The Basement Yard - #290 - Let's Go To A Rave

Episode Date: April 19, 2021

Frank & Joe discuss what it would be like to go to their first rave and then violently fight about early 00's R&B Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the to the don't have don't you ever do that? Oh, no Oh, why you don't own muscle Joe doesn't want to come back out muscle Joe. I'm a little twinkie girl now You are a little twinkie boy since you started becoming marathon Joe. Look at my hair. I'm very I'm you know I'm leaning in yeah, oh Yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, you got a haircut yesterday. Well, uh, yeah haircut. Yeah weekly you got a weekly I don't buy weekly. Nope three weeks now. We're getting warm Okay, we're around there by the way, is that a white shirt or a pink shirt can't help me You tell me I think it was a white shirt that you threw into the washwood other stuff
Starting point is 00:00:32 And now it's pink very close that actually happened in one of my basement yard shirts Which you can go to the Santa gato store. Oh, wow That's it I'm not flexible dude. You need to get a bit you'd be a better runner You'd be a better runner if you got a little more flexi Why am I gonna be running and hyper extending my legs? When you got to run and do that split that part of the race, you know, you know how cheerleaders are able to be like Oh, wow, that's kind of yo, those are fire socks. You like them, right? Yeah talk about it
Starting point is 00:01:10 That's like a like a cool like that would be like a Like a rave spider-man Oh, you know what I'm saying? That would be a nice cool spider-man. Just never go to a rave I Think the closest thing I've been to a rave is is a pool party in Vegas. What's a rave though? What is a rave? What makes it a rave is it's because there's festivals and then there's raves What is the definition of a rave like a raving review? No, well, no, well those are different things
Starting point is 00:01:45 I'm talking about a rave term. What is but what's the actual definition of the word rave? Yeah, to do that. I don't know. No, but I'm saying like in terms of the like what makes a A concert or rave. I think if you're gonna have a rave, then you need to have Drugs, well, that's every concert. You need to have titties every concert Except for the stickers to sticker titties. Oh, what are those pasties? I I didn't know what they were called or patsy Patsy's let's just go with the pats. I think that's just an Italian restaurant. I ate at once in the city
Starting point is 00:02:17 Probably, yeah, it was good. I'm sure I had too much mozzarella cheese got home. I almost passed out that bad Yeah, I had sweat. I was sweating. I love rave attire because it's like yo We're gonna make clothes, but they're not clothes. Yeah, you everyone just looks like a gay fisherman You know what I'm saying like everyone goes there and it's like yo fishnet But it's neon green and I got stickers and like I got like it always has like a bat girls are out there like Yo, I'm gonna wear a bra, but it's gonna be just the string around the boob Yeah, it's it's a bra, but it's made out of recyclable materials. Yeah. Yeah Basically if it rained there everyone would everything would just wash off. It would be so weird
Starting point is 00:02:55 It's like biodegradable. Yeah, and then yeah, they get the like it's like, you know flower You know bedazzled tits bedazzled nippies. Yeah, what is that? It's a good old bedazzled nippy now What happens if you got a nipple piercing? Do you need to like cut out a pocket for it? Well, I think you just take it out Actually, if it's new you can't take it out because that's how it gets affected. All right, close this up I don't know anything. So like, yeah, I know you don't All right, I'm I have nipple piercing. Yeah, I'm also You ever suck on a nipple piercing? No. No, I have I sucked on one once. Have you? Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:27 I thought it was gonna be sick. I knew someone. I knew someone that took it out with their mouth accidentally. They like They like pulled out like a fucking like chicken bone. Were they breastfeeding? Why were they sucking on it? That was gonna be my question. So I got nipple piercing. Yeah, which way? Well, it depends your style. I don't know. Okay. So let's say this way. Okay, cool bar. Okay. Yeah Now I give birth And I got a breast feed Well, is it like coming out every other? Yeah. Yeah, really? Yeah So you got like triple action on that bitch. Well, I think you just it would be like three holes
Starting point is 00:03:59 You have the normal nipple hole and so what happens to nipple piercings when women give birth I think you got to pop those things out. You know, you know, yeah You're you know, you know, it's coming Like the baby sometimes there are people there are stories of people that don't know that they're pregnant Yeah, there's like eight of them in the world. Well, it happens one of them is mary and mother of god pray first There's not the other death. Amen. Amen So what makes a concert a rave like at what point I Glowsticks are a must I think it needs to be indoors and very dark because if it's outside
Starting point is 00:04:33 It's a festival if it's indoors in a basement, it's a rave Okay, and it has to be like illegal like a prohibition right the rules down frankly put that down right now This can always be some right shit down. Okay. So indoors indoors dark basement And there's like apartments a lot of neon lights. Well, yeah, man. Okay, and like there's always one girl who's like All the people who have the gloves at the it's what a fucking asshole, dude I we got some Becca got some for miles for fucking Christmas and his stocking. What rave gloves. Yeah It's like, hey, man, here's some rave gloves and mdma. Yeah, just take it kid No, I remember the good old days where they would put the one stick in between their fingers like this and just and they were
Starting point is 00:05:20 Those were the those were the good old days. That was not terrible. I kind of knew it. I just like warming up like I was a picture Raleigh fingers over here I think that fish hunter. I think it's also the type of music that's played So like oh, you can't rave to like fucking bluegrass It needs to be like trend. Well, that's the thing too because I think at festivals It's like straight edm. I think Like it needs to be like that but at a rave, there's a mix of that but there's also that like trance music that makes Pancake
Starting point is 00:05:56 Pizza I could do that for a long time But like it's not just yeah, it's like like it's like a mix of like electronica and pink floyd You say electronica. What is that? It's a song that sounds like a city music type or something That's like a like a like an electronic city in japan. I'm pretty sure yeah It's from a movie. I've seen like pacific rim too Yeah, but like you need some like trance music every once in a while that makes it makes women like you know how like Yo, sometimes white women who are like go to raves overreacting
Starting point is 00:06:31 Not that they're overreacting, but they act like they're a bit. Yeah, dude. Yes You know, it's like y'all are you like on drugs or is like well that is you're so leaving like and I think they think that I think it's both. I think they think they're connected with the stars in that moment. They're like No, you just gotta like feel it and you're like, I hate you. I've never So I've never done drugs. We've discussed this ad nauseam. Joey now is a big drug head I have never been in a place in a in a plane of existence Where I've moved my body to like match my feeling And I don't know what I would have to like people are like on shrooms and they're like
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yeah Yeah, you move like a starfish. I'm pretty good. You ever see a starfish like Kind of just or is that no, I'm thinking octopuses, dude Do very different animals. Can starfish even move? I think they can but they're just like They gotta wait for like a like a way. Yeah, like a like high tide. Yeah I almost called them star star use because I'm thinking pokemon close enough. Yeah Uh, yeah, no octopuses though. They move like that. Yeah, I'm a pretty good. I'm a pretty good jelly boy. You know like Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:07:38 Why have cuts all over you did you fight on your way here? Do you have cuts all over your hands? I was gardening And I was taking care of my lawn. Oh, dude I know I full dad. How hard are you gardening? You're like very fucking We got it like I had to like get like those like Ugly-looking rakes, you know the ones that not the ones that are like, you know butterflies the ones that are like this I
Starting point is 00:08:05 I don't know what the hell you're saying. It's it's a small. It's like they got teeth. It's like I know what rakes are Yeah, but I don't know different types There's like the wire rakes the ones that are bigger and like you use for like leaves and then there are other ones that you use to like Get rid of like the dead grass in your yard. Okay, and that's what I was doing. Those are the mean ones. Yeah Yeah, and I got some blisters. I got some cuts. Why? It's not an easy task Oh, yeah, it's not it takes a lot of work. Oh, yo gardening is dangerous It can be
Starting point is 00:08:33 They fucking can be and there are some weeds that have little like prickly sticks on them That can hurt they can get you I I have a cactus and I got a thing in my finger bothered me for like six days. Oh, yeah, and did you rip it out? Uh, no, I just my life just kind of move forward. Hold on So you didn't take it out. I tried I couldn't get it out. Oh that deep It was kind of no it was kind of like when you get a hair in your mouth and you just can't get it And eventually you're like I'll just drink a bunch of water and swallow this Oh, yeah, yeah, that sucks. But I I couldn't get it out of my finger and I was just like and then I get mad
Starting point is 00:09:03 I got really mad and I started hitting my finger like fucking Let's get mad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I like that. Just beating your meat. Yeah, you ever Jerk off mad angry or you ever jerk off and be like, I need I I am gonna do this as fast as possible You ever do that? I mean, I'm sure I did when I was younger, but I can't but you ever just been like Like just like me. I've never done it either, but I know people have I'm just saying There are people that like want to hurt themselves like for sexy things and belts. Yeah, people are like, oh, I'm just gonna Fuck a shit. Fuck a shit. Fuck and jerk off when they say stuff like that sound like Joe Pesci in Home Alone Fuck you
Starting point is 00:09:40 Yo Sometimes like I would say every eight months There's a video that goes viral Of a guy getting his like nuts stepped on or like kicked on purpose. It's like a porn video Why I don't know and I really would step on that's like deadly if there's a guy if there's someone out there We'll keep you anonymous. We'd love to have you on the show and talk about why you like your balls getting kicked Please can we get them on the show where they're like just a black silhouette and they're talking like this? Yeah Yeah, it's like gangland
Starting point is 00:10:09 I remember when I was 16 my cat punched my nuts. Yeah, and I came hard. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be pretty cool back to raves So drugs drugs tits stickers Stickers uh, oh my god the bracelets dude Plurre peace love unity and what the hell is that rain? What is it? I don't know. No, it's like peace love plurre. I don't know what that is I don't know what it is. You've never plurred. No, dude. There's plurre It's like it's like their thing. It's like a tagline and you need to wear doc martins with very high socks I don't really know what that means plurre meaning. What does plurre mean? I
Starting point is 00:10:45 peace love unity respect because when you think of World peace surprise. Joey didn't remember the respect in the word plurre No, I honestly thought I don't know why I thought rain. I feel like these people are always wet That's why there are always a lot of wetness I have a like a memory of like Driving around in long island city and there was like a rate There was like a thing going on at like Reynolds island or something and there was just a bunch of people like coming back from that and they're all wet
Starting point is 00:11:11 Well, it's like I remember when I was in when we were When I was in college The joke is even funnier because you're way more successful than me. Um Everything was a phone party Oh, yeah, phone party, dude For some reason our fucking dumbass youth would go to an indoor club, which by the way already was disgusting I'm going to use new haven as an example. Fuck it. I know more mark will be able to relate to this Connecticut club sounds
Starting point is 00:11:42 Super wet. I mean the name of it just sounds disgusting. It was called alchemy It was fucking gross. You have to fucking mix You basically you had to walk in and make a potion Yeah, you instantly had to just like fucking like throw a potion on the ground. Nice and they were like it's already gross This place was already sticky and disgusting and it's like on top of that We're filling the whole place the whole place the whole place with soap And nothing else
Starting point is 00:12:08 And it became like a giant. Yo, I'm at I kid you not imagine this room halfway to the top. This is what nine feet Imagine almost five feet of just foam and soap It was the worst but greatest but disgusting But petri dish environment in the world right how many fucking butts that's way too many butts. It's all butts It's this but this but then you can get two butts. That's it So I that's another thing there needs to be some sort of moisture involved in order for it to be a rave Yeah, I think there always is whether it be sweat blood
Starting point is 00:12:41 Plur Or whatever, you know, they have a secret hand, you know, they have like bracelets, right? So this is the thing. I don't know if you know this Frank is on the outside This is a couple years ago. This would have been, you know, useful information But now I feel like the the scene has kind of died someone out there who's Literally, what's that shuffling right now and they're living them like, you know, these guys don't know what they're talking about I don't know what we're talking about. Yeah, but they have Uh bracelets, right that are like colorful and they have stuff on them like
Starting point is 00:13:03 You know stop racism and like, you know, just like nice stuff like peace love happiness and like shit So they would make bracelets like that and then you would trade bracelets with someone But there was a specific way to do it So you would have to do this come give me your hand You'd have to do something like this And then we would transfer bracelets like that without taking them off without without breaking your hands That is let me tell you real quick. That is the dumbest fucking thing. It's up there It's up there. Were they like the sex ban bracelets like we had when we were in sixth grade
Starting point is 00:13:34 I'm sure there was a ton of sucking and fucking going on. That's another thing. You need you need I mean, I guess it's all concerts. Someone is having a sexual encounter Someone's getting blown in front of a group Yeah, absolutely and like tents Raves sharing water was a big thing too. A lot of people would drink water Well, because that's because they were so fucking hyped up on MDMA. They need the water in order to live We could just say molly, right? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we can feel old when I say I'm doing whatever man. I'm doing it
Starting point is 00:13:59 I'm doing it. It's only a matter of time before you start crushing molly No, absolutely not. No, you're not doing the molly. No, I feel like it makes you look like a crackhead Well, that's a thing. These raves are all filled with crackheads. I saw one person I know do he was high on molly and I was like, you look like a fucking idiot right now Really? Yeah, there was a lot of licking of the lips. Oh because it dries out your lips apparently. Yeah God just My it just grossed me out and I just did it to myself. I know it's not good. All right, so raves happen in basements I'm not I'm not built for a rave. I don't think I could do a rave. I'm like a bar
Starting point is 00:14:30 I'm like, you know, what's it called when like, you know, hicks get crazy. What's that called a barn throwdown? No, yeah, like a hole. Oh a ho down a ho down. I could ho down, but I need I can't do country music I can't do I could do country music. I could wear a flannel. I'll put some boots on Joey has been wearing flannels recently. No, he hasn't. Yes. You have when I I could see you I would do a throwdown a ho down a throwdown ho down I think that's when you you ho down and then there's a fight At the ho down. Yeah throw down I could do a ho down if it was like cool music if it was like
Starting point is 00:15:02 Fucking Bruno Mars. I can just be like, no, you can't ho down to Bruno Mars Hey, drinking a fucking listening to Bruno Mars and hear yourself. Yeah, that'd be good. No I can't do just like Like I can't fucking that's not good drinking music. Yes, it is. No, it's not. They talk about drinking music In the back of trucks. I uh, I don't like it. I don't like it and a pretty girl a pretty blonde girl Close your eyes close your eyes jeans. What would you rather drink to you ready? Frankie? No, close your eyes. Okay. You ready? It's more than a feeling more than this isn't Bruno Mars. That's different. I didn't say that I'm I'm saying Bruno. All right. All right. Okay. No, watch this. All right. Close your eyes. Close your eyes. Okay
Starting point is 00:15:43 Tonight I just want to take you Let's set this party off I I I I'd rather be at a rave right now. Honestly put your pinky pizza to the moon Takajara Damn what you're gonna do. Can you stop now or would you rather drink to? I can get those new water That's a pretty catchy song. Is it it is. I only know that. Oh, and then it's like laugh is good
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah, it's something like that and he has a mask on me. Go. I don't know. I think it's just It's Is it exploiting like the Hispanic culture for fucking like it's like I'm gonna pander to it not only country people. Yeah, exactly people. Yeah I so what would you rather drink to you? It depends on the mood. Sometimes I'm in a yo, let's get crazy and like whatever But sometimes you want to sit back and you know talk about Like option three a barbecue and put on option three. I was a terrible since the public school era back in classes cutting Why are you in bathroom passes bathroom bathroom class you went to bathroom class?
Starting point is 00:16:54 Everyone went to bathroom class. I don't really know what that is People used to fuck in the bathroom in my school. Oh, not in our schools I mean that's not true people fucking the stairwells where I went to high school Yo, did you ever hear about this story? for my high school apparently There was a video that some girl sent some kid Some boy in my high school of him like I've heard like fucking going to town on herself. Oh good
Starting point is 00:17:19 So then he sent back a video of him jerking off and licking and His own cum and it went viral In the school or in the school in the earth and like people saw it and had it And like the cops got involved in everything. Yo, it was fucking. I never had it. I never saw it. Thank god It was after I'd graduated, but I remember hearing about it. Oh my god. You met. Yo, that was terrible Jennifer Anderson is like yo, joey Jerk off in your own hand Whatever may come at the result of you jerking off
Starting point is 00:17:52 Consume it. Why did you say that like that? I I see whatever make like I might produce salsa Why did you say that? Well, I don't know how Jennifer whatever whatever might result in that Going to be anything else. I don't know how she talks She could be one of those people that takes everything super serious. That is You know, like there's only one outcome. Robert Downey jr. Doesn't talk regularly. He'll be like, uh, I traveled to the store today You know, like you like I don't know if she's one of those people She lives in a in a in a A mill. What's that called a windmill? That's cool. He lives in like a windmill. Wouldn't you?
Starting point is 00:18:25 No, I would live in a like a villa. He's like a super green guy So it kind of makes sense. Is he yeah, he's like all about like helping the world makes sense Those marvel movies paid him big do something good with that money for serious I think for like four movies. He got like 260 mil or something like that each movie Oh for those yeah, I mean not that it would make a difference and that's just the movies like the marvel movies Yeah, I don't think he's done many movies outside of that. But he did Sherlock Holmes, isn't he? He did the Sherlock Holmes He did the one I think was called like the judge or something like that. It was like him and robber duval
Starting point is 00:18:55 Either way, who's robber duval? He's an actor Thank you. Moving forward. I guess he's bald Uh, he was in the godfather Uh, pretty sure he was in the godfather. He's bald. He's bald. He's fucking bald as shit. Yeah, um Living in a windmill is kind of cool. Yeah, I'd kind of fuck around living in a windmill Probably powers your house and it could power your house support the earth wind wind uh energy Now I don't know where I am I don't know what i'm saying. How do we get for raves to wind energy? I don't know. What were we oh, I don't want to
Starting point is 00:19:28 You wouldn't do that. What but you know what you should do Go to slash the beach when you're in order to support the show support joey and I and realistically You support me more because joey he said if we get to 9 000, he'll let me finally live a life that is worth living Uh, but every you get every single weekly episode a week in advance and for that extra tier you get exclusive episodes every Friday morning that people don't get to see except for you. It's a good time. It is a great time It's a good time over there and bun drown Time. Oh, by the way, I wanted to tell I don't know why I said that. I'm so sorry. Um, but anyway, I uh I was my lease is up soon on my car. Okay
Starting point is 00:20:04 So I went to go look at cars with my with my I'm being attentive and listen. You're like a like a doctor. I'm but why because when joey like well I start to get a headache guys. Okay. Okay. When you guys talk to joey, you know what he does Really? Yeah Wow Oh, wow, look. No. Oh, this is the first time frankie's fucking lied on this show. I guess first of all, I'm not a liar Oh, you're a bitch second of all you lied to me before the show you exaggerate I didn't exaggerate. I remember that conversation differently. We'll get to that. I remember that conversation differently
Starting point is 00:20:41 But go on about your car. I'm listening and being attentive. Okay I I do have to admit I hate people that are like that. I hate it. I feel like it's like well, dude What I'm on the phone. Yeah, uh-huh. Yeah, I just want to go shut up for once One second. Let me get four words out before you confirm what I've been saying completely agree. I hate people like that but no, so I went to go look at cars um, and uh, oh man I I miss this
Starting point is 00:21:09 Because you walk into a car dealership and everyone is just like Lying to you. Oh, are you like are you like the one girl at the party in high school that every single guy wants to get with? What the fuck are you talking about like it's like everyone's trying to just be like Come here. Oh, no, no, I want to talk. No, but fuck it. Yo, you know, it's like that bob's furniture Bob's bob's discount furniture. Raymore and Flanagan's the same way. You walk in and they're in hawks Dude, they are hawks. Hawks at that place. Do they work off commission? Obviously, dude, I walked into a bobs with Keith one time and I forgot I was looking for it It didn't even matter
Starting point is 00:21:46 I walked into a bobs with Keith and there was a guy immediately I walk out on this fucking centimeter into the stories You guys need any help. I'm like, I don't even know what you have in here Get me go get me a glass of water. Yo, they are very like they're about it Dude, we were walking around the store and the guy was just Dude, yeah Like looking for and then eventually we ran away from him We we kept running away. I don't blame you. We were hiding in little bedrooms and like all this shit We were just getting away from the man. I was like, yeah, I feel weird now
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'm playing hide and seek with this fucking grown man from the box discount furniture I completely understand a couple months ago Becca Miles and I went and not only did we have the Woman that was like that where it was like we walked in we're like, oh, we're looking around for couches Oh, we got a couch over here. It's like you got couches everywhere. Let me fucking look around. Yeah, but she was also like Oh, so this one Like coughing into her own hand Jesus and we were like Back away. Don't touch it get away from us. Yeah, and like I think we said like Oh, just we'll tell you when we need you pretty much in a roundabout way
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah, and Becca was like if that woman comes near us again fucking run, dude, that's what I do I go listen. I'll I'll let you know if I need you or if anything. I'm just kind of looking Okay, okay, then they stand two inches behind you and I go guy get the fuck out of here. Yeah Go take a walk. Go take a smoke a cigarette or something There's a weird middle ground that you need to find a weird gray area You need to find in order to be a successful salesman, you know, you also don't want to be one of those people like Find it on your own Yeah, I don't think anyone's like that. I mean you're taught to like, hey, you need anything or just let me know
Starting point is 00:23:13 But like you know, give me my fucking distance. No, there are definitely people like that I went to big lots a couple weeks ago with Becca and They fucking I we what we asked this one. We were like, oh, we're really interested in this. She goes nope That's fire. We're like and she's like We don't have it and I'm like, okay. Okay. Does anyone Like it doesn't exist on the earth And I'm like, what about the floor model nope And it's just like listen from someone that worked in retail if someone's saying they want to buy something and
Starting point is 00:23:47 And you lie to me like just be like We might not have this one But this one is very similar or or be like, you know what they have it at this store. Make it fucking happen Yeah, that's the other end of the spectrum where she was just like literally she was like It's like Fuck off. She hated every single second of that interaction dude, but anyway, so I went to go get this car mind you I
Starting point is 00:24:11 have a number in my head Of what is not only fair, but like from little research that I've done that I know it's around this So obviously I came in Hundred dollars less than that. I hope they're not listening because someone actually recognized me at this dealership Really? They were like, I love your podcast. So if you're watching this, dude I look at everyone recognizes you all the time no one knows Anywhere you go you get people. Oh my god, joe of the basement yard and I'm like
Starting point is 00:24:39 It's the basement yard. Can you take this picture? um But uh Yeah, so I I mean I come in lower. Obviously we're gonna meet somewhere. Yeah, that's the tactic The number this guy came in with I was like, I'll see you later Well, I wasn't really planning on spending use a roundabout number just to give me an idea. So like how off he was So like if you're like you're thinking like a hypothetical you're thinking a hundred dollars I know it's three hundred and fifty dollar like way higher. Whoa. Yeah for at least for like every month. So like I was like
Starting point is 00:25:10 That was I was floored. That's a lot, you know, like it was by the way not higher than my number higher than the number that I had anticipated But like it's a lease like you're not paying the entirety of the car. You're just kind of just like hanging with it Yeah, it's just whatever but like I So it was just funny that like I know how this is gonna go go ahead. I'm gonna get a phone call And to be like listen, guess what? Yeah, I I found something closer to what you want to pay Like he's doing me a favor. Yeah, like this guy who works for this billion dollar fucking car company is gonna do me a favor I'm paying for the car. Hey, hey, Joe. I'm here to help you out. If you I'm helping you
Starting point is 00:25:54 There's the thing too and it's like I'm here to help you out and it's only today So you need to give me something today. That's my least favorite thing. No the best they get me though They get me they do they get me a lot. I will I I have a plan. I'm the little piggy boy. They get me all the way Bro, I was losing my mind because like I was I wasn't I didn't really have the long conversation because I was I'm gonna have one eventually because I know this guy's gonna call me. So, uh I am just gonna stick to my guns here. You know, I'm playing the long game. All right. My lease is up in two months I think so I still have some time. Okay, but I wanted to just get a feel like what's going on Yeah, of course. So I think they're throwing high numbers at me so that when I come back eventually
Starting point is 00:26:35 They're gonna be like, oh, we got a good price for you, but it's still higher than the anticipated So I I still don't pay too much. It's a game, Joey. It's too much. It's a game. It's a game. It's a game And it's like it's like fucking plea bargains. By the way, the guy hypothetical numbers here Gave me a range I was like, what does this usually go for? He gave me a range of $500 He was like, uh, you know anywhere from zero to 500 like hypothetically those numbers and I was like So you're telling me for a car. That's big. No, right. So I'm like, so you're telling me
Starting point is 00:27:08 I didn't say this but in my mind. I'm like this car Not different put nitrous oxide in it and all this shit, whatever Is that what that's called? Yeah. Yeah. So you like just this model right here Someone is paying $500 more than another Ha ha Because that those buttons have a fucking a wood panel finish and not the black chrome finish Yeah, so I was getting fisted there. But anyway, so then we go to ford, right? I was with my mom We go to four if you don't mind me asking. What was the first brand?
Starting point is 00:27:38 Or do you land rover land rover? I was looking at range rovers. Oh good for you. Yeah, right. Thanks for supporting the show Good on you So I I we go to ford and my mom was looking at the bronco the new bronco that they have next car Bro, we walk in and it was so funny. So some guy like we were just like looking and like no one comes up to us It's also at the end of the day. So I'm just like I'm assuming like early in the day people are like hawks and all over you We're we walk in and uh We're just kind of standing around. We're looking at the bronco. I'm kind of just waiting for whatever I don't even see anyone who like works or to last forever if you keep them in good shape
Starting point is 00:28:14 Some guy who was helping another couple. Mm-hmm goes Are you guys being helped And I turned to my mom. I'm like we're being jerked I was like I just I'm getting fisted up and down north of bulvard over here because there's all like whatever So this guy comes over dude. It was so funny This is what he says Guy comes over My mom's like he goes. Hey, can I help you guys? I was like, oh, you know, I really like the bronco. So I'm looking at this
Starting point is 00:28:42 he goes he goes I don't have any good leases right now What does that mean? What does that mean? The good ones are out. What is that suddenly he's like, oh, I only have I helped out a bunch of other people But you fuck yourself. Well, not only that, but it's just kind of like, you know, oh, there's good leases and there's bad leases Like I'm gonna upcharge you. So like that's not what that's what it is in four days. He's gonna be like, hey, joe It's uh, steve from uh, the four dealership. Here's what I could do. I guess what I found
Starting point is 00:29:12 You're never gonna believe this. I love it's so funny how like yo, I I full on remember You're never gonna believe this bro. I'm gonna fucking believe it. Oh, um, yeah Oh, what let me guess you have an amazing deal that you didn't have three days ago when nothing changed Oh the lease that the number that I see on tv on on the on the fucking website is the number you came up with You're doing me a big favor. It is I dude that whole like salesman retail world is all bullshit God bless him. It is all but I was I I'll say this. I respect it. I do respect Hey, man, we're gonna make no money somehow. Yeah, well, not only that but it's like, yo If I could squeeze I could squeeze squeeze because I enjoy I enjoy the sport of not squeezing back
Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah, or not letting myself be squeezed. You don't you're not a big squeezy boy. I I like to be firm Yeah, and not squeeze. Yeah, there's not a lot of meat on those bones. Right. That's what I like. I will say You are and from I assume You are the outlier you are the exception to the rule because most other people will be like I did this one day when I was getting to my home security system I was like they called me and they said it's only today. The deal's only Okay, and then Becca was like no if they can do the deal today. They can do it next fucking week and I was like You're right. Yeah, you're right. And I know that you're the exception because there are other people or it's like
Starting point is 00:30:30 Hey, Joe, listen up. It's it's Ricky from the major world. I gotta tell you I'm not a check I'm not even supposed to be telling you this. I'm not supposed to be I'm not supposed that's the worst When I went and got my car now the guy came over And go and was like and just shown me like prices and like this and that and he's like he's like this actually I Forgot to ask you about it earlier. So I just took it out of the price And I was like, fuck you my favorite is the one that's like this My favorite is the one that's like this They're staring at you the whole time and writing this stuff down and they're like, all right, so I can't even tell you this
Starting point is 00:31:05 But if there's 38 here, all right, what I'll do for you because I like yours I'm gonna take another 10 off. Yeah, just don't shut up. Just shut up and say something if you sign with me today I'll give you another five off All right, and do you have anyone? This is my favorite. I got this at Verizon Do you have anyone in the family in the army or the navy or the marines? No, I'll give you the discount anyways And it's like Jesus christ, like uh, actually like wait a second I don't want to get in trouble for stolen valor or some shit, you know I don't want one of those videos of people coming up to me. Well, what's the infantry?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah, huh? What? Oh, you're Italian. Really? That's so interesting. You're an idiot. I was in the 77. Yeah, you know And it's like fucking I don't want that to happen. I don't want to be a part of that either But I love dude I would make a really good salesman because I would I would be able to just like bullshit these people Oh, yeah, I mean, I that's why I really enjoy like the sport of it. I'm just being like no, dude Like the number I came just to the difference between at range Rover the difference was $400 where I came in where he was like, this is probably what I was like And I can I can't be that off. Yeah, I'm obviously I'm coming in lower
Starting point is 00:32:11 But like bro, but yeah, all those things all those car commercials are fucking I watch them And I'm like, wait a second for 199 a month. I can get a new Range Rover. Yeah. Oh, no problem at the bottom It's like all you need to do is you need to give 3,800,000 down and then you need to be And it's like fucking Christ. They they it's all those little the little text at the bottom Yeah, it depends how much money you put down, but that's another thing. It's like, oh depends how much money you put down All the taxes all that makes it all it's like Yeah, when are you gonna give me the price? Oh, well, then we got to take into account the interest rate, which Wells Fargo is coming back at a 2.89
Starting point is 00:32:41 Yeah, it's like you Do that. I don't do that. Yeah. Why are you telling me that? I like just tell me the number Those car commercials get me every time because it's like, babe We really could drive on a frozen tundra if it ever came to it, you know And it's like that's never gonna fucking happen. And then you call Rick and he's like, listen, you don't know There's a lot of water over here. We got a lot of water over in the jersey show And you know, sometimes maybe you turn an ice, you never know. Yeah, dude. Oh god It's it's unbelievable. I just don't what kind of sociopath goes just for the sport to talk to use like to fucking cardio
Starting point is 00:33:10 I'm going to get a car. I'm not gonna show up like in the like Five days after I get a car like hey, I'm back. Well, you never know if you don't like your car There's like a warranty on it where you can be like 30 days. You don't like it bring it back And I was just fucking you know, I don't want to tell you this but if you bring it back after 20 days I hate that. I don't want to tell you this. I shouldn't be doing this or I'm doing you a favor I'm like when people tell me they're doing me a favor at college. You're not you're not I was like, bro You're making money off of this any time but that's no one that says people that do you nice favors Don't tell you they're doing you a favor. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 00:33:43 Like we knew someone once that hit up a someone we know and was like Oh, well, I did you a favor so do me a favor now And it's like no one is in that if someone has to remind you you're doing them a favor unless they're a child They're fucking lying to you and they're in it for themselves If anyone here works at a car dealership, which there's definitely at least four if you tell people you're doing well Maybe that works on a majority of people but If you're selling me a car. Oh, yeah, and you're telling me that you're doing me a favor
Starting point is 00:34:13 Here's my rebuttal. You want to do me a favor? pay for it Pay for it because that would be a favor if I'm spending money You're not doing me a yeah, of course and and I know I'm paying more so that you can make a buck off this I'm doing you a favor. Yep. Don't tell don't make me like it look like a fucking asshole. Yeah pay for it That's what you should be You should be the fucking like in the training montage where it should be like if you could sell the joe You could sell anyone
Starting point is 00:34:44 Don't say you're gonna do them a favor because the ultimate favor is buying them the whole fucking car to begin with yo my dad I'm convinced that my I'm I'm I'm being dead serious I think that my dad can walk into a Ferrari dealership and With a lease they don't lease their cars at least not to my knowledge I don't think but maybe they do but he would go joey subtle way of saying he's asked for a lease at Ferrari Hell, no, I have the fuck it's a half quarter million dollar car but My dad is so good at this. It's unbelievable. My dad could like
Starting point is 00:35:18 Haggle his way into paying nothing for a car probably. Oh, yeah, my dad's the opposite My dad will walk sound good. No, my dad will go into a car dealership and they'll be like, all right for this model It's 20,000 and then for this model. I mean, there's some more bells and whistles, but it's 38,000 And my dad will be like Get the 38 My dad thinks I make like millions of dollars I could be on welfare and my dad would be like get the get the steak. It's good deal. It's good. It's a good deal And I'm like, no, it's not but no I could see your dad going in there and walking out like owning the place
Starting point is 00:35:50 my sister went car shopping like her first car with my dad and she said like He sits down and he just makes demands like he'll sit down and be like, I want to pay 180 dollars and they're like Well, no one pays 180 dollars. Okay, just stands up Just leaves, dude. That's what my up and down northern boulevard. He goes, okay, I need leaves That's what yo, my cousin used to work at it at a at a Nissan dealership and he told me too. He's like, yo, don't forget that you like they work for you
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, so if you just don't want something and walk away, they're gonna be like They're gonna like chase you like a fucking puppy who needs a treat. I I forgot what I said But I'm pretty I don't know if I said it, but I wanted to I said something to the Like when he told me the price, I just I think I like I Instinctively went buggin Like like immediately. I was just like chill like not paying that um
Starting point is 00:36:47 But we shall see how that goes. I'm gonna keep you guys up. I want to know But if it goes the way that I think it's gonna go because here's what I think I think he told me a big number because he knows my lease is up in a couple months And he knows that I'm not gonna make a move right now because I actually said that and also He didn't know who I was when I walked in there, but then the guy told him who I was Do you know who that is? Yeah, basically, so he's like, I'm gonna squeeze this fucking little idiot out of his money He's from elite daily and then I and then I came in at
Starting point is 00:37:15 $600 lower than he thought and then uh, I think he's gonna call me and he's gonna find Whoa, we we just uncovered to a deal Of this car. I was going doesn't change price I was going through my desk. You'll never believe what I found found a good lease y'all There's there really is I kind of almost in a way like I I'm like good for them Like they have to really on this spot come up with such bullshit And you know people walk out of there like that's where I think I don't think they find something I don't think it's bad. I don't think it's bad. I actually like it. I do enjoy it. I'm yeah
Starting point is 00:37:49 Like if some guy says something I just want to be like That was good. That was that was good because when I was at When I was at BMW from my car and then the guy said that's like, oh, I forgot to do this But you know, I'm just not gonna I'm not gonna add it in He ended up like getting up and walking to the table and I just looked at my own. I was like, that was good Yeah, and then I was like she was like what I was like that was bullshit Bullshit, that's the way they get you they they build trust. They're like a fucking abusive ex-boyfriend. They're like, oh, no No, no, I just
Starting point is 00:38:16 I won't I won't put you through harm this week. You know what I mean It's like I'm just like the abusive ex-boyfriend that hits you up And it's just like I just hope you find someone that makes you happy Like fuck you. You know what you're doing. You're lying to me. You piece of shit. Yeah, the fuck Why it sounds like you had I've not had a boyfriend ever Dude, oh my god And that was another thing too When I went to get my BMW I was there for six hours stop six hours. I had I had tickets to a Yankee met game
Starting point is 00:38:42 I barely made it Why six hours? I have no idea. What were they fucking were they spray painting it while you were there? I think they fastened the car. Yeah, they built it as you were in the waiting room But but I remember at the end of it. It was like the end of like I was like right there at the end I we decided on a price everything. I was just signing everything in the sky at the last second It's like, do you want the tire coverage? I was like, how much is that? He's like, it's like $2,500. It was like What I was like, how I was like, how much is a tire and he's like they're like 150 I was like, it's if there is a tire issue then you get it for free, right? And I'm like
Starting point is 00:39:16 So I would have to blow out Mad tires for this to be worth it Plus the service plus the service Yep, I go Where do you think I'm driving? Yo, I remember there was and then I popped two tires two in two weeks Because it was the the run flat bro I went into this place and I was losing my mind the guys like yeah, you see the run flat tires They make it so that if you get a hole in your tire that you can continue driving for longer
Starting point is 00:39:47 um, but they're more susceptible to like pops I was like you guys You guys created a tire that can drive when it gets a flat But made it get more flats. Hey, man Hey, man, that's why they make so much that go that 2,500 that's where they make their bread and butter That's what it is. He literally was like really he's like a lot of people do it. I was like, I'm not doing I was like
Starting point is 00:40:15 I would have to pop like seven times. I literally said so. I was like, I've never popped that tire Didn't your first didn't like a week into having that car. I got absolutely fucking destroyed What you're a BMW You remember someone like backed into it or something and like fucked it all up and it was it was in the shop for weeks No, that never happened When you were parked No, that was my car. That's the reason why I had to get the new car because my car got totaled I was parked and someone stole a taxi and drove it into my car. Thank god. I wasn't in it and totaled it classic
Starting point is 00:40:43 By the way, the car was so fucked up that I couldn't even open the door The guy shows up to tow it. He's like, can you drive it down the block? I was like, what the fuck? I don't even know if I can open the door So when he talked I was like this thing is going to explode when I turn it on Anyway, let's get to the friends of the show here First up We have brings these services of the us postal service right to your home computer You need to print some postage some us, uh, you know, whatever you got going on
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Starting point is 00:42:09 It's it's amazing and I've used it numerous times. It's awesome My sister uses it religiously. It's actually concerning. Um, but anyway Next up here. We have honey. Uh, honey is a uh free shopping tool That scours the internet for coupons and automatically applies them to your cart I have it installed on every single computer and every device that I have just because like it's just saving you money I literally did some shopping the other day and boom coupon bang at it. I saved like $70. I think it was amazing I forgot what I was buying though. Just like clothes or whatever. Uh, it supports over 30 000 stores online They range from sites that have like tech and gaming products to popular fashion brands and even food delivery
Starting point is 00:42:52 Uh, so it's like everything so it has uh, 17 million members over two billion dollars in savings So, I mean it's free you add it to your browser And it just does the work for you and also it's helpful because It will tell you if you're getting the absolute best price for this thing So definitely download it. Uh, it's it's awesome. It only takes a few seconds You can get it at join slash basement for free. Like I said and installs in just a few seconds Join slash basement Just do it. You know what I mean? You're straight up just missing
Starting point is 00:43:26 You're just pouring money down the drain if you don't have it honestly Um, all right next we have quip Uh quip is amazing dude. So recently so I'm a little like weird with my toothbrush Like whenever I take it on vacation. I just leave it there. I throw it out because I'm just like no So I never take my quip On vacation. I always buy a disposable one because I'm like, I don't like to travel I don't like to travel with my toothbrush. I'm very particular about it But the other day you I've had a quip for so long and I dropped it on my bathroom floor
Starting point is 00:43:56 And I was like, well, that's the end of fucking that and uh, I whole brand new I got I bought this whole new setup for quip and they have all this cool shit And honestly, it was just in my bathroom like playing with all these things but So they have a flossing thing that uh comes with like, I don't even know how much it probably says it in here But it doesn't even matter But it's like a flossing thing and it's like a one of the picks and you pull the string and you clip and then you have Floss and then you throw that one out you unclip it and then you put it back in this little box It looks like a little headphone case and then it's like all this straight
Starting point is 00:44:29 It's amazing and then they have this gum That is like a pez dispenser basically and it's it's like dentist recommended gum. It's amazing It's well there's some stuff here. It comes it's It covers up bad breath tastes good the gum And it's got that that shit That is good for you xylitol I don't know what that is good old xylitol xylitol is good for you zero calories and it's good So, I mean, I'll let you try some on the way out of here, but it's very nice
Starting point is 00:44:59 And then I bought a brand new toothbrush that also there was a thing a part of this package that I bought That is a solar powered Thing for a battery that it comes with So like I don't even need to buy batteries for this thing anymore. I just fucking leave it out in the sun and I I'm chilling like quick. Just hook so you hook you up and it came with a carrying case What else do you need you got everything right there? Um, so yeah, go check out quick get quick comm slash basement right now You get a free plastic dispenser with any refill plan
Starting point is 00:45:31 That's a free dispenser at get quick comm slash basement g e t q u i p dot com slash basement But yeah guys if you like just I'm telling you I forgot how much the entire thing that I'm talking about costs Um, they really wanted me to hammer home this fucking one of the one of these things But I I don't know if I did but listen quick is amazing. Just get this whole package It's got all this stuff in it. You'll never have to buy anything again and every few months. Um, they do refills Um, that are like super cheap. So It's amazing. You'll never have to do anything again. That's why I love it. Um, all right, and then lastly here
Starting point is 00:46:07 Uh, we have the the face shield Uh essay company face shield Essay face shields are perfect for your next outdoor adventure Whether you're working in the sun or cold or going hunting hiking fishing skiing riding or biking anything outdoorsy You're going to want to get one of these face shields. Okay. It's great. I mean it covers up your face. It's a nice mask Um, I don't know if it's like covet friendly. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know But dozens of eye catching designs for men women and children They offer breathable protection from everything the outdoors throws at you
Starting point is 00:46:40 Like the wind or the sun or whatever. I just went skiing recently if you're not wearing one of these masks You're screwed your lips get all jacked up The sun could jack up your lips. It always gets me every year And the cold or like insects or something like if you're an outdoorsy person And you know, you're gonna want one of these face shields and they're very cool I have a bunch of them now. They sent me like a thousand. I basically um But yeah, they also give back to uh, men and women who have put themselves on the front lines every day
Starting point is 00:47:07 Through their partnership with operation gratitude. They've donated well over a hundred thousand face shields to them on the front line of the pandemic Um, so this is great. Um For every order they will donate one face shield to a first responder So that's an awesome way to kind of give back So you could stay protected outdoors because right now you can get an insane deal buy one get four free Um a $150 value for just $24.99 Just go to sa fishing dot com slash basement to get five face shields For the price of one that is s a fishing dot com slash basement
Starting point is 00:47:42 All right, so there you go folks very good. That was a lot very good. Oh man It seems criminal that we're inside right now. It's beautiful. It's a beauty It's a beautiful day To let it get away I sound like bono It's a beautiful day. I sound more like him No, no, no What do you think you can actually sound like a like an artist?
Starting point is 00:48:10 Frank Sinatra do it I'm closing my eyes. Which one which song there's only one Frank Sinatra. There's but no, I mean which song I'll do it any song ready Come fly with me. Let's fly. Let's fly away Bad not bad. It could be better though. It could Alice get over here Who's Alice? She's the waitress. Oh, okay And then that was a bit I could I could do Scott stat. Who the fuck is that creed? Oh nice. Oh, I could I could do that What is this
Starting point is 00:48:44 Go ahead That's pretty good any others. I don't think there's any others that I can do I used to be able to do even People who just were listening were deaf just fucking all gone. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry I think I used to be able to do e40 posted in the bike Back to hit the club and I'm up. No, no one sounds like that except for e40. Yeah, apparently he's a legend he sounds like a like
Starting point is 00:49:27 Like a bubble damn speaking of legend dmx ain't doing so hot. Yeah, man drug overdose, right? Yeah, he oh dude He's just still fighting though. I don't by the time this comes out. I mean, well, let's let's see where he is You know, you obviously Hope for his recovery. I think he's still on life support. There was like a report that he came off of life support But he's still on it, but Dude, I love dmx dude. There was a man. Holy shit Bitch, you ever see the video of him talking? Yo, he's like Bro the the industry. Yeah, I mean full of dick sucking. He goes crazy. Really? Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:57 I've never seen that. It's like anybody don't like it. What bring it? What? Bitch, and there's a guy just like holding a microphone. He's like, oh Yo, dmx is crazy best best version of Rudolph the red nose reindeer. I've ever heard that's for sure Yummy. Oh, you're really good. You're really good at this. I love dmx. Damn. I didn't think you could do this Yo dmx at one point like I I like missed it because I Whether I was too young or I just didn't have like an interest. It was right before our yeah Dude, this guy was the biggest person on the planet. I had no idea He had two albums in one year ago platinum both of them
Starting point is 00:50:30 It was when no one did that when we were older He was the first person to ever do that when we were old enough to start like listening to like hip-hop and rap It was like right when he was leaving. It was like not leaving but like quieting down Well, I remember cradle to the grave. That was good. That was x gonna x. Don't give it to you x. Don't give it to you Dude, that's no matter I don't care where you are who you are what you are. That song is gonna give it to you. Yo, you It's gonna you play x go and give it to you in a fucking church and the nuns are gonna be like Dude, actually I've never seen a nun in church
Starting point is 00:51:03 You don't go to church. I don't but I've never seen a nun in church. What's with that? They're out. They're like the messengers. They're out like the Jehovah's so they don't get that They don't have to go to church. They're like, yo, we're good. We live church They like why do I have to go to church, but they don't they're not in church I think it's part of the nunnery that they like basically get married to Jesus and it's like when they graduate They're like, yo, congrats. You're fucking married to Jesus now. Go tell everyone that you're married to him Yeah, but I don't think they're married. I think I think Well, I think you're wrong. I don't know but I've never seen a nun in church. What's with that?
Starting point is 00:51:31 I've seen priests in church. I've seen a bishop. I've seen a car. No once I saw a bishop twice. You're legit I'm trying to think. I don't think I've ever seen a nun in person What's that? You saw a nun I feel like I've seen a nun I think nuns are like fucking like Sasquatch everyone believes they exist But no one has like real pictures or videos of them. No, I think nuns exist I do think they exist, but they don't go to church, yo I don't I think like and like nuns can like marry like real people. Whoa. Oh, no. No deacons deacons deacons
Starting point is 00:51:58 But girls are deacons. Didn't you have a neighbor who was a deacon? What was that guy? I don't I don't he was like two houses down from you. I don't know Yeah, you don't pay attention to your neighbors. I don't I you you're not neighborly I knew my neighbor is quite well, but I didn't know what was the deacon who which deacon the guy He was he was actually he was actually a good-looking guy santi I don't know your neighbor's names. He was an old guy But he had like he had salt and pepper. He was salt and pepper old guy probably maybe I don't know. I really don't know but I yeah, I'm not like I don't know
Starting point is 00:52:25 I'm yo legit. I'm starting to think I don't think I've seen a nun in person like in like they're none at like none like A tire. Yeah. Well, I don't think they could wear anything else. No, I know I No, you're a 24 seven. I know an old nun. She like retired from being a nun Can you like just give up be like, yo did my time? I got like 30 people to believe in God. I'm good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Well, I don't think Is that how it works? No, you just like dedicate your life to like uh Something I don't know. I like I think you have to take a bow of poverty and then um
Starting point is 00:52:59 Wait poverty. Yeah. Yeah, you don't like have a job They don't you don't go to the supermarket and see like a nun checks you out Well, I'm not saying you don't have a job. But how do you eat the donations from the church? And the they have a tax thing so that they don't pay tax. So you're hold on You're telling me that nuns only eat the fucking spaghetti. Oh, is that people give to them? No Yeah, moron. I'm talking about the money So they oh, so they just be like, yo donate to the church. I want a fucking cheeseburger Yes, this is weird. This is weird. Well, you're getting into the politics of it. Well, then there we go
Starting point is 00:53:34 Is it like, whoa, well a lot of people donate to the church every every every every I remember that basket on that big pool stick, you know, it comes along. Yo, I used to think that was the coolest Fucking thing in the world. I honestly when I was younger. I wanted that job. I was like, yo, this guy gets to like What do they call altar boys or usher pew boys usher usher usher rainmen usher There's another time. I wanted to be usher. I always want to be different kind of job. I'm fucking You know, do the usher dance move the fuck was that one of his dance moves more Broadway music video to yeah You don't remember that where he's like Oh, yeah, I do. I do. He does do that. Oh, yo the chain swing
Starting point is 00:54:07 Oh I remember this move. I remember this move. You ready you remember this move Oh Yes, I do I do I do then didn't he spin on his knee after that and then he does he doesn't spin on his knee I just hurt my knee real bad. Yeah. Yeah, it looked like you hit the ground. It hit pretty hard It's hard flooring bro usher in that fucking music video when he took his chain. He was like Peace out. It's when he did when he said peace up a town down. I was like It is it is peace up in a town down. I was like, bro
Starting point is 00:54:35 And he took a chain and we're like this Caught it here. I was like, this is the coolest fucking man ever always with my Full denim outfit a hundred percent denim. And do you remember at the music video at the end of it? They had extra so when the song would come on in the club. I would be like Fuck yeah, dude, I felt like usher. Yo usher Man that dude's fucking hot as hell. He has herpes, but like whatever. I'm taking that herpes Every day what usher herpes to the guys like 40 and he looks like younger than me, dude Versus right now
Starting point is 00:55:11 Not me and you versus usher. It's always debate this usher chris brown. It's usher Oh, bro. I don't think well. Oh, actually that's tough. Yeah That's that's tough. It's it's something you have to think about dude top usher 98 usher alone Yo usher's got like confessions part two. We gotta google this confession. Let's just fight about it Let's let's fight you look it up. Okay. I'm who am I looking up You're looking up usher. I'm looking up usher. You're looking up chris brown, bro. You remind me. No, no What's the song that I love? You were saying I remind you of usher. No, thanks, man. Are you fucking insane? You don't remind me of usher at all
Starting point is 00:55:46 Uh chris brown You look up chris brown. I'll look up usher songs Usher it probably has more songs But chris probably has more but i'm saying like who's got the chris brown. I also has some stuff Yeah, he's they both probably not the best people like outside of but but what's the song that I love? You don't have to call all my you don't have to come It's okay girl Because I'm gonna be all right tonight
Starting point is 00:56:16 Bang, you don't all right. All right. You ready? I'm gonna give you the top 10 that are here for this list for usher These are his top 10 someone put a fucking bad top 10 Okay, I put a all right. Hold on. These are these are um Ew, okay first one run it Yo, I remember run. It's a good song. He was 16 run it is a good song, but I remember hating how he sounded He was like
Starting point is 00:56:45 But that was his first song that was my hell yeah, it was a dope song and then his fight and jewels Okay, step it step it step it now. We're sitting down again step it step it step it now. What I mean I don't even want to deal with that Five weeks at number one. Just know that hold on. Hold on my boo Bro That song is so hard. It's crazy. All right next one. Oh, I actually hate this song kiss kiss You gotta love it now. That sounds okay. Yeah. All right. I don't like this song either. So oh my god with william Oh my god
Starting point is 00:57:26 Did it again? So I'ma let the beat rock. Yeah, but that was that was like a club banger. I'll be kind of oh forever Yo, why people go crazy for forever One two three four yo, and yo, and then why people are like oh, and they do this dance They want to dance so hard you ever go to a wedding they play forever all the white people hear the And then they go It's like one two three four and then just like but I will say this they got nothing else They got nothing else. I will say this I will say this that song was completely taken by the office
Starting point is 00:58:01 Yes, it was taken by the office and then it became that like but like it was a banger before yo 2000 All right. I'm close your eyes 2010 Joey's got a fucking joey's got a kran vodka in hand. Well 2010 2010 you got kran vodka in hand Just just 7. Just go me here 17. God kran vodka in hand. Yeah Yeah bing bing bing bing bing bing so we rock in the cup everybody's rocking from the sign sign sign sign sign sign bang Yeah it's f**king crazy. Dude, that song went penis. With what?
Starting point is 00:58:40 It went Art. That song went penis, with you, with you, with you. Yeah, alright alright. Oh, I'll tell you what a song, I haven't seen on this yet. Say goodbye, dude. Never, I ain't coming to stay goodbye Everyone broke up to that song in sixth grade, bro Listen to me, in sixth grade, we were like a little older than that I don't know Absolutely
Starting point is 00:59:02 What about the, um, what's the one, uh, where, oh Uh, you made me say, oh, I don't know your name But it's you And he's in the back like a Yeah It's like yo Just fucking crankin' hard He was just glidin' across the dance floor
Starting point is 00:59:16 Someone said like, he might catch up to her if he just stopped dancing Alright You remind me? You remind me? You remind me! Oh my god! This song is so hard This is my confession
Starting point is 00:59:36 Oh, shh Just when I thought I'd say no I could say my chick on the side Said she got one on the way This is my confession Man, I'm throwin' And I don't know what to do And this I gotta give by to a man
Starting point is 00:59:49 She opened up the door and didn't want to come near me I said, bye to my baby No one knows those words Lead him in Oh No, um, what was the song that I just had here? Oh, fuck I got another one
Starting point is 01:00:04 You made me forget I got another one Oh, don't get me started on that show No, my sixth grade girlfriend broke up to me with that song, bro Damn Like, we broke up She called me She's like, we should see other people
Starting point is 01:00:18 Sixth grade, by the way And that's on the house phone Other people can listen That hurts extra Yeah, and I was on my way to the park To go play basketball That was the worst game of basketball I've ever played Broke my heart
Starting point is 01:00:28 But then she, uh Then she put in her away message on AIM It was like Gotta let it burn And I was like, damn That's a different song Burn is a different song from what I was just singing Yeah, ooh
Starting point is 01:00:42 When you feel it in somebody In somebody who Makes you change the way Like hanging with your crew That's a good song That is a good song That's You Got It Bad Yeah, You Got It Bad
Starting point is 01:00:54 Burn, though That's a fucking burn I think that you should Let it burn Be in my brain Seeing your body too much Oh, the song Yeah is also good But it's not as good as
Starting point is 01:01:05 Which one is Usher Yeah versus Lil' Brown Uh, Chris Brown Yeah Lil' Brown Oh my god, that's so funny Um, give me that That song is hard I shot about that song
Starting point is 01:01:18 Until right now That song is hard Say yeah man I'm gonna need it in my Give me that I'm gonna I'm gonna You know I like the way you're leaning
Starting point is 01:01:26 I like that I could be in the back Say give me, give me, give me Damn Yeah, that shit is crazy But, yeah that's what I want You make me want to be the one I'm with, start a new relationship with you, but I just got hit.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Dude, I'm telling you. This guy's got slappers. And then yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Come on.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Dude, I... Stop. Stop. Baby, rub on your nipples. Yeah, that's another... Ludacris, too. Yo, Ludacris has got... Ludacris.
Starting point is 01:02:08 ...slammers. But how was Ludacris's part in the echo again? That's a great question. Hit the road. If you ain't gunning, then I put him up for patrol. Patrol. Ow! How you like me now?
Starting point is 01:02:21 When my pinky value over $300,000. Then... I love Luda. Who wins that? Oh, sure. Fist fight. Oh, shit. I was gonna say...
Starting point is 01:02:31 I was gonna say, like, who wins in a fist fight? I was gonna joke you, but... Chris Brown. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But... He's got stuff. Usher. I think Usher wins that, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:40 Yo, Usher is... And, like, this is the thing. If Lil' Brown... Again. He keeps calling me Lil' Brown. Lil' Brown. Lil' Brown. If Chris Brown.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Lil' Brown. Just stop, like, popping his chest out every now and then and, like, focus more on the music. It might be better off. Also, it'd be really nice if he wouldn't hit women. Yeah. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's sick. Yeah, that would be...
Starting point is 01:03:02 Yo, Chris Brown's mad young, though. How old do you think he is? Uh, he's gotta be only a couple... I would say, like, 32? He's 31, bro. Yeah. He's only a couple years older than us. This guy's...
Starting point is 01:03:10 Half of his life, he's been famous. That's crazy. And, like, big-time famous, too. Yeah. Not, like, Lil... You know what song is a banger? Freaky Friday with Lil' Dicky. Yeah, that's a good song.
Starting point is 01:03:18 Yo, Usher's 42, bro. Yeah. He looks great. He has an age of day. Dude, literally. Hasn't. Him and Gabrielle Union? I'm like, bro.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Yeah. Like, yo, you know how people make those, like, conspiracy theories about, like, how Hillary Clinton, like, drains the blood from, from, like, young people and, like, so that she can, like, anti-age? She drinks it. Like, bro. That old bitch looks like a, like, she's on her way out. If anyone's doing that...
Starting point is 01:03:44 She looks dried up. Listen, if anyone's doing that, it's Usher and Gabrielle Union. Come on, man. They haven't changed a day. Yeah. Listen. Where's the speculation? I'm not gonna sit here and say that Hillary Clinton doesn't have things about her that
Starting point is 01:03:55 are probably terrible, but, but Usher and Gabrielle Union, they're drinking from the fountain of youth. Let me tell you. I don't know what the genetics are just un-fucking-believable there. Dude. Yo, she literally... Remember this past Halloween, or was it this Halloween or the one before that? She wore the same outfit she wore in, uh, Bring It On.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Who knows how fucking long ago that was? I think that was in the 1920s. What year was it? Sure. I believe it's 1999. Dude, and she looks the exact same. Like the exact same. It's Good Looking Woman.
Starting point is 01:04:25 It's Good Looking Woman. To say the least. Keeps yourself in shape. Good Looking Woman. Good for her. And yes. Damn. That Usher, that got me hyped now.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I kind of... Usher's got... God damn. That's the thing. Usher's music evolved as we... Like when we were just like emotional little bitches, we were singing You Got It Bad and Burn. What?
Starting point is 01:04:44 I still do that. Do you? What? I haven't sang Burn in a while, dude. Dude, what? Karaoke? Damn. That was good.
Starting point is 01:04:52 That was a good song. That was good. That was good. How did this turn into Usher versus Chris Brown? I don't know. I don't know. But I'm not upset that it got there. No.
Starting point is 01:05:00 You know? There got to be like... There were also like one hit wonders. Is it your dad? No. It's a random West Virginia number. Take me home. Country road.
Starting point is 01:05:08 To the place. To the place. To the place. To the place. To the place. To the place. To the place. To the place.
Starting point is 01:05:18 To the place. To the place. You're the one who hates country music. I showed you the video of that Asian track. The funny thing is that this is not about the state of West Virginia. It's about the West side of Virginia. I don't know why, but the first time I saw that... You said it to me.
Starting point is 01:05:34 You know when you see something at first and you go... And then it just turns into this booming laugh and I couldn't... It was like a whole afternoon. That's how it was with me with um, dad, you were never there for me. Just rain. My name's Jeff. Yeah, I, I, we laughed about that for weeks. Oh, that fucking vine.
Starting point is 01:05:53 No, so good. I don't think that's, is that country music? I think it's like rock, rock, rockery. It's like a rock country hybrid. Are you talking about that West Virginia song? But yeah, are you fucking like what? You think it is? Yes.
Starting point is 01:06:07 You sure? Yes. By John Denver, he's not really a country singer. He's more like a soulful singer. Let's look it up. Let's look it up because I don't want to admit that I like that. I mean, there is other country stuff that I like. You got to like wagon wheel.
Starting point is 01:06:21 I don't like wagon wheel. Yo, wagon wheels, it slaps. There was one that I remember that I heard wagon wheel like a hundred times when I was in Nashville. It never got old and everyone was equally as excited as the first time because they were all fucking hammered. Well, yeah. Um, I remember what was the other song where it was like, um, Pete, you still
Starting point is 01:06:42 listen to this shit all the time. Maybe you're a song, you make me roll my windows down. Yeah, that's Florida, Georgia line. Yeah. With Nellie did the remix. Did he? Nellie's crushing like country music now. Yo, Nellie's got slappers too.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Who wins in a versus? Oh, well, sure. I was going to say Nellie or Florida, Georgia line. Maybe I guess they all have they know Nellie or T.I. Nellie. I think Nellie takes that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:09 T.I. Has like seven. What was that song he did with Tim? Oh, and it's time I over and over again. And I can't get wasted with him. Yeah, it hurts so bad. T.I. Has like shoulder lean, bring him out.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Rubber band, rubber band, man. He's a banger. Uh, uh, what's that live your life song? Well, whatever you like, that's the whatever you like. But he's also on the live your life song with Rihanna. Yeah. Yeah, he's on that. That's five rubber band man.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Shady. Do you remember everyone wore rubber bands just to sing that? And they would just go like this? Yes. I don't think that was everyone. I think that was just me and you. Probably. Dude, rubber band man.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Nine am I right? Forty five in my other hand. What? What are you looking at? Rubber band man. Oh, it's a good song. There's an ad. It's not the other rubber band man, the country, like the classic rock song.
Starting point is 01:08:04 This only has 3.1 million views. That's it? People are sleeping on rubber band man. People are sleeping on rubber band man. Oh, you never know what he's saying. Yeah, I don't know what he's saying in the beginning of those. But yo, and he asked at the beginning. David Banner, David Banner, who I be rubber band man.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Wild is the Taliban. Let's slow it. They'll take it easy there. This is 2004 when he came out. Maybe I mean, they were pretty wild back then. Nine and is right. Forty five in his other hand. Right.
Starting point is 01:08:38 David Banner had some. I always, whatever people tell me, like, what's the dirtiest song you ever play heard? I always think of that song play by David Banner. Well, you know, when the chorus goes, come girl, I'm trying to make your pussy wet. I think. Work that. Let me see your drip sweat. You know, it was a good don't play with it.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Damn, damn, you know, the nineties, bro. You know, I just forgot about until this very second and I know you used to love them. Horde. Don't I know who you're going to say. And I still listen to them. Little scrappy. Oh, no, oh, little scrappy. I know you're going to say, uh, the ying-yang twins.
Starting point is 01:09:10 No, you still listen to the ying-yang twins. 100% really my running playlist. Yeah. Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The rock and cane. Those are my boys. Oh my God. That's fucking when you hear salt shaker.
Starting point is 01:09:22 Come on. Well, dumb and you're like, well, I just started running. Fuck, I mean, my favorite ying-yang twins song always has been and always will be the whisper song of the wait. Of course. I remember when that came out, we were like, they can whisper rap. Yeah, we didn't know it was a thing. I remember when Tony Ayo said, I could breathe on the track and make money. Now, how much was that?
Starting point is 01:09:49 It was such a flex because he didn't get paid a lot. He did. He did. He paid a lot of fucking hand. Tony Ayo, so seductive. Boy, was that a summer? Was that a summer? You remember everyone was just, oh my God, that's such a good fuck.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Every single song, everyone that was around 50 cent. God damn, I missed that time in my life. G-Unit, bro. I put the G and G-Unit, baby, I got game. I don't remember the rest of the lyrics. There's probably a lot of stuff in there you can't say. Yeah, young, uh, what was his name? Lil Scrappy.
Starting point is 01:10:18 No, you don't want no problem, problem. Oh, yeah, that was nice. J-Quad, oh, he only had one song. Well, he had two. He had hood hop too. Remember hood hop? Just put your fucking mind. No one forgot about hood hop.
Starting point is 01:10:33 One of the hardest beats of all time. Dude, J-Quad, if you guys don't know J-Quad, that's fucking Tipsy. They know J-Quad. Okay, just wait. Everybody in the club, get tipsy. Everybody in the club, get tipsy. I got two ads on this. God damn, J-Quad, 5.1, more than rubber band.
Starting point is 01:10:49 You know, I have respect to my boy J-Quad. And this is hood hop. Listen to this beat. Just wait for it. Yo, huh! That's how it sounds, look. Yo, I got to thank God, dude. This song is so hard.
Starting point is 01:11:12 We're going to get demonetized. 100%. I lose the money, not J-Quad. Yo, it's J-Quad, bro. Damn! J-Quad is so crazy. Fuck! Fuck!
Starting point is 01:11:22 Yeah. Who else? There's got to be others that we're forgetting. You know what's wild is that we don't remember, like, what else we used to listen to. Yeah, and there's probably, like, one off that you're like, Oh my God, when I heard this song, I know. I mean, you know, I'm all about, I was all about D4L and Dem Franchise Boys. Oh yeah, all about, what?
Starting point is 01:11:39 Dem Franchise Boys. The white tee? Yep. In my white tee. I know all the lyrics to that song. That was like my favorite song. At one point, I was like, yo, my favorite, Sorry, my favorite artist is Dem Franchise Boys.
Starting point is 01:11:51 I was like, I was super into it. I was with you on that one. I was with you on that one. And D4L, too. They hit Laffy Taffy and then they did Betcha Can't Do Like Me. Nope. No, that was fucking, oh no. Yes, that was...
Starting point is 01:12:02 I thought it was D4L. Or it was at Dem Franchise's? Yeah, that was Dem Franchise Boys. Now I gotta look up, there was another D4L song. Laffy Taffy was good. You could suck me for a long time. D4L songs. Oh, what?
Starting point is 01:12:17 It's Laffy Taffy, baby. Do you know what D4L stands for? Down for licking. Apparently it's Dead Fucking Last. That can't be right. No, this is somebody else. This is somebody else. This is somebody else.
Starting point is 01:12:31 Dead Fucking Last. Laffy Taffy by D4O. It's D, the number 4L. Yeah. That's why I did DFL. That's why I fucked up. No. Oh, they did Betcha Can't Do Like Me.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Oh, yeah. I told you, nope. Oh, they had a... What's the other Dem Franchise Boys song? There was another... They had a couple, actually. Were they the ones that did... Dem Franchise Boys.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Now I got to look it up, because, yo, I'm telling you... What happened to them, man? Dem Franchise Boy. They had... Oh, I think they like me. Oh, I think they like me. Yeah. Damn.
Starting point is 01:13:11 They had... Damn, dude. There was Jamal Willingham, Buddy, and Gizzle Man. Gizzle Man? Oh, and Parley. Those were the members of Dem Franchise Boys. Damn. Damn.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Oh, I think they like me. It was a heater. There was another song that I... I don't... Lean would rock with it, obviously. Oh, duh. Everyone still leans with it and rocks with it. They all know it.
Starting point is 01:13:34 No one has stopped leaning with it. That's timeless shit. I don't think anyone has stopped leaning with it. You remember, uh, Three Six Mafia? Gotta stay flat. I fucking still love Three Six Mafia. I wanted that fucking shirt so bad. I tried getting it so bad, too.
Starting point is 01:13:50 So bad. Wasn't happening. It was the background of my eyespace. That, like, green... The skulls? The green skulls? We can talk about this forever, but we gotta wrap up here. All right, all right.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Well, we're gonna have to put together a playlist. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We should do, like, crazy verses on fucking Patreon of, like, these random people. What? On Patreon. We'll do, like, verses of, like, random artists.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Oh, I'm down with the verses. Yeah, yeah. I'm down with the verses so hard. Yeah. All right. F-Alvers, 8-0-8-5 on Twitter and on Twitch. Defrake Alvers on Instagram. And then go, uh...
Starting point is 01:14:21 Check me out. I'm a competitor in the movie, Travis Shimon. And it's a good time. You guys can go follow the show at The Basement Yard on TikTok and Instagram and go follow me at Joe Sanagato and the Patreon. You get an episode every single week, an extra one every single week,
Starting point is 01:14:34 and you get every episode a week in advance. And, yeah, slash The Basement Yard. Appreciate all you guys, and we'll see you guys next time. Yeah!

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