The Basement Yard - #353 - I Was Arrested For Making Love

Episode Date: July 4, 2022

Joe and Frank discuss how making love could get ya locked up! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement. Yeah, it's recording. Oh, what'd you say? I didn't think we were recording. Yeah, I was just talking about my plan to you know, rid the world of all of the whoa Be careful because there was another speech in history that went that way and it went really bad I was I was good to say people that hold their nose, you know talking about patreon Wait, what you remember we spoke about that on patreon babe do but you freaked me out summer teams summer teams I do remember the patreon episode. Yes, welcome back. Hey, but what you're saying Was terrifying. What did you what were you going to say at the end of that?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Rid the world of people that hold their nose. Okay. What do you think I was gonna say? You think it was gonna go? It's I don't know. There's a guy whose name starts with a and it ends with Dolph I Know said something similar listen I can I can read the subtext of what you're saying. Mm-hmm, and I know who you're talking about. We're talking about the Holly Yes, yes, you are But no, what's what kind of an evil person do you think I am Joey if anyone here would be a sympathizer Sympathizer it would be did I tell you I went to like a World War two weekend one time and there were people
Starting point is 00:01:07 What does that mean Frank you went to a reenactment There was a reenactment there and they were like it was like they sold like old guns and like it was just like old planes They were selling muskets First of all when the fuck do you think we had muskets Joe? I don't know. We you've played all over to set in World War two What the fuck do you think we were shooting? No, we had it before. Yeah, we had MP 40s, you know PPSH's yeah stg-44s. Yes car 98. That's a good one bars bars are great. Those are good ones
Starting point is 00:01:40 Thompson's we're done. Okay, but there were people walking around in full Nazi garb Really? Yes, it was weird. Do you think they're hype to get cast as a Nazi or they're not I don't think they're cast I think it's like they are like volunteers. Yeah, bro. We got up. That's it like we got a chill. That's weird Yeah, that is fucking weird. You can't volunteer. That's like I And I tweeted this because I've been watching the Miss Marvel TV show, which you haven't been watching it yet No, there's a scene where she goes to like a comic-con type event called Avengers con
Starting point is 00:02:19 And there are people dressed up as as Thanos cool, and I said I was like, isn't that fucking weird Like if you saw people like at a World War two weekend It's weird if you see someone dressing up in like cosplaying as Hitler, right? So like why in their world would they dress as the guy who tried to destroy the earth literally destroyed half of the fucking population Yeah, weird Wow, doesn't make sense. Honestly, that's looked right by him didn't it I Would I would think that they didn't think much into it? Yeah, but you know your boy is on top of it Yeah, yeah, but yeah
Starting point is 00:02:51 It was weird seeing people cosplaying as Nazis because it's like hey I don't think you realize what you're doing there. No, I mean they do but I do so wait home What was the reenactment like they had like there was like a shootout. I've told the story I walked through a reenactment accidentally. Oh, I've always wanted to go to like cuz don't they have them in Pennsylvania We're like they do like fucking Gettysburg. Yeah, they have them a Gettysburg I would love to go to a civil war reenactment and see some dude Would you careful if you hear my father-in-law say that he will drive here right now rip you from this office and bring you why he's Really big he's a big time history buff. Is that his favorite war? He's a he's a big world war. What's your favorite war?
Starting point is 00:03:27 Um, mine's World War two. I would say the war on white men. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's an ongoing one. That's a good one Yeah, that may never end. You never know exactly. Uh, no, I would I I Hate history, but like I do find World War two interesting It's cool war. It was pretty pretty cool war also the best video games come from a war two They they do they do but I'm not a big history guy. No But yeah, I walked through I got to this World War two weekend thing in Pennsylvania Where it all happens for some reason and I have the land I'm walking through and there's like Fucking like buildings and shit and like there's like kids with like trying to sell newspapers on the street and shit like that
Starting point is 00:04:09 They have children working this thing too. Yes, it's fully immersive very and I was like wow They're really they're eating beans out of fucking like cans stone cans. Yes, do they have Stone can't do they have like restaurants where you go and you like, you know, they're not there But they it was it was they drew the line at the food that they were served Ah, that sucks, you know, I mean there it was kind of weird because there was like one stand It was like they just had like bratwurst and it was like oh Oh We shouldn't we should probably probably yeah, just do hot dogs because always dogs up in season
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh, yeah, well obviously also a very American it is. Oh, it's an American day. By the way, it's the 4th of July It's not July. We're not recording this on the 4th of July. No, we're not otherwise I'd be you know, you're choking down some hot dogs and three sheets to the wind What's that mean? You'd be hammered. Oh, is that what that means? Yes, it does three sheets to the wind Yes, yes, how does that even line up what happens when you put three sheets in the wind? They blow away there. They can't you know, whoa, why three? It might even be two. I might be fucking that up How many sheets to the wind yeah
Starting point is 00:05:16 I walked through this reenactment and didn't realize that I shouldn't have been walking there And then I started hearing gunshots three sheets three sheets Did you think that we were under attack in that moment or no? I would I literally got scared and then I ran out the other side and they were like it was a full-on reenactment Which looks gotta say Very fun. It does. I'm like into larping. I would hard LARP, dude. Yeah, like and also I'd win I was just gonna say you'd be the type that they would stab you and then be like you're dead
Starting point is 00:05:48 And you'd be like no you didn't you got under my arm. I'm actually still alive. I would just be you're dead I would be arguing like this is chain mail. Yeah You know like but I went like when you like the movie role models where he did like that sort of larping like Yo, that doesn't not seem like I don't see that as being like Insanely nerdy. I I think it is nerdy. It is nerdy, but like It's kind of sick Dude kind of it is super fucking sick. Anything where I can get a sordom in I want it like I want to one day go to like they have him in central park where it's like they have
Starting point is 00:06:21 Fucking battles dude with like 150 people one time. I was at a cent. I was at central park I was riding my bike there. I rode my bike from here to there and I'm going around a loop simple flex And then at an exercise in health. Yeah, no, I know exactly when you had abs over a very When you had abs over a bridge it was this whole thing not not many people can do it. No, I bet um, yeah as I was completing this feat of strength I Was like pulled over on the side Because I think someone I was with had like a phone call or something And I look and there's like this group of guys. They're wearing metal
Starting point is 00:06:58 Oh like full like oh, they're hitting the shit out of each other really in the middle of central park Oh, I thought it was just like a play because they have swords that are made of foam Dude, if they weren't wearing protection Dead really I was like, yo this head I mean some policeman on a horse is gonna gallop up That's it. I'm like, yo get on the back. You're arrested make it part of it. That'd be super sick I I kind of have never done anything sord related in my life But I think I would be awesome at it. I feel like I have an uh I don't know this to be true, but I do think that I had I know my way around a sword
Starting point is 00:07:33 Yes, like I feel like I just I have a knack for sorting Do you think if you ever see anything historical whether it be show movies, whatever or like documentaries? Yeah, do you instantly think that you're smarter and better than every person that came before you? Yeah, I mean I do that now too. There's a problem. I'm working on. I'm in therapy, but I Well, I said came before you not that you sit across a desk from oh, well, yeah, well that one too. That's a big issue No, but all of those movies I see right Two things cross my mind one. I feel like I know for a fact that I'm not good with a bow and arrow, but whenever I watch these movies
Starting point is 00:08:07 I'm like, you know, I'd be fucking good with a bow for some reason and then two I don't think the bow and arrow guys Get enough respect as they should they should they get they deserve way more respect hawkeye is a pretty cool character A fucking bow and arrow is so cool Dude because it's like there's something about it. That's like it's not like when you shoot someone It's like the gun did the work when you do a bow and arrow that fucking archer did the work You know what I mean? So like they deserve more respect than what's hitting them, dude I'm good with bow and arrow
Starting point is 00:08:35 I've also when I watch like lord of the rings or something right and they have just or just like any type of movie Where there's like a castle and shit They have all these archers on the top thing and the guy's like ready and then they fucking all First of all, this is the coolest feeling in the world. Just having our sword just going like this and then just fucking arrows How does anyone store my castle How do you make it just keep shooting arrows? How do they not die? They got they got swords And a lot of people would have shields in front of them and they'd put shields on top of them
Starting point is 00:09:10 So they'd like try to run and you know together So it's harder for the arrows to hit people. I don't know. It's pretty cool A goal that I have by the end of my lifetime is to go to a larping thing and I want to like you said I want to be the person that just takes the sword. Yeah, and just I want to fight a king do Do you think I think if we push the tables back in here, we set some cameras up Oh, you want to warp me that would be a good me and you sword fighting I'd sword fight. Yeah, I'd be pretty aggressive though. I have to say
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah, you'd be one of like the yeah like I'd be on my back And you'd be talking shit to me and then just like hitting my sword while I'm blocking Yeah, yeah, yeah cut my eye a little bit a little bit. I'd get you and I'd stab your leg Yeah, it would be my own hubris that took me down. Exactly. You know ego is what takes you down And I'm like I'm sitting there bang bang bang and then tiring myself out This is for my father who you you know did something too, but I didn't actually do you just think it was yeah I don't know your dad your dad did it on his own. I didn't have to do anything right exactly No, well now we're blending real life and we're talking about got fantasy
Starting point is 00:10:10 Well, if it's not if you know everything's based off something reality stranger than fiction. That's true But I would like to get into a sword fight as well. I think we could kill it as sword fighters I really do. You know what I think about all the time. I feel like I would have made a really good pirate Dude, you would have because you're ruthless. Yeah You're ruthless and you're a drunk. I honestly yes, I feel like I like boats. I do like drinking But more so than hanging with the boys and also I'm I'm actually super hyped when there's a little monkey around big first of all Yeah Confirmed big boys time guy you are big boys time and on top of liking those things
Starting point is 00:10:50 You're whenever you're I've seen you on a boat. You're always perched You know like you're never just like sitting on a boat board. You're like holding onto something like yeah You know like you're you're ready for another boat. I am I am I am you might have been a Pirate in a I hope so bro and also remember I was talking about like I would love some shillings Like I would love shillings would be cool. I'm okay with robbing shillings would be cool. Also, I'm okay with robbing boats I don't think that you should rob people on land, but I think if you're on the sea it's fair game Yeah, you get your boat robbed bro get a better boat I don't know if you don't on the boat no one cares if you have guns on boats
Starting point is 00:11:23 But if you have guns on land, we got a big old problem. That's a huge issue. I'm saying this I think I would be a really good pirate because I'm very good at evading people Like you'd be a good like I'd be a good I'd be a good like, you know, like I'm sitting there To be like today is the day. Yo most cult captain Frank and I fucking with my sword hit a rope And then the fucking rope pulls me up and then I'm gone. Yeah, you're just describing a scene from From from pirates of the Caribbean. Yes, but I'm saying like the times I remember playing manhunt as a kid Yeah, I was very good at like you would be chasing me out this door We'd both I'd get out the door you'd be a split second behind but I'd be gone
Starting point is 00:12:00 You'd be in the wind. Yeah, you know and I think I'd be a good pirate because of that and I'd have But I'd do it better than them because I would fucking lie You think pirates were honest men. Yes Bro, they'd be like They'd have a fucking crude hand drawing of a pirate from one island and they'd hold it up and they'd be like Are you are you Redbeard and they'd be like yes, I am
Starting point is 00:12:29 They'd fucking be caught already. I'd be like, who the fuck is that? That ain't me I don't know man. I'd be a big time bro pirates big time liar. They'd never catch me They'd be like, all right. That's blackbeard. You could tell by his signature black beard. Just shave that son of a bitch They'd never know. No, no, you can't shave your beard as a captain. You can Also, there's a jail That's kind of cool Well, you could still do that if that's just yelling people on your But also how did jails work back then you just put them in there. Yeah, but like
Starting point is 00:13:02 There wasn't a sentence. It was like, we're just gonna let them die in this. They were made of fucking mud and clay I would just burrow my way through with my fingernail I'd be out bro. They had iron. They were shooting cannibals. What is that lead or something? I don't know. It's a good question the fuck is a cannibal made out of cannibal I think is probably led Bro, the the invention of a cannibal imagine you can hit with a cannibal You would not you don't have to imagine you would not exist. You would be spontaneously combust Those things are fucking
Starting point is 00:13:33 Pirates are fucking cool, man. Those are my favorite criminals. What are the favorites? What's your favorite criminal? Um, I'm pretty cool. Pirates are pretty cool. Is there like a known pirate? Uh There's gotta be they're all spanish first. That's the other thing. I already got the heritage for being a pirate and My twirly mustache is nothing to not write home about. You know what I'm saying Oh, wait, is black beard a real pirate? Yeah, dude. So is red beard, dude Black beard is probably the most well-known pirate in history even though his life is shrouded in mystery Much of what we know about him and other pirates at the time comes from a 1724 book
Starting point is 00:14:08 published under the name captain charles johnson That sounds fake. That's a really stupid pirate name, dude. Captain charles johnson. What would be your pirate name? I don't know. It would be charles johnson. That's a white piece of shit. That's really bad My white piece of shit in this lifetime. You got I'm gonna go back and be a pirate. My name's gonna be fucking Steve I'd be I'd be I I'd be pirate frank the shank Frank the shank. Yeah, but you're just like making like rest our names Oh, damn. This is fun. He
Starting point is 00:14:37 1716 he returned he turned to pirating in the Caribbean Sea And off the coast of South Carolina and Virginia in his ship's name the queen and's revenge You know how fucking cool it must be to be a like a sick pirate like imagine you're a black beard if people don't know you right And then they they have their like telescope and they're like, what the fuck? And then all of a sudden they see that sail and then you're looking you're already Right at these guys and then you see them just panicking. You're like, oh, we got we got them And then I would scream at the top of my lungs Fire and I would blow every fucking cannon straight through that dock because that's the cool part camp ships
Starting point is 00:15:17 Canons hitting people not that cool cannons hitting wood. You ever see a cannon hit wood? Yeah, it's amazing. Cool, dude. Sinking a ship that people are on is fucking cool Nothing is more American in 4th of July than wanting to be a pirate Do you believe it's very what what what do you say? That's it Sinking ships that people are on is fucking cool It's crazy because I know how funny that sounds, but man who I mean that yeah, no you do and honestly I'm not cruise ships. I'm not a pirate ships. Yes pirate ship like a rival pirate titanic not nearly as funny as
Starting point is 00:15:55 St. Anne's revenge St. Anne's revenge. Yeah, if if the if the fucking if we found out through time that it wasn't an iceberg It was blackbeard I probably know a little less bad. That'd be the most dug shit. I'd ever heard Yeah, bro. He took down a whole fucking the biggest cruise ship in the world at the time Yeah, that was like you kid pirates today. Can't do that. No, maybe found pretty quickly Yeah, there are pirates today, but they're not as like smally pirates. That's the only ones I know I'm sure there are pirates in other parts of the world, but like not as cool
Starting point is 00:16:26 Well, technically if we commit crime in the sea we're pirates Oh my god, so we could become pirates fairly easy if not. Yeah, I wait hold on Is it illegal to pee into the ocean? While whilst on the ocean no fuck That was almost a pirate. It's illegal to pee in front of people you don't know On the ocean. I'm thinking of the barge when we were on in Key West Oh, yeah, any of us were any of us pirates as a result No, god damn it. I don't think you'd be a pirate in Key West very well
Starting point is 00:16:59 Trust me. There are plenty of different kinds of pirates in Key West Bing bong pirates. Yes. Um, all right very very close to being pirates this close What we were this close we could have done something illegal out there if we would have like stole a boat I don't even know that you could steal a boat. You're just a criminal But if you are on a boat you jump on someone else's boat you hold them on a gunpoint you take their shit Then you get on your boat and you leave pirate now you're a pirate pirate which If I had to commit one crime that would be the one dude. I mean does it count if you're on a lake? Or is it only the open you want to steal someone's stuff on a boat?
Starting point is 00:17:33 I'm just saying like if we came across someone on a lake that we are easily have access to And like hopped on their boat and took their beer Because I'm not beer Oh, no, I'm gonna kill anyone either. But like that's what they would do. They would plunder dude They would steal barrels of rum from people No, I know So like if we come across a boat on the lake if we come across a boat on a lake with it With a bunch of old women who have like a ton of cash and beer
Starting point is 00:17:57 We have to pull over And we take the beer and the money and before we leave you fucking elbow one of them just to say Just to be rough you're leaving a set of message. You're leaving a trail dude. That's contact. No contact contact tracing man I'm not gonna spit on her and leave my dna. I'm just gonna soccer Oh, yeah, because that won't leave any fucking Imprintations of your fists upon an old woman's cheek. Don't tell me how to pirate You have to leave some sort of clue And a message so people know we're the ones so what would be your calling card?
Starting point is 00:18:28 Like a if it it would just be old women just do just leave a hundred dollar bill Okay, that would be your calling card because you know your money bag joe. Oh god. Yeah, I understand Well, that's not what we plan on talking about It is 4th of july it is and you know a lot of people celebrate to the Independence of the united states And you're not remember the trump united states united states Um, yeah, so if you're out there right now and you're not sucking a dog What the fuck honestly right now if you're watching this right now, it's the 4th of july
Starting point is 00:19:08 Take a pic go get a fucking hot dog who pause this who pause it go get a hot dog cover it In a bunch of shit whatever you want or don't and then send us a picture of you watching it with the hot dog Dad I want to see that's fucking porn. We I gotta say we have gotten some Incredible dog sucking season posts. Also. I got one. I got a fucking the pussiest dog Oh, what was it such a prude dog? Oh, no, what happened? It was just a regular dog You want to dog that bitch up and then it was like it was just mustard, but the mustard looked like like Like it was like a pitiful amount of mustard really if you're gonna go mustard, which we're not proponents of But if you're gonna go mustard like mustard mustard it up
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah, why don't that set a bitch up make this thing a little slutty smack it suck it and fuck it. Yeah, that's the I mean, yeah That's how you're supposed to eat a hot dog. Where are you at for dogs? Have you can you give me a rough count? Brian, honestly, I'm I'm slacking and it's not 4th of july for us right now, but I'll say this right now on the 4th of july It's going it's going not up and I'm gonna get some chili Oh, oh chili dog You're not going to be at my birthday party this year, but it's going to be a dog sucking extravaganza Yeah, it's gonna um, I will say this. Yep. Um, I am at at least 21 dogs since memorial day And I feel good. I think you're higher than me
Starting point is 00:20:33 Honestly, that whole like dogs take 35 minutes off your life thing I don't believe because if joey chestnut is still alive lord knows he's eating enough to be dead in a week You think that guy pukes I would hope so I would hope so too How do you live with yourself after sucking down that many of anything and not throwing up everywhere? That is a big also. What are that poop? Was that poop like uh, I don't want to know It probably comes out the same way it looks going in Like just like soft serve. Oh, I always thought you were just talking about a full hot dog Oh, well, maybe maybe that too because he doesn't really swallow
Starting point is 00:21:03 She does well. I'm saying he doesn't chew is what I meant. He chews I know but he's just like jamming it in there. That was a bad thing to do. Yeah, that's gonna get fucking clipped for sure That is right there. That was a bad thing to do. Are you gonna watch the dog this the sucking competition? Sometimes if I'm like if I'm not like outside drinking or something you think our boy crazy legs is in it this year Ooh, maybe if he is you gotta send him a send him a shirt and have him wear it Uh takes it way too seriously I don't think he'd be he'd be open to that sort of thing. Yeah. Um, but yeah, I try to watch it But then I after a while I'm watching I'm like, what am I watching? This is insane. How many realistically do you think you could do?
Starting point is 00:21:45 Honestly, yeah Six Yeah, I would say that's that's fair and that would be very hard for me. There was one year that we did it with full screen But I was like joking around like I put ketchup on them and I like I didn't dunk them in water And I also was like drinking a butt heavy and I ate three 15 minutes three and 15 minutes That's not a lot. So no, it's not but at that point I was like, yo, this is this is a lot of food Yeah, you know like granted I was drinking a beer and like fucking around too
Starting point is 00:22:18 But like if I was really getting after it like I think I could have maxed on six 15 minutes is like 15 minutes I think I could do five six At most I would say because in a normal sitting I'll have four Yeah, but the sitting is a long time. I'm taking my time. I'm also having Burgers with it whenever I have dogs and most of the time I also have a burger. Yeah Damn, this might be something that we need to test out a hot dog. So fucking bad Yeah, I kind of want to crush a hot dog right now. There needs to be hot dog trucks everywhere Yeah, I don't know why there are not more hot dog like restaurants
Starting point is 00:22:51 Like I want like a like a sit-down restaurant. There was when I went to LA. I went to one Damn, they had it was just dogs, but it wasn't just hot dogs. They had like Chicken they had brought but anything you could put that looks like a hot dog anything that looks like a dig Yeah, it was a cock shaped sort of place and they had beers there too Really good. Well, I would I assume if you have hot dogs, you need to have a beer of some sort Well, those are the rules aren't they before we move forward. Let's get to some ads we have here Simply safe keep your home safe keep everything safe all your shit safe with simply safe I don't think that's the official slogan, but that's what I'm going with
Starting point is 00:23:25 Simply safe offers comprehensive protection not only against intruders and burglary, but against expensive home hazards Like flooding or fires or anything like that. There was a story Of a guy named josh put some he was fucking drunk probably put some uh pizza bagels like in his Oven forgot about him and then started smoking the alarm went off Which thankfully saved his life. Otherwise, he would have been asleep while the fire got out of control So the alarm saved his life and also they contacted the proper authority authorities Uh, who were there on scene uh soon after so this thing will save your life With things like that, but also keep you safe from burglars or people who are going to like try to break into your house or anything like that like they have
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Starting point is 00:25:45 Go do it do it do it folks do it folks slash basement All right. All right. All right Um, I wanted to talk about something something we haven't talked about in a very long time forever soccer Oh Yeah, no, so, uh, the world cup's happening soon football football not soccer But we're american pieces of s Um, but the world cup is in katar Hot
Starting point is 00:26:13 Uh, my understanding. Yeah, never been personally pretty hot. I've never been there either. Um, but apparently Uh, there was a report that came out that said that, uh, You know, well, I mean because it's it brings people from all over the world to this country Wherever it is when it was in south africa. That's right. Fuck in brazil or wherever the fuck It's coming to new york 2026 2026 and the united states, but it's gonna be indigark. Um We're in new jersey. I technically yeah jersey. Yeah, what's up? Uh, but uh in katar. They have some serious rules about sags
Starting point is 00:26:48 What are the rules sex? Well, I know I heard what you said sex frank inter corns inter corn But it has announced that they will be enforcing a hold on And you get this clean so that people understand what I'm saying clean up the sex The world cup is in katar and katar has just announced that it will be enforcing a sex ban ahead of the world cup Meaning one night stands could face up to seven years Behind bars and convicted. So if you get caught with your pants down and you're ding dong in a v-bang You're going to jail
Starting point is 00:27:23 I You're ding dong in a v-bang. That's really good. Could you imagine being in prison and someone's like What are you doing time for is like man armed robbery? What are you doing time for man? I'm doing time for fucking You know for pussy for for for eating pussy. Yeah, damn. That's got honestly though. That's some admirable shit to go to prison for Yeah, kind of ling ding dong. Yeah, there's gonna be you know, there's gonna be one hero There's gonna be one at least one hero who gets locked up for like pleasing a man or a woman And they're just like, you know, that's the most selfless shit in the world. I don't know that they'd be cool with Gay stuff. No, I'm saying women pleasing a man or or yeah. Well, no, I don't think they're very cool with gay stuff over there
Starting point is 00:28:04 And I don't know but I'm assuming no, I can almost guarantee I believe they have a law that bans Same-sex marriage. So like if they're not cool with people loving each other like, you know Definitely not cool with people bugging on each other What what do you do? Well, you know what I mean What was that, you know, just like, you know Elaborate on that, please. We're gonna move forward. Uh There will be no partying at all really everyone needs to keep their heads
Starting point is 00:28:31 About them unless they want to risk being stuck in prison There's essentially a sex ban in place at this year's World Cup for the first time ever fans need to be prepared A police source added sex is very much off the menu unless you're coming as a husband and a wife team There will definitely be no one-night stands at this tournament So if you're just a single ready to mingle kind of lad Who's interested in in soccer Keep that dick in your pants You know that there's some like 23 year old intern with NBC that's going over there
Starting point is 00:29:02 But he's like leaving behind their partner and there's like, babe. I won't do anything even if I wanted to it's illegal And they're just going to use that the whole time is their defense and it's like I am a law abiding citizen There's no drinking in public law, which makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense Uh It the country prohibits anyone from being publicly intoxicated. Isn't that every country? Oh, I guess like in like vegas or something. Yeah, I I think in vegas It's like if you're not drunk you're more in trouble than if you are drunk Public affection between men and women is also a crime and one is to not wear
Starting point is 00:29:33 excessively revealing clothing in public Yeah, bro. It's gonna be hot You know, you're gonna expect they're they're gonna expect that the women are wearing pants and the men are wearing I think the men can do whatever they want over there because you know standards Dude, I don't would you go to world cup if you couldn't like Wear a t-shirt. I'm sure they can wear t-shirts joey, but like they can't have their fucking balloon pies banging out in the middle of the street Balloon You know like I love that you can't have a woman walking around just like just full just full mount
Starting point is 00:30:11 Yeah, full mast in the middle of the street. I see what you're You get like I think that's what they're but I think they can wear no, I know I'm being I'm conservative t-shirts Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can wear like graphic tees and stuff Yeah, like if you're walking down the street with a shirt that says like it's wine o'clock somewhere. You're good Oh, those people should be thrown Those people should be thrown in jail, you know, whatever, but uh, that's very much different Don't talk to me before my coffee force this law I imagine that they're gonna be like
Starting point is 00:30:44 I assume there's no like bars Dude, maybe they they take like complaints is like by the way I heard something last night. You're gonna want like how do they check that too? Like what's the due process like over there? Are they gonna like walk in and like ask guys to be like, yo, let me smell your dick if it smells like either bunge or bunge You're fucking going away. I think so. Maybe they're smelling penises over there That would be a pretty crucial way. You'd have to prove in a court of law That they did actually have sex
Starting point is 00:31:13 Maybe they just walk in and out of hotel rooms and they're like if it smells like a sex musk because it smells there is a sex musk Yeah, uh, they don't have sex in a hotel That there's no windows for ventilation. Well, then not that there's no windows But you say what a fucking prison if you've been to joey not no windows I meant like the window isn't open and then you like go to the bathroom or something and then you come out and you're like There's a sex smell and when it hits you it fucking smacks you in the mouth. Yeah So like maybe that maybe they have like, you know, like they have examples of sex smell sense That like officers carry around with them. They have guard dogs that could smell pussy
Starting point is 00:31:57 Can you imagine they train their dogs to smell sex? Yeah, they're like, yo You smell here just bring the dog in just like because you know how they like bring them in and they hold them Yeah, yeah, they're both. Where's the pussy? They're just like Yeah, no if the dog sits, then it's like, oh, there's pussy. There's pussy here 100. Where's the fucking pussy, dude? They sit. Yeah, they like you were getting pussy in here 100% I think someone was getting pussy in here and they do the black light. Can you imagine that? Oh the black the black light is what gives it away the door and she's been like Hurt someone's getting pussy in here
Starting point is 00:32:27 true TRF Not me sir. Not me sir Stand back. They just fucking flick the light and this black light just looks like a Jackson Pollock painting in there Oh my god The dog can you imagine doing that? There's got to be at least one person in the world That checks into a hotel and brings a black light and does that. Yeah, I am prefer not I am cool not knowing if there was sex on those sheets like unless it like a
Starting point is 00:32:49 Oh, there has been oh When I went to Miami the first time I went with my family We stayed at like a fucking like a hotel Six or a motel or one of the you know, one of those like Howard Johnson's or knockoff brands or whatever some shitbag place Yeah, and we got in and I there was droplets of blood on my dad's blanket And I was like dad dad's blood and he's like no went to sleep didn't give a fuck your dad. Yeah, he didn't care Oh, I'm not cool with blood at all. I'm not cool blood at all, but I'm saying like if there's blood there's
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yeah, if there's smoke there's fire it bingo Bingo, yeah But there was one time I went to I went I drove to Ohio and we stayed at a motel and the The room that we got They uh, there was ants in the bed and I was like I went to the front desk. I was like, bro There's ants in the fucking bed. I'm the ant dude ants
Starting point is 00:33:41 Okay, and if it's not bed bugs the fuck do you care? What does an ant get to do to you? Like eight million of them are gonna fucking pick you up and like You move me around No, bro, you would sleep in a random bed that had ants in it. I guess not You'd be like, can I have a room that doesn't have fucking ants? Yeah, that's true. And then the next room that I went to Uh There was no ants
Starting point is 00:34:08 But there was like in the back that was you could see that the rug had been cut into a square Oh, that's that's big time blood. So I was like, what the fuck and then I Lifted it And the floorboards were like very discolored like a weird color. Mm-hmm, but not dark. It was like a light And I was just like, I'm not gonna ask But probably blood. Yeah, I mean someone was probably Blutted in there. Oh, I was yeah, I was gonna say there. Yeah something happened whether I assumed that any hotel room that I stay at That isn't like a very nice hotel
Starting point is 00:34:40 Someone died in someone pissed in someone sexed in oh I mean those are the three quadrants of life in any hotel. I mean that's what most hotels slash motels were used in history It's like they're gonna go meet up with a mister or a mistress. They're gonna do sex They're gonna kill someone or what was the other one? Um Piss that's it Well, if you think about it any of those two things could also include piss, so it's gotta be true Sex could include piss like anytime I go on a plane
Starting point is 00:35:13 I have to have the realization like I put myself here if I die I can't be mad at anyone else. You know what I mean? I'd be pretty tired I'd be upset, but like I'd be like I made my own choices you know but I have to have the same sense of like I put myself in this hotel room if there's come on the walls. I'm cool with it
Starting point is 00:35:35 Let me ask you a question When you're in a hotel, right? And you get into the bed, you know how like hotels they like tuck the fuck out of my bed. Holy shit. It's very very toyed Yeah, do you like that or you hate it? I like it. I don't mind it. I don't like it really I don't I feel like I'm in a hot pocket. Really? Oh, what's wrong with being in a hot pocket? I actually like the idea like I like being in a sleeping bag But I don't like that. It's so tight my feet my feet are like crushed really. I love it. I really do I feel like I'm jamming my feet into ballerina shoes
Starting point is 00:36:04 You probably are I enjoy it because it's a sense of comfort and safety but You can't recreate that outside of that room. No, I can't tell you how many times I've tried to hotel make my own bed Can't happen doesn't fucking work. No, it's like there's something about that area. They're professionals. They're quite There's something about the room and the sheets and stuff that makes it work my bed can't do it Yo, and that's one of my least favorite things in the world is Two of my least favorite things in the world Besides, you know murder and yeah, the bad ones the big ones. Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:41 Folding laundry, okay, and making a bed And there's whole jobs dedicated to those two things that like all day Someone just goes from room to room and just makes beds. Yeah, I would Hello, yeah, well a lot of those people are not doing it because they want to they are doing it out of necessity to provide for their family Joey Frankie no one's saying that they want to I'm not saying like these people are crazy I'm saying I can't believe the fact that people are subject to that sort of thing. Yeah Well, you know, that's the way the world works. Joe, but I am with you there There are certain things like there are people that taste test mustard. You know, I
Starting point is 00:37:15 Wouldn't do that. No, I'd like to be a taste tester. I'd like to be a taste. Bro. Did you ever see that must have been the coolest? Oh, no, you didn't have a You son of a bitch I was gonna say I feel like that was probably the coolest part of having a wedding It was a very cool part. What we got. Did you guys have food? Yeah, Joey, it was a fucking wedding not I mean what you think we were going into our wedding a week out and not having taste tested the food Wait, you had like a caterer. We had the hall. Did they had chefs? Oh really? Yes, what? Bro, why the fuck would I know that it was in your backyard? It was cold because you've been to eight. Oh, no Well, yes at our backyard. That's what I was saying. You're a wedding. Oh, oh, oh, yes
Starting point is 00:37:58 No, we did we got it. We ordered a caterer to come and cater our wedding Oh, okay, which I was referencing is my wedding was canceled twice and then Uh, we just ended up getting married in the backyard. Yeah, which was adorable cute fun We had a caterer come and we taste tested some of their food Okay, because I was gonna say that's probably the best part about having a wedding Not marrying your soulmate. Yeah. No, no not that part. It's being able to try a bunch of different types of cake Bro, the first venue that we that was like we were using for our actual wedding We were so heartbroken and we passed by it all the fucking time
Starting point is 00:38:31 And you know, obviously, of course, we were upset hindsight actually kind of worked out for us because we have a house now because of it but Uh, they had some fucking slamming food dude. They had I mean, I know this is not a fucking like crazy idea, but for I've never seen it in a wedding venue. They had fucking Tap a beer built into the wall So like anyone can just go up and just serve their own beer They had fucking like Just the food was great and it was really really really sick and we always said that one day
Starting point is 00:39:01 We're gonna have a party there for like our friends and family for no reason Just invite people to come just so we can reap the benefits of what that was because that was fucking good What well would have been good. It would have been good because that that was good. Yeah. Yeah Oh sex at the world cup Yeah, no, you know, it's fucking that's kind of crazy because that's a very horny area Isn't it known as like the world cup and like Olympic village is like a very horny. No, I mean the world cup I don't know but the but the the Olympic village. Yeah, people are fucking sucking all the time Fucking suck on all the time not before the big game or the big race. No, you got to be prepared for that
Starting point is 00:39:34 You can't do that trains the last four years for this. Do you remember that? Uh, I don't know if it's a myth, but like in high school. I remember people saying like No sexual contact with anyone before like the night before a big game because it'll ruin your game Yeah, or like there's some UFC fighters that are like they won't have sex because they lose like testosterone or something I don't I don't even I don't think that's true. I asked my bro I didn't follow any of the like it is even in like high school like before Yeah, you didn't follow because you weren't having sex with anyone joey fucking loser. I'm not Hahaha
Starting point is 00:40:10 I'm saying like All the things growing up that they tell you not to do like where they're like don't eat eat 30 minutes before going swimming I was like fuck this no that one don't do no, I've done it mad times. Yeah, doesn't mean you should I don't think that's real Joey it is absolutely real. What's real? What is it? They get a cramp. Yeah, you're fucking cramp up and drown If you're going in you're going from your body's trying to fucking digest your food joey and but what why is it the water? Because you're trying to swim Okay, but how many times have you eaten and then done a thing? Yeah, not a full body full body workout like fucking never eating a sandwich and going to play basketball game
Starting point is 00:40:49 I've done that countless times. No, I don't think not immediately after Definitely within after 30 minutes. I would say bullshit. No bullshit. I don't think it's bullshit. Don't cross your eyes They'll stay like that bullshit my mom and grandma are yeah, that was stupid and they are liars Yeah, they're irish catholic liars. Yes, they are I remember the one that I legitimately believe in too is like don't drink soda before like any like Sports games or anything like that because we knew a kid who Like it was going out of style drank Pepsi like exclusively wouldn't drink Gatorade wouldn't drink water drank Pepsi And drank like a fucking like a bottle of Pepsi before a football game
Starting point is 00:41:24 The first play of the game cramped up both his hamstrings and they were like bro. You're fucking dehydrated and shit like Well, I mean, I don't think that the soda is the cause it's the dehydration Well, not having water. It was because you're only drinking soda. Well, yeah I'm saying it's not just like don't drink soda because it'll blah blah. You know what I mean? Yeah No, I some of that shit I agree with but like the whole like as you were saying like don't don't cross your eyes I'll get stuck like that all stupid shit from stupid parents that were stupid idiots Yeah, or like oh if you eat all those potatoes, you're gonna turn into potato. No, I'm not or or The one where it was like don't put the light on in the car. It's illegal
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah Is it illegal? No, I don't know. I don't think so Don't put your feet on the dashboard. I don't think that's illegal either That's just dumb. That's dangerous. Yeah, I don't do that. Not illegal Yeah, I don't think it's illegal. It's illegal to drive without a shirt. One time a cop pulled me over. What? Yeah, and what they say nice abs. No, they Good thing you did that really hard bike ride. I was leaving the fucking beach and I had a My shirt off
Starting point is 00:42:27 Because I was like wet still. Yeah, and I was leaving and the cop Like was like you got to put a shirt on and I'm like why I said you can't drive without a shirt I was like, I did not know that. I didn't know that either. That's a really stupid one Yeah, I don't understand no pants because you know, I can't have your fucking dick out. You can't have your dick in ball bags out Also, I Drive barefoot a lot Yeah, I don't think I think that's another one of those myths I think it's like they're I don't think you're not allowed to do it, but you probably shouldn't
Starting point is 00:42:56 I don't think you're allowed. Oh, I could be wrong, but I'm probably not Well, you can't So you're driving with slippers is dangerous because the slipper can come off your foot and then just like yes that one I I would agree with I wouldn't do that. I don't tend to do it. Can't get blown That's a that's a one two Can't get road head And yet Roadhead prevails roadhead is still a thing. When do you think they first started doing roadhead?
Starting point is 00:43:22 Oh when they had horses I was gonna say when it was the cars that had like the like fucking like the model t they draw the shades Oh, yeah, oh definitely you're getting sucked in that bro. Are you kidding me? Someone else way before that. I'm saying Like a horse and carriage. They're probably getting oh people were fucking going to town on each other's dunges. Which is It's No, what was the first sort of like I guess a horse but you can't get sucked on a horse The first form of transportation. I would say oh, what about why don't you just do this horse drawn carriages Was that the first thing?
Starting point is 00:44:01 Not the first but like you have to imagine like it was horseback They would just put some rope and like a box with a wheel on the end of it Yeah, think about like the wild west they had like a bunch of horse drawn carriages the horse you have the horse walk You think anyone's ever gotten blown on a hay ride Yes, dude Hundred percent rolling in the hay. You think that ain't the thing Yeah, rolling in hay is different than a hay ride. It's very bouncy. I would I would assume I haven't been on a hay ride in quite some time. I've been on a hay ride in the last five years. Really?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah, I don't remember last time I was on one. I think my nephew We went to like pumpkin picking or something and there was a hay ride and I was like See gotta go on I'm gonna get on this bitch I I I would imagine that if there is a flat surface and not enough people like there's sex going on on it I can almost guarantee it Like a boat having sex on a boat. How do you not know this mr. Fucking porn category guy. You always know these porn categories. Where's like I saw a porno with that once I've never seen a hay ride
Starting point is 00:44:58 Blow I can almost do a quick google. I can almost guarantee that there is a hay ride sex porno. What should I type in? Hay ride sex porno, I guess Sex porno hay ride blowjob Well There's a done. Yeah, okay. No, I don't want to As long as it it exists then we know. Oh, no, I mean no, this one just says I fuck my stepdaughter hannah haze Hay spelled like hay hay ride But no hay ride. Oh, oh the person's name is hannah haze. Okay. I was like I was trying to figure that one out
Starting point is 00:45:37 This might be on a hay ride Right now. It's just kissing. This is a bj scene Uh, they are They're just they're not on a hay ride. They're just in a bunch of hay like this is where they keep Oh rolling in the hay is different. I'm we specifically said hay ride This needs to be moving and bouncing because it needs to be on the back of a vehicle I mean, that's that's what a hay ride is a hay ride and not just any vehicle a tractor a truck or a tractor. Yeah Okay, this is called riding lessons. No, that's got to be it. That's just a sex one
Starting point is 00:46:13 No, they're in hay Again in hay is different than on a hay ride joe suspended. But yeah, no, they're just in a barn. Oh my god That was full vagina right in my face I was not expecting that it's uh Oh, it's 130 never mind. Oh, okay. I thought it was way earlier than that for some reason. I was like, you know What's the earliest you've watched porn? I don't know when you wake up really It's not I don't do that. That seems like I wouldn't chew gum before noon
Starting point is 00:46:41 like that seems like That's true. That's that seems like an afternoon or evening type thing. I'm more inclined to watch porn In the morning than I am chewing gum because I don't chew gum in the morning either Because you brush your teeth. You don't need to come. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I did chew gum this morning That was the first analogy that I thought of for the afternoon gum is gum is an afternoon. It's a snack at least A snack. Yeah, it's not like a morning thing. I don't know about it being a snack. I do I would say I mean, I would imagine that it's like, you know An afternoon thing
Starting point is 00:47:14 I don't know Um, but there are people out there. Yeah, that's that's that's hay ride born for you folks We have some other ads here too that we have to get to the first one being c-keek if you want to buy tickets to anything You want to go to a concert? You want to go to a monster truck rally? You want to go to You know any sporting event or you want to get tickets to a hay ride? You can use c-keek For any of these things probably not the hay ride to be honest with you You just show up to a pumpkin patch. They'll probably have it for free there Probably at least um, but yeah, if you go to c-keek, uh, you can download the app or you can go to the website
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Starting point is 00:49:53 Get out there build your nice websites. I want to see him send him to me. All right, go check him out square space um, yeah, so I figured we uh, you know kind of end with A thing that I was going to bring up before because we were talking about the hotel rooms. Yes, we were and I didn't honestly put two and two together Because because you dropped out of college. No I didn't put two and two together uh with the square that was cut out of the rug. Yeah Uh, you said it may be blood. I didn't even consider that I thought maybe a flood
Starting point is 00:50:27 I don't know wait. Hold on. So you thought a flood took out only a single square no, I thought that maybe because In my mother's house, we had to cut off square out of the floor because there was a a um leak There was there was like a uh A pipe there that we had to like clear or something. I remember. Yeah, I remember that You know what I mean? So I thought maybe that was why and there was a flood But you said blood definitely don't like that one of my least favorite up there would come Not my come honestly
Starting point is 00:50:56 Oh, not your wait you you like her come not that I no, I just don't you'd rather be like it's a sense of like Warmth when you're around your own come No, I mean, I just don't I'm not Go ahead. I I'd rather look at how flustered he is. No, no, no. I'm trying to verbalize this I would rather have someone else's blood on me than someone else's come on me is what I was trying to say Oh, I would I mean, oh, that's really tough for a calm. That's really really tough. I would I guess yeah I think I think I'd rather blood
Starting point is 00:51:30 I think I don't know man. I mean, I'd probably be very upset with either Let's be honest and if you had to pick out of the the bottom four you're going piss Yeah, we've we literally had this exact same conversation pee on me all day Well, yeah, no, give me, you know, give me the morning to get myself together P is sweet like bear girls is drinking it and stuff like that Like if if you can drink pee like you're fine, but like you you'll have a problem drinking blood and come I don't like getting blood on me. Yeah I I don't think I've ever gotten anyone else's blood on me that I can remember
Starting point is 00:52:00 I've definitely gotten other people's blood on me. What the fuck what the fuck have you been up to? Not that. Oh, here we go. When I was cracking heads on the football field. Fuck you. No I just remember I just like don't like blood And not that I'm not one of those people that like pass out. I just don't like it. I just think it's gross Um Also, you do this shit. No that when you cut your finger and you start bleeding you go Yeah, I do do that. I do do that. I have a problem where I I pick Particularly this area of my thumbs. I pick them. Yeah, your thumbs are a fucking tragic. Take it easy. Okay, they are
Starting point is 00:52:31 This one isn't that bad right now. This one not so great. No, this one is a little cut right here Because you're barely gonna have thumbs when you're older. Uh, I mean, I think I'll still have thumbs joey I think the sides of them will probably be raw like fucking monday night But outside of that I do I am one of those people But I'm also the type of person where like something will happen. I think I'm gonna bleed and I'll squeeze it Just be like if you're gonna fucking bleed do it now. Yeah, I do that, too You know, it's like do you do what you weak pussy. Yeah, did I do the same thing if you had a little cut on my arm? I'm just like
Starting point is 00:53:02 You know most of the time doesn't bleed. No, I believe do you you're an easy bleeder easy bleeder you ever have you ever bled like from like your bunge My dick. No, your butt. I meant to see oh my butt. No. Yeah, I've had blood in my stoop So weird. I had this conversation literally yesterday. Oh, okay. Yeah. I was not with me for the record. No, no, no I had this conversation yesterday and I was like, oh no, I've never like shit blooded my life. Oh, and they were like what?
Starting point is 00:53:34 Dude, I was like, yeah, no never. That was a there was a daily occurrence for me for a fucking like two and a half years That was a good two years, huh? No Let me tell you not a fun two years. That's never happened to me ever Yeah, and you might not even know like because it's not like you look at first of all, you don't inspect all your shit No, I don't like inspect you look at everything that you take What do you mean? You look every time you you're done. You look at it I don't like inspect it, but I see it, but I'll know if like there's blood in there I mean when you're saying blood in there, you're thinking that it comes out red and that's not necessarily a case
Starting point is 00:54:10 Like black and what you would notice if your shit was black That's no because like black That's means there was bleeding in your high like high in your oh, thanks science I'm just saying like personally with me like I for someone that has had to red or black Red dude, like there was like you could you would look at it and say that's blood not like that's dark Like I remember like red black That happens to people when they drink apparently I think Pete told me he's like, yeah, sometimes it looks like a murder scene
Starting point is 00:54:41 I was like, you know, that's literally never happened. Yeah, and I would need to go to a psych ward Pete Pete's got some other things going on I literally was just like, you know if that happened to me like I would assume that I'm dying tomorrow It hasn't happened to me in a long time Make that very clear, but like there was a point like and you might not necessarily realize it I had to once give a stool sample and it was the worst day of my entire life How do you give a stool sample? I'll tell you exactly how The doctor sent me home with fucking cups
Starting point is 00:55:10 and was like you need to We need to test to see like what's going on like if there's confirm if there's blood or what anything I'm like, all right. What do I do? They gave me a cup and then they gave me this thing that looked like a fucking pale And I was like, what is it? They go, oh, it goes over your your toilet seat I was like, what do I do? And they're like Shit in it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:33 and I'm like And then what and they're like unscrew this lid and I unscrew the lid and on the underside of the lid there was a fucking spork and I'm like I'm like What what do I do? And they're like you fucking scoop it onto the thing and you put it in the thing with liquid And I'm like get the fuck out of here and they're like, yeah, and you keep it in your fridge And it can't be older than 24 hours. I'm like fuck you and they're like no seriously and
Starting point is 00:56:01 You know how like when someone says like oh, it smells like shit That's when shit is going into a water water bro shit in the air is misery You had to put a fork in your shit And then put it in your fridge Now one of the prouder days of my life. Yeah, uh, but it wasn't fun We're all gonna have to fork our shit and like you I put it in a in a thing in a container And then put it in like side three bags like one was like a ziplock The next one was like a plastic bag and then the other one was like another fucking ziplock
Starting point is 00:56:34 Oh my god, dude It was miserable and like you can see you could look at it and say like yo, there's blood there And it looked it like it looked like a fucking Looked like a twizzler moving The reason why I bring up blood and not shit, but shit just follows that follows us everywhere like our shadow Uh, a new york woman Apparently ordered a chair off of amazon and then she took a video and she put it on uh
Starting point is 00:57:02 Twitter her she tweeted she's like if I told you the leather chair I ordered from amazon was packaged with a blood collection tube That is full. Would you believe me? Um, and then she sent a video and it's literally and like when you get a blood test and they put those they give you those little tubes Yeah, um One was just in the box with this fucking chair. How does that happen? I would burn that fucking chair and box to the ground, dude Bro a tube of blood shows up from my house I think that the mafia is like sending me a message bro. Did I ever tell you what happened to one of my neighbors?
Starting point is 00:57:33 Not blood because blood would be scary She got someone that came to her house And just left a package on the front step She didn't order it nothing happened. She opened the package and it was like 15 pounds of butter of sticks of butter, dude And like like damn the Amish are sending a message. Oh, but like that's that's fucking creepy. You know what I mean? Like you know there
Starting point is 00:57:56 Yeah, dude, it was weird But like not blood But like butter it's kind of creepy too. If anything that's more creepy because now i'm confused Yeah, it's like what what message are you trying to send? Are you threatening me? You know how like the mob would be like send a cheese because you have a fucking rect Like what what's the butter? You know what I mean? Like oh because i'm a fucking like a cow Oh, maybe maybe because i'll tip him i'll tip him like a cow. We want to milk you
Starting point is 00:58:18 Oh Milk them for what they're worth or that extortion extortion did it uh, yeah, that's fucking strange is is Like what would be your thought process with getting a vial of blood in the mail It would not go well
Starting point is 00:58:37 Dude, I throw out my own forks when I don't wash them for a few days. I know like oh my god so much bacteria I just throw it out. Yep. Do you still do that? I did it recently It wasn't a fork. It was a mason jar. So you have told me That you can't give me that 98% raise that I've asked for but you can 98% right, but you can just well because I only get 2% Oh, okay, uh But you just readily throw out your silverware It's not it was a glass
Starting point is 00:59:09 How much wasn't silver? I haven't I haven't thrown out silverware in a very long time. Okay. Can I ask you a serious question? But i'm throwing out cups How many cups over the last year? Have you thrown out because they're dirty? Uh three Okay You do have these One of if not all of these things you ready? Mm-hmm working hands. Yes sponges Yeah soap for sure water The ability to get that water slightly warm
Starting point is 00:59:36 Definitely. Okay. You know what I also have a dishwasher. Yeah. Yeah a good one But it's just up here. Why it doesn't leave me. I don't know why I can't I can't you the reason why this happened was because I Didn't have any more You know what I throw out all the time all the time towels protein shakers Yeah, that makes sense. Those are kind of cheaply made and disposable. No, I throw them out when they're new Like I will buy this is what i'm telling you right now when they've been worn off My god, you're not doing yourself any favors here. I just want to make the reason why I throw out a glass, right?
Starting point is 01:00:14 So I haven't thrown out somewhere. I've been on top of this because I've been like, you know doing the dishes and stuff but the problem is with these shakers that's where I get an issue because I Usually when I I get home from the gym and then I just chug a fucking Protein shake and I put it on the counter and I always tell myself I'm gonna fill up with water and just like drink the water throughout the day and like whatever And then I take a shower, right?
Starting point is 01:00:39 But then sometimes I take a shower and then I I'm getting dressed and I forget about it And then there's protein like residue on this thing And then it just doesn't get clean for a few days for whatever it is and then and then I'm in my head I'm looking I'm like I can't I just it's disgusting. No, I'll tell you this roll them out So the reason why the glass got happened is because I had to make a protein shake in a mason jar Because I had no more clean shakers because they were in the dishwasher And then that was just sitting in the fucking sink and then I was like, oh, I'm done And the funny thing is sorry. No, I want to say none of this is funny
Starting point is 01:01:14 No, the thing is there was a bunch of other stuff in the sink with it. That was the same age as it But I threw only that out. So it seems like the issue here is protein. No, it's me Oh, no, we know that But like it's only happening with things that you put protein in which is also a super Because it it doesn't Age well, it doesn't and it stinks. I I'm right there with you and it's closed, but I'd rather it be open but You have the tools to clean it make that stink and the smell and everything go away
Starting point is 01:01:47 The real issue is that I don't do the dishes consistently enough Um, I mean, I'm not going to talk shit about that because like that that fucking makes sense Like you you work like you're you're not like fucking you're busy But also like I I definitely when I live in long island city Horrible with the dishes horrible I did I think I did the dishes at your long island city plays more than you did and that's not a fucking joke That's not a joke. I was very bad there, but that was also like my first real apartment And I was just like fucking I don't know but in this apartment like I do all the dishes and like it's fine
Starting point is 01:02:17 Everything's cool, but there are just some days where like or if like if I have like a busy day or something Because I'm horrible with my calendar and I'll just say yes to everything and then I'll just try to make it work and then I get home After like a long day or I'd like I go out after work and then I don't get home until like 10 o'clock And I'm like, well, I'm not going to do the dishes now Can't do them now and then if I go away for the weekend or something then I come home on Monday. Everything's getting tossed Oh, everything's everything's burning it down wait until you have kids
Starting point is 01:02:47 Because I'll be like, all right I'm going to do the dishes when the kids go to sleep the kids go to sleep and be like I'll be too loud to do the dishes right now. I can't do them right now I I consistently come up with new excuses to not do the dishes sometimes I get a little backed up Guess what I get to them eventually or beccatism. God bless her soul. Yeah, because I don't have the time or energy to do them but God bless her soul. God bless her soul because there are sometimes those dishes. I'm just like I can't do this right now
Starting point is 01:03:11 Yeah, but I've never I've always and I've had some stuff that like has been sitting there for too long where it's like This is a containment issue. Like this is a hazard But I don't I'm like, I don't care. I'll fucking clean it out If I got a vial of blood With a chair that chair is getting burnt. Yeah. Yeah, I'm throwing that out. I don't give a fart Yeah, what like how cool that chair was. Oh mid-century suede Fucking like I care about sweet entry dude that if there's blood if there's a vial
Starting point is 01:03:42 But if there was like a little drop of it in the box, I'd be like, wow, that's weird cardboard box Bro a vial that's evil No, if there was a drop, I would argue that's much worse. No Out bro blood a vial. It's raw. It's out. Yes, but it's dried probably bro a vial It wasn't at one point. You know where I instantly go? vampires That's your concern cloning cloning fucking
Starting point is 01:04:10 serial killer Yeah come on You got to think about those things If there's I have to think about vampires. Yes, you do Especially if you got a vial of blood from a fucking you ordered a sweet chair and it comes with a vial of blood Bro that came from a vampire They're out there. They wouldn't just give away blood. They have to drink it
Starting point is 01:04:32 Yeah, but it was an accident probably and they're gonna be hunting it down because they're gonna be like I need that I need that back. So I'm gonna have to go vampire some shit I need to get a gun You know you need a fucking you need to get a steak and some garlic and garlic Who chose that that was such a stupid thing. I think that was just a way of just being like I don't know. It was stupid. I got I'm tired. I'm hungry right now I'm hungry too actually you want to on my way out. You want to get a pizza? No, I don't want pizza. Okay
Starting point is 01:05:06 But I think we can wrap up here Frank. We're gonna find you. Uh, well, it's 4th of July. So fucking he y'all god bless america What the hell was that? Yeah Uh, I found verse 80 85 on twitter the frank alvarez on instagram. Go check out the patreon We didn't bring it up during the episode, but patreon people were uh, well as a recording we're closing in on about 11 103 11 go I'm gonna keep going 1103 what? 11,300 We said we were gonna do something at 11,000, but things didn't work out. So guess what 12,000 is our next goal
Starting point is 01:05:39 All right, so we do appreciate all the people that are there. There's great content on there that you can watch And uh, also if you're in that first year you get these weekly episodes a week in advance So go check it out slash the baseman yard start end your week with the baseman yard It's it's it's a way to help support us the the boys So go check it out slash the baseman yard Yep, and uh, go follow me at josie and agar and go follow the show at the baseman yard on tiktok and instagram and that is all See you guys next time next time

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