah so his own jizz though he was like oh it's
Starting point is 00:42:32 good he's like I'm surprised by how good it is and to me that's gross I'm never watching this video don't because I think it's gross and not because he's gay because the question I want to get to is because it's like since he's gay right like to us if you drink jizz we're like all right that's kind of gay yeah you know but if you're a gay guy and you're drinking jizz and it's your own jizz like I I mean I can't really figure out all the gay math but I think it kind of cancels out and it's not weird no it's either that or it's super gay I don't think so is it like is it is it so gay that it's not gay no no no I think it's
Starting point is 00:43:16 I think it's just cuz like gay dudes taste jizz yeah it happens yeah it's part of love making baby it's part of love me you know I'm saying if you're not if you're a gay dude you're not tasting jizz dude sucking loads tasting tasting toes back to the toes with you so if if you're tasting jizz all the time okay then having your own jizz doesn't seem like a big deal no it's like licking your own blood probably that's disgusting well like you ever cut your finger and like no you've never done that no I hate that maybe more than jizz are you are you afraid of blood I'm not afraid of blood but like it's it's gross so you
Starting point is 00:44:02 never cut your finger I've been like why would I do that cuz you know you don't have a band-aid you never never got cut playing ball or something yeah just let that bitch bleed damn it looks fire it does I love that trip down my arm another are you okay yeah I'm fine another man thing yeah let it bleed yeah I just stick like my shirt on it or something I don't know I don't know I was a weird kid won't drink jizz won't taste blood talking to you no but I'm no but seriously like that was that that was that was gross I mean jizz is gross to me to me to me like I like I but we're in the minority here because I
Starting point is 00:44:41 think gay dudes are like it's fine because they do it and and women do it well some of them well most I think most of them I don't know I would say I would say most of them don't most of them don't yeah taste jizz yeah I don't think they like it I wouldn't like it well I don't like it what I'm saying is there's there's women and there's gay dudes and then there's straight dudes so it's like we're in the minority here but I'm sticking to my guns we're in the lowest percentage of come tasters yeah I think I don't think it's good no I don't think anyone thinks it's good though we gotta ask us yeah we gotta ask us so I want to
Starting point is 00:45:18 ask her to like have you ever done like a porn and a guy just like busted the worst load ever this is getting crazy now yeah just getting a little wild I know and like I don't know where to go from here can they keep that keep what like that cut or do they have to bring it like a stunt jizz or we're like all right dude would you smoke 10 packs of cigarettes like bringing the lefty it's like yo come on bring him in because this is ridiculous Pete this guy had Wendy's you believe this day before shoes guy Wendy's they're gonna say like if you eat pineapple your jizz will be sweet is that true I don't know well this kid the
Starting point is 00:45:58 kid the gay guy I didn't think we were gonna be talking about just now I especially not for this long no I know the gay guy kid said that he's a vegan so he's healthy and it was like a god so I but I think that makes sense though like if you change most cigarettes and you eat like shit I only imagine anything that comes out he was gross yeah it's kind of a fire name though gay god that is fire it's a god he's a guy it's a guy who am I to tell him he's a gay guy he's a gay god good friend yeah great for him actually scarf down his own so my man come on the scarfing scarf is wait is that the right thing yeah scarf and down
Starting point is 00:46:37 food like Thanksgiving like oh I'm scarfing down but you could wear a scarf there's double meanings to words I know but it's just weird I never I never put that together scarf and scarf I don't make the rules here I know I just read the books I hear you you know speaking of Thanksgiving though where's that rank on your holiday list it's up there for sure whoa stop it's not better than Christmas it's up there though are you are you a fall guy or a winner guy stuff I like like for weather I like fall falls awesome I think fall and spring are the best some are you like oh it's so hot and then winter you're like
Starting point is 00:47:20 fuck I shit yeah fuck this summer and winter I could do one week of each no yeah no I could do it a month dude we had that stretch like two months like two weeks ago where it was like 94 degrees every day yeah I was like this needs to be done and the other day it was 70 degrees I was freezing 70 you're freezing yeah your body has to acclimate I'm good in 70 yeah yeah you've been having a lot of rain too though that's probably well I went to Denver and it was really nice over there how was that it was like 70 70 80 but it was really like not like it's not humid over there that was your summer vacation right I mean basically yeah it was nice expensive or no no not that bad over there
Starting point is 00:48:08 no not at all first of all where's here what yeah I thought I was robbing people out there I'm like the fuck like first of all uh at the dispensary three grams of marijuana was 18 dollars wow which is like 60 something here yeah that's insane also at the football game the dude who walks around with the beers you're like you know can I get a beer or whatever seven dollars and 50 cents yeah I wish I was like dude these are 14 dollars and 50 cents in New York and they're this big yeah I was like $7.50 I was like that would be a good price for a bar yeah I was at a bar and they're like yo seven bucks I'd be like give me ten I hate that too when you go to the fucking bar and the guy's just like hey bud what do you need I'm like dude he's fucking just calm down and take
Starting point is 00:48:58 my fucking drink order what's up bud what do you need he's opening shit he's pouring shit yeah I'm like man finish that first yeah and then you can get me a bud light okay yeah don't get crazy and then they oh they pop the top off a bud light it's a twistable fucking top I hate when they do that yeah it's like oh cool that's cool that's great and then they give you the it's gonna be eight turn around and look right at the register I'm like oh do I want to pay car do I want to pay cash I'm like you know what and I also hate you want to leave it open they gotta ask I know but I always close I don't always close I'm a big closer why because I feel like I will leave it there I've left it there numerous times yeah
Starting point is 00:49:51 it's whatever you got to go back to the next day and get it oh god sometimes it's not there and you go well we've got a situation we need to check the phone you want to you want to close it out yes yes please like cheap fuck I have such a problem with leaving my car at places that whenever we go somewhere and I and the guy goes you want to leave it open like all my friends look at me and I go all right and they go all right and I'm like someone remind me please god also there was another time we went to like a dive bar in our neighborhood that like is you know you have that local shitbag bar that you go to and it's like beers are like five bucks yeah like every other beer is free because you know the bartender yeah I ran up a $250
Starting point is 00:50:31 bill at one of those bars and I don't think anyone's ever spent that much money ever in there yeah so now like they have like a fucking busk of you in there I think I think they're building a statue of me outside and I left my card there so I sent one of I was like yo can you you will get my car because I was like I would need to be carried and basically you didn't drive that night at home all right what are you nuts it was a local bar what was that it's my asthma inhaler you're taking asthma yeah I'm not feeling good were you talking too much no I'm okay keep going I'm beautiful man I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that what did you say I'm beautiful it's called what is that it's like uh for your inhaler
Starting point is 00:51:13 that's a beautiful word I'm beautiful yeah I'm named my daughter that I'm beautiful yeah that's awesome yeah I don't know what the fuck I was talking about I was at that bar you're talking about the bar you ran up a $250 bill yeah I told one of my drunk friends who was also drunk I was at the car can you close me out there was no car I said my car did I was like can you go close out my card and he went and he wrote my name in print he just wrote Joey I love I love making people write my name on stuff isn't it so funny how people are so hesitant to sign your name they'll be like whoa why I'm like dude this is a third grade yeah it's not a progress report you're not gonna get trouble for 4j just sign my fucking name I just told you to do it yeah nothing's gonna go wrong
Starting point is 00:51:56 yeah I fucking FBI is gonna fucking swing in here and arrest everybody not only that but whenever I have to sign things on those little fucking things of the cash register I always fuck it up and this is coming from someone who just writes their signature all the time yeah not that I'm signing deals out here I just do it on paper for no fucking reason I hate to like when you go and get a sandwich and they give you the receipt and they have that line for tip yeah put you in a weird spot put you in a weird spot yeah I always just pay the total I'll tip that shit dude that happens all the time when you go pick up yeah do you tip no I don't tip either why would you I don't know only really reason I would do that is if I was mad famous and like the people showed me like mad
Starting point is 00:52:38 love in there no but when you're like yo we want to take a picture with you then like I'll be like here's the little whatever for you no I don't know because it honestly I think it makes more sense to tip when you pick up because you call it in they make the food right somebody made it somebody somebody bagged it yeah but they're getting paid yeah but like the cook is getting paid hourly he's not getting paid in tips right no I don't know who I'm tipping that's another thing who's getting this tip I know also I hate to when waiters pull tips like they pull their tips oh pull it yeah they said pull well they pull them together and yeah pull they pull them but it's like uh if I really liked you I want you to get this $40 yeah I don't fuck is that noise
Starting point is 00:53:27 can you move your phone that's it that's it wow that's never happened before yeah but um um yeah like when they pull them together yeah why am I giving you $50 if you're just gonna give it to this fucking schmo over here that was a waiter for a little bit that's a disaster you're probably terrible I'm a great waiter yeah right I'm a very personable guy hey Danny would you like tonight that was not good let me try that one more time I shouldn't know your name I was so forced why do you know my name I don't I shouldn't know your name yeah where do I work it'd be better than this you better be hey guys how you guys doing you guys ready I don't like that you don't like when they ask you if you're ready are you guys ready for what hey guys what's going on I'm
Starting point is 00:54:09 Karen I'll be your waiter today just have a take a look I'll come back in a second all right anything to drink can I start with drinks yeah I like the waters you want lemon in yours I'll be right back I always get lemon in my water I don't I don't like the whole separate thing I'm not a big fan of how meals are structured because when people come out and they order drinks it's like okay this is one part then they leave for like 20 minutes then they come back and they go can I take your orders and you go yeah sure here's all the shit then they leave then they come back with appetizers yeah then they leave and then they come back with your food just give me the fucking food I love when waiters are like do you want it do you want us to just bring it out I'm like yes yes just bring
Starting point is 00:55:00 it the fuck out because an appetizer here's why an appetizer makes no sense you're still eating food yes it's not like you're getting something like like you're just tasting something like oh no I'm now ready to eat I'm eating real food it just makes no fucking sense I'm not in my living room yeah chips and dip how are chicken wings appetizers how how is mozzarella sticks this is some heavy cheese yeah if I eat six mozzarella sticks I'm gonna need a second I'm a second I'm gonna eat 15 minutes yeah I'm not I'm not a I'm not a big fan of the word appetizer here's the thing here's how it should be done okay restaurants if you're listening here's how you do it you come over we're a big fucking no pad not this little football shit right you go what do you want to drink everyone goes
Starting point is 00:55:47 this shit you go okay what do you want to eat well we're gonna have these appetizers just start bringing it out as it's ready okay wars are ready now great bring them out like I don't mind like I'll eat a burger before like a chicken wing like I don't care I don't care yeah does anyone care we're hungry people do people care about order yeah people care about order yeah you like three part meals oh I'm gonna have a salad then I'm gonna have a chicken then I'm gonna have an entree what the fuck I'm also not a dessert guy oh that's where you're wrong would you like to see the dessert menu fuck yeah dude pass it over pass that dessert menu I feel like that's would you like a espresso no it's fucking 10 p.m. yeah why the fuck would I want that I have work tomorrow I don't
Starting point is 00:56:36 like that when they offer you coffee at 10 o'clock what is that that's stupid it's like what is this morning yeah dude I didn't eat a bacon egg and cheese I just had a fucking chicken parm I'm ready to go to sleep yeah they might as well fucking bring cocaine out there yeah would you like to not sleep for the next six hours you want to do like three rails for you get out of here oh yes thank you I want to walk around my apartment until two o'clock in the morning looking out the window be great oh man and just shitting violently like yeah I want to think my mailman's in the FBI yeah sure let's do it why does he keep looking at me yeah no but I don't like that whole thing and also the the the you know the worst is the check did we talk about this when they come over
Starting point is 00:57:21 yeah we talked about it how they come over then disappear and then come back I don't like this I don't like it dude just state I have my card in my hand the guy puts a book and then he fucking runs away hey hey take the fucking card you know what I mean I wonder if they do that like if you were to rent out a restaurant first of all that's a ball ass move first of all why the fuck would you do that I don't know rich people would do it that's dumb do we never rent out a restaurant no people do for like their weddings that's different it's a wedding I know I'm talking about single dates it's a little crazy yeah why why I don't know and that's the one other reason I brought it up because I saw Drake did it on a 101 date one of the best parts of being on the date
Starting point is 00:58:03 is being able to look around and just judge everybody yeah that's a great part of the date it's true look at this old fuck yeah you think they fuck no way she hates him this is it's a it's a really fun time I gotta try and not be on my phone as much when I go out to eat you're on your phone yeah sometimes I shouldn't be on it but but the thing is uh the reason I brought up the date like renting out I saw that Drake rented out a restaurant and for a model and the model was 18 what yeah he's dating an 18 year old looks like it how old's Drake in his 30s he's older than me that I know he's 30 31 what could you possibly have in common with an 18 year old it's an 18 year old model what could you possibly talk about I don't know yeah 12 years a big deal not that not that 12
Starting point is 00:59:02 years is a big deal because when you're past a certain point it's all it doesn't matter I know but but 18 yeah you know what I mean that's why it's a big jump because 30 something to 18 can you look at how old he is yeah I'm looking at that's exactly what I'm looking at like 12 years when you're 30 and you're dating someone who's 42 whatever you guys are you're the who you're gonna be for the rest of your life yeah you've experienced your life already when you're married a 40 year old when you're 18 you just figured out like everything yeah I don't even like I don't even know he's 31 he'll be 32 next month 18 I know and I just read that he's known her for two years was he red shirt in that looks like it that's weird this is a tiger situation here why do celebrities
Starting point is 00:59:56 get the okay with this with dating 18 year olds yeah like and like dating mad young women I don't know I think they just fuck so much that it's like well adults don't do it for me not that 18 is not an adult but listen listen I know people that listen to this podcast and they're 18 they're going fucking ape shit right now they're going fuck whoever I want I'm a grown fucking what you're but it you're just you're not yeah and that's fine because at 18 I was saying the same thing I'm like dude I can think for myself I'm 18 I figure it out whatever but I can tell you right now I was a horrible person 18 I'm not saying that you don't know what to do with your life I'm not saying that you don't know this don't know that all I'm saying is you're going
Starting point is 01:00:38 to change yes you're not going to be the same person at 18 that you are at 25 drastically too dude me at 18 I don't even know who that guy is yeah a completely different yeah I don't even want to think about it so that's what I'm saying where it's like that's what I mean so it's like and especially at your 18 yeah but you know you're a model you're thrust into this world the biggest rap star in the world ask you out you're gonna go out with them what first of all it's a fucking homerun for her yeah why does it smell like broccoli in here right now I don't know people downstairs must be cooking some shit yeah you always got I think they're Ukrainian down there tofu you always get some weird smell in here yeah I get some like cauliflower right now
Starting point is 01:01:19 yeah yeah smells like that I'm not a big fan yeah it's gross they steamed those vegetables it's stable um but yeah she had a homerun yeah obviously for her for her this is great little sketchy though it is a little weird I will I will say it's a little sketch I mean do your thing do your thing yeah but also it also is weird it's like you're 18 you know for two years something's weird you were having some thoughts at 16 texts were being exchanged or maybe not texts but definitely some signals Joe you don't if you're signal age if you're 28 let's say yeah no he yeah he's 31 he was 29 mm-hmm you're gonna be friend to 16 year old how many 16 year old friends you got I don't even know if I have a 16 year old cousin to be I don't even know
Starting point is 01:02:09 how many 16 year olds are in my life I don't know and I don't even know what the hell we would ever talk so we agree it's it's mutually sketch it's sketch it's sketch only because of the age gap like where it is you know what I mean and then all 18 to 31 yeah it's a weird gap and he rented out a restaurant getting serious she drank whoa did she had to you said that like you were so sure no I don't know you know she didn't maybe yeah it's rented out do whatever you want that was like the weird thing too celebrities like who is this girl she's a model I don't know I'll try and find her name but is she like her dad is somebody or something I don't think so naked Kendall Jenner skin from my phone
Starting point is 01:03:01 Drake move your phone jeez again all kinds of signals now it says 18 year old girlfriend oh my god Drake is reportedly dating 18 year old model Bella Harris Bella Harris she's like she's got her someone in her family's got to be famous otherwise where the fuck would they meet I don't know that hugs a little weird that is weird hug not a strong hug by Drake no not the not the best hug look a little clingy I feel like if you're a dude you can't go under hug no you got to get over yeah you got to give her one of these like yeah yeah yeah just yeah can't do this do you go completely over I like going completely over sometimes yeah because I wanted I want to engulf you as a man right and then but
Starting point is 01:03:52 under is a little weird sometimes I like airplane yeah you know I'm saying it's a good let's split the difference here let's get sideways I like that this hug though I think he's going double under here I can't support that no she's a model so she's probably mad tall dude I smell the cauliflower like yeah like it's right here now I do too I'm trying to ignore her but I can't I can't either so yeah he's going double under in this picture just a little crazy and she's only one arm hugging yeah it means like he likes her more and she just has her arm around him like this yeah it's a little weird maybe she's sunning him could be her her caption is no place I'd rather be maybe she's just a big fan of the song I don't know that's a good song yeah it is oh and she
Starting point is 01:04:39 she had another picture with them oh she's tall as shit yeah she's a model she had another picture with him he's wearing like a dude Drake's like a big windbreaker guy yeah loves windbreakers terrible dresser not really not really great he's a terrible dresser he's a he's a big a sweatsuit guy too we just let it all slide I guess yeah yeah for God's sakes put some jeans on Drake I don't think I've ever seen him wear a pair of jeans in my life I don't think so he's a comfy guy let's stay comfy I mean I don't mind it yeah she has 73,000 followers I have more followers than her you could date Drake you guys are closer in age it wouldn't be weird
Starting point is 01:05:21 he's a Nike guy I'm gonna do this guy we can't do it that's true yeah lightning round Kanye or Drake wait what are we talking about just who do you like more oh Kanye yeah I couldn't do it I'm still not like sucking his toes or anything no not sucking Kanye's toes Kanye sucks toes I could see him being a sexually weird dude yeah I think Kanye does weird shit yeah like who like watch porn while having sex yeah or like wear a wig yeah he's in some weird shit yes yes he is and he has cried a lot yeah or said weird stuff yeah I would he is a weird he's a sexual deviant yeah probably I feel like he would wear a cape like he's like hold on real quick yeah he has a cape that has like a k on it like Yeezy season 7 cape yeah like no one's ever
Starting point is 01:06:10 seen sex cape yeah a lot of weird stuff I think we're onto something I think we are too I need to talk to this guy I know you met him once which school yeah but I didn't ask him if he's wearing a sex cape if you could meet any rapper right now who would you want to meet Jesus I don't even know sucks about Mac Miller though yeah that's awful yeah for a long time that was probably the one you wanted to meet Mac yeah I don't know why I never you know you never met him no I always felt like we would get along which is weird I feel like everyone says that about people they're fans of like man I feel like we'd be best friends yeah but I really did feel that way very talented kid yeah absolutely that was like my he's probably now that I think about it he's probably one of the
Starting point is 01:07:05 most inspirational people I've ever had in my life like inspirations and I never wanted to be a rapper or anything but it was just because we're the same age and when I how old was he when he started blowing up but he was like 17 17 he's like 17 years old 17 when kids came out yeah so that stuff was coming out and at the time like I had dropped out of well I was in high school still but I was knew I wasn't going to college I did a semester and then dropped out so at that point I was just like a fucked up kid a bower well I went to bower for a semester bower state and then I I dropped out after a semester but yeah um after that like I was listening to a lot of Mac Miller at the time yeah just because it was like a fun like whatever it's not saying the most
Starting point is 01:07:52 inspirational things but it was the simple fact that he was like a very successful kid who was my age and he played like the youtube wave too yeah he was probably the first one who did that yeah one of the first ones who did that and it was like yo what the fuck yeah he was a white dude and it was just like I liked the music and it was awesome and I was following him and he was getting bigger and bigger and it was just it was just nice to have somebody that's like at least I know it's possible now right like it's possible right now you know what I mean like you know it's possible for people to become become successful yeah but you know we didn't like especially us growing up we didn't have I don't think we had any young inspirations like everyone was also like always older I feel
Starting point is 01:08:36 like yeah like now rappers and shit were always older yeah and now everyone's like yo all these kids are like fucking like little pumps like 17 yeah I know and like he's one of the biggest rappers and you got a little oozy bird and fucking we had like little juice world and fucking all these people that they're young kids I like juice world I like him too um we had like like little bowel like little Romeo that's who I had yeah I guess but yeah I was that was later than me yeah but like that's who I had grown I didn't really have anyone like everyone was always adult and it was just like all right this dude like came out of nowhere and like he's good he makes cool music and like all this stuff and I remember listening to best day ever because when I was I
Starting point is 01:09:18 was this is mad dramatic but when I was younger like there was stuff going on in my life at home and stuff blah blah blah so I would take walks all the time yeah just to get out of the house and now and best day ever was like one of the fucking albums that I would listen to like constantly I just found it inspirational that I'm like that's one of his best songs ever what best day ever yeah yeah I just liked the whole idea of like and it was like corny stuff like looking back on it but you know you're 17 18 years old it was like the thumbs up like most dope stuff he got so much better lyrically as he got older though yeah like what he was doing there was like college rap like dorm room rap type shit he's 17 yeah but once like once he got older like he started
Starting point is 01:10:08 that kid could rap yeah he could rap his ass off so it was and then when when I saw that he died I said 26 I was like I thought he was older than that I thought he was my age no I knew he was my age so that shit was even scarier too yeah man it's it's a bummer but yeah it just fucking sucks but I don't know that's trash it's still it's it's gonna it's gonna be trash forever and it's weird because that you know I had no idea how much I looked up to this dude or how much like he impacted my life until because like you hear you see people say that all the time yeah like someone passes or something happens to someone it's like you're such a big impact on me and all the stuff and I was like I never got that like I don't know that feeling because I've never felt that way but while this
Starting point is 01:10:53 dude's gone and you're like dude this guy was like the reason I even thought I could right do anything subconsciously too like yeah you know you go on you go throughout your life and then when they pass like that it's like oh shit like I fucked with him hard yeah and it's and it's like I fell off too like after like I think macadelic was like the last thing I really listened to and I still listened to some of his singles whatever but I didn't really like follow him that much you know whatever I forgot he kind of chilled too for a second yeah you know whatever so I just forgot about it but it was just a simple fact that like this dude was the one who told me that I could basically by by being successful at a such a young age he let me know that it was possible and
Starting point is 01:11:38 it's just trash that you know fucking drugs man it's fucked up man drugs and other stuff well I mean that should be scary man you never know whatever things are laced with or like drug dealers like I know a bunch of drug dealers man they're all fucking sketchy yeah you know just give me their number okay oh man anyway I think we could wrap this up yeah guys if you haven't noticed we're going full length videos on youtube now FL full length go to slash the basement yard check out all the videos all the clips are on there too we're gonna set it we're gonna make a new channel for all the clips but all the videos they're gonna stay on this channel big ones slash the basement yard go subscribe you can watch the entire thing from now on okay there you go
Starting point is 01:12:28 putting your blood work unless you're listening to this on patreon a week earlier and it's not up there yet but yeah um that is all Danny where can I find you you can find me at Danny low priori on twitter and instagram it's lit and in your hearts oh my god sorry and in adidas apparently anyway uh yeah that is all from the basement yard this week Danny go suck those toes see you guys next time wait you don't taste jizz what sorry

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