The Basement Yard - #212 - Lying To Uber Drivers

Episode Date: October 21, 2019

On this episode, we talked about lying to Uber drivers about our fake children and if social media should impact the hiring process. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Welcome back to the bass in your was hanging was hanging with you was hanging What's going on? What's your breath all the way up all the way up? I don't know kids say that right? the fat Joe song That was a great fat Joe song Point to the hills and go all the way up. Yeah, it's fire. It was fire, but uh It's lit Yeah, it's lit is it's lit still around. I think it's still around still around No cap. No cap. It's bad. No bad. It's mental. It's bad, bro
Starting point is 00:00:32 Yeah, no, it's bad, bro. It's bad, bro. It's bad blood. It's bad blood, bro. Oh cuz Yo top boy top boy. We're still in the top boy here. Yeah, I I just finished it last night to be honest with you I gotta finish it still it was good. I like it. I thought it was good I also if it comes out of the second season I watch that I mean, I think there are other seasons. I think it was like an Amazon show. Yes. No, they like brought it back Something I don't know like Drake wreck revived it or something, but it gave me weird dreams You a top boy, bro. Yeah. No, I was not
Starting point is 00:01:04 No, bro. What happened? It's not It's bad. It's bad news. It's bad. It's mad. It's mad. Uh, no, but uh Yeah, it had some weird dreams. So like you know how I had that weird dream about my landlord. Yeah, yeah golden golden The golden golden laundry basket. Yeah. Yeah, so I had another weird one I texted it into my family group chat because they were like all in it But I gotta scroll up and find it because I don't want to fuck it up But this is this isn't one this one like I remembered the entire time. All right, here we go so
Starting point is 00:01:40 Me and my family like we were all at the movies, right? And I really don't know what any of this like means now So you're gonna find this so funny So we're all at the movies and you know when you have to like walk to your specific theater or whatever Yeah numbered right. Yeah. Yeah, so we're walking to our theater and Shannon's ahead of us my sister She's ahead of us and she's waiting outside Of the theater and when we get there I can see she's like visibly like upset and angry Like looking like she has like tears in her eyes, but she's like she's got like anger and I'm like at me Something going on there. Yeah. Yeah, so I'm like, what's wrong?
Starting point is 00:02:19 and she goes are you serious and I was like what and she goes You got to be kidding me You're telling people that the crew is Lou That's what she said she got that upset. She said you're telling people that the crew is Lou And then what'd you how'd you respond? I don't know what that means the crew is Louie. No, no, no crazy Lou Brov no, she's like you're you're saying the crew is Lou
Starting point is 00:02:48 And I was like what and she goes you're saying the crew is Lou. I know you are And then walked away from me. I mean, she's right What does that fucking mean? I don't know, but I love that saying though. The crew is Lou. Yeah, I love that It's like the crew could be loose. It could be loony The crew is Lou, bro. The crew is Lou. It does sound like very london. Yeah, it sounds the crew is fucking Lou, bro I love it. I'm gonna use it. I'm gonna steal it. Yeah, so she said that and then we I was like Transformer Teleported back to my mom's house and we're sitting on the couch dream teleportation is the best and someone goes
Starting point is 00:03:22 Oh my god Kid rock died No Yeah, and my mom was distraught like What? What happened, right? and then
Starting point is 00:03:39 What happened to kid rock So he died from a disease. Oh, no, and I ended up uh googling in the morning and it doesn't exist I thought you said that you ended up getting no, no, no, no He he got it. He got a disease kid kid rock poor rock. He got he died from this disease He never became man rock, huh? No, he's always a child kid rock Uh But uh the disease my mom's like how Pectobitis
Starting point is 00:04:10 Pectobitis some bite his nipples. I don't know a bit bit his pecker Pectobitis It sounds like it could be real. I know that's why I just sounds like it could be real Because you know people like oh everyone you've seen a dream you've seen before or like shit like that. You know what I'm saying I feel like pectobitis could be real. I googled it And got nothing it nada. No hits. No hits. No hits. There was no like Autocorrect didn't help out nothing. Yeah, it like maybe was spelled a little different Yeah, so the crew is Lou and uh kid rock died of pectobitis
Starting point is 00:04:45 Damn, dude, my mom was really upset. I'm really happy. We didn't lose kid rock though What's the last I'm just kidding. Uh, isn't he like super racist? Yeah, he's like kind of a piece of shit Isn't he like super like the self will rise again. Well, he's a cowboy. He's a cowboy baby in the center in black Yeah, what the top made back in the sunshine shining wasn't either undertaker's theme music for a while I'm a cowboy. I'm a singer. I'm black Hey, hey, yeah, man Yo, honestly, like I forgot who I was talking to the other day about the rockhead bangers though Racist white people scare this shit out of me. Yeah, they should
Starting point is 00:05:25 They do it gets me uncomfortable. Oh, I was talking to my uber driver. Oh, yeah Well, yeah, they're great to talk to about racist white people No, because that was because I forgot why we were talking about it. Oh because I mentioned Amish people Because I saw a bunch how did that come up in an uber conversation Um, where'd you guys start with the weather? Well, I was asking him like what's the furthest trip he's ever done Okay, and then he it wasn't that far but he oh, he said boston. That's far. That's far. Yeah Yeah, but I was like I I talked to a guy once and he told me Pittsburgh And then he was telling me how he went to Pittsburgh and I was like, oh, I went out
Starting point is 00:05:57 I drove there and I saw like this Amish family Pittsburgh has Amish people. I don't think they were Amish. I think they were all dressed like milkmaids though Okay, they were just a sketchy white family. They were a bunch of farm hands, but I don't know. Yeah, they were like a sketch white fam No, but then uh We were talking about, you know Racist white people. How'd that go? Who won? What was in an argument? He wasn't white. Was he? Uh, no, he wasn't. Oh, okay Uh, I thought I thought I thought he was defending like a defending racist champion. Oh, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:06:32 I've never been awkward man. It's been mad awkward with my uber and just like being like, no, man They just they're taking our jobs and I'm like, oh god. Have you ever watched videos of ubers like like uber rides gone wrong? Yeah, I fucking love those I saw a video of this like drunk girl who like tried to cancel her ride before it like started or oh, yeah And she's in the back. She's like, I don't know you're talking. He's like, yo get out of my car And she's like, I I'm not getting out. He's like, yeah, you are take me. Can you take me back home? They're like, nope get out get out man. Get out. I always ask uber drivers like if someone's thrown up in their car Yeah, that's a big question for me too. I like to ask that question
Starting point is 00:07:10 I feel Like most uber drivers Don't have it as bad as we think it's just a hard job I would never want to do it At night. I always ask them that too. I'm like, what what time do you stop working? He's like most people like on the weekends like I hear them They'll be like, yeah, I'll stop at like 12 because then just gets crazy Then I was also talking to a guy recently who said
Starting point is 00:07:34 People ask him all the time to come pick up packages and drop them off drugs Oh, I see that's cool. Yeah, so they'll be like, yeah, it's cool But I would hate to get like pulled over but even he said he's like, yeah, if I get pulled over I don't know what's in there. Yeah, I was paid to do a service So a lot of I didn't even know you could do that. Yeah I did I saw and also I was in a fucking uber pool once And I saw a pickup, but it was a drop-off. It was just dropping off someone's keys
Starting point is 00:08:05 That they left in the uber Schmott schmott schmott schmott people schmott people schmott people Yo, one time I got a free uber from this girl. This was years ago It was halloween And I looked at the uber app and the shit was like 90 dollars to get back to queens Which it's not even close on a bad day 90 dollars. But what was it like? It was halloween night Jesus come back or something. Yeah, I don't know. What the fuck it was the surge was wild You remember that back in the day where they had a surge like crazy. Hey like now
Starting point is 00:08:33 There's like a traffic one, but it would be like halloween 3x Like it would be like three times the price. It was like 90 dollars And I was like, yeah, I'm not I'm not trying to do this right now Like I'll take the train or some shit if she paid some rent some girl Well, she wasn't random like she was I didn't know her though She one of my friends knew who she was And she just comes over to me and my friend and was just like, you know, you guys need an uber I'll pay for your fucking uber
Starting point is 00:08:57 I was like, yo, I'm like, there's a surge. It's like, you know, it's crazy And she was like, I don't give a fuck. My dad's fucking reg Basically, yeah, she didn't say anything about her dad, but I try I try my best. I try my best Another thing though, I was gonna say what's the most you ever spent on an uber. I've spent like 160 Where the fuck did you go the moon? No, I went to fucking Westchester and it was during a surge But I went I wouldn't have done that. I wouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have done it. It was stupid Why didn't you get on the train? The train's easy. Yeah I don't know is uh me and my fiance. We had a whole bunch of shit and I was like, I don't want to take the train
Starting point is 00:09:33 I don't know. I would have waited that one. I should have a lot. I'd better be going to Maryland. That was including tip though so It was like it was like 150 maybe Wasn't that That's it. That's a terrible price uber drivers from time to time. Yeah, why? Uh, if they're really nice or they give me a charger, they like do shit like Not all uber drivers have chargers and shit. I don't I don't think I've ever tried. That's not true I've charged my phone, but only when it's like dying. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but like
Starting point is 00:10:02 If they have that or they like give me water like not all ubers have water Or they offer to turn the air on or ask me, you know, which way do you want to go? I like when they take me into account, I'll take you into account. So what do you tip them like three bucks? Through the app through the app No, I don't tip ubers. I don't think you're supposed to they get like 70 of the thing. Yeah, I just I could just I feel like I I I could tell I've never done it Like I've done a shuttle bus before but I've never done like uber driving I could tell how shitty that job is though
Starting point is 00:10:38 That's a tough fucking job, especially in New York City, dude I don't think you're changing lives with an extra two bucks. No, but anything helps I think No, of course because if you set the president You say the president I said precedent you're gonna set up the president. Are you hearing this president? I don't want to be involved precedent just to be very clear I don't want to set up the president at all Danny said that I didn't say that you said you want to set up the president. No, I didn't And I didn't I don't know where you were going
Starting point is 00:11:08 precedent precedent He said president. No way. I heard a z in there president Isn't that weird how the s is a z and president. I don't like that. But yeah, I tip uber drivers from time to time Yeah, I don't I if I'm feeling froggy. I'll leap when I was drunk. I used to tip all the time. It was terrible Because I was just getting cars and telling like my fucking life story You ever just told a complete lie in an uber? Dude
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yeah, I do it all the time. What is wrong with me? You know what I lie about all the time I say my wife and kids dude. I say I have kids too. I don't know why I why do we do that? I was lie. I've lied about children so many times in ubers. It's it's the only place that I do it too Why do we do that? I don't know. I think it's just a prolonged story prolonged conversation I you know what it you know what it is like. I don't I don't know Do you ever think like stop and think you're like, yo, what's wrong with you? I have no idea. Sometimes it just comes out And I'm like, I'm so happy. I'm not the only fucking maniac in this world. Dude. I just say like yeah, my kids Yeah, I've killed I killed kids
Starting point is 00:12:11 Setting up the president. I'm killing kids. Yeah. Yeah, jeez. Now. We're definitely gonna take it off the air. Yeah, it's a bad time Um, it's a bad time in the basement yard already. Yeah. Yeah, it's rough Yeah, I lie to them so much. Yeah, I don't know why there was one time. It's fun. It's fun. Oh lying's great Especially if you could like hold a lie for a good for like the ride Oh, yeah, like if you're in traffic and you got a lie, there's a little more pressure because you're like I'm gonna have to have a lot of answers for shit. See, I don't lie in uber pools. I only lie in uber x's Oh, you can't lie in a pool. No, because somebody witnesses. Yeah. Yeah, it's too many witnesses to the lie But I'll tell a nice Bangladesh in man that that I have a couple kids home
Starting point is 00:12:48 Yeah, but why do we do that? I do it and he's not even asking me about kids. I'll just bring it up I'll just be like, yeah, man, you know long day of work, you know, just go home and see my kids I'm like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, I just need to don't have children just need a break from the kids, you know What I've said that. Yeah, like, yo, where are you going? Oh, I'm going to I think I did it the other day When I took it when I took an uber to msg And the guy and the kids did you have I just said kids. I didn't say a number. Yeah taking a break from the kids going to the game I'll be honest with you though. I was three in my mind
Starting point is 00:13:20 Yeah, I had I had three kids in my head. I think ubers are great places to explore Your imagination. How good are you at improv? You know, yeah, I want to see how good I could make this I was in a ton of traffic though. So it was so I had to be on my tippy toes. Yeah, you're running out of material fast I mean, yeah, I mean if you would have pressed me about like, you know, when were they born and shit I would just have to start throwing out dates. I didn't even have to name names. Yeah, I just said kids and he let it slide I'm trying to think of like my biggest uber lies uber lies I always say that my brother used to work for uber For some reason
Starting point is 00:13:51 I think you said that once when I was in the car with you. Did I did I was just like Yeah, I love that one because I feel like they trust me more and I could get more information out of them Yeah, you know, it's like a weird like I try to infiltrate the fucking I go undercover in the lift uber system You know what I thought was weird what like it was like it felt like an undercover boss kind of situation because the guy who was driving He like was asking me questions and shit. This is the guy who I told him like, you know, I told him I was going to the ranger game. I was like, you know, it's nice to get a break from the kids That's what I said for no reason and then he
Starting point is 00:14:26 Was like so I'm sorry. I'm gonna cut you off But did you say like as a joke at first but you're like now I'm just gonna lie right now I just feel like lying. I just said it because I was like, I'll never see this person again I'll say whatever the hell I have to say here. Isn't it the best feeling? I don't know you saying you were saying he was the undercover boss. No I feel like he thought I was because he was like, so do you drive uber? Would you I feel like it's a weird question for an uber driver to ask you Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:54 I was like, no I don't Dude, you just picked me up from queens and I'm going to here. I'm not taking an uber and it's a uber x put two and two together You know what I'm saying? No Wait, what where were you coming from queens? Yeah all the way to the garden. Yeah put two and two together Yeah, you know if you're uber you drive your own fucking car. That's not true. Yeah, why not because where you're gonna park it First of all, why I didn't drive uber. I would pick up a fare on the way there Drop somebody off and then fucking go to the game
Starting point is 00:15:26 You have your own car. Why would you not drive? You don't know where you're going though. You can get in the car They're going to fucking san diego I would take san diego trip. Actually, I wouldn't I'd rather go to your game What's the farthest you'd be willing to drive as an uber driver statewide? Connecticut I would do like Pennsylvania like Philly. That's about as far as I'll go. That's like what two hours. Yeah. Yeah, it's not bad either Anywhere that's like two hours once you start again to four hours might fuck you. Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:55 Yeah, now I'm like your fucking personal chauffeur like this is weird the dude actually told me that there was some girl He's like it was some like this rich girl she had a connecting flight to Boston And she didn't want to take it because it was taking too long. So she took an uber. That's fire I haven't pissed off. That's awesome. I gotta fucking Do this now. I would just stay overnight He said one of his buddies. It was an uber diary
Starting point is 00:16:24 They said one of his buddies though But you have to set them up with questions and they won't open up if they see a man with children They'd be like I can't open up to this guy. No, a russian man opened up to me. Yeah, which I was surprised I was surprised, but he was very russian I opened up to you. I tell you everything about me. You're like american football. I was like, yeah, we call it football Shit. No, he liked it. Oh, did he really? Yeah, I like the saints. Who do you like? He's like I was like, I was like, I was like, who's your team? And he goes Patriot
Starting point is 00:16:55 He knew I wasn't gonna like it. So he gave me the shrug first. He was like Patriot tom brady patriot and I was like, ah, you fucking russian bastard Tom brady tom brady is how you say good good very good goat But in country goat means something else. Yes. It means the head of a penis Let me ask you a question. Why do you call tom brady goat in russia? It means cusp of anus cusp of anus Yeah, but he was telling me I liked america. He did not translate and hockey I was kind of shocked by that. He liked hockey. Yeah, he was a devils fan through the russians
Starting point is 00:17:37 You were seeing miracle That's true. Yeah Yeah, I get yeah, it's called the shit there. They all play fucking hockey yadamir yager Damn, he just said that yadamir yadamir yager He's like 55. He's still playing russians be russians be skating Yeah, I don't know man, but he told me if we're gonna go to russia go to um st. Petersburg. I think he said He's like it's nice. I was like florida Is it st. Petersburg? Yeah, because I think uh jeter calls this place st. jetersburg
Starting point is 00:18:09 No, he doesn't no, but like it's called that like it's like oh, I thought he calls it that his compound is uh Dammy's got a compound. That's when you know your load Dude you make fucking like 400 million dollars playing and then like you own a team I would hope you have a compound. All right, so if you get a compound what are you putting on this compound? Uh because a compound has to be like multiple buildings. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's getting multiple buildings. Um side house For my parents. I don't want them in the main house Keep them in the side where I could see them. You know what I'm saying keep an eye on yeah
Starting point is 00:18:40 Keep an eye on them make sure they're taking care of your bedroom is above their entire house Oh, it's not even it's not even connected Like that's what I mean. That's why their house is here. Yeah, my house is here. Yeah. Yeah like this and their shit's like That is circle. No, but it yeah, it's a circular house Dude a circular house would be kind of cool. But um, I oh It would be kind of dope. Is there any circle houses? You know, I never thought about that
Starting point is 00:19:09 A circular house I guess what mansions can be circular like when you walk in there's always like that circular floor and then that Spiral spiral staircase. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I would I would put them like on like their own like nice little big house over here Not bigger than mine though. I got still, you know showing who's boss and then over here I would have like a place for like Like a guest house So like whoever came to visit or like if my sister came with her kids I could stuff them all in there Like just enough separation
Starting point is 00:19:36 So I don't got to see you all the time because I got activities. I like to do that's great And like I don't want them, you know, I want to I want them to be known You know, I keep eyes on them. I put cameras in every house just to look at what they're doing Not not creeping just making sure they're not taking anything they shouldn't be taking. You know what I mean? Yeah, but you wouldn't have any like facilities. Oh, yeah, I would have a basketball I would have a basketball hoop full court full court wouldn't use that. No, no, no, I'd ref I'd ref I'd ref the games Also, another thing that I would have too is that I would have a pool that wraps around the entire house
Starting point is 00:20:09 Like a moat. Yeah, yeah to keep the crocs out. Yeah, but like a fire moat though. Like it's like, uh, it's fire No, no, no, not made of fire. Oh, I thought you were like you just wanted a fucking Yeah, that'd be pretty dope a ring of fire in your house. They'll get expensive It'll also get very hot But it would be cool though like to take like little jet skis around the house Like if you were partying in the back, yeah, and like I'll be like, yeah, all right I'm coming and just like take the jet ski around to the back of the house. That'd be that'd be tight. Yeah Yes, it would also if there was just like a lazy river to take you house to house
Starting point is 00:20:39 Yeah, it's like, yo, you could walk in the lawn or just getting this fucking tube And then I would have like a Yeah, that would be sick a tube like those old stock movies Huh? You ever see like stock movies. They were like, all right And it sucks it up like the mail. Oh, yeah, that's not what I was talking about Oh, I thought you were talking about getting sucked through the ground to like come meet me What the fuck I said lazy river like a tube like a like a water. Oh, no, I heard tube. I heard tube Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, we're not sucking anything. I'm not getting in that. I got excited. I thought suck
Starting point is 00:21:11 You know what happens when my mind starts thinking suck. I know it gets out of it gets out of control We're talking about visiting family here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, not sucking them. Yeah, tone it down there, buddy Yeah, I hear you. I understand. I'm sorry. Listen Tiger got out of the cage man. Yeah tiger got out of the cage. Would you get a tiger? Uh, I would get a tiger just because Mike Tyson had a tiger, but I would have somebody there all the time take care of it I'm not getting eaten by a tiger Yeah, like if a tiger acted up like I don't know what to do. What do I do hit it?
Starting point is 00:21:41 Things gonna fucking eat me. I think I would just put my arm out like this and like let it chew on my bones No, you got to like dominate it Dominate a tiger. That's what Mike Tyson did. He had a tiger for like 15 years, but he's Mike Tyson He was punching a tiger in the face. No, he wasn't punching it. He was just like He'd be like charged at her and shit Yeah, what? Do you watch his podcast at all? No hot boxing. No with Mike Tyson. I know he's just high. Yeah, it's awesome It's awesome. He used to run at his tiger. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:11 He used to run at his tiger play like basketball and the tiger would like play basketball with not like like cross him up and Shit, but like Be there like while he was playing hoops and shit. Yeah, he'd be like, yeah, it's my tiger. That's my tiger. Uh, Kenya It's like I had 13 years Are you serious? I swear. I knew he had a tiger. I don't know. He was like she got too old. I had to get rid of her. So that's it That's a pretty good Mike Tyson. That's an amazing Mike Tyson, you know, they say they say, um They say if you have a tiger, he's not supposed to have one, but I had one And then, um, she's got too old. She got too big. So I couldn't keep it anymore
Starting point is 00:22:53 I feel like I'm sitting here with Mike Tyson. This is incredible And then people always say they would they like to be the the baddest man on the planet I didn't even really care. It's too busy getting high and doing crazy stuff. So I spent all my money and Now I just smoke weed all the time. So Jesus, I didn't know you could do that. No, I didn't know either honestly until I just did it right now That's pretty fucking good. Yeah, you gotta get No, he's not gonna stop. No, no, no
Starting point is 00:23:21 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I get emotional when I start thinking about When I start thinking about my tigers Damn, dude Yeah, I'm sorry, but I would definitely have some kind of majestic animal Maybe like some kind of bird that watched over my crib like a peacock. No, like a Fucking big ass falcon that you can only get in like Germany like some weird ass smuggled bird And I would call him fucking val corn and he would just chill up there. Val corn. Yeah, val corn the protector
Starting point is 00:23:50 Okay, and he would fucking just And he would attack intruders. Yeah, and I could just like I feel like we're playing sims right now And I could put that leather glove on and he could just fucking land on me I would want to have sex with him on my arm That'd be fucking hot Having sex while holding a falcon. Hell yeah, dude. You wouldn't come any harder in your life Hmm And I would also have a greenhouse that was like all made of glass
Starting point is 00:24:15 And like the floors were glass and like the doors were glass and everything was glass And I would have sex primarily in there. So everyone have to watch me feast What what like imagine your whole apartment right now look around it. Oh, so people outside Oh, I see. Yeah, you could see right in and you know that green houses are just like see through Yeah, yeah, but it's like there's like beds and like the beds are see through And like only thing that you can see are like the linens and you could just watch me like fucking midair You're gonna fuck on a glass bed. Yeah This is an expensive life you plan on living you said build this a dream house
Starting point is 00:24:58 I I said what would be on your compound and now we're talking about a falcon named val corn a sex house A sex greenhouse is there even plants in it? Or is it just or is it just why'd you call it a greenhouse? It's no like a greenhouse. Oh I think that's what I said. I probably didn't I think I just said it's hot in this wig So my brain's on fire a little bit today. What wig? Fix that impose the fix that impose. I want to ask you about your shirt. Yeah, where'd you get that shirt? I don't know. I like it. Yeah, you know what? I'm just holding on to summer It's gone. You you you hate
Starting point is 00:25:37 I don't hate fall though. No, no, no. I'm not wasn't gonna say that Hey winter You don't hate when you hate winter, but you love the holidays. So Would you say summer is your prime time? Like They say in the summer you're the happiest you are right Who said that like scientists like like the they're like people are their happiest when it's Good weather, right? I I can only assume. I think that's what it is Do you feel that you get sadder in the winter time than you do like in or I knew that you're happier in the summer
Starting point is 00:26:08 I don't know. Or do you kind of just feel the same? I don't I think it just there's more opportunity to do stuff in the summer. I guess I think yeah, there's like more like there's people want to travel That's when people want to hang out or like stay out all night or like it's like probably easier to like get your endorphins going Probably be like easier like stimulated I guess so and then like when you text people they don't want to go out because it's cold And that's kind of a bummer. I don't like cold. No or like when it snows like two feet here Do you remember like a few halloween's ago when it fucking snowed?
Starting point is 00:26:39 Like it was a crazy snowfall on a halloween It might have been like three or four years ago. I remember I was gonna go out that night and I was like dude. I'm not fucking going out. I hate halloween Yeah, halloween's the worst I don't like halloween just because like I can't really keep an eye on anybody Like everyone looks like a threat Yeah, you know even when we went to comic con we went to comic con and There was like someone walking around like venom, but he had a gigantic gun with him and I'm like
Starting point is 00:27:10 And he was like marching in the street and I was like Someone check that is that cardboard or what is it? Did you enjoy comic con? Comic con was fun. It was fun guys. Go check out the video that the stank did it's on sanagato studios slash sanagato studios Fucking hilarious. Yeah, but comic con was definitely an experience man. I feel like for some reason like all Like obviously it's like quote unquote nerd culture or whatever. I thought it was cool I thought the people who dress up make it I thought if they did if people don't dress up at that thing, I don't think it's that great Yeah, it would suck. But the best thing there is the people. Yeah, because it's only cool
Starting point is 00:27:49 To see how far people went with their costumes right and some people go far And for some reason I was like the only fucking super mario there. Yeah The only one there's not one person I saw there with a super mario like I didn't see one other person I saw like thousands of people. I saw like four luigis. No, I saw like two luigis. I saw like four warios We saw a couple warios a couple while luigis Yeah, where the fuck was mario? I don't know just they left it for me. Didn't they go bankrupt or something? Comic con no, no, no the marion luigi creators or something. I saw something on twitter. I don't know. I hope not
Starting point is 00:28:31 I don't fucking know that sucks. I don't know. I don't know. That may be even possible. I don't know. Yeah, right Don't listen to me. Oh, what would be in your dream compound? I'm sorry. I didn't ask you the question I didn't let you fucking build your house. I got all fucking caught up in having sex in a glass house Yeah, yeah, I don't know. I would just want I want to build like a fantasy factory. You remember I almost did that this year Yeah, you did kind of I got really close to buying not buying but like renting this big warehouse And turning it into like a big fantasy factory type of thing. Yeah, but then I just decided not to yeah, I mean it It
Starting point is 00:29:10 I supported that move if you if you wanted to do it, but it would have been a little ridiculous It would have been over the top. It would have been uh too much It would have been a too much a little bit too much. Ah, but it was a good deal. It wasn't that much money every single month, but Maybe maybe in uh, there's always the future. Maybe there is the future. Maybe next summer Get a factory depending on How you know the economy's going q1 and 2 q1 and 2 speaking of q1 and q2 um
Starting point is 00:29:42 It's gonna be I can't believe he's gotta be fucking 2020 soon And I just have one question. You don't have to you don't have to Tell me what or whatever. Are you gonna vote? Yeah, okay, good. I the first time I voted was two years ago and I've been voting ever since Good you should vote everyone should vote. Yeah, I hate everyone though I don't hate everyone. I hate all the can't I can't say because I already said something about the president apparently on this episode So I gotta you were saying I'm up. I gotta protect myself here. Yeah, no, uh, but yeah, no I I uh, I'm gonna vote but I do think that like when people have such strong opinions about politics and then just don't vote
Starting point is 00:30:23 I'm like, well, what are you arguing? Yeah, this it's like, what is the point of this? It's like, yeah Yeah, this this is this but also I'm not gonna vote because it's all bullshit. It's like, all right, but all right, cool Then don't say anything at all. Uh, the other thing too is is that did you see that a AOC? Uh, like troll that went to her thing. Oh my god. Yeah, I did see that Uh, there was a video where I don't even know her whole name to be honest Alexandra oscario cortez or something that was Let's see you can make those assumptions. I can make those assumptions. I can't say stuff like that Yeah, maybe like yo, what the fuck kind of racist, dude
Starting point is 00:31:05 It's alexandra ocasio cortez. I was close. Yeah, so AOC Given a little bit of a speech getting after it wherever she was I don't even know and then uh, I think it came out that it was like a pro trump Like troll plant troll. Yeah that showed up to this thing and started going off about uh Was it uh, I It was basically it was like climate change It was a climate change troll and she was saying like what we have to start doing is eating eating babies
Starting point is 00:31:37 And she had a shirt. She took off her sweater and she had a shirt Yo, once if you're in like a political like thing and someone starts taking off their hoodie, you're like I need to get out of here if anyone ever went to take off their jacket abruptly in any situation that I'm in Good night. I'm if I'm close to you. I'm jumping on you If I'm see from a distance I'm bouncing. I'm out. Yeah But she took off her like hoodie and it said like eat the babies or something eat babies and she was suggesting that Uh climate change is gonna like I don't even like we have to stop having babies and that's the problem. That's the problem
Starting point is 00:32:11 That's affecting so let's eat the babies. Yeah, so let's eat the babies first off. Let's not eat babies Second of all second of off some of them. They they do look scrumptious though some babies babies Yeah, I'll eat a baby. You know, I'm saying like I thought about it for a second. I said, this is really bad You can't eat babies, but I was like a baby looks like and you know, no one you could eat a baby You I could do I'd eat a baby. Yeah, man. They're all cute and chunky. I want to eat it Yeah, you ever you ever like someone's holding a baby and you go, hey, you know grab his hand and for whatever reason You're like, I just want to bite it. Yeah, why do we? Yeah, or like a baby's foot
Starting point is 00:32:43 Like I just want to eat your little foot. I'll bite up babies because people joke about that all the time It's like, oh, your face is so cute. I can eat it. Yeah, not the face. See, I wouldn't eat a baby face But I would crush that. Yeah, I don't want the baby's eyes. I would eat a baby's hand No props because they have like those legs that are like they don't have kneecaps are just fat like layered on top of fat You know what I'm saying? You throw it on the grill with some lemon. Oh Woof. Oh, damn. I think I'm you know what? I might have to stand on the shelf I might have to eat a baby. You know what I'm saying? Aren't those there's animals out there? I think like calves What like a cat like
Starting point is 00:33:18 Veal is a is a calf. No, what the fuck are you talking about? It's a baby cow. Would you shut up? Oh, all right. I'm talking about babies who eat their Like don't like spiders like eat their babies or snakes snakes eat their babies eat their eggs Dogs I think sometimes dogs don't eat you fucking what? Yeah, I think dogs don't eat their puppies I'm gonna google it. I really hope I'm fucking wrong dogs. Don't eat puppies. I really hope I'm wrong You are wrong. I'm gonna look it up. Look it up. Give me a second. Okay Not man, but there's two there's animals out there that eat their young eat Please let me be wrong. Please let me be wrong dogs don't eat their babies you idiot
Starting point is 00:34:04 No And don't and birds are kind of gangster too with their babies They like kick them out of the nest and if they fall and die, they're like whatever keep Listen to this most of the time domestic dogs will simply reject unhealthy puppies Pushing them away from the nest. First of all, that is sad as shit. That's fucked up. That's fucked up, dude Damn you a week Just pushing them away. Fuck you mom Pushing them away from the nest
Starting point is 00:34:30 They may carry stillborn puppies away from the nest or bury them at some place in the house That's tight. Yeah, however, if instinct takes over and the puppies are young enough The dam might kill and eat unhealthy babies as well. All right, but like that it could dogs eat their kids And now I'm gonna look at my dog different dogs. Don't eat their kids. It just said it Okay, that would be like people eat their babies No, they don't do that. You don't fix someone out there. See a baby though natural instinct isn't to eat babies That's not their natural instinct. That just said if natural instinct takes over If it yeah, I feel like if it takes over your body, we all have animalistic like things
Starting point is 00:35:11 Like me you ever be walking down the street. You see an old woman with her purse and you're like I could latest bitch out right now. No one even know and it would be the easiest money I ever make That's the animalistic, but you you suppress that You know, you don't you never had that. Yeah, I've had a minute. Yeah, you gotta I would be like I could just Last this woman. Sorry grandma bang Yeah, man, that's animalistic. No, I think animalistic is like I want to ravage and fuck you like an animal It's not everyone's and not everything's sex not everything's sex
Starting point is 00:35:40 But like animalistic is like if I see you I want to just fucking pound your face and not steal from you Yeah, like all right. Yeah, it's too different. You know what I'm saying Like animalistic is like if me and you fight in the street and then we're just like Yeah, that's like animalistic me like contemplating stealing something from you like I don't know if that's it was more so the punch It was more so the punch. It wasn't it wasn't the $18 landing a clean punch on a woman. Yes. Yes An old an old fragile on an old fragile woman was the point. I got it. I figured it out It went through my head. It's not that I wanted to do it. Right. I would never do it. Of course not But it's in there. Listen
Starting point is 00:36:16 I got one grandma punch in me I'm just waiting for the right time. I don't know if I have one Unless she killed someone that I know. Yeah, true. True. Then I blast this old woman in the face I'd kind of I give her like sweet chin music. Yo, I would hit a woman Who like stabbed my mom? And like killer I would just run full speed And just cock this back and then punch her
Starting point is 00:36:44 Here, yeah, you know So that I have this distance to go through her punch right through her old skull It would be a right. It would you probably turn into mist. Yeah turn the old fucking dust blow away like a dandelion Yeah, I think that by the way. Yeah dandelions Dumb plant. Yeah, I don't I don't understand stupid flower Did your did your parents make you do like yard work when you were a kid? Yeah, and I'd see a dandelion to be like, oh make a wish and you can never blow those things perfectly on one try It'd also be like, all right, I wish that like I'm not doing this anymore
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yeah, I wish you wouldn't fucking my grandpa used to make me do that. Should have been like, uh, Danny Jr Come out here and uh Help me with the the with the weeds. I'm like grandpa. I don't want to pull these fucking weeds and now it's It's kind of racist It's not racist. I'm just kidding. Yeah, you just didn't want to do it You were trying to pull the racism card because you didn't want to pull grandpa. Come on people are watching I got to keep up appearances here. Yeah, you know, Latino pulling weeds trying to knock me down a peg here. Yeah I hear you. You know what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:37:47 Then we you know, we talked about it and we're cool now Oh No, he's dead Nice I missed my grandma though I really do you were you close? I think I've asked you this question But you weren't really closer than your grandma's or one you're still and she's still alive, right? No, all my grandparents are dead That's how I'm not to remember what your friend tells you. Very nice, Danny
Starting point is 00:38:09 No, all my grandparents my grandparents today, but my my grandma on my mom's side I was closest because she lived in the neighborhood. But all the other ones like My grandpa on my mom's side I never met and then my other two grandparents They lived in Maine because like I always think about like, uh The reason I brought up like moms and grandmas or whatever I was Did you see that fucking kid on dr. Phil? Oh my god, yes, but hold on let me get to these sponsors first. There's no way that could be real I'm gonna get to these sponsors first and then we'll get into that because
Starting point is 00:38:42 Oh, by the way just farted not gonna be fun in here in 30 seconds kind of human in here today too Whoa, it's traveling up my shirt right now Just button it up There you go. Hold it in dude. Dude. It's so crazy how much It a style can change with one button Oh, because this Like not hot fucking hot Fucking hot that is insane. Um speaking of hot
Starting point is 00:39:15 We got Some hot sponsors for today. Nice ladies and gentlemen kill that starting it off with quip The electric toothbrush my back is itchy right now. I'm sweating. I don't know what the shirt I think it's made it feels like it's made out of like recyclables or something. Yeah, it's like old bottles and shoes Yeah, um, so quip. It's an electric toothbrush. Uh, it's got a uh fucking What's that called a vibrating pulse thing? A pulsating a pulsating action that tells you when the switch sides of your mouth. Come on You have to brush for two minutes. No that dentists say that shit and this pulses every 30 seconds to let you know
Starting point is 00:39:51 Hey, switch the side. Um, but yeah for just $5 you get new brush heads on every three months. Uh, they start at just $25 I believe yes quip starts at just $25 and you get your first refill pack for free at get slash basement Get quip spelled g e t q y p dot com slash basement again They start at $25 and you get your first refill pack for free right now get slash basement. Um, Next we have noom Okay, getting in shape isn't just about losing weight. It's about learning how to your habits and feeling better about yourself Whether that's more stamina to keep up with a busy life. Not for you Uh, finally get into those gold jeans
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Starting point is 00:41:16 slash basement Uh, next up we have Buffy Which is completely taken over my bedroom pretty much. I have the The comforter or the whatever What is it the eucalyptus fiber? It's a comforter. Um, and I have two pillows as well that I bought I tried to use my code with the codes for the comforter but get the comforter because the comforter is legit Uh, it stays like cool all night. It helps you not sweat. It's made from eucalyptus fibers
Starting point is 00:41:45 They have a 30 day money back guarantee as well. Yeah, so it's like zero So it's like zero dollars at checkout pretty much. Um, they have over 17,000 dollar five 17,005 star reviews, um with an overall rating of 4.5 stars Uh But yeah, uh Buffy like I said, I got the pillows because I had the blanket and the blanket Yeah, I could just tell like there's a big difference With that blanket the blanket I was using so I got the the pillows as well and they're
Starting point is 00:42:15 Made comfortable. Um, but yeah for $20 off your buffy bedding visit and enter Basement, okay, that is and enter Basement for $20 off your buffy bedding All right And lastly we have honey Nine times out of 10 shopping online beats going to the store I agree actually 10 times out of 10. I would say that that's safe. That's safe um
Starting point is 00:42:43 You know, I literally would rather be doing anything else than shopping at a store to be honest with you Not a big mall guy. No Um, but honey is a free browser extension that helps you save money everywhere you shop online Uh, it finds coupon codes and other discounts across the web and applies them automatically Uh, you know, you could throw it like I I know my buddy. Greg has used it before It's the only example that's like clear in my head, but he bought a pair of sneakers It was like 150 bucks and then he got 15 off From like Nike
Starting point is 00:43:13 Um But yeah, so go check it out over 10 million people are already saving with honey Uh, it has over 100,000 five star reviews on the google chrome store Uh Time magazine calls honey basically free money. That's what they call them basically free money, honey free money, honey Um, but yeah, it's free to use install it on your computer and just two clicks and it'll save you money So you can treat yourself to something nice get honey for free at join slash basement That is join slash
Starting point is 00:43:41 Basement I have it on my desktop, but I don't have it on my laptop. So I have to do the We'd love our sponsors. Yeah, they're fantastic. Yeah, it is hot. I'm turning the AC off. Nice. I was waiting for him to do the AOC The AOC nice Turn on the air turn on the air I will say I was wondering were you gonna I would have went couch before it's just as good. It's not bad. What are you gonna say? No, I said I was gonna say I said that's gotta be tough reading ads though Yeah, it is especially when you got you over here playing tricks on me laughing and like trying to be funny
Starting point is 00:44:18 I'm sorry. I won't ever talk during an ad again. That's not no I know I will talk during an ad again, but I but I won't do that. I won't do that Yeah, I was like, no, no, no, seriously. I'm gonna google it. I'm like, Danny, please shut up. Let me get through that I hear you and that won't happen again, but I'll hit you with some good like And like what? All right, no, you can have opinions It wasn't stupid It was it was not for the time right, right, right, right?
Starting point is 00:44:47 This is bad timing. Yes. You're all about timing. It's all about timing, baby. Come on now. It's all about this. Come on. Hold my hand Come on, baby. You know, I love you dog. Come on, girl. Come on. Let me feel that fucking middle finger I'm gonna get I'm gonna get that bird tattoo on here It's like flip the bird. Oh my god, don't do that. Yeah You're gonna do that. Yeah, I'm gonna get a bird right here Do that Dude, I'm 30 years old. I'm not gonna get a bird tattooed so I can flip the bird I don't even remember the last time I gave somebody the finger realistically. First of all
Starting point is 00:45:18 Finger feels so good. Yeah, but when's the last time you flip somebody off for real? The last time I like, uh, middle fingered? Yeah When's the last time you went to somebody go, hey, buddy Oh, fuck you You never do that. Yeah, not really. Maybe in traffic, but I can't remember just you know, it's stupid that mustache one What the girls get mustaches on their finger and they're like Oh god, that's terrible basic Yeah, but also you you said you wanted to get a bird on your finger. Yeah, but not this one But you want to get a bird? Yeah, I like birds
Starting point is 00:45:53 Are you gonna get the other one? Remember when you said you were gonna get a Rolex crown I wanted to get it right here but probably not I want a whole bunch of little tats Yeah, and then I want to put an elephant on my thigh What an elephant's head on my thigh. Yeah, you want to get an elephant's head on your thigh. They're my favorite animal elephants. Yeah I didn't know that. Yeah, I want to get the little elephant like right here in my thigh Okay, I like elephants. They're cool. Yeah, I mean I like elephants. Yeah elephants are dope
Starting point is 00:46:22 You know a bunch of elephants died over the weekend. Yeah, I know I saw that like six of them fucking sucks They were all trying to save each other. I know man They're a pack animal They weren't going down. It's tough, man. I didn't even know you could kill an elephant I honestly was just about to say the same thing. I did not know that you could kill an elephant like elephants are tough You ever try to stab an elephant? It's hard I mean not personally, but I know I know people who have dabbled
Starting point is 00:46:52 I know people who have dabbled. Uh, no, but I want to get before we forget. I want to get back to that kid that was on Dr. Phil. There's no way that was real, right? Dude, no, it wasn't because I know who that kid is now. I know who he is because someone, uh Reply to the tweet. Oh that kid chris. You reply to that tweet that I put out singer chris. Yeah. Yeah So he was like, uh, he's like this kid's a troll. He used to hit me up back in the day like for me to repost his shit or whatever Okay, and then I found his instagram And I've seen him with that kid james charles before So like he's an informer type of dude. Who's james charles? Is that the one that like fucked his cat?
Starting point is 00:47:35 No, that's shane dawson. Oh, sorry. No james charles was the the the makeup gay kid who He just it was like a whole controversy. You don't know james charles, dude. We didn't we talk about this or am I bugging? What did he do? There was like this whole thing where uh, it was like, you know, there was Turmoil in the in the makeup industry of youtube or whatever it's called. What do you do like steal someone's look? I think he like, uh Oh, man, that's how I know. I'm older. I'm old Am I supposed to know james charles is I even I don't know who people are If I show you a picture you'd be like, I know that kid
Starting point is 00:48:10 See, I thought you were talking about that other guy this the the the star guy Jeffrey star that's who I thought you were talking about. Yeah, I've seen that guy because like is any like friends with the kardashians or something I don't know, but they they're they do the same kind of shit That dude's rich as shit apparently. He probably like put out like a ton of Makeup products and shit for him, but to do james charles didn't he say some racist though too one time? I don't know I don't know man Everything's so touching I don't know the fuck all right, but james charles. Yeah, it's not about james charles
Starting point is 00:48:44 So like james charles, I've seen this kid who was on dr. Phil with him and he's like an influencer So I can only assume that yeah, this is obviously fake and he was trying to go the same route as Cash me as I exactly most down to person in the world. Yeah, and I feel like dr. Phil knows what it's up He knows what he's doing. Yeah, of course He wants ratings just as much as anybody else. Yeah, because he was like, uh, don't you think that your family means something to you That's a pretty good dr. Phil. Yeah, it's a little bit of dr. Phil and bill clinton there Yeah, no, I got more dr. Phil on my end. That was pretty good. Nice. Keep going. Keep going. I'll put you on the spot I'm sorry. Yeah, no, but he'll be that kid and be like, yeah, let my parents like don't have followers. They get followers
Starting point is 00:49:23 I'm sorry. Did you just say That your mom doesn't have followers? Come on, I mean like They're like she's like a clout chaser. He said he said say something about clout. I don't know I hate the word clout hate it hate and the other word that I hate too is relevant Oh my god, you're not even relevant. It's like Why why does the youth hold on to like being relevant to being relevant? Why is it? Why is that such a
Starting point is 00:49:58 That word is not even used for anything else besides like telling somebody they're not relevant What is but how is someone relevant or do you just mean like popping? That's what I'm saying. Say popping like yeah, like nobody even knows who you are to say that You're not even relevant. You're not even relevant. How you Where's the relevant meter here, bro? The beehive came after me once and told me I was irrelevant like mad hard I was like, damn But like because I was like, yeah, I don't really like Beyonce because it was like a hashtag trending on twitter And it was like unpopular opinions and I was like
Starting point is 00:50:31 Haven't really liked a bunch of Beyonce's uh new music, but love on top is fire That was like my tweets. I'm like that right and then they were coming at me like who the fuck are you? You're not even relevant and I was like god. I was like, I wasn't even trying I just feel like If someone's gonna jump down your throat about an opinion about Beyonce, it's like god forbid you ever had a real opinion about anything They're gonna destroy you But I did like we did put out a thing about Beyonce a long long time ago And the comments were mostly nice
Starting point is 00:51:03 Really? Yeah, they were we did one like Beyonce is like She's all right And we I mean you both had that conversation like yo, she's all right. I just don't get the god thing Yeah, she's like she just transcended like like yeah, she became like an offspring of jesus So I was like, you know, I was like, it's cool. Like it's cool. Like that's your uh Gimmick Yeah, yeah, it's queen. It's yeah, it's queen. Yeah, that's queen. But like, you know, I just like that people can't stand it either I mean, I just never think of going so hard for someone. I don't know personally
Starting point is 00:51:37 On the interwebs. Yeah, you know, maybe when I was younger Like if someone was like, yeah, like Eminem sucks me like, yo, fuck up. Yeah, he's one of the big rappers all the time But then I like now like I don't give a shit And he does kind of suck now No, I don't know man the the whole fangirl like fandom My mom's not even relevant Like some of them are like like start being rich and like maybe that's what he said Right, he said if they have followers and they need to be here right now and he's like
Starting point is 00:52:07 Kind of like obviously we're like, was that morning? Yeah, and fucking dr. Phil is just like blown away about that. Wait, wait, wait, wait hold on Dr. Phil was fucking dr. Phil is caking. I wonder if he's even a real doctor Does anyone ever looked into that? I don't know man. What does he even do? Like does he provide? Does he Diagnose or does he do anything? That's what I'm saying. Does he have like a private practice? Yeah, like what's the difference between him and mori?
Starting point is 00:52:39 I don't think anything because it's like, yo come on my show Argue in front of everyone and then like let's get to this next episode. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, we'll be right back after this He he does have a degree. Yeah, obviously. I mean he's a doctor No, you can't just be calling on people doctors that aren't doctors So then there's another thing here that says dr. Phil is not a doctor Okay, but it's probably also one of the things where like dentists aren't doctors They are doctors, but they're not doctors like I always wonder like if I if like a dentist was on a plane Right and like somebody like had a stroke or something
Starting point is 00:53:13 You think they have enough medical training to like help them out? No, dude. I mean if they got a cavity, maybe Doctor hurry up. This man has a root canal All right. All right. He's definitely having a stroke, but that insizer needs to come out stat stat. Oh god. Look at this cavity Sir, do you floss? Definitely not. There's no response. You're gonna have to pull it out Um, but I think those kids are you know my childhood dentist Psycho Yeah, I had a really nice little asian woman who was very nice
Starting point is 00:53:45 I had this old greek woman who would do it out of her like fucking house sounds about right, you know what i'm saying? Yeah, it was close. We used to call her dr. Death Because she would just be a bitch wants to rip teeth out Because like kids teeth they don't matter, you know, they're irrelevant. They're irrelevant But she was just pulling those bitches because it was like yeah, you'll get a new one Your adult teeth are relevant. Uh, yeah, I did why haven't gone back to her The weirdest thing is when they scrape plaque off your teeth And it's like I can't believe this was on my tooth
Starting point is 00:54:20 Oh, like at your cleaning. Yeah, when they do the cleaning I was like, how's that even happen? Not only that, but it's like, you know, if you guys have these tools, why don't we just get these tools? Yeah, fuck give me this thing. I'll do it every day. So I don't have to fucking come back here And why is dental care so goddamn expensive? I don't think it's that expensive Oh, it's yeah, dude if you have like if you need dental insurance. No dental insurance is cheap. Yeah Dental care though because like not like a lot of things are covered by like that insurance like oh, yeah I did a root canal last year was $400. Yeah with my insurance. Yeah What the fuck yeah, and then it would have been like probably like 1200 if you dude and that was like a little asian dude
Starting point is 00:54:55 And he fucked my mouth It felt like he was just like Fucking the weirdest thing is when your mouth is numb and they're in there, but you can't really feel that they're in there But they're in there Yeah, you know and it's like Yo, when I got my when I got the did I ever tell you that story when my hand broke They had to put a needle in my hand this long Down to my bone and I felt it on my bone
Starting point is 00:55:21 Because what they had to do was is they had to numb my hand And break it back in place Yeah, yeah So what they do is is they they You can't make a fist at that time. Remember I sent you a picture of my whole hand just like this First they try to drain it Of blood just a little bit so they can get like a better like insertion point and right here They sent it in through my hand
Starting point is 00:55:47 And it touched my bone And they shot me with this numbing agent and then from here To there it kind of got numb and then I heard my hand they go one She cracked it and just And cracked my hand back in place thrown up. That was a great crack sound. That wasn't pretty good. Yeah I'm just afraid to have any kind of major surgery, but we've talked about that a billion times But I want to get back. Uh, oh cracking makes me puke. Yeah bones cracking makes me puke Do you see the guy in the fucking Colts last night?
Starting point is 00:56:17 Wait some guy got tackled in the in the football game last night and his foot was Totally the other way. Oh, yeah, and also, you know when I saw uh mason Rudolph get hit. I was like That I was like, you know, this guy's dead He got fucking blasted. I can't believe I'm getting to this point, but like Football is too dangerous Yeah, man, it's just too dangerous people are just evolving and I love I love I love football I'm one of the biggest football fans in the world. Don't get me wrong. I have three fantasy teams I love football
Starting point is 00:56:49 But seeing these guys do this to each other sometimes every once in a while. I'm like, yeah, I Like Like I had like that moment like uh in the Giants game where is uh Xavier Rhodes and uh, uh, Who's the white back? Uh griffin griffith on the Vikings He's like a bad a black, uh the white like cornerback Oh the safety the safety smith smith smith. Yeah Harrison smith or whatever dude They went to hit sterling shepherd and they missed and they just collided heads and Xavier Rhodes just stopped moving
Starting point is 00:57:20 I was like, yeah, this Is hard to watch because imagine you have the biggest Strongest man in the world and the fastest and the fastest and they run full speed to each other into each other Yeah, before football gets like completely you think like football will ever be done I think it'll just be a very different game. Like I think eventually they'll get rid of kickoffs Because that's just dangerous and we're kicking them all the ends of anyway. Yeah, and people are dying all the time Not not dying, but like you see guys just oh, and then just face down on the turf for like A touch back. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:56 Not cool. Not cool, but like I think I guess they're like modern day gladiators, right? Would you say? Yeah, they're in a stadium Going off those people use to kill each other. Yeah, I know But like even like when I watch fighting sometimes, right? And like it's a boxing match and some dude is just getting the shit kicked out of them I'm like, yeah, I don't know if I can watch this and it's weird because it's like It's a sport, but this dude's punching this dude in the head. Yep. We're just calling it a sport. Yeah
Starting point is 00:58:30 this dude's getting fucking brutalized and like I could say I think in the NFL you're gonna see people just start retiring earlier and earlier and earlier Yeah, that's gonna happen first and then like they'll figure it out. It's gonna be like a shorter league I think they're gonna figure out a way to do that where it's like Or you know what they'll probably do like you can't I don't know I don't know how you even stop these hits because like they're too big and too strong Dude getting blasted over the center like over this middle of the field from a safety It's like, how do you stop that from happening? I love when people are like, oh, come on
Starting point is 00:59:03 And let them play. I was like, dude, if you let them play, they're gonna get paralyzed Yeah, just fucking throw them that Mason Rudolph hit was really bad. If you guys haven't seen that like look it up somehow But Mason Rudolph got hit in the face sleepy night nights and he went just Out he was snoring and shit. I was like this man is outskies. Yeah, that's a bad one like Do you think Since there's such trained athletes Like that hit would kill a normal person
Starting point is 00:59:31 No You right it would probably put you in the same situation. Maybe a little bit worse Yeah, I don't think you can train your like brain But like right but like people's necks Like if you have like a like a monster neck like you could take a better hit probably It's the same old woman. I was talking about before that. I was gonna punch her. She died. She died Her head would have came off. Her brain's probably already applesauce. Anyway. Yeah No, but he uh, yeah, I think for the most part though like
Starting point is 00:59:59 And it's crazy because as long as it's not a child out there And the craziest thing though is like they'll put them on a stretcher card them off keep playing Yeah, they're like Thumbs up. All right, let's go right back to him. It's not dead The announcers just like well, he moved his hand. That's good Would you be one of the players that like kneel real close like close and pray? You know what? I I I want to like get your thoughts on this because I was thinking about it the other day
Starting point is 01:00:29 You know when someone gets hurt. Yeah, because I mean we've played sports our whole lives I've gotten hurt sometimes and when you're laying on the ground And then there's that one dude who's very like or like your teammate gets hurt And you go over to see if he's good and then people like give me some room. Give me some room. Give me some room For what he can breathe. It's the earth. There's a lot of air He will be fine. We're in an open stadium. Why are we give him some room? Yeah, I don't understand that I don't like that. Like it makes me annoyed. But yo, I'm fucking seeing if he's okay. Stop pushing me Yeah, yeah, like give him some room. Give him some room. I'm not gonna stand 10 yards back. What what?
Starting point is 01:01:04 It doesn't make any sense And also, you know how I am when you tweaked your knee and basketball. I was right over there I was like, yo, this guy's hurt like we're gonna go get him taken care of now I I feel I hate like if it's medical people. I'm like, okay, that's fine If it's someone on my team or like somebody else telling me to like get away pisses me off That used to piss me off. I used to hate that give him some room. Dude. He's got or give him some air He's got air. Yeah, he's breathing. His leg is broken. Yeah, that's all it is His leg is up his own asshole. That's the only problem
Starting point is 01:01:35 Oxygen's not going to fix this because I look at it like this. It's like dude. I work with this kid every day after school Like I'm not just gonna let him lay here alone on the ground Like I'm just gonna like try and talk to him like calm him down Everybody of mine fucking like broke his foot like during one of our games Like another guy broke his fucking shoulder like separated like cracked it in half disgusting And like yeah, like he had to wear this whole fucking like contraption all year But uh, I remember even doing that. I'm like and people would always be like, all right back up back up. I was like, dude You didn't have a heart attack. He's fine. It just makes no sense to me. Like what is the what is that?
Starting point is 01:02:10 were you guys allowed to wear visors We weren't allowed to wear visors. I tried to sneak one in they didn't let me do it I don't think so. I don't think so back plates were dope. I wore back plate You wore a back plate. Fuck. Yeah, that's back when I didn't have a gut I used to do that Zeke shit all the time, but um, I running back used to do that used to Zeke it Yeah, it's fire. It's the coolest look there is he was filthy too. Yeah, he's probably the only one that I think War advisor, but I'm not sure I don't think so um
Starting point is 01:02:41 Do you think Like would you ever want to like coach your like kids teams? Yeah, that'd be cool, right? I would I would like to coach again. See I'm torn with football because like I know it's super dangerous But I would love for my kid to play. Yeah, because the party wants to go out there and because like No, it's sad. It's sad because like it has nothing to do with like reliving No, yeah, it's not but the party wants to see if your kid can handle it. I don't know. It's weird No, I I would like I hope that my kid is into sports and wants to compete like I think that's just like a cool thing I think sports are very important right when it comes to like it teaches you a lot about life and shit
Starting point is 01:03:18 But football did such a Massive thing for me. Yeah, that I I now realize how Important it was to do that because I don't think I would be the kind of person I am if I didn't play football No, because you make like brothers doing that shit though Like you go through mad shit every day is the same shit and it sucks and it sucks but at least you're going through with those guys and it's like if Basketball practice never did that for me baseball practice. I caught five balls and hit bp didn't do anything for me and I sucked anyway
Starting point is 01:03:51 um But football was more like dude like this shit is grueling every day Yeah, it sucks and I hate it and I know I have to do it and then I got to go home and do homework Which I never did anyway, but you know just the idea of like, yo, I gotta do all this old shit Yeah, I I just like it's it's something about uh Football where it's unlike any other sport and that You go to you have to you figure out how to balance your time
Starting point is 01:04:16 Yeah, because you have to do school work and then you have to be ready for practice You have to stay after school So you sacrifice a lot and you're just a kid in high school that mostly other people don't have to do stuff like that But it's like, you know what? I'm gonna do that and not only when you get to practice You're not just like running suicides like in basketball practice like that was probably the worst ones where your coach was like pissed off And was like very rare get on the line. Yeah, and you were running forever. You know if you miss a free throw You go there and back. It's like all like regular fucking shit. Yeah, but in football
Starting point is 01:04:43 It's like every day you just get your shit fucked up. Yeah, it's like we're gonna wheelbarrow walk 400 yards Yeah, we're playing the worst team in the section tomorrow Like we don't want the fuck and then you just like get You do Oklahoma's and you just get crushed by your linebackers. Did you guys ever do bull in the ring? We never did that. No. Oh we used to do that shit. That shit was fucking concussed city. I'm pretty sure that's illegal now Yeah, it is it is That's the one where it's like everyone stands in a circle and someone just comes out here in the circle Yeah, and you're surrounded by people right and someone just comes out of nowhere
Starting point is 01:05:17 Someone comes out of nowhere and you have to remember the numbers like we would do numbers So like I would you would have to remember what numbers were behind you So you would have to turn around but most of the time they'd be running full speed at you and just fucking bury you Yeah, nobody like times you get hit in the back of the head and like stupid Like you said, it's illegal. You can't do that shit anymore. Yeah, but I would like my kid to play because it's a real I think football teaches you the most about life than any other sport Maybe you know what it is. It's a lot of listening. Yeah, and it's a team sport Yeah, because basketball you could argue like I'm growing up when I played basketball like in in our uh
Starting point is 01:05:53 Our fucking whatever Cyo yeah, the cyo team like our team was really bad Like I was the best player by far and I could literally like and then that gave me some complex when I was younger to be like I don't have to listen to these dudes Right like I don't have to pass them the ball Yeah, or I don't have to whatever my dad would like chuck that shit My dad would like wring it in when he was my coach, but sometimes he wasn't and I would just like you know I was just like, you know, I know pulling it. Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:16 Raindrops exactly, but in football it's like, you know, you could be the best player in the whole league But it doesn't matter because if your team sucks, you suck and also it's like Everyone has to do their job. Yeah, like if you fuck up everything fucks up. Yeah most of the time like basketball if you got a kid that's like Dropping 40 at night like you can make some mistakes. Yeah, you know what I'm saying like you got like joey He's gonna come like chuck it up like we're all right, but like football. It's like dude if you miss this block like we suck Yeah, I can't throw the ball. Yeah, so I think that's right. It's like I think that game teaches you the most like how to take instruction There's mad plays Mad plays for like a young child
Starting point is 01:06:53 To because you got to think about it. It's like dude, like I ran a shotgun. I was 15 years old I was like reading a fucking shotgun playbook. I'm like, what the fuck is this? but Anyway, uh The thing the thing the thing. Yeah, I think I'll let my kid play if you want to play I'll let him play for sure Yeah, me too. I would definitely yeah, I'm not gonna let his mom stop him. Fuck No, um I wanted to bring up this thing too with this girl that uh posted a picture on her instagram
Starting point is 01:07:19 And she tried to get a marketing job And they wouldn't give her a job because she was in a bikini Yeah, what year is it? Apparently it's 1946 But out the question I see that thigh and um The question I wanted to ask you is is that now that we're moving into like this new I guess I hate I hate using the word millennial but like millennial generation
Starting point is 01:07:45 Like do you think that you should be judged if you have like a provocative picture on your instagram and not be able to get a job Define provocative like this is what I'm saying by this guy's standards this person stands a bikini picture No, dude, that's what people wear to the bait. That's what I'm saying That's dumb. Yeah, if you don't get a job because you have a picture and a bikini on your instagram What who can get a job? But what if you're like modeling and like and you're in like brawn panties you're a model. That's what I'm saying What I think like, you know, if you're like starting to line off somebody's dick Like you might not be but might not be fit for the job
Starting point is 01:08:22 You might not be able to post that on instagram, right? You know what I'm saying or if it's like you like funneling like 11 beers on like a tuesday night Might not be the best guy for the job. You might be but I can't I can't I just don't understand like why we're all pretending to be perfect like the person who Is one of my friends his job is to hire people for his company I've known that kid my whole life. He goes through instagrams. He goes through this and that to see how everyone like checks out I would love to hear his process, but Why am I gonna pretend like yo, I was 16 with you drinking and shit in parks. Yeah
Starting point is 01:09:00 You're the one who's gonna like pass the judgment and he doesn't he actually hires like a lot of convicts on purpose Yeah I think they get a grant from like the or like ex cons. He hires a lot of no because he's he's like, yeah No, man, like everyone gets a second chance. Whatever. He's hired felons like multiple felons like It's like a thing. It's fine. You're saying I got a chance if I ever get locked up to get a job Yeah, you go right to him. Nice. Um, but I just feel like the people who are vetting these things are like whatever Like everyone's done dumb shit in their lives 100% so like why are we pretending that everyone's perfect? And it's not even about like, oh, we we know that you did it. We just can't see you post it, which I don't get either
Starting point is 01:09:41 It's like a don't ask don't tell type thing or it's like, you know, just make it look different Yeah, and then for who if we all know that we all have like we drank when we were 17 years old or 16 years old We all know that we all know like everyone's smoking weed and shit Right, but just don't post it like for but then for who who we faking out I know nobody and then thing and the other thing too is which is weird Is that yearbooks like you see like like Justin Trudeau's like yearbook? He had like brown face or whatever. Hey yearbook editor. Let's maybe let's not put that in the book What like how racist were people back then like this is funny
Starting point is 01:10:18 Let's put this in the yearbook. It was in the yearbook. I think so. Oh, I don't know about that Yeah, I thought it was just like a picture you had. No, I think it was in his yearbook Let me ask you a question hit me. I mean, this isn't a question for us to be honest with you It's all right because I have a hard time I think I have said this before but I have a hard time understanding blackface brown face and all that shit Well, the thing is with blackface is that when they when the old time actors the white actors used to do that The all those characters they used to make them out to be like buffoons and stupid And like
Starting point is 01:10:51 So they would play like black characters, right and they would be like dumb as shit Uh-huh like Like they used to like play him like that and have like the big eyes and like shit like that. So that's why it's like Heavily offensive because those roles were never like here comes if the male lead in blackface It was like no here comes like the stupid idiot of the show and it's modeled over like a probably a black man I mean not probably 100%. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's why All right, so that's why they take offense because it's so then so then Justin Trudeau he was Aladdin Yeah
Starting point is 01:11:29 So what about that? I mean, I think it just hits different I don't know. I think it's just like it gets like Packed into there. Yeah, you know, it's like No, because I I like I get it. I just want to be I just want someone to explain To like the point where like I know it's fucked up Yeah, it just comes from old fucking like racist entertainment where they try to make them all look like like buffoonery Yeah, I wanted to know like the origin behind it. So I could like better understand, but I was just like, you know, whatever um
Starting point is 01:12:01 But do you think that? Him doing that should cost him his job Or do you think like Do you think there was mal intent? Now do I think there was mal intent? No Um, but does that matter because it's like you should know that you idiot I think it's it goes hand in hand. It's like You know, like you could you could dress up as Aladdin with nothing on your face. I know you're Aladdin, bro
Starting point is 01:12:29 Yeah, you know, that's the thing It's like you're going the extra mile to like look Indian Arabian, what was he even in the movie? Arabian nights. Yeah, but I don't I don't know. We're like, where did the movie take place? I assume Saudi Arabia. Okay. I don't even know. So like For him to just be like, oh, I'm gonna go that extra mile. It's like why it's just a question of why though Uh, I don't know because
Starting point is 01:12:58 Why do people and you not know it's crazy too is like Tropic Thunder, bro Yeah, Robert Downey did it And not only did he do it. He went full. Yeah. Yeah And got nominated for an Oscar For that movie. Yes. Yes. 100 I know for a fact. Wow. Yeah, I didn't even think that movie was like Not that just people thought he was so good in it And he was making like it was a satire on like Um method actors that like they'll do it and like they don't see boundaries like there's obviously boundaries
Starting point is 01:13:35 And um You could never do I don't think you could do that today Probably not that movie just happened, didn't it Tropic Thunder? That was like 10 years ago. Maybe It's not that long dude simple jack Do you see how like Ben Stiller's acting in that? Yeah Super super super over the top full well full retard as I call it He goes full retard. Yeah, it's like even that like I don't even know if you could do that nowadays And that was the same movie and that was the same movie
Starting point is 01:14:06 You had a white guy in blackface and simple jack full retard And then they talk about it together I think Tropic Thunder is great though. I think the movie's amazing. I thought it was funny. Yeah But that's it it is it's it's weird and it's also like There has to be Like I wish they just made like some age limit like where you're allowed to just like fuck up until Oh You know, I'd be like dude anything like dude, you went brown face after 16. You can't have a job now
Starting point is 01:14:40 You know what I'm saying, but it's like but if you did at 15, it's like, all right, cool It's like, all right. All right. You did meet the limit. We'll still give you a bond. You're good Like you're you're good, right? Like I like dude, especially nowadays like it's a very thin line You know, I also I also will say this. Um I think kids are Way more like self-entitled now. Yeah, because they have more information now So in a way, they are smarter, but I think they're just like Dumber with what they do with the information, but that's a different conversation. Uh, but
Starting point is 01:15:12 I think it's it's almost Foolish to think that Everyone's gonna be perfect. Yeah, of course You could dig up just a suit 100% You know, especially because now these kids like like yo, how much dumb shit did mean you do? But we didn't have social media until we were 18 years old. Yeah, maybe even later. Yeah, you know, I mean and
Starting point is 01:15:38 All the dumb shit I've said in my life. Oh my god, you know, I mean, I don't even I can't even get started I said some of the dumbest things on earth. I said, I still say some of the dumbest things on earth. I'll say that yeah, but like I feel I feel like we're lucky in a way because we do this for a living. Yeah, like We don't get a pass. We don't use that. We don't we don't do Shit like that, but I'm saying it's like This girl was trying to get a regular ass job. Yeah, like it's gonna be tough for like the people to get and trying to get regular jobs Yeah, because like say you have a podcast with your buddy and like you say some shit on there. That's just you're joking around
Starting point is 01:16:17 It's not even it's like mildly offensive If you if you choose to take it the wrong way do one Like no, no, like when we were on here when we were said, uh The the you said the uber driver was bangledeshi. Boom. Yeah. No, but even on the other one We were talking about how like chinese is like angry language. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know like someone could take that as borderline offensive and then it's like If i'm trying to get a job and somebody sees that they're not gonna give me a job Yeah, because they're like dude
Starting point is 01:16:45 Like you made some comments. It's like well, dude Yes, I do like i'm trying to like be like a comedian or something like that That was like a big thing my parents were telling me like when I first started making videos and shit They're like be careful don't pee on anybody Well, no, they were just saying because like I was saying a lot of stuff on the internet and like it was you know Fuck shit piss. Yeah out there and uh, they're like, you know, I don't know how an employer's gonna like all that stuff Yeah, and I think as time gets As time goes on time gets older. I was about to say isn't it isn't that the song time gets old
Starting point is 01:17:16 Children get older I'm about to start crying don't sing that song Oh Well, I've been afraid of change and I earn my life
Starting point is 01:17:34 around you It's a good song. Steven Knicks loves colonna pen and loves cocaine shout out. Um, probably don't mix those. No, no, no I think she's clean now. She's been clean for a while. Nice Steven Knicks come on the show. Um I think as time gets Older I'm just gonna keep it Time gets older time. Yep. Uh, I think it's gonna get a little more lenient though Because dude 30 30 years from now like there's gonna be a picture of my ass
Starting point is 01:18:05 Like if I'm a kid if I'm a kid growing up in this growing up in this period, you know what I'm saying I don't even know what you mean Like I'm not saying me myself I'm saying a kid that's born now When he goes to get a job when he's 30 when he was 15 odds are there's a picture of him on instagram Like with his ass cheeks out Moonin moonin just fucking around last time you mooned somebody. Oh, yeah, you moon me the other day Yeah, I should the other day. I also have a very close up of your ass crack by the way. Yeah, you do. Yeah
Starting point is 01:18:36 25 bucks memo only um But like I hope that at some point it gets a little a little more lenient I think it will first shit like this Dressing in a bikini and someone has the audacity to not give you a job because you have a bikini on Shut the fuck up. One could argue that could be a reason why you would get a job Movies, dude Movies, yeah, I'm saying first of all stupid stupid boss
Starting point is 01:19:03 Girls kind of hot Quarter on the office. Yeah Who's fucking office morale here? Yeah, man, let's bring some color to our lives. Think you'd ever hire a woman Why'd you just look me up and down like that? Like I'm some fucking woman hater Whatever hire woman. Absolutely. I'm just kidding. I'm just I'm staying in the realm of these guys don't hire one No, I Well me personally, I mean not to get all serious, but I would love to do that because I want to have like
Starting point is 01:19:29 Because it's always just me and you. Yeah, it'd be cool to have I want some women Chose you're gonna it's gonna blow up now. Oh my god. I want you know Someone's gonna want to try and work here Oh, no, not like here like when I have an office and shit hill not in this place We play video games and fart here. We can't have women here yet. I've literally farted two seconds. Yeah They all know we fart. Yeah. Yeah, but I feel like I could never I don't know if I could ever fire somebody Fire. Yeah, like I Like not in this type of like aspect like something's not working out. It's not working out
Starting point is 01:20:04 I'm saying like hey, man. Come in for a second Like you're fired and just be like, uh, yeah, uh, you don't got no need to sit down. Listen, you know, we got some You know, we're gonna have to let you go. I don't think I could do it. I think I could fire somebody I know you could If there was a legitimate reason why yeah, there's yes, of course I could never fire someone over like a Just like oh, we're cutting budgets and you have to choose like yo I'm just cutting this guy because like he's like the oldest if I was cut
Starting point is 01:20:34 No, but I think that's illegal. Of course it is but people do it all the time. Yeah If there was a legitimate reason why I've been like, yo, I just like can't afford to pay you Anymore. Yeah, but that that makes sense though. You can't get mad at somebody that can't pay you Yeah, or just I don't know but it's like or if you just suck. It's like dude, you've been late every day. You've Like haven't shown up You're gonna fire right now. You're wearing a hat. This is kiff. Am I getting fired right now? No, but think about that and in a in a serious like, you know, whatever It's like if I if I have
Starting point is 01:21:05 Someday like 10 employees at that point. It's not a fucking joke anymore. No, it's not like it's like, yo people people gotta be here And there's like strangers here That Yeah, you're walking in the office every day. You don't even know most of them are that's what I'm saying Yeah, and like then it's like a serious thing of being like, dude What do you think you just fucking show up when you want right, you know Or you think that like this and that like not how it works And if people you'd be surprised I think a lot of people get fired and it's like easy for people because it's like
Starting point is 01:21:32 Dude, you can't do this at any other job. I think it's like Probably the first one's the hardest First god is the deepest and didn't get them out of there and then you're good How would you fire me? How would I like what would you say? Would you do a face-to-face or via text? I would never fire anyone via text. All right, so like Walking through it. You want me to fire you fire me right now in the air. Get the fuck out See, I would expect that. No, I would never say get the fuck out It'd be a long convo
Starting point is 01:22:06 I'd cry probably. Yeah, you would I would that's really. Oh, just thank you for the opportunity man Oh, no, all I can do is play football man Yo, realistically, I thought about the other day because I had a dream that I didn't work here anymore for some reason. Okay, and uh I was like, I don't know what I would do after this So you could basically make me do anything You know, yeah sexual you're gonna get a pay cut financial uh I just deduct 15 grand off your salary. Fuck it
Starting point is 01:22:40 See that would suck, but here's the thing I believe in like don't say it. No, no, no, no If it if I knew where it was going I maybe I could work. You know what I'm saying If you were just like I just I want it. I'd be like, oh, damn Drop this hammer on me. No, I don't know like I I've never seen myself as like a boss
Starting point is 01:23:07 No, I don't like telling people what to do. Why not? It just feels weird, but you got ideas I do I have a lot of ideas, but you can make them come to life But even like with josh, right? Yeah, like he cuts the clips. I I feel so uncomfortable being like, hey, can you give me like two more clips? Because like I'm not as you know This is a team here. I know it's a team, but I feel I feel bad. Why I don't know. I don't like telling people what to do I don't even tell myself what to do And that's why I do nothing. That's why I do nothing So I don't do anything
Starting point is 01:23:42 Because I can't tell anyone to do anything is what I'm trying to say I'm not an authoritative figure. I'm not an authoritative person. I think when you change that it'll be nice I hope so Because I you know with the way that I want to do stuff like hopefully there's like, you know Yeah, you're gonna replace me with greg. I already know this and then it's gonna be like the social network I'm gonna have to walk up here like andrew garfield I'm gonna have to say i'm gonna sue you and then i'm saying i'm coming I'm not coming back for just 10 percent. I'm coming back for everything. I gotta scare greg on the way out and then call
Starting point is 01:24:13 I'll tell you what when you write me a check for $12,000 now. We can talk about this little movie you put up in your head, okay Because that's what he did. That's true. Yeah, I'll rate you check for $12,000 When can I cash that who gave you a check for $12,000 no andrew garfield say greg you son of a bitch He did it he went over my head other people's lives $12,000 we other people dead is what i'm talking about I wrote that in the car. Yeah, no, but He was the cfo. He like helped him start it with the money. Yeah, so that's how that That's why he got screwed. Yeah Because he was like i'm the he was uh the cfo and movie's really good. I liked it
Starting point is 01:24:55 That's the only role i've ever liked that guy in garfield or jesse irons or whatever. Yeah zombie lance. All right Yeah, that wasn't bad either. Yeah But yeah, I don't know Like you don't think that you could be like a producer where it's like You have a team of like a cameraman and an editor and you're like, I have this idea and we're gonna do that Yes, I could I could do that. I that's literally telling people what to do. Yeah. Yeah, but it that's more of like a collaborative effort Like i'm talking about telling people what to do like yo bro. Can you get me like two more clips? Oh
Starting point is 01:25:29 Really? It makes me feel weird. It's a job. I know it makes me feel strange. I'd rather you say it Are you gonna get over that here? I will I'll try I'll try I just never I've never liked telling people what to do I don't know why it makes me feel like icky Look at you. I don't know makes me feel like you Why because like I don't know. I don't know
Starting point is 01:25:54 Too humble Could be damaging humble Okay Anything else? What else do I have? Shit Piece of shit
Starting point is 01:26:04 Pussy piece of shit. You'll never make it in this business. You'll never make it in this town Don't let the door hit you in the ass. Don't let the door hit you in the pussy in the way out kid It's a fat one. No, but um, uh It's weird. I gotta boss up It's not really about bossing up. No, dude. I just look mad big right there. Look in the camera Look I'm gonna play detackle big afro guy. Yeah word. Yeah, I don't know What do you think? When do you think you kind of like we're able to do that? Do what like
Starting point is 01:26:41 Tell people yeah, because I remember even at first like when we first started working like it kind of was like that But then like at some point you were like Sit down We're gonna have a chat You know what I mean? And then I was like, all right. I was looking for that because I'm a person that needs direction Yeah, I'm like a wild child You know, I'm saying like I was always that kid that would like wander off. You know what I mean? Like you gotta keep me in line sometimes. Okay, as long as you don't hit me
Starting point is 01:27:09 Hard Lightly hit me When did I when was I able? I don't know. I was just like it seems like necessary. I think that if it was me like I like being taught things So it's like, oh, here's how to do it. Like I know how to do it. So here's how to do it. Do that Would you say That you're a control freak
Starting point is 01:27:35 No, I think I'm actually getting a lot better at uh Delegating I think so too. I was about seven months ago. That was the hardest That's the hardest thing for me to do because I I mean Well, it's your shit. Well, you know what it is. It's like everything I always was very like Too proud to get help from anyone. So I did everything myself Yeah, and I learned how to do everything and like whatever So it was very hard for me at first to like figure out like what I was gonna have you do and then like I was just like
Starting point is 01:28:04 And I feel like still now I even think that I have to Oh, no, because I feel I gotta turn up No, I think that uh, listen, I'm gonna start awarding people in the office. I just I think I need to start torturing. Yeah, I gotta get my point across man Tuesday. No torture day. I think um I was gonna say that uh You know, I'm not I I know how you feel with being like, uh, it makes me feel weird to like tell people to do But I think I need to do that even more
Starting point is 01:28:35 if I want to like uh Get to where I need to where all this shit needs to be and there needs to be like I agree with that. I agree with that. There needs to be a hierarchy. I love that. We're having this conversation out here No, because it's real though. It is real. No. Yeah, because like I'm the type of person. It's like Um You could tell me what to do and I'm not gonna be like You could tell me what to do. Um
Starting point is 01:29:05 I I don't mind if you like feel that way No, it's not like I don't take it as like oh my god my boss songs I'm just like songs like something needs to get done and it didn't get done or it needs to get done and do it No, you know what it is. We've been definitely well well We're getting better. We're getting better over here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're a little better more well oiled over here It's what I was trying to say. There's more wd-40. Yeah, there's more wd-40 going on over here. Uh, no, uh No, I was I was just gonna say how long you're gonna hold that Yeah
Starting point is 01:29:41 Uh Uh, no, I think that uh, it's it's tough because We're friends So like when you work with your friends, it's hard. It's only business No, but it's not about it's it's about like Like you said, you don't want to tell josh like yo do this thing, but if it was some random like 20 year old intern, I would tell them do it all day. That's what I'm saying Like yo, just fucking do it because like whatever, but it's like when it's your friends
Starting point is 01:30:14 You don't want to be like Right them think you you have this complex about yourself But there's a there's a way to do it and I think I need to find that balance of being like There needs to be deadlines It needs to be more of like a hierarchy and not just like this is just whatever we're doing Well, once you instill the schedule that helped everything out a lot. Yeah Everything yeah, if you guys knew how this show was made like what two months ago a month ago Like yeah, like two months ago. I don't know how we were putting out anything
Starting point is 01:30:40 Every episode would get uploaded at 4 a.m. On sunday for monday And I was just like And I wouldn't know if it was going up until it was out and I'd be like, oh, okay It went out keep on us toes keep on us toes But we gotta we got a little schedule got a little schedule going, you know sat me down hit me a little bit Yeah, also santa gato studios is making a comeback santa gato studios making a big comeback We're about to fuck that shit up better. Fuck it up Better fuck that green screen. Yeah, man. Fuck it. We got a green screen now. So
Starting point is 01:31:09 Obviously gonna do porno in space Could could do sex porn. Yeah Sex porn space porn Sex porn sex porn is my favorite kind of porn now Yeah, of course sex porn is the best. Yeah In like I wanted to say this the right way, I don't know why my my brain stops In like five years from now, uh-huh, right You're gonna get thrown with some equity, right? No. All right. Uh, where can I find you?
Starting point is 01:31:41 I tried guys guys I tried I tried No in the event of a sale. Yeah, which I don't foresee to be honest with you, uh In the event of a sale point Not a point Not a point why not but definitely like Okay, all right. I'll take I'll take a stipend. I'm pretty sure that I'm pretty sure that's happened what that happens like at elite there were people who had equity
Starting point is 01:32:09 Yeah, and then there was like the og's that were like the original Like ones who were there the don't they got thrown some yeah some cash You think you'll ever start another like company? No You don't think like you'll ever start like a bit like on my own. No, you think like like like uh, I'm just Throwing the shit out in the air like an app or something Like would you ever like want to do something like that while you're doing content at the same time? Um, yeah, maybe but I doubt it Because I a lot of the thing that I have in mind for like the five-year plan is very all-encompassing as like a company Of like the shit that I want to do the sex porn the sex porn
Starting point is 01:32:45 But I I don't because doing you know like apps people don't realize it's not you spend so much money, dude So much money and not only that but it's just like, you know, there's like teams of people making apps Uh, but we'll see like I'll get attached to stuff like a wing you know I want to get attached to the wing. Yeah, I want to get attached to the wings But uh, you know, I think I think for you Once you master this
Starting point is 01:33:13 And you get it the way you want it to be you'll do other shit Maybe I think so. I don't really have any other skills though. That's not true I don't think so you you don't you don't know that yet But I have so young joseph. I have no like I have no desire to Like create some software. No, but we're we're having fun right now. We're killing it right now. This is all I've done My whole life. Yeah, which is kind of crazy to think about really. Yeah, I've only done this So I just like that's all I really know and then if a company like
Starting point is 01:33:48 That I would want to build like sold for a ton of money and like yeah, I would probably be bored But at least I'd still be able to just do what I do anyway, right? So I don't think I would ever have a different job like I wouldn't like start a different like oh Joe's doing A fucking like some other shit, you know, and I would never do like motivational speaking. No Or like be one of those dudes. It's tough. That's tough You could you could do it, but I feel like those people are robbing people Yeah, I wouldn't want people to pay to listen to me
Starting point is 01:34:19 But if someone was like, yo go talk to these people and they have questions. Yeah, I'll do it But I'm not gonna like that's my job. Yeah is to motivate, you know I don't know. Yeah, what's that guy's name tim robbins not tim robbins tony robbins The guy like sells out like churches. Yeah, like people fucking come and listen to them talk get on flights and they fly It's crazy. Yeah, just for him to be like It's possible Yeah, you you brought up a great how much time are we at? We're at Wow an hour 38. Okay. All right. I'll make I'll make this short. You uh, you brought up, um
Starting point is 01:34:57 Gary v one time and uh, you're opinion on him was very interesting to me. It was What he says Is good for people that aren't motivated but it's like uh Like the language he uses are for like beginners But like where is it for like the middle or like the higher class people that I mean higher class like
Starting point is 01:35:25 People that are successful or ready. No, I mean, I think what Gary v if you guys don't know who he is like He's a motivational speaker investor. He has a company and all this shit. We're watching my videos Huh? You can watch my Gary v videos. Oh, yeah But he's just very like in your face like just fucking get up and fucking work like fucking like, you know, he's like that Um, I think he's a smart dude. No, he is a smart. I mean, obviously he's a smart dude I mean, you're not I'm anyone who's successful smart in some way but
Starting point is 01:35:56 he to me all his stuff is It's almost repetitive, right, which I think more like Motivation is repetitive in a way, you know, like sometimes you need to be constantly motivated by the same things But it is very repetitive and I I found I found it to be Obvious right because I think people like I said I called it the formula But once you like figure out what it is and you and you have that thing
Starting point is 01:36:26 Then it's like oh Like you you get it like you know people have it and you know people who don't have it, right? You know and I don't know a lot of people with it that have like that mindset where it's like Oh, okay, like this dude like he knows what he's or like whatever. Yeah, because it's You know, and I hate fucking saying this but like would Gary V says shit like it's like, you know, it's very simple I'm like, he's not wrong. Like I do find it to be simple. Um, not that success is simple, but it's just knowing The only reason why it seems simple is because it's never discouraging So it's like, yeah, this is what I this is what I do like whatever
Starting point is 01:37:01 You know like however long it takes or whatever like I never get discouraged if something's not working out Right and we just actually had a quick like half joking conversation But I also think another big part of success is knowing when you're trash like a lot of people are like, yo if you never fail Uh, you only fail if you uh, give up and it's like, yo, it's also good to give up sometimes when you're not good at the thing Like being realistic with yourself. Yeah, like if like you could be like we said like in comedy though, right? Like say like you're not a great onstage presence Like maybe try writing Yeah, if you gave it a go for like six years doing stand-up comedy and it's like you're not good
Starting point is 01:37:37 Like you have you have to know when you're good in your bed. Yeah, you know It's like you either have it or you don't like singers too Yeah, it's like oh like you're not a good singer and it's like you don't want to step on people's dreams You know what i'm saying, but it's like sometimes you got to step on your own Yeah, I think I think I just I couldn't have it happened with me with football I used to think I was gonna be a division one fucking half back. I was senior year was five eight and 175 pounds like D32 that was it. You know what I'm saying like
Starting point is 01:38:08 It just doesn't work out sometimes. I just I don't know man. Like when people get like To me I look at people Who have like these giant they like grew some giant audience doing something like instagram or whatever Yeah, and then they just start making music out of nowhere But they're like one-off songs like every now and then like to me That's a person that doesn't know what they're what they are good at right or doesn't know what they're like That's a obviously a quick money grab and it's a good opportunity. Like yeah, we can make you sound good
Starting point is 01:38:36 Yeah, monetize yourself But I think if you have a plan and you know like your vision and you know like what you want to do like you wouldn't do Stuff like that, right? You know, yeah, no, I hear you that just sounds like that just to me looks like chickens running around with their heads cut off Right, like what else can we do? What else can we do? Like how else can we make money here or like whatever? I'm only saying that because I was on this kid's like instagram like you last night and I'm like this is all obviously like fake Like eat like easily recognizably fake content that he's creating and and he put out music I was like this isn't even close to what your thing is. So what is your thing? Like what do you want to be?
Starting point is 01:39:10 Yeah, you know and and if it's just like oh actor I'll make music and I got these instagram videos and I got this and that it's like Do you have a plan or is it just all kind of you're just trying everything while you're still hot, you know Yeah, just don't enough shit at the wall. Um another thing I wanted to ask and I'll end on this Fake content on the internet like you just talked about Like fake pranks that people obviously know why I don't know how are people watching that should be like, yo There's people believe that shit. Yeah, how do you believe that? I think what is wrong with people? Do you think they pay people? No, I think they're kids
Starting point is 01:39:49 Maybe I don't know man. I see people just be like, oh my god imagine and I'm like, yo, are we serious? Yeah, are we really serious? No one knows that this is fake yeah it was and it's uh, it's tough man because The video I saw this kid was like Is this the cloud chase dr. Phil kid? No, no, no, it wasn't him. It was it was some other dude I don't know his name, but I think he's like australian or some shit But he does like a bunch of like pranks with his family members
Starting point is 01:40:18 And like whatever and like just judging by their reactions. You'd be like Okay, yeah, this is fake man. Yeah, you know what I mean? And they're all kind of in on it. They all have their own instagram accounts and it's like whatever and dude I have no problem with that because I'm just it's confusing to me obviously, but I'm also it baffles my mind It really like I've lost sleep if it's if it's if it's children I get it though Yeah, if it's kids like if I watch an episode of fucking blues clues, I'd be like the fuck is this Yeah, you know, but to children it's stimulating in whatever way without with that. I don't I really don't know how
Starting point is 01:40:50 Well, I don't know what it is. It's just weird when I see adults like tagging each other in to be like, yo I can't believe you did that. Oh my god. What are we talking about here? Like it's fake man. What are we doing? Yeah, yeah, I swear to god. I've lost sleep over it. It bothers me so much I don't know. I hate everyone people make it work people people make it work There is something to learn from most people though It is learning about those processes like because it's like even if if someone gets to a certain place like this kid had like millions of followers like five five six seven million followers and That's not an accident. So what did he do? Yeah?
Starting point is 01:41:21 You know, because you don't know what happens behind the scenes like start fake peeing on people. Yeah Fake peeing on people I saw like a prank of like somebody like fake peed on somebody. Oh, yeah, I kid Lance. Remember he's the fake pee on Yes, Lance. What's up, buddy? Yeah, he's the fucking uh, he was always nice to me. So, um Yeah, but he would like fake pee on me. I met him one time. Was he nice? I I don't think we spoke he was you were just in the same thing because he's from like Jersey, isn't it? Yeah, yeah, like in the beginning of the vine stuff like he was he was he's got a cake. Yeah, he's got he's caked up Yeah, yeah, but like a lot of his shit is like obviously fake, you know, and I know that if I I feel like if I talk to him
Starting point is 01:41:58 And I was just like all this shit is fake, right? Yeah, and like that's fine. Then you can look at it like yo, they're just skits, bro. It's a yeah, it's a job Yeah, you know, it's a skit. Yeah, but I like I feel like people get really angry about that when there's like fake content He's gonna fucking fake dude. Yeah, and it's like I'm not fuck that kid. I'm like, I'm not fuck that kid I mean, it's like what's different than fucking tv, you know, yeah, he's pony it off as if it is real Which is like whatever we do that with fucking Santa Claus dude mean mean you're an uber is telling people we have kids Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, exactly reason. Yeah It's not for me, but like I get it. I could not believe that but you're not gonna sit there
Starting point is 01:42:35 And tell me with the cameras off that all this shit is real and I'm gonna get tight Yeah, don't don't insult my just own it. Don't insult my intelligence. Right. That's the only thing. Yeah, I'll get tight Don't insult my intelligence. That's the only thing. Yeah And if you got fake kids, I want to hear about them. Yeah, I want to know how old they are It's so weird that we both do that. Yeah, that's strange. Do you think there's something wrong with us for doing that? Yeah, there is right It's maniacal It's not maniacal. I think it is
Starting point is 01:43:01 No, you're lying. No, you know, it's maniacal like if you lied about like your grandparents dying so you get out of work No, no, no, no, no, no. Everybody does that. Um I've done that like 11 times since I've worked here. Um Like if you say you were in the army That's fucked up. That's fucked like that's maniacal took me a while But I had to think of a shitty so you like get on a plane earlier or just like in your uber like yeah, it's like, you know Stolen valor. Yeah. Stolen valor. This guy. I love those videos. Yeah, um But it's like, yeah, like, you know, I had some friends get blown up in the war
Starting point is 01:43:35 It's like, yeah, this dude's driving you to the grocery store. Like what are you doing? But fake kids. I don't know why it's just because I want kids, I guess I don't know. Well I just do it because I enjoy like just making up a story Making up a story. This is so great. It's just so great improv practice. Nobody's hurt by it Like if I came in here tomorrow and told you I had two kids you'd be like, uh What what are you doing? You talking about? Yeah, Danny, what are you talking about? All right, I think we could wrap this up here
Starting point is 01:44:08 We were all over the place in that one all over the place. You got deep. We got soft. We got hard We got into an argument over their toothbrushes. I I'm sorry No, I'm gonna defend myself. Where can I find you buddy? They can find me at daniela puri on twitter On instagram. Mm-hmm. And also the stank podcast Uh, I hope you guys go and check out the comic con video that we did. It's Hilarov. Joe filmed it. He had a great time. He didn't wear a costume. I know but uh, You can find us at the stank podcast on instagram and uh, slash the stank podcast on the youtube's
Starting point is 01:44:47 Yeah, and you guys can uh, go follow the show at the base me yard on instagram And uh, go check out santa gato studios the other youtube channel slash santa gato studios other people's lives That's where the uh Comic con video is and the other podcast on santa gato studios Podcast network other people's lives with me and greg dieback And our patrons shout out to all our patrons slash the base me yard We appreciate all you guys support and every month if you'd like to become a patron You get every episode a week early get some extra content from me and the big guy
Starting point is 01:45:19 That is all. See you guys next time. Okay. Bye

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