The Basement Yard - #172 - Butt Hygiene

Episode Date: January 14, 2019

Davino joins Danny & Joe this week to talk about butt hygiene, surgery, & more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today very special guest Davino makes his return Finally hello, New York to the basement. You're all you came in hot there. Sorry. What are you doing? You nervous? No You're nervous. It's fine. It's okay about it. Yeah, you got one shoe on You know, you're having quite a day. I had surgery on your foot. It hurts. What happened your foot? So, um, I don't know how I'm sorry. I don't know how it accumulated, but um water Bumps on my ankle bone water bumps. Well, it was just fluid. So it started out with one
Starting point is 00:00:35 I was actually laying in bed. I remember it very clearly. I was laying in bed one day and I look at my foot and I'm like, oh I ain't supposed to be there. Well, you got you got bumps on your foot. They were they were fluid. They were cysts fluid cysts Oh cysts. Yeah, they're bumps. I thought I thought they were like blisters No, water bumps just sounds like, you know, I have condensation I'm sure you guys later what it looked like, but it started off with one and I was like, all right Well, I can't feel my ankle bone because it was on top of it So I was like, this isn't right and I told my mom she's like go to the doctor and then I waited too long What wait, wait, wait
Starting point is 00:01:09 They were water bumps. So when you touch it, did it feel like a like like a hard water balloon? It was soft So felt like water like yeah, like a water bed Yeah, water bumps I've never heard of this. It was a sex. Yeah, they were Okay, all right Sacks of bumps bumps I think like, you know if you play too much fucking Nintendo and remember you'd be get that blister on right here all the time You remember it. Yeah, you pop it and all the fucking water. Yep. No, it wasn't like that. We tried to pop it
Starting point is 00:01:39 Well, he tried and it didn't work. He tried to drain it didn't work So he said come back and I had to cut you open So how often are you wearing this this fucking boot since last Friday? So you have to wear it 24-7? No, he said come back the 10th and We'll take out the stitches. Can you shower? funny story I just started showering actually wait a day ago days ago. I had to sit on the toilet and bathe myself. Oh Wait, like
Starting point is 00:02:08 Sit down and like just yeah in my boxers like an old weird naked like an old woman And I have to clean that area was the toilet seat up. Was it up? No, like did you let like your stuff hang like no I was wearing boxes and when it was time to clean that store. I had to take them off and Excuse me. Mm-hmm. Did you call your penis a store store made? So you were using like a washcloth. Yeah, I had to it's suck man Yeah, your balls never get that clean from like doing that type of dude. I scrub You're doing this one like you do the top. I do the top and I do the sides and I go under and back Oh y'all clean in that ace. You probably had a fucking pretty clean ass. Oh 100%
Starting point is 00:02:52 But my back was like I couldn't clean my back and it's gross. I've never cleaned my back. I have a thing You know, I don't have that. I I literally just got my first like Shower power tool. I got a loofa. What's a power? Oh, I don't know. It's a loofa. I thought it was gonna be Yeah, I I owe that all to Danny to be honest with you He said I need to get a loofa for my ass. Yeah, man cuz it gets all that fucking debris out of your ass You know, you don't understand how much debris your ass carries around. I I understand now cotton Toilet paper yeah, yeah, yeah from your box. Yeah, it's like when you're wearing black briefs or boxers and it's like a little black Yeah, I'll be honest with you like the first like so I like I lubed it up with soap, right and the first like go
Starting point is 00:03:37 It was as if like it would be like if like dude It was rough. It was rough. It was like someone waxed the sidewalk Yeah, and they pulled it up and it was just a bunch of like dirt and just hair and like I don't even want to imagine what your asshole looked like pre loofa. Like you thought you probably thought You had a clean asshole, but at that point you were toast. I'll be honest with you No, I didn't I did not think my shit was clean at all. What color loofa do you use what color? Yeah, it's very true You can't use a white loofa. It's not white. Mine's dark purple. Excellent. Excellent dark purple Yeah, because if it does somehow have remnants of doodoo kaka
Starting point is 00:04:18 It doesn't show up like it would be on a white. Wouldn't you want it to show up? No, no Scrubbing away, bro. Hey, but you want to not you want to know how to get clean Let me tell you this let me tell you this when you use a towel, right? Yeah Yeah, do you ever do you put the towel in your butt crack? Oh, I don't like jam it into my rim No, you have to clean it. They have to dry it. You have to dry it. Yeah, but at that point it's clean Have you ever got have you ever got poop on a towel? No Yes, you have don't say you're not human poop on a towel. Yeah when you're like a streak not like a long not like a dark You know dark streak like a little little light brown. You guys you wait wait wait. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:58 Post-shower. Yes, you guys have cleaned some dry your aces With the towel this guy's a robot and it looks like you just wiped your ass. No, it doesn't look like it's wiped your ass It's the smallest amount of shit possible very light It's just what's ever sitting on the cusp of your ain't yeah, but like you don't sometimes you don't You don't sometimes take a shit then shower You know I'm saying if you if you ship before you shower if you ship before you shower the outside the exterior is prestigious, but if you if you rub it with a towel a Little bit of poop kaka's gonna be on there. Why are you light?
Starting point is 00:05:34 You know what I swear to God I've done So you ever took a shower and then took a shit afterwards like now I got to shower Yes, or or even I'll take a shower and then I'll walk out of the shower And I'll be like brushing my teeth or doing whatever and then I'll fart I bet I gotta get back in there. I've I've stopped mid-shower to take a shit and then get back in the shower Dude, is it taking a shit while you're soaking wet so it's almost uncomfortable feeling We were talking about like taking a shit at the pool as a kid sucked. It was terrible You're sliding all over this fucking ball and your dick's mad little too
Starting point is 00:06:09 You can be everywhere peeing all over the place you got that lining in there Do you remember the day that your dick became big enough that it would just point down and you're like now I don't have to worry about pissing all over my knees I mean, I don't remember the day, but I do remember the progress and it was it was it was enlightening to know that my penis Was gonna grow. Yeah, the thing that weirds me out is our big dick's genetic Like if your father has a monster cock, right? Yeah, are you gonna get a monster cock? I don't know it doesn't it all depend on to if you get circumcised like that like nope probably not There goes that idea
Starting point is 00:06:44 Like you know how you say you know they say like you get your hair from like your mom's father Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's old then you got some trouble. Yeah, where do you get your dick? Who in my family tree is it your mom's dad to My mom's dad. It's your like brother-in-laws. Yeah, like uncle. Yeah, if it's my mom's dad, we're not on speaking terms Yeah, I'll tell you right now. Yeah, it's great You know what I mean? You got to really think about it a dick size has to be somewhat hereditary Because your body has to tell your penis to grow just like it tells everything else to grow Yeah, but wait, it's a muscle your dick. It's not you can't be
Starting point is 00:07:24 There's no bone in there. Yeah, but I can't go to the gym and like, you know, I'm not it's not growing. No, that's right I don't know man. Imagine you could I really wonder what the genetic makeup of a cock is I think that was just slapped on at the end of creation. It was like, yo, you get what you get kid Is it maybe it is just luck of the draw. I've asked has to be I have to have like some kind of weird genome Mutation it might be just like your environment because when you know Not at your environment, but like like like if your mom smokes while you're pregnant. No, well, yeah I grew up in a hard life. So obviously my dick is huge. No, I'm saying but like if you look at it across the board
Starting point is 00:08:05 You know, obviously there's exceptions to this, but You know the smallest penises come from Okay, I see where you're going Asian countries. I hear you. I hear you making that up. No because I've looked it up Yeah, and people from the Congo Like they're their floor is like six and a half inches mandingos Like it's like their floor where the floor here is like like the floor like like the smallest dick They would have a spot when they walk is that what you're saying? What do you mean? What the fuck are you talking? What do you mean their floor like that's like they're
Starting point is 00:08:40 The lowest the lowest that it can go six and a half inches on average on average So that means like an eight-inch dick in the Congo is like whatever So basically it's like picked you want a big dick or do you want to live in the Congo? Like you want to live in good environment? Yeah, it's true. Oh just from the Congo I'll be honest. Yeah, I move to America if that was a possibility. I think about it For a quick second Like imagine your dick was so big that you had to pick it up to like clean underneath it Like I don't have to pick my dick up a lot of infections, huh? Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:15 What who knows what like Because I get so big it might get dirty. Yeah quick and you don't if you don't wash your dick every day Which I hope to God you do My pick up some debris See mine's my butthole Because I know my butthole sucks Well, I would go I would go for the dick first and then the butthole because I'm gonna wash your ass and then wipe your dick No, no, no, no, no because here's why
Starting point is 00:09:48 Guys It's true because I know my buttholes. It's my gooch in my asshole. It's the two stinkiest things on you Yeah, like I want to attack that first and then all the other soap that gets in there is just a plus You know what I mean? I would love to just to just like a shower to be like you ever wash dishes at a restaurant Like work in the back in the kitchen. Yes, they literally just have a sink filled with soap And they just like dip it in and wash it off and you're done in a sec. It's dirty soap Dirty. What the fuck is this noise? I'm hearing. It's gotta be this All right, move your phone. Oh, yeah, it is your phone. Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:30 Move your phone you fucking ass trying to run a show here He's no he's no He hasn't been back in a while. It's it's it's the foot. I think it's been like a year. Maybe now a while eight months It's been a while. No, it's been a long time. How'd you guys meet me and Joe? Yeah, we've known each other since we were young children Young ones. Yeah, I'm still kind of hearing some interference Can you throw those because he's just put the phone next to my mic? Fucking working for the fucking federal government tapping into the yeah, man, and they're hearing about Danny's asshole
Starting point is 00:11:06 Yeah, that's a good conspiracy being a nightmare I'm excited though. I'll be honest. I've been walking around today. Like, you know, I know my assholes as clean as possible Don't you feel cleaner? I feel great. I feel I feel like a different person. Like I'm I'm evolving. Yeah, you know, yeah, because I'm finally Really really washing that thing Um, you know, I mean you guys when you're something gross. I had a loofa and It was the axe one remember the axe came out with one with one side was really hard and the other side was really soft Yep, I had one. Why was it hard filing your nails in there scrub, but it was like a hard scrubber Do I had the same one for like?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Like a year or two years was it for your ass strictly, I mean I figured No, my body but once like I was like listen if I'm just gonna keep washing and like the soap will get on It'll just clean stuff. My cousin came over when my cousin Julie moved in and she was like yo get rid of the shit now She goes two years she goes how long have you had your toothbrush for you know, and I'm like it's like that You have to change you like every month. She was it has germs on it's disgusting. It's dirt. I was like Two years. I've been using that thing. How often you change your toothbrush Pretty often. I do it like four or five. Well, you have quit. I have quit It's like every three months four or five times a month. No, no, no, I would say like every four months
Starting point is 00:12:24 Five months like three months like if if like if I go on vacation. Yeah, I'll buy a new one That's for sure. What kind of toothbrush do you use? I use a regular orbit. What's it called? It's called quip. They're like a sponsor of the show, but like they send you like cool heads and shit Now I'm doing a free spot for quip. That's all right. No, no We're talking about this brand. I'm not one of those people that I'm just kidding No, but it's like they send you like in the mail like every three months. They give you like a new one So it's basically it's an electric toothbrush. I want you know, it's kind of like having like a new toothbrush It's pretty hot. That's pretty hot because otherwise you'd go and you buy like let me get 14 fucking toothbrush at a time
Starting point is 00:13:04 My mom does that dude Dude that I'll mom's always have extra toothbrushes whole time. Yeah, I yeah, whenever I go to my mom's house Do you have an extra toothbrush? It's like, yeah, I got my why'd you buy a pack of 20 two people live in this house? Yeah, just in case you brush on the dogs. I'm gonna go. Mm-hmm Just makes no fucking sense every when I went to Italy every put every new city that I went to I got a new toothbrush That's excessive. Well, I didn't want to travel like with it. He's right put it like a Ziploc Yeah, it's a toothbrush. Just get a new one. It's just gross. How long you've had your fucking loofah. Don't lie either this one
Starting point is 00:13:40 Six months seven months Yeah, it's got a lot of poop. No, no, but a loofah A loofah is gonna wear out on you. It'll rip like you know, it'll it'll it'll I'm gonna get some stuff in my ass It's gonna break down. It's gonna break down the the webbing and the caging will fuck. He's right You're new to the loofah game, I expect you to ask these questions, dude, I just use a washcloth. Yeah, is soap ever dirty? Hmm I don't think so. I Think so. Yeah, see drop it on the floor. I'll be honest though the thing that I have you can get germs from soap. I
Starting point is 00:14:15 Don't know like if all right, so this is like is water wet thing Yeah, but somebody proved that I think recently that water is what it is. Yeah, I Don't know. Yeah, some but some like professor proved that actually but um, it's wet. It's what that's like asking is fire hot No, no, no, no, no Comparing a loofah to fire It's an oxymoron. It's yeah, it's an oxymoron. I don't know if that's correct either. I don't think it is either No, but I guess she's got a lot done right very quickly I'm saying if you rub soap and dirt and then
Starting point is 00:14:50 Put it on your body It's just gonna clean the dirt off. I'm talking about actual germs like say I had per se flu crabs Crabs and I use so crabs aren't a germ. Yes, true the actual live things. Can you get herpes from sharing soap? You know that that's a really good question. I don't know What is soap may have isn't it like well bones and fat? Is it well blubber that sounds like a fight club reference, sorry hold on What is so I want to know what you just said whale bones. Yeah, and I know it's me out of bones I'm not it has to be I want to be on your side on this, but I can't commit wait till he looks it up
Starting point is 00:15:40 It's soaps are made from fats and oils that react with a lie Yeah, it could be a whale fat solid fats like coconut oil palm oil Lard told you you said whale bones I thought it was made out of bones. You thought it was made out of bones. Yeah, I did that'd be really hard Yeah, but a bone wouldn't go away like sooner or later like soap disappears. I Don't know Danny Well bones rub this soap down to the bone. What do whale bones make? Just I've been well-boned soap. You know how much soap they could have made out of Moby Dick
Starting point is 00:16:21 Oh my god, did you ever read Moby Dick? No, I seen movies the one with Chris Hemdwork was really good I met him when he was in that stage of Skinny you met him. Yeah real cool guy. He was very skinny. Where'd you meet him? Outside the park Hyatt Dylan used to work there and I was working in that building doing electrical And he goes you know come outside your boys here, and I walked outside and Seven feet tall of God. Hmm. Wait, what he's seven foot tall like six three That's close enough. I guess I got a fox by the way. I just want to say and I'm sorry I farted again, and I know it's like it's been a long day of me doing that. Can I just tell you guys?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Joe's been farting for the last six hours I have no excuse for my action when and it's paint peeler when paint peeler farts when I was disgusting When I was watching that video was 36 minutes long. He farted for straight 36 minutes. Yeah, I just fart for that's just 36 minutes No, I I mean and they were audibly loud. Yeah, they're there's something wrong with me. Yeah, I think I think it's the buffalo thin pretzels That could be it. I think that's making me react. Yeah, cuz I had a I had a good amount of those you crush those I didn't but I'm not over here. Well, we have different stomachs. I had a couple you had a couple you fart You tired we borne you know fuck it. I hate when people do that. I'm so sorry you on on the show No, when people yawn and then someone goes am I boring you? Oh, yeah, you're like no
Starting point is 00:17:46 I'm just fucking tired you piece of shit. I'm not tired. How are you sleeping with that thing dude the first two days We're like at least two hours a day and a night that was a damn it was that bad because I would wake up in pain Yeah, and I'm like shit like the perk is why is it hurt is there's just like a hole in your leg I have 12 stitches in my foot on the bottom of your foot. No on the top You know that I don't lift my leg up. You know the top right here. Okay, and right here. Oh, yeah This is sensitive. All right, you can go. Yeah, that would hurt. How's your hamstring? I feel fine I thought it was like screaming at you. I've been do I've done yoga every day this year so far Yo, you definitely become flexible doing yoga. I'm telling you. It's DDP yoga. Actually what is have you yeah?
Starting point is 00:18:29 Diamond house. Yes. Yeah. He has a he has a yoga program Supposedly it works very well. I still on the internet, but um It's it's actually pretty good. You start you start off beginner, which what I'm doing now Yeah, there's a thing called the diamond dozen. So he has a dozen moves, but it's actually 13 moves Bakers doesn't bakers doesn't so that's what you start off with and then you do little other kind of workouts So I'll do one when I go home tonight. You could just go to dipmars and they have a class there Just saying I could do that But I'm a little nervous to do yoga in front of other people. Hmm. It's fucking hard. Yeah, like I don't want to people to be like
Starting point is 00:19:09 Fucking doing fucking warrior three and shit like I can't do warrior one like I'll be upset I can do warrior one. Yeah, I probably can't to be honest with you. You know triangles mad hard I don't know what that is. That shit's all where you put your leg up and Where's that? That's a tree. That's a tree. That's a tree But there's one where you have to like put your arm flat and like open your body up. It's mad hard. Oh Yeah, I used to do those. Yeah, but it's it's good so far. It keeps your heart rate up Dude, my fucking groin is like hanging on by a thread when I do yoga Welcome to my life. What is that? My groin is terrible
Starting point is 00:19:46 Yo It's good assholes the worst you're growing the worst. It's it's bad like ooh Just from like horsing around or I don't know man. I never got looked at like I just I know when I stretch a certain way Oh, don't stretch that way. Yeah, I Have a hernia What is going on right now Tornacell hernia bad groin stinky butts Okay, we're a bad group. We're a bad group. We're disgusting together. This is not a good group just being gross just disgusting That's a bad foot
Starting point is 00:20:20 How do you clean it? I don't you haven't cleaned why clean the exposed party like the front of it He said you not wet your foot. I said yes, sir So when you shout when you shower, do you take baths now? No, I just I stand up in the shower I put my foot on the on the thing You know on the toilet and I closed a curtain and I shower so you're Putting your foot onto the toilet and I closed the curtain and it's it's weird because I Well, you just hang your leg outside the shower and just put some music on
Starting point is 00:20:53 Do you shower music? Yeah, I shower I shower music you sing In the shower, that's a dumb question. Yeah, I'm singing in the shower Yeah, I've been listening to the same three songs in the shower for the past two months rattle them off YouTuber songs. No one's that chain smokers Kelsey Ballerini their new song. I haven't heard that one yet I don't even know the name and then it's like it affected you in a very serious way. The other two are Keith Urban Keith Urban in the shower big Keith Urban fans. Why I like it wasted time in parallel lines Keith Urban parallel line married to Nicole Kidman right very much right has better hair than her when
Starting point is 00:21:34 Do you guys remember when she won that award? And she kissed and she kissed another guy on the lips. Yes, right in front of them right in front of them if that happens We're gonna have a talk. We're gonna have a long talk. I don't know that. I don't care She won the award. Yeah, everyone stood up and he's like She turns around kisses a man on the face on the lips her costar. Yeah, but she's also um, you know like she's from Australia What does that mean you could just go smooching other people that aren't your fucking husband when you win an award Did they ever interview him about it? I don't know. I know a lot of people talked about it Maybe you're like a cold and he's he like likes to watch her fuck or their swingers or that
Starting point is 00:22:16 Something with watching fucking will Smith of them. Just address that too. They're swingers, too. No, no, they said they weren't Swingers, but they they address the rumor. They're all cuz people are like no the only rumor I heard about Will Smith and Jada Smith. It was that That they had like one day a year where they were allowed to fuck anybody Andre Kira Linko has that Does he yeah one day a year. He's allowed to fuck another girl and his wife. He's a basketball player For the people that don't know he breaks that rule. Let's just get that out of the way by the way Let me just to stay on that. Do you think a Sexual agreement like that is good for a relationship or bad for a relationship. What do you could fuck one person? I think it's good because then you won't there's no cheating
Starting point is 00:23:00 You just look forward to that one day out of the year get it out of your system and then you're fine But yeah, but could you go home that no one like this is the day like somebody thrashed your girl That's not the problem. I think you would run to I think you'd run into the problem of being like God That was awesome. Like and can I wait a whole year to the next time that happens? Oh Yeah, but not if let's just say you played by the rules If I'm playing by the rules then I can't complain about the rules either Yeah, no you can't but but do you think that that could you could potentially have a healthy relationship? With with the one it's once a year hall pass. I think so. I don't think it'll work
Starting point is 00:23:40 I have a good argument for this because imagine she you're significant other or Okay, and she goes and she goes and she fucks another guy. Yeah, and she comes back and goes damn You can't do that for me. Okay, then Relationship down the hill because you're not pleasuring her to her. Yeah, but who cares would you would you want to you say that? But what if that's not how other people feel well? No, because if it's like if that's the only thing that was holding this together Then what does I mean then love is in those fictions? Yeah, that was deep as fuck No, because if you go out and you get fucked by somebody and then you come back and you're like damn that dick was fire
Starting point is 00:24:17 So I'm out like all right like this wasn't completely based on the performance of my ween. Yeah, and if you thought so just about sex now Yeah, so I'm saying yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah sex is a big factor I don't think anyone should have a problem with people like leaving them like if someone doesn't want to be with you like yeah You know, I agree Answer your question. I feel like I Feel like it's definitely possible I mean people have like more than a hall pass and it works out for them like people are polyamorous where they could they're literally in love with They have relationships with multiple people. Do you find that as weird? Wow?
Starting point is 00:24:54 Do you do you see that lifestyle as strange to you? I don't any more because I've been more educated on it because of the podcast that I do other people's lives We've interviewed yeah, we've interviewed people who are polyamorous people in open really Marriages and stuff like that. I also know a woman who her and her husband have this thing that when they go out separately They can make out with other people, but that's it They're married yes happily that doesn't that doesn't do anything for me that doesn't that yeah It's a little bit of fun for you to do yeah, it's not like it's a cheap thrill. It's a cheap thrill Yeah, to me. What do you think? I mean like what are you? So I'm gonna go out tonight
Starting point is 00:25:40 You know, I might make out with somebody no no no no do you think that? Like do you believe like open relationships like married like oh um would you look at that is weird Like if you had a really close friend who was married, but you knew that they fucked other people and they were cool with it Weird as in I don't relate to it. Yes for lack of a better term Can't judge you should that's like I don't think it's weird in the grand scheme of things I don't think it's like oh my god. That's like outside. I don't understand like I get it I get why some people would like that would work for some people especially in the beginning of relationship. We like Listen, I'm trying it. I'm you know, I want to try out being polyamorous or I feel like this and that it's like I you know
Starting point is 00:26:19 I get it. Well, that's why communication is more important than sex and relationship. I think yeah Because you're gonna have to talk about that sooner later You're gonna have to bring that to the table and you also avoid the pitfalls of cheating on someone. I am I actually know somebody I Actually know somebody who's uh, who's a swinger you might think this is kind of different to there's a swinger boy down the block Yeah, right over here. Yeah, so um, he he was yeah, you know, I had some girl, you know But she was on her period so my boy didn't want to fuck her so I couldn't fuck my boy's girlfriend and I'm like The kind of problems you're like, I'm first of all, I'm like, I don't know why you came up to me to tell me this story Yeah, and he's like, oh, I got videos. I could shoot. I'm like, no, I'm good
Starting point is 00:27:03 But that's a little freakish. You're gonna allow like like you you really want to go fuck your boy's girlfriend like Divino when people they go to sleep that night, you know when you're with your girlfriend. No, yeah, you fuck my boy You know Yeah, but it's it's Some people just think about sex in a different Way, they don't a lot of it is ego where it's like no one can have sex with this person because They're mine and it starts to become like a weird like all this is my property So no one can intrude on this and like that's all that is where it's like a very macho like yeah
Starting point is 00:27:42 But that's prep that's premised on a mutual understanding. Oh, of course That situation it's not that that it's not right if there if there's a mutual understanding of like we don't hold sex in such a hybrid right not a high regard but like a We don't think about it of a way of like It's I'm only here for you You know, it's kind of like I'm a free spirit and I'm gonna just yeah my life and Sucking fudge. I mean, there's got to be less arguments. I mean like there's no if there's no like cheating you get the fuck whatever like it's it's There's no arguments like you can't look at other girls like it. What do you argue about that? But I feel like
Starting point is 00:28:23 But I feel like some people will get into those situations though and they're like You know, this isn't what it turned out to be for me Yeah, and then you walk out of them and then you yeah, of course that happens. You have to leave immediately Well, yes, I would think that you know in a relationship like that We were talking about fucking other people, you know, clearly you guys are very open with each other Yeah, if you're able to have that conversation, right? So how hard is it to have the conversation of like I don't really like this anymore? All right, so let's think of it like this though. Okay, say like
Starting point is 00:28:55 Famous actors and actresses, right? They're they're significant others That aren't said they're not famous, right? Would you stay with somebody for financial security even though you knew like they were fucking like Who God knows who? Me personally, no, I wouldn't either but I get why people do also because that happens people are doing that today People do that with not famous people. Well, like well, yeah, but like For instance, like an athlete, right? Yeah, you're on the road For so long and you're by yourself essentially, you know, there's no like whatever I
Starting point is 00:29:34 Think and this is just speculation. I don't know for certain, but I feel like basketball players have Basketball players or like any football player or whoever I think they have a conversation with their wife of being like, you know, actually, I do know of someone who has said this I don't want to say who But they told me it's not fucking Mika by the way Yeah, immediately people are gonna be like Mika single people. All right, he's not with anybody but Someone who I know who is a professional athlete who has a wife Said that him and his wife have this understanding of when he's gone. He's he's gone. Wow, but when he's home
Starting point is 00:30:11 He's the husband, you know, yeah, and when he's on the road He is free to do whatever he wants. He's got the best of both worlds. Well, I mean, it's just I don't know I mean, you know, someone has to be comfortable with having that conversation. Obviously, they're married when he's home He's the husband, you know, whatever not really how most relationships work I would say but if it works for you, it works for you Okay, but you can't get mad then if she fucks somebody else while you're on the road or can you know that? I don't know see that see that's rough. If you're asking me absolutely not you cannot be mad. No, no You can play a ball. I'm also gonna play a ball. See, I feel like karma plays into that a little bit though karma
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yeah, why cuz like if you're fucking everything on the road your wife's is horny too Yeah, but you have that agreement women are horny. No, no, no, but the agreement is only about you going out and fucking like Yo, listen, I bring home the bacon I'm gonna be out here and fucking New Orleans throwing this dick around we play the pelicans You know what I mean? Like I'm gonna be fucking just so you know, we have this agreement. Yeah, I feel like If I was married and I was happening I would fully believe that my wife was fucking somebody else too But you would have to assume
Starting point is 00:31:28 You have to you just have to be okay with it. Yeah, I don't think it could be okay But you could be okay with the no So then that's what yeah, so then it wouldn't apply to you Some people just don't do it cuz they naturally just don't want to cheat on their significant other but yeah, they're monogamous Yeah, which is fine. You you just you're committed most people are yeah, but some people and yeah It's the status quo. It's the status quo They're filming fucking fast aid out there. What is going on? What is going on out here?
Starting point is 00:31:57 I'll tell you. Hey, do you believe in do you believe in karma though? Do I believe in karma? Yes, and no, I think I do I like the way that people talk about karma It's like this fucking spiritual entity that like it'll get you but I don't believe it in that sense I believe in like this is a lot of people out there scumbags Well, yeah, well, I think they're doing just fine karma has not hit them yet and I've seen that too and I'm like, yo well one day Karma's gonna get them, but I don't see I so I don't believe in it like that like I don't believe in like that
Starting point is 00:32:29 But I just I believe in that if I'm a dick to you and you Then that puts me at a disadvantage because I can't rely on you guys for anything then you know People who are just very self-sufficient and they don't need anyone and they're successful on their own and like, you know They're okay with being sort of isolated and not having good relationships and having bad relationships and burning bridges And they still whatever those people are an anomaly to me. It's like, you know, whatever, but if I'm a dick to a bunch of people Eventually those people like if they even have to help me aren't gonna do as good of a job Right, or they don't want to help me or they're talk badly about me and then my reputation gets ruined and like that's where kind of karma Plays into saying you create your own karma almost like how you can create your own luck
Starting point is 00:33:16 Do you believe in luck? Not real. I don't I don't believe in luck. There's no luck for me Do I believe in luck I Think about it in the same way as karma, right? Yeah, I think that you put yourself in a position to get lucky and also a lot One of the main things with luck because a lot of people are lucky. They just have no idea I think and I think that you're lucky if you're prepared When an opportunity comes your way like if an opportunity comes your way and you just completely dominate that opportunity
Starting point is 00:33:48 The people are like, oh, it's kids. So lucky like fucking He was playing a pickup game and fucking Charles Barkley was there and he filmed it put on his Instagram and now it's kids Like whatever, but like I was prepared Up until that point for something like that to happen, you know, right, right? You make you make your own luck in that sense. Yeah, that's kind of like throwing enough shit at the wall that something will stick eventually Yeah, yeah, I don't believe in like sitting around and like something happens for you out of thin air. No, you know No, it's just you know, I also believe that just normal bad things happen So like if you did something bad like that's you're gonna have a bad day sometime
Starting point is 00:34:27 You know, yeah, not every day is perfect. Yeah, you're gonna get hurt You know, you might have to go, you know, things are going to happen in your life. Oh, yeah So I wouldn't consider that like bad luck. No, I would say spiritually. I believe in karma though You believe it's like this entity not an entity but spiritually like Like I would it'd be hard for me to live with myself kind of Yeah, but that's you doing that. That's not a Karma doing that. No, but a lot of people when they do stuff, they're afraid of one being getting caught and the repercussions You know what I'm saying? No, so like say like I
Starting point is 00:35:04 Steal this Right, do I am I gonna feel bad cuz I stole from you or am I or am I afraid that I'm gonna get caught? I think it's it's two different things. I don't think getting caught for a crime is karma I think that's just how the law is. No, no, no, but you know what I'm saying though There's two ways to think about it like I would feel bad if I genuinely stole this I I think and I feel like car. That's where I put karma not in like in sense of like right or wrong I feel bad if I did this So you think about karma from a selfish standpoint of like if I do something it's going to affect me. Yes again. Yes
Starting point is 00:35:37 That might even be worse. Yeah Could be it's like I'm gonna steal this and I feel bad, but not for the person I stole from yeah, but because this is gonna affect me Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I I mean I don't I don't believe in that I think I think if I steal said the way that I'm thinking if I steal something and I get away with it I Don't think something bad is gonna happen to me because I did that if no one finds out, right, you know Yeah, but I also like I'm the type of person if I stole something I feel bad. Yeah Yeah, yeah, I just come back this guy. I don't think I've ever stolen anything. Oh, I've stole tons of shit Have you ever stole something and returned it? No, I've done that stole it and then returned it
Starting point is 00:36:18 Yeah, what I stole like a bunch of candy from a store once and then I felt really bad and I went back and put it all back I've stole so much candy. Yeah, I stole a lot of it back I stole a lot of candy as a kid. Yeah, you eat a lot of candy. Yeah, you and Keith Everyone needs to steal all the time. You don't remember that do these to steal from delis every time I walked into them At least one thing like a pack of gum or like a fucking lollipop. Where are you coming with? Were you getting off on that? I think so. I think a part of you was a bad ass Yeah, I think so not as bad as like his parents thought I was like a fucking drug addict or some shit
Starting point is 00:36:53 My mom looked outside once and saw Joey smoking weed. Yeah It wasn't me though Never smoked weed in your life. Oh You're a smoke cigarette in your life. What are you fucking nuts? I would smoke ten weeds. This one ten weeds Yeah, I don't doubt that it like I've had a lot of smoke. Yeah, I smoke cigars and like hookahs and like yeah Like I've never just smoked it just cuz like to me it seemed like a lot of effort Yeah, to smoke weed of like oh, yo, let's go cop some blood from like some shady dude And then fucking some dude in a north face crush it up. I'm like, I don't know how to roll shit
Starting point is 00:37:28 So I'm like, I don't know like I got it and it's just like bruh. Let's just go play basketball instead I feel like everyone that sold weed wore a north face no matter the weather Come on. I've smoked weed and I probably like maybe like eight times and all bad times Yeah, it was just really bad. I'm not writing it off that I would never even that would never do it either Like I think you'd be good on Lee's. I think I'd be fine Yeah, which I think that eventually I will but like I never had the like Like when the want comes and be like, you know what? I'm gonna try this like so I'll do it I'm not one of those kids like yo dare program dog
Starting point is 00:38:08 I'm not doing that, but I just like I just never had the urge to do it. What about this? Did you ever try that fuck? No, you never try it. I don't know dude You know how crazy like you know how much of a control freak I am I would never do like hard drugs gonna be afraid cuz like oh my god. You on schnief would be terrible Yeah, I wouldn't on cheese On cheese. No cocaine schnief That's what I'm that's cheese. Yeah, do they call that cheese? I I've heard people say yo, I got too much cheese I've never heard that my god. I've never heard that either. Yeah, but schnief. I would never I'm so scared of that shit that
Starting point is 00:38:43 We have a heart rumor right? Yeah Like I like the idea. I think I have one. That's the reason why I'm scared I got a EKG done. They said I had a sinus arrhythmia So I now I think we'll get a stress test if I have a fucking heart We're the main valve in my heart is leaking. Oh, here we go Contest Was got worse fucking problems Jesus Christ. No, wait, hold on. I was in the hospital Close your heart rate this morning. Yeah, I do check it. It's good. It's both UKG's right now three minutes ago
Starting point is 00:39:15 It was 80. Oh, all right. You're good. Yeah, terrible. No, it's fine. You're resting is 80. He's sitting up What does that mean a normal resting heart rate is between 60 and 100? There's nothing to worry about No, I don't think there's anything to worry about, but I think 80 is high right now It's 83 if you're like an athlete cuz you made him nervous 78 mine usually flirts around like 66. Are you serious? Yeah, do you check it or you're guessing? No, I have that watch that I wear. Why doesn't my heart drop like that? Mine's dead mine sits around like 70 75 I don't want my heart to read maybe I'm excited. Damn it. Now. He's gonna say it's gonna be 120 in no time Probably have high blood pressure
Starting point is 00:39:58 You don't have to sign it's a resume over the fuck's going on over here. What the hell are we talking about? I just arrived me is nothing. It's benign. I don't know what it is. All right You want to know something? Here we go. I'm gonna tell you something about you. Yeah, I'm not I you know here We go. You want to know what it is? I'd love to hear this This is gonna go off the rails. I hope you hope you're ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. You don't care about other people's problems hands are folded No, he was gonna say that you don't care about other people's problems. You can't even say that. We're a straight face
Starting point is 00:40:27 I'm trying to I'm trying. It's not that I don't care about other people's problems, but There goes when the contest starts it's not a kind we didn't compete at all. Also on This kind of stage Not the place. What do you mean? Not the place to check your heart rate No to talk about. Oh, well, yeah, you know, I got a science thing and I got a rhythm Yeah, you got a murmur. Yeah, we might be doing well. What happened? I love that voice. He doesn't In the face It's great. I don't care about other people's problems. That's fine. It's cool. You don't even believe that. I don't yeah, good
Starting point is 00:41:06 You know I'm gonna tell you something about you Tell you something about you all right go up the rails. Let me tell you what's wrong with you. All right, Danny Danny brags about Things keep going wrong with him keep going. He does how so and you embellish some of it, too Keep going. I don't know. You just do I want to hear it though. You want to hear it What is it about how you love telling people all that stuff like what though? Maybe makes me feel better But it's not about that. Why how do you know? I don't know How do you know how I feel?
Starting point is 00:41:37 Because I could just tell from being around you and the way that you tell it to people Because they say something and then you one up them with yours. I don't think I do that at all I just tell people how I have Relatively some type of the same things that they go through That's not what i'm talking about and you're trying. This is the only play that you had I don't think I'm playing at all talking about it like helps people like yes I agree with that and what you do as far as the whole anxiety depression thing is great I'm not talking about that
Starting point is 00:42:03 But i'm talking about say say themselves there. I'm talking no no no because that's the truth because you were trying to bring me down With that little fucking comment you son of a bitch. No, was it? Yeah, I was talking about real health stuff I'm talking about in regular conversations when no one's looking and someone will say something Okay, and they say I got this thing and then you just start rattling off things The reason I asked him is because I was going to ask him if he had to get a stress test done for his Only question. I still do I go for stress test the rails. It's off the rails all I wanted to know It's a stress test. I'm telling you they put me on a bike or a treadmill pick Which one are you gonna pick?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Uh, well last time I couldn't but usually I picked the treadmill because I love to run So I'm like believe me on you are like a savage runner. I love Yeah, I love to run when you go to the gym and you step on the treadmill. How far do you go? Uh, well like two miles two miles is like a solid amount of Distance. Yeah, it's not bad. I mean I try to get to like two miles every time I run, you know two or more I'm happy, but If I hit two how does that take you? Um, I try to get it under like maybe like sometimes definitely like 18 minutes
Starting point is 00:43:11 You know, but I try to like if you're running at like an 8.6 You can get that done like 14 like two miles and 18 minutes is kind of trash Well, isn't it 10 miles 10? 10 minutes a mile is like, okay No, no I think like an eight minute mile is like, okay. Yeah, like eight eight 30 No, no, actually that's kind of fast and eight million miles pretty fast. You know what 18's good. Yeah, I try
Starting point is 00:43:37 I take it back. Yeah, I think nine minute miles You run a mile and a half What what's the what's the test you have to like to become a cop the fitness test? It's like a mile and a half in like 12 minutes. Yeah, so like Yeah, that is exactly your way your way ahead of that pace. Yeah. Yeah I run out. No, no, you're like actually right on Wait You're on pace you're on pace eight minute miles. Yeah, you have to run at an eight speed to finish a mile and a half
Starting point is 00:44:05 In 12 minutes. Yeah, because I did it once for Dominic. I was like, yo, you just gotta do it like this. Yeah Should be able to do that. Mm-hmm. Anyway, I gotta do the sponsor real quick We're doing a mon video now, which by the way funny enough Sponsors quip. I said that it was gonna be a free one earlier. It's not we got paid for that one Thank you so much quip. Uh, but yeah, as you heard Earlier in the show, this is my toothbrush. It's an electric toothbrush comes in a little case. You could Suction cup it to your fucking uh, what's a what am I mirror? If you want my family has them. I was surprised by that but they must be using my code. Um
Starting point is 00:44:42 But yeah, it has a built-in two-minute timer It starts vibrating every 30 seconds. It'll pulse. So it's like dude switch size. You know what I mean because Honestly, I have no idea what the record. I didn't know it was two minutes that you were supposed to brush your teeth Another question. Do you guys brush your tongue? Yeah, yeah 100% No, weirdo. I never I've never done that. I think that's where the most of the stack comes from but I would I feel like I would gag I don't really have I'd be like an awful. I gag porn star moving forward. Um See like I was saying they have uh brush heads that are automatically delivered on a dentist recommended schedule Which is every three months for just five dollars
Starting point is 00:45:21 Are you serious? Yes, five dollars wait for the whole thing. No, no, hold on. I'm gonna get to it It's the refill packs are five dollars. I gotta get on this. You gotta get on this. Okay, um but yeah They start at just 25 25 dollars And you can go to get slash a basement to get your first refill pack free with the toothbrush Okay, and then like I said the the new brush heads are delivered every three months for just five dollars Love the thing
Starting point is 00:45:50 Love the thing. I'm gonna go look at it. I want I want to do it and they're not too like thick You know like sometimes you get a toothbrush. You're like, oh, this is kind of cool It has like weird like rubber Things and then they also they get your gums and you're bleeding and you're spitting up blood into your Your sink like you're like you do meth. You know what I mean? Yeah, the spacers Exactly. Uh, but yeah quip get your new toothbrush New year new toothbrush as I always say get Slash basement g e t q i p dot com
Starting point is 00:46:19 Slash basement tell them I sent you. Okay, your mouth will thank me later. I'm gonna put this on the ground here I'm definitely gonna get one. Oh, jeez. It's I've been wanting to try for a while. I haven't I haven't gone around to No, there are some is it big the brush or the no, it's like nice and like thin No, it looks brush itself. It's oh, no, it's like in a little it looks like industrial though. It looks like not it's sleek I'll show you it's like a little like a little like a thing It's definitely want to see it. So yeah, but quip is good. I send people in the right direction Unlike some people nowadays jake paul rice gum these two people are youtubers that they're doing like a sponsored ad Whatever I just I just watched both the videos
Starting point is 00:46:57 Like recently because it's been like this thing that's like hot in the news or whatever the youtube news And basically they're telling their subscribers who are like little girls, bro You've come to meet up with me back in the day, right back in the day when I had like a very young audience There was like these meetups that I would go to because they would pay me like five or two dollars to go and I was like Yeah So I was like, yeah, yeah, I'll go and then it was like a meet and greet and then I went to like three And I was like, I can't do this my social anxiety is like through the roof here. Uh, just made me feel very weird, but um That was a humble brag. Did you guys catch that a little bit? Yeah, so anyway
Starting point is 00:47:34 so These kids their audience is like that age, right? So they They have this new sponsor called like it's like mystery boxes or some shit and basically you go on the site and it's like $100 box like you have the opportunity to win something that's worth like $1,200 but you also have the opportunity to win something. That's like A sock Wow, so then you but you buy the box and you don't know what you get so it's basically gambling
Starting point is 00:48:06 Like somehow legal gambling. Yeah that you were telling young viewers to do To participate in that's terrible. What are you? What are you thinking? And most of these kids aren't spending their own money too, so they're convincing their parents Why the fuck would they have money? Yeah, and they're convincing their parents to buy these things for them Which is even worse and then when their parents find out that they don't get something cool They're probably more pissed like yo, that was a hundred bucks. I know Wow And they that's okay. They're gonna keep doing that. Well, they did like sponsors because these these kids they have like
Starting point is 00:48:42 Millions of subscribers, so these companies probably paid up for that like we'll give you like $250,000 put it in your video and the video is going to get you know, two three million views or some shit Do they get points you think though? Like a percentage of the boxes uh, I I don't like doing stuff like that like if a company comes to me with an advertisement They're like, oh, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna set you up with a code and whatever you sell give you a percentage
Starting point is 00:49:09 I'm like, I don't want that. No, I want a flat fee. Yeah The actual sales Are are much lower You know like I don't want to have to bank on people being like in the mood to spend money Exactly, you know, I'm the brand awareness alone is still worth something like we're talking about it now I'm not getting paid by the company, you know, but we're talking about it. So like their videos are doing the job for it for them, you know, see that's Like I think they got paid like a hundred thousand or something. They said probably
Starting point is 00:49:40 I mean, uh, here listen, would you would you throw it on the podcast for a hundred thousand dollars? What they're doing what they're doing is What they're doing is fucked up. It's it's taking advantage of small children. Yeah, it's fucked up And the only thing that makes it wrong is that Realistically, they don't they don't need that a hundred thousand dollars. They could have got that from another company Yeah, that's the thing that's fucked up. So like it's just it's just it's just money They heard a hundred thousand and they jumped that's it They don't care and it's like it's a situation where be like well like well if you were putting that position to make a hundred thousand dollars You you think about I'd be like, yeah, I would think about but then I would know that like
Starting point is 00:50:21 I'm making children buy something that's a hundred dollars It's 30 years old and I and I think twice before I buy something that's a hundred dollars. Yeah, you know what I mean I usually buy it But what I'm saying not only that but you know what I mean, but I'd still think like oh, it's a hundred bucks Even so though like at least if you spend a hundred dollars on something you are getting something worth a hundred dollars Yeah, and this instance you could get something that's worth One dollar. That's yes. That's so that's technically like you're stealing from a child But that's what it is and then you don't care
Starting point is 00:50:50 Yeah, what is was coming out of this box that might be worth that much money Well, they sell they have like sneakers or something and who knows maybe these sneakers are like fake ones from china or something That's true, too. You know, I know you don't know if they're real And this all's like predicated off like buying like dark web boxes Like you ever seen those dark web like there's these things called like dark web like mystery boxes from like the dark internet the What's it called the dark web Where you buy a mystery box and they just send you a bunch of random shit in a box
Starting point is 00:51:23 I'm good I would never spend money videos of like unboxings on youtube Where like people do them with like protective gloves and like hazmat suits on and because they don't because they don't know what's in it Yeah, why the fuck would someone do that for content So that you know, so they're just like, yeah, I'm gonna buy this fucking dark web box And then I'm gonna see what comes in it some there's a lot of weird shit most of the time like body parts not body parts for like weird shit like Barbies with like their heads cut off. It's like weird shit
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah, I'm not paying for that. No, but I would never like the idea of a mystery box is so stupid to me I'm like, oh, you're gonna buy a box. You have no idea what's in it. Like why would I buy that? All right, so say like he's right or give me a theme say you could take a hundred thousand dollars And there's a mystery box of an amount that's up to five million. We're on dealer. No deal. No, no Yeah, are you are you taking the deal or are you taking the box? Guarantee a hundred thousand. I'm guaranteed a hundred thousand dollars. Yeah Or you can open a box that could have up to five million dollars in it Wait, or I can have nothing in it. Wait. Wait. What are you asking me? How much would I pay for this? No, no, no, no, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:52:36 I'm just asking you just like It's a hypothetical There's no risk involved. There's no risk involved. So then yeah, we need to take the hundred thousand dollars Guaranteed guaranteed Or you go from zero to five million In one box you could get a thousand dollars in that box. I probably take the I think I would take the the five million one because your odds are in your favor. That's what i'm saying. There's way more millions
Starting point is 00:53:03 I think I would go for the hundred thousand. You would take the hundred thousand That's guaranteed. So what if you but the odds are in your favor There's more numbers from a hundred thousand to five million than there is from zero to a hundred thousand Well, no, but didn't you just say it's well the odds box is zero To zero to five million. So I would go for the hundred thousand because that's guaranteed You could open that box and bang thousand. Yeah, I would go for the hundred thousand. That's why when you said deal or no deal I was like, yeah, basically. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah, nevermind Oh, yeah, I mean, I probably would like I'm not greedy, especially like game shows. I'm like, yo, if I'm this person
Starting point is 00:53:33 I have three hundred thousand dollars. I'm walking away. Yeah anything over six figures. I'm taking it Yeah, like give me a break. Yeah, I don't need to sit around and fucking make mistakes over here Dude, you know what I just noticed the other day and like I know we're talking about like youtubers and like this like Bullshit that they're doing like this company. I should I should have so fuck I will go on record and say this and I've never told anyone this And I especially don't like to talk about like money on Like platforms or whatever, but the reason why I'm saying this is because I'm trying to back how How like I'm telling the truth
Starting point is 00:54:03 With being like this is fucked up Because there had there was a time where my youtube channel was like super poppin right And a company approached me And then like a video game whatever and they're like we want you to put this advertisement At around one minute in Free from your video, which I had never done before I always put them at the end Right, which is like I did my video did my show whatever
Starting point is 00:54:29 And then at the end there'd be something I plugged for for people like blah blah blah This company was very adamant about me putting it in the first minute And a lot of people like if you see their youtube videos sometimes they have that like people pay good money for that Yeah, for sure It's technically like a mid-roll. You know what I'm saying like with the podcast I like that's why they're in the middle and people's retention rates are probably You know people aren't gonna sit around for exactly if you're if you're if your videos 10 minutes long Give me the first minute so I know someone's gonna see it. Yeah, so I'm getting more bang for my buck whatever
Starting point is 00:55:00 And I was like and they were offering me 75 thousand dollars I told them no Because they wanted it in the first minute. I was like I'm not doing that because that's not what I do All right, like I put it at the end and I told them I was like I'll take a huge pay cut For whatever if you want to put it at the end and they were like no we wanted the first minute So I was like fuck off. I'm not doing it. Nice. So but these kids have Wait probably way more money than I had at the time. Yeah, and they did this
Starting point is 00:55:29 to kids The entire video is I in no Ever would I ever do an entire video? Based around some random fucking product that like You know what I'm saying like I don't know if I would even do that like For like a well-known product Because like if
Starting point is 00:55:50 If it involved any type of mystery fucking bullshit, I'm not gonna do that to people something like that if it's like Nike If Nike was like, yo, you could get like these limited Jordans or like a fucking Nike headband Like I'm not gonna do that to a kid. Yeah, it's fucked up. I pay a hundred dollars for a pair of Nike socks Like fuck at it. You you have to have this trash. You have to do that somebody you have to have some sort of like Moral compass dude because like otherwise you would just say yes to everything and that's what was selling your soul Yeah, that is a perfect case of it. It's like dude It's a hundred grand and I understand like that's a lot of money and that's life changing money But not for them because they're making tons of money. That's what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:56:26 They're making a hundred grand every like every month probably You know, they're bringing in millions of views every time they upload like I'm telling you They could be making 40 50k just from that the youtube revenue Then sponsorships then like instagram stuff and then I need it appearances like you they make a lot of money And you don't need that money and it's like now you are like just You know who your audience is dude, you know, I'm saying that's the that's the hardest thing for me to get over is that you know that
Starting point is 00:56:54 seven to like 10 year olds 12 year olds, whatever Are gonna be asking their parents for this And like this is gonna be all they want and you're gonna be responsible for this And you know what when they open that box and see that they won like a pair of socks They're probably gonna be hyped as fuck Still, you know what I'm saying, but at the end of the day, it's not right. Sadly. Yeah Like that's the thing like I don't even know like
Starting point is 00:57:20 Like if how's that even legal? I don't know. I don't think it is. Did they stop? No I just don't see how that's legal how you could sell somebody something that because you're it technically you know what you're doing And it's not gambling, but it's a minor though They don't care as long as you're getting views. Yes, but it's not gambling. So it's not illegal Yeah, because you are paying for it's up to them. It's up to them if they want to buy it or not, you know, like it's hey, listen Yeah, here it is. If you want it's a hundred bucks and they're behind it. It's bad. It's not good
Starting point is 00:57:54 You know, you know, it honestly just makes me like it's so weird because now if you go on instagram You see all these people like trying to make it You know, they're doing the craziest shit and like so they're so extra and it's like bro like No one wants to be like talented anymore. They just want to be viral. Yeah and it's like bro like You will literally light yourself on fire and have one of your boys kick you in the nuts So that you hope world star posts you It's like, yo, how do you not like care?
Starting point is 00:58:23 Can I can I say something about that when I was just in um, disney with dandrea? We were walking we were holding hands and some kid came up to us And his little girl that was a friend was recording it and he tried to like You know like juke us and then like he like swag like came away and like maybe he shot a basketball And we didn't flinch but I was like, yo, he's probably gonna upload that video. Yeah I should go break that little girl's phone And andrew was like, yeah, but we didn't move he failed like, you know, we didn't like he wanted to like try and like Oh my god, and then yeah, you fucking jump away not getting releases nothing
Starting point is 00:58:58 We just kept walking and I was like, yo, I should have broke that girl's phone Well, that's a little but you can't go up to somebody say give me your phone I want to see that video like you can't do that. I don't think I think legally they're allowed to film you Yeah, I don't know but either way. I just think it's like so stupid because the other day I was like I literally was scrolling it was like three videos in the row The first one was this kid who was standing on a dock and he put on a helmet And then someone like kicked him in the balls and then he like chugged something And then his friend came out of nowhere like pushed him into the water
Starting point is 00:59:28 He fell off the dock into the water and was screaming the whole time like he was in pain But he wasn't just to make it more dramatic and then he said some other she was like, yo 2019 You know I'm saying little fucking whatever and then like that was the video and then you scroll and the next one is That those fucking kids with their neck long neck long neck and wide neck and fucking no neck or whoever everyone like We are entertained by the length of necks now the girth The girth of your neck Is entertaining
Starting point is 00:59:57 And he has a million followers and listen. This is not a knock on him at all dude Like make your fucking money. I am not mad at you in the slightest I am confused by the amount of people that follow you though. Yes, because I don't really know What it is that I'm like interested in you know what I'm saying like I look at it like this though I don't want to say I have a good judge of where somebody's life is gonna go We're not gonna know about this kid for that long Well, I I mean I don't know even know anymore. I was confident like a couple months ago and saying that but I don't know
Starting point is 01:00:32 He's like a skeleton He's he's just like I don't know like I don't know. I don't know He has a tattoo on his chest that says lick here with an arrow pointing up Which is like, yo, I get like I get it. I get it why you did it. I'm just very different like how I don't know man. It's just it's really it's really strange It makes me feel weird to see that because it's like now what that does is It sets the tone for the kids who want to do shit like that Like kids don't even like if you ask a kid what they want to do they just want to be famous
Starting point is 01:01:09 They don't say they want to be this they want to be that they just want to be known and they want people to have They want to have followers and shits like I don't they don't even care if they make money I don't even care if I have money, bro. I just want enough to buy the supreme bag So I can wear it in every video on my instagram and get a bunch of followers It's like you don't even care about a career. No And it's just weird. It's gonna get it's gonna get to that point where I think it is starting to get to that point where only that's all kids care about right now. It's just that. Yeah, it's just that It's so they'll do anything, right? They'll do whatever they want. They'll do whatever they want to get
Starting point is 01:01:45 To that level where they want to be famous Yeah, it's honestly just like It's depressing. It's just it's just weird. It's yeah, and it's sort of depressing. It's depressing. It's depressing Somebody sounds so many sounds so many sounds To switch switch topics real quick before I forget people are asking about you had a guinea pig I have a chinchilla That's what it is a chinchilla. It's one of the best part of how much is a chinchilla? Oh my god Do you want to hear the best part of my chinchilla?
Starting point is 01:02:18 He didn't know what gender it was until like six years. He had it How long was it six years Maybe three three years and he was like, oh wait. It's a girl I took it to the vet one day because she hurt herself And I was like, yeah, her name his name is bowser and she goes Lift it up. She goes. There ain't no boy. There's no balls down there. I'm like, what? She always have balls. Yeah, like hamsters too have balls Yo, if you have a hamster, I'm sorry. Wait, do they know they have a little pecker? Yeah, they do. They do
Starting point is 01:02:48 They got to have penis. Yeah But she's a girl Bowser, how how long did chinchillas live? Yo 20 years man. What I've had mine for like It has to be like 11 now. You bought a chinchilla because you thought it would be funny. Yeah I thought it was like whatever you know, how much was it like y'all with the cage or anything came like 800 Damn son. Yeah, I'm an idiot What does it eat I pellets and then treats and then sometimes I'll cut an apple and we'll give it a little piece of an apple
Starting point is 01:03:18 Can you like hold it? Does it like hang out with it? Yeah I can hold it in like a cloth because like she's when she gets scared like her her fur just comes off Like she starts like like it just it's like wait. What they like shit. Yeah on command. That's their defense And she also shits on command like when I'm holding her and she's scared. She'll just start shitting Like, you know, little pellets. I'll just start falling. I'm like, come on She's kind of blind And she has seizures Oh, Jesus Christ that hella hella of pets. Yeah, Jesus. She's all white. She's cool. She got it
Starting point is 01:03:51 Wait, do you like hang out with it? Like do you play with it? I pet it You don't I don't want to take it out anymore and let it run around because like it's weird It runs into things because it's partially blind How old is Bowser well, I've had her for like 10 11 years It's got to be older than that because when I got it it was big So how about wait how big are chinchillas? I don't know like small rabbits So you have a chinchilla at your house right now? Yeah, you want me to bring it over?
Starting point is 01:04:17 I would have brought her over. I don't want you to bring it over. That poor thing is 12 years old I don't want your your blind deaf automatic shitting pet in here. It lives in a it lives in a rabbit cage You know I don't want to let her out because she runs into things and she shits smells and her hair falls off I should let her run around more, but I don't like she should put it down She runs in circles because it's a lot of things you're saying is can you put down a chinchilla? Probably. How long is it? I'll just get it. I think you just I think you just let a chinchilla I think you just let it die. How do they put no you do like the lethal injection. Oh, jeez. You're terrible
Starting point is 01:04:53 I'm not saying do it in it. Like I'm saying the way you described it sounded like there's a lot of things wrong No, she's not I think the doctor wanted me to give her seizure medication for the rest of her life seizures too Yeah, so I was like how much is that going to cost me? It's a lot of money told you doesn't care This dog needs this dog needs fucking edibles. Let me tell you something. I could one up this chinchilla. All right I'll tell you this right now. Oh your chinchilla has seizures. I used to have seizures also I used to think about having seizures all the time and I I was in the hospital for 18 months Yeah, every day. I didn't even have my phone Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:31 The shit out of that chinchilla I'll tell you that right now First of all, no, you won't you write it off like literally eight different things that that are like she's gonna just live with But she's not in pain. They said you could leave her off the medication. Nothing will happen to her Wait, it's on medication. No, no, don't give him. I don't give him medication because it's like the medicine's a lot Yeah, so I'm like I'm not paying for that every day like every year every month whatever But she's like she's not in pain when she's having seizures, you know, so just let it happen and then she'll go back to normal If something is having I don't I don't know what to say repetitive seizures you kill it No, it's fine when dogs start having seizures like that you put them down
Starting point is 01:06:07 Well, I think like chinchillas are like known for it. So it's kind of known for well No, like they're they're prone to them So like it just happens and then they get up and they walk around like nothing ever happens. It's just normal for it Yeah, so like it'll literally people are gonna Do they're gonna kill you? Yeah People are gonna for the earlier thing with you and then now the chinchilla like no, but it's a wrap for me Let me go. Let me defend Joe a little bit here. All right. I want you guys to know just note. Danny is defending me because How bad it's going to be. Yeah. All right. So listen the thing that we were talking about earlier
Starting point is 01:06:42 The thing that we were talking about earlier. We've had that conversation off camera before so it's not it's There's this mutual understanding there where there that's a long running joke between us So don't attack him for that the chinchilla though You could go all you want on them. I can't protect you from that. I'm ready for all I'm ready for all chinchilla heat to be honest. Yeah, chinchilla heat. I'm ready for it's coming. It's coming. It's coming Yo, if my chinchilla is blind and like running into shit and shedding at command shitting Partially, and and and like having seizures like what a kind of quality of life is that partially blind
Starting point is 01:07:19 I want a pet that is like happy and like I wish it was happy, you know A lot of people hang on to their pets though my parents. I think I think We do it selfishly Like people will hold on to their pets, you know, like take them to the vet mad times and like stuff keeps coming back and like But it's hard to I love my dog to death, but if it was having like seizures all the time like I would feel terrible how often how often Sometimes when I see it sometimes I could see two a day three a day That's how to bum you out. Yeah, I feel bad, but it happens in seconds
Starting point is 01:07:59 It takes like and she's back to normal. I shouldn't even brought this up. Why are you making me say it? Yeah, I know Joe wants you to I'm not gonna print down my parents love it. It's chill and it's fine. It's just out of nowhere I'll just you'll just start hearing like a whole bunch of wrestling and she's just having a seizure tails going crazy Dude, this is like I'm not left. I'm not laughing at that. I'm laughing. I'm just I mean, it's up to if it was up to me. Yeah, I put it down My parents love that thing. I I
Starting point is 01:08:32 Oh my god, this is the saddest podcast ever. No, that's cool No, I just feel like You know, what's going on your chest over there What? Oh, it's red. Yeah, I keep scratching here too. What are you doing coke crack? Doing coke crack going coke crack. Okay. Everyone's gonna take your asshole now That's fine. Why because I want to kill it chinchilla. That's fucking Blind and and like having seizures three a day It's not in pain
Starting point is 01:08:59 And I'm not saying brutally like throw it against the wall till it dies. I'm saying like take care of it I've seen two in one hour once dude. That that is a problem and I like You know, I want it like whatever they people say about these chinchillas. Maybe they know more about me You know, I said it brutally to be funny But it's like it's I honestly do believe though that like an animal that is blind running into shit and fucking having three seizures a day Is it's not critically blind? Like, you know, it'll just sit there and like it'll it'll jump and like do a twist and it's running into something You know, if you think I'm brutal you see a horse a horse breaks at like they put a bow. I have to yeah
Starting point is 01:09:35 They have no choice. There's no healing. They can't levitate it like a deer gets hit by a car. It's on the side of the road Blast it with a shotgun. That's what they say They say when if a deer runs out in the middle of the road instead of you hitting the brakes and trying to Swerve you have to speed up speed up and hit it. I mean, that's fucked up But that's it's true because if you slow down you're both gonna like get really hurt then again I go hunting so if you If a deer if you hit a deer With your car your car is done. No, no, no, no, I know it's I know it's fucked
Starting point is 01:10:04 but And you're a hunter. Can you keep that deer? Yeah, people do that. They keep the rack if it's a huge rack They'll take that they'll saw the rack off But they won't keep you can't keep that deer like you ain't eating that You're not gonna eat it. No, but you can put a tag on it, right? Like don't you get a certain amount of tags? No, you have to you have to know like when you yeah when you get your hunting um permit, but um When you uh, I might have said that wrong. No, I didn't but when you hit a deer
Starting point is 01:10:31 You're supposed to pull to the side of the road You could do whatever you want with that rack take it off if you want, but you can't take the deer and eat it Oh, okay. It's all fucked up. You could take but you could take it. Yeah, it's right. Wow. Yeah I've seen people do that they pull up like yo, that's a sick rack and they took it off and they'll mount it somewhere like You know, I don't know how I could do that I was just gonna say do you think you could hunt go hunting? No way I could dude I have I could I could I could do I could do fishing So you kill a fish
Starting point is 01:11:01 I'll kill a fish Fishing like yeah, you're killing a fish. It's your hunting. You're hunting. Okay. You're hunting. It's just called fishing I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, I don't shoot a deer in the face. Oh, man. You don't shoot them in the face I'm joking. All right, Rambo. Where's the kill shot on a neck like behind its front leg behind its front leg To get to like the lungs. Yeah When you're bow hunting and gone then when you got hunting and you shoot it goes right down But when you bow hunt it's running if I was if I was gonna do any type of hunting it would be bow hunting It's cool because here's why I haven't gone in two years. But go ahead. I feel like
Starting point is 01:11:37 I have way too much margin for error if I have a gun on me easy. Well, yeah, dude You know what I'm saying? So it's like I'd rather If I hit you with this I'm I'm lucky as fuck to hit you with this anyway Dude is a lot of strategy a lot of steps you have to go through when you get that deer That's what I'm saying I feel like I I couldn't trust myself to just run in there and be like, oh, I got one Yeah, but you would I mean I'm sitting in a tree for nine hours
Starting point is 01:12:02 Covering deep piss. Yeah, I just said deep piss deep Dear piss People really put that on themselves. Hell yeah, it comes in bottles. That's weird Joey bought me a spray once you spray it on the tree that like you would want to get your kill shot So you'd spray it in the area and the deer the buck will come over and smell it I Think I could kill something
Starting point is 01:12:26 But I wouldn't be able to like cut its fucking horns off and like open it up and eat it like I can't do that I'm just like I'm a coward. Like I would just yeah, you know, I probably I No part of me is gonna go hunting one day It's fun, you know, I would shoot like the clay shells, but I'm not gonna shoot an animal I would be I think I could do it, but I definitely could not in any sort of way be like How's it going? I wouldn't skin it. I would ask like the guys I go with to do it But I'm not hunting. I'm not hunting for a sport. I'm hunting like I eat the deer, you know
Starting point is 01:12:57 I'm not hunting just to kill the coyotes. Oh, yeah, we kill those You have to but there's like a surplus of them, right? No, we just leave them where they lie No, no, no, but I mean like there's there's a there's a lot of them. Oh I didn't get the question No, there are but if you see a coyote, there's like they're new like they're an actual When you see a coyote, like you're guaranteed not to see deer unless you kill it So but yeah, there are a lot some people there are people who have them on their property They want you to kill them all could a coyote kill you if they're in a pack of like 13. Yeah
Starting point is 01:13:31 One-on-one with a coyote. You're they're running away. They're not gonna stay around. Are you killing it though? Yeah Bear hands. Hell, yeah It's like a rough dog like it's the size of a dog a coyote kind of how do you kill a dog? It's like it doesn't it looks like it out. It looks like it's dog But it's it's like you remember serious black when he turned into that to that ugly. Oh, yeah That's what a coyote kind of looks like Also one of the worst names of character Serious black. I love it when I first I first went to I was like what rapper is that?
Starting point is 01:14:03 Yeah, I was like, yeah, they got like fucking Hogwarts rappers. I was like, oh this shit. Yeah, man I just remember being like, you know Like a buddy of mine used to go like hunting with his dad and he invited me to go one time and like I made up like reasons to not go I I was like, yeah, I was like, yeah, no, like I have some stuff to like do with my mom had nothing to do with my mom I just didn't want to be put in a situation where they were like kill it Where when if you respect nature like you would love to go hunting just to see like, yeah This is like the sun coming up because I'm in my tree stand when it's pitch black And then the sun comes on what time do you get out there?
Starting point is 01:14:39 We wake up at like 4 30 and we're probably in the tree by like 5 15 Fuck yeah, and then I'm walking up to tree stand and pitch black Is are there rules on like how many times you could shoot at a deer? No If you had like a lever action you were gun hunting you get Damn, yeah, if you miss you got to keep going but when you hit it stop Do you if you shoot it once you'd track it? Well, what a bow you do you have to track it because after you shoot it'll run like 40 yards
Starting point is 01:15:07 But uh, would you macaw and then you might not kill it that would a bow and arrow Yeah, then you have to get down and then stand over it and stab it You have to stand over and stab it. Oh, I thought you wanted me to stop talking. No, no, no No, you have to stand over it. Oh, you thought I was like, dude, don't say that. Oh, you draw another bone, dude Yeah, you have to draw another That's I've never done that but the people I go with I heard them do it and they're like, yeah, yeah Because you hear it screaming. You don't want it to suck You know what I'm screaming. It's never see that bear eat that deer in the backyard. I take it back. I can't kill an animal
Starting point is 01:15:42 That's what I'm saying, dude. I couldn't do it. But we don't shoot dough There's a couple animals I could kill we don't shoot dough and we don't shoot baby deer We fuck men like male deer. Yeah, that's it big dogs. Yeah, and the best is during the right You guys are humanitarian because during the right they're horny as fuck So if you see a dough come out you're guaranteed like a monster 90 chance You're gonna see a monster buck come from behind it. He's gonna be huffing and puffing He's gonna try and fuck and guess what bang dead See, I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. Yeah, it is fucked up
Starting point is 01:16:14 You know what sad is watching like planet earth and you're like, oh my god, I fucking that that giraffe Dude, I watched a video of a giraffe running away from lions. I was like, oh my god Go go go. Yeah, you wanted to run but then they show the lion like five minutes later and the lion's like This lion is starving and hasn't eaten in eight weeks and you're like fuck. I wish you would have killed that giraffe It just makes you like so But like shooting the lion you don't need to shoot a lion They're dangerous, aren't they? Yeah Dude, there's no reason to shoot lions just so you could tell your friend you've killed the lion
Starting point is 01:16:45 If you shoot a lion, you should be killed. I have no problem with people hunting For food, but you're not hunting lions for food. No, that's what I'm saying. Like I don't agree with that at all It's trophy. Like the trophy hunting. I don't like like killing like a fucking giraffe or an elephant. What are we doing with that? Like cutting its tusk off like yeah, like you said an elephant. What are you doing? People go elephant, elephant, elephant No, not happening. An elk I get Yeah, a lot of people don't come. If you're if you're gonna eat it, I understand You know what I mean because that's that's part of what that's life. That's the circle of life
Starting point is 01:17:16 You're not eating a lion. Like I went to thirsty koala and I had a kangaroo burger. Yeah, I was I felt terrible I was like, what are you killing the kangaroo for? Yeah, there's no need See, I didn't even know that you could eat a kangaroo. Yeah, you can eat kangaroo. Yeah, it's spongy. You know bison very good delicious lamb wild boar, maybe my favorite meat wild boar lamb lamb is amazing. Actually, no, it's probably bison, but lambs are really good Who? Crocodile? No, where the fuck am I gonna have that? I've never been there. I had crocodile
Starting point is 01:17:47 I'll go down there for now unless you game. You should go. I want to. Was it good? I said I want to. No, I meant the crocodile. Yeah. Yeah, it was good. Tastes like chicken kind of Everything was more like gamey. It's more gamey for sure. It's definitely more gamey, but like If I told you it wasn't a crocodile, you just you wouldn't be like this is different Is it actually good to the point where you're like, I'd I'd choose this over some stuff or it's like it's good for the story I had an alligator po boy and I only ate it for the story Right Like if it was available up here, I wouldn't go out of my way to get what's it look like the color
Starting point is 01:18:23 It's it's white. It's white. It's regular meat. It's just like, you know, but like they deep fry it like It came out looking like like calamari really All right, like they deep fried and like put it on a little sandwich. It was it was good We ate pulled bull testicles in colorado. I didn't touch a lot of mountain oysters I took a bite. I took a bite. How big were they? They slice them Yeah, they cut them like they were like they look like like slices like that. They look like little breaks Big-ass balls. Yeah, they were huge. I would eat stuff like that if I wasn't on vacation They have hunters that go out and just castrate
Starting point is 01:18:57 boars Yeah And like and they'll release them out into the will like they'll trap them cut their balls off and just let them go I don't know why I've seen a video of a lion Attacking a I forgot what it was. It wasn't a gazelle because they're fucking Lightening and he went right for the balls and ate its balls. Yeah, he ripped them right off and like you see Yeah, my balls just flinched Dylan sent me that video and I was like, yo, that sucks. Yo, I really just got chills in my nuts
Starting point is 01:19:28 It was a big bull looking thing and the lion just That's the weird thing is that I mean there are some sick fucks that Eat other people, but like we're the only Like I feel like a lion will You know Eat another lion No, I don't think so. I think they would No, I think you're done. I don't think so. You know, there's going to be a lot of new characters in the new lion king, right?
Starting point is 01:19:54 What yeah When I was in disney, I saw stuffed animals For the long transition They had the pre-drop they I want to see if lions, you know, there's new line animal lines In that movie characters. There's new characters. Well, they have like a crazy cast like there's like Beyonce's in it Seth Rogen Billy Eichner James Earl Jones Some who the fuck else is in that movie? Are you googling if lions eat lions?
Starting point is 01:20:21 Yeah, I just want to know for myself and that guy that that that guy that did mufasa's voices in it Just till he dies. That's James Earl Jones. But uh I bet you a hundred bucks They don't kill mufasa in that movie. He somehow just walks out because today millennials can't handle that Dude, isn't it crazy how animals are like so ruthless and that's like Oh, your kid has a fucked up leg Let's just fucking leave them
Starting point is 01:20:54 I know it's wild like as humans if someone has a problem We usually like take good care of it and we have people who like, you know, whatever blah blah blah But in the wild like if you got a broken leg they're like, fuck you dude We got to get across this grassland to eat. I don't know You know, but like just leave it. But they know that they're leaving their kid though Yeah, they don't give a fuck though Cats are the same way bro. I think they do cats cats cats cats are terrible cats have kids and leave their kids Like when they're all right, you guys are you good?
Starting point is 01:21:25 I'm a horn like birds. They're just like Fuck out of the nest. That's crazy and a lot of birds like die. They're like hit the fork What about sea turtles? They're born and have to run for their lives Yeah word because they get eaten and their parents don't come back to protect them No, they're just born and they're like, oh my god. I have to make a mad dash for the fucking water You know how like upset I would be if I if I saw turtles running down into the water I'm fucking up every seagull anything in its path. I'm grabbed it by its neck Everything or I'm just gonna pick the turtle up and put it in the water. I'll punch a bird. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:21:55 But then what happens when they get in the water? I could definitely punch a bird. Yeah, easily What happens when the turtle gets into the water? It's they're good. He's gotta eat by a fish No, no, no or a bigger turtle they they have a much better Chance chance to live there Because naturally they know they know how to survive in water more than they do on land They're the fastest they'll ever be when they're running into that water. Yeah, and they'll never be fast again Turtles are slow It's kind of crazy how turtles can live to be like 130 years old. Yeah sharks too. No
Starting point is 01:22:28 maybe A hundred imagine you had a turtle There's turtles that are like older than our parents. Yeah Why can't we have their gene? I don't know if I want to be 130 If you could be 130 and still like live walk up the stairs Like like still be like what kind of shape would you be in at 130? Not great, but like say your brain was still all there and like you could walk but you're really slow
Starting point is 01:22:54 You would do it I don't know because then you could like hold up a sign and like get invited to like your first like Football super bowl or something like the White House dinner. Yeah Isn't that weird how you reach a certain age and they just let you do stuff? Yeah, you're like 130 years old. They're like, you know what? Let's invite them to the White House correspondence dinner and uh, you know Let them do this interview with fucking sleep in the Lincoln room. Go talk to Larry king They're just be like a 108 year old, uh, George Johnson's over there and he's just like
Starting point is 01:23:22 Oh So fucking old Like when she get old they just let you do whatever you want. Yeah, I guess so that just makes no sense You're shitting your pants Like is it an account? I guess Is it an accomplishment to live to a hundred years old? Yeah. Yeah, it is dude. People don't make it there But what so then I guess that maybe the treatment is is worthy then was the lady on opera or or what talk show was she on? She was over a hundred. I think she was 101. She was dancing. She was chilling. She was a weird breed good for her
Starting point is 01:23:50 Yeah, I love when they interview those people like in Italy. There's like a bunch of women that are like a thousand years old I'm like, how'd you do it? She's like, I've just been drinking like a lot of red wine and fucking smoking cigarettes So my grandfather lived to be 94 and his he said it was because I had ice cream every night before I went to bed Some people are just like Iron people. Yeah, but I think I don't think anyone I I don't know I feel like nowadays I mean, this is like a whole other not conspiracy, but it's just a whole other conversation that I feel like the food that we eat is fucking
Starting point is 01:24:23 Laced with our synogens. Oh, yeah, and there's no way any of us make it to 100 Unless we drastically go out of our way to eat organic and like that's why people who live in like Italy and all these countries where they grow their own shit and they're like You know self-sustaining like you know what I mean like see they're eating it from the ground So it's like there's not processed things but also like It could it could go two ways though Like it could be like with medical advances and like the next 50 years like the first person To to live like 125 years probably has been born already
Starting point is 01:24:59 What like who's the oldest person ever probably like 108 or something. I don't know maybe I think with modern science Like I think the first person to be able to live to 125 has been born. I don't think the government wants that they want us dead Like they don't want like, you know, China's overpopulated. Yeah, they don't want that. Yeah, but we don't have a billion people No, but they don't want to ever get to that point. So why start you know start moving people to montana and shit There's not a lot of people over there, right? That's true. Well, maybe you lived in montana. I'd be awful if you're an organ donor. You're fucked like You know, that's funny that you say that I I switched from being an organ donor. Yep. I was an organ donor
Starting point is 01:25:44 And then I stopped tell them why because I told them why I went and no one believed me because when they pull it and they See that you're an organ donor. They don't resuscitate you It's an automatic dnr. It's automatic dnr I don't believe that it is It's not like to the point like they're not they're not gonna work on you I'm so happy you're saying it's because during secret santa All of them told me I was an idiot listen because I said exactly what they're not just gonna be like All right, he's breathing a little bit like he's gone
Starting point is 01:26:12 But once you're gone, you're gone. They're gonna go until they're like shit They let you go. Well, yeah, once you die, you die. No, you could be brought back to life Right, but what are the chances on that happening if those chances are very high sometimes not very no first of all It can't be sometimes It either works or it doesn't if they're not they're not gonna work on you that much If someone's heart stops and there's like a less than 10 chance that we can bring them back to life I get it or save like five lives, maybe Yeah
Starting point is 01:26:42 You know the trade-off is you know, and I think when you sound to be an organ donor That's part of it and I understand that but you made it seem like That you get into a car accident and you're still breathing and they're like, no, no, no See, we're gonna wait this we're gonna wait this one out. It's gonna give it like three weeks I said if you're an organ donor, like if you're critical, yeah, they let you die No, if you are alive, they cannot kill you. Listen. I if you're critical That means you're alive. All right. They they're not gonna try and help you as much That's against the law. They're murdering you. No, I didn't say something like that. Yes, you did
Starting point is 01:27:19 Don't be an organ donor because they won't bring you back to life. That's it. No, you said if you're critical They will not Joey you can get into an all car accident. Your body's perfectly fine. You stop breathing They could bring you back to life and they won't That they they could do that they could do that because you're an organ donor. They'll plant all this guy's so-and-so Don't give him CPR I don't I don't agree with that. That's that's what happens. I find it hard to believe that that's the case That's it. No, I believe that if they if they work on you and your heart ends up stopping then they take their hands Yeah, they're gonna work
Starting point is 01:27:53 They're not just gonna be like Like oh kind of no maybe help them. No, you have a heart attack and your heart stops and you're on the floor They won't reset Reset state. Thank you. But but but your heart's not stopped. They'll they'll they'll try they'll try quote-unquote but My dad has a they'll do a while at biopsy and see that and it'll be like uh My dad has a what do you call that thing? Let me ask you a question end the show. It's very morbid go How many children
Starting point is 01:28:29 It's pretty morbid episode there we go ready to save your mom When I kill would you kill a kid to save your mom? Yeah, of course. How many kids? Oh now you're getting crazy I just want to know like how do I how do I kill it? I don't think you don't have to kill it You just know that you made the decision. Oh, oh, so like they'll just like Thanos like no, no, no They'll get shot. Don't wait to say they'll get shot, but you won't like you won't see it But you'll hear it in the next room. Oh, that's terrible. Oh, damn My mom what I thought it's gonna be like Thanos shit like no that they disappear disappears Like if it was on the news and they were like, yo, uh 10 kids are dead
Starting point is 01:29:03 Uh, uh, no, it's on the news. It's just in your mind. I wouldn't my mom wouldn't want me to kill a kid Wait, you said in the next room and now in your mind No, no, no, I'm saying like it wouldn't be on the news. I like oh Danny did this thing They're in they're in the room with you and go listen. We're gonna kill 16 kids 16 is a lot. I'm not saying we're not 16 kids. All right. Are you ready for that? Yes, you know, and then you just hear gunshots I'll be honest with I'll be honest with you. My mom would probably be mad at me. Yeah My mom would be like I lived I lived my life like these are these are children because then I really think about it too though like
Starting point is 01:29:38 This is fucking morbid too, but if you were in a situation where somebody was like actively shooting And you could save 13 kids lives, but you got to die What are you gonna do? That's anxiety and it's fine. I gotta be honest. I don't want you're gonna think about how you could save everybody at first But sometimes you're not Uh, I like to think that I like to think it too, but I don't know Yeah, no, I don't know a part of me feels like in in panic moments. I'm not thinking about myself Which I'm scared about but I think that in panic moments in the
Starting point is 01:30:13 Small amount of panic moments that I've had it's always just like how do I you know get out of here not not like me It's more so like I need to do something your fighter fighter flight. Yeah, but I don't think I'm like You know, well in that in that type of situation if that is to happen You're going to flight No one's gonna fight here's what I'll say like if I'm Behind a car and there's an active shooter and a child walks out into the street I'm not gonna like run out there and save this kid, but I'll floor it and run that guy over though No, no, I'm saying if you're out you're just on the street. Oh, oh, and he's like you can't see him
Starting point is 01:30:49 No, you can but like you're hiding behind a car because you know there's an active shooter I thought you said you were in a and all of a sudden you peek over and there's a kid walking out into the street And the guy's like pointing his gun at him. I'm not gonna run after the kid And whatever like I'm not that kind of hero, but at the same time if I'm walking And or like right now If this whole building caught fire And I got out as soon as I got to the sidewalk. I noticed you guys weren't behind me. I'm going in. Yes. Like without it Like I'm not gonna be like, oh fuck like I hope now both of us are passed out. No. Yeah, but that's like
Starting point is 01:31:23 No, but like when my parents apartment building like burned down Uh, I saw like the fire started the building and like I cleared the whole building just telling people to get out Like spanging on their doors and like Wow Yeah, but it wasn't a big apartment building. It was it was three four. It was like five six units But everybody got out everybody got out. So you're like a hero. Not really I mean, it wasn't to the point where like throwing people out the window. Yeah. Yeah, I was
Starting point is 01:31:48 I was trampling you told him get out. There's a fire. Yeah. Yeah, you could have just ran and just stayed outside And then the guy that started the fire. I was like, dude get out And he was like, I gotta grab my things. I was like get out I was like, look at the whole fucking back of the the apartment building was on fire Holy shit, and he was like, all right. I'm just good at my things. I was like, dude get the fuck out And then I just wanted to make sure like like the cat got out make sure my niece got out my dad got out and then my Cousin was upstairs He was listening to music. I was fucking kicking his door like making sure that he got out
Starting point is 01:32:24 Did the building burn down the whole back side of the apartments that burned down and they had they had to rebuild the entire building Jesus. Yeah, the building was ugly before it's even uglier now It's lit. It is an eyesore. Yeah And then what happened was after that we were all out on the street and I saw the kid that started the fire I wanted to kill him. Why do you start the fire? They just they just put brand they just laid brand new tar on the back of the Building all right, and there's a little porch there. This kid took a cigarette Through it. This is just fired tar. So that's just flammable. Shit
Starting point is 01:33:04 So he threw it set the whole fucking on back, uh porch area on fire dumb fuck. Yeah I don't know who the fuck that is but we can wrap this up. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, divino, where can they find you? Uh, ant-vino, ant-tv-ino Everything Oh, Danny at Danny low priority on instagram and twitter and guys, please take it easy on joe this week You guys can follow the show at the basement yard on everything Go go support the show with the patreon slash the basement yard. That is all. See you guys next time

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