The Basement Yard - #190 - Joe's A Psycho

Episode Date: May 20, 2019

On this episode, we finally figure out how big of a psycho Joe truly is. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the wait Flicking those nips All right, so are you just gonna start by eating that's fine I didn't get we got here earlier today. I had to get something in my mouth. I'm just saying this is like a podcast sin This is like a one of the I know you're not supposed to chew gum and you're not supposed to eat Yeah, yeah need a little rx bar. I Just bought two boxes of those I did I did ask so you did you did ask me. Hey, do you mind if I have one?
Starting point is 00:00:32 I'm not one of those friends that just goes in and grabs people's things at their house. I can't stand that. I fucking hate it Oh I'm curious. What uh, who did this? You have friends that come in and just take your stuff I only had one friend growing up that would walk into my house and like Wouldn't even say hi. Maybe would say hi and go to the fridge It's not cool. It's not nice. Yeah, you shouldn't do it. I wouldn't do it to anyone really I would only do it to a roommate even then though
Starting point is 00:01:02 Like listen if you came home and you went like grocery shopping like you went the whole foods, right? And I live with you. Mm-hmm, and you have all this shit that you spent your money on I'm not looking like oh nice. We have food now That's your food Feel a little differently I feel like it as if I'm in if I'm sharing a home with somebody one other person I was I will say if you had like three or four roommates. Yeah Fuck you guys. I'm not going out and buying eight rotisserie chickens for us
Starting point is 00:01:35 But if there's one other person like I'm gonna buy enough for two people. I'm assuming every meal I make I'm making two Even if that's not the case. Yeah Because I would also you're way nicer than me then because I would there's no way I would do that Well, I would split the bill with them like I'd like yo We're going grocery shopping like give and pay for half and I'll just buy all the shit. Well, that's different than it's both your foods I'm just saying like all right for example this right? Yes. I Asked you for it before I took it right now could I have just taken it? Yeah, yeah, but I'm just not that type of person because I wouldn't want someone to do it to me
Starting point is 00:02:09 Right, and I also just don't think it's a It's like it's not it's a common courtesy to ask somebody before you take something from their house and eat it Yeah, you know somebody went out of their way to buy it Bring it back and they plan on enjoying it So I'm just gonna stick my little grubby hands in there and just grab it and take it home. It's not cool Don't hate on your hands like that Take great hands. Thanks, bro I
Starting point is 00:02:37 Feel so much fucking transfer of power look at that. I feel so much energy. Yeah, not transfer of intelligence I'm a little horny. I am too You ever shake someone's hand like an old dude. I hate that I hate them so much Yo, all people need to shake your hands so hard. It's like they plan the whole day around shaking hands Yeah, and it's like all right. I get it. You killed somebody in the 60s. All right. You're a marine. Yeah Yeah, you're doing kid. Yeah, it's like I relax with you. Do you think you're tough cuz you got a strong grip Remember when your dad would do this. Yeah, you like you like play with your fucking mash your knuckles. I'm like your dad Fuck you man. Yeah, man. What do you think you're cool? Yeah, I don't like that
Starting point is 00:03:14 But again, I have to go back to this because listen, I've had roommates That would take liberties You know what kind of liberties like oh, hey, what's up? This is in the fridge. I'm gonna eat it and then after they'd be like yo Sorry, yo got hungry last night. I'll pay you If I'm gonna eat something that I know that you want to come home and eat Before I eat it one I'm going to ask and then I'm going to pay you before I eat it Yeah, I think that's the proper way to do it. Yeah, I would I would ask to Don't just eat and just be like oh
Starting point is 00:03:49 My out will be when he gets home. Oh, I'll pay I'll buy you a new one. Yeah, just buy yourself one then Yeah, it's like I don't want the money. I went to pay I paid the fucking money so I can get the thing Yes, and I think leftovers are more valuable than like actually like cooked. Oh, I would never in a million years eat someone's leftovers That is psychotic. Someone's going out of their way to put that back in the fridge. Yeah, and they're dreaming about that probably throughout the day Like y'all I'm gonna go home and I'm gonna crush this. Yeah, that's taken broccoli I'm just gonna and then you open it and it's fucking gone because your asshole roommate ate it You know who's the fucking worst with that? Fucking Shannon Shannon eats all your shit. Yeah, my sister's a fucking just um, I'm just not caring the world
Starting point is 00:04:33 Does bloodline? No No, it doesn't Dude Keith would buy and it always happened to Keith for Keith Keith would like cuz Keith would buy like a kick cat or something We put in the freezer great snack guy. Oh it's big snack. I think snack guy and he would and he put in the freezer And then she just fucking eat it. Yeah, and he and you know Keith he doesn't he doesn't hold back No, so he once he opens up the freezer, and he doesn't see the kick cat this fucking bitch Just like loses it right Because she has a track record of doing that shit. Do you think she probably gets off on it a little bit?
Starting point is 00:05:07 She's like, you know, she's like, I'm gonna fucking ruin Keith's day a little bit underneath this goddamn kick cat Or you think that she just doesn't give a fuck. No, I think she's an oblivious selfish selfish bitch. Yeah That's what I think happy belated birthday. Yeah, happy birthday Shannon No, cuz like I really think about like When I'm living with somebody I take them into account so much almost even more than myself like I Lived with a roommate. What what what about beverages?
Starting point is 00:05:37 What kind of beverages like a juice or something? As long as it doesn't touch your mouth, you can have some juice Don't just like start drinking my juice with your mouth like Carton yeah, no, no, no, no, but some people do that. I'm like, yeah, I'm talking about he's just like pouring glasses of beverage That's fine liquid liquids are cool liquids are cool liquids are cool. That's what I'm saying And they're also easily obtainable. You know what? I mean, it's the same thing every time even if it's like a like beers If I had like 12 beers in there, and you had three it's not gonna Send me off. Mm-hmm, you know, but if you drank the whole 12 pack now, that's that's that's different one
Starting point is 00:06:17 You have a problem and two now. I have a problem because all the beers go You know, I mean we both have problems, but I think beverages get a pass Yeah, that's that's why I was asking cuz I wouldn't I'd be cool with anyone eating like but it has to be but it has to be a Big size because if it's like one what about yeah, I was gonna say that fuck that I need that Gatorade if I put a Gatorade in there What about what's your favorite Gatorade? The lemon lime all right lemon lime say you put a lemon lime in there and it wasn't cold at the deli So you brought it home Scape it the fucking freezer treatment a little bit then switch it over to the fridge, and I drank it
Starting point is 00:06:52 Yeah, I crucify you a party is gonna be fucking pissed Huge part. Yeah, I would say the whole part. Yes, and I think you could tell a lot about a person By the way, they take things from your house. Yeah, you know Answer this honestly From the time that you've known me have I never not asked you for like ask before I took something No, you've never done that. I'm just not like that I hate people that just assume because we are friends, but you could take my belongings. Yeah, I don't like that I only have like two
Starting point is 00:07:26 Actually, I don't know there's only two people that stand out my mind I'm not really friends with either of them anymore, right not because of that But just because but how do you feel about this? I feel about this when you're eating and somebody wants a piece of the food Where am I here? I'm I I did I make it you ordered it you ordered it. I ordered it. Yeah, what kind of piece of what though? All right, so say somebody I don't know like hold on I know how which part like which you know on a part of the meal
Starting point is 00:07:54 There's there's like an order of importance here like if you get a chicken parm. There's the chicken parm Right right pasta. Yeah. Well, there's two things. There's two things. All right. I'm gonna give you two versions You order a pizza But you a personal pie. No, no, no, no. Oh just a whole pie a whole pie but three myself three people chipped in Okay, there's just fucking fourth asshole out here. Yes. Do you give him a slice a? free one I Would I would too because it's like if I get two slices. I'm cool. Yeah, it's a communal food I get it. Yeah now
Starting point is 00:08:34 If I order a burger and fries mm-hmm and somebody comes over while I'm eating that and it's like hey, can I get a fry mm-hmm I'm like who wants just one fry I'll give up a fry. I'll give up a fry, but who just wants one fry. You're prying now. You're prying on my fries Ah fry You're upset about our fry. I'm not upset about our fry. I'm upset because You're asking that it's a gateway fry. That's a gateway for you're asking that. Yeah, like for me to be like Yeah, take a couple I go for it. You're you're expecting me to reciprocate like one come on
Starting point is 00:09:12 Have a couple you think the floodgates are open once you take our fry. Yes. Yes. I don't respect that Okay, what are your friends a big time? I'm a big fry stealer. Yeah, you are too, but like One of your friends is really bad at stealing fries. Yeah, do they ask no Sometimes so like sometimes they do but they ask why they take so to be like yo was good on that I'm like, yo, you didn't even give me a chance to answer. I think you know who I'm talking about I think I don't know, but I I'm done. It's empty. I've done it too Yeah, it'd be like yo, let me live like on a fry. I'm like it's already in your mouth So you can eat it. Let me live on a fry always like yo, let me live. I'm like, all right. I'll let you live
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah, go get now get out of here for you die Okay, god damn it. That's so funny. It's so funny I've done that sometimes we're like someone will just like and you know, I'll be honest like but it's only like my really close friends Like they'll pop open like something with like a burger and fries and I'll just go But like you're also but you're even doing it. Yeah in a assholeish way. Yeah that it comes off playful Yeah, don't try this mental gymnastics where you're gonna go for me to say oh a fry Who wants this one chip who wants this one fry some reverse psychology? Yeah, yeah, yeah have a couple don't fucking trick me Dr. Strange fucking have all these fucking things in your head. You could see how it works. Yeah, I understand what you're saying
Starting point is 00:10:39 I thought you were gonna say someone comes over and ask for a piece of your burger Oh, that if anyone asked me that I'd be like get the fuck out of my face in their face Yeah, what do you think I'm gonna fucking I'm gonna cut this like a fucking birthday cake and give you a slice Get the fuck out of you know what I hate to when people cut their cheeseburgers in half What a what a just a disgusting piece of shit your your pussy, bro You cut your hamburger in half. Yeah, why is it too big for your bitch-ass hands? It's supposed to be a Whole thing. It's a hamburger. It's not a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. How do you cut your sandwiches by the way? Oh corner to corner? I
Starting point is 00:11:17 Go with the V that could mean a lot of V squad. Oh, so you don't go side I don't go side across you gotta cut you gotta cut diagonally. You gotta cut diagonally because it kind of makes me feel Like the sandwich is bigger. Let me ask you, but it's not yeah Yeah, and I also like to just put that whole corner of my jamming in my mouth Don't you love though there was something weird about a saran wrapped ham and cheese sandwich as a kid I feel like it tastes better than like cuz it would get a little soggy. Yeah, it's cuz it's probably made of like recyclable Plastic but you know it get a little soggy, but it would go down like easy It was like more like a ration to get you through the day, you know a ration like you're not gonna enjoy the food
Starting point is 00:11:57 But like a party you kind of enjoyed it. I Like to see and that's you know, it's crazy. I like the burgers that were that were wrapped in tinfoil Yeah, yeah, yeah the rapper and they were disgusting. Yeah, like it looked like someone shit out a hamburger It's the most well-done burgers of all time. Oh, they are burnt. Yeah, definitely burnt. Yeah, but be honest with me though If I came in here and Just Started eating a bunch of shit a party you you might not say anything I would eventually eventually be like, you know, I was gonna like keep eating my shit
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah, I wouldn't say it like that. No, you'd be like you good. No, I'd hold that against you. Yeah, you would I'd be like Oh, so you just this is your place. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Aggressive like that. Oh you live here now. See that's I avoid that at all cost I have respect for people's things. Yeah, I'll be completely honest with you. I've learned the hard way in that I'll be completely honest with you though The the bars the RX bars Like if you just ate one like I wouldn't really have even noticed or minded to be honest with you Yeah, but you can't multiple up though. That's what I'm saying like don't double up
Starting point is 00:13:02 Don't take my kindness for weakness. Just feel you're gonna have lunch breakfast and dinner RX bars in my fucking house Yeah, bro, he's fucking bars like four dollars a piece So they're not fucking cheap You know, that's just how I look at it. I wouldn't want someone to do it to me. All right I'm saying yeah, yeah, I would be a little afraid. No, I feel you. Yeah, I definitely understand So like if you had did that that would just been an isolated incident But then if I started to notice like all right Staking that too and the next day you're like, all right, just whatever you want out of the fridge. Yeah. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:13:37 After I'd be like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, I can't remember the last time I opened your fridge One because there's never food in there But I just was raised that way to not yeah, you don't do that You don't open other people's fridge. No, I don't even like go to the bathroom without asking in people's houses I don't either or like without informing like yeah, I'm gonna go piss. Yeah, I'll be young I'm just gonna go to the bathroom. Yeah, hold on speaking of other friends bathrooms. Have you ever had a friend? Have you ever been weird about your friends shitting in your place? Yes, because I don't like it. It's but it also depends on the duration of they've been hanging like they're staying
Starting point is 00:14:15 So like if we're all hanging out here, right and it's like pregame and it's like oh man Let me take a shit and then we'll bounce. I don't want you kind of blowing up my spot before we bounce You know what I'm saying? No, like respect respect my my toilet Don't just fucking use it as a recreational toilet. You get shit where we're going I mean who likes this shit out in public? I mean I get it, but it's like now you're holding up the party We're getting ready to go get the shit out of the way early No last-minute shits. I don't like last-minute shits. I don't like this you like that You if it's your house, you could take a last-minute shit. Oh, absolutely
Starting point is 00:14:53 I'll shit well shit on the goddamn kitchen counter. Yeah, but if it's not your house no last-minute shits You're holding up the party see I Never agreed with any of this you're gonna defend the last-minute shit dude If someone's got a shit, it's a toilet. I get that. What are you worried about you could have shit an hour ago before now We got we so what does that mean you make your friend have cold sweats and panic on the way to the place? I'm just saying I'm ultimately I'm going to let him defecate, but what I'm saying is Order the day. Oh, also what I'm gonna say is though you couldn't shit an hour earlier. I didn't have to shit an hour ago All right
Starting point is 00:15:32 I'm just saying I would lose it on you if you're like no come on man. Can you just shit at the bar? I'd like Danny. Here's what's gonna happen Shit is leaving my body in the next five minutes if you wanted to be where I'm standing or in a toilet Let me know I think it's leaving. I honestly think this this stems from like my girl Well, my fiance now. Oh, yeah, my fiance y'all fall sound my fiance is Constantly has to pee though. She's a big pee. Yeah, and it's like But it's like you can't pee earlier. It's like why do you have to pee right as we leave? Yeah, like are you nervous about like the lift ride?
Starting point is 00:16:10 Like why must you pee now? Yeah, you know I feel you. It's just last-minute shit bothers me. I Can tell you're clearly Flustered by the last minute pee or and or shit. Yeah last-minute shit. No pun intended. I don't like it anything last-minute See for me see this is how fucked up it is when we were kids Everyone was so weird about people shitting in their house for some reason and I'm like, dude That's where people shit like this. Nothing. I'm not like shitting in your living room Like where it doesn't happen like people shit in there. It's going to stink in that room
Starting point is 00:16:46 Yeah, you know sometimes and the thing is like why and your poop's not better than mine No, why would your poop be better than my poop? My where everyone's got the same poop. Yeah equal poop, right? I Was at the park playing basketball DeVino lives across the street. I Had to shit really bad But I held on to it because it was like four points until we went right we ended up losing And I was like, you know DeVino can I shit at your house? Like I really have to go really bad mind you. I live about
Starting point is 00:17:19 Like a little over half a mile away Yeah, you're not making it so And he was like nah He lives across the street. Wow, and he told me no he told me no So I had to Speed walk home because I'm not in the right state of mind There were stores around there and I could have asked but I was you know, I just like yo I need to like shit's about to go down. So I made it
Starting point is 00:17:44 Two blocks from my house and my butt my ass was just like sorry Yeah, and I shit myself because DeVino didn't let me shit at his house. I'll tell you this DeVino's been falling down my Joe's friends power rankings. Hey, man DeVino if you if you see this he's son of a bitch You made you are responsible for me shitting my pants at an age you shouldn't shit your pants I think I was probably 1617 I think next week. I'm gonna release my first Joe's friends power rankings. Oh, man That'll that'll
Starting point is 00:18:20 Fucking shake things up. So I'm gonna release I'm gonna release that because DeVino started out like a clear cut like number one But these stories that are coming out. He's dropping down. He's dropping down. You can't let your friend shit his pants I'd never let him up that down. No, I would never let my friend shit his pants No matter what age I am I would never let my friend shit his pants. Yeah, I can't that shit is fucked up You I thought you just farted No, I was I was gonna act I was I was gonna say something ridiculous No, it's alright. I was gonna say like I would even let a stranger shit in my house But that's not true. No, I would never let a stranger into my home at all
Starting point is 00:18:58 whatsoever, I ever tell you I was talking to a homeless guy outside of my building once and You never you ever like when you're drunk you get into these conversations with a homeless man literally never What are you talking about you sound like a crazy pigeon woman? You ever like talk to the birds No, because like for some reason when I get drunk and I see a homeless person Like I want to know like why like, you know like like what like what happened like, you know where you just approach this guy Hey, dude, no, I know he asked me for how for how he asked me for a cigarette
Starting point is 00:19:31 Uh-huh, and then I was drunk and I was like, yeah, I'll buy you packed cigarettes Okay, so I went to the store. I bought him packed cigarettes. I brought it back with him and uh Like then we just started talking And I was like, yo man, so like what's your story like how long you've been out here? Whatever blah blah blah blah And then it got to the point. He was like, yo, can I come upstairs? And then I was just like nah You're a stranger and he was just like, ah man like I got nowhere to sleep and I was like yo Nah, and then I went upstairs and I remember just being like
Starting point is 00:20:06 Why did I talk to this homeless guy and now this homeless guy knows where I live Yeah He'll be ringing that bell. No, he has dude. What about tonight? I know that's why you can't talk to homeless people for more than two minutes I I don't think After two minutes you become part of them After two minutes you're a hotel. Yeah, it's like, oh this guy likes me Let's see how far I can push this you want to know what's weird because if I saw like a dog outside in the rain I'd let it sleep in my house
Starting point is 00:20:40 Yeah, because it can't kill you a dog could kill you But I hear you You can't kill you and steal I mean it could kill you but it won't steal all your things And maybe wear your skin as a blanket Later on in life, right? You know, but also it would depend on what kind of dog it was Like I I bet you wouldn't let a fucking straight people sleep in your house It depends if if I can get a read on its demeanor. I won't let it like what do you see sir malon? How can you get a read? You don't know how to get a read on dogs
Starting point is 00:21:09 Dude, you think you gotta read everyone thinks they have a read dude. I have a read. I got I when I went and adopted elie I saw about 10 or 12 dogs I think I picked the right one. You don't think so Danny I picked the right dog. There's doesn't mean you get to you know, if a dog is like psychotic No, I know that but there's temperament tests that you could do with them Like if I go to touch the dog, right and its first thing is to either back away And to not smell my hand welcome and their tail doesn't lag. They're not a welcoming dog. They're in a defensive position I'm not going to touch that dog. Okay, because that dog is in a position where that's just obvious
Starting point is 00:21:48 No, but I'm saying though. This is these are what I would do with it Okay, but if you pet the dog and the dog was cool like whatever that doesn't mean that at 2 a.m When their last owner used to drop elbows on it They don't freak out and and kill your other dog. No, I'm not gonna keep them next to each other I wouldn't be like, hey guys, let's live together. I'm gonna say. Hey, what's up? I'll put you at least on the porch for the night and then call somebody to come and get you. Oh, you put it outside I have a very nice porch for it to stay out there. Well, it's still outside. You said it was raining Yeah, oh, yeah, all right. So maybe I'll bring a minute from an hour on an hour basis
Starting point is 00:22:26 I'm a caregiver. I'm a caregiver I've multiple times have saved dogs that have been running off the leash and called their owners to come and get them That has that's totally different. How's that different? Any like Normal person would do that but to bring it into your home. I would bring I brought the dogs into my home I would I would only bring a dog into my home if I knew I could fuck it up if we got into a fight And like pit bulls are just bigger than me. Yeah, and like I'm not saying they're all like Bad dogs because I know some great pit bulls. Yeah, but I think you like it. It could fuck me up though. Yeah, and that scares me and I don't know this dog. So
Starting point is 00:23:01 Jeff feel like a chihuahua like I'd bring 10 chihuahuas in because they start bugging out Like fuck you all up. That might be my least favorite breed of an animal. It's kind of gross No, my family's favorite is that fucking naked cat. Oh, yeah, what is that thing? It looks like Like a it looked like it started as a candle And melted and then stopped and it's like there's a cat. It's like this is a disgusting thing It looks like an alien. It would be like petting. It would be like petting like a freshly shaved sack. Yeah They're gross. Well, let me ask you this then like can you can you do like multiple things at once like say like
Starting point is 00:23:39 Like can you introduce a new pet And then also do something Like uh, because you were talking about uh getting a tattoo. Yeah Like could you get a new pet as the same time you got a new tattoo or do you have to like do one thing at a time? I'm just saying like in terms of multitasking like a tattoo is pretty serious, right? Yeah, would you want a break from decisions because I got a tattoo some people work that way Some people could only do certain like things in their life. That's at one time. No, that's not me
Starting point is 00:24:13 You've always been a multitasking. I'm not to me. I don't consider that multitasking. What do you consider multitasking? Doing two things at once. Yeah but like Can I buy a home while getting a tattoo buy a home on my phone while getting a tattoo and not a home a puppy Well, I'm saying like on the phone and buy a puppy while I'm getting a tattoo That's multitasking but getting a tattoo and the next day buying a puppy. Yeah, you can do it. Absolutely See, I don't I can't do shit like that. Why you have one big decision a month. Yeah Like I like I don't have like the mental capacity to like do it
Starting point is 00:24:47 Like I have to do one thing at a time It's weird That is strange. Like, you know, it's like I have to worry about like this one thing See, I'm different like I go through periods where I don't make any big decisions and I'm like an autopilot And then once I start making decisions, they just like the dominoes keep falling. Yes Doing crazy. That would be way too stressful for me. But I like it. I feel like it's exciting It makes you like it brings you to another place and it's like I get in a rhythm of just saying yes to everything sometimes Yeah, like that movie. Yes, man. Where's like he just says yes to everything. Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:18 But that's how that's how I feel like I just like Once I do something. Yeah, I'm getting a tattoo today like right after we finish this I'm going to get a tattoo on my arm and That's like a big thing. It's a permanent thing. It's my first that's what I'm saying. It's a big thing Yeah, and I think I wouldn't want to introduce another big thing to a big thing is what I'm saying. I would See you got you have more chops than me. I wouldn't be able to do it I would have to attend to this first Give it all of its attention and then I can get something else to give it attention
Starting point is 00:25:46 No, I think I I do that like I'm gonna get a tattoo and then I'm gonna do other shit and just like Just really get after it for like a certain amount of time and then coast as that person because you're always progressing And yeah, yeah, you do crazy shit and you're like, all right, cool. I'm just gonna do not crazy shit But you know what I mean? No, no, no decisions. Yeah, like The the only rapid decisions I make is like bad decisions like buying shit I'm like, oh, I want that and I want that and I'm gonna get them both today Yeah, like I'm gonna go out of my way to go to that store and go to that one Well, no wonder you only do it once a month because you only can afford it once a month
Starting point is 00:26:20 I'm gonna buy this $6,000 robe It's like, oh, I can't do a decision tomorrow. I was like, yeah, because He's got me there But what I'm saying is this is that I wish I had that power to possess like Like that domino effect that you talked about I feel like can you are you born with that or can you learn that? I I think it's forced like for me at least it's forced. I think it's just like a a constant
Starting point is 00:26:50 Need to keep Leaping every so often like because like especially now I've been doing like little things that I don't Do but it's like if I ever want do you want to share them or are you very personal? Huh? Do you want to know they would sound crazy to people? All right, so don't share them No, no, no, I mean I'll say them like I don't care because it's no just to give you an idea of what of how like small and like Ridiculous. Yeah, but no things really small with you because everything's so intricate It's like this kid's everything means kids again It's just like the most planned out person of all time. I'm like dude. You go into the bathroom. Like you're good, bro
Starting point is 00:27:25 Everything is a deep. He's like what time is it 1144? All right. I'm gonna use the bathroom. I'm like, all right I'm like just go fucking pee bro. It's all good When did it get to that point for you where it was like what I'm not saying every second of your day is time You're not that person. Yeah, but you are like I'm trying to use the analogy that you use like a domino person like One thing if you start one thing it starts this constant collapse I think it's you just get in the mood. You just get in the mood like I'm in a productive mood and like I don't want to stop now Because I like it's just weird that like you'll start it off with a pee
Starting point is 00:28:03 I mean, I don't start it off with a pee or shower like, you know, it's like Like you'll be like I'm gonna take the shower and it's like a very determined way that you say it Because yeah, you take that fucking shower. Yeah, actually, you know now that I'm thinking about it. You're right like it There are little and that's why I'm saying like if I explained to people they I would sound insane to them And and maybe something I'm used to it now But like I'm crazy like you're not crazy But like like he'll stand up and be definitive like I'm taking a shower And then I am coming out and then we will do this and then I will do that. I might do just go wash your balls, bro
Starting point is 00:28:39 Just go wash that dick. Yeah, well handle it when you get out. Um, I think Uh, if I had to guess what it is and and when and when this started. Well, I think it's just when I think, um, why don't you lose your mind Is what I want to know No, I think it started when I started to realize that I had Um Successfully did something right, you know and like with the whole youtube thing and whatnot like Okay, you did that right and then for a while
Starting point is 00:29:11 I was just complacent and was just like all right I'm cool with just that and then I hated myself for that because I was like this is not who I am Of just being like I'm just cool with what I'm at. Yeah, cool joe. He's like, I'm just not cool with it It's not cool. I'm not cool being cool right now. Um, but yeah, I didn't I didn't like that. So I think it's it's the um I wouldn't even call it an addiction because it's not like I need to do it every day because it doesn't happen every day it's just like a There's something validating about getting something done of saying you're going to do something and then getting it done Makes you feel good. At least makes me feel good. And then I you chase that feeling all day where it's like I could plan out my day
Starting point is 00:29:50 And if I write it out and I'm looking at it. I'm like, okay, this is a productive day Right, like I don't want to waste my day like this is a productive day So I'm just going to do all these things right and then I'll know at the end of the day when I have some free time Like I'm not I don't feel guilty about just sitting here for two hours because I did shit today Okay, so now so now when you sit In bed at night. Yeah, are you one of those persons that recounts their day like what you did? Or do you just go to bed if I'm being completely honest? And I really don't want this to sound like this is going to sound crazy
Starting point is 00:30:20 But like I don't want to sound dramatic because it's not as serious as it sounds But we'll see sometimes Sometimes at night and I don't know if other people do this. I don't know if you do it I think it's also probably not but let's go. It's I feel like I think the things we think about at night are way different Because I think it's it comes from working at home too. It's uh sometimes there's a um What's the word not a regret but
Starting point is 00:30:48 sort of You a disappointment in yourself of being like you wasted a lot of your day sometimes Right where I'm like, I should have but it's not like it's not like cabin fever. Is it no no no It's just like you did this today, right? You did these things But you really could have done all these other things that you need to get done But you did you chose not to because you chose to do this or you chose to do that So you're just constantly just beating yourself to shit in bed. So yeah, that's what I did
Starting point is 00:31:15 It's like, yeah, I could have done like 400 other things like this is why you're a crazy person This is what I don't beat myself up Like I'm not like, oh man, you fucked up, dude. You're you're a fucking loser dog Like I don't do that like I just like realistically tell myself like all right like so the next day You need to be more on top of your shit because the day before like I have no problem with having a good time because I know some people who are very Productive and they work constantly. Yeah, but those people aren't real people. I don't like that right and I don't I don't want to be I don't want to become that either. You know what I mean? Like oh, you're you I've seen you be one of those
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah stretches. Well, I was like that for a very long time I'd say I was like that for like four years of my life where I was like Obsessed with just doing work and not really like caring about going out or doing whatever and I missed out on so much Not that I missed out on so much but like little bit. What'd you miss out on? Yes, I know you have a kid and like he grew up. He hates you now So I missed out on on certain things and like this is little wins to me when I was going back to where I was saying before I'm like, oh, this is gonna sound nuts. No, but I Like I love diving into your brain because it's so different from mine
Starting point is 00:32:27 So I try to adopt a little like little things from you, but there's just some stuff that's just that landish Like I could never sit at home and just be like thinking over a list of like production all day Yeah, I get that I uh, so Not saying it's a bad thing. No, I don't I don't think it's a bad thing either. It's some people just function differently Yeah, um for me like a little win. So recently One of the things when I'm saying why I missed missed out on right when you're a kid there's
Starting point is 00:32:57 You're you're just like Things you haven't done since you were a kid, right? Are foods you haven't tried since you were a kid You just assume I don't like those anymore your palate changes every like seven years I think but like you we're gonna have to look that up But I'll drive with it. I something like that, right? But uh So you just be like, I don't like that shit because I haven't had like I had it when I was a kid Or maybe I didn't have his kid. I thought it was gross as a kid. So I don't you know, whatever anymore Right something I could compare to and I'm really gonna go off the rails here to be honest with you
Starting point is 00:33:25 But when you got a shot as a kid, yeah, it was such a big deal Oh, yeah, and it hurt it was like the most pain you've ever felt you're convinced you were gonna die Right. Yeah, and then as an adult when you get it, you're like, that's not a big deal Yeah, you know or like when you're a kid and you go to school You're like the school looks so big and then you go back to that same school when you're older And you like the schools it feels so so much smaller. Yeah, so it's like things just change your perspective changes And I missed out on a lot because I was So obsessed with building the youtube thing and like in in what I would consider
Starting point is 00:33:54 Important years of your life sort of yeah, but I like miss so like they're not important. Yeah, I was yeah I was like, but like you sacrifice things though that you could be more comfortable to kind of do the same things Yes, yes, and you're absolutely right. They're not big things. You know what I mean It's like, yo, like I didn't go out with my friends for four years Now I can like really go out with my friends and not have to worry about shit. Well, that's the thing right that's way better right like to have a to have the A professional drive at what age would you say you started 18 19? unheard of
Starting point is 00:34:27 It's really unheard of in this day and age because you got to think about it That's a more of an old school mentality like getting right to work at 18 19 Because people will graduate high school and either join the fucking army or like go work in some fucking steel mill for like, you know Whatever people are getting married at 20. You know what I mean? Like shit was kind of crazy I didn't develop any kind of like oh, I should probably work until I was like 26 years old Like I had jobs, but they're all just like all right So I get like fillers so I could buy like food like pay my rent and like do this. There was nothing like behind it Yeah, so you focused on something got comfortable
Starting point is 00:35:06 Which is a good which is a good thing. You work towards that. Why are you working? I don't understand these people that work there. It's like y'all. I'm not comfortable unless I'm closing deals Like I'm doing this I might do you're gonna die when like you're 50 from like some kind of cardiac fucking disorder Yeah, calm down. Uh, so that's the thing. I say I said that Like I missed out on a lot, right? But like when I explain to you what things I'm speaking about you're like those aren't big deals because they're not No, but they are in a way though. So here's what I'm saying, right? When I was younger
Starting point is 00:35:35 My sister has a phobia of throwing up Yeah, like a legitimate phobia like if she's like she had like she's very scared of it Um And that always made me sort of secondhand afraid of shit like that, right? So there were certain foods that I wouldn't eat or I would stay away from or I I wouldn't Or I would have like you had like weird butt shit as a kid, right? Yeah, I had like mild IBS. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so there was like weird there was like things like that. So I would never I would always order shit well done like everything or super bland like just bland shit
Starting point is 00:36:10 If I was out or if I was away, I would only eat things that I was familiar with and I wouldn't try new things So your life ran on fear of shit No, no, no for a short period. That's what it sounds like. No, dude. You're taking it way too literally It's just like it's what you were comfortable with It's the fact that I was so comfortable with these things because that's all I knew up until I was like 16 or whatever and then once you were hit 17 18 and you get to like 17 to 23 That's when you have your own money kind of and you can try new things and do whatever you want, you know Not much money though. No, not much, but you know, whatever, but uh during that time
Starting point is 00:36:46 I was just focused on work. So I wasn't really focused. I didn't really put a huge priority on going out Yeah, I didn't really and I did go out, you know, but I didn't put a huge priority on it I didn't put a huge priority on, uh, you know, trying new foods or trying to you know Do shit like that or really In like creating a social life, right, you know, like I've had the same friends forever. So I'm like they'll be there Yeah, you know, so I I was like whatever a lot of them probably in college and shit anyway doing their own thing Whatever, but now I just know it's so different for me because now Like I want to do that. Like I was such a conservative person back in the day that now I'm just like fuck it
Starting point is 00:37:25 Like I that's why I'm like I'm gonna get a tattoo. You say you say conservative. I say patient though No, because if I was patient that I would have been aware of what I was doing and I wasn't oh, so you just like no I wasn't there was no plan. Yeah, there was no plan to be like I'm gonna do this for a couple years and then I'm gonna change because a lot of what happens is like I am a person who I enjoy my downtime. Yeah, like I like working to a certain point Towards like I can afford to do fun shit. Yeah, like I would never want to work like For four months straight and not see the light of day And then go like a three-week vacation and go back to work like I'd rather go out every weekend
Starting point is 00:38:00 you know like I like going out meeting new people talking to people having fun, whatever, um, but Uh, I always I wasn't always like that. Like I always like to work. I used to like do whatever and like whatever That's what made me happy at the time. But now I just I know the the um the importance of Like going out and seeing new places and going to different places even going to new bars All right or going into Manhattan because living in New York City, dude I live in Queens like I can get to the city and literally 10 minutes by train
Starting point is 00:38:32 And I barely went when I was younger. Yeah, it's the hub of the world. You got to go there Yeah, and I barely went but I but I go all the time now So like in my mind that's a little win to go there and go to a new place. That's a little win Stacking them to order food. I've never had before that's another win to order What she never what she never does he does and to order to order steaks not well done when I'm out These are these are little new things. I've been trying to I've been trying to get this fucking pussy to eat an oyster I don't like forever and listen. I understand oysters oysters. Did you get the sushi yet? That that plan ended up falling through. I would have got it. I don't care. I'll eat it
Starting point is 00:39:06 I'll tell you what The next time we go to ZZ's I'll have an oyster this one. All right, if you hate it spit it up I'm not gonna spit it up like a child. No, but I'm just saying if you don't like is you get spit it into the thing I understand why people don't like oysters if I'm putting something in my mouth. That's going down my throat. I agree It's gonna get we'll fix that No, but like Even like your tattoo Yeah, like mine like I just like mine's way smaller, but like I just went in and got it like
Starting point is 00:39:35 Literally went in Rome. I went and got a Roman tattoo. Yeah, so like You know, I was like, I'm just gonna go do that that tattoo that he's gonna get guys I would say almost a year in planning Yeah, maybe even more before you even shared it with me No, so all right. So yeah, it's been about a year And it's happening tomorrow. So the question I had is what's happening today today. Yeah, that's right whole shit. I was asking
Starting point is 00:40:05 Are you gonna miss the process of doing it? No, so you're ready to just get it done. Yeah, okay So I know you fall in love with processes as well though You appreciate the process, but I don't miss it. Yeah Like the process you you this is all a process all life is a process, but like You know to get fucking whatever but I I think that the tattoo is I like this the tattoo is not just like a random thing like it's important to me That's all that matters. Yeah. Yeah, and you know, my my siblings aren't involved in it. So like No matter what I'm not gonna hate it ever right and like it's whatever but it's the idea for me of it's like
Starting point is 00:40:45 Of fucking decision. Yeah, right and like I haven't made a decision like this in a very long time for life Yeah, so I'm like And I'm just like it's one of those things that I've like fuck it and when I was younger I never wanted a tattoo like I never wanted to get one. I never wanted to do anything like that and now I'm like No, like I'm gonna do it and Whatever like who cares. Yeah, you know, it's just one of those things. It's freeing to not give a shit sometimes You know, it's the best feeling in the world. So I'm like, I'll just like who cares like it. We'll just get it And it's not a big deal. It's just a tattoo, but to me. It's one of those things like you're saying where it's like
Starting point is 00:41:19 it's the start of The decisions because no matter what getting your first tattoo is a is a Big decision that anyone makes your first tattoo. Yeah, it's just like no matter what how big it is whatever It's like I'm going to permanently mark myself. Yeah, right and A decision for for that and I'm getting it here So it's not someplace that I could hide or do whatever like it's out there Even mine like I could hide it with a watch or like whatever. Yeah, you can't and it's it's out there
Starting point is 00:41:47 So I'm I'm just getting it and I'm like who like gives a shit. Yeah, because then I think that uh Something like that is also just being able to see See that is one of those. Um, I feel like everyone has like little personal reminders Yeah of like times you made the pivot, right, you know, and this would be a reminder of This is the the pivot of where you decided your whole life. You never wanted one But you decided like I'm just gonna fucking do it And I I like what it is and I'm just gonna fucking do it
Starting point is 00:42:19 And then whatever and then it becomes one of those things. It's like you can apply that to other stuff Yes, well, it's like I I'm not necessarily this dude, but I'm just gonna do it You know and just try this and try that and like now whatever and like like I said back to the food thing Which is such a small thing to people. They're like, dude, what the fuck but to me Like I just was eating very bland shit and I wasn't like doing whatever blah blah blah And then as I'm trying new stuff like I now Uh have an appreciation for other cultures in a way because of having their food for sure and like, you know what I mean like it just That's how you progress in life. You gotta do weird shit. Yes, and a lot of culturalization. That's a word
Starting point is 00:42:59 culturalization I think a lot of it does come through food. That's the best thing about new york city is that you could try any type of countries Fucking backgrounds cuisine. What's your favorite cuisine? My favorite cuisine if I had to come off the top with it is I love I mean, I love italian food but like my favorite That I'm not biased about is I love japanese food and Thai food Love that shit. Love it to death
Starting point is 00:43:29 Do you think this tattoo is going to be a gateway or are you just going to come back with like a full sleeve in like a year? No, you don't think so. I don't think I'll get keep it one and done. No I don't think I'll be one and done, but I definitely don't think I'm getting a sleeve. No Maybe yeah, I would want to get one that like started here and like got up to here Like a half like a half. I wouldn't want to do my upper half I probably just want to do my lower half See, I would just want to get like little things and different like if I so this little things a little in different spots It's like this big. I'm getting one thing like here. I'm on my form
Starting point is 00:44:02 But if I were to get another one that there would be one that I would put like Like on my shin or some shit or like on my thigh like I wouldn't want to get like a whole like Oh, it's a a bald eagle grabbing a fucking mouse out of the ocean Like a whole thing and eating and it has like a fucking Like an ices flag and I'm just eating it. You know, I don't know. Yeah, I hear you You don't want to get some like crazy as that. What do you think are the worst tattoos tribals? Dude if I was Samoan, I would get one of those tattoos. Yeah, those tattoos are fine. Oh my first of all How long does that take a long time? I think you have to like earn them too
Starting point is 00:44:40 Like I don't I don't think you can just go get them. I mean somebody somebody from that culture Please let us know in the comments, but you have to like earn it. Those Samoan tattoos are so sick, man. I love those Especially if you're like six four like 270 pounds and you're like yoke I don't get it like a well, I'm never gonna do this in my life. You know if I get fucking shredded Fucking wings here. No I hate that shit What middle tit no like like wings like dudes with wings Oh, I like it on girls though the sternum tat that yo Brianna's like under tit tats are so fucking hot so fucking hot, but like
Starting point is 00:45:16 Don't get like and also I hate when people get their names on them their own name. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not a big fan That's I do like is this for like Like passport reasons like to prove somebody like who you are I'll be honest with you the only tattoos that I don't like are funny tattoos Yeah I don't like funny tattoos. Yeah, I don't think I don't think it's the right way It's just not my style like if I were to get a tattoo it'd be something like serious and meaningful Yeah, I think that most people would but like a joke of like oh dude. It's just like a guy with like his ass out
Starting point is 00:45:48 I'd be like, yeah, it's weird. Yeah, put that on your car. I'll put it on you I think it's weird when people get tattoos like their girlfriend Like the undertaker sarah. Yeah Yeah, like like like real or like that's your girlfriend, bro Yeah, that's a little crazy, you know That's forever. It doesn't work out. You're fucked. Yeah, my brother had a tattoo Of a next lover. Yeah Yikes. Yeah, you got to cover it up. I would only get I would only get like my family on me like even if
Starting point is 00:46:19 My wife they're not going anywhere. My wife and we have seven kids I wouldn't get her name tattooed because anything could happen. We could hate each other tomorrow. You know Yeah I don't know. That's why you got to keep it to little things that you could be like Little signs so it's not like yo, I got this person's name You can get like a symbol or something. Yeah to like at least that's you can cover that up if anything I'm not gonna get somebody's name on. Yeah, you got like a fishing pole like oh, she loves fishing Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then it's like whatever you can get rid of it. Yeah, but uh other than that
Starting point is 00:46:50 I would say tribals are my least favorite um Also any guy with a tramp stamp Yikes yikes, and also i'm not a big fan of like the est tattoos Oh like established 1990 whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I don't I don't mind that because I think there was a certain time where that was like a popular thing Yeah, and then I also don't like if you have like guns on your hips A lot of people have guns tattooed like on their hips
Starting point is 00:47:19 It's like we got to do your badass. We get it. You're jesse james. Yeah, right? Yeah. Yeah I don't like those ones Yeah What part of your body would you never tat like that's an actual like i'm not saying like your face, but like my neck I would never tap my neck I would never tat My stomach. I don't think I would ever tap my chest either I
Starting point is 00:47:40 Wouldn't say stomach. I would never tap. Yeah, I wouldn't tap my stomach. I wouldn't tap my um Collar bones. No, I would I I don't know I don't know I don't know. I don't think I would do my back my feet. I feel like a foot tattoo is very girly. Yeah foot tattoos girly Uh, I would tap my fingers maybe but like oh, I wouldn't I don't like those either, but it depends on if I had Something coming up, you know, would you get letters? No? Yeah, I would never be like suck me you know what I mean like Just like well, I'm suck cock like on my hand, you know, like I've never fucking do that but like
Starting point is 00:48:18 But I know different structure different folks, but it's like, you know, it's like I would never want to have so many tats and I would become like tat culture You know what I mean? Like cover my whole body in tats. That shit's insane I think it looks good on some people. Yeah, of course. I just don't think I'm a person that could pull off that many tattoos same It's it's more of I just wouldn't work for me dog I think people who really go for it and like do like the whole up to the neck thing or that's to me that takes a crazy amount of Bravery and tolerance and pain. Are you worried about the pain today? Not at all
Starting point is 00:48:51 Fucking badass really gone over here. I don't think it's badass I think that everyone gets tattoos, especially like I think when girls get tattoos on their ribs I feel like that would hurt way more than here. Yeah, so this is all this is all meat So it's just gonna be like That gun as fast as shit We'll see we'll see All right. Anyway, I'm gonna get these Fucking advertisements going here. We have two sponsors for the show today the first one being
Starting point is 00:49:19 Sorry I you know, never mind a stitch fix Okay, stitch fix stitch fix Try to say it Stitch fix stitch fix stitch fix stitch fix. They have reinvented how we buy and find clothes All we have to do is go to their site and answer some basic questions about your sizes Your favorite styles and your budget right from your laptop smartphone or tablet and then your personal stylist springs into action and they pick out some clothes for you
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Starting point is 00:50:16 the styling fee and Yeah, you could just send them back no questions asked and shipping is always free both ways Which is this is like great because it's like Christmas every month Like sometimes you sign up and you put in your preferences or whatever And then you forget that you've done that and then all of a sudden you're like I have a package. Where is this? I'm just new clothes Then you got a new outfit for the weekend a new outfit. It's fired So, uh, hurry to
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Starting point is 00:51:11 Okay, especially when I was younger not a big fan of the tuck But when shirts are when dress shirts are super long You look like an asshole. Yeah, you do. You know what I mean? So we got to shorten that up Maybe get a nice little like weird cut. I don't know what it's called, but they cut them nice And that's what untuck it is. Okay shirts that you don't have to tuck. Um, they are the perfect shirt that uh for that, okay Jesus um, but yeah, they have wrinkle-free stuff um, that is is what I usually buy because
Starting point is 00:51:43 Big wrinkle guy big wrinkly boy big wrinkly boy I usually what I do is I put a shirt on a hanger And put it in my shower shut the door and just run the hot water to get some steam in there to try and take wrinkles out But with untuck it. I don't need to do that. Nope. Uh, if you buy the uh, the wrinkle-free shirts With more than 50 fit combinations untuck it shirts look great on tall short slim and bigger guys of all ages thick Thick boys Um, their signature sale is at the bottom. It reminds you that the shirt is best worn Unfurled
Starting point is 00:52:14 They have like a little triangle thing. Yeah, um, anyway Uh, what I'm where am I going here? Uh, they even offer free shipping with returns on all orders in the us Just go to untuck You can save 20% on your first order by using the code basement at checkout Uh restrictions apply. That's untuck and the promo code is Basement and by the way father's day is coming up. All right. So this is a good present for your dad Don't let your dad look insane out there with these giant shirts that he's used to wearing Stuffing it into his don't do it. Okay. Get him on untuck it shirt for valentine's day For father's day and valentine's day two one. I mean that past just get it up. Get it. I got it ahead of time
Starting point is 00:52:56 Yeah, I forget it. Uh untuck promo code basement. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. There we go. All right So like Just quick before we get out of here because you got a tattoo to get and stuff Um, I just want to say thanks to everyone that reached out for uh, my engagement Oh, yeah, a lot of people congratulated me. I just want to say thank you to everyone. Um, she said no No, but uh, it went great What what's up? Sorry finished. No, no, no, no, no, no, but it was great. Had a great time
Starting point is 00:53:33 uh, had dinner with the future in-laws and uh Party's over Uh, man the party was over when you got diabetes That's true. That's true. That's that that that'd be true. Yeah, that's true. That's true. That's true Uh, the reason why I made that noise is because someone oh pete Was at this thing at msg. Mm-hmm. And he said he saw a guy Uh, so you know when you walk into msg. They have that like other escalator to go to the hulu theater What are you doing? I'm trying to remember it
Starting point is 00:54:07 It looked like you were trying to force out a poop. Well, I usually don't go through that entrance It's fucking bougie damn But uh, yeah, so no, I do I know it and that's a big screen on the ceiling. Exactly. Yeah, I know exactly where it is You just had to fit that in there. Yeah, fucking asshole. Um, what's up, meeks? And and uh, a guy proposed to his girlfriend there and um Pete was like he was on his knee for like a good Five minutes. He's like so he knew something was wrong. Yeah, and uh, she just like walked away from him Yeah, and then he's like, yo like three hours later. We saw her like on the sidewalk crying. Oh
Starting point is 00:54:47 Yeah He probably was just like, all right. Fuck you then Damn, dude. So like what happens after like say you go you try to get engaged the the relationship's over, right? Um, you can't you can't keep dating. I'm not dating someone that that that didn't want to say yes Yeah, no I can't I'm sorry unless I'm like, I mean my pride would be hurt so much. Well, we're also like dudes No, no, no, we're we're not insane people like I could I get it if like it's been a week
Starting point is 00:55:15 We've been dating for like eight months and you propose. I'd be like dude chill. Yeah, I don't even live with you yet Yeah, like I I get that but if we've been dating for multiple years and I ask you to marry me and you tell me no Like it's over dude. Yeah, like it's a wrap. Yeah, but I also like how can you not know that? As a person I know it's like I'm being so blindsided and also just being from both sides both both sides the proposer and the proposal If you don't have at least 80
Starting point is 00:55:51 Knowledge that they're going to say yes Do not ask them to marry you. Oh, I would go fully 94 percent 94. I'll stick with 94 I was being 80 trying to be nice Like you've had to have like jokingly talked about getting engaged because they're not joking. Yeah. Yeah, okay As much as they joke about it. They're not joking about it They want to get engaged if they said something about like the flowers at our wedding. Yeah, then you're like, okay Well, she would say yes. She's dropping H bombs and those are hints. Yeah, okay, so then you know I could never go in. I would I would I would have a heart attack a die. I would never never
Starting point is 00:56:30 No, never at all. I don't usually ask any questions to women if I don't know the answer. Let me ask you this Oh, man, that could be read by so many different angles Oh, I do but like Like A lot of it a lot, you know a lot of work goes into getting engaged and then You gotta get married after though You got a plan of fucking wedding
Starting point is 00:57:00 I love your shit I mean, I'll try my best, but I think they're gonna want to just keep me out. I'll leave that up to her Yeah, that's because the budget that you would want is probably quadrupled what it actually how about we both walk in on giraffes Yeah, and then we get a dinosaur and slide down the tail like the flintstones. I'm gonna get a louis Vuitton fucking, uh, suit My groomsmen are gonna be in coach Yeah, I think I might have all my groomsmen rock like Jordan 11's That would be dope. You know what I'm saying? Fuck all that fucking Nice shit. Let's all just rock jays
Starting point is 00:57:35 What do you mean? Let's all Like all my groomsmen. Oh, yeah Gotta keep them. You gotta keep them around one more raise. You're off there, baby. You're right there on that podium I might let you marry us What the fuck you can become an honor or deacon that's right. I would never accept no way Dude, I think would do you think people should write their own vows or have people be like have them read the vows So my friend's wedding that just passes the The best man in the the made of honor read the vows
Starting point is 00:58:13 I've never seen that. Yeah, I don't know. I I I'm so oblivious I'm so oblivious to like Well, your friends just started getting married. Well, one of them is married. The other one's getting married in like february Well, also, greg's getting married and like january. Yeah So like my my brother's getting married in june and tim's getting married in august. Yeah. Oh my god. It's the most expensive year ever Yeah, you're gonna be broke slash basement yard No, but like like a part of me was more afraid of getting engaged and act like that like the wedding
Starting point is 00:58:49 That's because the wedding has become real yet But once you get that bill, it's like, hey, man 50 grand for chicken plates. Yeah, you're like great. Yeah Now i'm nervous There's gonna be so many moving parts. Yeah wedding 2035 My friend my friend dany is like the most like passive and just like whatever person in the world And I thought he would just be like, yeah, whatever like cool But even he was just like, all right, where's the champagne right now because i'm losing it because like there's so many moving parts
Starting point is 00:59:18 And so many people are asking you questions. It's like stop talking to me. You know, what's kind of weird about weddings? You don't say anything Like you get married and then for the rest of the night, you don't say anything People just walk up and say hello to you and just walk around waving at people like a dick What do you mean? You don't say anything like uh like people other people give speeches It's like kind it just makes me feel weird. It's like, oh, I sit over here People sit here. It's like a hierarchy of seating. Yeah, you know, and it's like you don't care this much to me So i'm gonna put you back there
Starting point is 00:59:53 You know, I don't like doing that. I wish we could all just sit in a goddamn circle. I cannot wait to make tables I would love to just group everyone I can't wait to do that That's the psycho in me. I can't wait to be like, oh fuck this whole table. You know what? I don't like these people i'm gonna have them sit together sit together and you guys just be fucking Right there. It's a curmudgeon table right next to the bathroom. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah But no, that's that's something I guess i'm Really looking forward to but no, it's uh, it's a ways away
Starting point is 01:00:28 You don't have like an idea of probably next year or two Yeah, and then you know, we will go from there And we will go from there But uh, and then also the other thing that's outrageous I because I think weddings are outrageous like the pressure people put on themselves for weddings is outrageous when you really think about it Weddings are ridiculous. Yes. I just don't understand. What do you think's more ridiculous engagement rings or weddings? I For the record, they're both
Starting point is 01:01:03 absurd to me. I agree and uh I really i'm not a fan of either i'm a big fan of going to weddings, right? And weddings are amazing and like it's a beautiful celebration all that shit But the idea of a wedding and like yo, we're gonna get married but first Let's put ourselves in a gigantic financial hole, right? What? Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:30 You know, it's like one of my friends did it the best they got eloped and they just had a party Yeah, like a regular party wasn't like crazy. They're like, yeah like I don't know. I am but i'm different from people like I don't really hold sentimental value to items and shit like Of course, I would like to see pictures from my wedding, of course But I literally don't care Five months after right I think you care more about other people's like sentimental stuff
Starting point is 01:02:06 Like you offered us he offered to sneak around and take pictures of my engagement Yeah, he was like, I'll hide in the bushes and take pictures. I was just like someone's gonna call cops on you But I was like, you know, we'll be all right. We'll be all right. I just like going undercover covert I feel like a pi that's that's fun. That is fun. Hell. Yeah. You think you can be a good p. I I think Fuck it. I used to spy on my friends all the time. You used to spy on your friends. Yeah, I would tell them Not alone. Oh, it would be like a funny thing. Oh, I thought you'd tell them after the fact No, no, no, I'd be like, yeah, like he'd be like, oh, I'm going to hang at the park with some girl or whatever I'd like awesome and I'd be like on like
Starting point is 01:02:43 The opposite end of the park like faking playing handball with like two little asian kids that I don't know You know, it's like fucking binoculars. We're just fucking watching them. Yeah, I used to spy on my friends all the time That's awesome. Yeah, that's cool. I love going like undercover like, yo, let's just hide and like keep running from car to car It's like playing manhunt except no one else is playing with you You know, some kid some like dad looked out the window. It's like, what is that santa gato boy doing? What the fuck is that kid doing out there? What's more ridiculous a wedding or the fucking met gala? Well, the the met gala is is a wedding with dumber outfits Jared Leto had his a copy of his own head. Yeah, he had a he was holding a head
Starting point is 01:03:28 That's not art That's not art. It's not fast. Oh, this is look at this fashion risk. You're an asshole You just are holding a head. Yeah, and first of all al snow did it first Let's just put that out there. Yes. He did every monday night anyone who doesn't know who al snow is google him You will find out who al snow is or unsubscribe. Yeah, or get the fuck out. Yeah, all right uh Janelle monay had A balancing act of like 15 hats on her head. Yeah, and then had one of her tits had an eye that was blinking
Starting point is 01:04:02 That's cool, man. What is this? This is not art. You guys are adults out there. It's ridiculous Sir dick. This is a dick. I just said it is a dick What I will say I will say this you see zendaya's Thing. Yeah, she was like buzz light. Yeah. It was like a hyper adapt fucking Flying it fucking thing that changed colors and she looked like lit up. She looked yeah, she's beautiful. Yeah, she is um If you're gonna have the met gala like okay Met gala for adults. Yeah, but then you can't turn around and also do halloween
Starting point is 01:04:34 Okay, let's give the fucking holiday back to children. Let the children dress up You stay home and just watch tv. Yes and hand out candy. Okay. Don't be an adult out there like yo already get drunk Look, I gotta fuck. I'm buzz light. No Met gala for adults halloween for children fine. You both get your days when you could dress up. That's it I like that, but don't don't play it off as rt. No, no, no don't do that. Katy Perry was a chandelier. Yeah She had she couldn't even how can you sit? Yeah, and then she tried to turn into a hamburger What she tried to put on a hamburger dress after tried. Yeah, what was that? What do you mean tried in the bathroom with a met gala? She put on a hamburger outfit
Starting point is 01:05:17 These are the people that run popular america. You know what I was thinking about these are the trend setters These are the people that people look up to the person I also find it extremely uncomfortable to watch people in front of paparazzi To just stand there and just be like I could never I could I would have to like be Joking around because like I would just feel so uncomfortable. I would have to be yeah I would have to take jokey pictures. Yeah, also harry styles
Starting point is 01:05:51 Really went for it. What do you mean? I'm just gonna leave it No harry styles make sense to me Harry styles made sense to me because harry styles. First of all, I think he's like the I think I think the theme was to be like dress gay though I'm serious. I'm serious. I think that because the met gala always has a theme No, it wasn't dress gay. What was it? It was like camp whatever the fuck that means I don't know what that I love that Kanye wore a car hard jacket He wore a dickie's jacket a dickie's jacket. I fucking love it. Yeah, love it He doesn't give a fuck. I love it
Starting point is 01:06:26 but uh I think it was a dress gay No, it wasn't um, but harry styles uh To me that makes sense because when you think of like British rock stars or whatever that are like 110 pounds like mc jagger That dude looked like a homeless Gay man. Yeah. Yeah, like he looked like a woman. Yeah, but slayed everything. Yeah, including men
Starting point is 01:06:54 Including men. Yeah, because he probably got tired of women probably Bang and pussy. Yeah, I don't know what he's done more women or Heroine or like cocaine or whatever. Yeah, I think Keith Richards has them all beat there, but harry styles Good for you. So, you know, this is a questionable shirt, but it's a questionable shirt. I didn't hate it. I'm not saying I hated it I'm just saying I saw it. Yeah, I know I know you are, you know, yeah If you're gonna go for it go for it and he went for it. Go for him. Go for him. Yeah, I would have went a different direction
Starting point is 01:07:32 Personally, uh, I think I think Odell beckham might have been the worst dressed person there That was the most gross thing I've ever seen in my life. It's like Why are you wearing a sleeveless suit? A sleeveless skirt suit You look like a background dancer. I know it just didn't it just didn't pull off. I just don't like it I didn't like it. He could have pulled the skirt off, but he didn't but he didn't do it the right way It's like I'm gonna go street skirt. I'm like I'm not a big fan of that. No Kanye won for me
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yeah, I don't even know who won for me to be honest with you. I just like it's Celebrity's a weird man. Yeah, what would you wear? I don't know to be honest with you I think that if I was a celebrity and I was like going to the Met Gala Like I would feel some sort of pressure of being like I can't just wear a shirt Yeah, you got to put a a live fish on the side of this It's so funny that you said fish because I was gonna say something like fish I don't know why we both did that that was weird like I would have like like a fish hat
Starting point is 01:08:34 Or just or just wear a Halloween costume. Yeah as a fish Yeah, or I'll just go draw me and you would go dressed as a dumb and dumber with those suits that I do Yeah, I think the Jenner's kind of did that. Yeah, they kind of look Yeah, no we could go as dumb and dumber that'd be pretty dope. Yeah, I want to go to one Met Gala Maybe maybe one day we'll go we can get in there anybody that has Met Gala connects 2020. Let's get up in there Uh, we should just I'll tell you what now thinking about it If I did get like an invitation to the Met Gala, I'd be like, oh fuck this and I would just go like I'd be a starfish. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah a weird shit
Starting point is 01:09:15 I would I would wear one of those ironically I do I would wear one of those costumes where you're a baby But you're riding something I would wear one of those Those are great. It just looks like you're running. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, or somebody riding a dinosaur. I would wear one of those that Or like I would wear or it goes an old man like a like a like a hollywood grade mask Yeah, yes, and he'd be like a view of you though. Just be like, yeah, I'm wearing my age self Like somebody would think that was art
Starting point is 01:09:47 Like oh, he's like he's so like look at this like going and taking shots Showing us that we're all just gonna get old beautiful Somebody would say that. Yeah. Yeah, or I go dress as Thanos Would be fire, right? Let me fucking dope Let me dope. I love how Thanos snaps Snapping those fucking big-ass fingers finger bigger than my dick. That looks like my dad's fingers, too Your dad's got Thanos fingers My dad used to say this all the time because my dad has like size 13 feet big hands and he's like, you know
Starting point is 01:10:20 I think they say about big feet Big feet big hands. It's like yeah, he goes Smith And that's where we're gonna end this episode Uh, Danny, where can I find you? You can find me at danielpiori on instagram and twitter Uh, you guys can follow me on social media at joe santa gato Go follow the show at the baseman yard in our patreon if you'd like to support the show You can head to slash the baseman yard
Starting point is 01:10:42 Okay, sign up you get every episode a week in advance and you get some extra content and a chance to get a Uh Personal video message personal video messages from us as well. Okay, and that is all we'll see you guys next time. Peace

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