The Basement Yard - #231 - Are You On Tik Tok?

Episode Date: March 2, 2020

On this episode, we discuss the longevity of TikTok, women screaming, if we close our doors before we go to bed & more! Enjoy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys go check out our patreon where you can get our daily morning show and next week's episode today Welcome back to the basement. Yeah You just steal the intro from me. I thought I thought that was I thought it was my feet. I thought it was my day I thought it was my day. It was my day. Oh Bone to pick with you. Not really a bone not really a bone It's not much of a boner this whole that whole expression to make no sense to me big head How do you pick a bone? You can't you can't pick ahead? Well, you can pick a bone they pick your bones. I got a bone to pick with you if I'm picking bones
Starting point is 00:00:31 I'm having a good time. I'm having wings. Who's the guy for mrs. Doubtfire that was Robin Williams brother And he sounded like there's a gay man the gay man. Yes, we're gonna make you look nice. It fabulous Who was that guy? I don't know that guy that guy is a great rat voice that guy was super gay But a bigger smoker. Oh brother. Let's see. Well, we got a lot of smoked a lot of cigarettes and a lot of penis as well We have a lot of work to do. Yeah, oh, honey We're gonna make sure your wife and kids don't know it's you listen when I get through it do that I'm gonna have no idea who you are. Isn't he an independent say too. Yeah The greatest fucking voices of all time the aliens
Starting point is 00:01:07 There's the aliens up there. Yeah, take it easy. Let me do your makeup Jeff goblum do me a favor take your sunglasses off finally Jeff goblum always got sunglasses on look at Will Smith up there It's gonna save the entire nation and the entire planet. Look at him up. Look at him up there Bill Paxson He's just one of the hottest presidents of all time. I Forgot Bill Paxson was the president in that movie. All right, we will not go quietly into the night Imagine How unlucky of a president would you have to be that during your presidency the aliens came
Starting point is 00:01:47 That's the one that I get also everything seemed to be going fine. We got a really hot president Yeah, Bill Paxson back. That was Bill Paxson, right? I'm not crazy. I'll double-check, but I think you're right Wait, maybe I'm getting confused here. I really hope it's him, but I could be wrong. I might be confusing people No, oh wait, it's not Bill Paxson president Independence Bill Paxson is in twister. I think The president was played by Bill Pullman Bill Paul. Yeah. Yeah said Paxson Pullman. It was close I was use Paxson. I was Paxson. He was pulling. That's the thing. He played a president Thomas J. Whitmore a former fighter pilot and golf war veteran Yeah, cover me. He was like talking out of the side of his mouth at one point in that movie
Starting point is 00:02:36 And I was like damn this dude's fucking dope. That'd be so wack. Yo, would you ever get in a jet? Yeah fighter jet Yeah, I would bugging I Would get sick like for sure. We throw up. Yeah, no Shifting my pants. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because it's like all right. We're gonna take it to I might do literally go 30 Yeah, yeah, we're gonna break the the sound barrier or whatever. What does that feel like? Can you see a plane and then you just see smoke? It's like It's like the one the fucking what's it called the Millennium Falcon just disappears dude we created not us we not we me and you but us as people
Starting point is 00:03:12 Created a airplane That can break the speed of sound Who why first of all also, why did we stop there? Let's break more. Yeah Let's keep going. How fast can we make these things? I'm not getting in it though You know, it's weird when you go to baseball games and they hit the ball if you're sitting really far. It's like oh Cuz the speed of sound yeah, like the swing goes and then it's like okay, and then it's like I'm like, oh there it is Yeah, makes me feel weird What they did poor
Starting point is 00:03:44 Get closer No, I do you're talking. I can't even hear the ball get hit until later. It's delayed The richer you are the quicker you can hear that ball. Yeah, the richer you are the quicker you hear balls If you're really rich you can hear the ball before it's hit. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, that's what crazy when you set up close and you hear like that Of the ball. Yeah, yeah Sounds like a fucking leather snake is coming after you leather snake Yeah, yeah, but being president during the alien invasion. What do you even say instead of you know
Starting point is 00:04:17 We will not go quietly until the night. Also, you're gonna go a little quietly I'll say that because like he was given a speech at the end of that movie and like it was rumble Yeah, they also blow up the White House or is that a different? No, they blow the White House the both White House Which how would they why would you blow up the White House if I'm an alien? I'm not blowing up the white. What's in the White House? Who cares? I think it's the symbolism. It's like this is the how do they know? There's what there's other buildings if someone blew up the White House, I mean, yeah, I'd be like, you know, whatever God, you know, try it, you know a national tragedy thing, but it's like what's in there documents Is there things that we need in there or what is it probably there's a lot of artifacts, you know
Starting point is 00:05:00 It's an alien artifacting an alien if they really wanted to fuck up the earth They come down they just kill Wi-Fi and they ruin everyone's cloud then people would lose their minds Yeah, you blow up the White House. It's like, all right. We don't use file cabinets, bud Like what's in there that we need a picture of Abraham Lincoln cares It's just also weird to think about there's people out there that have some of the most important passwords in the world. Oh Like yeah, like like say you worked in like the Pentagon or some shit. Yeah You have one of the most like important passwords in the world Oh, yeah, and and yo, you know, it's crazy about that
Starting point is 00:05:37 There was a story of this kid like in Bed-Stuy who was able to hack the Pentagon Get through all these like firewalls, which like first of all sick name for like what it is. Yeah, and fire wall dude Nothing cool. It's dangerous. Yeah. Yeah, and you can't get through a firewall imagine getting through four or five That's a whole tuffy. Yeah, it's a lot of fire That's a lot of wall and wall. Yeah but People are able to do it and it's kind of it's just wild man. I don't know anything about that world It's just it's just weird like there was a kid on beyond scared straight
Starting point is 00:06:12 Who was there for like computer hacking or something and it was the funniest thing in the world? Because it's like he's in his room Just like hacking his like schools website and like putting like a penis on it or something I'm making that up But then he gets to like prison with beyond scared straight and these fucking guys are in his face like you know Oh, you think computers is fun like they're just in his face like you won't end up with me I'm gonna fuck you and I was like, you know, I'm just you know, I'm on my computer. Jill How do you think you do on beyond scared straight as a child? Yeah, I would have whatever they had I would have painted
Starting point is 00:06:44 Someone's nails. I'd have been terrified. I love to think that I would have been like. Yeah, right. No one is like that I'm sucking dick Oh my god, I'll be like, yeah, like I'm willing to do it like if you want to move this from A&E to HBO. We could do that That's fine Depending on what channel this is I'm ready for whatever you have. Did you ever see the one where the guys like put your finger in there? What was it? So he opens his Kool-Aid, right? Oh, yeah, this is lipstick in here And he made the kid put fucking Kool-Aid all over. How do you go home after that? I don't know. I would never recover. Imagine being the editor of that show. And he's just like, yeah
Starting point is 00:07:23 He's just like, oh my god, he did it. She's like, yo, give that guy a raise for the Kool-Aid thing. That was genius I like that they have like a like, uh, I love how it's like 11 year old kids is like, why are you here fighting? I kill eight people You're gonna end up like me. It's like, not really. No, I still got a shot. I'm not gonna kill eight people I fought people and in seventh grade. Yeah, everybody fought when they were 11 That's what you do when you're 11. It's so funny, dude. I love that show. I love when like they'll be like Like they'll play like that weird noise before it's like I'm Gerard, I'm 13 and I'll be fighting and I'll hit my mom Yo, they always like beat their mom. They always hit their mom
Starting point is 00:08:04 It's like this is a hole where Gerard threw me through. He's like, I don't know. She just made me mad They're always touching something when they're like, I don't know man. I don't know. I don't really pay attention like that I got anger problems Come on and the guys just like hey, man, yo, man, yo, man, I ain't gonna take this from you, man They'll be like, yeah, you wish. Yeah, you wish. They're always like cool. Like yo stop stop You tried to keep your cool so much It's my favorite type of scream when I was a kid, bro Like when you get so mad that you just go upstairs put your face in a pillow and just go
Starting point is 00:09:04 Screaming into a pillow Amazing one of the most therapeutic things you could do everyone out there right now if you're watching the show grab the nearest pillow And scream into it and I guarantee you you're gonna feel better. All right ready five four three two one go Very good tag us on Instagram. Yeah, tag us in all your screams. Yeah, but it's so good. It feels so good It's almost like Yanking, you know I'm saying yeah, it's like jerking off. Yeah, it's a release for sure I literally just thought of Imagine as you ejagulate
Starting point is 00:09:39 You scream into a pillow same time Like you're like What a release I mean, I don't I don't have to imagine that you scream. Yeah, you don't scream. No, I I've screamed I Yeah, like oh Yeah, I'm talking about into a pillow like full-on like all your my like primal scream Yeah, no, I've never primal scream like you like your King Kong you just climb that tower Tower the Empire sequel thing or like you were just in a battle and you killed like ten people You're covered in blood. Just covered in blood. You're holding someone's heart. Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:19 I just scream like that. What is that like? Screaming is great. Yeah screaming is amazing hearing people scream though is is scared obviously screaming scary women screams really scares me Here a guy scream. I'm like what is it Halloween like a for whatever reason doesn't register with me But hearing a woman scream. I'm like, there's a guy with a knife. Yes, and then also. It's like You think all women scream like It's way worse it's blood curdling. Oh my god Just screams like someone's like Oh
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah, no also There's nothing worse than like if a friend like jump scares you the amount of fear that goes through your head and then anger Immediately and then anger immediately after oh I hate that I hate that I've also never heard my dad scream for longer than point five seconds He's what do you mean like he'll get he's never like I've never heard him scream like a like a regular scene like ah It's always like hot you fucking It's a very quick and then right until you fucking bitch
Starting point is 00:11:38 You fucking is a great follow-up to being afraid though you fucking you fucking And then you never know what they're fucking you never know you never know what they are You know, you don't think that am I a bitch dad. Yeah, what am I dad? You just screamed like a bitch They always try to like they don't know what to say Jezebel One time my dad slipped on you remember wrecked from Toy Story. Yeah, of course. Oh, no, that was terrible That was who was that was that Kirby? I don't know. Oh, no I wouldn't wreck wreck sound like he was a bitch
Starting point is 00:12:16 um Buzzy He but I don't know I can't do impressions, but I can do slink Slinkers like I'll meet you in the back. Hey, you know what a couple hookers. Hey, you miss the potato head Come on. What it will double team little boat people Come on, Woody. Come on. Let's go fuck the shepherd or whatever she was Yeah, I don't know Dad's decked on Rex. So he stepped on Rex and he like screen. He didn't scream, but he was just like I mean
Starting point is 00:12:55 it was probably that all you fucking thing and He got so bad That he just took this toy and threw it like a Nolan Ryan fastball against the wall and it Exploded into a thousand pieces because he just didn't know how to deal with it couldn't scream Guy can't scream for whatever reason gotta be a good release for him then Oh, he probably had a great time probably threw his shoulder out as well Yeah, yeah, you know I'm saying and then blame that on me as well. You saw this. Huh?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Like you saw this. Oh, yeah, I saw it. I got to I got a lot of trouble See, this is why you fucking toys and then you know, it's like this whole thing My parents love connecting things together, of course if I didn't do the dishes It was somehow connected to the homework. I didn't do two years ago 100% It's like this is why you never know when the science fair The worst thing is when I would my mom would yell at me when we're in the basement Because when my mom would get mad at me She would then walk to her room and then on the way to her room complain about
Starting point is 00:13:56 Everything and if she was in the basement in her rooms all the way at the top she gets to walk to the whole house It was a long fucking complaint right like all new kids And it's shit and then yeah all this fucking laundry all the shoes now and then look at the dogs and I'm like just Why can't we just fight your room when you stay in here dude think about how crazy we drove our parents though Yeah, dude like to the brink of insanity probably to the brink of insanity easily It's wild to think about it's really crazy to think about dude. I've seen my mom do Insane things because of us. Yeah, she chased Keith around our house and Was screaming bend over bend over so she could smack his ass
Starting point is 00:14:39 Remember that catch him. Oh, he bent over. Yeah, it's remember you would run from your parents and then a party you would just stop It's just like it's inevitable This is another true story and I you some people know this because I think we talked about it once on a podcast But my mom was chasing Keith and the reason why he chased Keith is because Keith is just completely unfazed He would laugh at my parents when they would like try to discipline what a psychopath Yeah, or like we'd be making noise or whatever and then they'd be yelling at him and he would just be like this So it's like look at this little asshole. I was laughing at it. Yeah, like me. I would just start crying So it's like all right. I'm getting the satisfaction as like this kid knows what's going on
Starting point is 00:15:14 Oh, like I'm getting like I'm getting to you like at least I'm getting the one of them And you were getting the Keith but he just couldn't help but laugh because I guess it was just like an uncomfortable situation Right, so my mom was chasing Keith around and then Keith like rant was running away And then he just stops and turned around he goes Wait, I'm sorry, and she just ran and just kicked him in the nuts Yeah, that's awesome blasted him in the nuts and he went You saw that happen. No, I don't remember Damn, dude, I don't remember it, but I know that it happened Thomas. Oh, how old were Keith nuts?
Starting point is 00:15:51 eight Old enough to beat nuts old enough eight nine ten older also old enough for your mom to lift him off the ground with a nut kick If I kicked an eight year old athletic, so it wasn't you know, it's not an athlete throwing a kid It was like a kick and a pullback. I don't know what kind of kick it was. You might have been kicking through them I don't know. Yeah, but I mean we talked about this on other podcasts It we were talking about like girls yelling and shit like if you're gonna get into an argument with your girlfriend like in public And just dude screaming at their girlfriends. You're done, dude
Starting point is 00:16:28 Like you can't you're not winning that at all as a dude Do tour out screaming at their girlfriends in public. I'm always just like Public fights are bad. I would almost rather see a physical altercation than a than a yell match. Yeah, cuz I'd be like Like I was coming out of carbon and there was two separate couples fighting and I was like yo This is extremely uncomfortable. Oh, there was there was side-by-side. No, no, no I think they might have been together. Oh, but everyone was just but everyone was just fighting Yeah, and then like he was like the girls like all right like come on like Robert like come in who's like yeah Whatever thanks to the waste of $50
Starting point is 00:17:11 What was it $50? I wish I fucking knew I didn't stay around long enough But the guy was and then the other guy went up to him was like hey, man. I understand but he's like it's $50 And I was like what's this? I don't know what $50 was I don't know if I could ever get bent out of shape for $50 like that the fact that you're going into an expensive restaurant They were going to car bone. Yeah, they were walking in there. Listen guy Nothing's $50. Yeah. Well, maybe maybe yeah, maybe you needed $50 maybe 50 more dollars. Yeah, whatever. It's a waste of $50. I Think maybe I had to do a car service or something like that But we talked about it on the first show I ever did with you ever
Starting point is 00:17:48 the fallen Vine star. Yeah, it's Would you intervene if There's a couple arguing It no not physical. Okay. No, but they're arguing It would only be if he was getting in her face like you fucking bitch Yeah, he was in her face But if they're just yelling like and he's throwing his head like oh, and then your mother-in-law like it's a stone all this shit Um, I wouldn't but if he was if it was like a fucking fucking bitch
Starting point is 00:18:16 Yeah, then I'd be like dude chill. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but if he's like throwing his head back and it's like just a fight If I see this from a dude, I'm like, all right, he's okay Yeah, but if he but if he's just like oh you and he's like walk it and then I'm like walking her down And she's backing up and I'm like this is getting a little crazy But we always talked about it too like if that happens There's an innocent bystander that comes in and goes to the girl. It's like are you okay? Is everything all right? Yeah, and then the guy's like we're fine and he's like no excuse me. I'm talking to her. I Was talking to her. Yeah, are you okay? Are you okay? Yeah, you don't win those
Starting point is 00:18:56 It doesn't matter if you're right or you're in like you're so right getting to a fight with your girlfriend on the street It's automatic L for dude Also, just like yeah, it's not a good idea in general just because like I mean you look psychotic, but like also Yeah People screaming at each other. It's just not good. It's just L. Yeah, the tie goes to the woman Yeah, tie goes to the woman for sure like if the woman if the woman's just screaming and the guy's just like okay Like whatever. I've seen people step in and be like, man Relax. Yeah, I've seen some crazy girl screaming at dudes like I fucking loved you
Starting point is 00:19:33 I'm just like yo Or I've seen videos on like barstool or whatever of like dudes just like leaning up against a fence Oh, yeah, and then their girlfriends are like in their face like and then you're a fucking bit and like I That is just absurd to me the top like the touching of the face or just like in my face with your hands Yeah, I would be like I I really need to get out of here I would look for like a way out as soon as like your hands came back. I would just book it I'm like, I'm not gonna have this fight right now like I'll do the swim move maybe
Starting point is 00:20:03 Yeah, because it's but I'm not even like too much of this. I'm not even cool with like Physically moving anybody not enough. They're like I'm faking it like I'm faking hard inside like b-gap and then I'm just coming around Uh, you know what I'm saying? I don't want to anyone who's like in that I've never been in that situation where like someone was screaming at me like that Yeah, like a girl was ever screaming at me like that But in those situations I feel like I don't want to touch this person because they might think that I'm becoming physical and then start hitting me. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, I don't want to do that So I like I just want to like peacefully get the fuck out. You've never been screamed at in public. No, oh, it's horrendous
Starting point is 00:20:39 I've never been like someone screaming at me. It's bad always alcohol related Well, I've been screamed at by like Homeless people for no fucking reason. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just be like suck you. I'm like, what's there? This is like you wait me or you yeah, who's talking about who is sucking? He's like, you know what we're talking about I was like, there's one of you, sir. Yeah, like who are we a group? There's one of you. I love when like yo So I went in the kiff right Is that why you look like you're sponsored by them? No, no, no, no, it's just a coincidence, but I went in the kiff this weekend
Starting point is 00:21:15 As soon as I got out of the car, you know, like my uh, my denim jacket with like the Fuzz. Yeah, fuzz This guy goes Nice jean jacket, man It's really nice And I couldn't decipher if he was kidding or not And when I tell you how old is it probably like 20 something. Oh, yeah, that's the age Little fucking piece of shit
Starting point is 00:21:40 No, no, no, no, no, but like you're close. You're close to your 30s though. It's uh First of all, the first thing in my head was Burry my forehead into a skull Wow, you went right to headbutt. Yeah I was like, but then I honestly was like very cool about it. I was like, oh, thanks, man But for a split second, I said I'm gonna jam my head into this person's teeth until they fall to the ground Well, yeah But I played it cool
Starting point is 00:22:10 Do you think now looking back that he was joking or he's like like the jacket? I still can't decipher it Really? I can't maybe he did like the jacket or maybe he was being a fucking dick But a part of me was like This man got off on me Maybe I hate when people get off on me. Yeah, but like
Starting point is 00:22:30 Well, I don't hate when people get off like I don't mind you can get off on me if you want I don't want to get off on you at all. I'm not saying to you. I'm just saying just and crowd sourcing I don't mind getting off on but I don't like if people are getting off on me at my expense Okay, I'm having trouble following this. You want people to get off on you? Yeah Okay, but uh, I don't think the jacket is loud enough For someone to make that sarcastic remark That's what I said, but like that's why I think maybe he just liked the jacket
Starting point is 00:23:01 I I really want to believe that But I really I wish I could find this kid and be like, hey You like this jacket? You like this jacket? No. Well, what's going on with the jacket? Just film a tick tock. Why'd you say that? Yeah, and then it was like four of them Oh, there was a group. Yeah, four dudes one girl and I was like So I was like, all right. Yeah, I did like sausage I hate that fucking term. Yeah, sausage is fresh
Starting point is 00:23:33 Say sausage fest. Don't do this. Don't do it. Sausage fest sausage fest sausage fest sausage You almost had swastika chill out. I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You do it Sausage fest sausage fest Sausage fest sausage fest sausage fest sausage bench sausage. Who sausage sausage fest Sausage bench. What do you think he was doing? What do you think he was saying? He's getting after my fucking code. He's making fun of my code. I should have fucking buried my head into his fucking face No, but also like little kids can can do that to you easily
Starting point is 00:24:09 When little kids just say something like yeah, but you're fat and you're like Like you can't just be like, yeah, well, I'll beat the shit out of you. How's that the worst part about little kids, too Is that they're right and they mean it and they mean it and they're always right And they're always right a little kid has never lied in a situation like that. They lie about dumb shit Yeah, but if it's about your physical appearance, oh, this shit is true Yeah, and you know, that's what everybody's thinking. Yeah, and also he's speaking for the room A little kid just going you're ugly and you just go Damn son they're like
Starting point is 00:24:47 No, I'm not You can't say that to a five-year-old. Oh, I've said horrible things to children Dude, I worked with children for years I remember one time this kid was like, oh, uh, uh, Danny, you have big nipples. Yeah Flamed you flamed me at the pool. I said, yeah, well, you can't swim You swim in a first grade level and you're in fifth grade. So There's that I love the idea that you get so angry. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna flame you back
Starting point is 00:25:15 And then I just go, yeah, we all got problems. Why don't you why don't you learn how to swim first and then you can talk about my nipples? How's that? That's hilarious. The kid was in fifth grade Yeah He's getting around that age though. Then like he I I got in trouble for that obviously. Well, yeah. Yeah, I got in trouble for it. I then try and justify Why I said this to a fifth grade boy Was even dumber than what I said to the kid
Starting point is 00:25:45 I get called into the office. They're talking. They said listen blank came in And said that you said this about his that he's he's not good enough swimmer to go off the diving board And this because he said something about you. Yeah So I said you want to know what he said He said I have weird big nipples. You had to say that. Yeah To my bosses And then I go and I go that's not right. What are we gonna do about that? Now I'm trying to get this kid in trouble and this kid's getting me in trouble
Starting point is 00:26:17 This is a counter lawsuit. I don't even have big nipples And I was like, they're not weird You know, I'm bothered. I love how far this has gone. Dude. It went into the office, man I love that and they were like Danny listen like you know what he said I said, you know what you know what he said to me. He said I have weird big nipples In front of everyone And I said I'm an authority figure. You can't talk to me like that Yeah, and they were like, uh, we'll talk to his parents. I said, ah
Starting point is 00:26:48 If you can't talk about my nipples, that's inappropriate. It's inappropriate to talk about my nipples It's a physical thing kids fucking sexually assaulted me with his eyes. I don't think that's what's that sexual abuse I don't think that's it. It's looking at my nips, bro. Are you were you shirtless? Yeah I mean they're there for the taking I understand but the first thing I look at at somebody when they're shirtless is not their nipples They're clavicles Really? Yeah, these bones. Yeah No way. Yeah, look about I'm a clav watcher. I think I go right to nip. Yeah, because it stands out. There's contrast The skin is one color and then
Starting point is 00:27:26 You know the nipples nipples match the color of your ball sack I believe I heard it's your lips Potato potato, I don't think yours are darker than your lips though my nips. I have dark brown nips They call me dbn dark brown nips. Nobody called you that. Yeah, they did they did the coach of dbn I I swear to god I will release audio of someone calling me dbn dark brown nips dark brown nips Nice, so your nipples have been at the top of conversation for some years now I don't get it. My nipples have been talked about my entire life
Starting point is 00:27:57 They're that's what I'm saying, but they're they're captivating or they're polarizing because this kid seems to hate them But other people seem to love them. I wanted to crack this fucking kids forehead your nipples are kind of like Kim Kardashian People either love her or hate her. Yes, true. So it's you know, very polarizing nipples on this man Do you like to get your nipple a little? Get my nipple licked. Yeah, I don't think I've ever had my nipple licked. Whoa Other than by like a dog by accident or something Your dog ever like
Starting point is 00:28:27 No, Danny. I know where you're going. You're talking about no no no no no no you're not going into the peanut butter drawer Is that what you're asking me last thing I want to know is if your dog licked your penis I'm asking has your dog ever been close to like Because when you're around your dog you get naked around your dog to licking my dick Not licking your dick, but like maybe your butt or like maybe like a little bit in the area Have you ever slept naked while he was in the bed? uh and I don't know if I've slept naked my dog doesn't like sleeping in the bed like that
Starting point is 00:28:57 So he gets out anyway, but I do feel like when I get naked in front of my dog. He like knows Yeah, it's just something weird about something weird about being naked in front of a dog Yeah, and like the fact that he doesn't I feel like he knows because he doesn't act like his normal self He's kind of just like more like I'll turn around give you your space. So then it makes me feel like am I doing something wrong here Right. Am I like cornering this guy? Yeah, should I let him out? Like does he feel afraid right now that my pants are down am I like a Am I I don't want using this animal. Yeah, I'm not forcing anybody to look or you know, this isn't I'm just
Starting point is 00:29:32 I figured he wasn't gonna say anything another thing too big question Um, when you go to bed door shut or door open guys super shus has to be shusty, right? Yes I can't sleep with an open duck. No, I mean either. I need a shusty dog. I need a duck that is la and shut Yeah, I need it lock it eat actually I don't need to lock it But I definitely also I need to close myself off I need to close it just in case I hear someone and like wait and then at least I can lock it then Yeah, yeah, you know, I mean or gives you some time to hide. Yeah, give me something Let me hear a jingle before you come in here a jiggle jingle jingle jiggle the door handle jiggle jangle jumble
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah, I need a closed door. I need to be closed off from the world. I want doors close Yeah, because it makes me feel safer. Yeah, a smaller space. It makes me feel cleaner Like I'm ready for the for the sleep That's stupid Cleaner You think you the there's just dirty air in your hallway. I just feel like all the filth of outside It's coming in my living room. It has a chance to enter my sleep Pavilion, I don't want it. All right, you know when you're home alone
Starting point is 00:30:43 Do you shit with the door open? Yeah, I don't you shut it every time. I just shut it. No, I shit with the door open I like have done it but like I'll shit with it. Like I'll go in and just shit with it closed Which is normal. I don't know why I said that like it's like no shitting with the door closes Obviously extremely normal, but it's just like, you know, like if I'm like in a rush and like I'm hopping to shower Like I'll shower with the door open like I don't go fuck You close the door and you shower I close the door when I shower just because I like to keep the hot air in Yeah, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:31:17 But I also don't like walking out into a cold apartment and just be like oh Yeah, that's a terrible thing. That's a terrible thing. I did look into this these things you can install that are towel warmers Oh, yeah, and they're fire Imagine having a hot tie. Oh, oh, oh just a warm towel. I just need warm I just need warm now I've evolved into something I used to be a one towel guy All right
Starting point is 00:31:45 But when I was at my fattest I was a little self-contagant out of shower even for myself, of course like that was you know like 40 pounds ago I would go double towel. So now I'm just accustomed to double towel Uh-huh. So I'll put a towel here, but then one over my shoulders It's fantastic You're using two towels every time you shower a double towel Wait, what is this are you did it because you were self-conscious and you wanted to hide as much as you could right? I wanted to come out in a towel shell
Starting point is 00:32:19 Yeah, and hide my body from the earth Okay, but now it's just like I'm a body positive smoke show. So Okay, uh No, but like so what do you do with the top towel? You just like dry your yeah, I dry my I dry my top and then I pop it over the neck now. I got a cool neck towel now. I'm doing this Now you're like holding it. Yeah, now I'm doing this Yeah, we gave 110% tonight wiping it off. I'm good to go and then the bottom you you dry all your bullshit Yes, and a huge problem that I have
Starting point is 00:32:51 Um, I don't like to clean my asshole with my towel Okay, but I do though like you know, I get in there and I dry it you get in there. Yeah, I get on the cusp of it You don't enter into the no, I don't figure my hannous in there, but I just I just I Take a walk around I take a lap. I take a walk around the park too. I'm not you know digging Did you ever do this? No, because that's too crazy. That's that'll get some Some stuff in there. Yeah, you know, and I'm not trying to do that. I'm just trying to dry it off I'm not trying to like, you know, I'm not trying to irritate upset anybody in there. Yeah, you know, I'm not knocking on the front door
Starting point is 00:33:30 But I want to make sure that the front yard is clean Yeah, yeah, yeah front yard has to be clean. I won't kick the door down Because if you take your thing and you're you know doing one of these Come here in your ass. Yeah We're knocking the door down there, you know, I think you just had a Freudian slip there come here in your Come here. Come here in your ass Um Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I adopted this double towel system and I enjoy it. I like it
Starting point is 00:34:01 It's nice. I also leave towels everywhere. I have to get better at that Well, you use two every time and you don't you you don't You're didn't you say you only use a towel once and wash it? Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of insane How many times do you use a towel again three four something like that? I don't know man. It's touched my asshole Yeah, but after it's clean I don't know. I don't know vassals are ever clean not mine. It's uh, oh dude. I I tell you I dig in this ass in the shower Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I get like in the cusp area
Starting point is 00:34:38 What was that? I'll go like this deep Oh, I thought you literally would clean like this. I'm like, what is this? No, I get in there and I clean. I'm like, what? No, no, no. I get I get cuspy Like I go and please stop doing that. It's making me He's going yeah I'm just saying I clean it. I clean it. I clean my roots But you used to take way faster showers you shower longer now What used to be like a rinser
Starting point is 00:35:07 A rinser. Yeah, you'd be a rinse boy A rinse boy you'd be a rinse boy like you would like You know, I'm gonna take a shower Okay, that never happened. Yeah, you were a rinse boy for a little while. I'm still a fast shower taker Like what are we doing in there? You're better now. You're better. I get in there You know, I get warm and then I soap the whole joint. Yeah, and then I wash it away And then I shampoo You know what I'm saying and then I get the fuck out. You don't condition
Starting point is 00:35:39 Not all the time I also don't shampoo every time You're not supposed to shampoo every time. I know dude. Have you ever seen my hair? It's beautiful. I got some logs going here Joe I love you to death My hair is way beautiful Way beautiful. You do have different hairstyles, Danny Joe you have longer locks. My hair is fucking luscious
Starting point is 00:36:05 You know it too. You know it too. I don't know anything. You know my hair is lush. I'm not saying it's not lush It's okay. I don't want to make it a competition. It's not about competition. We're friends. We're friends. No, you grow your hair That's it. What the fuck You don't know what my hair looks like if I want to grow it out and I want to make it all wavy Yeah, right. I'll see that picture. I posted on my instagram. No, uh, you know, you had the you know, oh Someone enjoyed it. I see. Oh, yeah, it's over about 25 000 other people. So what are we talking about? All right, listen, you have thicker hair. I have more luscious beautiful native hair native. Yes, you're not native I am native on my Puerto Rican side from tayino indians
Starting point is 00:36:51 tayino indians This guy made that up. Yeah, it's just a tire company. It's just scientific It's so offensive. Why is that offensive? It's called native americans tires I said it sounds like a tire company tayino tayino tires That's a great name for a company Only reason i'm not gonna argue with you is
Starting point is 00:37:13 Kind of like the name but i'm just gonna let that go i'm gonna let that go but that's a freebie whoever's open up a tire shop You could use it Puerto Rican That's where my that's where my Puerto Rican lineage comes from Is the natives of there you spit in a tube and now you know that what's going on? No, oh my mother spat in a tube She spat in a tube. She 23 didn't meet. Yeah, she's 23 didn't meet. Yeah Sorry, mom Oh That's why I have beautiful luscious dark black hair
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah, I would love to see you grow your hair out grow your hair out. No, why I don't know I'm scared. I think you I think eventually one day you have a really good look now. I think you've outgrown it though I think you can go longer So here's the thing I think you can go longer Ah Here's the thing right? Yeah, I think one day I'm gonna grow it out Yeah, right just because I want to make that dramatic transformation of being like it's a long hair And then I just buzz it and everyone's like
Starting point is 00:38:21 I love when you cut your hair people have to think it's like something Just didn't like the way it looks so I cut it off Wait what like when people are like Yeah, I grew my hair out and then I cut it and it's like, oh my god. Like I hope everything's all right Like dude, I got a haircut. Also. Why does everyone in hollywood grow their hair out and then shave it and dye a blonde Yeah, I'm doing the same thing. Yeah, everyone wants to look like ambrose like you were saying Yeah, I said did you see ambrose's fucking forehead tattoo? What's it say like baby fat? No, it's like her kid's names or something and their kid's names are dumb as shit
Starting point is 00:38:56 Wait, aren't isn't her kid's names sebastian that you can't fit that on a forehead. No, no, no, no Can you look it up? Yeah, her kid's name was like track and and tube socks some shit some dumb fucking name ambrose forehead face tattoo I know you've always kind of had a thing for ambrose. I do Oh, it says Bash which is sebastian I assume. Yeah, and then the other one is slash
Starting point is 00:39:27 Bash and slash on your fucking forehead. Yeah, dumb idiot bash and slash That's the thing Which like I'm not a big forehead tattoo guy She's pulled off a lot of stuff. I think she fucked her look up with that I really do as a as a as a fashion icon. I feel like she fucked her shit up with that Are you the fashion icon 100%? Okay Yeah, so it's bash and slash
Starting point is 00:39:56 So oh, and I think oh I just saw this too her boyfriend Got a tattoo also, but I don't know what these it's two dates But I don't know what they are if somebody gets a tattoo on their forehead At least it's your kids. They're always gonna be your kids. Right. It's different if you got like my boyfriend at the time Not that but like whatever their name was like fucking gunther some dumb fucking name on your gunther. Yeah, whoa It sounds like a big Tall woodsman. Yeah, he does
Starting point is 00:40:26 But like, you know, then that's like different because gunther could be gone now. Then you have to turn this into something Yeah, remember the undertaker had a fucking pass Sara. Sara right here. Then you had to get it covered up Yeah, would you ever get somebody's name tattooed on you? Not even my mother That's what i'm saying because there's always a possibility. I would only get names of people who have died It's only there's always a possibility that she's not my real mother No, there's always a possibility that like me and my mom like fall out and like Yeah, right you're like, I fuck her man Yeah, I mean that would never happen if there was one person in my life that I would get their name
Starting point is 00:40:58 It would be my mother's name. Wait, you have initials right there It's not anyone's name. It's an issues Yeah, it's roman numerals. No, no, no, no going down. Oh, yeah. No. Yeah, those are first initials. These are my siblings So, yeah, they'll be there. They'll be there, but I feel like you have a better chance of all No, you have a better chance of falling out your your brother and sister and your mother probably, right? Yeah, for sure But I haven't talked about My mom. All right, I'm gonna get to these spices kid because the boys need to get paid. I need stuff Good contribution there, bud. Hey, man. I'm trying here. All right, here we go
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Starting point is 00:42:46 Next up we got Speaking of native we got native. Okay, but it's a different native than Danny was talking about This is a deodorant company that makes safe products that don't have any aluminum or parabens or talc Because apparently those are bad things and I don't know that but I know it now Um, but also it's vegan and it's never been tested on animals. Thank you. Thank you because we need to stop doing that Testing animals. We love the animals. Uh, come on the show. Yeah, um show. Hey giraffe come on the show Come on the show giraffes. Um, they have over 10 cents. Uh, my favorite one coconut and vanilla Smells amazing. It smells like you could eat yourself kind of
Starting point is 00:43:25 And I didn't mean that in a weird way Native also comes with a wide variety of options for men women and even teens. They have different ones than that They also offer an unscented option and a baking soda free formula for those with sensitivities Um, check out over the 9,500 five-star reviews from happy customers who have made the switch to native Um, yeah, it's great. It's great stuff. I have the soap. I have the deodorant. It's great stuff Um for 20 off your first purchase visit native slash basements. That is native slash basement 20 off of your first purchase people. Okay Um and staying in the bathroom. We're gonna go with quip toothbrush. Me and danny. We're both quipped huge quip guy
Starting point is 00:44:05 We're both equipped. You more you must quip it you you must quip it Um quip is the new electric Uh toothbrush And it's amazing because it has like a two minute timer and it like pulses like every 30 seconds So, you know what to switch sides um, they deliver brush heads on a dentist recommended schedule, which I believe is every three months and um The vibrations are not too intense. So it's not like you're brushing with a crazy thing in there Yeah, you feel like your like teeth are gonna fall out from it. It's not like that. It's not like that. It's amazing
Starting point is 00:44:39 It's a perfect amount. It's very nice. It's massage. It's massage Okay, and like I said, the best part about it is the is the brush head that come on a dentist recommended Schedule so it's kind of like having a new toothbrush all year round um, but yeah, uh Starting at just 25 dollars by the way, and if you go to get slash basement right now You get your first refill pack for free Um again first refill pack for free at get slash basement g e t q u i p dot com Slash basement keep those teeth looking fresh
Starting point is 00:45:15 What the hell was that? um, all right And we have a new sponsor on the show today. So welcome uh liquid ivy Which I absolutely needed and was crushing Because I was just at a wedding. Oh, yeah, um preemptively going into it. I was like, you know what I'm gonna be all hydrated and you know Dried out so I'm gonna need to do some stuff here to prepare myself for the wedding. Um, so Introduce liquid ivy. It's the fastest growing wellness brand. Um, you can find them everywhere these days But basically they have like a hydration multiplier
Starting point is 00:45:48 Okay, so they have one stick that you put in 16 ounces of water and it hydrates you two to three times faster and more efficiently Then water alone. Um, plus you get the added bonus of vitamin c b 3 b 5 b 6 and b 12 um I feel like I was just out of a bingo night. I'm yelling Yelling out things. Um, if you're dehydrated, uh liquid ivy is the fastest most efficient way to stay hydrated. Um But yeah, Danny's But yes, go check him out. They have um Either ones I have or they have three different flavors lemon lime
Starting point is 00:46:22 Asahi berry and then passion fruit. I believe is the last one I've only tried the lemon lime ones right now and they're delicious. Asahi's fantastic Yeah, I haven't had that one yet, but the the the other ones are fantastic I had one before the night before the wedding and then at right before they serve dinner I pulled out another one bone put it on my drink and had it and I was like good to go Got to do it didn't have a headache or anything like that. Um, but they have this stuff I'm not getting into like the whole science behind it, but it's called c t t Um, and it just delivers the hydration to your body quicker. I think in like a
Starting point is 00:46:55 Whatever the optimal ratio of glucose sodium potassium delivers water and nutrients into the bloodstream. Okay That's the science behind it. I don't really know but That's what it is. Um, get 25 off when you go to liquid and use the code basement at checkout That's 25 off anything you order on liquid ivy's website. Okay liquid enter enter the promo code basement to save 25 percent and get better hydration people, okay? Um, if you're someone who frequently has hangovers Or anything like that This is what you should do and not just for hangovers just because most people are dehydrated You know, I think I've read something years ago like three out of four people are dehydrated or something like that
Starting point is 00:47:37 So This is a good way to do it. All right Your electrolytes. Yeah in an easy way one glass is like three glasses. Okay, let me go I figured we split one How are they? Very good Yeah, I didn't eat breakfast. So this is my breakfast. Oh, damn. I just broke my fast. Um That's juice whatever Anyway, you're a fasty boy. No
Starting point is 00:48:14 Probably shouldn't be not about gaster. No, that's fine. I'll cross them real fast Oh I hate this Someone's driving in their car right now and they just jerked the wheel and just flipped over because of you probably I'm done Now I need to put something in my stomach because my stomach was Um, no, but I want to talk to you about something that I've been Looking at and like diving into a little bit. Okay All right
Starting point is 00:48:50 Tick tock. Yeah, okay so Downloaded the app Have an account, right? I'm on tick tock. We both do. Yeah. I'm not doing tick. I'm just like uploading stuff that like whatever I can't really get into the whole dancing aspect of it. I do Everyone's dancing and they're all doing the same dances and I don't know who's creating the choreographer Choreography choreography
Starting point is 00:49:18 I'm gonna say choreography guys in entertainment doesn't even know what choreography is I do but that's for every reason. I don't know um What are you doing? I'm just touching it. You're a fidgety boy. Yeah. What's my problem? I don't know I'm just an anxious man. I don't know about anxious. I think you just always you need to be stimulated So, right? Yeah Yeah, but I can't get into tick tock either for all that shit, but one I don't have the physical Energy to do it. It's a lot of work. It's a lot of work. You got to be a good dancer I know you got to be able to shake your hips. I'm gonna shake my hips
Starting point is 00:49:52 No, you guys seem to shake those things around but it gets a little gets a little worrisome around like 38 seconds Yeah, no, I'm tired. I agree. This is one take that we could do here. I do like your Do you post your filter characters on there? Uh, sometimes you have great filter characters. I think you found your calling with these filter characters I think you need to keep doing it Like the corn and the yeah, because if you really think about it, right? On my instagram, I kind of have like Stuff that I do outside of the show, right? Like besides like pictures like I do like titty raps and like, you know
Starting point is 00:50:29 Gun sounds and like stupid shit. Yeah, you know I think you found your calling here my calling. Yeah, it's to be a fake pickle. Yes You're amazing at it You're amazing at them these filters the booger ones That one's great. I love all these fucking things. Yeah. Now. He says now it's time to branch out. Let's grab on. Let's do it I'll introduce you to some people some character piece. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Nice. We'll get you we'll get you there fly out to la Yeah, oh, yeah 10% give me it. Oh, okay. You're my agent. Yeah. Oh nice Well, we thank you on the road this show tip of the iceberg
Starting point is 00:51:10 Oh, okay. That's what I'm saying. There's so much money in filter filter joe filter joe filter joe is one of my favorite people on earth Yeah, you're corny You're corny to me. You're corny to me. I'll call Fantastic content guy loves it guys a big fan. I'm a big. I'm a big fan of filter joe appreciate that it gets me going Get some going appreciate that. Thank you bud. Appreciate it. But I think tick tock No, but I'm so confused by tick tock, dude. I hate it on it hard Well, I'm not that I hate it right because I don't hate it, but I'll get into that But tick tock is so confusing to me because I go on that app and I see these kids
Starting point is 00:51:45 that Dress like emo kids and like paint their nails. Yeah, but then have like 90s teen movie haircuts Singing rap songs and then dancing like Very I don't even like it's just like it's just a lot of things. Yeah, it's a lot going on You know what? I mean, it's a concoction that doesn't exist. Well, we were we were confused as kids But we were confused about one thing. We all thought we were black. That was the thing You know what? I mean That's what it was. You know, we listened to every fucking 50 cent song the moment it came out
Starting point is 00:52:21 Shirts were huge big-ass hats big-ass shorts Loved everything 50 cent ever made. All right, you know what I mean? So that's what that's what we were confused about one thing It wasn't like, you know, I'm a black emo athlete Trans basketball player like, you know, I mean like there was You know what? I mean like we had one thing we were worried about. Yeah now these kids they got it all They're a whole they're a whole fucking plethora of shit It's just it's so strange because like the whole lip-syncing thing is like it's really we got to get rid of these
Starting point is 00:52:57 No, that's what I'm doing. I'm getting rid of it. I'm getting rid of your braiding orange peels I'm putting them all together to put them away into my pocket because I have nowhere else to put them And I don't want it to leak and have fucking veins all over my pockets It's good braiding orange peels. What's going on here? I'm ready. No, but the the tiktok. Yes, um There was a kid I saw that had like two chains, right? One of them was a legit I think bike chain Right from a small bike That he's wearing around his neck and then he had another chain
Starting point is 00:53:33 That had a padlock on it That I think he uses to Chain up his bike So I was like, what is that and then the shirt was like a faded like deaf leopard shirt And then like adidas track pants and then like Was dancing He could dance the kid too. Yeah, but I was just like But I was just like confused by all of this
Starting point is 00:53:59 Because I'm like usually the people that are wearing padlocks around their neck Aren't the most smiley like hip gyrating people in the world. No, they're sad. So I'm like, this is a new person That I didn't know existed. This is a you know a different kind of man. Yeah, you know, it's like a happy man's sleeve In a kind That could dance that could dance. I could move his legs. Yeah. Yeah, you know And like there's that there's always been that like uh, quote-unquote like fuck boy like um Content and like everyone on tiktok always makes this face This or like
Starting point is 00:54:35 Or they just always just do like like biting their tongue and then like Squinting and then smiling at the same time didn't didn't they do this thing for a while like Yeah, which I don't it's what is that I'm not entirely sure it bothers me. It's not that it's a here's the thing. It bothers me Here's the thing And I just made this like discovery the other day. All right, because I'm I've been like looking through tiktok Just trying to understand to get a better like yeah grip of course going on here and I do think the app
Starting point is 00:55:09 Had a horrible Rep at first right and I just completely like wrote it off But if you use tiktok, it is a little strange because we're 28 and 30 here one uh, 31 um, and When you scroll a lot of the people are younger and it's like girls who are like 17 18 and wearing like tight shirts and doing dances and I'm like, I can't I know I know But there's also like funny shit on there like you know on vine where it was like, okay There's this fuck boy shit going on. Yeah, there was also those gems that you're like, oh this is hilarious like tiktok tiktok has
Starting point is 00:55:46 I just tiktok tiktok has those things now. All right, so I gotta go find some of these gems. Yes I remember tiktok launch. It was very like demonic was like i'm gonna fucking Slay your pussy. Yeah, you know, it was very weird stresses demons being like I could do it the hard way or the soft And I'm like what it's like the hard way is way more pleasurable Yeah, there was so many demons and draculas and vampires on tiktok and then I was just like dude chill It was odd Yeah, I was just scared. Are they did they weed those guys out? I don't know. I don't really see them that much But there is there's a there's a group of people who live in a house called the hype house
Starting point is 00:56:22 And they just make tiktoks all day and they're like kids who are I think they're maybe 16 Getting guap Probably yeah, is there is there tiktok guap? I'm sure there is and they also have giant followings on instagram now Because you can like connect your instagram to the thing or something like that, but they have giant followings these kids So they're making cake But it's just it's just wild and I made a video on instagram like not too long ago just like talking about how Like think about back in the day
Starting point is 00:56:57 If I was just like yo guys You want to go home and like learn this dance? And like we'll take our shirts off and just like My friends would be like dude You're fucking gay. Yeah, like that's what they would say and I mean it was back then But you know what tiktok has become though, but okay, go ahead Remember when you would rap in the mirror Yeah, and like pretend you were in a music video. Yes now you now you can do it and you have an audience
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah, that's now it's even better now It transformed from the bathroom into the phone into the world Yeah, it's we're here now. Yeah It's just it's just very interesting because like not like I get the whole like dancing thing, right? Yeah, because like That's an absolute talent like whatever and like the lipstick lipstick the lip syncing thing like sure But there's literally videos on there that have millions and millions of likes and whatnot And it's literally like an audio playing and then just like standing there And then they do like one face and then that's the whole thing and like that i'm confused by
Starting point is 00:58:01 Or just be like I hate when the like the couples act out just like just get out of my car. Oh my They act out like a scene from like a walk to remember and she's like I have cancer and he's like It's like so split screen. Yeah, it's like yo, what are we doing? There is a kid on there? I don't know his name. I wish I did but there's a kid on there. Someone's gonna know Yeah, of course. Um that does like, um There's this thing going on on tiktok. That's like pov, right? It's a point of view and then they tell you like a story It's not like that. Okay. Sorry that pov is much better. Yeah, but they have a pov and I'd be like your your girlfriend just uh died
Starting point is 00:58:39 you're you're You're breaking up with your girlfriend or something and then he'll just act out a scene But it'll just be so weird. Is it any good? No, that's it makes it even better. Yeah, the worst of this. Can we watch like maybe 10 minutes of him after this? Yes, okay, because I now I now I'm fucking I don't know how to find it. I'm intrigued by this fucking I want to see this kid act out these povs. Yeah, it's a little I listen and here's here's what I wanted to say Like the caveat to this whole thing because yeah, I find it weird whatever. I'm not the demographic though but I will say this
Starting point is 00:59:10 I came to the realization that this is the first time in my life that there's like that sort of generational gap where it's like I'm too old to understand. Oh, yeah It's it's happening. It's that time. Look at this kid. Look at your coiling wires around your finger. You know what? Sit down. You just do something. Yeah Put handcuffs on you. Yeah Yeah, no, because now you're figuring your ball vagina. I'm fine Now I'm self conchie
Starting point is 00:59:39 Self conchie getting out of the shower double towel then now now I'm double ball then Double towel then dark brown nips. Yeah, dude so much kids fucking kids saying I got weird fat nips It's my life. Uh, keep going. I don't know what I was saying, Dan You were saying that now it's a generational gap. It's the first time you've ever felt it. You're welcome because like uh, thank you. Um I started to notice because I'm like looking at tiktok and at first we were both just like What the fuck is going on like forget this thing like whatever But then as I'm watching it and I'm starting to realize like oh kids are like fanatics about this shit like whatever Then I started thinking about
Starting point is 01:00:17 um Because you know like people still say like the people would be like, yo, oh tiktok like she's gay Whatever, right? But then I started thinking about when I first started doing youtube and no one was doing it That was everyone's reaction also. Yeah, and then youtube became normalized Not really in new york, but like in other places of the world just here. No one gives a shit about anything true, but uh In like l if you lived in california and you're like, oh i'm a vlogger then people like, okay
Starting point is 01:00:45 Like they're like, okay You know, it's like a in a way a respected job not super respected. I would say but just it's a job respected by people or respected by you No by people. Oh, but like here if I said i'm a vlogger. I don't think anyone would know what i'm talking about No, probably because like new york isn't a very there's no one here who really does the idea of of it is vaguer Yes, because there's people you if you're in la you could walk around everyone's like there's kids with like Yeah, with like selfie sticks like vlogging themselves So it's like it's gonna come up in conversation and people are more aware of it here if I was like i'm a vlogger They'd be like, okay, what the one thing that's this this generation before us now that's coming up is that
Starting point is 01:01:26 They have this very strange entitlement to like that people actually give a shit about what they're doing But people do give a shit. I know but I'm talking I'm not talking about the big dudes I'm not talking about like the titans. I'm talking about like a regular kid that's like walking around like selfie sticks and there's like four people watching Let's do something else Why I'm not gonna say that because you got to start somewhere what I will say yeah about that generation is that The only thing That I can look at and be like that's not good is they put a lot of Like importance on their social media accounts
Starting point is 01:02:11 So like even someone who's super popular right if you're 16 years old and you're super popular on tiktok And you're getting like you have millions of followers and like whatever blah blah blah But you put out A video trying some new shit on your tiktok and it just doesn't do as well Probably still does like a million fucking views or loops or whatever the fuck it is But it doesn't do two or three million like it usually does like That I could see that really affecting a kid
Starting point is 01:02:40 Yes 100% I could see that hurting a kid's feelings and it's like that's the only thing but I also at the same time it's like I don't know because I feel like our world is becoming different every single day So it's like oh, you shouldn't care about those things because they're not gonna really matter Like tiktok's gonna come and go obviously right everything comes and goes. It's about what you do after but like But can you imagine tiktok today? just Disappear like minded
Starting point is 01:03:08 No But imagine if that happened like these all these kids are fucked But I would feel like I'm sure like the ones that are like insanely popular on that would like figure it out Yeah, but like a lot of people would just like you know Whatever like I don't know. Yeah, I mean listen. I could speak from experience of stuff Yeah, you know what I mean? It's like something that was so important. It was your life I don't know why tiktok doesn't charge money
Starting point is 01:03:34 I don't know why don't any of these apps charge money charge money either like it doesn't make sense to me like I would pay 599 Maybe a little more If I knew that I knew the app was gonna stay open I would keep my fucking 600 000 followers on there not only that but if You charge people tiktok because you know tiktok is probably the biggest source of entertainment for the kids now Yeah, right?
Starting point is 01:04:02 I would say the demographics young like 10 like 10 years old up until like 18 Like tiktoks to shit. Yeah. Yeah, and like they're all over it All over it and um my my sister-in-law works in the school She said you if you walk down the hallways, there's always people just like doing dances and like shit like you know I'm saying like they're just like whatever Um, and what the fuck is triller? Yeah, what is that? I don't know. I just always like see like rappers using it and shit Yeah, I always see like chance the rapper using it. It's like triller. I don't know what triller is
Starting point is 01:04:33 I don't know what tiktok is and I'm I'm tiktok kind of scares me because I feel like it's like a brainwashing tool It's owned by China That's that's like a typical like a don't think that's true. That's a true thing. Yeah It's owned by the Chinese. Yes, and we got all of our children doing weird dances on it I mean all of our faces are in the russian database from that one app whatever the fuck that thing was called I forget Like face face app or whatever the fuck. Yeah, it's cool if you like have real things going on But like Oh, man, it's not a lot here's what I say like about tiktok. I I'm not writing it off at all. Um, I do think that
Starting point is 01:05:26 it is The new vine in a way. Well, there is a new vine It's called bite. Yeah, but tiktok is too big for bite to exist That's 100 bite. It's gonna go honey. Dude. It's literally instagram and tiktok and hq went off Yeah, hq's gone Did you hear what they did? No, I have to read it. I'm gonna break out the laptop for this because and I don't know if it's true Because I saw like an excerpt from an article, but this would be one of the greatest Swan songs of all time all to one one of the greatest songs of all time
Starting point is 01:06:06 Because apparently Oh, yes, this is it The last episode of hq trivia Um The host right his name is matt richards. Okay, whoever that is This is a quote not gonna lie. This fucking sucks. This is the last hq ever And it just got crazier from there the farewell game of hq trivia before shot down last night was a beautiful disaster The host cursed sprayed champagne threatened to defecate on the homes of trolls in the chat
Starting point is 01:06:42 And begged for new jobs Imagine jeopardy, but trebek is hyped up and blacked out. I need to see this I mean Yeah I need to watch this this is an hour long though. Look see this champagne It's good. It's tight So like it's rough they're just they're just fucking they got drunk and like y'all I'm gonna shit on you and like I'm gonna watch that. Yeah 100 you're gonna watch that whole thing
Starting point is 01:07:22 Someone goes If you just there's some these are some quotes uh from from the last episode of hq If you just got here, this is hq trivia. It's a live mobile game show We're gonna read about 34 questions and then you're gonna win about two cents. You're gonna fucking love it Whoa This five dollar prize is coming out of my own pocket. We ran out of money. We kept giving it away We gave it all to the players to you to the loyal hqts Wow
Starting point is 01:07:50 Take this time now to buy some extra lives. You never know when you're gonna need them. I wish we had an extra life for the company I'm sorry. I fucking can't I'm gonna cry my dogs eat 200 dollars worth of food a day. My dogs are gonna starve Jesus Why are we shutting down? I don't know ask our investors. What am I gonna do with my fish tank? I think our investors ran out of money These are great quotes who likes healthy snacks That's why the investors stopped giving us money because there wasn't any fucking snacks in this bitch We were snackless who the fucking working a place without snacks
Starting point is 01:08:20 Oh Man damn dude hq going hard off the air. I appreciate them doing it like that at least let them go. Fuck it Maybe we should close every night. There are The nicest fucking comments I've ever seen. Wow, you're finally telling me I look hot. I tried for a year and a half Won't miss you all good rudents Oh my god, damn dude, that dude sounds butthurt though Hi, everyone all the people who don't have fucking jobs. They fucking rock Someone hire me. I'm fucking talented while doing a handstand. It says
Starting point is 01:08:56 We should have unionized a long time ago These are great quotes this guy's cool. Well, who is this guy's name? It's uh richards That's it. That's uh, no it's something richards. Uh, where is it? I'm gonna look him up Matt richards. Matt richards. He said all this shit Oh man That is so funny. We bought this giant bottle of champagne for when we hit three million players hq never got there damn
Starting point is 01:09:27 And they just drank the whole thing on air. Oh my god Thanks q. I think they've deleted all their social accounts upon a bunch of people getting a question wrong Y'all fucking dumb y'all fucked up. You're dumb. I'm just kidding. You're not dumb. You fucked up. It happens That's great I love this shit. So he just tweeted so any no he didn't just tweet it just posted he goes so anybody got a job for n word That's crazy, man. Imagine going from that app where it's like That is that's wild untouchable A giant app you think you're untouchable
Starting point is 01:10:03 That's why I try to tell people all the time when you think you haven't figured out you absolutely don't man And that's why with tiktok too. It's like it's a gigantic app and it's so high up that it's like Dude unless facebook buys you like you're not yeah No, you know like if it once facebook acquires you then i'm convinced you're staying around yeah And like embeds you into like their tire shit. Yeah, it's like once that happens then okay, then then I get it Yeah, but instagram's not going anywhere Right because facebook bought it and facebook's the biggest thing by far even like still didn't they buy what's app to I think so that's not going anywhere either. No, it's not
Starting point is 01:10:40 You know and a lot of people use what's up at you Yeah, for sure, but it's like like I said unless it facebook acquires you then it's a wrap if facebook acquires tiktok I'm gonna start dancing. Yeah, all right, then I'll start dancing. Okay at that point. Um Didn't we talk about if like if tiktok went public would you buy stock in it? Me personally no, but this is the thing right? This is why I think tiktok should charge Because I was going back and saying before like the younger generation. This is their main source of Entertainment like they forget about tv. They don't watch Netflix. I'll just watch this tiktok like watch it all day Yeah, they watch jeffrey dancing this fucking bathroom
Starting point is 01:11:22 Yeah, like I'm not even that into it, but I can get my I get caught just swiping on tiktok and watching random shit all the time too so For a for a child who's just like really into it and they're like in that generation everyone You know has a tiktok account everyone you know is like doing these dances and everyone you know is like blah blah blah Yeah, so it's like you're in it if you charge a dollar You would make so much more money and even then it would make you A profitable company. Yeah, but a lot of these companies aren't profitable because they're spending so much in marketing which
Starting point is 01:11:55 Rightfully so it worked out for them because they were a small thing and then they paid me goes to get commercials They did all these things and now everyone's on it. You know what I mean? And they they're doing the right things But you know even netflix doesn't make money bro. I mean, but they have a source of income They spend so much money, which is like it's fine. They're gonna get it back But like how do they make money though? They have ads tiktok doesn't have ads when you go on it There's an ad that you can skip like immediately All right, so they get so they they make money, but it's like If I'm if I'm I'm thinking of it being ads because everything is going to
Starting point is 01:12:28 Being a streaming service, right? You pay for disney plus you pay for netflix play for cool All these things like you don't pay for just a big-ass cable bill anymore. No you pay $10 here $8 here $13 here and that and but if you if there was like an app Where you had to pay for this entertainment and to use it. Yeah I mean I would do it At this point. It's my main source. I would pay for instagram Hell yeah, they were like, yo, it's gonna cost 10 99 to have instagram. I'm like, okay Yeah, just cancel hulu. I guess
Starting point is 01:13:00 I wonder why they don't I mean, I guess it would it would lose its um Yeah, but it would I don't know You'd also lose like a lot of old people Well at the end of the day users I also think that you can't it's it would be harder to gain a lot of people because it's such a Because it had such a bad rep Yeah People who are like I gotta pay for them to fucking pay for this also
Starting point is 01:13:22 No, I don't think anyone wants to be the first app they have to pay for it for entertainment Because all the entertainment apps are free You know, there are paywalls that you could pay for and get like additional features, but That eventually is going to happen though. Yeah, eventually there's going to be an entertainment app Instagram is going to cost money at some point. I really do feel like it might maybe to like Be an influencer like if you use it for like business And like shit like that they might charge you to like do it Like sell you a verification like at some point they might do that
Starting point is 01:13:55 I think that if you are a business like Paying for instagram makes sense if you're a business 100 because it's a giant platform. Yeah, dude promote the shit out of your shit On there. Yeah, it's like paying for a billboard It's not going to result in direct sales, but at least you get to be in a pipeline somewhere where there's a lot of foot traffic Yeah, just get that trickle down Never know and then I don't even know how the explorer page works No idea So like never know maybe you just end up slapping on there one day and then like whole fucking life could change
Starting point is 01:14:27 How far into this again? Hour 15. Okay. Just real quick. Um So I saw the rocks daughter is becoming a professional wrestler. Yeah, I know you worked with him at one point. Um I wanted to ask you How would you feel if your child wanted to follow in your footsteps and do like the youtube and Like the podcast thing around would you be supportive and like help them along in like their journey? Or would you kind of like look for them to do something a little more like
Starting point is 01:15:03 Sure shot The short answer is like whatever the hell if my kid wanted to do I'd be down to do that. Right. Um I wouldn't let them put all their eggs in one basket I would definitely help them and be like listen if you want to do it. You have to do both up to a certain point Right. Um, and then you can walk away from the Sure shot shit, uh, but I think that would be dope. I mean especially because it's like at least he's not asking me like yo, I want to Do some shit that I don't know about. Yeah, just want to help me start a pizzeria
Starting point is 01:15:36 Yeah, like oh, I want to be a better artist. I'd be like dude. I can't I can't draw I can't help you, you know But if you want to do like whatever I do or whatever the hell like yeah, that's cool. I think that like when you're a dad that's like Your dream is that your kid like wants to be you. Yeah for sure You know and you and you'll help more help them out But I that's the the short answer is yeah, I'd let them do whatever they whatever they want Like would you have them with like production and shit like make the shit slap?
Starting point is 01:16:02 Yeah Would already would you be like one of those dads like where it's like you gotta start from zero Gotta start in the warehouse. No, I think that if you're successful, that's the one thing that you can do for your kids Is not spoil them, but at least put them in a position where it's like all right, well, I'm gonna give you the tools you need and You know, we'll see how it goes, but I'm not gonna like Spent $10,000 a month on marketing for your show. That's for fuck sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah You know like I'm gonna fuck you're gonna start from zero market it to your friends
Starting point is 01:16:31 I'm not doing anything for you. I'll just get you a nice camera. So it looks cool. Right That's all I would do but you wouldn't post it on your instagram. Fuck them. Yeah Fucking kids. Fuck those kids. Fuck them kids good. Um, but yeah, yeah, I think I would I think I would obviously support them Anything because it's gonna be interesting interesting because by the time I have kids like who the fuck knows what's going on Yeah, and all this like there could be like jobs like cashiers could cease to exist at some point You know and yeah, they're going to I feel like when when I was 16 There was a way more like jobs that were attainable And now I feel like they're fading. Yeah, dude. Like you can't even get a job in like a grocery store now
Starting point is 01:17:07 It's like impossible. I feel like those jobs now are going to people who have Like low like low income households Those people are working cashier jobs or like people who are like in college and doing something like You like when I was younger Especially around here people who were cashiers and these kind of jobs Were there was a mixture of like a younger generation And then some older people who just like retired and that's what they do Yeah, and not that there's anything like, you know, crazy wrong with being a cashier, but it's a minimum wage job
Starting point is 01:17:40 right and Um or like working in a pizzeria or whatever But now I feel like I start to notice that like there's a lot more older people working those jobs Yeah, and rightfully so they should have that job over a 16 year old who doesn't necessarily need the money Um, but I feel like those kind of jobs are sort of fading So I feel like kids are not going to have any choice But to be a kind of an entrepreneur in a way and like find their way With this fucking device in their hand that like it's gonna be wild. So it's gonna be crazy. Like people are just gonna
Starting point is 01:18:09 Your account is going to be your job. I think yeah, like eventually like it's a very black mirrory way Well, I would say ours are though Ours are yeah I'm saying like I'm saying everyone. We'd live that life already Yeah, but not everyone does like there's normal shit going on. So strange to think about it. But that's our lives. Yeah Make me feel weird. I don't feel weird. I feel horny. You always feel horny. That's very true Yeah, you know what I feel I feel poop. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you haven't pooped today. I got a poop. You haven't pooped I got a boop. You got a boop. All right. Uh, should I tell him where they can find me? Yeah, dude
Starting point is 01:18:48 I gotta get out. I gotta boop. All right. You can find me at daniela pure on instagram and twitter Make sure to go check out the stank podcast from me and mr. Frank alvarez at the stank podcast on instagram and also Slice the stank podcast. We also have a patreon where we give away a hundred dollars worth of gifts at the end of every month So you can go ahead and sign up for that if you want to and other than that Love you dad Okay, um Go check out other people's lives comes out every thursday slash other people's lives another podcast show that I do with my buddy Greg
Starting point is 01:19:22 Go follow us on instagram at the baseman yard and our patreon. Thank you to all our patrons. We do an uh, Fucking morning show every single morning monday to friday called the morning meeting Uh, go to our patreon you get that and thank you to all our patrons slash the baseman yard and that is all I'm gonna go take a shit Peace gotta go doodoo time

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