The Basement Yard - #159 - Are Robot Brothels Dope?

Episode Date: October 15, 2018

So like.. would you actually go into a brothel filled with robots & have sex with one? Let's discuss. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Welcome back to the basement yard Why am I yelling? I don't know so angry. I can't hear you. Why why can you hear me now? Can you hear this? Oh, I hear you now. Yeah, turn that bitch up, dude. Oh, yeah, not too not too loud. I'm peeking now Do you just whip no? Oh? What is that of the net the name a oh the name a the name a okay, then I'm just checking I wasn't sure what it was Anyway, yes, maybe just we're at the Yankee game very fun very fun My throat hurts a little bit my throat is killing me
Starting point is 00:00:29 So if my voice is probably gonna crack a record breaking amount of times today Do you think at some point that'll just go away what? No I'll be on my deathbed and telling like my children I Love you, and they're gonna be like just go dude Yeah, just just let it go. Just stop talking someone put a tube in there. Yeah, you know shut them up Yankee Stadium was a rock. It was rockin. It was crazy. Yeah, my farts. They have been absolutely just rancid that is called
Starting point is 00:01:04 You had a hot dog at the game. Oh, I had a hot dog. That's a hot dog That is a chicken fingers and fries and a couple of Bruce Keats That's gonna throw that anus into a tailspin. Yeah We are Mayday sir Mayday Mayday I'm telling you yeah Did you take shits in school or were you one of those guys that didn't like to take shits? Oh, no, I would avoid that at all cost Yeah, I Do that all the time anyway I mean in my in my old age, you know what it is once you pass a certain age you stop caring about certain things
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah, you know what I mean? That's one of them. You're shitting one of them. Yeah, cuz I'm kind of like well I'm just gonna do this Do you think the older you get the less you just start caring about a lot of things? Yeah, I mean things like that that don't really matter, you know But I'm not like some courageous shitter or anything like that. We're starting it off with shit by the way But also I'm not this creative. You know courageous Person that like you know, yeah, you had a hard time courageous. I did it was a little tough to say courageous for a second there I'm gonna turn you up a little bit. Sorry. Sorry. Hold on
Starting point is 00:02:06 Are you good? I'm good. Oh, yeah You want to start over? No, I don't all right because I didn't know cuz I don't know we're good I didn't want to mess up the audio. Yeah, then it's my fault. Shut the fuck up. I'm sorry. I'm just kidding People are all team mean Joe week for guys It's it's so funny because after those we'll get back to what I was talking about But I just have to address this that so many people were like Hitting you up and also tweeting the both of us and saying like don't let Joe talk to you like that. I know I'm just like, yeah, we're joking. There was we're joking around peeps. Jesus Christ. D-Hive. I see you D-Hive. Oh
Starting point is 00:02:39 D-Hive I got D-Hive out there That's true. That's what we got to call them now. Wow. They protected me. They came out guns. Yeah, they were like, yo Joe's like mean sort of yeah, I was joking. He was joking guys. It's joking. He told me to say that. Yeah. Hey Do you like in spin the face fuck no, I'm just say hey, I don't hey just saying Do you someone spit in my face? Yeah, no, not sex stuff But I think maybe if I was the spitter that would turn you on maybe It wouldn't it wouldn't if like like it would have to be a very like talked about thing on the face Wherever I think spitting other places is fine. Oh, it's great. Yeah. Oh that happens. Yeah, that happens
Starting point is 00:03:34 What I'm saying is like just like I like I don't know We should get it. No, no, it's fine. Do it. I'm not like a hawk a lungi like Titanic a lungi a lungi a Loogie Loogie. Yeah, what I say a lungi. I put it in. Yeah, I don't know. It's all right You it's probably been saying it like that your whole life. Yeah, I have Hawking loongies So I'm not talking about hawking some loogie there you go like Rose Dawson on the fucking side of the Titanic I'm talking about just like us like a like a Febreeze spray type of You know
Starting point is 00:04:14 Titanic She was letting them go. I know Rose can she was spitting hard. Yeah, you can see it on camera and the cameras weren't even that good back Then I'm like geez I could see the a girth on that thing not letting you off the hook here No, you want to spit in the face. No, no, no, I don't want to spit. I think you do. No, I don't I Feel like because to me I'd rather get punched in the face than spit in the face some dude's face No, no or like wherever. Have you like growing up? No one ever spit in your face. No, but I'd rather be punched in the face I'd rather be punched in the face getting spit in the face mad disrespectful
Starting point is 00:04:50 I just like but like that's the thing like sometimes during sex like disrespectful things turn people on. Yeah I Didn't write No, but I'm saying like that's why I'm like I'm not saying like this is something I want to do There's one got one mark it down. So I'm gonna get a pen and paper mark it down It's gonna be a long episode. Do you know there's a there's a clip of you on YouTube a Voice-cracking compilation of you. I know someone tweeted at me and I watched it one time. I
Starting point is 00:05:21 Watched it too. He's left. Not really. Oh, all right. You're like It was cute. It wasn't funny It was cute Joe. Where can they find you dude? We got to know Working they find you What were you talking about talk about spitting courageous shitting though, but like forget the spitting thing No, no, no, no, no, no thing is it's like you're saying like some people like are into that All right, so I'm like if it came down to it and some girl was like I'm into this I'd be like open to being the spitter, but I probably wouldn't be like yeah go ham spit on my face
Starting point is 00:05:52 I think that's why you're like team JLo and I'm like team Rihanna Why because like she would disrespect me like she would make me feel like I want to be that one I want to be the dominant one. I don't want to be like, yo, you gotta go ahead go throw an elbow at me I'm trying to get disrespected. Oh, you're trying to get hit in the face. Oh, yeah. All right I would because Rihanna would do that. So let me ask you a question All right, he's passed three episodes up and kind of laying into you in the first three minutes You got boner that table
Starting point is 00:06:21 Fold it down. Don't you you don't got to say it. We'll just leave it to the imagination just now. I don't know I guess yeah You get a boner right now just from like just just trying No You I can't I'm trying right now. I can't hold on. Hold on. Hold on Hold on Do you think it's possible for you to get a boner? Mm-hmm Just by thoughts and just standing here not touching. Yeah, not like rubbing your legs together trying to get some friction Just standing. Oh, yeah, you could just get a bony for sure
Starting point is 00:06:56 I don't know if I could I need something wait. What are you doing? I'm trying looks like you're trying to take a shit I'm trying to get a bone. I'm trying to throw blood down there You could easily I can't not right now. I can't no I can't this is why I respect porn stars so much I need some sort of like friction. Really? I think so or or visual stimulation Yeah, some visual stimulation. Yeah, but I'd rather get like I'd rather get dominated All right, not like stick stuff in my butt
Starting point is 00:07:28 That's so that's that's That's a whole new level of domination. You call me a piece of shit. Oh, all right. That you piece of shit. Yeah What was that? That was like a small part of my body. Is that hitting? I don't know Not your dick. No unless nothing in my butthole. I don't understand How no butthole. I understand. Oh I understand but I don't understand how guys want to get like they're not stomped on Isn't that weird? I feel like we've all seen
Starting point is 00:07:59 Videos of that with like dudes like there's a girl who comes in the room with like high heels And then she's like steps a little over the dude's nuts and he's like, oh Ow. Oh, yeah I'm like, dude, what are you doing or like this girl? She's like got thick ass thighs. Yeah For some reason can kick like christiano Ronaldo And it's just levels this dude in the ball. I've seen that and he's hooked up to some machine Yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:08:28 And she's just like Dude, how do your balls not go? We're we're done I can't you shatter a text test the texticle Fuck you can't even talk because you're so afraid. I know or horny now both Are you afraid and horny is probably like one of the best combinations you could be Because you don't know what's gonna happen Afraid and horny. Yeah in what situation would you be afraid of in horny? I don't know but that sounds
Starting point is 00:08:55 It's like a good title for something. Well like about to have sex, but also like did someone just break into my house? Yeah Afraid and horny Or someone opens door on you if I'm scared My dick my dick is a is a pussy. You know when my dick would get soft when you put a condom on your penis It's a whole process. Yeah, because it's like you forget about sex and you're like, uh Is this side is this it? Yeah, how do I do I squeeze do I squeeze the reservoir? Is this the reservoir start reading the yeah It says roll it on. Oh, okay. I'll do it Cons are weird. I hate the fucking why can't we just go?
Starting point is 00:09:35 You know what I mean something to stick on and it just suction cups. You know, it's weird dental bam That stuff it's like What is it? I don't know. How does it work? It's like, uh, basically it's like wearing a glove on your tongue Wait I thought wait what? Yeah, it's like you eat you can eat a girl out with Like a thing on your mouth like it's like But it comes through it's like it's like a latex glove for your tongue
Starting point is 00:10:07 Wait Hold on. Yeah Look it up dental. Oh, I thought you about started jerking it. No, we were thinking my dick's on my back Keith maybe no, I don't know. Um dental dam. It's called I know it's called a dental dam, but I'm I'm I'm saving my reaction because Wait, what the fuck? I thought dental dams
Starting point is 00:10:34 Go in the vagina. No, see I'm too. I'm too old to think this. I know that's too old to have this wrong That's an 11 year old dancer. Yeah, that's like at a lunch table where they tell you like nah, uh Yeah, dude. I I really thought that I have to look it up. Yeah, it's a bunch of beavers that go into your girlfriend's vagina and they build a dam Wait, what is going on? So wait, you're you're having sex with like just like a you're not having it's for oral sex only. What? Yeah I this is all it's like it's like a a safety sheet because so like you can't Transfer your herbs. So you're making out with a a glove that is touching a puss News to me dude news to me
Starting point is 00:11:21 I did not know this. I feel like there's a lot Of stuff about this is I'm too old. I'm too old to think that I'm stupid. I'm here for you. I'm yo, I just figured out I'm dumb I've never seen dental dam in person though like in a store like I would understand why you don't know what it is Why did you say I've never seen dental dam as if it's some guy like if you're going to buy like condoms and stuff It's like all right these these I definitely don't fit in these all right there Yeah, that's gonna look like damn. That's I'm not looking for that isn't buying condoms the absolute worst. Yes It's such a weird thing. Yeah, it's like
Starting point is 00:11:59 It's just weird how normal it is but how awkward it is I have to be like Like because you always like even if you're only going to buy condoms You got to get some other stuff to like Cover your chest. You need some gum. It's like uh tic-tacs winter fresh Trojans fire nice fire nice
Starting point is 00:12:22 You like fire and ice you just fart. No You made a fart face and because I was confused by your fire and ice combat. Who the fuck will one icy hot dick? Well, first of all, I haven't worn a condom since nom. So right it's been it's been a while. It's been a while Thank god you wore him over there though. Yeah Who knows who knows what was going on. Have you ever got a std test? Yeah, yeah, they put the thing in your p-hole. See I haven't gotten one of those. No but Blood stuff blood stuff. Yeah, so they didn't take a look at your johnson or nothing
Starting point is 00:12:55 Well, they've looked at it. Yeah, but they haven't stuck the thing in there. No Thankfully one day Huh, I hope not. No. No, I mean you get them. You got to get You know, whatever blood tests are so nerve-wracking too. Like every time I get a blood test. I'm like I'm like, well, I'm a little dizzy today and I look it up and I'm like, well, it could be malaria I could never give blood Why because I'm afraid What you got trash blood. No, not that I have trash
Starting point is 00:13:25 I don't know just like knowing that much blood is coming out of me I told you the story when I went and they took my blood and I looked Looked at what at that at the blood coming out and you passed out Yeah So I'm in the hospital. Wait, why does that freak people out because I don't like blood But that stuff doesn't freak me out. This is what happened. This is what I have to look usually. I don't Usually I don't but I went to the hospital and I was having some respiratory issues. I couldn't breathe. I was having asthma attack
Starting point is 00:13:52 So when I went there, they you know, they do all the stuff. They take your vitals. They take blood. Yeah So my heart rate was around like 72 73 when I was there. Okay, as soon as I looked at the blood Coming out my heart rate dropped to 43 So I was going I was feigning I was feinting. Oh, yeah, and as I was feigning Everything was closing. I was just like calling on Because I thought I was dying. Did you fall out of the chair? I fell back into the thing. I said, I thought I was dying
Starting point is 00:14:27 Because once I went to pass out, they rushed all these nurses in here because the thing starts going I'm like, I'm dying. I'm dying right now Sorry, this is yeah, this is funny. No, no, no, no. It's funny now because I'm not dead But I go in there. I I'm already having a hard time breathing. I'm feeling like I'm gonna die And they're like, it's fine. We're gonna take your blood. You're okay. I'm already panicking and Blood pressure drops heart rate drops to critical level. That's what happens when you faint, right? Everything's going off. I see nurses running from that room from that room now. Everything just gets tingly now. I'm just full of tingles And everything I'm everything's closing and the last thing I was saying was just call my mom
Starting point is 00:15:17 Because I was like I'm gonna die now And then I woke up like three seconds later and they were like, dude You're fine Here's some abuter all I would have I would have loved to be in the room when you woke up. Is this happened? Yeah, basically what I felt like. Have you ever fully passed out? Multiple times. It's awesome it but Not a lot of time passes by where I'm like, like I know I'm fainting. Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:41 I fainted enough times to know like oh, I'm oh, I'm going I've never fainted before That's why I thought I was dying fainting is so wack. I used to faint all the time in church I know you told me and then I looked into fainting. It's very rare fainting. Yeah fainting is rare Yeah, but I think you can manifest it. Of course like you're just like Oh, shit. And then when you when you to scare yourself and you start hyperventilating. It's like Control your breathing. Otherwise you're going down getting those flashbacks right now. Yeah, but like speaking of manifesting Okay We in Houston
Starting point is 00:16:17 They have this Well, they were trying to get this robot Sex brothel started No, you're not into it. First of all, this is step one Into the human race being depleted You don't make robots You don't make them Get it get out of it. No robots. Once I saw like that twitter video someone fucking created a robot that could run
Starting point is 00:16:44 I was like, I don't want any part of this run. What are we doing? Open the door. You see that one that can open the door. Why do we need it? I don't need it. We have there's like Billions of people. I have perfectly good arms. I could do things. I can grab this. You know what I mean? I want to feel that I don't need a fucking robot Why are we making them? I don't know but anyway So it's a sex robot brothel in houston. They tried to make this thing called a robot sex brothel Now my question for you is okay
Starting point is 00:17:18 Is that cheating? Fucking robot. Yeah I'm gonna come in with a hard no I think i'm also gonna come in with a no, right? It's not real. It's an adamant object. It's a tool. Is jerking off cheating No, it's using a flashlight cheating. No What's the difference is watching porn cheating? No, I don't think so Actually, I know it's a no. Yeah, it has to be it has to be otherwise
Starting point is 00:17:45 We're all out here just Cheating it up. Cheating it up. Cheating it up big cheat fest. Also girls fucking slap their thing. Yeah, I know, you know Sorry, uh, but would you would you one would you ever go? Would I go to a you know, let's let's stay back to say let's stay on the topic of you don't think it's cheating. Yeah, I don't Do you think that it should be legalized in that there actually should be a robot sex brothel? No, you think that crosses the line I think that when the less robots the better Why give them faces? Who manifests these ideas? People who are not getting actual vagina
Starting point is 00:18:22 You think that yeah, that's it. Why would you create? Why would you feel the need to create fake vagina? If you were getting real vagina, you're like, I'm good with this. It's alive. It does stuff You know what I mean? I could say it's a taxable person who talks to me that has emotion. Yeah Robot vagina. That's just a thing. It's just a cold piece of metal And you're paying to go into a room and fuck this thing. Yeah, I'm I'm good. I'm I'm all set. I'd rather go to a real brothel I'm just saying You're gonna go out of your way to sneak it to a robot brothel That's even creepier. That's even creepier dude. Just imagine even creepier to me
Starting point is 00:19:05 Dude, just imagine for a second walking into a brothel You open the door guys like yeah, it's room 19 down the hall and you're like, thank you so much It's like dark and there's like black lights So you're like shoe strings are like lighting up and you walk down and you open the door and there's just a doll in it like Hello, joe Maybe it doesn't talk maybe just lays there and you're like Hey, hello, you want me to you want me to get undressed? Oh, it's weird. It's weird It's like it would be like having sex with someone who's asleep. Yeah unless they like talked they were like fuck me. So right
Starting point is 00:19:48 Oh, yeah, big daddy keep giving it to me harder harder Deep in that robot snatch. Oh my god. Fuck my ass, please Yeah, I'm not fucking robots too. That would never be like they shouldn't talk If you were say you're just walking down walking down vagastrip Yeah, I had a couple drinks in you and some big titty robot and there's somebody out there being like, yeah There's a brothel in here of like robots that you could fuck. Are you even gonna think about it? I would be more inclined. I wanted to see it I want to see it too, but I don't think they'd let you see unless you pay. Yeah, it's true
Starting point is 00:20:29 You know It'd be different if like I would be more inclined to do it if they were like they're sex dolls But calling them robots. I think there's a lot of moving parts. I know in danger involved because what if you get in there and all of a sudden malfunction I a beat of sweat drops from my head and hits like The fucking mitochondria of this thing and it's short circuits and then the vagina just ha fuck me so What speed is this on and then your dick gets caught I wonder if they can come the robots
Starting point is 00:21:11 Probably not They probably have like a timer Like after seven minutes, it's like I am going to I am going to come. Oh daddy. That was so good. So good amazing. Do not stop I'll call you later But no, I I would want to see it I would vote no on it too. Also just think about how like how are you cleaning these robots? Oh, they're getting in there What are you sticking like a fire hose in it? No, because they would have to meet like a sanitation level
Starting point is 00:21:45 Like people would have to come in and like check their sniz like robot sniz. Yeah Yeah, I mean you would have to switch it out every single time Yeah, oh would it be like a doctor's office like they just have like a piece of paper that they just pull over That's three voice cracks like yeah, that's three This is getting closer and closer to westworld Which westworld for people who don't know westworld to show where Do you pay? Yeah, you pay you pay and you get into this this western world
Starting point is 00:22:12 And it's as if you're yourself And there's people around and they're like robots though that look like people feel like people And you can fuck hookers And you kill people you can do everyone you can rob trains you can get arrested you can do all these things I would do that Hell i'm fucking mad hookers in the wild west now is that cheating though because they're whatever it's like they're more real They're fake It's not cheating in this world. I just killed a guy you're gonna arrest me
Starting point is 00:22:41 No, if I can't get arrested in this world for killing a guy I damn sure i'm not gonna be called cheating. All right, so think about think think about this though I'm banging those hookers. Say you say you're you're married, right? I'm banging the hookers. No, no, no say you're married Yeah, and you go there with your wife Are you gonna let your wife get thrashed by a robot give go give go fuck the sheriff. I don't care It's fire. Why why would I care? I'm but i'm banging 30 hookers up here Yeah in a bathtub Just like drinking whiskey and fucking them all and you know much it costs three dollars or not even three dollars
Starting point is 00:23:14 Like four coins. Yeah shillings. Yeah, like how much you got? It's like, well, you got a girl. She'll baze you suck you and the horse is out front. You're like, this is great I mean great. Yeah, I would love to live in that world. So that's not cheating No, if anything, I think that would keep marriages alive I'll elaborate I'm saying like imagine like you had a tough day you and your wife were fighting. You're like, let's just go Let's go kill people. Let's go suck a cowboy's dick. Yeah. Yeah, let's go to the wild west the fake world of wild west Kill a couple hookers or something. Yeah, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Let's go on the run. Let's be Bonnie and Clyde You you pay for a hooker. She comes up. You think you're they think you're having sex your wife comes out of nowhere Bang kills the hooker you guys go on the run. Yeah, the sheriff's looking for you. It's all fake If they kill you they shoot you Whatever you pay you you get out of the game. That's rob a saloon and like have sex in it I'm down. That's rob a bank. Go get the horse Tie the horse up to the bars And just ride it out and we'll knock this whole wall down
Starting point is 00:24:17 You know what I mean? And then I'll run into the bank grab all the money Fuck a hooker in there and then we'll we'll split. Yeah west west world will be dope. Hell. Yeah, that'd be awesome I'm banging those hookers because they're real people in a fake world. Are you am I losing you? No, okay? There's enough. There's enough I think it's outside. It stops it. It's fake people in a real world Oh, I just blew your mind. Yeah, you did you just blew my mind Uh, but yeah, especially the fucking generation that we live in now. We're talking about fucking fake robots and having sex with them fucking People doing documentaries on fucking youtubers
Starting point is 00:24:58 Oh my god, you seen it, right? Hell, yeah I cannot figure out if it's fake or not What if it's like a mockumentary? No, it's real. Hold on. Let me just give context for yeah. Yeah, sorry. I jumped the gun So there's this big youtuber. He's been Like a big person has mad subscribers this guy Shane Dawson and uh he
Starting point is 00:25:23 is Filming a documentary Uh, he did one on this guy Jeffrey star who's like this Uh, that was like the racist trans guy. He's a racist trans guy. I think he I think he had some like racist stuff that he said Oh, I don't know. I came Kardashian defended him or something. I didn't know. I don't know if he's trans or like, I don't know I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. But he's like insanely rich for whatever. He's a successful dude So there's a documentary that he did on him and it got millions of views like insanely well But I didn't haven't seen anything of that. Oh, I didn't know he's done documentaries before
Starting point is 00:25:56 Well, I think it was just him All right to my knowledge. I don't know but then he's doing a documentary on that kid jake paul And it's so absurd. Yeah Like it's just like ridiculous like I tried to go into it with as open of a mind as possible Yeah, it's so over the top. Yeah dramatic. He could he could have done he could have like If it wasn't as crazy as he makes it seem I know because his biggest thing is he's trying to like prove that Jake paul's like a sociopath. Yeah, but like every time they say the word sociopaths like It's a sociopathic trade. He's like
Starting point is 00:26:31 Yeah, oh my god, I mean it's like It's like it's like scary music. Yeah, there's literally a cut scene In it like random cut scenes and it's a picture of a doll It's a video of a doll laying down and then a doll like blurry in the background And someone taking a knife and cutting the doll in half. I'm like, what is what is this? That's what's making me think it's fake No, it's real because he had actually I think he addressed it and one of them where he's like I realized I was making it like too Blah blah blah because it was just like it was insane that documentary is terrible
Starting point is 00:27:04 For a documentary. Yeah, it's awful. I mean it looks like a person who's doing youtube is doing it It's not like, you know, there's a bunch of money behind it, which I don't expect. No, no, no, but I'm saying it's like not that I want to see a documentary on jake paul either, but it's almost like I feel bamboozled If it's fake, I don't think it's fake It's just I think it's just poorly produced. I know I just think that there's no point like what do we get it? Like what was the whole original point of this? I know
Starting point is 00:27:34 Well, the original point was to show you how these How, you know, if these kids are like weird Of course they are. Yeah It's all questions. We know the answers to not only that, but it's like so I just I would love to ask Uh Shane Dawson and be like, what was your original reasoning? Like to show that he's a psycho or show that he's a sociopath or whatever And if he goes, yeah, I'd be like
Starting point is 00:28:01 You don't even need to I know. Yeah, we know. I know kids nuts Kids nuts. Obviously. He's nuts. You know Sure, he's social we talk dude I spent the last five six years Talking to a camera Right, right by myself. Do you do you think you have any sociopathic traits? Like for I think there's something it's more narcissism than anything
Starting point is 00:28:31 I agree with you Because it's been me me me me me for so long. Yeah So but it's but I the only like I tried really hard Like I went out of my way to make sure that I separated my like real life from that because I don't want to blend and be this guy Who only cares about himself, right and is so worried about his image because I'm not at all No, I don't think you're worried about your image But a part of you is definitely worries about how you come off I but I'm slowly like really don't care
Starting point is 00:29:04 Right because I I don't think you know what it is. I don't think there's anything I don't care about your image Because I don't 100 but like I you know reason why I don't care is because I know I'm not like a malicious person Or like a dick So it's like dude, just do your thing like and if if people don't like it like I'm not like the meanest guy in the world Or like whatever, you know, well even though like your youtube though like I guess people kind of took you is that you might have been like that character Like what we talked about before like how like This guy like really hates the people in walmart like you don't like you don't yeah, no, obviously. Yeah, it's like I think those fucking paul kids
Starting point is 00:29:45 If they're faking it They're they're great at I can tell you right now. I don't know who told me this but They're not faking it like they they are really like that Like they they're insane Yeah, they really are Who they portray online they really feel that way And I'm like, how can a person more power to them? I guess no no power to them. No, no, but I'm just saying like to Let the world
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Starting point is 00:31:26 Uh, that's promo code. That's promo code. What am I saying? That's promo code basement for your $20 off your first ckeak Purchase guys definitely shout out to ckeak. I love those dudes over there. Um and women Uh, but yeah, it's the it's the best and easiest way to buy tickets to use their app. Trust me It's going to be your the best one you use Um, next we have quip, which is coincidentally the best toothbrush. I've ever used in my life Uh, I haven't looked back honestly because usually I go to the store. I buy a pack of 14 shitty toothbrushes with this you don't have to do that because quip um
Starting point is 00:32:05 First of all is a electric toothbrush that was created by dentists and designers Uh, so it works. I mean the dentist made it dude. It's gotta work Uh, and it's it's a it has like vibrating pulses to let you know like when you're done with ones It'll like you'll start brushing and it'll pulse and you'll be like, oh, I gotta go to the next side now And then you'll start and then it'll shut off. So you get the like Dentists recommended amount of time brushing your teeth no more. No less. Okay. You can't be there all day You know grind it into your gums making your face bleed But you also just can't do it for 10 seconds and think that you're gonna have some pearly whites here
Starting point is 00:32:41 um The best part about quip in my opinion um It doesn't require like a clunky charger or anything like that. Uh, one charger runs for three months All right, there is a charger on it. All right, I think that it's battery operated. I don't know. It's electric. Okay Jesus give me a break. It's all electricity. Uh, but it runs for three months. So that's not a problem it's not gonna be buying batteries every five seconds and also they have a subscription service sort of it's kind of new brush heads that are automatically delivered on a dentist
Starting point is 00:33:17 Scheduled every three months for just five dollars Okay, so that's the best part about it because I'm the type of person that If I go on vacation or if I bring my toothbrush somewhere or I get sick. I just throw my toothbrush out To be honest with you or just after like if I feel like I've had this toothbrush for a while I'll just throw it out because I want a new fresh one with this it just comes you don't even think about it It's five bucks. You know what I mean? You're not even thinking about five dollars new toothbrush A new brush head shows up. It's like you have a brand new toothbrush. It's amazing. That's my favorite part about it to be honest with you um, anyway
Starting point is 00:33:52 Quip starts at just 25 and if you go to get slash basement Uh, you get your first refill pack for free with a quip electric toothbrush That's your first refill pack free at G e t q u i p dot com slash basement get quip dot com slash basement. All right, you're welcome Brush those tam teeth tam damn teeth Anyway You know what it is and that's what people say all the time too and a lot of things like when I have an opinion about something people online will be like
Starting point is 00:34:28 You're just mad because he's more successful. I'm like, why do we keep chalking it up to that? That's you of course this whole fucking thing of like It has to be measured by success because you make youtube videos too makes zero sense Well, it even has nothing to do with the fact that my youtube videos they say that to anybody I'm just like, yo, you're just irrelevant. It's like, yeah, but that has nothing to do with what i'm talking about I love how people say like They throw the word irrelevant around. They love it. They love that you're relevant. What is that about? I don't know because like I don't really like hold anyone
Starting point is 00:34:57 Like yo, you're relevant. All right. You I want to hear your opinion like I I I don't care what makes you relevant like why the fuck would I talk to like derrick jeeter About anything that you know, I mean, what the fuck do I don't care who you are, right? You know baseball You don't know this shit. Yeah, like I don't care how relevant irrelevant you are It makes no sense. Do you think the current state of youtube is kind of what turned like turned you off kind of from youtube a little bit I just I just think it's over. I think youtube's done Yeah, I think that or at least for what I was doing is over and that's why I stopped doing it
Starting point is 00:35:31 But it also just wasn't that enjoyable and I also like hated The negative connotation that comes with being a youtuber because I can't even like look at it anymore It drives me insane, especially on instagram now Like all these kids like and I tweeted about it this morning actually and I said these kids I said these kids are so self-conscious that they can't even go outside without their Givenchy fucking T-shirts. Yeah, that are like 50 500 dollars You can't even go outside Because you're so self-conscious about it. Like I have to be super fresh
Starting point is 00:36:03 Like I saw some kid wearing Gucci shoes Gucci socks backpack shirt and shorts This outfit cost maybe four grand more more six grand seven grand and it's like but like Why yeah, why? You can't it says you can't I feel like out there you like it's huge like people use the word clout that drives me insane I hate how big of cloud is cloud is awful cloud chaser
Starting point is 00:36:30 Yeah, anytime you have a difference of opinion. Oh, you're a cloud chaser It's like no actually the person who's very popular is doing something that is stupid and I have an opinion about it Just like I have had opinions about everything else in the world. Yeah, but now I'm a cloud chaser because I'm talking about something That's very irrelevant Yeah, like the cloud is the new hater Yeah Oh god drives me so you're a hater I hate la and I hate all youtubers and anyone who has any kind of social media presence
Starting point is 00:36:58 Chances are I would say like maybe 80 of people I'm like you guys are weird as fuck. Yeah, because this is not how the real world is no It's like just you guys and you like live to to impress 11 year olds That in itself is weird. Yes You know, you know like my demographics like 11 year olds. I'm like ill Not only that but it's just like no, it's not. Who are you flexing on like they don't have jobs They're in middle school Like why are you driving your lambo like yo haters will never like what you know the people hating on you are 11
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah by my merch You know I'm saying like dudes are like, yo I got mad haters It's like, yo, it's just random twitter accounts that are like harry styles like left finger Yeah, it's like they're at and it's like, yo, this is the person you're flexing on as a 14 year old boy Yeah, like the fuck it's weird, dude Like that's a weird concept and being so self-conscious about the opinion of a 10 a 10 year old That you have to go out and buy a $500 shirt or and you can't be seen Like with without being super fresh. That's that's weird to me. Yeah, I mean, I like I like being fresh, but I'm not like that
Starting point is 00:38:11 That's like insane That's that's wild is what it is But it's like, you know, it's it's one thing I'm not saying like, yo, don't get your Gucci shit and don't like what I got a Gucci wallet Yeah, you know I'm saying like it's okay to have those things and to buy designer shit That's not what I'm talking about though because you are able to step outside And look like a mess Right and just be like whatever but like if you're 14 or 15 you shouldn't have anything Gucci
Starting point is 00:38:36 You know and they have mad shit their backpacks. They want like that mcm shit. Yeah It's got like rhinestones in it like the fuck you look like a cowboy with this shit Dude, I saw a video of jacob sartorius's live show Is so bad And these girls lose it lose their minds. Yeah, they lose their minds and here's the thing also So someone like jacob sartorius, right? Shout out he follows me on twitter though, so yo, but the thing is At least that kid because originally he was there was nothing that he was doing
Starting point is 00:39:13 He was literally tweeting pictures of himself. Like good night girl. You look so good like doing musically Yeah, and it's like, yo, who are you talking to are like, why are you doing that? Yeah, but he's a child Right, I expect a child to do that. Right. I think I did that when I was younger It's like, you know what I'm saying who didn't do that But at least now he's like, okay. He's doing music Yeah, and he's trying and to be a real profession. Yeah, I had do your thing Whatever But the other side it's like it's too much
Starting point is 00:39:42 And dude, you know, I don't know the song is a banger though. Hell. Yeah, it's cool I used to know the name of it. I know all the words to it one of his songs. I know all the words to it. Yeah Sartorius got some heat. He's got he's got hits Any dated millie bobby brown not too bad a little bit of 11 in his life. Yeah, good for him Shout out sartorius. Yeah canceling though. God is awful He's so bad. I think uh What the fuck I was gonna say it looked like I was so distracted by the fact you said millie bobby brown And then I said not too bad, but I was referring to her like her status. Yeah, I got I got you. I got you child
Starting point is 00:40:19 No, drake shit. No drake shit. No drake. You know what I'm saying? I'm not texting her like That shit is weird as hell. But anyway, yeah, we bring that up. I think every shot I know it's just let's not forget drake texted a 14 year old that he misses her. Let's just move on Let's just not forget that let's just move on. Let's not forget it. Let's keep it in our hearts, but let's move forward. No, but um Like he looks like he's like singing at like a town show Yeah, did you ever run through a town show? No, you ever did a town show? Did you I did like a like a Like I like breakdance the ones and I couldn't even dance What yeah, you did breakdancing. Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:56 And I was like right dance. Nope. I was in spin on your head. Nope It was terrible Can you do it now? No I was in third grade broke dance. Yeah, I didn't know what else I was gonna do People wanted me to sing. I was like, I'm not gonna sing. I'll just dance Was it just you? It was just me and I just crashed and burned in front of my entire school Third grade. I'll never forget it It's one of my first horrific memories of my entire life. You broke and danced
Starting point is 00:41:28 I broke and danced you break dance, but I did win a dance battle at a bar mitzvah Yeah, did you break dance? No, no, no, I just danced like I was popping a lock and like it was one of those moments where I hit everything Everything just like the stars aligned I beat this kid so bad. He went in the bathroom and cried Fucking served him. Did you do like you got served shit like pick up his shirt be like All of that. Oh man, fucking dusted shit off of him sun them Yeah, man So I redeemed myself years later, but yes, I did enter talent show
Starting point is 00:42:03 Frankie was in a talent show once I know and he did a dance a choreographed dance And he also like lip sync the words the whole time And do you know what song it was? No, I don't know the name of the song, but I can tell you right now It was a pokemon song And I guarantee Frankie knows all the steps and all the lyrics so the next time he's on I'm just gonna surprise him with that and be like, yo do the fucking The pokemon dance. Yeah from from the from the talent show
Starting point is 00:42:29 It was him. I think my buddy laurence and this other girl Kids got kids got star quality. Yeah, frankie's been a star his whole life. I miss frankie I miss frankie too, but um Maybe we should have a maybe we should have a Santa gato studios talent show. Oh my god. What would I do? You got to stand up. Oh, I don't want to do that I want to do something else Frankie would win Maybe
Starting point is 00:42:57 No, you'd singing would be hilarious. Yeah, but Frankie doing like opera would be hilarious. Yeah, which he probably do Yeah, I think I think just off creativity alone. He'll he'll come in hot Super hot way hotter than probably i'm comfortable with we should definitely do that karaoke challenge. So what is that? Me you frankie. Oh, because I have the karaoke machine have the karaoke machine. Yeah, see see who and then let let the people choose Let the people choose let us choose. No one's gonna choose me Actually, they might I get really into the karaoke. You would have to definitely drink. There's no way you're sober singing. Why not? Joe what I think you hit your best notes when you're a little buzz. I so do I but um, you know
Starting point is 00:43:42 You could now and I gotta prove a point It's true. I'll just chuck waters Tea and honey tea and honey all the way shit. I saw mariah carry drink that once So I'm gonna do that. You see that mean that they're saying mariah carry looks like michael miers No, you haven't seen that yet. Oh my god. It's hysterical. You got to look that up I've heard that Four voice cracks son of a bitch. Um, I've heard that mariah carry is like awful
Starting point is 00:44:13 Yeah, I've heard that too man I'd still do that though. Yeah for sure. She was like dude. I used to be in love with her heartbreaker video heartbreak You got the best of me There you go. Not bad. Not bad. If you didn't go to the game last night, you would have hit that I should have known right from the start you go and break my heart Oh We're going on the road. Yeah, we gotta drop now
Starting point is 00:44:43 Uh No, but um, hey, what was the other song she had that was so far? I she's got always been my baby I'm a linger Too much way too high. I was speaking. I was fine. I needed something there. No, no, no, that's fine The engineer right? Yeah. Yeah engineer. You got that. All right. They got it. They're on it. No, but um, if you really think about it Do you think that meme culture
Starting point is 00:45:12 Like because because the mariah Carey michael wire's meme culture That those memes that are coming out now with like we got them memes. Have you seen those? Yes, they're literally my favorite things Right, ladies and gentlemen, we got The fucking swat. Do you know it's great. Don't whoever came up with that is a fucking genius. Yeah They're you know meme culture is the greatest part of the internet I think meme culture is the best it hands down is the most untouchable. Yeah part of the internet It's so funny because like even ones that came out yesterday with the president's the president alert
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah, they were hysterical. Yeah, like the internet is undefeated. How can people be this funny? It's so it's so crazy because you're that just goes to show you like Every like everyone has the opportunity to be hilarious, which is awesome even if it's only one time It's so worth it. That's why I love the internet Yeah, because one day a normal person could just get something so funny The entire world gets behind it And everyone shares it and you're just a normal person Because everyone's watching your thing. It's I don't know how someone goes through the process of finding these random videos
Starting point is 00:46:26 I know from like the 70s and then just piecing them together with these music and like And it's crazy how somebody for what if you had to do like a meme mount rushmore What do you think? Oh, I don't know crying jordan I hate that. I know but like you have to I don't think so. You don't like that one I I couldn't even tell you like the most popular There's so many because like all the time I had I can't do it, but if I saw them I'd be like all this one Yeah, like it's crazy, dude. Yeah memes are enormous The internet I fucking love it. I would say ladies and gentlemen. We got them
Starting point is 00:47:08 It's like coming to the ceiling and shit. You know why the you know what? Yeah, I mean, hey, I'm going back to it But I'm just saying Fucking drake. Yeah And the 18 year old that was the first time I saw that meme because there's a song that's playing Which is a fire song. Yes Like that song So good is so good and it's so like obscure that like where did you How did you know how did you know to put that one in there?
Starting point is 00:47:41 I don't know. That's why everything has to come together so perfectly Or it's not and they do it all the time. It's crazy But the meme was like they were showing drake with this girl and it said something or whatever And they were hugging and like he took her out on a date. Yeah, but then she has a picture from 2016 and it was her eight. She's 18. So you had a picture from 2016. She was 16 17 16 and there was a picture of them together and it was like something whatever And then they're just showing the date and then showing her age now And then they show the guy the press conference ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 00:48:15 We got them and there's just like a bunch of like a compilation of people kicking down doors like swat teams Oh my god, you want to know another one of my favorite ones was oh my god, it's jason born Oh my god, I love that shit. Those were some of the best ones. Oh my god, it's Oh that guy cutting the fucking water bottles with the sword. Oh my god, it's jason born. Oh my god I Have to look it up. I have to look it up. Oh my god. It's jason born or the the I'll say best memes of all time. Yeah There's that one with the guy on the phone The the black dude on the phone dude on the phone
Starting point is 00:48:59 Uh Well, these are like the og's remember there's just pictures of people. Yeah. Oh, I always love the one too with the ghetto kid With the hat on backwards and like the furry like all the white kids. Yeah. Yeah, like yeah kind of borrow your car Like I think I'll bring her right back Yeah, you know who's a big ass meme The catch me outside girl. Yeah Damn son She's going on tour. She's making music and shit. She's got a record deal whoever
Starting point is 00:49:30 I don't know who wraps her but whoever got her dialed in is Fuck an agent of the year. Yeah, yeah, because that girl is trouble hell, yeah and I think She's too young to get into trouble now, but it's gonna happen I just think that like the fact that someone Like this person might be smarter than scooter brawn Yeah, because jason beaver
Starting point is 00:49:57 Like scooter brawn found him online and like whatever and ended up being jason beaver But at least you started with a an amazing Starting point. Yeah, it's like this is a kid who's a good-looking kid and he's very talented And he could play guitar play drums. He had all the stuff going for him He's like I can work with this and I could get people you were starting with a meme and basically this girl who Everyone hated. Yeah, and then you literally a poop sandwich and you Now have turned her
Starting point is 00:50:29 Around to being followed by millions of people and it's like a rap star. Yeah. I mean She's making money off a rap. She's a millionaire easily I'll be honest with you. Some of the most genius stuff of her songs aren't The worst songs that I've heard. They're not and I'm sorry, but they're not of like people that I hear Yeah, like I'm like it's right up there with that. I mean, it's it's wack but like Compared to what everything else that's coming out. It's not bad. It's not bad. It's not it's yo, it's really crazy. It's weird Whoever I want to meet. I know how did you turn that fucking shit show girl? Whoever it was that just turned it around and was like we're gonna work with this continue your antics
Starting point is 00:51:12 Here's the moves we're gonna make and then people just started buying in this girl was on dr. Phil for like beating up her mom And like threatened to beat up dr. Phil. Yeah, or like everyone in the crowd catch them outside Oh, my gosh. It is so funny We're losing I mean I don't know about losing but you want to know it's weird. It's like Going viral is weird It's a lot of pressure
Starting point is 00:51:42 It's I don't think I've gone viral No, I haven't I've gone viral. Yeah, people know you. Yeah, you know what I mean? You're I feel like more people know you than they would know me Yeah, because that vine that love the secretary's vine is was so viral That like everyone's like seen that well now my face is like a meme of me singing that song like with titties next to him Yeah, like it's like everyone's seen that shit. Yeah So then when I put out the second one that one went viral too has 1.5 million views on twitter Wow. Yeah, and then when I put the the drake yodel kid one out that one has 1.2 million
Starting point is 00:52:28 You're a viral motherfucker. Yeah, I've been going viral like recently. I don't it's just Getting lucky you're hilarious. But the thing is is like The only thing I don't like about going viral and like shit like that it's always like, yeah, where's this at? Where's that at? Where's this at? Do this one do that one do this do that and you get that shit too. And it's like Leave me alone. Yeah, I don't like it doesn't really bother me because I know on my mind. I'm like I'm not gonna listen to you. But you have a way bigger following like I could still see who comments on my shit Yeah, me too Yeah, me too
Starting point is 00:53:04 Dude, everyone tells me on every video that we post on the youtube channel Every fucking picture or something every dm. It's always like there's always something attached of like yo Do another people of walmart and I'm like And it's like stop It's just like and it's not a lot of people and it's like, uh, you know, they're cloud tracers, but you know what I'm saying But like people be like, yeah like Yo, I want frankie and keith. I'm like, yo, we want frankie and keith too You guys think we don't
Starting point is 00:53:39 Guys think we don't want fucking two of the funniest guys in here. They have lives Yeah, they got stuff going on. They got stuff going on. We want them in here every day if we can have them Yeah, divino. We want where's he? I want him too Why you coming at me? I don't do anything up to here. I'm here Danny's funny and everything but where the fuck is frankie. I love that they started off so nice too Because that actually means something to me. No, that means nothing to me Because when people say shit like that to me where it's like, yo, I've been following you for a long time
Starting point is 00:54:09 But and I just want to go shut up. Yeah, like just leave it at that You know, because whatever you're about to say you have no grounds to say that I know like but I'm about to tell you what to do Yo, Danny is hilarious. But yo like four weeks in a row It's like All right, dude, don't listen to it. Don't listen to this show Honestly, you've taught me so much. I could just be like, yo, don't respond to these people You can't but a party wants to be like, yo dick Don't listen to the show. Yeah, just don't listen to it. I know and I think people really think I'm afraid of that
Starting point is 00:54:50 like like people think like For the most part, I would say I'm very lucky because all the people that are like Legitimate fans of the show. Yeah They're You know Smart people. Yes, they're not these small percentage of people that are like, oh, well, then I'll just stop watching Like no for you to say that that that means that you actually think that I'm gonna give a shit Yeah, if you like I don't care if you comment that like on a youtube
Starting point is 00:55:16 You're gonna get flamed like by the rest of the community. Yeah, I think we like to get the fuck out of here She's like nobody fucking wants you I've seen that like on youtube videos So I'm gonna be like, yo, the show was better like back in the day and then mad people would be like, shut the fuck up Yo, shut the fuck up I remember one they were like, yo, it's like Danny again and then somebody just goes, yo, shut the fuck up I started dying laughing because it's like Here's my thing, right? Yeah, just like and this is the truth and I don't care if this is like offensive or whatever
Starting point is 00:55:47 Because I'm not trying to be offensive, but it's like I Am the person who creates this. Yes, and then you just enjoy it If and at whatever point you stop enjoying it, you stop watching it. That's how this works It's just like anything else, but you don't get to come over here and go. Here's what we should do Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna put out seven in a row idiots of the internet. All right No, I'm not gonna do it. I don't want to do it And that's why I'm this person who creates the stuff. You just enjoy it. My job is just to create stuff
Starting point is 00:56:26 You know, I'm not supposed to create stuff at least in my mind That I know like let's do this because people will enjoy it I do everything that I do because I think it's funny and the thing is also it's like That's why you are Where you are though Right and I think that's why everyone who who watches me That's why I'm saying like everyone who watches me for the most part is just like they get it And they're down and like sometimes I'm not saying I'm mad at anyone who's ever been like, yo
Starting point is 00:56:54 I kind of miss mad libs or whatever. I get it. You know, I'm saying like and and I would say the same things But the way it's worded sometimes is like, yo, you should do this or like this was way better this way Or like, yo, you should and it's like, yo, you don't get to do that Because I'm not listening to somebody last week was like, yo tell more stories about growing up I was like, yo, that's all we do on the show in my head I'm like, dude, all we talk about is how like we were stupid pieces of shit when we were kids Yeah, and then it's like but it's also an excitement thing for them. It's like something was really funny It's like I just want to tell them like, yo, they should do this again because I want to feel this feeling again
Starting point is 00:57:28 I get that but it's it's and I'm saying just the way people word it Yes, when it becomes like, yo do this like a demand. I'm like, who the fuck are you? And it also it ruined I feel like it ruins it for everybody else because maybe you were gonna do a mad liv video You never know. Yeah, I'm feeling mad libs. Oh, this guy's telling me to do it It almost makes me not want to do it. It doesn't make me not want to do it, but I'm just like If I've been able to do it for this long and like whatever like Then I should there's I mean, I think it's safe to assume like I know what I'm doing. Yeah, you know I know how to whatever
Starting point is 00:58:03 But if that if you don't enjoy it anymore, just don't don't I know I just love it when they're always like, yeah We want Keith. I was like, yo Whenever Keith wants to come on We're locking him out. Yeah, but we barmed from the fucking studio. Yeah, freggy too. People got lives, man. Yeah I just like I want to say that but I'm like, no, I can't but I just did but that's whatever I just like I don't feel bad. Well, I follow your lead though Yeah, you know what I mean? Like you said, it's like this is the umbrella you created Right, you know what I mean guys? I produced the show. That's why I'm here every week. All right now. I'm gonna go cry
Starting point is 00:58:45 So affected so affected I try to tell people that all the time and I it actually never really got to me When people would say mean stuff online now, I feel bad. I brought it up then why oh, oh I thought you're gonna be like now pissed. No, no, no like it doesn't bother me because I I get it that Also, I have enough followers to where people think it'll just get lost So it doesn't really matter what I'm saying. Right, which isn't true Because for the most part you see a lot of it. Yeah, I would say you see a lot of it And you think that people aren't noticing but they they notice like and I know I can see what some of the stuff you're saying
Starting point is 00:59:20 And it's like I don't take it personally because I realize they think Either he's not gonna read this He's not gonna see it. So I could just say fucking crazy shit right now Right, but there was a time that someone said some wild shit. So I answered them And I was like, yo, I feel like on twitter. You're you're clap backable Yeah, but I don't really use twitter that much anymore, but it was it was on instagram and someone had dm me something and cool let me get that at though, but uh, it was on it was on instagram and
Starting point is 00:59:50 someone Said something to me and dms that was just like I can tell they're not serious. Yeah, but they were just saying wild shit And I just felt like being a father figure for a second. I was like, wait, did I see this one? Yeah, I think so I answered them and I was like, hey, I know you're probably joking. Yes But like this isn't the kind of stuff you say to someone you don't know. It was very bad too. Yeah, it was bad And it crossed the line because it's like it's one thing if you say stuff to me
Starting point is 01:00:21 But to occlude other people that I know and the stuff you're saying that's a little crazy It's like, all right. Now you're like crossing a line like because again, I don't That's my only trigger really like going after people that aren't me But I'm just saying like when you cross the line at that I just wanted to be like, listen, I know you're joking But you don't say this to people and like I don't know why you're saying it Because it's like a dm like you're not going to get attention from this. No, I just don't get it And I just told him like this is not something you say and then they apologize and I was just like it's whatever like
Starting point is 01:00:52 Yeah Like how many times are you gonna see like someone say something ridiculous and then Someone answers them and then they go. Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't even think you were gonna see that It's like, why did you say well, I I had to do that a couple times and like I remember just I did I had the same approach. I was like, yo, you're a fucking loser See, I don't I don't get mad like that. No, no, no, I got really fucking. Oh, I know you do But I don't handle like that like oh, I'm I'm mad because like I really I'm not mad. I'm just like This is just not something you say
Starting point is 01:01:22 To people that you don't know because like you would never say this to me. This person said something about my mother um Back in the day she was in a vine of mine. Yeah, and Somebody made a kind of like message me about like my mother and they said something that they were gonna like do to my mother Yeah, and I was like, yo I'm gonna fucking kill you if I ever fucking see you like I got so mad Because it was about my mom. All right, you could say whatever. Yeah, I've had people send me dms Be like, yo what up fat ass and I'll laugh
Starting point is 01:01:55 Because I think that's funny I think that's funny Yo, funny things are just I love like somebody hit me up the other day. It was like, yo, it's good man Just hope you're doing well just being uh like something and then like they were like, all right, man Just like see you in the psych ward or something and I started cracking up funny things And I wrote back to them and I was like this is funny Yeah, I didn't want to say it because I didn't want to butcher what they said, but what they said was hilarious. Yeah Oh, and then I remember because I did a post where I because I was 270 now i'm 230 and somebody wrote like still fat
Starting point is 01:02:28 And I yo son I was dying See like that two words that shit is funny to me still fat is It's the best thing you could say in that situation That is mad funny to me like if it's funny. Yeah, it's funny. I love it I know but like if you go out and I say you're like Gonna harm my mom. Yeah, that's not funny. Yeah, like there's nothing you didn't even try Yeah, like you're just being like you're being a horrible person but being funny is just being funny Yeah, I read that shit on the toilet and started
Starting point is 01:03:01 Racking up still fat I rest still fat and I replied back to them. I go. Yeah, this is the funniest comment I've done that a couple times too when like I like when people shit. I mean if it's funny Nobody loves it more than me. Yeah It's the only thing that sucks is like when people try to make fun of me They use jokes that I've made about myself and I'm like you can't it's not funny if I said it first Yeah, get a little more creative. Yeah be creative when you try to when you make fun of me Like the balls that to like call me still fat. I thought it was so amazing
Starting point is 01:03:34 It is like in the timing I was like, this is this is comedy. That's comedy to me. Yeah, because This is taking like you're taking like the piss out of the whole thing. I was like, that's what I love Yeah, you know what I mean like so fast. It was great. But if you had added still fat, you fucking loser It's like you lose all comedy. Yeah, you look now you now you're now you're being an asshole You can make me laugh and that shit made me fucking hysterical Like I'm telling you crying almost because the way that I was reading positive positive positive
Starting point is 01:04:11 Boom, I was still fat. This is amazing. I was like, I love that That's hilarious. All right to end the show. Let's get to the patreon question Still fat. Oh man, that's so funny. I wish I thought of that. Yeah, hashtag still fat Yeah, I'm about to get a shirt. It says hashtag still fat. Hashtag still fat. That is funny it was I loved it. Yeah, I gotta go find the person and follow them now. All right Okay, uh, so question first question is from troy martin. Wait, what are we doing patreon questions? Patreon questions Whoa, uh, so you talked about if you were women for a day and if you would fuck each other to save
Starting point is 01:04:51 The other person so would you have sex with the each with each other while being a woman So I guess if you were a woman for a day what I bang you as a woman like would you come to me and be like y'all I'm a woman now you trying to like So this person is basically asking me to transition have sex with you. Yeah, but it's only for a day Oh, like what if you're hot as hell? I probably I'd be like a thick latina Which I'm into. Yeah, so I probably end up getting real probably By me though. Yeah, it's fine. I I wouldn't want to know it's you
Starting point is 01:05:26 No, I'll have like an alias I don't know I don't know about that one. Um What Anna riot says women and men doing the titty slash peck dance fan or not I don't even know what that is like when dudes go like like terry cruise like bounces his tits Oh, like I could do it, but not in this shirt because it's black Um, no not a fan Not a fan. That's such a weird question. I don't know why I read though. I'm a fan of titties not a fan of dancing titties
Starting point is 01:06:00 I want to make them dance Do you want to slap? Uh amber, uh, hold on. I just amber stas me Did you ever go through an emo phase if no describe if you thought it was cool or cringy? No, I didn't never went through an emo phase. I was the biggest hip-hop kid of all time At cornrows. I did like I didn't like emo music, but I do like like my chemical romance and shit and like I definitely had some like music. I had him stashed. Yeah I'd like the music, but I was never like, yo, I'm about to paint these eyebrows. Oh, no eyebrows. Am I?
Starting point is 01:06:34 I'm about to do these this eyeliner right now. I'm a mascara paint these eyebrows Why do like emo kids wear gas masks? I don't know. I can't even say that with gas masks That was another great meme too as well as those kids dancing, but it was like it was like the future and he was They were why do they wear like like a gas mask? I don't know. I don't know like what do you and I love how it's like They don't want to conform, but they're all conforming to not conforming. Yeah That doesn't make sense to me mind blown, but no, I didn't have an emo phase Like my emo phases are like rmb
Starting point is 01:07:09 Like if I was genuine differences, yeah, my whole life has changed my whole life since you came in came in That was that was my like my ex-girlfriend from like eighth grades my space song damn Yeah, she that song's amazing. She broke my heart and then she and then I found out like the next year. She was like into girls But then she switched back I'm just saying I just I we we were in eighth grade. We did that are Masculating if somebody becomes a lesbian after you date them. I don't I thought it was gonna affect me more than it did
Starting point is 01:07:51 Like I didn't really care. I don't think so. I actually was kind of like, yo, we could have You know, you're an eighth grade. She anytime someone's like, oh, I'm into girls She's like, oh, we could like fuck 10 girls together or something. Yeah But uh, yeah, we dated and then we broke up and then I saw her like a year or two later And found out she was now Into girls straight lies. Yeah, you know, I kind of wanted to be like was that me or but it's not you. It's It's not you. It's me. It's not you. It's me. It's kind of one of those things. I guess
Starting point is 01:08:19 Um every girl I've ever gone out with is gone less Was that Emma? Yes. Yeah, it is Angel trainer, uh, what's the weirdest way a girl has gotten your attention? um Maybe walking out of the garden that girl scared the shit out of me No, what remember we were walking Oh, yeah, she came flying out of nowhere. She was close. Oh my god I was like, oh, I've never been more scared in my life. Yeah, you got frightened
Starting point is 01:08:49 Yeah, because she's you were on the left side of me. I was closer to her. Yeah, she threw a clothes line Yeah, we almost got clocked. She was like, wait. I was like, whoa, whoa Like literally my arms were up. I'm scared And joe looks at me. He's like, dude, put your arms down like relax. You're a grown man. I was like, Jesus Like she's a fucking girl. Relax. You're fine. Even she was a pilot. She was like, I'm sorry Yeah, I was like You scared the fuck out of me. Yeah, I remember and you had to take a dump really bad. Yes Literally almost scared the shit out of me literally as soon as we walked out of the garden and I couldn't walk remember
Starting point is 01:09:22 I couldn't walk for like two steps. Oh, man. That was so funny Danny ran to a bathroom blew it up blew it up. He goes, you don't want to be here for this and I was like, yeah, I do Let's get blew it up. Uh, all right last question Carlos Jimenez What animal would you guys swap bodies with for a day a rhino? Oh, that was a snap answer. What have you thought about this before? No, yeah A rhino a rhino for what impenetrable skin That fucking the fucking first of all, it's penetrable that that horn horn's cool
Starting point is 01:09:53 Things have horns though. Yeah, but I'll fuck that shit up. I want to be a rhino or elephant Damn, you want to see these power animals? Mm-hmm. I'll have a big ass dick Okay Rhinos got large cods cods. Yeah, is that a thing? I just didn't you can't tell we went to the anki game last night because we were fucking words up today. Yeah, but um Yeah, elephant cock, dude You ever seen elephants dick? Actually. Yeah, I have. Oh my god another trunk. Yeah. Yeah, and they swing it. I know I want to be an elephant because I just want to fucking monster cock and you could you could kill anything in the wild
Starting point is 01:10:38 Like you kill anything you wouldn't want to be like a Elephant no elephants have the real fucking kings of the jungle No, I've seen I've seen cheetahs get after it and kill four of them or like a lot. Yeah, we bring our whole crew Yeah, we will No, but you ever see elephants defend other elephants? It's crazy. No, yeah They're these lions are fucking up this elephant I'll send you the video and then like just the elephant squad shows up
Starting point is 01:11:04 And just starts fucking shit up. Damn. So you want to be an elephant? Yeah, you don't want to be anything That's like super fast. No because I've been fast before See this is all about the dick. No, it's all about the dick, dude. Oh, okay. I want a monster dick. Okay But you also have to smash elephants. It's fine. I like thick bitches. I guess uh All right, I don't know what I would be to be on. Oh, I would be a gorilla Oh, guerrillas are cool too and they fuck like humans. Yeah, and they're strong. They're they got they got small dicks though Whatever it works It's for a day. Just knowing like a rip a human's head in half. I'll fuck. I'll fucking
Starting point is 01:11:44 Just beat that. Yo, have you ever seen a gorilla? Yeah, dude. I feel like I've never seen them jump their chest. Yeah, it's awesome That's awesome yo I want a gorilla if you think you could be Like if you were a gorilla, yeah, do you think you would have the attributes to be like the alpha gorilla? Yeah, you think you could be like like the main motherfucker I think I have a lot of like leadership skills. I think you do too I all I'm lacking is the I think the zero percent body fat. Yeah and
Starting point is 01:12:16 Being able to flip cars. I think you lack the aggression though Oh, I can get aggressive If I if if I got to be aggressive There's aggression It's in there. I want to see you beat somebody up one day Well, I hope no one else is watching so I don't go to prison, right? That'd be nice. Just just for me. Yeah, that'd be great I'll fight somebody. Yeah Get into a fight at the bar. You'll see me fucking kill somebody
Starting point is 01:12:41 We gotta break a fucking bottle or something All right, I think we can wrap this up. What were we gonna say could be McGregor who you got? Uh, I don't know I got Connor in second round knockout I my heart says could be just because he's been fighting he's been in shape. Yeah doing it Connor has Obviously he was boxing whatever but I do think he took some time off. He got all his money Party did whatever during that time A lot of schnief a lot of schnief
Starting point is 01:13:16 And he's got his own liquor now He's so like he drank like five glasses of whiskey at the fucking presser. Yeah that guy's cutting weight Yeah, uh, so I want to go could be just for that reason but I do I can definitely see Connor knocking him out And it's gonna have to be within the first round. Do you have could be Like decision or could be finishing some he'll finish him tap tap him. Yeah All right But I would not be shocked if he fucking fucking slept him. Yeah. Yeah Fuckers left him. Fuckin. I fucking told a whole lot of you. Yeah, I'll fucking sleep him. Yeah
Starting point is 01:13:47 All right, where can they find you counter? They can find me at Daniela Priori on instagram and twitter. Yeah Uh, you guys could uh, and if you're down, I'll swear to god. I will kill you stout dead And then we will go from there You guys go to slash the basement yard to support the show patreon spelled p a t r e o n Dot com slash the basement yard and go follow the instagram at the basement yard for some clips and shit like that and the youtube channel Slash the basement yard and that is all we'll see you guys next time get the fuck out of here

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