The Basement Yard - #236 - Don't Call It A Comeback

Episode Date: April 6, 2020

On this episode, we discuss the legend known as "Tiger King", Joe's YouTube comeback and Danny's music career. Enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Guys go check out our patreon where you can get our daily morning show and next week's episode today Welcome back to the quarantined basement yard. We are doing this from my office Danny's living room I think yes, I have a couch now First of all you have the biggest couch I've ever seen in my entire days my entire life I've always wanted a couch that was a bed. I have a bed couch. It's huge dude That is like you remember in Willy Wonka when they just like pushed five beds together So all the old people who could walk like slept there all for the rest of their lives Yep, that's what your fucking couch looks like. I know fit fucking all the whole cast from Willy Wonka on that show
Starting point is 00:00:42 The whole sick old people We slept out here. I slept just as good out here than I do on my king-size Helix mattress. Well, it's a fucking huge couch. Yes, huge and it's wide as shit Do you have any sort of room left in your living room for a lamp or something? It's gonna be tough to get a lamp in here I can get one lamp and I definitely have to put my TV on the wall because if I don't there's like There's a lot of squeezing. There's just a ton of squeezing. Yeah, yeah For sure squeeze and season if I eat one more fucking pop tart on thing
Starting point is 00:01:18 I'm gonna be able to get through my door. Did you finish it? Did you finish the pop tarts yet? No, no, no, I've swore off the pop tarts in in all reality I'm swearing off of the Tootsie rolls because my mom, you know, like though they're called midgets not I didn't do it I pretty sure they're called midgets or like midgies or like if it's called midgy. That's midget That's 100% is midget. Oh, they're midgies. They think they change that for sure, but that means midget Yeah, that's just a cute way of calling a midget a midget Little little midgies Tootsie rolls the company is kind of You know not racist but something towards
Starting point is 00:02:03 Dwarfism because they call their their smaller tootsie rolls midgies. Yeah, I love them. I love them I love a small tootsie roll. Oh great suckable candy Yeah, oh my god, dude. I put it on the top of my through for my mouth and just go Like like like a little doggie with peanut butter, you know, like an iguana like trying to get a fly Yeah, speaking of iguanas here we go Have you ever thought about how like New York? We have like deers and rats and raccoons and shit, but if you go like down south like their rats are iguanas Yeah, which is wild just like oh iguana got into the garbage again
Starting point is 00:02:47 I Don't think they eat garbage. They like eat flies. I don't know what the fucking iguana eats But maybe there's fresh fruit in that garbage. You don't know what do you know what cockroaches eat? Everything I looked it up. Yeah, it's everything. It's everything shit the decayed Carcasses of other cockroaches by the way, but I and I flip-flop from cockroach to cockroach I usually say cockroach. I like to make it sound like a dance like a cockroach Or a pop a roach like damn he's hitting the cock a roach also the pop a roach cut my life in two pieces It's a fucking great song but yeah cockroaches. They just eat everything to eat the wall
Starting point is 00:03:29 You know I'm saying they eat everything. They eat wood. Yeah, they eat the bro everything name it. They eat it Porcelain dog. Yep. Yeah That might be tough to eat that shit is hard Also, let's get rid of porcelain dolls. Let's retire that because they're creepy They get haunted very easily all the haunted dolls are porcelain. I just throw them out Yeah, I feel every every doll has to be complete with someone's dead soul in it That's how that works. You need a dead soul of like an old Carpenter's wife who died in a fire. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:04 Jammed into that porcelain soul and the way that I hate when they get like the one lazy eye like this one doesn't open And you got to squeeze it and it goes To get it to work why do all those porcelain dolls get one lazy eye get a better eye in there I don't know. I don't know they're disgusting. I don't get it This is what goes through my mind during quarantine. I don't think that dolls I don't think dolls should have human eyes on them. What's what's up with the doll more? Remember that doll that could piss its pants Excuse me like like Polly Polly piss pants or some shit. It's definitely not Polly pocket
Starting point is 00:04:41 She doesn't do that. She just stays out in the sun and in your pocket. There's a piss in our pants There's a doll that pisses its pants and it's like, oh, no, she peter pants. Let's change the diaper and why do fuck Why do little girl babies want babies so much? Is it cuz they want a friend? Like why do you want to be a mom already fucking live your life? Go to college and go through your whoreface before you went on a child Yeah, idiot. Yeah, go get thrashed Go get your heart broken by a jock on the football team first before you pick up this doll that pisses itself Let your heart get broken by a dude named Chad at least once and then worry about having babies marry a doctor
Starting point is 00:05:18 Now you're a single mother from the jump your single mother single mom off the bat Let's teach us bad. Can we teach us like child about love before we just let it have a dude What kind of kid what kind of parent is like I know what I'm gonna get my daughter. I'm gonna get her a Fucking responsibility. She's one If any of my toys piss their pants I throw them out. Would you say would you say women are more responsible than men? It's literally not even close. So maybe that's why though Maybe it's because they start by raising a fake Plastic baby from the jump and we have guns and shit guns. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:03 Not real guns, but I had guns you had guns at guns and then I would get like little ray guns They go You remember remember uh the fucking what's that called? Would you shoot ducks on the wall? Oh, yeah Yeah Blast that dog by accident That games kind of fucked up now that you think about it. Yeah women are women are born and immediately put into nurturing Another human being we're born all we want to do is kill everyone. We want to shoot ducks Why do we want to kill everyone as kids? I wanted to kill every everyone around you
Starting point is 00:06:46 Yeah, you know doom gold and I call a duty duck hunt like everyone's getting a shotgun blast Yeah, girl. I'm saying I know there's you know There's girls out there like video games obviously and they like killing people too But what I'm saying is from the jump. We're pretty pre like We're pretty programmed to start murdering. Yeah. Yeah You know I'm saying Pigeons walk like that. I don't know they have stupid necks good really like what how is this efficient at all? How are you not tired? You ever see when those pigeons are on like the subway?
Starting point is 00:07:23 Like in the train. Yeah, they're on the train. Yeah, and they like walk out like a guy to go 59 yeah, where are you going to fucking work pigeon? Get the fuck off the train. Oh, so you can fly the train's definitely slower. That's what I'm saying fly. Those are dumb pigeons Did you know that? homeless people eat pigeons in New York Like they'll catch pigeons and eat them Okay No, yes. Yes. Yes
Starting point is 00:07:54 Who told you that a homeless guy a friend of a home a friend of a friend is homeless friend You have your your you have a degree of separation for someone who's homeless Catching pigeons and fucking eating them. Everybody has how are they cooking them? Everybody has six degrees of homeless separation. We all pay six is a ton of degrees I'm talking about what you said like one set one degree. I could think It took me four steps to get somebody I know that's homeless Let me ask you something. Okay, and I was one of them at one point. How did you cook a pigeon? No, I didn't cook a pigeon. I just slept on my friend Zach's couch
Starting point is 00:08:33 It's not really homeless. No, that's that's nomadic. That's that's you're a vagabond. Yeah, that's couch surfing. I'm a vagabond How do people cook pigeons or they just eat them raw they just bite their heads clean off homeless people can make fire, dude They can get matches and shit from places cook that fucking bitch And the bird what they could do it over a trash can homeless people have been turning trash cans into ovens and Stoves and barbecue pits since the early 60s. Okay, maybe in the early 40s I've seen that in movies But when was the last time you went out in the street and you're like it smells like fire and they're like Oh, it's just the homeless guys cooking dinner
Starting point is 00:09:14 No, never but nothing would make me feel more like oh my god Then if I walk by and saw a whole bunch of homeless people and another thing about homeless people Why do you guys cut the tips off your gloves? So they can rip. Yeah, but keep it on because you're gonna get cold at night Your fingertips your extremities the homeless people always hold cups like this like it's the first glass of milk They've had in ages. It probably is piece of shit I don't know how people double hand drink like that. That's impossible for me I understand double hand and coffee sometimes because like if I'm feeling like a good Chris morning
Starting point is 00:09:52 It makes me feel warm like ooh Makes me feel like everything's gonna be alright and like the day is gonna be alright, which it never is but no It's not gonna be okay. No, everything sucks Everything shit everything shit But yeah, but I'm trying to do the best that I can now dude how disgusting would it be if You were to walk down the street or you walk through a park There's like four homeless dudes just cook in a stray cat
Starting point is 00:10:19 now There's two ways. I'm gonna go about this. Okay Are they singing do-op Of course not okay because if they're less I'll be like all right cook that cat. It's the song's good. Yeah, but I don't think you'd cook You don't cook a cat and sing I think that like at night after we've eaten the cat We'll do some do-up for dessert or something. Yeah. Yeah, because I feel like there's two things that homeless people are very good at lighting trash cans on fire that for some reason only everything in the trash can stays on fire and
Starting point is 00:10:59 Singing do-up songs and spitting when they talk when our parents were kids Yeah, they do that that homeless people love to spit and it's so white and dry so gross Homeless spit is gross homeless. It's not amazing. It's definitely not advertising. It's disgustingly gross My least favorite by far icky sticky nasty gross everything about it makes me sick But did you know that when our parents were literally can make you sick if a homeless man spits on you you're sick. Oh, yeah Our parents grew up in an era where they would just walk around and there'd be four dudes on their street like Like They like they literally lived in a time like that if you saw that now you would freak the fuck out
Starting point is 00:11:47 Chill man some ritual going down Their sacrifices birds down the street guys would guys would be like yo, you know what? Let's all go down to like 49th and first under the street light and let's just say Yeah, not only that but our parents were like friends with the milk man Like he'd show up and just like walk into your house with the milk like oh, hey Betty. Here you go Me well, you know the other day a guy we ordered food. He just walked in our house and put the fucking thing like Right at the door and we're like, what the fuck are you doing get out of here? Yeah, get out of my house Yeah, yeah, yeah, I drove I drove by your house yesterday two days ago
Starting point is 00:12:28 and I was gonna send it to you and be like Come out of your house right now you fucking pussy like something funny to be like well too scared to leave your house Then I got home and realized I'm just gonna say 100% afraid to leave my house at this point 100% We need afraid because everyone's scaring me. They're all like, oh Danny you're so high-risk my family calls me doonie That's what they call me. Yes, so they're like, oh doonie you're diabetic and asthmatic, please don't go outside
Starting point is 00:13:00 Oh my god, son, please. No, don't do that. Oh my oh my So now in my head now, I'm afraid that if I go outside and take one breath of air from outside I will disappear like spider-man in Endgame that's what I'm afraid Spoiler alert by the way. Yeah, if you haven't seen that especially during this quarantine, what the fuck are you waiting for? Yeah, no, I mean you're not gonna get it like that. I just wouldn't you know Go somewhere and you know let a stranger breathe in your mouth or anything like that No, and then I also heard that mask are not protective
Starting point is 00:13:36 No So I wear a mask Well, you're supposed to wear a mask if you are sick so that you don't like Projectile it's it's it's shared by droplets Right so people when they talk obviously there's some you know whenever the light hits you a certain way and someone's talking Everywhere I cleaned all my credit cards last night You cleaned your credit cards, yeah, and my wallet and my wallet and my phone case Don't laugh. I don't want to go back
Starting point is 00:14:08 I don't want to go back to this conversation about how you never thought this was gonna be a thing ever I just think it's funny that you're cleaning your credit cards like you're going to use them because I can't go anywhere I've been using Apple pay You're going well stop going to stores Had to go to Eli's deli. Oh Wow, you went all the way there. That's pretty deep. Yeah. Yeah, I had to go there And I literally went in there, and I maybe took two inhales of breath Can I pay for this why you purple sir, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:14:47 But one guy came up to me, yeah, there's some It's being a homeless there are some homeless all-stars that live around this area. Yeah. Yeah, and they are the fucking walking dead right now What does that mean because dude when I was walking into Eli's as I came out and I got back into my car I Heard just a guy coming around the corner. I said, all right somebody else is out just literally just from the chest Ah And I was like, you know what this is how people fucking die because this fucking weirdo is just strolling the streets Yeah, I heard almost people can like go sleep in Madison Square Garden now That's the last neck game I ever go to yeah, I think Barclay Center is doing it too. No, that's actually that makes sense
Starting point is 00:15:39 That's nice of them to do that James Dolan has it Yeah That's all I'm gonna say about that James come on the show Jimmy Dolan All right, so there's there's two things. I really want to address with you. We're 15 minutes in small talk small talks over Let's get to the big talk. Let's get to the big talk and the big talk is this yeah Joe has been sending me screenshots of
Starting point is 00:16:11 His running his running which I'm very I'm very I get very proud when Joe is exercising I think it helps immensely event to he he lays off me a little bit So it so it works when Joe's in a good mood the world's in a good mood I don't think Joe knows how much my life revolves around him. I wish he would know So now part of me though wants to understand where this is coming from is this a coming from like yo I want to inspire you bro. I want you to see me out here, or is it just being like yo, I want you to see this That's no, I just want you to see it. I just want to yeah I just want to know where the mentality is coming from it. Are you rubbing it in my butt cheeks?
Starting point is 00:16:51 Are you rubbing in these brown cheeks? No, I'm not rubbing it in what I am is just seeking major validation I've realized this About two days ago. Yeah, and this is gonna sound like a shocker to some But I realized that I need attention really bad dude, you know who's shocked by that Not even the fucking cat eating homeless man, I just called them homeless man Like it's a rank in the military I'm gonna deploy our homeless stand down homeless man Corporal homeless man homeless and Jackson
Starting point is 00:17:34 Uh, we're gonna deploy it, you know, it really hit me though. Like I just I think I've been I've been like this my whole life Yeah You're yeah, you're a whore. We're all whores though. We're all whores for attention We all want attention, but I think I'm just bad. I think I'm bad You know what it is like The runs that I've been going on I've been seriously Impressing myself because I have never ran this well in my life and it's not even that crazy But like today this morning it was like raining. It was disgusting out
Starting point is 00:18:09 but I was like, I'm just gonna fucking go anyway and I ran two and a half miles under an eight eight minute That's seven forty nine pace which is like You know, that's a pretty decent time, but it's not like stupendous, but it's fucking amazing for me. Oh, yeah I was like, how the fuck is two days ago? I ran 2.6 miles at like an 840 pace. Yeah, see you're hitting all your like Physical marks right now I hit mine very early in the quarantine I beat a woman in a race and then yeah, you know, I do my hundred push-ups and that's that Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:47 We just do like 10 periodically throughout the day like no, no, no, I'll try to do like five sets of 20 Or I'll do like 10 sets of 10 Like during like commercials or like shit like that just to get it in because I I think I feel like one of those people who are in a coma And they have to come in and like move your muscles around and like shake you Like make sure like blood flow works. So yeah, I've been I've been doing that just to try and keep myself somewhat active because I wanted to go for walks and I know I can go for walks everybody I know but I'm afraid Yeah, I'm honestly afraid to go for walks Well, you don't live in a pop not I would say like a populated part of town
Starting point is 00:19:28 Yeah, you could walk and not see anyone probably dude when I was in the car yesterday ghost town Yeah, it's not one person was in the streets and it was 330 in the afternoon on a Saturday I saw maybe one person I I don't I think I went running at like 10 a.m. Or maybe a little before that I saw like two people the whole time Yeah, it's wild dude, and they both were running, but then I see a story of park You got people with children there. Yeah, you got people doing all this shit. What's going on? They should shut the parks, but like the thing is like as long as you're Keeping a distance from people like you'll be alright. Like it's not like if you're
Starting point is 00:20:11 At least to my knowledge like if you're running on the track at a story of park and someone coughs 10 feet ahead of you. It's not like you're gonna like get it Yeah, well, there are there are a lot of people like on the workout shit over there, and they're like fucking using everything Pete Ralph Ralph Pete. Yeah Well, they're at they're at a different part go home. Yeah, I don't know enough enough We get it you work out inside your house. You can do the same shit inside your house order a fucking polar bar, okay?
Starting point is 00:20:45 Well needs Pete. Yeah, I stopped yeah, he's Ralph Yeah, getting tired of it, and they're not gonna make my friends list that comes out tomorrow Because they're exercising outside. Yeah, and Dom's gonna make it because he said he could give me a haircut Yeah I'm gonna send me a picture today. I've been cutting his own hair if I tried to cut my own hair I would look like a fucking psycho. Yeah, I look like Billy Idol Billy Idol's the man though other thing I need to address you took a really sexy wet like portrait mode picture It wasn't portrait mode. It looked like it. No, just the gods blessed me up for some reason lighting was slapping
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah, that lighting slapped so hard. I was so jealous. Yeah, but a part of me is thinking It's thinking I Want I wanted to ask this question between us and have us discuss it. Which one of us do you think needs attention more? You know 100% 100% right? Yeah, I'm not even gonna fight you on it. I'm not fighting you on it I think I'm well above. I don't I think I'm well above the Average right I just think that you're you're you're like you're up there. I need I need attention from others I'll text you just the notness nonsense Because I just I need I need the touch of another person. I long for another person's yeah
Starting point is 00:22:15 You yearn for it. I yearn for it. I yearn for it But I do want to say I did have a very great experience on Instagram live about two days ago, okay? I went live and sometimes I go live at night for like an hour And I just play like lo-fi music and like I just let people talk about like what they're going through like mental health lies Going on during this time because it's a it's a big topic. It's a big struggle for a lot of people Yeah, so so like it's a nice to do stuff like that when you have like a platform to do it and at once I was like all right, it's not about me But later on I'm like I
Starting point is 00:22:56 Guess it is kind of about me. I like I had I I have a hard time Trying to know like what it is You know, you've seen me off-camera obviously once or twice you know that you know the type of person that I am though Mm-hmm. I'm a very giving try to help people when I can whatever now I Feel like there's a fine line between spreading awareness and just being like yo look at this great thing I did Yes, I think me Knowing the person that I am I didn't really do that for attention
Starting point is 00:23:31 But if I send a picture of me torquing my ass, I'm looking for attention If that makes any sense You know what it is like things like that are very if the line is so blurred and you never know who's Being genuine and who's just like this is just a thing that will spark Engagement or like I just need to talk to people. I don't know it's like It's a tough thing because you see someone who goes on the street They're like we're gonna give a hundred dollars to random homeless people. Yeah, they turn they turn it into a thing and
Starting point is 00:24:09 I don't necessarily have a gigantic problem with that. I have a problem when people make their entire Check like YouTube channel like Doing shit like that, right? I don't know it just it just seems something that seems very weird Like there's a kid his name is mr. Beast and he fucking Gives crazy shit away. He like builds houses for people like he does crazy stuff and you can just like tell Like I guess you could just tell that he's genuine, right? But there's there's other people that you're like this clearly feels like you're capitalizing and like trying to monetize Like this it just you can just tell with people, you know
Starting point is 00:24:45 And so it's like it happened to me it happened to me that time around Christmas I saw that same homeless guy that lived in my old neighborhood all the time And I asked them I was like, yo, is it alright if I film and he's like, yeah, it's fine ask them for it And I and I posted it and then like I mean even you like came right it's like, yeah I've seen Danny do this mad times. So like shut the fuck up. Yeah, like like it is. It's like it is an intention Intention it's very easy to be like. Oh, it's just fucking bullshit Yeah, I mean it's just like I said, it's I Don't know everyone on the internet
Starting point is 00:25:19 So I could see someone who just posted like a random video out of nowhere and be like, oh look what I'm doing for this Homeless person and it's like are you doing this because you're trying to get your engagement up? And you know that people would enjoy this or that they can't say anything bad about it because it's like you're doing a nice thing or Are you this type of person? But I understand that way of of thought though for people to think like us is sham Now that's a sham, but it's just like yo, it's corny like you're like you're doing this to like help your page You're not doing it to like help people like you have yourself in mind first You're like, oh, I'm gonna kill two birds with one stone do a nice thing, but it's really gonna help my page like
Starting point is 00:25:55 You know, I don't know. It's it's like I said, it's a very blurred thing for me I just like to create Safe spaces for people to just fucking talk about what they're fucking afraid of like everyone's afraid of shit I think right now too like a lot of people who have like anxiety and like Depression or whatnot like being in your house is like the fucking worst sucks and for me That's what like triggers everything for me is like being locked into one zone and like not being around people And that's why I like basically picked up my shit and moved to my mom's house Because I need to be around other people like my sister is there like every day like we're all there just like hang out
Starting point is 00:26:33 So it's like you get distracted in that and I have been trying to like Set a schedule for myself like yo go running like fucking read like I've read two books already Like I'm already reading a third one book. Joe wanted to get in the book. Joe to book Joe Yeah, so like just setting these things because it's like on a day to day You usually do stuff that you don't want to do yeah But it like keeps you because so I don't want it to just be completely relaxed and completely comfortable I've been like, well, this is my time off. It's like that would drive me insane and that would start to make me depressed And I would slowly go crazy. So I need to do things that are like uncomfortable that I don't necessarily want to do
Starting point is 00:27:08 But are like, I don't know. Yeah, I know I feel you. It's gotten to that point. It's like, yo, like I mean thankfully like whatever like my girls here. So that's been helping me like not go fucking wild, but I Could see where people who like are fully alone like how fucking Treacherous that has to be. Yeah, it's trash dude. Just like how fucking bad and if you're sick too on top of that It's even fucking worse. Yeah, then you got to get sick Yeah, that shit is what the fuck I saw that there might not be a vaccine for this thing for about a year or two years Well, yeah Probably if you had Corona and they offered you ten grants to do like clinical trials on you. Would you do it?
Starting point is 00:27:53 I'd do that shit. I mean, I don't know. Fuck it. Shoot me up. I Don't know I Just I think eventually what's gonna happen They're gonna be able to test for like antibodies and see if that you if you had it and it's gone now and you're immune And if that's the case I would get that test because if I know I'm immune then I'm like, oh, I'm good You like then you could like go anywhere help anybody or like do whatever you need to do and like, you know You're kind of straight. Yeah I mean, I wouldn't just like go out there and start like, you know, whatever because there's still other people in
Starting point is 00:28:24 My house that I'm staying in that I could potentially like carry it to yeah That's why you that's why I was like get out of the park, especially to you Yeah, yeah Ralph and Pete, you know, they spit in each other's mouths. What if they're gonna get it? They're gonna get it. Yeah, you know, so I was like, yo You need to go home And then you were like you need to go home and I was like, let's both go home. Yeah That's basically how that went. That's how that conversation. What was good combo the way that I I went to the park twice to work out and
Starting point is 00:28:57 When I was when I would get home from from that like I would be very cautious of not touching like whatever like the clothes that I was wearing I would just put in the laundry. I would I would wash my hands like up to my elbow basically like I'm about to perform fucking surgery And then I would Clorox wipe like my phone and shit I feel like I don't want to have to restereo less. I don't have to restereo Exactly. All right, let me get into these ads real quick and then we have to jump into a fucking serious topic. Yeah Yeah, but also just real quick book Joe. Hopefully. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he's here to stay. Hopefully I Think book Joe is here to stay and here's why okay. I Think the more you read the more it will be like I feel like you more of a one book guy
Starting point is 00:29:45 Like yeah, I got through this book and like that was it and it was hard for you to pick a book number two Now that you picked a book number two and book number three I think you're just gonna be rolling into it now. I think you just have this one thing That's gonna be like, you know, this helps me you're finding it as a as a comfort thing now. I yeah, I feel like it's just There's I feel so much satisfaction and finishing it I know and you're gonna be you're gonna be smarter and just smugger than ever Wait till you hear the words I'm gonna start using on this fucking show Have you seen have you seen like kind of in the comments people have been like oh like Danny's like
Starting point is 00:30:24 like Danny's Egotistical or like something like that or like I've seen these comments in there. No What the fuck is that about? Where'd you see that? I saw me in a couple of things Where? The one when we did everyone's ugly and I was like, I don't think I'm ugly and then people jumped all over me They said I was Show you miserable bitches. That's what it is. I just wish they could tell I just wish they could tell you got booked
Starting point is 00:30:56 You got booked Joe now. All right You got you want to see some ego dude I did a seven forty mile if I bring this fucking mile under seven minutes dudes We're never gonna hear the end of this thing ever never. I love ever. I love everybody Okay, I know I'm not it's a it's a show. Just let it be a show All right, and the other the other thing I wanted to say is I think reading for you though You're gonna find out be therapeutic at some point. I think I think it's getting to that point after the third one
Starting point is 00:31:32 It's like does it loses that like oh, I have to read this book now. It's just something you do Yeah, I mean Well, the first book I read was about creating and breaking habits It's called atomic habits by James Clear and it was fucking like it wasn't cabbage rabbits So I Take time You know we watch that shit like a hundred times last night. I should was fucking hysterical. Yeah, how to do it to me But
Starting point is 00:32:06 So it's just about like basically, you know a part of it is like I was interested in the book because it was More about like the science behind what parts of your brain can create a habit no matter how like Ridiculous or how like whatever can you drop can you drop some quick knowledge? It's well the the book is the fucking process so I can't like really do a good job of summarizing it the only thing that I can say like obviously part of it is consistency and repetition and like the Idea of reading for me. It starts off as something like I've never really been a reader in my entire life I would like to be and I can and I definitely feel a sense of satisfaction when I finish a book Or even when I block out like an hour and I do some reading like that's a part of me
Starting point is 00:32:57 That feels good for the day. Yeah, like there's not enough of those things. There weren't enough of those things Like during my days that were like consistent enough that no matter what at least I feel some sort of satisfaction during the day Like there would be some days where no video goes out I don't Like I get some work done whatever, but I don't really count that but like no video goes out Like I don't post anything and like this and that but even if those days still happen and they will happen Like it's not like everything every day something has to go out but like right if there is not that there's Well, I ran this morning and I've read for an hour and I'm almost done with this book and like blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:33:38 So like there's these little things that of like Just keeping yourself like rewarding yourself in a way of like getting that satisfaction Rather than just putting everything into like waiting for big Projects to be finished right if that makes sense. Yeah, it does. It does. Yeah, but We'll see All right, let's get to these ads. Let's pay the bills. Let's pay the fucking bills here first one we have is Fiverr, okay? Fiverr is a platform that helps keep businesses moving with a network of trusted freelance talent
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Starting point is 00:38:00 Dom just sent me two pictures of him cutting his hair How's it look looks pretty good Looks damn good. He's not bad, but cutting your own hair seems impossible. I would let him cut my hair Dude, you ever look at yourself in the mirror and then you see something on your face and you try to touch it But you like go the opposite way. Yeah, but I can't imagine cutting my own fucking hair. Yep It's being possible. Also All right, we're gonna get to it. Yeah, and this is this is the thing. All right What are you doing over there just read I'm sitting crisscross applesauce
Starting point is 00:38:38 Okay, yeah, don't get racist. Okay with that with that Native American slander like last time learn learn my less I I also am crisscross applesauce Final boss right now. I Like that. Yeah Tiger King What a show what a show I Tiger King is probably the most Just wait it gets better documentary I've ever seen At no point did that documentary or whatever the fuck you want to call it slow down
Starting point is 00:39:16 It was like it started you're like this guy's crazy. And they're like, yo, this bitch is crazy. This guy's crazy, too Wait, what? Oh, huh? Right in the fucking elephant. Yeah, like what the fuck is going this guy's got a ponytail, but he's bald like houses happening First of all big-time big dick power move if you're bald and have a ponytail Fire, I don't know if you have that haircut you better be a fucking medicine man That isn't the forest and he is the thing I took away the most what my favorite line from Tiger King is when he's filming the promo And he's like I'm gay. I'm broke as shit. I was like that had a lot of six I had a lot of six. I was like this guy is first of all an American
Starting point is 00:39:59 Cornerstone of America now this guy is Is one of the most ridiculous people I've ever seen grace gods green earth But I feel like if this guy didn't exist the world wouldn't be the same Like you know how that you know they say like if you step on an ant in the past It fucks up the universe if this guy wasn't here. I think he would fuck up the universe dude Joe Exotic Like he looks like Steven Tyler and Hulk Hogan fucked and he has teeth like an like a marmot
Starting point is 00:40:37 Yeah, and He's just like and he's all he kind of looks like the witch from Snow White But with mad tigers You know what I'm saying? I like when the lady got the lady got her arm ripped off and he just puts on an EMS jacket And then he gets it and he goes I'll never financially recover from this. Yo, someone's in your yard without an arm I'll never financially recover from this. Fuck your dollars for a second. You're your boy or girl Whatever the fuck has one arm also Came back to work with just a nubby arm in five day. Who is that?
Starting point is 00:41:16 Who she Philip Rivers this guy towards a sale he played on Sunday This bitch gets her arm ripped off. She's like yeah, I'm back feeding the tigers. She's starting. She's starting this week Yeah, that you know y'all that bitch is insane Also, they gave her the option like yo, do you want to do some surgeries? It's gonna take a couple months to get your hand back to her. She's like cut it off. What a fucking idiot She's I'm sorry. It's I'm sorry shit. It's gangster shit, but also come off. Yeah, if it was 1907 I'd be like cut it off. Yeah, dude What are you doing? I take a little time off and give me my goddamn arm back? I don't care if it's all fucked up
Starting point is 00:41:54 I don't want one of these. I don't want it. I don't want it I'm sorry if I have a choice to have this yeah to have this Over this I'm taking this all sorry Instead of if I did have to have this at least put one of these on there Yeah, this is a hook put a Mega Man arm on there put a hook on your hook hook up hook some stuff Then you could grab the meat for the tiger and just chuck it over your shoulder. Yeah Yeah, I got a look now also that guy had over like 300 tigers. Why do you need 300 tigers? Dude if I went to a tiger zoo, I
Starting point is 00:42:35 Don't need to see 300 tigers. I need to see maybe six I saw one tiger in Disney and I was like, yo, like if there was 300 I'd be like this isn't as cool Like now. I'm what is this? I've had a tiger. Obviously, you know that yeah, and you're part of the problem and that plate That plays zoological what Mario? That's where I went. No, yes I went to that one. I went to that one and I met a white Baby tiger there named Deepa Deepa her name was Deepa and I got to pet her and all that shit like it like it like a fucking Spanish girl saying deeper Yeah, yeah, it was deep
Starting point is 00:43:18 Deepa Damn, that's crazy. I didn't know that. Yeah, so I went to zoo logical owned by Mario Tony Montana basically. Yes, and Dude, it was dope That guy's caught up a body dude. Yeah, and he was like, I don't know that I don't know where the body went Most normal one on the show. We lit it on fire. Yeah, he's the most normal one and he's confirmed and Just casually talking about cutting cutting up a body dude with ease
Starting point is 00:43:56 With ease this whole show is full of freaks Then arrest been arrested mad times did all that shit also Joe exotic, right? Like I said, I'm gonna repeat I'm gonna repeat what I said and I don't wear underwear. Yeah guys and jeans the entire time doesn't wear underwear His dick must be friction to shit and shaved it down to the bone I'm gonna put this locket on my cock That's another thing He's got a dick
Starting point is 00:44:27 Whistle that he hooks fucking padlocks to he puts a padlock on his dick ring I mean, you know gay that is that might be the gayest act, but it's a game. It's gay boss. Oh My yeah, it's gay boss that dude is so gay that he's straighter than me somehow like you know what I'm saying Yeah, and I was saying on the stank to I was like There's no way that you can get me to get this take this job that here the here the incentives you get to work 24 hours a day Get a chance to be eaten and mauled alive by a tiger and This guy has to suck your cock and fuck your butt
Starting point is 00:45:10 Not only that but there's a 40% chance that you're gonna marry him Yeah, and then he's gonna take your last name become Joe vague vaginal Chuck Maldonado Passage Wherever the fuck his fucking name was this guy would just marry people and take their names I'm just taking last names. Yeah, you taking everything from these guys man. They're last name. What am I having at? Everything was wild But I have to say this Carol Baskin killed her husband
Starting point is 00:45:44 Yeah, we're gonna get sued By who Carol Baskin everyone's saying it everyone's saying it she killed her husband Dude, hello kids and cats. Hello kids in camp. I just got back from bury my husband. I Fed him to all the line and dude not only that but listen, I'm gonna repeat this. Okay. Yes First off I'm gonna say this Joe Exotic should work should work for the government. Yes, and here's why because back to what I was saying before This man looks like Steven Tyler and Hulk Hogan bucked right
Starting point is 00:46:26 He's got random piercings everywhere his teeth look like of raccoons and somehow This man was able to convince not one but two straight men into Hucking and marrying him What kind of why is this guy not working for a branch of the government that involves Negotiation and like persuasion. I know and then he convinced a straight man to get a super gay tattoo
Starting point is 00:46:58 Yeah, the tattoo said privately owned and it said what it's saying like exotic Cockers by Joe exotic. Yeah, this guy right above a straight man Above his dick got a tattoo that said privately owned Joe exotic Ha what Russian mind game Does this guy know how to play that no one else knows? Let me ask you this spoiler alert for a couple seconds one two what oh What oh fuck moment was bigger for you
Starting point is 00:47:34 when How we get shot at the end of uncut gems or When Travis is fucking blew his head off Probably the uncut gems one just because the way it was going with Travis. I'm like this dude is Gonna set it off He was not really having a good time down there and then once they started to go into like oh Travis was like banging every girl on the Ranch I was like alright. I was like this guy is gonna like lose it The fact that you see the guy just go oh
Starting point is 00:48:10 Yeah, that was intense. That was crazy Travis Travis. Yeah Travis You don't recover from that either Yeah, that's a fucked up. That was a whole fucking situation that whole documentary is just wild dude I don't know how like when it was over. I was so relieved. I was like thank god There's not more than this because this is so much shit That like how can there be more? I know and it was it wasn't just a little more It was a bunch more. It was a lot of more. It was a lot of more and then the other thing that was wild too was Carol Baskin's new husband very smart biggest fucking cock on earth though. Oh, what up? Yeah, that she
Starting point is 00:48:53 Fat ears on him disgusting ears He looked like a detective from like 1940 He looks like the guy in that famous painting where like he's holding a pitchfork stand next to his wife 100% I could never date somebody who had a closet full of leopard and and tiger striped clothes I'm like this fucking bitch crazy dude. I've been saying that I said as soon as we saw that which is like I had I have everything cheetah or everything tiger and like this cat print whatever I was like, you know if I ever walked into someone's house and they have Everything of one thing
Starting point is 00:49:30 I'd be like this person's fucking crazy and that goes for like sports fans that goes whatever like I'm a Giants fan Die hard Giants fan love the Giants But if I walk into your house and the walls are painted blue and the moldings are red and there's pillows. There's helmets There's jerseys in the same room. I like this person's out of their fucking mind What the fuck is this the worst is when there's couples that are like that though It's like everything will be like Ranger themed or like I was like, you know This isn't like a Madame Tussaud's fucking art gallery here. Like, you know put some fucking regular furniture in here Yeah, dude, just put up a random painting of like a flower or some shit. God damn it
Starting point is 00:50:10 The craziest takeaway that I took away from Tiger King is that the real Tiger King is Carol Baskin Why? Because she won She did kind of moment Also, how how big of a fucking douche is Jeff Lowe? Oh Affliction he's got the Hulk Hogan do rag going With a hat with a hat. Yeah, and he's like I'm a higher hot nannies
Starting point is 00:50:42 And his wife just pregnant. Yeah, and just like another cuck who's just like, yeah I can tell that she's not really cool with him banging other girls, but she's like whatever and this guy's just like, yeah I'm fucking I'm the man dude. He's like, yo, let's do party bus tours. We're like, we'll just put little tigers in the party bus Kind of dope though. I would have called that Mad that they're out of business. Yeah, cuz if I can get drunk in Vegas and take a fucking bus From like the Luxor to Caesars and I could pet a tiger during that time You're gonna get a lot of money out of me. I have physically pet a tiger and I haven't been more conflicted in my entire life Did you did you want to own it?
Starting point is 00:51:28 Yeah, I wanted to take it home I would have bought that tiger right there and then I heard a tyke in my head He was like this tiger like five grand in my head. I'm like, oh my god Yeah, I Don't think you can in this state though. Fuck. No, they find a tiger in your house You're going to jail for mad long. Yeah, dude. I don't even want a tiger like you know, what fucking they eat It's hard. It's hard enough to find an apartment that takes fucking dogs in this fucking neighborhood
Starting point is 00:51:58 Yeah, I got a tiger you can't even like look up You can't even look up apartments that are like pets allowed. It's like, yeah, we take small dogs and cats It's like, all right. What about ligers? Yeah, what about us? By the way didn't even know that was a real animal until this documentary and then I love it's like he'll grow to be 1100 pounds. I'm like, dude, this thing is a dinosaur. Yeah, I don't have room for another lamp. We're gonna put a fucking 11 pound fucking tiger There were many times though where I was watching a documentary though in a tiger go Yeah, I mean I want to hug the shit out of a tiger. Let's not get that, you know mixed up
Starting point is 00:52:41 Okay, also Carol Baskin this woman is so terrifying because she's so fucking delusional She literally it's it's in the same sentence goes. She goes We're trying to shut down Joe exotic zoo because what they're doing is taking these animals for financial gain and They're supposed to be in the wild and then keeping them at their zoo until they die and then literally Immediately after that goes over here at big cat rescue We're providing a safe haven for tigers to spend the rest of their lives until they die. I'm like, that's the same thing lady Yeah, how do you not see that you just said say it works the other thing?
Starting point is 00:53:25 I wish happened is that I knew about Joe exotics internet show because I would have watched that show every fucking night If people knew about that show he would be the biggest he would be running for president every year Yeah, I can't eat what he ran for president And actually believes he could win Yeah And then it for governor and then you got morons getting interviewed. I'd be nice to shake things up a little bit Those people need to be lobotomized. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:01 Because is that the right way to say that? Yeah Give it a lobotomized Lobotomized. Yes, they need to be shutter island. They need to be you know, I still haven't seen that movie Well, you got to see it. Sorry. I know I need to I mean people can get lobotomized all day You know, I've seen one over the Cougars nest Some lobotomy in that show Chief you got to put the ball in the basket. She put your hand in the air Don't you want to watch the game?
Starting point is 00:54:34 There everyone's so good in that fucking movie I had to read that book in high school and I didn't and then they we watched the movie Yeah, we read the book and watch the movie too Yeah, also catch her in the ride Somehow passed those tests, but I barely read it. I look so overrated Where do schools get off on assigning summer reading? Think I'm gonna do that I'm I've never read a book in the summertime ever and I would never and I will never dude
Starting point is 00:55:07 I barely have read street signs in the summer when I was a kid You're gonna ever read a book about fucking of mice and men. You think I'm gonna read a book about mice I don't want to read my guy and a guy has a jelly glove He has like a glow and some guy had a glove that he put jelly in and would like I don't know what it was about I don't know what that was about and then you got to shoot your like slow brother in the back of the head Down by a river like come on man. He you know cuz he killed someone. I know he killed someone, but he's you know But he's not all there. He's got some he's got stuff. He's got tons of stuff. He's got stuff. He didn't mean I heard no body I'm just I'm just floored by the Tiger King stuff Tiger King is the best Netflix
Starting point is 00:55:58 Story ever. It's better than making a murder. I'm very yeah, I'm very conflicted with the whole zoo thing So I I think that zoos should exist 100% I want to go see a giraffe. Don't tell me that it's fucked up Yeah, like I'd like to see a gorilla just slapped a shit out of the fucking glass and that's another thing I want to go on record and say if Harambe was never killed none of this corona shit would have been happening Okay, that's not related whatsoever, but we'll go with that Yeah, I'm telling you right now if Harambe never got killed coronavirus wouldn't be happening
Starting point is 00:56:36 butterfly effect boom Got him. Tell me I'm wrong Tell me right now I'm wrong You're wrong. I Don't think so. I know you don't I'm willing to stake my entire Life's work Why is this thing? Oh, okay? My entire life's work I couldn't get my fingers to touch. Oh, that was very I thought you were eating right now
Starting point is 00:57:04 No, no, no, no, no if Harambe was still here. He would have figured out a way to stop this. I Would love to have a gorilla dude Yeah, until remember the woman that had the orangutan the thing ripped her face off and then she looked like a like a Dude, yeah, she looked like a melted candle. Do you remember the thing I sent you on Instagram of the guy? There was a guy there was a man there was a boy there was a male boy who is now grown into a man and he Went out into the wild on a snowmobile Got into a fight a literal fist fight with a bear and it
Starting point is 00:57:38 Make no mistake ripped his face off of his face Yeah, he had no face and killed the bear and then recorded himself Telling a story Face open. He don't open face the fact that his mouth was able to produce words was wild to me He's like, I don't know what happened. It came out of nowhere This eyes all the way over here God just dangling his face is open. He looked like a skeleton He looks like a plate of spaghetti. Yeah, it was it was just random shit and blood everywhere
Starting point is 00:58:15 And he just and then How did it work how did his face work? There wasn't it wasn't a face. It was a bloody hole The whole thing it looked like somebody Like it looked like he swallowed like 30 m80 firecrackers and they blew up in his face Yes, it looked like he stuck his head into a box of dynamite and just set it off And it was the most insane thing I've ever seen in my fucking life. The guy's face was off Like I'm not down with a zoo if that animal was in a zoo We would have ripped anyone's face off. No, but here's the thing
Starting point is 00:58:55 The thing that's fucked up in the point that I wanted to get to before is that I'm down with zoos because I think they serve a purpose as far as like educating like The general public on animals blah blah blah now It's not the best place for these animals to be obviously, but I do think some of them are necessary, but there is Absolutely no reason why There should be more tigers in captivity than in the wild How the fuck does that make any sort of sense and also like I said, why the fuck do you need? 300 tigers. Yeah, dude. If you have two tigers, we get it
Starting point is 00:59:34 300 tigers. I'm just confused. It's mad fucked up, too It's like the thing that's fucked up is when they would have the baby and they would just grab it with like a Grabber hook like a stick. Yeah, and drag it through the fence like all right We got to get it detached from its mom real fast I was like that thing's still gonna grow up to eat your fucking asshole out. Yeah, I Like when Joe got dragged by the got dragged by the tiger and he was like, I'll shoot you right between the fucking ass You bitch. Yeah, call on a tiger a bitch power move. It's also hysterical This guy called the tiger a bitch. Yeah, which is what he did the tiger isn't a bitch. Let's go on record
Starting point is 01:00:17 Okay, how long you think you last with a tiger me How long were to take for them to chew through this bone because I could this is all I have about two seconds They'll snap that that they'll snap that thing in half Dude, I literally would just go like this He'd be gnawing on my hand and I'd be thrown punches at its face, but I would die. I would bite it back I'll just make a loud sound because I try to have sex with it you try to well I'm not saying I would succeed, but I would try to be like, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, and then maybe be like, yeah What's this guy doing this guy's weird? Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:55 Just get fully fully naked and they're like wait what yeah And then I would want it to spread throughout the pride like don't attack him He's gonna try and have sex with you and it's like oh now I'm no now I'm the alpha now I'm just walking around just all fours for no reason I Don't think that would work myth busted. No, I think some tigers they get into heat like dogs and Don't when they get horny they'll take what they need or whatever, you know I'm saying me too Yeah, but they wait that this sounded wrong
Starting point is 01:01:29 You're talking about in that in a tiger cage in a tiger cage yet not in real life. Yeah, not that you would I don't know. I don't think we're getting out of this hole. No We'll fix this in post. I go ahead. I'm glad you said it People know what I meant. It was as if I was a tiger man If I was a tiger man tiger prison here tiger prison, you know, I gotta I gotta get something you gotta It's prison rules. I gotta protect myself. Yeah, man. I understand. I get it. Don't worry about it. That's all I was saying Yeah, what is on your sweater right now by the way? Says anti-bully watermelon clubs from my buddies over at koala jeans. It's a it's a club
Starting point is 01:02:15 That supports non-bullying All you know watermelon. That's just like it's just like a cute little excerpt that the kids made This is created by a child. He created this actual thing called the anti-bully watermelon club You can Google it and it helps You know raise awareness on bullying and stuff like that and watermelons and watermelons It would be like if me and you made like oh like the rock star dodgeball team. It's like we're not rock stars But it's it's our club though, you know. Oh That's what it meant. It's like it's like a mascot. Right, right, right. It's not saying don't bully a watermelon
Starting point is 01:02:54 That's what I thought at first no no no no no cuz I I like watermelons. So I was kind of concerned I was like who's talking shit about watermelons right now. I'm a big anti-bully guy. Yeah, cuz I was bullies dude I really I really worry about When I'm a father and if my son comes home and goes These kids just won't stop messing with me and then at first I'm like, you know You got to stay in your ground and like whatever you try to do the dad thing and I tell him But he just gets tormented every day and at a certain point you got to go up there You got to start punching kids heads off
Starting point is 01:03:26 I will knock a kid's head so clean off of their shoulders and then when their dad shows up I'm gonna knock this fucking head off his fucking shoulders too And if I'm not big enough to knock his shoulders off, I'm gonna blow his fucking shoulders off. Maybe and then I'm gonna blow them Did you mean did you mean blow or blow? I mean I'm in blow Dude, I just watched Tiger King. Everything could be settled by threatening someone to shoot their fakes off Yeah, but everything was also settled in that documentary by blowing as well. Yes, there was mutual blow mutual blow He's like, I've a little seat Carol best come out here. I got six things for you Yeah, this guy's a fucking maniac. Okay, pull that his gun and like shot a fucking like a blow up
Starting point is 01:04:10 I was like, this is what I want to do to Carol basket. Yeah. Yeah, just shot a gun indoors. No one moved He's like, this is my mother-in-law run lady. This is funny. Yeah, that was nothing. Oh my god It's what a maniac man That boy is a maniac man. All right Are we good on Tiger King Yeah, why I? Gotta address it What you had a fucking huge statement on your Instagram. Oh, yeah, I did
Starting point is 01:04:41 You had a huge statement on your Instagram. Don't want to not trying to take any credit for this at all So I'm not gonna say what I'm I'm gonna say, but I'm very happy that you're back What was that because that was the most counterproductive Sentence what I was gonna say is I've been telling you for a while not just me So I that's why I didn't want to come off that. It's not just me, but it's just like yo, you ego Tistical bitch. I was like, yo the people need you the streets need you The streets need you. Yeah, the streets the streets need you and I think it just needed to be a perfect Like you always said like in time in time and then finally the time has come and so have I
Starting point is 01:05:25 Yeah, you have no idea I love that so much one of my favorite things The time has come so Makes no sense, but it's no sense. Yeah, I put out like a Statement on my Instagram that read it read it read it right now. I'm not gonna read it Yeah, it's a very heartfelt. I think you should read it for the people that listen It's not it's either you're gonna read or I'm gonna read it I'm not gonna read it, but I'll say what is in it. So basically I'm gonna read it I'm gonna read it. Why don't I stop cuz I'm gonna I want to add my own words
Starting point is 01:06:00 Well, here's the thing. I think it's more heartfelt if I paraphrase instead of just reading a script Okay from the heart motherfucker from the hat No, but there was a day recently like I always For a while I was like I'm not gonna go back to making those types of videos like I don't want to do that I don't I don't know but anyway, so one day a while ago I was looking at the channel and there's only 15 videos that have under a million views on the YouTube comm slash Joe standing out of the channel that like I started doing all this shit from and There's only 15 videos that have under a million views and most of them are like really old ones
Starting point is 01:06:41 Like I had I was getting millions of views until the end when I was just like You know what? I'm not gonna do it anymore and I really focused on the podcast the podcast is at a great place and Just during this quarantine and like trying to You know do more stay active and do whatever I decided that you know I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna start doing Tuesdays again and start dropping those videos And you know what like when I drop when I posted this thing I Feel like
Starting point is 01:07:09 It's a weird feeling because this is the most like there's 15,000 comments from people wonderful And it's been it's been DM'd to other people 16,000 times So like people are like excited about it I'm too a part of these really like a Part of me knew like at some point this day would come but like I'm just I'm really happy for you. I Just feel like it's it's a weird feeling because I always felt like I Didn't want to continue doing the same exact thing over and over and over and over again But I do feel like even from like a my work ethic
Starting point is 01:07:50 Like how funny I am or like whatever like I've come a long way since I've stopped doing those videos So whatever I come up with now, I probably won't be as like. Oh, I'm just putting this out And it's just like whatever you'll be funnier. Yeah, and well, I'll just be more and I'll be more like Proud of what I'm putting out because at the time I was just like I'm just like putting out bullshit right now, right? You're welcome Yeah, thank you so much But yeah, so Tuesdays are coming back. Let's go This Tuesday. So when this drops, I mean if you're listening to it on a patreon then tomorrow
Starting point is 01:08:28 the videos coming out and Yeah, so we're gonna try and keep that up for as long as possible drop those videos young thing and this is this is how Joe works All right, listen to this. I just happened to I just happened to drop a track, right? This guy drops that bomb First of all, I know I was before you yes Yes, yes, yes my track didn't come out till later because I was mixing it But the thing that was cool though. It's like yo, it's like all right basically are coming out one day
Starting point is 01:08:56 This guy got the Tuesday. I got music coming out. I've had two new songs two days in a row. We're just Turning it out. We're cranking. I have to make a quarantine video at some point What's that mean? Just like a music video that just looks so poorly shot Do that You know, I'll say this I think that titties out now slash Daniel Pure I Think that you should Start dropping shit that people aren't expecting that you've never dropped before Because I feel like a lot of people are waiting for you to like
Starting point is 01:09:35 Find this like I don't know not like a sound over just like Like if you were to drop a music video with like these songs or you were dropping songs like every Friday or you were like doing something like some sort of consistency with the music thing I feel like a lot of people want that and a lot of people are waiting for that But and ones that are like produced are like shot in a way that you've never done before like maybe it's not your phone It's the camera that you have and you're like shooting these videos for it and like I don't know I feel like the people are waiting for that sort of thing So like especially now we're gonna be quarantined for at least another fucking two months probably like you got the time
Starting point is 01:10:12 Yeah Like you might as well do it and now what I haven't made I haven't made two songs in two days Maybe since I was 17 years old Yeah, there's no reason to stop, you know, you make a song every single day You can make a multiple songs every single day and only put out the one the one from that week that you really fucking like Yeah, and shoot like a random music video to it Like it doesn't have to be dope, you know what I mean? It doesn't have to be like fucking crazy. I think the most obscure it is
Starting point is 01:10:41 It's like trying to trying to flex during a quarantine is hilarious content to also not for nothing But like if you were dropping your own music You should fucking Tick-tock that shit. Yeah, because all it takes is one thing for it to go like viral And then every dude and you're sitting on a landline just because like everyone knows They'll let me suck your titties song, right? If you were to have another thing to go viral and then people go and then people are able to Associate like oh, this isn't just a random dude like this is the guy from back in the day
Starting point is 01:11:16 Once they make that correlation, it's gonna make them want to follow You know, I got like I drop I drop quarantine ease on Twitter and that shit went fucking crazy Yeah, I listened to that actually right before I came here So it's like dude What's the song the song that you have here that you made and it's not about titties and I was like yo This shit is fucking crazy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'll say I'll send that one to you. I have it in my dropbox Dude, you should put that shit out. Yeah quarantine ease has over 250,000 plays on Twitter That's fire, you know
Starting point is 01:11:50 So we're just out here. We out here So Joe just about to fucking kill the game right now Also if you're listening to this on fucking patron patron the Dusty pink hoodies are available from purchase. It should be available for purchase even if even If this is like coming out as it regularly does on Monday, but it'll be like next Monday, obviously, but go check that out Sanagatos for the dusty pink hoodies. They're really dope people have been asking for them So go check those out people also been asking about the light blue hoodies the original ones that we made and we'll eventually bring those
Starting point is 01:12:32 Bring those back. I don't know when I'm not gonna say next month. I'm not gonna say the month after that I don't know when but right now. We have the dusty pink ones. Go check them out. Go buy one Oh, yeah, I'm saying rocky for the boys dusty paint. All right, and we're gonna come up with some shit Can you get me a dusty pink crew, please? Oh I was gonna say you have a hoodie, right? Yeah, I have a hoodie. Yeah, I need the crew. Yeah Crew goes hard with like all my easy shit. Yeah All right, yeah, that's pretty much it for this episode, you know, yeah, I think so, but everybody over there family everybody's holding up All right. Yeah, that's good. That's good
Starting point is 01:13:10 What about the person that we talked about that we both know who's got some synthies. Oh Now there's three of them. Oh Yeah, which oh I know one. Okay. All right, so there's three of them now and They're gross And they all and they've all lost sense of smell and taste But they're not doing but they're not like getting better yet A couple of them have gotten better
Starting point is 01:13:42 One of them still isn't better and it's a little concerning Okay, yeah, so I was going to go to hastings. I'm not going Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, probably not the best. Yeah, it's not something I'm related to those just it's a friend. Yeah, so my family's doing okay though They're hanging in there Good. Yeah All right. Well, where can they find you bud? You could find me at Daniel a priori on Instagram and Twitter and also slash Daniel a priori start getting this music bumping
Starting point is 01:14:18 Also the stank we were we're back So go to slash the stank podcast. We actually have our own Tiger King episode up there It was really cool what I did with it And I'm not trying to pat myself on the back here was actually a mistake I did a premiere in like 15 minutes later And then I sat in the chat with people and there was like 300 people in there and we had like a whole bunch of like It was just kind of cool. I didn't know you could do that on YouTube Yeah, I was thinking about doing that for the Tuesday video. I think setting it and then 100% you should do that
Starting point is 01:14:52 Yeah, yeah, cuz you know people go crazy in the chat and then if you're if you're in the chat, too Just talking back and forth. It was awesome. Yeah, so I don't know if we're gonna keep doing that We might I'm gonna talk to Frankie and see like if we want to release earlier or later in the day I mean the episode actually did really well, but everyone's quarantine. So That's a pain. That's a pain, but you know, but yeah That's the stank podcast That's the stank podcast Me and Frankie recording again on Wednesday, so a new episode will be out on Friday. Love you and stay safe out there Yeah, guys go follow the show at the basement yard on Instagram and our patreon slash the basement yard I'm gonna record on some days like a morning meeting by myself
Starting point is 01:15:39 So that there's still content being put out there and now we will have the Like week ahead episodes back up on patreon as well Yeah, I know some people were like wondering what the hell is going on But we're trying to adjust to the quarantine and figure out how you're gonna do it So it's like slowed up for a week or two, but now we're good. We're back on track new stuff coming Tuesdays Mondays Danny's drop music. Everything's going well right now. Okay, so stay safe out there Stay healthy wash your hands and your ass and don't cook birds You

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