The Basement Yard - #292 - Are You Gonna Box YouTubers?

Episode Date: May 3, 2021

Frank & Joe discuss Jake Paul & if Joe will end up boxing another YouTuber Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard Frank. That's a great sweater. Thank you. That was a loud intro. Am I doing too loud? A little loud. Well, I'm excited. I for what? I don't know The Sun's out dude. I'm psyched. The Sun is out. It's a little chilly though. A little yeah, you got a little nippy A little nippy. Do they say that because your nipples get hard? People say nipoli No one says yes, they do. I swear. I when I remember living in Connecticut people were like, oh, it's nipoli out I was like fucking what? Yeah, I don't count Connecticut. I don't know It was very confusing people like it's nipoli and I was like, why the fuck would you say that just nippy?
Starting point is 00:00:35 I remember that was one of the biggest issues I had with living in Connecticut was people saying nipoli But also people would call. All right, you are welcome back to your you go You're in school. You go to that little thing that you turn or press the button and water comes out. What do you call it? A water fountain. Yeah, people call it a bubbler Don't they do that like like London. No, they Say in British Everyone there has a fucking You you spend fucking two days in Miami and you come back
Starting point is 00:01:22 I Know the bubbler. Yeah, that's stupid I think I think they're they're thinking like the water cooler that like the jug goes on top because then the bubbles come up But no bubbles their bubbles Well, if they had seltzer in that thing then yeah, no in the cooler. That's what I think they call Oh the good don't go don't that that like kind of bubble. Yes, yo Yeah, when you go over to one of those water coolers and you're like filling up a cup you're like this thing better bubble Yeah, I get pretty hyped for the bubble. I I do I'll overflow my cup and just here. I just so I can hear go don't but no
Starting point is 00:01:57 What a water cooler does that I love that shit. Oh my god, I used to get hyped for that dumb I can't even pretend I wouldn't and now they make ones that like the water cooler goes inside So it robs people of their happiness. Oh, you don't see the water. Yeah, that's what I'm saying Also, there's two tabs one blue and one like brown. What is that? It's red first of all No, I there was a brown one and my it might have just been from overuse I remember it was like it was hot water. It was just hot water. What yeah, would they have a Heat system. I mean if you plug it in it keeps it cold How hot
Starting point is 00:02:30 It would have to be boiling hot because there's no use for warm water It could be it would be unless you're feeding a kid and it'd be like tea. Wait. No, that's milk warm milk What are you talking about? What are you fucking talking about? No, I'm saying to have a hot option on a water cooler option A option on a water cooler would be pointless like who's using a warm one people that drink tea in the mornings Yeah, but that would need to be hot instant coffee. That would need to be boiling hot. It's hot. It's steaming hot. There's no way There's not enough time. I'm letting you know. It doesn't matter. They use electricity It's there's not enough time. Yes, there is dude the cure egg takes time to like heat up and there's like a whole thing
Starting point is 00:03:10 And it's like With this you just press the thing and the water comes out. There's no way I'm not pretending to be some sort of expert on how it happens, but I've used it and it works I'm saying you're the opposite of an expert when it comes to this machine because it's not boiling hot water No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not saying like I'm not saying. I know how it works. I'm just letting you know. I've used it That's what it does. Okay Not everyone not everyone could be as fucking like take the time like you you ever seen dude That's that's how those electric kettles work
Starting point is 00:03:36 The reason that they get a boil so quick is because electricity runs through it and that gets the water hotter quick Yeah, but not that quick. This is like instantaneous Poop Absolutely. Poop. Welcome back by the way. How was my jammy? Yeah, I was in Miami. How was it? It was nice. It was really nice. It was actually kind of crazy to be in You know a place where people just don't give a fuck. They floor is never cared Yeah, yeah, no, uh, but I went to a couple of restaurants and and they are fully operational just living the dream
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah, which was it was kind of I mean I already tested twice since I've been home So I don't have it so I can say that was an awesome experience. Yeah, there you go No, but it was it was you know, it was kind of uh, it was kind of cool. I was also A little buzzed While I was down there. So a little buzz Joey told me the story before A little bit of the story pretty much the whole story So you had two margaritas in within six hours. Is that being generous? No, but let's say 10 hours
Starting point is 00:04:37 Let's say, okay. Let's say let's say nine. Let's say nine two margaritas. Mm-hmm At least six white clothes because you said you went and gave through down 12 Yeah, so at least six. Mm-hmm a bottle of wine. Yeah Uh before dinner before dinner And then dinner you went another bottle of whiskey Well, not a bottle of whiskey. I had a just a glass of whiskey I heard you guys got a bottle of of whiskey. No, we got a bottle of wine Oh and and a glass of whiskey. Okay while we were waiting for our table
Starting point is 00:05:08 So another bottle of wine a cup of whiskey. Yeah, and then And then I mean that's enough to put out a very large horse So and that's what it did because I don't remember any of the food So someone I think steven next day was like, yo that food was so good. I was like I I paid for nothing Because I don't remember you don't like as far as you know, it was just an empty night As far as I know, I didn't eat anything like, you know, I don't remember much from that Which is you know, it's unfortunate, but I mean autopilot me had a great time apparently I bet you were you doing a lot of dancing you do a lot of dancing when you're drunk
Starting point is 00:05:42 I mean, I was in a restaurant. I wasn't dancing. I saw jayme fox. He was he was wearing a funky shirt. That was really nice Double x. Yeah, double x. What is double x? That's how he spells fox two x's. Oh, oh I was like the fuck. Yeah, that means. Oh, was he I saw chris rock. I fist bumped him. Oh, all right Yeah, I fisted chris. I fisted chris rock. Oh, dude. I was you don't remember You remember the act of fisting chris rock. Yes fist rock. Yes, but you don't remember Like nothing anything else. I remember that specific moment And pretty much it that's it All right, and I do that's a pretty good moment to remember. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:06:15 I mean thank god I remember does he live down there or is he just kind of chilling for the day in my town I don't know, you know rich people. They just kind of show up in miami. Yeah, I bet they do You know the flight is so easy. It's crazy. Well, yeah, I mean now especially it's probably a lot cheaper, right? Um, I don't know. I think my flight was like 400 bucks. So it wasn't yeah, it wasn't that bad I mean you also went for just a weekend. Yeah And I did friday to sunday, which is like the worst thing. Yeah, I remember when we went We did like wednesday to tuesday like back in like 2012. We did that and it was like
Starting point is 00:06:46 $190 per person. Yeah, we were still like, you know, it was a good time We were at war at that time like stealing oil from the middle east We weren't we what was I think we've been doing that for a long long time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, wait before that I think back then it was more like prevalent. I don't know got you Prices were down. Well, it was obama's era. So was it? 2012 I don't I I'm really bad at time. Like I don't really know what's going on If I give you a year, you don't know the president dude. No way 2006 Bush. Yeah. All right. Good job. Oh wait, but yeah, of course bush. Yeah, wait. Did he do too?
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, he did. Yeah, he did. He did. He did back to back. Who is his vice president? Fucking, you know, that guy. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Fuck. Oh, uh, uh, you know what? I was about to say something dumb But who was it dick chaney? Go back to what you were gonna say. I was gonna say the first thing that popped my mind was colon pal Nope. Yeah, I think he was sick death Do you think I could name even one? I mean, I'm kind of hoping yeah, yeah, you were right. It was dick chaney. Oh nice Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, he's a dick chaney shot somebody or he got shot No, he fucking blew that guy's face off with the gun. Yeah, like quail hunting or some shit. Yeah, it blows face off
Starting point is 00:07:55 People do weird stuff. Let's go shoot birds. You have you been hunting? No No, I would though like I love animals, dude, but I'd shoot a deer you shoot the fuck out of a deer Like now with a gun, uh, you know what? I can't even say I probably would. Yeah, you would you would absolutely I've shot a gun like into the woods, you know and just you didn't know you probably hit something Well, I don't know. I don't know man. It depends. It really depends like I could never like shoot An animal and then like walk over to it and it's still alive and like have to put it out of its misery I know that's why I would like just load off like unload like 12 rounds. I think you know my A good middle ground is like fishing like catch and release like you catch a fish you throw it back. It's fun
Starting point is 00:08:36 Hey, is it? No, it's fucking not all the people out there that are like first of all, I got a fish thing to tell you All the people out there that are like super like oh fishing is fucking great man I think it's kind of real. Yeah, imagine getting just Slime say slammered imagine getting slammered on a boat Yeah, and then you're just kind of sitting around and all of a sudden you're And you're like oh Yeah, if it happens
Starting point is 00:08:59 What's what do you think is the fucking acceptable rate of like having fun like the percentage of which you're actually enjoying yourself there I would have fun on a boat. No fishing. Yes, that is true So like just give me a sound system and some drinks dude. You give me like Somewhere to pee the eagle's greatest hiss that hissed the eagle's greatest hits album You give me a fucking bucket of beers and a fishing pole like I'm catching something You're catching a good time. You're catching a good time. You're catching a nasty dish. Maybe who knows all right a couple's a lot Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:33 But I like these people out there that are fishing someone messaged me by the way And they were they were like yo, there's this fish out in I think it was like Alaska or some fucking dumb ass place And they were like this fish Spend like a whole period of time looking for mates. So it gets so long that they just come In the water and the water becomes saturated and come and fish come It's just I posted this on my instagram. You didn't see this. So this fucking psychopath. I'm sure he's listening Fuck you. You're upset. Yeah ruin the ocean for you. Didn't I mean I hated the ocean to begin with All right, but he's like yo, just look at his body. What do you see all that white stuff?
Starting point is 00:10:14 And I'm thinking to myself like oh, it's like Splashing, you know splashing You know or fucking like sea foam or whatever. Yeah. Yeah foam all fish come. Damn. That's a lot of come. Can you imagine? All that come No, I can't imagine that. There's a lot. Yeah, that's a ton. That's quite a bit and then what happens if like you're a Fertile woman and you go fishing in there or you go swimming in there. Do you come out with like, you know, like a Half man at fish hybrid. Yeah, like your your eggs get confused. They're like, should we be Incubating this you thought about that
Starting point is 00:10:47 What like if you were a fertile woman, yeah, okay, and you're just like ready to go you got to you know Like has anyone ever been like, yo, let's inject a little like Frog in here. What happens? Let's wait a couple months frog sperm. Yeah I'm sure they have they've tried to make, you know, isn't um Minotaurs a thing like didn't they try to put like a bull in a man? I think that was just like in like Hercules Yeah, but like you don't think anyone's ever tried to actually make that. I would I would hope for the sake of science They would because think about this think about think about this
Starting point is 00:11:22 right because with war and You know violence or whatever people always trying to get a leg up So you don't think at some point in history that people Were, you know, the minotaurs or whatever they're like, you know, they like imagine having a bull Right, like it's it 10 of us have to kill a bull like they're strong. Yeah So what we're gonna do is when we have sex with this woman, we create a little person But if we get this bull to have sex with this woman, we can create a bull man and they would help us in this war Oh, you don't remember. So you don't think they ever tried to make bulls
Starting point is 00:11:54 Male women listen to me first of all they probably, you know imprisoned a lot of women back in the day and forget about imprisoned I'm talking about Bullfucking well, I'm sure they did it. I'm sure they absolutely bullfucked. That's what I'm saying Or the men this is more likely The men are like we'll find the female bull, which is isn't there a different name for that? It's a bitch, right? And they slam them in the fields and they try to make bull men by the way female bull cow bang
Starting point is 00:12:28 Yeah, yeah, that's it Uh, I I would think it would be like because back in the day, you know, like I remember learning about history about like a Spartans. I'm like they would like fuck boys and stuff Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they were like, yo, I'm gonna let this fucking Kleinsdale Just unload a fucking quick. You say Klein Kleinsdale Klein are you seeing Klein? You don't know what it is. Do you Kleinsdale Kleinsdale? Yeah, isn't it Clydes? Either Klein or Clyde's one of them owns the Dale. Yeah, it's Clyde. Clyde Drexler. Okay
Starting point is 00:13:03 Uh, just like yo, I'm gonna let this fucking horse Just slamming unloaded me. So now I have the strength Of a grown man a grown horse and a fucking Couple horses. Yeah, you know, like I feel like they probably did that more than horsepower Bingo, yeah, you know, that's probably what they did over like letting like these animals like just like go to town On women, I mean they probably did that too because they were all fucking sick freaks back in the day Yeah, well, that's the thing that I think about all the time too because I mean there's a bunch of animals laying around and like We know that like, yo, you don't do that. You know, you can't but at the end of the day, you can't really blame someone
Starting point is 00:13:39 Uh, you know, I didn't they say like you created HIV by banging a monkey like yeah back in the day There's a lot of trial and error back then. There was no information. You gotta figure it out. I mean, I get that I'm just I'm defending this person Fuck Listen, I'm not going to defend beastiality, but I will defend beast. You said beast Beastiality Why are you saying? Beesh
Starting point is 00:14:03 Beast Beesh What are you saying? Beastiality Beast Beast, you're making it sound like a sandwich. No, well that sounds pretty good a bistro Be beastiality Beastiality
Starting point is 00:14:18 Shia what beast beast Eality beastiality Beastiality What I won't get the fuck let me say it the way I want to say it. It's America. Um, but like there I lost my thumb You son of a bitch. Oh, no, they're just like letting these animals just fucking rip them. I will ask this I will ask this If there was because people all like these like, you know Children of the earth people like yesterday was or the day before was earth day or whatever
Starting point is 00:14:46 People are like, yo like all like all the cures for everything is on the earth You just need to figure it out, right? If you found out that like you could become big strong guy by like either like eating like like a baby Like like a human baby. No. No. No. I'm saying like, uh, if you can find out like you can like drink like the semen Or like eat the ovaries of a female animal. What animal are you taking down? Like what animal are you like? Yo, I want I want these powers I have to eat their what like you drink their semen or you like women semen. No women, uh, like ovaries like you I eat their eggs. Yeah, eat their eggs. That's it. That's what I was looking for you
Starting point is 00:15:27 Um, what animal what I yeah, like what animal are you picking? I mean, I think the obvious answer is, you know the cheetah That's that's pretty good. I think lion Yes, lion's a good answer, but also cheetahs are just cheetahs are just fast, but they're sexy They kind of are. Yo, but honestly, though, what's the female lion lioness? Do you know the female or male like I know I know one thing. Okay, that's it. Okay when it comes to certain topics I know like a thing and that's it. Um, but yeah, those are also sexy animals. Well, but like with the lion I think there's a sense of leadership that comes with that
Starting point is 00:16:02 You know what I mean, like I don't think that you can get that from eating an egg Why why not because I eat a lot of chicken eggs and I don't get any fucking leadership from that Well chickens are we all know that chickens are like the dumbest fucking animals on the planet Well, someone's got to leave the pack. It's not the chickens. It's the human that's fucking caging them Well, yeah, but like if they're out in the wild, there's a leader chicken I don't do Wild chickens exist. Of course they exist. Where in the wild. No, they're called turkeys Yes, but there have to be chickens. No, they're no like I I'm almost guaranteeing that there's no thing as a wild chicken
Starting point is 00:16:34 It's like a nun. You don't see him in the wild chickens don't exist in the wild. Where do they live? Yeah, honestly, you might be onto something. I am definitely onto something because anytime I see a chicken There's like a farm around. Yeah, there's a there's a dude in overalls like, you know, within a mile Female chickens in a female chickens. Wild chickens are turkeys or ducks What the fuck geese swan, okay, like the list probably goes on But that's what I'm saying like there's uh No, something is wild chicken Things that don't exist wild chickens
Starting point is 00:17:12 Nuns so where did chicken come from? I think the chicken was just like, you know, like someone one day was just like, yo But how do we monopolize the chicken? How do we get all the chickens? You just round them all up Where turkeys turkeys are in that wild they're all over the place you got turkeys in jersey. Yeah all over the place All over the place. Is it busy because they escape? Maybe it could be is there turkeys in like Africa no way. No, huh? No shot. No Thanksgiving. That's why exact. Well careful. That's why. Oh, well, well, yeah, obviously It's not the us. Yeah, that's why Thanksgiving was like here. Yeah, they're they're just like hanging out with chilling. I'm sure people have brought them over there
Starting point is 00:17:53 And I'm not like turkey farms like in like different continents and stuff But I'm pretty sure turkeys were like a north america thing. Okay We know nothing about it Oh, man, uh Anyway, really really a fun weekend Uh, watch the jake paul fight. Did you watch it? I didn't watch it. I didn't watch it either I did the smart thing and just waited on twitter until it was over. Yeah, um, apparently didn't take very long No, it didn't take very long. Um
Starting point is 00:18:24 Good for him with that. I know a lot of people are saying like You know, it was rigged or whatever the case may be but Uh, I thought it was funny. Are you taking a hint for that payout? Single shot for 500k I would let him beat me For an hour for a million dollars He got 500k been answering. I think he made a million dollars. I'm pretty sure like after everything really. Yeah Are you taking one shot damaging who you are telling everyone you actually got fucked up for 500k a million dollars and say
Starting point is 00:18:56 I would I would yeah for a million dollars. I would fight somebody. Why not? No, I'm not saying would you fight someone? I would just let them Because people all these conspiracy theories are coming out, which by the way, I'm sick of fucking conspiracy Yeah, everything's a conspiracy every single everything. Jesus Christ. Just let the world turn fucks the flat world It doesn't turn you fucking idiot. It's a simulation The sky is an LED screen. I'm saying like yo like I'm coming to you. I'm like, yo, listen You take the dive out. You'll get a million dollars from this fight
Starting point is 00:19:27 Just take the dive and we'll tell everyone that I actually fucked you up I mean to answer your question Yes, but I also don't think that would be necessary because I don't train boxing like that Oh, I mean just beat me anyway. Yeah, but I'm I'm All right, if it was uh, if it was a fucking I don't know you versus jeff bezos and abusing your employees like and one person's like, yo like you need to be worse than me Okay Are you taking the dive for jeff bezos? Hell? Yeah. Yeah for a million dollars, right? Well, I'm gonna ask for more out of that guy
Starting point is 00:19:58 Think so Yeah, I might get some equity or something. He won't even pay his employees. What makes you think he's gonna give you money I mean, you're white No, Joey though, seriously Are like if if one of these because like other internet like let me stop you there I'm never gonna get on like a youtube Boxing you're never doing like rough and rowdy. Never a thriller. I would never do any of that. No, why not? Because i'm 29. I have no interest in
Starting point is 00:20:29 Boxing and getting my nose broken. Oh, you have no interest in boxing now No, not boxing like that I like want to go back to boxing when I could get fucking You know, whatever when I go back there when the world was when the world is normal But I don't want to fight anyone and like get my nose broken The fuck because i'm not competing. All right. Who like realistically like I'm not saying you're going to be going up against like Jake paul Like you could talk all this shit you want
Starting point is 00:20:52 He poured money into his fucking training and like legitimately training for years legitimately like and he's an athlete too him and his brother were Athletes, right? Yeah, they were like fucking collegiate athletes. I mean if they're gonna get no Well, I think logan wrestled in college, but jake did it. Okay. What i'm saying though is If you like if it's like yo like for fun, let's just let's fucking fight for a charity or something. You wouldn't do it No, I don't think so. You're fucking crazy. Why why wouldn't you because I don't want like I don't need to get punched in the face and break my nose. All right. You could wear a fucking nose guard or a helmet or something Maybe maybe then Do you think all right? I have a couple names of people to see if like you could like if you would box them
Starting point is 00:21:34 Okay, and what you think the outcome would be. Okay, david dobre Dude, I'd beat the brakes off of david dobre You're fucking bashing his teeth. I think most people would he's not he doesn't strike me as very coordinator athletic coordinator athletic coordinated You didn't say that or athletic. Okay. Yeah. All right. That's not a bad one. Yeah. Um, uh, cm punk I mean I don't know much about him. I mean, he probably beat me up. He'd probably fuck you up Yeah, but honestly though, it really depends because if you wait another three years, I'd probably fuck him up
Starting point is 00:22:06 Think so. He's an adult. Yeah, but he's like aging and I have three years to train I don't know about that I have confidence in myself if I'm able to train for like three years. Okay, ninja Dude That would be a massacre. Yeah. Yeah, I would fucking snap him and I honestly think I could snap him in half You do. Yeah, I mean, he's got a lot of money though. He might put in the time Well, yeah, you could put in the time you could pay whoever you want, but you're gonna have to put on also 80 pounds Oh, you might you might be able to do that all that fucking mountain dew that he drinks probably
Starting point is 00:22:37 I can't talk shit. I can't talk shit. Well, you drink mountain dew. No But literally stop this podcast No, but tell me that that new flavor doesn't look delicious Think about what a new flavor every fucking five seconds. You didn't see that one. It's like watermelon baha penis. Baha blast No, no, no, it's like watermelon Cooler chill. Oh, yeah, I mean, it's probably made of pink. Yeah, you could probably clean your toilet with it Yeah, probably absolutely. All right me Me and you. Yeah. Oh god. I don't know about that. I got the reach
Starting point is 00:23:08 But you have the speed It would be a hilarious time and you probably have the footwear like footwear Are you just here's what I think would happen Yeah, if we set a date that we were going to box and it was like a year from now I think that I would just train more than you would no no no no no no no you would just train And if I you'd be like I'll get there I'd be like, yo, I just need two weeks and I'll do the last two weeks. They'll be like, all right. I'm good That would be strategic though. I would just kind of bounce around and try to tire you out
Starting point is 00:23:37 And it would work quite well It would work quite well You'd also the this is what you guys don't realize too Joey would you'd play mind games a little bit Like you would be like, yo, like you better not lose for your daughter and like in rage An enraged man who's fighting for the love of his daughter. Yeah, but I'm not like I'm not uncoordinated I'm not uncoordinated, but you I would say that you have like more of a coordinated Go of it. Yeah, I don't was that an expression a coordinated go coordinated I think I think you would like you it would be like
Starting point is 00:24:13 It would go to decision put it like that. Okay. It wouldn't be a knockout or tko. No, I don't think so either I think uh, it would be um, it'd be a good fight. I think it'd be hilarious. I think I'd be laughing a lot 11 000 patrons No Which by the way guys go to slash basement yard you can join today We're almost at 8,500 as of recording and then we're doing a power out and then we're doing a power hour podcast Joey's still getting that video of him doing an enema. It's going to be up there exclusive to the patrons Uh as patrons you get every weekly episode that you're watching right now We can advance and you get exclusive episodes every friday if people don't get access to so
Starting point is 00:24:48 slash basement you crush that Oh, but yo, I wanted to talk about this because I thought it was just really funny and it has nothing to do with like All right So, you know this whole thing with jake paul. I was like, oh, it was rigged and like, you know, whatever So the reason why I bring this up because look I saw a video and it was a very nice video because it was like Of a boxer and this guy's like huge. He looks like fucking batista Okay, and he's like jacked and he's fighting another boxer who like clearly has some sort of like down syndrome or whatever Okay, and he's doing an amazing job and like, you know, there's a referee
Starting point is 00:25:20 There's a crowd and everything and the guy who's like yoked or whatever is like, you know It's a work basically like he's getting punched and he's like going down and like he's making it look super and he's actually doing like a phenomenal job like to do is like, you know, whatever um And You know, he keeps getting up and then the guy who clearly has downsides. It's gonna take a turn I could already tell no, it's just a very funny comment So then the guy the person who has like, uh, you know, downsides from like ends up like, you know, knocking them out or whatever They tko
Starting point is 00:25:50 And uh, I watched the video. I was like, yeah, I was like a really nice video I click on the comments the first comment This says rigged You got him he fucking exposed the whole business there you go I was laughing for like an hour Brigged dude, some of these there there are some fucking internet comments. I see I will say I feel like I feel like the comment section and twitter has like ruined comedy for me Because so much of what I find funny is like I read in those two places
Starting point is 00:26:28 and it's like How do you then translate that into like a show or a bit or something like that? And it's just like so small and witty 140 characters or whatever it is and it's just perfect Dude, like tiktok is like cool and there's a lot of funny stuff on it But the comments dude, really the comments are Unbelievable sometimes I've never I don't have tiktok to this day Oh, dude, some of the some of the comments on that fucking app are so funny and so I just I don't even have like a thing off the top of my head but sometimes like
Starting point is 00:26:58 You know someone will post a video and they'll just ask like a Open-ended question and people get creative in the comments and I just die dude. It's so fucking funny Yeah, some I'll give it to them some but then they then you get the other douchebags in the comment They try to just be contrarian for the sense of being contrarian. Well, I also I saw a thing that was like whoa like So there was a video that had like a million likes and all these shares and shit and it was um You know like if you're happy and you know and I don't know like they were doing like that But the person said like
Starting point is 00:27:34 Something about hitting your kids with a belt like oh if you're hitting your kids with a belt, it's not It's it's still abuse or whatever and then some woman Like had that in the beginning of her video and then at the end she goes Tell me you have kids when you tell me you you don't have kids without telling me you don't have kids meaning like Well, when you have kids you'll realize I know then another dude pops in and he Like finds out who this woman is
Starting point is 00:27:59 Her job like her job and like puts the Number to her job there. This is the video that has like millions of likes the video of her job there and reports her to child CPA I was like Dude, this is a lot. This is a tick top But like also like she could be fucking joking
Starting point is 00:28:19 Like what are we doing? We're calling the government and being like yo, she made a joke So like I'm reporting her and he's like I hope that they don't find Anything with you and I was like, dude, this is kind of like people getting out at you know out of control I understand like not Like being against like disciplining your kids in that way or whatever but like you know at the end of the day This is a tick tock like she also could be like fucking joking dude Like chill like you're you're you could split up a family like that over nothing like that's wild Yeah, no, no, I know and that and that kind of
Starting point is 00:28:48 Hits like the the umbrella overarching theme is like Even though there is more ability for people to fuck around and do shit like that People tend to stop thinking that they are like no one takes that as a joke anymore it's like you know like And I hate like the argument is like everyone is soft because I don't think necessarily that's the case I think that there are things that people nowadays realize are wrong that weren't wrong doesn't make them soft for that But in that regard people's ability to be able because one person finds something unfunny
Starting point is 00:29:17 It's like everyone then needs to find something unfunny and it's it's also like it There's a waterfall effect So like you'll go to a video right and it'll be something like for instance the video of the guy Who's on the airplane is like screaming the n-word at people yikes You know, you didn't see the guy. He was wearing a burger king fucking ground No, and he's screaming the n-word on a plane and for whatever reason this dude's like Ironically liked on the internet. So like that video, right?
Starting point is 00:29:45 You go to the comments and there's no but like there's people being like, yo Like just like making a joke of it like no one taking it seriously of being like, yo, this is fucking crazy Like at the sky of a plane like whatever like people are just continuously making jokes And I think that's just because the first comment Like when you open the comments if you see that everyone is on the same side of being like, oh, this is actually kind of funny or something It's inviting to be like, oh, yeah, it is funny You want to be a part of it But when people take it seriously and they're like this and that then you jump on that like, yo, this is fucked up
Starting point is 00:30:13 Whatever. So for this woman who like just made this video like there wasn't like Obviously if you're making a tiktok where you're beating your kids with a fucking Uh Belt or something you're like this one's a fucking maniac like this is crazy, you know like that's wild um But it's like she just said words and then this guy like found her job and like put it out there for people For like millions of people to see and to like harass her job now Like she could lose her job
Starting point is 00:30:39 She and like you're reporting her to the child protection agency like This is like a big thing and I think People don't realize like their actions like I get you want to be safe and just make sure that she was joking Or make sure that there's nothing bad going on in this family like whatever But you also have to understand that there's repercussions for like all that shit It's the same thing with like cyberbullies where they can say whatever they want online Because they don't have to deal with you face to face either There's physical repercussions where you punch me in the face or there's emotional repercussions where you get really upset
Starting point is 00:31:09 And then I have to like See you be upset and just deal with that and know that like I'm the bad person who caused this But when you're online, you don't have to deal with any of that So when this dude does that he doesn't have to deal with anything else He feels like I did my job. I look like a hero But then this woman who maybe didn't do anything now has cpa coming to her house and like checking out her house and interviewing her daughter and like like yo you you have to realize like There's a lot of power in the internet and like just take it easy
Starting point is 00:31:37 I mean and not getting too much into the political side of that But I think like so much of what the internet is like the internet is an incredible place It has given us a lot of great great great great things, you know and and access to great things and stuff like that But a lot of what has come as a result is this idea of like black and white, you know not not in terms of You know like I know we joke about like a race issue and stuff like that But i'm saying like legitimately like it's black and white like it's either it's wrong or it's not wrong It's this or it's not this and and that gray area that discretionary point of that center Has kind of been removed almost entirely and and also like you better pick a side
Starting point is 00:32:12 Yeah, and exactly you better subscribe if you're if you're in the middle You're fucking and that's the thing that I really really don't like about and again not getting it too much into the politics of everything But that's something that I really really don't like about you know Like the very liberal and even like the mediocre like like kind of average liberal liberal community is like the idea of like If you're not for The democratic side or the liberal side You're with the other side and it's like or there's a very fucking
Starting point is 00:32:39 Middle place where you can live comfortably you can understand both sides of things But the same thing with the internet dude That's how it is when something comes out you need to subscribe as either it's the best thing in the world or the worst thing in the world It's the biggest issue in the world or the fucking You know leased harmless and and and everything. Yeah, I just feel like and also like I mean, it's tick tock the demographic on tick tock is like it's like 14 to 23 as they think is their biggest demo um
Starting point is 00:33:08 Or no, it was 16 to 24 is their biggest demo and Like yo, you you can't really be talking like you know shit about parenting at 18 Like you just can't and it's not because you know, you're just you know, whatever like I can't but i'm 10 years older than you and like I have nothing to say I'm not a parent like you really when you get older you realize that like You really just can't make a comment and act like this is what it is and like you're holding this to a certain Stand, it's like you don't really know what you're saying you don't because you don't you haven't experienced enough Well, it's doesn't do with your age is about experience
Starting point is 00:33:43 Yeah, like with and people can be and people could be more mature for their fucking like Of course, but that but that doesn't you're right It doesn't like and anyone could come up with a fucking witty comment or something quick and snarky to say And then it like wow well, I need to subscribe to what this person is thinking and that's the thing is at that point Like yo if any fucking i'm letting anyone here know if anyone that watches the show is sub 22 And you try to tell me about life. I will fucking kill you Like just shut up sit or tell you how to parent your kid. I will I'll fuck them up Yeah, I can't I can't imagine that like I can't imagine like
Starting point is 00:34:17 Picture you being on this show and then talking about Something you did with your daughter like the way you fed her or something and then some like 18 year old Like just hit you up and it's like actually you're not supposed to do that this and that blah blah blah It's like dude, you're in high school like what the fuck and you know why I could say this because at a point in my life I'm sure I was that fucking dumb ass 18 year old exactly like yo And that's the thing is that I lived through the ability of understanding that was wrong So I don't fucking do that now and I noticed that where kids now they have it at their fingertips They can look up someone just saying like oh or how about we allow them like the babies like you know argument
Starting point is 00:34:51 Like I'm not going to touch that one too much, but it's fucking you talking. Oh general neutral. Yeah, and it's like that's coming from a place of Just like complete like it's either right or wrong. You know what I mean? And there's no like like right in the middle So oh, I guess what I'm trying to like loop it back in you know in terms of is like Unless you know Like if you have the ability to say like yo, I have like first hand experience not from watching other people Shut the fuck up. Yeah, and just fucking learn Yeah, because like everyone like especially when it comes to something like parenting from what I've like
Starting point is 00:35:24 Gathered from seeing the people that I know who have babies and shits like Nothing prepares you like everyone talks. There's books. There's this and that but it's like at the end of the day It's a hands-on experience every baby is different and you just kind of do what you do and it ends up working out The humor so for you to have like a definitive answer to what you are supposed to do is like that is wrong And the reason like you said just to reiterate what you were saying dude at 18 I was so sure That I knew more than anybody like when it came to certain things and then you get older and you're like What a fucking idiot more like
Starting point is 00:35:55 And like we joke now about like how fucking dumb we are about certain things But I'm I'm legitimately like serious when I say that when I was like 18 19 20 years old I was like I am very smart for my age and I know this and I know that and like I had opinions that I didn't necessarily like direct it at people because like I you know Just wasn't that type of person But I always felt in my mind like oh, I know you know this and that but what and like now I just look back and I'm like you were just so wrong so stupid Yeah, so it's like I understand being that age and feeling like I know shit and I do the research and I you know
Starting point is 00:36:27 Whatever, but you know things change people are different and like there's just no definitive answers to anything out here Like you learn on the fly. So when people come across that way and like They jump to You know doing what this dude did. I'm like god damn and that's terrifying like to make a joke The humor would have been if that person then re quoted it Or like what what's it like? I guess they reposted it like the video of him like doing that and stuff like that and then her just saying like now I'm gonna beat the balls out of my kids because Like I always think of that Russell Peters bit years and years and years ago where he was like
Starting point is 00:37:00 I'm gonna call child protective services on you and his parents being like, oh, yeah Well, I know it takes 12 minutes for them to get here and in that 12 minutes somebody's gonna get hurt You know that that would be the fucking humor in it, but yeah, shut up Now that we've talked about beating kids. Let's get to these ads. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah What was that? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah. Yeah um All right, if I can unlock my computer here Come on
Starting point is 00:37:28 Oh All that money and can't get technology to work. Here we go First up we have here is harry's raises Not raisins Razors, okay. We're talking about shaving faces. All right. They deliver a close comfortable shave at a fair price Still as low as two dollars per refill. Okay. They bought a german raze blade german razor blade factory That has been making blades for over a hundred years. Okay, so this is Seniority, you know what I'm saying? That's probably the wrong word
Starting point is 00:38:01 But yeah, harry stands behind the quality of their blades so much that they have a hundred percent money back guarantee on harry's dot com The design team combined a weighted ergonomic handle with a textured grip and flex hinge It's a smart simple razor designed for delivering a close shave along all the contours of your face No matter what face you have, okay But yeah, you can go to harry's right now and try it out You get a special offer a starter set and body wash at harry's dot com slash basement You'll get a five blade razor weighted truman handle foaming shave gel a travel blade cover and a travel sized body wash
Starting point is 00:38:36 harry's dot com slash basement to redeem your offer Today, all right, so go check them out harry's is lovely some of the best packaging I've ever seen in my entire life. Good for them. Um, but harry's dot com slash basement redeem that offer today for that That starter set Next we have gabby ga bi We're talking about getting insurance. All right, and what gabby's gonna do for you Is there the one true comparison platform with real rates?
Starting point is 00:39:02 Um, so basically you get on the site and you'll be able to compare um insurance through the top 40 Insurance providers like progressive nationwide and travelers all in one place so that you know, you're getting like the lowest price Or the best price for whatever you need You can use your current insurance information to get started and in just minutes You'll be able to see quotes for the exact same coverage you currently have have and it's free to use by the way So this is a free service to check out. Um, you know
Starting point is 00:39:30 Comparing like apples to apples, uh, insurances Gabby customers save 961 dollars per year on average and they'll never sell your info. So no annoying spam calls or Robo calls or you know, I've been getting like so many fucking calls from like brazil for some reason I don't know what I did you're calling about your cars extended Yeah, some of my friends who don't have cars get that call and it's like what are these people? You're not even vet who's going on. Um, so yeah, they're never going to sell your your info. So that's great Um, yeah, like I said on average you're saving 961 dollars per year. That is amazing. Um, put your policy to the test
Starting point is 00:40:03 Um, get a better insurance with gabby. It's totally free to check and there's no obligation go to gabby G a b i dot com slash a basement that is g a b i dot com slash basement Um, to check it out again. That is uh gabby dot com slash basement Uh, next year we have better help better help online counseling. Um You can start communicating with the therapist in just under 48 hours and they make it very seamless to switch from counselor to counselor They have licensed professionals that specialize in things like relationship drama or anxiety and depression
Starting point is 00:40:40 Anything you need and um, there's also a bunch of different ways to kind of talk to your therapist You can talk to them on the phone. I believe there's a video chat and text. Um, so it's very helpful And it's a good way to kind of dip your toe into the world of therapy So definitely go check them out. Um, right now, uh, our visitors better help dot com slash yard You will get 10 off of your first month. Okay, if you had there, um Yeah, 10 off your first month at better help dot com Slash yard join the millions of people who are taking charge of their mental help with the help of a licensed professional, okay
Starting point is 00:41:13 So, uh, yeah better help dot com slash yard or that Uh, and lastly here we have pretty litter. Uh, it is kitty litter reinvented. Okay Uh, I actually got this and I gave it to one of my buddies a med Because he has a cat named boots Who whenever I'm on xbox with him, he's like boots stop and then the xbox will just shut off So this cat is turning off his xbox. Um, but yeah, my buddy, uh, a med. I gave him this pretty litter Unlike traditional litter pretty litter is super light crystals trap odor and release moisture resulting in dry low maintenance litter that doesn't smell Um, and it's made to be safe for your cat and you it's made from ultra absorbent minerals and is virtually dust free
Starting point is 00:41:53 Um, it arrives at your door in a small lightweight bag that lasts an entire month Um, but the best thing about pretty litter is that it's the world's smartest litter because it's like a health indicator So it monitors your cat's health by changing colors. Uh, when it detects potential underlying issues You won't find that kind of innovation in conventional Litters that you just see in stores. So definitely go check out pretty litter My buddy a med is like he's texting me like five times being like, yo, this is amazing And I'm like, all right relax. He's got his like nose in the thing smelling. It's like it smells so good But you can get the world's smartest litter without leaving home by visiting pretty litter dot com and use the promo code
Starting point is 00:42:28 Basement for 20 off your first order that is pretty litter dot com. Uh, use the promo code basement for 20 off Again pretty litter dot com promo code basement Uh, 20 off. So go check them out. If you got a cat, this is what you need. All right Oh, all right Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to this week's edition of keeping it frank. Oh, as always. I am your host Uh, frank a k a aquaman a k a not a k a aquaman a k john stamos john stamos now a k a um Young robert redford
Starting point is 00:43:06 Uh, and uh, we're here for a very special edition. Uh, we're going to pull the curtain back a little bit Explain to you guys kind of the inner workings san agato studios. A lot of people here always ask us like, oh, you know Like what's the actual process like we did actually a video where we answered a similar question on patreon Uh, and um, you know keeping it frank where we delve into the important topics that I know you guys want to talk about So joey, how you doing today? What are we doing? All right, so um, you've worked quite a bit to become the uh, uh individually Would you feel that entrepreneur is a good term to use for you? Sure. Yeah Do you think you uh, you single-handedly, you know, kind of work to build up yourself as an individual and then spread the wealth across
Starting point is 00:43:49 Uh, you know the the you know this this this empire that you've built I I would like to think so. Okay. So, um, for those of you guys that don't know what happens It's a pretty simple process that we do here where basically, um, this better be good So basically, you know, everyone, you know, everyone contributes a little bit to the show. Okay, you know joey does most of What do you do? But then we got josh who does the editing we got a guy manu who does a lot of like the graphics and stuff like that Uh, you know, you work with merch people that don't put my faces on anything, you know But something that I noticed that you do is you you you like you're uh, you're a leader here, correct?
Starting point is 00:44:34 Okay, someone say that you're the bezos of san agato studios. That'd be nice. So Do you have a very specific way of doing things is that correct? Where the fuck is this going? Yes or no joey? Yes, okay? so There have been times in the past where uh, you asked me to come with you know Topics and stuff to talk about whether it be patreon episodes or weekly episodes. Uh, and I do it, right? Mm-hmm. There have been times where I haven't done it Okay, what has been your response to those times where I haven't been able to come with anything? Come on
Starting point is 00:45:10 Oh, hey, man, you need it like you really need to like come up with like some better stuff Like, you know, just like all I ask is you do this. I've never said come up with better stuff. You say all I ask I said all I ask all I ask is for when you come here To have something like premeditated so that we don't like get here like and try to come up with something Yeah, so you hold people accountable Oh god, you help me accountable. You know where I'm going with this. No, you don't know where I'm going Ladies and gentlemen as of recording the other day Joey told me that he accidentally forgot to do something which uh, Oh delayed
Starting point is 00:45:44 Which delayed the clips of this show from being edited approved and posted Joey explain yourself you son of a bitch because if it was one of us you would have fucking had a conversation with us Relax with if it was one of us if it was one of us. There's not many of us, but we are a band of brothers All right, josh, I know you're editing this Fucking you know how you know what it is. No, because how it works is josh edits the clips And then he usually sends me them and he's like are these good? And I'll either approve of certain ones or be like, no, let's get a different one Like, you know or like fix these things edit that blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:46:22 And then I give him titles for that um And I was in Miami and I was a little buzzed and a little drunk So I didn't uh approve any of them and he uh Just picked the one that he thought was best and kind of like Made a decision to be like he's not answering me. So I'm going to congratulations And I told him that too. What do you have to do? Wait, wait to like pick up the ball because I dropped it
Starting point is 00:46:46 You dropped it. So So who's holding you accountable? Apparently you checks and bounces, bitch I'm fucking back. What do you want to do? You want to you want to whip me in the back? I'm not going to do that because that would be inappropriate and hot I will say this though too sexy too sexy every single organization real quick real quick I don't want to I don't want to deviate too far from this. I understand that but Would that be something that you're into honestly whipping? Yeah, I don't think so
Starting point is 00:47:16 If you had to be On one side of the whipping which side? I don't know not me just like in general. Oh, I was gonna say with you No, just like in general. I'd rather be hitting you. I don't I don't really care. I don't have a like I guess I'd rather do a pain thing. You ever want to get sucked. No, I never do I went like this and you went No, I don't think I don't think so. Okay, just all right back to it. Yeah, you try to deviate So Joey, so what do you have to say you dropped the ball? Did you hold yourself accountable? I did
Starting point is 00:47:51 What did you say to yourself? I I didn't say anything to me. I said it to josh So I'm gonna do it you son of a bitch because I don't let any fucking well I said the justice anywhere is injustice everywhere. Okay, and this is an injustice. All right, so joey I just need to let you know listen man. I don't ask a lot from you. Okay, and uh, you know normally like you do a really Really good job in this situation. I want to make sure that I'm addressing the fact that you were late And you dropped the ball and I get it. You were in Miami. You were having fun. You were trying to turn yourself into a mogul I get it But just make sure this doesn't happen again. Okay
Starting point is 00:48:26 It won't beautiful Moving forward. I am here by Putting my flag in the ground. Okay, and I am establishing the senegato studios board of directors. Okay, and it is a checks and bounces system that is meant To make sure that you are held accountable as well and as the obvious chairman I introduced myself. No, and then uh, uh, josh is coming on as our eminent recorder And then we also have manu who's coming as our eminent ugly person. Apparently he's ugly. Uh, so we need you know
Starting point is 00:48:59 Josh's pretty hot. We need another ugly person to bounce it out for those uglies so I just wanted to make sure that we know moving forward ladies and gentlemen everything that you see Will not be under the tyrannical iron fist of this son of a bitch here. All right and all because I kept it frank Okay, I'm very proud of that one. Cool. Cool. Really proud. How many times did you practice that in the mirror? The first like minute I had pretty much down packed right the last Four were all just like out there. You feel better a little bit. You're fired
Starting point is 00:49:39 Oh my god, man, that was good. Um, also, uh, I wanted to talk about before we get out of here I wanted to talk about out of here. We got time. We got time, but I'm just saying I just wanted to summon I wanted to you know sneak in uh, the the video of benchapiro buying wood from home depot. Oh Truthfully like listen forget about I really got about politics. Yeah, just forget about all of that just let's just watch that video as People who are just gonna pretend that we have no idea what's going on in the world this man Is boy
Starting point is 00:50:15 He is like What I imagine Family guy would depict like a nerd Uh, you know what I'm saying like a classic. Yes. Yes. He and like down to the voice like I'm not like trying to shame him He's my understanding He's fucking like he's well spoken. You know, he's successful good for him. Awesome. But like Dude, you gotta lean into it a little less. He's holding onto a receipt I thought he was holding a cup of coffee. He literally is like this
Starting point is 00:50:45 I thought he was holding a cup of coffee. He's like, you see I bought a piece of wood He bought what is our wood. He bought our wood to his defense A wood is very expensive right now. Okay Fuck you talking about a piece of wood. It's been upcharged a lot. How much is how much? How don't you think that piece of wood was? I would say like like 30 bucks. Are you fucking nuts? It's possible. No, it's not dude. Have you seen? What was the last time you did anything with your hands? Frankie? Do you realize that wood that he's holding with one hand in a it's in a first father's bag?
Starting point is 00:51:16 All right, maybe not 30 bucks. I would say like 12 bucks That was not I'm telling you dude wood lumber lumber is fucking through the roof right now He's really tapped into the lumber fucking industry. Listen someone that now owns real estate and uh goes to lows every now and then I I see these lumber. What'd you build? What have you built? Uh I never said I built something. Oh, you're a wood expert. I know but I tell us about oh I've taken a gander at these wood prices joey. Oh, okay. He's tapped in I'm tapped in absolutely. I've tapped in Yeah, what was the last time you went to a lows and or home depot?
Starting point is 00:51:52 I went to home depot recently for what? I don't know. I lied. You fucking stupid bitch I haven't seen a lows since maybe 2009 fair that is fair. Yeah, but when was the last time you I'm telling you I'm tapped into this industry, baby. I bought a weed whacker. You don't just do that for fun You bought a weed whacker. I did. Why don't you get one of the ones that drive? That's a lawn mower. Damn it My fucking point exactly yeah, but you could yeah, but back to what you were saying you gotta get one of those up All right thought about it. Don't have that big of a property That's true. Don't need it, but I gotta push one. It works for now. It came with the house
Starting point is 00:52:26 Don't get a push. It was free. No not like the manual ones that you guys used to use. Okay, cool It's it you know has the starter. Oh nice, you know, oh Frank's out there though. Yeah Yeah, absolutely. Yeah back to what I was saying He needs to realize what he's doing Like you don't just hold up a piece of paper and a piece of wood like this And like become like a symbol for fucking like national pride Well, no, I think I think that's exactly what he was trying to do
Starting point is 00:52:54 Well, like yeah, he's trying to say like they don't have like a hard stance on like that Georgia voting law Yeah, so he's like, you know support them or whatever, but it was just funny that Like the whole video is just funny to me because he's staying there with a receipt like this And then he's has a piece of wood that has a bag on it You know, he's self-checked that's the funniest part is that he's like this needs to go in a bag Also, I like I'm thinking about this right The point let's just say it was like, you know, whatever like let's just say he like I mean, obviously he really believes in, you know
Starting point is 00:53:31 Companies not taking a hard stance on those things fair enough, which is which is fine So if he has that and he's like, you know what? I'm gonna go support them because they haven't taken a hard stance and like whatever You could do that So but but you go and you just buy a piece of wood and you post it on instagram like you're some fucking hero like You're not Even building anything like you're buying the wood and it's just you're just gonna like put it in your den No, that's probably get it like he'll do like one of those like wood burning like I bought this And put it behind his on this fucking show. I just like I think that's like a just weird behavior
Starting point is 00:54:04 Like it just it would be the equivalent of this like go like if carvel is going out of business And you go to carvel and you're just like, let me just get a little thing of rainbow sprinkles. It's like Yeah, no helping and that's the thing that I think is funny about it because again Just fucking whatever stance you take on the the political aspect of things, you know It's just funny because he didn't have the wherewithal to be like this can be stupid You know what I mean? It's like and again, we've talked about it and nausea at this point in time But like the fucking imagine video just just as stupid that was arguably dumber
Starting point is 00:54:38 Probably I hate that video. Yeah. Yeah, but like it's just like holy. I was like, yeah, I bought this Now what does he call the wood cobbler cobbler? He said he goes this magnificent piece of cobbler. It's like it's what It's what you know, like chill out. Yeah, he's tapped in and he doesn't feel that I'm not that tapped in He's a gobbler. I thought that was like food anytime. I see like pie I can't tell you fucking Becca's dad is such an awesome guy But anytime we'll like see a tree He'll be like, oh, that's uh, and I automatically just go maple oak. I don't know. I don't know what was only two trees Yeah, you know, but he could maybe is that like the type of wood? Is that a called a cobbler wood?
Starting point is 00:55:17 Dude, I know peach cobbler and I know there's no wooden that So I was completely thrown for a loop when he said that I was like, he's teaching me something about wood I had no clue what a cobbler was. It was a cool piece of wood But he's some cooler, but you're only buying one piece of wood. You can't make anything with that That's my point. It's like you're going in and just getting you could make a thing with that All right, but you cut it up into pieces and make a little house. He's not gonna build a birdbath with him I don't know. You never know what he's doing for it. I don't know Maybe he's using it for his wife to sit on when she has that wet ass pussy
Starting point is 00:55:50 Which is a problem by the way, I suppose my wife Disgusting is disgusting. Do you have some sort of the virus or infection? Oh, man. No, I wish I did that video just was so uncomfortable It almost looked like some like the person was filming had a gun and he was like uh I bought this. Yeah, and you're like, all right cool like mr. Home Depot was like you better buy this fucking wood I don't even care what you do with it And there's gotta be better things to buy like if you're gonna make a stance like go buy something like drill
Starting point is 00:56:19 I mean, no, well, that's I think the point is that like the drills like it's not a home depot drill It's like, you know, the walt or makuhita or whatever but home depots getting a percentage Yeah, they're getting a percentage, but you're not like I'm sure like the the no no no Actually, I'm pretty sure they have to buy that wholesale. So technically make the money back I don't know about that You can't have a store you have to buy like a bag of screws or something that is actually like you're gonna use You know like I there he has a better chance of using a bag of screws or nails That's my point like buying the wood was so funny to me because it's like
Starting point is 00:56:56 that's Pointless like if you're gonna go and support a store like get something. Yeah point like buy something that you're gonna use And just what piece of wood do you think that's like yo i'm gonna support staples you go in there and you get A stapler Let me make something very clear too If you saw that and you were like right on you're fucking stupid too I'm gonna go buy one piece of wood if I saw that regardless It could have been fucking derrick cheater out there
Starting point is 00:57:24 And like that's why like all these like celebrities that are like yo buy my shit like I don't fucking I don't buy it because Something off about it But if like derrick cheater was out there and it was like he walked into fucking Models and he was like I bought a single pair of shorts. I'd be like that's stupid like thanks I'm not gonna buy the shorts now. Yeah, you know like I'm not gonna go That's not gonna motivate me to go to home depot or lows and be like I'm gonna support them How many people do you think actually did that? Went out and bought something. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:54 I mean, I don't know I don't I I'm sure there are people out there that are like, yeah, we need to do something and they're easily like Motivated I guess I don't know I don't know man, but it was just you know Like that's what I'm saying like forget about the politically It was just funny to me this dude standing out in the parking lot like filming a video being like look what I did I supported this story, but it was a single piece of wood. It's like Dude, like I said though, I I feel him in that wood is expensive. It ain't cheap It's an upcharge for it right now, but he also was holding on to that receipt pretty tight
Starting point is 00:58:25 So maybe he returned it it's possible because you're saying it's a $50 piece of wood It's possible. He turned his ass around and he was like I just bought this wood for political meaning and I need to return it back Yeah, that's I'm getting better. You're really getting good. I'm actually getting overly like confident in my ability to do that Yeah, so I might have to start doing it online. Yeah. Yeah, I yo home depot I like the smell in there. Oh good smell. It's a great smell in store good smell in those stores Honestly, the stores that you would expect to smell like shit usually smell the best. Well, great You know what is a smell that gets me going? basement
Starting point is 00:59:01 You know exactly what i'm talking about the smell of a basement of a basement. Yeah Basement smell anyone that has basements out there. You know what i'm talking about. They don't have a basement But like not like you have a nice basement. I'm saying like i'm like all right, my basement's night. Well, now it's nice I just redid it last year. Yeah, so think about when you were a kid basements smell There's like a little like like mildew a little dirt and a little dirt, you know a little like like grunge okay Okay, you smell it smells like wet concrete a little bit when it rains. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, you smell exactly you smell like soil asphalt
Starting point is 00:59:35 water And a little you enjoy that. I love that smell Yeah, for me like Like stores that try to smell good are disgusting yankee candle. What are we? overload overload You've loaded all over. I walk in there. I basically have a stroke exactly and like Abercrombie and fit like Will you try to kill us? Do you remember trying to kill us? Do you remember back in the day? They had like fucking like what was it? Uh hot men outside holster
Starting point is 01:00:02 Hot men. It was like a thing and it was like you'd fucking get in your skippies. You should be like, oh, welcome Do you say get in your skippies? Yeah What are you a hundred thousand years old? Yes My back hurts. So yeah, Abercrombie and fit you walk in there and it's like you can't breathe at all Oh my god, it's like, yo, we're gonna face fuck you with this like fierce So whatever that shit was called someone recently sent me a picture of me wearing a holster shirt I never wanted to kill myself as much as that Yo, how about a store?
Starting point is 01:00:32 That's just like, yo, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna hire dudes who have six packs We're gonna put a scarf on them and have them no shirts on have stand outside And there were girls that would do that too They would like put them in like bikini tops and shit like that dude who signs up for that job Every teenager we knew that lived on Long Island Because that's what it was Oh my god, I feel like everyone did that at one point in time No, I don't know anyone who did that. I think I think we knew at least one person
Starting point is 01:00:57 Whether like consciously or subconsciously we knew one person or at least that did that I don't know man and like American Eagle too. That was like another one of them Hauster American Eagle, Abercrombie and Fitch all of these things There's a horrible picture in this medium holster shirt Yo, this this shirt that was too late in my life. This shirt is screaming, you know, ask yo I want to say like honestly honestly. Yeah You might be like four times hotter now. Thank you. Yeah In this picture, dude, look short here. Don't work for me
Starting point is 01:01:38 Oh, yeah, I know it's no, but you just looks like you got stung by bees Fatter you could just say that you say fatter No, but like your eyes look like you got you were up crying all night. Well, that was a rough time in my life I will say that full transparency It is possible that I had been doing that. Oh my god. Yeah, my favorite part is my tits Yeah, tits are there tits are out. Yeah. Yeah for the also not for nothing But you're jamming those that cock in there too. Were they tight pants? Kind of I don't think they were that tight I think I I was just it was a it was a uh, uh, uh, a good gcd as I call it in the albert house
Starting point is 01:02:17 We all get them every now and then yeah, what other smells. All right, hold on. Yeah, honesty hour You scratch your balls Well, I have an obligation to Sell your fingers, right? Yeah, I think so you have to yeah, you have to know where you are in the world. Yeah You ever get a really itchy fucking out of loose. Oh, and then you have to like scratch it But like you don't want to touch it I go I don't touch bare Well, yeah, obviously finger. I go over the box. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, Jesus
Starting point is 01:02:45 And I fucking like I like saw that thing in half with my hand you saw your ass I saw it That's what you got to do if it's in the crack you got to itch in the crack You don't do this you go you claw it you go like claw you claw at no no no You you saw it I go in the middle and I saw at it like I'm trying to fucking Break through wow I see that one's more it's harder to like Like disguise like with me. I'm just like adjusting my pants like how is that? That's not harder to just no This is me like looking for my wallet like
Starting point is 01:03:17 Oh, no, I'm I don't care where I am either this whole like Why is fucking scratching your butt or your balls like inappropriate in public? I never understood that I mean you could because a lot of times when you're scratching your ass It's because there's schist I don't know about that. Not like shit, but like there's like But I go I go straight And I just Over the pants too or you get in no I get in the boxers at least over the boxers
Starting point is 01:03:46 Oh, okay, okay, because you can't go over the over the pants. You're there's no nothing getting done I've never tried the karate job try it right now Pretty good. Not bad, right? I'm well, you know, I've I've been using the fucking the cloth for so many years I'll try the cloth for a week. You try that you try the karate chop karate chop for a week I clawed when I was in Miami. I had a claw when I was Miami. Oh, I get that I get that. Do you do the do you do like the ball like jiggle? What do you mean like when or sometimes when I'm sitting in a chair? I like to like do like like I like gyrate and like it kind of itches my butt. Do you do this? Do you do this like?
Starting point is 01:04:20 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, well, I don't bounce around like that I just kind of like dip and like I dip it low one time. That's good enough. Oh, really? Yeah, because I I I grab like my sack And I dip and it takes it off of my leg and it just like just kind of like freeze it up a little bit Yeah, my balls just go oh Yeah, okay What is this? Just two best friends talking just about the the chop and the uh and the claw the chop and the claw
Starting point is 01:04:48 Chop the claw. Um, I don't know which one you guys are because I know guys out there They got their own stuff kind of going on. Oh or girls. I go girls. I gotta get itchy assholes I mean they get itchy assholes. I what do they do with them? But you God that almost got me. Um What do you mean like it gets itchy like what do they do do vagina's itch they get itchy Of course they get scratchy they get scratchy and then what you just gotta like pat it That's what I would think. I remember when I had long hair and I would pull it back if I had an itch I would So like I imagine for the vagina they just
Starting point is 01:05:19 That might be a little too hard. I mean it's all about the pain tolerance at which you can accept. That's So true, dude, right? It's so true. I wonder how you itch a vagina Or maybe you just do a lot of closing Like you just do like this like a butterfly kind of thing. I would say I would say that hurts, right? Yeah, I would say it would be more of like a bicycle kick to get some friction. So they're like Yeah, do that. Yeah try that That's kind of nice. Nice, right? This is a good workout. This makes my balls here cool. Feel cool Yeah, I've never my balls have never felt cool ever
Starting point is 01:05:56 All right There we go girls Let us know let us know how you actually don't let us know I guarantee as soon as I we've done with this I'm calling Becca like what do you do to scratch your vagina and she's gonna go they don't itch Because I don't have a yeast infection. I guess I guess does that make it itch? I don't know. I really don't know. I know One thing about vaginas What's that?
Starting point is 01:06:22 They're for sex and I know where they are. I know where they are And that's not the only thing. I know that's not what they're only good for but I understand like also birth Very that that canal Yeah Comes it we're up to three things now There's got to be other things that it like No, I don't know
Starting point is 01:06:49 I really don't know Oh, man. It's a good time. It's a good show. It's a good ride. Here we are. Here we are doing our thing, you know Board of directors CEO. Okay Um, but yeah, I think we can I think we could wrap it up now. Can we? Yeah, we can Let's talk about another couple minutes. Okay. No You had me excited for a second Uh, f alvars8085 on twitter and on twitch the frank alvars on instagram coming out with me I usually stream on twitch monday's tuesday nights
Starting point is 01:07:15 Joey pops in every now and then. Yeah, uh, and then uh movie trivia schmo now and go check it out I'm a competitor the animal frank alvars. I want to know baby waiting for the next match. See when uh, see when I'm gonna Fuck somebody up verbally Jesus, okay, uh, but you guys can follow me at joe sanagato I'll go follow the show at the base me yard on tiktok and instagram And uh, the patrons, uh, we appreciate you guys at 8500 mean frankie. You're gonna do a power hour and get hammered on the show I'm trying to see if it okay Uh, but yeah slash the base me yard to join up on our patreon and that is all we'll see you guys next time

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