The Basement Yard - #187 - What's Your Superpower?

Episode Date: April 29, 2019

On this episode, Danny & Joe talk about what their superpower would be & that one time Joe cried at Disney. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. You're my good. Yeah. Oh check fuck That's how you check your mic. I feel like mine's a little low. Here's a little low. Am I low now? Am I low? How's that? Okay? Let's lower that a little bit. Let's lower that a little bit. Everyone's gonna get mad at me now Suck that suck that suck that. Yeah, I gotta suck it. Hold on All right, cool Whoa Do that again Why do you do that so good? I'm gonna shut the window because there's a lot of noise outside
Starting point is 00:00:29 A lot of Queen's traffic. Oh, yeah We're good We're good. How you doing doing good? I saw today, huh? Yeah, I saw today Sun's dancing right off from nice cuz it's just his dancing boy. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we glistening we glistening for Yeah, thank y'all for listening You busting in came back for listening anybody No, no different different show. Okay. You got a big-ass curl in the front there, too. Where is it? It's it's there you go Oh, do I look like Oz from fucking American Pie? No
Starting point is 00:01:01 Damn, that guy was a hot-ass bitch in the 90s. Yeah, he was hot I think 2019 synergy is not that hot but like back then hot as hell. Yeah, he was hot. You know what I mean? I'm gonna tuck it wasn't generally Gener-generationally hot. No, but for the time period era hot everyone wanted to fuck us. Do you think your generation? Generationally hot or like era hot. Um, you think you're hot now just because of the times because of pop culture Yeah, I think I'm hot now because of the pop culture and I think I adapt well Yeah, do you think you transcend this era? Do you think that you'll be hot and you know like in any era? Like do you think you'd be a hot like like well
Starting point is 00:01:35 I'd be like the Jace like like a basketball player that could play in any era like LeBron could have played with Will Chamberlain with anybody Yeah, exactly. Um, like do you think you'd be hot during the Great Depression? Yes. Oh for sure. Yeah. Yeah See, I don't know if I'm handsome enough for that. I think so. I think you could have transcended You're you're a little bit new era like new era. Yeah, I feel like I'm newly hot. I can't be yeah I'm but I'm not like classic handsome guy. You're not like Brando, right? I think I'm more classically handsome than me. I just think I have more of a classic face like classic features You know, you are pretty classic. Yeah, like if you put us both in black and white Oh, people would think I was amazed. That's what I'm saying, you know, my pants would be like up to here
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah, you know what I'm saying? I look better in color. You look better in black and white. Absolutely. That's I mean That's a good on that's a good agreement. That's a good agreement. That's what I think it is in a time where there's a lot of struggle Yeah, I don't think I you know, I come off the way that I should like I feel like well black and white You know, you can hide look a couple more things, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, like, you know, it's like everyone looks better in black Everyone looks better in black and white. Do you think movies look better in black and white? Absolutely not. No, right? I hate when movies try to do that now. It's like, oh, let's be racing like let's go black and white I'm like, nah, come on guys. It's not the 1910s anymore 1910s. Yeah, I think that's when they started making movies, right? You're asking the wrong man. Yeah, something like that. Did you ever take a film course? You ever study film?
Starting point is 00:03:00 No, no, no, but I studied a classic film. My friends took a Film class in high school and they had to shoot a video as like an end of the year project right and It was Frankie first. Okay, right? Uh, I Don't know whoever it was, but it was like I think it was Frankie's class that had it first So they had to shoot a video. So he was like, yo, let's make a movie about Keith and He made like a play on words with his name. It was called kill It was called Keith kill everyone in the house like how you spell his name. Oh, so it was just a acronym
Starting point is 00:03:36 See, I didn't want to go out there and like say that because it was too much of a risk I know I know I mean, but now that you're out there I'm down with acronym if I didn't know about shoes. I wouldn't know what acronym meant Yeah, wait the shoes in the acronym. You have acronym press though I know but they have nothing to do with what the actual word. Yeah, but I looked up acronym after that Okay, so now I know it for sure like 100% of facts. All right, but I know that's fair But yeah, so he made kill everyone in the house and it was just a Movie about Keith killing everyone. Is this available?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Um Not out there anymore, but I have it damn a remaster the director's cut It's definitely not remastered, but it's uh, it's definitely like a movie about that We made three of them. How many years ago were they made? Oh, this is one I think Frankie was a junior in high school. Okay years ago. So that would make like like 2010 Wait, when did I graduate? I'm ten year anniversary coming up next year drop it. It was like 2009 So that's when I 2009 2008 around there was when we started making them. All right, so who and we made three three in a row I
Starting point is 00:04:42 Think you should drop those on the patreon Well, I don't have like ax I only have access to make it like a ten year anniversary Yeah, I can drop it right on the patreon. You have to go there to see the movie dude. Yes It was a really fucking shit else, but you kill everyone and I don't want to spoil it. Oh, you don't want to spoil it But you I can't believe I've never showed you no, so I have it on one of my YouTube channels I really don't know which one it is because I have 19, but like it's like privated But you could watch it. Oh, I would love to see the reason why I brought this up
Starting point is 00:05:14 It's because I mean you said the film class thing like Frankie when he filmed it I mean we we filmed it together, right? Where was it shot? Are you like a my mom's your mom? Yeah? Yeah, my mom's so And we use the garage like yo, it's ridiculous like when you watch it like yo This is so shitty, but it's so funny because you know everyone if that's what makes it great though Yeah, it should hear it is the better it is it used to be up so people have seen it so maybe someone who's like watched me for a very long time would know what I'm talking about but During the credits me and Frank you by the way me if I believe no, I think of this was it was Nick's
Starting point is 00:05:48 Things he's a year older than us. Okay, so me and Frankie like just like basically did the project I don't know if they worked on it together though. That's why I was confused Okay, no cuz sometimes can't you be in a class that's like yeah, right? So I was I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure like we were both detached from okay. I didn't even go to the school, right? and We like help out. I'll help out. We did the whole thing because that was what me and Frankie started shooting videos like my mom's like cassette tape Camera camera those are the best days man. Yeah, dude. I have them still and they're terrible and like it would be hard to watch Definitely gonna need to watch some of these me too. Yeah, but fucking
Starting point is 00:06:26 So me and Frankie made the credits. They were just rolling and me and Frankie were just Lip-syncing Get low by fucking little Chinese side boys Was this like a horror genre movie yeah, and just ended with that. Yeah The credits were rolling and we were just lip-syncing to that I gotta I gotta see this whole Keith project Actually, no, I think I only have the third one which was Dylan our friend Dylan and and a couple other people that were in that class and we just did the whole thing And then we put ourselves at the end of it and when they premiered it
Starting point is 00:07:04 I went to the school and just sat in their classroom Do you have like a scarf on and like glasses like no, I mean back? It's like we have the people I just went in I sat in the class I didn't even go to the school and I remember someone's like the fuck you do here. I was like I'm in the movie Speaking of that cuz I don't want to spoil it Do you like when people watch like TV shows and tweet about them like simultaneously? What do you mean like like game of Thrones like dropped and then like people are like
Starting point is 00:07:34 You know throwing shit out like oh man, I can't believe so-and-sos is there. He's everywhere. This guy blah Do you are you okay with that? I really don't care too much honestly about spoiling shit for people Well, it's like so here's the thing like people go super hard with the spoiling thing right and like to me It's like yo if you don't want it to be spoiled like don't look at social media. Yeah, it's hard though You just spent like the last year reading theories and like all this shit Yeah, it's like you know I'm saying like you all you could stay off social media for a day or whatever Yeah, I put up a story at the end of the first game of Thrones episode and all I said was All about the burning kid. Yeah, it's like some kid was set on fire and I'm pretending like I do people come at you
Starting point is 00:08:16 Yeah, they're like oh my god spoiler alert. I'm like this literally does nothing to the storyline Unless I told you like everything else surrounding that right, but I was like all you know is a burning child Yeah, but none of it was not a main character. No one even knows that fucking kid's name So with like the new Avengers coming out Apparently a spoiler leaks because of that. Yeah, that's what I'm saying like like do you think do you think? What's it like? What's the grace period of spoiling like that's what I'm trying to get to I think you get a month Really didn't know man. That's tough. Why a month is not that long, dude Dude, that's 30 days to see a fucking movie that you're apparently so fucking like hyped for yeah
Starting point is 00:08:57 Yeah, I don't know man a month's kind of shaky I'm not gonna go out of my way Of is bad if you do that you're an asshole. Yeah, I agree Yeah, that's why I said a month dude a month like for people that would go so hard to like all you I don't want any spoilers like Yo, what are you gonna stay up social media and not talk to anyone about endgame for like a month and a half? I know and it's mad long. I remember when What was the name of the last one Infinity war obviously and then
Starting point is 00:09:26 Someone spoiled black panther for me and then somebody spoiled infinity war for me Like three days after it came out. Yeah, it's a little that's a little heavy. Yeah, they were like, uh, they were like spider-man's gone I was like, yeah, I was like dude. Yeah, what the fuck? You know my brother also spoiled the end of a video game for me, which was just fucking awful Yeah, video games are different. You're gonna earn it so mad. You gotta earn it Yeah, so it was like the first walking dead like tell-tale game that you play on your phone or whatever or your PC And then he just told me like one of the main characters that died I'm not gonna say like if anyone's playing the game and I was like, yeah
Starting point is 00:10:04 But like then he dies and then immediately he was like, oh shit I was like, damn son. Like now I can't even fucking play the fucking game. Yeah. I hate that shit That was the worst thing about like I Feel like with with movies and social media today. It's almost So hard to go out of the way to get spoiled though Well, yeah, I mean if you if you're spoiling like people have done that for me like I remember when infinity war came out I went to go see it literally the next day. Yeah, and I
Starting point is 00:10:34 Was like oh on my way to see infinity war and like someone had messaged me Like DM'd me and like spoiled it, but like I'm not really someone to get like super upset about cuz I'm like this movie It's still gonna be fucking awesome. Yeah, like whatever. I'll be upset though. I'm not gonna be super upset I'm not really like that. My thing is you know, they're all gonna come back. Yeah, there's no way like come on, dude They love like sequels planned and shit like they're all coming back. They're all coming back, but Um It was still cool. It was still awesome and the new one's gonna be great, but uh, do you think? People are gonna die though
Starting point is 00:11:11 Somebody's gonna die sure but like But you think he's dead. Yeah, I think he's gonna die. I think he's done Because I don't think he signed on to do any more movies. That's the best. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think his contract's done and he's gonna die but He's also like a human, isn't he? Yeah, which one would you who would you read the which Avenger would you want to be? Oh Thor he's the hottest. He's so sexy. Yeah, I think he's the strongest to or is captain He's a god, dude, and he's and he's like built like a fucking house and like Yeah, he's a fucking hot-ass guy and he could fly. Yeah, and he could pick up this this hammer and just
Starting point is 00:11:50 Shit, I just don't want to they all have like the same superpowers. You know what I'm saying kind of really Yeah, like they all can fly and yeah, that's a staple in superpowers. You have to be able to fly a spider-man. I can't fly Batman I couldn't fly I could fly ish Spider-man can like hover not hover but like glide down and then He could exactly great noise. I just made it was pretty good. It was good a future in that I hope so making spider-man noises, but I think if I wanted to be why I would be spider-man Why because he's the youngest and he has like the longest lifespan probably and he's from New York I wouldn't have to move that far. How old could Thor be? He's a god. He probably doesn't die
Starting point is 00:12:30 He probably stays that hot and that like whatever for so long. How old is Thor? Probably like a bajillion years old. Well, exactly. I'll take that He's probably slaying goddesses or whatever. Yeah, I don't know though the god of thunder do what he came like Yeah, but didn't he like fuck Natalie Portman. She's like gone now I Mean I wouldn't mind having sex in Natalie. I wouldn't mind either But I kept around for more than a movie. Well, you know, God's have things to do I feel you I gotta save you for I got no time for Natalie Portman as garden shit
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah, but like, you know, I think I would be spider-man because he's like the most playful kind of and he's the youngest Trying to get my youth back here Yeah, but by what ten years who cares? Yeah, it's true. You'd be a god and live forever and be powerful and just like yeah crush on every planet That's true. You know like fucking alien or something. Captain America fucks, too. Well, yeah Yeah, but he's probably gonna die and he's that's a that's a handsome. He's a handsome guy. He's a handsome guy I don't know. She'll dude. I would be fucking things up with that. Fuck. Yeah, I'd be slinging that thing like my Dude
Starting point is 00:13:37 Probably I mean probably not. I don't sling much dick. Yeah, not much dick to sling That's the real issue. That's the real issue. Yeah, and you know for I could slop it. Yeah, I mean you could I could What kind of superpower do you want cuz we were talking about this before yeah on the patreon episode someone had access about like If we could pick a superpower, what would it be? Yeah, and I Think um You know the one answer that I gave this is like obscure cuz I wanted to go off the path here Yeah, you don't want to be just a run of the mill fucking super. Yeah, but oh man I'm gonna fly or I could see through walls which by the way see through walls. I don't give a fuck. Yeah, that's weird
Starting point is 00:14:18 That's a dumb one. Yeah, why do I need to see through the wall? Why do you have and you're also breaking the law kind of too all the time? What do you mean? Like if I looked across here and just saw your neighbor or if they're naked. I'm breaking the law. It's not cool I mean if they're I mean, yeah, but no one knows you're breaking the law. I know Whatever Yeah, so I said Like a cool ability which hear me out on this shit
Starting point is 00:14:45 Okay, right and maybe not as like a superpower of like oh, I'm gonna become a Superhero selling yourself short here. No, no listen. I'm not saying like I'm super power Joseph No, no, no, but I didn't I didn't pick this one. Okay to be like this is how I'm gonna defend the universe against fucking Thanos and shit All right, but the ability to like run and Never get tired Yeah, I still don't get this one. Why because it's like you wouldn't like want to do that. No Like I'm not saying you defend the earth. I'm just saying that would be a cool thing to have No, but are you like breaking the speed of sound or you just running like a normal guy
Starting point is 00:15:26 And you never stop you don't have you don't have to stop you don't get tired. Do you know fatigue? So you already have the health benefits of running already What do you need to run for what? No one runs for that. Yeah for cardiovascular to be able to run more Yeah Dude you run like imagine this imagine I'm really I'm trying so hard to imagine imagine this right Okay, you could literally you could run from like here to fucking Florida, okay, and you're not you didn't get tired. You didn't break a sweat
Starting point is 00:16:01 You breathe heavy. Yeah, you could have texted the whole time, right and you just go Or here and you'd be like a phenomenon people we talk be talking about you You'd be a force come you'd win every marathon, right? You'd win the Boston marathon when the New York City marathon with ease you wouldn't even stop You just lap people at the marathon you crush it because you mean a dead sprint the whole time But what if somebody runs faster than you though you they can't they get tired they have you know Their splits are like what like four minutes fifty seconds. I have no idea about running No, I'm saying in the marathon four minutes fifty seconds like I mean that's pretty fast
Starting point is 00:16:36 You got your work cut after you but like bro You can fucking fly Never get tired Speaking of fly that running to Florida. I probably just pay like the 90 bucks and fly down there to be honest I mean, it's like you saw him think about it's gonna take you five days to run there. Yeah I mean, I wouldn't run to floor. I'm just saying like hypothetically you could run I know let's not forget running is You know, that's the first thing that that that girls look at If you could run double leave me out look at that guy
Starting point is 00:17:07 Who was the most popular and sought after kids in school the fast ones, but you're not fast You're not fast technically. All right, so let's say you're fast. You're not breaking the sound. You're the tortoise You're not the hair. You're the fastest guy and you also don't have to stop running ever. How about that? You're the season sprint. Yes, you're the fastest sprinter on earth and You never get tired cuz you know think about it. I mean that's pretty cool When you're younger and you're the fastest kid in school girls like oh my fucking God and like that they love you Well, that's like you know I'm saying wait wait wait, and I'm that's what I'm saying There's some correlation between women and speed. They just like speed
Starting point is 00:17:40 They're like fast cars like movement and shit So if you're the fastest motherfucker on earth and you could just run to places and not get tired bang now You're making it sound cooler. I'm just saying I'm crushing fucking marathons and then slaying bitches at the fucking finish line Going to the Olympics and shit go the Olympics take every gold medal Michael Phelps. Yeah, that's cool What do you get 23 medals suck my ass? Yeah, I've never lost Yeah I'm still not in love with it though. I'm gonna be honest. Just say it's it's cool. It's a random one It's a random one, but I'm just a random one too. What?
Starting point is 00:18:13 I would have the power to feel both sex organs turning sex Like Both dick and poo yeah, like I would feel like the snoo and my dick at the same time so I would get like double-plush That's a good one would they both hmm Yeah, so I would feel the purse getting getting f'd yes, and then I would feel my penis in the in the purse at the same time So I would get double Fucking hot dude But like you probably just like sex would probably last like three seconds though, whatever
Starting point is 00:18:50 You're over here trying to break world records. I'm not I'm trying to just pull that Sensation yeah over Well with running comes stamina running comes stamina. Yeah for sure I could probably fuck for hours. Yeah, but think about like feeling of vaginas What I always wonder what it feels like to get nails to get real dude What Does sex feel like for girl yeah, I always wonder must be sick because it has to be so different they have Longer orgasms. You know how long a woman's orgasm is they could be like minutes whoa not some
Starting point is 00:19:26 Do you ever see the video that woman that just like suffers from like this orgasm disease? Yeah, well, she'll be walking around you like Like fall on the floor. I'm like damn that's kind of fire Yeah, no, it's not like I can see how that would get imagine you just came all day. It'd be awful See, I don't know sometimes it like brings you to your knees. You're like You ever get that you like you like cramp up hell. Yeah, yeah, yeah, like bring a mortise. I can't move You ever come so hard if you're gonna pass out for like a split second Like I can't see yeah, you have right a little bit you like the black like We go specs and you're like, yeah, I think I'm either dying from coming or I'm coming really hard
Starting point is 00:20:10 It's like or I'm seeing bacteria. Yeah, see like I wonder if the female orgasm feels better than our orgasm I think it does because I think it's more bodily. It's like Yeah, it's like they're always shaking right there. They get some stiff. Yeah, like relax. Yeah go for a run Was that I? Gotta change my pants. Yeah. Yeah, that's sexy. But yeah, I would want to feel what a vagina Orgasm felt like as I climax at the same time. I want to double climb. Whoa Climb hell. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:42 That would be I don't know if I could handle it, dude You you're in dolphins would never be the same you'd be a freak after that. You think you could handle a double climb Yeah, I don't think so hell. Yeah, dude. I'm fucking sexually polished. I'm ready to fuck. Yeah, but I don't know about that, dude A double climb. Do you think like I would be like brain dead after it? Like what do you think? Probably I think your eye would pop out proud. Yo, man a double orgy would be so far a double orgy like a double orgasm Oh, I don't think there's such things as a double orgy unless they're in different rooms. I Don't know double orgy what makes what would make a orgy a double orgy like a double header Yeah, you know an orgy you go to a different place at like three o'clock that yeah
Starting point is 00:21:24 It would have to be a different venue because so say there's like 15 people fucking on this couch, right? This one Yeah, and then there's like 11 team people having sex in the back room. How many 11 team in the back. That's a double No, that's just switching rooms. That's one orgy. Yeah technically. Yeah Yeah, that's what it is. I think it needs a change of venue if there's a clear path of like connecting Yeah, I could just get up and walk in there. Yeah, but if there's an orgy here, right? If there's like 16 people fucking here, and then there's you know eight people fucking across the street I gotta walk over there to get it's not just like that's a different orgy. Yeah, that's the same orgy Yeah, different orgy. We just saw that myth busters boom boom
Starting point is 00:22:06 But yeah, I would want to feel that double that double climb. Yeah, that's kind of insane I don't know if I could handle that. I honestly think that like I feel like my eye wouldn't wouldn't open ever again Yeah, like you like oh, I think it would just stay me so much stuff would be firing in your brain and body at the same time It's probably a fucking eternal bliss. You might be able to like float when that happens. Yeah, you know like reach Oh, that's an outer body. Yeah, it's like an outer body experience, bro Yeah, I want to be looking down at your own body Orgasming and floating above the bed. It's so if a female can just describe what it actually feels like to be pennied I would love to know pennied for those who don't know means penetration
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah, but we try to stay away and tell her. Yeah. Yeah. You have any other ones? What any other like superpowers? I Have one that's like real basic What that I would never have to wait for ubers ever like I could just Thanos and the uber would be there It's kind of what uber is. No, no, no, no, no, but like Immediately, it's just it just pops up. It just pops. It's literally right outside. Never have to wait for an uber again. I Feel like you just call your uber like four minutes earlier and that would be the case
Starting point is 00:23:22 No, it never works like that. Remember, we were waiting outside that goddamn place the ubers kept canceling You had to take a yellow cab home Which one? Oh the one where I almost got kidnapped. Yes. Yes. Yes You want to come in? That was creepy Me and Danny left a bar and we're standing out on the street and these this kid got out of a yellow cab as these girls were getting in And they're like, oh, sorry. I didn't know whatever blah blah blah So he gets in the cab. Oh, no, he gets out Yeah, and then they all get in and then they turn around like yeah, you want to come with us and the kids like what?
Starting point is 00:23:56 No, you want to come and he's like All right. Yeah, so he just gets in the game. Oh, yeah, I would have done it too. I cheered him on Yeah, it's like five of them. Yeah, so he just gets back He gets in the cab with these girls and there's just one drunk ass girl hanging out of the passenger window just literally like this And she's staring us down And she goes and no and then her friend in the back rolls open the side door and goes hey You in the gray You want to come too?
Starting point is 00:24:26 And I was like no no And the thing was is then the one in the front became very rude Yeah, shit the one hanging out of the window was like that was rude and I was like what I was like what was no She goes that was rude. Huh, or that was rude a that was rude. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's what she said That was rude. Yeah, and I was like, you know you Canadian. She's like no, that's rude and I was like Why is that rude? She's like you think I'm Canadian. I was like, no, you're like, I just don't want to get in a van with a Bunch of strange. I'm going home. I also just felt like I was getting like pimped or something. Yeah, see that's a fucking Yeah, you want to come in too? We're just snagging bitches off the fucking sidewalk. Yeah, bro
Starting point is 00:25:06 I'm not getting in this shit. Yeah, like, you know, I have more of a spine than that guy that got in there Yeah, I mean for him, it seemed like the dude was alone. Yeah So if I was going somewhere alone and I hopped out of the cab and five girls were like, yo, what's good? Like you go to the the the bar. Yeah, whatever. It's a story to tell for sure story There's some absolute dogs in there though. Isn't that in that cab? Oh, yeah, wasn't a great cab Wasn't a great cab and the only reason I say that is because there's a double standard there If a whole bunch of guys try to do that Would it be a good look? No, it would not it would not have not flown
Starting point is 00:25:40 Yeah, and they were super wasted and they were just messy ready to get dick down They were so ready. I was like, uh Let's get out of here. That was kind of like Reversing the rules because of course with guys. They were so drunk that they became men. Yeah Guys would have had the car. I was like, no the guys were like guys would have had the same reaction You know, like if you'd have been like, yo, you're trying to come to this cab and she's like, no Fuck you man rude prude You don't get in a car with five strangers. What a fucking prude. Let's go man. Let's get the fuck out of here, man
Starting point is 00:26:18 Stop the fare Julio hit it. Yeah Have you ever oh, yeah, but not that uber superpower. Yeah, no, it's just snap my fingers. I'll be the fan those of ubers That should be just be right there bang Never have to wait waiting for ubers is trash, bro I mean, I look at me in my eyes and tell me right now that waiting for ubers isn't trash Well, I just call it early then I get down. No, you don't What's your uber rating? Yeah, mine's 4.87. I know what I'm doing
Starting point is 00:26:53 Yeah, you're probably sucking them off back there No, but that one do you have any other superpowers a Teleportation is like a basic one. That's fire Yeah, teleportation is pretty dope to like skip a flight and just be like in Sweden or something. Oh my god Oh, that's a good one with flights. Yeah, I could just like Skip parts of my day. Yes, that'd be cool. Yeah, like click but not get it as fucked up as them What if you like snap your fingers and you blacked out? like you could
Starting point is 00:27:25 That that would be a cool superpower to if you snap your fingers and you go to sleep Mmm, that would like sleep really well. Yeah, just be like, you know, it's 830. I'm asleep Word that would be sick. That would be cool. You know what? The power to sleep when you wanted to I'm taking back Fuck the uber one. I don't want it. Yeah, somebody else can have the sleep. I want to sleep one. Yeah I want the credit for that. All right. That's pretty good. Snap sleep snap sleep. What about I got one Well, all of mine involves snapping. I don't know. Yeah, you're all about the snap He's a genius. You can snap your fingers, right? Yeah, do you snap with the same finger on both hands? For this one, it's my third finger my ring finger, and then this one's my ring finger
Starting point is 00:28:08 That's fucking weird. I can't snap with that finger. You can't do this either No, you're just full of useless things do it. Congratulations I Can't I don't know how I got one though. So I have the ability to like Turn the effects of alcohol on and off. Oh, that would be cool So when people are like, you know, we're doing shots and you're like, I'm not trying to do this right now Yeah, you can just be like, all right. Yo, this one isn't gonna affect me You had like this amazing filter like this built-in filter inside of you. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:44 But it's like you could just drink so much and your tolerance is so high that it wouldn't affect you Yeah, I did that when I was like 20. Yeah, I'm not going back to that. Yeah You so you basically had that superpower. It's at one point. I would say when I was like 20 years old I think 35% of my body weight was because of beer. Yeah, I would crush I would shock on like 10 beers a night. Yeah, like I'm when I was like out and about in the woods in Connecticut Drinking in the woods is something that my favorite. It's my favorite thing to do My my favorite thing in the world is to be like in a wooded area So Connecticut because that's the one that I usually go to because my friend summer house. Yeah, so I was like
Starting point is 00:29:18 I don't see much woods out here. Yeah, no, it's not. There's not a lot. There's definitely a tree Two with three we get in trouble if we drink out here though. Yeah, but Sitting around a fire like a bonfire that you made lovely Fucking it's a nice breezy night. Yeah, you know, you're drinking beers. You're having fun conversation Maybe one person's playing the guitars You know this fucking stars around. Yeah, love that's the one thing I hate about the city though, too You can never see the stars I wish I could see some stars
Starting point is 00:29:51 Yeah, make me feel so small, you know What no, um, but anyway, yeah, so my power to go to sleep and then Because like superpowers like you said, they're overrated. I want like ones I'm gonna use, you know So the double orgasm I wouldn't want anything too cool because then I feel like people like I got some responsibility now Yeah, and I want to keep them to myself. I want to keep them to myself Like I don't want to have to like, you know, if we get invaded by aliens everyone's gonna be like, yo, that's good. You're gonna like Yeah, I'd be like, yo, I could double come for you. Like I don't know if I could do anything
Starting point is 00:30:25 That's what I'm saying. It's like, yo, I could run away from this But uh Can't really kill an alien. No, no, no. Um, and then I would probably Have the ability to speak every language in the world. Damn. That's a fire one. Yeah So like whenever I would go somewhere, I just immediately flew in and everything That's hard because then you could like work for the government and shit. It has some like fire ass jobs Yeah interrogate people or something. Yeah, and like just be able to be fluent in every language. I don't know why I went to interrogation so fast Because you're americans, sir. Uh, what does that mean? Because you just we interrogate
Starting point is 00:30:59 Fuck yeah. Well, we have guantanamo Yeah, this this word is guantanamo The kryptonite. Yeah, the kryptonite of the show. Yeah guantanamo bay. Got it. Does that still exist or I think they shut that down Oh, it exists. Oh, it probably does, but I think they told us they shut it down, but they're still like Doing crazy shit. Do you remember when they were like walking people around on leashes like dogs? Yeah, I'm like taking cool pictures with it. Hey guys, let's not do that I feel like that's just a psychotic thing. I know, you know, even like people like don't I hate or like, you know They're responsible for murders and all this stuff
Starting point is 00:31:33 I don't really have the urge to walk this person around on the leash Yeah, I'm gonna go really off the deep end here. Do you believe in the death penalty? Um I go back and forth Like when I know some kids like some dude like did some shit to fucking kids. I'm like fucking fry that bastard But then like sometimes it's like, you know, like some people that but like if somebody like shoots somebody in their neighborhood And it's kind of like they're a victim of their environment kind of It's like
Starting point is 00:32:02 I feel bad if they're gonna kill them, you know Well, I always think about like if someone murdered someone that I know That's how I try to look at it too. So like I don't know if I would want them dead Like I think I would rather them suffer. Is that that's dark though. Yeah Like I'd rather you be in prison and like you have to endure every day of that. Yeah, but I feel like just Getting killed is like an easy way out. Well, first of all, that is a naiical fucking answer. Yeah no, no, no because I love how we go from this thing to like now we're talking about capital punishment. Yeah, but uh
Starting point is 00:32:33 You know, it's like something like when we were watching that video that dude How he likes to get his asshole laid out in jail Oh, man, like you might want them to stay in there and let that guy fucking make you suck his ass Yeah, if you guys aren't know, what's what's how did they find this on youtube of this guy? I literally wrote in Prison suck my ass. Yeah, right in prison suck my ass on youtube Anything that you're doing legal right now gonna change your mind gonna change your mind because this guy goes into detail about how he makes new guys Suck his ass with jelly He says, you know, some people like you syrup mind you like jelly. He's like usually
Starting point is 00:33:09 He like he sucked my ass and we straight. Yeah, he sucked my ass for like 10 12 minutes I come just from him sucking my ass automatically which Can that happen? That's what I was thinking if someone sucked my ass for 10 minutes. I'm I'm gonna come I don't think so. I think so either. I don't think I could bust from that. I think I'd laugh probably majority Yeah, I would giggle big time big time giggler. You ever got your butthole? No Oh god, I've never I've never I've never had the luxury. Oh, we're full fully grown adults I've never had the luxury of the no, no, no. I uh
Starting point is 00:33:51 No, I would never put someone through that. You ever have a stuffy nose and go down there on on on gal What are you getting at like with a cold What do you mean? We ever done cunnilingus while sick like with a cold and you can't breathe through your nose Not that I could like point out, but I'm sure it's happened. It's happened to me a couple times I also think that once you start having sex your body's like, yo, we'll just get rid of all this for now. Oh, yeah Yeah, I don't really feel I don't think I've ever done like stuffy. I've never felt Like been sick during sex. I've had these deadliest the flues Leaves for at least two and a half minutes and then I'm back to being sick
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yeah, your body's just like we'll put this on hold. Yeah, do your things. But we're coming back. Yeah after you're done Um, so yeah, I don't so I have three fire superpowers. Yeah Wait, what was the third one? My first one was all the languages I'll be fluent in be fluent in every language. So the languages with like With the snap and just be there. Yes, deportation thing. Yeah Huge dude. That'd be awesome. I'd be fire for sure Yeah, you trying to top that No, but we also it was the other one we talked about on the patreon was I I proposed it to you
Starting point is 00:35:04 If you had the ability to just see anyone's tits, would you would you take it? Yeah, I wouldn't why because it ruins the magic of the tit. No No, no, no And like I said on the show it depends on the situation It does depend on the situation, but it's like The whole point is like I First of all I'm gonna talk about consent
Starting point is 00:35:28 You're looking at people's tits and they don't know you're looking at their tits You're talking about being able to see through walls I don't want to see through walls to see your old lady neighbors titties hanging out First of all If you look through walls, you don't just see the picture you see like an x-ray like a like at the airport I don't want to see x-ray titties either. I want to see real titties. I don't think you could see titties on x-rays. Listen, you only see bones titties are made of Fats. Yeah, I think so. I don't know. Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:54 Are there muscles and tits? I think so. I've seen this one grow on instagram like flexor tits and they like move around I don't know. There's not a lot of muscle in these tits. I actually underneath the other. I got some power Some power Pop those titties. Yeah Um, I mean, yeah, if you throw the consent thing in there, I guess I mean, I'm not saying the consent thing to get you on hot water here What I'm saying is that it feels better when you're like given access
Starting point is 00:36:23 Yeah, I feel I feel that I hear that but just being able to be like, wow, those are great tits and did you go about my day? Yeah, but then I just start thinking about like if I were to be able to walk around Manhattan and just see like thousands of titties You think you become numb to tits? Yes, and I don't want to be numb to tits. No way Yeah, I don't know No chance no chance. I'm not I'm not I'm not sure. I'm just scared I'm terrified. Yeah, it'd be overwhelming at first. It'd be like like the first the first uh Movie in like a trilogy of uh, like where you're learning about your powers
Starting point is 00:37:01 But you would learn to harness them. I never would want it to come to the point where I'm like You know, you see a tit and it's like I've seen tits before It's never even come close to that every time you see a tit you're like, this is the greatest day of my life Because of the reveal Yeah, it's kind of like it you know how they say heroin when you do it the first time It's like the greatest high ever and then you're just chasing it for the rest of time Are you trying to tell us something? But you'll never get there. No. Oh chasing the dragon. Yeah Yeah, all right, so you'll but you'll never get to that first like high that you have. Yeah, and people are just chasing chase it
Starting point is 00:37:34 I feel differently about titties. I feel like titties are just like every single time. It's like that first shot of heroin What about vagina? Not seeing vagina. Do you think that vagina vagina? Yeah, I don't know why I said that It's very you want to know why because I bet on virginia. You know in the national championship So the hour has been lingering I guess. Okay, it doesn't make sense. Um Vagina yes Do you think it feels better the first time or the in the latter days?
Starting point is 00:38:05 What the later days I think I think it's cool every day. I think so I don't think it changes. Yeah, you know, it's kind of like ice cream if it did. Yeah ice cream is great I'll just like yeah, but ice cream can melt Yeah, but it's also a good one. It's melted No You slurp melted ice cream soup. No, not like completely melted but a little soft. Yeah, I don't mind that I don't like it's a little like
Starting point is 00:38:32 It's like it's nice. We never got gelato yesterday. We need to get gelato. Yeah gelato. What the fuck is gelato? It's just uh, sorbet. I think but just like italian. All right, cool. What the fuck is sorbet? I know what sorbet is like sorbet. It's like oh, it changes your palette. I don't know No, but I think it's like fruit based Like iced fruit There's mad different ice cream. There's ice cream. Mm-hmm. There's uh gelato. Yeah, and then there's The yogurt fro yo fro yo. What? Yeah, what is this? Fro yo and gelato are different now
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah, because I don't think gelato is yogurt. I think it's just like like Fro yo don't taste like yogurt. Yeah, no, not at all not at all Damn, I don't know. Yeah, I do really bad really fucking bad. We're gonna go after this. Yeah, we're gonna go after this for sure Anyway, let's get to the sponsors we have for today. All right, just pulled this laptop out of my anus um Maybe that's your superpower you could pull laptops out of your anus Or maybe being able to fit whatever you want in your anus
Starting point is 00:39:39 Let's get to the sponsors I love how you thought about it and then you're like wait, I'm gonna change this up. I have something better In a way it is it is better. All right, let's get to the sponsors Uh, the first one we have here is blue apron blue apron is great It helps me discover my inner chef and learn new recipes and techniques If you're someone like me who doesn't really know anything about cooking then this is perfect for you. It's kind of good introductory Course in a way to cooking or if you're like an experience cooker, it's good as well
Starting point is 00:40:11 Basically, you go onto their site you pick out some meals and then a box shows up on your doorstep with pre-portioned ingredients and recipes on You know step by step and how to make this thing So not only do you have a nice meal you have the recipe and you have the experience and how to make it So Everybody wins. You got everything you need. You got everything you need It's good for birthdays. You're trying to impress some people make some stuff. You know what I'm saying exactly keep counting There you go. There's just you could use it for anything endless endless Possibilities with bull apron, uh, and everyone loves someone who can cook for sure
Starting point is 00:40:40 So that is that is a very good character. It's a very sexy characteristic. I would also agree with that Um, but yeah, they have amazing stuff. They have seared chicken and goat cheese mass potatoes new Orleans inspired chicken po-boys Austin's sour breakfast tacos. They have a bunch of stuff. It's amazing. That's not just like, you know Chicken nuggets or something like it's really good food And to start making delicious, uh, brag worthy meals at home without the hassle try blue apron You can check out this week's menu and get 60 dollars off when you visit blue apron dot com slash basement That is blue apron dot com Slash basement. Okay, get that 60 dollars off there. I'll be doing that. I'll be doing that as well
Starting point is 00:41:18 Um, all right next we have seat geek, which is the only app that I use To get tickets to any events or whatnot. We went to an opening day We're going i'm going to latin soon by the way on broadway got that from seat geek as well Why didn't you tell me we're talk we'll talk more about this we'll talk after But yeah, but seat geek, uh, their app is great. It's you know, it's very easy to use their interface is just like I love it. You know what I mean? Because you you you pick out any event Do you want to go to a concert a sporting event? You know any plays or whatever? Uh, you just go on their app and then you could see each seat if it's a good price
Starting point is 00:41:53 It's like a green color if it's a bad price. It's like a red color and like they're looking out for you Yeah, exactly. So it's like the easiest thing. Uh, they have more than 50,000 five-star reviews in the app store Um Because they're very focused on making your experience as easy as possible. So if you're looking for tickets to anything It's one you use that's a lot of stars. That's a ton of stars 50,000. I read that. I was like that I played mario 64. I know about stars. Yeah, he knows about stars. Trust me Best of all my listeners can get $10 off their first seakeague purchase
Starting point is 00:42:25 So, yeah, use our promo code basement for $10 off on your first purchase. You can use that For anything comedy shows a lot of stuff going on nhl playoffs mba playoffs whatever you want coming back soon Yeah concerts comedy shows whatever you want the promo code is basement for $10 off of your first first purchase So go download seakeague and try it out Next we have harry's raises Harry's razors is helping me so much because look at this neck You see I got some problems going on over here. Yeah, see what I'm saying looks like I got cut I don't know what it is. I think it's like you have sensitive skin
Starting point is 00:42:59 I do under my neck, but I really never got like pimples, but I get this I get the razor burner Whatever, but like it's a lot better than it was like back in the day people used to think I had Hickeys as a grown man like before I switched to harry's With harry's the founders were tired of paying up for razors that were overpriced and over designed. Okay, so what they did is They came up with harry's All right, these are great razors folks They've received over 20,000 five star reviews on trust pilot and google and their replacement cartridges are only two dollars each And that's half the price of gelete fusion pro shield. All right. What a what a what an insane name by the way
Starting point is 00:43:36 Okay, all right. That sounds like something you put on your car. It's not an adventures movie. All right Yeah, all harry's blades come with a 100 quality guarantee if you don't love your shave let them know and they'll give you a full refund I like that too. You know what i'm saying. Stand behind your damn brand. Yeah love that They believe in it. I believe in it It works Um get a 13 dollar value trial set that comes with everything you need for a close comfortable shave a weighted Handle a five star razor with a lubricating strip and trimmer blade rich Lathering shave gel and a travel blade cover 13 dollar value
Starting point is 00:44:09 Trial set That was hard to say listeners of the show can redeem their trial set at harry' slash basement Again, that is harry' slash basement. Uh, go try out some razors people get your shave on get your shave on And uh last but not least we have a new sponsor here for today. Uh, let's welcome open fit Yes Open fit is bringing you something new that makes it even easier Uh to never miss a sweat session. Okay, some people don't have time to go to the gym. You know what I mean or like do
Starting point is 00:44:41 I mean you got time Open fit takes all the complexity out of losing weight and getting fit It's a brand new Super simple streaming service that allows you to work out from the comfort of your living room and as little as 10 minutes a day So everyone has 10 minutes to do something And I do I do exactly they have amazing trainers and classes Um, you know, they're they're led by some of the most effective and engaging trainers in the world Uh, you know, you could sculpt your body early an idea sculpt your body, baby
Starting point is 00:45:08 Um But yeah, you can access it anywhere at any time computer tv web-enabled tv uh tablet smartphone Uh, whatever Roku You know what I'm saying, uh, and your results you can see you can lose up to 15 pounds Just the first 30 days flatten your abs shaping shape your body and look and feel great Shape your body. I would love to shape that for sure Um, but I've tried out some of their their programs and it is like 10 minutes
Starting point is 00:45:36 It's kind of like a very quick Kind of workout not what I'm used to so I sweat like a monster. Yeah, get your heart rate up there So pumping. Yeah, it's nice right now during the open fit 30 day challenge My listeners can get a special extended 30 day free trial membership to open fit Where you can lose up to 15 pounds in 30 days. I'm gonna do it. That's in bold too. So they stand behind that They stand behind that. Sorry. Um, you can lose up to 15 pounds in 30 days when you text basement to 30 30 30 Again, that is texting basement to 30 30 30 You will get full access to open fit all the workouts and nutrition information totally free again
Starting point is 00:46:13 Just text basement to 30 30 30. Okay Boom, I just did it There you go. We have a that was a lot of sponsors today, but That just goes to show the support we're getting from Everyone else all the viewers and whatnot. Thank you for so much for doing that You know supporting our sponsors also help support the show. Yes as well. Absolutely. And then also supporting the patreon actually To help support me, you know keeps it. He got a raise Yes, because I got my raise and I just wanted to thank everybody that did that slash the basement yard
Starting point is 00:46:46 We just posted a what the fuck this patreon want and q&a q&a and then that's a segment we do on there and then also Uh, I think when this comes out on the thursday, we'll be dropping the patreon exclusive episode Which only patrons can see so head to slash basement yard and come check us out Damn, yeah, that was pretty good, right? You're crushing this. Yeah I don't know how to read so I got to go off the top. You know, it's hard to read I've been freestyle on my whole life. What's up? What I've been freestyle on my whole life. You can see yourself a good reader I read well See what I did there. What are you gonna say? I don't want to get into that
Starting point is 00:47:29 Uh, Aladdin when did you decide you're going to Aladdin? I don't know. Why'd you not tell me about because I just watched the the The old cartoon version. Okay, not too long ago, which by the way the movie's coming out though I know I'm gonna watch that too. I heard uh, Aladdin on broadways Fuego flames really Madfire I saw a lion king in like disney when I went and I was actually part of the show
Starting point is 00:47:57 You're in it. Yeah, how'd you do? So wait, it's actually a cool story So I we I went to disney and they have surprisingly didn't you cry at disney? dude You did right? I teared up Yeah, I teared up at disney to cry to disney. I love it. It was beautiful. He bitch. Do they have fireworks at night? Yeah, of course magic kingdom. That's what got you It wasn't the fireworks. It was you know what they did at magic kingdom How do you not know this at magic kingdom? They have like a firework show and then they like project
Starting point is 00:48:29 Video onto the castle. Yeah, like that's kind of a new thing I think and they have like videos of like old Shit that reminds you of your childhood and when things were so much simpler They just manipulated the shit at you and I'm just watching I'm like I'm feeling a lot right now. Who are you there with? I was there with fucking donnie is fucking Dude, it was you weren't even there with like your mom or like somebody. Oh, uh, so you just started crying Why does my mom have to be there for me to cry because I feel like the nostalgia would be there It's like, oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:48:59 I remember watching this with my mom when I was a kid or like with Shannon or with Keith or thomas Dude, what your dad whatever No, it was just it was emotional. It was a beautiful night. Did a full tear come out of your eye I don't know. I think that's a yes Well, it was also very humid So I don't know if it was a sweat bead or if it was a tear. Listen, there's nothing wrong with crying I cry all the time that I know. All right, so, you know No, no, no, but it was it was gorgeous. It was it made me feel like a child
Starting point is 00:49:26 I was like, oh my god, it's so pretty. All right, so get back to how you were in this fucking show I don't know. I never knew this. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So they have like bars Like stationed around the parks like to drink alcohol. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, cool I think They do like in certain areas, right? So right outside because we were going to the Lion King show And There was a bar right there. So we went and we got Uh
Starting point is 00:49:54 Dine was like, yo get get an angry orchard beer and a fireball shot And then just like drop it and just pour it in the beer and then we'll drink that He's like it tastes like I don't know something Um, but it was good. Yeah, I'm sure it was like because it's like an apple-y beer And then you put that like cinnamon shit to us like a cinnamon apple sort of thing I don't know But it was good So we got that and we're drinking them and we're walking because it was like right right down like the road little road thing
Starting point is 00:50:20 so we're walking and Some woman just comes out of nowhere like out of the bushes. She's like, hey You guys going to the Lion King show and we're like Yeah The fuck and she's like, all right come with me. Like she had like a Disney shirt on so I was like, all right. This isn't like a random like witch or something. Yeah, she has She had some Disney garb on. Yeah, she had some garb. So we went to this back door and
Starting point is 00:50:45 Before she we walked in she was like you guys can't have those though So we just fucking chugged her obviously, you know Yeah, fuck that. Yeah, so we just chugged them and like whatever They bring us in and it bring they bring us into like the venue where they have the show and they have like bleachers But then they have like a bench With like four seats on it and they put us right there. Wow. Yeah, and I was like I'm too close to the action here. Yeah So what happens is you don't know they're real lion going to come out of here
Starting point is 00:51:18 No, I wish I'd been awesome. Yeah. Oh my god. Would you pet a lion without question? If all I need is like just like laying there and the guy was there with you She'd be like, yo pet it on the head. Yes without question. Fuck. No without all I need is someone to be like He's not going to bite you. Just do I'd be like whatever. That's good enough for me. I'm doing it Right I'm either getting like 10 million dollars out of this or and one hand Or I get to pet a lion because yeah, dude petting a lion like no one can ever take that away from you Dude, I just pet the biggest. I pet the pig. It's a king of juggler
Starting point is 00:51:54 So how'd they get you? Yeah, you pet the king of the jungle though. Now now I'm in a way that power transformed I guarantee you just from touching a lion yourself confidence goes up so much. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, you know like if you touch like a ferret You're like you hate yourself. Yeah, I hate those. I pet a ferret. I'm like this. I gotta wash my hands Yeah, it's like my life sucks. You touch a lion you transfer that energy and then you got like a lion heart Exactly. You're way more brave. Yes That's just science. That's just science. So anyway, we're sitting on this bench and uh They says guy comes out and he's like, you know
Starting point is 00:52:32 Each section is like an animal or something. We were the elephant section And I was like, oh god, and they were gonna pick a leader of the section Now they put us in the front because they're picking one of us and in my head. I'm like Yeah, I'm getting picked Sure enough this fucking gigantic Like straight out of Africa dude like yoked in like a grass skirt You are elephant Basically comes right up to me like points of spear at me and I'm like
Starting point is 00:53:02 Holy shit, and then he like gives me the microphone and he's like, where are you from and I was like New york No, you are not No, but I told him I was from New York. Oh, actually, no, that's not what happened He didn't he didn't give me the mic yet What he did was he held the mic away from himself and he was like, where are you from? And I was like, I'm from New York and I was like, where are you from? He goes, I'm from here And then he winked at me. I was like, I where I'm still curious. Oh, you're in character. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Got it. Do not stand in your face But then he said that I was like the leader of the elephant uh section That's fire. So he's like he wanted me to make an elephant noise How'd you do? I mean, I would say like 6.7 out of 10. All right. Let me hear it. All right, hold on Yeah, wet him up with those lips I was like I
Starting point is 00:54:02 Can't do it now. I did it that time Basically, that's what I did. Yeah, but then when I did it, he just like looked at me like And like shit on me it was funny, but then during the show you're a weak leader You are not good leader. You are no elephant Yeah, I was I was getting shit on um Joe from new york Most basic shit joe from new york. It's like fuck this guy. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:27 um But during the show they have these dudes on stilts that come out Like the tallest shit dude, like they're like 20 feet in the air. It looks like like they're high. They're giraffes, obviously Huh? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're like giraffes so One kid comes walking out and like mind you we're basically on the floor with these motherfuckers and he's like he goes Yeah, you job I was like, yeah, he's like
Starting point is 00:54:52 Hilarious, dude, and then just goes back to being a giraffe. Whoa. He broke character for you. Yeah, that's fire. Yeah, I talked to a giraffe Well, I didn't talk to a giraffe very unprofessional by him He wasn't like dressed as a giraffe. Yeah, but you're don't fucking break character, bro. It wasn't I mean That dude held the microwave say He didn't break character Yeah, no can't break character, dude. No, he's a cool guy. Yeah, he's cool giraffe. He did a good job You ever been to like, uh What was I gonna say like uh, I have no idea like a safari thing. I guess a safari drive. Yeah, I did that too
Starting point is 00:55:32 I want to I want to go on one so bad. So a real giraffe, dude Did you ever see that woman that got killed by that tiger? No, this sounds awesome. So there's I mean It went viral. So like this woman was in a car. They're on a safari, right? So they're on a safari. Wait, you seen the video? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but you but you don't see like the end game of it Avengers plug So she's in a car with her boyfriend and they're on this safari, you know Where you could drive up and there's fucking lions and whatever over there and rhinos or whatever fuck so they're driving and
Starting point is 00:56:09 They get in an argument in the car So she gets so mad that she gets out of the car Oh, dude, you can't get an argument when there's lions around and she gets out closes the door And a tiger comes and snatches that bitch up Snatched her up And drags her off into into the distance. You see it. Yes She's just like slams the doors. She's like motherfucking just
Starting point is 00:56:35 Just comes and grabs her snatches her and bounces Do they know there was lions out there? Yeah, but I think that she was just so caught up in the argument She was like, I ain't taking no shit and just slam the door and then you got eight by a tiger Yeah, or lioness or whatever the fuck Dude, and then her mom got out to chase after them and I think she got eight too But she got eight Yeah, if we were on a safari and you got dragged off by a lion Not chasing after you. No, of course not. I might throw a rock at it
Starting point is 00:57:15 Like why is that in the car? Yeah, but why are people's like first thing to make like noises at like animals to like get them to something Because I think it scares them a little bit. Yeah, but it's like, yo, they're gonna scare a lion's things eating my head Yeah You know what I'm saying? You think you think you're just going It's gonna come on Not clown Dude, I feel like if you're on a safari, you should be in a car that like cannot open
Starting point is 00:57:41 Like yeah, you have to you have to like account for an idiot being in there like I'm gonna go pet this rhino Yeah, it's like dude. Don't get out. There's a wild animal stay in the car Where'd you go on a safari in disney? They have one. Oh, they have a wild safari. Yeah, there wasn't like lions like coming up to your window Or anything. Yeah, but what'd you have? There was giraffes walking around you're on like that's fire. You're on a path. That's kind of like Not away from things. Okay, but you're a good distance like Nothing was like from here to that wall. Did they is that the place where they have the alligator warnings? what
Starting point is 00:58:19 Alligator warnings. Yeah at disney land or something Warnings. Yeah, because they have it's in florida, right? Yeah. Yeah, and they have like little spots like little beaches Yeah, yeah on the on the safari on the safari, right they have Didn't a little kid could grab on a crocodile there once. I don't know. I don't think you can get out They have like big you're in like a big tank. Yeah. I'm not gonna hold up You're gonna you're just gonna google it. Yeah, I'll give you $5,000 if you never pick up your phone You always open up your little pamphlet there and you're googling random shit Listen to this disney gator attacks two-year-old nebraska boy found dead at disney gator ate him
Starting point is 00:59:04 Fuck that sucks. How? Because they were in some area where there were alligators there and you're not supposed to do that And the parents looked away and a fucking alligator came up and took them I don't know about this. Yeah, so fuck disney. I'm good. No, no, no disney's fine. I'm good dude. You're not good I'm good on disney. You're going to disney You'd have to pay me to go to disney. What? Yeah, why because I'm not into that shit. I'm not being into anything What do you mean? I'm just like not into like walking around theme parks. I'm not I'm not a theme park guy. I don't like them
Starting point is 00:59:42 I'm not a theme park guy either, but you went to disney. It's fucking disney though. You bastard I don't know. I was I was more of a nicolodian guy. You're a miserable fuck. They have a nicolodian section All right slime and shit you ever heard of like uh, you never seen figure it out From our studios in Orlando lord. Yes, joe. I have and I loved it. Thank you summer standards still can catch these hands Yeah, and by hands he means penis. Yes She was an olympic swimmer That explains why she was uh, so in shape. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, but I don't know not a big theme park guy Not a big roller coaster guy
Starting point is 01:00:19 Not a big anything like that. They have like a cool white water rafting ride. That's fine Not into that either What do you eat? Hey fun. No, I love fun, but I just don't like theme parks. I think I think they're corny You wouldn't do a like a white water rafting thing white water rafting. I would do It was awesome. They had a ride there. Yeah, but you're like a big thing I don't know. I don't know you go backwards down this thing and like water just fucking crushes you That's cool. I like that but I can do that like white water rafting somewhere else I don't I just feel like disney like I'd be I'd be over it. I'd be over it
Starting point is 01:00:53 I'd be over you wouldn't see. I thought I would too, but you weren't did you put those fucking ears on? I had a goofy hat, bitch. Yeah, see I can't do the teeth came down. I can't do all that hell yeah Embrace your inner child you miserable bitch and I do embrace my inner child I think I'm more of a child than you And I'm older than you really who do you think's a bigger child you or I you yes, not at disney though Yeah, you might be able to outshine me there, but I'm a bigger child than you for sure. All right For sure bearded baby
Starting point is 01:01:29 No, that's fun, dude, I'll check. Uh, maybe I'll check it out. Yeah, you get the guys I'll go. How's that? You get the guys rather the troops rather the troops. I'll go to disney. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine Let's go to Denver too. I would love to that's where we can see what you're made of. Yeah I'll probably die so much. I'm not gonna die, dude. I didn't even notice the altitude honestly and I was at 10,000 feet Yeah, I will notice the altitude. I don't think you uh, you're kind of asthmatic. Yeah, I'll be up there pumping away. Yeah You guys feel that you guys feel any of this in your lungs right now I honestly thought like I was like a little nervous because I had never been there. Yeah Uh, and the city obviously is a mile high. So you're at like 5,000 feet when you land. Yeah, didn't notice a thing
Starting point is 01:02:14 Didn't really feel much and we walked everywhere Um, and then when we did the Rocky Mountains, we eventually did you went to like I think it's like 11,000 feet And one of the coldest fucking Bodies of water I've ever seen it's like lake and boss jumped in awesome. Who's gonna sit on the iron throne? The night came Everyone dies elaborate I just think the night king. I think that the show has I no one knows what we're talking about it's game of thrones, obviously, but I think that
Starting point is 01:02:50 um Denver Denver is cool, but we're back What we're back game of thrones is back. Yeah um I will say on record that this was probably the new episode Was probably the worst episode of game of thrones that I've ever seen There's a set up episode I understand that So what are you worried about wait 600 days?
Starting point is 01:03:15 Was it 600? Yes. It was like 590 something days. All right, but like don't listen. I'm not gonna say the whole season's gonna be bad It's I understand it's that's sorry, but all I'm saying is is that I think it was the worst thrones episode of all time Who cares? I'm just saying so they missed once Yeah, and I don't think it was bad I think it was very necessary because there's a lot that they're jam-packing into the next seven episodes. Yeah So they need to set some of it up People drop in left and right. It's been fucking storyline five seasons fucking doing it
Starting point is 01:03:47 No, there's like 10 different fucking. I don't know. I think there's still people. I forget their names Yeah, I don't know anyone's name. Yeah, I think that uh Everyone dies night king wins the dead Takeover. I think already stark No, I think she's dead everyone loves her She's such a popular character that there's no way she's not dead Kill her I'm all about chaos. I think she'll sacrifice herself then if anything
Starting point is 01:04:13 No I think she gets slayed By who though? I don't know one of the many face people didn't she kill like that girl or whatever. Oh, yeah Yeah, she did also, but um, do you think that the dragon did you think khalisi gets her uh her dragon back or no? Can you do that? I don't think so. I think it's just a night dragon now a white dragon Yeah, I don't know if you can get that dragon back. That's trash. Oh, it's her baby dog Yeah, dead now someone else's baby We go and he did that shit. I was like, yeah, this show's fire. What are you what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:04:50 When the night king put his hands out like that Oh And john snows just like he's a bad motherfucker, man I Can throw this shit out of a spear too god damn very accurate too very accurate skinny guy He's got some power in them. Fuck. Yeah You had a very interesting theory about them That they're the good people in all of this. Oh, yeah, so I have this theory and I this is like just a theory
Starting point is 01:05:15 I like this theory a lot though. I think it makes a lot of sense I because the way that they're shaping it up Spoilers Yeah, spoilers not that I've seen the rest of the season But if you haven't seen any of gaben thrown us up to this point and you want to know like don't fucking listen to me but um, I think that uh You know
Starting point is 01:05:37 Brand yeah Is actually the night king And he's trying to stop Daenerys khalisi. Yeah, because she's bad Right because I think now that we found out that john snows the rifle aired of the throne. Yes Uh And he when he eventually tells her that she's gonna be like wait, I'm this whole time I was trying I was going after the throne and now it's your throne like I have to eliminate you
Starting point is 01:06:02 So she's gonna try and kill john snow or do whatever So now it looks like she's like and she's also been kind of power hungry now You know I'm saying like she's been coming around and being like it's kind of rubbing people the wrong way of like All right, this bitch is getting a little crazy now. Yeah, and her dad isn't that okay, you know, so I think that They're trying to kill her right so whatever and maybe the brand thing doesn't work out whatever But what I do think is that this is why I think that the dead went Two two reasons one if you put a human on the throne I think that it's very open-ended and I think that it doesn't really make sense because you know
Starting point is 01:06:37 Okay, what was their reign like they're like, you know, whatever we're gonna want to know how it went Yeah, and how does the dead just go away? You know, we're gonna kill the fucking unkillable white walkers Like you know I'm saying so I think that they went but I also think that maybe this could be portrayed in a way of You know, the white walkers Are people who just had died who are now Part of this dead army, right? Right and they're seen as the bad people But really they're just casualties casualties of war. They aren't the kind of the natives kind of yeah, they're not the evil ones They're just the ones that we sent to war
Starting point is 01:07:06 You know the evil ones are the ones who sent them and like oh, let's go burn this village I'm like you have to listen to them because you're like a soldier or whatever. So you go do that Yeah, but then you die you become a white walker So I think that it's a whole thing of like actually the white walkers are the good ones And they're killing all these people who are bad But that doesn't really add up also because they killed some like innocent people Maybe they think that like once you're dead, yeah, then you're good But when you're alive, then there's greed and there's you know power human stuff. Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:38 So it's like I like that theory a lot. I don't know. I like that theory Yeah, I just pulled it out of my asshole. I feel you but no, I think it's uh, I hope it shapes up to be Hope shapes up to be better. I think it will. Yeah, I think it's gonna be good. I think I think I think there's The thing is is like these shows are so fucking pumped up now. It's like it's just too much. I can't do it Can't do it. There's a lot of shit going on. Can't do it Before we get out of here Let's uh, get to the the patrons here. I want to give some shout outs to some people here We have destiny grace destiny grace. We know destiny that is obviously a stripper's name. Yep. Um, olivia brown
Starting point is 01:08:14 Smoke in high school, I feel like yeah, it could be yeah Bexford that just sounds like a like a tie company or something. Yeah, it does um julian pares Great shorts out Bryce tickler Your last name's tickler. Yeah, he's tickling some butts a little creepy crystal martinez Prista martinez. Okay, uh, michael anthony zago zaga's out
Starting point is 01:08:44 Shout out, um, alexis nicole That that's porny. Yeah, anthony true love. What the fuck that guy fucks his name's true love. Hell. Yeah, that can't be real Yeah, true love. Yeah, why not? Sounds like a hitman for the guy in the rams is something. It was like john good speed Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Wow. I forgot about that name. Uh, shon lutz Lootage lootage lootage, uh natalie silva hot Yeah, uh, talissa marie
Starting point is 01:09:14 Uh, like italian from staten island probably. Yeah, olivia collins Phil collins daughter could be uh christina o'neill paul o'neill's uh niece, uh, kylie just kylie Kylie Jenner, let's just say this. It's Kylie Jenner. Uh, kassie gregarious. Whoa Related to deity gregarious. Maybe sir deity. Uh, peter marsill Mars Marsil mart mart martin Martin don't hurt yourself. Uh, may harris May harris miss harris teachers assistant. I feel like that's a mean teacher's name. Yeah teacher's assistant miss harris
Starting point is 01:09:54 What what do you need? Farrah volant volante Volante lante italian or spanish. I don't know. It's really hard robert morten robert mort Morty hey, it's the mortons. Yeah, I feel like yeah, he's a he's a he's a chromogen He's a who a chromogen nice um taylor johnson
Starting point is 01:10:17 La Crosse, I guess. Yeah patrick finnessy Very very finance. Yeah finance. I think it's some real estate in here. Yeah, uh, larry marsteller. Whoa Marsteller character on game of thrones. Yeah, definitely. Uh Pastor chris breen Thank you father May the lord be with you and also with you Um jackson panetti
Starting point is 01:10:50 Neighborhood guy. Yeah, this is a neighborhood guy morgan roth. She plays lacrosse. Mike fossell drinks a lot of beers Uh, what else we got? We got robin wiley One of those unisex names. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, uh, matthew tucci tucci. Stanley tucci. Stanley tucci. I like him Who's that actor? Oh Don't know One more victoria walton Victoria walton her dad owns something What'd you ask me? What was the question you asked me? What would you rather be?
Starting point is 01:11:29 Fat with great teeth Oh, would you rather be 240 pounds with amazing teeth or be shredded wheat with awful teeth shredded wheat and awful awful teeth Yeah, yeah Because you can get your teeth fixed. No, but you can't oh you have to live with them forever, of course I guess they'll all just fall out eventually. That's it I just wanted to answer that question What my super power would be that I have amazing teeth. How's that? Whenever I want I would never have to go to dentist ever. That's a good one too. That is a good one. Yes
Starting point is 01:11:59 Fucking hate the dentist. Yeah Making me cough up here. Sorry. All right. Anyway, we got to get out of here. Go get gelato So anyway, Danny, where can they find you? Uh at Daniel La Prairie on instagram and twitter. Peace Uh, you guys that follow me on social media at joceandagato Go follow the show on instagram at the basement yard Yes on instagram and our patreon is set up So if you want to support the show head on over to slash the basement yard. That is all see you guys next time

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