The Basement Yard - #216 - The Boys Go To Nashville

Episode Date: November 18, 2019

On this episode, Danny and Joe go to Nashville...and Joe doesn't remember a damn thing. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yee-haw brother welcome back to the basement. Hell yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah How's everyone doing Danny, how was your voice my voice is my voice is back Yeah sang a little too hard down in Smashville. Yeah, dude. You know what I'm saying we smash Smashville pretty roughly I was a singy fucking boy. Yeah, dude There's something about a group of people that all know the same words You just want to get in a circle. How come you all scream into each other's mouths? Yeah That's kind of weird. I feel like we were moving people out of the way And I'm getting real close and screaming lyrics into each other into each other's throats
Starting point is 00:00:44 And then there were people like would join Yeah, the scream circle the scream circle. Yeah, I could hear no one. I heard nothing. I just heard your mouth is literally like Yeah, what was the song we were singing? We sang I know mr. Brightside was one of mr. Brightside was one of them You can imagine the amount of white people that are in Nashville Then you saw mr. Brightside people like coming out of my cage and everyone loses it the glasses were shattering We're going down down Yeah landslides. Yeah, what yeah landslide landslide played. Yeah, you were kind of it was off my rock
Starting point is 00:01:24 You were blackish. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes landslides The other one was damn dude. I would have cried if I remembered hearing that. What's the other friend? I don't know the other Fleetwood max on I can't remember the name We were singing that and then we were singing. I mean wagon wheel played like 45 times and also And then also was a save a horse ride a cow. Oh, they love that shit And then you just saw like I'm gonna use it every whoa In there when that song came on they were like yeah, she's like, yeah, I'm trying to fuck it back
Starting point is 00:02:10 I'm trying somebody. I'm trying to fuck their shit out of trying to reverse on someone's yeah, dude Yeah, there's there is gonna be a lot of reverse cowboy a lot of reverse Which is like we've talked about it a little bit my least favorite ish because you're gonna hurt my ding dong Yeah, it could I mean hey reverse is tough versus tough. I don't have for everyone. I don't have a big enough ding dong That's the problem. Yeah, like if my pain was longer, it'd be like cooler. No, it'd be safer. It'd be safer I don't want to snap this thing. Yeah, because usually they could just pop out and then we're just now now We're just scissoring. Yeah, kind of yeah in a way. We're mashing. You know what I mean like the lean back is cool Yeah, the lean back. Yeah, I can get more up in there. That's like how the angles this yeah, you know how the exorcist came down the stairs where she was
Starting point is 00:02:59 I like when they yeah, yeah, that's that's more like be grab the headboard like this and then kind of yeah Yeah, you gotta kind of fuck yourself or anything where you're not looking in sex where you're like Facing away. It's got to be tough with the exception of dog. You just kind of sit there. Yeah, but everything else the reverse stuff I don't you can't see what's going on. I feel for women there. It's not it's not for everyone This is an elite position. That's that's a youth sex That's like a 17 year old 18 year old youth sex position Yeah, I mean I would I would even get that into your like once you turn to when you get once you turn 32 You're like I am never doing reverse. Yeah, I got two years of reverse left in me
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah, you know what I'm saying unless you're like Hispanic because then I am so maybe 35 well But you're not you're Hispanic, but you're not reverse riding people unless you are no no no Oh, I thought you meant take like taking a no no no. I'm talking about for for women. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah That's not something that no no no white people will turn 32. They're like, let's not we're not playing games here, dude That song is extremely sexual. What wagon? Oh ride a cowboy wagon wheel Wagon wheel super sexy. Yeah, fuck But the thing that I noticed about the people down there. Mm-hmm was that people are very nice Yeah, they're nice. It's weird to see you like
Starting point is 00:04:20 People say hello to you Doesn't happen much here. Yeah, they would just do that kind of tip in there Another thing was I only met like four people from Nashville though Yeah, I didn't even I only met two cowboys and it was like on Halloween, so I'm not even sure if those were cowboys That's true. I saw a lot of places with cowboy hats and boots wanted to do it But I was like I'm only here for another day not only that but when am I gonna wear those boots probably nev's probably probably nev's You know or maybe ironically I'd wear them like once but But then after that nev's I feel like if I put on a cowboy boot
Starting point is 00:04:54 I would want to wear it all the time like it might it might be a new thing for me Yeah, I also would want to just put my hands in my jeans and my thumb stick out and just kind of stand on the corner And move my feet real fast or something, you know, I'm gonna be honest. Yeah, that's hot. It's fucking hot Yeah, that stance is fucking hot especially with the rolled up sleeves. I'll do rolled up flannel sleeves Like I think this just bumps me up like point three. Oh for sure like I was gonna roll mine up But we can't have two rolled up boys. That's way too many rolls. It's a lot of rolls. That's it's too much rolling for me Yes, yes, you know, yes, but like so Do you want to get into how the weekend started off?
Starting point is 00:05:30 I miss my flight. Oh, yeah, Danny misses So I was what we were supposed to all be down there Thursday mind you Danny goes. Hey, dude Yes, I'll be at the airport probably 334. I was like, all right, cool I'm not gonna be there at that time because our flight was at what like six six So I was like a boarding of 530 right started boarding a 530 I was like, I'm probably gonna leave here at four but Danny lives further away from the airport than I do So he's like, I'll be there 334 missed it miss the big like by a
Starting point is 00:06:00 Big margin not a huge match not a huge March, but here's the other thing too is I was already running late Hmm. Okay, and I put my bag in TSA and it had powder from my that I use on my junk Which is a cinch. Yeah, what's it? Which is a cinch? I have underwear on today, by the way That note and ran with it. Thank you Lord. Yeah, I was getting way too many comments about my underwear So I was like, I just need to handle this So I use it in my underwear and I use it in my shoes sometimes and there was trace of mounts in that bag powder in the bag in the airport not great plus olive skin and a beard Yeah, people gonna start asking questions, right, you know, we were in a hat. I was wearing a hat
Starting point is 00:06:43 Okay, good. Yeah, sometimes when you have your hair all fucked up. Yeah, and you and you have all those symptoms I'm like, yeah, it could get ugly could get a little weird So what they do is is they have these two carts One's good behavior very nice luggage. See you later on your trip and then there's just other Side that it's like possible possible criminals possible terrorism and they're like no no Come explain the shampoo bottle and then they go like a like I'm a fifth grade ago Who's bag is this and a part of me thought just say say no and keep going, but I was like, no Yeah, I was like, what are you talking about? Yeah, I was like, oh, it's mine. They're like, we're gonna have to check it
Starting point is 00:07:23 So I said, yeah, go ahead check it. It's not gonna cost me anything. Is it I thought they meant check it because it was too heavy Like check the back And it's all right, they're like, oh this brown boy. Yeah They were like this fucking brown guys an asshole. So I was just like, yeah. Yeah, so they open my bag and They have these like little weird dippy swipe sticks. Yeah, they have yeah like fun dip. Yeah, and they just they're just like So I thought they were just gonna go to like where it like Like what resonated the most? They took everything out of my bag and rubbed it with a stick nice. Yeah, so that took me 25 minutes
Starting point is 00:08:05 Then I ran through the other thing is is the fucking gate Dude, that gate was a mile and a half away from the TSA. I thought I walked back to Queens when I got to this game It was terrible. It was far JFK airport fix your shit. So I I'm Russian now. I have this one Second to make a choice. Do I run for it or get on the shuttle bus? Someone we traveled with Bobby. What's up, man? Goes you'll get on the shuttle bus. So I go all right. Fuck it I'll go to get on the shuttle bus I get on the shuttle bus. It is the slowest fucking bus. I've ever fucking been on What was the driver like? Oh, it was just an old white lady. Ah, just fucking taking her sweet time hate them
Starting point is 00:08:51 Right took her forever to close the door on the book. Yeah, I hate him. Right. I hate them all It's the hats it's making me say it makes me hate you head, but um But I'm in the bus and I'm like, yo old bitch shut this door You know I'm saying like come on dude like and this time I have like 10 minutes to get there before it's like yeah We're gonna air seal this thing and you are fucked So I'm like six minutes five minutes four minutes soon as I hop off the shuttle I FaceTime Joe and he goes the closed it man So I missed the flight
Starting point is 00:09:27 Now I'm like I'm kind of angry at the TSA, but I'm also angry at myself for you know, I was late. Yeah, so And then I was late so I Get there and the two ladies that work there were curmudgins Whoa, dude. Yeah, they were like to everybody else gargoyles Yeah, and like and the craziest thing about people is like you think your personal problem is they're just gonna stop The plane and let you on the shit. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense
Starting point is 00:10:01 What are you doing? I'm looking at yours. What are you saying? What are you doing? You're freaking me out. What I do nothing. Oh, I'm an idiot, dude Yo, when I look at the microphone sometimes I get cross-eyed and I thought that your thing was plugged into the wrong thing Yeah, you just freaked me out. I know I Self out I thought there was a mouse behind no no no no when I look at the mic. I get all like googly-eyed like this Yeah, that's not great. Yeah, so I'm like, oh man, it's in the one and I thought it was that no, so There's these three ladies in front of me
Starting point is 00:10:32 Mm-hmm each with their own personal problem one of them is crying already the other one is just fucking white fuming just white He white hot. Yeah, white flame white flame. Yeah ready to give the business to these old Jamaican ladies Yes, but these are seasoned old Jamaican ladies. They've been around the block. Yeah, so Seasoned is that like What no, I thought it was like a like a I didn't want to be like borderline because they saw like race No, yeah, like they season their food a lot. There's a lot of seasoning. I mean, I just did myself in there So the first lady goes on she's like hi, I missed my flight to wait is this the white flame This is the one before the white flame. This is crying girls. I miss my flying. Okay, it's a
Starting point is 00:11:24 I need to get the morning Right and the lady's just like well, you missed your flight If you want me to shoot you up in the air and no, I'm not then they'll go Anyway, you're me Like I'm starting to feel bad for how old is this one probably in her early 20s She's like I need I need to Then and then they were like listen, we can't get you to Fort Worth We can get you to college station though and she goes
Starting point is 00:11:59 Mad loud So then they're like listen man, we can't help you. There's these phones over there on the wall You can go over there call Delta and they'll get you another flight. So she just admits defeat Goes and cries on the phone. Yeah, and then where's college station fucking it sounds like it's in Alaska Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's in Texas, but it's like it's not in Dallas Fort Worth so That now we got the La Flama Blanca coming up hell. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? So she's like I
Starting point is 00:12:31 Checked the boarding time I checked your screen said this and I said that and I did this and I said and I went up there And they said I couldn't get on the flight And like slams are boarding passed down on the desk. Oh When I tell you that these two Jamaican ladies Got real upset One of them goes who do you think you're talking to? Oh? Yeah, it's the start of a dark night. Yeah, and then and then she goes
Starting point is 00:13:03 You want to know why you missed your flight cuz you fucking bitch you missed your flight, right? We didn't miss your flight now. She's talking to her like a five-year-old. Yeah, she was like I but you don't understand I have a presentation that I have to do said something like that. She was like, I need to be there I need to be on this flight. She goes if you wanted to be if you needed to be on this flight You'd be on the flight Sonder Sonder. Yeah, and she goes. What do you what do you expect me to do? She goes get another flight That's all you can do. I love how you what do you want me to do? Oh? Yeah captain, we have someone here that has a
Starting point is 00:13:41 Present plane that has a presentation if you could come back to the to the gate. That'd be great Captain we have someone down here with a PowerPoint on a floppy disk Can you mind turning around and landing again? Yeah, so I thought you know what I'm gonna play this my way I'm gonna go up there super. I'm like I could try cool. I could run the pants off anyone Yeah, so I go up there crack a couple jokes. Yeah, did you talk about white flame? I did talk about white flame like geez. You know that white lady is crazy, right? So I basically go up there. I go people are animals Not one fucking
Starting point is 00:14:17 peep or smirk Not nothing fucking Bombed yeah, and I followed up. I said I can't believe people, you know They missed their flights and I didn't have excuses listen. I just missed my flight because I was late nothing Then I got one you got a smile. You got a smirk to smile. What'd you say what I said was I said You know what they say If you're 15 minutes early, you're late
Starting point is 00:14:48 Yeah, and for some reason she's like literally not the same Yeah, yeah, yeah, I thought it was if you're on time you're late. No, no, no Rick Rick whoa, I was gonna say Rick Bettina. No, I was gonna say Joe paterno both of them are great people Yeah, one's children and one's hooker. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but uh, he said like if you're or Vince Lombardi One of them said like if you're 15 minutes early, you're late So that's what I said and they were like that's right. They're like, that's right. That's right And like they were like they were talking to each other and I was like, yeah, I got him now I got these bitches on the hook. Yeah, so I was like, let's get me to
Starting point is 00:15:26 Nashville and they were like, no, we don't got flights for you either brown butt. Yeah, I was like fuck I don't know why I just assume everyone. Yeah. Yeah, this is in New York, by the way, and they're Jamaican Yeah, we ain't got no flats for you. Sorry man. Maybe down to call my cousins in Jamaica to come out It's the flannel and hat. Yeah, it's the flannel and hat so They're like we could fly you to Atlanta Okay, that's our and then I would have a five-hour layover That's not great So you're like f that in a I'm like f that in the a get me on a play for tomorrow
Starting point is 00:16:00 And they were just like, you know what we'll do that for you and they were like, ah, listen there's only like Like coach coaches all taken But since I was so nice to let your boys sit bids So I said I got to sit closer and and also on this flight first class and business same thing same thing Literally same thing just closer to the exit. That's all it was but they but it would have cost an additional like $300 so they blessed me shout out to Delta, which is very rare. So the next so the next day I
Starting point is 00:16:37 Get on the plane so I came up with this idea To make sure that I can get through security faster than everybody. Oh Yeah, I faked an injury Yeah, Danny Danny was just like hobbling around on a leg and like throwing a limp around so that he could get like a Basically wheeled around the airport or driven around the airport like an absolute piece So that's what he did and he even did it on the way home And I put it on my Instagram if you guys some of you guys may have saw that But he was just getting pushed around on this thing and here's the thing too when we landed home
Starting point is 00:17:15 And we got off the plane immediately There was two of these chairs with his name on it It said Danny Lopiori on a screen on a screen and then he's like thank you very much and sits down this chair I was like this fucking piece of garbage and the walk from where we were to where the taxis are was Maybe 40 yards and he had to go to the elevator. So we got there way before him But but I did get wheeled to the front of the taxi service And she grabbed your bag and put it in the fucking truck
Starting point is 00:17:48 And then I had the guy get the cab driver get out of the cab walk around open the door for me And hold my hand as I sat into the cab No, they were like two people when I put that on my story They were like everyone for the most part was like laughing because obviously you're joking Yeah, but there were like two people that were fucking Yeah, fuck you. Yeah, I know they were so bad. They were like, oh Whoa, sorry Yeah, I'll fuck you
Starting point is 00:18:21 Are you talking to me or someone else? No, I'm talking to these people fuck them in I'm fucking beat the system They'll get mad at me. It wasn't funny though. So what they say these sons of bitches. I don't remember specifically. Oh, you remember No, but No, but one of them like blamed me were they were they's in funny douchebag where they were they like cripple Not that I I don't the word is handicapped. Oh, I didn't know I don't know I don't know. He watches a lot of South Park. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, that's the terminology ever words. Yeah Well, I don't know words. Yeah, fuck them. Yo, also on my flight over to Nashville First of all every flight that I've been on like when I came to and fro. Yeah Orlando big old hay rides
Starting point is 00:19:05 Bumpy boys. See that's why I'm kind of happy. I missed the flight. Yeah, do we hit some serious terribity birds up there, dude We saw on the way there as soon as we take off. They're like, oh, we're probably gonna have the cuz you know when they're like before they back out they're like We were kind of expecting a smooth ride all the way to Nashville. He would literally said the opposite He was just like, yeah, it's gonna be bumpy the whole time We're probably gonna have the seatbelt sign on the whole time. So hold the fuck on and we're like, alright, cool So we get up in the air and it's like fine. Yeah, you know, whatever Then
Starting point is 00:19:43 We hit a little bit of turbulence. It was nothing crazy. It was like normal and then He turns the seatbelt light off and he goes we're gonna have like a Smooth sailing from here on out folks. We'll get you there in about 45 minutes That was like sick dude flights almost over. We're good Literally two minutes later folks. We're gonna turn this on real quick We're gonna hit some really rough air right now and I was like, oh my god. No, what he said was By the way, Bill Clinton was flying my plane, by the way
Starting point is 00:20:15 We're gonna scare the hell up and shit of everybody on board from the next five minutes Just let you know if you have anxiety you will need to pop some pills right now But he this is what he said. He said We're gonna be experiencing some moderate chop So he said moderate chop. I love that. He's using a plane terminology and people are like, what the fuck is that? Yeah, first of all first thing competing to cook off. What is this first thing? I thought was like, are we on a boat? It's gonna get choppy dude. Yeah, I don't know. We hitting the Osh You know cuz no not a little scared. Yeah, of course
Starting point is 00:20:49 So um, I like to watch the plane like track the plane whenever I'm on a plane Yeah, but there was no TVs because the flight's only like it's a little under two hours. Yeah, it's it's it's it's kind of a Jokey plane. Yeah, it's a small plane. Oh, it's basically like it looks like a private jet tiny tiny. It's tiny So What the fuck are we doing? So I was looking at it on a website Yes, and I could see the fucking rainstorm that we're about to fly over or through or whatever fucking green mass. Yeah I'm like, oh fuck. So dude when he said moderate chop No, nowhere near moderate not moderate chop lot of chop
Starting point is 00:21:34 Many chop the worst the worst is one of chop Dude, there was copious amounts of chop. We were bouncing around. Yeah, you know what I'm saying I was shifting did it shake to the point where like you look at your boy like that was a good one Yeah, and you're like are you scared yet? Because if you get scared I'm gonna get scared Yeah, so I wasn't scared because like it was that great It was only like for like two minutes, but what a two minutes Yeah, because it was fucking bumpy and it felt like at one point that the plane like if the plane if this is the plane It felt like it because usually it just like bumps like back and forth this way
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah, it felt like it's slid like that. Oh, and it was weird because I've never felt that feeling before on a plane I've been through some like turbulence, but I was just like was like hook yeah Was it one of those ones where everyone? Oh like anybody just went whoa No, but there was one guy who was getting angry at the wind I guess because he was like oh come on come on wind Yeah, dude literally he was going come on come on when something windy alright enough is enough there wind enough of this wind Enough of this rough air. Yes. See my flight there is I didn't wasn't the landing a little sticky. Oh our landing was very Questionable because you come in on those small planes and it's like you can feel the speed of the plane For sure when you're on like a fucking 757 I'm not sure if that's the right did whatever a bowling 77
Starting point is 00:22:58 It's like it's like being on a bus like it barely moves. It's literally an airbus Yeah, basically, you know so but these small ones you could kind of feel it more so when the plane's doing this you're like, okay? Alright, yeah, so when we were coming in Our our wing was like sort of down. Oh, and I was like, hmm might be a little bit of a great landing And then brace brace But hold on hold on here. There's always come everybody just hold on we're gonna just Smash into the runway. We're gonna have people cut individually come up and tell their loved ones that they love them into the black box Alphabetical order. Yeah, it's funny because they'll be on the plane tomorrow. So all these jokes are awesome
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah, that's right. We'll talk about that wait, uh Okay But yeah, we ain't we learned there's a but you know Nashville was a lot of fun, man We did a moonshine tasting also which You know that put me that put me out the good thing about Nashville as I remember all of it Yeah, cuz Danny was sober the whole time. I had a guy. I was totally fine until that last My this is the drunkest I ever seen Joe in my life So when I when I flew in first of all I flew in by myself
Starting point is 00:24:12 Um had nobody next to me very rare never it's never happened to me. It was amazing to have my own thing Got something on your eye right here Little turbulence little turbulence. It's still there. I want you to look at your story. I want you to look great baby I'll get to it. All right. Um, so I fly in there. I'm good on my own not one bump Nice not one bump our flight home was very small. Yeah, it was great Except for the like no air conditioning thing. Oh super hot. Yeah. Yeah, we were sweaty And then that other guy the two people that were doing a fucking tour guide show Three fucking rows behind us this fucking
Starting point is 00:24:48 Idiots that's a city this dude is a 70 Maybe a 60 year old man like not too old for the earth to be asking the same questions over and over and over again This guy fully had his health and he was like is that it? Is that the one like it's not it is that an empire state building like that's New Jersey. I'm like dude shut the fuck up Yeah, what were you saying? Um About what I was just talking about that guy. Oh, so I'll talk about you being drunk. Yeah, all right So the first night I get there these guys are all sleeping in a one bedroom. I was like, no Yeah, I got my own apartment
Starting point is 00:25:22 Not my own apartment my own hotel room. I couldn't do it. I'm high maintenance. Yeah I need to poop a lot during the night. I pee I stay up till four in the morning. I do a lot of stuff I don't want to be tiptoeing around like a little Puerto Rican mice. So all night, you know, I'm saying So I we I get there The place is kind of a shithole Okay So I get to my hotel and I Check in and I'm like, hey, what's up? I'm in I reserve. She goes what's it now?
Starting point is 00:25:59 I go, excuse me. She goes what you know, I was like So what's your name? I was like, dude, I haven't been there. I know like, you know when like you say excuse me I said I was like, excuse me. Excuse me three times. She was like, you know, you know, what's your mom name? I was like, oh my name and she was like, yeah, and I was like, oh, it's Danny And so I give her my ID she lets me into my room People next door to me fucking the shit out of each other nice like animals. Oh, yeah Like you could hear them fucking almost the point. I got a little turned on you jerked it. No, I didn't jerk it to them Oh, so you jerked it just at the same time. No, no, no, I jerked it later on in the weekend
Starting point is 00:26:47 I that's why I've mainly why I got my own room fucking play with this thing. Yeah So, you know, so I get over there. I go meet with these guys, right and we went to someplace called tavern which was Oh, yeah, not great food was terrible. Oh, sorry guys, but I'm just cool establishment cool establishment I get there. These guys must have fucking snorted cocaine off of fucking Mike Tyson's dick or something You're messing up. No, no, no, cuz you were there Thursday. I got there Friday, right? But so you guys already partied one night. Oh, so when I saw everyone just fucking shells of themselves Joe said one word to me for maybe three hours
Starting point is 00:27:30 That's how fucking hungover you were No, well, no, the reason why I wasn't like hungovers is we had drank during the day We got up went to a brewery. Yeah two breweries and Stay at the second one like the whole day and that's when we did the moonshine tasting Okay, and then we met up with Danny. Yeah, I was cooked. So like It's literally to the point where Joe is we're eating and Joe eats like two of his like fish tacos or whatever and Literally puts his head on the table. So I'm like, yo, this dude is Scruggling right now. So I didn't know where the night was gonna go from there. So I was worried
Starting point is 00:28:05 I was like, oh man, like my first night here. We're not gonna do anything But boys rallied and then we went to did we rally? Yeah, we stayed out We stayed out till 2 o'clock in the morning. Where did we go? We went to Not the row place. Oh Whiskey row. What's a whiskey row for? Oh, was that the night we saw the the fight? Well, yes That was that night. Yes. Yeah, I still took it like super easy I think we turned in like kind of early though, not to we didn't get back to the well We have a great story about getting back to the room, which I'll say but we did get back to the we did get back
Starting point is 00:28:40 To the room. I'll let you tell that one, but we did get back to the room. We're around 1 32 o'clock Yeah bars close at 2 30 when when we went to that bar So it was still like Halloween weekend. So there was like fights going on Well, there was everyone wasn't like not everyone but a lot of people were in costume and whole fucking weekend Yeah, and this these two men that were probably in their late 40s early 50s one dresses a pirate the other dresses Elvis fought and Elvis supercharged a punch-up like Through it and completely missed and it was very it was interesting to watch
Starting point is 00:29:18 I almost I was happening right here and I was like this is I don't even want to watch it Like that's all bad. Yeah. Yeah, because they were just like hammered old to right Yeah, and I was distracted because of all the like fiddling and saxophones on stage I was like this is way better than that. I'll just pay attention over here. Yeah, you know But but yeah that night so you know we didn't we didn't go crazy No, and then we decided you know what let's get a little more rest and then let's fucking get after tomorrow which we did Yeah, yeah, we'll get there fucking yeah, we'll get there. That's where I'll you know Yeah, also, I just want to say this before anything the second brewery that we went to that I mentioned before that
Starting point is 00:29:54 They kind of stayed that all day. It's called yee-ha brewery if you ever go to Nashville go to that place That's the place that had like the basketball hoops and stuff Yes place like dope it had had fucking two big-ass stages mad screens There was like a merch shop, which is where the whiskey the moonshine tasting was Ten dollars you try ten different moonshines and you get a ten dollar coupon For ten dollars off of any merch that you buy I mean come on. It was a fucking steal Yeah, and then in the backyard. They had legitimate basketball hoops ping-pong tables There was like a truck that served hot chicken
Starting point is 00:30:30 And then there was like cornhole and shit. It was fucking sick So go check out yee-ha brewing if you're ever like out there. Yeah, but yeah, so that night we decided like all right cool Let's head home and Keats pretty drunk I would say yeah, yeah, yeah, Keats had a couple Keats had one two five six Yeah, so we get he's not like You know blackout no no no, but we get back to To our place and this woman was driving our car and Keats all the way in the backseat right I think no no he wasn't he wasn't no he's not he's not so
Starting point is 00:31:07 I'm literally sitting in the middle between me and Espo Right, so Keats Keats in that seat. I'm all the way in the back. Yes, and with like geo. Yes, and then we pull up to our We pull up to our hotel and then people start getting out and Keith goes all right. Thank you, sir and Woman goes I'm a woman. Oh, I'm so bad and then Keith goes I'm sorry, and it just gets out and leaves right now I'm trapped in the back seat You know getting all this hot energy from this woman because she is fuming because then she's giving She was immediately angry. She was like there's a lever right there pull it
Starting point is 00:31:50 Yeah, and I'm like this like I'm searching for it because I'm locked in the back seat You got to put the seat down to get out. I'm fucking searching for this button that she's talking about and I'm like I'm just yeah Nope it couldn't find it and then fucking I finally get it open I booked it out of there right as Keats said it three people in the car were like oh Fucking we got dudes. Yeah, so I'm over there just being mr. Apology boy I'm just like yeah, I'm so I'm so sorry about that and she was like it's fine. I was like yeah It's not though. It was an accident, but I'm sorry that happened. She's like no, it's cool. Don't worry about it Yeah, and then
Starting point is 00:32:29 Keith felt so fucking bad we made Keith feel bad for maybe the next Yeah, even the next day when we brought it up. Yeah, yeah, we were torching him up He just kept going like yo, I didn't know we were like we know you didn't know dude. Thank you, sir Yeah, it was and it was a genuine. Thank you, which made it funnier. Yeah, because he really wanted to say thank you But he threw that sir. I'm a woman. I'm a woman And I was like god damn proper to go out through the trunk that always reminds me of that game stop person It's ma'am. It's it's yeah. Yeah, that was reminds me of that. Yeah, I was like damn dude Yes, that was fucking hysterical. Yeah, that was that was a great one before we get to them the
Starting point is 00:33:11 Disaster of a night. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna get to these sponsors real quick We appreciate all of our sponsors yes, and all of you guys who are taking advantage of all the sponsors That's why they keep all coming back Everybody makes these great products all the time. We're gonna take a poop not just getting a little more I will see to all right You be careful there All right, cool Let's start it off hot with okay. There he goes back there. There he goes Ric Flair
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Starting point is 00:39:57 Get honey for free by going to join honey calm slash basement again That is join honey calm slash Basement honey just spelled like like Winnie the Pooh, honey. Mmm. Yeah, feel me. Mmm Free Hong Kong Wow Right when you said the honey with the Winnie the Pooh. Have you seen all that stuff with Hong Kong? Yeah with the Winnie the Pooh thing Wait now you lost me. Okay, so they said like So when the poo looks like
Starting point is 00:40:35 Whatever the Prime Minister the whoever over there. Okay, that's like causing problems for them Okay, so like people are all dressing up and there's like these Winnie the Pooh protest or everyone dresses up like Winnie the Pooh I didn't know this. Yeah, and like they're all just being like free Hong Kong with their dresses Winnie the Pooh Yeah, you should check it out. You should check it out. It's not gonna fit in this episode. Is that racist? Yeah But but it because we've talked about that previously on an episode We're like the racist thing to say about Asian people is that they're yellow. Yeah, which I've never really like understood But if they're dressing up and yellow stuff like isn't there like either yellow black or white
Starting point is 00:41:18 I'm fine. Isn't there like a song that says that I don't know I've never from like a long long time I've never worked on a railroad so I don't that's true. That's true. I'm not sure. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know your racist jingles It's what they taught us in school speaking of racism. I just watched American history X yesterday for the first time in like forever. Yeah Movies a little racist Man, I mean, it's just not it's not historically accurate either though I mean like there's no way the white team beat the black team basketball. Oh that Not true. No not with that group of guys they had out there. Nah, man. It's just not gonna happen. Also Edward Norton dunks Not gonna happen. He's not gonna happen. He's I've never seen anyone with a goatee dunk
Starting point is 00:42:10 That's a fact that was white Yeah, who had a goatee that many basketball players in the NBA, okay But yeah, white dudes with goatees and swastika tattoos. Yeah, do not dunk. No, I'd be willing to bet the house on that I think they would be more like worried about like Being the dominant race than being a dominant like forward. Yeah, they want to be the dominant race They don't want to be dominant in a race. Yeah, you know what I mean? So like white racist dudes aren't athletic. No, no, you know what I'm saying, so Thought like I thought Nashville would have been like
Starting point is 00:42:46 More yee-haw more yee-haw no one's from but nobody's from there You know, that was the thing another weird thing too is we went into a bar and I had my diamond chains on the guy I was like tuck them Yeah, I remember that and I was like what and he was like tuck your chains in or you can't come in He said like people snatch them, right? Yeah, I was like damn dude like fucking I'm flexing too hard out here I can't fucking rock these. Yeah, dude. And then add another place. I remember this is where this is where this whole day Is gonna go. All right. This is when I was already black. All right, so It gets to the point we
Starting point is 00:43:21 We were out there to see our buddy Mika Spana jab play some hockey, but he got injured He'll up buddy ready to see you back out there Hope's all as well with you. Yeah, all brother. Yee-haw brother. Yee-haw brother. Yee-haw Mika all the way South will rise again Yeah, right into the morning night kid rock Is there any racists now? Yeah, I think so. Yeah racist now I don't know if that happens compete. It's like, you know like in movies like American history X like he was racist now
Starting point is 00:43:54 He's not yeah, can I go the other way? Well, you're not racist and then become racist for like 20 30 years. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay. It can right? Yeah, well, that's how it always happens because it's a learn to behave I know but if you're 30 and you were never racist and then you can just and then add her one day It was like, yeah, I don't like these guys I'm sure yeah I'm sure people like have one exp or they never see. Oh, maybe. Yeah, they never see a black person and then like It just so happens that the one black person they see is is an actual criminal and they just go all they're all criminals
Starting point is 00:44:29 Yeah, yeah, you're right. Yeah, that makes sense now But Yeah, so we get we get we get down the Nashville we're gonna watch the game So these guys went to brunch. I didn't I slept in I Didn't drink at brunch, but I had a Big old breakfast burrito, buddy. What was in it? Just a bunch of shit. It literally looked like it was covered in salsa and guac There was eggs. There was caro in there. There was a
Starting point is 00:45:01 Always something back on there was Some cheese in there. Yeah, you had eggs in there Yeah, there's some eggs in there. There was a lot of shit in there and it was like spinach It was good. It was good, but I felt pregnant after yeah, you know, I'm saying I didn't poop Well, you needed that for the day because we didn't eat until 4 a.m. Yeah, it's true or have water or have water which was Kind of scary so we went to the
Starting point is 00:45:32 Predators versus Rangers game they won the Rangers Rangers go rags, you know and Pete they you guys were drinking there and then we just hit the streets in Nashville So I was drinking Jack and coaxed. Yeah, he was drinking Jack and coax So there's a video of me walking doing like the Vince McMahon walk Joe's very drunk walking behind me if you watch that video Yeah, so I can do that walk The way that Danny does but when you watch the video on Danny's Instagram and watch the way that I did it It was because I couldn't see yeah, it's just a drunk asshole walking behind me So so we go to this bar nudies nudies right we go to this bar called nudies shout out nudies
Starting point is 00:46:08 But actually not shout out nudies. Yeah, no boobies. Yeah, then it's the one tit. I didn't see one Elvis's car on a wall Yeah, that was it. There was an entire vehicle on the wall of the establishment. Yeah, I was scared and it was apparently was Elvis's car So we get into nudies having a great time playing they're playing good music buying we're all buying white claws I'm just buying buckets for the crowd. That's where the night took a turn This is where everyone gets pretty much all the way black down. Yeah So we're singing We're ordering songs another thing Nashville They make you pay $20 for a song request not all places most places do
Starting point is 00:46:50 And they're like, oh you could Venmo us that's I mean I get it It's a good I get it but listen eyes Venmo's assault Venmo's landslide and she never paid I mean she never played it. Yeah, I paid she never played So a day later when we were on the plane she messaged me on Venmo said, oh, I'm so sorry that I didn't get to this I go. Yeah, it'd be nice if you gave my money back. Did you get it back? No, I didn't Yes, bitch Rob at the hand of the fiddler. Yeah, the fiddler got me. So I was like, all right. Yeah, so back to nudies We're all like we're all having fun, you know, yeah And it gets to the point where it's six o'clock and the band wraps up. So I go outside
Starting point is 00:47:31 For two minutes I go to come back in and the bouncer goes pull up your shirt. I was So what is this? Flash your titties. Yeah, I was like, oh, well, it's that part in that. Yeah, here we go So I pulled my shirt up and he goes you can't come in here So I was like, yeah, dude, like I don't got a hairy stomach. But what the fuck, you know, and he was like, no You we don't have jogger pants allowed in here And I was like, dude, I was just in here two minutes ago. He goes it's six oh one
Starting point is 00:48:02 We don't have jogger pants after six And then like a asshole poke points at this list of rules that I'm just going around reading lists of rules at bars Yeah, and goes see that you can't come back in I go Can I go tell my friends that I have to leave and he was like no So I was like, yo Fuck you man and walked away. So I call everybody and I'm just like yo, yo, I'm stuck out here So we have a buddy Bobby Who gets very very very angry very quickly. Yeah, so Bobby was like, all right, let's beat these dudes up
Starting point is 00:48:38 I'm like Bobby. Let's not beat these dudes up. Yeah, but I kind of want to beat these dudes up Let's beat these dudes up. So I'm kind of fired up too because I'm embarrassed like the guy was just like get like get out of here Scram, Puerto Rico. Yeah, he was like Scram. Julio. So I was just like, yeah, all right So me and Bobby are like kind of like You know, we're bloods boiling here comes stumbly drunk Joe Okay Stumbly drunk glass over eyes Staring me in the face. Yeah, brother with like this fucking little chicken shit like half smile on his face
Starting point is 00:49:14 He goes, what's the problem? Meanwhile me and Joe have the same pants on You guys literally same color and same company Yes public rec who is a sponsor of this fucking show. We have the same pants on I'm just repping the brand out there. You know, they let me in the bar before joke stumbling out Gives me like a hiccup and then like what's going on? I was like, dude, they didn't let me back in there, man I want to fucking go crazy on this guy and Joe goes. Ah So I was like, did you say yeah, like yeah, what the fuck did he just say and then he's just like
Starting point is 00:49:55 Listen This dude is so drunk at this moment too. He goes listen. I Would fucking kill someone for you But not right now, no, no, no you explain it differently. No, no, no But I just a different way. Yeah, okay. Yeah, baby's like listen, I would fucking kill you kill someone for you under the right circumstances So now I'm thinking whether the circumstances that you would do that, but I'm like, oh, yeah, yeah So I'm still hot though. Like I'm looking at the guy and Bobby's looking at the guy
Starting point is 00:50:35 Who's also blackout our friend Bobby's like six foot five and like 300 pounds. It's huge. Yeah, so Joe goes under the right circumstance Right now is not one of those times let's just go somewhere else Let's go. I'm like, all right. I'm like, you know cooler heads prevail. I go. All right. All right. You're right He goes he goes. All right, so Where you want to go Oh my god, I'm an idiot. Yeah, then he's like, you know You know, you're drunk when you do one of our breathe. Yeah, he just goes. Yeah, but
Starting point is 00:51:26 Let's go over there Literally points in a direction. Thankfully there was a bar there and so we went into this place called whiskey row Which had a great band in there. Yeah Remember none of whiskey row. Yeah, so we're in whiskey row I'm like, yo, I have to get all these guys pretzels because they're fucking wasted. Did I eat a pretzel? Yeah, you had some I made you eat it Yeah, they they I don't think you guys ate since brunch, right? No. Yeah, so they're all fucking drunk having a great time listening to music and I'm like, you know, I'm keeping an eye on everybody like everybody's having fun or whatever and then I'm walking towards Joe
Starting point is 00:52:05 And this girl smashes her butt up against my penis I was like, what are you doing? It's your fucking didn't mash my penis that applesauce. I was like, what did it get off of me? Yeah, dude, I'm trying to walk to my friends because they're all you know first of all walking in bars I hate it. It's one of my least favorite fucking things to do. You say excuse me a hundred times You're you don't know whether to do this this get through So I'm just trying to get to my friends and the girl cuts me off and just fucking butt slams me right in the dick
Starting point is 00:52:45 Yeah, man, and I'm like Like stop stop Like get off of me. So I'm like, okay, I Get back to my friends talking to them fucking butt plunger comes back again. Oh She made us she made a second attempt to crush my junk Sequel yeah, and I had to turn my butt to her and she didn't see and we bumped butts for how long like a good solid 10 seconds Yeah, you guys are but I was like get off of me lady. Yeah, she was a bumper She was a bumper. Yeah, and I was like stop this now. You're crushing me. Yeah, so I'm trying to tell everybody
Starting point is 00:53:25 What's going on and I'm talking to Joe about us. Yeah, leave me alone and Joe just looks at me and goes He goes I'm gonna do about it. I was like, what are you talking about? I didn't want you to do anything. I was like, he's just a funny story So then uh, man, so Joe throughout the night is just like you're talking less and less at this point Yeah, I'm getting tired and the only way of Joe's communication when he's blackout or like these weird like you know how you go to like a Benjamin Moore and they give you like little like color palette things like all the this is all the greens we have Yeah, he has these little smiles that he has and you need like a fucking dictionary to understand what they mean
Starting point is 00:54:17 He knows what I'm talking about too. I just like yeah, man. It's got some food and Joseph's like I'm like, I think that's a yes. Let me refer to my notes. Yeah, so They're all drunk and I'm like, yo, dude, like, you know, it's 11. Everyone's wasted and I was like Every look you guys like you guys like want to go home or like something like that. Joe goes now Oh god, man, we stay Eyes closed the entire time goes now we're not going anywhere We're staying and I was like, you know why I said that I I actually remember that yeah
Starting point is 00:54:54 But I remember like because because Espo was on board to go back. Yeah, because when I'm when I'm drunk Yeah, and then no and when I'm like that drunk and I'm like drunker than everyone and people are looking at me like We should probably go home because of him and I'm like, no, I'm good. Yeah, like I'll just I'll just snap out of like I'm all set But we had fun after that after that we went to Jason Aldean's yes and a girl came up to you about your dancing Do you remember that? No. No, she goes. What's up with like you dance weird Yeah And Joe gets me the most
Starting point is 00:55:26 I'm next to me goes Look at this bitch And then she goes and then he goes He for some reason thinks that I'm plotting with this person to be like his dancing sucks. He goes listen first off Fuck you To the girl and then he goes to me and he goes and fuck you too What the fuck you saying that to me for he goes fuck you man So we're having a fucking great time and throughout this whole thing throughout this entire weekend
Starting point is 00:56:10 I was like I kept hammering home This Vin Diesel family bit. Oh my god. Danny the whole time. So this is what Danny does like sometimes he gets excited and he'll be like And he'll say something and I'll laugh and he'll just Beat it into the floor. Oh, yeah, because it just continuously like there's a point Where it's funny and then he does it so much that it's not fun anymore And then when he just keeps doing it and when it comes back it's 10 times as funny Oh, yeah, so he just kept going like well from the fast and furious uh furious uh movies Dom Toretto played like fucking by Vin Diesel. Yeah, he'd just always be like, oh, yeah the fucking the family's here
Starting point is 00:56:51 So he kept saying She is to family. I like yo guys, uh, everyone here. You're my family But i'm saying it out loud in bars. Yeah, my everyone here is my family Also, we had gotten mad at Danny because he got his own place and was it gonna stay with us in our hotel So they gave me a hard time in the tax chain. Yeah, so we uh at one of the bars we were at Uh, the guy who was up on stage if you Venmoed him any money He'll say whatever the Venmo says And no one knew that except geo so geo comes up to me and he goes, yo, we could do this
Starting point is 00:57:25 I was like, yo, I know exactly what to say. So we made the guy on stage. He goes. Oh, hold on before the pay next song uh I got a I got a message here and it says uh Danny uh low port Uh, your friends are upset that you got a different hotel than them. They'll never forgive you All right One a two a three a four What the fuck was that it was like odd not we paid them. So Danny goes, yo, can I borrow your phone? I'm gonna do it
Starting point is 00:58:03 And we didn't know what he was gonna say. So we thought he was gonna get back at us and say something like joe socks Yeah, something like that, but So he gets so the guy does a song and he goes we got another, uh Venmo here from from geo And he just goes He goes, um Don't mind you this guy is like I said on a stage into a microphone hundreds of people hundreds of people he goes Don wants you to know, uh
Starting point is 00:58:37 That you're all his family and we were fuck we just fucking lost it And then he goes and he wants us to cheers to family folks There's nothing better than family You guys are all here in my family and like we're all family and then he goes Let's get a cheers to family and then hundreds of people in this bar like to And we were dying laughing it was so fucking fucking the crescendo to the family bit was it didn't get any better Oh my god, also the floor in that place. I remember that That was terrifying walking on a fucking, uh, like a water bed. It was like a bounce house
Starting point is 00:59:13 I felt like we were gonna like just fall into the floor The other thing that's crazy. We were talking about too is just that every floor is just another party place in every bar On every floor. There's a different band playing a different song. Yeah, which is wild to me I don't know how the music doesn't like hit each other, but it just works Yeah, like every bar like one that you would see that has like and every bar is like three four floors And and every floor has their own bar with their own bartenders And like a band playing something like it was sick and it was all like, uh those fucking party buses
Starting point is 00:59:50 Here's my thing with the party buses that one party bus was upsetting It was very upsetting. It was about six middle-aged dudes. Yeah, not even dancing not even dancing And they all had like sweaters that were like too big for them on or like they weren't it was all fucked They were all kind of gross and like and they were playing like Like headstrong by trapped or something like some kind of song like that Yeah, so I was like, yo That's one of the saddest things I ever saw in my life And while i'm talking to joe about this
Starting point is 01:00:24 Keats right behind me And we're all talking and I have to fart Oh, yo, oh I literally almost threw up from laughing at this. So I'm talking to joe and Keith. I go Keith. I gotta cut y'all And he goes, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up? You all right? I was like I got a fat and I don't want to fart on your dick No, no, no, it's not what you said. What did I say?
Starting point is 01:00:51 You were like, we're all hanging off the edge and danie's talking like peter griffin for some reason And we're just like talking and like we're watching because if you are on the roof deck of oh, that was uh tutsi's I think tutsi's. Yeah, so we were on the roof deck and we were at the edge So you can like see the street and like all these cars driving by and like you can see like all the bars So we're just like hanging there and And then danie's just talking like peter griffin like would like an accent And then he just goes keith Keith get out of the way. I gotta fart and I don't want to fart on your balls
Starting point is 01:01:22 I don't want to follow up your balls And it just hit because he's been talking. He's been doing the the accent for 20 minutes and no one's laughing Yeah, but he just does it and then he says that and I almost threw up all over this fucking Keith I got a fat You can move back. I don't want I don't want to fart all over your balls. Yo That hit me so fucking hard that night Uh, man, people probably feel we were insane. I should have farted on those balls. Yeah
Starting point is 01:01:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then uh, the guy tried to sell me cocaine Try to sell me cocaine too. Yeah, I had a great exchange with him. I'm not going to say the bar. Keep it safe, bud And uh, so the guy was like, yeah, yo, he's like, yo, I got that good white and I was like, yo I'm in recovery And the guy was super nice about it. He looks at me and goes that's good for you, man That's out of it. This walks and goes so you look at that good white. Oh good for you. He's like, oh, you know what? Good for you. You know, not enough people do that. That was fantastic. That was great. Also We saw, um
Starting point is 01:02:30 What did we see? I said, oh, well, you don't remember that's a thing like most of this Don't remember anything of it. No, there was only one night that I got really drunk. That's the one that was the longest night Oh my god, those pictures what When those people were sending the pictures back and forth to each other. Oh god. Yeah, we got to talk about that Like listen as as drunk as I was on that night. There were some points you never forget Yeah, that was so funny that I couldn't I would have never forgotten that And I don't want to get it wrong, but we're me and we'll kind of keep it anonymous. Yeah, we'll keep it anonymous
Starting point is 01:03:04 Me and danny were talking to these two guys Yeah, right and they're showing us text messages From these girls that they met or something. Yeah, and they're like, yo, we met these girls and like look at these pictures, right? So who wait who sent the first picture the girl did and it was it was A picture of her And her friend like smiling, right? So then they send a picture back of them two smiling, right then then
Starting point is 01:03:34 What oh no, no, no, it was reversed the guy sent the picture first Then the girl sent it right. Yes. Yeah, and then and then the guy sent a picture of them like cuddling Like like like fake kissing like good like like cuddling but like fake kissing Yeah, and the girls sent that one back, right? Then they sent one of pretending like he was like pretending to suck his dick or whatever Yeah, like in like in the middle of the bar. They sent back like one where the girl's faking to eat her pussy So he said that yeah, so then this is the finale. This is the finale. Yeah, so what they send back
Starting point is 01:04:09 Mind you mind you we are in a bar next to these kids who we don't know right And they have their phone out full brightness full brightness in front of all of the public Yeah, and goes so she goes she sent this So we sent that and it's a picture of One of these kids turned around Bent over with his ass bear ass out
Starting point is 01:04:37 And the other friend with his nose in his asshole And then he goes and then she sent this and he swipes and it's a picture of her and her friend just gone Just a disgusted look on their face and they were so excited you can't out gay me Yeah, that's what he was saying you can't out gay me. I don't know what can out gay me ever and then I was like yo Hey, hands up man. You got you got the belt That was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Yeah, because you didn't know Because it was so fun. Yo, you have to understand how fast these are hinted. I said this right Then she sent this right
Starting point is 01:05:24 Then we sent this then she sent this This is the speed and then she said this then we sent this And then we were laughing and then he goes and then she said that and then we were y'all Oh, the the the girls faces. I was crying. Oh my god, man. That that story was amazing That's one of my favorite things I've ever seen. It was so so fucking dude. His nose was in his ass Like he was eating his ass. He wasn't eating. No, no, no, that's what it looked like. Oh, yeah It looks like he was eating his ass, but his nose was like touching the the hole It's the most
Starting point is 01:06:00 Ridiculous. I like yo that's that's literally one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life If that was put on like bars, it'll go viral Yeah, I mean you can't no you can't dude. I like You don't understand how fucking blackout I was at that point But even I remember that you know what's something so funny you have to walk away Oh, yeah, I had to do a lot. I walked away too. I was like, yeah, my body was hurting I was like, yo, that's one of the funniest things in the world because the picture of them is funny on its own But the pictures of the girls faces being discussed. Yeah, fucking unreal and they were on their way to hang out with them
Starting point is 01:06:31 Yeah, which is so it worked. Yeah, so it worked. I guess yeah, but um Yeah, dude, I mean there's just so much singing and alcohol consumption. Yeah that Nobody got to the point where it was like it was bad Yeah, I was like drunk, but I wasn't I wasn't actually like stumbling. There was one point where you were Stumbling and it was right outside of nudies because you got to remember, dude I bought like four buckets of white claws. I just handed them to you No, I know I was like, yeah, yeah, this one. No, no, I was like fucking drunk Popeye He was just like crushing him in the mouth. No, but that yeah, but I don't know
Starting point is 01:07:08 I don't remember like I'm not one of those drunks. That's like you were like a stumble john You were just like a little stumbly guy. No, I don't stumble though. No, you weren't stumbling You were rock-a-bye, baby. You know, oh if I stand still I'll rock a little Yeah, you were like doing one of the but I'm not one of those drunks that walks down the street and he's all over the side No, no, no, no and like sleeping against a light pole or something So there was a back entrance to one of these bars too and for some reason joe didn't follow us Remember, do you remember that? Yeah, I was completely sober at that point. That was the day before That was the day before are you sure? Yes
Starting point is 01:07:41 That was the day that we went home early Because I thought that was the night. Oh, yeah, we only went to two places. I stopped at three places the night We got we got it all fucked up. Yeah, so that night that night I didn't walk with you because you guys like booked it and I didn't even know where the fuck you were going So I stopped on the corner because I was waiting for geo and kink. That's right. That's right And then when I looked I was like they're not there So many like bridal parties there. Yeah, it's like the bachelor batch batch bachelor
Starting point is 01:08:06 bachelorette bachelorette bachelorette party like capital of the world nash vegas nash vegas. Um Were you surprised at all at the amount of people that were there though? Like a part of me was like We're from new york. Uh-huh, you know, we see Millions of people, you know every day you if you if you taking the subway or whatever you're in Times Square or whatever This seemed a little more chaotic to me Because it felt like we were jammed in a trash can together. Yeah because
Starting point is 01:08:43 No, nashville and one of them smelled like a fucking trash can too. Yeah It smelled like someone like everyone just goes to this one room to throw up that's what it smelled like that one night But that was a mad fun night. Yeah, it was it was I mean it was fantastic It was just like, yeah, it fucking stinks. Wait, how many days were you were there for three? I was there for three No, I'm not two nights two nights Friday saturday wait were you there the oh, no, you weren't there no I was there when we first night when we went to to uh jason aldean's. Yeah, and then we went on the stage Yes, yeah, we went back the night later. No because this kid was dancing goes I gotta go to the stage
Starting point is 01:09:23 Everyone has to see this dude. So I followed him and it fucking stank up there wait This was on this was on saturday night, dude The first time you smelled the puke. No was the night night before that two nights before that's the night i'm talking Yeah, you smelled the puke. No, but we didn't we didn't get to go all the way up because they closed it the night that I was Private it was a private party, right? I think that was a friday though Yes, that was the night that uh, we with the family cheers That we could go up that was family cheers night So I must have went there the day before went all the way up smelled the stinky puke place and we stayed anyway
Starting point is 01:09:58 I stayed anyway, and then when you were super hammered in black You were like I need to get on the stage. Okay this I don't remember. Yeah, so we're dancing outside And it's I remember being outside I honestly remember like everything from being outside, which is where the majority of the night we spent Yeah, don't remember being on the stage. I probably was looking for the bath. No, no, no you were you wanted the stage It was made it was made aware. I'm saying it's on the opposite side of the bar though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so you're like I'm going to the stage So I'm like, yeah, I'm not gonna let my friend just like walk alone
Starting point is 01:10:28 Like make no mistake. You would have never saw me again. That's what I'm saying. That's why I'm like I'm gonna follow him So I'm just following him like we're not talking. I'm just like watching him just Fucking live out his dreams. So like he's just fucking walking and he gets to the stage. He looks at me go stinks over here Let's go back outside. It didn't even get up on stage and dance. Damn. No, but I wanted you to get up there You would have got some good old footage for me. Oh, I would have got up there with you I wasn't gonna let you dance alone real friends don't let friends dance alone the first night like that night Like I don't I that was probably the drunks. I've been at a very long time Like I don't get that drunk usually like the first night that we went there. I was like drunk but like good
Starting point is 01:11:07 Yeah, because like I remembered everything I would say 98% of the time I remember everything that happens and regardless of how drunk I would say that percentage plummeted this well It did because we didn't eat anything and that was the problem dude. I was force feeding everyone pretzels They were all wasted I had the burrito in the morning and then the next time I ate was like 4 a.m. When we had pizza Gio was the drunkest person I've ever seen. Yeah We were all really like gio was no one ate gio was just like doing these
Starting point is 01:11:35 Yeah, but like his eyes are open and like he's like giving me like this little smile. I'm like, okay. He's all right He's okay. It must be insane for you to just be around zombies. I love it. I love it. Really? Yeah, because you want to know why It's fun. I love to see my friends have fun. Yeah, we had a that's what makes that's what makes me have fun If everyone's not having a good time, that's when it sucks Like I don't want to like hang it's weird if it's like it's not weird But it's not as fun if like you guys just drink a beer sitting here watching football But like if people are out there fucking I was buying drinks for everybody Sometimes and like buying rounds because I want you guys to have fun. That's fun
Starting point is 01:12:11 Because the drunker you guys get the more fun it's gonna be. Yeah, so honestly, it's crazy though. See we like only hung out with us Dude, yeah, do you remember what we were seeing? We were singing like a backstreet boys song. I remember I walked like that night We fucking nailed it too We were singing this backstreet boys song like the night that I was like blacked And we're like screaming at it into each other's mouths These lyrics and these girls come over and like tried to infiltrate our circle and we just boxed them out And like not even like on purpose, but because we were just like no
Starting point is 01:12:44 We're like Like no, no, no, no, no, no. This is our shit get out of here. I already got mashed already but no Yeah, another thing too. We have a lot of fucking fans down there Yeah, a lot of people a lot of people took pictures a lot of people took pictures of us of us What are you doing? I know I'm just staring at him. Oh
Starting point is 01:13:07 I was like, what are you telling me about? No, no, no, but it was fun, man. The people down there were great Yeah, everyone was like really like happy go lucky. It wasn't like going to a club where everyone's like kind of like Oh, dude, get the fuck out of here. That's new york. That's new. Yeah, it is like you're like posh of like 10 years ago Wow posh was crazy. I gotta take a picture on this carpet Yeah, like an asshole, but the one thing I regret about nashville Was we didn't go to like a barbecue spot That's the one thing I regret Yeah, and then the other thing too these guys gave me such a hard time about this hotel room
Starting point is 01:13:43 Guess where they ended up taking all their naps before we got on the plane nap I Fucking hibernated there Yeah, everyone was like, yeah, go back to your room like they're joking obviously like yeah, get out of here You don't want to be with us. I get a phone call 11 o'clock Three people. I was like Danny, please. No, I texted I texted Danny at like at like 6 a.m Because that's another thing when I'm like really drunk. I wake up mad early. Yeah, but I I so I got like two hours of sleep I thought something bad happened because it was like Joe usually sends one text
Starting point is 01:14:15 That's like like, you know, like we need to do this or this is like the itinerary Because he doesn't like to send like multiple texts. There was like three or four I was like, you know, I really hope everybody came home last night. I was like, you know, did I leave anybody? Like did I fuck something up? I was like Danny I said I said for the love of god, please get late check out So what happened was is they they were like, yo Please please then bobby
Starting point is 01:14:41 Then espo, they're just trying to get in touch with me. I'm sleeping like a fucking because we also had our bags And our fight was until like six. So I was like, I don't want to carry this around if we're gonna go somewhere So I'm sleeping like a fucking baby. I'm just like, oh, this is fantastic I see all these phone calls. I get a little I get a little worried There's pizza boxes everywhere, by the way Yeah, there was a point in the night before where this fucking guy would not let me go home and I was like, yo We've been on our feet since 12 o'clock in the afternoon. It's 2 o'clock to almost 2 30 and I am so I got hit by a car basically
Starting point is 01:15:14 Yeah, and this kid is just a fucking shell of his drunk self like there's drunk joe and this is like what's inside of drunk joe It's just like a not a person that can function. Yeah. Yeah, and he's looking at me and he's going Yeah, every time I'm like, dude, I gotta go home and my fucking feet are hurting me like I'm starving We have an eight I bought pretzels one for myself keep eight three quarters And he was so drunk that I just let him eat it because he needed it. I was like you fucking eat it I let everybody eat my food eat my food. So I'm fucking starving. I'm a bigger boy. I need my food So joe every 10 minutes goes 10 more minutes
Starting point is 01:15:54 Because they were playing They were playing bangers I know there was times where it's like a song would come on and I wouldn't know it and then I couldn't leave because I'm like But what if the next one's fire? It happened to me a bunch of times I went to leave once and then another song and I came back Y'all I did non-core. Yeah, I came back One more song joe just keeps going. Come on. 10 more 10 more minutes. 10 more minutes Danny just grabs me and he goes joe
Starting point is 01:16:19 If I don't eat a pizza in the next 25 minutes, I'm gonna start fucking people up in here I was like, dude, I gotta go and I was like, I'm getting out of his way And I love how he said eat eat a pizza not a slice of pizza though a whole pizza He's like, I need to eat a pizza in the next 25 minutes or else I'm gonna start fucking people up joe drunkenly looks at me and goes Understand And then like right before I left he goes damn pizza sounds good I think we left right after that. Yeah. Yeah, I was like, dude, I'm I'm gonna go um
Starting point is 01:16:58 But I'll text you or whatever when I get back But I paid for the room for another night so I could house you guys So that was my way of of of getting them back. I said, you know what? I'm gonna open my doors to you. Yeah, and now everyone comes sleeping there Then fucking espo fucking asshole. Yeah is wrestling me trying to get me to go to this sports bar with them And I'm like, dude, I don't want to go and then he's and you're like, I'm gonna grab your fucking dude, dude He starts talking a Hulk Hogan voice. They wrestled for like 20 minutes. I was on the other bed like Literally on on the brink of death. Yeah, I also that was he doing that. He's just that's espo. He does espo
Starting point is 01:17:33 I was like espo I paid for this Leave me alone get out. Yeah, I was like get off of my bed and he's like, ah man, come on And then I just want like dead weight on him So he like couldn't drag me out of the door. I was like, yo espo, please What do I have to do to get you to get off of me? So, you know sunday was just as damaging as saturday because sunday we went to his his uh room
Starting point is 01:17:57 I didn't eat anything. I woke up got dressed. Oh, yeah, we didn't eat and then went to his Hotel room and just laid there until our flights And then in the airport at like five o'clock was the first time that I ate All day and had anything to I had no water because we had no. Oh, actually, no, I drank a gatorade at like 6 a.m Yeah, um I had like half a bottle of water to my name. Yeah, and then I just got on the and then I ate something And I had one bottle of water And had like 10 nuggets from like wendy's and then got on the plane got home
Starting point is 01:18:30 That was the most like not the most dehydrated. I was dehydrated in fucking utah But I was fucked up after that too. Also the first night I got there this kid joe's farting Uncontrollable. Oh, it was a show. It was insane like any perfect quiet moment. All you just heard was Ah It was like a good 10 12 minutes. It was it was unbelievable. It was like every 40 seconds I was farting dude on the plane back. I must have farted 45 times I know. Oh, yes. I was like, dude. I can't do we ate fucking wendy's before we got on the plane The first thing we put in us. Yeah, and we were farting it up. Yeah, we were and it was hot
Starting point is 01:19:07 Oh, we were cooking farts in that cooking farts on I didn't want to lift my ass. Yeah, but I would go I would go back I I would I wouldn't make the same mistakes though. No, no, no, I would go back I never like being that drunk. See like yeah, that's another thing too. And it's like we Went down there and the purpose of We're gonna get fucked up like as a whole. No, I I honestly that's what it looked like Well, I didn't really know what to expect in Nashville. Right. I thought it was gonna be more like But the day that you you you missed it But we went to like a couple breweries in the morning, right?
Starting point is 01:19:42 And then we went to that one place we stayed at it because it was like awesome. So we were playing like uh, fucking Shuffle board and no what the fuck is cornhole. We're playing cornhole. We're getting some drinks, whatever You get a nice like buzz. We had like the fucking moonshine thing. Yeah, and then we do like a hot And then we do like a dinner and then maybe hit a bar or whatever, but I didn't know the bars I there was like a strip Basically of like a thousand not a thousand bars But there was like, you know a bunch of bars there and they're all packed with music the music keeps you up
Starting point is 01:20:10 Yeah, for sure and it keeps you like dancing and yeah There's never a moment of like Because that's the thing with me when I'm when I'm drunk and I just like stop like if I sit down at a table And we're just talking like I'm gonna fall asleep Yeah, not at the bar, but I'm like, yo, let's let's get out of here But when there's music playing all the time and like whatever I stay up and then like naturally you get more fucking drunk As a group the rallying attribute was Pretty impressive. Yeah, dude
Starting point is 01:20:38 Yo, me and my friends are just like because as opposed ready to go to sleep at eight o'clock Dude, I was you just heard him at six o'clock I was stumbling out of that bar and I was I couldn't even speak and we stayed until 2 a.m I don't know how I don't know how it happened. I don't know how I do that It was one of the more miraculous drinking like extravagances that I've ever seen dude. I've done miraculous things One time in Vegas. I was completely zero, yeah, and And I was leaving with Frankie. Yeah, and we lost each other
Starting point is 01:21:10 And I somehow made it back to my room Which was like on the other side of the strip, which if I was sober today and went there I wouldn't know how to get that's all drunk muscle memory It was insane and I just walked back and Frankie's sleeping Against the door and he's like, oh my god, you're alive. I was like, yeah Didn't you like not have shoes on no shoes and your feet were like black. Yeah, you're walking on casino carpet Actually No, yeah, I didn't have shoes
Starting point is 01:21:40 I don't remember actually. I don't know I might have I don't think I did because I had all my stuff was in a locker But I was like when I get really drunk Yeah And We're in a place like we hung out the whole night You know, we were never like away talking to different groups of people that we just met or anything Like it was just it wasn't it wasn't possible if if you went somewhere else you were you were gone forever
Starting point is 01:22:02 Yeah, because the bars were huge. Yeah, you were lost at sea. You were not coming back But so like we all hung out together. So I didn't feel like I never felt like oh fuck dude, like I'm really bad right now But usually when that happens, I'm just like I need to go home like someone needs to take me home You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but you weren't letting that happen. No, I know you were like I'm riding into the sun tonight No, because vegas is a different story because there's like double the amount of people around and the place is smaller And it's so it's like you're definitely more dangerous too. Well, yeah
Starting point is 01:22:32 Well, like oh, yeah, it's hot as shit But like if me and you are hanging out right here and our friends are like right there There's 30 people in between them. Yeah, so it's like to go to your friends is like, you know what I'm saying? It's impossible. Yeah, so but at that place there was like rooms So we were all just like chilling so I wasn't even like, you know sweating the whole drunk thing I was like, yeah, I'm good. We'll be fine. Yeah, as long as you're with your people. You're all right Yeah, I just said I just got to make sure all of these children get home
Starting point is 01:22:56 and I was like Here we are, brother You know, that was it Like a part of me had to be a little bit of a dad But that was only when it got to the point where it was like, all right, we're separating now Yeah, like let's everybody come on third floor third floor. Let's go. Yeah, and let's all have a good time Yeah, it was fun time though. It was awesome. Yeah, I had a fantastic time. Nashville was cool And we did something on our bucket list. We went on a trip together. There you go. Yeah, we did
Starting point is 01:23:23 Um, but yeah, Nashville was dope. Um, I would I would recommend it one out of 10 recommend It depends what you're going for I wouldn't see there's some of my friends that I would I would be like, this is not for you. Yeah This music sucks Well, it's not even the country music because honestly like, yeah, there's the country music But there was also like everything else. Yeah, they played everything $20 won't play your song I think that like If all of my friends went like if we all went as a group then everyone would have fun
Starting point is 01:23:53 But if I told like, oh, yo, you guys should go like if like you four like they wouldn't like it. Yeah, yeah, you know Um, ain't bad about it. Ain't bad. Bye But I would give it like save a horse Right a cowboy. That's definitely the name of the episode. Uh, but uh, I would Give it a like an eight out of 10 only because I didn't get to have the food if I'm yes Food's a big thing for me. I seven point eight eights. We're rookie school I Would say that I like nashville more than I like vegas because vegas just seems like a huge job
Starting point is 01:24:27 Yeah, and then also just losing a bunch of money too Well, yeah that too. Yeah, like like that's why I'm happy all the money that was spent was spent towards having fun And not towards fucking losing it because I'm a fucking degenerate and I also like how like it's two Blocks where it's like broadway if you go out on broadway or like you stay away from like midtown or whatever Because we went to midtown and it was kind of dead. It was more. It was more so for people who are like Shit, it was more so for the people who are like from nashville, I guess But like broadway is where like people who aren't from there like going to party and shit Yeah, they're having their like 50th birthday parties or whatever the fuck and that was another thing
Starting point is 01:25:03 There was a good mix of like these people are 50 and these people are our age Dude, I met an 52 year old woman. That's my neighbor. Yeah. Oh, I forgot about that She lives like two blocks away from you. I was like, what is this? Yeah, and I spoke to her husband. He was like, yeah, he's like Was it's so weird for me when shit like that happens That we had to fly here on this day and be here in the same exact place at the same exact time and Interact tell each other where we're from tell each other where we live and it's right there. Yeah, that's wild and weird. Yeah Strange man. Strange. Strange world we'd be living in doubt. Strange, man
Starting point is 01:25:40 Strange that was before Danny got kicked out. Yeah, that was before I got fucking Really really upset. So who actually won this trip, you know, like, uh Danny Got kicked out of a bar But I didn't get kicked out of a bar. Yeah, that's true And I got kicked out because I was fresh. Fuck you, dude. I was dripped out. Patagonia was popping Had to send chill on I was killing it Save a horse. Fuck you, man. Save a horse. Ride a fucking cowboy. Ride a fucking cowboy into a hill
Starting point is 01:26:11 Um, I think we could just wrap this up now Wow, dude, we talked about Nash for an hour and 25 minutes. What? Yeah. How long did you think that was? Like 35 minutes? Do you ever know? I don't even remember really. Yeah, I really don't. Yeah, when did we do that? Apparently a fucking an hour ago or something. Jesus Save a horse Fucking cowboy. God damn. Yeah. Shout out to Nashville. Thank you all so much. You having us down there We ever, you know, when we put our show and our tour together, we gotta make a stop down there on Nashville. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, drive that bus right down, bro. Oh, baby. We'll have a little fucking
Starting point is 01:26:50 Grand old time. I'll tell you. Oh grand old opry and I'll tell you where you can find me You can find me at danilo peoria on instagram and twitter You can find me doing stuff on the youtubes too at the stank podcast So the stank podcast on youtube and at the stank podcast on instagram And then you can find me just following joe around like a puppy dog Guys go follow the show at the baseman yard and on instagram and uh go follow other people's lives as well It's another podcast I do with my buddy greg We just put out an episode today where we talked to
Starting point is 01:27:27 Bringing the mood down a first responder on 9 11 Yeah, but it was a very like insightful, uh, you know way to Look at it because it was someone who was like from there. It was it was really intense. I'm not gonna lie I'm really I almost I almost said did he live? Okay, yeah, right. Yeah, we talked to a ghost That's a little too much time to self I think yes Um, but yeah, uh, go check that out and our patreon, uh, thank you for our patrons patron patreon dot com
Starting point is 01:27:59 Slash the baseman yard go check that out. That is all See you guys next time Yee-haw brother

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