The Basement Yard - #173 - Hypothetically Speaking

Episode Date: January 21, 2019

Danny and I ask each other some tough hypothetical questions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. I'm having a little bit of a drink today. It's my first one in a week You meet both sir. Yeah, you have a nice little glass of water. I'm having a 10% single-cut beer I forgot the name of it. Oh man Angry Joe's coming out tomorrow. Who's gonna fuss? That's what it's called. That's the name of the beer. Yeah, it's tomorrow Who's gonna fuss got a nice little Elton jacket Elton John jacket here fire. Yeah, that's dope. That's fire. Are they in New York based? Whoa, can I smell it? Yeah Yeah, they are your New York base
Starting point is 00:00:37 They're right over here. What's most fantastic? Yeah, which is fire because it's like a couple blocks from my mom's house So do you get six packs? Or four packs. I feel like the higher the alcohol it only comes in four packs because they don't want people getting fucking absolutely Destroyed. Well, no, it depends on like they do like pours like if you get a beer that's like 10% at a bar They put it on one of those like little like Glasses yeah, whereas if you get like a Bud Light they like fill up a boot basically. Yeah, you know if you had to give up IPAs and only drink Bud Lights Could you do it I
Starting point is 00:01:15 Could I feel like that would drink way less. I feel like that would take the enjoyment out of it These for me like especially this one like this is a 10% beer I'll only drink these kind of beers. Yeah by themselves for the most part Yeah isolated incidents where I'll be like I'm gonna have one in the beginning of the night because I'm gonna be fucking out of my mind Right, like we went to Ralph's holiday party. I was like, all right It's a holiday party with all my friends like I'm getting lit up. You're picking shoes picking shoes And I was lit up. Yeah, you were I had a day. Have you ever drank to the point where you don't remember? Yeah, it's scary. I hate it's only happened like two or three times scary, right? It's
Starting point is 00:01:54 Fucking weird man. I usually have like a good memory like I don't count like you wake up You're like, I'm not sure and then when people start talking about you could piece together Yeah, I'm talking about like people are telling me stuff. I'm like, I have no idea Yeah, I mean I got really drunk one time and I guess I but yeah, yeah, technically I blacked out because I didn't remember anything and My brother Mike was hit me off the next day and was like, yo like, you know that video you sent was awesome And I was like, what are you talking about? Yeah, I get so scared. Yeah, he was he was just like, yeah, like look at your like and then I just scrolled like up my
Starting point is 00:02:28 My chat. Yeah, and it was a video of me blacked out in In my uncle's office Just letting off a fire extinguisher in the basement Jesus yeah, yeah, that's like about it He's I was like, yeah, I was like and I was a dude I have no recollection of doing that at all whatsoever. There was one time There's been times where I was like really drunk throwing up and like I've only thrown up from drinking twice Yeah, it takes a lot and I've both times that I've thrown up. I remember everything
Starting point is 00:02:59 So it's like it rarely happens But sometimes I just can't remember stuff and there was this one of them was like in peace like 19th or 20th birthday party like we were all underage that's prime drinking I drank a whole bottle of syrup out of the bottle like chase any of it. No, it's rocks amazing. It's very sweet you have a syrup like Like peach is good. Well, yeah, no, it was it was coconut. Yeah, that that shit is like water Yeah, so I crushed that whole bottle. I remember the next day I got a text from a random number and it was like, oh, hey, it's this girl's name and I was like
Starting point is 00:03:33 Who are who are you? No, not who are you because I knew who it was but like why are you texting me? basically because like It's not a girl who I would give my phone number to okay, you know Not that she's not unattractive I just I just wouldn't for whatever reason but and I was like what the fuck I was like I literally was like, how'd you get my numbers? She's like you you put it in my phone. Oh my gosh, and then another time Which was recent it was like last winter me and Pete drank like a bunch of IPA's because we were planning on staying in and
Starting point is 00:04:10 Then we blacked out at a bowling alley Yeah, it was blacking out in Publix rough. Yeah, like the people we were with were like Oh, you almost got kicked out because you were like running down the lane. You ever talk You ever talk somebody that's drunk and you're and you're like, is this me? Yeah I knew I always knew I was a drunk you saw you saw the video of me from Vegas. Oh, I was so happy to see that video Yeah, I was I've never seen you like that. I don't get like that. No, I don't get like drunk
Starting point is 00:04:42 Especially now I don't really like do that like that when you saw it Ralph's it's probably like the worst it's gonna be Yeah, but you're a you're a happy guy. Yeah, I just I'd like to have fun. I don't get like yeah, I can't even like No, but even that like you would laugh. Yeah, like you like You almost get high when you get drunk like you're just like giggling and having fun It's like I'm not one of those like oh, I love you man. I'm crying There's like certain people like you could drink with But then there's like certain people. It's like there's no way I want to drink with this person Yeah, no, you know what I mean? I hate people who are like they want to fight. Yeah
Starting point is 00:05:17 Leave me alone. Come on man. I'm too old for this. Can't do it. My friend Eric used to be like that. Yeah Yeah, I remember this one time we went out and this is like just when I first started to like Get my name out there. So like people sometimes would know who I was if we would go out and I Was we were standing outside this like pizza like $1 pizza shop in Manhattan always and some girl comes up to me She goes, hey, are you Joe? I was like, yeah, and she we're we just like talked for like literally 30 seconds I was like, all right. It's like nice talking to you and like left whatever Her brother comes out and I at this point like whatever right? It was like the end of the night We call we hailed a taxi and I got in the taxi
Starting point is 00:05:58 And I was on the seat in the like furthest into the street Yeah, so I'm just deep into this taxi is what I'm trying to say, right? You slid over yeah, because other people were gonna get in but no one was in yet and All of a sudden my friend Eric Hammered who is like infamous well not anymore, but he was infamous for like ripping off his shirt and like trying to fight people Right, right every group needs one. No. Yeah, we have two like bodyguards in our group that like they were like, all right If someone goes down where you need fucking Eric and furk here. Yeah, yeah But he just he crawls into the to the taxi goes yo this kid's trying to fight you. I was like, dude
Starting point is 00:06:32 I'm in a taxi. Yeah, who's trying to fight shut the door. Yeah, like what let's go So then he leaves and I'm like off I didn't see there's like a commotion So I'm like any better to get out there before something happens. Yeah, so I get out and Eric is like Screaming or whatever and like yo fuck this kid up like whatever you're not touching my boy Which I love the death for right, but I'm like dude like nothing's hot like you know I'm back confused and then someone comes out and it's like yo you guys got to get out of here Whatever, so he's like you'll come down the block. Oh, so Eric rips off his shirt
Starting point is 00:07:02 And it's like come he's like come down the block So we're all like walking down the block to the venue to the fight venue Yeah, basically, and we're like what the fuck is going on? So we're walking over there and then uh, I Hear some dude goes who the fuck was talking to my sister. Oh God like and he was standing right next to me But talking to people down the block because that's where most of my friends were and I was just like I was Fire and then he looks at me because I was like because like I wasn't doing anything No, like we just had like a two second conversation like oh, I think we're really fine like alright. Thanks. See you later
Starting point is 00:07:33 Have a good night like it was like that. I Was like I was and he goes you and it looks at me goes. Oh, yo, you just said I got a I was like, yeah Oh, yo, what's up, man? I was like, yeah, my friends about to fight you because he thinks you're trying to like beat me up He's like, oh, no, and then they like hugged and like we went home. It was so dumb I was like, what are you doing? No, it's weird is that happens on way more than like When you're young that happens way more than it should
Starting point is 00:07:58 That's why I hate I don't go to clubs No, like I'll go to a club and it's like it's fun. I'm gonna have fun there, right? but now I Really like I don't think and this is gonna sound so pretentious and like douchebag But like I don't think I ever want to go to a club again if I'm not like, you know VIP section Hell no, I don't I don't either I don't want to be out in the sea with like random dudes who are just there to try and like fuck some girl and Like I bump into them. They're like, yo, I don't want to deal with that
Starting point is 00:08:26 It's like I'm gonna try to fight you in a club like a bottle in the back of my head. Yeah, they're in a fucking Tiesto set. Yeah People go people go way too hard in those situations like If you had to give up go could you give up going out all together? No So like you still need to like like go out to a bar like yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I could like lounges lounges are cool Like hookah lounges. No, no, no like somewhere like that has places like your couch So there's a couch. Yeah, like where I can hear you like I don't want to like not be able to hear you Yeah, but bars are like that. Yeah, but it like if it's we're all close together like a club
Starting point is 00:09:05 It's like you're all scattered all over the place and it's loud. You can't hear anything. Yeah, you're like, you look really hot Yeah, yeah, fucking screaming at people. Do you remember trying to hit on girls in clubs? Yeah, it was terrible It was so difficult. No, and most of the time they don't want anything to do with you No, I would say nine times at a time and they're always wearing like some some animal print It was like cheetahs zebra or like one of the bras and you're just like Your kids are sick. Yeah, it's everything about she's hot. Yeah They're like what like you want to dance? No, all right Cuz it's like you feel you're already nervous to ask the first question and then when they hit you with the what'd you say?
Starting point is 00:09:44 You know, I'm even more afraid to ask it. Yeah, I'm like now. I gotta say this again. I can't deliver my line So I was just like no, it's not for me. It's not for me at all. I used to do gross stuff in clubs. I feel like clubs Have the like, you know, they say things get a good rap and things get a bad rap clubs have the perfect rap It's as bad as it's it's a bit. It's as bad as you're getting hooked up. I Don't I can't see why anyone would go. Yeah, like I think it's terrible but if you're going with like a group and You know, you're getting like bottle service and you're kind of roped off a little bit
Starting point is 00:10:23 It's like you have your section and then you can invite girls over. Yeah, that's cool Like all fun, whatever you could control the the the the madness exactly But just being out in the sea is bad of angry dude sharks with like one button and like everything else is open with a chain You know a little bit of chest hair. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know what I mean? Just like I don't want to be around like a lot of hairspray Yeah, tons of cranberry and vodka. Is there still like Guitos are there are they still around? Yes, dude. They are right. Yes. They live in Jersey and Staten Island I haven't seen a long time. A lot of people think I'm from Staten Island. Why I don't know
Starting point is 00:11:03 I think they hear my like I don't think I have an accent you do sometimes when I get like angry or like drunk Like it's not it. Yeah, it's not as bad as like MPs like MPs is terrible MPs is wild but you know why because he uses a lot of slang he does but like his entire voice It's like, you know, like he just grew up listening to you're from Queens. It's like it's like His accent would be a fake person's accent, but his is in no way fake, right? Because he just adopted that accent and just made it hit. Yeah, you know, so I was like, yeah This dude talks like he was in like G unit, right? You know what I mean? So it's like that's that's who he is. Yeah, but um like sometimes like
Starting point is 00:11:42 If if we go somewhere people will be able to tell like we're from somewhere else though Yeah, you know, but like I don't have like a Brooklyn or Staten Island accent. Is there a difference? Those they have those are heavier. I feel like what what are those my dog and coffee. Oh, yeah Yeah, that's Brooklyn and Staten Island. Like that's how they talk. Of course. Of course. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, of course a fucking. What's her name? Marissa Tomei and my cousin Vinny that I say why yeah, you're famous for your mud How's your Chinese food? That's that's what I'm talking about. So people think I'm from Staten Island and Brooklyn just because like they're not from here But if you just heard my voice, you wouldn't think I was from there
Starting point is 00:12:20 No, or like how I dress or like, you know, I'm saying no If you're ranting it comes out Yeah, I get I get mad. Yeah, if you get if you're fired up about something it definitely comes out. Yeah. Yeah I got some questions here. Hold on. I wanted to talk to you about something because it literally happened this morning before you get to that This morning when I went to the gym Well, actually, no, I was leaving the gym I Became your welcome guy
Starting point is 00:12:51 And not not a good kind because I remember we talked about how you were like, you know, you never say you're welcome when I say Thank you, right? Yeah, you will I feel like every time I would say almost every time I Say something else you say something else. Is it because you're just not comfortable saying you're welcome I don't I'm not comfortable saying you're welcome. Like I said, I think it's like a little pretentious in a way See, I don't see it that way because it's just like a Regular regular things say It makes you feel uncomfortable inside Yeah, it but it's also counterproductive because it kind of comes off as like overly humble
Starting point is 00:13:25 If I don't because I hate when Keith does it like Keith refused to say you're welcome to and I get upset You know, yeah, you know, I just take credit for doing a nice thing like well But I'm you know, I'm a hypocrite because like when I do a nice thing and someone's like, yo, thank you so much Yeah, like I'm not gonna say you're welcome. I'll just be like it's nice, right? It's cool, isn't it? Yeah, right? I'll say something like that But so this morning when I was leaving the gym, I became a you're welcome guy But the bad kind and what I mean by that is when I was leaving there was a woman approaching the doors So I held it open. Yep, and she didn't say anything. Yeah, and I didn't I swear to God
Starting point is 00:14:01 I didn't want to say it Really just flew out of my body and I was just like you're welcome Did you hear you? I hope not because there wasn't anything said right But I did it did you realize what you said when you said it I said it and I was like who the fuck am I yeah I was so upset because But it still counts and I'm a I'm a culprit. Yeah It still counts. I'm upset that I did that. Are you an elevator holder? I'll hold anything but I really and I really have been an advocate
Starting point is 00:14:34 I'll hold anything, you know I'll hold anything. I'll hold anything. I'll hold like whatever you want. Yeah, but I really was an advocate for like I don't care if you say thank you Yeah, but I don't know why I think it was because you know, I I was in a bad mood I forgot my pre-workout at home and I just you know, I was just You're welcome. You're you're you're in a mood I will say I was kind of shocked because there was a lot of eye contact It would be one really it would be one thing if she didn't really notice she had air pods
Starting point is 00:15:05 She's like, oh, I didn't you know, that's one thing but she was Walking towards me and I'm walking towards her and we looked at each other like a couple times Yeah, and then I I left and I opened that door and then she just older woman Middle-aged. Yeah, they're not they're not big on On thank yous the middle-aged. No, not really. I would disagree I would say that the younger generation is not big on thank yous because they have poor communication skills because they're staring at a phone screen
Starting point is 00:15:33 I'm going off on a tangent. It's fine no, but Yeah, she's definitely in the thank you era. You think she's yeah, she's in the the on the thank you spectrum She was definitely on the thank thank you spectrum. Okay, so I was I was surprised. It was surprising You were taken back by it. I was a little I wasn't taking all the way back, but I definitely was taken a little bit A little bit back Not all the way back. See like a part of me is like that's common courtesy is to like say Thank you
Starting point is 00:16:06 No, I agree, you know, it's like uh, but It's it's not hard to do And it's like one of the first things you learn as a person Question I don't and you're way more of a people person than I am like you are just you can adapt very well in these situations but there have been times where I mean, I go to the gym every day. So like that's just the place that this kind of thing happens at That someone will hold a door for me and I'll go to say thank you, but I'm not like uh, uh, I won't give a booming like thank you You know, yeah, you give me a thanks. I'll give you a thanks. Thank you. Like I'll say something like that
Starting point is 00:16:43 Yeah, thanks because I have like my hood up. I'm going out into the cold. Thanks. Yeah, you know So they're good loud enough. So they hear me. So I score a point. You know, yeah, I don't overachieve. Hey, man The only reason the only reason I do stuff like that is because people remember you Yeah, and I and I feel like um Like a part of me would feel bad If I didn't do it that way it's just because that's how like my dad is So like I kind of got that from him to be like, oh, what's going on man? It's good to see it. Oh, man
Starting point is 00:17:15 Yeah, go for it. I'll be honest with you. I I envy that so much because I want to be that Like I think the part of you has those traits to do that. I do but like I want Your Like social whatever it is. Yeah, so bad. Yeah, but I'm starting to realize like I'm just not that guy But it takes time to get to that but like I will say you've gotten better since we've like known each other at what just like like like You could put me in a room like with anybody. I'll be okay I I think I'll be okay and you and you can do that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think you're selling yourself short a little bit
Starting point is 00:17:54 On terms of like being like, uh, we went to look at the apartment Yeah, and like I was cracking that guy up and shit like that. Wait, what's your apartment? The one uh, uh, flora. Oh, okay. Yeah I wasn't interested. No, no, no, no, no because like but like If I can't Get a good read on you It's very rare. So like if I can get a good read on you, I know how to talk to that person Right, you know, it it it's almost manipulative in a way. Hell. Yeah, but it's like I could talk to you a certain way I think you have those traits as well
Starting point is 00:18:26 No, I do and I'm not saying like I don't have social skills. No, I would say that you have very high social skills No, I would I would say that too. I'm saying but you you have it of like Like here's here's what I'll say You have like a relationship with your doorman Yeah, that's my g. Yeah, like all of them are my I don't think I would have Nearly as good of a relationship with him right as you would yeah That those kind of situations not like if you put me in a room with a bunch of random people I think I float to the top. That's what I thought you were saying. I don't think so
Starting point is 00:18:58 I mean in in like situations like that that don't really Matter, right, you know, yeah, because if I'm at an event like I'm talking like I want to stand out and Talk to everyone so but here's what I mean When you go to a store, yeah This is this is the greatest example I could come up with right when you go to a store and you can't find something You have a different way of handling that than I do I'm like, I'm gonna go find it or I will look everywhere until I can't find it Yeah, then I'll ask you immediately are like, oh, it's just fine. So let's just go get a guy and like talk to him
Starting point is 00:19:30 but me I'm more like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna like I'm just gonna go find it So I remember like home depot when we went there. It actually happened Really? Yeah, because remember you had to get the you were trying to get those blinds and I was looking through every blind I was like, Joe, you just talked to the guy. I was like, you can't cut these blinds yourself You're just like, yeah, but like maybe these ones. I was like, yo, you got just talk to somebody in here, man They'll be fine. They'll help you out
Starting point is 00:19:52 Then the nice lady helped us out and then that guy came and the guy was actually a dick. That guy's a Cock saga. Yeah, that dude was actually a dick the woman that introduces to the dick was was nice Right. Yeah, but now I'm a dick because I said fucking you're welcome to that moment No, because you know what? No, it was cunty. It was cunty. It's a little it's a little bit if someone said that to me I'd feel a little bad at first when I go fucking miserable bitch It's not about being a miserable bitch It's not about being a miserable bitch, but a part of you is like
Starting point is 00:20:25 It's a common courtesy if people can't exchange common courtesies. What else do we have here? I don't know we're clinging to nothing here. Yeah, you know, if I can't see you in the street and just be like, how's it going? Like what what happened to basic conversation Of if you see somebody if I connect eyes with you Hey, I don't need to stop it. I don't need to know what your dog's name is listen, but let's just talk a little I was completely blown away when I went to denver, right denver, colorado I haven't been I'm not a world traveler. Yeah, I've been to a bunch of cities
Starting point is 00:21:04 Denver is by far the best one I've ever been to though just like on like the friendly scale like a human level Like it's my favorite one to go to like not like let's party even though like we had a fucking great time Yeah, it was awesome. Everyone's blazed. Everyone's blazed up and like they have really good bars there. But anyway, um We went to denver and it was just so Everyone is so nice Dude, I was confused. Yeah And I almost was like I had my guard up because you you'd be walking through the because we walked everywhere Basically because we stayed in an area where it's like everything's a mile away
Starting point is 00:21:39 So we would just walk it. We weren't gonna drive and a mile high. Oh sorry so, um But as we were walking like people would just be like hi Like hey, how are you? How are you? And I'd be like what's going on because that happens in new york you like this guy wants to sell me something Yeah, this guy's got a mixtape that I need to need to listen to or yeah, this guy wants some junior's cheesecake Yeah, I know he does. I know he does. So I was like hi and you're like please. I don't have time
Starting point is 00:22:04 I just can't I think we are from the rudest city in the world. We are Because you have to be though You have to be rude to survive here a little bit It's true and people think like that's uh, and I think and I don't consider myself or you a rude person at all No, but I do have Like people who aren't from new york city Even people who are from like Even where you grew up in westchester. Yeah, I think they would even be surprised at some of the things that we do
Starting point is 00:22:35 For sure because they'd be like wait what you're gonna like It's just a it's just one of those things. It's like you have to have a mean mug on your face and you have to like Just look like you're not afraid of anything because otherwise then you're a target You are mark. There's so many people here and there's a lot of bad people obviously in the world That you just have to look like you're not that you're not intimidated if if you're sketchy at all I'm putting that new york stone face on To be like because people will see just how you move to be like, you know, this guy's from new york You know what I mean? Oh, he's not a tourist
Starting point is 00:23:09 I can't like take advantage of him especially on the train on the train if you saw me you'd be like, yo What is this kid doing? Yeah, I knew I was from new york when the people would stop handing me stuff Yeah, because you're like this guy's not a fucking tour this guy's not gonna. No this guy's That's a good gate. You know, you know what I mean? No, no this fucking guy lives here. Fuck him. He's not going on a bus tour Yeah, but like, you know, uh people from new york We do get a bad rap in terms of like We're all assholes, but we all kind of are
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah, I don't doubt that as as a as a whole obviously like and I also don't think we're at like everyone's an asshole. I think that Since we're all when we're all together moving like time square Yeah, everyone's an asshole then because even then I'm an asshole because I'm like, yo It's fucking guys walking so slow in front of me. Yeah, like I need to get like I'm not into rush I'll be walking behind like there's times and this is the new york and me I'll be walking behind an 80 like six year old woman and be like, oh my god Just just die already. Can I just get around you? And then a part of me is like, dude, that's all that like if this is any other place you'd be like
Starting point is 00:24:13 Oh, like are you all right? Like I'm trying to get to the fucking train. I want to run around this woman I can't stand her. Yeah, and then like Someone's going to try you in new york It's gonna happen it you have to be willing you have to have the capability to tell someone to fuck off Yeah, because someone's gonna try you here And that's why we're all on edge here. Yeah, I think that's what it is. It's kind of like Uh prison There's it is it is it really is because somebody at some point is going to try and check you
Starting point is 00:24:40 And then you can't just like you can't bitch out because then everybody else is gonna see you I don't think that's like in prison. Obviously you have to like stick out I mean from what I was seeing in movies and shit like you have to stick out for yourself Otherwise people are gonna know you're a bitch. I just think here like You have to be a little on edge because Something's gonna happen on your way to work right and you have to be able to like Speaking of prison Oh, no
Starting point is 00:25:04 If you had to do 30 days in prison, I'm saying you would do it. There's no chance of you getting beat up Okay, like you're protected. It's more like a like a for a documentary. Okay But you live amongst them like you live amongst like some of like the worst criminals in america, okay Do you think you could do it for 30 days? You eat with them you sleep with them, but there's no chance that they can harm you or whatever you're like protected. Yeah, why not? I would I would be interested in doing something like that Uh, I wouldn't because there isn't that definite. I won't get fucking killed. No, no, no, there is there is there is
Starting point is 00:25:40 Well in your world. Yeah, if if I'm not gonna get what does my world mean? It's not the real world Like I would have a better chance of prison than you no, no No, I'm saying like in your world. You're like, oh you you won't get hurt But I'm saying like I wouldn't do it because like you never know 30 days is a long time to have some mess up I would definitely if I could if it was a thousand percent guaranteed that like you're not gonna get beat up Nothing in your butt. Nothing in my a or your mouth or my hands. Don't forget about your mouth Oh, I trust me. I've not forgotten about my mouth. They'll come for that mouth I'll give them the andy do frame and give them that whole speech about if I if I
Starting point is 00:26:22 Bite your dick and you hit me over the head I could stay like that get locked off and your dick's gone. You know, it's weird. Good movie Shawshank great movie You ever watch something when you're a kid and then watch it later and be like, oh, that's what that was I never knew they were raping them. I just thought they were beating them up. What are you Shawshank? Yeah, yeah, because I sometimes he would fat him off. Sometimes he would win. Sometimes you wouldn't I thought I thought they were talking about physically fighting. I'm not fucking them. No, you're fucking them They were fucking the shit out of them and you do frame, baby. God
Starting point is 00:27:02 It's got like the broom So trying to like fight them off see, you know, honestly, I really don't want to go into this conversation No, no, no, no scale scares me. I feel like I could I could think jail into exist existence The fuck does that mean like like speaking into existence? Oh, yeah, I don't want it. That's why all I'm gonna say is I'd rather be knocked out than fucked And if you're gonna fuck me I'd better be knocked out Yeah, so be this shit out of me. I was gonna say that's that's a good that's a good answer Like I'd rather like I'm gonna take my ass whooping before you give my ass a whooping. That's what I'm trying to say Okay, but I don't want to talk about that. No, no, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:27:40 I definitely don't want to talk about that. But I did want to talk about was hold on before we get to that We got some sponsors on the show today. Okay word Yes, today we have a bunch of ads peeps add it up add it up the first one kind of has to do a jail not really But it's about protecting yourself. We have simply safe new sponsor of the show, by the way Basically simply safe as a home security Okay, so it keeps your home safe. This is important stuff gotta have a safe home. You know I'm saying I want my home to be safe I don't know about you. Does anyone else want a safe home for you? I need it. Ask me if I want one. You want one. Yeah, how do I get one? You go to simply safe?
Starting point is 00:28:24 Okay, there's no contract ever no price markups from any middleman All right, no installation windows who has time for that kind of thing. I can't do you have time for that kind of thing? I don't Ask me if I do do you It's a storm takes out your power Simply simply safe is ready. We were just talking about that if an intruder cut your phone line First of all, what a maniacal Yeah, I thought we only do that in like movies screen. Yeah. Yeah, apparently it happens
Starting point is 00:28:52 But simply safe Well, well is ready for that as well the phones are dead if they destroy your keypad and your siren or whatever simply safe It's ready for that. Nice. Um, it may be it's maybe it's overkill, but maybe It's just a safe alternative. I think so simply safe if you're thinking about getting some home security Go with simply safe. Why because I just fucking told you to and it's Simple and it's safe Two s's I love two s's I love. What's your third favorite s? Don't answer that
Starting point is 00:29:25 So get a jump on protecting your home at simply slash basement That is simply slash basement Spelled s i m p l i s a f e dot com Slash basement again, if you're thinking about getting a home security Go simply safe. Um, next up. We have Which is a service that I have used numerous times For merch and whatnot sending things Through the mail. I'm using Why because I don't have to go to the post office. Yeah, you know what I'm saying One of my least favorite places on earth. It's up there. It's definitely up there
Starting point is 00:30:03 You can buy and print official us postage for any letter any package any class of mail using your own computer and printer Uh, my sister by the way, I'll be uses So you can get stamps You could buy and print official us postage get out of here You can get yes, you can get right out of here is what I'm trying to say It not only saves you time, but it also saves you money because there are uh discounts on postage You can't even get at the post office And it's open 24 hours, okay post office isn't open 24 hours that it is not that it is not
Starting point is 00:30:34 So you can you can do this at 3 a.m. You want to you want to get so you want to get to print some stuff? Fine That is fantastic You know what I'm saying? I wish I could save some money on it. Uh, you could save some money on it Such an idiot, I swear um But yeah, right now you can enjoy the service with a special offer that includes a four week trial plus postage and A digital scale without long-term commitments. You go to click on the microphone at the top of the home page and type in basement
Starting point is 00:31:04 Okay, that is And uh, you click on the microphone at the top of the home page What did I say like it's jamaican? I like the home page And type in basement, uh, if you are mailing anything through the like if you're mailing anything like yeah Late late christmas gifts. That's what I'm saying. Like get after anything like if I could do anything from home I'm all in if I'm giving away like you're already sending stuff in the mail. Yeah, I'm giving stuff away. Just use it. Yeah You know what I mean? Don't make me say it again All right, the last one we have this mvmt movement watches
Starting point is 00:31:44 Okay, I got a bunch of movement watches. Where's mine? Not on your wrist Maybe for your birthday. It's coming up. It is coming up. Maybe I'll get you one. Oh, we'll see And you know why I can get you one for your birthday? Why because they only start at 95 dollars Whereas in other stores you're looking at 200 300 You know, I don't like you that much to spend that money on you too much only 95 dollars. Yeah I would agree with that. Yeah, that's a great price for a watch. Oh, it's a great price for a watch And they're really nice watches. Yeah, and I always when I'm out I see people with watches sometimes and I look boom mvmt Oh, look at this
Starting point is 00:32:17 Very popular company. Okay. They've sold over 1.5 million watches in over 160 countries That's a lot of watches. Did you know that was there? That was there's that many countries in the world that I didn't I didn't either How many countries do you think there are? 300. Oh I I was gonna go lower. I was gonna say like 75. No, there's probably like 300 countries from that little ones We'll figure that out later. That needs to get googled for sure. But how many countries there are in the world? Yeah, yeah, I'm sure there's thousands of countries that I don't know and I'm sure all of them are buying mvmt watches because you know Why wouldn't you why wouldn't you just make so much sense?
Starting point is 00:32:51 um But yeah Any sort of holiday? What's coming up? What do we have? We got I mean valentine's day every day. There's birthdays valentine's day There's stuff like that. There's flag day wherever the hell that is. I don't know martin luther king day All I know is there's a lot of watch occasions that are coming up and anyone can use a nice watch Okay, they're starting at nine just $95 really nice watches. I have a few black on black Silver on blue silver on blue. I don't think that's the right way to say that Silver with a blue face. I've seen it. It's a nice watch. Yeah, it makes me feel like I own a restaurant or something
Starting point is 00:33:25 This I use for running but you know It's not as nice Um, anyway, you can get 15 off to 15 percent It was higher than I was comfortable with giving away to be honest. I was cool with 10 They wanted to go 15. So anyway, you guys can get 50 off today with free shipping and free returns by going to slash basement spelled slash
Starting point is 00:33:51 Basement, uh, yeah 15 off free shipping free returns. Okay Slash basement join the movement Back to the job and good damn watch but um No, no, I do like all right, so finally you can get to what you wanted to talk about So I feel like our uh, we answered a patreon question the other day That was like, uh, oh we had a patreon question. What's patreon? Oh patreon is a great place
Starting point is 00:34:20 Patreon if you go to slash the basement yard You can get some pretty nice perks there. Joe. Do you want to let them know? Um, there's some bonus content So there's a segment we do called what the fuck does patreon want where people send in questions and we answer them It's usually like 20 minutes long we do it by by weekly And uh, yeah, you get to support the show while also getting some bonus content You also get every episode of the basement yard a week in advance So if you guys want to support the show and you want every episode a week in advance and you want some bonus content
Starting point is 00:34:46 There you go And another thing too you ever be like Just the third thursday of the month and you're kind of just like, oh man I wish I had an extra episode or the basement yard that nobody else can see Guess what you can get that BAM! Yes Dirty
Starting point is 00:35:01 We have a patreon exclusive episode that comes out. So the the third week of every month you get one two three episodes Of the basement yard sounds like a great deal to me. So to me too as well Yeah, so, you know, so but somebody asked us during the what the fuck this patreon want, but uh Our friendship and uh asked us about our friendship like kind of what it's based upon You know, do you remember that question? You're doing a bad job with this. What are you talking about? It was it was uh, they asked us like, uh, how do we keep our friendship? Oh, yeah. Yeah going or whatever. Yeah spicy
Starting point is 00:35:36 Yeah, spicy basically. Yeah, a lot of them. I realize are based upon hypothetical questions It's one it's like kind of our favorite things. Oh guys, just just so you know like Literally, I'm not even kidding like me and danny will be sitting in the office and like editing and like editing this show or like Recording or doing whatever and there'll be like a lull and there'll just be like 20 minutes where no one says anything And then out of nowhere someone will ask a question And it'll be just like I remember one time there was like a 35 minutes went by and no one said anything and I was just like, yo And then he takes his headphones off. He's like, yo, what's up? I'm like
Starting point is 00:36:12 I was like, yo, if I kissed you on the lips Like when you went to go say goodbye to me Like how would you react and like that turned into like a whole like hour and a half conversation and like So it's all hypotheticals and just weird weird thing It's kind of where we get some of our best stuff is to do like hypothetical questions Yeah, but why are you asking the reason I'm asking these because I pulled up some of the toughest hypothetical questions on the interwebs You google toughest Yeah, it's the link is literally
Starting point is 00:36:41 Hypothetical slash tough none of them are like the weird ones where it's like would you rather fuck your mom with your Your dad's head or your dad's body? No, these are actually very good. I reviewed them. I screened them All right, you ready for the first one I guess Would you rather this one's kind of sad actually would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was? Whoa, that's a tough one, right? I know my answer What is it? I would want to forget who everyone I wanted to forget who everyone else was Because then I would just be like be able to meet them all again like Drew Barrymore in that movie
Starting point is 00:37:18 Which one 51st dates where she forgets everything every day. Oh, yeah Yeah, so I would go like on a 51st dates type of thing. She'd be like, oh, you're my dad. Cool. Yeah, let's hang out Yeah, wait, did you get to remember you have to you does it reset every night like that movie? Yeah. Yeah. Oh fuck Yeah, I want to know who I am you want to know who you are. Yeah, you gotta be terrifying like not know who you are Yeah, what are you one of my Jason Bourne? Yeah, who am I? And I gotta like kill a bunch of people to figure it out you like drink whiskey all day like just being like I don't know. I am anymore. I can't do that. I can't okay Uh, next one. Would you rather get uglier or dumber?
Starting point is 00:37:56 I know my answer. Well, you're gonna get uglier You can't get dumber because otherwise they just throw you out. Yeah, that's true. They just they discard me They would just be like, yeah, I don't know about this one. You know in west world In west world where they have those rooms the ones that don't work anymore It's just like me like eating like fucking cup of noodles like what's up guys? Yeah, you guys good This guy's giving me a ride. I don't know where I'm going though. There's an extra bed back here if you guys want Yeah, watch out for steve, but I feel like we we get uglier anyway. Yeah I'd rather get dumber though, but do you think do you well?
Starting point is 00:38:34 Do you think you're gonna if there's a possibility? Do you think I'm gonna get more attractive or less attractive at this point? Like do you think I peek? No, I think you're gonna get more attractive as you get older All right, but like when do I make the turn because you were you were a little goofy looking when you were a kid Yeah, I was goofy because like you were like you were like a string bean Yeah, I don't think I'm at my peak yet. No, I think because I'm working towards it. No, no, I think I think you in your 30s You're gonna be very I think you're gonna be like way more business oriented like Like you'll you'll be having a couple more suits like tailored suits. Yeah. Yeah. You're gonna be looking good. Yeah, you're gonna be looking good If I make it, um, I will say
Starting point is 00:39:15 Do you think you peaked like you'll you're you're you were already as The hottest you'll be I think this is a weird thing to think about. Yeah, it is. No And you know honestly ask yourself this if you're listening to this or watching this like Do you think you were already the hottest you'll be? um, I think with age um Like we're talking about age like guys so like relative relative relatively you do get uglier with age But what I'm saying is I think I at a certain point though, right? I think I've reached
Starting point is 00:39:44 My peak then came down and now now um, you're getting hotter. I'm starting to peak again, but you're not going to reach the the peak You'll get up the mountain a good amount I'll get up the mountain a good amount But even just like getting it's like if you climb Mount Everest and you don't make it all the way up But you made it Up farther than most people have ever made it still still impressive. Yeah I'm still gonna plant my flag there take a couple selfies and be like, yo, listen I I came this far. I tried. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, so yeah
Starting point is 00:40:12 So I definitely think like I probably reached my peak I was super hot like when I was like 21 because I'll show you picture. I was all like ripped up No, I've seen the pictures. Yeah, you've you've showed me many a time smoky smoky guy, but um Yeah, so I would get dumber. I would get dumber For sure. I would just pick uglier because I think it's like I think I have a window right now Of the next so I'm turning 27 february 25th. I think 27 to 30 I need to be
Starting point is 00:40:44 The hottest I've ever been no in that time. So you're wrong. No, no, it's true. No, no, no, no No, I feel like once I hit 30. I'm gonna be like, well, fuck this I don't Like I don't think I don't say that now, but I don't know knowing you you're not gonna do that Dude, I'm not gonna be a hot older guy Like there's hot older dudes that you're like, yo, this guy's fucking like, what is he doing? Like he's got like a Mediterranean tan and he's got like salt and pepper, but it works But you can get a you can get a Mediterranean tan if you want it, but I'm not
Starting point is 00:41:12 Yeah, I hear you. I'm white his fucking day. It's trash. What I'm just saying You don't work towards it. I'm realistic though 27 to 30 in that time span. I think 28 when I turn 28 I'm gonna be hot Yeah, but then when I get to 32 I think you'd be surprised 32 sneaks up on you. No, I think 32. I'll be I think I'll be like 190 Well, not terrible not terrible but bigger than I am now. Yeah, but you could be like all yoked up You don't know. Oh, I know a couple tattoos a couple tattoos on you. Well, I'm definitely getting some tattoos this year See that's pretty cool. Yeah, that actually will make me a little hotter. Yeah
Starting point is 00:41:49 I put a little bad boy on that image. Yeah, hell. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah No, like face tats though. No, no, no too bad. Yeah, you're getting crazy too bad. Yeah You better have like three albums before you do that. Yeah, I can't do that. Okay If you got to choose between 50 years of being incredibly happy Or live forever and be unhappy, what would you choose? I think that one's pretty easy Dude, live forever and be unhappy is torture. I know why the fuck would anyone sign up for that? It's just if you're afraid of dying basically I'm signing up for 50 and I'm out. Hell. Yeah 50s
Starting point is 00:42:23 Young, no, I'm not I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna I'm not on your team at all 50s young But here's what I'm saying If I accomplished things like had a kid and like some and possibly a grand kid By 50 you had like a really nice life at 50. Yeah If I had everything done at that point, it would be easier to go. If I didn't have shit done. I would feel What is the youngest? age
Starting point is 00:42:48 You're comfortable with dying at 65 Oh mines in the 70s. Yeah mines like 71 65. I'm comfortable with dying I'm comfortable with dying like I'm not it depends like what kind of shape I'm in but like if I'm 65 and like have like health problem Like I wouldn't mind going I guess 65 again, you know what that's a good age like 65 is like, yo, come on. Please let me get there Yeah, like I like I could like I playing basketball my son or something like it's 65 like still running around a little bit A driveway. Yeah, I don't want to be like 70 and 70 like 80 and like I can't do shit Yeah, imagine being like 108. I know I just want to lay down. I know
Starting point is 00:43:27 Let me sleep. Yeah, but yeah, I definitely don't want to live forever and be sad Why would I pick that I don't I don't want to live 10 years and be sad. No, it's that for a month and it's terrible Are you kidding me? If you can learn any one skill in the world without trying, which would you pick? Singing If I could sing. Yeah It'd be a rap. Yeah I'd have all kinds of stds all kinds all kinds of money. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:43:54 You'd be like tremendous. I'd be what no because he's like a nice kid That's what I would learn is is like how to really play like Guitar like really know how to play it. Well, you want to be a musician. Yeah, so me too. Yeah, but like I would want to sing But if I could sing Just blow the roof. I'm fucking jaylo. Yo, honestly, like yo, I'm being realistic with myself if I could sing Jaylo consider her Fucked. Yeah, I mean look at mark anthony. You're way better looking than he is Well, he's got the Mediterranean tan and the you know, the nice facial hair
Starting point is 00:44:26 And he's got like a latina thing. He's he's he's an he's he's an ugly guy I mean, yeah, you know, some people like him. Yeah, I need to know if I gotta look more like mark anthony to get with jaylo Like I'll do it. Yeah, fuck it. You know, okay I can be all heroine That's in rike glaces Oh That's great That is great. Yo, honestly, those two are hard to like tell apart
Starting point is 00:45:00 They're pretty easy to tell apart, but mark anthony and arike. They're basically the same dude. Yes, ricky martin Let's throw him in there too. No, no, no ricky martin's the gay man. Yeah, he's great I think he follows me on twitter by the way No way Yeah, is it one of those accounts where you follow like I bet ricky martin doesn't know that I kiss him for the story. Yeah You know who followed me on this guy made live in levita loca. Yeah, i think i'm not gonna tap kiss him Upside inside out. Don't tug me. I'm in. You know who followed me on twitter. Yeah. Who are y'all winter?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Who's that? Oh, I know who she is from modern family. Yeah, she only follows 2 000 people Maybe you got a shot. Yeah, just let me some money All right That's all I want. That's all I want. I'll get out of there. Just like a hundred thousand Nothing crazy real quick real quick just like an episode check. Yeah, that's all I want. Let me get a rerun check That's what i'm saying. Would you rather have to say everything that comes to your mind or never say anything again? Well Listen, i'm a narcissist self-centered
Starting point is 00:46:03 Person. Yeah, I will be heard. Would you would you define yourself as an egomaniac? It depends what the definition is. I think I I think i'm one I also think you are one No, uh I'm not gonna deny it. What is I went through can you google it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I went through a phase where I didn't think I was an egomaniac, but I've really come to terms that I am and the word maniac gets a little Outstretched a person who is obsessively egotistical or self-centered
Starting point is 00:46:38 See, I would say I'm a little more Egotistical than I am self-centered. What would you say you are? I'm definitely not self-centered. I'm not self-centered. I'm egotistical though Yeah, yeah, yeah you you more than me, but I'm up there too. Yeah Like I think that I like everything I do is revolved around me. That's what I'm saying You know so it's like my in like and not that I have an image but like you do though Yeah, but I don't like I don't like try to like maintain an image. No, no, no It's like I don't like oh, I can't curse like I'm not gonna do drugs. Yeah, I feel like people think I I bang hair on and like black tar shit like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, but I got you know
Starting point is 00:47:19 I don't have like an image per se Uh, but you have a brand though, right which is based around just me which is based around your ego though Yeah, yeah, and like I'll post selfies like you I look good right now Yeah, like if you post something if you if if you post a selfie and the caption isn't like Hey at the Grand Canyon and it's just like your face What what are we doing here? What are we doing? We all know, you know what I mean? But I think that's just the way the world's working now is that some people are more are well, I would say As a as a whole people are more
Starting point is 00:47:59 Narcissistic for sure Then you know 20 years ago. Do you think it takes it takes narcissism to be successful? No, do you think it takes Being egotistical to be successful Maybe I think it does Like I think a part of it. Oh, yeah, because you could you have to believe in yourself like that you're in shit egotistical and Confident or a little blurred. They're very close. They're very close I don't know about very close, but just like they definitely are overlapping a bit, right?
Starting point is 00:48:30 So you like for me, I'm egotistical in thinking that like I I can do whatever the hell I want right like I will get it done like it's gonna happen. That's what I'm saying Yeah, so that's egotistical, but but If you could do it you could do it though You could be egotistical and still be successful You know what I'm saying like if I were to say this you've never seen me shoot basketball before Yeah, you're not beating me one of them. See but why are you saying that? Because I'll die on that court. See
Starting point is 00:49:00 There's confidence there and there's an ego there. Yeah, you know what I mean Dude, we play mario party and get fucking angry. Yeah, you think I want to lose to you and fucking Mario party which you did. Sorry. I got two bonus stars. That's all I'm gonna say fucking bullshit Yeah, we might have to play after this. See that's how fired up I get I'm I'm hype. Yeah, that game is amazing It is fantastic. It is so good. We've actually talked about this If a close friend murdered someone for good reason But you couldn't go to the police How would you dispose of the body or would you turn them in?
Starting point is 00:49:33 Those are my choices. Yeah, you either help them dispose of the body or turn him into police So, let me say let me send a scenario. Let me send a scenario to make it easier. Yeah, you have a really really really good friend Let's just say it's Frankie. All right, and Is Frankie have a scissor? Yeah, okay Whoever was dating her My other friend Danny Now this is getting weird, but like they're engaged to be married. They're engaged to be married This is hypothetical guys. Don't get mad at me. Danny beats up Jeff all the time. You're right all the time
Starting point is 00:50:07 And and Frankie kills him and Frankie kills him You know, he sees him hurting her whatever To the point where she's like he's choking her or whatever and he kills him and you're there Do you help dispose of the body? Or do you turn him in and say you don't know Danny at all? On the record Neither of these are my Real answer, of course
Starting point is 00:50:33 You and remember you don't know Danny at all. I probably would lean towards Like helping him Get rid of the body. I would too Because it would be for good reason. Yeah. Now the conversation we had A while back was if someone you knew killed someone who was innocent for no reason I don't care who you are like if you like if I just like pulled out one day and just fucking shot somebody like I'm telling you Yeah, like I'm I'm ready to go out because bro. I don't want to be around Kill me then. Well, and then you're also in a so like an accessory after the fact
Starting point is 00:51:07 Well, yeah, but like something you could go to jail with this like if that were to happen My real answer is like I'd be like, yo, like I'll just say I don't know anything but like do you that do you? Yeah, like I'm out. Yeah, you know what I'm saying like and I'm I'm gonna bleach this whole house. Yeah, I'm burning all of these clothes. Right. Yeah, so uh That's what I would actually do. But if I had to pick between Riding him out to the police. Yeah, we're helping him dispose of the body I'm gonna I'm gonna pick the body. Yeah, because You're beating up a woman to the point where it's like, right? It looks like she's about to like die. Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:42 So you can say that he acted out of just Animalistic instinct. All right, but all right Next one These are all good. These ones a building is on fire You know my answer. Do you save a sibling? Or four strangers A sibling Easily I can't help it. You want to know what it is?
Starting point is 00:52:08 You want i'm still saving a life Yeah, still saving a life. You're gonna get mad at me for not saving four like honestly if if If we were in a burning house together And it was like me my brothers and like Keith was there and you could get to one of them I wouldn't be like Oh, the son of a bitch if you saved Keith like I would understand. Yeah I want to think that I would
Starting point is 00:52:34 That but also worth three people. We should figure out how to get at it That's where our heads together. Why are we asking you to save us? It's an interesting question to think about like four people like and I've said this like numerous times like on on record Right. I keep talking about a record here. That's all right. It's 10. Yeah, that's what I'm saying No, but if I'm I'm the type of person that if I'm walking by And I see an apartment on fire and there's no fireman around I'm going into that house. Yeah to make sure everyone's out That's just the person my father raised me to be because he's he was a fireman. Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:08 So I have to go in there I would never like if even if this building That i'm in right now like I barely know my landlord and like his mother lives on the first floor Yeah, you're gonna get him out though. I would have to go back in and make sure she's okay Or like he's all right or like what like That's just The way I was brought up, you know what I mean? I have to go back into the house I have no attachment to any sort of material thing
Starting point is 00:53:32 Everything in here could burn. I don't care. Yeah, uh, but I would have to make sure that someone's out but like your family is worth More and that's just the facts because right if that's not true if someone's like, oh man four lives for one Like how can you not pick four? It's like, yo You're you know that your family holds a higher importance than strangers do if my brother's apartment building was on fire and I had a shot of saving him from that like My brother's a father like I'm gonna save my brother guys. I'm sorry, dude Even if your brother wasn't a father, I'm saving him. Yeah, like I'm saving Mike
Starting point is 00:54:10 I'll be honest in a burning building, but I know Mike would be like go get them. I'd just be like no Because I can't shut the fuck up. I can't carry four people. Yeah No, but even if I uh If there was a burning building and it was a skyscraper and there was a thousand people in there I'm going to get my family member. Of course. Of course. I don't care how many people were in this building I'm going to get my family member first. I will say though If the building has collapsed, yeah, or if I'm physically restrained from going inside I'd probably go back in after I got my family of course, of course, but you can only get you only get one or four
Starting point is 00:54:44 You're getting you're getting my one. Yeah, absolute absolute like not even it's so easy to answer that. I'm sorry I wouldn't be sorry either. I was thinking about you know when people die every day, bro And you don't cry every day thinking about the people who die every day So you don't care if we turn the news on we'll see some apartment fire in the fucking the Bronx or something I can't care about people like other people that I don't know dying Right, you know if it happens in front of me like it's sad, but like I don't know you yeah, and It's just human nature like people die. You know what I was going to Barney's remember I texted you Yeah, that woman like died on the street. Yeah, they were like doing compressions to her chest
Starting point is 00:55:19 And like I was just like in a uber like And I just got out of the uber and saw it and I was like, yo, this is terrible But like I just like went on with my life It's so weird because you don't you don't have an attachment and it's like that's what people do though That's part of it people die. We talked about that last episode Are like two episodes ago or whatever that was but like back to back more of it episodes No, no, no, no, but no, no, but I just think that's an easy one. I'm saving I'm saving my brother All right, because here comes another one. That's kind of a fucking doozy. They're right after each other. All right, cool
Starting point is 00:55:47 You could cure all disease in the world forever But the only way that you could do it is that you have to murder an innocent child How old? Abortion seven Who sevens sevens and you got to kill it I have to kill it. Yeah, you have to murder a kid How how ever you want? Um, my answer is yes. I'd kill the kid. Yeah, I would too. I think it is so dead
Starting point is 00:56:14 I'm say I'm saving billions of lives. I've been also that kid would be like dare I say Jesus In a way You know what I'm saying. Yeah, if you could cure all diseases and everyone who had cancer uh hiv Uh anything that kills you. I thought you knew more than two diseases. Uh, no, I only know two You wanted that third disease so bad so bad. I was like, what else is whatever whatever ailment that is infecting your body diarrhea No, yeah, I'm blasting that kid. Yeah, that kid's that kid's can I shoot him? Yeah, you could shoot him Oh, I'm shooting the fuck out of him. All right. Here's one that's a little less dark. Nobody dies in this one
Starting point is 00:56:57 Yeah, uh, someone offers you this deal say I come to you. All right I have $20,000 in this bag. Cool. You could just have this if you want it right, but I have a 200. I have a bag full of 200,000 right here All you have to do is pick a number between one and five What are you doing taking the 20 grand? Or taking a shot at the 200 Me today. Yeah 200 I'm taking a shot, right? Yeah It's money that I wouldn't you know, I'm not strapped for cash. So 20,000 isn't gonna like
Starting point is 00:57:31 Move the needle to the point where it's like my life's changed Yeah So 200 grand would be like I know how quick I could spend 200 grand too like if I just took 20 I'd be smarter with it Like if I if I say I won man, that's a dumb thing to say. I know but say I won the 200,000 I don't think I would spend it that I'm just speaking honestly like the way that I have listen. I believe you
Starting point is 00:57:59 You know what I'm saying? So like a lower amount is safer for me. We're gonna have to have some conversations as far as finances. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna have to talk but uh It's like, uh 20,000. Let me take the I'll take the 20,000 Because I know how dangerous I could be 20,000 is enough 20,000 is just financial security. Yeah for a couple months. Yeah 200,000 is like you can make a A stupid purchase. Yeah, and still have a bunch of money to to be financially like
Starting point is 00:58:30 Here for a longer period of time. Yeah, you could but you can't but you have to guess the number, right? Of course. Yeah, but 20 chance Is 20,000 enough to be like really upset about? I think in the moment it would be I don't think so because like even and I don't people think I'm a dick for saying that No, I'm saying like you got a dick if you're if you're on a game show Like uh, who wants to be a millionaire for instance? Yeah, are you gonna stop at 20,000? And if you went home with nothing where you'd be like, oh like fuck or like
Starting point is 00:59:02 You don't cash out at 20,000 you go for you you go to like at least I've always said six figures six figures for sure Yeah, and you know, I'm not greedy when it comes to game shows by the way like deal or no deal Like the the prices get up to like 350,000. They're like no deal like we're all out of here Like I don't care what the odds are like I'm out like give my cash. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's true. Fuck but Got another good one here. I don't know. All right. Uh, you know what that one's a little close to the other one I want to do another one
Starting point is 00:59:38 Uh One second Because there's like 30 and I don't want to do all of them Just pick a random one. Okay Think about all all of the questions you've seen Like oh, I mean, uh, that was the I read the wrong thing Would you live your life differently if nobody would ever judge you for anything you did? Uh
Starting point is 01:00:10 Naturally, I'd say yeah I think I would too I think everyone would I think a lot of what like a lot of people can you know, and I I Whatever but a lot of people post things on the internet of like, you know Fuck people's opinions and like I don't care what people think and like you do though That post doesn't get posted if you don't if you know, you know, if you do you're you're caring about something Right. Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:37 My agent is calling me. Yeah. Well, you know Fuck that No, but like I think that in in my sense of it I just wouldn't want to be judged It'd be great to just not be judged. We live in such a judgmental era. Here's the thing. I think that naturally Everyone wants to be liked I I love to be liked by people and it drives me up the wall when people dislike me to be honest and and I want
Starting point is 01:01:07 Them to like me and I'll actually will go out of my way for people who don't even matter to like me You know Well, yeah, because it's just it's a nice feeling I don't want to be disliked because if if you dislike me for some reason like I want to work on On it and know why you dislike me You know if it's for no fucking reason then like that's your problem and like You know, you're able to like identify that but you're a dick at that point Yeah, if you have a legitimate reason why then I want to know and I want to like change and I want you to like me
Starting point is 01:01:35 You know, yeah, that's just kind of person I am but I hear that I hear that I don't know I think I think naturally the answer is yes, I think a lot of people can pretend to be like no I do everything I want, but it's like you don't yeah, you don't yeah And in the back of your mind, you're always thinking about what would this person think There's always like one person like kind of what you would think about their opinion Yeah, all right, here's another one If you had to choose between friendship or relationship, which one would you choose? Um friendship, I think friendship too because friendships last longer than relationships for the most part
Starting point is 01:02:10 And then I think you could also have a very good friendship with somebody that I know what they're trying to say here. It's a cop out answer, but yeah, you are copying it. It's copying out, but like I don't know man. Something about camaraderie that gets through shit I would rather have a friend than a um Like a relationship. Yeah relationships come and go Yeah, it's true. You know, there's it's a lot more Involved a friendship is more like dude, you know, but you could also think about it though
Starting point is 01:02:41 The only reason why I'm even able to be like as like Balanced or whatever you want to call it or like, you know, whatever it's because I have such an insane Amount of friends like a really good friend. Yeah You know and like no one has that and I I know that it's rare. It's very rare. So It helps tremendously and I think it's so important to everything that I've been doing That I have them, you know, I think that's way more important than anything. Of course Um, all right. Here's another one if you had to live in one season. So it's whatever months they are Winter autumn spring or summer for the rest of your life
Starting point is 01:03:22 Which season would you live in spring? Okay, but remember you don't get Christmas anymore. You don't get any of that stuff. It's just you live in the spring months Uh Okay You do that. I mean, I love Christmas. That's what I'm saying that Christmas tree is still up. Yeah, but you that's Christmas is the only bright spot in winter Winter's garbage Thanksgiving's pretty cool I could do without it. I could do without it. I could skip a Thanksgiving. I could skip a Thanksgiving too
Starting point is 01:03:55 But I'm not skipping a motherfucking Christmas. That's true. I would just create a Christmas and like Make or whatever the fuck. I hear you, you know Okay, it's great though. Yeah, it's breezy. Yeah, sunny. You can wear a hoodie still. Sometimes it's hot. Yeah I agree. I agree. Summer sometimes it gets a little wild. Summer gets a little bit too hot Right, you know, even though I love summer. I run hot though I run really hot. Yeah, I run hot. So do I If you could steal 20 years of extra life by letting a stranger die, would you do it? Give me those probably give me those 20 years dog. Yeah, I don't know you
Starting point is 01:04:30 Yeah, it goes back to the the burning building question. If it's one of them Fuck it. Yeah, people die every day, baby You know what I'm saying? That's it people die every day up in here If you had to wear one set of clothes for the rest of your life, what would you wear? I think what you're wearing right now I probably just wear jeans in a like a black t-shirt. You're gonna wear jeans. You know, your junk's gonna be so unconf Yeah, but jeans are like They're they're casual and formal. Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:57 I know I'm gonna rock some like Like some high-priced joggers or something. No, I would I would dress like I worked at a tech startup Really? Like I I'm a CEO of a tech startup So you could you could get away with like a like a collared shirt, but like a polo So I wouldn't no I wouldn't wear a polo. I wouldn't wear a collared shirt. I would just wear a black t-shirt. Okay And jeans and sneakers. Okay Because I think that's like you can wear that out to a dinner and it wouldn't be absurd Like if you wear a watch
Starting point is 01:05:29 If you don't wear a watch not really cool. No, you wear a watch though with that outfit. You look you look like all right Yeah, this guy, uh, he owns some stuff clearly He dressed a little bit down. I feel like the richest people dress down the most Yeah, right. I think they they put less emphasis on their what they look like and more into their business That's very true. That's what I tell myself Would you rather end all wars or end world hunger? Don't end hunger. I need food. I mean end hunger. Yeah, I would probably be hunger because I think that affects more people Yeah, because wars are not or there's a lot of period. There's
Starting point is 01:06:11 I'm not a smart man but I was you know there is Periods of time where there isn't war right? There is always hunger So if we can end that that's true. That's nice. I think that goes a longer way Yeah, if everyone's eating I think we're in the green if we go hunger. I think that too. I think that too. Yeah, everyone eats Everyone eats everyone eats If you could relive the last year, uh, we kind of did that on the new year's episode
Starting point is 01:06:37 Um, if you had to lose two limbs your legs your arms, which ones are going legs I'm going legs too because then I can get those two magic legs. I can get magic legs What was that? Uh forest gump lieutenant dan Lieutenant dan, what are you doing? I ain't gonna be calling you captain boy. Get out of here. You course Don't talk to him like that. Did you just call him stupid? He's not stupid Lieutenant dan was a good guy. Lieutenant dan was a good guy. Just had some problems. He made his peace with god
Starting point is 01:07:11 He did make his peace with god. He made his peace with god. I think he made a peaceful guy He made his peaceful god that night lieutenant dan Lieutenant dan ice cream lieutenant dan ice cream Forest gump is the most absurd movie. Not only are the shots amazing like on the the running montage But the soundtrack I know Unbelievable running on empty running on running while But it is It's like a bob seager too on there too that whole fucking eagles are in there. I believe
Starting point is 01:07:51 Jimi Hendrix Hold what's your favorite album of all time? My favorite album of all time Putting it on the spot. I'll give you some seconds to think about a hotel california by the eagles That's your favorite album. Yeah, it's the third highest selling album of all time. You know what number one is The eagle's greatest hits. Yeah They just passed somebody didn't they uh, believe the Beatles or maybe thriller Thriller is what it was Yeah, but like thriller was really good. Like I grew up listening to it. My mom had it on vinyl
Starting point is 01:08:20 But like I honestly have never listened to thriller all the way through. It's good. I'm assuming. Yeah, it's pretty good But uh, the white album probably Oh, yeah I remember what's your favorite song on it that or abby or abby road. Yeah, because my mom my favorite song on the white album Oh When I was younger with strawberry fields Strawberry fields forever because at the end it had like the mix like Paul is dirt. Like everybody thought like paul was dead like when that came out, but um
Starting point is 01:08:55 Between that or abby road I'm gonna go with abby road because it's like my mom's favorite Beatles album. So I'll say abby road hotel california Uh If you guys have not heard it. Yeah, it's by the eagles. Yeah, obviously hotel california is like the single off of it Spanish versions great too the so Hotel california great song obviously, but the reason why I love that album is because the amount of music on it Is like absurd. Yeah, like you have songs like life in the fast lane, which is like really like a classic rock
Starting point is 01:09:29 It's like Whatever is like a crazy rock song whatever then you have songs like wasted time. Yeah that It it almost sounds like was that on guitar hero too Wasted time wasn't life on the fast lane was life in the fast lane was um, but wasted time When you first put it on it sounds like I believe I can fly by r kelly Well, by the way, shout out to the documentary this guy. Yeah. Yeah, he's done man. Yeah guys. He is he is a psycho Done. Uh, he's nuts. Um, but it sounds like that like it's it's like a slow piano and like singing or whatever It's just like there's it just takes you through all of stuff and like there's other songs on there
Starting point is 01:10:10 um, that just it There's just so much music on it and there's so many like different moods of it. I I Encourage anyone to go listen to the entire album all the way through and yeah, tell me like there's no way I haven't listened to the hotel california in a long time. It's so good. I have it on vinyl I used to get drunk Dude at my old apartment when I first moved in there and I was like getting used to like being alone Yeah, because I was like it was the first time I moved really out. I want to find out for my for my uh, Family and I grew up with a big family obviously, so it was like my first time like on my own
Starting point is 01:10:43 I would just throw on like hotel california or the stranger by billy joe, which I love as well Yeah, I mean can't go wrong there. Yeah, play something from the stranger You only do 80s Joel, man All right, let's see if we can find one more. All right, would you accept the job? That pays you 30 k per week Where you get paid to sit in a pitch black room and do nothing for eight hours a day No That's like being in prison
Starting point is 01:11:22 I know this is going to seem like bullshit. I would do it. I'm just going to go on the record and say I will sit in a room for eight hours for 30 k a week And it's pitch black you're basically sitting in a closet. I've always been a big advocate for like Happiness, yeah, you know and you would not be happy doing that. No, obviously not But the check at the end of the week would be nice. Yeah, but you probably go insane You think you think so I think so I always think about like is there a lot of water like I watch a lot of jail shows. I love them So like I'm I'm oddly fascinated with prison me too. I think everyone is because it's like a whatever but uh
Starting point is 01:12:08 Being by yourself in a cell No internet no nothing no one to talk to I give myself maybe 18 days Before you were like, I can't do this anymore before I contemplate kidding myself And I'm like I say that with all seriousness Because I'm just the type of person at least how I grew up it drive you crazy There were six people in my house. Yeah, and we were all very close and I have like 15 friends
Starting point is 01:12:35 Like I've just been always around people and always been kind of a performer in a way like oh I want to tell the story like I love to talk and I love to entertain and I love to do all this stuff If I was put in a room by myself Away from people for 18 days straight and like 20 23 23 hours, I think you're on lockdown in your cell. Yeah with no one to talk to it's just you 18 days after 18 days. I think about killing myself. Yeah, it's over. It's over I I I probably do it because I would like you know, I fuck that
Starting point is 01:13:08 I can't go from what I how I grew up to that. Yeah, it's completely it's it's polar opposites But you can't you can't dispute 30k a week's pretty goddamn good. Well 30k a week is nice, but You know, that's a whole other kind of be a weird tv show Like a guy got paid to like sit in a box for eight hours probably wouldn't even be a good show though I'm at the end. I'm at the end of this beer. That's 10 percent. Yeah, and I almost went off on a Serious tangent. Well, here. Well, here's one that might do it. No, I had had to do it the last. All right. All right. Say it though If you don't want to say don't say it I finished it I just I don't want to I don't want to make it a thing, right? And you know, all right. We're good. So
Starting point is 01:13:51 Here's what I'll say What are we at? What are we at? We're fine. All right. So here's what I'll say In 2016 and 2017 I made a lot of money, right, right? By some miracle, right, which I'm very thankful and grateful for blah blah blah But and I got this really nice apartment in in fucking Long Island city where I was living my last apartment
Starting point is 01:14:20 Uh, it was $5,000 a month That's what the rent was And it went up after the first year by the way. So it was like $5,175 I've never told anyone that. Yeah, so it's $5,000, right? You're you're looking at But there's a there's a reason why I'm saying that right so it's $5,000. So clearly that's 60 grand a year Yeah, is it? Yeah, that's 60 grand a year in just rent. Yeah So I was making a good amount of money
Starting point is 01:14:50 And that didn't hurt me Right, and I'm only saying that just to Kind of let people know like where I was at financially, right? There would be times Where I'm sitting on my couch Literally because my couch was against The the front wall and then I was able to look at my entire apartment And I had like 12 foot ceilings a fireplace
Starting point is 01:15:16 Three bedrooms two bathrooms. Like it was really nice Root deck And I would just sit on my couch sometimes and to be and be staring at this is so dramatic But it's exactly what would happen I would sit on my couch and I'd be staring at my entire apartment and I'd be like why am I not like happy right now Yeah, and like it started to make me upset to think about A lot of people work their entire lives and put in so much work to get to the point of like It's like money is the goal
Starting point is 01:15:47 You know like you want to make enough money so you can afford nice things And it's like I made enough money to afford nice things and then I got a nice thing and I'm sitting on this couch And because I was sort of isolated from my friends and family for a bit I was like, yo, none of this matters. Yeah, you're also spending five grand to be sad basically so but but it was it was more so just like it was me having the realization of You know when you hear people say like money doesn't equal happiness like That's just something you hear and you go like yo bro, but it would be nice
Starting point is 01:16:21 You know and absolutely it would that's how I always follow it up all all it all it does is it makes you It's one last thing to think about that But that's it it doesn't make you happy though because I'm sitting on that couch and I'm looking at the rest of my apartment I'm like look at this place like it's incredibly nice and you know, whatever blah blah, but it's like you're unhappy And it started to make me upset to think about people Sacrificing friendships Sacrificing relationships things that I hold in high regard right sacrificing these things to get to a certain point And it made it made me upset to think about that people were doing that and I know
Starting point is 01:17:02 That when they get to that point they realized it wasn't worth it Well, did you feel like you were kind of there? It like kind of there with them kind of at that point No, I felt I felt like I had made it to a point where I had enough money to not worry about like what I was spending Yeah But at the same time it's like there there's no happiness that comes with that it's like less Stress obviously to worry about like paycheck to paycheck like whatever because obviously I've been there too I wasn't like born into money or anything. Yeah, you're fucking pizza boy for god's sake for god's sakes. Um, but uh
Starting point is 01:17:36 I was just sitting there thinking like, you know, so many people sacrifice things that I can't even like live without like if I didn't have my family and my friends like this would all be for nothing Right Like it wouldn't it wouldn't mean anything and it wouldn't make me have I wouldn't be happy at all You know, so it was just like it was upsetting to think that People hold money in such high regard that they're willing to sacrifice these things that matter so much Way more than money does For that and it's like yo, but when you get there
Starting point is 01:18:07 Yeah, you're gonna realize you fucked up, you know, because that's what happened to me Like I had sacrificed those things and then I got to that point and I'm sitting on that couch now and I'm like To everyone else on the outside looking in you look like the man, but you know, you're a fucking loser. Yeah, you know Yeah, I know I know I know them feeling well. So it was like two years. I'm just like Going through that now. Let me ask you this. Um Do you think like in terms of like You said like, you know It you had that $5,000 apartment you were living there
Starting point is 01:18:38 But you were farther away from like, you know, the people you cared about the most and it kind of puts you in like In a in a darker place Do you think though like having the money And being able to help people Like in your family or something or people that are close to you Um, do you think that helps you at all with that? Like in terms of like that would help get you out of like a bad situation that you were in if you were living there Yeah, it definitely does but that that's something that
Starting point is 01:19:11 That that kind of like comes and goes because it's like you can help someone But on a day to day you don't even think about stuff like it's like situational Yeah, because like day to day you're like, oh today. I'm just like working from home or like whatever That's why I literally kept the same gym membership at a place that was like over here By by the way, I my rent isn't $5,000 anymore. Yeah, I don't do that. But like, uh I moved back into the neighborhood that I grew up in and I'm cool I could walk to the gym if I want to this same gym though that I that I'm going to I Got a membership there again when I moved there because originally I I got rid of it
Starting point is 01:19:47 And I was like, oh, I'll just work out on my house Or like whatever because there's a lot of room and like I could I could do it But then I was like, dude, I'd never leave this place now And I needed a reason to leave Because it was like you just need to get out, dude, you know, like it's not good for your mental health Like I was like in a really bad Like place and it all it took me like getting here to realize like, yo, your life is so different now Right compared to what it was
Starting point is 01:20:12 It's just not it's just not, you know, do you think working from home takes a toll on you? You know, it's funny my my oldest brother. He started his own, um digital marketing company called 4 3 and Uh, you know, by the way quick shout out to thomas and his company if you guys want to do like Ads for your business or whatever he can help grow your business hit them up hit them up hit them up at tom sanagato on Instagram or whatever the fuck great guy, um, but he he Was when he he's working from home because it's his own business now. Yeah, and I told him
Starting point is 01:20:50 I was like, dude, I'm letting you know like working from home Sounds awesome, but there is the downfalls of You're less motivated to do certain things Yeah, for sure because everything is so handy and it's right here and you're like it's you're spoiled in a way Yeah, so you have to like go out of your way to make yourself uncomfortable and like to progress and like Keep good habits because you're on your own time Yeah, because I feel like people want to work to the point where they can work from home But then like when it gets to that point, it's like kind of a nightmare
Starting point is 01:21:22 Yeah, it's not it's not great. It's it's it's good to Get up and go, you know have somewhere to go. Yeah have a routine It's very it's very good. It's very good. That's why I like going to the gym because it's like I feel like I have to report there You know, I have to get up and I have to go do something. Yeah Because if I don't then like why would I have to get up and you're gonna be off For the rest of the day if you don't Yeah, I hate not going because then I feel weird and I just I'm not I don't have as much energy, but
Starting point is 01:21:57 You know I don't know. I don't even know what the fuck at the original question was. Yeah, that's all right Every once in a while, we need a good joe tangent on here. All right. I have one more hypothetical. You ready? You know the beers honestly They do stuff to you. Hey, trust me. I know All right, imagine you're 25 years old All right, how hard is that? And I've always had a loving family
Starting point is 01:22:22 Had that too had that you find out you're actually adopted Would you be thankful for being told or would you rather not have known? I wanted to save that one for last because I know how close you are with your family and how close I am with my family Did I ever tell you about My birth story No, I'm not going to tell it on on the podcast. Okay, you'll tell me off. Yeah, okay But It's sort of like damn people are gonna be fucking going nuts. I'm not adopted
Starting point is 01:22:59 But it's it's something it's something it Something along the lines of like some people would be offended by it. Oh, okay. All right. Yeah, you know, we don't want to offend anybody Uh, but it's the only reason why I'm not telling you pussy fuck shit. Yeah The only reason why I'm not telling you because it's not really my Place to tell right Because other people are involved. I'm excited for the cameras. Yeah, but um I I wouldn't care you wouldn't care. No because I sort of went through something like that. I'm not adopted It's not like whatever, but uh, I I wouldn't care
Starting point is 01:23:33 See, I would rather not know Because I'm I'm a classic over thinker I would I'd like to know you would like to know where you came from To me, but it all depends on what you think family is because like why are you so so affected by Being adopted. It's like a family. It's just people who love you. Right. But my thing is like My sister's adopted. Mm-hmm. And um, the one I met. Yeah At this at the end of the game stated me. Um, she's adopted. She's a she's a fucking gangster. Yeah, she's yeah, she's yeah She's great. Yeah, she's the best from like the five minutes. I met her. Oh, yeah girls of fucking kanks. Yeah
Starting point is 01:24:09 She's a firecracker for sure But uh, she's adopted and You know, um, she She didn't want to meet her birth mom because she looked at my mom. She was like you're my mom. Yeah, you know um, but I feel like For me if it was me, I would just want to know because then I would feel like a like a black sheep See, I wouldn't you wouldn't you wouldn't have that no because then that gets into like this whole thing of like
Starting point is 01:24:38 Oh, I like Woe is me. No, I wouldn't look at it as woe is me. I would just be thinking to be like, yo, what does my fucking dad look like? No, yeah, that type of shit. I would be thinking about I'd be curious about like who's my mom Yeah, like who is my dad? Would you want to meet them? Yeah, I sure I'll meet him But I don't care like you're you're not my parents though Yeah, because a parent and my biological mom are different people not in real life. I'm just saying in this situation I thought you slipped one right there. I was like, oh god. No, I promise I am not adopted
Starting point is 01:25:10 Um No, but If if I'm if I'm adopted Yeah And my parents are like, oh by the way, you're adopted. I'd be like, all right, like I really don't care Like I have my family. I'm close with all you guys. This isn't going to change anything And like I could meet my biological parents, but it would just be like meeting A friend you used to have in fourth grade. Yeah, I'm like, oh dude, it's really nice to meet you and like see you and like
Starting point is 01:25:38 I hope you're doing well, but then I'm like, I'm not gonna think about you. Do you think all Say you had a you had a choice that all parents that adopted kids Have to tell them that they're adopted. Would you vote yes or no? I think I would vote yes, I sit that one out. I don't think I don't I don't know I think it's it's case to case like I think I would vote yes because I wouldn't want like that part of there I wouldn't I don't know if I want to hide that from my kid. Yeah, you know what you're right I I vote yes just because I don't think that's something that you should continue to lie to your child about no
Starting point is 01:26:12 I think like, you know, because I I feel like you could fuck up a lot of trust issues there Like to be like, yeah, you guys wouldn't even tell me I was adopted and like you probably wouldn't even have cared Will you guys went out of your way to like not tell me? Yeah But you know every situation is different But if it was yes or no, I'd vote yes if I found out I was adopted like tomorrow I'm 26 so we're not far off if I found out I was adopted tomorrow. I would literally just tell my parents like At this point at the age I'm at. Yeah, I don't know if I would even care about meeting them No
Starting point is 01:26:43 And I don't think you would you wouldn't want to it wouldn't be like a malicious thing either. It wouldn't be like oh I'm not fuck them. I'm not meeting them. It would just be like I just don't care Right, like I had I I just lived 25 years. Yeah Like at this why I don't care about anything You You would for a while you would have some long nights. I think though I really don't think I would see I would like and and what I mean by long nights is being like I would try to I would try to find them
Starting point is 01:27:10 What is that going to do for you though? Nothing nothing, but if but I don't know maybe even maybe it would settle something and made it be like, you know what? all right See and I'm not speaking for for kids that are adopted like like this is just this is me personally. Yeah To me a family is not who gave birth to you. It's the people who love you for sure and who cared who cared for you Yeah If I take you into my home as a child, I don't care and I love you unconditionally. Yeah I and why do I need to go looking for someone who didn't want that? Yeah, and and and if somebody if somebody Was trusted me enough to take a child from them and raise that child as my own
Starting point is 01:27:52 That's my son. That's my daughter. Yes. I don't care what anything Any fucking genetic bullshit you want to bring me up? That's my kid. Yeah, I don't give a fuck And I feel that way like what people would like step parents Like if they have a child and the dad's not there I understand why some kids that are stepchildren will be like that's my dad You know depending on what age you are and those adoption paper videos straight tears. Oh my can you not make me cry? Enough with this adoption paper
Starting point is 01:28:23 Christmas gifts Tears tears that and and soldiers coming home And pets reuniting with people that lost them like two years ago Don't do this tears the adoption papers videos are are rough. I want so I guess like what is this? Tears yeah, yeah, you want to go right now. I'm telling you Those videos Make me so teary-eyed. It's so bad. Yeah, but I do I go out of my way being like I'm gonna cry
Starting point is 01:29:00 I'm gonna cry I go on tangents like that sometimes Well, you just want to watch videos that make you cry at least twice a year. Yeah, I'll have like uh, well We're just gonna cry now. Yeah, right. Yeah, like I looked up a whole thing crying is awesome. Awesome I saw like one with like a kid who had some uh disabilities and his dad came home from like, uh Afghanistan I think like surprised them in school and he was like everyone. This is my dad and I was just like Just started ugly crying. I was like, that's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my fucking life I saw one of those soldiers coming home thing But it was like I had a baseball field and I think I've actually told this on a podcast once but the family was at like
Starting point is 01:29:39 home plate And he came out of like the pitcher's bullpen like in the outfield and they started running towards each other Oh And the dad couldn't even make it into the infield And like dropped to his knees It was just like my just my family like this and his family like just like attacked him and I was just like Yeah Tears
Starting point is 01:30:08 Yeah, I was a mess bro. I saw one where they threw out a first pitch and then he's the catcher and the catcher was the husband Don't do this. Don't do it. Don't go out this way to do this to me. You know, if you're gonna do it Don't film it. I know I don't need this You know those those coming home videos get me every time and you throw that song. I'm coming home on there too I'm done Coming home Tell the world that I'm coming home. It's a great song. But um, yeah those videos get me I don't know something about a place
Starting point is 01:30:51 I wish we could it's a diddy song Yeah, jaco had a verse on that back where I belong. Yeah I never felt so strong. Hey I remember that it's all that song. I was a big jaco Do you think if you didn't see charlie for three years? It's three years You think he would recognize you past it. Yeah, they're big on that. They're big on that Charlie if I don't see him for like three days and I and I go to my moms and I like pick him up or whatever he'll cry
Starting point is 01:31:28 Have you ever thought about bringing him here full-time? Yeah, well, the reason why I don't is because He's really close with our family dog chase. Yeah, they're buds They're they're like best friends And I feel bad because a lot of the time that he's here like I'm working on my computer and I'm like whatever He he also has never been left alone. Like I've left him alone Yeah, but he's always been with like chase because when I was growing up and when I first got him He was always with chase. So it was like it was cool
Starting point is 01:31:54 But he has like separation anxiety because of that. Yeah So if I leave him here, he'll just like bark his head off. Yeah, you don't want that You know, but at my old apartment I would leave him there sometimes because I'm like no one's gonna hear him like I'll just let him bark I don't care. Right. Um, but I just feel bad because I'm like, he's bored, you know So that's why like my mom lives like a couple blocks away from me. So I'm like, we could just stay there and I It's also fucking clutch. Yeah, I know it is But like I I go to the gym every morning and then I'll walk over there
Starting point is 01:32:21 And I'll take both the dogs to the park and let them run around That's what I'm saying. You should you save a shitload of money like that Like I had to get you. I walked all the time Yeah But it's it's good, man Like and we have a front yard. So like the dogs at like a worst-case scenario if like if it's pouring raining out We just let them out in the yard and they go to the bathroom and then run back in it, you know Let's go. That's why I love my terrace. I couldn't give it up
Starting point is 01:32:41 But yo, it's so funny because whenever I have charlie for like if I have charlie for like four days Or five days straight and then I bring them back to the house It's gotta be rough on you the the the reaction of seeing the two dogs see each other through the windows Yeah, and like and then they go through the doors and they meet each other and they start smelling each other I'm like, oh, these guys love each other. Yeah, that's awesome When chase dies, I don't even bring it up. Oh my god. Chase is a great guy I'm pretty sure charlie's gonna be inconsolable. Probably you've been a different dog. They know too Yeah, they know you're supposed to like bring the dog the dead dog to the other dog to be like, oh, he's dead
Starting point is 01:33:18 Yeah, so because then he'll wonder where he is. Yeah Yeah, Jesus christ. What are we doing? I don't know got sad there got sad there. Um far fart I'm telling you right now fart butt cheeks I'm telling you right now When charlie dies You won't like hear from me. Yeah, I might have to move in here just to keep an eye on you Yeah I got I'll trust me. I know I believe it
Starting point is 01:33:52 Danny's dog got sick and was in the hospital and he was literally texting from the hospital And he's like if this dog dies, which his dog wasn't even even close to like being to death, right? Just had a bacterial infection right diarrhea. Nothing crazy. He's like if this dog dies I'm literally gonna kill myself. Yeah, I'm serious dude. Yeah, I'll tell you this and I love that fucking animal so much. Yeah, and I've had him for seven months Yeah, seven months and I never thought that I could love something that much in that short of time Yeah, like Like their dog is my world
Starting point is 01:34:30 They're so pure And like I always say It's like peter griffin once said when he's walking out of the hospital brian brian, it's moments like this It's a it makes me sad that you're gonna die 40 years before I do It sucks. This dog's gonna meet my kids one day. Yeah, man Oh, it's so good. They still haven't met. We gotta have them uh play date. Yeah, yeah Charlie's so big
Starting point is 01:34:56 It's big dude big dude scares a lot of dogs. Yeah. No, he's the man. Yeah, it's great But yeah All right, anyway, I think we can wrap this up. She's got hypothetically deep today got hypothetically deep I like those That was well it started off poop fart dick. Yeah, and I went to hypothetically. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, which I think is a good way to I think show I think it's the best kind of mixture like I agree you want some boobs and butt and and penis You'll get it. But guess what you also might get a life lesson in here. There you go. That's all you need I get something. Yeah, and I think about the thing about hypothetical questions. You actually do learn a lot about somebody
Starting point is 01:35:32 From their answers. Sure, you know, you see like where people's priorities lie And we both think uh, now I said where do you go maniacs today? So that's always good. Well, that's for sure. Yeah I'm not fighting it anymore. No, I don't know. I used to be like no, and then I was like, yeah Yeah, probably yeah, if you say so probably yeah, yeah, yeah, but you know, what are you gonna do? Anyway, where can they find you Danny? You could find me at Danny little peory on instagram and twitter Uh, you guys can follow me on instagram and twitter at joe sanagato Go support the show on patreon slash the baseman yard patreon spelled p a t r e o n dot com slash the baseman yard
Starting point is 01:36:17 Every dollar helps support the show and you also get some bonus content and whatnot. Like we said earlier Uh, we're always added new stuff to that too. So yeah, so you never know what's gonna never know. It's gonna pop up on there so Yeah, and guys go subscribe to uh the youtube channel that I've been posting on slash sanagato studios a lot of fun stuff that like my friends are included in It's really cool. Uh, go check that stuff out as uh as well. Yes slash sanagato studios not at all See you guys next time

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