The Basement Yard - #174 - The White House Dinner Menu

Episode Date: January 28, 2019

This week we're talking about the delicious, delightful, wondrous, & expensive white house dinner menu. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. What's up Danny? What up y'all? What's going on? I'm just living life. Yeah doing my thing with that shaved-ass face. I know I look like a Puerto Rican babies, but she's kind of oh, yeah Got anything what happened? What happened to it? I went to the barber that I usually go to yeah, I enjoy him. He's a nice guy Of course usually cuts my hair pretty well. Uh-huh decided to give me a shape up of my beard and my goatee and Basically made me look like I was bad and clean up for like the Boston Red Sox I look like David Ortiz nice, so it was like straight here straight here. Everything was a box It looked like there was a little box on my face
Starting point is 00:00:41 I just didn't like the way look like Lin Manuel was his name Lin when look Lin Manuel Miranda. That's one. Yeah But worse right like it was super straight. I looked like Robinson Cannell All right, you know like he has like the thing like perfect like that. Yeah, not for me You're still bad in 300 though. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but When he did it I have to take my glasses off when I go and get a haircut so you couldn't really see so I couldn't really see That's the problem, right? I know you gotta bring your contacts. I know and I was as soon as it was done I put my glasses on I was like, oh no
Starting point is 00:01:16 yeah and then He was just like oh, what's wrong with the wrong. He's like this nice Russian guy I was like dude like You fucked my shit up to me. Yeah, fuck my shit up and he was like, what do you mean? What do you mean? I was like, yo, this is mad straight. I've never had it this straight like fuck fuck my shit up, man I was like, I'm still gonna pay you but like I don't know this. This is a fire So you broke up your barber. Yeah, I did I did I did and it's been like a good like six months seven months with them
Starting point is 00:01:45 Oh, yeah, it's pretty decent relationship. Yeah, like it was good I actually like him he goes out of his way to get me in the chair over other people cool with it But this was a fire of offense You can't do that That's the one thing girls. You have to know it's the one thing guys really do care about is our fucking haircuts and no way Our beard's looking shit Yeah, I Whoa, I'm cracking over here. Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah, yeah fucking beard. Yeah, I care about it. Yeah, but now but now I think I'm just gonna grow my beard out for mad long Like he's gonna force gump it. Yeah, like six months seven months All right, I like that and bring it let it bush out. Yeah, cuz this this isn't working That's not great. No, I don't like it. No, I don't like you without facial hair. I feel like it makes me look ugly No, not ugly. It takes away. It takes I feel like also though makes my face look less fat when I have a beard Yeah, you know what I'm saying shape to add some shape to it So it kind of like brings out my my jawline just look a little on circumcise this all that's what it is But it's fine. Yeah, you know, you see that there's a Netflix special on the American circumcision
Starting point is 00:02:52 What the fuck is that? I don't know, but I might have to check it out Why because it's it's about like circumcising babies, but but not religiously Affiliated circumcisions like just cuz you want your kid to be snipped. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yes But so like wait, isn't it only Jewish people who like do it religiously or is that or am I way off? No, no, I think um I think Do Catholics do it too? Yeah, I think Catholics all Catholics do it too. Well, I'm circumcised. I got cut. Yeah, I gotta shape up Yeah, you got it wasn't because of God and like
Starting point is 00:03:28 No, it's because your mom didn't want you to have a weird dick I don't know. It's the norm. I never that's a weird conversation to ask I know I should call my mom right now. I'm like, why did you circumcise me? Yeah, you should at some point ask her Should I just call her now? Yeah, all right No, because my brother got circumcised and my mom saw how painful it was like what he went through And we I didn't get circumcised. I mean, you're a baby. I'm glad you did it then and not like, you know Six months ago, but she was just like, I don't I don't want I don't want to see him go through that pain This is gonna be fantastic. I hope she answers. Yeah, I hope she's gonna answer. I think what time is it?
Starting point is 00:04:03 Yeah, she should be out of work Oh my god This is intense. It is intense. I think she'll have a good reason. I don't think she will probably not She'll be like, because your brothers are Hey, you know, because you know, it's a thing that we tend to do. What's she doing? Mom, pick up your phone What if I was dying and my mom's not picking up my phone? You never noticed they never pick up Unbelievable, you know what it is. My mom doesn't care about me. No, she does. She does. She'll call back She'll call my penis off when I was younger. It's true. And now she's not picking up my phone call
Starting point is 00:04:40 She'll call back. She'll call back. She's not gonna call back. But anyway, we'll we'll get to that She does call back. We'll jump right back. We'll jump right back into that. But um, anyway, before we move forward I just want to shout out our patreon if you guys want to support the show and thank you to everyone who's been Supporting the show. We got a lot of new people since last week Um, we just got over 700 for the first time for the first time. Yeah And our patreon is basically where you can sign up and get a bonus episodes and you know extra content We do a bi-weekly segment called. Uh, what the fuck does patreon want? Uh, where we answer questions that people send in so go check it out. It's slash the baseman yard patreon spelled
Starting point is 00:05:16 slash the baseman yard Um, and there's extra episodes every month as well. Yes Exclusive episodes that nobody else in the world can see unless you are a patron. So yeah, there's that too I bet my mom's not a patron because she doesn't first she cuts my dick Then she doesn't support our patreon Then she doesn't pick up my phone call and hasn't called me back and it's been over 40 seconds I would I would text her and be like you need to please call me back. No, I'm not gonna do that. She was so scared And then she'd get pissed. She'd be like you call me about your fucking penis. What do you think's the reason why she did it?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Thomas I don't uh, I don't I feel like I should know that. Yeah, you should know if I think we all are yeah So it was probably just a family thing. Yeah, it was just a tradition. Yeah All right, but I want to know the beginning of the tradition like why did we start doing it? Probably because it was the norm You know, I feel like there's a there's a bad Like cloud over on circumcised dicks. I don't get it I mean, it's not a cloud. I don't think anyone care. I mean, no, they care not not my cup of tea
Starting point is 00:06:19 Yeah, you know I'm saying if I had if I had to go that route if I had to go down the dick route You know, I don't know if I'm gonna. I'm a neat guy though. I like I like organization So it looks a little neater. It looks like you organize. I'm a little more of a wild card fits my personality more for sure You know, you know, you don't you don't mind, you know, a little bit of clutter. No, no, no, it's fine Exactly keeps me warm warmer in the in the in the winter. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah You're warmer. No, they do say that if you're on circumcised you have more pleasurable orgasms. That's true Is that really true? I I believe it is like there's more nerve endings in the uh skin or whatever No wonder so cool that you get to I guess so I just never looked at it as something like
Starting point is 00:07:00 To like I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm on circumcised, but like I've never I've never looked at it as something that like Was judgeable What I feel like people like make fun of people for being on circumcised. Oh, I don't think so I honestly think No one really cares like it's easy to make a joke about it because it's like that thing is a little strange It's a little weird looking, you know, but wait, I think there's more uncircumcised people in the world. So maybe I'm strange Yeah, probably right probably Now I want to watch that documentary
Starting point is 00:07:36 But do I really want to watch a long documentary about penis? I don't know And I don't I'd be weirded out if it was about baby penis. Yeah That's way too much time to I'll watch a youtube video, but I'm not going to watch a documentary about it You know for sure youtube documentary all the way, you know, they sell like 25 minutes Yeah, I don't know a baby dick, you know, they sell Circumcision practice kits on amazon Yeah, what are you practicing on toys like like a rubber baby dick. I guess you gotta learn how to do it Yeah, I mean, I would I would think that they keep that confined
Starting point is 00:08:13 In the walls of a school or something not just on amazon for the world to purchase I wonder like does a rabbi cut your penis? Yeah, right Rabbi didn't cut my penis. No, no, no, no, but like if you're jewish is a rabbi snip your penis. I don't know I've heard I've heard some things. I got a text not from my mom um No, I've heard some things about um You know rabbis
Starting point is 00:08:40 Sucking penises of babies shut your fucking mouth and listen this isn't this is a religious practice that they do No pun intended What'd you say? It's a shut your fucking mouth. Yeah, no Um, so they they like this is not this doesn't happen every single time obviously But did they do it to like get it to stop bleeding or something? Yes, it says the process has the His mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut Sucking baby peen peen. I don't know if this is something that they like I don't want to Someone's gonna suck my baby's peen peen. I'm good son. I'm listen
Starting point is 00:09:19 I am not Going I'm I'm just saying it's a thing. Right. I don't know if it's something that still happens and and the story I'm not gonna represent the entire jewish community because I don't know right, but I know that it happened at some point In that religion, there's a fact maybe like the like the highest level of like the super religious people are doing it I don't know but hey, you know, that's too much. I'm just saying I'm just saying it's a little much. It's a little much. It looks much for me. If I cut my finger All right. Yeah, let's let's keep that's that's it. I'm not even a fan of that. It's also my mouth Yeah, I don't want old rabbis penis on my boys peen peen. I don't uh when I say that
Starting point is 00:10:01 I don't know why I said it. It's all right. I'm in trouble. You're not doing anything wrong. It's a fact Yeah, I mean, let's dude if we go back to our fucking ancestors. They're all having sex with pages What we're italian Pages. Yeah, they would have little boys that go around and do the do chores for them and have orgies with them What are pages like a page? They say like a messenger, bro. I was thinking pages like we're fucking books I was like, what do you mean we're fucking books? No, you never like uh, you never did like a model un and like growing up pages They're like pages. They say the little messenger boys. No. Yeah. I mean, you know little boys We're getting why are little boys so sought after I don't know this guy's crazy
Starting point is 00:10:42 It doesn't make sense to me. I just I I don't see I could not probably if you go back to the bit I'm sorry. I didn't cut you off. If you go back into the history history history history history history books Disgusting stuff. It's all about just like pound little boys be ages. I know why is that happening? I don't I don't know It's my least favorite group. It is No, like no lie. Yeah, you know Little boys are annoying. Yeah Let I want you as far away from me as possible. You're an asshole. So you could borrow your phone. Do you have games?
Starting point is 00:11:15 Get the fuck out of here you loser. Yeah, I know give them a noogie and send them on their way. Yeah Babies are great babies are great, you know fucking people our age are kind of cool. I guess Old people are hilarious But little boys You think old people get like the past to be like Racists and stuff because they're old I don't think they should but they do right? You know what it is. They don't There's a lot of mexicans around here. All right, nana
Starting point is 00:11:45 Okay, take it easy. You know what's funny everyone has Like grandparents that are like just so racist and have no idea I never did though like my my grandparents my grandma was like super irish And my other grandparents all my grandparents are dead by the way, so right You can't go looking for them If you want to get mad at them, but no they they were never had never said anything like that But I have been around my friends grandparents and they just say stuff and I'm like I gotta go. I gotta go to the bathroom. Yeah, I just want to get out of here. I can't
Starting point is 00:12:19 You know when I was a kid it was all white people here now. There's so many mexicans around I'm like grandma. Stop stop stop stop just I remember I showed my but the crowd royal down. Yeah, right? I just feel like they get a and they don't even know what they're saying Yeah, I'm like why I don't know Dude old people can crush Alcohol too. You know what I said? They could also I feel like old people could crush you to the core Like they could like they could make you feel so bad about yourself No, yeah
Starting point is 00:12:51 No, not one old person ever has made me feel like Not well, were you around your grandparents a lot? My grandma she lived like over here. So I she would babysit us She wouldn't crush they would never crush my soul, but they would crush like my like my parents. So I've crushed her soul I've lied to her a lot Have you ever lied and said your grandma was dead when she wasn't? No, but I did say she fell down I was at work, bro. I used to call out of work when I worked at this pizzeria over here. Uh I used to call out of work
Starting point is 00:13:23 Like an hour before just because it was a gorgeous day out when everyone was at the park playing basketball I'm like, bro. I'm not going out of the fuck. But yo, I can't come in and I would just have like excuses And I remember this one time I was at work, bro. I was there And it was like a slow night. I'm like, you know, I'm wasting my time here and like whatever. So so I just like rushed in When I came back from my delivery. Can you do it? Can you do it for us now? I probably not without laughing because it's so ridiculous. I had to Get in the character for a second. I had to hype myself up like
Starting point is 00:13:54 You know, like get a little jogging so you get like your blood pumping. I'm the I'm the boss. I'm making pizza Got a delivery boy out there now come in here and tell me about your grandma falling down. Come on I actually didn't do it too frantically, right? You know, it's too frantic. It's fake. Yeah, because if it's too frantic You're like, can you like you freaking me out of here? It's needed in the pizza. Yeah, that's better This is looks like you're like rubbing the tables nipples or something um No, but I just walked in I was like, yo Ralph, I really got to go right now I was like my grandma just fell down and she needs me to like help her out
Starting point is 00:14:24 My mom and my dad are like not around to like do whatever. So I just got to go And I just like yo, I like I just kept being like, yo, I got I'm like, I'm leaving What did he say? I didn't like leave it up to him because I feel like if you if you if you leave it up to them Then it's like why are you even asking me? Yeah, I told him like, yo, I have to go like I'm leaving because my grandma fell And then I went home. That was pretty convincing No, I didn't even like really do that was good. Oh, all right. I would have bought that. Oh, I'm a methodical Oh, get out of here. Go for it. Go get your grandma
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah, no, but Never told that but one of my friends marcos. He's like, yo, I've killed numerous Like grandmas grandmas. Yeah, I've got aunts and uncles been dead for years Over and over and over again. No, I don't like doing that. I also like I love when people are like, don't say that I'm like what like I have the power to strike someone dead because I joked around Give me a break. Oh, this person that's 70 years older than me is gonna die soon. What a fucking uh, you know, that's my fault Yeah, this person's 87 years old. Yeah, you know my grandma She was an absolute animal got after it. Yeah, she lived all the way down here
Starting point is 00:15:31 She would walk to the supermarket that was Like on dipmars old people love to walk and you know, she has so much pride. Yeah, might just get on the bus, dude No, she's just tracking it. There was one time she came to to babysit us And there was a crack in like the sidewalk and she had fell and fucked up her chin meat was hanging, bro And the bus driver was driving my pulled over the bus was like helping her she got into our house And she just took a napkin. It was just like All right, what are you guys doing just held it on her chin nothing didn't go to the hospital
Starting point is 00:16:05 No, she was her face was bruised for like five years or whatever if you seen like a world war You're getting over a meaty chin Yeah, you're getting over that meanwhile if I fuck up my chin I'll be crying. I'm like leave. I gotta go. I gotta go get stitches. Have you ever got stitches? Yeah, I got stitches once I got stitches a couple times. Yeah Where that's not a fun thing. Well, where well, I've got my mouth Inside your mouth. Yeah, and then I got on my foot because I had uh When I was younger I dropped a rock a boulder on my foot and my nail like went into my toe and I stood up like that
Starting point is 00:16:41 Yeah, why'd you drop a boulder on your foot? No one does it like uh, this is all right sick pal. No, but I'm saying how How I was at it was in jersey at my at my cousin's house And I dropped it on my foot by accident. I was like picking it up my mom's calling me. Oh, here we go Hello Hi, yeah, hi, uh, my so I'm on the podcast right now and I'm just wondering what was the reason why you circumcised me Oh god, I just got out of the dentist. I'm dumb and I can't even talk What she got out of the dentist. I just walked out of the dentist
Starting point is 00:17:20 You're not gonna get off that easy. I need to know Uh, I wanted you to look like your father I told you I told you I told you I wanted you to look like your father. That's great. It's and it's a family thing They want everyone's penis to look the same. I guess so Also, I heard that, you know, it was It was a good thing for you know hygiene and that kind of thing. Yeah, all right I appreciate that. That's where she felt bad when she said yeah, did you did you watch the procedure?
Starting point is 00:17:53 Don't wait. Oh, did you let them take me to a back room and mutilate your child? Yeah I appreciate it mom Were you at the dentist you got your tooth, uh, some oh my god, I'm so dumb. I won't be able to speak for days All right, hear me. I sound like an idiot. Yeah, you do Um, all right, cool. Thank you. I appreciate it mom. I just need to know I love you too So he told you it's a family thing. It's my mom. That's it. That was great
Starting point is 00:18:30 Yeah, my mom's another one. She's she's a she's a savage too But like hasn't you would have no idea like when you meet her. She's like, all right It's just this woman who's like a nice woman like whatever but there's been times where people like She would be home with all of us and when we were babies and she'll call my dad and be like Joe I think someone's breaking into the house And he's like what and he's like he was a fireman
Starting point is 00:18:55 So he was like, you know out doing whatever was at the firehouse and she's like, yeah I think someone's breaking in the house and he's like All right, she goes. I'm gonna go see hangs up on him and he's like, what the fuck And she just goes downstairs She might have been pregnant with me like she's nuts. Who's in here? Yeah, what are you doing daddy? What are you doing? You know this is in your house. You know old old people have no fear It's weird. They're fearless. It's wild like my dad will like do like
Starting point is 00:19:23 Electrical shit around the house not even an electrician. I'm like, what are you doing? I'll figure right out. Yeah, I'm like, what do you do? Yeah, my dad once was cooking just being like my dad always sings when he when he cooks. He's like Yo, he cut his finger This thing was like hanging off. Mm-hmm didn't even go to the hospital Wrapped it in a towel and kept cooking Yeah, and the towel was fucking soaked with blood I was like dad, you have to go to the hospital. He said I'm not I'm not doing it
Starting point is 00:19:54 Yeah, he's like, there's gonna do what it's gonna heal on its own. It took like seven months for it to stop bleeding It would constantly reopen. His finger was all fucked up. Yeah, I was like dad. What are you doing? I know my my dad. I told you when he had his heart attack He like didn't want to go to the hospital He was like, no, I'm good. I was like dad. No, it doesn't work like that What it's over the heart attacks over Someone gave him like a nitroglycerin tablet or whatever. It's like supposed to like save you or whatever And he was like, no, I'm good and they were like, no
Starting point is 00:20:26 They're fucking airlifted. I'm over there. Dude. Yeah parents. That's a gangster. You know what it is It's not parents. It's that generation and older Yeah, you know because they didn't really have a lot of shit and they had to be crafty and self-sufficient and like whatever We're a couple of fucking pussy. Yeah, I know But do you think that we have more or less to worry about? Like on a daily basis than they did way more it was a way simpler time Well, yeah, no your children are way more susceptible to Bad things. Yeah, because back then you had what'd you have?
Starting point is 00:21:01 polio And you know, I don't think that polio. I don't know Are you gonna vaccinate your kids We're opening up lots of boxes today. Oh, yeah, this is gonna be a controversial. I think so I'm gonna vaccinate Mike. What are you nuts? I want my kid getting chicken pox and fucking Oh, no, they're supposed to get chicken pox and small. I mean smallpox and fucking polio polio Yeah, wait, why don't they say you don't vaccinate your kids because it gives them down syndrome or something They said they could lead to like autism and like shit like autism. That was the one. Yeah, I uh
Starting point is 00:21:37 Some say there's studies behind it. Some say they don't I don't have any in front of me All I know is I don't want my kid to catch polio. Yeah, so We're gonna do that. Yeah, you know, probably, you know, probably gonna vaccinate the kid. Probably gonna vaccinate the kid. Yeah, you know I cannot wait to see what these comments look like I think we got to the point where we don't care that much I I hope that you know, you know, it's crazy too because I feel like we say a lot of shit on this show Yeah, and And people like for the most part get that we're just joking and being idiots and like, you know, whatever
Starting point is 00:22:11 Just trying to be funny, but some people like don't Did you see how many we got for like the do not resuscitate thing? You know many inboxes I got dms of like from nurses Being like, all right, here's a breakdown. This is how we do this. All right. I don't mind that I was like, yeah But they were like it really like bothers me like of uh, your lack of knowledge on this topic I was like never claimed to be a genius. Yeah, never claimed to be an expert This is a show with two idiots. Yeah, if you're coming here for like DNR information wrong place Frankie once said he could beat up an alligator with his bare hands on this show
Starting point is 00:22:50 What are you expecting to look nothing? You are going to be dumber after listening to this episode, but you're gonna laugh Yeah, that's the trade-off. All right, you're gonna laugh gonna be dumber though. Yeah, you know, that's what's gonna happen What a fucking shocking story two guys with barely high school educations get scientific fact wrong Oh my god, what a surprise. Yeah, what a shocker. That is shocker. That is so fucking funny What was I just about people worried about that the fucking government shutdown you giving me all this shit Recession is gonna hit in the summer. I don't even know what that means government shutdown. Yeah, I don't know either It was a strike. I thought everything was free. I thought I was walking around and I was like do I even pay for this The government's like, uh, yeah, no, we're done. It's like, no, you don't you're you don't done. No, you don't
Starting point is 00:23:37 The government is not allowed to done. Okay. Isn't weird. It's like the government shuts down. Isn't like almost tax season two I don't know what to do. Do I not pay? I gotta pay the government when they're shut down. I'm paying them for days off now If I'm in Home Depot and all the cashiers leave everything's free. Yeah. All right. All right. It's like come on I'm taking all the the wood The word government shutdown is way scarier than it actually is I feel like I don't even like like you said, I don't know how to even explain that when someone's like, oh, you know about the government shutdown
Starting point is 00:24:12 I'm like, I mean I've heard of it, but I haven't seen any of it, you know And does someone just go and like grab a lever or just like All the lights go out the fucking the white house is run on generators now. Yeah, it's like candle it Yeah, I can speak in the white house. I feel like I should know a little more about anything. Yeah, you know Um, we should definitely know more about the government stuff. Yeah, speaking of that. Did you see how? um the Clemson Tigers the the football team they won the national championship so they they went to the white house and Usually there's like a nice meal and this whole thing and everyone's wearing suits
Starting point is 00:24:52 and trump tweeted that You know since because of the shutdown. Yeah, I guess there wasn't any all the chefs were like, well, I'm out now So apparently government shutdown means there's no food in the white house because he Bought a thousand hamburgers or how's he he called them hand dergers What do you call them hamburgers hamburgers hamburgers couldn't spell hamburgers He's like I got everyone a thousand hamburgers. They're the best clients. I got them four different places Best hamburgers the best american american american hamburgers not china made in the united
Starting point is 00:25:30 Made in the us of a hamburgers He bought a thousand hamburgers and then he wrote parentheses. I I paid Bro, you're the president you spent a thousand dollars. It wasn't cheap But let's guess what I bought everything each was a dollar Most people could afford a thousand hamburgers if they wanted dude, like I've seen youtubers Buy a thousand hamburgers and just give them out. Yeah, this guy's like he wants credit for buying a thousand hamburgers I love that fast food I love that he took the picture with all the food with that shitty ingredient of his by himself just like
Starting point is 00:26:07 What a scumbag this guy is It's like, you know, you had a guest come into the white house his five-star hotel is fucking down the road Like he's trolling the government by doing that. He has to be Go tigers. Listen government shut down. I got you some mcdonald's beat max Hamburgers right thousand hamburgers then Then he goes it was all gone in like 15 minutes. They're big eaters love the tigers Come on. What do the tigers want? What do tigers eat hamburgers? I knew they were gonna love them, so The president
Starting point is 00:26:48 But The president is asleep over the president When you pick the kids up after school when you pick them up and a boss of bottom there 3 a.m. You just left a bar with the whole football team. You guys are drunk as hell Hey, what do you guys say we go back to my place? I'll get white castle We're gonna get a couple crazed cases all night get some hamburgers and it's be a great night The only thing missing from that picture was like five hookas. Why was the team not in the picture? I don't know. There was there was a picture there was a picture with the team where the there was like
Starting point is 00:27:17 It was like a buffet bro. If I was on that team, I'd be fucking dying laughing like yo, we're in the white house I know like eating wendy's the president's sleep here And we're eating wendy's No one could go get anything No one no one in this building Send them made he had he had mcdonald's there. He had wendy's there Which if I'm going to a tray What if you show up and there's there's fast food at the white house
Starting point is 00:27:50 First of all, all bets are off. I'm like shotgunning a beer in the awful office. If that's okay If there's fast food around I'm shotgunning a beer and I'm drinking out of like abraham lincoln's pipe Like I'm doing like mad shit. Yeah, you know what I'm saying You know, I'm doing a whole lot of weird shit. Yeah, if you brought me here to eat fast food I want to see where monica lewinsky blew bill clinton, right? You know, I want to go in that closet where the dress was I want to see everything Right. I want to smoke the cigar that he shoved up her snooze Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:28:17 He put a cigar up her snooze. Which one who bill clinton? Oh, he did that. Yeah monica lewinsky Sharing a cigar with her post. No, you just gave gave her the gave her the business with it. There you go Sharing the president did that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, no, there's some fucking wild shit. Can vaginas smoke Yeah All right, let's go with that I think they can but they can't smoke like for real. They could like intake We're talking about them like they're a separate thing. No, because yeah Have you ever sat in that perfect position where you could suck air into your butthole?
Starting point is 00:29:01 You know what I'm talking about Yeah, I do When I have a stomach ache, I got to go like Face down ass up. Yeah, I start breathing with my ass and then I start blowing farts out. Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about, dude Oh my god If you can breathe a fart into your ass, I'm pretty sure you smoke a cigar You can take a puff of cigar with your ass In the right position, dude
Starting point is 00:29:30 When you nail that position though, that suck fart position It's unbelievable It's a whirlwind in there You can feel the air. You can feel the air like hit your fucking chest Your butt just fills up like a balloon Ah, man, you know what I used to get it when I would wake up in the morning and like I end up in like a like a downward dog type position. I'm like, I'm sucking air through my ass. Yeah I'm 100% sucking air through my butt. Listen
Starting point is 00:30:09 I don't mean to get like When you're at the perfect angle, you know what I'm saying like a fucking protractor, right? You're at the perfect angle. You can basically breathe with it You know, like those it's like it comes in and it immediately goes out as a fire. It's like We have to stop because I'm gonna throw up, you know, like those fucking like Star Wars those doors that open like this Like that. That's what it looks like. Please. Please. Please stop. Oh All right, before we move forward a little bit. Let's get to the sponsors here
Starting point is 00:30:47 Uh, the first one we have Harry's Harry's razors ladies and gentlemen, okay Someone's got to keep this beard shaped up ship shape and shopped. Yeah, that's not a word But anyway, be smarter with your personal finances. Harry's can save you about $100 a year True. It's true. $100 a year. Um I've used Harry's for like years now. We've been doing the podcast and we've had Harry's as a sponsor. So they they send Care packages to me. They got some nice like shaved gels and their razors are very nice okay
Starting point is 00:31:22 And harry's uh founders were tired of paying up for razors that were overpriced over designed All right, so now They have any things the cartridges are just two dollars two those each. Keep it simple. Keep it simple Keep it simple. There's a hundred percent quality guarantee also It's a very high percentage. Do you think that's a high percentage? That's about as high as you can get I think That's what I was gonna say, you know, you know, uh, but definitely give them a try I mean, I I've been using for so long like I've been saying, um, and they're they're really good So if you're looking to save money on razors, which who's not looking to save money like let's be honest here
Starting point is 00:31:53 Wish I had harry's yesterday. Tell you that Um, right now you can get a $13 value trial set that comes with everything you need for a close comfortable shave Which is a weighted handle five blade razor with lubricating strip and trimmer blade rich lathering shave gel and a travel blade cover Um, and you can redeem this trial set at harry's dot com slash basement. Uh, just make sure you go to harry's dot com slash basement $13 trial set. All right so, uh Yeah, that's harry's shave your face shave it up because you look ridiculous. All right you You could have used harry's
Starting point is 00:32:31 Um, next we have seek geek. Uh, this is one of my, uh, Favorite sponsors. They've been uh, helped me go to sports games for the past like three years Seat geek is where it's at. Seat geek is where it's at. This is where I get all my tickets to any sort of show Uh, sporting event concert whatever anything anytime I go anywhere. I'm using seek geek for it You go see harry potter. I go see harry potter if I want all you gotta do is get on the app Be like boom harry potter wears is what date is it and then it shows you like little pictures of like that's a good price That's a bad price a good deal amazing deal amazing deal And here's the other thing though is that sometimes these things can get expensive. I wish I could save a little money
Starting point is 00:33:10 Oh, you guys can definitely save some money here. Um, you can get $10 off Your first seek geek purchase. Uh, just download the seek geek app and enter the promo code basement. Okay, that's $10 off Uh, your first purchase with seek geek Um, and the and the code is basement. Okay, so if you're looking to buy tickets, it's just it's the most convenient In my opinion, I've used a bunch of apps This one is my favorite one and I've been using them for for years like you've seen it in videos and podcasts or whatever So save some money on those seats save some money on those seats seek geek, baby. You know what I'm saying? Eric Gus
Starting point is 00:33:46 People were giving you a lot of flak about how you picked up your laptop last week by the way How'd I pick it up? You're just like Oh, like how I like a lion picks up a It's like it. How are you gonna do? How are we gonna do? So anyway drinking beers and um, no I was gonna say I would definitely go to the wendy's tray Oh If there's jbc's in there Junior bacon cheeseburgers
Starting point is 00:34:11 Yo big jbc guy I'm definitely not going to wendy's. I don't fuck with wendy's. You're going to mcdonald's over wendy's If he had frosties, I'd be in there. No wendy's burgers are pretty good. If it burger king was burger king. Yeah I don't think so burger king has the best burgers if burger king was there. I'm going But what I saw was mcdonald's and wendy's wendy's in the pictures wendy's wendy's handburgers I keep forgetting this guy said that did you keep that tweet up? I deleted it Oh my god, I wish I could I wanted to read it. Hold on. Yeah, I'm gonna do it. It's the internet
Starting point is 00:34:46 Oh, it is never gone trump clemson tweet Dude, oh my god, all kind of hamburgers for the guys it said uh put some cheese on there, bitch What do you mean? It's a hamburger Yo, a hamburger is gross What no cheese. Oh, yeah, and I'm not a fan. It's like, what are you? What are you trying to be healthy or some shit? Here it is great being with the national champion Clemson tigers last night at the white house like that do it over Great being with the national championship Great being with the national champion Clemson tigers last night at the white house
Starting point is 00:35:27 Because of the shutdown I've served them massive amounts of fast food. I paid Over a thousand hamburgers, etc Within one hour. It was all gone great guys and big eaters Yo, honestly That's one of the best tweets of all time I love how he talked about their moral like like who they were as people great guys big eaters Not one burger was left Not one burger was left over
Starting point is 00:36:04 I thought I overbought I thought I overbought burgers. I was wrong. Oh my god, man That was this is one of the funniest things. I think I think like That's a great plug though like free plug for like wendy's and mcdonald's and shit though. Is it the plug you want though? I mean I can't get over the fact like does anyone that sounds like no one Understanding you went to the white house in a suit and the president gave you wendy's dude I'd be like, dude Oh my god, I just don't understand. It's like he must have forgot they were coming
Starting point is 00:36:48 Tigers are here we have nothing to eat go get the burgers Oh my god, I paid Congratulations, dude speaking of paying. I want to bring this up around the thing of money Because I I almost forgot. Yeah, Netflix raising their price For what? Their service. Yeah, so it's like it's like it's like nine dollars. No, I don't know. It's like 11 dollars. Okay and um They're going up to
Starting point is 00:37:14 I want to say 13. I'm just gonna check but it's 13. Did it happen already? I haven't paid for Netflix ever. I don't have an account. I don't have any account for anything I get it for free. I get it for free because of my Verizon Oh, they just like handed over they pay for your netflix Their stock went up 21 dollars, by the way. Who netflix 354 dollars a share When we talk about how they never they don't make money Well, they make money. It's just that they spend a lot of money. I don't know exactly
Starting point is 00:37:44 I know like uh twitter and instagram aren't like profitable right if i'm not mistaken. Um Because they don't really make money, but they you know, yeah, whatever they have a lot of value, but um Yeah, netflix obviously makes a lot of money if they have millions of users, but they spend a lot of money Didn't they give like a billion dollars to like martin scorsese and like Robert De Niro to be in like a movie or something? Well, that's what i'm saying though is that This is this is why it's going up Well, yeah, honestly, it's it's worth it though. What is it 14 15 the most expensive plan? Like if you have the one like where you could have it on mad tv's and shit
Starting point is 00:38:20 Like I think it's like up to like eight devices. I could be wrong. Don't fucking jump down my throat, please Um, or do you want to um? Hey How far do you think you could deep throw a banana? You think you could hold banana down your throat? What are we doing? I just want to know we're talking on netflix and i know i know but i got thrown off my throat You know how like that was like a thing on instagram where girls were just like ha ha banana challenge and they just Never heard of it. No, yeah, it was it was like a thing for Is a thing for a little bit. I just want to say
Starting point is 00:38:54 What a dumb idea dude bananas break like this. Yeah, that's true Is you're in there and if you like cough it's gonna break And then you're screwed if you swallow a banana hole and poop it out will come out as a banana. No, you fucking moron That's terrible. No one reason I asked is because my dog took that shit Remember I sent you that picture. Yeah, but that was a rope. All right, so my so my dog ate a rope and then a rope toy We'll get a shit a rope toy. We'll get back to netflix in a second wrong so Eli ate a rope apparently I don't know how he did that which was
Starting point is 00:39:29 We measured it 10 and a half inches long. So here's what happens. He's not like no exaggeration. Like I saw it. Yeah It was 10 and a half inches long. We measured it. So I let him outside On the terrace to go pee and poop and he pees But I can still see that like he's like looking for poop like on the back of his butt. Yeah, so i'm like Wow, what's going on like every once in a while. He'll get stuck or something. Yeah, or he'll eat Hair. Yeah, and he'll get stuck to his butt. So I was like, oh, it might be stuck to his butt
Starting point is 00:40:03 I put a glove on To take the shit out of his ass I'm pulling and I swear to fucking christ That I felt like a fucking magician pulling the bandanas out of his goddamn sleeve This fucking piece of shit would not stop going. I said i'm pull. I'm I think i'm pulling like his body out Yeah, so i'm pulling it out pulling it out pulling it out 10 and a half inches of rope that he ate and swallowed It's a miracle that he didn't get a blockage
Starting point is 00:40:36 And he was fine and that would require surgery most. Yeah Yeah, he's he's perfectly fine. I'll tell you what his intestine and colon Cleaned out. Yeah for sure for sure pristine ace I could not believe that a dog and my dog's not big dude. I couldn't eat that rope. No I mean he ate a rope and he shit it out one piece. I didn't want to throw it away. I almost wanted to have it bronzed That's a little heavy. That's a little much. But yeah, netflix is going up to 16 dollars a month 16 Yeah, that's the worth it. What's the most you would pay for netflix then? and
Starting point is 00:41:10 Would you cancel other ones? um The absolute most I would pay for netflix And I don't really like saying this because I think they could hear me it's probably like 45 50 bucks wow Yeah
Starting point is 00:41:29 45 dude think about it like netflix has everything their original content is incredible The documentaries are great. A lot of people get murdered a lot of kids murdering their parents in their sleep I love those documentaries and then they have like the old shit. They have the office You know what I'm saying? I think they have friends if I'm not mistaken like they have good stuff That's probably why I fucking price went up fucking friends. Yeah Yeah, oh, they just got that right? Yeah, they renewed it. Yeah for like hundreds of millions of dollars I mean people watch it. How many users do you think they have? Well, they said that a record like bird box broke some record and it was like 47 million
Starting point is 00:42:03 Jesus like accounts. That's just accounts. So it's not necessarily like eyes 47 million accounts Watched it in like a week and think about how many accounts are shared too. That's what I'm saying. Yeah Fuck So they're making a lot of money But they're also spending a lot of money on the original content because to my knowledge They're trying to wean that out for the most part and have only like original content But their stuff is great 50 bucks a lot though, dude
Starting point is 00:42:30 Yeah, but think about your cable bill Yeah, it's like my cable bill is like 160 dude if if netflix that's with everything If netflix had a sports package, I wouldn't have anything else. I would only have netflix That's it. Like why else would I have anything the only reason why I have cable is for sports I don't use any of those channels like I'm not sitting here watching like fucking fixer upper Even though that's a great show and that channel is fucking awesome. Yeah, love it But I can do without it and pay $50 for a netflix account Wait, is fixer upper the white guy with the asian wife?
Starting point is 00:43:02 No, that's chip and uh chip and joanne that's chip and wait that what is that that might be fixer upper That is fixer upper chip and joanne. They got a good they got a good thing going on. They got a good thing going on Yeah, she's good looking. She's got a lot of kids a lot of kids. He's a good looking guy. Yeah The fix houses fix houses. She's she's crafty Yeah, have you watched on netflix the little asian lady that teaches you how to like fix clutter in your house I saw the preview and I was like I am in love with this little asian lady. Really? She is fantastic She taught me so much about how to put away clutter I'm a clutter buck. I'm a clutter buck throw it on me. All right. Lay it on me. So it's soft though. Don't give me a lot of information
Starting point is 00:43:41 I'm not gonna give you a lot of information. She has a specific way that she folds clothes And she's an asian woman. She's an asian woman. I know they they do that amazing folders You ever see the video that went viral where it's like some asian woman She takes like a shirt and it's like beep beep and then just like picks it up and does that and it's like perfect Yeah, I can't fold clothes for the life of me. Look ahead. No, no, no, no, no But watch the first episode maybe tonight and you'll see how she does it She folds she folds them not this way but this way Up. Yes upward
Starting point is 00:44:14 So you could fit more shirts Along it's amazing how she does it. She also has with clothes When you go through them you appreciate them What so say you have an article of clothing Yeah, and you grab that article of clothing. Yeah, and you're like I I love this sweater I love this sweater. You know, you want to keep it Okay, but if you grab a shirt and you don't feel a connection to the shirt you should get rid of it
Starting point is 00:44:45 You're you're over cluttering yourself This is starting to get no, no, no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. It makes a lot of sense It's a little weird. But it makes a lot of sense. Okay. Because it's a really it really is though It's like how many shirts you think you own that you're just like I don't need this Honestly, I periodically go through all my stuff and like give up like make bags and like do I know? That's what she that's what she says you should do yeah, I don't pick shirts up like
Starting point is 00:45:10 I just they just don't fit me anymore But like there's certain articles of clothing you'll look at and be like, uh, this isn't Yeah, I'll toss those yeah, but like they will sit in my drawer for at least half a year. Yeah, and she's yeah She's awesome. I love that. I fell in love with a woman I was watching this documentary about I fell in love with a woman. I fell in love with a woman I was watching this documentary about the paleo diet. It was called like the paleo way or whatever and she was just this like Russian woman who like lived on a farm and her hands were gross and she was like cooking But I was like, you know, I told you like those when your hands are gross and you're cooking you got gross hands
Starting point is 00:45:51 They're like old is like veiny is like, yeah, this is gonna be good something about it And I was just like, yeah, I love this woman. Well, it's probably got kicked around a little bit in her life You know what I mean? Not like not physically. I mean like yeah, like seeing her dad like yeah pulled out of this house And beat up in the street for not, you know pain is debts. Yeah. Yeah, or like trampled by like a tax collector comes. Yeah We don't know what's gonna happen. Exactly. There's a secret thing in the floorboards I like that very inglorious bastards ask. Yes I was yes. Yes. That's exactly where I was going. She has like a brick stove. It's like made out of bricks Is that on Netflix? Yeah. What's it? What's it called the paleo way the paleo? I'd check it out. Yeah, it was interesting
Starting point is 00:46:31 I've been paleo for a little bit. Yeah Except for those cookies though. Yeah, that's some girl scout cookies That's for the love of the game though. I've never had girl scout cookies before for anyone who's listening I've never had them before so we did a taste test on Santa gata studios youtube channel slash Santa gata studios you guys check that out Spoiler alert Finmans suck my ass Sorry, they do. Yeah. Oh not gonna tell you what the number one is you're gonna have to go look find that out, but yeah God I have so much air in my body right now. It's probably it's probably it's probably from the cookies
Starting point is 00:47:08 I'll get some downward dog on right now and start blasting off now You know 40 $50 that's a little that's that's what would you go 25 25 for Netflix? Yeah, so if it was 30 30 dollars you wouldn't do it now. Yeah, you would Yeah, but like I feel like I have I don't mean this in a certain way, but like I could afford it Yeah, but I still don't think that's a lot of money. It's a bill. Yo, but think about it It could be a lot of money to people $50 a month. I understand that fucking health insurance How many people afford to play a cable bill though and a Wi-Fi bill like if you are poor you can't afford those things for enough Really, you're right, right? So I'm saying like if you just supplement your cable with
Starting point is 00:47:49 Netflix not supplement. What am I saying? You mean switch switch basically With with a Netflix account, then you're fine. You don't need to watch TV if you have Netflix Yeah, yeah, Netflix and Hulu because Hulu is basically TV. You can't get rid of Hulu. They got Seinfeld on there I know I can't I that's the only reason why I go on that. Can you please get Hulu without ads you fucking maniac? I'm not paying for Hulu get another account everything on my Apple TV is not mine Why do I even buy the Apple TV? It was a gift, but why do you I have paid for nothing that has entertained me Okay, I get that but here's the thing. Why don't you pay a little bit and get the fucking commercials out of there? You I'm no better than nobody
Starting point is 00:48:30 Why why you knew what you want me to do? That's the scene in Rocky was talking to his son It's about the time to get knocked down and get back up. What am I talking about? I was do that and that ain't you You're better than that I was like is this guy talking this to a person? Yeah, you know how old Sylvester Stallone is right now 65 70 no way Yeah, I guarantee you he kicked the shit out of both of us without question. He can kick the shit out No, take it easy there, Rocky Dayton one of his daughters has to be like
Starting point is 00:49:10 Yeah, you know he constantly Yeah, I think he's always like trying Take it easy sly Come on Did you see Creed 2? No, I didn't see Creed 1 Creed was it was good people talked about it like it was absurd. I thought Southpaw was better That's a Jay Gyllenhaal, right? Yo, he crushed that movie It wasn't like a great movie, but his performance was unreal and the beginning tearjerker. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:49:48 Here's is one thing I don't understand about that movie. Why kill the hot girl so Earl's Yeah, would she get $10 for that? Yeah, Jesus Rachel McAdams for 45 seconds Yeah, it's Rachel McAdams, but she had to leave early. She got sick. So we sent her home and killed her. Yeah Basically spoiler alert. Yeah, you haven't seen her movie from five years ago. Yeah, she goes down But it's very sad. She crushes that performance too. She's really good at dying Yeah Yeah, Rachel McAdams. You said she was hot, right? Oh, yeah, she's hot. So, you know what I'm saying? She's hot in like every day hair color to yeah. Yeah, she's every day hot. I don't even know what
Starting point is 00:50:27 Every flavor of hot she is but I don't know like what her real hair color even is Mean girls. I didn't I mean that blonde. She was supposed to look like an idiot, but like yeah, I didn't like her I didn't like her like that me You know Lindsay Lohan, however, yeah, Lindsay Lohan was doing pretty good those days. That was the beginning of the end Yeah, yeah, she's got like a new show out. I think well, I'm not gonna watch that unless it's on Netflix. Yeah Chachay would you ever you think you give up Netflix for like a month? It's tough, I don't know it's tough. Yeah, it's tough like Apple music. I could give up. Yeah Apple music's 999 ripoff or not. I
Starting point is 00:51:12 Mean There they all are no I think so don't know I'm saying they all are that amount So how can it be a ripoff? It's the market. All right. Do you think do you think that those music type of apps or ripoffs? Not really Not really when you consider the fact that like You can get anything bro like you could listen to any album, right? And like if you wanted to listen to an album back in the day, you had to pay $12 just to listen to ten songs Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:41 So like and have another piece of like another device that to play it Yeah, it's a little I guess it's worth it. It's kind of a trade-off. It's kind of a trade-off But it's like all right, so you have 999 a month Apple music or Spotify everybody usually has that yeah, right? Hulu how much is Hulu? I don't know ads. I think it might be 799. I think with With ads at 799 no ads like 1199 if I'm not mistaken So that's $22 now you put 50 on there $72 That's that's a lot of shit that you're paying an entertainment monthly
Starting point is 00:52:19 Gotta be entertained It's important 50 bucks a lot. Let's let's settle on this 35. You know, it's not 50 bucks. What? The baseman yard podcast, which is free. Yes on YouTube. It's free on Spotify SoundCloud. Yep. Is there is or is it anywhere else? No itunes Apple music. It's on there apple apple Yeah, there's so it's all free. Yes So if at any point you feel like you know what since I've been getting all those free content I'm gonna help support the show you can head on over to
Starting point is 00:53:02 Gonna move right forward from that, okay, I'm gonna tell you what I did this weekend You want to know what I did you already know what I did, but I'm gonna tell you I don't really know what you're referring to I know like what you do, but I don't know which part you're talking. Oh, no, no, no I went I took my girlfriend to see Harry Potter and the cursed child. Oh, yeah, that's right. That's like a play, right? Yeah I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan That's where you're wrong This show was very good fire. It was very very good love Harry Potter You definitely need to go. Yes, like this is like I would say if you love Harry Potter
Starting point is 00:53:37 You need to see that show It's that long as it's that fucking good. How long is it going dude? It's staying forever. Yeah, it's staying It's kind of like wicked. Yeah, it's like by the way Yeah, but like the actual they have like special effects and shit like They do a really good fucking job. Yeah, it's awesome Like I said, I'm I'm not I've seen all the Harry Potter movies, but like I'm not like Hardcore Harry Potter fan. Yeah, but I was like, you know what? Let me go with the open mind within the first 10 minutes. I was like this fucking show is awesome
Starting point is 00:54:13 Yeah, it was very very good. Nice. Yeah So I think that you should definitely go and see that. I mean, yeah, I'll check it out. It was two nights though It's a two nighter. It's a two and a half hour show We did it on Thursday And then another two and a half hours on Friday Hold on yeah, five hours of Potter Five hours of Potter a Two nighter. That's a big commitment. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. No plans. You're going for it
Starting point is 00:54:44 Well, you would definitely enjoy it though. I'm telling you I probably would I mean I like Theater. Yeah, it's cool. That should be the next thing you go to probably I think I'm gonna go some other places, but you know No, I mean like a shell Wait, oh shit. Wait, aren't we going to Sebastian Manic scalco? Yeah On the 20th that's in five days Okay What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:55:13 What what day of the week is that? Saturday or Sunday? Why why are you panicking? No, I'm just making sure Okay, no, all right. We're good. No, I just had to check for what? Because it's my parents 40th anniversary this week. Oh, fuck them. Yeah, I know I was just making sure like wasn't that day. I was like, I don't know I panicked for a second Yeah, I know, but um, she's like, sorry. I can't kind of take it 40 years a long time, you know Hell, yeah, that's longer. That's 10 years longer than I've been alive. They've been married Good lord
Starting point is 00:55:50 Oh my god, oh Jesus Christ Jesus Christ and the world that we live in What does that mean? I think that's just something you say after like a long lap. Yeah Yeah, I love when like no because I try to process everything that we say on here like at once And then I'm just like this world is fucking crazy. Do you have any like really white? uh Relatives yeah, of course uh Yo, um
Starting point is 00:56:16 Because not as wide as not on my not on my size Like even my italian side is like not like all right champ playing. Let's go. Yeah, you know what I mean, but Oh, I got some sports and champs. Yeah, like on my girl side She's white. Yeah, like like her family like you get a couple like how's it going? Yeah, yeah, you get a couple of those. Yeah. Yeah Because I was gonna say because like sometimes when I'm talking to like some people from my extended family, it's always just like Yeah White people love extending that laugh and then just like
Starting point is 00:56:55 I'll tell you I'll tell you I'll tell you that's another one. The best was that What was that meme of like a white guy comes out like wipes his hands Oh, no He's like when the white dad comes out of the bathroom and he's like wiping his hands on his jeans He's like you guys ready to rock and roll. It's so fucking true, dude. It is so fucking true. Yeah, I know That's one of my favorite memes. You guys ready to rock and roll. It's so fucking true. God. It's so funny And the other one was like white people always have a bag of chips and like get this away from me
Starting point is 00:57:25 Take this away from me. Take these away. Get these away from me. I can't stop eating them. I've been guilty of that Yeah, 1,000 times. Can I tell you something in confidence? I mean I trust them too. They're all I once ate half a bag of chocolate chips Bag yeah, you know like the bag Like the little like, you know, like when you get like fun-sized candy on on wait chocolate chips chocolate chips like Kisses. Yeah, no the little ones that you put on cookies You ate half of that. I ate a half a bag of chocolate chips once
Starting point is 00:58:02 That's absurd. Dude. It was like like probably like 4,000 calories Yeah, that might have been the star of the diabetes. I'm just it's a spitball hunt You want to know what's weird is that day randomly pops into my head from time to time now? I've once ate half a bag of Nestle's chocolate chip cookies. You know how many fucking chocolate chips are in there? Like 8,000 I was eating handfuls of chocolate chips That's that's insane. That's disgusting. I've done gross things like that though. Have you ever just had a night where you like?
Starting point is 00:58:35 I can't believe you know, I've had nice surprises. I was like, I can't believe I just did that. I remember once uh I ordered a large pizza Which is eight slices Alana had two eight six They're disgusting your face disgusting six like I had my initial two three out the box like bang crushed them. Yeah dead Good night. Then I'm just like scavenging like through the night like eating another one then eating another one then eating another one
Starting point is 00:59:08 Then I had the real I look I literally looked in the mirror in the bathroom. I was like, I just ate six slices of pizza Yeah Disgusting. Yeah, man. I've done I've done shit like that too like when I come when I don't eat cookies anymore because I stopped having milk. I do. I used to crush cookies and milk like all the time I had to I didn't have to but I just like if I had a addiction. I guess have you ever crushed a full sleeve aureus? What? Like I've literally never eaten less than that. How many sleeves are in an aureus three? There's three
Starting point is 00:59:41 Yeah, and I've eaten whole like the whole row and then into the second Yeah, I could definitely and then been like I should I should stop. I don't want to stop I could I could definitely keep keep it up on a good day. I could eat probably two full full racks Like two packages. No, no, no I could eat a package of aureus in a day. Yeah, I mean if I was like going for the record I could definitely do it. Oh my god. You get so sick I remember after I ate the chocolate chips like I was a little bit sick Like I didn't throw up or anything, but I was like that was disgusting. Yeah. Yeah, it was pretty gross dude and also, uh
Starting point is 01:00:12 So, you know what? This is bad, but you know gummy bears, right? Yeah, Harry bow gummy bears or whatever They make a size that's literally I'm I really think should be illegal because it's so big like a size of a bear or no no no a bag Yeah, it's so big and it's like all right. Well, like who who is this unless this is for like Camps. Yeah, like a sleepaway camp like oh, let's just give them this bag, right? I Literally someone got me it. I forgot who it was it might have been like my sister or something got me this giant bag
Starting point is 01:00:44 It was like this and this wide that you would get a Costco There's maybe 10,000 fucking gummy bears in there Dude, I swear to god for like three days straight. It was just on my coffee table and I was just fucking shoving these things in my mouth It was it was probably it was probably equivalent to like smoking a thousand cigarettes. Yeah Yeah, like all that gelatin it was bad. Oh my god I can't even imagine what those things are even made out of it's like teeth or something like bones and yeah What do you know say bones? It's whale bones. Well soap is made out of whale bones the whale bones
Starting point is 01:01:19 Yeah, I was like that's that's got to be wrong dude, but I've had some disgusting eating day pringles the whole that whole thing's done Easily it without question easily. I'm gonna need a couple glasses of water to get it down But I'm trying to think of like If Pizzas usually the one where it's like Domino's Pete y'all literally Papa John's pizza Yo, Papa John's pizza. I used to get two medium dominoes pizzas. Yeah, that's bad and Crush them. Yeah, that's synastics. Yeah, crush my sinus. Don't don't even get me started on synastics. Cheesy bread
Starting point is 01:01:53 crush that If if I wasn't on a diet I probably would call it in right now. I know I'd call I call in the air air drop Domino's 30 o'clock in the morning 2 o'clock in the morning is like Batman coming to save you You know the worst part about domino's And like those and like Papa John's like those like shitty pieces Is that you get creative with how you're gonna try and kill yourself with these things? It's like and they get creative because it's like Papa John's it's like, oh, you know
Starting point is 01:02:23 It separates us we cover this whole thing in a garlic butter sauce and not only do we do that But we also have a side of grease to dip into the thing. So it's like you can clog your arteries at alarming speeds And not one part of you thinks about that. No, all you do is want it. They're like, why does this taste so fucking good? I know, you know dominoes Do you get what kind do you get? Do you get uh Like the deep deep dish Oh, I just get the regular pan crusted or whatever. I get regular or like if I can get like a stuff crust
Starting point is 01:02:55 I'll do that too. Yeah, thin the thin crust not a fan. Not a fan. Not a fan. Don't like it. No You're gonna go dominoes. You got to go all the way. Yeah. God. I fucking want dominoes so bad I know I I really do and I don't like I don't crave it at all anymore So I'm like if I eat that that I'm out of commission for at least a week Also, though, too, it's like we're kind of blessed. We have a lot of good pizza around us Yeah, so like if I'm gonna do it. I'd rather waste it on good pizza, right, you know, but that pizza, man Like yo During like this summer
Starting point is 01:03:25 or like no, no during Actually during the winter like right now. It's way better in the winter or when they are like not like september When you would have football, you're all over the place. We have you have football and you'd have uh hockey it'd be like Uh, wait, is hockey even around that time? Am I bugging? What's going on? Whatever? But they'd be like, you know, if the Yankees score like that's like four runs, then you're gonna get 25 off. I'm like, well, I gotta get it now. I was uh, I bet on the portland game the other night and um
Starting point is 01:03:59 If they score over a hundred points, you get like a free like mcnuggets And it's like through the mcdonald's app. Yeah It's crazy. I never even know mcdonald's had an app. I didn't know that either You know, it's the best thing about new york city mcdonald's delivers out here I haven't had mcdonald's in so long Still fat Yeah, we had that was the last time we had it. Oh, wow. We had we had both had burgers That's right because you didn't want to throw him away
Starting point is 01:04:28 I had a burger that day. Man, it was good It was fantastic. It's do it. Yo, you know, you know what used to do with dominoes So, you know, send the sticks obviously they come with that like gizzy like that frosting sugary gizzy mess if You know what I was gonna say something, but I'm not gonna say say, you know what I was gonna say Yeah, I do if just taste it like that. Yeah, I'd be all right. I don't I'd think about it. Okay At least think about it Think about it take a second
Starting point is 01:04:56 Great song great song But anyway, you would take that and like you'd use it to like eat whatever but then you just take it and start dump it on the pizza Oh, I've never done that. Oh, you're an idiot then. Is that good? I mean that stuff is good on anything literally It would make dog shit taste good The shit you dip cheesy bread in Is gross The marinara sauce No, but there's like a uh yellow garlic
Starting point is 01:05:21 Yeah, the garlic butter it comes with it literally they made its own a roped off vip section in the papa john's box For this garlic butter sauce that is probably filled with So fucking good, dude It tastes so good. You can tell me that that is chlorox and I would still dip my pizza in it I'd be like, dude, I don't care get out of my way if there was a pool filled with that cannon ball Yes, I'm in that shit. Oh, it's so good. It was amazing Reminiscing on the day on the days where Everyone's in a while every once in a while slip up and have like a disgusting meal
Starting point is 01:05:56 But like even if I get pizza now, it's like holy well now now what I'm doing is I'm dieting hard But I'm also cheat day in hard you should like I diet pretty pretty well now and Then on sundays or saturdays like whichever day because now I mean football is on both those days. Yeah, but um I just pizza wings Well, it's only sunday now candy So just go home. Oh, yeah. Well. Yeah, go hard on sunday Like this past weekend like dude. I literally ate like six pounds of food
Starting point is 01:06:26 Do you think like eating shit? Like I feel like since I've been eating better I sleep better Yeah Shitty food makes me actually like feel like shit like it causes me to like stay up at night. Well Yeah, I mean it just does bad things to everything works probably Not as good. No, you know, definitely not definitely drink a lot of water and I'm like eating healthy like Everything I have energy at the end of the day where I say usually wouldn't your brain feels amazing, too Yeah, I never knew that you have to hydrate your brain
Starting point is 01:06:59 What's up you like you have to hide like when you hydrate your body It's it's for your organs and and obviously like your brain is obviously Probably the most important organ you have sure, you know, yeah, it's up there So it has to be hydrated, which I never knew Yeah, I never knew that like hydration and your brain or like kind of they're correlated Well, that's why when you get dehydrated you get headaches. Yeah When I'm dehydrated my skin gets all fucked up to not fucked up. You like breakout. No, I don't break that's not what I was I said the wrong thing, but like when I'm dehydrated and someone like does this I get old people's skin
Starting point is 01:07:36 Like where it was just like you become like a reptile boy I mean like if you like scratch my arm my That thing shows up beat red Like it gets so like sensitive and like to the touch or whatever Like yeah, my grandma you could be like, hey, grandma. What's going on and her fucking she would have a bruise of my hand on her back It's like a relax. Yeah, they bruise so easily. Yeah, why is that they wear like those super high socks too If wear armor then if that's the case Jesus christ Get some armor on this woman some chain link. Are you afraid to get old?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Yeah Yes and no, I'm fully afraid to get old. I'm afraid to get old, but I'm also psyched to just Be a baby again because because you go from being a baby where you could like shit yourself. You could you know say some Crazy like accidental racist shit. It's like a viral video that everyone laughs at ha ha ha ha Like whatever no one cares because it's a baby. You don't have to wear clothes. You got your dick out. They're like, ah, good It's a baby. Yeah, then you grow up and it's like, oh, we got some rules now You can't do this and then there's that long period of time of that And then you eventually get old enough that when you walk outside with no pants on it's like, ah, this poor guy is
Starting point is 01:08:46 So come with me and you could like steal stuff and you'd be like, what I don't know what I'm doing You could eat like three dinners. Yeah, you forgot. Yeah, you're like, you know, you can do whatever you want When I get old, I'm definitely getting one of those medication things with that with Monday Tuesday Wednesday Yeah, I'd probably get one now. Yeah, probably. Yeah, but um, I think it's cool Like to like have like those little things What just to have that is I think it was cool too. Yeah, I think it's just cool Like oh, you got this cool little calendar pills. There was two things I always played with when I was younger and one of them was that
Starting point is 01:09:17 And it was like the money to the Wednesday thing and the other one was the uh It was like my mom's hair curlers like you remember you would open up. Oh, oh the the the rough ones Yeah, yeah, I used to try and roll them on my head. Oh, no I would just like take them out and put them back like because they were like pink And then you would open up this glass thing and then there was like a bunch of like, uh, There would just be standing up. So I'd just like take them off and take them all off and then put them back on I used to put them together. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah do that. Did your mom have that tomato pin cushion? Pin cushion. There was like a pin cushion like that was very famous in like the 90s
Starting point is 01:09:53 In like the 2000s. It was a tomato. Oh, they would just stick pins in. Yeah, yeah, of course your mom had the tomato, right? Yeah, those things are fucking awesome too. I used to just literally do this Yes For hours, you know, I used to I used to do a weird thing crack walnuts All the time. I used to do that too. I wouldn't even yeah, crack it and just leave it. Yeah, mom's like the fuck you doing So wasteful. Yeah, it's all right. So wasteful. No the other thing. Oh shit. What were you just saying, uh, Oh, you know the game moncala? Yes and no, you know the one where you pick up the things and drop them
Starting point is 01:10:27 So here's the thing. I know the game. No idea what the rules are same here But I used to do like my uncle had a moncala set. Yeah, so we used to like do that I used to play with those little gems or whatever like marbles. Yeah little marbles. I did that with my grandma's medicine once So like I was literally like doing moncala with the monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday Thankfully, my mom caught me and was like, what the fuck are you doing? And I was like, oh, I'm just doing this You murdered your grandma. Yes. I got close And I would have got away for it too if it wasn't for those damn kids That was good. Thank you. I like that. I like that scooby-doo
Starting point is 01:11:10 I Wasn't the biggest scooby-doo guy That means the same show every time I wasn't a big scooby-doo guy It was the same show every it was like, how are we gonna get out of this? We got out of it Oh, it's the guy that you least suspect again. Yeah. Oh, it's the guy the first guy we met. Yeah Never mind. Never mind. I just feel like kids are robbed of good cartoons now I
Starting point is 01:11:39 Don't know what any of the cartoons are now I'm I'm even late to the party as far as like people watch like, you know, like the disney shows like victorious And fuck like erion agrande was on that and like I carly Yeah, and all like uh drake and josh. I never watched an episode of any of these shows. I never watched drake and josh ever People are like, oh my god drake and josh. I've never watched an episode. Yeah Yeah, sorry. Sorry josh for listening. Sorry josh and drake So I don't fucking know but um Yeah, oh, you know who I found out followed me the other day joe jonas
Starting point is 01:12:11 Joe jonas. Yeah, that's fire. It's pretty cool. Not as hot as nick jonas. That's the one I wanted me too Yeah, that guy's a smoke that guy. It's got a good voice. Joe jonas is cool though. Yeah, I'll take joe I'll take the jonas brothers. I'll take joe. I'll take joe another joe in my life. Why not? You know, you know, yes, you know, he has 7.7 million followers And I think nick has like 49 million or something. Yeah, that's because nick's a smoke I just think yeah, you made jealous I still get jealous All right, anyway, that's all for this uh episode of the basement yard uh dany, where can they find you?
Starting point is 01:12:50 um Really? Yeah, I think we're gonna I think we're I Wanted to talk about that fucking egg. No, no. Oh my god. That's all I was saying about okay. We'll do that then we'll cut it but uh I didn't know what to do. No, no, we're good. No, but um Thoughts on the egg Yeah, I mean to give a little background story the most liked picture on instagram now with like it blew out Kylie Jenner's picture that had like 18 million and then this one has like 30 million likes on it
Starting point is 01:13:20 Which is like whatever like I understand it's cool. I'm not mad about the egg The thing I'm upset about is that when you go to the egg picture There's a bunch of accounts that are like, hey, I'm a piece of toast. Let's like me. Yeah, or like whip a book It's like dude. Why are you doing? Yeah, why are we ruining this like just like it's a whatever everyone's on board with this thing I'll tell you though. I'm proud of that egg Proud of the egg too because you want to know why proud of every single one of those units proud of every single one of those units Chocolate fucking daddy chocolate fucking daddy that fucking egg Did that so fast? Yeah
Starting point is 01:13:54 That's why the internet is amazing Is because you want to know something we all got together And like that fucking egg We deep their own to Jenner. Hell, yeah, and we like that fucking egg And there's nothing they could do about it. That was the one thing they couldn't touch. We got them bang God I liked it I liked it. You have to of course the other thing I didn't like was the when these kid
Starting point is 01:14:18 That was the one kid that pissed me off. What like if you got a certain amount of retweets. You got like free nuggets for life Pissed me off There's a lot of things that pissed me off. Did you ever get it? Yeah, you got it It gets fucking free nuggets for life the son of a bitch. Well, I mean, it's all right. He might develop some sort of You know, you can't eat nuggets every day for the rest of your life. That's what I'm trying to say No, but if you had the before one last thing because we talked about fast food If you had to eat one fast food thing Every day for the rest of your life, but you can only pick one. What would it be?
Starting point is 01:14:47 Mine's a double whopper with cheese I don't know One thing yeah, it could be a frosty. It doesn't have to be a meat meat I'd probably go double cheeseburger right double cheeseburger from mac darts Probably Madonna's Madonna's yeah mac dirties
Starting point is 01:15:11 Mac dirties, baby mac dirties all the way Number two used to get that number two because it was the cheapest and I was the brokeest That was fire fire for 19 for the meal now. It's now it's expensive. Yeah, it's probably like what for 37 No, dude, the fucking meals with McDonald's are expensive, dude No, yes, how much? Close to $10 burger king even more expensive. Yeah Burger king's like $11 for a meal Go fucking buy food and cook it for 11 bucks
Starting point is 01:15:39 Let's You're not doing I'm not doing yeah, that's this guy saying I'm not this guy just found out he had gas Yeah, apparently I didn't have gas how long you've been living here, uh two three months You have not cooked one meal. No on that stove. I haven't Have not he gets me the other day goes. Yeah, just found out. I don't have gas You lived here for three months And you haven't cooked a thing That is fucking amazing. Yeah, I know. Yeah, what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do?
Starting point is 01:16:10 What are you gonna do? I have a lot of protein shakes. Hey, listen if you ever need a hamburger You can just order one order. I order a lot of hamburgers So that's why okay. I have a lot of hamburgers left over. They're great eaters great eaters great guys Anyway, Danny, where can they find you? You can find me at daniela priori on instagram and on twitter Just being a great guy great guy great guy Better eater Papa johns, uh, you guys can follow me on twitter on twitter and instagram at joe sanagato and go
Starting point is 01:16:41 Uh, follow the show at the baseman yard and our patreon to support the show You can head over to slash the baseman yard and that is all See you motherfuckers next time deplorable deplorable hamburger

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