The Basement Yard - #230 - Everyone Is Ugly

Episode Date: February 24, 2020

On this episode, we talk about a stripper almost falling to her death, if it's wrong to think people are ugly, Danny having pinkeye and that he's afraid of Joe now. Enjoy! Learn more about your ad cho...ices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys, go check out our patreon where you can get our daily morning show and next week's episode today Yeah Everyone's a whore Welcome back to the basement yard Seltzer's really good. Hey, man. Sorry bro. It's fucking hype dude. We play Clermont next week Danny is wearing his high school letterman jacket So he's been talking in this fucking high school voice the whole day. Whatever bro. She makes them stay No one even says that yeah, they do man. We said it all the time. We were state
Starting point is 00:00:36 You were never state. We never won state championship. We never won state championship at all Never really got close either No, no, we played him like one like championship game and that was it shit wasn't a state championship It was like qualify. That's hot. Yeah, it's okay. It's a cool jacket though. Yeah, no, it's fresh You just found it in your thing and you're like, yeah found it in the bottom of my closet I was like, I'm wearing this today Did you put that on and then and then take your like TV remote and like holding your arm like a football and be like Might a heisman did in the mirror might have did a little heisman in the mirror
Starting point is 00:01:11 Do you feel I can't believe it fits you still? Yeah, it was huge when I got it Yeah, and I never wore it and then I just grew into it. Yeah. Yeah, nice. Yeah, just ate my way into it That was about it. You know, that's the real reason behind the weight game Yeah, bro, it's got to fit into that jacket, you know Shout out. Hey, Sinks on the Hudson. Let's go. Is that what the school was called go jackets. Yeah, go jackets Yeah, yellow jackets like very like George. Yeah, Calvin Johnson Calvin Johnson Georgia Tech played with us No, he didn't know he did not We do have one kid that went to the NFL though. Yeah. Yeah, who his name is Ali Marpet
Starting point is 00:01:50 He starts for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Nice. Yeah, good place to be. Yeah, good place to be. James sucks, but yeah, James is uh, kind of sucks. He sucks Yeah, he sucks. He sucks. Listen while we're on the topics of sports sucking No, no, no While we're on the topic of sports. Yeah, I just heard this stuff about the ashros And al-tube and in bregman. Mm-hmm both like, you know, mvp caliber guys um Both were like apologized about cheating
Starting point is 00:02:22 Why are they not suspended? Yeah I don't know the gm the coach gets suspended, but the guys are actually fucking cheated Don't get suspended. What is this? I don't get this. I really don't get it if if they're not going to get suspended then a rod Fucking very comments all these people Peabose. Yeah guys four thousand hits and you can't get in the fucking all the fame most hits It's bullshit. It's bullshit. It's bullshit. These this is the where the purists now. Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:55 They should not be able to play next year. No Sit out You're done. And listen, I know you can't vacate a championship. I guess you can they do it in college sports, but it's like If you were on that team You cheated you cheated. You're part of a cheat. Did they beat the Yankees? Yeah, they did but it was a cheat train, but it was a cheat Yeah, I'm from the seltzer right now Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:19 I love zur though a big zur guy. Yeah, I need so much zur in my life. I have to constantly be drinking pelagrino Why? Because it's my favorite drink on earth. You just love bubbles. I just love bubbies But me I love bubbies inside bubby bubby Yes, yes, honey. What do you need? Oh, that's a jewish thing for a grandma, right? What a bubby Oh, I was making a funny name for bubbles. No, no, no a bubby is like a jewish grandma Yes, a bubby. Yeah, my bubby. That's what they say my bubby dude. Can we just call them grandma and grandpa?
Starting point is 00:03:53 Like what is all these bubby's stuff bubby No, no, no, no. I mean those are actually words that translate. Those are different languages. Yeah, that is grandma I know I call my grandma abuelita abuelita because she's small very very very tiny Why do old people shrink? That's such a weird thing to me. Oh, we're gonna shrink You and I will shrink. Yeah, because it's the things between your spine They compress. Yeah, they compress. They wear away. Yeah, but some old women I see them
Starting point is 00:04:23 And I'm like I used to see you when I was eight years old in church and you are like, you know A regular sized woman and now I see you and like I could put you on my purse Yeah, you're like an old wicker basket Yeah, and they're all like hunched over. I'm like, yo, do you just become like a like a candy cane when you get older? Like you just start turning into an upside down j I don't know what that is It's a weird thing. I've been very conscious of like my my posture recently. Yeah, like usually I want to do the show Like this. Yeah But like I'm really trying to like stand straight up more. Okay. I don't know why I bounced
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, what are you sitting on a fucking Sibian over there? Yeah, yeah, yeah I also said I would sit on a sword for somebody the other day didn't realize that it's Lay on a sword Oh, I thought you were gonna go like Violent gayness. No, I had no idea. I was I was accidentally gay for the first time ever Well sitting on a sword probably isn't gay. Yeah, it is I mean
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yeah, dude, it is man. Go sit on a sword. It's brutally gay And then saying that you're gonna do it for someone else. That's what I yeah, that's where it goes into gay tears I Territory Lay on a sword. Yeah. Yeah. Also. Why is that an expression? I'd lay on a sword for you. It's like dude. I'd lay on a sword Nothing's gonna happen. Yeah Just don't stab me with the sword and I'll do whatever you want with it jump on a grenade. I get right those explode Those go up. Yeah, I could I could honestly sleep peacefully on a sword. I can lay on 400 swords
Starting point is 00:05:59 Yeah, I can roll around on a sword people lay on nails A bed of nails a whole bunch of mini swords. Yeah, those are just mini swords. I'll lay on a sword for money. Yeah Fencing is a cool. I think it's cool Knowing how to fight with a sword That's fucking cool. That should it's cool as shit and you get to wear that cool beekeeper's mask Yeah, dude, you can walk outside and like destroy a nest or what are those called? They're called nest, but what are they beehive? That's what I wanted to yeah, uh, honeycomb hive. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:32 I've always you want to eat honey through the honeycomb. It's so bad Yeah, I wish I could just grab it and just and just eat it just eat it I don't even like honey like that to be honest. I love honey. I like honey, but not just like raw honey Like raw honey from the earth is like not great. Whoa Yeah, it is no it's better when they just process it and they make it full of poison or whatever Like sugar and shit remember when this shit would come in that container with the bear And it was impossible to get the fucking honey out of there You're just shaking this fucking bear giving a brain damage trying to get all this fucking honey out of this goddamn bear
Starting point is 00:07:11 And it would never come out and we make that sound I'm like yo get out you do that like you have a catch up bottle and you're trying to get out it's like The fact that us as human beings can't realize that there's just no catch up left in this clear bottle. What are you doing? search search Dude, it's insane. Oh, you ever see you ever see people grab the glass bottle of ketchup at a diner and they're just over there Hitting this thing like it's a misbehaving Oh, oh, you gotta hit you gotta hit the 57 slap the 57. It's an old wives tale Yeah, you say old wives tale. I think it is a wife. No, it's wise wise wise
Starting point is 00:08:00 Did I say wives you said wives so it could be my wife told me to hit the 57 Wait old wives tale is an expression. I think no, it's not it's an old wise tale No, I think there's bold. Oh bold old Wise bold. Look Yeah, no, I'm right. You're wrong Yo, this is this is groundbreaking because I've got my whole life saying old wise tale Yeah, it's old wives So they just had a whole bunch of wives making up stories because they were home. They had time to talk
Starting point is 00:08:36 They had nothing to do they were no they had to cook clean take care of the kids And then you know, I don't fucking tell stories and unfortunately brace themselves for the beating that was coming from their horrible Husbands. Yeah, but yeah, so old wives tale Is is uh a supposed truth, which is actually Well, that's a word. I don't know or a superstition. So that's what it is. There's a bunch of lying bitches Or just a bunch of uh conspiracy theorist women An old wives tale And not one of these tales. No pretty tale that you could twirl around
Starting point is 00:09:13 Sexual with it. I don't know why I thought it was old wise. It makes more sense that way definitely makes more sense It's an old wise tale. It's an old. Yeah, like an old wise man was like, yeah Look do this. Oh, you're so wise. He's so wise. He knows the stuff That's a great tale from that wise man Now I'm gonna take it and tell other people about it because the wise man told me about it So in a way you're sexist because you think that Wives weren't capable of being smart and you thought it had to be a wise man Wow, yeah
Starting point is 00:09:45 You don't see it in and you apologize tomorrow. Yeah, I will I will okay. I'll go public By the way Oh my god, I forgot to tell you. First of all, I just want to announce. Yeah Logo's changed. Yeah, okay. You switched it up. Switched it up. Got a new logo. I like the logo. It looks a little more purve-age It's definitely state. Also, it's it's definitely state Also, the the words the reason why it looks the way it does. I mean we keep the same colors Um, and it's a staircase if you look at it going downward to The basement the basement
Starting point is 00:10:21 Yeah, yeah And then the three lines also Uh, is just like a miniature logo of the show as well because they're supposed to be like like if you look on the youtube channel They have like they had it used to be those like Levels they look like audio levels, but they also are in the shape of stairs in a way Right, so we kind of kept that within the logo Um And you know, whatever, but it's a new logo. I like the new look. It's a little more sleek and simple and modern
Starting point is 00:10:50 And if you don't like it, I can get used to it. We're still gonna do Yeah, you know what I mean? Um old wise tale that you have to do Yeah, you have to switch your logo every like couple years Yeah, I keep looking for my seltzer, but I forgot that I slammed it. Do you want me to grab you another one? I don't know if I could handle another one. Do you want one? I'll grab it. I'm scared. You don't want it I'm scared. You sure you don't want I'm not sure. I hate when people constantly ask you something if you want it After you say no Three fucking times like you just no, I don't know. But like obviously that's for like, you know, I care about you
Starting point is 00:11:21 It's different. Oh, like if I'm out and it's like, hey, like you guys want to get this and I'm like, no, I'm cool It's like you sure I'm like, yeah, I'm good. You're like you you sure Just because you said you sure Differently isn't gonna make me want it. Yeah. Now I want to hit you. Yeah. Now. I want you to leave me alone Yeah, stop asking me if I'm sure now you make me not feel sure about myself and other things in my life Okay, that's a problem. I know another thing I love to do. Hold on. No, you can't you you can't talk right now because I just realized something Okay, okay Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:11:53 Well, you remember but you know that when the kobe stuff came out. Yes, there was a woman Who said a certain word that you're not allowed to say as a white woman? Yeah, the los angeles ends she called that she said the n word with the hard R on tv Yeah, accidentally she claims and she was trying to say lakers and nicks Why was she trying to say nicks? I never played for the nicks. I wish that he did I wish that he did because we probably have a couple championships Love to have kobe on the next but so she says the n word with the hard R and it's like this whole thing blah blah blah Do you know who that woman was? No
Starting point is 00:12:31 So for wing that telecom company that um, I Whatever you want to say about it. Okay, uh When we were having the fox news Uh report put together for us We were all being interviewed about the company and we were just like talking about it and like what service we provide like blah blah blah The woman who did all of that for us was her was the los angeles n words get lady. Yes. Wow So, yeah full circle for a full cirq. Yeah, so it took you guys down, too Yeah, she could have says, you know, yeah, I don't know
Starting point is 00:13:07 Jesus But I just that's pretty nuts. It's crazy, right? I didn't realize because I I heard her say it on tv from like the video, but I didn't know who said it I didn't like think to look this woman up, but then I saw and I was like, oh my god That's the woman who did the wing story for fox. That's no bueno. Yeah, no bueno right there That's a little scary. I wonder how she's doing now Probably not great. Yeah I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I mean it was an acu dente. It's already a bad day
Starting point is 00:13:36 It's it's yeah, it's been a dark day. You know what I mean? Yeah Can't mess that one up. It's a rough one. Yeah, it's a rough one. Yeah Also, you know, I had a rough one Also, there's another video going around of this stripper falling basically 10 000 feet out of the sky. Yeah, awful pole and landing perfectly On her fucking jaw. Yeah This bitch broke her entire face with a light up disco floor. Yeah. Yeah a stripper climbed to the top of
Starting point is 00:14:07 Jack's Jack's beanstalk size pole. Yes, which Is there no regulation or safety for these Strippers like I just imagine a contractor coming in there. It's like, all right. That's good. Okay. Yeah, that's good You know, it's a little too high. It's about two feet too high We're gonna have to come down on that guy from bits. Someone falls off. They won't break their fucking neck. Yeah This this woman could have died But she broke her fall of her goddamn face and then started breaking that ass open too
Starting point is 00:14:36 Another thing she falls off of the pole Lands on her face on, you know, saturday night fever's floor And then everyone goes oh And then she just gets right into magic mic position and just starts twerking her ass And I like how there's one woman that's sitting in the front row. She's like, yeah, girl. It's all right I'm like, it's not all right. Like it's not okay. This stripper has cta This stripper's got a face concussion. Yeah, this woman's face is crap. She like broke her jaw and something else I know she got stitches. So she would she would have been twerking and bleeding at the same time
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah, there's nothing better than a bloody twerk. No, I mean, I mean, there's a couple things but not many things No, no, no, no, no I see that I I understand it's a show But I don't I I would go to a strip club to get closer to vagina and tits. Why are you going up there? Yeah, no, I gotta chase you up this ladder. Yeah, I gotta watch you do the whole thing from the sky Okay, I will defend it though. I was in New Orleans. Okay, you saw a stripper climb to the top of the tower I saw this stripper
Starting point is 00:15:39 Go all the way up this pole and she like did like this weird like just with her legs in one hand like hopped up that Shit, I was like, okay And then as soon as she gets up there It goes this is for the nine nine and the two thousand Oh, go ahead and take it with your best. Hey, we're in New Orleans. Yeah, and she perfectly sinks it to Oh, you working with some ass. Yeah And just starts twerking and hit it when she slid down the pole and hit her ass on the floor
Starting point is 00:16:09 Slid down the pole into a split Like this one like like Michael Jordan. Yeah, she did like that split. Yeah When I tell you it was the most perfectly sink thing I've ever seen I threw a hundred dollars out because the entire fucking club went crazy. Yeah, everyone in there just went Oh Just started throwing money at this fucking lady and I was like, yo, that was one of the coolest things I've ever seen What it's an athletic feat Stripping a lot of it is athletic as shit
Starting point is 00:16:39 Yo, sometimes they see strippers do stuff and I'm like, hey, this bitch got some core strength Hell yeah, bro That bitch got up there like a fucking squirrel. First of all, it's like her thigh Is the strongest thing in the world Holding them even when like we were in Miami at a strip club And this woman was just holding up her entire body With like one leg and I'm like This is the strongest woman of all time. Oh, yeah, it's insane. The best is uh
Starting point is 00:17:07 Um, I did go to strip club once and one of the strippers knew who I was Which was like kind of funny to me And it was like, hey, what's up? Yo, you let me suck your titties guy. I was like, yep You're a stripper. She was like, yep. I was like, all right. Good talk to you You asked her if she was a stripper. No, no, no, I didn't ask. I was gonna say it might have been pretty obvious at that point Yeah, I was like, what's the lap dance deal in here? What's the Why you wearing glitter? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Why are we having a human conversation while your tits have tassels? What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:17:38 You know what I mean? Yeah, but I'm blown away by that by that woman falling out of the sky 100 percent. She felt so hard. Yeah, she felt hard She felt real hard Also left my backpack in that strip club and had to go back and get it the next day Which was a humbling experience. Why'd you have a backpack? Because I was in New Orleans. I was coming from Listen, I understand you leaving it there. I don't know why you brought it there. No because I was leaving the next day So we didn't know if we were gonna stay there all night nor Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:05 Bourbon Street doesn't close. Yeah, so you could be there until 10 o'clock in the morning. It doesn't matter So I was like, yo, I might Just stay here all night Just leave from the club go right to the fucking airport get on the plane and bounce So I was like, okay. I'm gonna do that hit 130 done I was like, I'm going back to the hotel. So I go back to the hotel I go to I go to sleep
Starting point is 00:18:29 I wake up I get my other bag and I'm like, yo, I'm ready to leave now And then I literally went to like touch my backpack and it wasn't there and I just grabbed my shirt and I said, oh my god I left this fucking backpack in the strip club Yeah, and I had to go in there in the morning And get it. It was very humbling, but there were still a bunch of fucking people in there. Yeah Morning squad out there people throwing money is fucking just getting weird I Wonder how it would be going to a strip club like in the morning and being like not the more for like lunch
Starting point is 00:19:04 Just go to a strip club get some lunch. Just kind of relax There's no one really in there. You can have conversations. The music isn't that loud. Yeah, it's not that dark in there You're just kind of chilling and there's like boobies. Well, I went to the I went to the one Boobies while you eat chicken wings like you're good. Yeah titties and and wings titties and wings Also, I've never heard anyone say that. Oh my god, that strip club had horrible food I've literally never heard that ever no if anything I've heard horrible tits You've heard horrible tits. Yeah, like, you know that that strip club was like the d squad Oh, I haven't heard that. I've heard that many times. I mean like that like not the hottest bunch
Starting point is 00:19:40 Yeah, you know, I don't mean that in a bad way. I'm just saying that's just how it works Some people aren't attractive in this world. That's just how it is people have to understand that though. What like And I'm sure they do. Yeah, but it's like I'm gonna come off as a fucking dickhead here, but I don't care. Um Oh, I guess this is the first time. Go ahead. Yeah. Yeah, right? Um Old wise tail over here. Listen, I'm not the hottest guy in the world, but I know I ain't ugly Okay There's just but you are ugly to somebody. That's fine. That's fine. But that's my point for the earth. I'm not ugly
Starting point is 00:20:14 It's not even close. He's talking about like on a like a like a Overall consensus. Yeah, dude 100 percent 100 percent. Okay I'm like, I'm not I'm if there was a war between like attractive people and ugly people 50 50 no way 60 40 No, I'm asking what's wait. Is that what you mean? Like oh if there is a war between attractive people and ugly people Ugly people will win that thing in three hours What does that mean you think there's not a lot of attractive people in the world I'm not saying it like that. No, I'm asking
Starting point is 00:20:50 Yeah, I you think there's more ugly than attractive. I think it's more rare to be an attractive person if we're breaking it down scientifically Yeah, yeah, I think so, you know what I'm saying. How many would you consider yourself an attractive person? I would yeah, yeah, you're an attractive person. Yeah, but some handsome man. But some handsome man. Some people would be like I'm not ill. Yeah That's what I mean. So who's to say? No, it's the earth dog. You got to understand. You know, there's It just at some point there's a different there's a different thing And that's perfectly fine. I'm not saying that I'm just saying I know to some people I'm attractive and I know to some people they're like ill
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yeah gross. Absolutely, which is yeah, so then I'm gross to many females and males. I have no problem understanding that Right, but I just know yeah I'm not there all the time You're not there all the time and I feel bad for people that are in that situation Who are what are you talking about? Like people that who feel bad about the way they look, you know what I'm saying? I do feel bad Wait, you feel bad Just like in general or you feel bad for people who think that they're ugly in general Because there are people that have like body dysmorphia. Let me ask you a question. Yeah, come on
Starting point is 00:21:57 Can you be ugly if you don't think you're ugly? 100 fucking percent. Really? Yeah, dude, but there's something about a confidence Yeah, listen, listen, but that's part of attraction. Yeah, of course. Yeah 100 percent But a lot of time you have to get to know somebody to know that they're confident Okay, so if you're not the best-looking dude, right? and you go into a fucking club And you're and you're not the best-looking dude. Okay, but you're an amazing dancer
Starting point is 00:22:30 You're gonna get some high fives No Yeah, man. No, some people are into dude. I know ugly dudes that fuck Yeah, of course. I'm not worried about that. But what I'm saying is is that in the back of my mind Rob Schneider. Fuck like you're ugly Not Rob Schneider. What's his name? The word ugly so ugly. I feel bad Steve Buscemi. Steve Buscemi fucking gross. Well I'm I'm sorry Steve Buscemi, but the thing is Steve Buscemi and go that's an attractive man. I say he's not my type But I can't understand people who are but here's the thing, right?
Starting point is 00:23:06 So attraction to you is different than attraction to not meet of like other people for sure So people who are attracted to Steve Buscemi. There's other reasons other than his teeth That They find him attractive. Yeah, because he's an amazing actor. We get to see him on tv. I'm talking about normal. He's a funny guy I'll talk about normal people. I mean you could maybe even use that towards us Maybe what because we have like a big audience and and maybe people get to see us interact every week And maybe that's part of why they like us or part of why they hate us I think the more you get to know someone the more attracted you you become to them
Starting point is 00:23:38 Even if it doesn't get into the point where it's a it's a like an intimate sort of attraction, right? But the initial thing is based on physical looks. So just it's not based it like I'm looking at someone. I go that guy's confidence I'm gonna suck his dick. Right. Well, I'm I'm a straight male. So I wouldn't suck his dick Maybe right. I mean it's still still in the fence. Talk about 50 50 You know what I'm saying? They're about 60 40. Yeah, it's about 60 40 here Okay, no, but I just think that people are lying if they're saying the first attraction isn't physical The first cut is the deepest I don't that's all I know. I don't know anymore after that. Yeah, but that's the fact but I will say this
Starting point is 00:24:22 Um So you're talking about just like strictly how people look How many what's the percent of attractive people bury me in this? Well, how many attractive people are there in the world not number like percentage Even though let's go on record. Uh, I don't know if anyone knows this But danie does not know the entire population of the world So if I had to see a comment of like how's you to see it? He's not we know Yeah, how many people of that you know
Starting point is 00:24:50 Not that you're that you're friends with just people you know that you've seen on the street past You've never seen again. What percent of them are attractive? 25 So a fourth Are we talking about attractive or fucking hot? Attractive Because there's people that are attractive like they got a cute face and shit, but like I'm not going to be like Oh, oh my god. I gotta tell everybody about this girl. That's on the street. Yeah, but whoever gets to be with those people
Starting point is 00:25:20 Who's that? Oh There's like nine people in the world that look like that. There's more than nine, but 18 I would I would settle around 27. That's what I'm saying. All right, and they're all like in europe Yeah, or like calabasas or something. Emily roger monosky or whatever the fuck. Yeah, roger mcharski. Yeah, Emily roger monosky No, I would say wait. What's her name? Emily roger monosky. It's It's emily Emily retu zhanosky, but no, it's Uh, rat rat rat. Rat rat, rat. Ratatata. Ratatata. Yeah. Ratatata. Yeah. Right over. Uh, kronkowski.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Yeah That might be it. No, she's related to rob kronkowski Her name is emily ratatatou ratatoukopalski kevin kylpatrick No, I would say maybe like 19 of the world is attractive Let me Google that yeah Am I coming off as a dick here? No, that's your personal preference
Starting point is 00:26:21 It whatever you say your attraction is different than my attraction Right, there's people that I find to be hideous that you think are amazing and vice versa It's the same thing if people are offended by that or whatever suck my ass. Yeah, I don't know Then then you think up there one that you think we're ugly. Yeah, I have no problem. Yeah, that's it That's just you thinking I'm ugly. I know I'm not ugly. Okay. I know for a fact. I'm not ugly to you I'm not ugly in the world. No, you are. No, there's no shot. You are ugly Somewhere, there's no shot. Listen. I'm a ugly person. I don't care. You're ugly somewhere to We're all ugly somewhere. Yeah, but I just know that a majority of the time. I am not ugly
Starting point is 00:26:59 I'm not saying that I'm saying you're ugly somewhere. That's fine I'm ugly right now. Yeah. Yeah Wait, what am I typing in how many people are attractive in America fuck the world Don't ask me for shit What percentage of the world And this is obviously just gonna be bullshit though Yeah, I mean it's all bullshit. I would like to get a log in my fucking ass I would love to put a number on it though. I said 19%
Starting point is 00:27:35 Which is hundreds of millions of people it's not it's not coming up, so I don't think anyone's done the study No, you can't we could be the pioneers like you said it's subjective. Oh, I did read though that you believe that people are ugly Huh? Have you do you believe that people are ugly? Yeah, of course. Thank God. I was like, all right. What are we doing here? Yeah, no, but my point is that I don't I don't think that anyone is Like 100% ugly. Yeah, cuz you're not ugly everywhere and you're not attractive everywhere. That's just the fact Yeah, no matter what you look like. Yeah, someone would have sucked the elephant man. I think it's different for girls though Why?
Starting point is 00:28:19 Because they're more hot. I Think they just have to worry about more What does that mean? Like dudes, I feel like it's easier for us to be attractive Because we don't have all this other shit to worry about Perfect example perfect example me heavier set dude. Mm-hmm for some reason can still be hot, right? It's harder. It's it's okay. It's harder for women. It really it is it truly is I mean, I don't know I don't know. I think it's harder for women to be attractive. Some people like a bigger woman Some people like a bigger man
Starting point is 00:28:53 It's true. Some people like a tiny man and some people like a tiny I Really don't want to come off as a dick here. No, dude. It's your personal preference Yeah, I'm people attractive you find people ugly and that's just what it is like everyone That's what I said somewhere on the earth, right? You'd walk in into some village in like Nova Scotia and there'd be a bunch of six foot blonde Smokes and then and then you walk in there and like who is this mess, bro? I went out of the punch, bro I went to Sweden. It was exactly like that. That's what I'm saying. You go to Nova Scotia
Starting point is 00:29:29 You better have some blonde hair blue eyes and some ripped up abs. Yeah, yeah That's all I'm saying. So you're saying I'm American hot. I can't transcend in European hot. I'm not saying that I'm definitely saying if you go you have a better shot in Europe. Maybe I don't think so. Yeah, dude You're good looking guy. I don't have the tan skin. I would have to be out there in the Sun for a little yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just you have to get a base. Yeah, I gotta get a base gotta get a base before we even have this conversation I need a base, you know, and I just feel like Have you ever had those moments Okay, yes
Starting point is 00:30:06 Me I was with somebody and we had this conversation Where yo, have you ever just been like looked around and been like yo, there's likes like people in here kind of ugly Yeah, you've had that right yeah, but I don't do what is that why do we do that? no, but I was yeah, but I don't I can't remember the last time that I did that and Like I don't I don't do that in normal settings Like if I if I'm like when I was like 19 going to a club. I'm like These girls are ugly
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yeah, because you're good because you're right 19 road. I'm like I'm trying like but I've never been like Last week at a coffee shop and be like these people are hideous in here. What am I? No, I was I was walking around a mall and you're like I haven't seen a hot person. I was just I was just good looking around. I Was just looking around I was just looking around. I was looking for a male and or female just looking around And I was just like it's not much going on in here. Oh, wow. What mall was it? It was in a Wasn't a big mall. It was in Florida. It wasn't a big mall. Okay, so I was just like this mall is not big So I kind of gave it I took I took into account the size of the mall
Starting point is 00:31:21 You're telling me you gave this mall a pass and for being ugly. I gave it an ocular pat-down for sure And I was like yo, I need I don't know. I don't know. It's just one of those things that popped Into the conversation and I was like Okay I'm gonna get to these ads, but I have some questions for this. Yeah, okay. That's fine I want to get into the psyche of you. Okay versus attractive versus People are ugly apparently do you want to sell sir?
Starting point is 00:31:55 Sure, I'll take one Dan Surprised me with it. All right guys, we're gonna get to these sponsors real quick. We have some great ones today The first one being stitch fix. Okay, it's basically like having a personal stylist. Okay, if you're not great at Styling yourself and you don't really have the time to go shopping, but you want new clothes every month stitch fix is The thing for you, okay It has brands, you know and love plus exclusive styles that you won't find anywhere else But you go on you complete a style profile your expert personal stylist will send you a hand-picked box of Items based on your style and preferences like what colors you want what patterns or sizes and stuff like that
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Starting point is 00:35:11 The power dot power dot power dot But the power dot is a It puts a modern spin on clinically proven muscle Stimulation and just to show you How it works I'm gonna put it on okay, so it comes with these things You stick them on your body I'm gonna do my forearm here Right over the the old tattoo. I forget I have a tattoo sometimes
Starting point is 00:35:43 But it's the first of its kind the power dot is built around an intuitive mobile app that provides the user with Pre-set programs to design like there's a recovery one. There's just a massage one There's a couple of different speeds and whatnot and you can control the speed or the Like the I don't intensity intensity is the word that I want it But yeah, so that they have Pre-designed programs like massage and pad placement photos for places like lower back forearms chest or you know, whatever you want and We're gonna put this to the test here
Starting point is 00:36:19 Also traveling with it is very convenient because it just packs up into this little box and it's it's very nice But yeah, it's used by the best in the world athletes throughout the NFL NBA MLB NHL and ML last tour to France cyclist. Okay, if those dudes are using it, then you know, it's nice It's a nice recovery. Rehibit rehabilitation. All right, so I have it hooked up to my phone We're gonna get it going real quick Okay Power power dot power dot I'm just gonna go massage and then we pick here massage yourself massage myself
Starting point is 00:36:53 And then we're gonna wait. Where is it? I went re-pass it for him and wrist Boom tells me where to put it Gotta turn it on This does make you do weird stuff though. I will say that but it feels amazing start workout Greg's calling me. I ended the call. Okay Greg so now I can slowly feel it Stimulating my muscles here and now I'm at a 7.5 and it just feels like pins and needles in my hands at the moment So we're gonna go ahead and turn it up. Turn it up. Oh
Starting point is 00:37:29 My god. Yeah. Yeah. Oh So steady. Oh my god, that one actually hurts. It feels weird. It's really on a muscle now Look, it's it's taking Look at my arm. Look at that. Look at that turn up the heat. Yeah, I'm trying to Okay, this is at a 20 and it's making you do weird stuff and this is what muscle stimulation is okay It's stimulating your muscles But it helps with rehab Power dot is a solution for pain management training recovery and injury rehabilitation
Starting point is 00:38:07 We're gonna go ahead and you know, we're just gonna take a sip There you go, bud. Yeah, it's fine. It's fine You know, that's called multitasking. Yeah hydrating and stimulating all jokes aside Don't use your your power dot to do things like drinking. It's dangerous, but this is kind of intense So I'm gonna lower it. Yeah, but Yeah, when you put this on your muscles or whatever, it's really good for like I said rehabilitation top athletes using it It's amazing. So definitely go check it out. I'll use mine. I'm a top athlete So, yeah, Danny's the top athlete with that jacket on power dot offers US customers a free 30-day trial plus an additional 20% off
Starting point is 00:38:46 For our listeners go to power dot com Slash basement and use the code basement at checkout for 20% off of your order. That's power dot com slash basement Use the code basement for 20% off your order. Look at my middle finger. Look like spider-man Yeah It only this only happens when I put it on my forearm Yeah, yeah, cuz I've used it on like my chest and my lower back and it feels amazing to just have it like I use mine Am I lower back? Yeah, it's good, but shout out to the power dot. Okay. Let's just crank this up and just see one big Try here. Yeah, come here. Tell people to come in. Come here. Come here. Come on
Starting point is 00:39:23 Stay up there. Oh, this is hurting. Okay. Nice Power dot power dot draw Okay Get your dot on I Would just leave those on no I'm gonna take them off go pop them off. Yeah, I'm gonna pop them pop them. Thanks. We'd be poppin them Everywhere we go. Oh, I don't want to get demonetized Can you get demonetized for singing songs? No, okay
Starting point is 00:40:03 Why blue jean, baby And lady lady Seems just for the band At Greg's wedding that was a great song that everybody that came on Dude, I had a lot of shit wedding Joe gets fucking black Had a lot of shame big-time black had a lot of shit Well, you got my watch for I haven't been I haven't looked at it up close yet. Oh nice Very nice
Starting point is 00:40:36 You approve. Absolutely. Hey, thanks, man To Rolex boys Um All right, what'd you want to ask deep in the sea what what I think about yeah, yeah, I want to see how shall you run? Okay, let's go No, I was gonna ask Bro, I know I'm not Brad Pitt, dude Yeah, I know that too. I
Starting point is 00:40:59 Know you aren't you know we all know Dan Although the long hair Brad Pitt. I can't get into yeah preference Do you think or why do you think That or let me just start off like this. Uh-huh. Do you think attractive people? Have an advantage in life and do they get away with things 100% yes Why do you think that is it's because they're attractive, right? But explain that because I think people want just like how you said 19 year old
Starting point is 00:41:33 Joe was in a party. Mm-hmm any party you went to you want like attractive people to be there You can't tell me that attractive people don't get jobs Because they're attractive because their bosses are fucking creeps. That's one. Well, I'm just saying like dude-on-dude attractiveness straight dude-on-dude, I've been talking solely about dudes here But you're saying you're more likely to hire a like a hotter dude Yeah, but and I'm asking why it makes my business look better. That's how shallow this world is I I'm just letting you know. I love how you said my business looked better and then he goes but it's the world
Starting point is 00:42:12 It is though. Okay, if you have people working for you Sometimes you want like good-looking people working for you. That's people do that right people do that people have been hired solely because they were hot Well and qualified, but they're hot. Yeah But why do you think that is I get a straight male hiring an attractive woman that's maybe on the fence with someone else and Whatever and he'll give it to her because she's an attractive woman because he's attracted to her But if it's two dudes and one's like a little more qualified than the other But one's more attractive than the other and the attractive one gets a job like why is that?
Starting point is 00:42:51 It's just a better look bro. Yeah, but like if it's if it's not Retail, it's just it's a finance job like who the fuck is coming in there and looking at all these agents I mean, I could be wrong, but what do you think? I don't know. I'm asking. I think I think attractive people Definitely have a better chance at landing jobs no matter what it is. What makes you attractive me in general From the jump my facial structure for one, but I I heard that So everyone talks about like symmetry or something symmetry of the face. Yes. Yeah, and then I heard that that was that was bullshit I forgot why but someone was like that doesn't make any sense But I did read an article that said if you are going by this symmetrical science blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:43:37 The most attractive person is Robert Pattinson Attractive dude Not to me not the hottest guy in the world. No, I think he's ugly. I don't actually I don't think he's ugly But I think he's like a six I've seen I I know dudes who look like him if He was more tan That like I think me and Robert Pattinson are like on the same level, but he's probably like taller than I am I
Starting point is 00:44:05 Think you're an attractive guy. You're not gonna get a no out of me You'll say no to me because you know I think no because no in my eyes I'll some people think that Robert Pattinson is like whatever if you take away the celebrity you take away all this stuff Robert Pattinson is just a normal guy to me. Yeah, but he apparently is that I mean, let me find out actually no There's some fucking photos. That's what I'm saying, but those are all doctor. I just said me and this guy are on the same level That was a stupid thing. Let me say this is a hot man. That's a That's a good-looking dude. Yeah, I'm bugging I'm bugging. Yeah, but if you like all this guys, that's not my favorite picture, but he's got some good pics
Starting point is 00:44:43 Like this is not a great pic No, but he's a good-looking guy. He's a good-looking guy. He's not ugly. He's not ugly. No, and I'm not this hot but These are new pics because the one that Well, you're looking at Twilight pics supposed to look like a dead person. No. Yeah, exactly. You know, yeah It's a good point. It's a great point, you know, but Robert Pattinson is supposed to be the most Supposedly has the most symmetrical face Let me ask you this. Yeah, why do girls get in the clubs a lot of the times over other girls?
Starting point is 00:45:16 Because girls are scarce and dudes just want to go out there and grind on ass and there's a thousand dudes in a club and also What group what group has a better chance? Unless attractive group or a hot group. Yeah, hot group But we're talking about a club that is clearly a Fucking you'd be surprised how many workplaces are just like clubs But I get the reason I mean I get your I see your point people want hot professionals. They want it. Yes, but The people want it people want hot professionals, dude I'm but I'm saying like you know in finance like an office whatever like on the outside
Starting point is 00:45:58 It doesn't make your business look better If you're in finance the only thing you should care about is that like you're good at this job and like you're gonna take care of whatever Dude, I'm sure but I just know dudes are disgusting creeps and they're gonna hire girls that are hot now Dudes I get your argument like I could see like you know They might just take like the chubbier dude who's like, you know, this guy went to fucking Yale and this guy went to fucking somewhere else Yeah, so any new pulse, you know Like I get I get that Like I get it. You know what I mean like that or I get I understand it
Starting point is 00:46:31 But it's just a fact that if you're an attractive person you have a better chance at succeeding in life It's just like Statistically if you are a taller man You have statistically a better chance to be successful in life, which blows my mind and that really there's a scientific study That's been done on that. I'm not making that shit up Let's look it up. What is it taller? Men are more likely to be successful successful Because I think it's a confidence thing
Starting point is 00:47:03 Why tall people are richer and more successful. Thank you. Here's why And of course business insider wants to fucking make me pay to be on their site pieces of shit Okay, let's say become a sponsor almost 60% of American presidents were taller than 510 Okay, the current national average for men What was this wrote written this is October 2019 damn dude I'm blow average blow average by nitch. Yeah Why am I getting taller I don't know groin stop chill out Tall people one common explanation was tall people had better social skills that came from being a popular attractive teenager a Positive adolescents was presumed to increase self-confidence and with it the keys to a successful life
Starting point is 00:47:57 That makes sense. Yeah The relationship between height and earnings is nonlinear for American men being an inch shorter than the average correlates with annual earnings of about 5% lower One inches five percent. Yeah, dude. Wow I'm telling you out of this world of shallow shit and then people are confident because they're tall and shit The shorter men are relative to average The the shorter men are Relative to the average the less they earn men More than 20% shorter than average 66 inches or less earn at least 10% less
Starting point is 00:48:34 Short women also earn less but they face smaller wage penalties about half of the magnitude of short men About half the magnitude of short men But tall women do out earn their peers each extra inch of female height adds about 1% more in earnings I'm telling you dude. This is so weird strange, right? Yeah, but how many of these women in the WNBA? None of them. Oh, yeah, actually You might do yeah, I do Um
Starting point is 00:49:10 Well, we're also professionals too, so whatever Sorry ladies They did not find much correlation between height and involvement in student activities with very tall men and women a notable exception. Well, all right The reason this wire is not entirely clear There are some evidence shorter people tend to be born with lower birth weights and this can't explain all the variation I Don't know now they're nitpicking. They're moving the goalpost here. Yeah, now we're now we're what are we doing here? Yeah, I don't like that
Starting point is 00:49:40 But you know, you know, it's crazy. There's a lot of short really successful people Of course there are and I've been starting to notice that. Yeah, and I'm like, damn these dudes are like kind of short Yeah, like Kevin Hart because they had to work harder than all those other guys. No, but like Kevin Hart Little oozy little Wayne Danny DeVito Danny DeVito. I mean About short as you can get. Yeah, but and then uh Justin Bieber 5 9 Justin Bieber. I think he's shorter than that Actually, I think he's shorter than me. Um, I think and there's like a just a bunch of there's a bunch of people mostly a lot of rappers Yeah, yeah, that's Kendrick Lamar is mad small. Yeah, but extremely talented It's a big difference. I'm saying is there a correlation there? Probably
Starting point is 00:50:23 Are shorter people funnier? Yes How many tall ass comedians do you know? Raymond What's that guys they how tall is Dave Dave's like six to Dave's a big guy. I'm gonna say Dave like I know if we know Yeah, we do You know Dave, I know Dave. Yeah, but that's a thing. It's weird. They're physical your physical form Mean some mean something in this world and it will help you get ahead. We're about Zodiacs Zodiacs are shit Pisces They're creative. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:00 It's bullshit But I think any everyone is is Listen, I don't want to call anybody ugly, bro But I'm just saying now some people are ugly to you people are ugly to me. Some people are ugly to me. Yeah, I'll tell you who's ugly I don't know right now. I wanted to thank you someone. I thought someone would come to my head You know who's ugly Maggie Gyllenhaal and some people say she's beautiful Right or I'm not a big and halfway guy and I'm pretty sure that's Pete's top celebrity crush I don't really like her. Yeah, but I also can acknowledge like yes. She's an attractive woman. I'm just not into it
Starting point is 00:51:39 I'll tell you who I'm really not into Jennifer Lawrence a lot of people aren't a lot of people are a lot of people are I think I think she's hot I I Really don't the thing that turns me off about her is this thing about you have to be normal You're not normal. Yeah, Jennifer Oscar at 24 years old. You ask all Jennifer Lawrence wants to be relatable so bad What is her deal? All right, yo, I should really go home and have some pizza chicken nuggets Jennifer You got millions of dollars. You're an amazing actress. You want an Oscar? Come on. I guess what you're not one of us anymore. No, let us have something come on We're normal people. Let us do what we want to do don't get on the red carpet with a million dollar dress on and four million dollar earrings
Starting point is 00:52:24 Like oh, I wish I could wear sweatpants to this and sandals shut up shut the fuck up Jen You're a liar. Yeah, you're a liar full shit person. I hate it Yeah, no, yeah, where's the pizza? Oh shut the fuck up It's like listen, I know pizza is good But when you say it on a platform where you're like wearing all this stuff and you're clearly not in a normal person like room Don't go out of your way to be normal. Yeah, she's just like us Yeah, it's like I like her because she wishes she was in the sweatpants and I'm in the sweatpants. Yeah, come on You lady that's like when Hillary Clinton went to fucking hot 97. She's like, oh, I love having hot sauce in my bag
Starting point is 00:53:07 It's like lady. You're clearly pandering to the crowd here. Yeah. Yeah, you don't have hot sauce No, you've been a famous politician and your husband's been begging nine-year-olds on an island with Jeffrey Epstein since the 70s What are we talking about? You're not normal. You'd never you probably you maybe never had hot sauce Bill we know all about it, Bill Sorry Well, one of us one of us is ending up dead either a whole bunch of ugly people are gonna kill me or Bill Clinton His fucking cabinet's gonna kill you so that's about it. Yeah, but you said it so now if it happens then everyone's gonna Yeah, yeah, sure you gotta say it if you die, you know
Starting point is 00:53:52 That's kind of scary Yeah, I don't think I'm a shallow person though. Not at all. Are you a pink eye right now? Yeah, I do you do Yeah, I do you don't have pink eyes. Yes, I do you have pink eyes. Yes. Why are you here? Because I have to work you Joe instilled a schedule yesterday that I'm not allowed to I have to be here Why don't you tell me a pink guy? I have had pink eye all day, dude. I Have pink eye all day. I haven't been staring into your eyes If you took two seconds to talk to me You would have saw that I had pink eye and now it's gonna come out on the show that I have pink eye
Starting point is 00:54:26 Yeah, I have pink eye now. I'm ugly Don't touch me You've got stuff on your face. You got your glasses on your You'll never get a job I'm a short pink. I had ugly bit Man It's a fact. Yeah, dude, but I've had pink eye all day. You haven't looked at me once today It's only in that corner of your eye. Yeah, of course. What pink eye is. No, your eye just gets paint. Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:02 Last night. It was the whole thing and I almost called out. You fucking scared me yesterday so much I was like I had to be here Did you get drip drops? Yeah, I got drip drops, man. I don't know. Oh wait. It's contagious You put you put pink eyes contagious very if I get pink eye because you put some What do you want me to do stop fingering it? It's itchy Wait, is that why you had visee in that one time You liar pink I you lying sack of shit I have pink eye, dude. Yeah now while you know that
Starting point is 00:55:40 But you made me come to work today. No, no, no, wait. Do you actually have pink? Yes. Did you go to the doctor? I have conjunctivitis. Yes, but you went to the doctor. Yes. Are you taking medicaid? Yeah, I want to okay. I want to urgent care and they were like it's I was like is this allergies is pink guy There's been guy Yeah, pink guy being guy Yeah, so you've been doing that. Yeah, do you have medicaid? Yeah, I have drops and shit. It's contagious though I don't think so. Why don't you start medication? No, I didn't they didn't give me medication for like medication Yeah
Starting point is 00:56:21 Okay, yeah, I just didn't want your your you know your poop eye on me. No, you're gonna get it I've touched multiple things of yours today. I drove your car today. Yep Also went to home depot to get a copy of keys didn't take Apple pay couldn't get the keys You didn't tell me that either I just told you now you're a chamber of secrets How am I chamber of secrets you hid your fucking shit? I know now you're hiding the key I never hit anything you didn't ask me if I hit it. I wouldn't have told you especially not on the show You purposely omit info That's not true. That's not true. Stop saying that
Starting point is 00:57:00 I Just told you now. How am I live? I told you now. I'll tell you this I Know what we're going after this and you better put a fucking eye patch on that thing Because I'm not gonna have this fucking strand of coronavirus seeping through your eye all over this apartment I'm not having that. What do you want me to do? What do you want me to get an eye patch? I'll get an eye patch, but I don't have any problem wearing an eye patch with the only thing is is that Joe scared me a lot yesterday. Oh He scared me a lot. All right episode last week went out a half an hour late, which is my fault, okay?
Starting point is 00:57:39 I'll say it into the camera. It's my you know this kid's got pink eye How is it a considerate that Joe told me I had to be here today Because if not I was gonna be in big big trouble literally never came out of my mouth That literally never came out of my mouth Josh. Why is it wet cuz it's pink eye, bro Why is it wet? Now you guys make me feel self-conscious ugly and shit You got a shit eye. Yeah, whatever man. I probably picked up my dog shit and Shut it in your eye. I don't know man. Poop-poop particles be around bitch Did your dog just blast one off into your eye? I don't know man
Starting point is 00:58:23 Make me feel ugly, bro Josh brown pants Josh. Are people ugly? People are ugly. Some people are some people are ugly. This is getting worse Yeah, I think you're like now. He's blinking a lot. Are you sure it's yeah? You went to the doctor Yeah, I went to the urgent care of the block from my Up the street from my apartment and I was like is this conjunct these or is this is out of it? Yeah, and they were like this conjunct these Okay, when did you start? When did you go? I have medicated? I've medicated drops. When did you go?
Starting point is 00:59:00 I went last night. Oh, okay. Yeah, cuz I was gonna say like this thing I doesn't like last more than a day or two You're not walking around all pink-eyed out. I don't really I haven't had in a while Yo, do you remember when Bob costs us at the Olympics and he had fucking pink eye in? Both of his eyes it was fucking disgusting You remember that yeah, it was wait they sent them home do He's just like this
Starting point is 00:59:26 Lose one today getting double-pinked is really crazy. Yeah, and I'm afraid to touch this side now Yeah, you should you fingered the hell out of that. Can't you call me out though on television, bro? Live TV to me. Yeah I didn't I wasn't I didn't know for sure took a couple minutes just to look me in the face You know what from now on when you walk in the door take your glasses off and let me examine you You know what? Why don't we just do a strip search, and I'll check your anal cav for polyps Okay, how's that? I'm ready. Yeah, I'm ready to get fucking checked I have a whole thing of doctor gloves in there of a doctor gloves in there
Starting point is 01:00:08 I was trying so hard not to touch this thing on the show and now I can't get it out of my head In my head What don't you don't you do it? I'll do it. Don't touch it. Tell me right now. I won't rub your phone with my eye Not my finger I'm gonna rub it on my eye If you rub my phone on your eye tell me right now if I told you last night Yeah after conversation we had yesterday. Yes, right? Yes, you listening. Yes, and I was like hey What's up? I just got diagnosed with conjunctivitis. You got guy knows. I said guy knows
Starting point is 01:00:48 Why are the pretty ones always so dumb such an idiot ugly bastard if I would have told you listen my ugly ass got diagnosed With conjunctivitis. Oh you gave me this I'm drinking pink eye No, if I if I would have told you I got conjunctivitis and didn't come in today Do not tell me to my face that you would have not been upset dude if you have a fucking pink eye Your eyes leaking. Yeah, bro. Oh fuck. He's like No, but listen listen listen I
Starting point is 01:01:24 Tried so hard to not touch this thing during the show the reason I went and got you a seltzer so I can go rub my eye Wow your chamber secret. I'm telling you the truth man. I'm coming out And I got to stay here and edit yeah with pink eye Yeah, yeah, so I had to come in today. There was no days off. There's no days off. Listen if you have There's no days off. There's no way out guys. Listen The stank needs to be cut right? I love that we're having this conversation The stank needs to be cut and uploaded by tonight There is no way that you would have been like hey Danny take your booboo eye
Starting point is 01:02:09 Stay home as your little booboo face and I'll edit the entire show if you have medication. You're good. See that's what it is Yeah, it's true. It's contagious though Well, it doesn't kill the contage Well, I'm just I'll be brave then that's fine But don't tell me that you wouldn't have not let me come in. Don't give me that shit. I did say that fucking put that shit on I didn't say that. All right. That's all I'm saying What are we saying? I was saying that if I was like, yo, I've got diagnosed with conjuncties Oh, yeah at that point I would have been mad because it's like okay. Here we go another one of Danny's
Starting point is 01:02:44 Oh my god, you know what it's just it's been a waterfall What's gonna happen next week? Guy calls me tells you get hit by a car again, I do a kid in a skateboard hit me in the spine. I can't walk now Like oh my dog peed My dog did piss my bed that time. I sent you that yeah, that was amazing. Yeah, my dog peed in his sleep And I tell you this I Would never hit my dog, but you wanted to put the fucking red fury that came over me
Starting point is 01:03:23 And I just saw his face Just piss everywhere and realizing at 3 30 in the morning. I have to do laundry now Oh my god, it was 3 30 in the morning. Yeah, dude. Did you know beyond? Did you contemplate being like I'll just handle this in the morning 100%? I was like y'all just sleep on the couch, but I was like, yeah, no this shit's gonna stink It's gonna seep into the goddamn mattress. I had to clean the whole fucking thing I'm scrubbing it with a breeze and all this shit. I had to flip the mattress Pissed in his dream. What dream was he having? No, he was dreaming and he woke up and pissed and I woke up to him peeing
Starting point is 01:04:00 I just woke up to him pissing on me And I hear like Like not like full piss and now I'm here in the squirts hit the sheets Yeah, and that's at the end. Yeah, and my legs are wet. My body is wet because my dog pissed all over me That's amazing. Yeah Good dog great guy. Yeah, great guy I'm telling you. I'm telling you this guy this guy is Is is is a ruthless assassin. All right, and listen
Starting point is 01:04:37 I gotta tighten up. I understand that I got tighten up on some stuff, but Danny no way you have pink I you don't have a knife in your head. I understand that but I'm just saying I was like, yo I'm just letting you know I'm coming in with pink eye. You never said that I didn't want to say it because Because you wouldn't have you wouldn't have met it. Well, I wouldn't have met it Well, yeah, bro, and if you looked me in the face, I came here anyway Because I knew the conversation wasn't one to be had Fucking hot bitch We're gonna find out right now is pink eye
Starting point is 01:05:14 Contagious after medication after drops I mean, it's fine just don't touch my computer I Know after you start drops, you're good. It says, oh, okay. That's fine. It's highly contagious and Typically treated with antibiotic eye drops. That's what I have For about 24 hours after starting a course of antibiotics, it's not contagious How many hours are we not 24 like 14 15? We're good. We're fine. We're fine. We're fine I
Starting point is 01:05:56 Tell you what I get poop. I It's going down. I'm sorry. No, it's fine. Oh, whatever pink. I don't give a fuck I didn't know that was like information. I have to I don't like this idea that you think I'm a chamber of sea keys I've come out and told all these things it'd be different if I did it. I would say I'll say this I'll say this. I was joking when I said that. No, you're not. No, no, but I will say I will say this If you have a highly contagious anything, uh-huh, maybe mention that. Yeah Next time That's a hole right and that's not being a chamber of secrets and that's not a crazy ask
Starting point is 01:06:36 All right, cuz I'm sure JOS H over there would like to know if he's got to stay away from your eye Yeah, cuz he loves your eye. He does so a lot of people do So I'm very attractive not that many not in Sweden Nobody loves those eyes in Sweden. Listen, I had fans come up to me in Sweden Yeah, that doesn't mean they wanted to like get close and guess what? Yeah, I gave them pink eye No, but I'm not worried about getting you sick. I'm worried about getting that brain sick What does that mean? Cuz once that brain starts going I get skirt
Starting point is 01:07:12 Guys, I'm a little afraid of Joe at times. I've been I've been I've expressed that that I get a little scary This is like your new thing that you tell that you say that you're scared of me. Yeah a little bit of what am I doing? I don't know man. You have this weird. I'm just a little boy. You have this type a personality is strong and scary I'm a little boy Joe Smashed something in the office. I smashed my desk. Yeah, so now imagine a little boy Yeah, but imagine working next to somebody and they bash their desk and this person is your boss What's keeping him from bashing me you bashed desks. I watch you bash a desk. That's true That's true. You slapped the fucking the drawer up to you you bashed and slapped and then Joe goes come on
Starting point is 01:08:05 Come on It's like when people Freak right come on come on together red stop stop it just stop Well, you stop like You tell your kid that he can't have ice cream. He starts like tearing up. You're like, oh come on. Are you gonna cry now? Relax that might be the worst thing you could say to somebody you're gonna cry. What are you gonna cry now? Oh? My god
Starting point is 01:08:39 Yeah, I'm gonna fucking cry Tom she says me we're gonna cry. I'm like, I'm gonna slap the shit. Yeah, I'm gonna kill you tonight And then he'd kill me. Yeah one time I tried to hit Thomas and he got really mad I think Tom's still beat the shit out of you. Yeah, but It would be a good fight. I think Tom still beat the shit probably it's all the brother thing Yeah, but I'll get my elbow, but there was one time that like I don't know what we were fighting about but we were tussling and he
Starting point is 01:09:07 Grabs me and now he was way bigger than me and he like pinned me on the floor spitting your mouth No, I didn't get that hot And I got my hand free and I went to go hit him. Yeah, which I've never done before in my life I've never hit any of my you wound up. I'm on the I'm on my back So I went to go like hit him Okay, and he moved out of the way and then grabbed me by my head and smashed it into the floor Wow And he was like you gonna hit me I'm just like I can't really see you. Yeah, right now because I'm bad for concussion
Starting point is 01:09:40 But yeah, I was have you ever punched Keith? No has Keith ever punched you? No, keep the only thing that Keith's done to me. We've pushed each other like we get the shoving matches We've never like hit each other like I never slapped him. He's never slapped me but I Did push him one time and he like was off-balance. So he like just buckled into the Fucking dresser. So then I saw he just turned around just gave me a look like Killing and I was like I'm out. Yeah So I started running away and I ran into the front yard and he pushed me so hard that the concrete wall that separates us and the neighbors
Starting point is 01:10:17 They had this like heavy It was probably like 20 pound stone on top Yeah, that like tops off thing and I hid into that and I just fell off Wow Yeah, and then we both got up and we're like, oh my god Nothing stops a fight better than like something like a miraculous feet. Yeah. Yeah, it's like yo, dude. You see that holy shit I'm not even mad at you anymore. I was like impressive. Yeah, it was yeah, it was crazy. Yeah Me and my brothers. Oh, I've never punched Jared or slap Jared me and Mike have fought Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:51 Yeah, it's pretty crazy Your eye looks like it's getting better. Well, I put drops in it Five seconds ago. No, no, no, I put them when I went to go get the seltzer. It takes a little time Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm not just gonna go crazy. How often you got to do it? They said like every two three hours Yeah, it's not it's not this, you know Probably wasn't the best episode to bring up looks that have pink eye probably not It's like this guy thinks he's cool. He's got fucking pink. This guy's got conjuncties
Starting point is 01:11:21 He's junked in all over the episode. It's got junk all over the trunk there You should junk it all over this place. What should we title this episode? Are people ugly or pink eye is pink eye ugly pink eye Fuck this pink. I make you ugly Robert Pattinson with pink eye. Yeah Remember that moment remember that time you put you and Robert Pattinson in the same like realm of hotness. Yeah, that was absurd Yeah, that was what was that? I mean, I was riding for you because you're my dog. Yeah, but what was I thinking? Robert Pattinson's a hot and hot man
Starting point is 01:11:58 I think you think you're a little hotter than you are in that moment. No, no, I don't think so, you know what I'm saying I know where I think I know where my hotness ends and you don't think I know no you think I'm you think I think I'm hotter Yeah, no, yeah, what makes you think that that one thing is what you thought that little brain No, little brain yours. I think you think you're sexy boy and you are a sexy boy, but I think you think you're sexy No, I don't think I'm a sexy boy. Yeah, I think I'm just an attractive man. Yes, I don't think I'm a sexy Do you think I'm an attractive man? I think you're an attractive man. Thank you. Not my type Don't need to be exactly You're not you honestly, you're not my type either
Starting point is 01:12:34 I'm not your type not one bit Why would what's what's your type? I would like a like a like a bigger stronger man That's just me like wrestle you. Yeah, I want somebody that you know a rugged man. I've got no shot Right, okay, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, I we could do it, but it's cute like he'll let me win a little bit But he'll just then at the end is Who's who we talking here like what's uh, what's her face is? What's uh, Sophia of Agar's husband's name. Oh, that's my guy Joey some Joey the Beangelo or something mean yellow mean getting yellow. Yeah fucking hot. Yeah big strong dude
Starting point is 01:13:20 Yeah, big hands. Take care of me. Yeah, put me down pick you up by your head Take me anywhere. Oh anywhere wants. Yeah power clean me. Yeah, that's more my type. I'm sorry. No, no I can't I was more into like a Joe Jonas You know I'm saying Joe Jonas. Yeah. Yeah You look like you could be like Joe Jonas is like Little less attractive brother. Wait, who are we talking about Nick? Joe Nick? Nick I don't know the Jonas Brothers that well Come on the show Nick Jonas did on follow me on Instagram fucking asshole or Joe Jonas did Joe Jonas did not Nick Nick
Starting point is 01:13:56 Thanks, bud But um, yeah, yeah, I think I think you're attractive guy Okay, it's not that I wouldn't take a pass at you like I let you take me for a spin Yeah, but like I'm not gonna wife you there's no chance. Yeah, there's just yeah There's not enough there for me. Yeah You're a great guy. Yeah, like I admire you. Yeah, like we'd hook up but not in front of people. Yeah Yeah, you know what I mean like I wouldn't tell people about it. No, it's okay I'll tell like like my best friend and then he'd laugh at me like what?
Starting point is 01:14:27 Serious dude and that face would happen. Yeah, did it I don't know this one's been ridiculous. Yeah Scared I don't want to go back and listen to it. So what do we take from this? I'm a liar You got pink guy. I have pink guy Joe thinks he's way hotter than he is. No, no Joe thought. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah At least you know what you did come back down the earth. You did as soon as I got the information I got the evidence. I was like, wait, what wrong here? Like I said before I was matching your energy because I want you to be happy All right, like I'll let you live in a fantasy. Well, I just haven't seen Robert Banson in a while. Yeah Yeah, the guy's gonna play Batman dude. Yeah, you can't play Batman and not be alright. We're talking George Clooney
Starting point is 01:15:08 We're talking Christian Bale. We're talking Even what's his name? You could play Robin. Maybe You can be Robin. I couldn't be Robin. I Don't get the thighs for time. Are you better looking than Joseph Gordon Levitt? Fuck no, that guy's a good-looking guy Like, you know, I could see him not being hot though to people. I think people think he's very attractive. It's good-looking guy Yeah, I don't think I'm that I Don't think I'm very attractive. I just think people go like okay
Starting point is 01:15:38 I can acknowledge that this is a person that people might be into That's all I'm saying. I was that's where I am. That's all I was there's very attractive and then there's like this guy's just like hot Listen, I see sexy boy. Yeah, I see dudes and I'm like, yeah, that's a hot dude. Yeah when someone's just like Yeah, like come on. Yeah, like just why you've been out here. Yeah, why are you here? It's annoying that you're here Go crazy crazy thing. I realized about South, Florida Hot boys brawl a lot of hot dude and they Nothing wrong with this They'll have like valet jobs
Starting point is 01:16:15 And I'm like, bro, like if it was Los Angeles, I would get it. It's like, yo, you're trying to act or like whatever I'm like, yo, bro Your valet You are you're this guy was so fucking hot. I was like, bro, I make probably a good amount more money than this guy and I looked at him and as I looked at him. I said, whoa Wrong line of work What work should he be in that's something where the people could see him
Starting point is 01:16:48 Stay, yeah, man. This kid was a star. I saw him. I said, look at this guy. This guy's hot as shit You know, it's you know, it's really funny. We were at I was it was actually when I was in Miami that I was out to dinner Man at a table were just five dudes and One of the waiters comes out of the kitchen the kitchen is like behind my friend I'm like facing the kitchen. This guy comes out and I just go whoa Right. I go like that like audibly right and they go what I'm like, you know, I'm like, you know Some dude just walked out of the kitchen built like guest on The guy was huge, right? So he's got like slick back hairs ripped up probably gay because he was like pretty as hell
Starting point is 01:17:24 Yeah, and then he like he like leaves and like goes to whatever but then he ends up bringing Later on and he was fire bringing he ended up He meant ended up bringing something to our table that we didn't order. He's like here you go guys And he put like some pizza down or something like mushrooms and shit on it and then we're all like, oh, no We didn't order and then he like ended up walking away and then when he walked away Eric goes yo that guy came over and five straight dudes like lost their breath Yeah, dude, there's some people that are that like I know I'll never be
Starting point is 01:18:00 That stratosphere. Yeah, like those people I was just like dude. What would be doing here? We got to get you out of here I don't like being in the same Building as some some people like you ever go to a bar. See, I'm not like that. Nah, I'm not like that I'm confident enough. I don't give a shit how fucking hot you are Really? I know I'm fine, but I will admire somebody that's hot. I'm not gonna not admire them I'm gonna be like, yeah, that's a good-looking dude or like that's a fucking hot girl. Okay. I'm joking you piece of shit I'm just saying you think I'm gonna be like sir. Can you please leave? No, no, no But I'm just saying you got to have a certain like sometimes I don't give a fuck sometimes you walk into a bar
Starting point is 01:18:38 And there's a girl in there and you're like well What is this? Yeah, why are you here? What is this thing? Yes, they're like a they're filming a TV show tonight. Yeah, what's this? What's this about? This is a prank show and I was actually culture And I always think like you know how people know they're hot and they do sometimes they don't but sometimes they don't This is gonna work out you must have grown into your hotness. Yes, you can't be hot your whole life You're you suck if you're hot your whole life. You know
Starting point is 01:19:08 Yeah, you're just yeah, you got it, you know, but if you were Hideo so yeah, quack quack quack. Yeah, senorita your mother smells like pizza if you were that Hideo so quack quack quack senorita your mother smells like pizza if you're that and then Oh You never heard of quackadilly oh, so no quackadilly oh, so if you're not ugly your pizza. What'd you say? It's quackadilly oh, so quack quack quack senorita your mother smells like pizza There you go. He knows it. Yeah, but that's it sounds some weird Queen shit. That's why I said Hideo so
Starting point is 01:19:50 Quack quack quack senorita your mother smells like fucking pizza And but then you grew into being just a smoke job, right? Then you might have some like, you know Residual ugliness about you in your personality. That's a good thing Because if you're if you you weren't an attractive guy, right, you know, like what do they call it like ugly ducklings ugly ducklings late bloomers late bloomers You know, you couldn't rely on your looks and not everyone just like, you know Borscht up the ground that you walked on so you you know, you've worked for it. Yeah, you know, whatever
Starting point is 01:20:24 I don't know dude certain to an episode like shallow. How like I don't think either of us came off shallow at all I think we came off anything if truthful. I'm trying to loop you in with me here I don't think we did anything It's a very Danny centered Why not at this point? Yeah, you know Found out I'm a liar apparently We're both not each other's type. Yeah, but we would still fuck. I mean, yeah Not and put no, we wouldn't tell anyone about it though. No, no, no, it'd be ashamed to tell those people 100%
Starting point is 01:21:10 We'd be our friends would make fun of us as they knew you fucked him. I'm like, yeah I've got to hurt us. Oh my god, that's Bill Clinton My god, it's Bill Clinton. He heard me UPS probably yeah Yeah, I think we could wrap it up here. Yeah. Yeah before bill walks in here Billy plays and yeah, where can they find you at Dan low priori on Instagram and Twitter and at the doctor But still not being able to get time off because I'm terrified of Joe Joe Where can they find you they could find me at Joe Sanagato also find me at the doctor because apparently I'm about to get
Starting point is 01:21:45 Pankite go check out other people's lives. We have a new episode out We talked to a porn star. We talked to someone who has PTSD for military combat and we talked to someone who It's attractive is this is a slave in a master slave relationship. So that's all we have so far episode Why but by the time this comes out, there'll be another episode out It's a great season. Go check it out slash other people's lives and go follow us on Instagram At OPL podcast and go follow this show on Instagram at the basement yard and go check out our patreon Slash the basement yard. We have a daily morning show that we do called the morning meeting So you get it Monday to Friday and that is all
Starting point is 01:22:23 See you guys next time you're hot You

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