The Basement Yard - #281- The Big Announcement

Episode Date: February 15, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. How you doing Frank? Frank's not here. Okay. There's a lot of news. There's a lot of shit that we need to go over in this episode. One being why Frank is not here. Frank is not here. If you're a patron, you already know this because he is now officially a father. Okay. Yesterday morning, his baby was born into this earth, into this world. Uh, and her name is Ruby Alvarez Ruby. Uh, very cute name. Uh, but yeah. So he's a father now. It's amazing. He's still at the hospital with his wife. Um, so I told him like, dude, listen, obviously you're not going to come here and record.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I'll take care of it. Don't worry about it. But Frankie's a dad. So congratulate him on that. Um, it's fucking crazy. I'm a, I'm an uncle again. You know what I mean? This baby's going to be in my life for sure. And I'm super excited about it. So we're happy for Frank. Um, but yeah, anyway, uh, this is an exciting episode for me. Um, it's kind of crazy how I'm able to do this episode by myself now because of the timing with Frankie and his baby. Uh, but, um, me and my buddy Greg have been working on something for over a year and we're
Starting point is 00:01:02 super excited cause now we can finally reveal it and release it to the world. Um, so we're, so, you know, that's what this episode's kind of going to be about. I mean, if you've been following me on Instagram, there's been these cryptic messages that I've been kind of posting on my story or on my page and it's like, Oh, something is coming. You know how I like to be mysterious. I don't know the plan. Uh, but yeah. So that this is what it is. Um, just to give you some background, you know, a while ago me and Greg had a brainstorming session where we were
Starting point is 00:01:31 just trying to come up with ideas for like content or cool things that we could do like these little projects periodically. We do stuff like that. Um, and we came up with this idea for, you know, a game or game show type of thing. You know, growing up, I was always into games. Like our family would do family game night, like on Fridays when I was super young, that's, I know one of the widest things you ever heard in your life. Like we used to do that shit. Uh, but yeah, we'd sit there. We also used to watch like the discovery channel as a family,
Starting point is 00:02:00 which is mad weird. You know what I mean? I would watch alligators get like they would eat antelope and then I'd go to bed and have like nightmares and shit. Like, I don't know why we did it, but you know, as besides the point, that's probably explained a lot though. But we used to have family game night, you know, scrabble and stuff. Like I always been into, you know, board games or any kind of games, cards, even like whatever. Um, and I'm a big trivia guy as well. Before COVID, I was going to this bar in the neighborhood every Wednesday they had trivia.
Starting point is 00:02:28 We would go all the time with like a group, uh, every Wednesday and just compete. I mean, it's just a lot of fun. I just love trivia and I've been loving games. So we were, we kind of just arrived at this idea of making a trivia game that isn't just for like the go-hards of trivia. You know, I've been at trivia night and there's been people, like one of the questions I remember was like, we like tied with a team at this bar. And the question was name, uh, capitals in Africa or African capitals, whatever. We got like three and the other team had like 14 and I was like,
Starting point is 00:03:04 fuck you. Why do you know that? You know what I mean? So like when someone's that like good, you're like a fuck, you know, and also I've played games like Trivial Pursuit, not to put them down, but like Trivial Pursuit fucking hard to play that game. You know what I mean? So we wanted to create a game that would kind of level the playing field and make it like super fun as well. And we also didn't want old ass trivia. I mean, I've played trivia games where it's like in 1970, this cartoon and I'm like, what the fuck is that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:32 So like, you know, we created all of the trivia questions and we like tested a bunch of people to make sure like my mom knew some of them and then people around my age and even younger, uh, like new questions. So it's very balanced in that way. But anyway, let me get into the game, the game. Some of you pointed it out because I cried mysteriously posted this shit on my story and didn't say anything about it at first. And then someone was like, wait, is that the, yeah, here it is. Pay the price. Okay. This is the game.
Starting point is 00:04:00 We are launching a Kickstarter right now. You can go and reserve one of these games. Um, you know, on Kickstarter, you, you typically, uh, you know, you crowdsource, you, uh, you know, offer the game to, to people. And I want as many people who are watching this as possible. I really want you guys to have this game. I think you're going to have a fun time with it. I'm about to explain the rules. Uh, but yeah, like I said,
Starting point is 00:04:21 I've been working on this for so fucking long and I'm so excited. And I think it's like legitimately a fun game. And I think it's going to, you know, provide a lot of laughs for people. And, you know, when, when, even when me and Keith do those videos where we're doing like mad libs or we're doing like whatever fucking game, playing games with people like that, it's just so fun. And I know that people really enjoy watching me and Keith do those kinds of
Starting point is 00:04:44 things or watching my me and my family play those games on YouTube, uh, years ago. So this is like your chance to kind of be a part of that and to kind of create that own thing for you. Um, but yeah, it's, it's a great fucking game. And I've played it with my friends. We've had these prototypes for a couple of months. So I've tested it like at my secret Santa party with just me and my boys, we played and it was just fucking mayhem. And I'm going to explain why. Um,
Starting point is 00:05:07 but anyway, so it's called pay the price. Uh, we have the rule book here. We're not going to read that because I know them by heart. I fucking made this. Uh, but anyway, so it's a trivia game. Like I said, so anyway, uh, so we have these trivia cards. Look at this thing. I know it's sleek. It's sexy. You want to have sex with it. That's how good it looks. I understand I've had sex with it, not this one, but a different card. Um, but anyway, so how the game works is like this, right? Whoever's fucking turn it is. Someone else reads the trivia card to them.
Starting point is 00:05:35 So they say whatever this, what, I don't even know. What is the term for the popular Indian Hindi language film industry? Right. If they know it, if they know the answer, they go, Oh, that's Bollywood. And you go, yeah, correct. Here you go. And then this kind of signifies a point. So they get to keep this card in front of them and they're like, okay, I have one point, but let's say they don't know. They're like, I have no idea. I've never seen a movie before. You go, okay, idiot.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So then they, they don't score a point, right? But they do have an opportunity to score a point in that round because we have what we call consequences. Okay. This is where you pay the price. If you don't know the answer, you pay the motherfucking price. All right. Let me put this shit back. Um, so on these cards, there's these consequences that you can choose to do dares if you will. Okay. So you read the card aloud and then you get to choose like, okay, am I going to do that? And some of these are like embarrassing or some of these
Starting point is 00:06:28 are like a little crazy. You know what? I have a couple here that I picked out just so you guys get an idea of like, what could possibly happen during this game. By the way, on the back of our box, it says photos and videos are encouraged. A lot of this is going to make your friends do a lot of dumb shit. And if you have a dumb friend who's very adventurous, you're going to want to invite them because they're going to, you know, they're going to win. Um, but yeah. So some of these things, uh, like,
Starting point is 00:06:52 if you do, if you get a trivia question wrong, you could pull a card and then like, let's say this one, for example, call one of your parents and ask when the last time they had sex was, if they don't answer text them, right? I'm not going to fucking do that personally. You know what I mean? But some people will, some people will call their parents and be like, when's the last time you fucked? When's the last time you fucked dad or mom? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:07:17 That would be a weird way to word it, but you don't understand what I'm saying. Uh, but yeah, so I wouldn't do this one. So let's just say, uh, someone chooses to do this, then they get to keep that card. If they call their mom and they go, Hey mom, when was the last time you had sex and they go, I'm having sex right now. You're ruining my life. Stop calling me. Then that you keep this card. All right. And they have to put their phone on speaker and shit. And you guys can film them if you want to put that shit on social media.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And there's a hashtag, pay the price game. So people know what the fuck is good. Um, but there's other ones too. Let the youngest player give you a face tattoo with a pen or marker. Okay. There's a video going to be at the end of this little spiel, by the way, of gameplay where I let my friends play for the first time. Um, and we hired a production company, uh, one of my friend, other friends, Greg, um, who you might have, if you're like an OG fan,
Starting point is 00:08:01 you will remember a Greg Parker from a video, uh, that I did like a old vlog. He's the one who shot this. Uh, we reconnected and he, you know, it's, it's a fucking great video. So you guys get to see the gameplay in full action there. Um, but yeah, let the youngest player give you a face tattoo with a pen or marker. This always ends up being a penis. I've played this game numerous times with people every single time. There's a cock involved in that. Um,
Starting point is 00:08:24 stick your foot in a toilet and flush it. One of my friends actually did this at my apartment. Um, and I can, I can verify. I definitely take shits in there. Big shits. So, you know, he stuck his foot in my toilet and he flushed it and it was fucking hilarious. We're all drunk. It was a mayhem. I'm surprised that I did not get evicted. Here's another one that one of my friends did. It's actually in the video, uh, text a porn link to one of your parents. Never in a million years would I dream of doing this,
Starting point is 00:08:53 but maybe you have a friend that would do it. Um, but fucking no, not doing that one. Uh, tell the group the weirdest thing you've ever masturbated to could get weird. You know what I'm saying? If someone draws this card and you're like, what the hell's going on? Or maybe someone who's like a little innocent draws this card and they're like, oh yo pissing porn and you're like, you know what I mean? You learn a lot about your friends with this game. Uh, close your eyes and you
Starting point is 00:09:16 get a spoonful of something the group chooses. Very dangerous. Okay. We don't even know what you could put in it. You could open up a fridge and put like an old avocado and some dish soap in there. Who the hell knows? I mean, play responsibly. Don't poison your friends. But you know, make sure it's like edible, but it's disgusting. So maybe some people will do that one too. Uh, let the play with the most Instagram followers, send a romantic text message to the 10th person in your contacts.
Starting point is 00:09:40 I don't even know who's the 10th person in my phone. And I don't think anyone memorizes like the order of their phone. So who the fuck knows? Um, cut a hole in your shirt that reveals your belly button. Uh, I also did that to one of my friends who was wearing a sweater, his fault for not wearing a shirt underneath. I had to cut a hole in his sweater. Uh, call a random local business and let them know you can't, can't come in for work tomorrow. That's always fun. Throw your underwear in the garbage. All right. That's good too. And tell, uh,
Starting point is 00:10:10 tell everyone the last time you shaved your pubes, that one can get interesting too. That one immediately you get, you get judgy eyes. You know what I mean? And, and, and listen, pandemic, no one's shaving their pubes. All right. Everyone's letting it go. No one has anywhere to be. So you get to hear these people be like, yeah, it was the last time you shaved your pubes and they're like April and you're like, Oh, you're a fucking freak. It's a nice game. It's very fun.
Starting point is 00:10:31 But we have, uh, a bunch of these like, look at all these consequences. All right. We have a ton that we did. And there's more, there's crazier ones in here. Uh, these aren't the craziest ones. There's crazy shit. I just picked out like a random bunch. Um, and we also have these white cards. So if you're like, you know what, these cards are too tame or these cards are, you know, whatever, or we want to, you know, create our own, we have all these cards for you to write your own consequences on.
Starting point is 00:10:58 So you can make it so you could make as this game as crazy as you want. All right. So you have all these cards to create whatever you want. If you think that you could come up with a really cool consequence, by all means, that's why the cards are in there. Write them on there, fit it into your game and you're fucking good to go. Um, but yeah, so that's the game. It's a, it's a, it's an awesome game. Uh, but yeah, it's pay the price right now. You can go to and, uh,
Starting point is 00:11:24 go check it out. And when you, uh, purchase the game, you obviously are getting a copy of the game. You're reserving a copy for it. It's not going to be out for a couple of months, um, but you are going to be the first ones to get it. You're going to, uh, you know, basically when you pay that money and you are basically helping us fund the production of this game, you are reserving, uh, you know, one of the games. Uh, but yeah, I'm fucking super excited about this shit.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I have played this game with my family. I've played with friends multiple times and every single time, you know, people are like dying, laughing and it's a lot of fun and everyone's like recording and like whatever. And I had to tell them like, yo, you can't post anything on social media because, you know, it's not out yet obviously, but everyone is pulling out their phones and like taking pictures or taking
Starting point is 00:12:11 videos of their friends doing crazy shit. And it's, it's awesome for me because, you know, it's one thing to think you have a cool idea and to be like, oh man, and like really go through the motions and like now hold something physical. You know, that was cool in itself. Obviously I can't play the game because I created every single one of the trivia questions with Greg. Like we both came up with all the trivia questions, all the consequences. Uh, you know, we, we did everything basically. And, um,
Starting point is 00:12:38 yeah, so I can't play the game. So I kind of just be a moderator and I just watch everyone play or sometimes we play the game where someone just Googles like a trivia question for me, like a random one and then we move forward with the consequences. Uh, but yeah, it's a lot of fun to see people to see it actually work and people have a really good time playing it. And I feel like a lot of the games that come out right now are very similar to
Starting point is 00:12:59 each other and none of them are really like this, uh, because this one is just like a lot of fun. Like I said, I feel like it even it levels the playing field. So it's not like you're a super, you know, trivia nerd, you're going to crush this game, you know, because technically the person who's willing to do anything. Also, I forgot to explain one of the major rules. Uh, let's just, let's just say you pull one of these consequences cards and it's too
Starting point is 00:13:22 crazy. You're like tech to pulling to your mom. I'm not fucking doing this shit. Then you, it's up for grabs. So anyone in the group can be like, I'll do it. So then they get to, then you get to choose. So the person who has the card, right? They pull the consequence card. They say, tech's appalling to your parents. You're like, fuck that. I'm not doing that. Uh, then anyone else in the group would be like, I'll do that. I'll do that. I'll do that. If there's one person, they get to do it.
Starting point is 00:13:45 But if there's multiple people, the person who has the card gets to choose, all right, who am I going to let do this thing? Who do I want to see do it? You know what I mean? From the, from the volunteers. So technically the person who is the most adventurous can score every single round. If people don't want to do the consequences, you know what I mean? Uh, if you are really good at trivia and you also are like willing to do whatever, you're probably going to win this game. And the trivia questions are not that easy. There are easy ones. You know,
Starting point is 00:14:13 we did make sure that there was like a good mix of easy questions and questions that are like, Jesus, like you need to really be locked in to know this one. But yeah, so that's a, that's also a big portion of the game is that you can score at any point. You know what I mean? If people fuck up, you can really that cards up for grabs if they don't want to do it. If it's too crazy for them and make no mistakes, there's fucking, they are crazy cards in there that I'm like, I'm not doing that. Like,
Starting point is 00:14:38 and it was at first it was hard to come up with consequences, but then I was like, let me just think of shit that I, that I just wouldn't do. I'm like, fuck that. I'm not, you know, I'm not doing this or whatever the hell it is. Um, but yeah, so we're super excited about this. And man, I just, it's, it's, it's really crazy too, because, um, for those of you who had been following me for years, you know that a while back I'm going to be a little vague right now on purpose,
Starting point is 00:15:06 but a while back I had put out a game. And it didn't go the way that I wanted, not because of anything that I did or that it didn't get enough support, but because of a partnership that I had at the time, I feel didn't do right by the game. And I feel like, uh, it was very, it was like swept under the rug and, you know, I just didn't get, I don't think I was treated fairly. And, uh, I didn't really have a choice at the time because I feel I came up with this idea
Starting point is 00:15:44 for a really good game. Again, I'm going to be super vague, but, uh, then I was told that that game already exists and it's going to be put out. Um, so I, I was cut a check that was very nice at the time. And, uh, basically I had to sit on the sidelines and watch this game do extremely well. And I guarantee you've all heard of this game or seen this game. And I really do believe, and again, maybe, maybe I'm, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong, but deep down,
Starting point is 00:16:18 I truly believe based on everything and I'm not going to go into details, but I feel like all of the roads lead to, I think I created that game. I came up with the concept and I feel like I feel, I can't help but feel a little taken advantage of by, you know, the partnership that I had at the time. Um, and I'm not saying that, you know, I'm not boycotting anything. I'm not saying that, you know, they're terrible people or anything like that. I just feel like that situation didn't go the way that I wanted it to go.
Starting point is 00:16:49 So to come back and to come up with a new idea and to put it out independently and just kind of like rely on you guys to help fund the project. Uh, I feel like is the ultimate revenge in a way. You know what I mean? And, and that's why, like, I have so many people that send me messages that say like, oh man, I've been watching you for like six years and I'm like, Jesus, six years. Like what was I even doing six years ago? You know, I like, I so much time has passed and there's these people that have been there since
Starting point is 00:17:17 the very beginning where I was sitting in my mom's basement with a fucking bed sheet behind me and have been supporting me for so long. And I appreciate that so much. And you know, I was dumb to think back then that I needed, you know, a big partnership in order to do something like this. And I know now that I don't. And, and I really just want everyone to just, I want everyone to support this. I'm asking, I'm asking you guys to go over to the Kickstarter and support this.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And I promise you it's going to be worth it. I promise you we're going to have a good time. And you know, the amount of content that is going to come out of this and the amount of laughs and shit, like that's really all I want, man. And this is very special to me because like I said, growing up with me, we loved games. We loved playing games. Me and Keith still love playing games together. Um, and being able to create something like this and help people like kind of create
Starting point is 00:18:11 memories and see it in action is, is really special. And it's, it's just like, it's crazy to hold this. You know what I mean? Like we spent so much time making sure all the wording was right to make sure like, you know, every little thing like was the way it's supposed to be. And it was just grueling honestly. It was just like, you know, overkill. It felt like at times, but now that it's finally here, uh, it's just like a crazy feeling to be able to hold this and be like, damn, we did this shit and we don't need anyone else to do it. Uh, besides you guys,
Starting point is 00:18:44 besides the people who are, who've been supporting me all this time, um, you know, I, I don't want to rely on a big company or, or anybody else or some investor or whatever the fuck. Like I would rather just put it in the hands of our, our viewers and the people who have been supporting me to, to do this. And I think that, you know, if I'm going to put something out like this, um, then I want you guys to enjoy it first.
Starting point is 00:19:10 The people who are watching this and the people who are going to leave this video and go straight to Kickstarter and be like, I'm supporting this thing. And I, I can't wait to play this thing. Like I want you guys to have it first. And that's why, you know, we chose to go the Kickstarter route because not only does it help, you know, support like getting the project off of the ground, uh, but you guys get to play it first and we get to see, you know, all of you play the game.
Starting point is 00:19:31 And that's the coolest part about this too is that it's not only just, uh, you know, a fun game to play in your house or wherever the fuck you play, but it becomes like a social media thing. Like you guys can create like a bunch of cool content with this. When you're filming your friends do crazy shit and then you're going to put it on Instagram or you're going to put it on Snapchat or wherever the fuck, you're going to put it, TikTok, God knows. Uh, but then people are going to be like,
Starting point is 00:19:59 why the fuck did your friend flush his foot in a toilet? And you're going to be like, man, we played this fucking game and it's wild. And the best part about it too. And this is something that, you know, I was pretty adamant about and as was Greg, um, is these make your own consequences. I've played card games in the past where I'm like, this is fun, but I wish that I can contribute and put our own little spin on it. Cause every friend group has their inside jokes. They have their, uh,
Starting point is 00:20:26 you know, their little, whatever, or like, they know which things are going to be triggering to their friends or what they're going to do or what they're not going to do. Uh, and, you know, now you can do that. You can put it directly in the game. I already put it in the game. Like the shit that I want to see my friends do. Those are the consequences. Uh, that's how I came up with those consequences. So, but for you guys, uh, that's why we have all of these. And there's, I think there's 50 of these cards in here. That's a shit ton.
Starting point is 00:20:51 I'm telling you it's going to be hard to fill out 50 cards for you guys. But if you can just go and create your own, write it on here, um, take a picture of it and tag us and shit too. Uh, and, uh, you know, we're going to, we're going to be posting the best ones, but dude, uh, I'm super excited to see you guys play this game and to see you guys do ridiculous shit and just willing to see like how crazy you guys are willing to get, honestly. And, uh, you know, I, like I said, this is just very, it's very, um, special to me because of the whole, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:22 the whole thing of, uh, you know, the game, the original game that I'm talking about vaguely, uh, not going the way that I wanted to go. Um, and I just also want to thank Greg too, uh, who, you know, I can't take all the credit for this. Like Greg very much wouldn't be able to do this without him, without Greg. And he is very much a part of this as I am. Like, I'm the only one talking about it right now because this is my fucking podcast. But, uh, yeah. So Greg, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:49 actually did a lot for this game and really helped me, you know, hone in on this and creatively like we, everything is like 50, 50 with this. We went right down the middle and we really just like, you know, use each other's skills to come up with this product. And we're really proud of it, man. I'm, I honestly, I'm very proud of this. And I know that, um, a lot of people miss me on YouTube and are like, yo, you got to make another video or whatever. Like at the time,
Starting point is 00:22:13 I stopped doing that because it just, it didn't like fulfill me. I did it for so long and it started to feel repetitive and I wanted to do cool shit. Um, it took a while for me to figure out like what that is. I really enjoy doing the podcast because it's more of an open forum. Um, but, uh, this game, man, this is, this is what it is. I mean, I'm so proud of this thing and I'm fucking super amped for everyone to, to back it. And like I said, I just, we just really need, you know, everyone to go over to Kickstarter and, and support this thing. You know what I
Starting point is 00:22:46 mean? Uh, we're trying to raise as much money as possible. There's a goal on there, but I just want to shatter that goal. I think it's like $15,000. I just want to crush that. I want to raise fucking a million dollars. I want to raise a million dollars. I want this to be the best selling game. Uh, I want it to be a revenge game. I want people to know that, you know, you can do it by yourself. You don't need the help of anybody. You know, I've been down that road. It didn't go the way that I wanted it to go.
Starting point is 00:23:14 And maybe that was my own fault or maybe that was their fault, whatever the case may be. Um, but now we're taking it into our own hands and we're like, we're going to make this thing from scratch. We're going to do everything. Uh, we did all the research. Uh, we set up everything like the right way and we think it's, we think it's just a really good game and we've tested it over and over again. Um, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:35 we've made multiple edits to the questions to make sure that there, uh, is a good mix of like easy and hard ones and, you know, for people who are older for younger, so it's like the trivia is like, you know, we really studied hard and how to put out like a really good, uh, sort of game here. And, uh, I'm, I'm just, I'm psyched, man. I'm really fucking psyched for you guys to play this game. And I think it's going to be a lot of fun. And like I said,
Starting point is 00:24:00 I have a video that I'm going to plug into this podcast right after I'm done with this. Uh, so you guys can watch it in real time, but it's a lot of fun. Like I said,, or you can just search it on Kickstarter. It'll be pay the price. It'll be up there. Um, but yeah, man, please for anyone out there who has ever supported me in the past and has been watching me for this long, this is the thing that I really need as many people as possible to get behind
Starting point is 00:24:31 because I really think that we can make this the best selling game like of the year. You know what I mean? I really do feel that. I really feel like it's an infectious game and it's a lot of fun and just not for my, you know, obviously, you know, not even for my own benefit, I really think that's a legitimately fun game. Like I think that people who are interested in games and are interested in, in that sort of thing, like growing up, like I said, we always just play those games.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I think that type of person is going to enjoy this game and even people who are not, even people who are not, I really think you'd be surprised at how much fun you have playing this game and learning so much about your friends and all the weird shit that they're into. And, uh, you know, it's, it's just a lot of fun, man. And I'm, I'm just so proud of it. And I know I'm just like repeating myself, you know, at this moment, but I just like, I'm just like giddy about it. You know, uh, we waited for this day for so long.
Starting point is 00:25:21 It was supposed to go out a while ago, but then COVID hit and we're like, you know what, weird time to be asking for help when, when people are, you know, on unemployment and like, there's just a crazy world going on, you know what I mean? So we wanted to wait until the right time and it just feels like the right time. You know what I mean? It's 10 days until my 29th birthday, uh, February 25th, this is my 29th birthday. So if you're, if you're wondering what to, what to get me for my birthday, you're looking at it. Get yourself something for my birthday. Okay. Go over to Kickstarter,
Starting point is 00:25:52 fucking, uh, get one of these or get two of them, get 20 of them. I don't give a fuck, uh, but we are going to get this shit rolling and it's got to start, you know, with, uh, you know, you guys, the people who have been supporting me and watching this podcast and making everything that I'm able to do possible. You know what I mean? And this is just the fucking beginning too. This is really just the beginning of, of, uh, you know, what I want to do for the rest of my life. I really do want to create really cool shit.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I see a lot of these card games that come out that are not even like similar to this, but they're just a card game in general and they're all like really carbon copies of themselves. And it feels like the same game keeps coming out and I have no interest in that. I have no interest in the money grab. I have no interest in, you know, just doing it because it, you know, whatever, I want to create cool shit that I think is legitimately good. I don't want to put something out that's going to be bullshit.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Hence why I stopped doing YouTube. I walked away from that because it wasn't fulfilling and I felt like, you know what, this is just repetitive and it's not new. It's not creative. It's not doing anything for me. This is something that I'm super proud of and that I feel like if we can get enough people to back this thing, like I said, I'm trying to raise a fucking million dollars. I'm not even going to lie. I'm not even going to lie. I don't shoot for the scott for the stars here.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I even say that to Greg at all, but I'm fucking trying to raise a million dollars. You know, we don't like, it doesn't have to be a million dollars, but I'm fucking trying to raise a million dollars because I really think that, you know, you get this game out and people are going to be playing it and it could be the number one selling game and it's not going to be, it's going to be because of you guys because if you guys back it enough off the jump, then we're able to, you know, do our part in marketing the game and getting it off the ground and putting it
Starting point is 00:27:28 on Amazon and putting it in stores and shit like that. And you guys will be a part of this whole journey and it will be because of you. It will honestly be because of you. If this game takes off and does really well and you're just like, and we're really trying to make it like a part of culture, like a very fun game that everyone knows, like these things, like fucking Monopoly. You know what I mean? Like we want it to be like that, like trivia and these consequences pay the price. Like,
Starting point is 00:27:55 you know, when you play this game, you're going to have to use your mind, but also if you, if you get something wrong, you're going to have to do something crazy and it's just going to be a fun time. You know what I mean? Like that's all we're trying to do. And, you know, you could play with anybody, you could play with your family. Maybe you don't, you know, ask your mom with the weird thing she masturbated to, maybe skip that card. But, you know, or maybe your crazy brother would do that. You can nominate him and he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:28:18 yeah, I'll do it. Fuck it. I'll say what I've, I've jerked off to animal shit in front of my mom. Maybe he'll do that, but normal people won't. But yeah. So we're trying to raise as much money as possible on the Kickstarter. Really want you guys to have it though. Really want you guys to have it. But yeah, like I said, if it takes off, it'll be because of the people who watch this video and the people that back to Kickstarter. After that,
Starting point is 00:28:46 we can print a lot more games and then just get to selling them and trying to reach, you know, a bunch of other people. Also a word of mouth is going to be huge too. Like I said, when you reserve it on Kickstarter, you reserve a copy of it. You'll get it before anyone else gets it. And then it's going to go on Amazon and people are going to be playing it. This could turn into expansion packs. It could turn into whatever. And like I said, I was saying earlier, this is just the beginning. This is just the beginning. There could be expansion packs.
Starting point is 00:29:16 There could be other games. There could be God knows what. I just want you guys to know like with shit like this, with this game, I promise to not take this shit lightly. I know that you guys have to pay for it. I don't ever want, and this is why I put so much emphasis on like the merch shit. People, a lot of people send me messages about merch and they're like, oh man, this is the best quality merch I've ever gotten. Right?
Starting point is 00:29:46 They're, they're not cheap like the hoodies, but they also, I also don't make a ton of money off of the hoodies because I pay so much for the quality because I don't want to put something out of the way. It's like, oh, this is clearly a cash grab and this wasn't really well, fall it out. This is over a year in the making. We've thought everything probably overanalyzed the shit. Honestly, there's a lot of whiskey involved in this shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:08 A lot of headaches, a lot of whiskey and a whole lot of help. And we finally reached the point where like, all right, fine. This is what we're, we're ending with. And I promise you guys that if, if you help me on this journey right now, this is the start of, you know, a creative journey. This isn't just about this card game. This is just the beginning. And, you know, with the money, we're able to create more games. And if we make this thing like a big game and we are like the number one seller on Amazon or number one seller in the fucking world,
Starting point is 00:30:36 then the money that we make from that, I'm not just taking it in my pocket and walking. We're doing cool shit with that money, man. You know what I mean? Like I really appreciate all of you guys supporting me. And at this point, like I don't need anything else. I don't need anything else. I just want to do this with my life. I just want to create cool shit. And, and the money from this point on is just about doing cool shit and giving back and doing the right thing. That's why every year on Patreon,
Starting point is 00:31:01 we donate the entire Patreon check to charity and shit. And because of your support, we're able to, we have now three wells in, in Africa that is, that, you know, is, is supporting over a fat, like 1500 people giving them fresh clean water. That's not because of me. That's because all of you guys are able to support me. And then now I am in the position to do things like that. And that's what I want to do with the rest of my life. So I want you to know that I, when you support me on things like this and the
Starting point is 00:31:31 Patreon, I'm going to do the right thing. I'm going to make sure that whatever you get is quality. I'm going to make sure that there's always this under this charitable undertone and make sure that, you know, we're doing the right thing as far as giving back and just doing the right thing. You know what I mean? I'm never going to put out some bullshit and then you get it. And it's, and you're like, what the fuck is this? It's always going to be quality. I like, that's what I can promise you guys. And, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:56 this isn't, you know, a dig at any other like creators or anything like that. But I can promise you, I will truthfully believe that I will work my ass off, dude. We will work our asses off, not just me, but everyone who's had been helping me, uh, you know, do this, uh, you know, Frankie, Greg, uh, Thomas Keith, um, you know, everyone, you know what I mean? Fucking Manu, Mikey, everybody, all these people, they all had a hand in this and everyone's been super helpful. But, you know, like I said, oh, it's always going to be quality. It's always going to be, um, you know, well thought out and it's not going to be
Starting point is 00:32:30 some fucking bullshit. It's not going to be some cash grab. It's not going to be, you know, oh, I've seen this game a million times now. This is just like a tiny spin on it. It's never going to be that I'm always going to try and do the right thing. And, and, and the reason why is because I have a lot of people around me that, you know, hold me to that standard. There's a lot of people in my life that I feel like, um, especially right now that inspire me and make sure that I don't do any
Starting point is 00:32:55 bullshit, you know what I mean? I'm very thankful for that. And this is born because of all that shit. And I, and I, again, I don't want to take full credit here because Greg, this is just as much Greg's as his mind and I couldn't have done it without him. Brilliant dude. Um, but I'm really excited. And like I said, as excited as I am for this game and I need you guys to go
Starting point is 00:33:13 fucking supported on Kickstarter, I am more excited for the future and using this as a stepping stone to just creating cool shit, man. I really feel like we have something special and we already are thinking about like our next projects and this and that. And this is just the stepping stone to that. And I really want you guys to be a part of it and I want you to just have your faith in me to do the right thing and to, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:36 just bring quality product to you guys. Um, and also just not need anyone to do it. I hope that's inspiring. I hope it is because, you know, I, I, I, I wish I had that when I was younger and I didn't. Um, and I made some mistakes and, and, and I feel like I put myself in a position to be wronged. Um, and I don't blame anyone. I, I say, you know what? You got me. Move forward. And here we are. Now it's my turn. Now it's my turn to do the right thing.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Now it's my turn to be like, you know what? I have, I'm in such a blessed position, uh, that I don't need anybody. And I had, I know that I have you guys as well. There's been a lot of things that happened in the last year. 2020 was fucking crazy. And I was totally fine. I was totally fine because of the people that watch because of the people that have been supporting me. I was, I was basically unaffected, basically unaffected on a, on a pure like business level.
Starting point is 00:34:44 And that is such a luxury that I don't take for granted. I realized that. And, and I know that I need to do right by you guys. You know, I didn't disappear from YouTube to be like, all right, got my money. Now I'm going to run. I'm not doing that. I, I, I am putting my energy into things that matter to me and that are going to be quality and that I think are worth your money and your time. You know, I know I've been talking for fucking 35 minutes right now, uh, but I think it's worth your time. I really do. I really think it's worth your time.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I think that you guys are going to enjoy this. You're going to have a lot of fun. And, uh, yeah, I hope that you guys like it and I appreciate, you know, anyone who goes to the Kickstarter and, you know, just supports me or even if you, if you can't support, uh, just posting the link and being like, Hey, you know, this is a really cool game, you know, whatever, but we'll go check it out. Um, but yeah, you know, there, there are things just to like, you know, talk about this for a second, but like my videos on YouTube, uh, that was, I started doing them when I was like 18 years old and all of them, for some reason,
Starting point is 00:35:51 when, if I was in a room, like my friends have done this before because they know it makes me uncomfortable, but if I'm around people and they put a video on, even if my family does it and it's just my family, I just like can't be in the same room for some reason. And I don't know why that is. And I think it's because after a while, I started to feel like I've, I, like I said, it didn't make me as happy anymore. And I'm like, Oh man, I don't want to do that. This game though, I want to tell everyone about, and I'm so excited watching everyone play it. It's just, it's like a child. Frankie had Ruby. I have a card game.
Starting point is 00:36:22 You know what I mean? That's exactly what it's like. So, uh, yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm fucking tell everyone about it, tell everyone about it, buy it by a thousand if you can, and you want to, uh, but yeah, man, uh, I'm excited, man. And I, I, I, like I said, I promise that, you know, if you support this thing, we're going to fucking do, we're going to try and our hardest to, I'm not taking a fucking dollar from this thing. Not in the beginning. I've already said, like, and we, you know, and Greg also just in agreement, like, yo, we're not shooting for, we're going to raise money on Kickstarter and like, that's it. We're trying to make this game. I'll go fucking bankrupt for this game. I will fucking pour so much money into marketing.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I am going to make sure that fucking Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, and whoever the fuck else's name, Jimmy doing late night or whatever the fuck wants to play this game on their show. I promise I am going to bust my ass so that could possibly happen. We are going to fucking take this to the moon. All right. We are going to pour all the fucking money that we can into printing games and fucking marketing this game. And we are going to make sure that that fucking partnership that went sour years ago knows that you don't need, like, we don't need anybody. We don't need anybody anymore. We got this. We got you guys. And that's all we fucking need. We can build the stone and then you guys are going to fucking push it. And then everyone's
Starting point is 00:37:46 going to end. It's going to roll down the fucking hill and just fucking crush. It's going to crush. I really want that to happen, guys. I'm fucking amped right now. As you can tell, I am fucking amped. Let's fucking do this. I'm fucking hype. I need that. I had pre-workout before this. I'm going to start punching fucking walls in here. But yeah, man, let's fucking do this thing. Anyway, I'm going to play the video from the shoot so you guys can see the game in full form. Just so everyone knows, we had everyone test for COVID before we shot this thing. And thankfully, I mean, you know, no one lied because everyone tested negative weeks after as well. But yeah, so enjoy the video and then we're going to get to ads.
Starting point is 00:38:39 What's up, guys? I'm Greg. And I'm Joe. And we are the creators of a new trivia party game called Pay the Price. And today we're on set watching our friends play it for the first time. Each player will be answering trivia questions. If they get the question right, they get points. If they get the question wrong, they can still get points by completing one of our ridiculous consequences. In 2016, a gorilla named Harambe was shot and killed when a three-year-old boy climbed into his exhibit. Name the zoo where this occurred. The only zoo I know is the Brown Zoo. French fries originated in this country. France. You can do a consequence of that. Is it Belgium? It's Belgium. It's Belgium. Talk 30 to another player for 30 seconds
Starting point is 00:39:19 without breaking my contact. You're doing it. No, I pass. I pass. Why are you passing? I pass. Okay, you want me to do it? Let me know when the timer starts. Just look into my eyes and it will tell me when to start, Greg. I will get up for this. Go. There's nothing that I can't do with my fingers that I wouldn't be willing to do to you. I'm gonna ride you and lick your nipples. I'm gonna make out with you so hard. You're gonna forget that you're even on this planet. It's 30 seconds. You're good. Yes. We got red card, baby. What is the capital city of Kenya? Oh, yeah, right. Who is the oldest Kardashian sister? Kim. Psych. Throw your underwear in the garbage. Yes. Yes. Off to now. Now. These are actually very expensive underwear. Pay the price.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Pay the price. Give a 15 second lap dance to a player. Oh, me. Katelyn, Katelyn, Katelyn. Don't support me. Touch him, man. Touch him. I'm not touching him. Touch him. What is going on? I wasn't expecting to experience so much. Miley Cyrus played this fictional pop star on a Disney TV show between 2006 and 2011. Baby, Hannah Montana, baby. Hannah Montana, baby. Say which player you think is most likely to marry for money and Jenna. He didn't even finish the question. What side of the Apple logo is the bite taken out of? The luck. Incorrect. It's the right. How many zeros are in a quadrillion? 12, 15. Pay the price. Okay, I'm fine with that. Pay the price.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Let the youngest player give you a face tattoo with a pen or a marker. Call someone you've had sex with and ask them to rate your sex game. If they don't pick up, text them. Okay, let's just do it. Are you writing something? It's a face tattoo. Doesn't matter what it is. Oh, hi, Sheena. I just have one question for you. Could you rate my sex game? You couldn't help but ask me that more conveniently. He just wrote his name. And a wiener. And a dick that is being in your eyes. This game is dangerous, by the way. I'm just letting you know that I'm not coming in tomorrow. That's all. What is he drawing, bro? Bang, bang, baby.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Guy reflects who? I'm scarred for life. 15-2? That's what you do when you're making art? Thank you, it's Evia. But you know when you look at your pubes and you look at it as like there's a little growth? I'm pretty sure that's herpes. Sire the growths on your pubes. Yeah. All right. Oh my god. I had to suck some girl's butthole and kiss her spine. She was moaning. That was good, man. That was good. Text the porn link to one of your parents. Uh, I can't do this. I'll do it. Call or text your parents and tell them you just had sex. Call them. Call them, call them. Call Mary. Can I say she got pregnant too?
Starting point is 00:43:01 Do we want a compilation? That one right there. That one's good. Wait, can you read the link of the video you're going to send? Yes, it's Black to Raw. Sienna Trump is back and craving some BBC. Sorry, ma. Hey, man. Yeah, so I had sex with a girl and you might be a grandma. Take a selfie and let the person to your right post it to your Instagram with any caption they want. Can I say I'm sorry? I feel like that makes it worse. Like, I'm not gonna lie. That makes it worse. I'm not kidding. Oh wait, all of us? Best recent I've ever had with watery movies. It's not water.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Yes, it's not water. All right, there's the relationship with my mom. Thank you guys. Oh my God, my face hurts. Oh my God, this poor woman. I'm gonna piss myself. We appreciate you guys watching this video and if you want to support the game, it would mean the world to us because we've been working on this for over a year. We wrote every single trivia card, every single consequence card, and we're really excited to see it come to life. Yeah, and if you do want to support us, you can head over to our Kickstarter. And if you do support us on the Kickstarter, you're actually pre-ordering the game. So you'll be one of the first ones to get your
Starting point is 00:44:24 hands on it when it does come out. Be sure to take lots of pictures and videos of your friends doing the most ridiculous shit. We cannot wait to watch you guys play. There you have it. And there you have it. All right, so that's the game. It's fucking crazy. It's a lot of fun. You know, and if you're of age, you know, of legal drinking age, it's even more fun when you do that. I'm just saying. If you're underage, don't fucking do that. I'm not advocating for underage drinking, so fuck off. But all right, let's get to these ads real quick and then we'll get to I want to talk about, you know, something else that has nothing to do with the game. Don't worry about it. But yeah, first off, we have better help here. Better
Starting point is 00:44:58 help. Basically, you can start talking to online counselors. You can start communicating just under 48 hours. If you do, if you want to do therapy, I do therapy every Thursday. And if you want to start doing it over the phone, you could text or you can video chat or talk on the phone or whatever you want. Then you can do it with better help. They have a bunch of licensed licensed professionals that specialize in depression, anxiety or family troubles or anything like that. So you can find the right one for you if you need to switch. They make that also a very seamless sort of thing as well. But yeah, slash yard to get 10% off of your first month. Okay. Over a million people have joined taking charge of their mental health. Like I said, I'm a big proponent of therapy.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I think that it's great. I just started there a couple months ago. Love it. I honestly think that's great. But yeah, so go check it out. Better help. You know, I know that the pandemic kind of like weighed on everyone sort of mentally. So, you know, definitely go check out better help if you've been thinking about it slash yard to get 10% off your first month. Again, that is slash yard. Next, we have brings the services of the US Postal Service right to your home. Okay, so you can just go online and print out official US postage 24 seven. Okay, it's 3am. You want to print postage, you can with for any letter, any package, any class of mail, anywhere you want to send it. But yeah, no brainer saving
Starting point is 00:46:23 you time and money. You know, they would you get discounts up to 40% off post office rates and up to 62% off you UPS shipping rates. What? That is an insane discount. So it's a no brainer time and money saving it you don't have to go anywhere maybe you're worried about COVID or maybe wherever it is you could do it from your home. So go check out There's no risk and with the promo code basement you can get a special offer that includes a sorry I'm like burping right now that includes a four week trial plus free postage and a digital scale no long term commitments or contracts just go to click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in basement that is click on the microphone at the top of the homepage
Starting point is 00:47:02 and type in basement. Okay never go to the post office again. All right, there you go fellas and women. Female fellas is what I meant. All right and lastly here we have keeps keeps offers a simple stress free way to keep your hair. Conventional virtual doctor consultations and medications that were straight to your door every three months so you don't have to leave your home. It's a low cost treatment started just $10 per month and keeps offers generic versions. Here's the facts two out of three men will experience some form of hair loss by the time they're 35 more than 50 million men in the US suffer from male pattern baldness. So this is a prevalent thing I mean more than 50 million men in the United States so you know it also ships in
Starting point is 00:47:45 in discrete packaging so if this is something that you're self-conscious about keeps does a good job in making sure that you're you know helping yourself and doing what you want to do you know what I mean without kind of putting your business out there to the whole neighborhood. But yeah it has more five-star reviews than any of its competitors and prevention is key. Treatments can take four to six months to see results so act fast. Okay if you're ready to take action and prevent hair loss go to keeps. K E E P S dot com slash you are to receive your first month of treatment for free. That's keeps K E E P S dot com slash you are to get your first month free. All right K E K E E P S dot com slash you are. All right for free. Dude for free. You might as
Starting point is 00:48:34 well do it. All right. So go check them out. That's great. I mean this is probably two out of three men will experience some form of hair loss. So there you go fellas. If you want to do that there you go. All right. I am so amped right now. It's crazy man. But yeah like I said we're going to take this game to the moon. I'm putting this bit back on the table man. I can stare at it all day. The cards are sleek. The cards are sleek. This is kind of banged up. If you if you can see this like closely there's shit all over it. The actual game is going to look a lot better than this. This has gone through the ringer though. This has gone through hell. This went through my secret Santa party which was a mess. I think someone spilled you know whiskey all over this fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:49:15 And then we played it another night and people were screaming at each other like there's some cards in there that are like rank the group rank the group one to ten on their on their looks. You know what I mean. Just to fucking pin everyone against each other. But it's fun. It's a fun game man. And I'm fucking I'm just super hype. And I really hope that this goes as well as it is. Like a lot of people who I've talked to have you know they have expectations of where it is. I haven't told anyone what I thought we can actually raise. You know what I mean because a lot of everyone's like yo I hope we can get you know like five thousand backers on this thing. And I mean right now we have like 7400 patrons and they're paying monthly for an extra episode.
Starting point is 00:50:03 This is a one time payment. It's a really cool product that you get to have and to create memories with and just kind of be a part of the ride. You know what I mean. I will fucking never stop giving you guys credit if this thing does extremely well and like you know whatever like this will just be because of you guys and always will be too because that's where we're going to start. It's we want to create this like incubator for games and for creative you know things that aren't just card games but just anything we create and just kind of test it with you guys and see you know what you think of it and ask for your support and then it's up to the fucking races. You know what I mean. We raise as much money as possible. We print as many games as we can and
Starting point is 00:50:47 then we go out to the general public and you know I think we have something special here and I know that you guys are going to appreciate this and have a lot of fun playing it. So yeah but like they say we're going to take this fucking bitch to the moon just like GameStop. So I did want to talk about that you know what I mean and I was going to save it for a conversation with Frankie but I don't know if he's been keeping up with like the stocks and everything but man what a fucking annoying what an annoyance you know what I'm saying. So if you guys don't know I'm leaving the shit right here. If you guys don't know you know obviously there was some shit going on with Reddit and the stocks I need to fidget I'm fucking amped. There was some shit
Starting point is 00:51:32 going on with the stocks and Reddit and you know it was like this whole bullshit. I'm going to save you the you know the mumbo jumbo the terms and conditions as I like to call it but basically this GameStop stock flew to like $380 you know where you know a big hedge fund like shorted it. I mean I don't even want to get into that because I don't know if everyone understands like what shorting or whatever it is. I have a basic one on one understanding what it is. I'm not trying to be like fucking whatever. I don't know what the fuck is going on but yeah that is not even the point. The point is now that this was like on the forefront of the news and like stocks and trading and like whatever like day trading or you know whatever the fuck it is like it's all people
Starting point is 00:52:17 are talking about now. Now suddenly everyone thinks they know what they're talking about and frankly I'm sick of it. I have friends that are hitting me up like yo you got to jump in on this this crypto. It's trading at eight cents but it's going to take off. I'm like shut the fuck up. You know what I'm saying like I don't know what first of all I've literally seen you shit into a bag in the back of a Honda Civic on the highway going 80. I'm not taking any sort of financial advice from you. No. You know what I mean? And also I've never heard you talk about the stock market. Like dude you what are you talking about? I'm not taking advice from you. Everyone thinks they know what they're talking about now. With that said I did buy Apple stock.
Starting point is 00:53:17 I put more money into Apple. I was like you know what everyone's going to be throwing their money into the stock market. I'm just going to buy more Apple. Apple is just you know they're going to take over the world. I legit think that either Elon Musk or wherever the fuck his name is now Tim Cook. I think at some point what they're what's going to happen is Elon Musk Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos are going to kill us because they control the world. They have all the money in the world to do whatever the fuck they want. They could probably create another planet or create some sort of technology that makes them invincible. So even if you shoot a bazooka at them they will not die. And I'm terrified of that. People are worried about
Starting point is 00:54:00 the robots. I'm like hey you're not worried about the guy who can fund the robot army and make them do whatever the fuck. Like literally Elon I've seen videos of these robots and like they have faces now we're putting skin on robot. What the fuck is wrong with people? Like yeah you know what would be cool about robots? Like yo think about this right? We all we're not dumb. We know that robots could fuck us up. They're made of metal. You can't punch a robot and knock them out. They will it will break your hand. So robots who are pissed can do whatever they want to you and climb your building and shit like it's it's a mess. And people are like oh we need to make them indestructible. You know or make them very aerodynamic and light. It's like why are we making
Starting point is 00:54:44 these things more dangerous? And then what they want to do now which I this is what I don't understand like at least if you're going to create this fucking soldier that is you know could fuck us if it wants. At least if you're going to get let's give it brains. Let's give it a dream. Let's make them dream. Like yo you want to give this thing a dream. It has one weird dream about humans like their creator like you know if Elon Musk is like oh the robot has a dream of Elon Musk like doing wrong by these robots. The robots are going to wake up and be like fuck this guy. Now they know the possibilities. Like yo Elon Musk could turn us off, kill Elon Musk, then all hell breaks loose. You ever see iRobot? Exactly. But anyway that was a good movie. Will
Starting point is 00:55:25 Smith. I mean that was a great movie. But uh yeah so they want to create these fucking robots. And these like soldiers basically. But then they're like oh no let's take it a step further. Let's make them indestructible. Let's make them like you if you pour water on machinery usually at malfunctions. Let's make it so that doesn't happen. And then let's put skin on them. Let's put very realistic skin on them and give them emotions and mannerisms and make them learn. And so like what we're doing to be clear is trying to hide robots into society. We are setting ourselves up for failure here. Do you know what I'm saying? Like also I mean if you've seen certain videos of Mark Zuckerberg it may be too fucking late on that. Because that
Starting point is 00:56:18 dude's a weird fuck. And he's a brilliant guy. He's a brilliant guy. I mean create a Facebook. I mean I don't know what he's doing. You know there's rumors about him like selling you know our you know stuff to Russia or China. I mean I can't keep up anymore. I mean who has our information. I think everything my information is definitely being stored in like China somewhere in there. I'm going to I'm going to pay the price on that. I'm going to pay the price. I'm going to pay the price on that. But first I'm going to put this game out. But after that you know China is going to take over. But anyway if you ever see videos of Mark Zuckerberg. Dude look up Mark Zuckerberg. Type into YouTube Mark Zuckerberg barbecue sauce. There's a video of him like
Starting point is 00:56:58 making burgers with his wife and he's like live streaming it or something. I don't think the dude blinks. Like I don't think he's blinked since college. You know what I mean. Like he's just a weird and he says sweet baby rays. Great barbecue sauce. But dude weird fuck. Like that guy. If anyone's a robot that dude is a robot. But yeah so anyway this whole thing about the fucking stocks is driving me nuts because it's turning these kids that I know that are idiots into they think they're they're fucking they're fucking Jordan Belfort now. Oh sell me this pen. Shut the fuck up dude. You don't know what you're talking about. All right. I'm taking GameStop to the moon. Yo Dogecoin. Put all your money in Dogecoin. Literally I had a friend tell me to put all my money in
Starting point is 00:57:44 Dogecoin. Not all my money. I was just like yo put you know buy a bunch of shares of Dogecoin. It's trading at whatever it was like 60 cents. I don't know it's 30 cents now I think or some shit. It's like oh cool. Good call. It's like come on. And I don't even know like I don't even know how anyone could predict that unless there were some insider trading. I'm not saying that I would you know I'm not saying that I would participate in insider trading trading but I wouldn't would not I wouldn't count it out because that's a safe play. You know what I mean. If you're going to invest in the stocks at least get some insider info. You know what I'm saying. But you take a risk there. I mean Martha Stewart I bet you went to jail. I'm making no cupcakes in that
Starting point is 00:58:34 jail. You know what I mean. I think she went to the rich person jail though where it's like you just go up and you just like yeah you got to play checkers every day for like whatever it was two years. I don't know how long she was in there but she did her time you know came out a different person I think. But yeah shout to Martha Stewart still kicking still doing her thing still making I don't know if she's is she still baking. I don't know if I've ever eaten anything that like Martha Stewart's famous. What the fuck did she even do. Like am I too young to know what this what she did. Did she have like a show. I mean she probably did. I just want to be she probably did she probably made lovely things. I just have never seen it. And why is there no like Martha Stewart
Starting point is 00:59:16 cake mix or something. You know what I mean. Or like some bowls or something like why is there not a product line of Martha Stewart. That she was she strictly just like does she have restaurants. Like I don't know what she has. I know that she's rich and she has like an empire or something. But like what's she doing. You know good looking woman. She's she's not Diane Keaton. Actually I haven't seen Diane Keaton in years. So I don't know what she looks like anymore. But Diane Keaton die on Keaton. Yeah she was a smoke. She was a fox for sure. She was a foxy lady. What was that movie with Jack Nicholson. Is that Diane Keaton. I'm getting my old women mixed up. Definitely not Meryl Streep. I think it was Diane Keaton in that movie with Jack Nicholson where they started dating.
Starting point is 01:00:03 It was a little weird because they're like older and like you don't really see that in Hollywood usually in Hollywood when people are making out they're like young good looking people. This was like two old people kind of kissing and like FaceTime sexing. They were having sex via FaceTime I think in that movie. And then they like made out on a bridge was fucking dope. It's kind of dope. You know what I mean. Jack Nicholson not my type at all. Not my type at all. No Suri. But I get it. He's a powerful man. Whatever it is. He's got something about him. He's got some some spunk to him. I don't know really what that word means. But he's got he's got it. He's got the it factor. You know what I mean. He like commands attention
Starting point is 01:00:41 where sunglasses a lot dudes old as shit now to be honest with you. Even like a couple years ago camera pan over to him sitting on the court side at the fucking Lakers game. You're like what the fuck happened to this guy. You know what I mean. It's like what happened to old Jackie from Batman like the Joker. What's he like famous for. I don't fucking know. Jack Nicholson. No you can't handle the truth. This guy can't handle sitting down for too long. He looks like he's melting in that chair and the sunglasses don't help. You know what I mean. Shout out to Jack Nicholson. No big fan of his big big fan. But yeah. With that being said I do have my brokerage account. Definitely did get some more action. It's a lot of fun losing money.
Starting point is 01:01:28 You know what I mean. It's it's a ton of fun. You have to be in it for the long haul. You know what I mean. That's all I'm going to say. Anyone out there. Here's my here's my advice about the stock market. If you're trying to make money in a month just work a job. Don't do it in like don't day trade unless you know what you're talking about. Don't just guess and don't like read one article and be like yo this sounds pretty cool. I'm putting fucking money into this fucking biomedical tech fucking company that I don't know what the fuck they do. But this article sounds cool. Don't do that. That's how you lose money. There's no way to predict. You know what I'm saying like that. You get information but sometimes information is fucking bullshit. You know what
Starting point is 01:02:12 I mean. So just be careful. If you want to invest in something you know you Apple or something. It's a little expensive. Amazon by the way. What the fuck. Amazon's trading at like 3500 bucks. The fucking balls on that. Jesus Christmas. But great people who are going to sell this. You're eventually going to be able to buy this on Amazon. But yeah I don't know when the fuck that is as far as this game goes. Like I said we're going to raise the money and then we have to put the order in for as many games as we can print and then you know the game comes out. You guys get the copies first and then we put them on Amazon and wherever the fuck. I hope I honestly I haven't told anyone
Starting point is 01:03:09 my expectations and I think I was like alluding to this before but I haven't really told anyone my expectations for how much money we can raise. I haven't put it outside of my head that we could raise a million dollars or like half a million dollars. I think we could. I think we could. And I'm not even talking about the random people that find it. I'm talking about just the people who watch this. Just the people who watch this podcast I think is enough. I mean every week we get like 100,000 views on this podcast. Not everyone's going to fucking you know purchase this obviously but if a good amount of people do it we could fucking we can do this shit. You know what I'm saying? Like we could really fucking do this shit. It would be fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:55 I'm hype. I really hope these guys are as hype as I am about this but it's fucking exciting man. I've seen my friends do dumb ass shit and then get into arguments also which is even funnier honestly. And you know what the coolest part about it too like I remember playing it randomly like during the summer a couple of my friends we went out for drinks outdoors and then we came well it doesn't matter that I said outdoors because we came back to my apartment and we played this game but we played this game and the next day everyone was in the group chat just like talking about it like oh man you remember that oh yo yeah and it just felt so good I was like damn man the game like actually works because it's one thing when you create it
Starting point is 01:04:37 you have a bias you're like oh this game's great it's fucking we put so much time and everyone was but then you like see it in action and people are like yeah like that was fucking cool you know what I mean and like my friends don't give a shit about appeasing me they would love to shit all over this thing you know what I mean they would love it they would love to be like sucks sucks they would love that but they didn't and actually The Secret Santa night that we played those my friends we all played that first night that I'm talking about and then The Secret Santa we were trying to figure out like all right yo let's let's do something let's play a game let's talk about that and then the idea came I was like yo let's play pay the price I was like
Starting point is 01:05:14 fuck yeah dude let's do that so we ended up playing again so they actually wanted to play again and I was like damn if I can get these fucking assholes to want to play this game who I know they wanted to fuck I know they wanted it to suck I know it but if I can get them to be like yo yeah let's fucking play again you know what I mean it's one thing to play the game but yo that was a lot of fun but to want to play it again that means a lot to me um so yeah I think that you guys are going to love it I'm fucking like you know why it's so exciting because I don't know what I feel like this could get out of hand like I really do feel like it could get out of hand I really feel like this could be really something like special and and and watching this episode
Starting point is 01:05:57 back would be interesting in a year's time of just being like you know I have expectations um and I'll set the ceiling high and I can just like talk about the possibilities um but I'm not even gonna lie I mean I it's not that anything short of a number one seller is a failure because that's not true but that's where I'm going like I I want that like that's what I'm going to to work towards like I'm not doing this to uh you know it's not about the money it has nothing to do with the money honestly it really fucking doesn't like I don't I don't fucking care and like I always get shit from my friends all the time and like my business partners whoever is that I say that a lot is that it's not about the money
Starting point is 01:06:46 at all because it really isn't like I just think this is a fun game and I think we could fucking do it and it would be so awesome like I said earlier to go through a situation like I did and then be like I'm I am taking it in my own hands with the help of Greg and we're just going to do it ourselves independently come up with a best-selling game that would be wild that would be fucking crazy and that would be just like an awesome you know way to cap that story is to you know be able to put out something and have it be super successful um which is be cool man and it's really it's really not about the money because if it was about the money then you know I feel like the game I'm trying to any money that I get from this game
Starting point is 01:07:41 is going back into the game at least for the first year I want to dump fucking marketing dollars into this thing until everyone knows what it is and I honestly not that I don't care about it selling I just want everyone to know what the fuck it is I just want everyone to to know I want everyone to be like I what is this I have seen it everywhere that's what I want and then eventually you're gonna play it and you're gonna go damn that was fucking fun that's all I want I just want everyone to play it and to try it out to see how much fun it is because uh you know we think we created a really fun game and I've watched people play it and have a fucking great time like better than it it honestly came out better than I thought it was going to be
Starting point is 01:08:25 so I I just I just want I'm gonna like you know I'll get a fucking billboard I don't give a fuck like I'll do dumb ass shit I swear to god if we raise a lot of money on Kickstarter wait and just see what kind of stupid shit I'm gonna do just wait because it's one thing to do like you know digital marketing ads and like maybe do some like influencer marketing and make some fucking tiktoker who's got abs you know play the game in like a tiktok and you have to pay him like you know 10 million dollars over the fuck there again nowadays that's one thing but I'm just gonna come up with dumb ass shit I don't know you know what I mean I I don't like I'm just gonna like I just can't wait I can't wait the amount like that's why I'm so excited about like
Starting point is 01:09:14 where this can go because I know that if this catches on and and people just see it they're gonna think it's a good idea they're gonna think that it's a it's an awesome game and you know support it and I swear I if we if I have enough money to do fucking stupid shit with it gonna gonna and I think this is a fun game for like like I said Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Kimmel fucking Ellen I don't know if she's doing still doing our show or if she has the thing with the thing but watching celebrities play this game too would also be very interesting there's a card in here that says tell tell the people how much money you have in your savings account imagine a celebrity doing that you get to find out some some things I don't think they
Starting point is 01:10:01 would do it but maybe someone would who knows but I think that it has a lot of potential and I'm fucking excited I'm just excited man I really hope that you guys um are able to help out in any way whether it be posting or it be you know going to the Kickstarter and getting the game fuck it's gonna be awesome and um you know however this goes if there's 5000 backers or if there's you know whatever on Kickstarter you have to hit your goal so we have to raise $15,000 if no one backs it I'm going to put $15,000 into it well we've already put money into it but not into the Kickstarter but into the you know creating this game but I the game will be funded and I'm I have full faith in everyone who watches this that we're gonna crush $15,000
Starting point is 01:10:56 but even if we didn't I am going to make sure that people see this fucking game we're gonna do it we're gonna do it and we're gonna do it with the help of you guys I'm telling you right now you're gonna be along for this fucking ride and then we're gonna continuously do this shit I really want this to be like an interactive thing I want you guys to be the like test pool for everything moving forward I want this to be the start and then I want to keep creating shit and I want to be giving it to you guys first and just getting your reactions from it and then just showing it to the world I want to be the fucking center of all that shit not me personally but like this thing I feel like a lot of people just do the easy thing even when that
Starting point is 01:11:41 game that I'm talking about the old one there was a lot of different versions of that game that came out you know there was the main one that like celebrities were playing Allen was playing it whoever was always people were playing the game and I had to sit and watch all then play that game and not get any of the credit and not and just not be recognized really for that and it was hard and I it was on four it was unfortunate it was an unfortunate situation for me but I didn't care I cared for a little bit it was hard and I was just like damn like you know whatever but then I was like fuck that like eventually a day is going to come where they're going to be sorry this is the day today is the day they're going to be sorry
Starting point is 01:12:36 they're going to see this they're going to know what happened and then with the success of this game talking this into existence by the way with the success of this game they're going to be sorry and then we are going to create the cool shit we're going to create the cool shit now on starting with this it's all going to be based around fun it's all going to be fun it's all going to be fun shit and this isn't this isn't about you know like revenge it isn't about any of that it's just it's it's it's just about uh taking things in your own hands and I hope that's inspiring like across the board and you know it's not because of me it's not that I am this like inspirational person or whatever because the only reason why I had enough belief in myself to do this is because
Starting point is 01:13:29 I get a lot of help and I have a lot of successful people around me that I listen to one of them being Greg you know one of the main reasons why I this is even possible is because honestly it's because Greg was like yeah it's like yeah we're going to do it and I was like okay you know it was kind of his move it was his move to be like dude we can fucking do this and I'm like fuck yeah that's got out what honestly it was like yo we could do this and I'm like yeah we can and uh you know we have full faith in and you guys helping us out here with this thing um but yeah this is what I want to do this is what I want to do man I want to do this podcast I just want to have a lot of fun I want to create fun products I want to create things that that people you know will be proud of
Starting point is 01:14:17 and and we'll know that like if if we're putting it out then it's going to be quality and it's going to be well thought out and maybe you don't enjoy it but at least you can recognize that like this was a legitimate try you know what I mean like it's not one of those a lot of people like get on social media and they get a following and it's like all right I'm starting making music all right I'm gonna start doing this or I'm gonna start doing that I'm gonna start doing that like all these things and they're half-assing all of it and it's all shit I haven't done anything like I haven't done shit I haven't I'm like I'm not making music I'm not doing any of that like extra shit some people you know I'm not saying that like all these influencers that make music or trash but a lot
Starting point is 01:14:56 of them are fucking trash and they're just like it's for the money grab because someone tells them like yo if you put out a song you can make money you know from people streaming it over the course of how many years and like and like it's it's motivated by money I'm not motivated by money at all I'm motivated by quality and and by you know being proud of this and like having the people who watch me know that like I'm not this isn't like my face isn't on this fucking thing it's not the Joe Sanagato like this is just a fucking game that's just like fun that like I hope that the majority of people that have this game have no fucking idea who I am that is the goal obviously it's because it's not about me and a lot of influencers influencers making about them
Starting point is 01:15:33 it's not about me it's just about creating cool shit man it's just about creating cool shit and that's that's that's all it is and that's all it's ever gonna be it's all it's ever gonna be and I and I've spent the last couple years surrounding myself with people who have inspired me and have made me better in in in whatever and I feel like you know I am continuously you know addicted to you know putting these people around me because they make me feel like shit they make me feel like like they're brilliant people and they don't maybe they don't even realize like how much of an inspiration they are to me um but yeah I'm just rambling at this point but how long is this
Starting point is 01:16:18 you know an hour 10 holy shit all right I'm gonna get the fuck out of here I'm sorry uh but yeah let's do this shit I'm super excited but like I said man like this this isn't they're they're gonna be sorry and I really want this to start here and that's the last thing I'm gonna say is that it starts here this is the starting point Kickstarter dot or just go on Kickstarter search pay the price you'll see it um you're gonna play this game I hope you enjoy it if you do enjoy it don't forget to post about it and post your videos on social media I just want you guys to have a good time and I want you guys to know that this takes off I will never stop giving you guys credit and uh we're gonna continue to do this shit need your
Starting point is 01:17:07 help thank you guys so much love all you thank you for all the support over the years this is the beginning

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