The Basement Yard - #193 - What Turns You On?

Episode Date: June 10, 2019

On this episode, we discuss the cultural phenomenon known as Mukbang and what turns us on. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. How's everything going Danny? It's going all right. I had kind of a crazy Memorial day weekend. Yeah, not crazy in the point of like how you're supposed to have it be crazy like crazy like just something really bad happened We're gonna talk about that. Are we just gonna yeah, no, no, let's let's get into it. I'll get into it real quick. So My yeah, I'm a little hot Yeah, or is that me you want to know what it might not I think it might be both I think I'm hot too. We're both hot Okay, I think we're good now. I think this is the first time I've ever seen you wear long sleeves That's not true. Like like a long sleeve shirt
Starting point is 00:00:40 That's like a nice what a long. That's like a nice shirt though. It's a nice shirt. Yeah, H&M. I think I don't know I like H&M. Are we allowed to wear H&M now? At our age. No, I mean like wasn't there that whole thing that they put out a shirt that wasn't good. Oh, yeah That was a while ago. I guess but um Yeah, well, so what happened here? What happened in America? So I'm out and about I'm enjoying my time I stayed in the city. Uh-huh a lot. I went to Hastings, right, right? Yeah, yeah, so I was all alone. It was me and the dog. It was fine. I had work to do so I'm doing that I'm hanging out, but I'm also like, hey, you know what? Let me go out and just enjoy myself a little bit
Starting point is 00:01:17 Let me go out. It's a nice weather. Uh-huh walking around having a wonderful day And then a lot of calls me It's not just cuz she called me there's other stuff Yeah, why my day got bad. Yeah, so she goes listen, I got to tell you something and don't get mad So now I'm thinking like I'm gonna get mad. I'm gonna get mad Whenever somebody calls you and says don't get mad. You're gonna get mad. Oh, yeah, just say it big-time. Yeah So she goes one of the stones of the engagement ring fell out Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:51 So now I'm in my head. I'm like, all right, so wait. All right, so All right, we'll take it and get it put back in She lost it lost it Yeah Yeah, so now you can imagine now I'm in the middle of the street. I would be losing Yeah, I lost it. I haven't had a panic attack. It's so long I had like the first one I've had in a long time I would just started swinging on the first like old man. I saw yeah, I'm just like fuck
Starting point is 00:02:20 I'm like, well, I was in Harlem. So I feel like a like a bunch of crazy people live there. So it was like You fit right in. Yeah. Yeah. It's almost guys going off right there. Yeah, they're like, there he goes. There he goes. Yeah, but um So now I'm sweating like I'm just like, oh my god. So then I go, all right Well, we have insurance because I told you to get insurance She didn't get insurance on the ring. What happens now? Do you have to pay for it? No, thankfully the people at the jeweler, which I will not name Are going to fix it for free. Oh good. Yeah, cuz that kind of is their fault Yeah, you fall out after that like short of time two weeks
Starting point is 00:02:55 I could see if she was fucking, you know training for a movie tie fight or something and fucking hit in the bag What's it on? She was just out and about just living a lot. She's living a lot. Yeah. Yeah, she's so small She can't hurt anything. She's not gonna, you know, so now what I was thinking about was here's what There's a there's diamond out there. There's a diamond out there now. Now. I'm like a treasure hunter now I want to go find it. Someone's gonna find that diamond. Yeah Someone's gonna find that damn. I want to go find that. I know I think that it's fake probably Or they might not if somebody found that I'm gonna fucking kill them if I ever find out Yeah, they would just
Starting point is 00:03:30 Quick come up right there if you found a diamond couple bands if you found a diamond on the floor Would you try and find it? I mean like try to find the person who owned it how the fuck who am I? Yeah inspector gadget. How am I gonna fucking find this person? It's a diamond What am I gonna go to take it to a lab and like search for fingerprints? No, I'm selling that bitch. Yeah, I Don't know if I find wallets to me like a wallet find right? What's your what's your what's your like your credo? Yeah, I have a great one. Well, I think it's the smartest one Cash is mine. Yeah wallets yours right there. That's what that's yeah wait wait right there You leave the wallet no no no like I'll leave it either in the same place or I'll be like yeah
Starting point is 00:04:11 I'll send it to you be like yo I found this wallet But there wasn't any money in it. No, just be like I found it here It is but I feel like a person automatically is gonna judge you and think you took it I wouldn't care if someone brought their wallet to me I would take the cash out and give it to him and take my wallet back Yeah, I'd be like yo keep the cash just give me the wallet. Yeah, that's it. You know because I don't want to have to fucking I don't want to go to the DMV. I don't want to close all these accounts now You know what I hate when you lose something people ask you when's the last time you had it oh my god
Starting point is 00:04:40 I hate that if I knew that I would have my fucking thing still why don't you retrace your steps? Where were you before this? Shut the fuck up. Yeah, what is this Hansel and Gretel and fucking laying jelly beans down behind it You just say Hansel is it Hansel Hansel? I think Hansel makes more sense. Yeah in Germany Hansel Hansel Hansel it ain't gonna Hansel I was gonna open the show with a new tagline, but I was afraid to do it What was your original tagline? All right, so start like you're starting the show again Welcome back to the basement yard, and then you be like what's going on Danny? It's going on Danny. I was gonna say the time has come so if I
Starting point is 00:05:21 The time has come and so have I yeah like the time has come to start the show and you I've also jacked yes You're very smart You know I'm good at like solving very smart. Yes, if you had to gauge your like intelligence like I like I like on a real Spectrum, I think I'm I think I'm like really smart like I think you figure stuff out Are but are you a problem solver or are you smart? I don't know What's smart is to be honest dude? That's probably not a good sign. I don't know what that is I don't know. I don't know how I think I'm smart though like I you know why cuz I think most people are dumb I would say that I will I'm gonna be honest and this might upset some people
Starting point is 00:06:00 I think 90% of people are dumb my dad used to say this thing where he said like a person is smart, but people are stupid That's a good one. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, cuz like a crowd of people would just like they're you know I would they believe one person and blah blah blah for me I like there's things that I don't know obviously like I'm not just like filled with random facts But are you that are you that dickhead? That's like Someone will say, you know, do you know this? Yeah, I know it About what like what do you mean anything like you just like like lie that I know about it. Yeah Oh, no, I won't say I can't I'm the first person that cuz like one you're gonna get caught unless I'm like lying
Starting point is 00:06:36 If I'm in like live mode like sometimes I go out explain live mode. No, sometimes I go out and I'm like I'm just gonna lie tonight Like I swear to God like I'm like I'm not me. I'm just gonna everything's a lie. Oh, yeah Yeah, I've done that fun stuff like I make up a job. I don't have yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love doing yeah I've been Robert. I've been Scott. Yeah, and all these people. I've worked at many schools. Yeah with so many children Yeah, so my like sick kids. I've worked with you have no idea the kind of charity. I've done. Oh my god You know many MPOs I've worked for that's what I'm saying a lot. That means non-profit organization, right? Which are usually charities this guy's so smart
Starting point is 00:07:14 I Yeah, if I'm not no, I won't lie about things that I don't know but I do think that if it's fun If you if you go into it with a fun Mindset though. Yeah, you go into it with a fucking psychopathic mindset then I'm a little worried about you There are people like Keith's one of those people that you ask him a question He will say an answer so definitively and I'd be like that's not even fucking true. He's like, yeah I'm like, why did you say it like that? So he'll give it a go. Yeah. Yeah And then he'll just say like because it's common sense. I was like, it's not though because it's wrong
Starting point is 00:07:45 How can how could common sense be wrong? Wait, how can common sense be wrong like he like he's wrong about something and the answer of like why did you say that? He's like it's common sense. I'm like, it's but it's not true. Yeah. Yeah, that doesn't make any sense That's not common sense. Yeah, I don't lie about shit like that No, no, no, but I do think I can hold a conversation within multiple topics and I kind of cover a lot of bases Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I think you I think you have a wide range of conversation That's why I think I'm smart smart. Yeah, I think I could hold my own I think I think I figure out most things that brain surgery rocket science and
Starting point is 00:08:22 You know any job that has two things rocket science brain surgery. I'm one thing YouTuber YouTuber That's one word technically though. Yeah, it is. Yeah, so you lucked out. There you go podcaster podcaster I think with two fucking words in it. I can't remember how we talked about what you describe your job as and how you hate it. Yeah Remember how I said I would just say I'm in entertainment. Yeah now I just say I would never say that now now. I don't because it's just weird now Well, not that because now I door. Yeah, and everyone also thinks like also like you're in movies I'm like now. Yeah, and then also TV. I'm like, nah
Starting point is 00:09:00 And they're like entertainment. I like podcasts and like, oh Yeah, it just doesn't it doesn't work. So now now I just say producer again now. There you go That's all producer of her podcast is a legitimate like yeah, cuz now they think of me behind some glass. Yeah doing this You ever see those boards? Yeah, but those boards who knows how to use that no one dude You ever see like it's like fucking dr. Dre's in there. He's sitting in front of this board. There's 1000 like things it's like what are you moving? Yeah, like he's like wait hold on Sounds exactly sounds exactly Changing one second one second. What are we changing doctor mr. Dre? Got it. Yeah, it'll hold on
Starting point is 00:09:42 The fuck are you doing over there and what are DJs doing at shows? They're like, yeah, yeah Put the song I think DJ people are probably gonna come after us. That's fine. That's fine, but honestly, it's like is a DJ Yeah, yeah, but it's like Like the production part of it. I get is very difficult very difficult But creating a song from scratch so hard so hard, but the party we're just hitting play guys We're just we're hitting play and we're like setting up the next one to come up and blending. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, and you pumping around jumping around throwing cakes throw cakes, you know, you know tits flashed at you It's not a bad gig
Starting point is 00:10:29 But what are we doing? Yeah, I agree. Oh, well, they could say the same thing about us. Yeah, for sure We just hear talk about Penises in ejaculate and in duty and that's all we do and we're grown men who do that You have a really good at it. We are thinking about how many good nice people Try their best But they're just not as good to talk about penis than us I could I could I kill penis conversation. Oh, if you start talking penis now, you're talking my language now You're talking my language now. You're speaking my native. I'm gonna speak up. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:11:01 I'm gonna jump into a conversation. I'll butt myself into a conversation at a wedding if it's talking about penis. Oh, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know what I hate when you send people links to stuff and they say they saw it already Why they've seen it they get it. They've seen it. No, I know but it's like Yo, this was crazy But instead of just being like, yo, I know it was wild just being like I hate when people are like, yeah, I saw it That's not what I asked Now I'm entering a mutual conversation with you because even if you saw it because we were talking about the kid the autistic kid that Could sing yeah on America's Got Talent tears by the way and then
Starting point is 00:11:43 You were one person I didn't see it. Yeah. Yeah, I know yeah, no, I had just heard about it like five minutes before Good thing you haven't seen it because you'd be crying still but like it was really really good So but I hate when I send stuff like that to people and they're like, yeah, I saw it but give me some more context Yeah, give me some these like isn't this amazing. Yeah, that's a much more like let's have a conversation. It's not a fucking race To fucking see who saw the viral thing first. I'm sharing it with you as a friend. Yeah Yeah, I just feel like yeah, I saw that I hate that reply Well, I don't know if I could even like agree with this because I am one of those people. Yeah, I'm one of those people that uh When someone's like, yo, you gotta see this like it's the funniest thing ever in my mind
Starting point is 00:12:32 I'm like, I'm gonna fucking try so hard to hate this. Yeah, you did that would always sunny for like a year I didn't hate it. I said I just never saw it. No, but you were like, I never once said like I watched it I couldn't get into it. I never said that. Well, your big thing was I'm not crazy about Charlie day. You're like, I don't think he's funny But I was like, you don't know this Charlie, right? I didn't because I saw him in like movies that he was in Right this guy is just but he's great. Yeah, but he's not Charlie. Yeah, I love that Joe Would you say it's up there one of your favorite shows now probably I watch it I kind of binge it like Like Seinfeld, I haven't watched Seinfeld in a while, but I was fucking watching the shit out of that
Starting point is 00:13:08 I've seen every episode like a hundred times. Yeah, like you'll go back to always. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, it's one of those shows like that the office like those are shows that like Random days you're like, I'll just pop on like two episodes because they're 30 minutes if Netflix gets rid of the office. There's a rumor going around that it's coming off Would you keep your Netflix? Yeah, I might think about canceling it, dude, really? That's why that's the only thing you watch dude. I watch so much office, man Like anytime I have a task to do I watch the office Anytime I'm cleaning I put on the office every time I'm eating I put on the office
Starting point is 00:13:41 I've been trying to eat without watching something Recently and I can't I can't bring myself to do it. That's weird Like can you eat and just eat? Yeah, I need like a source of entertainment to eat. I don't know what that is Jesus yeah Now if I was you and I felt that way I'll just go out of my way to be like I'm just gonna eat No, I mean I've been doing that now But for some reason I need to watch something while I eat. I don't get it. Yeah, that is very strange
Starting point is 00:14:12 I don't think it's strange. I think it's very normal. I think it's strange. Why I don't know It's just like a weird thing like that's just like a weird thing to be controlled by I don't think I'm controlled by it. I think I think I enjoy it I think you're in you're in prison. No, but I think I think there's a difference between being controlled and enjoying Addicting is is the word not enjoying like I don't know. I feel like every time I drink I have to just bang heroin I enjoy it. That's very different. It's not you're saying that like you can't I have to fucking do this I think it's just become I
Starting point is 00:14:52 Habit so break the habit. I mean, it's an easily breakable habit. You said you couldn't do it. I've been doing it. You're an addict Office addict. There's a lot of you out there. There aren't a lot of us out there Yeah, see I do a little stuff like that all the time if I feel like oh my god I can't do this and I'll just like immediately like force myself not to do something like that Like I feel like I've been doing something the same way every single time. I'm like, I'm not doing it Even like driving places. I'm like, I've been taking this route every time. I'm not doing this round. That's weird Yeah, yeah, well, why do you hate when people refer things to you is because you weren't there first? No Then there's a weird reason why you do it. I'm the same way when people like, yo, you got to watch the wire
Starting point is 00:15:31 You know what it is? I'm like, dude, I've seen it. No, I just I hate when people are Because I just I've had a bad track record of people being like, yo, this is the funniest thing ever watch this and I'm like It's cool, but you're like really hyping it up, right? You know because when people find something they're like they and then you're like, oh, did you see that thing and you're like? No, I haven't seen you haven't seen it. Oh And I'm like, oh relax now you're belittling me a little bit what like no, you're not belittling me No, like people are just like, oh my god I can't believe you haven't seen it, but they just get so excited because like oh my god
Starting point is 00:16:06 I finally have a thing. Yeah, just show somebody else shut up. Yeah, you bastard. Yeah, which by the way, I want to ask you something Yeah, come on. I'm about to do exactly what I hate Do you know what muckbang is I do you know muckbang? I do I'm not that well, but wait, let me get it's it's people that watch people eat Right. Yeah, but like it's on it's a YouTube thing. I think well, I think it's just like a video thing. Is it a twitch thing? Probably wherever you can get entertainment. I'm sure they're muck banging. Okay, but for people who don't know what muckbang is It's not people fucking in the mud. No, it is just
Starting point is 00:16:46 Vidi people are making videos of them eating like 10,000 calories from KFC with like sauces and just really grossly eating and like that's Mukbang people and people watching other people eat a lot. That's gross. Yeah, it's kind of fucking disgusting Yeah, it's got there's something oddly sexual about it Muck bang muck bang and then you want to watch somebody eat and talk Isn't like that the opposite of everything like people like you know Don't talk with your mouth open or don't talk while you're trying where you're eating Yeah, and like this is it literally what that is and they it's like 40 minutes of video And then they just talk about random stuff
Starting point is 00:17:26 So it's like a mini podcast while it like it would be like me and you having this whole fucking table filled with like fries and nuggets and Burgers and like fucking sauces. I'm horny to say And it sounds like a way better show than what we do now I'll tell you why we'd be dead in a month. Yeah, that's true, but we'd be doing that and then talking That's people are like. Oh, yes. Oh today. We're breaking out the KFC The double down or whatever the fuck do they even review the food or they just eat and tell you about their life They just do it in a very gross way and listen. I don't our most muck bangers gross Yes, the whole thing is gross and listen for me like I'm about to say the word fat
Starting point is 00:18:06 But I don't even mean fat people all right Anyone I feel like anyone who just like not fat slob Is the word I want to use okay when people just like When people just like shove food in their mouth and like their sauce everywhere and it's just like You're drinking soda and just jamming fries. I'm like, oh, I'm just like, oh It grosses me out and I don't care how much the person weighs because sometimes it's like this little fucking Asian girl Who looks like she's 90 pounds and she's shoveling it in right how?
Starting point is 00:18:40 What you hate fat people I don't hate fat people You hate fat people you hate fat people. No, I think Just like I think people probably sit down and eat with them, which is weird I tell you what that was like a thing in Japan. I think in Japan they have I've heard that they have a Um, this is how crazy japan is. Yeah, japan's wild. We gotta go to japan well I'm down to go to japan Definitely zan me up and like get me in a bed. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but uh, I heard in japan
Starting point is 00:19:12 they have This service that you can pay And you face time with a hot girl And you guys just have dinner like a date Initially I want to say this is fire But the fire burnt out. It's gross. It's weird. I mean It's it's an idea, but it really it's it's kind of like Hookers that you just have dinner with via face time
Starting point is 00:19:40 But I feel like people pay hookers to like not do sexual shit sometimes What like hookers will be like Like they like guys courts. Yeah. Yeah, like guys won't fuck them. They just want to like like come on their feet or something That's sexual. Yeah, but like they're not like pennied Yeah, that's fine. But still if I'm if I'm if I'm coming on your feet We had a sexual experience. What if like you like like All right, so is it I'ma say something and you tell me if it's sexual you hire a girl to like walk on your face Am I hard
Starting point is 00:20:19 Nah, if I'm bonered then yeah, no if I'm getting some some some sort of like, oh, yeah If I'm getting that then hell yeah, that's fucking sexual But if I'm just like, yo, I just you know, I would like a concussion, right? That's that's not sexual. Okay. All right. Yeah. No, I guess it is but then again hiring a woman to come walk on me Seemed sexual. All right. So like what if you like paid a woman to go and just eat with you Like like not on the face time screen, but they went the extra route right and paid the escort to be like Hey, come eat some fucking sushi with me, right? And let's and let's get just I just want to pay you to come eat with me Yeah, which one's sadder that one's sadder that one's sadder that one's sadder
Starting point is 00:21:00 Yeah, you're paying to just because I think girls do that They do girls will go no no no. I'm talking about girls will go on tender dates for free food Oh, oh, that's a mean I pretty legitimate like come up to be honest with you. I would do it I mean, that's kind of like a heavy commitment just for a meal. Yeah, but like, you know, someone hits you up like Listen, most guys that are trying to get laid are going to go the extra mile fancy restaurant where they take you to eat Right, you know what I'm saying be like, yo, if I go I can wow her, you know what I mean? Yeah, and like I'll wear a blazer and you know, yeah a blazer and a t-shirt a blazer and a t-shirt Casual and formal business, but cool. You know very cool. Very cool
Starting point is 00:21:40 Girls have the power to just go eat and then just go home. Of course It's not a bad not a bad way to eat I'll tell you what if I knew someone that had a good palette, I'd be dating that guy. That's true Never fucking up. No, unless he was a hot man Yeah, but if you wore like a pocket square, I can't do this. No, not a big pocket square guy I would never fuck a guy with a pocket square. No. No. What are you? Well, who are what are you? Own helicopters get the fuck out of here. Tyler If you had enough money for a helicopter would you own it?
Starting point is 00:22:14 I would how much is a helicopter? Oh, it's got to be millions No, yeah to own it. Yeah, the fuel alone is probably I mean the fuel the fuel We're talking about the fuel. What about the fucking huh? Yeah, that's you. This is adding up. Yeah I mean, I probably wouldn't buy the helicopter because if I could save up and get a plane That's cool. I would rather do that. That's cool, too. Um I feel like I would not buy a helicopter and here's the helicopters are scary. Yeah, they are scary I feel like you feel everything. Well, I've done the helicopter ride and uh It was fine. Yeah, but
Starting point is 00:22:55 I'm not doing that again. Yeah, you know, no, no, no, I would never because after I did it a bunch of people died in east river Because the helicopter crashed into the east river. I remember It was like four blocks away from my apartment I Fixed that Technically the east river is on both sides. It's true. It's a big river, man. They can't find me. It's a big city It's fine. Um, please don't come to my house. Uh, but uh, no the thing I wanted to ask you. Okay. Well, there was one thing also that happened, um
Starting point is 00:23:31 So joe went away for Memorial Day weekend, right? And you know, I had to edit the episodes and like upload some stuff Um, one thing wasn't uploaded and it was the patreon exclusive No, not the patreon exclusive the the week the week ahead episode which you could find at slash basement yard cheap plug That gun sound wasn't good. It was a silencer. It was a silencer. It had a silencer on it. Oh, I thought that was like So, um, so I edited the episode and then I came here five o'clock in the morning To upload the patreon episode. Did you have any idea of this? No, I did the whole thing on instagram live
Starting point is 00:24:21 What like I'm like, yeah, five o'clock a.m. On monday. Yeah Why did you wait till five a.m. Because remember I texted you and then I texted you again at like I the only thing I remember is you going Uh, no because I texted you before I left and I was still in the neighborhood and I was like, yo Is there anything that needs to be uploaded? I could turn around right now and go home and do it real quick And you're like, yo, we're good. I said, okay, so I left and then I remember you texting me On sunday or something. Yeah, and you're like, it's up. I'm a god I was like monday morning. You're like, uh, it's uh, it's up on patreon. I'm a god
Starting point is 00:24:56 No, no, so I did all that at five o'clock in the morning and then I was instagram live in here and I fell asleep on the couch. I was instagram live Because I was so tired How long for like a good probably couple minutes Passed out while I was instagram live because I was waiting for it to upload and then get the fuck out of here I thought I thought like your your super is gonna like kill me Why you can't come in here? It's like five o'clock in the morning and somebody you don't know is just coming in here You know what I mean? Yeah, it's true. That's true. I think he was away. Anyway, yeah
Starting point is 00:25:26 But I saved the show guys to show you guys now It's so funny you fell asleep on the couch I did for like, you know when you know, you fell asleep and you wake up terrified though. Anyway, I hate that It's uh, yeah, it's like you wake up and you're like, how long was I out? What year is it? Then I was just reading the comments. They were like, oh damn. He fell asleep No, you should have watched it back. What have been that fun? I didn't want to slowly like I was hoping some at some point you would like wake like wake up and just check instagram And just see that I was like going live from your house
Starting point is 00:25:56 But uh, yo, I do you know how hard I would have been laughing. Oh, yeah If I went into that instagram live and you were sleeping on my couch At 5 a.m. I'd be like, what the fuck is wrong with this guy? There's a lot. There's a lot. There's a lot. Yo, do you hear about kid herrington? Yeah, he checked himself into rehab from stress and alcohol. It sort of makes sense though I know uh, and also I was like I tweeted something and I was like, uh The last season was that bad. It was that bad and then people were like, uh, this is a little ironic, isn't it? And I was like, yeah, uh, obviously that's the joke. You dumb bitch. You dumb asshole
Starting point is 00:26:30 All right. I know what it's like to fucking check yourself into a rehab. Okay. Hey, dany, uh, don't do that Yeah, that's pretty insensitive you did that. Do I love when I say like, yo white people blah, blah, blah People are like, yo, you're white and I'm like, yeah. Yeah. Oh, thanks. I I know never knew I've known that more than I've known Pretty much anything. Yeah, to be honest. Yeah, you got a pretty good tan though You didn't get burnt though. Yeah, I was I was I'm way darker than you dog You're more olive than the boy. Well, yeah, it's true. I got natural melanin up in my ass. Yeah, you know what I mean? Definitely in my ass. Oh, yeah For sure. I gotta overload the kid Harrington. Let me ask you this. Yeah, if you quit this show
Starting point is 00:27:11 like or like We just somehow it was like, yo, it's the last season ever episode ever the basement art. Do you think you would like Get so stressed out you would miss it. No And because I mean that would have happened with that would have happened with the youtube if that was the case Well, that's what that's what my follow-up was Was like, are there any did youtube ever make you depressed? Uh or stressed out like to the point. It's just like, yo, like I can't take this shit anymore It never made me depressed. All right, but what do you mean like stop
Starting point is 00:27:47 The reason why I stopped was because of this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no I'm asking like once I stopped just the demand of it and then when you stop doing it Would you ever just like stress like oh like people keep fucking asking me to do this? No I never really uh No, I I I honestly no, I didn't feel that way and I when I stopped doing it Is because I wanted to stop doing it the only like stress it brought me was like I felt like after a while I was just like, oh, I gotta do this shit again and like I felt like I could do more
Starting point is 00:28:16 Than that right, you know, what the fuck just came off them. I don't know Uh, I felt like I could do better than what I was doing and I was like this works Yeah, but I don't necessarily want to continue doing it and that was the only like stress for the last couple of months That I was doing it and then I just like stopped and people I knew people were gonna ask for it But I don't really care people still do that. Yeah But I don't you know Well, people still ask for like madly. He did one like four days ago It's like if you just want to check notification squad notification squad. Yeah, but no
Starting point is 00:28:49 So you said you get it that he checked in I get it because you know when you think about it like with acting right like there's a lot of factors that come into it So kid herrington who people don't know he's john snow and game of thrones He's been in it since the beginning and this has been his life for basically a decade Being this one character. So I think there's a lot to Think about like dude first of all 10 years is like a substantial amount of time Yeah, like imagine only playing that and like you have made all your money. You're doing this. You're doing that. You're very famous You're john snow everywhere you go. You're john snow. Yeah, you're you're a fucking superstar
Starting point is 00:29:23 But now the show's done. Yeah now that character is dead So this person you were being for 10 years is now gone and you can't do that anymore So a lot of stuff runs through your mind of being like First of all your whole routine is thrown off, right? And you don't know like can I Even play another role, right? Or can I am I typecasted too? Right. Am I never going to get another role ever again because i'm john snow, you know, that's that happened to a bunch of people I mean it would happen with the people from Seinfeld for so long And yeah, well even like jason alexander like where did I mean he did the things here and there but he's always is
Starting point is 00:29:59 You know, whatever but um You know cram jld is killing it though Yeah, I mean before veep. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was like Where is she going? Yeah, it took her about 20 years. You gotta show. That's what i'm saying Yeah, uh, they probably had a lot of money though Yeah, dude, they were you know, I'm saying it's like it's like I don't have to work for a while But that just goes to show you and that was something that I was saying to my friends because I um
Starting point is 00:30:23 brought up that question of my friends like would you Take a billion dollars if you couldn't leave ohio and nothing against ohio, but it's not like miami or like california ain't a place to hang out. It's not really like a like a Vacation spot. Yeah, you know, so it's like all right ohio, right? You got to stay in ohio
Starting point is 00:30:45 But you can go up and up and around ohio. You could stay in oh, yeah, no anywhere. It's not cleveland. It's just ohio And it has nothing to do with ohio. It just has to do with the fact that like you are now Trapped in ohio. Yeah, and you can't go anywhere tropical. You can't travel You can't go visit anyone whenever you want, but you have a billion dollars, right? And I'm trying to think I wouldn't I would never do that Because I could buy the browns right Yeah, I mean uh Share of it. You could get a good portion of the browns. Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:18 You better do it quick before they start becoming good. Yeah, that's true because they are gonna be good Yeah, they're gonna be pretty good. I'm trying to think like honestly what I would do I wouldn't because I think the only like to me money just equals financial security So it's less stress and worrying about your bills and freedom But you also do well enough like you don't need I mean it's not that you don't need a billion dollars, but like You got freedom now Yeah, for the most part, you know what I mean? I think that's a really that's a really good question for like broke motherfuckers Yeah, but this is what I'm trying to say that
Starting point is 00:31:52 as someone who I'm not like A very flashy person and I don't need a lot so in a way I even said this to people like I don't really see a huge difference I do and I don't between me and a billionaire as far as like the freedom goes because for the most part I do whatever the hell I want right because I'm not out here like yo, I want a Porsche I want a fucking plane like all this shit and travel all the time like I I'm gonna do those things eventually, but I don't really feel the need to do any of that Uh, but you know that flex was so fire. What?
Starting point is 00:32:25 Like you you said to get a Porsche. Oh, I meant the travel part. Oh I thought you meant the whole list. I was like that's fire I didn't mean that I meant like the travel But like I'll do all that like I'll get that I'll get the plane. Yeah, we're good. We're good with the slutty stewardess. I'll have it um, no, but I think that Uh, and I've said this before on the on the podcast where You know
Starting point is 00:32:56 My one of my friends was so adamant about like yo, I'm taking that billion dollars And I'm like why is I guess I never have to work again And I'm like you don't understand what that means though Yeah, like you would you would go crazy if you never like had to work again Like dude all these people that have millions of dollars. They don't just sit around. No, they're they continue to work They're trying to make more money. Yeah. Yeah, that's because it's a competitive like nature of like whatever and and as someone who has like a A portion of success like not on like a grand scale, but like a scale of like, you know, whatever like I have freedoms where I
Starting point is 00:33:28 Don't necessarily worry about every check that I get or I don't worry about bills and shit you know, so it's like that I just you know, whatever thank god, but The the want to keep working and creating and building things like I can't see that like ever going away And for people to think like yo if I have a billion dollars and I just never have to work again Like I'll be good and it's like but you won't do because the money's not going to do anything for you As far as that goes you can help other people though. Of course you can A million dollars. Yeah. Yeah, you could help a bunch of people and still have Bread that's what I'm saying. You can have like 800 million and that's really if you fucking
Starting point is 00:34:05 Hooked up everybody. That's what I'm saying like hook the fuck up out of people dude Think about you put fucking 400 million dollars in the bank. You're living off interest for the rest of your life Well, yeah, just like come on dude. You put that in the fucking in a bunch of bonds. You're chilling. See he's smarter In the bank you're getting less than 1% But it's funny that you said that to put it in the bank because even if you did put 400 million dollars And you get less than 1% like you're still making your fucking chilling Yeah, just don't touch that shit But if you put your money in the market and even if you make on the very low end you make like 5% of your money
Starting point is 00:34:39 Like you never have to work again. Anyway, we got the financial fucking baser in yard No, but you never have to work again anyway, you know, it's true. I think another thing too is like at some point Like if I hit my friends all off with money and like they go to like Cabo or Dubai or some shit or like And I can't go I'm just like, uh Yeah, that's what that's what made me like go back. I'm like, oh damn. I can't even enjoy this. Yeah, and like The that's why when people like there's no it's not a mistake that everyone says like money doesn't buy happiness like it's not a mistake and
Starting point is 00:35:14 As someone who went from like I had nothing Yeah, uh and shared a room until I was like 23 Word up shout out mic. Uh and shout out Keith. You think Thomas had his own room No, where did Thomas sleep first of all when I was very young there was three people in my room yuck Yeah, so much Thomas and then bunk beds for a lot of my life and then me and Keith shared a room for the most part Which room? Upstairs to the right by the bathroom by the bathroom that was me and Keith's room Okay, and then shine and head around room and Thomas was in the basement. Why do the daughters always get their own room?
Starting point is 00:35:49 Because they're bitches. Yeah I guess they do deserve their own room. Yeah, you don't want boys running around. Yeah, hell no I wouldn't even want to share it with my sister. She's fucking messy as shit No, but it really does and it like, you know, it actually made me sad one day in my old apartment and I think I told this story before but um This was when I was going through all that shit and it was around the time where I was like, what am I doing? Like this stuff is working. I'm making a lot of money. I've been like this success is coming like everyone thinks I'm like this like
Starting point is 00:36:28 Star or whatever. Yeah, exactly, right? So but I remember sitting on my couch and my last apartment was very it was huge It was really nice I remember and I was paying a lot of money for it, right and I'm sitting on my couch and I'm like, why is Like this not enough You know, yeah, like it just and then it made me sad to realize that people Work their entire lives Thinking that you reach that point. Yeah, and you go like that's all I need and then like everything will be fine
Starting point is 00:36:56 It's not but it's not. Yeah, exactly. But it's not and and it made me sad to think of like you know People work their entire lives and work so hard in like hours and have multiple jobs So that they can like get to that point and if they got there then they'd know Like it's not about that shit So if you sacrifice like your family your friends and all the things that are actually important to get to that point And it takes you 10 years 10 years of your life of like important things you like missed out on, you know
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yeah, but but also then like on the flip side like there's people that would be like, listen, yo Money doesn't buy happiness I'll tell you this it fucking helps though. Oh, yeah, absolutely. You know what I'm saying I never like that expression ever And I never really was like, oh money doesn't buy happiness. Right in the long run It helps That's all I'm gonna say Yes, because but I do get like listen like this guy was super rich and killed himself or something like that, right?
Starting point is 00:37:58 Or he was uh alcoholic and and you know like all this I get that But it's easier when you got one less thing to worry about right no And that's the thing it's way easier to be happy when you don't have to worry about your bills You could have whatever car you want. You'd be depressed and broke Yeah, which would be with no health insurance. Like that's worse. And listen, I'm not saying like, yo, if you're poor just like you're fine, dude Okay, that's not what I'm saying like I understand that people need to make money and like the whole but the whole thing with money Is when you have a lot of it the only thing that you do have is
Starting point is 00:38:30 more freedom And Financial security, which is a big one. Yeah, but that's the fire thing about having money though Is because like think about all the shit you did for 10 years, right to like pursue your dream You had to do other shit odd jobs Like be a mover or fucking be a pizza delivery boy. We're gonna group home. I'm just listing all my jobs So like, you know, you had to do all that shit to like pursue other shit now when you have all the money It should make you just want to do that one thing all the time
Starting point is 00:39:00 Like now you can really pursue shit because you don't have to worry about the fucking six or seven hours You're putting in a fucking Dom and Vinny's pizza fucking place. What are you making? You know making enough money just so you could do shit Yeah, you know, that's why money helps now you can do so much other shit Yeah, like give it to me. You know what I'm saying? Like Venmo like Venmo me itch now now. Um, no, but yeah, I just like I'm not saying There's no point in having a lot of money. Obviously. Yeah, that would be right, right
Starting point is 00:39:33 Uh, but not being able to travel just defeats the purpose of having a lot of money. That's all I'm saying Yeah, it's like if you have a lot of money, but you sacrifice your freedoms like then the money is Pointless you would have some of the hottest horse in Ohio though Uh, yeah, I would Some of the hottest horse in Ohio Word um Let's get to the sponsors here. Oh, we're watching muckbang What oh no, no
Starting point is 00:40:15 We're gonna get to the sponsors here Um show is not sponsored by muckbang It's such a gross word, but it's a gross thing. So it makes sense. Yeah, it also just sounds like a pokemon I think it's the right thing. Yeah, well muck was a pokemon a wild muckbang has been found Yeah, muckbang just sounds like a bunch of rednecks like just getting after it in the fucking in the mud Anyway first sponsor Um Our first sponsor today is You know You've been on the show for a while now. It's a shout to
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Starting point is 00:43:40 It's asian and an asian are very soon. Yeah, why not? Why not patient? yeah, anyway, um What the hell was I just gonna ask you oh When you went away to Memorial Day weekend To Memorial Day weekend. What's that even? It is a place. It is a place. Yeah, what's with lake house, right? Yeah Do you swim in the lake did you go swimming in the lake? Yeah, isn't it kind of gross Like the grant like the floor Like a lake floor. It's deep as shit. How deep was it? There's like boats on it. Really? Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:15 Oh, I thought it was like one of those weird like backyard lakes. It's like a pond. That's like full of like gross like Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is like a legitimate. There's docks. There's boats. It's huge. That's fire. Yeah. Yeah, that's great That's fire. Yeah, I don't feel I don't feel the floor The floor is gross though. Yeah, it is. How drunk did you get? Uh, I was okay the first day I was drunk the first day but not anything crazy the second day with the finals We're on and that night actually like I just day drank but then we watched that game and I ended up like falling asleep at like 12 Okay, and then but then the next day
Starting point is 00:44:50 Was it was something else you started drinking early? Yeah, a lot of pina coladas A lot of like pineapple and rum stuff. So your sugar was high whole mess of beer by lights Uh, yeah, yeah, they sneak up on you. Well, I did get some I just started off with IPAs because I'm like, I'm gonna set a good base here Yeah I'm gonna line my stomach up with something nice. Yeah, and then I uh, You know, I absolutely ruined myself ravaged my body Um, but you know, we're back in the gym. We're getting after it sweating out a lot of it That's good. That's good. Yeah, you were dogging it yesterday a little bit. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:45:24 Yeah, we called an auto. We were supposed to record this episode yesterday But uh, I texted him at nine. He was like, dude, I'm dead. I was like, I'm calling an audible here I'll be you cleaned your apartment. It looks really really nice. Yeah, I cleaned my apartment and then I went to the gym I actually did go to the gym, but I didn't get there until like three which is I hate going at that time Yeah, it's crazy in there. Probably but I don't know. I don't know I I like worked out and then I usually run after my workout and my stamina is pretty good now So I usually can get
Starting point is 00:45:52 Like 20 minutes on the stair master and then anywhere from like three to four miles. Did you stink? Stunk, right? But I did a mile and I was like, I'm not even gonna like attempt to go further And then I just went and sat in the sauna for 20 minutes. You know when you're running so long you get that You know that breath when you're using you're just like, yeah, I'm done. I'm done with this I'm done with this. Yeah, I started grunting. Yeah Look you grunt when you run when I'm like suit like So I'm like, I actually had this conversation with Greg yesterday
Starting point is 00:46:25 Uh, was Greg run a lot? What does Greg run a lot? Yeah, he's a machine. Oh, so he's one of those. He's actually he's like a psycho like He'll run nine miles and he's like I didn't sweat. He's like human Adderall. Yeah, basically uh, but I was having this conversation with Greg yesterday where he was saying like When you're running and you get tired It becomes like I need to beat the shit out of myself right now
Starting point is 00:46:52 Like with running, you know, and like I I understand what he's saying because that's exactly what I do But I'm doing it because I need to It's about building mental toughness. So when I get really tired I get I will crank it up Like when I feel like it's bad, I'll make it worse And then go for as long as I can to like see how far I can get myself And that's when the grunting starts. That's very will smithish of you. Well, I mean
Starting point is 00:47:18 I'm not on there for long enough to like be able to say like I will die on that treadmill Remember when he was like, I will die. He's like if we get on the treadmill I will die on that treadmill like I'm not ready to say that but that's how I get past That's how I build my stamina or like I get past that like mental toughening because a lot of running for me Is like a it's like a fight because like I hate this shit But I love it now because it is the one thing in my life that sucks every single time And like you have to fight to get past it. Yeah, because a lot of my job is It's taxing mentally like whatever, but it's not taxing like physically. Yeah, you got to push yourself to a different limit
Starting point is 00:47:57 Right. I'm not out here doing construction. My body's tired at the end of the day It's like my brain is fried, but in the morning I can go to the gym work out and then fucking like Hyper focus try to beat the shit out of myself on a treadmill. Yeah, you know and like that's why You know, but Greg's on a whole different. Do you think like? Like fitness is does that turn you on? Like in what way like do you get horny like after you exercise? No, no I've read somewhere that like people that like they get horny after working out
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yeah After they work out after they work out. I'm boned up. Yeah, they get like they get like horny. They like want to have sex Uh, not immediately after I don't know I guess maybe because your testosterone levels are kind of jumping a little bit If that makes any scientific sense Maybe I do feel like after I read this whole thing about turn-ons I read a whole article about them. Why I don't know I just wanted to see what they pull the whole bunch of people and solve what the biggest turn-ons were
Starting point is 00:49:04 Do you have it? Yeah. Oh, I want to know I want to know because yo after the gym. I like I don't eat after the gym And I don't like I'm not ready to do anything. I feel like that's unhealthy If you aren't you supposed to eat like right after like I don't even eat before either And I've never done that because I don't want to run around and like have stuff on my stomach and like it Bounce around and makes me shit. Yeah, I hear you I used to not eat before like football games. You're making some chili. Yeah You made enough for everybody? No, it makes me shit. No, it makes me shit
Starting point is 00:49:38 All right, you want to hear the 20 uh Of america's biggest turn-ons. Which way should we go? Top to bottom or bottom to top? Uh, they're not in any order. Oh, okay. Okay. Cool. All right Let's go to the first one. Let's see if it's if I agree or it just if this turns you on Yeah, yeah, and just be honest and then if you want to dabble with then it would it would I'll get in all right neck kisses I'm ticklish. Does that turn you on though? Can ticklish turn you on can you be a turn on tick?
Starting point is 00:50:07 Tickling does not turn me on um, so neck kisses neck kisses I like them sometimes But if I feel like it's forced because it is one of those cliche things Yeah, if you're doing it because it's like oh, I heard this is gonna be good Then I'd be like What are you doing? Yeah, I like to neck kiss you like to suck that neck I don't like to suck the neck and I don't like my neck being sucked. I've never gotten a hickey
Starting point is 00:50:30 I will not like I'll throw one. Yeah, I'm saying I'll close it all Uh, but I don't like that you want to I like I like neck kisses I like giving them, but I don't like like the forced ones. Okay makes sense. No, that makes sense People trying to fulfill some cliche shit. Yeah, I don't like that. All right. Uh, how about my partner telling me I like that Oh, yeah, who doesn't like that It's nice to get something like sure. Yeah, of course. I like that. Very good. Nice. Now. I know this is what you like What about asking do you like that? Me asking something would turn me on yeah
Starting point is 00:51:07 I don't know wait, I I don't get the question the question is your partner saying I like that Like right, but do you It's different when it's a question. I feel like yeah, but I I don't like like do you like that That's that's me turning myself on. Yeah. Do you get turned on by like telling like yourself things Out loud. No, I think that I get turned on By being told by their answer. Got it. We made that way more difficult No, but I'm not turned on by me being like, do you like that? Oh, don't even answer. I'm good. You know, don't fucking touch me. Don't touch
Starting point is 00:51:43 Don't fucking touch me. Don't fucking touch me. Um My partner going down on me. That's an obvious. Yes. Oh, man. Oh, man. I hate when people suck my a my a Whoa, whoa Haven't had my a suck. Yeah, okay Why would that be yo, okay? I'll tell you what if I was a billionaire in Ohio getting my a suck. Hell, yeah Paying people suck my a all day. All right. Um undressing my partner I feel like when I was I feel like when I was younger that was like super hot Just being like, I'ma rip their clothes off
Starting point is 00:52:18 Now I'm like Yeah, let me take my pants off. Which is like which is like a process. You know what I mean? I got I got to untie my drawstring. I mean, let's be serious skinny jeans are back in style. It's hard to get these things off Yeah, you handle that. I'll handle this. Let's but unless it's one of those like spur of the moment things and like You know, you just like stare at each other and it's just like You guys are just like changing the shit then that's fire. I like that not like every time like I'm not over here being like Whatever that guy's like Tim Gunn I'm like trying to like fix your fucking blouse or whatever make it work. Make it work
Starting point is 00:52:55 Uh nibbling my ear. So then nibbling on your ear I don't know. I don't think that's ever happened I don't know. I made that noise I'll make it again Nibbling my ear No one's ever kissed your ear I don't think so Fucking hot dude. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah when they like blow into your ear a little bit like while they kiss you you can feel them breathing on your ear
Starting point is 00:53:19 It's hot. Oh, yeah breathing breathing is yeah blowing into the ear You know what I hate when you're in the shower and you just go deaf because there's like soap and water in there I hate that getting water in my ear in the shower might be my least favorite thing ever You never got that. I mean, I don't know how relatable that is. You never got water in your ear. I've gotten water in my ear Yeah, but not in the shower like in a pool. I gotta like That shit sucks. I hate that. I hate it lingerie Doesn't do it. I don't care. Yeah, I don't care either pop that off Yeah, you know, that's like look I put on even harder underwear to get off. Yeah, cool. Cool. Unclip it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:02 How's that? I can't get to your vagina Yes, why is there so many straps? Are you going parachuting? Like I get the appeal of it, but I don't think anyone has to buy sexy lingerie for me. Yeah I like you naked. Yeah, you know, I'm saying I don't like sexy underwear. I like you naked. I know Show up naked. Show up naked. Yeah Eye contact during sex. Love it. Yeah big like Are you guys like breathing into each other's mouth kind of like nose to nose like head head like foreheads touch it
Starting point is 00:54:38 And you're like just looking you're kind of cross-eyed in a way, you know Yeah, it's kind of like fighting like you ever fight a white dude. And you got yes. I have photo I got I'm fucking mad Steve It's kind of like that. Yeah, but you're fucking But you're just like you're mad and their eyes are getting wider. Yeah, your eyes are getting wider Yo forehead fighting a girl during sex. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I think that should as hot. Hell. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah I'm gonna have to take a break. I'm fucking horny Um going down on your partner
Starting point is 00:55:20 Hell yeah turns me on fuck. Yeah to know that like I'm crushing this right now. Yeah It's great. Do you touch touch yourself while you while you do that sometimes? No, I don't think so. No, dude, you're missing out, dude. I don't need to though. I'm missing out, brother I don't need to. All right. All right. The blood trust me the blood is pumping It's weird when you're soft when you're doing it and then you kind of have to then you get hard And then you have to like kind of put your butt up and tuck it Excuse me because like sometimes you'll be down there and I'm not fully hard yet. You know what I'm saying? So like I'm not fully hard, but that's what I'm saying. So then I'm getting hard
Starting point is 00:55:59 And then but like it's pushing down against the mattress. So I have to like Yeah, that was fighting now you're now you're fighting the Casper mattress. Yeah, but you're fighting that Casper mattress How often do you like trim your balls? Be honest My actual balls. I don't really like because there's not a whole lot of Hair there. What about your fucking like then your pew breach? Oh, yeah, how often how often and give me like a realistic number And I'll give you my realistic number. I don't know probably like Whenever I get a haircut
Starting point is 00:56:34 Two weeks, I do that too When I get a haircut of my everywhere has to be clean Like I gotta do the beard. I gotta do the dick. Yeah, no because yo See, I think I gotta clean my room everything the car Have you ever like had your your bush was so big that you were just like this is this is disgusting When I was younger. All right. So you've been like a good like bushwhacker for years. Yeah I mean shout out to the people at Manscape. They hooked me up. I had to clean my fucking balls Yeah, you see how fucking they're messed up. Well, you didn't see how long
Starting point is 00:57:04 they were Let's just let's Let's just say but here's what I'm worried about because you see this Whoa So if I trim down here I have like a fade Because like my balls are really taken care of but then it's just fucking jungle up here. Yeah, that's fine though There's enough distance
Starting point is 00:57:29 Dude your head's like that. So that's true. That's true far away. I got like a christie mac haircut. I'm good to go. There you go You do have a christie mac haircut Oh She's a porn star. Oh, yeah. Yeah, but hard tits very hard tits very hard tits I wish I had no hair on my fucking chest, dude. I only have like you're so fucking lucky man. I got a little brown sugar Just that Now Does this say
Starting point is 00:58:00 I'm a man Or does this say this is poor hygiene? It says Someone is from europe in my family It doesn't say poor hygiene. No, right? I'll tell you what the reason the reason I'm bringing that up is because Uh, one of the biggest turn-ons is hygiene Obviously. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but there's people out there that fuck some gross checks, dude What do you mean like they're fucking gross stinky bitches stinky bitches There's some stinky dudes though. Hell. Yeah, I'm not saying I'm out here fucking winning the hygiene contest
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yeah, but I'm out here fucking getting cleaned up. I make sure my my I try to present myself in a good way, right? You know what I mean? Yeah, but there's days where I feel like no matter how much I clean myself. I'm gonna be dirty Dude, especially now during the summer. I get out of you don't even know Dude, you don't even know the struggle when you shower and you get out of the shower I'm like am I wet or sweating? Yeah I just pour sweat the worst is when you get out of the shower and start sweating immediately You ever get out of the shower and by the time you get to your room and you go to change you're like
Starting point is 00:59:08 There's like soap in between my fucking thighs right now. Oh, yeah, and I have to get back in the shower I hate it. Sometimes I just rub it off though. Yeah, I'll take the towel Do you shave your pubes over the toilet or in the shower? Over the toilet over the toilet Yeah I can't believe you don't shave your ball. Are your balls just Mad harry. No, I think my balls are just kind of like a you know There's just like long like stragglers. It's like it's not a whole my actual sack
Starting point is 00:59:38 I'm talking about your fucking ball sack my actual sack It doesn't get like like if I just let it go For a year. You'd still be able to see my balls Like it wouldn't be like your face. You're fucking lucky, dude I I put it away. I my my balls are an abyss Really? Yeah, dude I've struggled with puben ball hair for a long time I get I get pube hair, but ball hair. Yeah, dude. I have fucking harry ass balls. That's so weird
Starting point is 01:00:08 Even dogs don't really have harry balls. You could see their balls. No, but like if I let it go Like I just trim my balls. Okay, and they're fucking great But I'm just saying if I don't it gets like really it can get really gross down there. They can get really long They're like piano fucking wires Mine just kind of looked like a paper clip when you unfold it. You know how they're like You ever see the squiggly straw that's what my pubes look like Exactly, exactly. So hygiene is obviously a turd on hygiene's great, but I feel like some guys like dirty Dirty girls want to get dirty
Starting point is 01:00:51 Want to get a little bit ready Um, okay, so the next one it's been too much time on our balls there. Sorry, but um Dirty talk in english In english, I don't know why it says that I guess in spanish it would be fire too. Yeah That's boner. That's boner. Let's take five. Let's take five No, I think dirty talks is encouraged. I like it. But how dirty can you get whatever? Oh, suck that fucking dick. I mean, I'm not gonna go there unless you're okay with going there. Yeah I'll rise to the occasion. Do you like do you ask for blow jobs?
Starting point is 01:01:29 Do you just like write a passage like they work their way there? Oh, I feel weird about asking right even in the heat of the moans In the heat of the moans, I'll tell Not like to Not like to start. No, you got to fire them up first. Yeah, I mean halfway through I mean at that point anything, you know, there's a lot of things being said that no one's gonna like If you're still pulling the lawn mower, don't ask that. But when it's up and running Oh, yeah, you've hit a couple but there's you've gotten a couple trees down
Starting point is 01:01:59 You could do whatever you want with that thing. Yeah, it's a lawn mower. You don't cut trees down at lawn mower. That's fine Okay, let's go. Oh, I thought you I was thinking chainsaw. It's all right. Same thing same idea Well, I think you could cut down a tree with a lawn mower if you really got after it We'll try that outside later. We'll see how much that works. Okay Sex toys Would you be open to bringing them into the bedroom? Because I know you're not like I don't I don't have a bunch of toys. No, I don't know. Um, no, I'd be open to it. I have before Anything
Starting point is 01:02:30 Some vibrations really on your on your balls. No, no, no, no, no, no, I wouldn't I would let like my balls give Uh vibratoed on You would like to get vibrated not in my ass, but like a vibration on your balls probably feels mad good I'm talking about external. You're going all the way inside the cult. Oh, no, that's what I thought you were getting Oh, no, I'm I'm I'm all about this. Like if I can get a blotchage it looks like with I'm sorry. I tried to hold that together. If I can get a blotchage and like the I feel like the word blow job is like so like like comes out so weird, you know Blush, yeah, if I'm just getting a blotchage and
Starting point is 01:03:15 It sounds so delicious. That's what I'm saying. It does sounds like you're ordering dinner tonight. I'm literally gonna be like Do you guys have blizzards? I have a finest your finest blizzage, please I have a glass of your finest blizzage. Got Joe to cry today. Yes So the blizzage commences. Yes, and they maybe had something remember that blizzard where you could shake someone's hand Yeah, fuck what was that? But it was like a vibe like a vibrating hand band And they cut your balls while they suck your penis. Yeah, that would be fire Maybe yeah, yeah, dude. You ever use a cock ring? No, I used one once wait wait It vibrates some of them too you use the cock ring. I didn't use a vibrating one. No, no, no
Starting point is 01:04:01 I kind of use it like How far how far and up and down the shaft does it go? Oh the base Oh, you go down to the yeah, you're first in line. Damn, dude. You're no you mean like at the head No, all the way down Touching yourself. Oh wait, doesn't that make your cock like super like like girthy? Yeah, like bloody Like it's mad blood in there. Oh, it feels like a blimp Does it really? Yeah, I mean, it's not like insane, but like yeah, like a power hog though. Oh, yeah, damn, dude Are there different sizes? Yeah, all right. They got small they got small sizes
Starting point is 01:04:40 You have any extra that's what I'm talking about. I use it like ironically though. It wasn't like oh, yeah I am gonna like cock ring you ironically came you probably It wasn't I wasn't it wasn't like the whole time like I popped it off like did it hurt your cock? I Don't remember I don't think so. Okay partner doing a strip tease. I don't like that. No. No, this isn't fucking true lies Yeah, what are you Jamie Lee Curtis? Get out of here. That's immediately where I went to by the way I don't want to see do it like do it slow
Starting point is 01:05:20 No, no if you haven't seen true lies with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jamie Lee Curtis It's actually a good movie. Oh, it's amazing. There is a strip to you see in in there And Arnold talking sexy is probably one of the Do it do it slow do it do it slow now do it Uh being dominated as a guy. Do you like being dominated but like do you dominate from the top? like I don't like being dominated. I'm not submissive. Okay. What about like if you're really doing it And they fucking just smack your ass like pulling you in with your ass. Are you cool with that?
Starting point is 01:05:57 Yeah, but I don't think that's like That's not being dominated. No, but if she's like telling you like fucking fucking pussy I wouldn't like that. You wouldn't like no Come on fucking fucking bitch. I'm like, yo chill dude Dude, some people get so angry during sex. Yeah, and listen, do you think that's like you're upbringing that makes you like a angry sex person? Yeah, because I think everyone gets a little like it's you're animals. Do you know what I'm saying? It's crazy, you know your mind goes to crazy places when you're fucking dude It's almost I black out
Starting point is 01:06:42 And then right as I come I'm like Who is that man that man is a monster Yeah, it's dr. Jekyll mr. Hyde, but I like him Scares me, but I like him. So you don't like being dominated. So then you wouldn't like your partner being rough then I wouldn't mind them being rough. I just don't like being dumb. What if they just slapped you in the face Yeah, I don't know if I would be into that Like I'd like what if they like you're hitting it from the top and they just choked you while you hit it from the top That is okay
Starting point is 01:07:11 But if at any point I felt dominated I wouldn't like that You would like would you like be like don't do that or would you just like Play right away to be completely honest if someone tried to dominate me a fight would break out A sexual fight like realistically like if someone was just like trying to dominate you like belittle the shit out of you Well, you fuck them, right? Yeah, you fucking little dick, bitch Like that, yeah, like would you keep having sex with them? Yeah, you would yeah, but after you came you would No, no, no, I wouldn't bring it up. I would just like never talk to me. I would take it to the next level Be like you're fucking a little dick, bitch. No, I wouldn't
Starting point is 01:07:55 No, I'm saying like you don't even have a dick like if I felt like Someone like was choking me right and then I felt like I was being dominated like I'd move their hand out of the way At the then I'd start. Oh, you know what I'm saying? I would like to turn the tables like a lion A lion I don't lions dominate each other kind of I assume so they're kings of the jungle They could do whatever the fuck they want. Okay, your partner spanking you you cool with that No I don't mind it. You like to get spanked. Yeah, but like not like like playfully Playfully spank like like I'm not I'm not bending over to get spanked. You know what I'm saying
Starting point is 01:08:32 Like I'm not gonna be like, oh like with me, but if while we're having sex you could spank me Okay, you know, I'm cool with that. I don't like spanking partner pulling your hair I'm cool with that lightly though. Don't fucking yank me. I can't really be yanked as much as you can. Yeah, you can't be yanked. I could be yanked Oh, man, there's just like times where we're on the show and someone's listening to this at work. I know The show's great. I can get I just really you ever just have moments like that. I'm like, what did I just say? What did I just what just came out of my mouth? Oh god biting Yeah, where do you like to bite where do I like to bite? Yeah, wherever whatever's like close you bite your lobes
Starting point is 01:09:20 You bite lips while you kiss you fucking fuck No, I don't like biting lips. I like I like getting my lip bit. I don't like that I No, I don't like that. I don't like I don't like people biting my lips you ever come so hard you go to like another dimension I haven't Yeah, having to be quiet and sneaky above that Quiet and sneaky role-playing Not a whole lot of experience in that actually I would say zero experience in that
Starting point is 01:09:57 I don't think I could do it. I would be like this is a little much Like what would your eye do? Teacher am I in trouble? I'd like would you stop? We're breaking the law too. Yeah You know why we pretend why is a schoolgirl fantasy such a big one? I don't know So I feel like it's like very popular. Yeah Yeah, very popular halloween costume You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I'm not into the whole role-playing thing Like I don't want to be a doctor. I can't be a doctor. I just I'm gonna be this. Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:30 Yeah, like I like I didn't work this hard in this field to like Have sex with you, you know Like I'm trying to help you. What if you're really sick? They're never really sick if you are actually a teacher Would that make it a little easier? Oh, I've known teachers that are fuck students. No, no What yeah College No professors, you know people that have fucked underage students
Starting point is 01:11:03 Moving forward, we'll we'll talk off cam. Yeah Gross. Yep Wait like your friends are just people you know. Oh, I've I've had friends that have Fucked a teacher No, that's not what I mean. And then I've I've known teachers who have fucked kids. Yeah That is so weird. Yeah All right, uh, America's 20 biggest turnoffs the sponsors Are we out of sponsors? Yeah, uh America's 20 biggest turnoffs
Starting point is 01:11:36 Poor hygiene as we went over that. It can't be a stinky fucking asshole being mean I feel like some people are turned down by people being mean. I like me. Yeah Unless you're like mean outside the bedroom If you're just a mean guy, I'm not turned on by meanness. No Why does a guy? No, no, no Because guys are mean. We're mean. No, no, no. I'm saying we are mean though. Like as a species. We're kind of mean Where is this going? No, I just feel like mean sometimes I take a more generally a nice dude
Starting point is 01:12:07 I'm not saying us. I'm saying as a species. Oh as a gen we're rare. We're nice men Or v not men. We're nice men. I think uh If it's yeah, if they're talking about like outside of the bedroom or a mean person like yeah, I don't like that Like for example, you have a bunch of friends, right? Some of them and their girlfriends they have spats You know, some of them will be like You know, didn't one of them jump out of a car. Yeah, you know Like a moving car. Yeah. Yeah, you know, like is that being mean or is that just being in love in a relationship?
Starting point is 01:12:46 Is jumping out of a car during a fight mean? Yes. No, I don't think that's mean. I think it's psychotic Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I got some psychotic friends. Yeah, you do that. That's for sure being rude to wait staff Yeah, that is disgusting. I don't I don't like that. You could be like the greatest person ever if I'm on a date with somebody And it's going amazing. They're funny. They're beautiful like all stuff, but they're mean to the waiters I would be like I need to leave. Yeah, like I would like fake going to the bathroom and leave like that. I hate I Oh, yeah, I don't like that either eating with mouth open. I don't it's not the end of the world. How can you possibly? It was your mouth. Well, like Like a cow like chewing like a cow
Starting point is 01:13:28 Yeah, yeah, I mean it it would have to be really insane for me to be like, oh god, this is too much Yeah, yeah, you'd be like, mom. Yeah, so I was talking to a guy. Do I have more butter? I'd be like, all right This person's disgusting. Okay, you're lying still fuck though. Yeah, you fucking slob. Yeah I'm like, fuck this. I'm like, fuck this slob. Yeah I might just call you slob during sex. It's fucking slob I'd be like, god damn, I'm gonna hit the treadmill even harder now. Yeah, I'd be like, yeah, call me. Um Bling being flirty with other people Like if you're s o
Starting point is 01:14:06 So was like flirting with other people. Yeah, this was was like being flirtatious I mean, I guess unanimously. I think people don't enjoy that. Yeah, it's a turnoff. I mean, that's why it's voted being turned off being cocky I'm not really big fan of that. Yeah Everyone's gonna be cocky with me, you know, right? I can't have two cocks in here Uh talking too much slash not listening Can talking too much be a turnoff? Yes I don't mind the talking as much as I Mind the not listening. Okay, because if I if I'm on a date with someone and like I don't mind if you're talking
Starting point is 01:14:44 You like to talk about yourself like whatever But if you if I start saying something And then you completely like bring it back to you without addressing what I said, then I'd be like, fuck this Yeah, yeah, you know, like I think there there has to be a balance of like talking and listening You can't just talk about yourself the entire time Not listening is huge. Yeah, that's worse than talking too much. I can get over you talking too much because I talk a lot Yeah, we talk we talk we talk, you know, we talk but don't over talk me Don't over I don't want yeah, and I'm not gonna over talk you. That's what I don't want. Yeah
Starting point is 01:15:16 I don't want this to become a competition at dinner. Exactly. You know in the bedroom We can compete we can compete. I'll lose Dressing poorly How poorly like how talking about ladden poor or are we talking about like poor? No, just like a bad fashion sense like how bad like What is she wearing? Yeah, uh Like bell bottoms or just like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, like wrong error
Starting point is 01:15:48 Like like at leisure, but like it's like bootcut at the bottom. She wears a lot of graphic teas Yes, yeah like a thrift store kind of chick. I don't know sometimes girls can pull that stuff off I think that's more guys though. I think a guy could dress worse very bad Over a girl like a girl really can't dress poorly. Can they like a cute girl can pull off like anything Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Just like we're like we're like I feel like girls are unaware that they look good in most That's what I'm saying Like you really have to go out of your way to look like shit when girls like oh my god I look terrible right now and they're wearing like sweats and a white tee. I'm like, this is what I'm all
Starting point is 01:16:21 Yeah, I'm all over that. I'm all over it. You know the tight white tee and the gray sweats What the fuck's good? Yeah, we're chilling Love that shit like in like even when you go to bed with like a big t-shirt in like underwear like I want to I want to see what's loose under there Remember that song? Yes. What song is that Jessica Sims? Is it I don't know
Starting point is 01:16:48 Jay Sims. Jay Sims had a couple bangers. I can't remember them so they couldn't have been that good a bangers, but uh Didn't she remake all these boots are made for walking that video was very touch yourselfable Yeah, these boots are made for walking That's just what you do Gosh isn't Duke's a hazard. Oh god damn, uh, baby talk Disgust I hate it Don't talk to my dick like that or just don't talk to me like that. Don't talk like that Past the age that you don't talk like that. Yeah
Starting point is 01:17:30 I'm not a puppy dog. Don't I don't like it. I don't like pet names No, my little muffin lovey-tup. I'm a grown-up My little booger get the fuck out of here boog boog I hate that. I that is I will not stand for that long fingernails On women. Yeah, or men have long fingernails. Yeah I don't know on men I could see how if it's like weird like snoop dogs fucking shit Like he has like a weird like pinky ones really I can see because I have met dudes with disgustingly long fingernails and I'm like, oh god this fucking piece of shit
Starting point is 01:18:09 Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah I get that I get that I get that uh wearing too much cologne slash perfume. Yes. I agree with that don't come in here Stank it if I could smell you from the block away. Yeah, I don't want to smell that stinky How expensive this fucking thing is either. Yeah, it's disgusting being cheap That's a turnoff. Yeah, I don't like that. I don't like a cheap bitch or a cheap ass dude I don't like a cheap. What's the equivalent to bitch of a guy? A cock
Starting point is 01:18:40 I don't know a dick. He's a dick cheap dick. Yeah cheap dick. Don't be a cheap dick or a cheap bitch Yeah, I don't like cheap either the first date They got an offer to pay the check, but they don't have but I'm gonna pay it Yes Don't come into it as uh Or at least make the move Oh, oh, oh, oh
Starting point is 01:19:06 Make the move give me a couple o's give me. Oh, oh, oh, oh, okay Like I probably will feel a type of way if you're just sitting there and you're like We should get out of here. I'm gonna go to the bathroom Or like when the check comes don't leave either. I don't like that What like if the check comes and you leave? Oh, you know, you got to be there for this transaction You never see what Jerry Seinfeld said that that bitty does no He's talking about when you go on a date and you get a check And you're talking to be like, yeah, so you want to go get a get a drink later
Starting point is 01:19:37 We can hang out. You ever see that when he talks about that you get the check. It's so funny but uh Always like open your eyes like real big to make the check look like it's big and then cover it Uh, no, I I think as long as she makes a move Towards her bag Uncool. Yeah, she's even have to go out of where you say like, oh, I'll get she just has to make the move Yeah, but for her to just sit there and be like
Starting point is 01:20:01 You stand her ground Then I'd feel a certain type of way. Yeah, we're gonna go our separate ways after this Or at least if she's gonna do that then she'd be like, oh, I got the next one or something. Yeah, let me buy you a drink Something even just say that I'm like, uh, that's funny, right? Literally your hands just have to move this far Now let me ask you this that's all you need equal rights. Yes Should we split the tabs now? You could do that, right? I am a little more old school in that I'll pay for that check. I am as well
Starting point is 01:20:34 Like we're all gonna fight to pay the tabs. I know we're all gonna fight to pay the tabs tonight So that's the thing though, we're going out to dinner with three dudes Like I'm I'm not gonna fight for the check because I know we're gonna go to dinner again And I'm eventually gonna pay for a check. So I don't mind doing that like when I'm not one of those people That's like, oh, no, no Like I'm not gonna do that because like I know I'm gonna pay someone back. I'm not even gonna think twice about it I'll grab a check though. I love grabbing checks. Yeah, you know, sometimes you grab a lot of checks I grab checks. We're good check grabbers. Yeah, and I don't I don't like when people are like, well, you know
Starting point is 01:21:07 I gotta you know, I like I yeah, yo, let's put this on two cards. I'm always embarrassed to shit like that I'm just like nah, dude. I'm not embarrassed of it, but I don't like sending two cards Like I it just feels weird being like you put 140 on this one and 117 on this one Because you didn't have one extra fucking Shiraz Dude, if you go out with a group of people split the check. Oh, yeah, that's different. I'm talking about three people No, no, no what I'm saying is like when you like no for instance Like in a in a world this isn't going to happen tonight, but if me in a world if me you and julien went out to dinner Yeah
Starting point is 01:21:43 Shout out julien black who says our show sucks If we go out if we go out to dinner me you and julien and we're like, all right, the three of us are gonna pay for this We're not like all right. What drinks did you get? No, it's 300. It's a hundred each. Yeah, you know what I'm saying Like I hate when people are like, well, no, you got the only got the soup. Yeah, like get the fuck out of here You came out to eat with us. Yeah, that's it. You pay for the experience unless you're like sick and you're like, y'all I'm just gonna have water instead like that's different But if you're out there eating, I don't care how much your fucking plate was. Yeah, you know, I'm saying we'll put that bitch julien's not gonna pay tonight
Starting point is 01:22:17 Because I hate them Insecurity that's a huge turnoff for me Yeah, I mean it depends like the level of it. I think most I think everyone's in there in in some degree. That's what I was gonna say most people are but then there's like All right, if I tell you like how beautiful you are and how much I love you and how much like Or how awesome of a person you are and you're still insecure now. We got to like look for professional help here because these insecurities they get so Like we were just talking about like how girls they could be dressed in anything like
Starting point is 01:22:52 You don't need to go that hard like for us. Yeah, but that's but it's not they're not. Yeah, but that's the thing They're not dressing up so that we're like, oh, you look good. It's not us It's like they're looking at themselves as they think like they're judging themselves. Yeah guys I'm gonna let you know your girlfriend is not dressed for you. I'm just letting you know that 100% you back me up on that claim or not. No, I do they do not dress for us They do not dress for anything else but other women. You know how I know that Because they say it a lot. Yeah, they dress so other women will be like, oh, that's cute I've been there. I've been 16 years old and being like, yo, you have too much makeup on like chill
Starting point is 01:23:33 And they're like, that's great. I'm not fucking wearing this for you, bitch. Yeah, I'm like, whoa And then you that's when you find out. No, but yeah, I think I think like a lot of people have insecurities about certain things and You know, whatever Everyone's insecure about something. Of course, but if your insecurities start Causing problems. Yeah, that's when it becomes like a turnoff where it's like, all right, man Yeah, it's like then it becomes a little Little much like I will help you through your insecurities
Starting point is 01:24:01 But if your insecurities start to like now Become a gigantic issue that I'm wrapped up in like Well, there's another one that on here that says lack of confidence I think lack of confidence and insecurities are the same thing. Right. Am I tripping or not? No, no, no, that's the same. Um Body hair, I think we covered that Is a turnoff Who's the hottest girl in the world to you JLo, right? That's like your favorite, right? Yes You guys are just fucking hooking up, right?
Starting point is 01:24:32 I know you're gonna ask but you open it up and that it's bush though But it's like that weird bush that like goes to like their thighs, you know, like retro you eating that sniz Yes Yeah, me too, um as long as she shampoos it I'm good. That's true. Do you shampoo your pubes? Indirectly I soap them your soap situation sucks. Why you never have it I use bar soap. Yeah, you can't share bar soap
Starting point is 01:25:08 Share bar soap. Wow Who am I sharing bar? Oh, you're you shower here twice. Yeah, but I'm saying I would never use your bar of soap I have mad bars of soap Yeah, I would use a new one before I use that use like body wash. I don't like that shit I use a washcloth In a loof Right. No, I'm talking about like for soap. Yeah for soap. I use a washcloth What do you put on the washcloth soap?
Starting point is 01:25:32 What kind of soap bar soap? Irish spring. So what's the fucking? I don't want to use soap that's been on your fucking balls bra. That's all I'm saying soap We're good Also though too like the body hair thing I get Like for girls some girls don't like body hair on guys, right? But I also think that girl's like a middle ground. I thought well
Starting point is 01:25:57 Yeah, they do like a like I'm not gonna shave this like a baby, but I'll bring it down I'll lower the volume, but I'm not muting it There I think there are I mean obviously girls like Like everything, but I think that the the middle ground I have heard that girls are like I don't like like dudes that are just like a swimmer where there's like nobody here No, and like a beat of sweat will leave their head and just roll right down to their pinky toe I never want to touch a guy's arm and it's like prickly
Starting point is 01:26:27 Yeah, like shaving is disgusting. I would rather that than have like a shaved chest. I think that's weird. Yeah Like that's weird. Uh, I gotta trim this down though for the summertime because It's gonna get hot in there. Yeah, but buzz it boy Oh Yeah, well you got on that list. Um Do you ever buzz your armpits? I recently just I buzzed my armpits. I just did it for the fire, son I did it for the first time in a long time. What'd you use though?
Starting point is 01:26:59 A buzzer Gotta be careful. You can cut your skin. I don't go to the skin You put a clip on it Yeah, but yeah, you put like a like a guard on it. Yeah No, I don't do like nothing. No, no, no, no, no, no, but if you buzz it all the way down, dude, like, you know, you stink so much less Yeah, but I don't like to have like that When it starts to grow back and you're all pricked. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but you ever shower and get out and your armpits still kind of smell So I have this weird thing where I don't I don't really smell
Starting point is 01:27:32 You know, I so here's a very real thing coming over there Put your right arm up Yeah, don't I know you smell like you smell like you don't wear deodorant. I don't I haven't worn deodorant in years So I can't do that again. I go out all the time. Don't wear deodorant I very rarely smell like randomly on like random like a human
Starting point is 01:28:10 Yeah, I just smell like skin. Yeah, I don't smell See that I can't I have to I have to try I have deodorant in my house in the event that like I'm like, whoa, this is really bad But I I don't really use it well Isn't that crazy? I can tell you confidently in the past six months. I have never used deodorant But like within a year, I'll maybe use it like five times Because there will be a day where I'm like, oh, I got to go somewhere and like the stinks right now But like those are the only times
Starting point is 01:28:40 What about your gooch? How the fuck am I gonna smell that you've smelled your gooch. You never rubbed under your balls and smelled it. No Yeah, I've done that mad times, dude. I haven't I just so I test where I'm at. Why if I assume it if it's wet I assume it stings. Yeah You know, so I'll just shower and then I'll be gooch All right, well I had a ball clipper for you, but I'm just gonna keep it because you're not gonna use it. All right um
Starting point is 01:29:06 Being too what how many more we got left three uh being too handsy in public Yeah, I'm not I'm not about the pda. Are you a hand holder? No, I don't like holding hands your hand in pocket guy I I'm not a hand in pocket guy. I just like to just walk Here's another weird thing that I do that I don't I don't like about myself But for whatever reason I just like do it. I don't Walk with people. Yeah You did that the other day and you just take off like a maniac. Yeah, I take off and then you get mad when people are behind you
Starting point is 01:29:36 I don't complain because I realize how stupid it is, but like I I uh No, but you'll be like where'd you guys go if we go with two people. Oh, no that day that was ridiculous Well, you fucking Eric was stopping for Marco we're stopping for like chicken handouts and you're getting stuck at lights It was stupid, but I'm saying like if I'm with one other person and we're just walking like I just walk I don't necessarily stop at your pace like I hate that about myself, but I don't like holding hands I don't like things in between my fingers Like I don't I will never wear a ring right
Starting point is 01:30:08 Like even like at a wedding They're gonna put it on my hand I'm gonna go cool and as soon as I get down the aisle. I'm popping it off and I'm putting it back Really? Yeah, I'm not wearing ring. I don't like it. I don't wear like a ring like on a necklace I'd rather do that than wear it on my finger, but I'm not doing that Like because I don't I don't like it just like the the feeling of it. I don't like things in between my fingers It doesn't feel comfortable. What about hair? what like like
Starting point is 01:30:35 Your partner's hair like will you like rub their hair? Yeah. Yeah. All right, so I'm just talking about like hard things bad drivers Is that a turnoff? I don't know. I feel like mostly I drive. Yeah, it's true poor taste in shoes I think this is big. Yes, it is because if you're one of those guys listen guys listen If you have sneakers, are you talking about girls? I don't know about their shoes. Oh, yeah Yeah, I'm just talking from from guys since if you have sneakers Don't tie your sneakers like you're about to run a 40-yard dash Okay, don't pull your fucking laces so hard that it actually looks like a bunny's ears are hanging off your shoes
Starting point is 01:31:13 Learn how to lace your fucking sneakers Okay You're saying I just hate that I hate that Like, you know, there's always a guy that like his shoes are tied so tight Yeah, it's not sexy or just like tuck those ears in. Yeah, tuck the ears You're crushing that fucking toothpick, aren't you? It's food. It tastes so good. It really does calling me pet names in public That eventually would drive me to violence. Oh googie
Starting point is 01:31:51 I would lose it. I would lose it Like I hate I cannot explain how much I hate that like do you like would you be embarrassed? I'd be embarrassed and I also would just be like ill like what are you seven? Yeah Like I would I would hate to have a nickname like if like yo, that would be insane. Yeah. Yeah I could never be with someone who's like oh my little fucking crab You say my little crab It's always pinching me my little crab
Starting point is 01:32:20 So pinchy I I would hate that. Yeah, I would hate that too. I think it's gross that honestly would be a deal breaker I think it's disgusting actually. It would be a deal breaker for me. It's just like I like I can't I can't do this No, I'm sorry. I also don't like watching my friends like make out with like There's significant others in front of me. Yeah, don't do that. Don't make out. No public. No insane I feel weird even like kissing sometimes I don't mind that but like if you're gonna full on make out with someone in a public establishment You are a psycho. Yeah, unless you're like drunk and like just me. Yeah, just meeting Yeah, like you're too gross people just coming together like two gross comments. Yeah
Starting point is 01:32:56 If you're and if you're in a club, you could I don't piss in each other's mouth Yeah, that's a gross place to be. Yeah, but if you're at a bar you had a restaurant. You're making out dude. What are you nuts? disgusting also on a date I'm not a fan of the sitting next to each other thing Sitting next to each other in a booth is so gross. You know what else I I can't stand it You know, it drives me crazy. You might think I'm crazy for this. Put your hand up Which way just just put it on the table like that. We're having dinner
Starting point is 01:33:25 Yeah, I hate it while eating. Yeah Let him go. Yeah, he's right there. He's not going anywhere and he has a knife over here He needs he needs utensils Stop touching me. What side is the plate? Does the knife go on? What'd you just say? What side of the plate does the knife go on? The right? Yes And the fork's on no and the fork's on the No, the no, no, no, I'm gonna school you
Starting point is 01:33:51 No, the fork's on the left. You want to know how to remember so people remember knife is on the right knife has five letters What also has five letters? Right, okay, I saved you there I was gonna try and think of a word that was funny with five letters, but I was like I'm not moving fork Left for fork. That's how you know, right? Well, also how you cut like a piece of chicken or something. You just yeah, but some people are left-handed duck If you're left-handed, do you oh you go the other way? No, I eat I eat right-handed. Yeah. Yeah But you know, I think in um, you know
Starting point is 01:34:25 I think we were pretty much what the hell was that? I don't know. That was a child Children are always screaming. Yeah, they have no control. They have no control. Just shut up. Shut up, please By the way, before we wrap up here Yeah, I just want to give a quick shout out to madison and chris who work at a hotel in north carolina that hooked up my dad And he told me that he that you guys are fans of the show. So I just wanted to say thank you for hooking them up That's very cool. Yeah, but I have a shout out too My parents went back to the town where I told that kid his dad was dead Right. Yeah, they went there more real weekend shout out to my buddy, uh, freddy
Starting point is 01:35:01 He ran into my parents. He's a huge fan of the show. Nice. So come full circle Kid had an absolute ratchet from the corner, by the way. Really? Yeah, he was wet. Yeah. Yeah, you could shoot the shit out of the basketball Hell, yeah, um, and to wrap up the show. Let's get some patreon shoutouts here. Um Also, if you want to sign up for the patreon you get every uh You get every fucking, um Episode a week early. I was gonna help you out. Yeah. Oh, you get every episode a week early You get some extra content or me and danny answer your questions
Starting point is 01:35:32 And uh, you get an extra exclusive episode every single month to go check that out And also these are some people that you want to shout out some so we start with austin, uh, terraro Terraria terraria. Whoa, we got the most italian person ever. Matteo D'ampietro God damn that guy's a national that guy's hot as fuck. Yeah, that guy is tan and just like ripped and got hot dog skin Lives on the side of a mountain. Oh god, I love it. He's got a crazy backyard Matt burna Damn son with the burna. Yeah, man. He just actually sounds like he had snowboards a ton. Yeah Arnold menendez menendez
Starting point is 01:36:09 Phenomenal soccer player. Oh, yeah, uh, rebecca. Oh, whoa, holy shit. Oh, jack. Oh jack I pronounced that definitely wrong. That's a good name. Sorry about that rebecca Genessa king damn fire last night. Yeah, I wish my last name was king sounds like a basketball player Yeah, genessa king like a w mba basketball player at guard. She's got a yeah. She's got a ratchet. She's got a ratchet, too Yeah, uh, katelyn kozak Ozark Kimberly mask It's kind of cool. It's porny
Starting point is 01:36:41 Yeah, it is kimberley mask and you know what mask i'm talking about Oh, sorry kimberley um Gabrielle roe barge My belly just made noise. Bless you, dude Three minutes of cold Is that what they say? I think that's like a weird thing they say. Yeah, erica gonzalez I feel like I went to middle school with this person gerardo gonzalez. So are they related? What's going on over there? Pablo valentine?
Starting point is 01:37:12 Fired Sexual intercourse. Damn. Pablo valentine. Uh, elie manila. Shut up Just scream that kid uh Uh, alexa simi alexa simi on semi on semi on semi on Uh, lindsey motherfucking walsh. Well, well, well, was that motherfucker put in there? It was just yeah, it's mf. Oh, wow Motherfucker very aggressive Nice, uh, briana franco
Starting point is 01:37:47 Neighborhood. Yeah, I went to a nice school. Yeah, uh, molly deenan or danine I can't put a lawyer. Okay, uh, brook marsh Long blonde blonde hair. Yeah long blonde hair contrager Matt clean hands Whoa, what? Klein hands Not clean hands. Although maybe he's got some I would hope he'd have clean hands. I would hope everyone. Yeah Brienne magoo
Starting point is 01:38:22 Magoo, I'm not I'm not really pronouncing these correctly today. It's all right. Uh, michelle wangen wangen wangen It's out here. Wanging. Well, wanging and hanging, you know, wanging and banging Uh Canada see frank what this can't be no Okay, that can't be right. No cannot. Uh, katie darville. Shout out to katie, man Always holding it down for I don't know how that is. She's legit. Yeah, make bellis Bellis. Oh my god, and this is might be the most fucking greek name ever Leanne, okay
Starting point is 01:38:55 Demo fiend nose demo fiend nose. I fucked that up demo fiend nose. It does sound like a like a Meek nose. It sounds like a dinosaur. Yeah In a way james uh fusco fusco play play uh play corner uh Last one we have is jane allen Going down in history as one of the best tennis players of all time. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely everyone Thank you so much for being a patron again You can go to slash the basement yard to be a patron and get some extra content in every episode a week early
Starting point is 01:39:33 And uh, yeah, danny working. They find at daniel apriori on instagram and twitter nailed it this week Boom and also guys go follow the twitter uh the instagram at the basement yard for some clips and shit like that And that is all see you guys next time

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