The Basement Yard - #329 - The Fight Of The Century

Episode Date: January 17, 2022

Joe talks about his recent inability to stop himself from wanting to fight Jeff Bezos. Call Jake Paul. SET IT UP! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. How's everyone doing now? Well, my dog's dead. Yeah, your dog. It's gone Frankie's dog. Uh, yeah in the ground or would you do it at a cremation? So she's been burnt Yeah, she so you set your dog ablaze set her ablaze Very funny though that on the last week the episode that we recorded Yeah, uh, because things have been messed up with coven and blah blah blah We uh I said like it's just a dog joey. Yeah. Yeah two days later. Yeah two days later It's fucking cut gone had to burn your shit had she had to go. What where'd you put it?
Starting point is 00:00:34 Where why are we saying it? Oh, well, like the the ashes I meant. Oh, well, so it takes two to three weeks I guess they're behind schedule They're all backed up on their backs up on burns. Jesus the burns the cremation supply chain. Hey, man It's falling apart people are dying left and right Well, maybe do they cremate people and animals in the same place? That is a question for a different kind of girl. I would assume that it's a smaller oven Yeah, like it's less powerful. Are they like, you know, I'm picturing like a brick of it. No, no, no Don't do that. Like I like just not like a pizza
Starting point is 00:01:08 It's not like someone's putting their hand in and throwing on on the fucking wall or something like that Like it's it's a very it's just like an industrial looking oven. I told you about the story with my uncle, right? Yeah, where they watched the cremation. Yeah, like they they were I forgot which of my family members It might have been my grandmother and my uncle My dad and my uncles were there and they were like, all right Like we're gonna put her in like you can watch if you want But like we don't recommend it and my uncle was like, I'm going to stay and my my dad told me this story So it could be bullshit
Starting point is 00:01:38 And my dad was like he wanted to see the fireworks my dad was like low Don't fuck it. You don't want to fucking watch Because apparently I had to go down a little bit. Yeah, what the fuck? Um because apparently and I've heard this like They don't like treat the body with like Not that they don't treat it with respect, but like they have a job to do That like torches this is like the most efficient way so like fucking chuck this thing in
Starting point is 00:02:00 And get it going and my dad said that like my uncle was like no I'm going to watch and he was apparently like traumatized because they're just like, okay They shut this fucking steel door like saw style. Yeah, and just turn the burners on. Yeah I mean, I mean, how else would you burn the body and then you got family ashes in the air? That's so weird, dude It is a weird like thought but to be honest if I'm going to pick away that's that's one of them That's up on the the list. So do you know what's going to happen to your dog's ashes? Your mom is probably distraught My mom is very upset. Obviously. So backstory for those of you guys that don't know it was it was a we got the dog the day before I went away to college
Starting point is 00:02:38 And I was replaced with a dog. Yeah, you know the second time I stayed away for grad school direct TV So What do you what's more impressive? I don't know dog or direct TV But maybe not the day but like literally like within days of me leaving for college and After we all you know, we sold the house and everyone my mom took the dog with her to pennsylvania And she was like, you know our family dog. She was still, you know, we had her for our teenage and you know early 20 years and stuff like that and
Starting point is 00:03:10 They said that I don't know what happened. There was something she just like wasn't eating They said like listen like she's in a lot of pain. You might as well just put it down They said after two to three weeks, my mom will get the ashes and then they have like this like Frame set that my sister brought up to get on amazon And it's like a picture of a frame and then there's like a vial that you put the ashes in Yeah, so like every one of us is going to get a little bit of the ashes. Well, it's kind of cute Yeah, but like I would rather do like the whole like Blowing the ashes like where they like. Yeah. Yeah, like, you know
Starting point is 00:03:41 Wherever I don't even know what your dog like to do. She liked uh, uh Chase squirrels. It's all dogs typically like to do. Yeah. Um I did I had to be the one to break the sadness everyone was a very upset obviously And years and years and years ago. She ate a condom A used condom. Okay, my dog a used condom. Oh, yeah, who used it? No idea. It was in an alleyway and she chewed on it Oh good. Yeah, and I said I was like this might have been aftermath of that But no connection yet. No correlation there. Who's walking the dog? Uh, I think my sister pretty irresponsible Very irresponsible. My sister letting my dog chew on a used condom
Starting point is 00:04:22 But you know, it happens alleyways in new york city, baby. That's where you're gonna find Needles and used condoms if the kovat doesn't get you the used condoms will Can you shut that again? You shut that you do this on purpose. No, I try to warm the room, buddy It's fucking freezing in here. You know, nope. There you go. Yeah, I thought it was a double click No, it's just one of us a single click. Yeah, who double clicks power I double click on some things No, but yeah, so my dog's dead. She's gone. R. I. P. Rogue. Are you still good though? You're like you're good Yeah, I was okay. You know, I'm sad. This is like the actual marvel universe. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:04:58 You're like Thanos because you had a dog named mystique. That's dead. I mean a cat named mystique. She's gone. We're gone and then rogue Yeah, yeah, I'm just just killing off marvel named pets snapping off this fucking. Yeah, uh, no, I'm fine You know, I mean it was sad at the time. I will tell you this the thing that really really hurt was telling miles Oh, yeah That fucking hurt because I was in the room and my mom was like, you know Call individually and you say you're goodbyes and I was okay, you know, like I I kept it together Of course I shed a couple tears But I had to tell miles like because the rogue was with us a week prior. Yeah
Starting point is 00:05:35 And like she was like seemed to be okay. You know, she was old and grumpy Uh, but I was like miles, you know I told him he got real upset, you know, he he's okay I think he's he's emotionally matured because of different things in his life, you know where he gets it You know for a fucking six-year-old. It's pretty impressive, but You know that hurt more than like the realization right for me at least Yeah, I mean seeing yeah, you know, it's a toughy. I think it was like you ever see that uh Documentary on hbo. You'll be gone in the dark or something like that the fuck. Why would I watch that? It's fucking incredible
Starting point is 00:06:09 It's about a serial killer in california You never heard this story and you'll be gone in the dark. Listen And it's like a six-part miniseries. It's about a serial killer. It was a cold case for years and remember the the comedian pat Noswald. Yeah, his wife was like dedicated to finding out who this person was and she did years and years and years and years and years of research and She dies Like out of like an accidental overdose And she fucking figured out who this person was
Starting point is 00:06:42 What do you mean bro watch it wait, so she found out and then she mysteriously dies So she like did all this research and did interviews and spoke to like Dn fucking like dna specialist. She found out who it was and wrote books on it And then she died of an accidental overdose. I might be spoiling it, but it's it's like a popular story Okay, but like so do we know who did it? Yeah And she fucking got him Nice, bro. It was it's so good. Do you think that he did this he killed her? No, it was an accidental overdose Oh, I didn't know if that was I thought you were like being sneaky. No, no, no
Starting point is 00:07:16 But the reason I brought it up is because pat noswald said he was like the worst The second worst day of my life was losing my life He's like the worst day of my life was telling my daughter that her mom was gone. Yeah Yeah, that fucking hurt Jesus. You said all the way Welcome back a mission yard. Hope everyone's having a good fucking time. Happy new year in the dark What was it called? You'll be gone in the dark or something like that. Watch it. It's really really good Just to make it a little lighter. I'm also dealing with some sort of uh, I guess crisis in a way. What happened, um, so Well, you're wearing a shirt with pairs on it
Starting point is 00:07:49 Yeah, it's french Wally, whatever. Wait, is that say Queens nea yelp. Is that how they spell new york? What the fuck is that? I don't know what that is. I just noticed that. What is that? Who knows? Um, but I uh, yeah, so I um On a patreon episode that we had did slash basement yard Well, we like to get a little crazy a lot of crazy actually And one of the episodes we had went through a list of things saying like what we would sell our pictures of her feet for Yes, we did. Yes, we did a video of our us helicoptering our wieners. Yep. Yep. Um, and we just kind of threw out prices
Starting point is 00:08:26 Couple prices. I don't know if people are aware of this, but this show not very don't take us serious Don't hold me to anything that I say, you know, I won't defend anything I say unless it has to do with you know Promoting me giving me more money. Nothing guys. Nothing But I had said apparently that I would sell a picture of my butt for like 20 bucks or something That's it. Yeah. I mean, well, it's a butt pic. Yeah, it's just naked butt. Yeah, and like whatever So I had said that way to sec. Hold on Where is this going? I think I know and I Just got a random Venmo
Starting point is 00:09:03 I got a random Venmo from a gentleman. Okay. Yeah, um And it was 20 bucks And and and the message just says show me that butt pic, bro Oh with the with the strong arm the message just says show me that buck Take it take two the message says Show me that butt pic, bro Oh, yeah, and then a muscle so like he flexed on I love how you broed it's like show me your fucking ass Well, that's the way it's not gay if it's between bros. That's what I mean. It doesn't feel gay
Starting point is 00:09:33 You know, I mean think of like all the gay stuff we did like without mouths But like, you know, like you show each other your balls, you know, you moon each other say without mouths Yeah, we didn't do we didn't do mouth stuff. Yeah, we didn't do mouth stuff. We didn't do hand stuff either though I mean like it was like a distant. It was distant. It was like a you know, like a stack tap Oh, yeah, yeah, I've definitely flicked your balls. Yeah between bros Not gay. No If you just flex, so he's he's got the formula here. Yeah, so he's an avid listener. That was december 3rd That's a while ago. Joey. Yeah, and then december 4th. He wrote
Starting point is 00:10:06 On that payment. Yeah, hello Right, okay, I mean, I didn't even know to be honest. I didn't even notice Oh, you get so many money. Yeah It just rolls in small money two two days after that. Yeah comment again on the same payment and said Are you not actually selling pics like you said you would on the patreon? Hold on. Yeah This I mean if they are an avid listener, they would know We're not serious. Yeah. I I yeah, I mean, I think this was more of just like Shot in the dark. Yeah, you try and you'll be shot in the dark
Starting point is 00:10:40 You'll be gone in the dark and shot as well shot in the back of the head. Yep. Um, and then Then uh A couple of days after that he had sent me he charged me I don't think that I get I think that I only get notifications if I'm being charged Oh, so like if people send you money, I don't get no notification. But like if they're requesting money, then I get it so, uh Which I'm by the way after this I'm taking off all notifications. You guys are gonna fuck yourself
Starting point is 00:11:07 Yeah, he might as well just shut his Venmo down But then the dude charged me And he said I got scammed by you scammed. Wow that I he's been hoodwinked I got scammed by you saying you would sell butt pics on patreon Please send the money back and I sent it. Well, that's very respectful and honest of you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but you man This person like you legitimately ruined someone's day because you wouldn't produce first of all good on this man Gotta get your money back for just first of all taking a shot at it Yeah, a spit in the wind as some people say
Starting point is 00:11:39 and uh Called you out really? Yeah, really, uh, put me in my place to be honest with you And I didn't really expect anyone to do that because I thought that we were joking We were talking about a helicopter penis. Helicopter pee. Yep. Yeah Helicopter pee pee helicopter pee pee. Yep. Um, but yeah, so he uh, he you know I guess he was like cool about it because I didn't get any like follow-up after so then what would be like if someone were to send you What like hypothetically, let's say it was like a thousand dollars for like, you know, your butt of my balls Would you take that?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Thousand bucks. That's thousand bucks, dude I probably I'd be more inclined to do a Balls than like butt. I'm in a weird crossroads. Isn't that weird? Would you rather I mean you would rather I would rather people see my balls in my butt. Absolutely Yeah, because it's like butt is like like personal. Yeah I come balls are for the for the public ball ball. Well, not the public Like a controlled public like I feel Whatever this says about my body
Starting point is 00:12:32 I feel better about my balls than I do my butt and I feel not afraid about my balls Let's say that Let's say that right there. I just feel like all balls are just kind of like I would have balls, you know Like they're not none of them are cool balls aren't cool unless there's like something really cool about them You know what I mean like unless they're like real big or real low Like low like they hang real low. Are you like pendulum like a pendulum? Yeah, like grandfather. So the most part like balls are just like balls balls Like you wouldn't be able to distinguish between your balls and anyone else's
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah, and they're not really cool to see it's not like oh, oh, so is I his his ball pick leaked. Who cares? Yeah, who cares? No one would no one would I would not look that up um And it's kind of weird because women have like when there are like celebrities that get pictures of them leaked people flock at it But like if it was like Joe sitting out a nut pick leak, no one's gonna care balls No one no one looks here. No one's looking for that either looking for balls. No one's gonna hack your phone Yeah, you know to get your balls. Yeah, and then which if you had pictures of your balls on your phone I'd have more questions that would be honestly hysterical
Starting point is 00:13:37 It's like can you imagine right because what was the thing called with the of the fat the fappening the fappening the fappening? Yes, all the celebrities. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes Can you imagine they hacked like Some big celebrity like I'm trying to chanting Tatum chanting Tatum right and in his iCloud There wasn't any dick pics. No dicks. It was just balls balls If anything, that's a better security system Like if you like, you know how people like say like, you know Put like your porn in a folder and it's called like taxes or some shit like that
Starting point is 00:14:08 Yeah, well, I don't I think that's just you. No, not me. I'm saying like If you were to just like to protect yourselves from hackers just flood your iCloud with balls So they're just like, ah nothing here. Yeah, that's such a tease too because you're like, yo, we're right there Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just a couple inches up like you ever like see a picture and you like go like this to see if you could see like Obviously, it's not literally never have done that. I've I've done it in joking faches But like if you were like, you know just balls and chanting hands balls You'd be curious about what that cop looked like and do whatever you can, you know No, I'm the only one there
Starting point is 00:14:46 But I actually it's funny because on a recent episode we said, um, you know like ball no one likes balls Right. No one likes balls I receive me to notification from a female that I know Uh, who will rename remain nameless. Yeah that They said, uh, correct women don't care for balls except They like the feeling of the balls clapping on them I've heard that and I was like
Starting point is 00:15:13 I need more, you know, I inquired a little further because that that's that's a heavy statement You need swingy balls because you I can't control I could barely control my bowels. I can't control my balls in any capacity full disclosure When I'm having sex, I don't even know that I have balls. Yeah, my balls are gone Like I don't even know that like I have never like I don't thinking about it right now I'm so focused on the feeling on my wiener that I don't even remember my ball. It's like the idea that like Technically you always are looking at your nose, but because you see it so much. You don't really don't really see it I'm desensitizing same thing with balls. Joey has so much sex
Starting point is 00:15:50 That he just doesn't feel his balls. No, I just don't I don't know. I I went through it But I inquired further. I was like I need more like what do you mean? It feels good and and she said she's like the feeling of Like every now and then the balls will hit the right spot And it's great and in that moment. I love balls and I was like, well, hold on What I was like, so you're telling me you like balls because of a random one out of 30 pump chance That seems that's you might as well not like them at that point I mean That's how many pumps do you think a full sex session is? Well, it depends on who we're talking about
Starting point is 00:16:29 I mean, I would say on average on average average show. I would say 32 Wait, what are you talking about 32 pumps? And that's it. I would say some people go different longer strokes Shorter strokes way higher than 30. What the I don't know. I don't know I can run through not that I'm jackhammering anybody, but like I can run through 30. Have you ever counted? Pulled next time. No, you're gonna. It's gonna be like the tootsie pop commercial Two owls fucking each other Two owls fucking each other. It's like what how many pumps did the kid to the center of the kumpa?
Starting point is 00:17:03 Don't ever say that ever again. You disgusting bitch But like now you have to and I'm gonna just hear that out in the back of my head I was thinking like close to 100 Okay, all right. Let's say well We got to talk average because not everyone is as stallion like as you are bro. I don't think that's like stallion I would say I would say let's meet in the middle. Let's say like 72 I'll even go. Yeah. Yes 60 to 70 60 65 to 75 Well, man, I got to really count next time. You might be shocked like
Starting point is 00:17:40 You might next time you're just gonna think it too much and you're just gonna get like eight pumps in and be like, all right This is an extraneous solution. We don't need this the outlier on the bell curve. Yeah Let's conduct a social experiment. Yeah, I wonder what the number is everyone here. Do you think it's on google? I would I would assume how many pumps on average The sex last I'm gonna say this as you're looking that up. Let's conduct a social experiment. Okay All of the people that watch this show
Starting point is 00:18:13 That engage in some form of consensual sex with a partner Count the pumps. Yeah, don't go for longevity. Don't go to get it done quick You know, don't don't be like mom's in the next room. Let's get it get her done Right go to see like average. Yeah count report back. We will put together You know, of course, we need a you know Community representative of the larger community at scale to make sure that we're not, you know Just taking a small subset of our you've now lost me out. I don't know we're tank. Well, uh Let me know let not me let the basement yard DM the basement yard account and we'll put together a little like bar graph or something
Starting point is 00:18:54 Part chart. I'll be down part chart. We'll break you say part part chart. No, but like we'll break it down by gender how like The like obviously sex in its entirety will last anywhere from like 20 to 35 minutes something like that Joey i'm i'm not talking about actual sex. Oh like the start of foreplay to the cleaning up Is that what you're saying like we need to if we're running a social experiment here Listen, we can get our buddy mark rober on the phone and we can start setting up some shit
Starting point is 00:19:27 Who the fuck is that you never heard of mark rober the guy that's a glitter bomb Okay, yeah, no, I uh But yeah, I was saying but like the actual pump part of sex. Yeah, uh is what? How long The pump part I would say I would say eight and a half minutes. That's honestly. I was gonna go there Eight and a half eight and a half from first and search To final a jack. Yeah, and also but we're talking whistle to whistle. So we're not we're not like, you know We're getting in between positions hashes and everything to stop to like yell at each other or something. Oh, well, hold on
Starting point is 00:20:04 Let's explore that a little bit I'm saying this listen. We can set up a scientific we can break down the scientific method here We can break down That's more concerning than anything else I would say we need to because we need to think of like where is the sex happening to You know, like oh, no, we're doing neutral ground the air You know how they say like, you know, like does the air If you put a banana in a bag on top of a fridge doesn't go bad quicker
Starting point is 00:20:34 Yeah, you know and no funny stuff. No, no cock rings. No cock rings. No pumps Does the air like in the kitchen make you last longer room temperature, you know, are we going like what's the altitude? You know, everything's all you can't do this in denver denver stay away. Yeah, we're out You know, or Louisiana too low. Is it too low? Okay. It's like below sea level basically. Oh, no, we can't do that We need like middle of the ground Ohio Yeah, how other people in Ohio having sex. Yeah, I feel like that's the most like neutral kind of state Not maybe not politically. I just meant like, you know
Starting point is 00:21:06 Pennsylvania they flip flop they go red blue red blue Whatever, they're not a state though. They're a commonwealth. So that might that might take Pennsylvania. Yeah, it's a state Well, technically they're a commonwealth. It's a state. Well, they call themselves a commonwealth. That's cool. They're a state. Oh, yeah yeah Explore that further So just because it asks the state it asks to be called a commonwealth. You're not going to call it a commonwealth. No Ladies and gentlemen, we got a pilot wealth. What is this? It's what anderson cooper says this isn't fucking anything. He says it's true. So a commonwealth
Starting point is 00:21:38 What is this dungeon is lord of the rings? I might actually put together some science experiment here identifying a hypothesis Uh and reporting back to you on the details Yeah, dude, I might I I uh, definitely want to know and you don't but I will let you know Wait, which one are you the pumps? Okay. I was like I was confused what you were talking about. Yeah So I might create I might create a I might be a scientist social scientist any social scientists out there Let's let's work together Get it done
Starting point is 00:22:09 You think social scientists are watching the show Shot and they have they had a long day or so like I just want to get down there All right, let's get to the sponsors for today The first one we have here is better help better help is online counseling You can talk to a therapist in just under 48 hours. You can start communicating with your therapist And they have a broad range of expertise of they have experts who specialize in You know anxiety or family trauma or you know depression anything
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Starting point is 00:27:03 I'm sure they have something for you. Um, go check out the meals. They're really good Again, that is the code basement 120 at go dot factor slash plans for 120 dollars off Yeah, I wanted to talk about something that I just posted an Instagram video about it But jeff bezos, right? Who who's the richest guy in the world? One of them owns amazon and you know, you know, whatever. I think he stepped down as ceo. He did Um, so he's just coasting right now. Well, I'm sure he's working On what he's doing spaceship. Oh, yeah, he's trying to get into space. The guy laughs like a fucking weirdo So I'm telling you right now. I'm super villain. Go google
Starting point is 00:27:44 It's like so Oh, yeah, he's a super villain. It's all right. You just laugh yesterday for the first time Lex Luthor has been born and is here in power. It's just we haven't figured out how to kill him yet That's correct. Um, but he's like yoked now. Like I'm pretty sure he's on hgh because he's bro Do you haven't seen his photo? That's it. Wait, like how yoked are we talking bro? Like I like not like fucking the rock Okay, well, then I'm there still hope that I can kick his ass Really?
Starting point is 00:28:17 That yoked. All right, so I'm gonna show you an old picture of of jb here Uh, how old are we talking? I need to know like timeline here. I'll just show you a regular photo, right? That one's blurry Come on joe. But you know what he looks like. He was like a skinny guy looks like his eyes are all fucked up Jeff Bezos jacked These are not this is one of the pictures I saw. This is not photoshopped Dude What's dude's like jason statham dude, he he looks like jk Simmons had a baby with yeah jason statham
Starting point is 00:28:55 That's fucking insane, right? But then there was another picture that just came out of him on a boat With his shirt off and like he's an older guy. So like whatever but like he's not that old though He's in his fifties, right? Yeah, dude. Look at him He just didn't look like that bro. That's that looks like daniel craig Right that doesn't look like jeff bezos. What happened here? Uh-oh He's getting ready because he previously was able to strong arm us with money and goods and now he's like Guess what? I'll also physically fuck you up. Yeah, I think that's what's happening and like I for one am Like I said this in the video that I made
Starting point is 00:29:33 I don't really talk shit about billionaires because i'm afraid that one day i'm gonna meet one and they're gonna Want to give me stuff and then people are gonna find out that I said like fuck this guy Yeah, so I don't say anything because I would like you know, he's closer to being there than he's not I mean, you might as well just tell you that flat out I don't want to burn any billionaire bridges. Yeah just in case someone tells you hey I'm a big fan of the show and then you're like shit. Well, don't watch episode 324. Yeah, you know Um, so I don't say anything but now I think I would like to fight him Like I think I'm gonna hit up jake paul
Starting point is 00:30:04 JP you know who is like doing good things now You saw that whole thing with him like his demands to uh dana white Yeah, okay, and you know what they actually have a little drug test thing going to where he's like I want to drug test you for cocaine. Yeah, and then dana whites. I want to drug test you for steroids Yeah, and now I want to test him for hch and he can test me. I don't know. What would you test me for? stds or I mean while you're in there. Tell me like whatever is helpful. Yeah, whatever whatever's gonna help you get ahead of it You know, you know, yeah, it's like while he's doing steroid tell me my blood type because I don't know that shit
Starting point is 00:30:38 It's only a matter of time before amazon starts doing like two-day delivery on steroids Right. Well, you probably get some for sure Uh, what if amazon hold on I might trademark in this so if basil steals it I can be right there next to him in billions What if you know how amazon prime is like goods and stuff now and it's like two days It'll be to you basically maybe even the next day. Who knows maybe we'll fuck around. Mm-hmm What if they start doing that with like fitness equipment, but it's like yo you can have it for like Four hours will come get it deliver it to the next person
Starting point is 00:31:08 What like show up and like set up show up and be like yo in your driveway They'll be like, yo, here's dumbbells in iraq. We'll be back in four hours Yo, honestly, that's kind of like a smart idea, right trademark frank alvarez at studios. Yeah, that's actually a good idea. Okay Like think about that. I know like if you okay, I want to hit the jackpot here joey I'm for you guys. I know this any outside of the show idea. I've had joey doesn't care much for So this is a big moment for me. No, I feel like you know, I mean it sounds ridiculous I think that's why that like works because I feel like rich people would definitely No, it's the poor people like me that would do it if they're like, yo, I can't afford
Starting point is 00:31:49 $300 for a dumbbell set and it's like yo pay 80 bucks a month less 30 bucks a month Once a day for four hours will drop off a set of dumbbells and some workout equipment I doubt you'd be able to do that Why because of the cost dude, you would have to drive and it would just that's a Service higher driver. It's a premium $100 a month To me, it sounds like your market is rich people who live in a $500 a year Well, if they're rich, they can just buy the dumbbells
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah, but maybe they don't have the space they live in an apartment Bro if they have the space if they're that rich and they live in an apartment They can they have another house that they can figure it out. Yeah, I don't know Uh, but we've debunked this already. We are yeah, it's uh, yeah So he's he's jacked and also he's wearing like drug lord t-shirts now It's I'm telling you man The end of the world will be brought on by Jeff Bezos being like, yo, I have a death laser pointed at earth Everyone just admit that I'm your lord and savior. I'm ready to do that. Like whatever care much
Starting point is 00:32:47 He can be my daddy. Yeah, like I would my dad has way less money than him my current dad He's cool. He's all right. What does my current dad mean like you've had other dad I'm just saying like if if there comes a time where I have to say like dad, you're no longer my dad Right Bezos. Yeah, I will just get ahead of it. You know and just show my loyalty bow down to him Yeah, I would do that. I have no problem with it. I think my dad would understand too. Yeah Yeah, I mean what choice do I have as long as I don't change my last name. I think my dad would be cool Oh, he just wants alvarez. He would be very upset if I did that. Damn. I had a family member that Changed her last name. Why?
Starting point is 00:33:23 Hey, the family I don't know what the reason like to basically the story is they did it to like fit in with their community And what community out what? Yeah. Yeah. And my dad like was not cool with it. He was like that's some fucking disrespect That will fucking did respect I'm like, okay fit in with their community. Yeah. Yeah. I'll tell you more off off there Oh, no, let's get into the nitty gritty of your family. No, no, no, no Uh, but yeah, I'm I'm really impressed by this about the drug lord shirts All I'm gonna say I think he had like a new year's party and he was like, we're gonna wear drug lord shirts. Cool. That's great
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yeah, I thought it was cool. All I'm gonna say is cool shirt. This comes less than two months After the video of his wife Being gaga goo goo over leonardo de caprio. Is that his wife girlfriend? Whatever she is. Oh, yeah, something something Motivated he literally said like, all right now. I need to fuck this guy up when I see him Which I don't think it would be hard to fight de caprio. He doesn't really take good care of himself I think that he's like kind of a psycho though. Why he just like has this like Like I don't want to see him like any like I would never want to fight leo I like I feel like he's he's like a dirty fighter. Well, he's a dirty person. Um,
Starting point is 00:34:35 He's like, well, I don't know. Well, he likes banks like 19 year olds or whatever. Well, yeah, that's weird Um, but we actually on another patreon episode we spoke about method acting and he like was like, yo like if I'm gonna eat Cow liver like raw horse liver get me a raw horse liver and I'm gonna eat it legit Jeff Bezos is five seven. I'm back on the train of being a shit kick him. Yeah, if you're under five Eight, I don't care how big you are. I can dog you Anyone that is within that is under six foot. I feel like I have a shot. Yeah, unless they're a professional fighter Do you have a shot? I'm six foot. Do you think you can fight beat me up? No, I really don't think so. Wow. That's really nice to you. I mean, I feel like I could you know
Starting point is 00:35:14 I have a puncher's chance right shot, right shot. You'll take me down But I feel like you probably just like get out like I'm also on top of me and man That's what I would do. I would I you know I'd use my body weight if I can keep it up and keep distance So just throw some shrines. Well, you got cardio on your hands. You do jogs. I don't do that I need to I need to like, you know make it last and then I could beat you You know like they people always say like Tyson and Ali like Ali would run circles around Tyson and tire him out That's what you would do is you'd run circles around me I'd get tired I have to go with a plan and then and then you could knock me down
Starting point is 00:35:43 But like if you try to body me, it might be a little tough. Yeah, I wouldn't be able to do that. I took out Pete Yeah, I took down big hot smoky Pete big hot smoky Pete and uh, maybe we'll put that video on the base in here at instagram for you Really start Pete's year on a good note Uh, but if I could if I could take him down, I think I could take you down. Oh, you definitely can take me down Nice. All right. We were like roll down a hill or something. It is a great start for the year for me. Let me tell you I'm feeling great. I am feeling good. But if you were 510, I'd be like I could I get that That's the thing. I don't think that like I don't know why height is is the thing that it is
Starting point is 00:36:22 It's men. That's what we're defined by but even someone who's like goat if they're like my height I'm like, well, I I feel like I have a shot here. Yeah, I don't think muscle mass really has much to do with it also 5 7 like You're maybe I'm an idiot Blindly confident and pretty much anyone who isn't a professional fighter. Yeah, and it's funny because that's only like three inches shorter than you Yeah, by the way I'm not trained to fight at all. No, you're not you were boxing Joe for a couple weeks Yeah for like I I know the very one-on-one of how to throw a punch, but oh, I know nothing
Starting point is 00:36:54 There's nothing that I like could really I know I can't hurt anyone. Let me just say that I put it like this The amount of knowledge that I have is that when I was in sixth grade I convinced myself that the right way to punch someone was like this to really hurt them Them being you because you would break your I know that's the thing is that afterward I was you got a thick middle finger What the fuck is that? That's like a like a Like a what is that? That's a big middle thingy Okay, that don't do that. You know, I hate that shit. Please stop
Starting point is 00:37:24 Wait, this is the best one I hate that so much. I can crack a lot Why I can let's see if my neck goes. You ready? How are you even able to do that because mine never cracks at all you're scared you're too afraid to do it You don't know what you're doing. You can't just turn to the you need to like You need to put your back into it a little bit my back. Yeah I What am I doing? You don't know what you're doing my mouth opens when I do that. You look a little stupid
Starting point is 00:37:57 I'll be honest. I can crack my back too if I wanted don't I don't want to hear any of that You got to hear my toes crack. Those are crazy. I don't need to hear anything I got to grab my big toe like a doorknob and like yank it to the side You have this ever resulted in injuries what you're saying nothing. I know of Not to me Maybe psychological injuries to you. Yeah, I don't yeah You used to grab my fingers all the time and try to fucking do that shit. I did Um
Starting point is 00:38:21 Another thing I wanted to talk about this is an old story, but I saw the headline and was like Okay Uh, the the headline for it was passenger says delta pilot used grinder to hit on him during flight That is awesome. Dude imagine being a pilot just in the sky and like Dick well, I don't listen the dick don't sleep. Oh when you fly a dick that much for for a living It is a phallic. It's very phallic all transportation in it for trains Pretty dick like pretty dick. Well, it's because it's the aerodynamic. Nothing is more scientifically, you know, impressive than the phallic shape You know cuts through the air real quick, you know, it gets to a and b real quick
Starting point is 00:39:02 a being anus b being balls. Yeah, um You know bussy bussy But that's that's kind of cool. Yeah, the guy was basically saying like he like I guess the one of the pilots boy Why do you complain? Yeah, I don't know. What the fuck and also like the guy wasn't being like a creep or anything from what I read He was just kind of like, oh, hey, like you're on my flight. Oh and and he admitted he was the pilot Yeah, which like bro Conceal that a little bit. Jesus Christ rookie rookie rookie. Maybe afterward be like, yo, you were just on my flight
Starting point is 00:39:34 I was the pilot bro. Also if I'm like on grinder And the pilot's like, yo, what's good? It's like I'm the pilot. I'm flying this shit. That's kind of horny. I would be like, bro Definitely like send me something here. Yeah, like how would I like an extra biscuit? Oh
Starting point is 00:39:55 Oh, you're talking about like some like amenities. I was oh, yeah I thought you would be like, yo, like put your finger on the eject button. Don't press it and send it to me You know, like, oh, no, what the fuck eject well The only button I could think of eject. There's definitely one of those. I'm gonna pop up one of these windows It's definitely if it's really you, you know, like side like put the the fucking seatbelt light on or some shit If it's really you prove it turn the plane stall. But yeah, yeah, yeah Uh, but you're saying like, yo, like if it's really you like a glass of wine Send me a glass of wine. Yeah on the plane. Not the house can't can't be like that
Starting point is 00:40:29 Oh, no, I would definitely be like, I'm not paying for this. Really? Yeah, what the fuck about paying for it's really smart Yeah That's how I would probably I'd be like, bro. I'm going to the papers I would be too because remember I I was on a dating app for a couple months didn't get a single hit and I I uh Like think back on it. Which one bumble fire. Oh, yeah, right before I met my current wife Yeah, I was on there for a couple months Bumble not a single person. That's good. That's cute. Um
Starting point is 00:40:59 And uh, I'm saying like I would be like freaked out through like a catfish And it's like, yo, if it's really you send a picture of you holding a pillow like diagonal shape, you know Or diet diamond shape, excuse me and like see if they would do it, you know So if I was on grinder, I'd be like, yo, if this is really you Put the seatbelt light on send back a flight attendant and have them whisper, you know Papaya in my ear or some shit fly the plane to 35,069 feet. Yes. Just get exactly exactly like slow down to 420 Miles per hour go to 69,000 feet. Yeah, that might be too high. That's also in the atmosphere 69,000 feet
Starting point is 00:41:43 69,000 No, I don't know. Oh my god. We had space with bezos that creep. We might be um, but yeah, I thought that was really cool But then I started that's a quick way to do is that is that like it was like in the papers So like I think the post put out something about it. Who the fuck are you? Who are you born 61 in the papers? What's wrong with you? It was in the media. Yeah Um, and like the post put a story up Do you think that's like inappropriate? Like should should pilots should like be allowed to be able to on dating apps trying to like
Starting point is 00:42:12 That's a good question because it's like in the course of their employment, you know, they're they're they're seeking out But like we're humans man. We're always yeah, because like yo if you're a cashier you see a pretty girl You're like, oh, hey, like, you know, we're I get off at five Well, if you're the cashier and you say it's probably inappropriate because like I don't know It's weird in the course of your employment. You have to represent your company. Well Not as a supermarket though Some like like I remember when I worked for target They would tell people like yo if you hit on someone you're fired basically
Starting point is 00:42:46 Because like think of the lawsuits that come from there. Why are you supposed to meet people? I'm not saying that you should like just be like, you know, I go I would be like, yo, um I'm saying if the opportunity presents itself someone hits on you. What are you gonna do? Be like, oh, sorry You gotta you know, it depends on how much you value your job and stuff like that I mean like then you got to get into the whole like uh-oh joey, you know Is using his power because then you look at people that like as a cashier You know, I'm not saying that you know, I've seen I've heard of people I shouldn't say seen them
Starting point is 00:43:12 I've heard of people being like like this is a good-looking person That's coming to my line and like they give him like a five-dollar discount or something And it's like, yeah, you're using your power a little bit. That's what got like fucking Louis CK in trouble. Well, that's one of the things I got him in trouble Dude, giving someone a five-dollar off fucking coupon and jerking off in front of him are completely different But I'm saying like you're using your power in an appropriate way Especially I'm not saying that I'm saying you're just like, you know, like you're like I said You're working at a register or something. I used to work in a pizzeria. I remember that
Starting point is 00:43:43 Yeah, but I think it's different when it's like a local business like a pizzeria But like when you think of like national chains like if like your amazon driver like starts hitting on you And it's like, oh man, like they're rep and they're wearing a fucking amazon shirt. Well, I'm not saying like being uh Inappropriate I'm saying just like if it's if it's like a thing You know like if if if you're if the person you dropped off a package to Was flirty with you and you were like flirty back and like, you know, it was like a little flirty flirt back and forth Yeah, I mean that there's a couple jobs. I will say there are a couple jobs that you can't Flirt with customers or things like that
Starting point is 00:44:18 If you're like the fucking CEO of a fortune 500 company or if like you're like, you know It's like someone's calling up to argue that they didn't get their fucking refund and you're like, wow, you sound cute Like then you got a problem. Yeah, you gotta, you know, you probably have to pay some people a lot But also like, you know, if you're Santa Claus at the mall Yep, read the room. No one wants no one wants to hear how horny you are Santa. Yeah, I know or you know, uh Uh Priest pre well Yeah, that one. Yeah, we know we know well that one has been that's the other end of the spectrum
Starting point is 00:44:48 They took it too far right where they were like the god of the power of the holy spirit and my fat cock amen and I was like Like they went the other end of it, you know, you continue to offend. Well, you know, um, just just a priest What about what about pizza delivery because that's like a like a Cash job like when I did that my paychecks were $68. Wow, but I would make like $100 a night in cash That's nice. Yeah, it was fucking great. Yeah, I worked three days a week. Um, I would say See, this is really really tough. I've never flirted with anyone. I've been flirted. Well, you're you're also not a very Like you don't strike me as the person that would meet someone and be like overly flirtatious with them
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah, no, I'd be so scared. You're a little you're a little you're more of an introvert in some ways Um, but like I would just be feel like I would just feel like it's not wanted Exactly. That's the point is that like You don't know what you're doing if it's going to be reciprocated and you don't want to feel bad and be like one of those Typical guys well like a pizza delivery and like being at a bar completely different things That they are that they are you're literally knocking on people's doors and trying to flirt with them Yeah, I don't think that you're allowed to flirt with people You don't know when their door is open and they're standing in between the doorway. Yes, that is correct. That's a no-no zone
Starting point is 00:45:58 I think the I think it's like When you're in the air like what's the law like up there? You know what I mean like same laws. Same law. Are you sure can't can't touch Well, no, I'm of course no touches, but I'm saying like Like what is like the you know, like Who owns that space? You know what I mean? It's the f a a it is the f a Jesus Jesus Jesus christ does that's right So you got to be careful about that. Well, no the f the who FCC f a a well I don't know how this is federal airline association
Starting point is 00:46:25 Cool. Yeah, I think so. I think that's what it's called. I think the land of the the lay of the land But wait also Well, like if you're like out in the sea like it's like maritime law like who control like whose laws are you abiding by I've heard a lot of stuff about Sailors like oh, they do whatever they wanted. Yeah, but no, no, no, I'm saying yeah Well back in the day they'd go port a port bang and bang and bang and bang bang But also like when they're together they're doing a lot of like dick stuff. Oh, yeah, it's that's that's that was the common joke Is like sailors were gay
Starting point is 00:46:57 Is it I I've heard that joke A lot I that I've also heard people call me gay a lot and call me a sailor Um, so that could be where that comes from as well Feels like it's just for you just me People thought I was gay. Yeah, and he's never been on a boat. I well That's not true. Uh, I've never Had like, you know, like I've never had a almost like sexual experience experience, right? Um
Starting point is 00:47:29 But uh, yeah, I feel like people always refer to sailors as uh As being gay. Yeah, I don't know but you know, which is fucked up a lot of the like the navy Men and women out there. They're heroes. You know doesn't mean they're all gay Yeah, but it means that they could do some gay stuff. Yeah, and it doesn't make them any less of a hero I'm not saying that. I know that's exactly what you're saying joe. That's not what we need gay heroes get to the next ads before We say something real bad How we oh we were talking about grinder grinder. Yeah. Yeah also from Literally all of the gay people that I know who I've had conversations with about grinder
Starting point is 00:48:10 It's a horny place. No one's dating. No one's dating Yeah, it's actually kind of scary. So a pilot was really trying to mile high his way into some wiener I had Good job, joey. Just saying good job fly that plane right into anus. Yeah, I Uh, I had a friend that that would use grinder a lot at a point in his life and What he fucking told me was horrifying He's like, oh they want to meet on a park bench
Starting point is 00:48:39 In a fucking like in the middle of you know, wherever like let's say like Manhattan and I'm like that's terrifying Yeah, and it's like well that that goes into a bunch of stuff But like that that app to my understanding is aggressively used for not like finding love. It's for Squirting love, you know, yeah. Yeah Do you know that? Matthew McConaughey's brother named Matthew McConaughey's brother named his son Miller light Incredible and Miller light gave him like a lifetime. Well, duh. I mean named his child
Starting point is 00:49:15 So that's all I have to do. Well Yeah Becca Come on. You got a kid. We could change Ruby's name right now to Miller light Um, McConaughey Matthew McConaughey. I don't know how to spell that shit But he spelled it He spelled it Miller how you spell Miller and then light with a y All right, kind of cool. It was very my spacey of him. Yeah, but yeah, he named his son Miller to light. That's incredible
Starting point is 00:49:42 That is absolutely incredible. Good for him. Good for him. What's Matthew McConaughey's brother's name? Not Matthew McConaughey Lance something probably something that Lance McConaughey Yeah, uh, so something happened that I wanted to bring up on the podcast Um, you know, we're a big video game family in my house and Miles has gradually been getting more and more into it And he made a drastic big time mistake the other day. He uh touched touched your toys No, we we play at my toys all the time. Oh, I don't my toy. I'm not one of those collectors That's like it stays on the shelf in a box. It doesn't come out like if I got it sealed It stays sealed but like I get toys loose so we can play with them. Okay. It's all point
Starting point is 00:50:23 But he challenged Becca to Mario Party Mario Party So for Christmas, he got the new Mario Party, which is and he's called Mario Party superstars. It's a collection of Mario Party mini games from the first Mario Party until like the most recent one that you had Yeah, and he challenged her to it And she whooped his fucking ass stitchy. No remorse This kid's got to learn man. It's so funny. He's like we were playing and Miles is At a point where like when we'll play around it'll be like like we play this game on the trampoline
Starting point is 00:50:58 Where we'll throw a ball on the other side of the trampoline and we'll like look at it And then we'll both go for it and I'll like pull him down and throw him back And then I'll go for it and he'll grab my feet like to like it's like a chase for it And he does, you know, he's at a point where he needs to win all the time So he'll like tell me who'd be like freeze And we've played Mario Party before and he's like Mario Kart. He's like, can you give me, uh, you know, 60 second head start 60 yeah, he asked for what the hell this kid wants the world He wants the world
Starting point is 00:51:27 Handed to him on a silver platter 60 seconds of games over. Well, guess what? His mom just smacked that silver platter right out of his fucking head Bro, she the whole time was playing And like he was like sitting next to her cuddled up. She called me pussy. No, no, no She was so like she was like what I don't And I'm like watch the practice play the game and he's like explaining to her and he's talking shit. Is he he's like I'm gonna I'm just saying, you know, I'm really good No, I'm just like and like the first like mini-game she like accidentally won
Starting point is 00:52:00 But then after that, I like I think she turned it on a little bit. You know, oh, how do I do this? Yeah, fucking hostile There was one game where you like spin and like shoot rockets at each other and she killed him instantly and um As as the turns were going on and on and on He was getting more upset with her. So he like stopped sitting next to her and sat by me Yeah, so I'm like, okay, and I'm looking at Becca and her and I are trying not to die laughing because he's getting so angry And then it came down to it and he got
Starting point is 00:52:33 Two stars for those of you guys don't know where play mario party You you you're ranked based off of the amount of stars you get but the games have bonus stars So like the people that traveled the most collected the most coins one of the most games one of the most games like that you get bonus stars and Miles and Becca ended the game with two stars each and then she got like two bonus stars And he was like, I hope I win. I hope I win because he didn't do the math. He didn't do the math. So he didn't know bro
Starting point is 00:53:02 I hope I win. You didn't and then it said that she won. He was pissed that he freaked out. He put the game down Stormed off went in his room. It was like, I'm I'm going to bed I Love that back and I were crying laughing. We felt bad, but like at the same She was like, has he ever been like this and I was like, he's never really lost I've beaten him a couple times in mario kart, but like mario party Bro, it ripped this kid's heart right out of that game drives me fucking insane sometimes Is it some of it is so up to luck?
Starting point is 00:53:35 Yeah, if you ever find your switch, we can get the new one we can play online together it is Fucking like it really ruined their night because he was mad at her for like hours Dude, I had so I had that game obviously for switch in my old apartment And me and danny would play it every day. Yeah, we would play a game This kid went on like a five day winning streak and by the third day I was like I wanted to throw my controller at him
Starting point is 00:54:04 Because he would just he's relentless. Mm-hmm. So five days in a row. So I can only imagine for a shot I would have lost my mind bro. I and like I said to him so like we went upstairs And she was like, can you tell him like you need to be a good sport? And so I was like bud You need to get better you need to you need to figure it out. It's called practice junior I was like I said to her I was like I was like miles you need to put your head down and get back And she's like don't tell him put his head down and I was like, you got to be a good sport though, too I was like dust it off say congrats and get better. So this doesn't happen again He was and he's like you guys were laughing at me
Starting point is 00:54:42 I felt so bad. It's like there's no 60 second head starts in life bro, he was really like torn up and it fucking like Got to him really bad bro used to cry all the time playing video games by bro. Well, that's what I used to do bro, there was one time we were playing mario odyssey And we he went up against a boss and I was like, but if you Sit and do it. I know you can do it and he like broke down crying And I was like, oh my god, like I took it and I did it and I afterward I was like, but what's wrong? He was like, it was so much pressure and I was like, was that for me?
Starting point is 00:55:17 I felt so bad and Becca I was like did I do something wrong and she's like no like you you tried to encourage him I was like and she said to me she's like miles if this is what video game is gonna be you're not gonna be able to play I was like miles Don't cry again I need to play video games, but There was I remember metal gear solid the original one There's one part where he's hooked up to the electric machine and then like you have to keep tack
Starting point is 00:55:42 tapping triangle to Make sure your health doesn't go away and I was too young to be able to do it too fast So I like was just physically unable to pass this thing And I tried for days And then I had to have my brother thomas to it. Yeah, it should have stopped It would like destroyed me. I would go to night. I'd bed at night and just like I need to tap quicker Bro there I I can't express the rage that I feel playing video games, but I love them so much
Starting point is 00:56:09 So like when it comes to like playing other people, bro, how many times have we played like call of duty online? And because you're losing you're like, yo, I want to like I want to murder people You know, it's actually funny someone I forgot who it was But I've been known to rage quit. Yes. Yes, you have So, it'll be like, yo, we'll be playing and then it'll be like you signed off and we're like, oh, he's he's gone You sure what the fuck? And then I'm out
Starting point is 00:56:38 You see like the fucking jose and the cattle left the games Yo, because I get so fucking mad especially call of duty, which I just started playing and I haven't played call I I haven't I don't want to turn my consoles into just call of duty machines because those fucking warzone gigabyte Storage is insane, but we know the worst person With this with the raging on video games is Keith. Yeah. Yeah, like guys if you've ever seen those videos remember that video years ago It was like the german kid playing and he like smashes his keyboard Yeah, I swear to god
Starting point is 00:57:10 If that wasn't keith I would be shocked because he loses his shit But also he does it and this is why I love it is because he does it like tactic like during like the tactics of the game And then afterward he's just like, yeah, like we'll be playing like capture the flag You need a fucking push Push fucking push then afterwards. He's like, uh, that's a tough game. Yeah, I know But my I have a feeling miles are gonna be like that because he got real upset when he lost bro getting upset and like
Starting point is 00:57:41 Breaking your controllers is like just part of it. I mean, hey man, you know, uh, I've definitely you know what I've done Slacked myself from the face. Oh, I've done that. I've done the like or slap the back of my head I've slapped my head. I remember once in college. I broke an umbrella I like put the controller down stood up grabbed an umbrella and smashed it on the floor as many times as I could Why don't we do sometimes I you know what needs to do a lot Is that we get so mad playing whatever and then just put the controller down and turn around and scream as loud as I could into my pillow Just like a fucking like upset wife
Starting point is 00:58:19 Yeah, dude. Oh my god. No, I do the I grab the controller very hard. I've done that too And it sounds like it's gonna burst. I swear to god in that moment. I'm the strongest person on the planet Yeah, nothing or I just grip my teeth and like I feel like at any any like an ounce of more pressure would make them explode out of my mouth Yep, I completely completely agree. I but then if you ask me afterward, I love video games. I'll never stop No, I can't I can't it's just too fun. I go through phases, especially now the winter. I'm not going outside Oh, go outside, especially covid coming back around. Uh-oh demonetized. Oh, we're dead. Um Just stay in yeah, you know do it again
Starting point is 00:58:57 Remember at the beginning of 2020. I said to our friends. I was like 2020 is your everyone stays in and plays video games more Boy, did I know something? Yeah, you were you were correct on that. I was I think I did play a lot of video games Well, probably because you were just stuck inside. Yeah, that's what I mean I played a lot of uh, mario kart too in the beginning. We did we would have drunk mario kart nights I remember that me you gave espo Espo would be the one espo is a bad loser too. Yeah, I mean espo is a very bad loser. I uh Tonight not my night. Not my night. I guess I guess it's not and it's funny because it's like you suck Yeah, yeah, we we fuck with him to the point where like he wants to like lose his shit
Starting point is 00:59:38 But he keeps it together where he's just like That was really good. That was a really good move of you. Yeah, really good move I guess I didn't see it It's like, all right, but I take it easy bad. We're back. Yeah, um Where can they where can they find you frank? We could just wrap up here find me uh on uh Mario party get on it. I'll beat you in it Probably won't f alvars 8085 on twitter the frank alvars on twitch and instagram and uh
Starting point is 01:00:10 Go check out the patreon slash the basement yard You get weekly episodes a week in advance if you're at that first tier if you're at that second tier every single friday morning you get exclusive episodes that are Quite frankly just fucking balls to the walls. Uh, they've been kind of all over the place lately Like joey said, we talked about selling our you know pp picks. We've talked about You know like just all over the place. So go check it out slash the basement yard and listen Holiday season is over, but you can always give the gift to the patreon give somebody else give them a year It's worth it baby slash the basement yard
Starting point is 01:00:41 Yep, and you guys can follow me at joe sanagato on uh everything and go follow the show at the basement yard on tiktok and instagram And that is all see you guys next time

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