The Basement Yard - #162 - Suck That Or Bite That?

Episode Date: November 5, 2018

Today, Danny & I go through a list of foods that people either suck on or bite. Which one do you do? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 That was my throat it was like air coming out anyway welcome back to the basement yard if you're watching this on YouTube we got a yep Danny's looking around we got a we got a new place here we got a new place I like it unfortunately this isn't the studio yet no because there's we don't have curtains in there yet and you have to kind of block out the natural light Joe's TV's on the floor Mike's TV's on the floor and shit we're still not fully moved into here well me yeah you're not moving in are you I mean no you're not moving in okay I don't want to see you that's sure but yeah so we have my this table making it work like a dining room table we put it in the middle of my we're making it work little
Starting point is 00:00:46 half well my living room is back there great couch great wish you could have recorded on the couch that couch is fire yeah it's amazing yeah it's good it's so good how much is that couch a twenty two hundred God bless you what it's a great couch that's a great price for that couch oh I was gonna say I would have thought it'd be more how much the people paid for couches like if you could fit like eight people on that couch yeah you could fit a whole bunch that's a whole bunch yeah you fit a school bus of kids on that great that's a why did I say that I don't know that was a little weird we'll fix that yeah we'll fix and post fix and post I don't know I still feel a little weird from last week things things
Starting point is 00:01:28 got hot last week well that's because Frankie likes to make outrageous claims about my one of my favorite candies of all time I do love how you defended those candies to the death I do I know you're honest with you I was dead serious no I know you are yeah I was dead once you get something in the head of yours it's not it's not changing can't no can't do it I've never seen a change never seen a change you never watched me change I've never seen you break what I've never seen you like break break what like with the Mike and Dyches you say Mike and Dyches no Mike and Dyches you said Mike and Dyches Mike and Dyches Mike and Dyches but that's how I say it Mike and Dyches Mike and Dyches Mike and the Dyches I just
Starting point is 00:02:14 over pronounced the D I guess I don't know Mike and Mike and Dyches Mike and Dyches I can't you said Dyches I can't that's the only way I can say it I'm saying it is a very offensive word in the lesbian community well I'm sorry lesbians I formally apologize to all the lesbians because yes I do on record but one thing that we didn't talk about yeah is there's candies we did a little bit we talked about it but we didn't really talk about how you eat candies what does that mean well how you actually eat it you shove it in your dumb face no but like there's biters and there's suckers what like this for example not even a candy string cheese do you bite or do you peel whoa bite or peel yes string cheese it depends how like aggravated I am I mostly peel but I
Starting point is 00:03:14 sometimes I get fed up and I bite okay I do I do I switch it mostly when you're mostly peel but when you're famished you'll bite yeah if I'm famished I need some nutrition I will I will get a lot in there but I won't I won't just eat the whole thing like no carrot I like bite the top off then I'll start peeling if I'm drunk I'm eating that thing like biting it I haven't had cheese since like the 80s string cheese amazing yeah all right but bite or suck I found a list okay a particular things that are either bit or sucked and some of them are candies but some of them are other things okay so I'm gonna throw you some curveballs all right all right you're not gonna like some of my answers because I already know that I bite certain things that people are
Starting point is 00:04:02 like yo what are you doing yeah yeah all right you'll answer first then I'll then I'll go second okay all right first thing do you like to bite or suck ice cubes both well it starts off as it suck yeah I think it starts with the suck because you got you can't just go in there chewing a full on ice cube yeah what kind of we got teeth made out of steel I also hate those people remember there was always that kid that could eat ice cream with his front teeth what and it wouldn't hurt his teeth like he bites ice cream yeah is ice cream on that list yeah we'll get to that yeah we'll get to that we'll get we'll get more into that but I hated those kids that could bite ice cream like literally bite the tip off of it but ice cubes ice cubes you you you started as a suck
Starting point is 00:04:50 and you get it down to a certain size yeah my uncle once choked on an ice cube and it was stuck in his throat and my like grandma poured like hot tea in his mouth and melted it yeah what yeah I swear she poured hot tea in his mouth yeah like down his throat down his throat to melt like it instantly melted the thing it wasn't like melt his ass it wasn't piping hot she just like put warm water in the microwave while it was stuck in his throat wait wait wait wait she had all this time she's like one second 20 he wasn't like but it was lodged in his throat yeah so she was like all right we're gonna warm some water up and that thing your throat naturally hot my shit's hot yeah but you if you swallow something like that it's gonna take a little while
Starting point is 00:05:38 yeah I guess so you know what I mean I'd say both to that I start start would you rather suck or would you rather bite I like chewing ice I like crushed ice I like chewing crushed ice is great yeah it's fun crushed ice and soda or cubes and soda I don't know crushed ice and soda is pretty awesome dude you know what I hate about fucking big-ass ice cubes when you go to drink and they're all just like stuck at the bottom of the cup and like I also take that one sip and they're just like no it just crushes into you there was some comedian one time that did a joke about that I was like dude that is so true I wish I knew his name or I hate when they're all at the front and it's just blocking you're sipping through
Starting point is 00:06:21 like I'm drinking water where's all the soda yeah ice cubes are trash keys doesn't have ice cubes ever see I anyone who doesn't use ice cubes I'm worried about them yeah you don't like things cold like what are you doing it's disgusting it's disgusting to me I think my my my Thomas my brother's fiance likes soda like room temperature that is disgusting yeah she's disgusting sorry we love you uh congratulations on your engagement welcome to the family you're gross now um please do not serve room temp soda at your wedding oh god okay uh are you ready for the next one yeah so we're both chewers or suckers we're suck then chews suck chews suck chews all right lollipops sucking or biting damn see I bite I bite them you really bite lollipops like from the jump
Starting point is 00:07:14 as soon as it'll let me really they're too hard at first yeah yeah but I your teeth I I don't do nearly enough sucking on this thing before I bite really like I'm not sitting there like that owl in the commercial like one two oh I am I actually am in that owl you know he does like one two and then you bite it three and then he bites it yeah three yeah yeah that's me but people who are just like no I don't do that in their tongue all day I don't lick a lollipop like that no who are you seven yeah you're painting your tongue over there yeah you look like an asshole um but I do suck on them until I hit the white the white uh fucking stick that's the whole lolly that's the center of the lollipop yeah but once I start tasting the stick I won't eat it I'll just toss it you only eat half a
Starting point is 00:08:06 lollipop yeah once I get down to the stick it's and there's no more sucking left to suck my sucking days are over dude there's no sucking left to suck yeah there's no more suck time no I I suck on it until it gets soft enough that I'm like okay and I put my teeth in the center of it and I just crush it and then it's a bunch of little pieces I remember cutting your tongue on fucking tootsie pops no I had a I didn't have a bitch made tongue mine was very nice I hate people that could drink hot soup you ever see people like I'm really bad with hot stuff I'm terrible do you ever see somebody just drink like a piping hot cup of coffee and like enjoy it I'm like dude you just burned every part of your mouth yeah how are you alive dude like when I get hot chocolate I have so much
Starting point is 00:08:54 like anxiety oh yeah because I'm like there's I'm pump faking all fucking day with that goddamn thing there's nothing more terrifying than the first sip of something really hot dude hot chocolate in the winter I'm like sip of that thing like a bitch I know and then you finally get it like oh yeah and it's hot as shit my dad my dad can just can your dad drink super hot coffee my dad has no regard for his self my dad just oh it's piping hot throw it in my mouth what literally this happened one time I think it was garlic knots that he picked one up and he was like oh oh and then threw it in his mouth it was burning his hands so he threw it in his mouth isn't that the worst when you throw something in your mouth that's super hot and you have that you have that moment where you're eating
Starting point is 00:09:48 but it's just that's so everyone's like yeah what's wrong it's like oh it's hot oh it's hot or you just like hold like there you go you try to breathe around it and shit I'll drink water because it immediately cools it off all right it's so funny and true all right next to what people aren't watching this that must sound so funny oh my god slash the basement yeah go watch it yeah please go watch it please go it the next one oranges do you suck or bite an orange it sucks on oranges I do why because it's awesome for how do you suck it for how it's a good question I will cut it into wedges and put it in my mouth like a mouthpiece suck it yeah you don't eat them I eat I eat them
Starting point is 00:10:47 sometimes I just I hop and then right now I'm chewing it I'm having a good time I'm eating it I'm getting my citrus also can there be any other fruit where the skin tastes so fucking disgusting they're very protected oh it really is it's like you can't have this yeah no get away yeah and then you gotta you literally gotta murder it and eat its heart yeah you have to do it to an orange peeling an orange makes me feel like such a cock yeah I know I suck at it I know I'm not great at it how do you usually usually go like horizontal and yeah but then you get the initial peel off and then you got that weird white veiny stuff on it I hate that stuff I hate it that stuff and it's on bananas too yeah like what is this like I go get it out of here yeah it's like a centipede's like I don't
Starting point is 00:11:32 even know it's like an exoskeleton of the thing yeah it's like what is this wet hair yeah I hate that it looks like the top of a brain it looks like stuff you see in the ocean yes waving around and it touches your like touches your arm you're like I can't have that I fucking hate the ocean I know we talked about that oh man hate that thing yeah I'm surprised I would have thought you'd be an orange sucker no I bite him I think more people suck oranges than bite them I think people eat oranges I don't think they suck oranges you know what I hate too those stupid naval oranges what is that it's like an orange inside of an orange oh it looks like a belly button yeah or it looks like the orange is trying to take a shit yes what is give birth to another orange
Starting point is 00:12:13 what is that I don't know what is that weird fruit do you like grapefruit those grapefruits gross grapefruit 100 gross what is that it's disgusting doesn't taste like grape or juice it sucks it's bitter as fuck it's bitter I hate it that might be my least favorite fruit fruit easily pomegranates same thing I think those are too much work involved I just think those are the same thing a grapefruit or pomegranate well they're not they're completely different but they're the same I look at it at a grapefruit as a shitty orange they're both just shit yeah we should just leave those in the wild yeah like leave them let's stockpile those for like if the world ends yeah then we'll start getting after all yeah can we I've never been in the grocery store and be like
Starting point is 00:12:59 I need pomegranates craving a grapefruit right now oh so bad no I do love oranges though can't have diabetic all right next one uh mince sucker bite I bite him I bite him too I want to get right to the freshness yeah I don't want to keep sucking I don't want to suck my way to this freshness no I don't know bite it get it all fresh because then I feel like it spreads around your mouth more when you bite it yeah it gets stuck in your teeth so your teeth are also like afraid of mints I'm sorry you're 26 years old afraid of mints as soon as that left my mouth I'm like I'm gonna have to explain because sucking on a mint you know sucking on a mint is terrifying a little bit because there's they're not that big so like what's your favorite mint then
Starting point is 00:13:50 like the lifesavers lifesavers those are good altoids I like yeah sometimes they'll get whoo that's what I'm saying I'm like what my fucking nasals my whatever that shit's called what am I what am I thinking of my yeah your nasal cavity my nasal cavity oh open it up you're right yeah it opens that shit right don't doubt yourself I can't I can't it's too much what about tic-tacs oh love tic-tacs orange tic-tacs chew those up you like those I used to be a huge fan of the orange tic-tac but they don't have the freshness of a white tic-tac no they don't so like if I'm going for freshness going white yeah if I want to party a little bit go orange orange is like is it it's just like nerds that's a candy those are nerds that's not a fresh freshener a freshening upper
Starting point is 00:14:37 no it's like oh my god your your breath smells so good it smells like fucking orange tic-tac yeah you smell like candy those those tic-tacs make you smell like the inside of a lunchbox yeah you smell like if like a seven-year-old boy after you eat those yeah yeah all right which is attractive never mind what the fuck dude you made two weird kid references today I was gonna say is attractive to some oh I wasn't saying which is attractive yeah but I said like you smell like a seven-year-old kid and then you said which is attractive and then stop I said which is attractive to never mind I see I see where you could have gone listen go weird too close to Halloween for pedophile jokes I hear you I hear you can't have this cheese balls
Starting point is 00:15:21 sucker bite I think I suck those I suck those too right roof your mouth that it's set up those cheese balls baby I'm big I'm a big ball sucker cheese ball you ever put two cheese balls in your mouth and you're like oh my chipmunk yeah but you're not and they just evaporate your mouth I'll suck the shit out of cheese balls yeah and they get they get all flat yeah yeah and whatever fucking processed shit in there just sits in your mouth yeah and just stays in your body for eight years or whatever yeah don't they say if you swallow gum it like lives in you for like a decade I also think swallowing gum is just psychotic people do that yeah they do why don't know it's disgusting I don't advise it's anyone to do that it's also
Starting point is 00:16:03 people that swallow chewing tobacco too that's out of control yeah that's either like the coolest why aren't you going garbage yeah do you want mouth cancer and stomach cancer at the same time you're gonna shit the cigarettes out or throw up yeah that's imagine shitting out chewing tobacco what does that look like you ever drink wine and take a shit and think you're dying what because it's all black wait what when you drink wine I don't drink wine oh that's why when you drink wine it turns your poop black black like dark like the night not like the night but dark not like 3 a.m more like more more like 845 a little closer to 930 okay it's like it's dark but it just got dark right you could smell like people's fireplaces and stuff oh like that that time okay
Starting point is 00:16:53 I love that smell what are you talking about I don't know no one has fireplaces around here this is this is a fireplace let the record show that Joe has a fireplace three feet away from the camera yeah but no one has fireplaces around here right but you never you don't know the smell of a fireplace it's amazing I'm just not familiar with it all right that's what I'm saying this next one is hard candy and it's like those little pineapple things like caramels like weathers yeah weathers almost had weathers uh weathers caramels um those little watermelon candies you know those things and um I think I bite all this shit I bite hard candy I suck hard candy no I suck it hard you suck the hard candy I sucked hard candy hard no I think I bite all this shit yeah
Starting point is 00:17:46 that's probably why a big biter yeah I'm aggressive ice pops sucking or biting I'm biting it's a nice pop from the jump do you do side of the mouth oh I'm thinking of like the ones in the sleeve no no no no no in the sleeve you're biting you gotta bite you gotta bite it just to get a piece off oh yeah I bite those you bite those two side of your mouth the front I don't know I guess I guess kind of half front yeah you gotta do it it's sensitive not side no I don't know a little bit I have to I go right here like you remember Jay Z's hat used to be just a little yeah like yeah this is where I bite my my ice cream exactly yeah not I can't go full front because that's really cold on your two front teeth yes it hurts too much yeah what about
Starting point is 00:18:37 like soft serve ice cream do you lick around it then eat the top or do you eat the top first I'll start I'll lick all the sprinkles off and then I'll just start biting that thing yeah but like people get that's the one that I roll my lips over my teeth and chop into that thing right there yeah I have sensitive teeth that's weird yeah you ever see it all right this is gonna get a little off kilter here whatever you ever see in pornos when girls are doing something yeah why are they doing that I don't understand why they give beaches like with their lips tucked in yeah we don't like this yeah they're afraid they're afraid of teeth in somebody but I guess but it's a little weird it looks weird yeah I'm like I don't know about this one no you're the professional
Starting point is 00:19:26 but I just don't know about it yeah it's a little scary it's a little weird if you don't answer what I think you should answer to this this is gonna be rough this is where it ends candy canes sucker bite I bite them bitches why yeah yeah dude the best part of it is sucking it to the tip because then you got it you got like a little little ice pick there then you can eat it an ice pick yeah because it's it's a cane and you suck on it freshens up your mouth then you bite it I can't help it I bite them you bite everything I I don't know why your biter Frankie would kill me if he knew that because he is a huge he's got this whole method with candy canes like he's the one who like takes it and he sucks it until it's like a sharp fucking those things get sharp as shit by the way they do you
Starting point is 00:20:17 can commit a murder with those that's why I like sucking them like that why because you commit commit a murder yeah I'm sweet but dangerous you're not it's Christmas time everyone's so happy yes true can't kill people around Christmas no I can't it's a rule but I you know I have a method so like I grabbed the cane and like you know the cane part yes well it's the whole thing's a cane but you know what I mean like the round the curvy and I just break that off yeah and then I just eat the fucking curve that is so fucking weird yeah and then I strip this one naked and then I suck on that one a little bit but then I get frustrated and I just bite it to no end that's my method and I crushed candy canes by the way that's weird a lot of peppermint makes you have diarrhea does
Starting point is 00:21:00 it does it does I can't fight you there yeah yeah I don't know I'm not proud you gotta start sucking on more stuff all right big time biter I think for 2019 do you bite in the bedroom like vaginas not the vaginas are you are you a biter my no I I real quick okay there was this one time I was like 19 years old and I was at a bar and this girl basically mouth raped me because I wasn't like expecting this right but she's like do you I and I like kind of know her I don't know her anymore but I'd back then I like kind of knew her oh yeah and she was like do you want to try my drink and I was like all right so I tried her drink and as I gave it back she like just launched in at me and started kissing me and bit my lip and almost ripped it out of my
Starting point is 00:21:56 fucking face like tried to be sexy but pulled it hard pulled it I'm like listen you're not Rachel McAdams yeah like she ripped it and I thought she was gonna put in her purse for later because dude I thought I was like yeah I was telling my friends you know I'm fucking bleeding she was ripped out of my face so I don't do the lip biting thing I don't think it's like sexy I could you know I could do without it you could do without it I could do without it it is nice when people can do it like just the right because you gotta be gentle nibble nibs yeah but you can't be over there ripping my fucking tongue out yeah it's insane like a dog with a chew toy just turning your head and shit dog with a chew toy I bite my dog's nose sometimes
Starting point is 00:22:37 you bite your dog's nose they're not hard don't do it no I just giving the old nibble kiss there you'll kiss Charlie on the nose I don't bite his nose no I don't bite his nose if I give him the other no switch like that all right what are we talking about lip biting bite biting and sucking oh yeah chocolate I bite chocolate who sucks chocolate some people suck chocolate who sucks chocolate I don't know like a Hershey bar you're sucking on it yeah you're gonna suck a Twix bar yeah god that's a fucking weird question some people suck those if you're sucking chocolate like come on get the fuck out of here gummy bears suck or bite bite I suck them you suck bears yeah I don't mind sucking a bear I'll suck a bear anywhere you're sucking bears yeah why because
Starting point is 00:23:29 because they got flavor to them yeah you bite them to get to the flavor I used to put them like in the front of my lip and act like I was dipping yeah that's fucking awesome yeah I'm not sucking on bears I'm biting those next time you get some bears I'm not sucking them put them right in the front right there no they're awesome no I'm not sucking also I put you on the putting gummy bears in the fridge I don't think that changes anything yeah they're cold do you want to hear something weird cold gummy bears are amazing you know peeps yeah my mom likes them stale ill yeah she's disgusting I don't like peeps at all they're gross you're disgusting remember putting them in microwave though it's a it's a marshmallow bird yeah covered in like fucking
Starting point is 00:24:13 yeah with like little dots for it's disgusting I should as meth Easter candy sucks if they didn't have jelly beans it'd be an awful holiday yeah you ever ate in ate in have you ever ate one of those fucking dynamic you having a stroke we need to go somewhere or what's going on you're good this is usually you fucking up the word dynamic yeah dynamic I kind of like I kind of like it too it's like dynamic and gigantic yeah so you want dynamic what um fucking chocolate bunnies that are like three pounds my sister crushes those Shannon will take those those things like four pounds they don't last in my house first of all you gotta eat the eyes first yeah but then like my I'll have like a piece of an ear and then like if I if I left it there because I was out and of
Starting point is 00:25:05 the house and my sister was still there so she ate all the fucking bunnies yeah there's four of us she ate four bunny chat four fucking bunny that's 12 pounds bunny that's 12 pounds of bunny I haven't had a bunny in five years well we'll get you on this year hope so but uh that kind of candy that kind of chocolate I could suck on for a little bit because it's kind of tough it's a tough candy it is a tough I like that it's it's hollow and you could bite it and you feel like you know what I mean it's nice the other thing what the hell are they called what they're the little chocolate balls that are filled oh like uh uh um fuck what are they called cream some cream cream cream there's cream in it yeah but they come in uh Ghirardelli like fucking uh chocolate oh the lint chocolate
Starting point is 00:26:00 yeah yeah is that what it is I don't know I don't know no lint chocolate's a thing I love that shit it's the circular balls that have the cream inside they're like covered in hard chocolate chocolate cream yeah I'll suck on those I'll suck on it yeah I'll suck those chocolate balls I'll throw that in the fucking in the fridge yes bring them out yes and then when you're sucking on it by the time you get to the center that's already like heated up yeah gotten a little softer yeah that's hot all right so and the other one was uh I never even heard of these sugared almonds the fuck's eating almonds what the fuck is that oh that's like it that's like you give those away at weddings yeah they're terrible who eats that I don't look like pedals bullshit no no that's a
Starting point is 00:26:49 fake thing well that's it you know what else is trash you know that candy like rock candy garbage hey kids want to try this glass and it always has a a little stick with the little like wooden ball on the end yeah what is that I don't know that's a stupid candy I always see like Russian guys eating them I've never seen anyone eat them ever yeah I just see them like in like old Italian places like in a jar yeah and like there's like an espresso here and fucking rock candy it's a scott those are gross pop rocks are gross too there's dumb they're dumb I was like I don't want to feel like there's a nuclear fucking explosion going on in my mouth when kids would run up to you like when you're in like fourth grade just be like yo check it out
Starting point is 00:27:33 cool you're a zombie yeah that's dude that's so sick anyway 14 times this week god I wish I was going trick-or-treating yo remember trick-or-treating do you think we could get away with it because we're both not huge like tall guys if we put on costumes do you think we could get away with trick-or-treating Danny like full mass though I am five foot ten there's no eight year old yes there are who's five foot ten no but you can be 13 yeah but I don't look 13 doesn't that suck there's like 13 year olds taller than us yeah they're freaks I know I think I'm just I just made it like I wouldn't I don't think anyone would consider me short no but no one'd be like that's a tall guy no you should be like you just like I wouldn't be like you're you're not
Starting point is 00:28:23 physically imposing no not physically but I would not look at you and be like that that's a little dude yeah no no people say I look a lot taller than I than I am so you got a long neck and a big head I don't want to go down this road again you got a you got a thick long neck I got a long neck yeah it's it's a good thing it's a good trait yeah don't get self conscious no no I'm not I don't think I have a long I have a thick neck you have a thick neck thick a neck thick a neck what was that what did I say Mike and Dykes and then you said gype dynamic dynamic I wish I could go trick-or-treating just one last time do you remember when those houses would be like hey there there's a bowl outside just take one I'm
Starting point is 00:29:10 like I'm taking this whole fucking bowl lady I love how the old people be like okay here one for you pretzels and 13 cents for you here you go all right have a good time spooky oh do you think kids trick-or-treat still yeah of course I feel like you can get like an app for that or something leaving postmates in all the candy you know you know what I mean children though trick-or-treating what what did you stop trick-or-treating like 13 12 what did you stop um I think I stopped around sixth grade seventh grade well you're 13 you're going into like high you're 14 you're in high school yeah 14 you turn 14 in eighth grade yeah but but like 18 like eighth grade like I would just go around and like ask for candy like I wasn't like dressed up or anything it was just like you were
Starting point is 00:29:59 like the senior class of trick-or-treating you're just like uh trick-or-treat like the parents would be like oh you're not even dressed up right here's like a topper on yeah here's like a topper you know what I mean I used to do some crazy shit on Halloween man yeah I don't like Halloween though that shit is dangerous are you gonna go out this year no I don't think I'm gonna go out I'm skipping Halloween unless you want to come here yeah you can hang out we'll just dress up as ghosts yeah and like and first speaking of I'll get drunk yeah you'll get drunk and I'll watch you get drunk yeah um you should play Madden all night sounds great I want to play Madden right now same we've been having some fucking battles yeah let's not get let's not get sidetracked I know I know I know
Starting point is 00:30:40 let's talk about Halloween I know all right before we move on let's get to the sponsor today we have Blue Apron which is my favorite way to cook okay because this company makes you a chef okay and not only does it have good food but also turns you into a chef basically if you sign up for Blue Apron uh you will have meals that show up to your door and they are pre-portioned with instructions on how to make it so you have like a little cookbook from all these little recipes that you have okay you can make something and and as little as 20 minutes okay every week at least three recipes built with your you know busy schedule in mind uh so if you're a busy person you know you can skip all the meal planning and get straight to cooking with Blue Apron they have it all set up
Starting point is 00:31:24 for you have all your ingredients for you um and it's great I love it because you know I don't know how to cook anything and I don't know how people like create recipes or like what to do sometimes my friends come over they cook stuff I'm like I don't even know how you learn this I have no idea do you watch like that channel we're always cooking I have no idea so Blue Apron for me I look I look like a genius and my friends come over like dude how did you know how to make this I'm like well you know I'm just a genius I don't I don't really tell them about it I just I just kind of make pretend I know what I'm talking about here uh but anyway Blue Apron okay if you guys uh want to get better at cooking or you just you know don't have you don't feel like ordering out
Starting point is 00:32:06 every single day of the week you can get Blue Apron too you can check out this week's menu and get your first three meals free at Blue Apron dot com slash basement that is Blue Apron dot com slash basement okay get more of your cooking experience all right enjoy the new recipes Blue Apron dot com slash basement anyway but yeah did you were you ever like an egg thrower yes and a shaving cream yes thrower yes why are you looking out the window like no I'm just thinking about my last couple losses I'm sorry no but uh when when I was younger there was one time where I was more I was more eggs than shaving cream I was both like shaving my parents are cool they're biased up I'd like shaving cream girls and like throw eggs at guys like I never wanted to hit a girl with an egg
Starting point is 00:32:55 because that's tears well yeah no I'm not throwing eggs at girls no no no but I wasn't throwing eggs at anyone I knew I was just throwing eggs at like cars yeah I did that too yo you realize how fucking dangerous that is me kill somebody yo this is where off the road that's what I'm saying but also asshole don't be out on Halloween I gotta make a living I'm a taxi stay home stay home yeah I'm not driving on Halloween either especially around this neighborhood if someone's people are gonna ring your doorbell this year probably yeah probably damn it I'm just gonna hide in here you should get some candy put it out there I got candy but you know I probably in half the bag or anything I think it's like almost empty what's in there there's some uh
Starting point is 00:33:33 tutu rolls tutu rolls rated one to ten hurry up for me hurry up 7.8 I like them I like them too yeah all right what else is in tutu pops 6.4 oh what eight really you like tutu pops that much it depends on the flavor though I like that they're on their go yeah I'm walking yeah you know I don't like that you can't it's hard to dispose of the dots go oh 7.6 dots are good yeah dots are good they're not great I like dots but I like them a lot yeah what else is in there what about sour patch kids rated one to ten which ones which one regular ones go uh seven nine yeah sour patch melons one to ten oh eight seven oh yeah I'm more like 9.3 oh yeah I don't even know what would be in my nine I don't know Mike and I guess apparently fucking come across this table sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:34:34 sorry we both exploded no no but did your brothers yeah eat your Halloween candy and did your parents have reached your Halloween candy I don't know my brothers ate my shit we all had a lot my sisters too fucking ate my shit hate them and then my mom would eat my shit everyone in my family ate my shit yeah man I don't like it's never I I don't remember so I don't think anyone did it that was that was the closest to like bank heisting we would ever get to did you just like come home with the bag she's like all right see what we got fucking empty the loot fucking like swim in it yeah I don't have to fucking brush my teeth for a whole another six days she's gonna eat all this candy did your parents check your candy yes did they
Starting point is 00:35:23 yeah because one time there was a there was a guy like there was somebody poisoning animals in our neighborhood and it was around like Halloween time so like everyone was afraid of their kids were gonna get poisoned you know Halloween's terrifying for that reason because every year you see some fucking story about some psycho who's putting needles into the twizzlers why what are you getting out of that guy took another shot of twizzlers look at you just saying they were easy to fit in there yeah all those people they should line those people up and shoot all those people no we should not shoot them we should bury them alive yes yeah but leave their heads out yeah and let them breathe through a fucking twizzler let them do that good luck with that
Starting point is 00:36:07 this is gonna take a really weird spin here we go but I could never imagine harming a child like that like like being that nuts to be like I'm gonna poison all these kids today yeah it's kind of nuts I think there was a story one time I might I've seen a lot of Netflix murder documentaries there was a story where a guy like poisoned his own kids and like his friends and like they all died Jesus dude hi well the weather's good today I really do wish I could go trick-or-treating just one more time you could in theory if we like changed our names changed our names yeah what does that mean in our voices so we could like so it couldn't get traced names have to be I like my name is not my name on Halloween it's like oh
Starting point is 00:36:58 Batman you're like yeah and then you collect your whatever you got what's your best kid voice if we were to dress up and you were gonna say trick-or-treat what's your best kid voice trick-or-treat you can get it you can get a treat I can get it up there I would I need a mask and like whatever I sounded like Michael Jackson yeah trick-or-treat you you that's good oh wow that's weird don't do that sorry my ears feel like uncomfortable now after that Jesus Christ is anybody call you Joseph no if you could change your name to any name what would it be have you ever thought about changing your name no no it's kind of my name is like I like my name but it also is one of it rhymes with yo so when I'm out in public I'm just like
Starting point is 00:37:44 turning my head all the time yo Joe I'm like yo me or this guy Danny's like that too though did I did I'm like uh fucking god damn it but yo everyone says yo and I'm like Joe and I'm always just looking around is yo disrespectful yo yo here no I want to who like you can't say like there's certain people you can say yo to you can't say yo to a waiter no what the fuck yo yo yo no no no no no no to the yo no yo no yo I don't know if you had to change your name to any name what would it be has there ever been a name that you be like damn I wish I had that name I like the name Jackson like I want to name my son Jackson but how are you gonna spell it J-A-X-O-N oh you're gonna just call him X you're gonna go full hard
Starting point is 00:38:37 oh hell yeah we're gonna start fucking pumping that kid full of steroids fuck yeah get him a little fucking Sons of Anarchy DVD set hell yeah Jackson's a cool name or Jackson's awesome and so is X yeah like that kid fucks yeah I don't know I would have like like well your real name is Danny it's not Daniel which makes my name kind of cool which is I told someone that the other day they're like what I was like yeah his name is Danny I hate not Daniel yeah I hate when people call me Daniel because I have a cousin named Daniel that's not my name yeah and it's literally not my name yeah I remember when I first told you that you're like what do you talk about I'm like on your birth certificate or like in life you're like I need to see this in writing sir yeah that's weird yeah
Starting point is 00:39:25 when I went to the DMV I remember the first time I was there like what's your name Danny they were like all right Danny I was like no my name is Danny look look look it's so weird yeah I know I I've never met is your other friend Danny Danny no he's Daniel he's Daniel yeah it's weird my name you ever think about like the letters in your name my name ends in a Y okay it's weird a boy's name ends in a Y what does that mean what are their boy's names end in a Y Anthony Jeremy you just did to Stanley very common ones right there Brantley Brantley I don't know you kids people name their kids anything these days I know desk it's kind of full desk all right I'm looking this up now hold on you know it's a cool name
Starting point is 00:40:16 Cannon Cannon's cool Brock Brock's cool name yeah Brock's yeah yeah Brock just sounds strong yeah if your name's Brock you're automatically gonna be six four yeah and your dick's gonna be a minimum seven inches long yeah like yeah and you could like chop down a fucking mountain with the side of your hand yeah it sounds strong and like one with the earth like very in tune okay like you need to fix up a tent like a half hour and it's like not it's not hard at all and you and like you have a full beard by the time you're 13 yeah you know those kids got like mustaches when they were like seven or whatever you're like yeah why is this kid like like that's Brock just ripped yeah yeah good at every sport why full ride do you want yeah but he's very dumb dumb as fuck if
Starting point is 00:40:59 your name is Brock your IQ is like 48 yeah mad good at lacrosse but a fucking idiot yeah but you could crush beers like crush them yeah carry a keg and shit I googled something now we're talking about the names Brock no no no I googled top baby names of 2018 so far yeah so far what do you like in the world or America okay all right there's 10 wait this is like co-ed or no no this is just girls right here oh what do you think the number one girl's name is baby name I don't know like Maria Maria it's a common name I know man Maria's I like Maria where do you live Spanish Harlem Maria Maria to a mom have a what's her name what's the name the number one name hold on let me get another guess all right
Starting point is 00:42:00 I'll give you three guesses to get it Maria is wrong Jessica wrong good guess that's a better guess the Maria there's more Jessica's than Maria's in the world probably Michelle no you ready yeah I'll give you the top three or do you want all 10 give me give me three all right I'll give you the top three number one is Olivia what that's a weird I know like two Olivia's yeah I don't know any Olivia's now that I think about it well they're the babies you don't know that many babies yeah but you would I feel like a name that would be the most popular name I would know someone with this name yeah second one is Emma I know some Emma's I know some Emma's I'm not a big fan of Emma yeah I like Olivia though
Starting point is 00:42:47 I have a niece name Emma so like I have to like Emma's I like Olivia though live Holly yeah va live up live up please come yeah and the third one is Eva Eva Eva wow that's a horn I was just gonna say you beat it to he said it he said it I didn't I did it Eva Eva's are hot though probably Eva's are hot and they know it slutty too all right all right so that's the top three for that's the top three I can't wait to get a fucking yeah we're gonna get some hate mail now and we're gonna get a bunch of evas like yo excuse me I've never even seen a penis yeah I always want to interview
Starting point is 00:43:43 girls and just be like when was the first time you saw a dick I love I love asking girls that question yeah I just like in the right setting like I'm not you know hey what's up you ever seen me do yeah like you those people on Instagram to go out on the street and like yo it's the last time you sucked one yeah it's like yo I'm just walking through Times Square can I just chill the fuck out real quick all right it's why I love talking like Asa so much because she's like she'll tell you yeah obviously but like she but crazy she's having a baby you're I know you're my friends that are girls like I just want to ask them like you know when was the first time you saw a dick like like just first dick and then first in person dick and I feel like those stories are so different
Starting point is 00:44:21 and so funny yeah they're great anyway dicks are gross yeah terrible what's what's what do we have all right now Olivia so Emma Ava so I'll just rattle off the top 10 all right let's just go don't rattle one but one at a time okay all right I didn't know if you want me to go slow yeah number four Charlotte number four it's either Mia or Maya I don't know it's I think it's Mia I think it's Mia yeah six is Sophia I haven't I have three nieces a lot of e's I have three I have three four nieces and three other names are on here oh okay Emma Charlotte and Sophia I like Charlotte yeah that's Jared's daughter um Sophia seven Isabella really number eight you will not guess this name is it like foreign you would never think a girl's
Starting point is 00:45:16 name would be this maybe you would Harper what yeah that's a terrible name yeah but that sounds like some hot southern girl that like it's got a lot of flannel and tight flannel shorts and just goes mudding and is so hot and has no idea and dates some dude in town with three fucking teeth yeah Harper there you go Amelia Earhart really good pilot great Amelia not bad I like it a little bit and 10 is Evelyn Evelyn yeah that sounds like a milf snack I know how did Evelyn sneak in there Evelyn's probably not hot until she has a baby and divorces her husband and then she's hot because she's like she's like a hot Evelyn old woman yeah like I feel like Evelyn doesn't get hot until they're 40 yeah no you know what it is she's good looking but she's a hand she stays
Starting point is 00:46:10 she keeps it up yeah well into her 40 she's a handsome woman she's classically hot classy all right you ready for the boys yeah let me let me guess the top one no chance you get this if you get this I'll suck your penis it's the whitest name ever isn't it yeah it's up there uh yeah it's pretty fucking one Taylor no fuck that's white though yeah and that is white Taylor and Tyler's all played lacrosse they live out in Long Island they drive jeeps and have girlfriends with blonde hair yeah just saying I think you're gonna get to sport athletes though fucking idiots also by the way yeah anyway and say so a lot oh my god big time starters big time vapors too yeah why are all these kids smoking jewels man I don't know they love jewels and they love wearing uh three-quarter socks with
Starting point is 00:47:00 vans that's just the thing I guess I know like I appreciate game fucking kids all right uh give it another guess can I get the first letter or are you gonna give it away and nick no fuck give you one more try Nate no all right you ready yeah Noah Noah yeah that's the number one name yep that's the number one baby name for boys in 2018 I don't hate it it's a millennial name though Noah yeah I feel like well Noah's arc well I think it's like our parents gave us the simple names our era is gonna give weirder wider names yeah I guess so you know what I'm saying do you think that the mics and the Andrews they're done and the Tyler's are done the Joes and the Danny's are done damn we're done dude yeah
Starting point is 00:47:54 we're done we're extinct because you want to know why we're named after our dads and our dads were just like are you really gonna name your kid after you one of them maybe not the first one no Jackson's getting in there yeah so that's probably the first one I say this they they squeeze it out there sniz you could name it it's fine um that was a romantic way of putting that yeah I just feel like hey you carry this thing for you can name whatever you want just don't call a fucking mailbox or fucking yeah don't name it after anything in the house yeah they'll name it after a fucking Roomba or something which I got by the way and it is amazing please get a Roomba I guarantee it'll change your life okay that's not my life's not going to be
Starting point is 00:48:37 changed okay what's number two Liam super white Liam's a shitty name it's not terrible no I don't I think I hear Liam and I hear a kid that sucks like this kid sucks like if I was his camp counselor I'd hate him Liam plays rugby though Liam thinks he can play rugby I feel like Liam's play bagpipes for some reason I don't know why it's that's just like the taste I have in my mouth right now yeah like a volunteer fireman or something yeah oh yeah right something like that plays the bagpipe number three only name that makes sense on here take a guess uh Chris close give you one more starts would be
Starting point is 00:49:23 uh Ben yes Benjamin is number three not a Benjamin guy no I have friends that are Benjamins but my agent's name is Benjamin hate that guy his full name is does he go by Benjamin or Ben nah he goes by Ben and I don't hate him it's just like also like also like people give you names and then they don't call you by it you know everything's abbreviated yeah why'd you call me Joseph yours makes sense Danny I'm gonna call him Danny I'm not calling him Daniel no so why don't you just give him Danny yeah yeah Benjamin name him Ben yeah no one's gonna call him Benjamin yeah Benjamin Watson yeah I guess what are the Benjamins uh Benjamin Franklin that's true I love that the first Benjamin that came
Starting point is 00:50:18 to your head was like a fucking journeyman tight end said one of the founding fathers of our country I had to pick him up off waivers my tight end my fucking Gronk was out last week so I had to pick up Benjamin Watson he's on the saints who's the famous Benjamin Benjamin Watson oh that's funny all right here's four through 10 for Oliver oh like Olivia Oliver yeah I like I like Oliver I think it's a cool name he's got glasses yeah dresses nice smart probably plays fucking cello wears a lot of pointed toe boots yeah yeah yeah plays the cello whoa yeah definitely five William Billy where do you get bill from will I don't know we get dick from Richard that makes no sense who sue started letting that happen I don't know and who let that be accepted who was like
Starting point is 00:51:10 yeah no it's called dick yeah dick Clark we're on tv calling this guy dick it's not his fucking name it's not even close and you know it's weird how Leonard they call him Lenny yeah but Leonard is L E O N A R D and Lenny's L E N N Y they just full on get rid of the L I don't know all right and then James okay just a run of the mill white kid Elijah seven another run of the mill white yeah Lucas super white nine Mason that kid has racist tendencies yeah oh man that is one white name yeah Mason Mason that little fucking kid who's singing him with a Walmart kid's name is Mason Ramsey right yeah that kid's white as shit yes and 10 rounds it off with Michael oh Mike Mike Mike make the list Mike's
Starting point is 00:52:14 hanging on Mike's hanging on I would have thought Joe would be in there Joseph but yeah Joe and Muhammad yeah Muhammad's the most common this is in America though yeah but there's a behind Muhammad's Sunoo most of the video parents are Nigerian immigrants yeah Muhammad Ali yeah not his name change it to that yeah not to think about it I don't know too many Muhammad's no actually I know a ton of Muhammad's from school do you really yeah all through like public school I had mad Muhammad's oh yeah that's true yeah you went I always forget that you went to like a big school yeah I went to so many big schools oh you had like one of those graduating classes of like five no yeah well when I was in like elementary school I had 11 people in my grade we I always had over 200 yeah and then
Starting point is 00:53:01 when I went to middle school I moved back to New York then we had like 110 people in our grade so it was still like wow but uh yeah that was that make sure question you know how we said Ava was just kind of like a slutty name yeah I don't take it back oh that's not what I was gonna I don't take it back I don't take it back at all I was gonna say do you like what are some other names that you think are like oh this this this girls might be a little Becky Becky's pretty slutty name Becky's got her tits out in college Amber wow Ambers I mean Amber's pretty slutty I also but I also get I've met some respectful Ambers but like I think with Amber you get both sides of the spectrum here there's no middle ground where it's like this is just a person it's either a
Starting point is 00:53:53 raging lunatic or or it's just like a it's just like a nice wholesome study I'm not really here to do the whole party thing I'm here to get my grades up yeah you know what I mean mm-hmm there's no middle ground this is all speculation yeah we're yeah this is based on no scientific evidence yeah I know what's your middle name Patrick Patrick that explains why I can drink just a Patrick yeah yeah uh what's another slutty name you know the whole family tree of alcohol as well right trickle down a lot of branches on that tree a lot of branches a lot of branches on that tree my friend oh my god another slutty name um or just like douchey dude names Taylor Tyler those kids are the worst Brent Brent Brent Brad yeah anyone who sounds like they're on the lacrosse team yeah
Starting point is 00:54:40 they're douche yeah they wear pennies and thong flip flops yeah it's like dude it's March it's not hot yet okay Skyler Skyler that kid's an asshole yeah that kid got a car on his 16th birthday yeah like a nice one fuck you and always had like the most expensive lacrosse dick oh my god I hate those kids um played travel hockey yeah sucked but his parents like knew the coach or whatever his dad was the coach yeah he was on the fourth line yeah put him out there um uh Nicole Nicole Nikki though Nikki is a slut two K's and I no no I'm trying to think of like an actual name I'm thinking of like neighborhood names yeah because that's what they are you know what I mean April's April's maybe I don't think I know
Starting point is 00:55:36 any April's I think I yeah I've only known one she was like kind of sleuter yeah yeah nice person yeah no got after it though yeah sometimes I mean yeah get after no problem we're getting after now gotta get after you got any uh for what girls yeah um I don't know what about hot girl names um it's two ugly girl names first okay those are easier to get out Gretchen never met a hot Gretchen here's what I'll say Barbara my name and your baby Barbara yeah can't be named any baby Barbara there's probably a couple hot babs out there babs I don't know yeah Barbara's bad Esther that's a cultural name though I feel like that's a popular name in some country that I'm not gonna guess because it'll be wrong no esters are not hot
Starting point is 00:56:34 you're not destined for greatness with ester I don't know any esters yeah so I can't I can't say I guess like Maria's like a hot name I know some hot Maria's I guess yeah like a Spanish names how do you feel about our names I like my name because it's like like you said before it's just like nobody really has my name you know they do but they really don't I I thought I liked my name until I saw multiple tweets at one time and it's just like a bunch of different accounts and it was like everyone knows an asshole named Joe it's true is it an asshole name yeah do I fit the criteria it's like the biggest uncle name too uncle Joey yeah uncle Joe yeah I can't wait uncle Joe is the biggest like uncle name there is I have an uncle Joe he's the man I have an
Starting point is 00:57:30 uncle Joe I have two uncle Joe's yeah um are they cool no they're asshole they're asshole Joe's yeah all right well um yeah but I do I fit the criteria but Joe yeah um yo wasn't that crazy wait remember when we were in BMW and that girl guessed my name yeah that was weird that was very weird why what is she I said I asked and you and I told her I'm like yo guess oh I was maybe I was guessing her name or she was I was like can you guess my name or something yeah I don't know but she's oh no we were saying that she looked like a Stephanie or something yeah and then she was like I was like wait is that your name and she's like no I was like oh she said you look like a Kevin oh that's what it was yeah something like that
Starting point is 00:58:18 you kind of look like a Kevin I mean dude I look like every fucking white name in the world there's nothing special about what's going on here I listen no you could be a Kev yeah Kev Kev what's up Kev Pat too I feel like I thought I was a Kev yeah but if I was a Kev or a Patrick I'd be fat already yeah probably like those are more Irish than Joe yeah you would have like three like B&E's like a couple fucking fights on your belt and a clover tattoo right here big time Celtic Cross right like all over you in between it yeah um only God forgives yeah God forgives I don't yeah yeah only God could judge me like on your wrist no but you look like a Joe yeah I can't believe she guessed my name first try yeah we're like y'all guess his name she's like Danny we're like
Starting point is 00:59:02 that was insane made me think that maybe she had to have known you yeah well then we went back the other time and one of them did know who I was yeah but that doesn't mean that that one the other one also BMW had some smokes oh my god dude I was like yo they know how to sell cars in here it's like they are paying up yeah for these here but uh yeah that was weird they were all dressed like you ever see the movie catch me if you can yes I love that yeah they're all dressed like stewardesses yeah they're all like hot like I say that right steward eye stewardesses stewardesses yeah they were all dressed like this stewardess stewardess are you googling it yeah yeah it's stewardess or is it just one of those words that's like you know how fish is not fishes it's just
Starting point is 00:59:47 fish god these things keep coming up these fucking news alerts about all these friggin bombs why is there more bombs there was like bombs like Robert De Niro's house or something his office or something the hell is going on there's a lot of bombs in New York what is going on I don't know bombs aren't going off though yeah that's a weird thing why aren't they going off is it weird that I said that no like why it's not why aren't these bombs going on I'm just saying like you said they've sent them to like 11 places you would think one of them would go off yeah I don't know bad job or I don't know what's going on over there it's fucking terrifying though I heard there was I don't want to go anywhere yo there was a time though in the morning this is why that's why I
Starting point is 01:00:27 take ubers yeah I'm sure that's why you take the ubers you don't take the ubers because you're afraid of bombs Danny you take ubers because you're lazy all right how is that lazy you take ubers how is that lazy because taking the train is more affordable and it's faster so no it's not yes it is enough for me yes it is the train is faster than an uber every time probably I'm taking an uber home from here I know that I don't even know how to get out of here I don't even know where to go I don't even know where I am yeah I thought this was flushing queens it's not flushing it's not very far you it's not I mean yeah it is kind of yeah it is when I looked I looked in the GPS I was like there's no way Joe lives over here I almost entered into the uber that would have been
Starting point is 01:01:10 great and it was like $20 more I was like I can't do this I'm gonna be fucking broke just go to your house unless you take the train what train would I have to take oh wait no let's not do that okay hold on so just so I just did it so I just so everyone knows every like 20 something minutes we have to pause to reset the cameras because they run on 20 minutes and I just paused it and we sat down in our chair and Danny goes oh you ever sit on your balls you ever do that though what like sit on your balls I yeah yo it's it's it starts so slow the pain starts so slow I hate that now it's in my stomach yo ball pain travels you know what I mean like it goes like it rises like hot air it's like it's like a a toothache in your sack yeah that's exact it's
Starting point is 01:02:06 like an earache in your fucking grundle and then it travels up and then I get a stomach ache and then I got a shit yeah I sat on the left one more than the right honestly I think if I was constipated or just have someone kick me in the balls because I shit almost every time I get kicked in the nuts someone kicks me in the nuts I'm like like are you in pain I'm like yeah but I need to get to a bathroom how much would you would it take to let somebody kick you in the nuts like hard yeah like as hard as they can like a regular kick what's a regular kick though like a regular kick not like fucking winding up and kicking but like kicking straight on I don't know a couple thousand yeah I would do it for like a thousand bucks I'd probably do it for like
Starting point is 01:02:47 three thousand I would do it for a thousand yo my nuts hurt now I know my I just sat on mine yeah that's weird I got big old balls what's up what you got big nuts like planets do you yeah that's weird no I'm kidding like two handballs like two handballs clanking together I would rather you were talking about a guy like a seeing a girl a girl seeing a penis for the first time yeah I wonder when the first time they saw balls probably around the same time they saw a penis Danny no because I feel like a lot of people pull their dick through the p-hole no one does that people do that do you pull your dick through p-holes no not anymore what do you mean not anymore you were doing that yeah I've never pulled my dick out and my balls and immediately follow
Starting point is 01:03:36 you always pull you pull your dick and your balls out of this middle of your boxers really no no no I just I take my pants off oh I'm not going through the hole no I'm saying if you're like getting a little no my balls are like the little brothers that your parents like take them with you little brothers are like yeah brothers twin brothers yeah no I don't pull it through the hole thing that's what I thought you were saying no my no I dump it out dump it out I'm not sneaking like no I feel like that only happens in pornos when people are fucking like outside like my balls are like like are a little too hairy I might keep them in the chamber I don't know you know who's that fuck is ringing my bell right now I don't know
Starting point is 01:04:24 so it's time for you just said the magic word you said balls that means you just want hold on I think I know who this is I got a text all right well let me go off and let me ask you this while you're looking to see who that is um I always wanted to ask this question would you rather be the bachelor or the on the bachelorette I'd rather be the bachelor see I'd rather be on the bachelorette why because competitively I want to see how long I could last I don't know like I want to see if I can get a rose you'll get a rose I'll get I'll get one or two yeah you'll get one or two but then rather than you're not you know yeah we'll see before people are like really into the story
Starting point is 01:05:14 lines like you'll be up yeah it's true before you know like I would have to act like a dick to stay they probably wouldn't give you those testimonial you know what have they do like yeah you know me and you know I was working on a farm in Missouri you know I'm here it's like they wouldn't even get to that yeah I'm no Jordan Rogers yeah I don't know who that is oh yeah no but I think but you wouldn't rather be in control and be like oh I could send a bunch of these idiots home first no because I feel like one of it I would feel really bad doing that and then two I feel like I would be bad at it and what like I would send the wrong people home first of all the whole show is dumb it's ridiculous you know the bachelor and the bachelorette
Starting point is 01:05:53 are fucking stupid it's just like hey listen we're gonna bring you all these vaginas and then on the flip side we're gonna bring you all these dicks and then you could choose which one you want take them out on dates we're gonna pay for all of them yeah we're gonna pay for all of them at the same time suck a couple while you live here suck a couple yeah suck a couple give them a rose yeah all right how am I supposed to create any type of like relationship with someone when I got 13 dates today I know and then they always try to sneak in one on one time oh yeah like it's like the immunity aisle and fucking survivor give me a break
Starting point is 01:06:31 I would suck on survivor yeah I would suck on survivor I'd be like guys I gotta get out of here siglas and I haven't seen a Yankee game in like three days you know make some bets yeah I haven't talked to my bookie in four days guys is probably angry yeah does anybody have a hot spot here yeah please I wouldn't be able to do it either so you'd be on the bachelor yeah probably just to be in control of my own destiny yeah you're control freak anyway yeah yeah I also don't want to compete with I would have thought competitively you would want to you would want to compete I'm not competitive when it really when it comes to like like girls and stuff because like when no no no not not for the girl you're competing against the dudes yeah but it's for the girl yeah but it's more if I don't
Starting point is 01:07:18 like more about like I wanted to see if I could beat some of these but if I don't like the girl I'm like I don't care especially if I just like I don't know her like if I'm at a bar and there's a girl who's like okay clearly this girl's the hottest girl in here right and like there's like five dudes around her like just like one's just like standing with his back towards her like trying to like just game planning on what he's gonna do and someone's trying to talk to her and she's kind of ignoring him and another guy's like that that guy it's like I fuck that you know I mean I don't want to be a part of that so I don't want to be on the fucking bachelor right I don't think we're tall enough to win the bachelor yeah I'm definitely not tall enough for that you gotta be at least six three for
Starting point is 01:07:49 that yeah you gotta be a charming five o'clock shadow with like a fade into like a nice long yeah thing you know yeah I need a haircut by the way yeah me too you look so sad after you said that my hair is not great at the moment no it's all right it's gotta wear the hat dead pull hat though it is very cool yeah it's very cool um anyway that was one of my friends uh outside oh is he still out there yeah he's out there I thought it was a UPS no no no he's out there all right he can hang out for a little bit no I mean we could we could wrap it up I think we hit yeah I think I think we hit all the points oh quick one quick quick question yeah question yeah and then we'll wrap it up I was thinking about this on the way over here
Starting point is 01:08:29 oh no you know how Tim's getting married yeah made me think which one of us could give a better best man speech I think I could write a better one than you but if they were just like we need someone to give a speech right now yeah I yeah you could improv a great speech a great one yeah I probably wouldn't even write one I would I would probably I'd have to write it yeah you know I feel like I could make people cry better than you but you're more emotional in the face yeah like I would have one of those moments where like I'd be like you know first time I met I love when people cry and then they get angry they're like you know the first time I met um um
Starting point is 01:09:20 first time I met Chris or they do this one you know the first time yeah exactly I love when dudes get angry when they're gonna get emotional yeah right it's like just cry man just fucking cry uh just cry it's like dude you're like gonna you're taking minutes off your life by not letting it out all right yeah just be emotional a little bit be some sensitive uh be some be sensitive I would cry during the speech I'm a big cry I'm I don't cry at weddings yeah see you'd be like straight to the point very business-esque no I'd be out there I'd be making people laugh but it would come off genuine though yeah of course all right who's your former
Starting point is 01:10:09 take over the room baby yeah it would probably be hammered dude I'll probably fuck that up it's pretty good wedding right right and who's your what's the deal with weddings all right all right Joe it's not a stand-up set that's good I got it um well your brother's gonna get married soon yeah you're probably gonna have to give a speech why would I have to give a speech because you're a brother yeah but I'm not the best man I know but you might have to give a speech I'm not giving a speech there's no way you wouldn't do it I would but there's just no reason for me to give one like I'm not the maid of honor I'm not the best man like I'm I'm just I'm just up there well you can't be a maid of honor well I'm saying
Starting point is 01:10:51 those people give speeches I'm gonna be the maid of honor right now I can be a maid of honor I'd be hot I'd look nasty in a dress dude you might be having the wear one if we ever make good on this bed let me wrap this thing up here yeah we're gonna wrap this thing up Danny where can I find you find me at Danny Lupeori on Twitter and Instagram uh you guys can follow me wherever the fuck you want to follow me I don't give a fuck go subscribe to the youtube channel slash the basement yard uh and our patreon is set up if you want to support the show slash the basement yard as well thank you for all the support we'll see you next time

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