The Basement Yard - #179 - Somebody Better Call The Law

Episode Date: March 4, 2019

On this episode, Danny and I discuss the most cringeworthy TikToks we've ever seen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome back to the basement yard fuck yeah I never know how to start these shows base main yard intro music man oh you want to have intro music now yeah you're ready fuck this pussy welcome back dolphin penis kill that roach kill that roach just like excerpts from old episodes excerpts is that a word yeah it is a word I don't think I used it right I think I did no you did but it's just funny that you you pronounce it that way sorry but let's use excerpts excerpts have you ever heard anyone spell omelet I spelled it this morning
Starting point is 00:01:05 we get the country of origin omelasia I don't know where omelettes come from eggs egg yeah ecztonia okay omelette oh I have to write it out here we go omelette oh M E damn it you got it keep going L uh-huh E TTE yes I didn't think you were gonna get that E not a lot of people do O M L E TTE O M L like omelette like not omelette oh fucking idiots do that yeah yeah yeah I know exactly who you're talking about yo how do you like spell certain certain things certain I said I just felt 13 why are lists so funny I don't know I love it list been falling down up there always giggles old people like losing it on a patch of
Starting point is 00:02:07 ice oh yeah one of my favorite things because like immediately it's sad oh my god it's like oh man that man could die I watched the whole video of a guy filming people falling down on a patch of ice you see that video of course I'm like this girl's going down go down go down the other day I did that on my Instagram because I was driving to the gym and I was parked right outside like where the garage is and this girl was walking and she hit a patch of ice and and then just like did one of those like you know you slip backwards so then you lean forwards and you're like oh yeah and you catch yourself real quick so I was
Starting point is 00:02:43 like oh my god I'm sorry film this woman as soon as I started filming her she was walking really lightly she got into the street looked dead at me and then I threw my phone on my fucking lap and the thing is it's like what is she really gonna do if she catches you with the phone nothing really she was a white woman so she could have come over um excuse me were you video taping me my step husband is a councilman you'll never work in this city again if I catch you film it give me your phone delete it right now I'm an assembly woman I don't know what assembly woman does what does that even mean an assembly woman yeah
Starting point is 00:03:18 they just assemble people is that even a real title yeah assemblyman assembly woman I don't know angry white women are terrified yeah they're up there in stores I hate when white women make a a scene in stores it's really like scary yeah they start saying a bunch of like they love listing job titles too I'm just like I will talk to the senior assistant of the branch and you're like what you didn't know who that is that position doesn't even exist yeah how do you know that far up the food chain that the job even exists remember that old I don't want to see your manager I want to see the assistant to the district branch and you're like
Starting point is 00:03:59 I don't even know the fuck that means I work the register it's like do I treat yeah I want to see the assistant regional manager oh man what's your favorite episode of the office I have mine easily easily um mine's like see mine got played out like I loved the um the fire drill oh uh fire then like it went viral all the time and then I was just like kind of played out yeah Ryan started the fire yeah no he goes today fire is going to save lives oh when Stanley has a heart attack the best is when they're like all right so when they're doing the CPR it's like it's very good to do it to the beat of staying alive by the bgz he goes oh of course first I
Starting point is 00:04:44 was afraid I was petrified well you can tell by the way I will I will but whatever the fuck those lyrics are I have no idea he started singing it yeah Kelly's just dance it dance it in the corner no my favorite my favorite episode of the office is um the dinner party at Jan's house oh yeah Jan and Michael have them over for dinner it's fucking hysterical I love it it's great that show is so good yeah people don't like the office you could suck my pink butt have you have you ever have you ever watched the UK version can't I'm not a Ricky Gervais guy I like him I thought my laugh was annoying his is annoying I think whoa dude you sound like a muskrat yeah no he's he's he's funny he's funny he just laughs at everything no good more back
Starting point is 00:05:35 it's really out of control back to white people in stores remember that old vine of that woman in the apple store I was told by apple care that I could come in and get the part I waited at the genius bar they really suck though the apple sucks apple sucks why like going to get shit there hey take it easy maybe they want you no no no but here's the thing here's the thing here's my thing with apple yeah you walk in there yep you get greeted by a guy with a iPad yeah okay you got a type senior name and then somebody else comes over to you with an iPad and they're like oh hey is this you okay somebody will be here to see you in a second yeah then that guy comes over with an iPhone yeah do the transaction right why do I have to go through
Starting point is 00:06:25 three friggin i things why can't I just have one i thing one pad one pad one piece of technology phone will suffice yeah that's all I don't want to go I gotta talk to you and then I gotta bounce my name through multiple pads meanwhile I've walked into that place and no one's been at the front door so I go right to where I'm going I need a computer so I'm standing by the computers and I'm like no one even knows I'm here because I'm not in their fucking little fucking system yeah so I gotta go up to somewhere to an iPad like hey you the guy who makes appointments for the in-store shit why do I gotta make an appointment I know and that's a store and why is the wait always six hours and the other thing is too it's like oh did you make an appointment no I'm here to fix my phone
Starting point is 00:07:06 I do everything through my phone you fucking asshole let me see a genius and then you see a genius and I'm like I think I'm smarter than this guy yeah what do you think you're a genius because you got a red shirt on yeah or blue remember geek squad when that was a thing oh well send the geek squad yeah dude that's awesome yeah send three dicks that know more than me to my house grace the geek squad the geek squad that was best buy right yeah I think they're still around the geek squad yeah for sure they're around do you have any store credit cards no oh modells I have a PC Richard's card well that makes sense yeah I have one too now yeah because I bought my tv with it I think it's gonna lay out fucking $1800 hell no not what I could pay $100 a month I pay
Starting point is 00:07:50 60 something a month oh 84 yeah why would like why wouldn't you yeah didn't build my credit for nothing for no reason yeah fuck just go in there just buy shit for no that's the one problem though with store cards you buy shit for no reason I hate when people ask me if they if I want a card oh my god am I email address yeah what what do we do are we pen pals now yeah why am I giving you my email address I'm going up I'm trying the only time I'll go into fucking ride aid is to either get a pack of skittles or to get my mom a fucking birthday card and the one time a year I go in there she's I'm getting a fucking four dollar card she's like do you want to sign up for no I'm good you sure because you could save money on it's four dollars yeah wait what am I safe 14 cents
Starting point is 00:08:36 bullshit bring this up leave me alone yeah and add this fucking twix to the thing and I hate how they scan the thing they'll be like and they'll be like hey so uh do you want to join you get 20% off your today's purchase and your next purchase I'm like no yeah I don't ride aid also I'm going to come out I'm going to say it because no one else is saying it your receipts way too big yeah ride aid sucks I'm buying three things why are we fucking yeah yeah hold on let me just let me just get this and then there's like four receipts all right let me do this rank wall greens duane reed and ride aid in receipts or just life just life duane reed is number one right wall greens and ride a ride aids the absolute worst I think here's what I'll say I like duane
Starting point is 00:09:24 reed but I think wall greens are like there's more shit in them yeah yeah they're bigger ride aids easily the worst oh it's disgusting they're all dirty all right they're like they're like the adopted uh like child of fucking uh what it was convenience so much yes there yeah don't hurt yourself um no but ride aids terrible yes duane reed's cool it does it better than ride aid and then wall greens is like well we got way more shit yeah so it's like hey remember like that stupid thing you wanted to buy we have 11 additional colors at wall greens exactly yeah that's what it is and their card section dude buying a card is one of the worst things in the world I hate cards I hate cards with glitter on them oh I hate that or the ones that like sing out loud yeah and it's
Starting point is 00:10:14 like there's like a joke song in it and I'm like it's like a valentine's day car you open it's like I want to fuck you're at and you're like whoa yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm saying I do always get sad though when people do those frigging sad videos with like bears like that have the voice of like they're dead relative or something why are we doing that have you ever seen that yeah it's so fucking sad dude why do people take a bear and they're like yo you know it'd be awesome if we put our dead mother's voice into this fucking bear and give it to dad yeah what it's fucking sad and it's scary a little bit that's something I would do to torture a person I know it would be like you know just Chinese water torture or whatever they call that thing
Starting point is 00:11:04 whatever they do a guantanamo guantanamo guantanamo I think I had a hard time saying this on the guantanamo guantanamo guantanamo bay and then uh this shit yeah you let your why would we do this can't do it as a gift no oh this is so nice you know what just when I was getting over it now every night on my bed is this thing that speaks like my dead wife thanks a lot kids why the fuck are we getting this for dad what's wrong with you I would never that's an insane gift I would never have you guys ever got like a like a conjoined gift for your mom yeah those are all the time but that's like that's kind of what we do now anyway do you do you ever take the helm on that or somebody else does no shannon shannon buys everything yeah shannon best just take my money tell me what I'm
Starting point is 00:11:56 paying for and that's it yeah shannon shannon's really good with like you know here's my sister shannon right she on Christmas will send us a list of things that she wants yeah and it's like here's a list to choose from now in the beginning I was like what a fucking psycho yeah but I prefer that yeah that is a power move yes by her yes guessing what to get you I hate it I think Christmas it's a job now I think Christmas you guess I mean but birthday you get with you what you want or is it vice versa I don't I Christmas is way higher on my list on my birthday right but on your birthday like gift wise if no one you should get what you want here's my thing if no one got me a gift on my birthday would not care it's coming up in a couple days five days right something like
Starting point is 00:12:53 that you're twenty whenever this is going on 24th right yeah 25th 25th yeah so this will actually release on your birthday shows birthday oh shit this is gonna be my birthday episode yeah I think so oh well what'd you get me I actually actually did get you something no I know I know we talked yeah and it's actually very cool it is it's awesome yeah we'll we'll show it yeah we'll show it eventually oh also shout out to the youtube channel yeah the plaque came in the mail word the plaque came in the mail it's cool as shit right they made them way cooler because the one that I had from my old channel that's like 100,000 subscribers you get a plaque yeah that's like silver and it's like congratulations on surpassing 100,000 followers the one I had
Starting point is 00:13:36 was like cool but the one you have now is sick yeah so just letting you guys know mean Joe made a little deal if I got to keep the plaque Joe didn't have dyes hair or dress up like a woman so we can let him off the I let him off the hook on that bet all right he would have honored it at some point but I said you know what let's make a deal here I want this let him off the hook yeah so Danny's got the basement yard plaque yeah um good deal for I think it's a good deal for both yeah you keep your hair I keep the plaque it's fine you're not keeping that million though I'm taking that yeah that's fine that's fine we'll see if we can get two of those we'll try probably not though no take forever to send that shit no fucking youtube I completely forgot me too when you were
Starting point is 00:14:20 like yeah like this that I was like yeah I have no idea what that is yeah we got nervous we thought someone was trying to send us anthrax one of those bombs that blows up that has like nails in them but we didn't know what the hell was going on because I got an email that was like yeah there's a package showing up in a couple of days and I was like Danny did you order something with this fucking email that's no immediately he goes I don't have any of your card information I didn't think that he took my card and was just like buying shit that's what I thought you said you were like yeah like honestly I thought you were like confronting me like yeah like listen I'm not going to be mad but like yeah would you like buy something with my credit card I was like dude I don't know
Starting point is 00:14:50 anything about your credit cards oh my god no but I don't know if that you know that I don't know if yeah um but yeah I was like what the fuck is this and then it showed up to your house yeah and then what was the thing so shout out to the subs shout out to the subs shout out to the subs and also shout out to the patreon yeah shout out to the patreon and the subs the subs uh there's like 130,000 I want to say now close yeah close to there slash the base me yard fire subscribe so you don't miss any of those notifications and the patrons the patreon if you don't know if you want to support the show you can pledge like money every month and it helps the show that's how we were able to buy these mics we're gonna get some new cameras soon
Starting point is 00:15:31 we also have a campaign going on there what we have a campaign going on there what does that mean if we get to 1500 patrons which are over 1100 patrons I finally get my goddamn fucking raise you better watch your fucking tone the people are behind me I'm the people's champion you really are I am the people's champion people just want to see me succeed yeah you know it's crazy you're like Vince McMahon yeah but they just want to keep me down you know what happens they they don't know what they want because once you get that raise you guys don't understand what's gonna happen to Danny it's not true when Danny gets a raise it's not true there's gonna be cheetah mink coats no more chains gold teeth I might get a tiger piercing but I won't raise it
Starting point is 00:16:17 its whole life I'll get it for like a month like I'm then like I'll donate it do you guys see what I'm talking about why this is this is what you want you want him to get a raise yeah I'm trying to save his life you're not you listen guys we'll come together slash the base in the all right help me get that raise because I had to go out to the people to get it because if I was with this guy I'd be I'd be working for shillings for the rest of my life shillings shillings you bastard um or I had to get out I had to take up another fucking job probably here's what yeah yeah I'm sure you're starving here's what I'll say here's what I'll say if we get to 1500 patrons and we need like 400 more I think yeah um we'll do it on the show I'll draw up a contract yeah
Starting point is 00:17:03 we'll get a new salary in there we won't say what it is that's private that's private that's private yeah that's private but then we'll sign it on the show IRS IRS private and then yeah no worries tell the books tell the books um but yeah we'll do it we'll do it on the show we'll do a contract signing do a contract signing yeah that'll be awesome you wear a suit yeah fake like flash bulbs and shit we'll just name a dany got a raise yeah it'll be a four minute podcast that's it no I'm just joking but um yeah but other than that I if I was gonna I always think about like if I had to find another job what I would do I don't know if I could do anything else well there's a lot of apps that you could just like make a living off of there's people living off of
Starting point is 00:17:45 fucking twitter youtube fucking tiktok tiktok is the one I cannot understand tiktok is something else something else kind of it's kind of it's kind of why trashy oh no it's it is why trashy yeah everyone on there is like very like in the middle of the woods and like a lot of confederate flags like a lot of confederate flags and it's like a lot of vampire shit a lot of vampire and demons yeah why is there so many demons it's a lot of vampire shit and like are there tiktok celebs now yes they're like tiktokers yeah and they're like they're yeah they're tiktokers and they're like 12 years old and have millions of followers on instagram now shut the fuck up yeah you don't know this no they have millions of followers on instagram now and they just do tiktoks and they
Starting point is 00:18:34 get millions of views millions of likes they probably make bank they buy mag gucci all those kids have gucci sweaters they're 1200 dollars damn dude gucci's kind of canceled right now well yeah at the moment you might have to tuck that shirt away but yo actually on tiktok um there's this one video that I saw of this guy he's dressed as like a um like a demon like a demon yeah like a demon um and I don't know why that he does this but this is the tiktok that he did right so hold on oh no no no oh this isn't him this isn't him this is some other shit so another thing that's kind of popular on tiktok is is sort of like a dude's being dominant yeah like screen like you know I have to punish you yeah
Starting point is 00:19:24 I'm gonna fucking spit in your eyes if you don't talk like it's weird like here's an example right and you're not gonna be able to see my phone so I'm not gonna hold it up to the camera but you guys can just listen in on this what the fuck is that so what they do is that's not a guy saying that by the way that is just a voiceover that someone found and then acted out like lips synced and they always do that and they always have like fangs why is there so many fangs dude my favorite tiktoks are the country tiktoks though somebody better call the law and do the downside it's time to bro it's just like it's just like hicked out dudes with like a big ass lip in yeah and like a camo hat and they just start
Starting point is 00:20:21 throwing punches at the camera I just it's like there's like actual like four or five like songs that are popular on there it's like that one yeah the other one's uh that one and then uh the other one is like uh like a weird cover of like the Drake song what Drake song uh I'll remember it but that weird skinny kid like like the demon kid does it oh I don't I don't know that's a weekend the weekend yeah yeah yeah no I mean yo but the demon scares me man I wish I could show a video of the demon I gotta go find the demon you want to know what's weird though is that there's probably girls on there you're like I want to suck this guy's dick she's like oh my god this demon's hot this is one hot demon I want to suck
Starting point is 00:21:14 this demon guys oh my god this is the this is the demon if you can see my phone I live my life by a simple credo you stand behind me I'll protect you stand beside me I respect you you stand against me I'll end you Jesus dude and a demon said that mind you this demon um he has horns on he it's it's a it's a grown real life man and he's wearing horns and a red bandana like he's fucking what's his name axl rose red hair he's got a he's got a he's got two chains that go here and hither he's got face paint like a little bit like over here sort of war paint ish and uh he's wearing like cane in the 90s wrestling cane um chokeslam cane he's wearing like an outfit like that and then I just noticed that in the background on his wall is a battle axe yeah so
Starting point is 00:22:15 guys got a battle axe it's just kind of weird that there's girls out there that date guys that collect swords Jeremy got his new sword dude's in the backyard with his sword just oh my god oh sick my sword came in oh dude you're 30 put the sword down sparrow and listen there's gonna be people out there but well look a lot of people collect certain things listen not swords don't collect swords unless you live on a boat yeah and you're stealing from other boats don't get a sword unless you're on a boat stealing from other boats
Starting point is 00:23:09 why you got a sword oh god it's so funny oh my god but I just think like I can't believe this and you tell y'all hold on I will say all right fine you want to get a sword it's cool I wouldn't mind having a sword a sword a sword to have a sword right and you're like oh my god it's like a samurai sword it's so big it's like cool just put it on your wall yeah from like the 1600s or something like it killed like 11 like Shaolin lords or something yeah but there is absolutely no reason to have a fucking battle axe dude like what is the floor of the rings you're fighting a bunch of orcs why would you have a battle axe I just tiktok to me has become something they're getting a lot of major fucking uh like uh advertising though there's a lot of views I saw like um he goes
Starting point is 00:24:00 I was like whoa it got there yeah it got to me goes yeah it got there it got that that high up somebody better call the law call the Migos what also even that song what's everyone just punching women in the face down there why is there a song dedicated to like someone puts a hand on a woman punch them in the face in the parking lot what the fuck is that the only answer to violence is small violence yeah oh man there's just a whole song dedicated to domestic violence oh my god like read me my rights put me in cash I'm like dude none of this is cool there was always that guy though like growing up that would like getting everyone's business that's that guy that wrote that song not saying you should hit your wife but like you know like you know like when you're in
Starting point is 00:24:52 high school and like guys were like arguing with their girlfriend they would always be like yeah like yeah steve like come on man like chill out you better cool the fuck out man yeah cool out just like you step outside get some fresh air don't yell at her there is always the fresh air guy it's taking it easy man go outside get some I hate fresh air yeah I hate when people say that the air is the same as when I came in here I mean listen I love fresh air don't tell me to go get it though I know okay I know where it is I've lived on this earth I know where to get it yeah but once I get some fresh air shut up shut up please god I hate it so much you know he does a great job of bringing tiktok to the world is uh Jeff Cyrus oh my god Jeff Cyrus he does a great job he is the
Starting point is 00:25:43 king of tiktok tiktok of tiktok I was literally just on his guys j dot cyrus c y r us this kid on he has a highlights he has two highlight stories it's like tiktok one tiktok two I think they're phenomenal they're amazing it's it's filled with all of these like just very strange some of you guys might know who he is but like he's not tiktoker he's the tiktok he he puts together compilations of the most cringe worthy ones yeah I saw one where a guy grabs like his wife by the throat by a collar and brings her in starts making out with her yeah imagine you saw that like like a co-worker saw that what's wrong with you yeah it's like um hey Janet you were just on a leash last night in your kitchen oh what was that about yo crazy story I don't know and then we'll get back
Starting point is 00:26:37 to tiktok somebody I know all right yeah well I was dating their girlfriend obviously it was dating a girl yes and they went over to the sister's house to meet up you know with the sister and her fiance I believe okay and she answered the door in a collar they didn't have a leash attached it was it was like that type of shit a dog collar yeah how do you forget to take off your collar when there's company coming over no I just think that that's what they were into and the person that told me about it was like yo it was very weird and like they talked to her about it while they were there they're like why are you doing this like why are you wearing a dog collar and they were like and she and the girl who was wearing a dog collar was like no this is like
Starting point is 00:27:24 just like what he's into like this is just like what we do like could you like like be a dog yeah or be a dog walker yeah I don't I couldn't do either that's what I'm saying like like I want to be like all these demon kids like on tiktok and shit they have like a following obviously uh the demon has to have a following there's a ministry an evil ministry dark ministry behind them I mean yes we know this that's that's the scary part I mean as long as they're not actual demons I'm cool with it yeah but I don't know if they're actual demons I don't know like all these visual effects how much of it is effects and how much of it is real the vampires on there yeah and that guy also had some vampire teeth so he could be like a demon vampire he's the leader with a battle axe I can't
Starting point is 00:28:08 win he's a fucking leader dude he is dude they'll come for us like I'm almost afraid talking about it on the show yeah now I totally regret it yeah now I feel scared somebody better call the law it's coming after us somebody better call the law that thing is just for like borderline like good looking country guys like turn their hat backwards or just like not good looking guys yeah that too and what's the other one oh you're with him now you ready for ready for oh that sucks there's no going back and some transformation that isn't even that like drastic oh my god we need to get on tiktok no I can't yeah do you remember when um it was I forgot what it was I forgot it was called but it was like those videos where a person would make themselves look way uglier than they
Starting point is 00:29:04 actually are oh yeah they'd be like they'd like draw in like a unibrow and then put some like zits and like wear glasses and like do whatever yeah they'd be like oh and then they put their hand over the camera and they're just like they're like yo this is fucking psychotic yeah they used to do it to like that cool kids song I just want to be like the cool kids oh yeah like the cool kids it was like some weird like emo version yeah yeah but now like in that situation say you went somewhere and you're asking me if you were in that situation would you be okay having like a dinner with them if I went to someone's house yes and he was walking his wife around like she was a dog yeah he had a lesion shit yeah would I be okay
Starting point is 00:29:56 with it if they'd be okay with me filming it and posting it because what the fuck dude we're having dinner that's what I'm saying put the dog outside but some people are in the cage I know okay your wife's the dog I know I don't know I couldn't even do that if it was me if it was me and like I was married I'm like six years into my marriage my wife's like she just she just comes into the room on all fours and she's just yeah collared and she's like to walk me and I'm like what all right so what if it's no but vice versa though if like could you even try to date someone that was into that type of shit that was into being a dog yeah no that's a deal breaker for me I wouldn't feel comfortable walking you around the house no I can't also that just adds more responsibility
Starting point is 00:30:47 I got one dog I gotta walk that's true I can't walk two dogs no it's crazy I could never understand that some people like to be ponies I know be a person you were born a person be a person fucking transponies what are they doing oh man it's kind of wild yeah like you ever see that guy is like I identify as a wolf yeah that was more of a seal I think it seals more like that was also a seal but do your seal no how about this yeah that's a good seal that's a seal did you know that when it snows my eyes become wider that song was so good yeah amazing seal man whatever to his face I don't know I think something is a kid had Heidi Klum for a while though he's a smoke yeah he does a lot of I saw like a compilation of
Starting point is 00:31:53 like people who are street performers and like the person who actually made the song yeah rolling up on him and singing the song and seal does it all the time that's fire yeah so he'll hear people like singing fucking what's that song called again kiss by Rose kiss by Rose I hate when people sing that karaoke just like every cowboy sing this hey so what's what songs bother you karaoke song that one um don't stop believing don't stop believing I hate so much pisses me off so much like I love journey and it's a good song yeah but don't man that song's not even cool anymore it's not lights is where it's yeah that's great when the lights it's my shit bro uh don't stop believing I can't stand it when I hear it um piano piano man also like gets me pissed I love Billy Joel
Starting point is 00:32:54 uh Bohemian Rhapsody that one really bothers me because no one can sing it I actually didn't like Queen for a very long time because of that really yeah meanwhile Queen is like I love Queen yeah and also you need 11 people to sing that song like what are you doing yeah I can't stand that everyone just knows like their position too when when that song comes on like half the bars like I'll go high you go low yeah I can't like uh it's like I can't stand when people sing that song yeah Frankie loves that song and when it comes on in bars he goes off I'll be honest with you I could do without that song for a while it's an amazing song amazing song somebody to love
Starting point is 00:33:40 that's way that's a way better song to me somebody to love god that gay bastard sing his ass off hell yeah like I had some voice fucking AIDS right yeah yeah I haven't seen the movie well you don't need to see the movie to know that Freddie Mercury died from AIDS no no I know that but I haven't seen the movie I heard it was good I heard it was amazing that's one thing I gotta start going to the movies more hate the movies I don't go at all I guess it was the last movie I saw Avengers probably uh not uh Black Panther Avengers came out after okay because you wouldn't have known who Black Panther was that's true I think I saw something else yeah but I don't go I don't see
Starting point is 00:34:28 anything why would you you could buy things you could like for like six dollars uh ten dollars yeah on like iTunes or whatever and just watch that I just feel like I spent so much money in my own damn house like I don't want to go see it with like 50 other people I have to worry about people talking and shit oh my god I hate when people talk people talking Reggie yeah you see that bro it's a screen the size of the whole wall how would we miss it you you see that yes yeah I saw it Reggie and then I love when people look for the people that they're looking for but they'll call out their name while walking in Clarence Clarence Tyler
Starting point is 00:35:12 Tyler sorry Tyler I'm like shut the fuck up let me watch it up it also looks like 16 dollars go to a movie now well yeah you got a fucking first of all popcorn whoa yeah the cheapest thing on earth costs nine dollars no thanks I love that like all right so we have uh two sizes here's a small and you're like well that's five kernels I'm not gonna get that here's the medium it's like okay this is this could fill my car yeah it's huge and like this is the large and it's like a half an inch bigger than that so you're like all right well give me the fucking medium now now I have 10,000 kernels of popcorn that I'm not gonna get close to eating yeah I could crush some corn though the
Starting point is 00:35:50 good thing about the movie theaters and going to actual events is that you could just leave shit on the floor yeah but you also fuck up your shoes when you go yeah I always wear shitty shoes if I'm going to the movies or I'm going to that floor like yeah who the fuck just blew abundance of lows in here yeah it's disgusting first of all just isn't even that sticky no it's just even sticky yes yes yeah probably yes is it though yes darling yeah but I feel like it needs time to become sticky no it needs some oxygenation dude you ever get that shit on your hand in the shower you gotta hold it like the bar so you know when you get hair on bar soap you gotta like try and get it off yeah but it's not you gotta hold it at a certain angle it like breaks down to its smallest molecule
Starting point is 00:36:37 I can't even get it off that's because it's slimy yeah it is you know what I mean but it's not sticky like it's not gonna like if I if I just on like a piece of paper you're right and then I slapped it against a wall it'll stick not hard oh it will until it dries too no yes it'll slide it'll slide off it's more slimy than sticky I think this is a myth no we're gonna just on some paper myth bust this thing listen we'll tick tock that we'll tick tock that yeah for sure but the thing that scares me the most about tick tock too is like how big it's getting because you know like vine was like really really big but then like it kind of like became like you never saw like it tick tock is famous for being
Starting point is 00:37:27 super weird yeah vine was like famous for being funny right or people attempting to be funny shots fire um this is just let's just be weird inform weird legions of people a lot of people would face paint I know yeah and like say no masochist shit yeah why is everyone beating their girlfriends up I don't know there's a are we missing out on something is this what people are into I don't know should we be beating up more girls apparently on tick tock to like I want you to go over there sit in the corner don't pee till I say yeah what is this about dude I like when they go split screen and someone like actually like abides by their rules yeah it's like sit over there and they're like okay I'll sit down yeah yo hold on a lot of old people on there too dude that's what I was gonna
Starting point is 00:38:19 bring up before there's like people that are like around my dad's age you know I hold on I saw this video this guy he was around my dad's age and his video was of his car the hood of his car right dude I saw this tick tock it was a grown man and he set up his his phone facing him and like his car right and he he was set up in the back yeah in like the woods okay and the video started and he came jogging and then slid across the hood of his car landed on the floor and started singing into his phone this is a grown ass man can I be honest for a second it's kind of bad ass no it's not it's not bad ass for an old man to be able to run slide and sing gotta give him some like it wasn't graceful oh okay it wasn't James Bond yeah it wasn't like like Duke's hazard
Starting point is 00:39:15 no no no it took a while to get over there yeah how long are the ticks the tocks yeah how long are the tops I don't know I feel this is the one of the first times that I feel kind of everyone takes their shirt off too on tiktok yes for some reason on tiktok everyone's like all right three seconds in rip my shirt off and now let's continue the rest of it you're like wait what's going on and there's a lot of weird building graphics and shit yeah everything's so dark scary on there yeah it's very like fuck dungeony yeah do you uh have you guys ever talked to a satanist on opo hold on before I answer that question I mean we have so oh you have awesome sake but uh let me
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Starting point is 00:41:31 yeah um i love i love blue apron well apron is great also teaches you how to cook right because they give you they give you the step-by-step instructions on things and they have like good shit yeah their food is good dude in march so here's some recipes for march right they have seared steak and caper butter hot italian pork sausage and pasta and that looks delicious by the way um sweet and spicy glazed chicken like they have like dope yeah foods their ingredients are like all right yo here's this chicken nugget like go ahead yeah you know they have really good food so if you're interested in in getting into cooking uh i suggest doing it that way because that's kind of like what got me into it um is is blue apron um but yeah they it shows up at your door it's all
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Starting point is 00:43:06 i went into it thinking like this person worships the devil and it's just like yo six six six like it's fucking lit down here yeah it's fucking hot down here dude um but no the person was saying how and you guys could check out the full interview um on the other podcast that i have it's called other people's lives that i do with my buddy greg we talk to anonymous people that have you know things that are taboo or weird or whatever the Tourette's episode was great Tourette's episode was amazing yeah um but yeah you guys go check that out it's available wherever you can get a podcast but um this person in particular she i believe is a woman she said um that it's more so about being like setting your own rules and not just following society's
Starting point is 00:43:55 rules if you like like as in like religious rules no just like anything really they find religion to be very controlling oh damn i'm saying this is fuck then so i'm going to hell dog the way that she was explaining it and i'm like all right you know whatever and then she was saying that um you know in the beginning when religion was sort of practiced i guess right uh people who didn't they said worshiped satan and satan was the guy who would you would go to a fiery hell when you died yes so the fallen angel the fallen one the else above basically the way this person made it seem was like if you weren't down with this particular religion whatever it was then you would go to hell and so you were labeled as a satanist because you didn't follow every the the
Starting point is 00:44:46 pack you kind of did your own thing right so it was like that's a satanist whatever but she's but she did admit that a lot of people kind of run with it and they make it like all the whole 666 upside down cross kind of thing and you know whatever she's like but at its core that's what it means but she sounds like she made a little sense though you know i did it did make i was pleasantly surprised surprised and like the interview is very long and extensive and it's interesting right i you know but do you think like his here's here's why i asked that these kids on tiktok they're young kids yeah like one day like they're gonna like go to college and like you're gonna have like a job at microsoft and then like there's gonna be videos of you like
Starting point is 00:45:27 with no shirt on being like wearing wings yeah yeah i i i'm i'm shows here that you're demon man 64 who is that oh sorry you can't work here i think that eventually that's gonna have to like not be a thing of thing that passed yeah because kind of like how tattoos remember they're like yo don't get tattoos we can see him yes you're not gonna get hired yeah that's not the case anymore at least it's making its way towards that you know maybe not in like the finance world like you maybe you have to wear like long sleeves or whatever right but like um cyber judging is that is that a thing uh you just made that up cyber shaming i don't know this is really making me uneasy that you're saying no no no is that is that what it
Starting point is 00:46:09 would be i guess it's being like realistically you and me yeah got from bed oh i can't get a job say this all crumbles no i can't we are fucked i'm so fucked yeah we can't do shit i have an eighth grade education just so just so everyone's like filled in about like fifth grade education what i've done on the internet my first video that i've ever made in the format where i was just talking to the camera was titled a talk about sluts if i put that video out today it would it would completely ruin however at the time i thought it was hilarious and it probably was maybe no i really don't think like looking back on it it wasn't all right but to to a 17 year old me i was just like making sense sluts i literally was going and i i've tweeted numerous things about sluts or like whatever
Starting point is 00:47:04 that i've deleted but uh but it's just like because you're a kid bro and it's like yeah whatever like it's like a cheap laugh out of someone like i'll say it and like do whatever yeah and you grow from that obviously but there was a lot of things that i said back in the day that were very like girls are this way and like guys are this way yeah and like it was just it just made no fucking sense so there's so much stuff out there but literally the first video i did was a talk about sluts you could never get a job again no maybe i'll get like a social media manager job yeah dude i've been singing about titties for five years yeah you're it's a rap for you dude i could never do anything yeah no that's fucking scary dude i'm surprised pc richards gave you a card yeah they
Starting point is 00:47:48 were just like no we can't we googled you want yo here's a funny story one of the last jobs i had i used to drive a minivan for troubled kids okay so the um one day i walk into the office and they googled me and apparently i well not apparently i did it but i posted a video of me singing with like their logo in it uh so the people of that company called like our branch and was like yo who is this kid and they were like what are you talking about just like his videos all over the internet and he's singing about titties in our logo get him out of there yeah so i literally walked in and my pictures all over to google imaging me they didn't fire me they were supposed to fire me but they didn't so like just that i'll never be able to get a job yeah i mean hey please don't fire me
Starting point is 00:48:51 i don't have anything left really i don't know where we go isn't that weird have you ever thought about that though like personally yourself 100 i think about it all the time it's just i do there's nothing else we could do well there's other things we could do but it's like i look at it like this like jay z sold crack and i'm not comparing myself to jay z but if jay z can like be on like a forbes list and like knowingly have sold crack before and was like arrested for stabbing somebody i think i got a shot in entertainment yeah yeah because like i feel like once you've done enough stuff like nobody cares yeah i just think that like what i think eventually it's going to get to the point where it's like all of us have done ridiculous things on the internet
Starting point is 00:49:39 that like if you really did a background check on people you're gonna find something it's a wrap you know what i'm saying and it's just like when you get out of college when you first get out of college like when everyone gets out of college right they i just said that nine times in a row i don't know what when you get out of college you got a college you can nap this time when you get out of college right no but that that like month where all of your friends are applying for jobs and whatnot all of their facebook's and like twitter's or whatever it's all private yeah the name yeah it's like sarah sarah jones and they're like not even sarah or jones yeah like i remember some of my friends like frankie it would just be like friend and then his last
Starting point is 00:50:19 name was key so it'd just be frankie yeah yeah what and then like so you just hide all this shit that you've done so we've all done dumb shit and it's gonna be impossible to hide at some point especially now even now i think so dude you google me the first thing that comes up is tits you know what i mean and you know think about this at this point if you google my name this is gonna come up yeah every episode of this would get me fired oh yeah but i think like you want to know what it is though that's a testament to us we took a shot somebody better call the law somebody better call the law that's the only thing like that's a very interesting thing that you brought up though i'm actually very intrigued by that what like cyber shaming like will that ever
Starting point is 00:51:10 be a thing of the past i think there's you'd be surprised at how many different types of whatever shaming are gonna pop up over the years yeah everything's gonna be shaming whatever but like should i if i'm qualified which i'm not but if i was qualified like say like i went to like the best like business school and i got the highest degree and like on the side while i was in college i sang about like titties but like i still got my degree and went out for jobs should i not be able to get that job it's not about not being able to get the job but if you're tied with someone else who didn't sing about titties i'd rather have them like i'm just asking you as a boss yeah oh well no you're asking the wrong person yeah you'd be like give me this tittie guy
Starting point is 00:51:54 this guy loves titties this guy loves titties yeah bring him in come on double the sound yeah but not but like i feel bad for kids like that like if it's something like not extreme you know what i'm saying yeah it's not like listen if you post like a whole bunch of racist shit while you're in college yeah you're in trouble if you're posting racist shit or if you're you know filming yourself with like guns yeah or you're doing like stuff like that but if you're just a weirdo who's wearing horns and wings and like singing about you know dominating your girlfriend then i guess you're good i think you're all right yeah if you're like if you're lip syncing to fucking if you're gonna wear a collar and you're gonna piss in a cup in the
Starting point is 00:52:37 corner then like that's different than you saying like a bunch of racist shit yeah about asians or whatever like oh what i had to pick somebody i had to i had to no but like i i feel like as i'm trying to word this the best way i don't know no no i feel like as people now we've become so sensitive but like not sensitive like um i hope you know that makes no sense i know but like the the the slut walk that ambrose does right it's like you can dress like this and like get whatever job you want like it shouldn't matter like what you wear but like why is it called the slut walk is it like a play on like like we could be sluts we're we're using your words against you okay like if we own this word
Starting point is 00:53:34 then you can't hurt us with it right sort of but like but you can't use the word slut though because then it's slut shaming i miss the word slut i just don't i get confused you know i just kind of just go also if you're wearing a thong to work it's probably not the best anywhere i don't think anybody wants me to show up in the thong the work i used to call a girl sluts for no reason when i was younger that's what people would do yeah you're a young moron you're just like oh my god you heard that she kissed johnny what a slut i know like yo literally when you grow up that's like what happens on like a tuesday night that's what i'm saying can i ask you one question yeah do you think like girls like when like they're all hanging out
Starting point is 00:54:21 they'll be like let's go out and get fucked do you think they do that because guys do that and it's weird and usually not one of them gets fucked yeah i don't i don't know i've never been at the the girl pre game i know we're like oh my god i just like i just want to let loose and just get some fucking penis you know like but like wait if you knew if listen if you were fly on the wall in that room you would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to be able to develop some kind of technology that gets you eyes into those pre games oh i would love to know those conversations we're gonna catch some dick i'm like all right we're hanging out with these girls tonight you know i hate like the let's go get pussy uh pre game speech i've never honestly me and my
Starting point is 00:55:05 friends have never done that ever it's like it's tonight we're gonna get beers and we're gonna get pussy yeah yeah let's go shotgun in the backyard and then tap each other on the butt lightly i'm gonna suck a girl's ass yeah yo that girl jessica that i knew she's bringing her big old tits to the club tonight i'm gonna fucking move a boner right there at the bar i don't even care i don't even fuck i'm gonna get fucked up and then you know what happens those dudes they go to clubs they stand in the corner don't dance don't talk to anyone yeah have a good night boys and talk about how the girl wasn't hot enough she's a fucking lesbian probably yeah she's so fucking prude bro she's a fucking slut yeah she's a prude she was tongueing down that fucking guy
Starting point is 00:55:48 yeah he's a nice guy with her boyfriend slut just hanging out with her boyfriend i know you want to strudgel that bothers me you say strudgel brudgel brudgel i know you want to strudgel i was just making up an italian way brudgel i hate when italian guys do that shit too oh my god oh my god she makes my mother want to cook another thing i can never do just because i have no confidence in this type of shit cat call oh my god dude you either have to be seriously stupid and have no filter or you really just don't give a fuck about like your public appearance
Starting point is 00:56:36 just to be like hey sweetheart yeah where you going you should smile more dude yo it's a lovely day why aren't you smiling i'm like yo dude that's a person that's a human being excuse me sweetie damn damn sweetie hot you poking out that fucking turtleneck look at that some things are poking out the top of that shirt where you going it's crazy yeah cat calling's crazy let me bounce more around a little bit did you ever see that cat calling like like video i can't tell which one of those are real or fake i know that's a thing that's why walking around new york city for 10 minutes it's like you really walked by like 10 different fucking burrows and 10 minutes so why is there a construction site on every block that you're on i will say though
Starting point is 00:57:26 walking past a construction site is weird because i've done it as a dude and i'm like oh these guys are staring at me yeah i feel like i want to give like someone wants to fuck me every time i walk by a guy yeah you said that violently okay yeah and i held this yeah some guys want to fuck me somebody got so guys wants to fuck me so bad yeah no it's weird i don't like it i think cat calling is absurd though when people do it from like vans they're like hanging out the side of the van sweetheart get in the fucking car it's like whoa dude roll down your window drive it like what are you not rolled out rolled down hitting on people at the gym too mad weird don't even talk to me at the gym i know i've i've heard people hit on girls
Starting point is 00:58:11 first of all that's one of my favorite things in the world oh watching people fucking get shut down there's two things i love one is watching people and like overhearing someone hit on a girl and the second thing is being at a bar and seeing two people like on a date yeah and trying to guess which date they're on oh that's fun yeah but wait like what number yeah okay all right that's what i thought you said just being like oh my god they're on they're on a second date right now or a first date a first date there's usually some distance a second date dude's usually really close can you like first date like there you could touch right do you hug on a first date like upon like seeing each other yeah you do that right yeah i don't
Starting point is 00:58:58 know i've been out the game for a while dude well let's think about it's like if you go on a first date with someone you've clearly been texting enough that like you know you're someone's willing to go out with you unless it's like a blind date yeah even then i'd hug someone i hug people way just me at all the time i think it's just more welcoming like hey like it's it's it's like even if we don't hit it off let's just like have fun yeah you know i have no problem with that i've never been on a blind date in my life never yeah neither am i those sound terrifying they sound terrifying too imagine dressing up for like you have no idea who you're meeting one of those fucking tiktok people show up god damn walk in there it's like all right people people demon
Starting point is 00:59:33 all right which one is he i'll be dressed as a demon founder where are you where are you i'm in the back i got the horns on oh man walk in there you're like oh my god oh Jesus somebody better call the fucking law that's definitely a name in this episode somebody better call the law i'll tell you this for me i don't think i could date again like go on like a first date why because i think i'd be so bad at it oh man i would do anything i would do anything to see because listen you ever talk to girls no when they have no no what i'm saying like do you ever hear stories from girls where they talk about like oh this guy said this thing to me and you're like that's such a weird thing to say to a person yeah yeah and you're like why do guys do that so it's
Starting point is 01:00:27 like it always makes me think that do people i know do stuff like that yeah like say weird ass dude i had a buddy one time that was with the girl oh my god i love this story oh no so i had a buddy that was hooked this is in high school so like it wasn't that bad okay but like he was hooking up with this girl one time and like uh i guess like his dick got out somehow and he just looked at it wait wait wait wait wait what the hell was that like like i guess his dick got out yeah like she was like jerking him off or something like giving him a hand job or whatever like while they were hooking up you made it seem like oh i don't i don't know maybe he you know he got up too fast his dick fucked up no no no no no no no no no it didn't it didn't matter how the
Starting point is 01:01:10 penis got out it got out penis is in the wind penis got out of the cage so the penis is out and they're hooking up and he looks at the girl and goes want a taste yeah oh boy yeah when this one got back to us holy shit i did not i did not let this one go for years dude i for years i actually have one i have one and i forgot how we found out want a taste want a taste is pretty bad it's bad it's like yo what is this a fucking nobody's even there yo this fucking place is haunted dude someone dropped off a package you there's nobody there yeah but you see a package someone dropped it off and then hit the button and ran that's the that's the fast fast we talked all that shit about demons and now they're outside
Starting point is 01:02:00 yeah they're dropping off packages it's got like vampire teeth in it and shit join us one of my friends what was i just saying i did the want to taste thing you said somebody one of your friends oh first of all the want to taste thing just sounds like a like a skittles commercial or something that's mad weird yeah um but one of my friends i forgot how we found out but uh he was like sexting this girl and they were going back and forth and he said something like i could be your boy next door oh we were crushing them in the fucking group chat yo oh man for like months i might do it tonight because i haven't said it in like two years yeah
Starting point is 01:02:46 i hit him and she'd be like yo what's going on anyway uh yo i might hit mine too i might hit mine i might throw the one i think i'm gonna throw the one anybody want to taste her oh god want to taste this really bad that's when you know it's bad when it hurts you yeah i was like oh oh i probably have said something back in the day we were all 15 once and just oh yeah for sure for sure but but the boy next door comment really got me yeah i was like yo what are you fucking who would even say this i know is sexting with somebody you're with hot or unnecessary i think it's part of the game i think i think it's yeah i think i think it is part of the game
Starting point is 01:03:36 i mean i don't know about throwing in the boy next door it's kind of no no no no no no but uh are you a fan of role playing would you have a role play we just went over that i wouldn't be a dog walker no no no no no no no that's like they lived like that like like oh okay they weren't role playing yeah but i wouldn't i wouldn't have a boner of being like walk me like a dog i'd be like we're adults no no no like we're human beings maybe you're like a teacher a college professor that seems just like so much work can we just that's how you feel no i if a girl came to you was like yo i want to role play and i want you to be my college professor i would do it no i would do it i would do it i would do it no i would i would do it but i also just feel like you know
Starting point is 01:04:20 to consistently i have to now you know prep and put on a tie and like you wouldn't want it there to be a role play night i don't want any kind of like schedule you know yeah no role play night but if you i work nine to five and now i got a great papers from seven to seven forty five you know what i mean i can't have that i didn't sound like to be a real teacher i just want to stick my penis in your vagina god damn it she's got an essay and she's like oh my god read it and you're like i didn't indent the paragraphs oh no yeah what i get on it she's like well it's actually terrible take a c-minus she's like really i'm like yeah you need to fucking study more imagine you're like you wrote this like no you really wrote this this is great this is fantastic
Starting point is 01:05:06 i've never seen this side of ishmael before yeah reading movie dick i've never seen that dude think about being a teacher for a second right i thought about this not too long ago it just blows my mind you know when you had to write essays in school yeah the teacher has to read 30 essays about the same shit yeah not this fucker no way i'm an english teacher i'm not i'm not reading that you think i studied all four years of high school and then i get in here at eight i teach you assholes to read 30 essays about abraham lincoln get the fuck out and you probably know all that shit before you even read them too yeah fuck that i'd be the worst english teacher for all time i'd be like all right so what happened in chapter four no seriously tell me what
Starting point is 01:05:56 happened seriously i have no idea i didn't read i know you know i know you read it i know you read it you fucking nerd yeah but also by the time i get to the last paper i don't get at this point i'm like i don't even know it'd be plus yeah jesus i used to hate when they would leave questions like but why though and like you want me to write write you back yeah do you want me to reply to this on the paper and hand it back to you what the fuck am i supposed to do with this but why i used to hate when i used to get bad grades and they would write like try harder fuck you you're right suck my ass yeah one time one of my teachers uh fucking cock suckers he hated me i had had this teacher for science in um in high school and uh i got like a lab report back
Starting point is 01:06:39 and there was just a minus 10 at somewhere right your labs suck fucking dick i hated that shit oh i used to look at part of the regular class oh this is awesome oh it's lab day fuck yeah this sucks there was just a random minus 10 like in in an area where there was no reason for it there was no other red marks and i just literally was just like yeah why did i get minus 10 at this point and he's like just it's your grade and i was like yeah but like why did i get a minus 10 here and you didn't have an answer for me i think he was just like yeah this kid's probably stupid probably fuck something up minus 10 god it's great i failed every single lab that i ever took i would always like even if i knew i was gonna get the question wrong i would answer
Starting point is 01:07:26 it comically and be like let's see what kind of cool teacher i got here squeeze out a .3 never worked they'd be like ha ha funny x you ever do that thing where you write true and false at the same fucking time i once one time didn't know the answer if it was true or false and i actually wrote like honestly well it could actually be both here's why and wrote like a paragraph and my teacher gave me a right answer for it that's far yeah which was kind of cool that was like one of the last tests i ever passed probably yeah remember teachers pets what the hell were you god damn horse the fucking cat i'm one of those ponies yeah you ever see a pony eat so scary i love having a goat eat out of my hand i know but it's so gross i love having a goat i love having a goat eat out of my
Starting point is 01:08:19 hand the other thing i was gonna say teachers pets weren't they the worst i want to fucking strangle them you didn't check the whole shut the fuck up timmy yeah beverly if you don't want your fucking mouth beverly there's always some girl named like ester shut the fuck up ester the fuck up ester god damn it why you have so many pencils i know share and when people wouldn't give you a pencil suck my fat ass your what ass my fat ass oh yeah like wait i was gonna say fat dick but like i'm trying to be more like about my ass these days oh okay more of an ass guy right now okay it just got so dark i know that's what happens in the fucking winter when spring start part of the march something all right so it's close yeah daylight savings time absolutely garbage
Starting point is 01:09:12 i know it's ridiculous because i mean it's fucking dark in here already it's like four oh it's five thirty yeah five thirty though still early i can't even see you anymore pop those lights on they're right behind you i hate the daylight savings time though i can't wait until it's like whoa that's bright yeah but do all the other ones that one and that boom that pisses me off what if they all don't go the same way i know it drives me nuts because they're connected those also do the same okay okay yeah but daylight savings really dumb it doesn't make any sense why are we changing the times why i don't know and we just change it right back it's also during the winter like kids are walking home you want to hear a funny story yeah actually
Starting point is 01:09:51 about daylight savings time this one time when i was like 18 years old we went out to a club and this girl that i know she's a year younger than me and she we were all on a club somehow right it was my friend's birthday and her mom said that she had to be home at like two o'clock or something and i don't know whatever time it was whatever time she had to be home that was the time where the clocks move forward oh shit so two is three so it like moves forward and then she didn't realize and then she was like super super late because now she's late but like an hour and a half two hours or whatever the fuck it is and her mom is calling her and like flipping out on her and like saying all the stuff and like she's she's crying now and like
Starting point is 01:10:36 she's drunk and crying and she's like oh my mom said that she doesn't want to be my mom anymore or something like that so later on the night we're sitting at a diner and we're sitting there she's like hi seriously i didn't home like my mom's gonna kill me and i was just like you don't have a mom anymore i was like she disowned you okay that night too we walked by a deli we walked in and i was like hammered and then when i left someone's like yo did you steal that and i was like what and i had a whole thing of mustard in my hand i just i just stole like a a bottle of mustard from a deli when i was drunk do you even like mustard that much i hate i'm saying i've never seen you eat mustard in my life it's disgusting yeah it's gross not a big fan who's texting me
Starting point is 01:11:23 oh my mom oh well it's because of devil she's like you still have mom she's like did you steal that fucking oh no we're good why did you beat like your father i'm always gonna bring that up i love that why don't you need to be like your father why don't you be like your father yeah i can't wait until it goes back though then i'm gonna be able to get up at five a.m for the gym so i because i tried doing that okay what you ain't gonna be five a.m i did that for like a year i need proof you need proof i need proof yeah you'll see because yo now if you wake up at five a.m it is pitch black it's freezing yeah it's still like you can still get killed dark right yeah yeah it is still murder dark i'm afraid of the dark are you afraid of the dark no no i've never been afraid of the
Starting point is 01:12:08 dark i'm not afraid of the dark i'm afraid of not being able to see like pitch black dark because i like i have to feel around like i'm not afraid of the dark though after a certain time at night i won't walk around the city with my air pods on well why because you yeah why because like i'm afraid that you'll get robbed no not that i'll get robbed just like i don't know what's going on around me oh yeah you know i don't do that anyway yeah no like during the day i'll do my air pods because i follow other people's leads because like there's other people crossing the street so it's like you're kind of like everyone's moving at the same speed i don't do that so but at night no one's moving at the same speed right and uh that's when i'm usually the most scared
Starting point is 01:12:50 at night you're not supposed to wear air pods and listen to music while you're just walking around what the fuck am i supposed to use them for besides the gym when you're listening to music or you're on the train or do you ever just sit in your house just like with music no see uh actually oh here we go mr actually i used to mr actually i used to do that i used to get drunk last winter you know this oh yeah you get drunk last winter and then put a bunch of vinyls on and just let the record player like play them you missed that fireplace at all yeah i wish this one worked it does work i'm just not allowed to use it mega trash i know but i mean i could do without it i just love the smell
Starting point is 01:13:38 that i put in my apartment yeah yeah that was awesome yeah every day was christmas it's all right sorry bummed them out just watch a couple tiktoks do you think that we could be successful on tiktok if we joined probably right i don't know all i know is if we're if we get on tiktok then someone's gonna have to call me i'll tell you this yeah it's so funny i was in my i did it instagram live the other day we should do a video to that yeah somebody made a call law we'll put it on the patreon yeah for sure we'll do a tiktok just for the patreon uh to somebody better call the law somebody asked me the other day they're like yo um which one of joe's vines did you think was the funniest and i was just like honestly i don't think i ever saw one
Starting point is 01:14:28 i would just see ones of keith doing impressions of things oh yeah those ones were really popular yeah yeah like keith like be like a like pterodactyl like on crack but like he would do it yeah like those ones i remember did you have like any like scripted ones uh scripted uh not really we i would just fuck around because like i didn't really fuck with vine i was one of the biggest viner's when it first came out because i already had an audience on youtube and i immediately just switched over to it because back then i was doing like every social media platform how'd you hear about vine i don't know i'm not sure i really don't know but i remember because when i met marcus johns he was like at one point like the dude on vine yeah and he's like i remember when you had
Starting point is 01:15:11 more followers than me and like everybody because i did it but i i didn't really see the end game with it i was like this is just like fun to do like on the side yeah whatever blah blah blah but i never like took it seriously at all and just kind of fucked around but they were like there was a there was a bunch of them i did like two ads oh yeah like for badu no it was it was before badu it was way before that those days when they were throwing cash out dude like i did two two ads and i think i got paid like uh like 800 bucks for both of for not not each like together two ads i did i did one for budweiser which was 3000 then i did one for jolly rancher which was $12,000 wow yeah it's a raise it's gonna $12,000 yeah that was like 40 years ago hard candy
Starting point is 01:15:57 12 grand for for me long ago long ago no joe's actually gonna teach me how to save money and invest money god i hope so i told you to teach me you're the one that got to teach me i don't know what i'm doing i feel like sometimes you scare me i do i scare myself sometimes sometimes i'm like yo i'm like like you don't you don't want to say something because you don't want to come off weird but you can say it i don't want because i i don't want you to be like what are you my fucking dad no because what have i told you though in the past i said i don't listen to really anybody yeah i don't i'm just like that i think you're kind of like that too i am but i listen to you because i i could see it like i'm not gonna listen to like a drunk dude at a bar tell me to invest
Starting point is 01:16:46 when he's like trying to do coke like off like the bartenders like ass yeah you know i'm like all right dude but like i've seen how you move so i'll take your advice you're not overstepping with me if you're like hey you should probably like start this yeah or like save that right because sometimes i need to hear that shit yeah i mean it's just a hard thing to do it's not gonna hurt my feelings i have no but eventually it's gonna be eventually i feel like you know the problem what that is because like i've had that problem in the past where it's like someone gives you advice and you're like okay and then they think that they could just constantly tell you what and eventually becomes them telling you what to do in a certain field and it's like um yeah but i don't
Starting point is 01:17:30 get that vibe from you i've never got well i'm conscious of it that's why i don't do it constantly i'm like yo danie huh uh what's up it's wednesday did you save yeah last week no i don't know but yo suck my dick no i don't know but like that's how people get that's what i'm saying yeah yeah people will give me advice suck my dick and then like some people would give me advice and then i'd take it i'm like okay cool whatever and then they'd be just like trying to hold this position of power over me like right now i'm telling you what to do and i'm like dude your job's done shut the fuck up yeah then it could be like oh the reason you're successful is because i told you that one time remember oh you know what i hate though too um told you so people
Starting point is 01:18:11 juice told you so i know shut the fuck up i know already all right you told me okay i got it i got it all right yo you know what uh i gotta get the computer what'd you do we're gonna do some patreon shoutouts too oh yeah fuck yeah because we have some people that are supporting the patreon and i want to show them some love here they show us mad love they show us mad love danie is we have 1125 patrons at this very moment on tuesday at 5 39 p.m february 19 so i just kind of wanted to give some shoutouts to people hold on real quick filter that boom pow all right don't tell me what to do though hey exactly there you go um darin cardwell darin cardwell this is my guy he's got a little picture there it's in black and white or is that
Starting point is 01:19:07 sepia is it sepia or sepia i don't know i think it's sepia i honestly have no idea foam dad what i don't really know that's hot though that is i've wanted dad made out of foam ethan gomans shout out to you eric engelhardt erica may eric jones emily hamilton uh who else we got who else we got we got some hayden just one name just hayden that's fire that's fire that's fire uh jessica vander hags oh i'm gonna fuck that up i'm so sorry i'm so sorry jessica uh justin austin doyle josh castle um jocelyn lopez justin alan uh kasey schultz kayla marie that is a very high school name you always there was always a girl in high school named kayla marie yeah um but we wanted to show some love to you guys um because you guys are
Starting point is 01:20:04 helping support the show here i was able to buy these mics and i'm saving up for uh new cameras and you know eventually when we get this patreon to a point where you know there's a lot of people supporting the show we can get our own studio with an engineer and stuff stew stew that would be really cool really want to take the show wait but what happens to me then uh really want to take the show the next level whether that means you know just uh changing scenery changing you know uh people involved or just changing just a lot of things about the show right uh but wait that's what we want to do in 2019 anyway uh that's all we have for this um but what's going on what what happens to me what happens what do you mean if we get
Starting point is 01:20:51 someone that engineer at the what happened where can they find you at daniel if you're on twitter and instagram uh you guys can follow me at joe sanagato and all social media and um you go follow the show at the baseman yard and again the patreon slash the baseman yard if you'd like to support the show we really appreciate it uh but yeah what's up what look you'll get a job okay

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