The Basement Yard - #214 - Getting Bodied By Oprah

Episode Date: November 4, 2019

On this episode, we celebrate National Nut Day, talk about if the 2020 election will end relationships/friendships & Oprah sonning people. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Test? Testing. Testing. What was that sound? This thing farted on me, I think. Testing, testing. I got some electronic farts from that in the beginning. Okay, welcome back to the basement yard.
Starting point is 00:00:11 Danny, how's it doing? Happy National Nut Day. Thank you, I haven't nutted yet. Today? No. I don't believe that. I haven't, I haven't. I have one of those mornings where I tried to jay it,
Starting point is 00:00:21 but my arm would get too tired before I climbed. Really? Yeah. You ever have that? How long were you going after it? For a while. I mean, it sounds like it's a while if you get your arm tired. Because you do it until like you, you know,
Starting point is 00:00:34 it's hard to inhale and exhale while you're jaying it. You're usually holding your breath. Yeah, it's kind of like trying to breathe out with your head hanging out the window on the highway. Yeah, it's impossible. It's a little too much oxygen. So that's what was happening. I was doing it and then my arm got tired
Starting point is 00:00:46 and I was like, I can't do it. And you're like, I forget this. Yeah, I gave up, I gave up. I got like. That's when you know you're getting lazy, man. I don't think it was just lazy. I just think, I, what my body wasn't ready for like this physical pounding.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Yeah, but I don't think that there was a pounding. I think that. Oh, there was pounding. Really? Yeah. Do you like, all right, let me ask you a question. Far away. You know how they say like, oh, I'm beating off.
Starting point is 00:01:11 But are you like, you're beating? No, like, what do you mean by beating though? Describe beating. Like. Like. Not like smashing it, but I mean like you're like, like your balls are flapping around is what I'm trying to say. Yeah, I'm, yeah, I'm jerking hard.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Really? You're talking gentle jerker? I mean, I'm trying to go easy on the guy. Really? I'm not trying to hurt anybody. No, I mean, I pound this thing out. Really? Yeah, it's part of it.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And there's like a sound it makes? Not a sound that it makes, but it's aggressive. That's what I'm talking about. I mean, yeah, sure. There could be aggression. I'm an aggressive jerker. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:46 What are you, a two finger squeezer? No, I'm not. No, no, no, no, relax. It's like right over the head and up right back there. No, what am I, a nurse? It's like getting a hand job from a fucking like a. Like a cricket? That's what it would be like.
Starting point is 00:01:58 No, that's how nurses like touch sticks, like two fingers and they just. I remember I went and got checked one time and Alana was with me. And I was. Did they make her leave? No, no, no. I was like, she doesn't have to leave.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Oh, she's in on it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She was in on it. She's seen it. But it was a male doctor and he was like, and I wasn't getting checked for anything with my penis or balls. Well, you had like a, you had like the flu
Starting point is 00:02:22 and he's like, let me check your dick just in case. No, I went in with like an accelerated heart rate. And I was like. That doesn't come for your cat. That's what I'm saying. That's why was he going in through the front door? I don't know. And Alana even brought it up.
Starting point is 00:02:34 To him? No, to me. She was like, why did he look at your penis? That doesn't make any sense. I think you just wanted a peek. That's what I think too. Maybe he knew you. And he's like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:02:42 I can get it. I can get away with seeing this thing. I think I said that. I said this on the show, but one of the guys was just like, yo man, you're funny. He was at EMT, they brought in somebody. Oh, I thought you meant after he checked your wang. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:02:54 You're hilarious. It's like, hey man, the guy's got a bullet in him. Maybe figure that out. Weird dick, but you're cool. No, but yeah, I don't know. I guess, yeah. Yeah, I'm a squeezer. You're a squeeze.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Oh, okay. Yeah. All right. Sometimes like, before I nut, I'll squeeze it at the top and then just like let it go. All right, I think we're getting to it. I know. Are you getting excited?
Starting point is 00:03:19 That's a porno. It is national nut day, so maybe, you know. That's why it's national nut day. If there's any day to talk about it. I think it's about national, it's like about peanuts. I was gonna ask, is it like nuts or like nut? It's about nuts, like almonds and peanuts, but nobody's gonna, no one's gonna take it that way.
Starting point is 00:03:34 No, I think this is a day where people should come. Yeah, I think people should come every day. I don't think, no, I don't, I don't come every day. Do you think people should? I mean, hey. It's a party. Life's a party. Also like, you know how like the no-fap thing,
Starting point is 00:03:51 I've done that before. What was it, no-fap, November? No, not November, they call it. No, not November, are you trying to do it? Nah. Nah, I need to have sex, Thanksgiving sex. Well, I think that's what it is. Thanksgiving sex?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Yeah, man. You have sex on Thanksgiving? Fuck no, I've probably never had sex on Thanksgiving my entire life. That's what I'm saying. Thanksgiving is like, you wake up and it's like, I gotta see my aunts and uncles. Thanksgiving Eve, though,
Starting point is 00:04:18 is apparently the biggest party day of the year. I don't like going out on those days. But it's a huge party day, so people are having sex. That's why, oh yeah, I mean, there is fucking a foot. 100%, people are coming hard. Yeah. But any day that's designated for partying, I'm not really cool, I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 It depends if you're the party. What? If people are coming to you, you can control the party. I don't like to go to bars on New Year's Eve or bars on Thanksgiving Eve. I don't like New Year's Eve either. I wouldn't want to go out for New Year's Eve. I'd rather go to a party.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You could control the environment and the bathrooms right there. There's snacks. Yeah, I don't like it, because it just feels weird. How the fuck are we talking about New Year's? Where do we go? Oh, from No Nut, it's like Nut on Somebody Day.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I already forgot the name of the National Day. I think it's Nut on, yeah, Nut on the, I don't know. Is it pistachio and nut? That's a nut. Walnut, coconut, but not kind of like, not a nut, right? That's not a nut, no. I wouldn't consider a coconut a nut. It's not, it's a fruit, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Almond, cashew, peanut. Walnut. Walnut, fuck. What else you got? Pecan? Peacans or nuts? Yes, yes, chestnuts. There you go.
Starting point is 00:05:47 All right, we got nine, keep going. How many are there? I don't know. Oh, seeds or nuts? No, no, no, no, no. Because nuts and seeds, they call them, right? Who? It's nuts and seeds.
Starting point is 00:06:01 They're different. About a food pyramid? Yeah, yeah, I think so. Isn't a food pyramid bullshit? Yeah, I think it's upside down apparently. No, but didn't they say you're supposed to have, think about all the shit that used to happen back in the day that just doesn't exist anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Like milk gives you strong bones. Now it's like milk will fucking Turn your stomach upside down and like make you shit blood. Let me see the food pyramid Yeah, he loves the Google. He loves it. I like food pyramids. Yeah, there's only one. This is called a healthy eating food pyramid What do you think's at the top? Grains and I don't know something that's and you're not supposed to have No, we also believe that cigarettes were like, okay We're like blown smoke into babies faces on airplanes. So at the top it's
Starting point is 00:06:44 It's basically pastry cream. It's basically bread meat This is bad dude. Yeah, none of it's good It's like milk eggs and it's like we're not supposed to have that either and they taught you about this in school for like a month Yeah Then you had to you had to memorize it, you know much milk. I drank back in the day I used to drink milk when I was thirsty Unbelievable like I wouldn't just have it with cereal like I'd come home from basketball and start chugging milk out of the gallon My mom used to yell at me. Yeah, that's that's a young that's a young kid thing though. I used to crush milk
Starting point is 00:07:17 Crush milk. What kind of milk did you guys have 2% whole milk? We had it all we had all whatever was on sale Nothing like skim though. Nothing. Nothing skim almond milk. I just learned about like three years ago That didn't exist back then. I like milk. Don't know. I have never had it, but I've never had oat milk I've had almond milk. I've had coconut milk goat milk. I've had goat milk. I haven't had goat milk Yeah, it's kind of weird that we would drink milk from another animal when our species makes milk Yeah, you ever milk a cow? Yeah, it's kind of addicting. Yeah, it's kind of cool because it's kind of like every time it's kind of like Being the best handjob or on earth. Yeah, because the thing's coming every time when there's a certain way you have to do it, too It's like yeah, you can't just like can't just pull the titty and it's gonna come out
Starting point is 00:08:01 You got to like open it like you know those blow-up toys Yes, you're gonna like bite it and then bite it then blow that's kind of what you have to do Don't bite a cow's nipple or blow it you yeah or blow it either, but you could squeeze it and then like yeah It makes that sound the like hitting iron. It's like you touch it. You're like, oh, this is so gross But you're like I'm put I'm getting it done fat to these two. Yeah big old udders Is it it's weird that women make milk? Yeah, I just had a nowhere like they don't or their whole lives and then they get pregnant and then milk And you feed your child with that. Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:35 We're animals your your kid sucks your titty to stay alive Sometimes on public trains dude one time I was on the train and we got stuck on there was a long stop over here But it was some train traffic because it was like the last stop right and so we were waiting around It was getting hot the baby was getting hot and bothered and he was thirsty and hungry and Lated just with that big old titty out was it a fat tit? It was a big ol fine That's kind of dope that she had fat titties could have been five babies to eat off of this tip
Starting point is 00:09:07 It was a big tip I didn't get a whole lot of nipple because it was the baby was you know hogging that But I definitely caught a glimpse not on purpose. I'm not out here like you know, I wasn't spying on her Someone lips a titty out in public you have the right to look I was a leaned up against the thing and I was just looking at the whole train No, son. I saw you know the tip came flying. Yeah, that's what I'm saying if a titty comes out in public It's fair game. Oh, yeah, it was a drive-by tit for sure I wasn't expecting this at all. It just came across my vision. It was a tit with a baby on it
Starting point is 00:09:36 But now if you got closer and like stared at it, yeah, then it's a little bit different Yes, or if I asked if there was any more left over or something like that. That's a little yeah Yeah, but do you get do you know how like do like people get upset when people breastfeed in public? Yeah, I don't get it What are we afraid of it's like hey, can you not do that here? Where do you want me to do it? My baby's gonna die if I don't do this you fucking idiot? Yeah, if you're uncomfortable you're afraid of tits. Oh, we does that's the world we live in now We're afraid of nips. Should we be able to watch though? Don't watch I mean, you don't have to sit there with binoculars out and your camera phone
Starting point is 00:10:13 But can you glance can you glance if you're stuck if you're stuck on a train? I Where am I gonna look that's what I'm saying, but I want to be able to look around the train I don't want to have to be able to look Oh, I can't look this way because your breastfeeding what if I want to look at something down there I don't think everyone has to turn around just don't Google at the woman like hey It's a yeah. Yeah, like don't don't be like Don't don't give them the old I can admire it though. No, I think there's no admiration Why can't you add it's a beautiful thing. It's just like Seinfeld where he talks about cleavage
Starting point is 00:10:44 He's like cleavage is like the Sun you get a sense of it then you look away It's the same thing with tits honestly though But I will say this you can't get mad if someone is caught staring at your fucking to your whole tits out No, we there's no just random titty public titties on the train. So for that to happen is kind of crazy All right, there's a couple things in this world a dog shitting, right? We're all looking at that Yeah, when a dog's taking a shit no one's like oh, yeah, like you're like ill man Rubber I guess keep looking at it car accidents car accidents Yeah, fights you got to watch car accidents. You got to look there
Starting point is 00:11:18 I mean a certain thing rubber necking the name the whole thing about it. Exactly I Think like sex in public you kind of have to watch No, I've never saw that you've never seen that I've never seen people fucking I've seen a dude get a blowjob once in public He had a blue. Yeah, and they were both homeless This is outside of my what of my last job a dirty blows. Yeah, I didn't I didn't stay and like oh man This is awesome, but I watched for like a few How was that no home blows? It was uh?
Starting point is 00:11:48 It was nice to see that homeless people were coming together to do something Yeah, it was a very nice moment. Yeah, but I don't know they kind of look like they've been Sharing the same box for a while. Yeah Yeah, in many in many ways you would say would you ever bring a homeless person in? And like spray him down a little bit like get him cleaned up give him some clothes You say spray him down. No, you know what I mean like hard wash now I ended you frame like you know, you don't want to get him too close to your house, but like You don't want to know where you live, but you'll like bring him some stuff. I I do that
Starting point is 00:12:21 I mean, I wouldn't let him sleep in my house. What's the nicest thing you've ever done for a homeless person That's not giving him money. Nothing then I give homeless people money, but I've never been like hey man You go to Pennsylvania hop in You know, what have you done? I've given homeless people my shoes off my feet and then walked home Yeah, footless. Yeah, what am I? I gave this homeless dude both of my feet Cut him off right there on the street had a surgeon with me. She pulled my fucking clean cut I gave him my hand too. Yeah, not so you can jerk off
Starting point is 00:12:55 So you could beat it now, but I've given I'm giving homeless people pairs of my shoes and Okay, why? Because they had no shoes Yeah, got that. Yeah. Yeah, okay All right, you know Yeah, no, I got like I was on 80s. I was on 86th Street. Oh, so you were like I was coming off the train, right? So I like I'm kind of in the vicinity of where I live. I just hopped in a cab But like yeah, is there a reason why this person struck you I've seen some I'm just keep saying footless. I've seen some shoeless
Starting point is 00:13:29 Homeless people before well the the thing the thing is New York has a lot of fake homeless. Yeah, like this dude wasn't fake Oh, I'm skeptical about homeless people in New York. Oh, yeah, I'm big. I'm a homeless skeptic I'm a homeless critic. Yeah, I'm a homeless critic for sure How homeless are you? There was a Yelp critic for homeless. I'd be like top rated. Yeah, I'd be I'd have a If it was a monthly charge, I'd pay I'd have a deep deep deep deep database on these homos. Yeah Say homos. No, I said homelows Homelows Homeless homo sapiens
Starting point is 00:14:09 I have a deep database on these homos All right, and that's where can they find you? I thought you were I thought you were trying to say hobo No, no, no, I said homelows. It's like like homeless homo sapiens. Yeah, you tried. Yeah, but um The word homo is just funny. I don't care what anyone says. I haven't heard homo in so long you homo Oh, yeah, like what I never understood why that was like derogatory towards gays either I know but it's like we're homo sapiens. So we're all homos Yeah, man been a homo doc born a homo. That's what I'm saying. We all we all start homo That's what I'm saying. Can't say no homo. It's it's only homo. That's all of this. It's all of it. Yeah homo son
Starting point is 00:14:54 The fuck you mean no homo no life Life doesn't exist without homo. You know what I hate pause Yeah, well, I mean, yeah, I was like I was lifted next to this guy and he was like really strong Like he had big muscles pause. I'm like, dude. All right, we get it. Yeah, you know what I hate I hate that when when when no homo was a thing. Oh, no homo was the worst. So here's the thing about no homo, right? It made me More homo in my head. Yeah, of course cuz people used to say it people who were like super
Starting point is 00:15:33 Like just homophobic like they'd say anything and it would be and then like that they'd be like, uh, you know That's a cool spoon. No homo. Yeah, and now I got to create a reason why the spoon is like it's a gay situation Like you know, did someone like fuck this spoon? Yeah, yo, you enjoying your ice cream? I know homo my bad Yo, my back hurts no homo and now it's like in my head. I'm like, wait, why would that be? Homo, you notice but then it evolved and then everyone started making jokes jokes like y'all must suck your dick No homo. Yeah, I mean then it became that right, but uh, no, so what struck me about this? homelow this homo
Starting point is 00:16:08 Homeless homosexual. Is that is that where we are? No, I don't know the sexual homeless guy was a homeless man you go so It was maybe like 22 degrees 23 degrees We just got our Christmas tree the day before okay, and like this dude had no shoes on and his feet were just Black as the night. Yeah, like this dude was not faking the funk. This dude was homeless is ever-loving shit. Yeah Oh You know how it is around the holidays you're in an extra giving mood Yeah, I have an abundance of shoes you do the particular shoes that I was wearing
Starting point is 00:16:52 Didn't care for much anymore. We should do that this this winter. Yeah, we should give away some shoes You got a lot of shoes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll give away some shoes. Yeah, we'll go around We'll try to find some yeah shoeless shoeless men, and then we'll and we'll dish them about yeah, we'll dish them about um, I Wanted to start a charity called kicks for kids Where it's like you raise money and you kick them and you kicked all the kids in the head with new shoes, right? No, but I wanted to start a Charity at some point. I'm sure kicks for kids. I looked it up. It doesn't exist yet. Really? Yeah, isn't kicks
Starting point is 00:17:28 For kids with the X like the series cars for kids. Ah, that's what you're thinking You ever see the commercial it's so weird It sucks And it's like it was made in a high school, and it's definitely not that kid singing It's like a girl singing and it's a guy lead singer I don't know man when you're young kind of blends. I had a very girly voice when I was young really When it's that that manly anymore. Yeah, you know, but back then I had a high-pitched Yeah, what's going on? Yeah, what's going on man? It's just it's Joe
Starting point is 00:17:57 Oh, I can't come to phone right now like my voicemail was like, yeah, who is this do you have any recordings of that? No, I mean, I probably have your mom videos. Yeah, yeah for sure I also looked like a girl when I was in like pre-k. I looked like a girl, too. I have long hair, you know Madeline Yeah, they're like English whatever was in like school. I look like Madeline. Did you have long hair? No, no, no, I just had like I had a curly like sort of fro but like you know when you're young enough Is your hair curly? No, but I had curly hair when I was younger. It's so weird how you're body Do you ever see people that are born blonde and then they're brunettes just change doesn't make sense
Starting point is 00:18:32 What is this baby a mood ring? How does that happen? How do you go from yellow to brown doesn't make any sense to me? It's like, oh, he had the banana. Yeah, he had the most beautiful blonde hair as a baby. I was like this guy His hair is black. Yeah, or like people have babies. It's like yeah, he's got brown eyes, but we're hoping they turn blue I'm like, uh, excuse. Yeah, does excuse doesn't make any sense. Excuse. How I'm happy I'm not the only person that's like had a problem with that. You know it bothers me What kind of genetic genetic weird makeup do you have? I don't know these babies are they're changing now Sincere Yeah, so it was like 12 degrees
Starting point is 00:19:12 20 degrees, whatever So I was just like, yeah, I'm right here I'll take a cab home and I just gave him some shoes and Thankfully, they were a little too big, but they fit them enough. Mm-hmm. And then that was it and then I just went home Nice. Yeah, I've done that a couple times. Do you say thanks? Yes, he did like he was very thankful. Nice But you can just tell this guy was just super so fucked So I honestly I'm not even kidding. I think about that all the time in the winter
Starting point is 00:19:41 Because it gets really cold in New York, you know city, especially Manhattan because you're surrounded by water and the wind is whipping around there. Yeah, it is freezing and I I've been out Like around Christmas time me and my family you should go to dinner somewhere and even just walking from like The uber to the restaurant. It's like dude. It's freezing out and I'm wearing a jacket pants Fix socks and shit layers and I'm cold. Yeah, like how are you homeless and surviving out there? I don't know I don't know. It's just it's insane. I like and I've seen some like borderline homeless people But like it gets me like when they have pets
Starting point is 00:20:21 Oh, and it's just like dude It's 97 degrees and like this dog's panting out here like I'll go in 7-elevens and just be like, you know Just give your dog like all this water. Yeah, you know, I don't like I saw dudes because the peco By my apartment this guy was homeless and had like a cats. I was like, you know, I'd like cats Yeah, cats and they were like, yeah, they were like Yeah, they were chilling and they were just like Farrell Hawks Farrell Hawks But like you could see like they would leave him a little bit and like do like their own thing and like just be catty back to him Yeah, cuz like he feeds them. That's why but I remember I was like dude
Starting point is 00:20:56 I was like here just take a whole bunch of cat food and like Fix up your fucking cats man Like just like I care more about the cats than I do about like the homeless person See, I don't like I feel like there are people who They'll get upset and like they see a homeless guy with like a dog and they'll give him like money like yeah But this is for the dog. Yeah, dude take it easy on this fucking guy. Yeah, like what is best like I'll bring I'll bring food Yeah, you know, I like to get like I don't mind giving homeless people money But like I like giving them like stuff like food. Yeah, like you know, like trust me
Starting point is 00:21:30 This is in your best interest. It's like eat this food. Yeah, you know, a lot of times I'll ask him be like, you know, did you eat today? That's the first thing I'll ask him And then you know if they don't if they haven't eaten and I have guys that live in my neighborhood that I know are homeless So like I hit them off every time I see him Yeah It's like a part of just like hit him off with some food or something I know but the way you said that just makes it sound like you like I give him a little hit of something Yeah, yeah, I just hit him off. I keep him on the street. Hit him off with a dime. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:01 now one of the like It's weird and I don't want to get like this deep but it's like I'm ready to get deep, baby like You could be homeless like that. Yeah, I mean not that I mean it would be more like That yeah, but yes, no, you're very well good. Um, I do like people like I Feel for people to man because like I feel like people don't understand especially with like addiction and whatnot like people like I've had You know people around me suffer from addiction and and I know what it's like to You know go through that or like what it what it's like to I mean I haven't had struggled with addiction at all
Starting point is 00:22:41 But like I've known people very close to me that struggle with addiction and it's and people can write it off so easily as like Oh, this is your fault or like You know, they don't feel bad for the person because they're just like, oh, you know They got themselves there and I was like, you gotta understand this is the disease It's not like they were like choosing to go out there and just like get addicted to this thing It's like, oh, man. No, I just love partying. It's like dude. I have a disease, right, right? Yeah You know, yeah
Starting point is 00:23:14 demonetized Sorry, what were you saying? No, something about addiction. No, but no, it's true And it's like people choose fucking drugs over their family like 99% of the time and that's the thing right that are like that are real addicts I'm not saying like anyone that like tries drugs like yeah, my family sucks Yeah, you know, but but I'm saying like people write that off and get and be like I'm not gonna help this guy because like he got himself there like Bob. It's like all right, dude. Yeah Like you gotta have a little bit more of a heart there. Yeah, I have an easter Yeah, cuz it's not like it would be one thing if it was like all this guy's homeless because he had five pyramid schemes
Starting point is 00:23:50 That didn't go the right way and he was trying to fuck people out of money I know he's homeless cuz he didn't have a place to live like that's different, right? But if you struggle with an actual disease I'm gonna walk by and spit on you because I fucking you know, I'm saying nobody fucking drunk guys I've walked by like eight nine in the morning that are just like slumped up against the wall I'm like this guy doesn't want to be like this. We fucked up. Yeah But it's just weird like I always thought about like all right today. I'm gonna go homeless
Starting point is 00:24:19 It's just weird that no because like they don't have a choice They're like I have to just commit to this life and then they have like their own set of rules like you know homeless people have like Like their survival techniques are crazy Like like the way they survive in New York. You know, it's incredible You know, I'm like weird about a lot of things There was a point in my life where I wanted to Strictly interview homeless people. Yeah as like a I don't even know what the hell it was. I just wanted to do it because I feel like
Starting point is 00:24:48 Because you know how I always say like I think everyone has something to offer But I feel like homeless people in particular The ones who aren't just like insane or whatever, right? They have these gems Because to survive on the streets of New York City, you've seen some stuff. This is the most like I mean besides san francisco the most Expensive place to live. Yeah In the United States. It's freezing. There's a thousand people. It's dirty and you're doing it for years how and it's like
Starting point is 00:25:19 when I see a dude just like sleeping In like a loud ass place And just knocked out. I'm like, yeah, this dude has probably been up all night just like getting kicked out of places where you're trying to sleep and like I would love there was a there was a great documentary which you should watch a guy goes undercover on a skid row And they have like this whole fucking weird
Starting point is 00:25:46 homeless underground community. Yeah, I've seen and They have like hierarchies and shit like there's like the king homeless man Like there's like leaders. There's like levels to like being homeless imagine being so homeless. You were the king of the homeless Does that make you the least homeless or the most that makes you the most homeless and the least at the same time? Because people depend on you and look up to you, but it's like, hey, he's sleeping in a cot like right next to me Would you rather be I'd rather I'd rather say serve the homeless king And I was gonna give me purpose. I was gonna say would you rather be home or the king of the homeless?
Starting point is 00:26:26 I want to have a home I don't want to be the king of anything Kings are kings are responsible. Yeah, dude. Yeah, but the thing is get slain. Yeah Imagine you were the boss and they're like, you know what? We're just gonna cut your head off today I'm good on that. Yeah And that was another thing that was weird too. They used to have public executions Yeah Like people would just gather around be like here. Yeah, and then they'd hang like 10 people and then everyone go
Starting point is 00:26:58 Who wants a beer that woman read a book Hanger hang her. She's a witch. Yeah And that's another thing too. They used to burn people in like town squares and shit tar and feather tar and feather That's lunacy. Yeah, that's insane or they would drag people through the streets Stone people bury them up to their necks and stone them. Yo being stoned to death is probably the worst way to die Um, it's up there for sure because you need some real fucking marksmen to knock you out You know what I'm saying like these people are hitting your fucking chest and your back and all that shit like I think if I like
Starting point is 00:27:38 If I had to stone someone I think I I'm missing on purpose. No, I got airmailed it. Sorry No, I'd do him a favor. I try to hit him as hard as I could so they'd go out seriously Yo, they're gonna get stoned. Yeah, man. I'm sorry you're gonna die But let me just put this one right between your eyes and you won't feel anything else. That's why we shoot deer Yeah, it's true. You know we saw those deer hang. Hold on. Yeah, hold on. I just remembered this. Yeah I know you're probably watching There someone DM'd me okay a video okay
Starting point is 00:28:15 Of this long story didn't read it a lot of words Can I I'm sorry, I don't mean to interrupt you But how long does the DM have to be where you're automatically just like there's zero chance. I'm reading this. It was three blocks Oh, yeah, so I was like good med Uh So but at the bottom there was a video And the only reason why I even read the little that I did was because of the video right Some sick bastard
Starting point is 00:28:43 sent me a video of a deer With fucked up legs Oh, and it was a video of the deer struggling to stand and get away And then I guess someone he knew walking into the person's house where they were And being like, oh can go knock on their door and tell them to shoot the deer. It's like suffering And then it was like it was hilarious Basically like how it was written was like you believe that hilarious and I was like, this is I don't want to it's sad
Starting point is 00:29:15 I don't see this did show them getting shot. No. All right. Thank god. No, I dad I would have I would have been like the fuck is wrong with you. I would have been a Basically a remake of bambi people. This is the thing, right? You got to remember We are from the city Well, I am from the city. I don't see animals. Yeah, if I see an animal, that's crazy. It's like snow white I'm like, oh, I see a deer and I slow down. Yeah, all right. I will stop my car. Oh, yo Fucking deer
Starting point is 00:29:44 Other people see deer in the other parts of the country and they're just like it's a fucking deer. Yeah, right? So I get how you can be like Desensitized to the fact that like, uh, we gotta we gotta put this thing down. You gotta shoot it in the face But with me I would drove that to a hospital and be like put some cats on it. I had a Giving four scum braces. We'll get this thing up and run in a few years. Joe fucking nurses this deer back to hell Right like a movie about it. I was like a secretary it I was like, oh my god
Starting point is 00:30:12 And like it was just like funny to see the contrast between a person like me and another person who lives in a In a different area of the right right being like, ah, man This is like funny and I'm like, oh, yeah, man. Look at this stupid deer. I can't even walk and I'm like In a way, they were right, I guess. No, yeah, you gotta shoot that deer in the face Yeah, but like to laugh about it's a little tough. Yeah, remember we saw those two deer or goats And whatever store we were in almost threw up almost threw up thinking about it So we went to this place and they had the meat section and they had like
Starting point is 00:30:49 These pieces of meat out like regular, you know wrapped up and then they just had two skinned with their hearts hanging out fucking Goats I think it could have been a dog I don't know what animal was you could tell where they slid its fucking throat because the head was barely hanging on And all their teeth were still in their mouth and their eyeballs were just Staring at the boy and I was like they are gazing into my fucking heart I said that this made me never want to eat meat again And then we had chicken and then I had lamb today. Yeah, you did. Yeah, you literally ate that today. Yeah, I did
Starting point is 00:31:23 I ate I probably ate them lamb's great though lamb is great Lamb is great and it had like yo if you're gonna hang me cut the head off. Yeah, get rid of the head and get Let's remove the heart it makes it too. Yeah remove the heart. Actually the heart. I heard is good Yeah, but their head I want to get into that it was hanging and the heart was literally hanging upside down like this Yeah, it was it was a lot. It was a lot man. That is shit. Yeah, I know that my whole like You know thing is flawed like vegetarians are losing their minds right now But I know my whole thing is flawed when it comes to like meat and whatever like I don't want to see it In the shape of what it is. I just want to see it as food
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah, I want to see I want to see a prep because if I see it like that I don't like that's why like I don't like going to greek Easter like ah man I can see that that's a lamb like I would rather just get served lamb And be like, oh, this just looks like dirt like food. I've had friends who were like, yeah We're gonna bleed out the lamb tonight and like take pictures of it. I'm just like, yo chill, dog Like come on fam. I did have a dm person though who worked in a hospital if you're watching the show I forgot who you are but uh Actually, I actually don't act don't dm me anymore, but uh
Starting point is 00:32:33 But they worked and they would send me Dms of stuff in the er So like if a dude's arm came off I would see it Why? Because they would just send it to me. I'd be blocking. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but I don't like to block people on instagram And I'm gonna tell you why I have a weird theory about it. Um He would send me like if they removed like organs, I would see them like a heart. I saw like yeah, I saw mad shit
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah, and then they just throw it in this bio hazard box It's fucking crazy. No, the reason I don't block people on instagram is because I feel like that gives them power over me Because if you go into blocked users, it's like all their names are there. I'm like all these people would beat me I don't really block anyone either, but I just don't want because then like a part You're blocking them, but like their name is like attached to you and you're blocked users And I'm like, yeah, I have never even seen a blocked users Like where do you see? I don't even know where you go to settings and like blocked users I didn't even know I didn't even know that. Yeah to be honest
Starting point is 00:33:35 It takes a lot for me to block you Honestly, I would only block someone if they're just being like Like 30 comments in a row Unlike every picture and it's like annoying like that. Yeah, all right. This is done That kind of stuff. I don't mind like when people comment on my pictures, but like How do you feel about these ones? Hey, man, I got great beats. Can you check them out? Or oh, I'm sorry. I have to do this, but you know, I'm a I'm a producer from Miami and uh I respond all the time. I'll reply to those really. Yeah, I'll reply to them and be like, yeah, man, no problem
Starting point is 00:34:07 I'll be like not right now, but I could do it later You know what I mean? It's just like because they ask so nicely. Well, it's I think it's a marketing thing, of course Of course, but that's it. That's it like Have some integrity here. Yeah, you can't you can't beg I mean you can but there's different ways to do it. You can you can beg the right way No, you can't the begging you don't beg But is it is it begging if you're just trying to get people to see your stuff? It is begging Or is it you like that that whole thing is framed as a bag being proactive but coming off like
Starting point is 00:34:42 No, I think being proactive is getting better at your craft Yeah, and just having some integrity of being like I'm not going to beg or force anyone to listen So you think that's like false marketing False advertising. No, I don't think it's false advertising. I just find it to be annoying I'm more subtle with everything Like a lot of people back in the day like I feel like the youtuber doesn't even exist anymore like the idea Oh, they they do they do but like it's it's way less like saturated and like it's a different thing now
Starting point is 00:35:14 Yeah, it's it's not called like youtuber anymore. It's like it's just yeah, it's just what you do. Yeah Yeah, I think that uh like because back in the day people used to uh post The link to their video like every single day and like really push it really push it and like yeah this and that and like Whatever and I I would post it once And there was a time where I did um There was a begging time for me where it was like going crime I let it out man. Let it out man
Starting point is 00:35:44 There was a begging point where I would because I was like trying out to see if there would be a difference there Of telling people that if they did retweet the tweet to the video Then I dm A couple people. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I used to do that all the time. Yeah, I remember before we knew each other I used to retweet it. Well, we knew of each other. Yeah, I just felt yeah I was just like waiting on this dm dog like it's all good. I do remember that damn that feels like Ages ago. I mean it was it was like five years ago. Damn, dude, but um, wow that that brought me back. Yeah Fun, okay, what accent are you doing action? What action you want some action? Would you do it?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Oh The fuck is wrong with us. Um, I'll tell you what I'll tell you what's not wrong with us the sponsors that we have for this true What's up with the bracelet I just noticed that oh, yeah, I bought a bracelet your bracelet boy I'm not a bracelet boy. You're a bracelet boy doing basement. That's It's uh, it's a bracelet and uh, you know, don't look at it because it's the uh coordinates of my mother's house Is it really? Yeah, damn. I'm gonna leak that and it's like down to the decimal. Is it really probably from my I wouldn't have brought it up. Maybe earlier in the show people. You just held it up to the camera
Starting point is 00:37:16 There's no way that people could see this. Yeah, fucking there's nerds out there, dude. I You remember that in movies to enhance enhance. It was so weird of movies like How they would have technology where like the first frame it wouldn't be clear But for some reason they could put a box on it and it was clear You're like, all right, this is 4k now. Yeah, like what the fuck this is 1990 the fuck I wonder like how many things happened in movies like like pro like
Starting point is 00:37:46 like projected Future inventions that they did in movies that have like actually came true Like I wonder what the first movie to ever use like a fake FaceTime was Oh, I see what you're saying, you know, you know what I'm saying like in click when they're like in the future And they have like those things. Yes. Yeah, I don't know I don't know. I don't know how the fuck anyone would know to be honest with you unless they knew every movie ever Ah, let's get that. Hey, Ed. See uh, we're gonna keep you guys nice and shaved with harry's razors here
Starting point is 00:38:17 Humans they've been shaving for over 5000 years. That's a fact. It's a long time. That's a long time. Okay. That's more than a thousand years That's for sure. Uh, 10 million people have tried harry's Um, and they love it. We got harry's the boys got him. We use them to shave our necks You know what I'm saying Seriously, I gotta keep this shape, but I can't shave my face because if I do The show goes to shit everything changes. What would I have to do? No, I'm gonna ask you after I'm gonna ask you not gonna not gonna shave my face No, but I want to see what like realistically how attached you are to it, but like keep going very very attached
Starting point is 00:38:53 um harry's, uh They have quality durable blade break Quality durable blades at a fair price just two dollars per blade. That is Uh, it owns a world-class blade factory in germany that's been making some of the best razor blades in the world for over 99 years Also all very long time. That's like a like a hundred years Um, also harry's is a brand you can be proud of 1% of sales are donated to organizations that provide access to mental health care for men Hey, you know
Starting point is 00:39:24 Exactly. Thank you guys. Thank you so much Um, but yeah, you can claim your special trial offer by going to slash basement um, and Your trial set will include a weighted handle for a firm grip a five blade razor with a lubricating strip and trimmer blade Rich lathering shave gel with aloe to keep your skin hydrated, which is important. Yes Um, and a travel blade cover to keep your razor dry and easy on the go Um, again, that is slash basement start shaving better today. Okay folks Slash basement
Starting point is 00:40:00 Go do it up. Uh, next we have sea keek. Our buddy's over there at sea keek. Love them Love sea keek anytime we're going to a sporting event a concert a play Don't say it kind of a broad way guy I'm going sea keek You know what I mean? I'm not going to say it. Don't worry about it. We're not going to talk about your hat Um, we're not going to talk about it. We're not talking about is wearing a Yankee hat We just got knocked out of the playoffs. We're not talking about it. Uh, the So sea keek
Starting point is 00:40:26 Let's talk about happy stuff. Can't even talk about happy stuff. You go to a great Broadway play to cheer you up There you go. Are you going to next game and get more upset? Yeah, that too Um Yeah, but their their app allows you to buy tickets to to events They make it very easy the interface is fucking awesome. I love it and it shows you like good prices bad prices for certain Seats they have over 50,000 five-star reviews. It's a lot not just me saying Could use some of those reviews as runs. Yeah, could use could use 50,000 runs stay in the fucking there you go. Um But yeah, uh, so go check out sea keek, uh, they will even give you 10 dollars off your first sea keek purchase
Starting point is 00:41:06 All you need to do is use our promo code, which is basement Okay, uh, $10 off your first purchase go download sea keek in the app store today and start going out there and exploring the world All right next product can't curse on this one skill share is an online learning community with thousands of amazing classes covering Dozens of creative and entrepreneurial skills Uh, you can take classes in everything from photography to creative writing to design productivity Like any sort of skill. I highly recommend this to anyone. I'm in a firm believer in that everyone in this day and age
Starting point is 00:41:49 Should have some sort of side hustle they're working on or some skill that they could turn into a business one day And this could be a way to start doing that. Uh, so whether you're returning to a long time passion project Challenging yourself to get outside your comfort zone. Uh, you know skill shares for you. Um Join the millions of students already learning on skill share today with a special offer Just for our listeners get two months of skill share for free Two months Yeah, they're giving away. They're giving it away free knowledge Uh skill share is offering the basement yard listeners two months of unlimited access to thousands of classes for free
Starting point is 00:42:24 Uh to sign up go to skill share dot com slash basement again. That is skill share dot com Slash basement. Okay, they got creative writing animation film and video music music production They have a lot of cool stuff. So definitely go check them out. Uh, this could be the start Of your entrepreneurial journey Gotta start somewhere, right? Gotta start somewhere as they say Danny. Who says that? They there you go. Uh next we have uh, lastly our our last sponsor for today is open fit Open fit takes all the complexity of losing weight and getting fit It's a brand new super simple streaming service that allows you to work out from the comfort of your living room
Starting point is 00:43:03 In as little as 10 minutes a day. It's nice. Okay, which is nice because sometimes you don't feel Confident enough to go to the gym and work out in front of other people Or are you going to the yoga class and the old ladies or more flexible than you so you look bad I'm talking from personal experience here. Yeah So you could just take these yoga classes in the comfort of your own home At your own time if you don't have time for the gym, you'll get home late from work You could do it whenever you want at your own leisure at your own leave Affordable and accessible
Starting point is 00:43:33 That's the biggest thing and you could bring it on vacation if you want to do that If the hotel you're staying at doesn't have a gym doesn't matter. You got a tablet boom bang boom You got a tv that has like Capabilities in it. There you go And you get so you can see results within the first 30 days Even if you just want to do something like increase energy, it's good for that as well You can lose up to 15 pounds in just the first 30 days the right way. Okay, that's going to take some dedication But you can get it done. All right, so start now
Starting point is 00:44:02 Go check out open fit Go text basement to 30 30 30 you can join in on the fitness journey personalized just for you Right now during the open fit 30 day challenge Our listeners get a special extended 30 day free trial membership to open fit when you text basement to 30 30 30 You will get full access to open fit all the workouts nutritional information Totally free again. All I have to do is text 30 30 30 standard message and data rates may apply Good for you I think i'm getting good at this very good. I think they're gonna put me on tv one day. Yeah. Yeah, come on good
Starting point is 00:44:40 Better than last week. You had a little trouble Yeah, sometimes when I get new sponsors, right? It's hard to read and be animated at the same time. Well, I'm trying not to read I'm trying just to hit the points and just do them because I know what the companies are But sometimes I just like I lose my spot. I'm like, oh, it happens. You know, it happens breaking down the third wall I'm just like Happens to us on the stank, you know, happens happens from time to time. Yeah, but uh, I was this thing that you're beard When's the last time you were fully shaven?
Starting point is 00:45:13 1918 no, I think uh, yeah, good. Yeah, good. Yeah, excellent. Yeah, I think I don't know maybe like 2007 Wow How old was I? No, that's a lie. I was about 17 No Yeah, maybe no, no, no my senior year of high school. I was still shaving my face So yeah, I'm trying to send some videos to you 18 19 when I first started doing like youtube shit. I think You have no beard No, I did
Starting point is 00:45:42 I know I didn't I had like very minimal scrub Now is there a reason why you don't like to not have a beard? Yeah, I'm ugly, dude Without a beard you're ugly. Yeah, not not that I don't think you're ugly Here we go. I'm not trying to get some compliments. I am not Fishing for anything. I'm just saying The boy's a little uglier I I get that I I don't shave for that reason
Starting point is 00:46:13 I think I look better with it. I think I look better with it as well And I like the way it looks that's that's all you're gonna like the way you look Guaranteed I was like this side profile this guy's face is nice. What happened to that guy the men's warehouse guy Yeah, remember you see him talk for a little while You're gonna like the way you like dude. Stop me at horn. Yeah, am I trying to buy me a suit or fuck me? I maybe both. Yeah, you ever go to men's warehouse and it's like Yeah, man, we got affordable stuff until you get here and it's really expensive. Yeah, what's an affordable suit I'm thinking affordable suit. I'm thinking like maximum 65 dollars
Starting point is 00:46:49 We get there and it's like it's only I was like, why did I come the suits 350? Oh, that's just the jacket. I'm like Jesus. Fuck I just paid five dollars for fucking parking. Yeah Bitch, I hate when I go shopping pay for parking and don't find anything that I like That bothers me and all I did was pay for parking that day. It makes me so fucking angry That's one of my biggest pet peeves in life like about myself. It's like you went shopping for fun Didn't find anything it just spent 20 dollars on parking Doesn't sound so fun like an asshole. Yep
Starting point is 00:47:23 Hey, yeah, I'm hey, I'm on your team. You ever go shopping and like feel good that you didn't spend money though You're like, I'm happy I didn't buy this. I'll be honest with you It's like you go shopping and not buy anything. I'll be honest with you. I've gone shopping Like under 10 times in my life, you're hard to get to buy stuff for yourself No, I buy stuff for myself, but I buy it in bulk. No, no, no. Yeah, you buy it online and like you do it at your own leash Well, like I won't spend like I won't go to a store and spend 70 bucks Like if I'm going shopping, I'm spending like 350 dollars minimum. Yeah That I understand because I do that too
Starting point is 00:48:04 But I like going to like stores and like I don't mind trying shit on and like looking and trying to find the best price and stuff I feel like you're just like I hate all of this. Yeah, I'm not a big guy for that. Yeah, I mean I I'll be honest like I would never call you to come to Barney's I would go with you. Yeah. Yeah, you would because you know, you know, you would get some drip Barney's has fresh shit shout out to Barney's Shout also shout out to Barney. Yeah. Yeah. Hey Barney come on the show come on the show Barney
Starting point is 00:48:35 I haven't haven't seen that guy in a while fucking seven foot tall fucking dinosaur Was there any pedophile stuff that came? I think so, but I didn't want to say it out loud, but I just did Okay. Yeah, because I wasn't sure I was like, ah kid's show. You know, I feel like stuff always comes out like Wasn't Elmo a perv too It was a puppet. No the guy that played Elmo. I mean Maybe I think so I think you got I think you did some stuff. Yeah. Yeah. How are they on sesame street? Apparently yeah
Starting point is 00:49:07 Yeah, but you shopping it's like I'd like I've never shops the beach plus you like to be shopped the we could make that happen No, I uh You know, I'm I'm now like It's it's weird, but I feel like I'm in this phase of my life where I'm going against everything that I used to do Yeah, like I never spend money Yeah, but like No, but I mean like everything that I'm like, oh, I don't do this and it's like why and it's because uh, this is just what I've been doing
Starting point is 00:49:39 So I'm just gonna just do not do that anymore. Right. Did that make any sense? Yeah, it did to me it did because I know you but it logically maybe it didn't but like you wouldn't spend doing stuff your whole life You've been doing everything a certain way talking eating certain foods are going to certain places And you haven't gone to other places. Yes because you had a bad experience when you're a little or because like what happened to you I'm saying like what like a food like you threw up once because you had hot chocolate So you haven't had hot chocolate and now you've convinced yourself. I just don't like hot. I happen to you. No my sister though I was like, no, you can't you can make stuff up on the spot. I was like, there's no way that's made up
Starting point is 00:50:18 What happened to you on this fucking trip, dude? No trip You said something bad to you on a trip and that's why you don't go anymore No, I'm saying like in general like who was it? No, you idiot. I'm saying like if you went on a trip when you were younger uh to you know, uh Fucking lake george if goofy tells you to walk in the woods with them when you're six You went right to molestation. No, I did it. Yes, you did. No, I did it I'm saying you go like the woods and you're like, I don't like the woods because you know But that was an experience you had when you were seven when you were just crying for no reason
Starting point is 00:50:49 Like now as an adult you could go there and appreciate. All right, you know, all right And I compare everything to uh a needle Right because when you get in a shot when you're younger, it's the worst pain You've ever felt in your life. Yeah, and it's like it's crazy, right? But then you get one as an adult and you're like I was like that wasn't that bad Still to this day. I don't like them. Oh, who the hell likes getting hurt but Like uh, I used to be terrified of IVs
Starting point is 00:51:17 Like why not no way Why because I just thought it was weird that they were just gonna go and put it in me Yeah, you know, yeah, and they have like that weird cool thing that sucks your blood out super fast now like the little tubes like Yeah, that's what they do I used to be terrified of that. It's like dude throw IV me through the ass. I was like, I'll do all that now. Yeah. Yeah, but um Even earlier on this show when we first started I was like, yo, like you never want to like go to Italy and you're like, nah No, that's not You don't want to like find out like where your family was from or like go see Italy
Starting point is 00:51:54 You were just like no that that's still true. That was the real question. It's not that you want to go Well, they were lumped in together and you're like kind of it wasn't that I never want to go to Italy It was just like, you know, you don't care where your family was from and you don't want to go and see like the town and I'm like I don't know. I don't really care I still don't really care. So I don't care for it. I care about my family But I don't oh, I know that I don't care. No, I know but I'm saying like the family that I don't even know Like the ones that I never met that you know came and went like I obviously like care about those People that they were attached to my family and like I'm proud of whatever
Starting point is 00:52:28 But I'm not like to the point where yo, we got to go to fucking Naples Because that's where I originated like what's gonna happen I'm gonna walk through the streets and smell the air and feel like I'm home now I'm not gonna get that Naples is fire. I'm sure it is. I'm sure it's great. I'm sure the whole country is great But that's the that's the next big thing you have to do is go overseas the seas Where would you want to go first place? Because you're going somewhere, right? What did I make that up? Oh, no, you're going to Iceland next year. But yeah, I don't know if I'm actually going to Iceland though
Starting point is 00:53:01 Oh, but I might uh Next year Tentatively there was Germany and Ireland mentioned I heard Germany is Well, it's for October first. Yeah And I hear all that fucking that thread. Yeah, dude There was a thread going around on twitter of october fest and just cocaine and dicks everywhere Yeah, you're gonna have to dodge a couple of those gonna have to dodge a dick. Germany. They got to be it. Yeah, it's all snitchell
Starting point is 00:53:29 What is it grand-papa? What is it grand-papa? So Timmy says Oh man, yeah, no, I Once you go, I think once you leave the country You get kind of a like a you get to see how It's so different from here just culturally right, you know And it's like you can go to the south and see like different cultures and shit, but you're still america. You're all americans, you know Um, but once you go somewhere and like nobody understands a fucking word you're saying
Starting point is 00:54:00 Yeah, like in italy everybody speaks english But we went to a small town in italy where nobody spoke english and that shit was Groundbreaking just being like, yo, these people have no idea what i'm saying I have to be forced to like look up the language and speak the language and just to communicate Minutely with these people. Yeah, you know, so it's like, you know, like just trying to find water Like when we were in this fucking town it was crazy um I think everyone should go through something like that where it's like
Starting point is 00:54:32 You're just completely out of your element in another country where it's not like i'm not saying go fucking roam with the Bulls or some shit like, you know, i'd roam with the bulls. I wouldn't no fucking way. It's not that far Yeah, but there's bulls I mean there is i'm good son Yeah, there's let me run this mile first first. I'm running with the bulls. Yeah, you gotta you gotta do that We're gonna i'm gonna say it on the show so it has to happen. Otherwise you guys can hold any accountable Fuck you, man. Yeah Yeah, I didn't want to bring that I didn't want to bring up running with the bulls specifically for this reason
Starting point is 00:55:06 Oh, no, no, no forget the bulls. That's a that I don't know if I'd even actually do that in my life No, no, no, uh, but danny is getting a stress test soon friday friday to see what's good with that h Yeah, just just what i'm allowed to do and what i'm not allowed to do. Yeah, we don't want to pop that heart out Yeah, because I did yoga and my heart rate got up to like 167 Jesus, yeah Yeah, um, but he's gonna uh get a stress test so we can see what's good. I'm sure everything will be fine Yeah, just be okay. It'd be like I can do stuff do stuff and then starting monday uh every day
Starting point is 00:55:42 Because I usually go to the gym in the morning But then every day in the afternoon after the workday, we're gonna go to the gym again Well, i'm gonna go again one for me too for you. Yeah one for me too and uh We're gonna just run. Yeah, so we're gonna train them because I ran I ran two miles the other day in uh, let me guess Why I said s I heard yeah, you got it 16. Oh, no, it was 17 17 38 no 17 47 It was 17 47 I ran two miles and the first mile I ran in nine minutes in like two seconds or some shit But where do you like?
Starting point is 00:56:19 It wasn't easy. All right, but were you like? I was I honestly was shocked that I could do it that fast because I hadn't ran in a long time Like when I was running all the time Yeah, like I would I would crush that but like I haven't ran in a while So I didn't know if I was going to be able to do it. What's the speed on the treadmill for that? For what for nine ten minutes or whatever? I don't know. But what were you running at? Ten minutes is is is a six. I think six I was running at like a I was fluctuating between like around seven to eight
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yeah I feel like it's harder to run a mile outside It is mentally. Well, actually no, I disagree of when I'm at the like that's why because the they're redoing the track Yeah, the track is so So much easier for me because I don't get bored because I can always see where I started And I'm like, I just got to get back there. Yeah, it's four laps, obviously So the first lap's easy The second lap you're like, I'm breathing but like whatever
Starting point is 00:57:15 Like if you're going for speed right I'm talking about and Then it's like the third lap like you just have to keep your eye on like that's where I need to go Yeah, I just need to go back there and then I fake race everyone on the track and shit So like you can distract yourself. Yeah, or there's dogs running around or there's like, you know what I mean Have you ever used like a tv at the gym? Like ran with a tv. I like that sometimes I can't watch tv I don't know how people do that if it's sports. I could do it. I can't do it I can't I can't watch tv when I because there's tv's at the gym
Starting point is 00:57:42 But if I watch them, I just like I'm thinking about too much like I need to just like zone So I literally just pick a spot on like on the floor or on like the machine in front of me If some person's running on it like I'll just like look at like the hate rail Yeah, like I'll look at the handrail and just stare at it and just run Like I need to do that. Otherwise if I'm looking around and thinking about too much like I'll keep looking down See how far I went like I used to watch episodes of the Sopranos On my eye like on my iPod touch
Starting point is 00:58:10 Damn, yeah, just so like I can do the iPod touch. Was that awesome when it came out? It was like an iPhone with no phone capability. Yeah, and it was like I've been watching episode of the Sopranos on there and be like, all right. This is like an hour Obviously, so like I don't have to look at the clock I don't have to get discouraged. Just watch just watch the episode and the hour will be gone That's good until about 22 minutes into the fucking workout And it's like damn. I'm I'm running and there's 43 minutes left in this fucking episode. Yeah, that see I just like like I can't imagine running for an uh the longest I've ever ran in recent history
Starting point is 00:58:49 Was like 43 minutes and I was toasted I ran four miles though So it was like 10 minute miles sort of dude. I used to run Every day I've never been a runner like that ever. I used to run every day. That was probably the furthest I've ever ran in one shot four miles it's pathetic I mean
Starting point is 00:59:12 I think the most I ever ran consecutively was like six or seven miles And that was just like running. I'm not talking about like football practice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Just just I went for a run like there and back was three and a half miles there three and a half miles back but Like I don't think I could possibly ever do that again I think you could I think you'd be surprised dude Yeah, I I got like when you really like this is this is why I want you to do it so much Because I need someone to come with me so I could just be forced back into a routine
Starting point is 00:59:45 Right But you I got addicted to it. Do you remember when I was like addicted to running? I bought a watch and I had a shit like blah blah blah all these weird shoes Yeah, so like weird runner man shoes, but I loved it so much because Of that thing I keep I always talk about where it's like you need to be uncomfortable. Yeah Like that I agree with you're never a comfortable running Every day. It's awful. Nobody likes nobody can love running. I'm sorry It's the I loved running in the sense of like that this sucks so much every time
Starting point is 01:00:17 Yeah, but you get a little further every time you love the suck. Yeah, that's what you're addicted to the suck Yeah, I love the suck. Yeah, that's what I'm saying Me and you were having a thing about how like It's easier for like celebs to stay in shape I don't necessarily find that true, but that's what I was saying. You didn't find it true Right that it's easier for celebrities to stay in shape um I think
Starting point is 01:00:43 It could go if they want it. It's about the individual if they want it or not But like if someone's gonna offer you four million dollars to be like You know look what chris pratt did to his body. Yeah You know like he was a fat dude on parks and rec and they were like dude. We need you to play gardens of the galaxy You're gonna get in shape. Yeah, if someone's gonna pay you all that money Okay, that makes it easier though because the the studio is gonna hire the guy that trains you All your food's gonna be labeled and cooked for you They're gonna make sure you go to the gym or you lose your job. You can pay for all this though
Starting point is 01:01:19 Yeah, but not a way that a marvel studio is gonna pay for it All right, but you're talking about like the biggest of scales like other people have lost weight Right, of course, but how it's the easiest dude. There's so many like like dude Blue apron is a sponsor of the show you could sign up for the blue apron you get all these meals Like i'm not gonna say like, you know, this they're not a company. That's like, oh, we're just gonna do weight loss stuff That's not what they do, but it's like
Starting point is 01:01:46 You can get meals delivered labeled and it's all about like Yeah, but some people can't money the only thing that's gonna motivate you to lose weight or to exercise No, but it's but it helps it helps though. Of course it helps when there's incentive It helps obviously, but it's like even just in real life if you're a normal person You know if you if you don't have a lot of money most are most times you're probably gonna eat shit Right, you know, yes, so that's where it's it's a little bit different But like I look at people like but I'm talking about you. I'm not talking about in general. I'm talking about you Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:02:18 You can afford to do all that you could hire a personal trainer. Yeah. Yeah. All right We both we both know my net worth is between one and five million dollars I want to know who put that on the internet. Yeah, I'm being honest. It's not me and It's so funny to me that that got posted on the internet Because it is so false You know, you know what I'm saying? Also, it's cool for my ego Like I'm like cool, but like I don't want anyone to ever look at that like that. I'm close to
Starting point is 01:02:47 Like if my family looked that up and they're like, hey, what's this about? I'd be like you guys are idiots You know I swear to god I got a couple more phone calls from my mom like after I posted that on the internet stop Yeah, she was like, hey son, what's going on? I was like she read the fucking article I wish what is what is Joe paying? Yeah, right everyone's like, you know, can I come work there? I'm like guys, it's not it's not working He's not paying me fucking you buy one Versace robe your net worth goes up like eight million dollars
Starting point is 01:03:17 Which if you do the math that means his net worth is negative three million dollars It's closer to negative three million But uh, yeah, no, I could I could definitely do all that but I I I'm capable of doing it myself Which I should be doing I'm just obsessed with being an exercise person Yeah, because I'm I'm not I'm not gonna pretend like I am but I'm obsessed with becoming one Like I want to be someone that can't fuck Like, you know those people that are so fucking annoying and they're just like, oh, I can't do anything without my coffee Right, like I want that to be me, but it's like I need to go for a run tonight
Starting point is 01:03:49 But why can't you just be like fat and bossy like Oprah? Dude Yo, Oprah's man is coming out like the groundhog showing her face. Yeah, man. I fuck with Oprah Yeah, she's out. I didn't know where she's just like stop still Oprah. Yeah, Oprah's been Dummy thick for mad long. Hell yeah, dude, and she's like, yo, I got more money. She lost Yeah, she lost some pounds, but she gets them back. She lost some Pete me and her very sims You know what I'm saying? Yeah, you know, yeah I'm gonna post something when this comes out. I I showed pictures of it
Starting point is 01:04:25 Uh When I weighed myself at my heaviest, what do you think I was like 270 more? 280 a little more 284 more than that 287. Yeah, like like like like 286.5 Damn, dude, you're a thick ass mama. Yeah. Yeah. I was 251 this morning Damn, yeah, but I got down to 225. I remember that. See what I'm saying. So like you were a skinny boy Yeah, so I I know what ohp's going through. Yeah, man. Ohp. I feel you but like, you know, it's like weird. It's like I look at her she could eat whatever she wants whenever she wants Now is it just because she doesn't exercise? Is it because she's older?
Starting point is 01:05:08 Is because her uh genetics? No, I think it's I think it's a combination of all those things. It's like There's less incentive and she works like crazy. Yeah, she's she's a fucking she works like crazy So it's harder to work out that way Yeah, and she's not like a performer like, you know, she's not like a dancer or like, you know what I'm saying It's and she is old and she's old. How old is she? Try a series. Yeah. How old's Oprah? It's guess Yeah, yeah, it's guess. I'm gonna say Oprah is 64 years old. I'm gonna go 61 Fucking Dom's texting me while I'm trying to do fucking
Starting point is 01:05:44 Hey, Siri, how old is Oprah Winfrey? I Just a moment was issue busy the fuck is that I'm folding my clothes Give me a sack. I'm on the shitter is Oprah Damn I was close. Yeah, see 65 years old dude pack it in. I'm not exercising ever again. She looks good. Yeah. Yeah, she does I mean that that's money too. You get like the best makeup and like all that. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, best clothes best hair all that stuff Yeah See that's the thing it's like
Starting point is 01:06:25 Famous people like imagine having a publicist My publicist would hate me. That's what I'm saying like imagine like Like Having like a manager. Yeah, or like a publicist Like I don't know if I could deal with that. What are you? They don't really Do anything. What do you mean? Yeah, they have a good publicist. It's expensive Yeah, but like what do you mean? You don't know you could handle what like I like them like kind of like being like, hey Like don't do this. It's gonna be bad for like your image
Starting point is 01:06:55 Oh, yeah, I would never be able to have like a PR. That's what I'm saying. Like, hey, shut the fuck up That's what I'm saying. What do you know? Like if your public's called and it was like, hey, like listen You should be posting stuff of you like hang gliding. Yeah, you can be like, bitch shut up Do you work for me? I work for you. That's what I'm saying You're hiring people to tell you what to do Now financial advisor, I I just put down the entire profession of No, because that's a probably that's got to be a hard job Like if you're like the elite of the elite you're balancing some of the biggest egos in the world
Starting point is 01:07:27 Which is impossible. Yeah, remember when um Kanye went through like three managers in like four days. Yeah Like hired scooter brawn and fired him within like 18 hours. It was like the fuck was that that's fucking crazy You think you'll ever have a manager? Yeah, I think at some point you you have to like you probably need one. Yeah, I think I think at one point I mean, I don't know, you know, because I I go back and forth with whether I want to be like, uh Uh a business person or an entertainment person. Yeah, but just don't like retire and move to Alaska though Dude, I can't retire. I lose my mind. Yeah, just don't do it for like the next like
Starting point is 01:08:04 Eight to ten. Yeah eight to ten years Let me milk you a little longer. All right, but you know, I gotta get something out of you Oh, but uh oprah back to oprah. You see that what happened with the cell phone. Do you see that? Yeah, first of all Kind of son the kid don't oprah is out here sunning. Yeah. So uh, the story the story is She was out just hanging out Uh doing some stuff, you know public appearance people are like, oh fucking oprah. I love you which I want to get back to Um It's insane how many people love oprah. Yeah, like she's like
Starting point is 01:08:37 She's got to be probably one of the most famous women of all time, right? Her and and yonsei. Yeah her and yonsei Um Which I would take oprah over yonsei Like that. Well, yeah, but uh oprah did kind of support harpy winestein. So let's forget about that I go back to be on yeah, go back to be on say for a little bit. Um And so she was a guy came up to her car and was like, hey, can I take a picture with you? Oh my god? It's fucking oprah dog And she was like, yeah, take a picture with me with your cracked up phone
Starting point is 01:09:09 Damn shit on the shit on him took the picture and his phone was all cracked up Damn pooped on him pooped on him But oprah, this is why I was talking about publicist and managers Do you think somebody went to her and was like, yo ops Can't be sunning in the street kind of sun my man's out there with the cracked phone Or do you think she caught it herself the hell no She didn't catch that herself, right? She is too rich and too old and just so far removed from life that she has no idea what she was doing. Yeah, but you could
Starting point is 01:09:39 Yeah, somebody definitely told her right? Yeah If it was me and she was like, yeah, take a picture of your cracked ass phone. I'd like damn, bitch Yeah, I don't even want like we all got your money, bitch. Yeah, I wouldn't I fuck you I wouldn't have said fuck you but oprah. Yeah, you can't say fuck you to oprah. You can get killed I actually think it's illegal to do that. Yes. Yeah in a couple states So oprah, I guess got wind of this Or it was brought to her rich rich attention. Oh, it was on her desk moment she got there and uh
Starting point is 01:10:10 She went as far as sending this person a brand new iphone 11 with a protective Screen with a protective screen and a case. Yeah, and wrote him a Letter which had a spelling error kind of on it. Yeah She spelled through as if it was drive through Like thru. Yeah, which was kind of kind of gangster. Yeah, she's like, yo, what's good got you a new cell come through You know what I'm saying? I think that it was because I think that was uh, like a clearly like an intern Like wrote that letter. I yeah, I don't think I think she's I think she signed it at the bottom Yeah, I don't think she's ink in these deals. Yeah, I'm trying to say
Starting point is 01:10:53 You know, it's in a way. I'd feel even more sun though. That's what I was gonna ask I would be like, yo, I'm selling this phone The the op phone. Yeah, I'm selling the oprah phone. I don't need your shit. No Yeah, oprah kind of double sun. Yo, your phone is and she sent him a pink one What yeah, it was a pink phone. It was a pink one. Yeah, I know we're trying to knock down gender roles That's a clearly she's sunning them again Triple sun everybody knows boys have black phones most of us Yeah, or like the the new green one that you have that's awesome
Starting point is 01:11:28 Which I called dibs on but you got anyway, so I had to get a different phone Just how it works, you know Um, I think she double suned him. She triple suned them because first it's like, oh, yo, your phone's cracked. Yeah. Yeah You broke bitch and then She's like, you know what? I'm gonna send this broke motherfucker a phone sends him a phone All right, that's this that's the extra sun and then it was pink triple sun. Oh quad sun Uh, because you sent a screen protector to be like, yo, keep your shit, right? Right Yeah, ohp's going crazy, dude. Yeah, and after you told me about this. Yeah
Starting point is 01:12:06 I went on twitter to try and find the video and I stumbled upon Another oak sunning really? Yeah, but this time she wasn't just sunning like a person. It was the whole fucking earth She's in a store, right and she's got two pairs of glasses And she's being filmed because as oprah does. Yeah, she's in front of that cam cam making that dough So she has the glasses in her hand. She goes You know, it's so funny like I was going back and forth About which one of these glasses I could uh that I'm gonna get I I can afford both of them. I'll just I'll just get both of them. Damn step on our necks
Starting point is 01:12:46 I forget that I can afford both of them. So I'm just gonna get both of them Yeah, oprah you rich bastard Out here stepping on neck dawg stepping on yes, man She's like, oh man. I forgot I have a billion dollars Give me give me all your glasses. I'll just buy this company. Yeah, I'm saying like if you're a billionaire and cheap I can't stand you. Oh my god, but the thing that I can't stand either is that You were trying to act like you were cheap when you knew you were gonna buy both of those fucking glasses at the Immediately you think oprah hasn't gotten upset with the customer service had a restaurant and then bought the whole thing out cleared it out and made
Starting point is 01:13:28 Her toilet. Yeah. Why do you think blockbuster doesn't exist anymore oprah? No, oprah just didn't want to go to the store anymore. She hates blue and yellow. That's a fact. You idiots Open your eyes. People don't read. That's the thing. That's our problem. They don't read blockbuster and oprah Yeah, you know, you guys don't know about the blockbuster oprah conspiracy. He's fucking idiots. I can't even do this anymore It's kids. You want to know it's a it's kids children. It's children. It's the children's stuff Yeah, it's the it's the where the country is going and how it's been going how it's being ran Yeah, and where it's gonna where it went Okay
Starting point is 01:14:05 um another thing Yeah do you think People are going to actually end relationships over the 2020 election Like marriages not maybe What do you mean? Like if someone's voting trump and someone's voting whoever else demo. Yeah
Starting point is 01:14:27 Do you think that people will will end relationships because of that? Or could you stay like with somebody even if their political beliefs were completely opposite of yours? I don't know where this question came from, but it's a good question You're joking around man. Then all of a sudden Um, I I think that I I'm not gonna sit here and be like oh man I can never be with someone who blah blah blah like you would have to give me legitimate reasons why you believe certain things
Starting point is 01:14:58 I I just like my biggest thing is like I I'm not gonna say everyone who Voted for trump is like a racist or something right even though a lot of you are just saying yeah a lot of them were But I'm not saying like everyone is like I know people who voted for trump because Of certain policies they had and they strongly believed in that and like whatever Don't personally believe in voting for reasons like that. Right. It's only selfish ones, but you know, that's what people do sometimes Uh, but they but I'm not gonna be like oh man because you voted for him That means that you are attached to all this baggage in a way that you in a way you are
Starting point is 01:15:39 But I'm not gonna say that that's why so it's a weird It's a weird tape that's around in a way you are But I don't I'm not gonna be like yo you are a racist person and you are 100 responsible for everything he does Like I I don't like like that's a heavy Like thing to put on somebody right especially someone you've had like a prior relationship with yeah, and I'm like I'm talking about just personal like I know like a friendship like I know people who have stopped being friends I'm I'm I'm down to like I'm not really friends with anyone who's so closed off
Starting point is 01:16:13 to like ideals Other ideals because like you know, I'm very simple like it's hard for me to It's always hard for me to like vote because I believe in certain things that are republican. I believe in certain things that are uh, you know That would align me with uh the democrats are like this and that and like blah blah blah like this person said this thing and I'm like Ew, what the fuck why'd they say that but then if you voted like independent people would be like you're taking a vote away from like the real votes Yeah, you they put you there's no winning obviously in the game of politics But it's like hard to choose where I'm at because no no one is a hundred percent like oh
Starting point is 01:16:47 Like I would never like be in these streets forcing people to vote for somebody. That's just not how it works So if you were like if it do you think though people are gonna break up Because of the 2020 election. I don't I don't doubt it I think I think that probably happens all the time That would be such a weird reason to have broken up until like people I mean it it would be and it wouldn't be because if if you can tell like Like if they're like, I'll be I'll be honest with you like if there's someone like you that that likes You you you understand both sides sometimes
Starting point is 01:17:20 And they're just like, you know what I'm gonna give it to so-and-so this year Yeah, because they they they did it for me and if it was the person that you didn't want People are gonna get dumped over this Yeah, you know what I think about hearts are gonna be broken You know what I think about If because I I didn't vote for Donald Trump in the last election. I didn't vote for him But if I had And I was very vocal about that like what would have happened
Starting point is 01:17:49 I think you would have gained The support of his people and the people that don't support them. They would have left off But I've but I think that like I live in new york. This is as blue as it gets here. Yeah Like it's not Yeah, I don't think it would have went well, but here's the thing I also don't because a lot of people like tell me I I recently was on vacation and with this with this kid and he told me that I should pick a candidate And just like be vocal about it
Starting point is 01:18:20 But I don't think it's my responsibility like I I just encourage people to go vote because I'm really not like judgmental in the sense of Of being like, you know, you should vote for who you want like if you want to vote because like for Republican A because of blah blah blah or Democrat whoever because of this like cool. You should do that. Just vote is all I would want people to do I don't oh, yeah, I would never want to Get up here and talk about
Starting point is 01:18:46 Like someone and say to people this is what you should do right is vote this person Yeah, like what the fuck do I know now people have said that to me, too It's like, yeah, like you have like this big platform and I was like, yeah, no I'm gonna talk about sucking somebody's butt But it's not in that. It's like that's not my it's not my thing like I'm not trying to convince anyone They should find out. Yeah, I'm just convincing you to go find out right I'm also just not gonna like create my own propaganda for my own fucking You know what I'm saying? I'm not gonna be like vote for this person. I'm not gonna do that shit either
Starting point is 01:19:17 Yeah, no, I just think I think it's like it's a hard because I I think the people that drive around those vans that have like loudspeakers Yeah, like vote for governor and you're like, dude, what are you doing? Yeah, like now I don't want to vote for this version. You know, it's also weird too Like the people that stand out of places like the Jesus people That will sit outside of people to be like the Lord said that you need to go there and suppose he's died for your sins I'm like, dude. I'm just trying to get like a hot dog, man. Yeah, I'm just trying to get a hot press Yeah, you don't need to scream at me, you know, but I think I
Starting point is 01:19:53 I've heard about it happening Um, I've heard about people actually leaving their husbands Because of their political beliefs. I will say I wanted to say this before I wanted to start interrupting you you know, I think the Trump election was I'm 27 years old. I mean, I can't really remember too much because I've never really been into politics at all But I was about to say you can't remember when you were 27. I said we're going to the hospital right now No, no, no, I'm saying I'm only 27. So I can't really remember like a lot of the elections, but the Trump one to me
Starting point is 01:20:26 It kind of brought politics To the forefront of like to the forefront of everyone's shit Like now we're talking about it because it's like of pop culture Kind of yeah, that's yeah, uh, it made voting popular I don't even know if that's true. It just feels that way. Like a lot more people are talking about politics Yeah, a lot more people that are that I know are talking about maybe that came with age But I really think it's because of the election, uh, but I think that
Starting point is 01:20:53 during that election There was a lot of back and forth because it was like there's a lot of blood being spilled That's the thing and if you found out and and you know, honestly It wasn't until that election that I found out like, oh, I don't fuck with this person because they would say things Right because it was so pinned against each other. It was so like democrat republican I mean it always is but it was no way more. It was a bloodbath this time. It was basically bloods and crips. Yeah, you know I'm saying like it was crazy. It was like, oh, you're with that like fuck And it was like they're screaming and there's a lot of back and forth a lot of radical opinions and shit
Starting point is 01:21:24 To the point where I would hear some of the things that people that I know Yeah, would say and I'd be like, whoa like I didn't even know you like felt that way, you know And like that's when I became that's when I started to realize like oh, yo, dude like fuck this person I'm saying but see it could affect your relationship. I'm not saying that you're completely people are would stepped out of their Like their their character, right? Because I think what trump did was like fire these people. I'll be like, oh finally We got someone who doesn't care. Yeah, yeah, shit. Yeah, and it's like so they felt like they could just like express themselves in a way And I was like that I didn't really enjoy so I'd be like, yo Taking back by it a little bit. Yeah, I'm not gonna if someone tells me they were republican
Starting point is 01:22:03 I'm not like ill like I'm not like it's like, you know people have their political views like whatever Some people were republican for 50 fucking years. Yeah, you know what I'm saying, but At the same time like all I ask is you not say Weird shit. Yeah, and I'd be like Turned off but see that could that could Listen, you're not gonna cut them off fully But a party's gonna be like, yeah, it makes sense. I don't want to hang out with them Right. Yeah, and it has nothing and it has nothing to do with politics. It's just the politics is the
Starting point is 01:22:33 Is the like entry point for them to say weird shit. It's the like, yeah, it's like, uh It's like when they start talking about immigration. It's the smoke screen For instance immigration, right? That's a bit that was a big political point this whole time. So someone the point the the Topic of immigration comes up. Yeah, and then you could start hearing people talk about immigration and then getting progressively racist in all their Statements and you're like, you know, dude, what the fuck are you talking? Like, you know, dude, you've known for 20 years She's like, yeah, but they shouldn't be here though. You're just like texting like It's like, dude, what are you talking about? Yeah, she's like, yeah, they're all fucking disgusting and they're like, dude, what the hell like then you that's what I mean
Starting point is 01:23:10 But like, yeah, they're like taking our job. So I'm just like That's the thing and and you know, that's that's just how I feel about it Like I don't hate any like anyone because of their political views I can't as long as it's not attached with these like hateful things I'm like, I don't care but like don't like yeah, like that dude that drove that van into all those people and killed them I hate you What you don't remember that? Oh in time square. No, that was fucking crazy too. The guy that drove his van and in like
Starting point is 01:23:39 Oh, yeah, and like in virginia or something. Yeah, I do remember that like I hate you You know what I mean? Yeah Radicals radicals. Yeah, they're scary people. There's scary But there's radicals on both sides. Did you see that guy that yeah, dude, there is Did you see that nurse? That was walking to work and people were like standing. They were like Like uh, I mean, no, they were chatting something like blocking people and people like This guy's walking by just rips their big ass sign
Starting point is 01:24:09 Throws it over a wall and just goes people have to go to fucking work Look, that was late. That dude was late. Yeah, rough day. Yeah. Yeah, and then people were like, yeah, like kind of like The hero we didn't know we deserved. Oh, man. I never understood that What don't make me late for work It's like listen, I know you're trying to get your point across but it's like, yo if I have to tell my boss That I couldn't get here because six people were standing in the road It's gonna be a bad conversation That doesn't really go over well
Starting point is 01:24:42 I just don't you know, my biggest thing is like like I said that I mean, that's my opinion If you like your political views like are your political views like the way you Think about foreign trade and immigration like those are your opinions, right? But if they're just not Hateful and they're also just and if they're also like not backed up by like factual and statistical information Yeah, like a lot of people you can just tell like have political views because it's like, you know, you heard all this from your racist uncle Yeah, that's usually what it is and it's like you heard this at christmas and now you're repeating it So you could be part of the conversation. Yeah, you sound crazy. Yeah, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:25:15 But it's the same thing with with uh people like the democrats Some of them they say some shit. You're like, dude What are you like? Yeah, everybody There's a there's zero understanding in politics like no one could be like you got a point Or like, you know, I kind of understand what you're saying. I don't necessarily agree with it But I understand how you got there and like that's cool. It's always just like fuck that. Fuck you fuck It's like, you know, you guys are like children, right? It's just it's like I don't know. Yeah
Starting point is 01:25:43 I could fuck a republican That's what I was looking for Anyway, if Oprah's a republican, Oprah's a republican, I'll blow that ass out That was you wouldn't fuck odog On me. Yeah, I'm a thrash her dude crack phone and all but you could tell somebody's financial situation sometimes if their phone is fucked up Like you're a dude, right and you go out to the club and you try to get a number and your screen is all cracked I think girls are gonna look at that a certain way Especially if your belt's on fleek. Yeah, if your belt's on fleek, put your phones on fuck
Starting point is 01:26:23 You know if you if if you were a girl not getting no suck if you were a girl And a guy came up to you and was like, hey, can I get your number? Just put it in my phone and the shit was all cracked up I bet you you type it in you're trying to get a splinter. Yeah, you're gonna think differently. I don't know I think you will I think you will I'd be more looking at his fingernails Dirty fingernails big tail. Yeah, if a guy's fingernails will Figure nails. Yeah, baby Finger nails my finger nails if guys fingernails are dirty should probably stay away. Yeah. It's like, yeah, were you just digging?
Starting point is 01:27:01 Like why why is your shit dirty? I hate when there's like guys in delis that have like the long pinky That's for coke. I know but it's just like Could be more obvious or the long thumbs to split blunts Yeah, it's like dude like why you have one long pinky cut your disgusting nail off Yeah, do you like cocaine that much and can we create something better than a nail clipper? That's just gonna send your nails into the abyss Why is there not a nail clipper that has a thing attached to it like a lawnmower? It doesn't make any sense Like just have the thing and it goes in
Starting point is 01:27:32 Yeah, and like a little or maybe a little suction thing at the end when it clips it it sucks it up Okay, like a little like a little finger vacuum. It would be cute Cute it would be I see what you're saying, but I just don't like going. All right Fucking gathering fucking shrapnel like seashells. Where do you clip your nails? I clip them outside You go to the outdoors. Well on my terrace and you clip it over the streets of Manhattan No, no, no, no, no like I clip them on my terrace and then I just spray it down with the hose and it goes like under My terrace and down the drain Where do you clip your nails over either over the sink or the toilet? Yeah, I've done that
Starting point is 01:28:10 Yeah You know, I only clip my fingernails no my toenails. I give them one and then I just rip them Yeah, I'd do that. I'd do that from time to time and they work clean Have you ever smelled your toes? No next time you clip your toenails smell my toes smell your fucking fingers wait what Clip my toes and then smell my fingers. Yes. Why?
Starting point is 01:28:37 You'll see and what am I smelling my toenails. Yeah, they're disgusting my toenails smell toenails are disgusting Yeah, think about all your sweat and old like cotton that you get from socks and all that Then you get a little bit of that toe jam in there. I don't have any toe jam Yeah, but like I'm not saying a lot. It's but there's some in there toenails are disgusting smelling At least I think Yeah, do you buy your nails? I used to all the time I clip them now And I also get them done
Starting point is 01:29:11 You know what I just thought of what do you remember so remember in like fourth grade? Or like sixth grade someone come up to you and be like, yo check your nails Oh, yeah, and he'd be like if you check your nails like this you're gay It's like gay. I'm like what? Or then it was like a game this was the worst one got them Yeah What'd you get? I don't know what'd you get from me? This this is this is like everyone's like if you do this you're gay this one's safe
Starting point is 01:29:42 And I'm like this one isn't that like much manlier if we're just going by those kind of Rules, yeah, what if I was just like don't worry about it. That's manly and tough Or like what's the manly way to check your nails? They look good fucking gouge somebody's eyes out the fuck you tell me you tell you fucking tell me Fucking shaking their head like a zombie check them out. Why don't you tell me? Yeah, that's strong and gay. Yeah, that's yeah Yeah, that's queen of england. Tell me Tell me right now Yes, why thought pussy
Starting point is 01:30:21 Nice, I felt like I was there. Yeah pussy doesn't make me like A pussy I'm talking about like being called a pussy pussy. I is does everything. I was gonna say Where are we going confession? Like if someone came out and was like, yo, you're a fucking pussy. I don't think I'd be upset I just I just jostled for table position. You took it right back If someone called me a pussy, I'd almost be in agreement with them. I'd be like, you know what? I wasn't sure but now that I'm getting a second opinion. I think I'm on your side here What would you do if a dude was just like, yo your mom's a fucking bitch
Starting point is 01:30:58 I'd be like Jesus. I'd be like dude relax I I laugh in those situations was isn't good because it usually almost gets me punched in the face But I really do think those things are funny But it's like I don't know this guy. He definitely doesn't know my mom and he just thinks it's gonna rattle me up to be like Yo, your mom and I'm like, I'm it's not 1990. Yeah, I'm not Like I also like your mom's a bitch. I'd be like Yeah, if you asked me at eight, I'd agree. Yeah, I'd be like at one point she was what of it. What have it You know what I mean? Or like if someone calls me a pussy
Starting point is 01:31:31 Or or a bitch I'm not gonna be like I must defend my manly honor Yeah, I have none. I must prove to thee that I am thy Of a man. Yeah, I I'm let me I'll I'll Just to warn everyone straight up I am a bitch. Yeah, and I'm a fucking pussy Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Just don't touch me. Yeah, because if you touch me, I'm very angry now
Starting point is 01:31:57 Yeah, or touch anyone that's around me Yeah, like if anyone could literally say anything to me and I now if you call me a home low A home low. I'm gonna be upset I'm gonna be very upset. I'm very upset. Yeah, you know what I mean? Now you're calling me. You're calling me poor and gay Yeah, a home low. You gotta pick one, right? Yeah, but now you know how it is I don't think I don't get touched like I think that like I can go a little insane when people touch me Like I don't like when people touch me. What do you like? Someone calls you stupid
Starting point is 01:32:27 The what is it? What are they nine? No, I don't know like like if a close friend called you stupid I would think that's funny. I don't know or like It's weird when close friends try to hurt your feelings. It's like a business if a if in business Yeah, like something like that. Oh, if in business someone called me stupid. I'd probably lose it. I would that's what I'm saying I wouldn't physically harm anyone. No, but I would go crazy. That's what I'm saying Like a part of your ego would get it's it's different situations that affect your ego differently Yeah, like if I don't know you and like you call me like a fucking stupid bitch Like I'm gonna be like, all right, man
Starting point is 01:33:02 Okay, but like if one of my friends called me that I'd be like and like meant it. I'd be very upset Yeah, you know, it's like there's levels to it Yeah, I guess you know what I'm saying like you mean stupid bitches. Yeah, I mean you or like uh dumb idiot I like dumb idiot or stupid idiot. It's good dumb idiot. You dumb idiot The idea of dumb idiot affecting a 30 year old man is funny to me. Who called her dumb idiot? Call me a dumb idiot. Me and my cousin used to call each other dumb idiot all the time and it was fucking hysterical Fucking dumb idiot Like if we were in a meeting right and you just pitched me something and I just went that is so dumb
Starting point is 01:33:41 You are stupid You're gonna fucking lose your mind. I've lost my mind for for way less in meetings. That's what I'm saying Like you're gonna have vendetta for that person. It's like I'm gonna fucking ruin you Yeah, there was a time where I was trying to do something and I was in a meeting with greg Uh somebody called you dumb. No, no, no. Oh my god. I'd be so mad. No, no, no, I'd be in jail No, but I um I was in a meeting at william morris with my agent and greg And we were talking to these people but they were on a screen because they were in la and uh
Starting point is 01:34:21 I I had told greg because I mean not even trying to sound cool like in in meetings Like it almost is a is a to my fault that I'm so like On edge and very feel I feel like like I'm gonna do what I want like none of you know anything The kind of person so like you're like a meeting asshole kind of kind of yeah, I mean, I'm I'm nice until like you're That's just like a better word. I'm not calling you an asshole. No, I know It's just it's literally like I know what I came here to do. I'm willing to listen to everyone I'm not gonna pretend like I know everything right but as soon as you start Like undermining the shit I'm saying or just like literally like subtly trying to be like yeah, good idea
Starting point is 01:34:55 But we're gonna do something different and we're gonna start boiling Yeah, I started it makes me very upset because I'm like, I know what you're trying to do and like it's not gonna happen here Uh, but there was a thing that I and I said told greg beforehand. I was like, yo, don't I was like, yo I'm if I start like being weird or like loud You know, it's I'm not like whatever like this is just I just gave him like a little whatever sit back and watch so we went to a meeting and uh, I was I said, I don't want to say what the meeting was about because it's something that could potentially happen also, uh, but I was like, oh, yeah, I'm not I
Starting point is 01:35:30 Before they even brought it up. I was like, I'm not really interested in blah blah blah, right? Right. I was like, I'd rather do blah blah blah So I told him like I'm not interested for for that and I was like and I'm not gonna change my mind on that Like me and greg had talked about it. This is what we want. Don't waste your time. Don't waste hours Yeah, because I'm also a person. I'll go down with the ship. I'll make it I'll make whatever it is by myself with no money and no backing and just put it out on youtube if I need to Right, because I just want to do what I want to do. I don't care about your fucking whatever. Yeah, so they
Starting point is 01:36:03 immediately As soon as I was done talking Introduced a different a guy who was there and he's like, oh this guy represents our blah blah blah department and I'm like And I I feel greg just like look at me and I'm just like, you know, I'm not saying anything Yeah, be cool full So they they brought it up so that I was again calm like, oh, you know, but we really aren't interested in like blah blah blah That's not really going to change or anything and then they brought it up again And then I I just I just see my agent do this super tight
Starting point is 01:36:31 Like I just see him touch his head and then I look at him and I go Is this a microphone? Because they had these little things that come out of the table. Yeah. Yeah microphones and he goes Yeah, so I just moved this thing out of the way and I leaned in and now I'm yelling into this microphone at these people Who I don't know in LA and I'm like, I'm not fucking doing this Yeah, I don't I didn't say fucking but I was like, I'm not doing this Right, like we're not going to do it. Good for you. Stop talking about it. Yeah, because like I let you bring it up Twilight like I preemptively said we're not doing it. Then you brought it up. I was like, oh, hey, man
Starting point is 01:37:02 We're not doing it. Then you bring it up again. It's like now. What do you think I'm fucking like? Yeah, it's it's kind of insulting your intelligence. All right, and it's just like it's just frustrating Yeah, these people I know they're in the business of making money. They're just doing their jobs and I'm not Screaming at them. I'm just screaming at the fact that like dude. I'm really trying to be nice about this and tell you like I'm not one of these people that you're just gonna like Cokes into doing something right. I'm not gonna become your bitch here and do what you want me to do So I just had to like I was like, dude, and y'all there was another time I went to a meeting I want to hear about all these horrible like great meeting stories
Starting point is 01:37:32 So the meeting's horrible. No, but that was the content is great Yeah, but there was another time when I was when I was younger. I was really an asshole Where'd you get this like asshole trade? Do you just like see it in a movie and you're like, I'm gonna be like that guy No, I think it I think it was just kind of like um I did everything myself and I never wanted to like come up off anybody and I felt like all these people were damn son me We're gonna Oprah son and people you son of me. No, I'm saying when I was younger
Starting point is 01:38:02 I had I had I had this thing in my mind of like I'm just gonna do all this for my mom's basement And like that'll be it and like I know what I'm doing and my vision is what I want to do blah blah blah and uh, I thought that everyone was out to just kind of Just fuck me in a way So I would do these things. I don't know why I laugh Because you thought yeah, that's it But so I would just do these certain things like one time I went to like this I probably got from a movie, but I showed up to a meeting and sweatpants ones
Starting point is 01:38:29 And I just brought impi. That's a power move. I brought impi. Yeah I'll tell you when I made up my mind too because this was a this was a production this I can talk about I love that. I love that you showed up in fucking. I would show up in robes See, I would never do that now because that's like extremely unprofessional. I think I was just being a little asshole Yeah, but I was like 20 years old, but that's cool though. I didn't think it was cool I think it's awesome at the time like when I left I was like Like I didn't really like it that I did that but I just like you know, whatever Also, you never wear sweatpants
Starting point is 01:38:57 like I would have loved to see the outfit It was not a great outfit But but I brought impi with me because he had just gotten out of class and I was like, you know, call me to this meeting deadass We sit down on this table and I'll tell you what I made up my mind I sat down in their office and it was a production company. They wanted to talk about doing something like tv show or some shit I sit down and there's two emis on the the
Starting point is 01:39:21 The table in front of me I knew then and there Fuck these people. Right. I was like, I know these aren't here. Yeah Like that kind of shit bothers me so much because it's like do you think I'm like dumb? Or do you think I'm like a like like that just it makes me like try the big dig big dick you a little bit Not big dig me but just insult my intelligence being like I'm gonna walk in there And I'm gonna be like, oh my god, they got emis dude. We should listen to everything they say Yeah, like that bothers me that you thought that you could even
Starting point is 01:39:49 Play me like that. Right. So I immediately I was just like, oh I was pissed dude. Did you say anything like bad of the meeting? No, I didn't just like No, koi like I can't wait to get out of here. Yeah, because they they were they were nice They were nice people and like they were listening to what I was saying and blah blah blah But I in the back of my head. I was just like this is so tacky and gross Like why would you do this? I know these aren't here business show gets angry personal joe not much Yeah, I rarely get angry out loud though I only get angry out loud when people just don't listen to what I'm saying
Starting point is 01:40:20 Because I'm willing to listen to you and if you say something I don't agree with like if I come to you and I'm like Hey, man, I do this is joe all the time On purpose but listen if I'm saying to you like yo, man, I don't want to do video podcast And then you go, all right, that's fine But you know, I think that and then you present a point of being like I understand you want to do it I just want to let you know that like, you know with video it could you know the revenue and like it works for marketing and like Blah blah blah that's me saying this or just anybody I'm saying how those conversations work Like I'm not the type of person to be like, did you hear what I said? I'm not fucking do it
Starting point is 01:40:53 Like I'll listen to your to what you're saying You know, I'll listen to it But then after hearing what you say, I'll very nicely be like I understand that I'm just very not interested because of blah blah blah and explain why I don't want to right and then if you go again And and start going into it again And then I'm thinking like did you not just hear my entire reasoning behind that? Right, even though you gave me all the information and now you're repeating yourself Like that's going to change things now. I'm getting upset. What if it's a good follow-up question though?
Starting point is 01:41:21 That's what I'm saying. I'm willing to have a conversation. Okay, because it's not like I know everything I have an opinion and I have a like I'm I hold on to my opinions But if you have a good point, I will change my mind right which I have changed my mind recently about Something involving podcasting because of something I went to someone I was like, you know, I'm not really interested in doing this and they brought up like a great point with everything You're like, you know what? Fuck it. Let's do it because it was a great point But I'm not like I know everything It's just that when you start to disrespect me and like I said this and then I get your point and then I'm saying like
Starting point is 01:41:50 Dude, I'm really not interested and it's like, you know, it's not you're doing what a fucking telemarketer And you're like, dude, shut the fuck it's a fucking calling. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know, like I don't want to fuck No, I could see that I could see that especially when your mind's made up about something and that's just what happens That's what happens in in those meetings because people are like this is what we want to do This is what's going to work for us. This is our marketing budget This is what the vision and this is the shows that have that have been made before Let's make it more like this or like let's here's here's a youtube channel that you should try and it's like I don't care like dude
Starting point is 01:42:20 Save your breath. Yeah, I'm not doing that. Would you say you enjoy arguing though? Like it's something you'd like to do No When it when the opportunity presents itself. I'm not saying like you're going out there just being like who wants a piece You know what I mean? Do I enjoy I read three books yesterday? Let's go. No, but like If if the opportunity comes up for this for argument's sake literally Yeah, would you like say it? Say what like is is
Starting point is 01:42:51 There's some people that just argue opposite opinion just to do it right now Are you one of those people that is that will do that or does do you really have to Honestly feel a certain way. I I do not like arguing. You know what I'm saying There's people that would be like, yeah. Well, if you think I'm like, yeah, dude. No, you don't even feel that way Yeah, you know, I'm not one of those people. I I have my opinion and it can be changed by anyone who brings up a good point, but if you like I I guess I hear what you're saying where it's like I don't like to argue
Starting point is 01:43:26 But if I am now being like, oh, I'm gonna argue this. Yeah, like it's like playing a sport Because I'm I'm ready to fucking go. Yeah, and like I have my opinion and once I know Like if I start an argument I start getting fired up like there's no way you're changing my mind now Yeah, because I've already passed the point of like trying to understand your point You know because you won't try to understand their point because you're like, I'm just gonna be a dick to you now No, no, no, no, no, no, or or it's just like I'm so locked in now the the in the beginning I'll have a very calm conversation. Yeah, and and get to like the heart of all their shit You know like oh, why do you think that and why do you think that and eventually get to the bottom of it?
Starting point is 01:44:04 So you're developing answers to like their things like as they're like, yeah, I don't want to I don't want to stuff You don't want to expose your hand too early. Yeah I don't want to preemptively explode and then look like an idiot later So you're like that poker player that wins a hand, but doesn't like slow playing And then doesn't show his cards after he wins. Yeah, dude. I'm just checking the entire time. It's like, oh, why do you feel that way? Check Check and then I'm just like all the what'd you have? Oh, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. I'll beat you I know I beat you. I see I see Because like I said, I I know that I like
Starting point is 01:44:37 Some of the shit I just said like could come across as me feeling like I have my opinion No, it's gonna check like I feel the very opposite like to the contrary like I feel like I can be swayed If you bring up a good point, I will be swayed, but I can confirm that I I but when I have an opinion and I'm like, yo, this is what we're gonna do And then someone has a like a Right, you know, whatever and they're like, oh, but this this is that and I was like, yeah, I know But we're not gonna do it that way. We're gonna do it this way. And I'm like, yeah, but you know, blah, blah, blah And I'm like, I know but I you know, this is this is what I'm going to do
Starting point is 01:45:07 That's when I like the third one is usually when I'm like, this is what's gonna happen. Now. I'm telling you Yeah, now. Now. I'm not like being nice about it. Like I'm saying this is what's gonna happen And then they go again. Now. I'm fucking mad. Yeah. Now. I'm like, okay, dude Yeah, like that's that's that's worse than like someone calling you a pussy or a bitch Yeah, and that very rarely happens by the way I was gonna say all the the meeting stuff like I would say 90 of my meetings go very well and it's very smooth And it's like great But the 10 percent where you're dealing with these people that think they know everything and like blah, blah, blah
Starting point is 01:45:40 And they think, you know, you know, we got our finger on the pulse It's like, I don't know Well, then it's also like not a meeting it's just they're calling you in to tell you what to do Yeah, and I'm very big on mutual respect too. Yeah, I'm not gonna walk into this meeting And you and you start leveling the conversation of like, I'm this guy. You're here. How do we and I'm like, okay Before you start Fuck you. I think you've gotten better with that though. I think you've become a more understanding person as I've gotten to know you I've
Starting point is 01:46:09 Like not understanding to the point. It's like I don't understand like Wow, these immigrants are here. I'm not saying like that. I'm saying in terms of like, um I I could never be wrong Yeah, no, I yeah, yeah But you can't lose that fully though. No, but I admittedly is that you become a pussy bitch I admittedly was that person For a little while there you got to be like that sometimes But I had no one
Starting point is 01:46:37 On top of me who was like You know could help me out because like my parents and like my older brother Were like the ones who would always keep me in line for shit But like we were dealing with a world that didn't even exist yet. Like there was no youtubers There was no whatever. So it was like, I don't know how to help you or how to guide you because there's nothing So I was the only one learning. Yeah, the only one who cared enough to learn because I was doing it So I had to listen to no one and I don't live in la around all these people. So I was the only one It was doing it. Yeah, so for a while
Starting point is 01:47:04 I was just kind of like, you know, you would have advice on what to do is like, dude, how do you know? You don't you don't do it. You don't know. How do you know? So it that I think, you know, eventually got away from me when you're fucking 22 years old and You know, everything's like working. I think when you're 22 and like he said, you're doing what you're supposed to be doing You feel like nobody could tell you shit anyway Yeah, so I think I did go through a phase of that, but I'm definitely not that way anymore. Yeah We all go through phases like that though. Yeah, I would I would even say now. I feel like I don't know what the what the fuck I'm doing Yeah, I'm willing for you know all advice, but in a good way
Starting point is 01:47:38 Yeah, I think that that means that I'm trying to grow and progress like at this very moment. I literally don't know what to do That sounds exciting. Oh to me. It is it is exciting. I have an idea of what I want to do Right. Yeah, and like now it's like working towards that idea But as far as the the necessary steps to get there, I'm unsure of what the steps are. I just know I'm moving A little bit. So now you're the person that doesn't know. Yeah, I don't know anything. Yeah See circle of life all comes full circle circle of life. That's good, man. I mean you've done a lot Young life Oh, happy birthday to my grandma and yeah, yeah, happy birthday to joe's grandma in heaven my my grandma's birthday is today
Starting point is 01:48:25 Um Man, I don't even know when she died to be honest with you. Shout out grandma. Shout out grandma. She was awesome gangster Oh, we talked about my yeah, she fell on her whole face fell off basically There was meat hanging from her chin. She's like, I gotta babysit these kids She's like give me some peas. So I put a napkin on it. I was like, hey grams. How about some stitches savage? Yeah, she was a maniac. Oh, I'm also speaking at my school tomorrow Oh What are you talking about just about like dealing with
Starting point is 01:48:52 anxiety and depression some uh Some alcohol stuff and some drug stuff But I'm not going to go in there and just be like, hey guys, what's up? Don't do shit Yeah, you know because I feel like Every time I've had like assemblies like that The guys that always got through to me were like if you were more realistic Yeah, it's like not not every story needs to be like listen, man Like I was banging hair on in my dick and I've gotten to a car accident and I'm never gonna do that
Starting point is 01:49:20 Yeah, the guy pulled me out and resuscitated me and and then I'm I'm here now, you know, like everyone's story is kind of different so You know and also like what I do for a profession is It's different. So it's not like some dude that's like All they do is go around and tell this, you know, the story the story, you know, and uh You know, it touches on a lot of stuff in terms of like I'll talk to them a lot about my battles with anxiety and depression and in panic attacks And then just also the some battles that I've had with alcohol and drugs and you know
Starting point is 01:49:55 Did you write anything or you're gonna just like freestyle off the dome? Um, I have I have bullet points that I'm that I'm gonna use you got a papes Yeah, yeah, I have some but like I'm not gonna go and pull it out and be like Number one, how much time you got don't suck cock for drugs You know what I'm saying? number two don't suck pussy for drugs
Starting point is 01:50:19 unless They're hot, you know, no, I'm not gonna like do it like that. It's just like how much time you got uh Like 40 minutes, yeah, dude, but um The the the kids some of the kids that I'm nine o'clock in the morning You come if you want kind of yeah, let me know Do you want me to tape it for you? You can if you want Because like I just want to I think like
Starting point is 01:50:45 This is definitely something I um, I'm I'm taking seriously I don't know how to tape it But yeah, that's what I was gonna say like I don't want them to feel like it's just like a content thing Yeah, yeah, you know like just be like oh those guys like filming this for content I still think that it would be cool to go. Is anyone going with you? No, you can come. No one's going. No Um, it's just like Yeah, because I'm also speaking to uh an alternative school program that I was in when I was there So it was basically like all the kids that were fucked up went to the school program
Starting point is 01:51:15 Nice So like I'm also like talking to those kids and like having a little one-on-one session with some of those kids That are going through some stuff. So it should be fun, you know, I just want to I just want people to understand like you don't have to be like So rock bottom to have problems You know because like people be like people like to say be like, yeah, but you didn't drink that bad Or like you didn't do that much coke. Yeah, but it's I do it was like it was Stuff where we was ruining my life. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 01:51:48 It doesn't have to be anything like that. It could be it could be like that's what I'm saying, dude It's like a moderation. That's what it is and like, you know It'll be fun. It'll be fun. Yeah until they throw stuff at me. Yeah. Oh man I just want one kid to be like, yo, shut the fuck up, bitch I'm gonna be like, damn it's fire. You dumb idiot I used to curse the teachers This teacher that I'm speaking for I told him to shut the fuck up once Damn, dude. Yeah, you should tell that story. I'm gonna say it. Yeah. Yeah 100% are you gonna curse? Yeah. Fuck. Yeah. This is awesome
Starting point is 01:52:22 Damn, I'm hyped now. Yeah, I'm gonna keep my fucks limited but my shits I can rock with I'm gonna go very like AMC Shit heavy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like comedy central shit heavy One fuck per season. Yeah one fuck per commercial. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and then we're gonna keep it like that But I'm just gonna keep it as real as possible and tell them honestly what I was doing to myself Yeah, and what I dealt with and go and we will go from there and we will go from there. Yeah Sweet. All right, and I still fuck Oprah. Yeah, I mean, that's the moral of the story here. That's all it comes from Yeah, but
Starting point is 01:52:55 Circle of life Anyway, I think that's all we've been recording for some time. How long? Yes hour 43 53 wow. Yeah, good for them Bad for me Uh, yeah, oh, yeah Big one. Uh, yeah, so where can they find you? You can find me. Um at dandler priority on instagram and twitter And please make sure to go check out the stank podcast with me and mr. Frank alvarez Great guy. Some people say he looks like jason memoa. I see it. Joe doesn't no
Starting point is 01:53:27 Um, uh, but you can go check us out on instagram at the stank podcast and also on youtube The stank podcast and we also have a patreon and you can go check that out as well slash the stank podcast guys go also check out other people's lives Which is another podcast show that I do to my buddy greg I said do to my buddy greg that I do with my buddy greg Uh, we call up anonymous People and they tell us like really cool and informative stories about their fetishes or like crazy experiences They've had or whatever when did you guys decide that you do a seasonal format because that's kind of cool
Starting point is 01:54:05 Yeah, it was the first season. It's like episodic We did like 17 episodes in a row and then we started to learn that We wanted to take time in between seasons so that we can get really good calls because sometimes you get a call and like either the story wasn't what you thought it was going to be Or the the audio is really bad Or they're a bad interviewer because it's hard to be like good at interviewing, you know, yeah, they're nervous Yeah, so people get nervous. So it's like if it's not good, we don't want to post it So we we take a break, but we're back. We're in season. Go check it out other people's lives
Starting point is 01:54:35 It's opl podcast on instagram and then other people's lives on You know itunes and stuff. So go check that out and the other thing too. You don't want to like worry about like, you know We have a dude that like only has sex with mannequins the next week is like a guy that collects grasshoppers Yeah, yeah, you like you don't want to just like You know what I mean? Like you want to keep it cool. Yeah Grasshoppers cool. Yeah, I love grasshoppers. Go check out our instagram at the basement yard on instagram And our patreon slash the basement yard and that is all see you guys next time

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