The Basement Yard - #200 - Storming Area 51

Episode Date: July 29, 2019

On the 200th episode of The Basement Yard, we discuss storming Area 51, Bagel Boss, what the meaning of talent is and have fun with balloons. Enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.f...m/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, yo welcome back to the basement yard. Yeah, it's the boys boys. It's our 200 It's our 200th episode to hunt it that's why we got the balloons in the back show them the balloons D Balloons everyone go watch this on YouTube right now YouTube comm slash the basement yard Then we got the 200 balloons in the background the shit cost $10 each to hunt it $10 for the two $10 for both zeros each which cost $40 that's $30. Yeah Your is that a hole in the back yeah, these hats. Yeah, man for the pony. Oh wow. Yeah Rhinestones in the back. Yeah, I got the pony in the front. I got the glitter. You're fresh as fuck, dude Yeah, I'm sweating these glasses up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a very hot day, New York
Starting point is 00:00:53 Oh, it's hot the humidity is just through the roof. Yeah It's amazing for our 200th episode. I also got you a little gift and shit Oh, but it's only for you obviously cuz like you started the show and shit Yeah, and then you like brought me on to be like your bitch, you know I'm saying Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, right and then like I grew out of being your bitch But like I'm still kind of your bitch in front of but yeah, you know what I'm saying Yeah, you know what I'm saying which which what I'm trying to get to is that you like you were a good leader and shit
Starting point is 00:01:25 So I got you a book on being a leader Minute motivators for leaders. Yeah Just go open up to a random place. Did you bought this when you bought the balloons? I did it was just there. Yeah Leaders get acquainted with the team we get acquainted. Yeah, we're very acquainted. We're not acquainted I've seen like you in your underwear and stuff. Oh, yeah, you know Um leaders acts directions I didn't read the book. Yeah, I Didn't read it leaders are goal-driven. That's true. That's you for show. I got goals hell. Yeah, and we're trying to drive towards them
Starting point is 00:02:07 Yes, um leaders always involve others. That's true. I just said that I've been involving people leaders love people That's true. I love you dog. I love you, too I don't know. I don't know. It's the glasses. It's the glasses. I feel so confident. I don't I feel scared No, I feel like I could do anything. I honestly feel like I could you know, I don't know I also bought glasses that are like SPF 400. Yeah, I saw that on the back. I just said like 4,000 UV. Yeah, I was like, dude, I'm not going to the Sun. I don't know. I might turn these into a thing You're gonna wear them at least the hat I'm gonna make sure I get front ponies all day. Oh, you're gonna front pony your hats now
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah, I've been thinking about cutting my hair though doing what with it. Just cutting it Okay, just knocking off what I'm doing. Just knocking it off. Just knock it off. Just knock it off, you know Just knock off what you're doing. Yeah, just knock it off sometimes. Sometimes you just got to knock it off Yeah, you know shave your head. No, I can't do that Why not because then you like a fat guy with like a bald head You got to be really like strong. Yeah. Yeah, like I have to be able to lift like those atlas stones Yeah, I feel like people would think you're Polish then. Yes I feel like a lot of fat bald dudes who are strong or Polish. It's true. Or like Ukrainian
Starting point is 00:03:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're definitely from somewhere over there and they're always have chalky hands very chalked hands and like tape knees Yeah, yeah, and they always wear wraps in the gym. Yeah, you can't do that. I don't even know what a gym is That's true. Yeah Been doing the show for a while now. Yeah, two hundred episodes. Can we talk about? When you decided to do the first one ever. Oh, yeah, let me take these off Take these off. Hell no, you're shining right now. Party's here. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? I feel like I'm killing it Fucking snooki. I don't think so. Um, no, but when did I decide that? Hmm. And what was the date of the first one? It was a Wednesday. I have no idea
Starting point is 00:04:08 The podcast started out of my mom's basement. Okay much like everything else that has started in my life Yeah This show is called the basement yard because that's what my brothers and sisters and I used to call the basement Got it. We're all this started Because she wouldn't let us out in the front yard. She's like, oh, I'm cooking dinner or something like you can't go outside I can't keep an eye on you. Go play in the yard downstairs So we'd be like can we play in the basement yard and that was where we started it So that's why it's called the basement yard when people ask me that I'm like, I don't know. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:40 It'll be like, oh, so what does it mean? I'm like, it's like a thing It's the name. Yeah, you gotta ask Joe. It's one of those things. Yeah, it's just one of them things But yeah, that's that's what that's called That's why it's called the basement yard because we used to call it that when we were kids Do you remember what you talked about on the first podcast? Yes, I do and it actually makes sense It's like this is the first thing The first episode ever you would think I would be like, okay, this is gonna be my podcast I'm just gonna do it by myself do like an intro sort of thing and like blah blah blah. Nope. Yeah, it was me
Starting point is 00:05:09 Keith and my buddy Danny and we talked about this guy from like Mexico who had like a 19 inch cock That's coming out of the gates hot. Oh, yeah, we came out with the 19 inch fucking pecker like immediately out the gate I mean you've matured much since then Content wise, I mean not much. No, I would say not at all I'm talking about cocks for every day to say five seconds. I would say you've regressed But I think I said I've been in a good way. I think I've stayed the course. Yeah. Yeah If anything the longevity is just amazing. Yeah way more dicks have been talked about Yeah, if you want to talk about progression in that way when did we I didn't talk about balls on that episode
Starting point is 00:05:48 That's true. We talk about balls now shout out the balls shout the balls. Yeah, and then When did you like decide that you did you do it every week back then? Yeah, I know I was gonna do every week because I originally started doing a podcast It was called evasion invasion of privacy with Kate Wolf. Okay. I hear this name of Kate Wolf a lot. Do you yeah? Like you used to talk to comedians with her, right? Well, that's the thing. Yes, they would that was the first time I was introduced to like the podcast world I didn't really know what it was. I had met her when I worked at elite and we became good friends like off the bat and And you were still tubing like I was tubing. Yeah, you're tubing you're tubing
Starting point is 00:06:26 I was definitely tubing and I had a full-time job and then FTJ in a full YG man. That's a shitload of shit It's a shitload of piss Oh lay That's a shit little piss But yeah, I started and then she actually said hey, do you want to a podcast together? So we did that. Okay, and And then I eventually stopped doing that and like In between that time I was doing basement yard though, right? So I started all that shit like kind of around the same time. Okay, I figured if I'm I'm gonna buy my own shit and like whatever
Starting point is 00:07:03 But Yeah, and then I got an apartment Cool that I didn't live in Okay, it was in it. It was in Astoria still and I why'd you get an apartment and I live in it Because I just wanted like an office like it was like a studio space for me Because it wasn't like a big oh It was like a two bedroom But the second bedroom you could fit like maybe a bed and that was all so I just put like a desk in there to edit
Starting point is 00:07:26 And I'd go there every day to like record podcasts record videos and then edit and then I just go home You were living there. I think when I first started talking to you, I think Did you come there? Yes, you did. You did. I never came there. We facetimed once. No, but you recorded an episode with me You can't you had to have come there No, that was at the oh the other one For uh, yeah, you're right. Whatever that that full screening Right, right, right. That that was the first one. It's called a fallen vine star. Yeah, man. We've both come a long way Yeah, I mean this pony is distracting me. I gotta be honest with you. You don't like it. You want me to pull it back?
Starting point is 00:08:02 I'm yeah, I'm just you know, I don't know what it is while your forehead's glistening dog like with sweat. Yeah, sorry It's the rhinestones They make you sweat the stones Yeah, it's kind of hot. Yeah, I mean, um Do you Do you ever think back to old episodes or are you so like like uh Like caught up in like what's gonna come out next week Like do you mean go back? Like do you do you ever listen to like episode 10? I've never listened to a podcast in my life
Starting point is 00:08:34 I don't think I've ever listened either No, especially one that I'm on I'm never gonna listen to do you like the sound of your voice I don't mind it. See I had this conversation with Greg yesterday actually Did you really we were recording other people's lives shout out to that's another podcast that I do OPL boys on that Santa gato studios network, which by the way Now we can talk about it. Yes Danny has a new show. I do Danny's got a new show guys. I broke free from the chain from the chain of
Starting point is 00:09:03 me Yeah, uh Frankie and Danny have a podcast now. It's called the stank Uh with Danny and Frank It's only on youtube and soundcloud right now because we've got to get some like whatever to like send into itunes Show the shelf the shelf. Um But definitely go check that out. Hell. Yeah. So what do you how you guys talking about like movie reviews? Yeah, we're talking about movies. We're talking about tv shows talking about video games And then we're just talking about life on top of that too. So, you know
Starting point is 00:09:28 Because you want to know what it is. I feel like a lot of people have emotional attachments to shows Characters video games. I do. You know what I mean? So I think diving delving Get delving into those and showing like, you know Our personalities and what these shows mean to us. Yeah, you know Because I think that one of the most things that you could talk about the most between friends like common ground is tv Yeah, and movies. I like to binge. I like to binge. I gotta be honest too. I'll joke aside like You and Frankie. I'm really looking forward to that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, like I'm just
Starting point is 00:10:03 I can't wait to like watch and just It's gonna be it's gonna be disgusting. It's gonna be disgusting. It's gonna be a fantastic show. Yeah. I mean it is Yeah, if you guys aren't uh following already, uh at the stank podcast stank spell s t a n k For those of you out there who are not familiar with the stanky leg But it's the stank podcast on instagram go follow that and it'll be on youtube just like search it I guess It'll be like on the side I'll blast that shit out Yeah, I will be on like the side of the baseman yard channel like there'll be like feature channels It'll be one of those so go check it out. Damn. We're gonna get featured dog. Yeah, dude. That's fresh. Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:40 That's fresh it's part of the network. You know I'm saying it's the boys. It's the baseman yard It's other people's lives and now it's the stank We're growing in this you know I'm saying you Frankie greg it's lit. Yeah These glasses are bringing out like a different side. I know confidence dude, brother It's confident. Yeah, speaking of confidence. I want to kind of talk about the most confident people on the planet Uh, so apparently there's a million people who are storming area 51 in september. Yeah Don't do that. Yeah They're gonna why would you do that? I don't I think it's a troll. I don't think anyone's gonna show up
Starting point is 00:11:21 Are you insane? You think they're gonna show up dude? Yeah, someone's gonna die Yeah People are gonna people are gonna be murdered. Do you know what would be nuts if they just flew a spaceship and just fucking? Not killed but like maybe right but like of them. Yeah, just just problem just a little yeah a little A little bruises. Yeah I wonder if the government is going to if they're in like cleanup mode right now Like get all the aliens in the basement
Starting point is 00:11:49 Like, you know like probably like, you know when your dad would hit that first step and you're like, well, fuck dad's coming Pretend you're asleep. Yeah. Yeah, that's exactly they're doing an area 51. Oh shit. They're actually coming. All right Put et downstairs. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, man. What are you? Do you really think that they have? Hell, yeah, they do right they got alien technology in that shit. They have weird shit They're gonna shoot ray guns at shit. But the thing is The thing is is area 51 is why are they so secretive? Why can't they just tell us? I don't know secret secrets are no fun unless they're shared with everyone I know I'd like to know I think that
Starting point is 00:12:27 If enough people show up, they're gonna have to give us something Do you think they can put on performance? We're not. Yeah, it's like an encore like please. Please. Please like we'll do one more It's like we'll let you see like his hand and it'll be like a fit like, you know, like We want to see it. Yeah. Yeah, and then it'll be like It'd be like, oh my god. This is like the dumbest modern day Rebellion ever it's like we can't take this anymore. We need to know if there's aliens We're gonna storm that I was like, dude There's mines on the ground probably. Yeah, or like they have alien technology. You don't think this guy
Starting point is 00:13:01 They're gonna disguise everything. They're gonna throw up like a fucking invisible invisibility cloak on shit Come on dog Harry Potter reference. Yeah Shit is real. Shit is real. I think they got aliens over there, bro I just watched the Bob Lazar documentary. What the fuck is that dude watching on Netflix? It's a dude. Bob Lazar? Bob Lazar, man. Actually, you know, it's funny. It's crazy I know I'm plugging other people's lives again, but we did interview this guy who directed it It's a very popular thing right now on Netflix. It's one of like on the popular releases or whatever Um
Starting point is 00:13:31 It's called Bob Lazar and then some shit. I don't fucking know. Okay, but the guy who directed that we interviewed Hmm on other people's lives about aliens and like all this shit because he's been doing research And this is before the doc came out Um, but he had been working on it at that point, but the dude Bob Lazar Uh He apparently worked at area 51 And he's dropping bombs. Like well, he dropped bombs like 30 years ago I was like, yo mother fuckers got nine ships
Starting point is 00:13:59 And I worked on some of these ships and we're trying to replicate the The generators or whatever the fuck word he used is crazy shit. All right. I'm gonna have to watch it tonight Yeah, yes, it's fire. You know, it's the most crazy shit about that, right? They talked In and you you see it in the doc. They talked in the fucking woods in his backyard And they're just talking about this shit and like how the FBI has been, you know, given them shit for so long, blah, blah, blah The day after that conversation happened, he's dead The FBI raided his house his place of business Like they were there. Whoa
Starting point is 00:14:36 See if it wasn't real why was it golden and and and they Specifically referenced the conversation that they had in the fucking backyard Like outside That's weird. Yes Why would they do that? Because motherfuckers no shit. Yeah And the biggest thing with Bob Lazar is that there's like this element I think they call it like element 115 or some shit. All right, like plutonium like some like unkindable that he may have taken
Starting point is 00:15:05 From area 51. Oh, he took goo with him. He took some goo Yeah, dude, the guy's got some alien cream You know what I'm saying? Like the guy must have taken some alien like alien gas. Yeah, some alien goop You know and he's using it to like for his experience. I feel like aliens and goop goes so hand in hand Yeah, man, you gotta have a like aliens are goopy, dude. Like, you know what I mean? Like that's I didn't make them like they're they made them. Yeah, they're goopy folks Yeah, so I think he took some goop. He's a goopy and he's got it in his basement
Starting point is 00:15:34 But he's got a good hiding spot because those motherfuckers rated that bitch, but they didn't find the the goop So it's yo, is he like he's alive Yeah, he's no spoiler. Yeah, man. He's got a goop. They're afraid of him You gotta be afraid of a man who's got the goop. Oh, he's got hidden goop Dude, it's a wrap for you. I'm afraid of that. I got I got element 115 alien goop in my basement Like yo raid me, but you touch me. It's gonna get goopy. Yeah Goopy-doopy. That's what I'm saying, bro. I don't fuck with the goop. Yeah, don't fuck with the goop I got cream in the basement. That'll fuck your shit up
Starting point is 00:16:07 So area 51 is in Nevada, right? Yeah, it's in the desert So Has anyone ever been killed trying to go in there? Uh, I assume probably you don't hear about it though I mean, it's usually people who are like They got nothing going on. What does storm area 51 mean? Are they gonna run at it? Or they just kind of like hang out and post pictures outside because when I hear a storm I think of like running battle speech like Avengers endgame. Yeah Assemble and fucking just going. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah climb and shit. Yep, and they're trying to it's gonna look like world war z
Starting point is 00:16:42 Yeah, I just think that like no matter how many people you have If there's a big wall, you're just gonna get to the wall Yeah, yes, what are you gonna do? I don't know that far. I don't know what kind of security they have over there at area 51 I'm sure it's pretty fucking good, but I'm pretty sure it's Solid, yeah, you know, especially one they could prepare for and they know exactly the day See if they were smart they go the day before. Yeah, or they'd go Tomorrow. Yeah trick them Don't let her prepare get in there get that fucking goop. Send a fucking drone. Yeah. No, they'll shoot that down
Starting point is 00:17:15 It's your sax that'd be fire though Imagine you work that day. It's like, oh Jesus today's the storm. Yeah of like the yuppies Show us the alien goop I need to see the goop If you lived in Nevada, would you be curious to go bro? I would go but like not go I'd be a fuck because it's in the desert. It's you know, unless it's very like Mountainous, which I don't know. I when I picture the desert. I just picture flat lands a dry heat
Starting point is 00:17:45 So if I can just like stand there and be like look at these fucking idiots And then all of a sudden there's tear gas being tossed it. Yeah, that's like a tear gun, right? I feel like it's gonna look like a like a Soccer parade and there's gonna be random flares and flags. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm like, Jesus. What just happened? Brazil just scored? That is actually a very good comparison. Yeah, uh, I think There will be some casualties People are going down. I also think people are just gonna go down just because the the amount of people Yeah, they're gonna run. Yeah, they're gonna trample on each other
Starting point is 00:18:18 You know one white woman's gonna go down because that's what they do they trip Yeah, and then she's just gonna be like no one's gonna help me And then she's just gonna get ran over by a bunch of people. Yeah, she's gonna get Mufasa hard Yeah, it's gonna be a wrap for her if anyone dies there by accident Wasn't worth it. No, but also yo people die at black friday trying to get a set of spoons So like we're trying to fuck with aliens and trying to see some like extraterrestrial cream Someone's going down. I'd fight for the cream. I'd fight to see the cream if I knew the cream was there
Starting point is 00:18:51 I I would go fucking Bob Lazar got it. Yeah, I know Bob Lazar did I say is there anywhere? Yeah, that guy's got fucking cream. He's not sharing But he might have took all the goop. Why aren't we storming Bob Lazar? That's what I'm saying that guy has more information than area 51 probably give me the fucking goop. Yeah, I want to know I need to see it I I'm not storming though. I'm not storming. They got they got towers with guns. I'm a coward though Oh, I'm a bitch, but I'm a coward, but here's the thing If it was like hey, listen
Starting point is 00:19:24 The world's gonna end. We have to storm. I'll go. Oh, yeah This is this is recreational death. This is recreational like storming. Yeah, this is like asking someone to kill you This is like running up to somebody and being hey kill me, sir. Did we not learn? Like back in the day when people would fight wars They would just stand in lines and then just stop and shoot at each other like there was no hiding There was no like now we're going back to that. We're just gonna run and hope for the like can't get all of us They're gonna get somebody though All I know is I'm standing in the way back
Starting point is 00:20:02 I'm gonna stand to the side with a lawn chair Maybe pop this top get a little tan while I'm watching these people getting picked off Yeah, I would probably sit back and get a tan And if anyone does die It's gonna be hard to feel bad for him though. Yeah, like yo you stormed a government secret Yeah agency building thing. I don't know what it is even I feel like it's all underground too. I feel like you have a base up top that there's like Oh, we just have compute like they hired actors to just hit computers up there
Starting point is 00:20:33 Like there's big computers and these guys are just like fake typing But then you like go over to like a bookcase and you open up the thing and you go shoot into the floor You go down to the earth's center near the magma where it's really hot right through the crust Yeah, and like it's really hot so like cameras don't work and shit. Yeah, no cell phones. No cell phones either, right? No service under that like none of you know, there's no one can cover that and When you get down there, that's when they like start experimenting with recreating like Alien spacecrafts. There's like an alien and like a jar of water buckets a goop. Yeah. Yeah Buckets a goop. Yeah, and there's a lot of eyeballs and jars like severed ones like ones with like one leg
Starting point is 00:21:13 Like messed up experiments, but they still keep them around for data. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, you know, what's crazy to think about you know, what's crazy to think about if we have nine saucers Right, okay. Oh, I thought you were gonna tell me a math equation If you have nine saucers and I take seven and they're traveling at 45 miles an hour each What time will they reach? What time will they pass? I was so bad at those. Oh, I was amazing Adam. I loved them Were you really? All right, so let me do one right now. No, you're not gonna make one up You weren't good at solving them. You're gonna create one. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no All right, so if one will get right back in the area 51, but I want to see if I could do this
Starting point is 00:21:50 All right two trains. Yeah are traveling the Spain Right from London to Spain, let's say. Okay. All right. Yeah once traveling at 20 miles an hour Slow train And then the other one's traveling at 50 miles an hour. Oh, so slow train. What time will they get to Spain? I don't know how fucking far it is. That's right. You're dumb. All right back to area 51 Um But yeah, I don't know what we were talking about now Yeah, you were talking about fucking big ass computers and fucking people in goop sauce
Starting point is 00:22:25 Yeah, I think and you said if we have nine saucers that went into the math, right? That's what I wanted to get I'll always bring you back, baby. Thank you so much, baby uh If we have nine saucers, right When I think of nine saucers by the way, I'm thinking that ice cream Yeah, you know what I'm saying those saucers the flying saucers that were like half chocolate And they had the cookie never mind remember skinny cows Not really. I know those fat mamas
Starting point is 00:22:53 The skinny cows were like for like people like me Low sugar ice cream. Oh, I was gonna say a big old boy big old boys too probably Put it down. You know what I had the other day a fucking magnum Can't uh ice cream bar Holy fucking shit. Yeah, it was chocolate on the outside Caramel on the shell and then another chocolate shell and then vanilla inside. Holy fuck It's mad shells chocolate caramel chocolate vanilla You see what I'm saying, but yo that ice cream's got mad layers of protection
Starting point is 00:23:29 We're talking about area 51. You don't think they got at least a fence and then a wall and then another fence How you gonna storm area 51 when we got ice cream that's got fucking layers of security It's harder to get through a fucking magnum fucking ice cream bar probably I think you'll be able to get I think some people are gonna be able to get in there But they're not gonna see what they want to see It's like if you if you're running towards a place you're gonna see in the window, maybe a little bit of that Yeah, yeah, and then that's that then you're gonna get ushered away like no, no, I didn't get to see it I didn't see enough
Starting point is 00:24:02 Not only that, but when you get to area 51 like what what is it realistically what look like in there and you already know Like you said, they're already throwing everything in the closet It's in the basement and sweeping everything under the rugs Oh, yeah, and you know what I'm saying and you know, they're hiding all the goop But when when you get in there, it's just gonna look like a museum So maybe they even let you guys in there and then like you're like, yeah We just ran to the museum of natural history for no reason You know, it'd be funny if they stormed there and rang the doorbell and just a white Mormon family answered the door
Starting point is 00:24:33 Like a dad. There you go. Hey, there's gonna be one guy in the back with a gun. It's an alien Just light this family up I think that enough people will go for it to make the news, but I don't think people are gonna fuck with their I think they're just gonna stand out there and they're like, please let us in they're gonna like now Yeah, all right. We'll eventually go home then Yeah, it's fucking stupid. Well, there are probably a couple radicals though that we'll try to get there like crazy old people I'll tell you that guy a burning man. Remember that guy a burning man that just ran into the fire and died No, so a burning man. I know what it you know, so the guy just one guy just ran into the fire and died
Starting point is 00:25:12 I also want to say like burning man I would never go to that shit Yeah, I mean because I'm a normal person who doesn't like not a festival guy like Bonnaroo I also don't think it's a festival. I just think it's just like a place for you to do drugs and Fuck dirty people. Yeah, man. You want to fuck a sandy puss? That's I mean go right ahead. Yeah Do you think aliens have body hair? Why do you care I just want to know I think there's these are the questions I want to know if I got if I If I broke down the wall, right? Yeah, and I got over and I'm over that fucking wall
Starting point is 00:25:45 And there's no ever they're shooting everybody else and I run into a room and I slam the door and I'm like And I turn around and there's an alien behind me I want to have a conversation with him. I want to know what he feels like. I want to know what he smells Yeah, I want to see if he's scaly or like you said goopy. Oh, I think they're all like slimy, but they feel like dolphins Yeah, but maybe I meet the right one who's like a nice Alien and I fucking usher him out And like it's like et part two, but just for me or he's like a shape shifter So he just looks like one of the rednecks that you were running with yeah, and he could change
Starting point is 00:26:26 And then I get to name him and get him get him shots and then he lives with me for a month And then and then the government comes like they went to that guy's house But I stash him in the basement and everything looks normal. Everything looks okay. Well, he just shapeshifts into a lamp. Yes Or an even maybe even into my own mother But there's one agent who's on to me a little bit. Did you say agent agent agent agent? I was like, oh, shit No, no, no, there's one agent he could be Asian One Asian agent who sees a little bit of like his tail poking out under the dress. Oh, they got tails Yeah, yeah, yeah, and he's on to me. He's not sure but he is so later on
Starting point is 00:27:05 He'll come back in the middle of the night with like a big calvary. You know I'm saying and then they'll find the alien Right, but he'll be gone And then it'll just be me, but they'll know that I had an alien the whole time So they'll take my family and try to get me to find him And us to come together And then they'll use me and our relationship as a trap To bring the alien back I think that's how it's gonna go
Starting point is 00:27:36 Oh That's a great movie. Yeah, that was it. I don't know what's gonna happen after that. That's gonna be up to chance That's good. That's gonna be up to chance. I think that's I think that's a situation I'd be dealing with Also, yeah, I honestly like wow sweating these bad boys. I'm fucking soaked over here. I just think that uh Thanks for letting me go there too, by the way. I was just wondering where the end was I think I read that's a good fucking story. Yeah, it was a couple cliffhangers. Um My thing is uh That's gonna be up to chance, uh
Starting point is 00:28:42 We don't know if like as someone who is kind of afraid of aliens. I don't know their intentions You know, yeah, and they also have a bad rap they like always are like shoving shit up your ass Yeah, I don't know how true that is. I think that's just like guys who uh Are in that maybe they got they got fingers on you know, it's weird how they call them aliens But like they call immigrants aliens too You know, yeah, you're an illegal alien just being a legal person. Yeah, why are you making them an alien? They're not from outer space. They're not like they don't have dolphin skin. Yeah, they're people An alien's fucking that goes like
Starting point is 00:29:24 And like talks like that. Yeah, and they have goop. Yeah, and they have goop. We've been over this We've been over this how many times we have to bring up the goop. It's not rocket science. Okay, rocket. It's regular science Yeah, the guy's columbian. He's not fucking an extraterrestrial. I'm saying It's columbia. He's a mexican man. He's a mexican man. He's not a mexican alien. He's not a mexican alien Do we know that for sure that you know what? We don't that's what I'm saying. Yeah saucers could be hitting all types of places. What would you do if like one of you One of your really good friends Came up to you and was like, yo
Starting point is 00:29:58 The shit has happened in area 51. I really need to talk to you and he comes here And you guys are sitting down And he's a fucking alien dude. Is he gonna prove it to me because he's gonna have to show me He sheds his human skin like like men in black. Oh, does he peel it from the top? Yeah, and he steps out and he and he's a fucking alien but talks like this Would you tell would you tell on him? Who am I tell? Who am I gonna tell? Fuck no, bro. I got an alien. Yeah, like, yo, we flying like what's good like where am I? I could never tell on my alien friend. I would never tell not hell no
Starting point is 00:30:31 Especially just one out of fear Yeah, because he could probably like Read my thoughts anyway, or like suck your brain out through your asshole or some shit. They yeah Yeah, that's a legitimate fear. I feel like aliens always do stuff the hard brutal way Yeah, like they can't just shoot you. They're like, we're gonna suck your blood out through your penis hole Like we're gonna like suck your testicles out through your ears. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They're always doing some extra shit Yeah, I don't know why right like you could just probe like oh, we have to find out more about the humans Like, you know, we have right here. Yeah, you're gonna get asked me a couple questions
Starting point is 00:31:06 When you really think about it the asshole is like the furthest hole from my brain That's what I'm where you're gonna get all the information. Why are you going through my ass? Yeah That just makes me think that this is a game. Maybe that's where ass backwards came from Aliens. No, no, that's a bad. No. No, I just think that they don't know And they think maybe their brains are in their ass. That's could be what it is But that also doesn't make sense because once you do one human of like, oh, their brains are here Why would you keep going through the ass? Maybe they just want to they're gonna get lucky like y'all eventually someone's gonna have An ass brain probably
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're they're waiting for the ass brain for sure. I think aliens know more than we do though About asses. No, well, yeah that too. But like more about if they got nine saucers, like you said, right? Yeah, yeah How did they get those saucers all in the same place though? Are they leaving now alien bait? Like like rat traps. Yeah, like little like you said rat I said rat you fucking rat the fucking ratchet You think hold up. Do you think one second? How do I open this How do you open it? Yeah, what do you mean? Oh, you're gonna suck the
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, I was just suck the alien What do I do just bite it a little just bite it a little Oh, you're gonna suck that you're gonna get some helium in here, aren't you? Yeah, you gotta get a decent hole man. You can't just like if you pop that right now Oh, that's a lot of air You're fucking rat I'm getting one now. You dirty fucking rat You and your whole family a fucking stack of rats
Starting point is 00:33:08 Oh, yeah Yeah, suck that bite that thing down boy Oh no, oh my god, the fucking aliens are coming you spilled water on the fucking thing I spilled the water. I love it. You spilled water. You're fucking right over the table. You're dirty fucking rat You better clean the fucking water you better clean it you better clean it Oh god How the honest this helium tastes disgusting Oh my god
Starting point is 00:33:58 I feel high be careful because it can be dangerous Your whole fucking family's a fucking rat. Oh my god, you fucking stinky ass. All right, dude We are Suck my fucking ass How did you knock this over? Why did you know? No, because I went to reach It's still kind of high still kind of ratty. You are still kind of am I? No, I'm good. No, no, no You didn't suck hard enough. I definitely sucked pretty hard. Did you? I mean, I wasn't trying to suck a test go through in here or anything. No, no, no, that was fun. But anyway, yeah
Starting point is 00:34:40 Need some water. No, we're good. Um, yeah area 51. Yeah, let's never let's not go there. That's the moral of the story here Don't go Uh, don't go unless you're just trying to watch From a distance and watch these people get picked off and you know, I sound like a little boy. Yeah, what? With uh with the helium. Oh, you did. Yeah, I mean, I didn't sound like that when I was a little boy No, I said I felt like like I sounded like a little boy You felt like a little boy and my laugh was very scary. Oh, I was terrified by that. I didn't want to talk about it No, I can't wait though. You didn't bring it up. No, that's cool. Um, let's get to the
Starting point is 00:35:18 God, I feel exhausted. Okay, we have a whole bunch of ads today. Um Let me throw these back on Danny, what are you doing? I'm trying to just drain this up This whole episode has been an absolute mess and I love it. Yeah, I think I think those are the best episodes that are messes Yeah, when I start sweating we're like, okay, this is gonna be good. I don't know where the hole is Okay, go ads You're making a lot of noise basement yard ads. Yeah You sound like a bee do I yeah, that's what bees sound like All right, oh
Starting point is 00:36:07 I'm a bee look at me. I'm a bee. Oh, oh no, it's some troubling bee land Let's do a dialogue is bees Oh no, the bug prince is here and he's missing you trying to suck this beep penis Somebody took the queen They're coming through the back door Somebody save the queen I'm a bee Sponsors, okay. That's not healthy. No, it's campy
Starting point is 00:36:56 Yeah, I think we need to breathe in like actual off. Yeah, I think I need some stuff Oh It's good times. Good times. Good times. Oh, we're just sweaty bitches right now. Yeah It's out of control. Oh, okay. I'm gonna toss this hat if that's all right. Yeah. Yeah Yeah All right, here we go I got we got we got a couple ads here today first one quip bang great one my favorite toothbrush. Okay. It's an electric toothbrush um
Starting point is 00:37:23 What can I say about it? You guys heard me talk about quip if you haven't bought one yet get on it It's my favorite toothbrush. It's the best one ever Also, my sister who never gives me compliments. It actually said to me like a week and a half ago She's like, oh, yeah, your teeth are really wide. Are you like using like I'm like, no, I'm just I'm just quipping You know what I'm saying watch me and that's not a lie that it's not a made-up thing that it actually happened My sister actually complimented me on my teeth But yeah, they have a two minute pulse two two minute timer that pulses every 30 seconds So you don't want to switch sides
Starting point is 00:37:56 And the best part about it is that you have brush heads that are automatically delivered on a dentist recommended schedule Which is every three months for just five dollars. Okay, so not only do you have this dope ass toothbrush? You also get new brush heads. So it's kind of like having a new toothbrush every three months You never have to worry about going to the store and getting like a pack of 15 or whatever the fuck are these like bullshit ones um Yeah, go out and get a quip Quip starts at just 25 dollars and if you go to get quip comm slash basement right now You can get your first refill pack for free
Starting point is 00:38:27 That's your first refill pack for free at g e t q u i p dot com slash Basement, okay, get that quip get your quip get your quip on you know what I'm saying also staying in the bathroom area We got harry's razors the best razors in the game They don't understand all the way they came all the way up my shoulders almost like dislocated when I did that It's worth it though for harry's not for sure. Um, but they have affordable Quality durable blades at a fair price just two dollars per blade. What that's what I'm saying You know what I'm saying 100 quality guarantee All right
Starting point is 00:39:04 And 10 million people have tried harry so far. It's a lot of peeps. That's a lot of people. That's like a whole bunch of peeps That's like more than the entire new york city. I've tried harry's How many people are in new york? I think like eight or nine million. It's nice. It's very close. It's a lot of peeps tons of peeps But yeah, our listeners can now this this summer refresh your wallet and your face with a harry's trial set Why you know I'm saying it comes with a weighted handle for an easy grip You know, you can't have a loose grip and just drop your thing That's what I'm saying. You can't be doing that. Um, it's got a five blade razor with a lubricating strip and a trimmer blade for a close shave
Starting point is 00:39:42 Who doesn't love lube and who doesn't love clothes shaves? Whoa, uh, a rich lathering shave gel that will leave you smelling great. That's another plus I love smelling great. Um, and a travel blade cover to keep your razor dry and easy on the go I mean, it's a no brainer at this point. It's a no brainer Um listeners of the show redeem your trial set at harry' slash basement. Make sure you go to harry' slash basement to redeem it Okay, harry' slash basement. Go get your razors. Try it out some try out peeps. If you want to the 10 million peeps Get your shave on. We're trying to hit 20 million peeps. Yeah, you know what I mean? Um next we have another sponsor. Okay, we have the farmer's dog
Starting point is 00:40:25 Okay, dog food companies. They love using fancy recipe names and call for pictures of real meat and veggies on their bag But it seems no matter what the brand or price or the ingredients on the label All you find inside are unidentified un ident If viable unidentifiable. Yeah, I can't say that for some reason. It's probably with a helium. We just suck Um dried out brown nuggets. Okay, that's dry brown nuggets. Yeah, I don't like that Not for my pooch. Um, but the farmer's dog
Starting point is 00:40:53 It's a company helping dogs live longer healthier lives by making it easy and inconvenient to feed them fresh food and that is like a huge thing because Uh, a lot of people they feed their dog. I'm not going to say the brand's name But there's like popular brands that don't have good dog that are not good for your dog I remember because I mean you have a dog now and like when I first got a dog We did a lot of research on like what to feed your dog because you can't just give them Whatever no and if you don't really care about it. You didn't really look into it You'll just get one of these popular brands. But if you really like look into it
Starting point is 00:41:21 You really do have to pay attention and and it helps my dog chase Because we fed him well and now he's having farmer's dog He is you wouldn't even know he's like 10 years old or 11 years old or something like that. He's a he's a spry old guy He is a spry old guy. He's a spry old guy because You're feeding him correctly. So Another thing too is Eli was a little overweight Yeah before farmer's dog Actually took him to get his rabies shot yesterday. He lost some poundage. There you go. So he's looking good
Starting point is 00:41:52 Meals arrive and pre-portioned easy to serve packs and because they're delivered by Subscription you'll always have food on hand, which is also a huge thing because I always forget to have food and then I'm like, oh What do I feed it? Yeah, me too But yeah start feeding your dog better today get 50 off your Two-week trial of fresh healthy food at the former's slash basement. Plus you get free shipping Just go to the farmers slash basement to get 50 off your two-week trial. That's the farmer slash basement sorry
Starting point is 00:42:25 Also one thing I just wanted to put in here crazy stat study show that Even adding a little bit of fresh food to your dog's diet can reduce cancer risk by 90 percent. That's huge. That's huge That is enormous All right. Now we have a new sponsor on the show our last sponsor for the day New sponsor and their name is noom Oh, noona sounds like new does the new one is noom. How do you spell it? Noom. It's a health app designed by behavioral psychologists to help you lose weight for the long run It focuses on tangible sustainable lifestyle shifts rather than encouraging more extreme styles of eating because getting in shape
Starting point is 00:43:04 Isn't just about losing weight, you know, you have to like make better choices And you have to like kind of train yourself to do these things and you know, what not starts up here It does it starts down here down to your brother brother. You know what I mean? Yeah, you gotta watch what you're eating Exactly So it's a lifestyle and you have to break bad habits that you have that maybe you don't even know you have Oh, I have you know, so you you can talk to some people in the community and some specialists to help you out And you know, it's it's helped to break some some bad habits. Okay. It's helped on that Um, just doing any old diet isn't always the easiest way
Starting point is 00:43:36 To lose weight and like realistic because like for me I mean people just make fun of me all the time because every time I put out a video I'd be like, oh, I'm on this new diet and like I can't follow the diets like strictly they're very hard But changing your lifestyle and doing those things like You know It's good and we're all strapped for time. Noom just asks you to commit 10 minutes a day for yourself You're human. Okay. If you go off track, there's no shaming just tips and how to get you back on track Um, you're gonna fall off track. It happens. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:44:05 You know, come on. Um, you could chat with your goal specialist and noom community to get and give people To help people going through the same sort of thing. So it's a nice little community there. Um, But yeah, you don't have to change it all in one day small steps make big progress Okay, sign up for your trial today at noom spelled slash basement. Okay, uh, again, that is slash basement What do you have to lose? All right, go get your trial slash basement And yes, that is all the ads that we have to or to date I don't know. I just had a to date. I said to date. Yeah, I don't know. No to date would make sense
Starting point is 00:44:45 It would It's the one all the ads we've have to date. Yeah. No, you're good. I'm good. I'm good. Joe want a sick fortnight Fucking battle solo royale. I did right before we did this I I just had to say that While we're getting back to it was amazing And I wanted to go on live because we talk about, you know video games on the stank. Yeah, yeah That will be brought up on the stank. Oh that I won that. Absolutely. Thank you. And I think I think uh, it was really cool It was it was very because I was like I wasn't even like trying to play that game
Starting point is 00:45:19 Because we were just killing time before we were going to do this And then uh, because we were charging like the cameras and then they got down to us. I was like, oh, okay And then I killed two people and I was like, oh Yeah, it's pretty sick So coming off a piggybacking off The noom and eating healthy. Mm-hmm. You know, uh Can we talk about our big old boy? Oh the guy. Yeah. Yeah, he's like famous now
Starting point is 00:45:45 Which bothers me a lot. Yeah bothers me. Yeah, it doesn't bother me. It doesn't surprise. Actually, it doesn't surprise me That's what I want to say. Yeah, like, you know like You could tell that this guy's a piece of shit in the beginning. I felt bad No, I thought it was funny. I didn't feel bad at all. I felt bad when he was like, yeah, you think that's funny And I do think it's funny and I do I do and listen. I'm not the tallest guy You know, I gotta I gotta play the video for people. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So all right. This is about a little I mean, you're not five foot nothing No, I'm close to five ten. That's what I'm saying. But he's five foot nothing Yeah, he's not even five feet tall. He's four eleven. Oh, is it? Yeah, technically that is a little person then
Starting point is 00:46:24 Yeah, technically you are a little little man, but I don't think I don't think so. He doesn't like He doesn't have little man features. Well, I just think he's not four eleven I just think he's five foot. No, he's four eleven. I think he said it on old videos Apparently this guy films his entire life. Yeah And now he's like I can't even find the original video. That's how many videos are now out. Oh, this is the original one here. Listen Nobody So whatever right then he ends up he ends up getting like caught like a look like a leprechaun He gets manhandled. Yeah, so but he like traps him like a leprechaun like he doesn't punch him and hit him
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah, but he just gathers him up. It was as if a dog ran away and ran to the street and like I just need to subdue this Yeah, that's what it was. He subdued that little man. Yeah. Yeah, and uh What a job that man did because he got he got down and did it But I will say this I thought that video was so funny because like I don't know what started that whole conversation But I like to imagine judging by the girl who went no one has said that to you of being like, hey, man You can't cut in line. Well, you think I'm five foot on dating sites and it's like What that's a lot of just came out of nowhere baggage
Starting point is 00:47:57 Which I know those little shoulders. Yeah, so, you know, he he Breaks all the time. You could tell that that guy. Oh, yeah. Oh, he broke again. There's another video of him going off I saw one where he's like I want to press harassment charges He was what in a 7-11 the cops like you can't do then he's like bullshit Really? Well, who was harassing him? He said he walked into a 7-11 and a guy asked him how tall he was So this is this is another video of him Uh, and this is like so this is out on Long Island, right where I'm gonna say it Some of the biggest pieces of shit live over there. Uh, yeah, pretty trashy. Yeah, it's not it's not great people
Starting point is 00:48:39 But these dudes, uh, I guess found them and like we're hyping them up to like whatever and obviously this guy just like Went off on some random person. I don't know what happened, but Oh, here we go He's gonna go fight him Oh, shit, he's chasing somebody. Yeah, yeah Those bitches girlfriend Whoa, he almost saved gang rape Did he? Yes, he did. I gotta hear the R. There's a space and he realizes
Starting point is 00:49:23 Oh, there's a there's a there's a beat. There's a beat. There's a yeah gang fucking gang raper Yeah, I mean, they're not way different. They're not way different. They're both very bad. He also said faggot Numerous times. Yeah. So now this guy's going into oh, and I saw that he's no one's talking about that by the way I know and he also said something about the n-word too. Did he? Yes. He said. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah He says he's a white guy. He did an interview And he was like, yeah, he's like sometimes like if I'm provoked. I'll use that word. It's not right Yeah, so this guy's a piece of shit. This guy's an asshole. Yeah And now I saw that he signed a deal to fight other celebrities
Starting point is 00:50:03 Yeah, he's gonna fight people Who's he beating? I don't know. Am I big enough to fight him? No pun intended What do you mean big like like on the internet? Oh, probably not probably not. I gotta like he's probably more relevant than us. Yeah, I gotta put it out Yeah, absolutely. He's bigger than the show that's fucking guys bigger than us. Yep. Just like that. Just just like that Just like that I'll take your fucking wife. We'll gang fuck. I'll tell you what right now
Starting point is 00:50:33 If someone said I don't even know if someone sent me an email like hey, what's up? You I would say yes so fast Oh, no, no, no, I wouldn't beat the monkey shit out of that guy What yeah, but I'm saying like for the guy who was walking with his girlfriend for this little man to say we'll take your girl and gang fucker and you like have like the self-control to not go over and just Keep slamming his fucking little head into the ground until it just disappeared into water Yeah, how did that guy do that?
Starting point is 00:51:05 Maybe he didn't hear it Oh, he yelled it pretty fucking loud. I don't you don't get that pass with me. Yeah, no Especially if you're five feet. Yeah, six eleven. I might act like I didn't hear it. Yeah It's like it's so loud out. He's so much traffic. What did he say? Come on. Let's get in the uber You know, I might let him pass But might five feet. I'm coming back. I'm stomping that ass into the ground. Yeah I mean, hey props for this. This isn't for all little people. This is just this guy He's not even a little person. He's very little. I mean, he's very little but he's not a little person
Starting point is 00:51:46 You're right like a dwarf like he doesn't have dwarfism. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I just don't know the proper word So I don't want to come off as a fan. Well, I learned this because I used to say midget which is apparently Derogatory and I heard that from the mouth of a little person Uh on other people but they but they say dwarf though Yeah, dwarf dwarf. That's if you have dwarfism, you could be identified as a dwarf You just had a dwarf a dwarf a dwarf. Yeah. Yeah, but I don't I don't know if they I think the
Starting point is 00:52:18 The new one that's like Except little little person. Yeah. Yeah, but like what if it's like Do you say she's a little person or she's a little woman? Little person Okay But yeah, I don't know. I don't know Yeah, I'm not trying to be offensive. No, I'm not but I'll fuck this guy up. Yeah, I'll talk about yeah. Yeah, yeah I just did say I did it like, you know what just like for good for him because like there's no way in his
Starting point is 00:52:47 He could actually think he's gonna win Yeah, I think he's just like honestly going all in every hand and hoping to god that no one I mean, he's gonna get a payday. Oh, he's no. Yeah, he is. That's all that's all about he's on all these He's getting all these interviews. Yeah, he's got shirts out. Yeah and shit. Yeah, that's okay Yeah, it's crazy, man. Yeah, so that guy Kind of makes new york look a little shitty, but yeah, I will say this in his defense Plain devil's advocate here probably has had a tough
Starting point is 00:53:19 Coming up. Oh, yeah, I don't doubt that but you know that doesn't give you an excuse. I know I know but Is this as bad as Like to catch me outside girl What's wrong with her No, I'm just saying like Should we like applaud this like bad behavior and make stars out of these people that come from bad behavior I don't have a problem with the catch me outside girl to be honest with you. So Originally that girl like
Starting point is 00:53:51 It was like, yo, like here's the thing right when these people get famous It's whatever because I get it because if we live in a viral time We're like something like that will go viral and then rightfully so like I'm just gonna know who you are Dude, because I saw the video. Yeah, so if I see you like I know this guy and that brings attention and people get excited I'm like, oh, shit. I saw you on the internet and now I see you in person like, you know what I'm saying Like that makes sense to me but You know, I guess it's like for what are you famous for like with her
Starting point is 00:54:21 She's fucking she was like 13. Yeah, and she was like a misbehaved kid. It was like, all right You know, whatever and I didn't I didn't even think it was all that to be viral to be honest Like I didn't I didn't think so either but what happened after that you got a respect for her I don't know if I respect her. I I do I mean, she's got people behind her. Yeah, but a lot of people will refuse that or they'll be like, oh my cousin will do it Yeah, I guess so but with her now she has a legitimate like Career our music's terrible. Some of it's not awful though. Keep going. No, no, no seriously compared to like y'all like Jake Paul puts out a music like a song. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She that's what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:55:02 I don't think he tries to be like a real rapper. She's trying to be like a real rapper. I think that she is though See I do stuff like that That's what I'm saying. Look where she came from and look where she's at now But that's not a mistake is what I'm trying to say like her course not you get she didn't fall in but she fell into it Yeah, you get a platform like that. It's like, okay What can you do with this because you you weren't famous for a song going viral? That's what I'm saying You were famous for something else and then you turn that into a legitimate music career that she has now
Starting point is 00:55:32 It's like, you know a party who has to respect that like are you mad at what happened originally and why she was sure? But there was moves being made like I'm not gonna hate on her What this dude though the only reason I have a huge problem with it is because what he's doing is like Obviously fucked up and what he's saying is man. Fuck yeah, he's fucked up He's he's and I don't doubt that people have said fucked up shit to him and like have created this fucking monster But it just sounds like he has a short fuse I'm not pun intended and he's Going and now and you know what's gonna happen now. It's gonna be
Starting point is 00:56:03 His thing to go off on people and that could get him into trouble Oh, yeah, you know like it's gonna be everyone's gonna want to see him now when when people see him out They're gonna start filming him and be like, yo this guy's talking shit like a random guy like trying to get to work Well, you know that he's gonna get on like a fucking scripted reality show We're like they follow him around and he just like yells at people like in life, but it's gonna be fake I don't know I don't know. I'm sure there's a bunch of people I've reached out and I don't think this guy is done Uh, I don't know either. I mean there's no telling
Starting point is 00:56:34 I mean all these people some people go viral and they and that's the scary part That's the scary part. Does this guy have the chops to hang around He would have to make some changes Because that he can't he can't do anything though. We don't know We don't know That's the thing though. I have such a love hate relationship with the internet It's insane But like yo the catch me outside go right when that first happening like yo this girl's 13 like she's just a
Starting point is 00:57:01 Yeah, yeah, like you laugh it off. It's like when you watch mori as a kid But not only that but there's no reason for you to be like like she got mad followers like whatever blah blah but She did a lot of the extra shit like she didn't get like Millions of followers Like she clearly was like putting out content and maybe playing into this character or whatever and then It turned into a more like
Starting point is 00:57:29 I'm gonna do a music thing and like focus on that and now that's what it's become like. She's not the character Or she's not like, you know what I'm saying? Like this she's a character. I don't I really don't think so. I really think she's just like that I hope not But a lot of those instagram people are characters Yeah, and I feel bad for some of them because guys like this that it's a shame because Listen people have short tempers and they flip out all the time this guy whatever I get it but
Starting point is 00:58:00 The where it's going to get dicey where it's already gotten dicey But the where it's going to get even worse is when people do exactly what the second video I showed you where people show up They got their phones on you and there's some attention And then you're and then they're expecting you to be Who they saw on the internet. Yeah, so But what you were on the internet was this guy that was just screaming at people And do you want to be that guy? Like I don't know if anyone wants to be
Starting point is 00:58:25 A mean person to other people, you know what I'm saying? Like pick fights with people if anyone's gonna do it's gonna be this guy. Well. Yeah, I think this guy That's the only lane he has that's what I'm saying, you know Yeah, but if there was something that you had to offer Yeah, you know I'm saying that's why it's different between him and what she's doing because what she did Oh, she's way more markable than that fucking guy. Well, not only that but she was just like Uh, she came up for being that so what she could she could have went this route Of like, yo, I'm gonna be a celebrity boxing and like pick and like whatever blah, blah
Starting point is 00:58:53 But she did a complete 180 of like here's music that I'm doing and at first you're like this should just trash And then I think on a very unbiased way that it got like better as it went along Yeah, and that's the difference but what this guy's doing is just like I'm just gonna be the dude who's angry yelling at people Let me tell you this though There's no way you're gonna be driving around your car. Listen to fucking Bad Bahabi or whatever fucking whatever fucking babies. No, I won't no, but I'm not it's not foreign me. It's not I'm not the demigod. Yeah, but like You're telling me right now if we had a music label you would not sign her you're crazy
Starting point is 00:59:32 It's not about it's not of course. It is. It's not about signing her. I'm just saying like I don't think she's talented at all I do You're nuts. You throw out you throw out the talent thing way too much way too easily I don't you just have this high everyone has a high horse. It's not a high horse. So who is talented I'm just saying when you think of people that are talented. You liked old dirty bastard. He's trash He's not he is trash. How he's whack. How he can't rap. He can rap You're gonna tell me old dirty bastard you you will say that he is a good rapper. He's not a lyricist. No But he won comparing him the bad whatever fucking name I'm just trying to get
Starting point is 01:00:14 If you're gonna compare old dirty bastard to her, I'm not doing that. He's a legendary guy That's not even like debatable, of course, of course, but what I'm saying is I would say like his lyricism and her lyricism aren't that far apart, dude And he is a legend and you're just like writing her off But it's because I'm not writing anybody. Oh just because I don't like somebody and I don't think their talent It doesn't mean I'm writing them off as a person. I don't I'm saying yo be successful like get your money and shit like that It's okay. Yeah, but you said she has no talent. Which is wrong. She doesn't but she does how But she puts if somebody ghost wrote for you and put you it you could put music out right now and it would be successful
Starting point is 01:00:53 Danny tell me right now if you put music out right now, it wouldn't be successful That's irrelevant. No, it's not. No, you have a platform. She had a platform to put music out You think Rihanna writes her songs you think Beyonce writes her songs But those people because they're not writing them I'm just saying no one writes your songs. A lot of people do. No, they don't I'm just telling you this more don't then do all I'm saying is this Is that if you're gonna sit here and tell me that this girl's talented. Yes, you're nuts I'm not you're nuts. You throw that word out way too loosely. Okay
Starting point is 01:01:27 You don't think it's a talent. No to be able to have like flow You What are we talking about next? What what are we talking about next? Why? It's just It's I I don't know. I don't know where you're at
Starting point is 01:01:45 I'm trying to I'm trying to follow you with the I'm not I'm not defending her In in a way that listen she took something and turned it into something That I agree. I agree with all of that. You think she has no talent No, I don't because you don't like her music I don't yeah, I don't think she's a talented person But that there's a lot of people music. I don't figure talented a lot who a lot But that was that you have to realize that that is flawed if you because if you don't like their music
Starting point is 01:02:13 That's one thing but you can't say they're not talent that they're not talented Yes, I can. Yeah, you can but like You easily could say somebody's not talented She's not an artist. Let's just put it like that I don't know what that word means I'm just saying to me She's she's not going to leave any Inkling of an imprint on hip-hop as a whole as a genre as anything. Yeah, but I don't I don't think she's not like look look at another guy
Starting point is 01:02:45 I don't think that's relevant. I do. Why you think only people who leave a lasting impression are talented I think people that leave lasting impressions on the culture are legendary are the ones that are talented that matter the most She doesn't matter that doesn't mean that yeah, but that doesn't mean that she's not talented She just doesn't matter. She doesn't matter. She's not she's not on there Because she's not going down in history No, it's just even stuff like that too. Like you see like look at Billy Eilish same around the same age, right? That girl's talented. Okay, that girl other girl is not Okay, what is okay?
Starting point is 01:03:19 Because one can sing and the other one's rapping. No, just one just makes better music and is a better artist I agree. That's all I'm saying. That's where my talent goes I'm looking at people compared to her in the age group that she's in. She's very young I don't think that is how you judge talent. Okay, so you're gonna tell me when little bow-ow was out You're gonna fucking say that he was what what as good as a rapper or somebody else No, I would never say that he wasn't talented though. Okay, but I would tell you right now I would think that he was more talented than this girl was why Because he keeps was more talented and I don't even think he's that talented
Starting point is 01:03:52 But what did he do that's different. He sold like 80 million records. Yeah, that's a little different And he sold out the card. Sold out the card. Come on, son. So bow-ow sold out the card. Fucking little bow-ow, dude All right. Yeah, but like listen, come on, bro. The point I'm getting at Motherfucking little bow-ow is a fucking international superstar. We have we have different we have different whatever. I'm not I'm not gonna say she's not No, because you have if you can create millions of fans, but that's that's your thing though But that's like your your thing of success. It's not success forget success. No, but that's like that's like your meter It's like if you could like get people to like trick enough people It's not trick to like get somebody to put money behind you and then do it
Starting point is 01:04:31 That's what you say is like that makes you talented. I'm just not like you can tell me whoa vicki's talented No, what does she do but she's somebody she's got a big following. She's not though She has no like what about fucking boot gang either that guy was fucking talented. No that guy put music out Garbage she has 17 million followers. Okay, you can't trick that many people. That's not a trick All I'm saying is this you could get that number. No, she's doing this all by herself That's irrelevant. No one does it by themselves. Yeah, but you're saying all these things like she's talented She has to have a talent. No, she doesn't This thing where you would not amount of followers that you have is a talent. That's not a talent
Starting point is 01:05:14 I'm not I'm not saying that I'm saying that it's just not that's not a mistake is my point, but it's not talent It's what is it then who buys who buys and buys into that stuff People that were most impressionable. What is kind of children? What is Kylie? Is Kylie Jenner talented? No What does she do Who is talented what what does she do she has a billion is talented Okay, anyone who plays an instrument is talented to me What does she do am I talented yes, why because
Starting point is 01:05:53 You started your things from from nothing. I'm not leaving an imprint in anywhere No, but you're talented because you started something from the from yourself Okay, I would say you're talented. I think you could be a successful stand-up comedian as well You think that? Yeah, I think so. Okay, but I haven't done that. Okay That's you not me. Do you think anyone who could play an instrument is talented? No, because there's some people that are terrible at playing instruments The ones that could play I'm just saying you've never heard a guy sing and be like, hey, you know what not great Might want to work on your guitar a little bit All I'm saying is the word talent
Starting point is 01:06:34 Is given to these people way too easily I will just say that if you are Specifically the music industry if you can build a fan base of 17 million people And I hear your songs and I don't I'm dude. Why would I stand up for her? I don't like her music. I don't fuck like it's whatever I'm not saying you're standing up for her. I'm not saying I I'm not knocking her hustle either get your fucking money I'm not saying that but what I'm trying to say but you're not gonna sit here and tell me like yo that girl's got talent She could be a star
Starting point is 01:07:08 You could be a star doesn't mean you're talented Megan Fox you gotta tell me Megan Fox is talented Yeah What she's a star There's difference. She's an actress. Yeah, you think people are there to see her act or look at her face See, I don't have that but but you still have to be good, dude You know how many hot girls want to be fucking actresses in hollywood? I'm telling you this all of them. I'm telling you this
Starting point is 01:07:36 It's not a mistake. Danny. It has to be some sort of talent. No, is it a crazy amount of talent? No But it's a talent. No, it's not. I also would argue that business is a talent if you're good at business Yeah, I would say so And part of business is Listening to the right people and making the right moves or just getting lucky enough That's throwing no shit at the wall and sticks. Okay. That's that is business though is doing exactly that. I understand what you're saying but this this
Starting point is 01:08:07 I think you have a misconception of like what talent is though. I don't have a misconception I I believe that you do I know that But you also feel differently about everything when it comes to that I I have a different view than most people Okay, I'm not afraid to say people that I don't like are talented. I don't either I just I'm not gonna just say somebody talented though because they do something You know what it is? We have a different standard. You won't say someone's talented unless they're like Up here. It's not true. I think so. I listen to independent artists all the time Okay, I think are talented if not more talented than the likes of drakes and people like that that are better rappers
Starting point is 01:08:45 I just she's I'm never gonna listen to her record and be like that's a talented rap artist Yes, when you say that's what I'm that's all I'm trying to say listen, but I know but when you say I'm not talking about I know what you're saying, but I'm not saying talent wise like yo I'm talking about it's fucking spit something that shit is trash right but Flow ride is talented and he can't rap and he's trash. How many flow rider records you hear me listening to? Yeah, but that doesn't mean he's not talented. I understand that but he's not he's
Starting point is 01:09:20 All I'm saying is this his flow ride is a better rapper than her and a better songwriter than her and there's a reason why I don't even know if he writes a song. He does. That's why pit bulls the same way Mr. Thio five. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's just that that's how I look at it But this is you know why this is what I'm gonna say right and I've noticed this over the years all the new rappers I don't get that music I don't get it, but it's become its own genre. Yeah, of course So in that group she has to be talented. Well, some people just want to put yeah, but that's like being like, you know I'm on a fucking third grade kickball team. Like somebody's gonna have to be good
Starting point is 01:09:53 Of course And she's just there like you're on the shittiest kickball team, but one of you's the best player Okay, that's how it is. That's how we're like gauging like you're the MVP of your team But 17 million people like This fucking meme there's meme accounts out there with 10 million fucking followers. How many fucking followers? What's his face have they're not making music All I'm saying is this fat jewish. How many fucking followers that guy have that's where it's a different thing Oh, I'm saying is is that he dabbles in other things?
Starting point is 01:10:24 So movies and shit like that you're gonna you're gonna tell me that guy's talented curating content I think it's a talent as well or taking Content well stealing it. Yeah, and the word curate is bullshit. Yeah. I mean it's called stealing I'm with you on that. All right. That's all I'm gonna say But even you have to admit that all these accounts fat jewish. Fuck jerry. Whatever. Yeah Picking out the right ones, of course get your money get your money, but that is a talent If I see something that has a million likes it doesn't take much talent for me to go Copy and paste and let's just throw it up there do it then because they're making millions of dollars
Starting point is 01:10:57 That's fine. So then but you but if you if not everyone can do it then it has to be a talent That's my point. No, it's true, man. It's not if it was to me. It's not So then why don't you have a billion dollars if Warren Buffett could sell it sure There's like there's like 30 billionaires in the world. Okay Well, this is what I'm saying like it's not an accident. It has to be a talent if it's not something that anyone could just do It's true she had the following before she did music Not that following all I'm saying is she had a following before she did music It's not like she came out of nowhere just dropped a record and we were like, yo, you got to listen to this girl
Starting point is 01:11:36 This girl's doing something she piggybacked off her fucking shit Of course and then went into something else. I'm not going to respect that as a talent I'm not when it comes to the music side of it. Okay, social media grind and hustle. I understand that You did your thing But enough people put enough thing and they've put and she even said it they'd hit record and she went in the studio and did it Okay, so what I'm saying is this is that for her She she's not She's not relevant to me anything musically
Starting point is 01:12:08 I will never say that girl has any musical talent It's just not it's just not and I think it's disrespectful to other people that are doing it the right way I probably think they're talented as well No, I'm not saying you you don't but I think it's disrespectful that we're gonna give this fucking person this time of day. It's garbage Why is it disrespectful? Because there's a lot of people out there. I'm not disrespecting them Who said you? You said I think it's disrespectful. No her Thinking that people should have to listen
Starting point is 01:12:39 She was just on fucking twitter the other day complaining that oh not enough people listen to her music And like not enough people fucking play her shit and like but like shut the fuck up. It's because you suck That's the nature of that business. That's what I'm saying though Like yo you got 17 million followers and you got records out and you're talking about you and platinum and shit And you're complaining because people won't play your record What are you talking about? Yeah, what are you talking about son? You're platinum You're platinum. She's platinum She got a song flip-flops good, but uh dipping the mops that fucking song is platinum son. Yeah
Starting point is 01:13:14 And you're complaining that no one's playing your record What is the argument that you're making she's In entitled from where she came from with all these fall 15 So I don't give a fuck if a 15 year old shoots somebody in the face They go to jail You you're getting way off the no no no no no, I'm not I'm not at some point You need to be something for your actions. It's not just because you're 15 dude. I'm not talking about her whining I don't know her as a fucking person
Starting point is 01:13:41 I'm saying this is what she puts out what she just put out that has nothing to do what I'm talking about All I'm saying is this is that she's not an artist I never said that she got left off. She's not talented double XL left her off the fucking freshman list when she had a platinum record I wonder why I'm just saying I'm not saying that she's not talented, bro. All right Just because you can bill followers doesn't make you talented. It does It does though it doesn't to think that building an audience is not talent. I think is
Starting point is 01:14:16 Is just not true. I think it's I think the word you're using is Like it's there's another word. No, because no matter what at the end of the day Talk about this is girl. No, no matter what at the end of the day Virality is one thing. Mm-hmm, but being able to sustain that over years is a different thing. So you're talented then Yeah So I'm not saying that I wasn't You said yeah, but you're talented then Yeah
Starting point is 01:14:47 Didn't you ask me before if I'm a talented? Yeah, I was asking like am I saying yes Yeah, because you were mentioning like these people that are like, oh, she's never gonna leave an imprint in hip hop It's like all right, but I'm not gonna change the comedy world But I'm just talking about her musically YouTube you can argue that people have stolen from you And you can argue that you people know you from that community Most youtubers know who you are So you would have left an imprint on the youtube community and I just want no you didn't yeah
Starting point is 01:15:12 I did no I'm just kidding. No, but like if you're gonna tell me that girl's talented musically. I don't know if I ever wanted to show Go that's okay. I'll see you next week Everyone's gonna be on your side with this no matter what of course they are because they're not idiots, right? But here's my thing right because I've had this conversation about like Kim Kardashian and shit and like all that stuff to me is just like It's a little it's a little crazy to think that You know what that Kylie Jenner thing came out of her being a billionaire or whatever People lost it and they were like oh like blah blah blah. It's like dude like
Starting point is 01:15:45 None of this is a mistake. Why is everyone would just do it? But my thing is is who cares if she's a billionaire or not? Like why would you be upset about her being a billionaire? They weren't they weren't even upset about her being a billionaire. They were upset that it said self-made like that changes your life being a fucking cashier Like don't call her self-made It would be one thing if other people on that list had a problem with it It's like listen
Starting point is 01:16:13 I came here from a different country with zero didn't speak the language and then built my company to be in this forb shit And you're just gonna that's one thing but for you as a regular person to sit out there and call out someone that you don't even know You don't know what happened Right And yo, it's not a mistake to make a billion dollar company. You can't do that like by accident Yeah, and also I will I will say this right and the only thing is like listen. Am I sitting here saying that she's a good lyricist No, that's the only thing I'm arguing is is is like no is like the music thing here Just wait. I'm just for everyone who's gonna flip out whatever just listen. No, they're not gonna flip
Starting point is 01:16:46 They are the people guess me too The only thing I'm saying is that In this day and age whether we want to believe it or not I hate that saying but keep going. No, but it's true because it changes so fast the way we grew up It's a different world already dude. Oh, yeah, I know that So like but my our parents world and our world are different But our world and people who are three years younger those are totally different. It's that fast I would even say yeah, like 15 year olds their world's completely different
Starting point is 01:17:13 Yeah, it's it's it's insane But an influencer Now that whole thing that didn't exist when we were younger. Yeah, and now it's a legitimate thing and being able to use your likeness And jump on opportunities and even if it is You're famous on tiktok or even if it whatever the talent in my eyes is knowing
Starting point is 01:17:39 The trend hopping on it perfecting it and giving the people what they want Even if you're selling out your soul, even if it sucks to everyone else or even whatever But if you were able to find what it is and build it and sustain it over years To me, that's a talent no matter what even if I disagree with it because tiktok I don't I don't know anything about the app all I know is people are on there doing weird stuff sometimes and they're like Lip syncing whatever musically the same thing people are are making like all this shit But there are people who have millions of followers on on musically and there's Millions of users on there and there's only like a select few that have that many right there has to be something there
Starting point is 01:18:19 Yeah, and even if it's just they're attractive At least they become aware that i'm attractive So i'm gonna take my shirt off and then know that and like do this and these songs are like whatever That all that is not a mistake It's it you can argue that it's easy But if it was truly easy then everyone would do it. Am I saying all these people are gonna change the world and are super talented? No, I'm saying that nothing is an accident I'm not saying that it's super easy to build a following because if so everyone would have a billion followers
Starting point is 01:18:48 But i'm saying it's easy to get Signed by epic Of course. Yes, it is. That's what that's what i'm saying. It's easy. Yes. So that's why people get mad with kylie jenner because it's easy To them to the public perception. Yes, it's not easy That's what that's why they hop on the self-made thing and all that shit Right, there's a lot of famous people that put out products that fail miserably You know what i'm saying, but
Starting point is 01:19:17 The Kardashians are a completely different story than any other celebrities that are out there in the world They're the biggest celebrities possibly in american history Yeah, so they're like they're an anomaly Like you can't you could try to compare people to them, but you cannot Yeah, you know what i'm saying like it's like their empire is unreal But I also think this right, you know, you know what i'm trying to say though It's like you can't even fuck with them No, they're awesome other shit and the reason I respect kim Kardashian, which is people are gonna be like, whoa
Starting point is 01:19:51 Is because she used to tell people i'm gonna be famous as fuck Dude, if you don't respect kim Kardashian, I don't know what to tell you and she's the real and her and her mom are the real fucking gangsters Her mom is the gangster. Do you know what i'm saying? It's like, yo, we're gonna do this As a squad and i'ma pump all you bitches out And we're all gonna be rich and that bitch is eaten and I fuck with it. But listen Kylie is the youngest one, right? I don't I don't think it's a mistake that she knew how To work Instagram and these social medias. Yeah better than everyone else from that. Of course you come up in it
Starting point is 01:20:27 You're more you're more inclined to know about it. So to me What's the difference between that and the world that kristianna grew up in where she's like, you know what? I'm gonna manage this and do it like the old-fashioned harder way Because they had less resources, right? What's the difference of just i'm with the times It's not my fault that it's way easier to do it now. No, no, no, yeah You have to you have to evolve with it. You have to evolve with it So I think both of those are a talent kristianna what she was able to do was a talent being able to evolve Is a talent? Absolutely. I would say yeah, especially in terms of business and being able to use like social media as a tool
Starting point is 01:21:00 Is a talent without question that I agree with you. But what I'm saying is My what we were saying is like I'm talking about just The transfer is a lot easier when you have a huge following Yes, I know because a lot of people also like, you know with vine a lot of people cross over to youtube Didn't work out for them. Yeah a lot of people too. But what I'm saying is is like even on vine though The people that were big on vine they're doing okay The biggest ones are doing fine No, yeah, the biggest ones. I think rudy man quiso is doing just fine. He's a very talented guy
Starting point is 01:21:36 That guy does everything okay, but a lot of them are doing like are doing just fine But a lot of them aren't a lot of them aren't but what I'm saying is is like people who had millions and millions of followers on vine We haven't seen them. They're in the wind Some of them Jerome jar is doing just fine. I mean, there weren't that many jar do well He he invested in a company that like fucks were like in point. He's fine That kid's got bread Marcus johns doing fine His brother I think is doing fine. Do you think I mean they owned that company niche they sold it
Starting point is 01:22:13 They had part of it they did and they sold it. I don't know if Marcus said though Uh, no his brother did but I think Robbie I think had had a piece. Yeah, he's doing just fine. Is he yeah I don't know what Robbie is I'm sure he has a job and he works, you know, whatever. Yeah But my point is it's not it's not just simple like it for me. It's not but listen for me To just decide today. I'm gonna do music. That doesn't mean I'm gonna be good at it No, but you have a way bigger head start than everybody else your music will sell initially Okay, but that doesn't
Starting point is 01:22:49 That doesn't mean anything. I'm not saying that and also it will sell initially But if I just decide to do music, I will go platinum. But like, you know, I was like, no Like it will sell initially but eventually it's like, okay Like you put out five songs and they're all trash like this will fizzle out right because no matter what unless you're good If you're bad, you're gonna fizzle out Lil Nas X I think we have yet to see but I think he's doing a great job So why because it's like self-aware. Yeah, and he's like, yeah, he's like
Starting point is 01:23:17 I'm gonna keep doing this. He's gonna do what nobody's done before and you make like 50 remixes of the same song I don't think he's actually gonna do that. I think he will. Why not? They're all working The fucking one he just put out was terrible Mason Ramsey and the thing is number one on youtube that fucking thing You know, there's there's different lanes like to me like I will give you marketing strategies. That's talent But It's not just one person. So like I'm not gonna say, oh that person's talented because they can listen
Starting point is 01:23:49 But that's part of it. I but I'm not just gonna throw it out there But but you have but it is though. I don't think so, but it is man. I don't know. I don't know There's a lot of variables There's a lot of musical artists out there that Are told what to do of course and they don't write their music I understand that I'm not saying that being a star doesn't take Doesn't take any talent, but I'm just saying that's all I wanted. What?
Starting point is 01:24:22 It doesn't take no talent because before you said she does has she is not talented Do I think she's a lyricist? No Do I think she can put a song together for a demographic that isn't me and you she's not putting the song together, but I hear you But she has to she's there. She's making the music She's doing that But that's everybody too because when you're in the studio, even if you're a fucking jz You're in there. Whoever's behind the glass is coaching you on what to do better. No one coaches jz when he goes in the booth. All right You haven't seen the black album documentary
Starting point is 01:24:56 No, no one's coaching jay in the booth son. No one you know what i'm saying bad, baby They're cutting after every line That's her name right bad bobby, baby Why are you taking everything i'm saying literally i'm just saying i'm just saying But you're gonna seem so cut and dry and like simple like no i'm i'm i'm just saying for me I could have an opinion where I could think somebody Is not talented in the pacific part of their journey pacific everybody specific. Excuse me part of their their journey You know i'm saying of course you can you can like you can be talented at building a following doesn't mean you make great music
Starting point is 01:25:35 Okay, that's all i'm saying That's what i'm talking about That's fine. Now. Do you think people who don't write their own music? And our rappers that maybe don't write other lyrics are not talented Dude being talented Is for i'm gonna try to explain it with with another artist, right? People that even write their music Can be trash right like i've never heard a quavo verse where i'm like
Starting point is 01:26:04 yo But he's also a different genre where he is the best at Yeah But I give that but I listen but I listen to them because they are able to make Music that's enjoyable And that is a talent Of course it is but I don't listen to her music and say I this is enjoyable music Because it's not yeah, I know but like you think fucking migos music is for me popping bottles and fucking mad bitches
Starting point is 01:26:31 And yes, I do killing people in it. You listen to but what i'm saying is this is that that's like party super hard club music Right. Yeah, her shit is about being the song she has out. That's my best friend like that's not It's not for me. Yeah, she's 15. Why the fuck would you relate to a 15 year old? You're I mean you seem to relate to her a little bit I don't I'm just saying when I hear just because epic gives you a record. This is what I'm saying It just gives you a record. I'm not saying that doesn't mean your talents. I agree I really don't think that and they gave her that record deal because she was just viral. That's it We have to
Starting point is 01:27:06 But all I'm saying is uh When I hear her music, I don't immediately hear somebody who's like Like Off beat or this shit is trash or this or that like when you hear like someone like jake paul like there is no Musical whatever I understand what you're saying, but when you hear someone like her there's a noticeable difference There's people who can do that and there's people who can't do that Does she do it as good as some of the most talented people know she does not
Starting point is 01:27:38 Right, but does she but she's not this these people and there's a ton of these people In the majority of the world are jake paul who can't do it, right? You know, but she can do it Is she great at it? No, bro. I'm not saying she's good. I'm not saying she's great I'm not saying all that all I'm saying is she's good enough And she's good at using the other shit that she has to sell music and that sucks that good enough will get you there You have to have something to sell these people nowadays, I hear you I hear you That's all for this
Starting point is 01:28:14 I Was a good one. I enjoyed that You like you like yelling at each other, right? No, I think I think it's uh, it shows To have because we would have that conversation in real life. Yeah, we've had it multiple times Takashi conversation, which I ended up He comes out he can never make music again, can he? Uh, I don't think so I don't know what's gonna happen with that kid. That's what I'm saying. We can't have that conversation
Starting point is 01:28:42 No, no, no, no, no, we'll we'll these cameras are gonna die. Yeah, they're gonna die. Yeah, but uh at daniela priority on twitter and instagram I don't back down from that conversation about takashi by the way. No, no, no, we'll have it right after uh No, but guys go check out the patreon slash the basement yard Uh to support the show and thank you to everyone who's been watching the entire time all 200 episodes if you've seen all of them Thank you. Uh, if you go way back, they're probably not great, but you know, they're there Uh, so thank you guys we're gonna rock out for another 200. Yeah, what i'm saying and probably be on that as well It's gonna be lit. All right, so thank you guys And uh, do I need to plug anything else go listen to the stank podcast and other people's lives santa gala studio's uh
Starting point is 01:29:25 Fucking podcast now. We're about to be lit. All right, go listen to bad baby

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