The Basement Yard - #390 - The TikTok Drama Is REAL!

Episode Date: March 20, 2023

Joe and Frank discuss the recent drama circling TikTok! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard Frank. Oh, you're really excited Because um multiple a multiple uh Go ahead start A multiple i'm excited for a multiple Um a myriad myriad of reasons of reasons. Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it. Let's start naming them one Being here with you. That's a beautiful one. It is a good one too. I got to make fun of your stupid sweatshirt Make fun of my shirt. It's a great shirt with sharks. Yeah, but
Starting point is 00:00:40 It's short It is a little it's a little i've gained some weight since i've gotten in I just think it's short. If I were like look where It's a little it's a little short. Yeah, I gotta I can't no hands up in this one. Yeah, you know just like hands up Baby hands up Give me your heart. Give me. Give me your heart. Give me game. Haven't heard that song First time i've said those words in like ten years. That was like a big like wedding song like macarena Hands up at the hands up. Yeah, I remember
Starting point is 00:01:16 Do you have tapes of your like baptisms and stuff? Yeah, yeah Why only was baptized? Yes. I was baptized only took a dunk one time Well, they don't dunk you and Catholic churches. Oh, I think in the greek ones. They fucking oh, yeah They based us. Oh the jews. They fucking hold you down there. I think well No, but you know what i'm saying like they dunk them. Do they they dunk them? Oh, I didn't know I think it's christian catholics or christians are the ones that like hold their nose and they're like you're in god now For me, they would just hold the baby like And then you would pour it a little bit on his head. What are they put they pour like olive oil, right?
Starting point is 00:01:52 I think they were like, no, it's a baby not focaccia bread, bro. They put fucking water The fuck are you talking about? I'm during covet. Yo, bro. Hold on during covet. They had a fucking squirt gun, right? That's fire. No, is that what happened? So during covet uh, my My brother's I could just say my nephew. Yeah, that's it. That's how I was getting baptized and You know you have to wear masks and all this shit and it was still in a church And the guy dude because they they can't keep water in the thing Because of bacteria. I guess yeah, so he came out with a bucket and he fucking
Starting point is 00:02:29 No, bro. Oh, I thought he was I thought he was like waterboarding your nephew. No, no, no. He brought a bucket out And then put it in there, which I was like, I don't want to what did he where did he get the water from that? It's just in a pail. I think he just like got it. He just sent like an altar boy He was like put your pants on and let's go get fucking a bottle of bucket of water. Okay. Well, no, I'm not making any jokes I feel dead or not. Oh warranted. Yes Uh, but so then instead of like pouring it on his head or doing whatever he just got a cotton ball And then and then just tossed it across the room, Adam
Starting point is 00:03:03 No, he put a cotton ball on his head and I was like Your nephew's over there and he's just like taking cotton balls and practicing throwing them at him Yo, you know what else is funny during that? Mass or whatever the fuck, you know, uh, well, you don't really know but sometimes like I know a lot of things Don't ever say what I don't know in church like older people like when you would say the our father They were like everyone joined hands. Oh, so like sometimes like I remember one of my aunts specifically she would just And no one would grab her hands But she would just stay like she was waiting for the hands of god to grab her. Well, yeah, that's what I think it was
Starting point is 00:03:34 um But then they do stuff It's like oh like hold out your hand and and do whatever Well, yeah, I know the look that you just gave it. Yeah my mom My mom was like and because it was like reach out and something about blessing the kid when they were doing the thing or whatever Yeah, I was like mom your arms a little straight Just get a little bend in your elbow because this doesn't look just go go for the grab like this Yeah, like do this, but once you start. Yeah, what's what's in that elbow once that it gets a little hyper extended
Starting point is 00:04:06 There's no coming back and then if your hands your fingers kind of come together. It's like mom. Yeah, do a fist Actually, I guess it'd be weird if your mom was also like The church In the church just like yeah, yeah god. Yeah, uh, yeah I I I know I know a bunch about churches. Are you like baptized or something? I think when the greek orthodox did it They did it. It's like the baptism Communion and confirmation or no the con the confirmation and communion happens at the exact same time
Starting point is 00:04:37 So like that's why people that are greek orthodox can get married in catholic churches because they get it all done They front load it. Got it. They're just like all right while we're here. Yeah, let's just you know He's in god god. What? Yeah, but but but yeah And did you do all that or no? I was a fucking baby baby, dude. I know what I'm saying. You're like, I'm pretty sure Yeah, but it didn't matter to me. I I you're already married. I'm already married wasn't in a church, right, you know and I was I'm not like one of those people We actually know someone whose mom was like by the way if you don't get married in a church. I'm not coming to your wedding What you didn't know that one of at least that's the way that friend. Yeah, I can't say who it is. Obviously. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yeah, I didn't I tell you I'll go to the first and last if you want you'll do what no, I won't get Oh, I was about to say all right cool. No, I don't know if it was a joke or if it was like Dead serious, but they said that like their mom told them like Just so you know if you don't get married in a church like I'm not coming to the wedding That's fire. That's wild. That's dope. Really? No. Yeah, I don't I don't think so at all I'd be like first of all, why does god need to be with me? Isn't he always with us isn't he always with us when we and also with you and and that's upon the Is that what they say and that's upon me
Starting point is 00:05:53 Who I don't know There's so much to keep up with with all this, you know What is it not god bless you? It's like some with you. Oh peace be with you and also also upon you No, not upon bro. It's just peace be with you and also with you I don't know lift up your hearts and then everyone goes we lift them up to the lord Damn, it's all coming back. Damn. You're you're still big church boy because there was that one part in church But it was just like All right, let's offer each other a sign of peace and you just start handshaking at me
Starting point is 00:06:18 You would start hand-jobbing the guys, right? You're not hand-jobbing. You were hand-jobbing. You just That's a hand job. That's a hand job, dude. Who hand jobs like this. You just did that. That's exactly what it is I literally that's no you went like this you went You you had show me You went here you go. How would I pleasure a man if you're giving them if they're all right if they're in front of you Yeah, you're jobbing them like this That's what you're jobbing them both ways. No, you can fucking switch it up. It's it's just a flick of the wrist people do this They just pull it. That's why they call it pulling off
Starting point is 00:06:51 No one calls it that I thought I heard that I've heard of jerking. You've never heard of someone saying I pulled them off No What would you want to Britain? Yeah, they say in wales. No, I've heard of jacking off jacking off cracking one off I've never heard of but honestly, that's pretty that's pretty metal. I'm gonna go crack one off That would make it pretty cool sounding. Yeah, that sounds more like All right, seriously. Yeah You're jerking me off. How would you do it? What
Starting point is 00:07:23 Like where are we? Right in this room. We're in this room cameras off Lights off too because I know you don't want to look at me. Well, and I don't if I'm being honest I don't want you to look at me either. Can we leave that red one on? And I'm in it like this Yeah, so how I guess my question is is it cold in here? Is it like this room temperature? Well, how can I ask you a serious question? Why does that matter? Why all of it does? Why does that matter? It's because I'm a details guy, okay Same exact conditions in which we are currently in it's sunny out. It's a fucking day of the week
Starting point is 00:07:59 Uh, you know, I don't know what I'll see a day of the week. You've eaten an ample amount of food up until this point in the day Okay, how are you jerking me off? Well, I have to like come over there We can meet halfway. I'm fine with that. You're doing you'd be oh, you're gonna stand you'd be cracking me out Is that what it's called cracking you off? All right. Yeah, uh, you you you would stand. I'm asking for your preference You're gonna be jerking me off. You get the choice here. I don't know that I want to create the scene You didn't say I don't know if I want to jerk you off. You just want to create the scene I said, I don't know that if I want to create the scene. So you do want to jerk me off. I don't that's my point
Starting point is 00:08:34 So let's create the scene. I feel like you're pushing this on me. You're being pushy I'm not being push. If I don't want to jerk you off then what frank then I would say I respect your decision Unlike things that you've said to me when you made me jerk you off Yeah, that's right jokes have evolved now joey makes me touch him People are gonna believe you I know Please do some people think That we they're like, oh did you just hook up already? Honestly, I think it would stop it gangbusters for the show
Starting point is 00:09:02 It would be gangbusters. We'd be we'd do fucking say it would be gay. I was like, yeah It would by definition be gay, um or fluid either way. I'm cool with it So answer my question. No, I'm not no You're not you're not gonna answer my I'm not gonna hypothetical where you yes I'm not where you jerk me off. Yes that I'm not going to do I don't I don't I think the people want to hear how you would jerk me off joey for that Are you just at least give me this at least give me this am I in front of you Behind you or to the side of you?
Starting point is 00:09:32 Um, I think you would have to most people are to the side. I think right What do you think people sitting on a bench jerking each other off joey? There's such a thing as beds Where's the bed? We don't have a bed in here. There is a table. There's actually three tables What do you think we're gonna lay down on this is a pretty cushiony carpet We're gonna lay down on the ground I wouldn't I put it like this if you would have a wrestling match on it. You could jerk off on it Is that the rule? I think yes, I feel like we spent too much time on this hypothetical yanking
Starting point is 00:10:02 Why are you so afraid to answer joey? It's not about being afraid. I just I just like You don't want a clip of you admitting that you would jerk me off in a really romantic way I haven't admitted that in I think you have I think that you're trying to like Make it romantic and you're like, oh now this candle's if I'm being honest if you were going to be jerking me off I would like to be romantic as much as I can be make it special for both of us. Do you like candles? No, not a candle guy. Really? Not that I don't like it. I just don't do it But if there was candles you would like that. Sure. I wouldn't dislike it. I'm not like either way on it. Are you a music guy? Music like music during fucking sucking
Starting point is 00:10:42 Um, I don't go out of my way to do it Yeah, those people that are like I'm gonna set the mood and they put on like like a radio. Yeah It doesn't make any sense to me Who put on a radio? Last thing I want to hear is Elvis Durand in my ear That mega trainer went and farted on a cake. That's like, uh, like I don't want to hear this shit Mega trainer didn't hurt her husband. Yeah. Yes. They got toilets like the answers. Yes If you have to ask about mega trainer and her husband who by the way Uh, uh, the kid Junie from spy kids never saw it. Oh, I was a big spy kids kid. Were you? Yeah, I liked it
Starting point is 00:11:21 Did you have the toys? I had like the Burger King toys or the Mcdonald's? Well, I think it was Burger King actually Mmm, it's all stupid. When was the last time you got like a happy meal for me? Yeah Oh long time ago. Well, I got one by accident once Minkie's pulled up be honest with me. Yeah, it made me happy Yeah, yeah, so Minkie's pulled up to mcdonald's once this was I was probably like 23. Okay, and um We pull up and we order whatever we order and then all of a sudden they go, uh Too happy meals and they just Start handing them out off to me like like goes like this and like turns away to get the other one and I and I literally was just like
Starting point is 00:12:09 And I just grab and I turn to Keith and I was like, shut the fuck up Yeah, well, I don't I don't think they could say no and then they gave us our food too. Oh, they gave you for you took Yeah, whoa, you took some little kids happy meals. I did wow you little fucking and you call me narcissistic And an evil piece of shit. I don't do that. You've called me evil I said you're maniacal. That is true. You have called me maniacal. No, but I mean you just make it a Yo, happy meal is fucking stupid. It's like four fries A tiniest burger. Excuse but you're fucking tongue. It's kind of dumb because you're not a child a three-piece nuggets Who's this for? Um, I don't know if they're three pieces. I think they're four
Starting point is 00:12:47 Whatever, I will say that they they do exactly what they are like supposed to do the moment I have a happy meal, whether it's for me or my children or for Becca. She gets happy meals sometimes. It's okay I feel happier. I feel like this is a cute little thing that I'm doing right here Yeah, but you know what growing up. I was way more of a burger king boy than I was a mcdonald's man I only went to burger king because you would force me to go. Um So I know like I'm not like complaining burger king had like the dope like they had fat burgers They had fat burgers that actually tasted like real meat and chicken fries and those chicken. Yes But the burger king onion rings. I would wear them in my ass
Starting point is 00:13:33 They also had like cool. I remember anytime I'd go to burger king. I'd get a frozen coca-cola What the fuck yeah, dude, and then they had like cool like menu items for like different movies coming out I remember when shrek came out. They had like a sourdough burger and I was like, fuck. Yeah I was all about it. Didn't know what the fuck sourdough was, but I loved it because of shrek I remember going to uh We were driving up to canada kid It was me you and espo whatever and we went to burger king and then we got crowns I mean we wore crowns all big time crown guy. Yeah, because you can if you go to burger king
Starting point is 00:14:04 I don't know if they still do this but you can ask for your food and be like, let me get three crowns And they'll hand you crowns and then you just Chini's marketing thing. I mean you walk out feeling like a king right? Oh, well, I wouldn't say that Well, yeah, you feel like diarrhea, but you also feel like a king king diarrhea At least there's that well, I'll say if you're gonna do anything, you know and a king level Diarrhea diarrhea is the best thing to do. Yeah Um, how you doing? I'm doing swell. Yeah, I don't know why I said that I was gonna say what year is this fucking 1981. Yeah, I speaking up
Starting point is 00:14:34 Well, I don't know. I'm saying speaking up because I don't know what 1981's like But the other day I feel like I became a fucking astrology girl in a way because It's like a Myers-Briggs personality test and then it was so true and accurate. I was like, oh my god I believe is that why you asked me to take one for today. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Just so you could talk about yourself Classic Joe. No, I wanted to know where you were. Maybe we're the same thing. All right. You sent me the one. Hold on. Hold on Let's just go into this this we'll try to guess each other's okay. Okay. I assume we took the same one. Yes. Yes. Yes, okay Hold on. I have to look at this thing There's like I don't know what the answers could be. I only know what mine is. No, I know I know
Starting point is 00:15:14 I'm gonna tell you right now Where there's like What the fuck? So there's the personality type and then there's like little things like this is your nature This is your energy Wait, that I don't know. Uh-oh Did which which let me see Oh, okay, we're not the same. Yeah, we're definitely not and you can see that mine is incorrect Oh, I don't want a lot. Okay. Okay. All right. Just tell me which one you got. So my my personality type. What's the letters?
Starting point is 00:15:43 ESTPA ESTPA. Yeah Oh, okay, and it says I'm an entrepreneur Yep, definitely not. I'm definitely not Entrepreneurs are savvy energetic and very perceptive people who enjoy the living on the edge There are a few things about me that could be really really off No edge. I don't like living on the edge hates the edge. I you know the saying is a bird in the hand worth two in the bush I would say the bird in the hand is way more valuable than the two possible birds in the bush
Starting point is 00:16:14 More valuable in my opinion. I don't like I'm not a gambler boy and you don't like bush and I well that I never said that Yeah, all right is a bird the hand worth two in the fucking cleanly shaven Shrub I just I'm not like I don't want to live on the edge. I want to live with comfort and security And like I don't want to be you know, like people will say like Oh, you have a 50 chance at a billion dollars or a hundred percent chance at 10 million dollars. What are you taking? And it's like I will take the 100 percent chance at 10 million. Oh, yeah, definitely
Starting point is 00:16:48 Because I'm not I'm like I'm too afraid Oh, um, but the personality type so the e there's a you could be e or i so extroverts introverts I think it's obvious. I'm an e I'm an e too. You're uh Yo, I was just talking to someone about this and I was like Frankie is probably the only person that would be like you're an introvert. I would say well, here's the thing I think the our definition of what introverted and extroverted are our little varying
Starting point is 00:17:15 because I I think Fully believe I am like The fucking pole of an extrovert like I will I I like really like I I feed off of energy of large crowds And gatherings like I thrive in those moments. Right. I don't think you do I think that you are way more appreciative of like Smaller intimate and that's not to say that I'm not But you would rather if you'd rather have two people over for dinner Or fucking 50 people over
Starting point is 00:17:46 I think you would take the two people. Am I wrong? Take out all like the you know like setups and stuff like that But I think in terms of like the intimacy you're yeah, I think that I do so I do prefer to be in groups But not overly large ones Okay, so you like them fun sized Right too big is a little too much for you. Yeah, I can't handle it and that's why he didn't want to talk about jerking me off before
Starting point is 00:18:11 Wow So Then we have this other thing it's sensors or intuitives and which ones you get So I don't have that mine says mind. No bro. You got with the letters Oh s oh sensors. They're realistic people who like to focus on the facts and the details. Yeah, and apply imply common sense And past experience to come up with practical solutions to problems. Yeah, that's me. I got the n and
Starting point is 00:18:41 It's it's for intuitive. So it's oh, I thought intuitive was I because that's what it's spelled with no No, no, that was the intro. Oh, they go a cool way. Mm intuitive. Yeah So uh prefer to focus on possibilities and the big picture easily see patterns value innovation and see creative solutions Yeah, that's very you right so so far en I guess this makes so far Where I say yeah, I just I I'm not an entrepreneur. You're more realistic though I would say like I would I'm definitely more like logically This is what would make sense and you're like Conceptually we could fucking sit here and like talk about like how our feelings are gonna get jerked off
Starting point is 00:19:18 You know, you're big on the jerk off today. I I don't know why yeah, but I can't let it escape my head. What is your What is your next one? T thinkers Oh, uh, and then there's feelers. Yeah, and I got feeler. Yeah, you're you you've always everyone is always said from when you were a Kid don't your current age that you're a big feeler. Don't you dare? I remember. Don't you do it? You call Fuck you because you called my dad a real feely guy. He is a feely touchy feely guy. No, no, no careful with
Starting point is 00:19:49 I said he was I said he was a toucher. Yeah. Yeah, you're definitely you've you've been called a feeler by many people including law enforcement official The thinkers tend to make decisions using logical analysis Nope, Frank I'm not saying negative you bitch objectively objectively way pros and cons and value honesty consistency and fairness
Starting point is 00:20:17 Yes, I do. Mm-hmm. Honesty consistency Fair fairness. I mean, yeah to a degree. I think I think that's pretty. I'm a thinker Yeah, and then feelers tend to naked guy that naked statue or just like What's going on? Oh shit. It's like put some pants on. Why am I sitting here naked? Uh feelers tend to be sensitive and cooperative and decide based on their own personal values and how others would be affected by their actions Fair. Yeah, I think that's I think that's you to a degree. Yeah I think you're also a bit like if if there was the percentage I'd say you're pretty close in the middle because I think that you do think
Starting point is 00:20:53 rationally and you try to come up with like Thought out ways of approaching topics or challenges or whatever, but then you think of the feely part of it Mm-hmm. You're you like you kind of like to you think of what? You sit there and you think like, all right What can I do here to make someone uncomfortable and then you're like, oh, I'll feel them Let's no that's what you're misconstruing what these things mean. I don't think I am and that was your last one p p Yeah, we both got that. What's p? I'd like to be able to act spontaneously and like to be flexible with making plans. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:26 I would say and then mine has a hyphen a what does that mean? I don't know. I got that too. Maybe that means you're like type a I'm definitely not type a I don't even know the difference between those either You don't know what the type type a is like you are setting things up. You are the one that is in charge of everything If things go awry you get very like upset People type a personalities may be ambitious competitive and aggressive people type b personalities may be patient flexible and laid back Yeah, I'm definitely not a Um, all right. What was your so I'm enfp Oh
Starting point is 00:21:59 So, yeah, so I'm 79% extroverted 55% observant 64% thinker 51% prospecting Prospecting. Yeah, I don't know what that means. It's a prospector Should I read these? Which ones? Uh extroverted individuals readily enjoy group activities and value social interaction. I mean, we know what extroverts are
Starting point is 00:22:25 Observant individuals are pragmatic. I love that word. What does it mean? I don't care, but it sounds like it should be in the show fraggle rock pragmatic I think of like grenades like frags. Yeah, exactly. Oh, like I'm so pragmatic. It exploded. There was pragmats everywhere There were pragmats Uh, are pragmatic and down to earth they tend to be a strong focus on what is happening or very likely to happen Yeah Thinking individuals focus on objectivity and rationality often dismissing emotions in favor of logic They tend to see effectiveness as more important than social harmony
Starting point is 00:22:56 Right, so you will cause chaos in order to get your way essentially. No, don't don't don't don't Because I in my mind it's like, all right. Well, what is going to be like the best move here logically not like let's hope and pray Yeah You don't care about social harmony though. That's so fucked up, dude Stop that. That's so stop what you're doing social harmony Prospecting individuals are very good at improvising and adapting to opportunities. They tend to be flexible and non-conformist who value novelty above stability um I guess
Starting point is 00:23:28 Novelty that's another one. Yeah, that's like I know what it is, but I don't care what it is I like the word It's just certain words that I don't care what they mean. I just like the sound of them pragmatic pumper nickel Well, that's a bread. Well, I don't care what it is. I just like the name pumper nickel It's a very round and cozy and comfy word pump is a good word pump pump Pumper I like plump too Pulp pulp is not a good word pump. Pulp pump pulp
Starting point is 00:23:59 What are we doing pony is a crazy word pony is one of the words that One day I said pony And then you stopped and thought about the word pony for an hour and it freaked you out. Yeah, I did that with the word. Yes Yes, yeah I was like, yes, what? The word yes, I was like, yes, huh? Yes, are you kidding me? No, I swear to god. I like freaked me out the more I looked at it Do you ever try to spell a word and you spell it but you're like this can't be right?
Starting point is 00:24:27 Like sometimes sometimes. Yeah, I did that for like a half a day with the word could Could is a weird one too. Like c o u l d. I was like, this isn't right. Howled. Yeah. I'm like, this isn't not this is It's it's those stupid british. They love putting news in places. They don't belong fable read Yeah, we're like, what's your fibrate? Yeah, it's like just Color my least favorite though is the word shop Oh, it's like shoppy. They put a p in a knee. Yeah, shop. I don't want to go to ye old shoppy Just I want to go to the fucking store the shop the shop figure it out Yeah, take it easy. Take some letters off this thing. Uh, let's get to some fucking spots for today
Starting point is 00:25:05 I probably should be safe fucking. Um, but yeah, well, let's start it again. Let me do it. Watch this Let's get to some oh, I was gonna say fucking too. All right one more time one more time. All right guys, it's our time. No Guys, it's our time Go ahead frank Get me in there All right. All right. Watch. I got I'm waiting. I'm serious now. Oh, okay This is a really this is a the serious part All right guys
Starting point is 00:25:34 Why are you stroking your beard? All right. You're right. All right. All right go Time for the part of the show where we have our sponsors. I'm gonna throw it over to joe Joe, thanks. Thanks, frank. Let me let me know let me know about the sponsors of the show Okay Jeez Thank god, you don't do this Do what bench exactly the first one we have here is liquid IV liquid IV is going to keep you hydrated Okay, it hydrates you quicker than water does
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Starting point is 00:28:05 All right There you go. Well people also if they're really feeling adventurous, they can go over to slash the basement yard ladies and gents I try to tell you guys about this all the time. Joey tells me never to speak about it And I'm like why joey and I'm like I want to give the people what they want That's more of us more of joey and frank slash the basement yard is the best way to support us single-handedly You get the chance to make a difference make joey smile make me cry because joey takes all of my money will and desire to live So slash the basement yard you could sign up for that first tier and you guess what these weekly episodes You get them one whole week in advance you get in in the conversations one whole week before and then
Starting point is 00:28:41 Friday's friday friday friday. It's friday friday gonna get down on friday What's getting down not just rebecca black, but it's your boys on patreon slash the basement yard You get with that second tier exclusive episode is that not anybody else gets the opportunity to see just you and the other 17 000 patrons we're climbing those ranks. We're getting closer. We're coming for that number one spot like ludicrous in 2006 Okay, so make sure you go check it out slash the basement yard. Thanks for being patrons. We appreciate it back to you joe You're in the wrong you're in the wrong line of work. What is what line of work? First of all, is that your way of getting i'm not good at this? No, that's not what i'm saying. Well, I should be an auctioneer
Starting point is 00:29:18 A who an auctioneer auctioneer or like I feel like you do well as like a news anchor the people Oh, thanks the people at the end of like, you know, like a fucking antidepressant commercials That are like don't take this one later on a full stomach because you're gonna be really upset about the fact that you Have an explosive diarrhea and you're gonna be able to make sure that you don't die at the end of taking this Stuff like that. It's like, all right. Maybe I shouldn't be taking this. I don't know. Yeah I don't I don't take antidepressants. I know You're happy we get it rub it in No, no
Starting point is 00:29:47 Um, anyway wanted to talk about uh, jake paul Uh, who doesn't talk about him. Yeah, just lost a fight. He just lost a fight to someone with a really cool name Isn't that their real name tommy fury is his last name actually fury because that's kind of dope Look it up. You got to look that up and guys got some light eyes on them and the guy tyson Tyson Tyson and tommy those are two pretty rad names. Yeah, I mean your name's Tyson. Oh, his name is tommy fury. I guess It's not like it's like furiosa or something like that. No, I guess it's just I guess it's just fury good for you Tommy, you know why I think the name tommy is pretty cool. Oh my god. He's 23 Fuck this kid. Duh. Yeah, he's 23 years old. Tommy fury is 23 23 bro. Wow. Do you remember being 23?
Starting point is 00:30:32 Yeah, barely. What year was that 2015? What a year Uh, quite the year. Yeah, that was quite the quite the year drunk most of the time. Well What else are you gonna do? What else am I gonna do at 23? It gets cold in new york Well, I or connecticut where I was living in both at the time That is true. And if you're gonna do anything it's be drunk, right? Yeah, um, but there was a report that came out that said jake paul Said that he lost a fight for a number of reasons but one of them being uh, he had a wet dream Oh, wait the fight with tommy fury. Yeah, wait. Yeah, wait
Starting point is 00:31:06 Did he have a dream about tommy fury and you came his bed? Did he not want to beat up tommy fury because they like made sweet passion 11 his dream? I don't know. I I don't It said this is the big headline. It said jake paul. I had a wet dream um I had a wet dream before fury fight fucked myself literally So maybe he had a dream where he was sort maybe dildoing. I don't know. Well. Oh, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on Oh, is this that thing where it's like, you know, they say like athletes shouldn't bust nuts before they fucking compete No, not busting. I've never why why can't you go bust the nuts?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Um, he revealed he had a wet dream before his loss Uh, to tell me fury which wasted all the testosterone. He was building up for weeks So he was like Holding in his like his balls were filled. Wow test. Do you think he got big balls? I mean for weeks you're holding in. I mean that sounds more medically swollen than anything else Maybe I mean he's got maybe he has a lot of testosterone and that's that's why but then when he had a wet dream It pissed him off to the point where he had where it may have factored into how he performed in the ring I don't know. This is a little sketchy
Starting point is 00:32:12 Like you you're literally blaming your loss your first loss which listen The reality is both of those men would beat me to a bloody bloody fucking pulp But you're blaming it on something that no one can fucking like like Follow up on you know what i'm saying Like how are they gonna test like who's gonna go and be like, all right, let's see your sheets from Saudi Arabia I want to see if you fucking actually came not only that but like bro Wait, how old is jake pole it's gonna be like 25 right, but even so I like I can't remember the last time I had a wet dream
Starting point is 00:32:42 I'll tell you never I don't think you've never I don't think we've spoken about this because remember I got a text from someone Oh, yeah, no nocturnal admission nocturnal emissions. I don't I don't think I've ever I've I've tried to blame pissing the bed and ruining my cell phone on it That I remember but I've never had a wet dream My dreams have never been so fucking horny that they're like I'm coming right now Well, are the is that why it happens like other people are just like oh, I just woke up when I like did a pee Was it like a sex dream? I think it's I think it's like the dream is a lot of dreams I have a good amount of dreams. I never remember any of them That's another that's probably what I mean and I do like have dream
Starting point is 00:33:20 I remember being like I was having a dream, but I don't but you don't remember exactly I remember the worst ones. I have dreams where I'm just like sitting in my apartment on my own couch watching tv And like that's the part I remember. I'm like the fuck But yeah, that's real dumb, but other people are like fighting the devil and yeah people are like oh in my dream Like I found out that like I could fly so I punched my grandmother in the neck Well, I've done that that was too not my grandma whom I told you it was fucking uh Your brother-in-law's sister I hit her over the head with a chair. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:33:52 That's that is weird, but she was fine. I didn't like it didn't break over also in your dream Yeah, yeah, so regardless. She's fine in real life. Even if she wasn't fine in your dream Yeah, I don't know if I've seen her after I said that Yeah, well, she's probably staying away because you're dreaming about hitting her over the head with a fucking chair. That's fair I don't I'm trying to imagine a lucid dream. I've had dreams where like it's sexy No, no a lucid dream meaning like you're like aware and you're like I'm in this dream right now Oh, all of my dreams. I'm like, oh, this is just a dream. I'm never like, oh my god. Is this real life?
Starting point is 00:34:24 No, I know every single minute of it. I give into it. I play along. I'm like, all right dream. Let's see what you got Okay, but like can you like walk around if he's like, oh, I'm gonna go over there and you go over there Well, yeah, but is that me choosing that or is that the dream telling me that I'm choosing that You would know the difference. I but I don't It's free will a concept that is just imaginary or is it legit? I We're talking about dreams Is but I am aware like I have been in dreams where I'm just like, I don't like how this is going
Starting point is 00:34:53 I'm waking up. But is that my brain? How do you wake up? Do you have it? Like when you're I don't do that thing They do in movies with like That's not what I mean. No, I wake up like Uh That's how it is. I'm not like, but you've you've woken up from dreams. You're like, no Never I've done the whole like as I'm falling asleep You know the sleep spindles when you know and stuff like that where like you're like you step off like a fucking Like a little step stool and you're like
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah, you know and you jump but like never like I'm dreaming that I'm falling down like a fucking shaft and I wake up like Oh, yeah, no, that's never happened to me either. I have for some reason. I can't tell you why I have woken up in sheer panic that Becca's falling out of bed She's falling out of the bed. Don't ask me how or why But like where are you going? Yo, I kid you not grab her. I kid you not We'll be peacefully sleeping and I'll jump over and grab her like I got you She's like what like we have a fucking king-size bed. She's mostly in like the middle of it. She's like, I'm not going anywhere
Starting point is 00:36:04 I was like I you were And then I just go back to sleep I like that I sound like I'm a fucking like I have like PTSD or something. I don't yeah You're like grabbing her don't go anywhere. She's like I'm literally sleeping But I've never had those like, you know in movies where like they have a dream And like they get up like sweating and panting never happen. Yeah, no never ever ever in a million years But I have have you ever woken up from a dream you ever have two dreams I've had I've had I've go back to sleep and the dream stays gone. Oh, no. No. I mean like you dream
Starting point is 00:36:37 That you're in a dream. Oh, maybe I can't remember and then you're like, whoa I mean, I can't really I can't really remember I've had the whole like You know, I dream wake up to pee come back and I you know, I get back in the dream I get back in and I press play every time I try to do that it never happens And it's always the sickest fucking dream Well, I guess it really you can't tell if it's the same dream Like if like what was going to happen was planned in your head story the whole time
Starting point is 00:37:01 You know, so like I just jump back and like if say I have a dream in here I'll just jump back to in here and then it'll keep going. You know what I'm saying? That won't happen though. That's not what I mean Like I'll go back to sleep and just being a completely different setting Pisses me off. No, I don't want to go back to that. I've done both. I've done where it goes completely To a new dream that I've also done where I come back back. Did I tell you about the dream I had where like We were fighting in a war and I like got into it. Yeah, you did. I believe you told it on an episode here of The Basement Yard Podcast Yeah, like a tree house or something
Starting point is 00:37:36 I don't know bro. All right, seriously. Yeah Have you had a wet dreams? In my life, but like not for fucking not in my 20s. I don't think when you were like 16 What's making you come at 16? Uh the wind? I don't know Anything. All right. So what 30 year old joe? What's giving you a wet dream right now? What's like the ultimate dream?
Starting point is 00:38:03 uh like Being able to sleep past 8 30 If I wake up at 8 31, I will come you You roll over and you look at like in your dream you roll over to your nightstand in your alarm clock says like 9 a.m And he was like, oh I wake up and it's seven o'clock and I'm like, oh I didn't even get to come yeah catfish by your dream
Starting point is 00:38:24 Yeah, that ever happened. Do you ever have a dream where you're like dating a celebrity or something like that? I don't think so. I'm sure I have I can't honestly remember any I've I've had dreams where it's like I remember having a dream not too long ago like a couple months ago And I was just like boys with beaver That's kind of cool. Oh bro. We should talk about beaver by the way. Oh, there's drama on that. I am so fucking invested Really? All right. All right. Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Hailey Bieber Kylie Jenner type of oh Kylie Jenner's involved. Yeah, she's getting a little shady. All right. All right. Hold on serious serious I know there is drama. Are you a gelina guy? I I don't know what that means
Starting point is 00:39:07 So explain to me from the beginning from the top from the top Okay, the tip the tip of the top work at the tip get down to the jerk. It's way to crack it crack your way down crack your way down So obviously, you know that Justin and Selena used to they used to date used to be an item They used to bash their their gels together. I'm not going to say all that Uh, they're gels Oh, yeah, I guess um
Starting point is 00:39:34 But anyway I'm going to get this wrong and people are going to come for me. No, no, I don't give a fuck I'm going to give the beehive almost fucked us up. I know on twitter this week. You called him beehive and she was like Yeah, and I was like, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please. I I fucking support the beehive I saw that. Yeah, I love beehive. I love honey. I do love honey um Especially in your drawers Spilt
Starting point is 00:39:56 Okay, I'm gonna explain this to you like a like a three-year-old man This is no bit because people swear that we do bits. I don't know about all I know is that He's currently married to to to like Alec Baldwin. Yikes his nephew niece Oh, I thought it was her his daughter. No, it's it's her brother's daughter. Oh, his brother's daughter Who's brother? Alec Baldwin. Yeah, I brought it. Uh, I think it's bill Billy. Billy Baldwin or Daniel Billy Bob Thornton Okay, I'm done. We're done. No, let me just explain this to you. Okay I'm gonna give you the the 30 year old breakdown of Yes, Selena Justin one minute man this kfc that shit, baby
Starting point is 00:40:37 Oh, yeah, I don't know that I could fucking really get it in one minute So obviously they used to date then some shit happened. She's from wizards of waverly place. Correct. Yeah, never seen it But I heard good things Anyway, they break up boom pow A bunch of times. Why do they break up? Why do they boom pow lovers quarrels? You know what I'm saying? Say that one more time lovers quarrels, okay, all right um Thanks fucking jimmy steward, then I think there was some like, you know, there was some problems like some stuff going on with them
Starting point is 00:41:08 Did you cheat on her? I don't know that did she cheat on him? I don't know. Did she go fucking? I don't know anything yet Okay, okay, so then they they break up to get back together. They do that. But oh they got back together That's nice a bunch of times a bunch of oh, but they're not together anymore. No, no, no, okay So not good. They boom powed again. You want me to tell? Yeah, yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. So this I think was 2018 And they were scenes they were spotted together, right? So people were taking pictures. How long after they had broken up? That's a great question that I don't have the answer to But then they like didn't then something happened like selena's probably like I can't deal with you being so hot and cold All the time hot and cold. Yes and no in and out up and down right wrong when it's right black when it's white
Starting point is 00:41:51 Shut up. Okay So great song though Then He like married hailey Baldwin. Yeah, two months later Married her two months two months. That's quick. So I think there was even for a recovering addict I think there was some sort of Well, Jesus christ, dude
Starting point is 00:42:12 But I think there was some sort of like juggling Going on where he was like talking to both of them and saying it's like fuck this and then he married What's her name and then they were together now. This is where it gets interesting years later Fucking There was a thing that came out to you know what like girls now they like fucking Do something to their eyebrows and like make them like flat and stop trying to understand what girls do to their eyebrows They like comb them up. I don't know. All right. Yeah, I don't know what it's called. It's great I'm not saying it looks bad looks good
Starting point is 00:42:43 Whatever you want to do just let's point out the fact my eyebrows are made fun of for years because of their size now They're fucking cold apparently. Yeah, but so then Selena Gomez put out a video where she like did that shit, but she was like, oh, I did it too much like I fucked up It was an accident. Oh, and then Kylie Jenner Posted a picture of her eyebrows doing this thing and said, how was this an accident? Then she posted another picture on FaceTime with Hailey B bulb And they both did it and they had and there was a close-up of their I lash eyebrows and they were making fun of Selena. Well, that's the fucking speculation
Starting point is 00:43:19 So now it's like, yo, you make what the fuck so now, you know Selena Gomez's fans is like, yo bet it's on site It's war with this. Oh, so they're going to test so they're fucking meeting up like the the the cobras and the jets What are they called? I don't well, who are you talking about when you're a jet? You're a jet. You know what side story? Yeah, I don't know that's how I imagine Bieber fans Selena Gomez fans fight I'm not gonna say that he said that Oh, wait, are they powerful Bro, it's Selena Gomez. I didn't know she's the most followed person on instagram. Oh, I didn't know I'm I oh, I'm not making fun of up. No get in
Starting point is 00:43:52 I'm all I'm all for it the Swifties the fucking Bayhive whatever. Oh, no, she is she does like Taylor Swift They're like good friends. Selena Gomez. Yes. All right. So so then the Swifties are backing us up Us is nothing. Okay. No I didn't fuck up. I didn't fuck up. I didn't fuck up. Can I get back? So so what you're saying here is Hayley and Kendall Jenner are Kylie Kylie Kylie you said Kendall did I yeah, you said you said well both of them then the Jenner's the Jenner not Caitlyn Not to my knowledge not to our knowledge Caitlyn's not involved. Yeah, sure. She'll figure out a way to get involved probably so They like there was like a Selena Gomez Bieber like beef and then they swept in
Starting point is 00:44:35 They swept in like japan And they're Don't say that They're like really getting the monster involved. They're like, yo, all right Like now you're gonna have like the Swifties are gonna come help Selena Gomez. No, no, no There's no Taylor Swift. These are the USA Frankie go USA. You've wrote. No, that's not what happened at all. Okay Where does Miley Cyrus come in? I'm gonna murder you because she had that song flowers
Starting point is 00:44:59 Superbanger by the way, is it I've heard it. That's a good song. I feel like it's just the chorus. It's a good song It's all right. It's a good song. Anyway So then oh, wait, you're you're saying Swifties and sirens go after him. He says sirens Is that what the Miley Cyrus fans are the sirens? I don't know that would be a really good Okay, um, but then so this whole thing happened and there was a lot of like back and forth then uh All I've been getting on my tiktok is a voice crack like you're about to cross
Starting point is 00:45:32 All I've been getting on my tiktok is videos of like Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber like together and he looks fucking miserable and they're like, he doesn't even love her So she so Selena Gomez is out solving murders and buildings with Steve Martin and Martin short Yes, and Justin Bieber is like I'm I don't I'm not happy Basically, he looks kind of upset. Whoa. So and everyone thinks he misses her He misses Selena so much, which by the way, she just put out a video the other day And I'm trying to say this the most respectful way possible respect it, but she's got two full bags of laundry Really? I'm just gonna I'm sorry. When's the last time she did a load? I don't I don't know, but it looks like it's been years
Starting point is 00:46:15 Yes, okay, and god bless her. She looks great. Amazing. What's the music video? It's not a music video. It was like she was just like to like an instagram live or some shit And she's just she's just being bagged out. Well respectfully respectfully, of course. I'm respecting it No, I'm saying like she was it wasn't like they were out like she was just you know, she was just Well, what's the difference if you want to put them out? She can put them out. It's her body Why do you have to have a say in it? I agree. I think that she could do whatever she wants I was just saying, you know, she was just doing it in a way that was more subtle. So Selena yeah
Starting point is 00:46:44 Gomez What's funny about Referencing the other singer who died years ago. Well, no because she's gone Right. So Selena Gomez is just out here trying to live her life. Be happy solve murders and buildings Yes, talk with wizards on and off of waverly place exactly and Hailey right is like like Trying to be shady like jabbing like she's jabbing her like this is my man now
Starting point is 00:47:12 And it has it's been years That's insecurities on on Hailey's part. I know I think Hailey might be a little insecure But like how could you be a celebrity married to not be insecure? I mean all all celebrities are insecure and especially when the the x was someone they were very much in love with, you know So what adjusted We're by the way Three zero 30 years old talking three decades So
Starting point is 00:47:41 Wow, yeah, so what do you think do you think they were trying to and you think selenia's just sitting there fucking counting her cash and rolling it and laughing Hold on. I'm gonna read these two ads real quick and I'll get to my Okay, it's like a go. I kind of want to know. Okay. Yeah, we have simply safe here Simply safe is designed with cutting-edge technology and backed by 24 seven professional monitoring It's going to keep your home safe in a simple matter easy to set up. That's the simply and it'll keep it safe That's the safe. That's why they named it the company And in emergency agencies fast protect technology
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Starting point is 00:51:43 Are you like with everyone else in america the good people like me me by the way that is with taylor swift and selena gomez Who's not involved in this and I think Beyonce is also on her side So I'm I'm with all of them. So are you against Beyonce and taylor swift or are you with them here? Here's the thing I think Well, I'm I mean, I'm on team selene. You're on team selena. Yeah, okay Because I think that like she was just you know, that's so funny because before when I said bts was on the team selena You said you didn't want to be on frankie. Yes outside. You said never ever again Well, I you really trying to get me in hot water with with the kpop community. I don't have to do anything
Starting point is 00:52:21 I'm not going to stand for you. I don't have to do anything. You get yourself in this hot water Pretty pretty commonly, but here's what I think. I think that selena Was just trying to live her life. That's right. That's right eyebrows and all and then hayley And her band of misfits. Oh, there's bands Who are the what other misfit jenners? Oh, yeah Just just to clarify not katelyn not katelyn. Okay, uh kendall kiley That's it. Are there any other jenners? There are but I don't Zach
Starting point is 00:52:53 Nope, chris You're just naming names And they're not they're not it chris is a jenner Oh, yeah she's all Not that I know of so you think do you think I think they're all insecure because it's like Oh, you know, justin like really likes this girl and he's this and that like he's still he's hung up on He's the one that she's the one that got away. Yeah, she
Starting point is 00:53:14 Got away and he misses her and he has a song called ghost Is it about and he says he says if I can't what does it say if I can't get close to you I'll settle for the ghost of you and selena gomez has a song called ghost of you that came out in like 2013 Wait a sec, wait, wait, wait, who's so hayley is the ghost of no you fucking moron I get the the song thinks she's ghost That's basically like saying if I can't have you I'll have the second best version of you and that's apparently his wife No, you're what how are you understanding it in that way? I know how was that not the way to understand it He in this he says like if I can't get close to you selena gomez
Starting point is 00:53:54 I want to get close to you selena. I'll I'll settle for the ghost the ghost of you So just for this your spirit your spirit. I'll settle so he's saying he settled for his current wife I Yeah, whoa, dude That was fucking clear. I mean, but that's what he says. Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's crazy We're just so fucked up like even for us to be talking about yeah, because it's wife Yeah, it is kind of mean I mean on all accounts. I mean selena gomez hasn't done anything mean No, dude, she's not still living her life. She did her eyebrows. She's got laundry and that's it
Starting point is 00:54:31 That's all she does she does have to my knowledge to my knowledge. I don't know if there's some life I don't follow her on social media. So I wouldn't be able to comment I've been this has been jammed it down my throat from tiktok like I just like get invested Well, that's I understand that's the way that you like things sometimes so okay good Well, that you need it. You need to keep me up to you need to keep me up to date on what's going on Oh, could it be selena watch? Can it be a new segment on the show also? There's yo, there's some yo, you know what's fucked up, too He canceled his tour by the way
Starting point is 00:54:59 Because he's pissed the sun's going through it right now. Well, wouldn't you? Yeah, but then he he went on stage at rolling loud and a lot of the crowd was chanting fuck hailey dude It's so foul bro That's his wife I mean, whatever if she acts if she could be held accountable for her own actions. I mean, but we this is all speculation Listen, what are they where there's smoke there fire, baby. Yeah, that's right. I think too. You think you think hailey got home and jesse was like Why the fuck did you do that? Yeah Wait, also, yeah, probably I would say it's just like
Starting point is 00:55:32 hailey Why the fuck you and your stupid fucking uncle? You and your stupid uncle he's just like Hailey, what the fuck? She's like justin. Why are you calling my uncle? I need to borrow his gun Jesus too soon. Yeah, I think so. Okay. The trial is still going. Okay. Fuck
Starting point is 00:55:59 um But I don't know what's going on. Oh, I think I have oh shit Yo, Frankie, you are the worst with that. It's just a person A person it's either Greg or it's a fucking mass murderer joey. We don't know the difference until we spot them Sorry that actually scared me That really got me You're a motherfucker God damn it. What were you gonna say? Um, there's always like little tidbits that I always remember. Oh, and there was a thing that was like
Starting point is 00:56:30 uh He's not wearing his wedding ring now. Oh Some people think that I have mine on right some people think that uh, they may or they're like dude going through it I've never done this, but do you know how like If you get in like an argument with your partner, you know how good it must feel just to be like You fucking and then you just like just like throwing or or the slam on the table like a picture every woman being like And then walking out. Yeah, it's crazy. That's that's emotional because that's that's controlled rage You know what I mean? Just to be like yeah, because you can't like rage take that off
Starting point is 00:57:08 You can't take it off too hard. Yeah, you get hurt and you pull your finger off. Dislocate your finger No, you can't get it off. She's got a home and he was like hailing Fucking, you know, you and do you think oh man, do you think he called he was like I got to call ush No, they're They're boys call ush. They're boys, right? I don't I don't think that he's been with usher for like fucking 10 years, dude. I mean once once boys always boys, right? That's what they say. That is what they say How much what do you think was the list of music that he was playing in his house that day?
Starting point is 00:57:42 Who when this was all going on just jbbs jb was he just like listening to like burn by usher and just like It's coming for me to say and he's like I don't know what's going on over there, but that sucks. Can you imagine like let's just say this all is What they say where it's like who's they tick tock, right? No like, uh Kylie and hailey were like it wasn't about selena like, you know, whatever and then selena commented on that and was like Yeah, like we're cool. Like it's totally fine. Like don't worry you guys like trying to diffuse the situation Yeah, well all you guys are playing this game like obviously, but imagine it was even like that
Starting point is 00:58:17 But the whole but just imagine being Justin Bieber and his wife Yeah, I mean they're probably like yo your wife sucks. Yeah, they're also probably getting a lot of content of why you hate her Yeah, they're probably getting a lot of ridicule right now, which again not deserved. Let's be nicer on the intro Let's be nice, but also I think they kind of as a whole Profit in one way or another off of the press of the ambiguity of the situation Because if you just sit there and everyone's just like, yeah, that's exactly what happened Everyone's just like
Starting point is 00:58:47 Oh, it's like the internet the internet sometimes with stories like that and conspiracies They're like dogs that chase cars who said that I forgot who said it But it's like when they get the car they won't know what to do with it if these conspiracies were proved, right? Oh, by the way, that was the joker. Who said that? Oh, yeah Who said that was it played out? No, it was it was the joker Okay, well that just shows you about the ingenious fucking writing of bob can and bill finger baby bill finger That's his name. Look him up All i'm saying
Starting point is 00:59:22 Is the internet when things are ambiguous and they're kind of left for the fucking Thought process of like will they want could it be could it not be? Yeah, but if someone were to come out and be like, oh, yeah Everyone would stop talking about it because there's nothing there's no mystery behind it anymore. I disagree. I would like for Haley to be like Yeah, you know what fuck that bitch That'd be fire that would but it won't happen. No, who would win in the fight haley or selena I think haley
Starting point is 00:59:52 why Like a fist fight Come on. I don't know. I think that I think that selena Look at how alex feels like she has more rage in her. Look at how alex talked to his daughter You think you think that family ain't training them for fucking verbal and physical abuse? Like they probably have like in the bald man household They have like a maybe they should fight on the jake poll undercard the next damn That would be on like the next rough and rowdy the net or that yeah, you know one of these promotions something with ksi
Starting point is 01:00:22 Whatever the thing is called. Yeah, we're now youtubers just box for some reason. Mm-hmm. Yeah It's a world we live in babe. Yeah, what are you doing? Anyway, I hope you guys are filled in and all the fucking 22 year old drama. I have to be really honest with you Yeah, this is way more engaging than I thought any of the stories we were going to talk about it I'm going to tell you this right now Just because we're saying it out loud and china is always listening year for you page is just going to be filled with it Oh, uh, that's fine. Yeah, I'm gonna pretend the low down. I'm gonna pretend You know, it's funny. Becca brought this up the other day and I was just like, okay
Starting point is 01:00:56 And now I'm like engaged You're invested. Yeah, Becca's gonna be like, what's the fuck? I told you that it's dramatic. Yeah, I guess I got to look more into it I wish I knew We can find out Hit up hit up jb. Should I should I dm and just dm and be like, oh come on the show and let's go on Come on the show and let's talk or let's talk one on one Yeah, I think that'd be cool. I think that we should sit down and we should sit in chairs Like this, you know, you sit like a like a woman
Starting point is 01:01:25 like a like a mom How are you sitting like on your foot? Yeah, like this With a cup of tea and a hoodie and a microphone and it's like, we'll just talk about it. Let's just talk Okay, you know what I mean? I think I could get something out of them. There should be a podcast Where they just kind of talk with celebrity like mediate like arguments Like they'll be like, all right, will smith chris rock. Let's chat And like it's my show and I mediate between the two. Yeah, I would much rather like to hear people like Really talk it out. Yeah, rather than, you know, the pr stuff. It's like, you know, I've disgraced my
Starting point is 01:02:02 Bro, I was having a bit like is it true that you think they were attacking you at the end of the day Everyone in this world is beautiful like to take like the polish bro just fucking Yeah, I'd be like, oh fuck you you're a bitch That'll never happen. I kind of they won't I kind of hope it does though I do I do I do what if I had to make a guess though, dude, wouldn't it be insane? Wouldn't it be insane if uh I'm getting a call What oh is that was that vibrating is? Yeah, I didn't know if I was like there was like a vibrator going off right now
Starting point is 01:02:34 I was like, what's going on? Where would they oh, there are plenty of vibrators in history really are in this office um But wouldn't be crazy if they did split and then he got back with selena What a day that would be that and then she would just post so many pictures of her eyebrows Or to do his eyebrows And post that picture now. That's some petty and that's a petty shit. It's like oh, this wasn't an accident Listen, I don't was fate. This was destiny. This was bound to happen. Oh Is there a song called down to happen?
Starting point is 01:03:04 No, maybe. Oh does hailey beaver have songs? No, she's just like a model. Oh I think okay. I don't know I feel bad. She should she should shape. Here we go. This is a bad idea. No, I got it. I got it. I got it This is a bad idea So this is how you're gonna solve the beaver beaver is gonna break it off with hailey and say listen baby, baby, baby no and then and then
Starting point is 01:03:30 He's gonna get back with selena right and then selena is gonna shave her head Listen, listen and do her eyebrows and post a picture of her pro like her front profile And say I did it the bald win I fucking hate you sometimes But i'm kind of on barb at that right, okay The bald really wanted her the bald one, but then she has to grow it back. Well, you can wear wigs fan of the show emily
Starting point is 01:04:06 Radikowski radikowski. Well, she's not a fan of the show. She just saw a tiktok. She's joey Do you know how okay? Do you know how press works here joey? Fan of the show. Got it. Got it. Got it. You know, yeah, okay die hard fan of the show die hard since day one, right? She's friends with them, right? I don't know. She was in like the fire island stuff with them. Wasn't she fire island What's that fire festival not fire island? That's the place that you went. Yeah, not a joke You went to fire island from New York's been there. Not me
Starting point is 01:04:39 Okay Wait, what are you saying like this is how we're gonna get in Tell the next time you speak to emily. Okay, I'll tell you for the first time Tell her to be like y'all help me kind of parse through like this stuff. Like is it real? Is it not real? And she'll be like listen. I'm a huge fan of the show right number one fan So nervous to talk she'll be a little starstruck, right? Yes, exactly of Joe santa gato the stars that we are of original youtuber joe santa gato. Yes, and she'll say I'll I'll let you know what's going on Selena
Starting point is 01:05:17 What if Selena behind the scenes is just like this master manipulator fire? I think she's good at it then She's very good at it, but she's not we support her along with the swifties. Yeah, and the beehive And the bts fans all of kpop all of kpop. We're with you selena. Yeah But also I feel bad for hailey. Yeah, I feel bad for hailey and just really getting I don't even know if I feel bad for him yet Yeah, well, he's also a multi-millionaire. I don't really feel bad for any of them for being honest, you know Things happen if I how about this? I'll feel bad for them if they give me the same amount of money They have and then I can really empathize with them
Starting point is 01:05:55 Because then you can be in their shoes that I'm in there that I'm in their shoes, you know Yeah, I'll just take like a summer house or something. Okay Okay Anyway, yeah, that's uh, you know, that's the tea as they say I'm excited to see how this develops. I know it's been developing Oh, I can't wait every day. It develops even more. I hope if people have more information like I want to hear more about this Yeah, people are going it's going down bro. You ever see the pictures of have you been have you been Seeing like the videos and interactions have been Affleck and J. Lo in public. Yeah. Yeah She don't she's she's got problems with him. She's and he's got problems with him and her. Yeah, you know
Starting point is 01:06:29 Yeah, there's a lot going on. He's like, I swear. I didn't and she's like she's like shut up Yeah, yeah What are you gonna do hot goss, babe? It's a hot goss hot goss love, you know We should have a section of the show where it's just hot goss. Well, that was it First time last time maybe okay, we'll find out we have an update Uh, anyway, frank, we're gonna find you Alvers 8085 on twitter the frank alvers and all of the forms of social media and then you can also find me on So that's the basement yard where we're continuing to climb the world podcast ranks ladies and gentlemen
Starting point is 01:06:59 Thank you for all the love all the support. We're filming a bunch of stuff to give back to you guys So you have all the exclusive content that you're gonna want you're gonna need you're gonna love that you're gonna crave Would you just fucking finish it? And you can find me at jocinagato on on tiktok and instagram We'll follow the show at the basement yard on tiktok and instagram and that is all. See you guys next time Fuck you

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