The Basement Yard - #350 - Is Kissing Your Dad The Key To Success?

Episode Date: June 13, 2022

Joe and Frank go through the successful people like Gary V that have been known to kiss their dad. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Uh You want me to do it? No, I can good. Yeah. Yeah, uh We'll go back to the basement yard. How was that? That was good. Did I go with the joe sanagato stutter Did I stutter like you always like you do? Oh, no, you start like with a big welcome back to the basement yard Frank. Yeah, how you doing? Frank? How you doing, Frank? Why don't I say that? Oh, let's I'll be you you be me at the start, all right Okay Welcome back to the baby yard Frank That is me you know
Starting point is 00:00:41 You're good. Oh my god, we're predictable. We are a little predictable and you're like, uh, let me ask you is ftv paying your bills Yeah, you know, it's like when did you join a formula one? I just try to yeah, you just try to piece pick me apart from head to toe That's what I try to do and you do a pretty good job. Thanks. You right now You look like a you know a Yankee fan piece of shit one of the piece of shit ones the ones the ones that wear No, it would I would be a piece of shit if this wasn't a shirt if this was a wife beater. Oh Joey, I don't know if we could say that anymore. We got rid of that. I think I think that's not a cool thing I know you can't hit your wife anymore. But yeah, you can't do that. Don't do that But we can't call it a tea a wife beater
Starting point is 00:01:19 I what do we call it? Oh a tank top a tank top, but it's not a tank top I think it's a tight one. What's tight tank tops are not tank tops Why wait, is there a reason that they're called tank tops if they're not tight or tanks are tight Your tank tanks are tight Tanks are fucking tight. They're pretty tight tanks. Are you ever get your tank touched? Uh when I got it waxed Well, yeah, but I'm saying like in a zedual manner. No, and no one's ever been like No, no, no, and I would I would be no one's ever like wiped you like a baby if someone wiped me like a baby I would know Jesus Christ. No, that's that's like that's like danger zone right there. Why because it's just my taint is like
Starting point is 00:02:01 You know like that one alleyway in in the in your neighborhood You don't walk down because you know some shit goes down especially at night That's what I'm saying. Like you don't want to go near my taint anytime, but definitely at night. Wow Well, yeah, no at the end of the day. That's a bad that's that's a bad taint super bad. Yeah, uh, but um No, no, what were we talking about tanks Tank tops tanks are tight But like why is it called a tank top? Is it because the people it's got to be like a world war two thing It's probably the people in tanks like it was so hot in there that they had to cut their sleeves off
Starting point is 00:02:32 But it's not just the sleeves. It's like a scoop neck too Look it up. Why is it called a tank top? Why is it called a tank top? You could be like a loser and call it an undershirt too people call it It's named after tank suits One-piece bathing suits of the 1920s worn in tanks or swimming pools. Those are the ones we weren't insanely wrong Yeah, those are the ones like the strongmen wore them like those singlets and shit like that Oh, yeah, they just cut the pants off and winnie the pooh it. Yeah, that's fucking dumb. Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:03 I'm not those fucking like strongmen that like they were just balls on the end of sticks and they were like lift them up Yeah, put them up. They all have weird mustaches. They did have weird mustaches and they all like were twins For some reason. Yeah, what was that or they had like two heads I don't think they had two. I feel like back in the day. There was way more Siamese stuff going on. I don't feel like we have a lot of Siamese. There was there was that's the wrong thing to say By the way, I don't want to offend any cats. I I conjoined might be what you're going to join bro. Conjoin Siamese probably just like, you know, we used to call You know
Starting point is 00:03:35 People of a certain go ahead say it. I'm not gonna say it But like the only thing that you can use this term for is rugs. It's oriental rugs But we used to you know, we just had rugs all we had names for people all over the place So I think Siamese might be out, but who knows you never know Do you know the answer of why that the o word was offensive? the oriental Why did people call it? I don't I don't know but they had a like they had a movie about a train and it was the
Starting point is 00:04:02 o express Now we're like not saying the word. Yeah Let's say I feel like we can say it. I think we get but we're not directing it We're not directing it. Jesus never will the orient express murder on the word express is an agatha christy novel and movie Ah agatha christy. Yes too awful names and But completely different reasons. I don't know why what color do you think of when you hear that when you hear the name agatha uh purple yes because of
Starting point is 00:04:30 Pokemon No, her name was agnes. No, I think it was agatha, dude. Oh, no, she was she was the both are purple to me She was in the elite four. I believe the ghost trainer Yeah, yeah, the bitch had a ghastly. She had a ghastly dude. She had a gangar, babe Or a haunter bro. That's one of the coolest pokemon ever. It is a very cool pokemon What's the coolest pokemon go that whole line? What's the best legendary bird go? Oh zaptos? Thank you. Who's second who without a doubt honestly. Yeah articuno. Oh, no, it's not come on Articuno is pretty cool bro. It's maltress
Starting point is 00:04:59 Moltres is pretty cool, but articuno's got the articuno's got the fucking fuck boy hair You know, yeah, yeah, it was like sub. Yeah, you know, and it's like burr, bitch Also, nine tails. That's a pokemon that I get kind of sexy guard of war You remember that you might have been out of pokemon at that point in time only the original that's that's that's that's number three That's generation three. Just look it up or or uh What's the name orthol nope guard of war G. R. D. E. V. O. I. R. That's sexy looking pokemon Oh
Starting point is 00:05:33 That's like a that's like a this looks like a like a sexy cat if like a nightgown floating like a like a ghost of a Sexy cat a dead cat look up meloctic M. I. L. Bro. O. T. I. C. M. I. L. O. T. I. C Oh That's what I'm saying, baby. I'm a horny snake with a with a peacock tail. That's right. Absolutely. Wow. Are these strong? Uh, I I do this fucking snake is huge. That's a big snake. It involves 20 feet. It evolves from ugly as fuck febus Who's an ugly little bitch? I remember that should be in hard of shit to catch and ruby That's a 400 pound snake. Yeah, that's kind of terrifying snake will fucking knock your ball
Starting point is 00:06:12 Dude our zaptos we know is the coolest Yeah, but gas that lion that ghastly haunter gengar lion dude gengar is coming out jack They love to lick. Yeah. Yeah. I mean lick a tongue. That's a fucking horny. Yes. That's a horny pokemon What was I gonna say? Oh, do you know how my mind was blown? And then there's gonna be at least one person out there that didn't recognize this but my mind was blown where It's honestly not that crazy. Mm-hmm, but with the legendary birds Articuno articuno
Starting point is 00:06:41 Articuno Mold no zaptos. Yeah, and then mold and then mold trash. Yeah, baby dose trash Yeah, it's kind of crazy three and I think that's the order which you can catch them in if I'm not I thought you just have to like go out of your way and go get one No, I could be wrong But I think that's the order at which you can also catch them in I again I might be wrong It might be mullet first because you have to I think backtrack for them because yes
Starting point is 00:07:06 Zaptos is in the power plant which is on the other side of where like misty is you remember misty? Yeah, that's fucking well I don't know. Careful. She was a kid, Joe. Okay. They were like a little 11 year olds running gyms. Yeah. Yeah a little weird But you had to like backtrack because you didn't have surf by the time you were in that area and cerulean city facts but And then I think Maltres was on cinnabar island and like the burnt remains or like the burnt fucking Lab or some shit fuck with magma where was that a kuno? I don't know some ice shit. It was in an island. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know Uh, damn pokemon. Yeah, where did how do we get here? Oh, yeah Why is why is um that term and and this is me legitimately asking? I don't I don't know tank top
Starting point is 00:07:48 But no when people use the derogatory term is like the orient Oh, I don't know. I don't I'm not even gonna go down that you don't even look it up This isn't going to be a racial slur fucking show. You say what what are the ones you know that you like to use? That you like to use um You know, it's funny. I mean the only one I can say is cracker. Yeah, I'm upset about it You're only allowed to say without the racial slurs. You're only allowed. I mean technically I'm but also cracker is like You can say whatever you want
Starting point is 00:08:18 Technically, yeah, but you ain't gonna be looking so hot on the back. Yeah, I'm not I'm cool with not I remember I I watched a news clip once and some guy was like It's just insane that rappers can use his word and he's like being like he's in a panel with like a like a Black guy and the black is like so then fucking say it. Oh, I remember that. He's like you want to say it? Go ahead and say it. He's like, I'll I'll say it with you. Yeah It's like that's I that's how you get people you just call them on their fucking bluff But uh, how you doing? I'm good. I guess. I don't know. You look great. I'm a little fucking
Starting point is 00:08:52 Flustered ever since the Mona Lisa got destroyed, dude. Oh, yeah, someone creamed all over the Mona Lisa someone creamed the Mona Lisa, dude Which is actually something Actually, I wouldn't have done was Mona Lisa a real person Mona Lisa had to have been They weren't yeah, dude. You can't paint something you've never seen you've never been. Oh, you've never been to France No, I've never been to France. You've never been to France. So you've never seen the Mona Lisa No, I will be in France though. What on my way to Greece Oh, you're probably gonna be there for a sec. You're not gonna like pop in the loo. Just make sure like everything's good Good here. I'll throw a cake on that fucking whore. Why what wait. So wait. Why she was a whore Mona Lisa
Starting point is 00:09:26 Let me look at who to this bitch was I'm offensive as fuck Um, Mona Lisa, right? I didn't think women you smashing you smashing Mona Lisa. No, no, no, thank you. You're not smashing Mona Lisa No, thank you Like not for me Eyes scare the eyes. Yeah, the eyes are kind of freaky. She also just looks very biblical Let's look she doesn't look very biblical people that are super religious look a certain way Like you can look at someone and go, you know, that person loves God
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yeah, but she also just looks like she knows her way around like sheep and shit and I'm like, yeah She might she might have been a shepherd that is confirmed But who is Mona Lisa, bro? Yeah, who was the person in the painting that like is there any like justification? It's like this was so-and-so I don't I don't know bro like well it was created in 1503, dude. That's a while 1503 man, it's uh Oh 700 years ago wait what? Ah
Starting point is 00:10:20 What what was the saying? The painting wait, why does it say this on on fucking wikipedia where you could just lie And by the way, we don't care. It's it's on there. So it's real but they use the word probably It said this painting is probably Of the Italian noble woman. What the fuck is a noble woman? Is that like a woman who like doesn't get fucked in the butt. Well, hold on. Jesus Christ, Joey I What's wrong with you? Well, I'm saying by their terms. I know they they had weird terms
Starting point is 00:10:48 I think you can get rammed in that a and still be noble dude. Yeah, but like they had weird terms they had like serfs and like Pages yeah, like they had like cool names for like like child slavery. Yeah, you know what I mean So I don't know if noble noble could have been like the best or the worst back then, you know Yeah, her name is Lisa Girardini the wife of Francesco del John Conno. Oh, Francesco. What's up, baby? Yeah, Francesco. How you doing? I just threw a white power. That's crazy. Yeah, it's nuts again Leonardo never gave the painting to their family and later is believed that he left it in his will to his
Starting point is 00:11:22 favorite apprentice Salai, I don't know how to pronounce that I mean Leonardo da Vinci was painting a lot of wieners, man. If he had a favorite apprentice Uh, you gotta check out you gotta check in on that relationship there Bro, the insurance on this thing is 870 million Dude, it's like one of the most famous paintings of all time. Yeah, what is it about a painting that like We're like, yo, I gotta be honest. I see that painting I don't know nothing remarkable about it. I don't like and I get that it's probably good
Starting point is 00:11:54 Like in an artistic way, you're like the brush stokes and there's just so I've seen current paintings way better than the Mona Lisa Yeah, and like no one's talking about you know, name a single current artist besides Banksy Exactly No, the only artist I knew growing up was miss basando damn and rip rip. Yeah, she's gone She's painting those good old fucking clouds in the sky now. She is Uh, I I I I get it, but like why I I saw that the story about the guy creaming the Mona Lisa, which by the way hysterical Oh
Starting point is 00:12:25 Sorry forgot why we were here, but the creaming I have the article pulled up. That's why I interrupted you Um, but the way that it was written in the article said an attack on the Mona Lisa painting has taken being ambushed with cake to the next level so The Mona Lisa got some cake on her on her tits. I actually I I wasn't even on her face I think that it was like a framing on on the front of the painting. I don't think you could fucking get it on the painting itself I don't know. You think they're just gonna leave that out in the fucking museum, you know, french people They're very trusting. I've met a hundred
Starting point is 00:13:01 Zero percent of them and and there you think they're I think they're very trust the french come off as trustworthy Bro, people they just sit outside without a care in the world Like they're sitting outside legs crossed with a coffee and a Stick around the stick they they trust way too easy as long as they have their cigarette as long as they are heavily at little time, you know, like yeah, they're not They're not like We're bred in the us to always like look over your shoulder, you know, we dta don't trust anybody Oh, wow, you know
Starting point is 00:13:30 So I I feel like the french probably would do some shit like that where they just don't put anything over the Mona Lisa Uh, apparently i'm wrong. Yeah. Yeah, you're very wrong Video footage shared online shows the protective glass covering the world's most famous artwork by Leonardo da Vinci smeared with icing from a cake Witnesses claimed they saw a man dressed as an old lady Jump out of a wheelchair yesterday and attempt to smash the glass at the louis in paris france Multiple layers of trickery here the guy pretended to be a woman that was number one Was that attack on our society an old woman too or yeah an old fucking bag an old Crippled bag. Can I say crippled? No
Starting point is 00:14:14 An old handicap bag. I don't think that one's good either. What can I say? I think it's handy capable But I don't know Capable, but I think they're not no, they're they're capable, but they need a hand That works, I don't know Uh-oh Oh, I don't know if I just upset people that's crazy if I did I'm sorry Handicapped and handy capable those sound like opposite things so they can't mean the same thing Yeah, because like one's got like like it's got a cap on it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:50 Like they're like there's only so much you can do there's only so much you can do but cable's like yeah You can do it. It's just you know sometimes you need a hand I don't know. I really don't know I legitimately like and forgive me Full like truth and honesty forgive me if I upset anybody say it. There are certain groups say it Say it you hate the handicap. No, Jesus candy cable. I'm not I know you've been trying to get me to say that for weeks now I am I Like there are certain classifications of like
Starting point is 00:15:21 Terminology and like appropriate things to say for people that I just can't keep up with like we've we spoke about it multiple times I don't I still don't know if little person or dwarf is appropriate or not little person okay, but um Yeah, so he so he dressed up as an old woman in a wheelchair Does anyone know who this person was like would they would anyone have noticed them and be like, oh, this is John Jean-Luc Javier I don't know
Starting point is 00:15:49 But then he apparently proceeded to smear cake in the glass and throw roses everywhere before getting tackled by security That is the most french thing I've ever heard in my life And you know, he like when he did it he went like Vivelle resistance. Yeah, and he's like, yeah, roses are expensive, dude I mean in France. They're like a dime a dozen over there. Are they I think so, dude Damn good for them again. No clue if I'm speaking the truth. Dude, you're right though. I probably thank you Roses hail from France. I it's the place of love. Yeah, so I would assume so it's funny that he's like I'm gonna breath. This was his plan. I'm gonna dress up as an old woman who's got shit legs
Starting point is 00:16:28 And get in a wheelchair And then I'm gonna jump out of it at the right time and try to smash the glass Put cake on it and then throw roses everywhere. Is it like what the fuck is that? Wasn't this and also it was a protest of Climate change like what message? I think this was a climate change protest Like they had since interviewed him and he was like I was doing it to like bring away. Oh, sorry I was doing it to bring awareness to Declimate, you know, but there was no climate and no change I also don't understand like what message are you trying to send across by doing that? I'm gonna kill this painting
Starting point is 00:17:05 With cake. Yeah, like you care more about oh, maybe it's more like you care more about this painting Than you do the climate so I'm gonna start destroying the things that you care about. Isn't that crazy? What were the roses though? I think the roses were probably like the this is real beauty I think I think I just figured it out. I cracked the case Oh like flowers the climate. We're gonna lose our beautiful flowers. I'm a real hercule pro right here I just figured I don't know what you just said Hercule who you don't know hercule poirot He's the famous. Are you saying a word? Yeah, he's his first name is hercule hercule and his last name is poirot
Starting point is 00:17:41 You don't know who this is. No, okay. He's like a famous literary detective murder on the orient express Uh death on the Nile other ones um Okay, uh played by Kenneth Branagh. You didn't know this want to flow over the cuckoo's nest. No But I just cracked the case. So what this is probably what it was. You ready? Give it to me, baby The protester yeah wanted to show that we care more about the painting And be like if this isn't real beauty
Starting point is 00:18:16 This is and throw out like something from the earth, right What was the cake to just fucking really send it home? Really hammer at home with cake. I mean think about it. You're trying to ruin a painting cakes a good way to do it. Well Paint I would I would see me. I wouldn't have to paint would have been way easier. Oh, can you hide a piece of cake? I don't think the security had to lose that good In your mouth. She put it in your mouth. No, bro. If he's dressed up like an elderly woman. You could hide cake in your mouth, dude I'd eat it. Well, it's because I can't resist the cake. You're can't resist it. I love cake I would say under if you're pretending to be an elderly woman in a wheelchair. Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:55 There's plenty of places to hide and the french do wear a lot of shawls. They wear coats. They wear hats Do they wear while they wear a ray? Yeah, they do They also have robberies baguettes Yeah, but a lot of baguette just shove cake in it Do you know what cake is? You don't need it to be whole. I also don't think you could just bring a baguette into although it is france You could probably bring a baguette anywhere, bro. It's france. They don't care that you can you can eat and drink in the Louvre Baguette's one of my favorite bread. What's your favorite bread? Oh, Italian
Starting point is 00:19:28 Italian Italian seeded bread I don't like seeds. I also big. I need a soft Italian a big sourdough fan Sourdough is good sourdough is a good bread. It's good, but in moderation Yeah, like I have a slice I could sit there and just fucking eat a whole Italian loaf. Yeah, I can too. It's a whole baguette, which I've done a lot and if it's warm Oh warm bread. There's there's there's not a lot of things in this world. Do you know the best things in the world? Are wet and warm Yeah, yeah, the first one
Starting point is 00:20:04 Pussy dude. Yeah Number two warm bread bagels that then gets wet when you put it in Bagels Warm bagels warm, but you crunchy on the outside you break in moist and warm In between tits Well that one you might not want wet No, I'm it's warm. You said the best things in life are warm and wet I meant warm
Starting point is 00:20:35 Backslash wet. Oh, okay So wet socks, but also wet boobs are cool Wet with if they're wet with oil Just oil. Where are you going? What the fuck am I being pranked right now? I was trying to make a point. Yeah, you didn't you were trying I know what you were trying to do. You were trying to get to these ads. That's what you were trying No, no, no, not yet. No, I'm not nearly as bad. We forgot the ads back there were handy cable. Okay. All right That'll mess. Yeah that we still haven't really sorted out. No, I don't I legitimately don't I think I cracked the case on
Starting point is 00:21:05 Why this person did this? Yeah, but um, can I shoot a serious question? Of course you can If if This dude was you know Thor Slams the fucking case shatters it takes the cake fucking puts it on the Mona Lisa destroys it How long do you care not a single moment I go what I'd be like really damn done
Starting point is 00:21:40 That's it. I feel the same way that I'm like, yo like I realized that like if I really thought about oh man Piece of history, but I also would be like Yo, I haven't even thought about the Mona Lisa in seven years and I'll never see it I'll never like I'll see it You're not gonna go. I have no intent on going if I did I would be like, all right cool Harris I'd be like cool, you know, but I wouldn't wait in a line for it I'll tell you that right now Bro, I don't care about art that much these people that wait in lines to snap up 40 second
Starting point is 00:22:08 Not even like a two second picture of the Mona Lisa. I can't what are you doing? I I'd be like damn Wow Let's talk about it on the episode Instantly don't care about history. I'm like I'm like I like it. I think it's nice and I'm cool. I'm glad we're preserving shit but Outside of like actually going inside of pyramid. I don't care Yeah, I'm way more connected to like the history of where I grew up So like you tell me the Mona Lisa got like smeared with cake and be like wow
Starting point is 00:22:38 You tell me pizza palace is closing down. That's fucking heartbreaking to me You found a way to sneak that in I am very proud of a staple pizza place and our neighborhood growing up is closing down Yeah, but like that's what I'm saying like but I'm sure there are people out there that are hearing me say this And they're like yo, how fucking dare you dude 100% like bro if honestly Honestly, I don't give if the fucking Sistine Chapel crumbled and fell. I'd be like it went We had it for a while. That's another thing. I haven't thought about literally in 10 years Think about like any more than that statue of David with his fucking bing bing out Yeah, what's with that? Don't care about it. He has no arms, right?
Starting point is 00:23:17 I don't know. Oh my god The Parthenon fell. Whoa Could I I barely know what that is. You know what I'm saying stone hedge. I'd be like bro He doesn't even know how to say it stone hinge. There it is Hedge what I said. Oh, they were like, oh my god the the the eastern island idols You know, what's the coolest? Whoa, you know, what's cool? The Taj Mahal because That looks nice. Yeah, I think
Starting point is 00:23:44 Stone hedge bro. I'm sorry. It's fucking I I'm sorry I see stone hedge. I don't go What a miracle I go bunch of rocks. Yeah, you know, you see the Taj Mahal and you go This is insane and it's made out of like I get that I get that I get that bro. Yeah, where it's like modern feats of like fucking engineering and like You know modern wonders like the pyramids that I'd be like, whoa, they're also very tall bro. Whoa, and there's dead Pharaohs in there. We there are rooms of the pyramids. We haven't even figured the fuck out yet. Yeah, there's trap doors There's mad traps. There's fucking darts coming out of walls and I know stonehenge is like, oh like they're so heavy
Starting point is 00:24:25 How could they possibly build this? It's like Bro, someone built the pyramids. Those are way cooler. They just placed fucking three rocks on each other Yeah, bro, I I'm with you on that same thing with like Like the the burning down of the Notre Dame the Notre Dame the fuck that really happened I thought that was just a disney movie. No, no, no the Notre Dame in france caught on fire Was there a dad was like goddamn like was there a handicapped? No one ringing the bell. That's what happened. No one ringing the bell. Joe. That's what happened I heard what you said. I'm trying to gloss over it. So we don't get canceled. Oh a quasi quasi mo quasi moto. Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:56 No way he fucks that girl that move bro. What's her name as maralda? She's a fire name and Way way ahead of me. I don't even think that they fall in love I think she falls in love with like the other dude the dope look no gaston. No one. No gaston. That's beauty in the beast joey Shit, what the fuck are you saying? What was that? No one's falling in love with gaston. He's a little problematic. I think I was a fucking asshole. Yo esmeralda, by the way She is up there. Got it. She's yo probably the most slept on disney princess of all time I honestly I can only remember that she had like a short bob cut Or did she have long hair? No, she had long black beautiful hair. Damn. I didn't know that slept on
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah, okay. I know just a sexy fucking look at this cat eyes Playing a tambourine. That's the hottest instrument. I think I don't see a girl playing a tambourine No, I can I cannot fuck out. I cannot disagree more really a tambourine, dude. It's the hottest for a woman to play the little shells Damn, that's a good answer. You know what I'm saying Bro, do you know my fucking horny ass grandfather used to get A belly dancer every year for his birthday I was like fucking ford his birthday party and there was a belly dancer out and about dude. Really dude loved bitches
Starting point is 00:26:17 He did Love him so much. How could you possibly keep that tradition going? This old greek egyptian man. He fucking didn't give a shit man He's all about claps called by the way. I don't know. I'm just calling them. There's shells. They're like They're like little symbols and you like put them like like Are harp players hot? I don't know if the player themselves are hot, but that harp, dude. You see those shoulder movements are like Yeah, bing bing bing bing like you gotta like massage it. That's a sexy instrument. Absolutely
Starting point is 00:26:51 Lease sexy. We could say it go ahead the triangle. Oh, I was gonna say the tuba Oh, yeah, that's All the brass instruments suck Well Except the sacks. I'm gay for sacks. I am so gay for the sacks, but like I don't like any of the other ones Also, the flute can go I don't really fuck with the flute. It depends. I hate people who look they look like this Yeah, yeah, do put your mouth on it one more time
Starting point is 00:27:19 Yeah, because they blow down into it. It's like, yeah It's like bro claren at this thing or fucking get out of here See the thing about the flute that's it's like scary to me because it reminds me of like there's something bad coming with it You know what I mean? Like you hear a flute and you're like, yo Is there like a little like demon coming from under the table or some shit? I think of the red coats Oh, well, no, that's like the wooden flute that was played like this Not dog. That's it. I was like the recorder. Oh, yeah, we're like Oh that the clarinet in the you might want to stop doing that
Starting point is 00:27:50 I Can you do that one more time? Nope. Well, just a set just a split second and we're getting all right The first one we have here fit bod Uh fit bod if you want to get in shape guys, listen summer's coming. You're gonna want to get in shape You're gonna want to get ripped up or you just want to get in better shape than you are now Let's forget about getting ripped up for a second. Okay, because most of us it's not happening We're just gonna get in better shape. We're gonna get healthy But yeah, you're gonna be at the beach. You're gonna be on vacation doing whatever
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Starting point is 00:31:07 But I have a video That I need to show you Okay, what can you give me more context? I mean, I I don't I I ever since ever since I heard that first The first time I ever heard I have a video to show you it was two girls one cup So I'm like the fucking like I have like PTSD from that So I need to like make sure I preface like being like, okay What is it? Yeah, because that's a that's a heavy video to just go into naive, you know
Starting point is 00:31:33 No one's eating shit. Okay in this video. Are they is there any shit involved? No shit. No shit none whatsoever No, but I'll send this to josh so that we could put it in the episode Okay, because everyone needs to watch this in real time But I was shocked when I found this out and I have a theory. So I'll get to that afterwards. Yes On this episode I have my go back do that again, dude. What was that? On this episode Who is that? Gary v slams his dad, dude. That's his dad. That's his dad. Well, he's not his boyfriend Oh, I if it was I I was my confused confusion
Starting point is 00:32:16 My confusion that's it. Confusion. What was it my confusion because I thought he was married with kids So I was like, yeah, is someone just out him. I think he's out himself. I think he's divved with kids He might be dead damn Divin it up. Um, I also have this So I took a screenshot that's his dad, dude. Yeah, dude and listen They're like european or something, right? I don't care what they are Well, you know, they're they're they're a kissy people. Was his last name varnichuk or something like that. Yeah, something like that That's from one of those varnichuk. Here's what I'll say, right? I for when I first saw this I go, yo, gary v just fucking
Starting point is 00:32:55 Absolutely smooched his pops. That's an mm pow for the books. Yeah, he fucking yo gary v I will say this this guy does everything full speed. That's it. I mean he talks mad fast He curses mad hard and he fucking smooches his pops hard because we've seen other celebrities kiss their kids in the mouth at an uncomfortable age A.k. Tom Brady. We've talked about Tom Brady always kisses his dad too. We got went over that. Oh, that's right kisses Wait, but he but here's the thing. It's it's one of these. It's like a yeah It's not when you're seeing that had force behind it, dude That should that had some Vin Diesel fasten the furious 12 fucking power behind that was love, babe That was that was something. I don't know about love, dude. Then it got me thinking though
Starting point is 00:33:37 Tom Brady's kissing his pops Uh Gary v's kissing his dad Lil wane was kissing his dad. You remember that? No, you kiss baby, bro. Birdman I was gonna say baby's not it was burden, man. Yeah That smooched him. You know whatever bro. He says in the song What's damn right? I kiss my daddy. He says that and damn right? I kiss my dad I think they pissed at how rich my daddy is. You don't remember the song. No, bro. He talks about kissing his fucking dad on the track
Starting point is 00:34:06 Okay, apparently now I need to I need to never listen to fucking Lil wane. Lil wane is one of my favorite rappers of all time Hold on. This is what I'm getting at First of all, Lil Wayne's in my top three all time. You count him with your pinky, huh? Yeah, I this is where I start then I go this way. Okay. Oh, and then I end here Yeah Second two times one episode. I just did it again on this hand. Yep, okay Lil wane Tom Brady gary v. Yeah all
Starting point is 00:34:30 Very successful very rich. So maybe are you gonna start kissing your dad? Well, your dad needs to love you first Are you gonna start dude Was that too real? I'm sorry. Oh my god, that's hilarious I think if it was up to my dad, we'd be kissing. He'd still be laying him on you Also, your dad wants to fucking make it bro. My dad if it was if it was like cool, he'd like finger me or something I don't know It's a joke. Your dad is a big physical touch. He's a very affectionate man
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah, he wants to hold your hand. He wouldn't finger me, but like my dad would definitely like yeah, bro I was it was maybe like four or five years ago. I was in the car with him and he tried to hold my hand Like we were fucking eight again And I was just like dad you cool it out cool it out that um take it easy Frank by the way, I learned that my dad like was shown the clip of me saying that I realized that He smells like balls Oh my god, and I was like, uh-oh and they were like your dad laughed so hard. I was like god bless Who showed it to him? Uh, this guy from the lake. Let's hope he laughs as hard where I just said he would finger me
Starting point is 00:35:38 Um If this is like a success that is that's what I'm saying are six are you more or more likely to be successful? It's like smooch pop It's like one of those weird things that like you find out celebrities all these like celebrities and like rich people of power Dude that like no one else does where like the rock is like I'm up every day at 2 a.m. And it's like mad fucking celebrities don't sleep Yeah So like is this another one where it's like bro like kissing your dad gives you hormones that like drive you to fucking wealth
Starting point is 00:36:08 Yeah, you guys are like swapping testosterone or something. Yeah, because you know like all dads. It's like a classic dad line It's like you could do anything If you put your mind don't fucking give up. You know what I mean? Maybe they don't mean your mind They mean your lips on theirs. Yes. I think that's exactly what it is It's like you could do anything that you put your lips to yeah, and it's like Yeah, if you put your lips to me, what if it was like Yeah, what if it's like this like weird cabal of like What'd you say like cabal, you know like people I'm not talking about the Mortal Kombat character
Starting point is 00:36:41 I'm talking about like how people talk about like a cabal of politicians that are like drinking child's blood I must stop you there. I don't know either of them Cabal is a character for Mortal Kombat. He runs very fast. He has these two hook swords He was actually a cop before he joined you're you're too far. Okay. All right, um, but What I'm saying is like if you know how people say like, you know, Jay-Z is throwing up the rock And they're like, yo, it's the fucking Illuminati thing. What if the Illuminati were like, yo, you'll have everything you want Just you have to kiss your dad. Would you join the Illuminati? Yes, bro. I would join the Illuminati But wait, I'm not gonna kill any kids or I don't want to kill any kids
Starting point is 00:37:18 I don't want to give any of mine up. Yeah, and I don't want to like Touch a kid either. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no kids. No kid stuff. No kid stuff But like I'll do like an old You know president orgy or something. They probably do that stuff Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah if it's like, yo like you'll be like unlimited wealth For you and your family for generations to come but you need to like I'll like dip my foot in blood too. You need to like jerk off bill gates. I'd be like, yo, yeah Sign me up. Oh, yeah, I fucking yeah
Starting point is 00:37:46 What the hell easily but I would I'm not like I'd also like be open to like if there's like blood stuff Like I gotta like put my foot in blood or some or write my name in blood There's a there's a fraternity at Yale called skull and bones. I think george w bush was in it I know there's other people that are in it as well. That's a big old. That's a big name It's the only person I can think of former two-term president in the United States But like conspiracy could have had a hand in No, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna touch that moment. Yeah, I'm not gonna. I mean, I don't want them coming from me I just said I would join
Starting point is 00:38:19 But what I'm saying is like they apparently have rituals involving blood and it's like if it's First of all, if it's blood from an animal, I'm in I'm way more inclined. Yeah. No, no blood. No human blood Animal blood, I'll drip it on me. If you're like, yo, like I have a bucket of pigs blood and you need to like Pour it on your head and like fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah for the Illuminati. Yeah. Yeah for for billions of dollars Yeah, and like control over like, you know Bro, you know how I tend to want to know things So like, you know how cool it would be if you're like, yo, you're gonna know all the Illuminati secrets Just pour this bucket of blood over you. I'm like fucking. I'm there. Also if you're a JFK if you're in the Illuminati
Starting point is 00:38:57 You control the weather That's right. That's right. That is true. That is true And you could do anything you want. You control the weather. It'd be like, oh come on. Listen You have to balance out Because a lot of people would be like, oh, it'd just be sunny all the time. But yo, you gotta factor in like droughts Yeah, and if like some people don't think about if your enemy is getting married You can be like, yo hurricane Exactly just fucking ruin this day if it rains in your wedding. Just know that you upset one of the Rothschilds
Starting point is 00:39:25 That's that's right. Or one of the or the Rockefellers one of them too. They're probably in it as well Yeah, there's Waltons. They're all they're all part of that. Was that the Walmart people? I don't know, but I know they're one of the famous like famous families Yeah, those people just like own like like all the electricity. It's like, yeah, yeah, and it's like bro If you ever Filled up your car with gas you're paying the Rockefellers like what? Yeah, they were like big in like the 1910s. Why are we still paying them? Family bro family family family business, bro. Have you ever seen there like estates? No
Starting point is 00:39:57 Me neither That was the thought That was thanks for the I just I just wanted to like one day just like see what their place looks like like well They're buying all the land. That's why everyone's afraid of Bill Gates. He's buying stuff Well, Bill Gates a lot of people I recently spoke about this people forget how much of a humanitarian Bill Gates is Like yes, he did some fucked up things Which things I mean, I don't know. I don't know like he he hung out with Oh, he was with g. A. J. E. Yeah, he he yeah the old steam. Yeah, he went he went on a trip
Starting point is 00:40:30 Well, everyone on a trip a couple. Um, imagine me on those flight. Well, he was on legend was on that, bro And he made ordinary people. That's a great song. He did make ordinary people. He did make used to love you Also that fucking booty in the beast remix with Aaron Grande hits. I didn't hear that one, bro ordinary people I recently sang it and I was like I got something here Fuck I love that song Yeah, I was a big John Legend guy back in the day. That was my uh, remember when people for their voicemail You should record a song as there was ordinary fucking people at one point in time. Yes It was it was I was going through a bit of a breakup. It sounds like it. Um, but I love how like I was like 13
Starting point is 00:41:17 or 12 13 14 however And like that's a very adult song It's like I I'm in love with you, but like it's just not working out. Yeah, I was just like you fucking hugged marcello Fuck you. Yeah, you know That happened to me my sixth grade girlfriend broke up with me It just said I think we should see other people in sixth grade. That's tough and it was summer. That's really tough I was like, I'm not gonna see anyone. Yeah I'm gonna see fight night round three. Yo, I did see a lot of you did see him quite a bit
Starting point is 00:41:48 um Yeah, no all my breakups were like I'm gonna do it and then it's like I just don't want I run away. I didn't have it in me. You know what song I thought about the other day, uh The fray over my head that song Yeah, so that song it used to be the myspace song of this girl who had a crush on But out and I wanted to be with her so bad for some reason back then And I was like dang and like I saw her like smoke a cigarette one time. I was like, that's it I'm gonna save this girl. That's it, bro. No, because I immediately I was like, oh, she smoked a cigarette
Starting point is 00:42:26 Like she's like, who is this hanging out with the world? Takey Crazy love her. Yeah, I worked out never worked out never worked out never worked out I I would do the same thing where like I would use like myspace songs to like It was all dependent on my relationship at that point I remember one of the years where I went away for the whole summer to the lake house the day before I went away I like asked this girl to be my girlfriend And then what what was the thought behind that? What was the strategy there? It wasn't smart
Starting point is 00:42:56 Yeah, and then that night I put one call away by chingy Because you were one. I was if you want to roll with me. I'm always one call away You roll me And you were my baby I'm gone away. Damn Uh two hit wonder three holiday in holiday in right there One call away. That's it. There's gotta be another one. Give me at least four or five hits on chingy, man I don't know man
Starting point is 00:43:26 You can name five chingy songs. I'd be very impressed No No, bro. It's the only one. I mean, I know he'd be he was all like remixes to shit Yeah, I couldn't even name one of those damn really Oh Give me pulling me back That was another fucking song that I put on some keep pulling me back me back Telling me I'm leaving you on it. Um
Starting point is 00:43:52 Damn that song is fucking heat dude. Dem jeans. I feel like I should know that why you gotta be in dem jeans I think I know that one. I don't know. What other give me another one Uh baller, baby I kind of vaguely remember that one because I think it was at the it was like at the end Of a music video to one of his other like more popular songs. Yeah, you know how they did that Yeah Give me another one Fly like me
Starting point is 00:44:19 No way Oh, I for some reason I thought of fresh as I'm is That song yo, that was your that song reminds me of you so much because I was as fresh as I'm is that was like you You loved that song. You ain't riding. You ain't bumping like I'm bumping. You ain't saying nothing, buddy You ain't homie. You ain't fresh as I'm is Homie Come on Joey. Sorry Oh, man
Starting point is 00:44:42 Back in the day, how do we get here? What are we talking about? Gary v pop and his dad. Were you talking about that still? Yeah, we were talking about it. Gary v pop. I don't know. What was he doing? He was kissing his dad Yeah, I think he might be in love with his dad and not in one of the ways that we're like, you know, I mean, I love my dad I think he's like Yeah, let's play catch with our tongues which He's gonna see this and he's gonna light us up probably. Yeah, like these fuckers These fuckers think I don't fucking love my dad hard dude. No, he's my dad a hundred times
Starting point is 00:45:12 Honestly, he's from what I've seen. He's a pretty good supporter about the people that make fun of him. Oh, well, that's good Well, he has to know. I hope so. He's like a little ridiculous like with this stuff that yo the video of him just being like seriously sit there in the morning It was like a 16 year old who asked me the question like how can I like do I need to go to college? And he's like for real Sit there and literally think about the people you love And then once a day for a full hour think about them getting shot shot in the face
Starting point is 00:45:43 Frankie I'm the verbatim. He said think about your loved one getting shot in the face. Yeah And somehow that's going to help motivate you to do the things you want to do He's like somebody else that we know that just doesn't answer questions He's be like, oh, so, you know, what's your secret to, you know, like happiness It was like all you have to worry about Is that you're gonna be dead? Yeah, it's like Jesus, you know, take it easy He's tell me tell me if you like croissants or something. I don't need all that
Starting point is 00:46:11 Don't think about Gary be it's so funny. Is that every time someone's he always asks everyone how like how old are you? Bro, someone could be 92. You're fucking. That's it It's not too late. You're young dude. Yeah, Oprah didn't get started until 40. Yeah. He's always in that. Um, anyway Okay, smooth as his pops. Better help Better help another sponsor on the show customize online therapy Way cheaper than in-person therapy can be super costly But with better help it is much cheaper and it's customized so it offers video and text or call or whatever you want Whatever makes you comfortable if you don't want to stare anyone or sit across from anyone on a weird couch or something
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Starting point is 00:48:54 On me. Um, so yeah kissing your dad means you'll be rich Every little thing that you wish on me all the things that you could show me in a special way I feel when you hold me we gonna always be together baby. That's what you told me and I believe it I ain't never had no money do me thank you. Who's that? That's bow out in seara, dude What do I yeah some songs are just locked in there. You remember um, um Uh, fuck What was there was another song where he did like a like an iny miny mo No, iny miny mo lover. That's shon kinkston. No, I don't know. I don't know fucking clue what that is
Starting point is 00:49:33 Didn't he like fall off a fucking jet ski or something. I don't know. He's still like loaded rich Yeah, he's gotta be doing it's kind of nuts. I think he's got like artists that he signed or something I don't know. I don't know. I've never heard a shon kinkston song in fucking 10 years. I honestly I remember seeing one thing and it was like you're so beautiful. I'm gonna kill myself. Oh, yeah He's like you're way too beautiful girl. That's why I'll never work. You got me suicidal. I'm like Damn dude fucking sip and super hard Head of our buddies that better help. Yeah fucking hell um
Starting point is 00:50:02 God, what was the bow out one though where he he he did like a kids like nursery rhyme Basically in the middle of the song. What fuck it's gonna bother me now as I'm trying to think of it But it was something along the line. I'm gonna start naming bow out songs. Yeah Bow wow songs bow wow 2000s Ain't thinking about you out of my system How do I get you out of my system? Oh Oh, fuck. I just had it. I lost it I put ain't thinking about you. That's what I said first. How do I get you out of my system?
Starting point is 00:50:34 Fresh as I'm is no, that's a great. I let me hold you Let me hold you down down around a banana nana for fan. Everybody know now what I'm trying to do Yeah, yeah, yeah, you remember the music video Yeah, he's like a pro that was I was a big like at dances like I had a move for a song. Was that it that was for let me hold you Yeah, and with uh, you remember that song um my love ti and justin timberlake I think I've told this story my love my thing was just like give away because it was like
Starting point is 00:51:13 And that was my move Yeah, can I put that on without getting dimma? No, no, we're getting we're getting demonetized probably because we're talking about it But it has to be it's the be handicapped. I'll do the instrumental Mental I don't know what that is. Uh my love Justin timberlake and ti You gotta hit this shit We're definitely gonna get dinged for this instrumental Fucking oh the ads I'm gonna talk over the ads. Anybody else can hear um, uh, no, we're fine. Here we go
Starting point is 00:51:50 For those of you guys that are listening audio what I'm doing is during the It's it's like a like a wave hand thing twice And then a boom boom and then yeah, and then a two-fist pump on so one one more time one more time No, wait I fucked up I'm fucked. I'm all off. Oh that song is good though Oh my god, he's so rusty. I was like trying to like fucking pat my dude like this like It's been a while
Starting point is 00:52:27 It's been a while, babe. It has it. It has been a while You got any other moves? I I'll get it down as soon as we leave here I'll let you know right now downloading a bunch of bow out songs. I'm blasting them for the ride home Yeah, fresh as I'm is that should hit so hard bro. Let me hold you You remember when like people like we're just telling the world that sierra was a man Yeah, she had a penis and Olivia remember Olivia from g-unit Holy shit, bro. Did you just forget about Olivia from g-unit completely you forgot she existed She's in what candy shop, right? Or is that yeah, I think it's a candy jump
Starting point is 00:53:03 I honestly never heard an Olivia song There's there's one that's like a popular song and I just can't think of it at the moment Because remember they he gave 50 gave everyone their song banks had his run the best obviously buck had his run Yeo had his run Olivia had a song too g-unit Olivia Bazounce What that's what it was called Bazounce or so sexy so sexy might have been it
Starting point is 00:53:28 I don't know damn when I hear so sexy. I just think about the Shawn Michaels theme song. Yeah, that was a good song I got can I say something This past week. I'm gonna hate this I sent a plethora of voice notes pretending to be wrestlers to you and I just got like an lol back Whoa, whoa, whoa, I think you're confusing me with Dylan dog Dylan didn't respond at all Yeah, Dylan it and they were good ones. Well, you didn't send me a plethora You didn't send me a bunch I said I think I sent you at least two or three
Starting point is 00:53:58 I think you sent me one as like stone cold because I actually like hey man What time you get into the studio and then you answered me a stone cold as I do but like you son of a bitch Yeah, yeah, I also I also did one as scott steiner Do you remember scott steiner? I do I know who that is. That's what I was like all my hoochies I Big pop a pump is the hookup Holler if you hear me bro, he called his girls freaks and hoochies Hoochie mama hoochie mama
Starting point is 00:54:29 How what is that? What is a hoochie mama? I think like a uh hoochie It I think it was meant to be like a derogatory term for like a woman Oh, like it's like it's like a piece of arm candy. You know what I mean? Like this is my hoochie my hoochie mama What does it mean? Where does it come from? Well, there's a song called hoochie mama and the lyrics go big booty hoes Yep, up with it. Yeah, hoochie mama's up with it. Let me see you touch the ground. I don't know my reputation Oh, there's an N word nevermind Say it, you know you want to Joe. Yeah, I'm dying too. No, I um
Starting point is 00:55:05 Didn't get there. Here we go hoochie mama A woman who dresses sexy but no longer fits the typical description of attractive hoochie mamas are either too old too fat Or are physically unattractive in some other way hunchbacks Club name all the things that you don't find attractive Joey. Did you say clubfoot? You know, it's funny is scott steiner had something called drop foot where he basically had a clubfoot It's just like a square. It was just like a foot that just like wouldn't pick it looks like a pixelated It's just like you couldn't like pick it up without it dropping very hard. Do you see pixelated?
Starting point is 00:55:43 You gotta stop. I just okay Um, yet they still manage to alert the sexual interests of most eager men through short skirts low cut Low cut so it's a derogatory term for women that like to just wear what they want to wear Classic man. I want to talk about go ahead. I want you to talk about what you're about to say I want to talk about how Like hookers Are big into fishnet stockings. Is that interesting at all? Not hooking. I'm saying well. Yeah, definitely not hooking Well, like I'm saying like, um, you've ever seen a hooker in real life
Starting point is 00:56:15 Yeah, what? I know you have. Yeah, Frankie. We've all been to vegas. No, no, no, no. I saw it in a story, a dude I've seen hooks in miami. I've seen I've seen them. I was accosted I've seen them like Going to the hooking and after the hooking Did you didn't see the during no, I mean, I don't fucking know dude. No, no, no, I got woken up By a loud hooker. No by my my sister and brother-in-law Because our neighbor had ah You remember that story your neighbor was hooking had accosted. Is that the term I'm looking for you? I don't know why I said that
Starting point is 00:56:52 I don't really know what it means. What I'm pretty sure that means just like accosted But what were you going to say? What do you not the fishnet stockings on on Ladies or men of the night? Yeah, I was I was accosted approach and address boldly or aggressively when I was in miami the I was accosted by uh hook and she immediately like Touched me on my like cerebellum cerebellum. What's that? That's in your brain
Starting point is 00:57:21 So I don't think she touched your brain joey Do you mean your neck? That bone in the back of my neck the top of my spine and ship. Oh, no, that's my just my spine dude I've been going a long time thinking that was a cerebellum. No, that's a part of your brain Yeah, uh, but she has she touched that and was like playing with my bone and I was just like, uh, and she had braces Big popular thing man And I was and she was wearing funky colors and a jean skirt and I was like Even if I was like trying to do this right now, really, I'm not really getting a lot
Starting point is 00:57:55 Because I'm just not seeing her as a hoochie mama. She was she was she was hooched. She was hooched. She was definitely hooched Yeah, I think so. Yeah. No, I I mean, I don't think outside of the one I saw in Astoria like in vegas. I just saw Like I couldn't tell escorts. They were escorts and usually they're pretty I I like I didn't see them like walking around. I saw them on the cards Huh, and it would be like so if people Well, those are just alleged if people if people have never been to vegas. There are people on this on the street slapping cards on their hand just going pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy
Starting point is 00:58:34 And you walk by and like they throw cards at you pussy cards pussy cards But there's no pussy on the card none of them. There was one person in our group When we went that took quite a bit of these cards Yeah, but like you didn't use anything with but yeah, you know, it was the way you said that was like He ordered a bunch of no, no, he played with them like they were fucking like pokemons. Yeah It was like he put they did have funny names. He put down kandace in attack position, you know He put down he was like, all right. I'm gonna hold on. I'm gonna put fucking kandace in attack and then Samantha's going into fence. Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:10 I Was the end of this that's it. That's all you got. That's all I got man. Um See, I guess hoochie mamas and we're not a big hoochie mama fan No, but I was asking about fishnet stockings. I mean, I guess I've never I don't think I've been in a position where I've seen them and been like, you know, like Whoa Yeah, but what about lingerie? I like lingerie. Yeah, if done. Yeah, I like lingerie if done if done. Well, like
Starting point is 00:59:43 If you what does that mean like shit lingerie I don't know. Just like why do we say that word like that lingerie? It's french, dude. Yeah, but we're not french. We're back in france We're gonna say lingerie. We say balonia Baloney we actually say baloney. Yeah, but it's from it's from balonia, but like what other words do we pronounce as french? croissant Dude, that's not how you say it. Oh, what do they say croissant? Yeah, they say like croissant You are like quasi moto uh renaissance What that's a french word
Starting point is 01:00:16 souvenir Another french word. That's a hard word spell it hell uh s o u v near I don't fucking know. There's an eye in there somewhere. Yeah. Yeah, I can spell that fucking word if you give me 18 tries Spell renaissance This isn't gonna go well. No, we've done we've done some spelling bees E. Yes, n. Yeah a i s s a n c
Starting point is 01:00:45 You might be right. I think there also might be another n though. I could be wrong renaissance Wait, I said r e n a i. Yeah, I spelled it right. Look at you go. Or maybe I said e n renaissance. No, I wouldn't have said that renaissance crush you What a what a day was a good spell it back in the day. You were I know a bunch of antonyms. Ask me the opposite of a word all right, um kite
Starting point is 01:01:16 horseshoe We're talking if you're a patron, you know, yeah, we're talking about a patreon video that we did which again I stand by it's the proudest video I've ever been a part of because it's so stupid and so funny If you're not a patron or you didn't make it to that part of the video just listen to this Me and frankie did a patreon episode where we had we made a like a game for us where we took we made opposite lyrics Of songs and then the other person had to guess what the song was And what was the song? Oh, uh, rock it man. It's gonna be I'll be high Like a kite by then and you said
Starting point is 01:01:54 Uh, you're gonna be low hate a horseshoe right now Which I don't even know where you got hate The like is the opposite of hate for me But if it were if like the term was I like to move it you would go you like to stand still and it's like well You need to be like or you hate to stand still and it was like all right. I get it But like you you need the opposite of you too. I went word by word You just did it a single one
Starting point is 01:02:20 But if you don't know we don't want to spoil too much go check it out slash the basement yard Uh, we really appreciate the may that we had Record breaking may for the basement yard Look at it continue to break records into june. We're trying to figure out what joey's gonna be doing because guess what? I got my bunch wrapped Ripped and it's your turn to do something stupid. It's not like a german word. Yeah So, uh, go check it out slash the basement yard You get the weekly episodes a week in advance if you sign up for that first year the second tier
Starting point is 01:02:48 exclusive episodes every single friday and there's hundreds on there if you are not a patron or you have missed any and You want to go back and look at them? So slash the basement yard Yep, you guys go follow me at joe senegal to go follow the show at the basement yard on tiktok and instagram and that is all See you guys next time

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