The Basement Yard - #228 - Are You Type A or Type B?

Episode Date: February 10, 2020

On this episode, Joe and Danny figure out once and for all who has a Type A or Type B personality. Enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys go check out our patreon where you can get our daily morning show and next week's episode today Hey, what up, man? It's the boy Jay is the boy D and we back with the basement your buff be why podcast all up in your butchies That's started as an accent and then it ended as nothing. Yeah, it's all right. I don't know what it's a character That's the problem. I don't even know what I was going for. I'm very confused by what I just said you have commitment issues Apparently, I don't know what the hell that was I think you could have went with it and I would have wrote it out But I kind of saved you at the end, but it's all good. Yeah, thank God you're here because that would have been just a terrible thing Thank God you're here. Yeah
Starting point is 00:00:41 Also real quick before they start to show two things chart you said chart before we chart on the show Which I almost sharded before by the way, I'm over here farting. It sounds like I'm playing with marbles in my asshole Yeah, sounds like someone's playing jacks in your ass. It literally sounds like that. It's crazy It sounds like you took two metal balls and you're climbing them together You know those vibration sound well remember those balls that like old wise people would like rotate in their hands Yeah, like the fuck were those I don't know like philosophers used to play with them when they would talk about the planets Yeah, it's weird. I kind of want them now. I don't know if I'd be good at it. I don't know if my hands are big enough. Yeah, I Don't know
Starting point is 00:01:17 Yeah, what are you doing? Um Two things one Thank you to all the new patrons on our patreon slash the basement yard Yes, and we have the daily show the morning meeting definitely go check that out You get to find out what things are coming out for the week and like we do a 15 minute show every single morning Monday to Friday So if you don't know about that go check it out. Okay slash the basement yard for the morning meeting Also second thing we just received today. I mean this is gonna be like a week or two after
Starting point is 00:01:48 the fact but we just got pictures from the Primary school in Kenya that we donated money to in December. We took the patreon Money and we don't we built a we funded a well in Kenya and it's gonna they send us pictures I posted on my Instagram and Yeah, it's providing clean water to over 400 people. So it's like it's fucking awesome. It's amazing It was just it was just crazy. I got the email and I was in the other room and I was just like, oh my god Yeah, I thought something bad. I thought I did something wrong. No, yeah It was crazy because they they actually held up a sign that said like, you know, thank you to San Diego studios and Joe
Starting point is 00:02:23 San Diego was just like in the sand. I'm just it's crazy. Lord. Yeah, Lord. I am the floor You know what I'm saying? Probably the best thing I've ever done in my life. Yeah, I've been a part of it's fantastic Yeah, easily it was crazy. It's good to help people. Yeah, it's nice. It's the best feeling in the world actually Um, but anyway, let's talk about farts. Yeah poop fart do-do nugget We just got to get those out of the way do-do nugget. No, but me and Joe have been having this conversation between each other I guess probably for like the last like month or so Well, no way. I think so. Really? Yeah, I think I brought it up like a month ago. Sorry my ear's itching
Starting point is 00:02:57 I think I brought it up like a month ago that um Joe's a type A personality and I'm a type B personality But Joe was saying that he feels that he's type B ish. Yeah, I got some B in me, but I'm saying 80 20 a A But I got B Yeah, you say you're 100 B 100 B. I maybe have like some like A traits, but I'm mostly a B. I'm a I'm a B. I'm a B bitch You are very B. Yeah, I'm a B. Yeah, I I I will admit that I am sort of A
Starting point is 00:03:31 But I feel like I'm a fake a I feel like I'm mostly B, but I want to be a or something I'm a phony a I wouldn't say you're a phony a phony a I think Well, yeah, there's a situation uh, like All right, so here's how I know you're a and I'm B. Okay. Okay. I'm a crybaby boy. I cry a lot Yeah, but I also cry sometimes right Here's where I'm gonna get you. Okay. If I'm crying you never come over and be like, uh, it's gonna be all right, man
Starting point is 00:04:00 Like you'll be like, I'll let him I'll let him cry it out Right me I'll come over there like rub your head or something like rub your back Well, at least for me, I think that when someone's really upset. Yeah Um No, if you really were really upset and you and you needed me to come over there and hug Yeah, I would but if it's a situation where it's like you're trying to you know, be strong in that situation I feel like people like that they need someone to be there Who's just like calm and like ready to just be like, yo like it'll be fine
Starting point is 00:04:27 Like you're good. Yeah, like having someone who's like someone's not reacting in a way That's gonna make me more upset because like the worst thing is like when I'm upset And then I'm good as long as no one talks to me, but if someone goes, you're right, then I'm like, I'm not all right I'm just collapsed. You know what I mean? So I just could be the to put you over the edge question Yeah, what sounds like you good and then like you have to open your mouth and as soon as you open your mouth your tear ducts are like Yeah, opening I'm a uh, uh, you're a big cuddly guy. You want to hug a consoler. Yeah, you want to hug? I'm good right now. No, I'm saying it'll come though Yeah, yeah, wait, you're gonna come
Starting point is 00:05:04 I always come back. Yeah, you know the drill. Yeah, I do. Yeah, but uh, so I found this test online Yeah, and it had dot edu on it, which means it's smart. Yeah, which means that a professor did it Yeah, so somebody with a brain made this we're in college guys. So there's a score spectrum here. Um Basically, it's 20 questions and the range is score from three from 35 To 380. What the fuck? Yeah Low score low scores are type b high scores are type a so I'm guessing half of 380 Puts you in the b range. Okay And then above that probably puts you in the a range and then we can break that down percentage wise
Starting point is 00:05:44 So then we can break that down even to smaller things if you want Okay Sounds like too much math, but oh man. So I was thinking we take Do we should we say what our answers were first? Like as we talk about it. Wait, you you did this test already? No, no, no, I have it right here. Oh, okay. Good. Yeah I don't know. Yeah, I think we just do it and we talk it out and then we we put our answers Okay, because we can't have no lies. No lies. No lie. Yeah. Yeah. None of that. You know what I mean? Um, so yeah, all right. So first question. Yeah, uh
Starting point is 00:06:14 When you are faced with an unfamiliar problem, what do you usually do? address the problem immediately Think about what to do and then take action or sit back and let things work out for themselves I think about what to do and then take action I think I do that as well. I need I need to have a thought process for anything but you are impulsive I am impulsive. I could fly off the handle. I can't have things where I get upset really really fast But I would say Actually, you know what I think I do address the problem immediately
Starting point is 00:06:50 I think you are a react like you are a reactive person. Yeah, like something happens. You're like, that's it Yeah, yeah, that's true. That's true. I would say I'm more of that I'm trying to be more if I'm being honest. I'm gonna have to go and address the problem immediately Yeah, I think that you're you're more like Impulsive when it comes to stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll get I'll get tight like real fast I'll get I'm in my head. So I'm just like I'm thinking about every way out of this or whatever I gotta do. Yeah. Yeah All right, you want to read the next one? Uh, yeah, sure um
Starting point is 00:07:20 Compared with other students, how quickly do you usually complete your class assignments? Okay, this is a throwback test clearly Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm usually finished before everyone else. That's you Uh, I finish faster than most of my classmates. I finish right on time. I frequently turn in assignments late. That's me I would say I yeah, I usually finish before Everyone else. I'm a quick test taker. Yeah, you're a pencil down dude. Wait, um Okay, I'll say I'll you I feel like most people or maybe I finished faster than most of my classmates I don't want to say I'm the first one done every time. I'm a quicker test taker and stuff If I get a worksheet, I've gotten in trouble in high school of like I get a worksheet
Starting point is 00:08:02 And I just start working on it and he's like talking and then like he yells at me because I'm not paying attention Yeah, because it's like I'm doing the worksheet But like I would say I finish faster than most of my classmates. Okay. Okay, so I'm going with I frequently turn assignments late Because that's what I did in school. There you go. I'm just being honest. Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much Yes You say yes often. So it's yes often a couple of times once no never. I don't know if it's often Yeah, I don't know if it's often either. I think it's a couple of times like people would just be like, yeah, like talking a little bit too much Yeah, like chill like chill
Starting point is 00:08:36 Especially if I'm confronting somebody I love how they put once like I fucking like I would know that that happened one time. Yeah Um, I would say like if me and you were in a room, we never shut the fuck up though Yeah, yeah, but no one ever says that they that I talked to I don't I feel like people don't say that To us it's the contents good Right the contents good But there are there are times where I know me and you were just talking and we don't care who else is in the room Yeah, but no one ever goes guys shut up. Yeah, it's true. So I would say
Starting point is 00:09:05 I'd say a couple of times. I've definitely been told like yeah, like you're talking about I'll say a couple of times just because like I feel like it had to have happened over the years for sure But more than once I can't really recall though. Yeah, like I don't I don't know It's it wasn't once and it's not no never and it's not yes often. Oh boy this next question During normal conversation. How quickly do you speak? Faster than most people. Yeah, I speak very quickly. Yeah, that was an easy one That's it like the other answers were at an average pace. I don't know what that means I don't know what that means and then if you talk really slow
Starting point is 00:09:38 I'm out. I'm worried about you if you're talking slow to me. I don't even want to talk like Get get there. Yeah, I don't want to talk to you. I hate when people be like, yeah, so I'm like bro talk you do that sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you've been doing that today because I've been trying to think about Shit, I know I've been trying to be more more like I want to process my thoughts a little more Danny I've he would just like be he's like Physically having an emotion You know like either he's like Or he's whatever and I ask him about I'm like, yeah, what's up? And he's just like
Starting point is 00:10:13 You know And I'm like, no, what's going on? He's just like, you know, it's just you know I'm like, dude, what's going on? And then it now I'm frustrated because it's like clearly we're gonna talk about it Can we just get there? Yeah, can we just talk about it? But sometimes I'm not a four question follow up Yeah, I know it's not there yet though. You know what I'm saying the the fault will be breathing at me That's true. Your body's breathing at me. That's true. That's true. I could breathe on you less breathe on me less I hear you. I hear no one wants to get breathed on. No, you can't breath on me. You can't breath on people that breathing Okay. Yeah, that's a thing. I'm a sigh guy
Starting point is 00:10:45 Big sigh guy. Oh, you're a sire big sigh guy a sire Yeah, you're good at siging. Yeah, I'm a very good sigh. Do I sigh? I sigh when I'm angry, I think Do I sigh angry? No, you don't sigh when you're angry. I angry sigh. I think I think you'll just be like Like that's that's like the most of it Like you I feel like I your whole face changes when I'm angry. Yeah I'm not bubbly. It's very easy to tell when something's bothering you one. You just shut down completely. Do I yeah, damn I don't like that, but it's not you. It's not like you shut down like Emotionally, it's just like I'm quiet. Yeah, you shut down and then it'll be like, you know, like if you want to like do this or do that
Starting point is 00:11:25 It's kind of like, all right, so I'm just like damn, dude. I might as well just do it now Yeah, I don't know I I do do that and I don't like that. I do that I would like to have more of a control over the My emotion I think I've gotten a lot better because I know times in my life where everything was like Explosion, yeah, like get super angry or like get like Super upset. Yeah, and then I was just like, oh, we just you know, you know, I hate let's just think a little I hate when people like there's a small problem that happens and they just let it bother them for hours
Starting point is 00:12:01 I'm like, all right, fucking grow up. Yeah, I get angry. That's why I try to like Just sit with it and then, you know, but I just feel like people like if you if you're feeling a certain way I'm gonna internalize it Because you're my friend and I don't want you to be upset But sometimes you have to know where like you can't help in a certain situation. Yeah, that's tough That's tough for me as a person to know like when I feel like helpless It makes me feel bad as a person So like if I hear you like do a sigh or you're upset most of the time you don't like to be talked to
Starting point is 00:12:36 So I'll talk to you less But I feel bad as a friend because I'm not helping you. Does that make any sense? No, but you are doing by doing that. I think yeah by giving you space. It's yeah, I do Like like to handle things I really don't especially when I'm like really bothered by something or something that someone no one even knows about Yeah, I'm just like just Please shut up. Yeah. Yeah. I know inside like in your chest. You're like, stop. Just don't talk to me Just stop
Starting point is 00:13:02 Like another thing too like with you is like giving you advice like I don't like to give you advice unless you ask for it Why because I feel like when you're in a zone and I'm like, you know, like you should think of it like this You're kind of like I can't do that right now. No, I I welcome advice I love advice. No, I'm not saying you don't love advice. Yeah, I'm just saying there's a time and a place No, I think that at any point I I'll I'll take some advice, but I'm very critical of advice. Yes Like if someone gives me advice, I you would never know, but I'd be like, well not fucking listen to that was bullshit Yeah, yeah, that's that's more of what I'm getting. You ever get advice from someone and it's just like wow that fucking sucks
Starting point is 00:13:43 Probably 80% of the time and I don't know if that's a me thing like I just Like I have a problem just being told like not what to do but like being told like advice from people where I'm not in the Actual position that where I want to receive it. Yeah, what the fuck did you just say? I don't know that whole long-winded thing. I don't know. I don't know. I honestly forgot that entire sentence already Yeah, I don't know. It was like it was a thumb It's just sometimes I do get advice from people who are trying to be nice and I'm like, dude What the fuck is coming out of your face? Sometimes people give me advice and I'm just like do they do you honestly live with that?
Starting point is 00:14:16 Being in your mind, like do you believe what you just said? Yeah, like that's how you live out there. Yeah, that's ridiculous And then I go back to others trying to help. No, yeah, of course That's why you're not mean but in my head. I'm like this guy's fucking nuts. Yeah, that's definitely in one ear out the other Yeah, I'm like, well, I'm throwing that out So I'm saying but we definitely talk faster than most people. Yeah talk faster than most people Um, how often do you finish other people's sentences because they speak too slowly? Oh Fucking all the time And I've just finished their sentences and I've just noticed this just be like
Starting point is 00:14:49 Not so I like say like you were getting ready to take a flight, right? Yeah, and you're talking to me to be like Yeah, so I'm on uh I'm at the gate and you know, I'm waiting to get on the And I'll be like on the plane. Could you be like? Yeah on the plane like I'll do that I don't know why I'd do it But I for some reason if there's a space in your speech, I have to you want to fill I want to fill you're playing medlebs Yeah, I'm a filler. This should be like, you know, so I'm sitting in the um in this in the fucking chair asshole It's like I'm sitting in the
Starting point is 00:15:20 The sky lounge. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah the sky lounge. I'm like dude. Just get this out of your mouth. Yeah, like I need it Yeah, I need it out of your mouth. Yeah, I need it from your mouth. Hey Weird, sorry. It's like a bird. No, I I don't I don't finish anyone's sentences. You know what it is I just get really angry. I hate that about myself by the way. I usually just interrupt and I go Come on I think I did this to you the other day because you were having trouble like saying stuff to me for some reason But you were because you were like on your phone and you were trying to do like three things at once And talk to me and you were starting a sentence like five times in a row and then after a while I was like, Danny
Starting point is 00:15:55 What are you saying? Yeah, that happens. So like I won't finish your sentence, but I'll be like, can you restart regroup? I'll I'll leave the room if I have to I'll come back. I definitely need to regroup at times. I'm a big regrouper Yeah, because you because you try to do two things at once And it's like you sometimes you try when you have your phone out to talk to me and you think you're doing a good job You're doing an awful job. Hey, listen, like you can't you can't do that too. I'm I'm even work like if I have my phone out He won't respond to me and I'll be like, yo, so like All right, yo, so I'm a book this guest. Are you okay with them being on the show or like is it somebody that you want?
Starting point is 00:16:32 And won't answer me and it's the most belittling shit I've ever felt because I know you don't mean anything by it. Yeah, but it's almost like I'm not here, right? So I'm just like I can't multitask. I won't ask it again too. I'll just leave I'll leave the room Like I used to be like, yo, yo, yeah, and then you're just like, what's up? And then I'm like, yeah, this kid just summed the shit out of me. So I'm just like, yeah, I'm gonna go in the other room regroup And I'll come back with a question better. My thing is though, like
Starting point is 00:17:02 Personally, I would rather that Then someone be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, and then I got to repeat myself And then it's like you're not looking at me and you're looking down. It's like, you know, yeah I agree with that. It's like because that's annoying. I see that because then I'm like, all right Like whatever like me if I'm trying to talk to someone you're insulting my intelligence at that point No, it's not even that it's just that like you think you're doing something and it's like you're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah It's like I'm not offended but it's just that's way more annoying If if I'm talking to someone and they just like don't answer me that I'm like, all right
Starting point is 00:17:31 They're doing something. I'll just like wait or whatever. But if they're like, yeah, no for sure Yeah, I'm like, yeah, you have no idea what I'm saying. Yeah writing you off a little bit Yeah, that one's more dismissive to me. I get that. I don't know why but I definitely do frequently I would say almost never. I don't finish anyone sentences. Okay um All right, here we go Uh, have you ever been waiting at the doctor's office 30 minutes past your appointment time and have several chores to do when you get home What do you do?
Starting point is 00:17:58 um Oh, I don't mind I get impatient somewhat angry. I got fucking Live it. Yeah, because it's like, yo, dude, wait. No, but but the last one it says So you either read a magazine keep checking your watch get patient and somewhat angry or complain to the nurse I feel like you're a complainer though You're a talker. You're a talker. I do complain. So you might be like ma'am. I really need to do something Like I won't talk to anyone. Yeah. Well, I'm a person too. Like there's another thing that you do we go in stores The kid refuses to ask people where things are
Starting point is 00:18:29 I'm a huge asker of where things are because it's like, yo, I'm in the store. I don't know what it is I'm trying to be time, uh, you know sensitive here. Yeah I'll just be like, yo And like there's been times that yo, I'm just gonna ask somebody and he's been like no Really? Yeah, we were in home depot. We were looking for fucking light bulbs for your old apartment I don't remember the string lights. Yeah, and I was like, I'm just gonna ask somebody. He's like, no, don't worry about it And I was like, yeah, well, what do you mean? I don't know. Yeah, and I was like, yo, I'm gonna ask the person I will admit that about myself. I definitely do. I think I've gotten better though. It's like a directions thing
Starting point is 00:19:03 No, I think it's it's a it's a I don't want to bother anyone thing Yeah, it's not like I'm afraid to like you've said that exact sentence to me like I don't want to bother anybody I'm like, yo, they work here. Yeah, they're supposed to help right So that's why I have no problem I also think there's a fear of like asking like a stupid question like being like, excuse me Where are the light bulbs and they go right fucking here? Yeah, and I go out I mean, that's happened all the time, but I'll make fun of myself in that moment and be like, Jesus. Sorry Yeah, like I'll apologize for like asking a stupid question. Yeah. No, I don't I don't know what that is
Starting point is 00:19:30 I I definitely do that though, but you might would you like honestly think Do you think eventually like would you walk up to the counter and be like, listen? I I've been here like my appointments like 30 minutes past Yeah, but that also I it goes more like when we went to get that like thing put on my watch, right? Yeah, and they were like, yeah, you got to sit down for like 20 minutes. I was like, dude I'm getting the fuck out of here. Yeah. I was like, I'm not doing that. But we're talking about a majority of the time Do you think majority of the time you just get up and leave or do you like go up and like check to see what's going on? realistically like if I go to my therapist, right and like
Starting point is 00:20:00 I'm supposed to have something at 2 30 and it goes to 3 15 I'll probably wait and well, this is 30 minutes. Yeah, I'll probably wait. I'll wait 30 minutes and complain Yeah, see I I would wait there for I would never get up and ask anyone anything Yeah, see, I would just be like, yeah, what's what's up? I yeah, I would yeah I would just sit there and then eventually I'd get to the point where I got so angry and I'd like fucked us and I'd leave Yeah, but I wouldn't say anything to anybody In my last few trips. I've talked to a nurse about like, yeah, like what's going on. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:33 Yeah, so I would say I get impatient someone angry because I just like sit there and I'm like, fuck me. Fuck. Fuck. Yeah I don't know if I get angry. I get angry. Yeah. Yeah, I I get impatient, but I don't get angry because then like I think about I'm like, you know, he's probably like double booked See, I don't do that. I mean, they just I turn into like, oh my god, like And I'm just I'm a bitch. All right. Number seven How often are you late for appointments? Most of the time sometimes rarely never Um I'm gonna go rarely
Starting point is 00:21:02 What is an appointment though, like if it's a doctor's appointment, I'm not really late But if it's I was on time today. It's all time for you. I was on time today. I would say just in general I'm gonna say most of the time Most of the time you're a late guy. I'm late. I would say I'm rarely late. I don't really like being late. It freaks me out When you were playing a game, how important is it for you to win? Extremely important. Yes, very important. I just I need to win I can't even like in a game that I'm not good at I need to win losing is shit
Starting point is 00:21:38 If I was playing Tic-Tac toe, no, I'm not tic-tac toe because that requires some skill Let's just say me and a five-year-old were flipping a coin heads or tails It would start off funny But if this kid started beating me like seven times in a row, like what the fuck is wrong with this coin? Yeah, I want to smoke I want to smoke that fucking kid. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Like I'm the type of dude like I'll let kids score on me But like I have to show them like I can dunk on that little ass hoop and just like fucking show dominance, right, you know
Starting point is 00:22:05 Uh, how would your classmates and friends rate you always hard-working and serious sometimes hard-working and serious Rarely hard-working and serious or carefree Carefree you're carefree for sure. I think I'm sometimes hard-working and serious. I'm not always hard-working and serious Yeah, you're way more of a serious person What then you yeah, oh, yeah, yeah very serious. Um, yeah, you're you're carefree. Yeah, all right This is an exit interview. I guess at this point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you are No, I think that uh, but I work What's that? I work. Yeah, I get my work done. It just we should be more fish
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yeah, you treat you treat work like it's a fucking book report. Yeah, like oh, it's 4 a.m. I better get this done before first period All right How would your parents or previous guardians? What was that about? I don't know rate you wait. Is this for like orphans? What was that? I don't know. How would your parents or previous guardians rate you? Oh, I guess, okay, rate me. Um I would say mostly helpful. There are some times where I could be a spiteful fuck Always mostly sometimes never. Um, how would my parents rate me always helpful? I think I'd be lying if I said I was always helpful
Starting point is 00:23:30 I wouldn't say that I'm always helpful. I would say I'm mostly helpful What would my parents say? It's I would say only because of like the My recent history that they would say mostly Yeah, but I think in in the grand scheme of things it was it was sometimes Oh, really? I would say sometimes. Yeah, because I I feel like when I was younger and like the dishes need to be done It'd be like, yeah, I'm gonna go take a shit. Yeah. Yeah, so that I could get out of it
Starting point is 00:23:59 So it'd be like, oh, yeah, or like I would you know complain about shit, but I don't know. I don't know. What should I put? I'm going with mostly because I'll go mostly because that's who I am today And I'll do shit. I don't want to do But I'll do it because it's the right thing to do So like I'll be like, you know, you know, whatever. All right. Yeah, you sold me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on We're at the halfway point. Okay. That's right. We're at the halfway point. So we're gonna get to the ads real quick Real quick with the ads real quick with the sponsors of our show We love the sponsors of our show because they make the world go round. They're so hot something. They're also so hot
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Starting point is 00:26:16 Animal test-free stuff You know, I'm actually smelling good Keeps you smelling good and we're gonna Stay in the bathroom here with quip. Okay that quip electric toothbrush. You guys have heard me talk about them numerous times That's my shit. Okay got that quip keeping these teeth bright I love the quip and then we'll add a a bling. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know if you know how to do that But anyway, the quip electric toothbrush, uh, it's got sensitive sonic vibrations with a built-in timer and a 30 second pulse to guide A full and even clean so it just like pulsates and then you go to the other side clean that side back and forth
Starting point is 00:26:53 You got a clean mouth. Okay. Um, I love this toothbrush. It's the perfect size. It doesn't like make you bleed It doesn't hurt your gums or anything like that either Um, so and it also delivers fresh brush brush heads floss and toothpaste refills to your door every three months with free shipping So your routine is always right. That is the doctor recommended Time timeline whatever you want to call it. Um, so yeah, go check out quip One of my favorite sponsors. Love these people. Uh, get slash basement right now You'll get your first refill for free. Okay. That's your first refill For free at get slash basement g e t q u i p dot com slash basement. Okay, so keep those teeth clean
Starting point is 00:27:32 Okay, peeps clean them up clean them up. Uh next and lastly we have Buffy, okay, buffy makes the most the earth's most comfortable bedding. Oh, not only that, but it's good for the environment Okay, we're we're about the environment. We're about not testing animals for stuff And here we go. We got eucalyptus fiber. Okay. I know that smells like it's I know it sounds like it smells good Tastes good and it's good for the earth and that's because it's true feels real nice I actually don't know if the bed has uh is the bedding has the smell But I know that the blanket is comfortable as shit Yes, okay
Starting point is 00:28:04 Because I had the blanket on and it regulates temperature so you don't sweat and let me tell you the boy sweats at night Yeah, for whatever reason. I don't know why but sometimes I do I sweat it up. Um, but the eucalyptus fiber It's more earth friendly and it's uh consumes 10 times less water to grow Hmm So we're saving the earth here. Okay, their products have 17,000 five star reviews and an overall rating of 4.5 stars Okay, so believe the hype and the blanket was so good that I actually went out of my way to buy the pillows Didn't even use my code because I'm an idiot. Yeah, you're right. You are but they deserve the money You should have used that code. I should have what's the code? Uh, I'm gonna tell you in a second
Starting point is 00:28:39 Oh, yeah Yeah, buffy offers a free trial of free shipping and free returns every day Uh, you can try the new products in your own bed for free for you commit to buying So when you check out zero dollars and uh, you can return it if you don't love it Okay, so definitely go check out that for $20 off your buffy bedding visit and enter the code basement Uh, that is $20 off your buffy bedding. Um, you can visit and enter the code basement, okay And there you go folks boom bang pow. Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:11 Let's get back to this test. Yeah, man. I find out if I'm a if I'm b if I'm whatever I am All right, uh, how would your closest friends rate your general activity level? What does that mean? I don't know Too slow never gets anything done slow, but get gets things done average reasonably reasonable busy too active should slow down I would say At times you're too active, but you're mostly average I would say average and I would say I'm slow, but I get things done. Yeah, all right
Starting point is 00:29:43 I think I'm gonna you're definitely slow, but get things done. I think I'm average. I think people think like I don't think anyone's been like, yo, Joe's been working too much I don't think anyone's has ever said that ever I added ages to all the I don't know. Yeah, I think you're average. You're reasonably busy Yeah, to to the naked eye you might seem super busy Because you're like you're very businessy And you're CEO and you run a company Yeah, only you say that
Starting point is 00:30:13 No one thinks that CEO Joe is a real person. I'm not making this up. People see it every day. I see it every day I don't call him CEO Joe. I call him business meeting Joe That guy's an asshole That guy's an asshole. Yeah, you know business meeting Joe had a meeting with me last week and it was tough Let me tell you something. It was like the nicest meeting. He doesn't think Known as the compliment sandwich. Okay Do not so he'll do One good thing you do
Starting point is 00:30:42 Then just stack it with meat about a bunch of bad shit that you do right And you'll get the lettuce and tomatoes, but then I'll close it with a little compliment bread And then you have to eat that sandwich in front of them And you cry a little bit and I was like, you know what I said, you know what I said, you know what but the this meeting went really really well But when Joe turns up to heat that compliment sandwich is coming and you're gonna have to eat that shit I don't compliment sandwich You compliment sandwich if I do I don't do it on purpose because I think that would be stupid
Starting point is 00:31:13 Yeah, you accidentally sandwich. No, I just say for for realsies what I mean. Yeah, no, absolutely. Absolutely. I'm a very Conf uh confrontable person though What like I'm confrontational. No, no, no, no. Oh like I like yeah, you can easily confront me. We can have a conversation Yeah, I've never I'm not a combative person to be like. Yeah. Well, this is like this like I take what you say Like I'm never like, you know, come on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm not like that. No, no, no, I'm very you're culturable I'm culturable. I'm very realistic. Yeah, so, you know, like That's one good attribute. That's not not in the question, but I think I'm very I'm very coachable Uh, I beat yikes this next question. How often do you worry about future events?
Starting point is 00:31:58 Um, constantly frequently sometimes never mine is constantly the mines frequently um What like all events I would just say like the future in general I would say frequently Okay, not constantly because I would fucking lose my mind. Yeah, I'm constant. Yeah, that's how I go to sleep. Yeah I can't go to sleep until I figure out tomorrow. I reflect at night Yeah, but it's not like all through the day. I'm not like
Starting point is 00:32:29 I can't I'll go crazy. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah. Welcome. Yeah. Yeah. Welcome to the Thunder Games. You are fucking crazy When you have free time, what would you prefer to do? um Watch tv Sleep watch tv go shopping catch up on work or household chores. I'm gonna say sleep Mine's definitely not sleep Uh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:32:54 Go shopping. I'd be lying Really? I love shopping. I feel like you watch tv though a lot Yeah, I have to watch like you're crush youtube also that counts. Yeah. Yeah watch tv oversleep. I don't sleep Yeah, you don't you're not like a napper. No, I don't sleep though Yeah, you're you're a night owl. Yeah, so I think that's where I feel the most fruity Like I like rarely have I ever texted you in the middle of the day and you've been like, oh, I just I took a nap No, yeah, that doesn't really happen. No, no, no, and I can't take naps because I get fucking sleep paralysis. Yeah Dude, literally, I'll take a nap and then that night. I'm like, oh, I know it's coming and then I wake up in the morning
Starting point is 00:33:30 I'm like, I can't fucking move. I used to enjoy napping a lot more. I used to love it But now it's gotten to a point where it's like detrimental to me. I think it makes you more tired. Yo, I took a nap last night because I was like, yo, I really want to watch this show, but I'm tired. Let me nap for 30 minutes wake up and watch it Right when I tell you That I felt like fucking shit. Yeah, I felt like I played 11 games of basketball And then somebody threw me in a washing machine. I felt terrible. Yeah, dude. I was like, this is bad
Starting point is 00:34:03 Yeah, it's dude. I take a nap and it literally feels like my head got banged by ghosts. Yeah, I'm gonna say watch tv I don't know what I'm gonna say. I don't want to say catch up on work or household chores chores household I household told Well, it says what would you prefer to do I would I will say catch up on work or household chores because I would prefer to do that And I think that sometimes I do do that I don't it's definitely not sleep and it's not really watch tv like I have been trying to finish Soprano's for how long and I can't Um, and I don't go shopping. So I guess I'm gonna put catch up on work. I'm gonna go watch tv
Starting point is 00:34:41 Yeah, for sure Looking back now, how would you rate your behavior as a child? I was a problem. I was a problem child I was difficult to discipline. I was an ordinary child. I was a little angel. I was a problem child Um You know what? I wasn't a problem child because I never really like heard any. I was just a fucking asshole So I would say I was difficult to discipline Trying to see I definitely wasn't a little angel. I think I was ordinary Yeah, like I did some shit, but uh for the most part I was you know, I'm gonna go ordinary because for the most part
Starting point is 00:35:14 I was Very like I was I was a good kid like I wasn't a bad kid. Yeah, I wasn't a bad kid But I was bad shit. I was just a fucking asshole Yeah, like sometimes like I was never like mean to anybody I could have I could be mean to people but my thing was I I didn't like I had a real Authority problem. I did like a major one like to the point where like I didn't care Like and I would like tell a teacher like suck my dick like that's just a bad kid
Starting point is 00:35:42 Well, I didn't tell a teacher suck my dick, but I did tell a teacher to shut the fuck up. Yeah. Oh, yeah That was sixth grade. That was preschool for me, but also But yeah, I had a problem with that too but I think for the most part I was ordinary because It wasn't like I refute like my parents had a hard time like and my parents, you know, they beat the shit out of me But like, yeah, yeah, that's just like normal. Yeah You know I'm saying like we were just fuck around like me and Keith just make mad noise and like we weren't in bed Yeah, you knew like a clap was coming. Yeah, you know, sometimes I listen. I was an ordinary kid
Starting point is 00:36:13 All right, I was just like everyone else. So I would wake up in the morning I wouldn't get up in time. My mom would hit me with a hockey stick. You know what I mean? That's a real thing. Yeah, that's just that's love just to stick the hockey stick through the little things of a Bunk bed because she couldn't reach me. I was smart I used to lean against the wall because I'm too far for a little hands can't reach got a hockey stick Fake it a little bit like it's hitting you. Yeah, let me tell you this None of us played hockey. So I don't know where she got that stick She might have went to home depot home depot
Starting point is 00:36:37 She might have went to sports authority bought that stick just to beat the shit out of us She made her own hockey stick. Yeah, she got the home depot and got her made there And I guarantee you she asked for help. She probably yeah Um, you have a large amount of homework to do but your closest friends are having a party. What do you do? Join the party Do some homework and then join the party or finish all of your homework and miss the party I'm gonna say I'll be honest. I'm joining the party 100 percent. Yeah, and and Maybe that goes against some of the things that I said
Starting point is 00:37:09 But one thing I will say that it's been consistent with me my entire life is that when fun shit is going on I'm like, let's put an end to this FOMO could be a bitch crazy. Yeah, like you remember last year We had work to do But I was figuring like it was just a nice day out Like it was the first nice day we had in a while and I was just like figuring out a way To be able to get both done without whatever. So I was like Let's just go to the park and play catch. Yeah, so we went to the to models We bought baseball gloves and we went to the park when we play catch and then
Starting point is 00:37:40 Because because we move some things around so we get the work done like on time like whatever So I think I'm going to join the party and I would have gotten home and like figured out a way to get my home right Yeah, like the next morning in school. I would have did like an hour before we start doing Or some shit or just not do it. Yeah Yeah Next one Um, do you keep a daily schedule or a calendar of your plans? I would say sometimes I'm doing it now because I have to do more shit here. Yeah, so now it's like I'm implementing that
Starting point is 00:38:10 But back in the day, I just be like, no, this isn't a thing. Yeah I'm trying to very disorganized person I want to say yes. Do I keep a daily schedule? Yes For sure. Yeah, maybe 100% if you click anything other than that, you're lying Yeah, I write a lot of stuff down. Yeah. Yeah, like if I have a bunch of stuff to do I'll just start writing it on the board. Yeah, it's also like your calendar never stops You're always putting shit in it. It's like I like having stuff in the calendar I know I know there's nothing wrong with that. But it's like well, I'll like we'll be looking at tasks for the day
Starting point is 00:38:44 And I'm like, all right, cool. Like we're killing it. I'll look away and then we'll be like four more. I'm like, god dammit I was like, they're coming. They're coming to the back door Um, when you are in a group situation like completing a group project, how do you usually act? I Really participate I act as a team player or I take charge Sometimes I take charge, but I'm more of a team player Yeah, I definitely don't really participate. No, I'm gonna participate. Yeah, me too I have intangibles
Starting point is 00:39:25 You know, but I could bring I could pull it put us over the edge. You know, I'll I'll I'll uh, I'll present the thing I'll present it. I'll be funny get a little ha ha's and he he's yeah, you know, you guys give me the material You know, there's a info right for me and I'll take care of yeah. Yeah, so I'm a team player Do I take charge I'm a past first kind of guy. No, I mean You take charge when it comes to well now I take charge, but I feel like when it comes to A group thing like when you play games board games, do you take charge if you're on a team? Yeah, yeah, yeah, you take charge charging bitch
Starting point is 00:40:02 I don't like that chargey slot. I'm a charge guy. All right. How far in advance would you study for a major test? Oh, man A day or two beforehand. Yeah a day or two before. Yeah, absolutely. I'm not I really bet or I honestly usually don't study I'm gonna put that I don't study I didn't study ever No I I like and I I would pay attention but not really in class I just
Starting point is 00:40:28 If I'm being completely honest with myself school was never really that hard for me for whatever reason I was able to bullshit my way through which was a horrible way to whatever. I was good enough To get to not apply myself and get good grades Keep your parents off your ass, but I have no idea what I learned. Yeah, and I like that's the wrong way to do school Pay attention in school. Yeah, like but I I was like because I have like a photographic memory So I was able to just like I remember in high school I would look at a page for like a vocab test like five minutes before a test and just stare at it And then just close it and then be able to get like a 95. That's like beneficial though
Starting point is 00:41:05 Because it's like yeah, but I don't know what I read. I just know what the word is. I have a real problem retaining Uh, shit like that Like I have to like if I did it months before Maybe I would be able to do it. Yeah, I've never made index cards. No, I have a real problem retaining knowledge I just don't you know what it was. I just didn't really care. Also. I'm an auditory person Talk to me. Yeah, I need to hear it and like use in a sentence and like an example That'll be like trigger buzzwords for me Yeah, you know what it is too. I can't read dude if I read, you know, I'll read a whole paragraph and not remember one fucking thing
Starting point is 00:41:47 I've done that sometimes and it's like, yeah I'm like, dude, I don't know what that page was if I'm being honest like Dude, I also cheated on the sat's Yeah, whatever I'd like I never even took them the part the parts where you had to read Yeah, I found a girl because they sit they have everyone has different tests But some people do but they you have to like find them, you know, and I noticed that this girl had my test Yeah, because we had the same whatever because I was dying for a lifeline and
Starting point is 00:42:15 It was a part where you had to read and I was like, I'm not fucking reading this because I just didn't I hated reading growing up. I would lie on all of my I forged my signature My mother's signature on every single one of my reading logs. You ever had one of those? Yeah We had reading logs you had to read for 30 minutes and I and your mom would sign it I signed everything for my parents for the entire year so that I could forge just that. Yeah And I got away with it. So Because my mom's signature is Ridiculous. Yeah, it is. I've seen it. She's like a elf. Yeah, it's fantastic. It's amazing. Yeah
Starting point is 00:42:46 That's probably where you get your hand writing from. Yeah, maybe I'm gonna say I don't study at all I'm gonna say a day or two beforehand just because I was like, I need to know something I can't get a 50, but I would still get like a 50 It's true You're studying a day before you get that one question on a test. You're like, yes, I know that and then you go Well, we're back to not knowing anything That's what it is What is an ordinary day in your life like right now full of problems full of fun a mixture of problems and fun
Starting point is 00:43:17 There are never enough things to keep me busy Where does an ordinary what kind of question is that? I mean I work here. That's full of fun, but I got some problems I got some problems, uh Yeah, I don't know What is an ordinary day in your life like full of problems full of fun a mixture of fun and problems There are never enough things to keep me busy. I would say a mixture of fun and problems Do I have like I think it's a I think it's a whole problems is a ridiculous statement. Who's saying that? Oh
Starting point is 00:43:53 Anybody who will listen No, but I'm saying one of my favorite sentences says I got enough problems I say that shit all the time. I never say that They just be like, you know, like you need this. I'm good, man. I got enough problems I think everyone's life is full of problems and fun. Yeah, but I feel like I think it's a mixture of problems and fun That's what life is. Yeah. Yeah, you know, that's just I'd be extremely dramatic to say that my life is full of problems Right. There's a lot of people way worse off than they right But I got some we all do we all we all got some little bits
Starting point is 00:44:27 We're at the last question here. All right. How many days per week do you engage in physical exercise? I'm up now. I'm up. Let's get it. I'm up. Let's get it. I'm going to the gym right after this Well, actually physical therapy. Yeah, but it's an it's a workout. Okay. Yeah Um, four more two or three one or I don't exercise. Well, I would say to be safe I'm averaging it out. It's two or three right now. I mean, I'm gonna go for my Yeah um And now we calculate. Yeah, I'm check your score. Boom
Starting point is 00:44:58 Say yours first. No, no What'd you get? Wait, what is the what's the scale again? It's ranges of 35 to 380 35 to 380. Yeah, okay. Um And what's type a uh b high high scores or type a high scores or type a yeah and low scores or type b. Yeah What'd you get? 192 Oh, you're b, baby. Oh wait. No, that's technically a I think it's technically a so you flirt. I flirt I got 250. Whoa. I knew it dude. You fucking maniac I told you you're type a I'm so a you're you're
Starting point is 00:45:40 Huge a person huge a I got a huge a you have a huge a and you're huge a Wait, you said I'm a huge a no, no, no. I said you have a huge a and you're a huge a you think I got a huge a Yeah I'm telling you dude. You have a a fucking can we can you list so some people that don't know what uh A type a and a type b personality is maybe some people don't know. Okay type a personality Let's see What it is Okay, well type a wait, what is this? I just need I just need fucking
Starting point is 00:46:21 Wait, I don't know. Oh, I see this is interesting. So type a is like competitive time urgent hostile and aggressive Yeah, type b is relaxed patient like easy going. Yeah And then um, this is actually a good representation of that Uh Type a personality type b it's a picture of a mountain And the type a person is going to the top of the mountain and they're saying because it's there I'm gonna go. Yeah, and the type b Is laying down at the bottom of the mountain and basically looking at it like because it's there like it's all the way there
Starting point is 00:47:03 That's why You know, so yeah, but it makes us look like shit. No, I think that just you know Yeah This makes type b's look so bad Type a personality traits. I just spelled traits triats triats. Um, not good spellers Yeah, no, that's not happening at all Why can't I just get out? I knew you were gonna be high 250 is high. Yeah, I didn't think I hit that button. I was like, hey, yeah 192
Starting point is 00:47:33 What it means to have type a personalities type a personality um I wonder if our audience is more type b or type a I don't know Impatient work obsessed. Yes. Yes. Stressed Yes, aggressive achievement oriented. Yes
Starting point is 00:47:55 Yes, uh Okay, wait Okay type a type a me Wait, what is it? Freedmen associate with physical characters is often a company t.a. bp. What's t.a. bp? No fucking idea type a personality short Oh traits of type a behavior Wait, I don't even know
Starting point is 00:48:23 Facial tension tight lips clenched jaw tongue clicking or teeth grinding dark circles under eyes facial sweating What the fuck who what is this sounds like me after a fucking Snickers bar? Yeah Open up all night eating Snickers a three donuts yesterday negative effects of type a behavior hypertension Yeah, which I don't have I don't think you don't know heart disease yikes job stress not really Social isolation definitely not no um All right, wait, where's type b type b Let's go fucking personality traits diagnose me
Starting point is 00:49:03 Diagnose was that a fart? No It's my foot. Oh my god, dude. I thought you farted and it sounded like a jet ski I was like, dude Flexibility you flexible. Yes throw that leg over your head then Low stress levels Dude, whoa Yeah, dude. I'm flexible dude. That was fucking. Yeah. Thanks, man. Um relaxed attitude. Yes Adaptability to change. Yes
Starting point is 00:49:31 Even tempered. Yeah You think I have a temper? Yes. Yeah Uh laid back. Yes tendency to procrastinate Lucky lucky double. Yes, uh patience. Yes, uh What else we got Creativity yes, nice. Thank god something nice. Yeah Uh As a type b it is important to learn to stand up for yourself in situations where other people are trying to take advantage
Starting point is 00:50:04 Of your accommodating nature. Am I dominating you? No No, you gotta stand up for yourself. I do stand up for myself. You know, I do. I know very much. So I'm not a fucking bitch. Uh, yeah, shut up Do it now Uh stress ready stress management skills one major advantage of this personality type is the ability to cope Well with stress stress Stress and pressure
Starting point is 00:50:33 Even when faced with a great deal of stress type bees are usually able to maintain a level-headed optimistic outlook Yeah, okay. I think I think that's me. I mean a bit through a lot to get there, but I think it's me What do you think? Uh, yeah School and work can impose deadlines. So finding a way to manage your time and get things done When they need to be done can ensure an academic and professional success. That's that's yes I need that For shows and then it's so living with type b personality. They start they start giving you stuff They say use your time. Well, take a relaxed attitude towards life can be useful for managing stress most of the time
Starting point is 00:51:07 Except when you start letting things go to the point where you feel like you're always scrambling to catch up Don't put things off. Okay. Let others see your strengths Set goals Okay, dude being type b sucks dick You just we fucking suck, bro No, I just you know, you just wait. I was majority type a though, but I'm a straddler Yeah, you're yeah, it says you're more type a yeah, yeah, yeah, but you know, you're not you didn't you didn't score a 40 Yeah, that's true. Well, you just don't give a shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I give some shits
Starting point is 00:51:40 Dude, I'm way too high on that fucking. Yeah, it's a little scary 250. I thought I was gonna be like too Do you think you were always like that like you grew up that way? No, I was very if I'm being completely honest like when I've always said like Keith has like a crazy work ethic. Yeah, right and He'll he's one of the people that like he will just work at it For hours, right and for for most of my life a lot of things came easy And that's not be being an asshole. That's that's just yeah, what it is things come easier to others It's part of life when I was a kid. I was like I was good at sports
Starting point is 00:52:16 Right and I didn't really practice that much like I wasn't taking a thousand jump shots Like I was just naturally athletic and I was naturally like good at school and I didn't really try so That all seems like a good thing But also what happens during that time is that you develop zero work ethic Yeah, you become accustomed to just being able to do everything right So when that when something hits you that it's like, oh, you're you can't just like This isn't gonna be a layup. It's like are you are you gonna work hard at it? Or are you gonna like whatever? So I had none of that. Yeah, and Keith was the opposite
Starting point is 00:52:48 Right. Keith was good at sports too, but school was harder for Keith, right? So he had to like like he was studying like hard. You know what I'm saying? Drilled himself. Yeah, and I never did that. Yeah, and uh You know, I it was just it was just good for me to at least see that to have someone like Keith and my oldest brother Thomas too is like My oldest brother Thomas actually has like both of those kind of qualities like he's good at uh He's like he has work ethic. Yeah, and he's naturally good at things And then me and Keith are polar opposites and we're like I became naturally good at things with zero work ethic And then Keith wasn't naturally good at things and had like a crazy work ethic
Starting point is 00:53:24 So I always said like I would I would if I had Keith's work ethic then it would be like, you know But that's like in school like when you think like people are like, yeah, I'm smart, but like I fucking work hard so it's like it's it's Those people it's like, yeah, I could probably get 80s But like I'm trying to get 94s like those people work fucking hard Yeah, or people would get like 92 and be upset. Yeah, you know Like I never cared about my grades of how high they were as long as I passed because I was like I just don't want to go to summer school. Yeah. That was the only thing I cared about summer school
Starting point is 00:53:54 Like no part of me took pride in in school at all. No, which was horrible. I took zero pride in school I didn't care the only reason I passed classes was because they'd kick my ass off the team Yeah, so I was like, yeah, dude. I want to play so like I'll fucking do work My thing was like, I just don't want to go to summer school. Like I just want to be able to like chill in the summer Yeah, that's that's my literally my only priority was to pass because of that But I didn't care like if I got like I didn't try to get like a 95 in every class Like I just didn't care or even to the point where like if I was doing really well in a class I'm like, well, I could fuck this test up doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah in college
Starting point is 00:54:27 Actually the first the first semester I had like a three five or something and in my health class the guy told me that my If I took the final Right He's like some people can opt out of the final if they don't want to do it He's like it'll lower your grade But not enough to like be like a crazy whatever you'll get your credit You'll go from like an a to an a minus and like I didn't give a shit. So I was like, I'm not fucking taking it
Starting point is 00:54:53 Yeah, so because I wouldn't have taken that shit too. Yeah, I was just like chill But some people are like, no, I'm taking that like I'm getting my a yeah to like, you know, whatever So I was just like, I just don't yeah, I literally when I was in college I had like four classes Yeah, no five classes. I took five classes the first semester There was two that I just didn't go to Yeah, dude, I was like, I'm gonna pass these three. I'd like these three classes not going these other two though Dude, I I paid and signed up for a full semester of classes and never went to one. Yeah, that's crazy
Starting point is 00:55:25 Never went to one. Yeah, what is wrong with me? It was terrible. It was terrible Dude, I was the thing is I didn't buy textbooks though. No, no, no, no. Those things are Expensive. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah textbooks were terrible. It's like buying designer bags and then you go to sell them back It's like seven dollars. Yeah, it's like I bought this textbook for 350. Why are you giving me eight cents? A book should not cost that much. That's such a fucking It's a racket. Oh, it's a racket racket huge. You're robbing us huge racky. Not not only that but you're huge rack Big old Oh
Starting point is 00:55:58 Man, um, but yeah, I think that I eventually Worked my way into type A, but you know because I have because like I said Keith and and Thomas are type They are they have a work ethic and I was jealous of that because they are like so you're saying a a you were a b I was very much so a b. Yes. Okay. Just because I've been a b my whole life. It's a fucking huge b But But uh, but yeah, I think I worked my way into that because I wanted really badly to do that I also think that I still want to be I enjoy putting things in my calendar because I like being busy. Yeah when I go to self-fulfillments
Starting point is 00:56:37 I go to meetings and stuff and I see these people's calendars. I'm like, oh god I want that like I want to be like, you know, I gotta like I have a heart out at three because I got a meeting Like I like that you're rocking back and forth like a Getty little girl about this calendar I Look at calendars. I'm like, I hate this thing. I hate it But I'm I have to I have to learn if I'm being honest though It was because I was like
Starting point is 00:57:01 Now that I'm like diagnosing myself, right? The I don't know if I ever told you the story, but it was like I'm you know how like I'm very confident myself and like everything. Yeah, you're talking to shit There was a day that I was like, oh fuck like I fucked up You just pulled us out. What are you doing? Stop fidgeting. Oh, no, it's stuck on my foot Yeah, sorry. Sorry. Um, no, but there there was a time like in college Um, well, I had dropped out of college and like at this point. I didn't even tell my parents like they think I'm going I'm not going those are the best days. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:38 Get the car go there. Don't even go there go to wendy's I would just sit in my car. I wouldn't even do anything. I don't have money. So I couldn't buy anything anyway, but uh, I uh I uh Like I said up until that point like everything had become very easy to me. I was like, yeah, I'll get to it or whatever like The idea of my head of being like, yeah, I can do it. I can do it But at that point I had accomplished nothing
Starting point is 00:58:02 You know, so there's like no reason for me to believe that I just like did believe it But then I was really scared because I It just like hit me one day when I stopped going to school of being like Oh my god, like I'm gonna be a fucking loser, dude Yeah, man That happened that happened to me man Because all my friends went to college and they're all like at least like trying to do that And even if they were away at college like fucking up their gpa's because they're like drinking every day
Starting point is 00:58:26 It was just like at least they're there and they're like they look like the part Like I everyone you go to a family party and people like what are you doing your life? You know, like I I'm trying to figure it out. I feel like college is like the gym But it's opposite It's like here's why because like people are like Half of the battle is just getting to the gym. Yeah, but like Half of the battle isn't just going to college. You have to do all that work
Starting point is 00:58:52 Because they will kick your ass out of there, right? You know what I mean? It's it's like it's not one of those things where you could go away to school and like Just do that, right? So like that's a thing like I would have definitely been sent home from school 100% Yeah, I mean I like I would have figured it out and I would have got it done But I was just like I was I was afraid because I was like, oh my god Like what if I'm wrong because like I I stopped going to college just because of this feeling inside me of being like This isn't this isn't for me and I wasn't like a lazy kid
Starting point is 00:59:18 I like got on my work done and shit But like I just for whatever reason felt like not doing it and then I remember being this is so dramatic But I was in my front yard and I was like looking up at the stars And thinking about Oh Man, it's a joke. Yeah, that was funny But I was looking up at the stars and then I started to like cry because I was like, oh my god, dude I fucked up like I like I
Starting point is 00:59:51 And that's when it hit me that like, uh, dude You like everything just came so easy to your whole life and you haven't worked for shit and like there's no and like at that moment I realized like oh, dude, you're either gonna have to make some major changes or you're just gonna be a fucking loser Yeah, man that epiphany is really tough. I had that one too. Like it's it's really hard When you have that moment with yourself, you're just like, dude, I'm a fucking loser Yeah, and it really and and that was the thing it's rough. It's really hard The worst part too is when everyone has like high hopes for you That's the that's the worst thing is because people you see people start to look at you different like
Starting point is 01:00:25 Oh, you know You always I always thought you'd be doing something else like you're doing that or like this And then it never really hit until it hits you Staring up at the stars crying a little bit. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? I've had many of nights like that Yeah, and it's like dude You're a fucking loser Yeah, it it made it worse. It made it almost worse because I was like Everyone probably looked at me and was just like oh this kid's always been a good student and he
Starting point is 01:00:53 You know was good at sports and he was blah blah blah and then it was like Now you dropped out of college. You're a college dropout And and by the way, this was before This whole wave of like Entrepreneurial spirits where you know, you can create an app and like whatever like we're talking back in like 2010 Where you couldn't do that instagram wasn't a thing twitter wasn't really a thing Like there was no social media none of that so it wasn't like you could do stuff like that And I just like dropped out on a whim because I didn't know you know, it was just weird
Starting point is 01:01:22 But I made the right choice. I remember just feeling like Oh, shit. I'm wrong and like I'm gonna have to make changes So I and I I did nothing for a year by the way I worked at a pizzeria and then I and then a guy on a motorcycle hit me and sued me So I got fired um So I just didn't have a job for a year and then like my mom Was just like what do you do like and I didn't even it took me a year
Starting point is 01:01:49 But yeah, but that's listen that and I think that sorry, but I think that's why I'm type a now Because I'm so scared of going back to being that dude and you think about it though. It's like that shit that you went through It's like, ah man, like I was a loser at that time probably the most important year in your entire life Oh, yeah Hands down the most important I don't I told you how what I did. Yeah, should I have I said that on here? Um I don't know if you have so
Starting point is 01:02:17 Yeah, because that like you said it's like the most important year of your life Yeah, which is Insanely true because I think about it like constantly and there are times where I fall in and out of like productiveness or whatever the fuck uh, and I get I start thinking back to when I was like 18 19 years old when I started doing all this shit and feeling like how bad I wanted it And I would stay up until 4 a.m. Like filming videos and like whatever and then I'm like And then there's times where you fall out of it and you're like, what the fuck happened to me, man
Starting point is 01:02:44 Like I was like when I was 18 it had nothing like I was working really harder than I have now like what are you doing? Yeah, and I still to this day drive back to the spot in my uh Where I went to college because it's like 20 minutes from here So I'll still drive back and park in that spot and just kind of like Just be In that moment still being like you remember when you made the decision to be like fucking i'm done and then you
Starting point is 01:03:08 You know whatever so I still drive back there I think that's healthy behavior though. Like sometimes you need to do shit like that Yeah, I feel like I was meditating without really meditating. I also drive to the piers Yeah in long island city and just be like whatever. I also think you had a moment in your life where Self-reflection wasn't as high of a priority on your list Like it was kind of like you were just like on autopilot, maybe Just like you were just so used to doing stuff and like like you said being successful like having to be successful You know what? I mean, it's like you're kind of one of those guys that could spin shit into gold
Starting point is 01:03:40 So it's like You're doing it. It's working Money's coming in But then you stop and realize it's like, maybe i'm not like really happy though Or like maybe it's just like i'm losing sight of why i'm doing this You know, you know what i'm saying? So like it's good to go back to those spots and fucking recenter yourself and reset Yeah, I mean that was what it was it was like it was the autopilot because I was I moved into that big ass apartment in long island city and I was getting I was
Starting point is 01:04:06 Paying out the ass for it, but I was making like a lot of money too. So I was and I was How old was I fucking those like two years ago, right? 25 years old 25 years old 24 25 And I was making a ton of money and and and I lived in this apartment And I was just and then I was just like why does this not feel good at all? Like what am I doing and it was because I wasn't really doing anything right? This is just another thing that ended up like things would falling into my lap and I was just getting lucky Right and now for the first time like ever since I moved here Everything that I've done in this apartment. I feel like I've earned like everything like whatever everything else
Starting point is 01:04:40 I feel like fell on my lap. I that's how I feel. Yeah The elite daily fell into my lap the fact that I got that job And then I was able to like work along the way and like learn my way And I ended up quitting that job and like pursuing but I didn't really put the work in at all And it ended up working out for me because like a video went viral then everything started It was just like this whole thing. Yeah, and like yeah, some people would be like, well, that's not lucky I mean it is like going viral is lucky. I wasn't purposefully making content to go viral I was just doing what I was doing. Yeah, but we talked about being prepared for it. Yeah. Yeah. I was prepared but like
Starting point is 01:05:11 A lot of it whatever but now it's like a very structured Type a well. Yeah. Yeah, because if you if you think about it, there's there's people out there who like I compare them to like These golden apple trees. Okay So it's these golden apple trees, right? You're this golden apple tree with all these golden apples You're already set to go but some people like to sit under it get shade see if something falls down You know, like you said things would fall into your lap, right? Sooner or later though Those apples are gonna run out. You somebody has to do something about this tree. Sooner or later, you've got to cut that motherfucker down
Starting point is 01:05:45 So I think for you it was like I'm okay. You got content would just be like, yeah, I'm gonna chill under this tree for a little bit I'll take whatever comes to me for a little bit. I got it already But then at some point you're like, no, I need more of this I need I need to fucking take action here I just wanted to like respect myself because I started to feel like I like I didn't really like What was happening, especially because Like I was making a lot of money, but I feel like I wasn't doing enough and I wasn't earning it So I felt so and even when people would be like
Starting point is 01:06:17 it would You have no idea what it did to me when people would tell me what a good job I was doing or like You're like it's amazing what you've accomplished or whatever And that would kill me because I was realistic with myself and on the inside I'm like, yo, I this fell into my fucking lap Like I didn't earn this at all and like I know it looks like it that happened But that's really how I felt like it was like a really fucked up thing like a couple years Well, it throws back to the point where you felt like you were a loser
Starting point is 01:06:44 It's just a different type of feeling Right and now it's like now, but you know at a certain point I feel like people like you get successful and it's like you can Feel like you earned it and it and it feels good like now It feels great like because every dollar I we make now I feel like Like I'm earning my my money now, you know, but I feel like back then it was just I was making a video a week and it just so happened that the the business things that I did it just
Starting point is 01:07:09 It was just going you know and even then it's like you're making money off your likeness kind of like your image or whatever But like now it's like you're making money off of your fucking blood sweat and tears now Right I took an interest in being like a businessman and understanding right everything So the the grind it means more it's more but it means more to you as a person That's really yeah because it's more fulfilling now because now when I if I achieve certain things It feels better because it's like oh man, we worked for this We we earned this shit and it wasn't just because like you made a video on youtube and it was like whatever like no Man, I built a business and like things are happening because of that like I can recognize that but back in the day
Starting point is 01:07:45 It was just kind of like things would be happening for me and I'd be like too. This is just like it just makes you feel like shit Yeah, it just makes you feel terrible But the whole point of me bringing that up is not is not just to like list off these fucking acolytes or whatever but also just because When I tell you and people like are not gonna believe me because they think I'm just trying to be fake inspirational But when I tell you the I'm like I was the most Type B person in the world like I never worked for anything I never studied I never whatever and it ended up working out for me better than it works out for most people Just because I was naturally given certain things that a lot of people aren't so it's that golden tree so
Starting point is 01:08:23 But my point is it's never too late to just be like I'm gonna be type A Yeah, you know like you have to make the conscious decision of being like I'm just done You know like you said like I told you like I would Take these drives and really think about everything and like be realistic with myself have been like you're a fucking loser Dude, I don't care how much money you have or how successful people think you are you're a fucking loser Yeah, and like I I can and I'm I pride myself on that only a being realistic with myself And like that's what drives everything else
Starting point is 01:08:50 But if you're realistic with yourself and you feel like yo you are a fucking loser, dude You have to do that sometimes. Yeah, you have to like, you know, and it's the hardest thing to do I think in life is be truthful with yourself. It's very difficult To be able to look yourself in the face and be like, dude What the fuck you doing right you're fucking up here Yeah, and I and I've fucking have had to have that conversation with myself way more times than I would want to Yeah, but you know, it's one of those situations where if you're not doing that you're not in tune with yourself Yeah, and it's okay to feel like that because most of the time that should lead to something positive
Starting point is 01:09:27 It's what you do after that epiphany. I guess. Yeah, you know, it's it's more about how you proceed from there Because it's a slippery slope There's a lot of people that get to that point in their lives and they just keep going down Yeah, like it wasn't it wasn't um Like I'm not being self deprecating like I'm just no realistic. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm not saying that to paint like this picture and create this like path because I didn't pull my like It wasn't this crazy thing and losers a lack of a better word here. Yeah You're not doing you're not doing what you can feel better about your life
Starting point is 01:09:57 What it was is I had a way bigger expectation and I knew I had potential and I'm like you're wasting it So I was like you're a fucking loser. You know what I mean? So but I like I said, I think that anyone can kind of Make the switch If they're able to recognize it and be like, yo, I couldn't I can like do this and I I tend to feel like Once you do switch that that switch and you accomplish something it just becomes very addictive Yeah, and I can't even imagine going back to what I was when I was younger You know, because it's like I just as long as you stay in tune with yourself and maybe have that conversation
Starting point is 01:10:34 Before before it gets to the point where you feel like a loser or something. It's gonna help you a long way. Trust me Yeah, and surrounding yourself with people that make you want more as well. Come on, dog. You know what I'm saying It's very important. That is very important. Yeah, and people always say it's The company you keep around you is So important. Yeah, people don't stress that enough like it's a cliche saying But like, you know, you got to get people out of your life that are just shit Or you have you have to you have to the thing too is like or do you just keep them? Yeah, you can have friends that aren't necessarily like good for your like
Starting point is 01:11:10 Mentality or business or whatever and they're just like your fun friends. That's fine But the importance you need to put on surrounding yourself with people who are more successful than you and who are like Good workers and like these people like is so important and like I'll tell you this right now. I went to a dinner with somebody who's a very successful dude and Uh, I went to dinner with him and we were just talking about like back and forth We don't do the same thing like he he's in a different business than I am But we had this whole talk about you know
Starting point is 01:11:42 Uh, his business and then my business and then we were going back and forth at these things with ideas and I left that dinner and Some of the things we talked about in that dinner are like in practice now Like some of the things that you see came from that dinner. Yeah, and it was because that it was because I met with another guy who whose opinion I respect and Listened to him because I'm open to advice I still think that I'm like right when it comes to everything
Starting point is 01:12:11 But I'm but that's only because I'm willing to listen to other people. Yeah, you know what I mean? So when I was like, you know what that's a good point Now you got to put your pride aside at a certain point and be like I'm doing this wrong And like even though you don't know about my business The fact that you're successful is Not an accident Yeah, so you have something to offer me and I had to put pride aside and be like I've been doing this for fucking close to a decade now
Starting point is 01:12:32 And I'm doing this part wrong right and I had to completely change that and it's been insanely helpful so Surrounding yourself with those people and the next day I hit him up I was like we have to do this every month Right like we have to meet every single month like even if we don't talk about anything Like we just need to be you need to be around people that are like person needs to be there I'd never feel comfortable if I'm the smartest person in a room or most successful person in a room because I'm not going anywhere
Starting point is 01:12:58 And it's weird to say it like this and it's weird to say it like this But it's just for lack of better words Like if you can't do anything for me like on a on a business level on a personal level on a psychological level I can't I can't have you In my life because it's just detrimental to me. Yeah, it's like
Starting point is 01:13:20 There's so much loose change when it comes to people. It's like what am I doing? What does this relationship actually mean to me? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, and and It's not like listen. I have plenty of friends who I love to death But I'm never going to go to them for business advice, right or I'm never going to go to them for work advice I still love you when I see you I have no problem saying. Hey man. How you doing? I hope everything's all right with you and your family But there's a certain there's a certain line where it's like this person
Starting point is 01:13:51 Is not going to help me get to where I need to get right and it's and it's just the truth it's just the truth and I feel like if I don't surround myself with a circle of people that are like listen You should do this this way Or you got to watch how you're doing this or you're doing this those are the more people I'm like you said respecting of opinions. That's what I need That's what I've tried to get more in my life. I completely switched my entire life around Just by people that I surround myself with and it's a huge fucking deal
Starting point is 01:14:23 Yeah, it's a big deal And if no one's gonna push you either like if you get to a certain level of success and you are the most successful in your friend group No one really has any Uh They can't say shit to you. Well not not that I was gonna say no one has incentive to Motivate you or to drive you right to like whatever because it's like what am I gonna tell you like you're more successful than that, you know and uh
Starting point is 01:14:50 That's not good because then you get complacent because of course you're like oh, I did it Yeah, then it's like but you'd have it but it's like even like I just like I see people and I'm like, how do I get there? Yeah, you know, that's just a great question to ask yourself every like how do I get there? That's how plans start and things and things get into motion. I'm like indifferent about that because like sometimes that gets me into trouble Yeah, but but it's it's at least you go through the process though. Yeah, I mean listen you I can't I don't really see a world will I like retire? I I can't I don't I can't imagine that maybe the one day that will change though because I do think now that I'm even like saying it out loud I feel like I'm I'm type A for now and I am obsessed with
Starting point is 01:15:32 And I am obsessed with consuming like knowledge and trying to learn a bunch of different things But I think eventually that's gonna like Turn to type B And I'll be like, you know what this is gonna come secondary to like I would like to build The company up to a certain point where I can hand the keys over to someone else who's like who enjoys it more than me and Just be like I'll still be here over see it and I'll still whatever get a fucking check But at the same time it's like oh, it's my kid's birthday like dude. I'm not I don't give a fuck if the president's coming in
Starting point is 01:16:01 I'm not coming. Yeah, fuck you. You know, like I would love to get to that super gooch. Yeah, so The dream is B to A to B. Yeah Strattle a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah B to A to B. Bab it up bad baby. Be a bad be a bad bitch abs Barbara, baby Bad bitch life is about Barbara. Yeah, uh, so fuck shit but whole penis And what was the doodoo nugget and doodoo nugget for the people who came for the fart doodoo stuff All right, there you go. I got you in I got you in there. Yeah, I got you in there Say every once in a while. I like when we have one of these. Yeah, it's nice. It's nice. It's nice little therapy session
Starting point is 01:16:39 I don't need something. I'm gonna kill. Yeah, I'm a little hungry. I've ate a handful of almonds today. I had a Protein shake in the morning. Yeah, that's not food. Not good. Not food. I mean, there was almonds in it Who's coconut almonds? chocolate protein powder And almond milk. That sounds fantastic. It was a delicious. That sounds awesome. It was a delight You know peanut butter in smoothies Unreal I'm a huge peanut butter person if you put peanut butter in front of me
Starting point is 01:17:12 I will eat it The entire thing. Yeah 100 have you ever like just taken down a jar? Yeah, dude You know how many fucking things a skippy. I fucking ate the shit out of are you serious? Yes, dude. Yes Don't you like I put peanut butter in my mouth and I'm like No, no, no, no, no, man. I would literally get like, you know, crackers. No like those big ass fucking like souvenir cups that you would get from my Yankee stadium Yes, I would get those fill it with ice and water and eat an entire thing of peanut butter
Starting point is 01:17:44 Just scoop it out. Just fucking scooping it with a big spoon too. Not that little bitch Okay, yeah, that is that is intense. Yeah I'm telling you man. I have an excess problem. That's why I don't try to keep a lot of food in my house because I'll keep eating eating eating eating Yeah But like that's what my most recent like my weight loss going right now It's just from just eating a little bit less Let my stomach shrink naturally and try not to eat at three o'clock in the morning or eat a whole fucking tub of peanut butter and ice cream
Starting point is 01:18:14 My biggest thing is like I can diet for even two weeks, but then after those two weeks, I'm like Well, I could take a day off. Yeah, and then I just house Entire pies of pizza. Yeah, I saw a dominoes yesterday and I fucked it all the way up And I saw it and I was like I can't watch this anymore. I watched it for one second. It was so good It's it's the best dude. It's so good. Am I the garlic sauce is so good? And you know, my sister got this like cinnamon pull-apart So good so good and the cheesy
Starting point is 01:18:54 It was a great unbelievable and then and then like we didn't finish it No, and then I and then I and you know, I sat on the couch because I was like I need some time to take a nap Yeah, yeah, didn't fall asleep, but then I woke up Dominoes put your ass down said I didn't fall asleep, but I woke up But then at like seven o'clock I went over and I had two more slices So I had maybe seven slices of dominoes Dominoes so good dude the fact I could eat a I could eat two pies of dominoes right now not even be hurt
Starting point is 01:19:25 Just ready to rock If I had to pick like a cheat meal So be that It would be that I don't know why it's so much. It's just so much more like satisfying when you need a piece of shit pizza It's just like it's a piece of shit pizza that just fills your stomach with fiberglass. Good pizza Yeah, that crosses half fucking plexiglass probably. Yeah, it's fantastic. It's made out of like a powder. Yeah backboard But it's so good. Yeah
Starting point is 01:19:52 So good like you can roll that pizza up and probably bounce like a basketball. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's one of those things That's how it came out. Yeah, for sure By the way, I was on the treadmill this morning Bouncing dominoes farts out this bud. You've been farting all day. I feel bad for the guy. Yeah Oh, I had I had soda yesterday, dude. Oh, you lucky fuck. I haven't had soda and kind ginger ale Oh, it's the best. Yeah, dude. It's bubbly. So I was Blowing farts raspberry ginger ale is better though You're an idiot. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Raspberry ginger ale is so good
Starting point is 01:20:24 Raspberry schwebs, dude Schweb schweb No, this was canada dry kid canada dry even better get raspberry ginger ale next time. It's going to rock your socks It's so good. No. Yes. They'll rock your socks. I'm telling you All right, I think we can get out of here. All right, uh, you could find me at danielil priori on instagram and twitter You could find the stank podcast at the stank podcast on instagram and twitter and also go check out the patreon for stank We give away hundred dollars worth of prizes now that we're over 300 patrons So if you want to come through enter for your chance to win something nice
Starting point is 01:21:02 You can go ahead and do that and I just wanted to take a second to uh, say rest in peace to kobe brian and his daughter Um, that story kind of rocked the nation yesterday. Yeah, this is going to come out a little bit later But uh that guy meant a lot to my childhood. So I would have felt You know a certain way if I didn't acknowledge it and I just wanted to say, you know, my prayers are out to his family and It's a tough situation. Yeah You guys can follow the show at the base mirror Definitely go check out the patreon slash the base mirror We have that morning meeting every single day monday to friday. Yes, sir
Starting point is 01:21:35 And yeah, go check out other people's lives another show. That's out now every thursday. It comes out 7 a.m. We interview some interesting peeps Okay, so go check it out. Uh, that's available wherever you can see. Oh, actually youtube channel slash other people's lives And that is all

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