The Basement Yard - #393 - Kanye West Is Cured

Episode Date: April 10, 2023

Joe and Frank talk about Mr. West's recent actions! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. Hey, bud. Hey, what? Normally you say Frank now I've moved on to bud. Yeah, what's better bud or Frank? You're both are running concurrently. What's what would be like have you ever thought of like what's like cute little friend names? You would give me like cool like cool. Yo, dude, like dude. Yo, dude. Yo. Yeah I don't know like no I usually Frank Frankie those are your nicknames Frankie. I guess yeah I don't think I've ever called you Francisco in my life, but not seriously. No probably in like a joking manner Yeah, but probably when I feel like being a little racist, you know, well slightly just a little it's in my blood Yeah, well, you have to you have to everyone's a little bit, right? Am I gonna do fight nature?
Starting point is 00:00:43 Absolutely not. This bud over here is doing well. But or bud? Oh, I was like this but I was like what? I'm doing well Yeah, why are you? I'm doing good. Why are you dancing? Cuz I mean you started off pretty like your curls. Thank you. They're nice Well, this table by the way, what did you do to it? The first day that I got seriously because it's like falling apart here this that I don't know what what that's the legs are all fucked up That I did what did you do when I was putting it together? I went to go move it and I thought I could drag it and I couldn't drag it the leg because the legs No, no, no, no, I was like oh shit
Starting point is 00:01:21 So I stopped and then I had to like tape it because I like fucked up the leg immediately Gotcha, but people come in here when the moment we're shooting stuff and they try to sit on the edge of the table I remember the chairs about yeah, there are chairs about I remember Greg sat on this and you got like very like because it's Joe on him You're like can you fucking? That's a business Joe response to anything if you guys like business Joe He gets like very like And like matter of a fact like gut You know like can you
Starting point is 00:01:52 Well, I was trying to save the table buddy get a new fucking table billionaire bitch I don't even know where I bought these I would have to guarantee I guarantee you could find another one of these tables These are nice tables though. I do like them. I do hate that. It's it's moving So yeah, you might as well just get new tables spruce it up in here a little bit spruce spruce What's my favorite tree is that a tree? Yeah, it is a tree. It is a tree. Why is that your favorite tree? It's the only one I can really think of in Washington. We went to the spruce forest Oh my god when I was traveling and I was doing hiking with my shredded legs My shredded legs you love to throw in little like fucking like humble brags
Starting point is 00:02:28 Then I saw a tree in Washington state where there's a ton of trees There are a ton of trees all over there, but spruce trees aren't those just Christmas trees Are they I Saw the world's tall. Oh, no, we didn't go I was gonna say did you go to the redwoods where they have tree trunks that are like the size of this room? No, that's in California. I believe yeah, but I think they go up the coast. Don't they are not I don't know Oregon's crazy. I'm not tapped into the tree industry. I like trees Such a pot a dude podcast bones like trees are fucking lit. She's are fucking wild
Starting point is 00:03:03 I love trees. I like isn't it weird though that trees one day. I would just be like fire. Yeah Oh, no, but then there there are certain trees that like are like flowery and then like cinnamon Cinnamon's a tree. Wait, what cinnamon cinnamon comes from trees. Yeah, it's a tree bark. No, it's not yet It is is it really cinnamon comes from tree. Why are you fucking with me? I'm not So I can walk up to a tree with my mouth open and eat some cinnamon Well, maybe if you were in fucking Sri Lanka, you could but not or I mean maybe they have farms in the United States But yeah, we have at the house Becca's Like a family friend from Vietnam brought us a piece of
Starting point is 00:03:41 Cinnamon bark and it looks like shut the fuck up. I swear to God and it's bark from a tree And it's a cinnamon tree. I just typed in what is cinnamon? Holy shit, you fucking rude and stuff you didn't know Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamon Ooh, that sounds nice and bubbly. Oh, I Didn't know that you really didn't know that I want to see a tree a cinnamon tree. It looks like a tree It just looks like a tree
Starting point is 00:04:15 It does there's no like carve out the tree and then eat some cinnamon. Yeah, you might as well grow one in your house Grow a tree in my house in a pot, bro. You can grow trees and fucking pots. I know that Why would I gonna make a cinnamon tree Frank? It'd be a beautiful tree to have in your house if you ever need some cinnamon You just crack open the bark and there you go You got a brand new fucking fresh batch. You could just get cinnamon though. You could do that. You could have a cinnamon It's not one of those that's too expensive, right? Cinnamon. I love do you remember you and I in like 2007 doing the cinnamon challenge? We did it in your kitchen and cinnamon went everywhere everywhere everywhere
Starting point is 00:04:51 Who's that? Didn't that sound like One a dragon or a little girl screaming? Do those two things sound the same From far away, they do How well I just answered my own question you often hear little girls screaming Yeah, well, I'm doing well, how are you doing? I'm doing well good good go welcome back It's been a while ladies and gentlemen to your favorite edition of The basement your favorite part of the basement yard podcast where it's called keeping it Frank
Starting point is 00:05:28 I haven't done this in a while as you could tell I'm kind of reeling a little bit. Yeah, you crushed the intro there A little excited where we bring up things that we talk about them honestly and we make sure that we always keep it Frank and folks I am here with my wonderful beautiful co-host Joe Sanagato Joe. How you doing, bud? I'm doing well. Thank you for having me Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate you coming back. We actually for our patrons slash the basement yard We released an exclusive video That is only for our patrons where we settle a debate on who is more etiquette like who just has more who has more who has better etiquette I should say yeah It was it's not an English class. It is not certainly ain't and first of all
Starting point is 00:06:07 One of my favorite videos we've ever done. It was funny It was really really Mike Amire she was incredible in there and you and I were just fucking firing on all cylinders Get to your but there's a part of it and we've talked about this on the episode Where I say, you know, we talked about like bathroom etiquette and stuff like that Do you remember that part of the episode? Do you remember it? What do you remember about it? Why are you talking in that tone? What do you remember about bathroom etiquette? There wasn't bathroom etiquette. What do you what is it?
Starting point is 00:06:38 Like if we're sitting at a table and you have to go use the the bathroom. Do you want me to expedite this Frankie? No, I don't do it. I'm gonna keep it Frank, bitch You don't fucking step on my toes of my own segment You fucking posted an Instagram story and you're like, I'm gonna fucking eat ice cream and then shit the bed at 3 a.m and This is the prime example of Joe. Yeah, and I'm so glad we're putting this in an episode Well, you haven't you haven't it is a trend in history Forever. No, you'll never remove this or edit it out. No
Starting point is 00:07:09 Where you talked about shitting your pants like I said you do all the time Yeah, Frankie thinks that I talk about shitting all the time, which is not true You talk about the fact that Joe you have IBS and I'm like, no I don't but I'm talking more about your health Because I'm trying to make sure that you're being you know responsible. Uh-huh. You're talking about the fact that you're just fucking We'll be done. It'll be like I have to shist Sometime yeah Frankie what humans poop. Yes, I know humans poop But humans don't need to fucking talk about the fact that they shit no one and who's chatting about it you know
Starting point is 00:07:40 Yes, and that was a perfect video a perfect example of how you fucking gas like me like a just a violent Good, like a just like a real perpetrator You wanted to say something at the beginning of that sense and then you got there It's not where you I told I had to like chill out a little yeah, I know but like That's a perfect example of me being right approving my point You have one example of me talking about shitting myself because that's what I really wanted I know That's the one that you decided to put on the internet But there are so many other examples
Starting point is 00:08:11 I really wanted ice cream and I was like this close and then my sister texted me and she's like I saw your story get cold Stone and I was like, what's wrong with you? So I was like I was this close after that I went on the app and I was like, whoa, but then I just ate a lollipop in bed I ate a lollipop where you close last night. I Had boxers on But you were in only boxers eating a lollipop. Yeah, you could have made a ton of money on only fans What are you doing eating lollipops bro? You eating a lollipop people would love to see oh my god that bad boy down
Starting point is 00:08:41 I screen oh wait, sorry before we go to your screenshot Don't you ever try to say you don't talk about it because here on the episodes of the basement yard we keep it Frank That's the part you wanted to fill in One I got a stupid fuck I'm glad you entertain yourself I do I you know if I make anyone here laugh it's myself, right um I posted Well, actually no, I just got a random DM, but then you can see the older DMs that people have sent you and a man Sent me a DM and says size are those
Starting point is 00:09:17 Ha you need an only fans man you do right? So this was in November and he was referring to my feet Then he hit me up last night and he said I Just thought the wording was so funny. He wrote only fans buddy. I've been saying this I Like I'm wasting his time you are I've been saying anything you haven't done it Well, he's trying to help you with a new business venture. I'm shocked that you haven't gone into that world yet I don't know, but then I also saw another one From someone that said I want you to rub that dirty ass dick all over my butt daddy Joey
Starting point is 00:09:52 Oh, no, no, why would you call this shit dirty? And why would like we're why on the butt like all over the butt? Yeah, rub my is that like a thing that people get turned on by just rubbing the wiener on the butt I Don't know I I'm not I don't want to get touched by a wiener I don't I definitely don't want to get touched by wiener if I did want to get touched by a wiener It would be a clean one. Yes, I think that's an acceptable, you know, not a lot to ask for No Reminds me of the episode of sunny where they go to the ski resort and Dennis is like you will be bathed
Starting point is 00:10:25 And then I will enter you, but only if you are clean You will be bathed you will be cleaned I wouldn't want it rubbed on the top of my butt. Yeah, if I was into penises, I assume I would want it Inside of my butt in it. Yeah, you know going in and out of it I just said in it. Wait, were you gonna leave it in there like a fucking Mormon? Yeah, you just soak in there I don't know. No, that's not cool. It doesn't sound that cool actually. No our Now are you close in theory to making it only fans? No, do we have something to announce here? We have nothing to announce Are you sure? I am positive. Oh, yeah, I think you would really you'd make it's just another source of income. Why not do it? Oh
Starting point is 00:11:06 What Greg told me Joey hates money How can I was first of all I hate money, but then I'm a Tyrant billionaire. Yes Got it. Yeah. Um, I Have is that like the have you ever sent like a weird DM like knowingly or unknowingly sent one. Yeah It depends what you mean by weird Like horny Not horny. So I've said I did when Jennifer. I'm very when Jennifer Aniston. You okay. She first joined
Starting point is 00:11:40 Instagram. Yeah, I sent her a DM and I went how about a coffee? But I only did it so I could screenshot it honest fair enough for I also didn't unsend it because I was like maybe for the cloud You did it. I didn't even post it, but I was sending it to like as a joke. Yeah Yeah, my friends like oh, you'll maybe yeah, it would have been a real joke though. She responded saying how about tea and Then you and then you'd hit me up and you'd say help me out. What do I get? Yeah? I'd say oh how the tables have turned. No, I didn't think that she's she doesn't drink tea. What does she drink? Don't like freaks like that like freaks Calm down. I'm talking about Jennifer Aniston
Starting point is 00:12:21 I know don't they like not drink caffeine because it will like fuck their body up or something Jennifer Lopez came out recently and she was like I only eat vegetables and fruit No fucking caffeine. No alcohol and it's like that sucks Yeah, I mean I'm sure that's just like who are you saying for oh like you think she's like super healthy or something Yeah, like oh, I don't know Hollywood freaks that like you know like what if paltrow said that she has a diet of just bone broth I don't even really know what that is. Is it like a soup from bones? Yes, in theory. But how do you make a soup out of bones?
Starting point is 00:12:53 You let the bones and the marrow soak in the water and it becomes a broth joey. Ew. That sounds disgusting Who's bones? Human bones. No, they're not human bones. We just said bones bones of of of Various animals. Oh, it's any bone oxen goat oxen oxen. Why'd you say oxen? Because what do you think chicken stock is? Chicken bones. It's chicken and chicken bones soaked in water. I I honestly did not know. I don't know what a broth is I just know that it's a it's the water in the soup. It is absolutely Absolutely amazing to me that you have created this social media empire for yourself
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yet you don't understand the concept behind soup. Well, I know what soup is. So can I ask you a serious question? Okay, let's start with a chicken noodle. I'm scared Go ahead. If I were to ask you to make a chicken noodle soup from scratch. Oh from scratch. Yes. Not not not How would you do it? I would Go to the store Okay, we skip all that you have all the ingredients in your house. Just tell me what ingredients they are and how you go about using them I put chicken in it That I cooked obviously
Starting point is 00:14:01 You're putting cooked chicken No Wait, I don't know half cooked because then the rest will cook in the boil medium rare chicken Yeah, okay, you don't cook it full and then you put it in the you brown it Well, no, it's not onion. Yeah, well, no, you can brown meat Sure, um, but so I would do that then I would probably chop up a bunch of like carrots and like, uh, maybe celery What? Celery, um, put that in there. Okay, some salt or something like that. Okay
Starting point is 00:14:35 um So right now we just have a pot of chicken chicken celery carrots and salt. Yes. Gotcha. Okay, um, and then I would just put a whole bunch of broth in it. What's the broth? It's in the store. Well, but say you were to make broth. I was gonna make it. Yeah We would run into a problem Because I'd be like, I don't know what because you're fucking 31 year old brain can't comprehend the idea Sorry that I've never boiled bones before and made a sauce with it Frankie. Well, Joey, you're a fucking 31 year old man You should be able to grasp the concept of you boiled
Starting point is 00:15:10 A lot honestly. Have you? Yeah, I've made a lot of thing that people have made a lot. I've made beef broth bone broth Chicken broth, but can't you just throw this broth? Can't you vegetable broth? Okay? Are you done? There's can you just go to the store and be like broth? Yes. Yes, you can. Oh, absolutely But it takes away from it a little bit because then you need to see what's a sodium intake on those because those are loaded They're sitting on the shelves for a while and they're loaded with salt as a preservative Do you also walk to a well to get your water supply? No, Joey Because guess what fucking sewage and water is one of the most incredible advances in scientific infrastructure that we've had, okay? Okay, so no, I don't go out and get fucking well water
Starting point is 00:15:48 Although there are people that do get well water. I don't have anything against it. How much people no Well, there there are some homes and I could never get water out of a well I just think there's a dead person in there. Well, that would be the problem It's Samara's at the bottom of it and she's fucking just floating. How could you drink out of a well? I I'm more afraid of wells than anything else. Yeah, what have you ever heard of a well in a positive light? Literally never never, right? My brother at his old house had this thing in his backyard. Well, that wasn't a well What was that? What is that? I it's like a I had never been so fuck. It's like where all his shit goes a septic tank
Starting point is 00:16:25 So wait, hold on. Hold on I don't know. Do you not understand the concept of a well not only do you not it was shaped like a well it was covered It's a tank in the ground joey. It's it wasn't the ground But it's a hole in the ground and that's what a well there's a cover on it There was there was so not only do you not understand the concept of no, I get it You you believe that well water wasn't and sewage Fucking water are the same thing. Uh, no, I don't think they're the same thing But I do think I'm equally as scared of them
Starting point is 00:16:55 The septic tanks are a little scary. Have you ever been around one when it's been opened? I have no stinky. Well, there's shit poo in there bro You have no idea so much shit poo. You don't like you can't This is a serious you can't grasp how much humans create waste until you see it in a fucking tank Like and don't tell me you don't do this because you're a big shitter You ever get done and then you look at the toilet and just like whoa Like what like that was a lot. Whoa that from me Like that's a lot and then like wondering like or a little and then wondering like how much is that way?
Starting point is 00:17:34 Oh, I mean everyone's taking a shit and then weigh themselves after everyone's done that Some people have done it a little more frequently when I know that there's gonna be a big snake If you'd like that one then I then I'm like, okay, I'm gonna weigh myself before and after and then take this do Get an idea get an idea. Yeah, but at the lake house. It's all septic I know so like once every couple years. Oh my god. Did you ever have to do that? Do you guys have to do that? Yes? Where does it go a big old truck? Oh, and it sucks it out a hose and like a hose
Starting point is 00:18:09 Like a fucking hose. Is it clear? It's no it's like the one I think it was like green or yellow Okay, and like the rubber was green or yellow not because of as a result of collecting human fecal matter got it And there are two tanks There's a tank that does liquids and a tank that does solids and the liquids are supposed to drain Like it's called a there's something called a leech field where it's supposed to drain Into the fucking soil to like fertilize the soil piss. Yeah, it's just pee dude Yeah, it's a ton of piss it won't draw one go well not at the same time It's constantly fucking leaching into the field
Starting point is 00:18:43 Okay, but we open the poop one. No bro Imagine a room there are tanks that are as big as this room fill two to top with chit That's so bad. It smells. Well, it's a lot of dookies. It's uh, it smells so gross, but honestly kind of nice What you know what i'm talking about You know what something's so gross smelling that it's kind of it comes back full around a smelling good Frankie you're talking about a full tank of shit
Starting point is 00:19:14 It's like well on it's like it's like movies when movies are so bad that they become they come back full around And then they're funny because of how bad they are Frankie again A bunch of human shit. Yes, I know so question You're there with the tank and there's a bunch of shit Around and it smells like shit. Yep And you're like ill and then you tell me eventually you're like, but nice It's like gasoline No gasoline's good all the time. No, no, no, it's like you can't drink it, but you can smell a shit out of it
Starting point is 00:19:48 You can put it in your mouth. I've seen people put gasoline in their mouth. They spit it right back out though Oh, I oh I want to do that. Don't you I do too honestly fire Well, no, I I saw it because someone was like getting a like a jet ski ready to get put in the water Oh, they were siphoning. They're like trying to figure out like my dad That's gas my dad did that uh with our pool when we were opening it It was like literally green and he he threw up all over the alley Which was which was pretty on par for like my dad Your dad loves to throw up throw up all the time that a big big thrower up
Starting point is 00:20:18 My dad would get like my dad would sweep into himself and then dust would kick up into his face And I'm like, what are you doing? He's like, what? Then you start throwing up Dude, he got so mad at me one time because we're a fucking idiot. Yeah We were cleaning out the garage and he's sweeping and we were like carrying all the stuff out with me and my brothers And he's sweeping into himself instead of like a cross or a way into himself And it's going in his face and I'm laughing because I'm like, this is so stupid. Did you get hit? I'll get to that. Okay, then he starts. He starts going like why what?
Starting point is 00:20:53 And I'm like, dude, you're I was like sweep away sweep away You know and then he started throwing up into a big garbage pan and now I'm dying laughing men born between the years of 1945 and like 1970 You can't tell them what to do even if they're doing something wrong. It's insane because they'll they'll kill you for it Not only that but that same day. There used to be a bench press in my garage And it was a humble bragging My spare time I'd play video games then just go fucking put up 135
Starting point is 00:21:26 But he put 135 on it and I was like 16 or something at the time and he wanted to see if I could do it and he had like thrown up Basically on the fucking thing and he's like try it. I was like, I'm not fucking. No play in my vomit. So what does he do? And just wipes it and he goes come on I go dad Why do you think I'm going to get out of here is an anomaly and I would love Can I ask you a serious question your parents? Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:00 Gone not gone dead, but like their relationship is dead But have you ever wanted to go back and see what it was like when they were like hard in love? What does that have to do with what we're talking about because like your dad is an anomaly your dad is by all accounts Disgusting. Wow Let's talk about your fucking dad We'll get to him But like when you're getting at what I'm getting at is like your mom is like this like Beautiful like she's proper and like well put together and like kind of like she like looks great and always smells great
Starting point is 00:22:34 How the fuck did they at one point like each other? Well, he wasn't always like that. I guess I guess so Well, he's just like a he's a he was a fireman construction guy. So he was just spitting Oh, okay I guess it was like opposite to track like your mom was just like, look, he's a rugged guy and I kind of like that Yeah, yeah, I guess I mean I I assume he wasn't always just throwing up as much as he did Throwing up on bench for his fence. Yeah, he got an ounce of dust in his throat. He's like I was like, Jesus, what do you think what the yo with the pool though? I was dying laughing one It's actually I didn't that was the first time I could I knew that a siphon existed
Starting point is 00:23:08 Stop laughing dude. I didn't know this existed But he's like all you have to do because he's like I gotta drain the pool dump it It's like you put the hose in and you you just like suck it out like this and then it'll just drain signs Just go and I was like, wow Wait, you understand that but not broth I don't know what broth is I didn't know it came from bones. I thought it was or or just me I thought it was like left over from like, okay. This is like drippings and stuff that could be added to this is what I thought
Starting point is 00:23:36 broth was I thought that like You put water in a thing and then you put What the merch is approved Stop no, he didn't Oh
Starting point is 00:23:57 Guys there's new merch There's new merch here it is Yes Guys, there's new merch baseman yard merch. We wouldn't we didn't know if it was gonna get approved In time, but it did Uh, it means it's funny because we award on an episode that's coming out tomorrow I know But uh, yeah, so we could we didn't know if it was gonna come out for sure
Starting point is 00:24:16 But now we do, uh, but yeah, it's the baseman yard face-off shirts Uh, me and frank there and then on the front here. It says baseman yard. Yeah mine. I mine is a little this is the front of mine It's a misprint though. Yeah, it is It's just nice. Yeah, so go to uh, it's very like fucking Like rock and roll vibes. It is Go to and go purchase it Bastards. All right. How are we saying something about broth? Oh, this is what I thought broth was
Starting point is 00:24:47 Okay I thought that broth was like if you put all the ingredients of a chicken little soup and then just put water and let it cook It would become yes But I know bones Bones could be in there joe. You could put a whole fucking chicken in there But I wouldn't I just thought it was like you could joey. You could Yes, but broth only comes from bones. It can no it can come from the meat too It's the whole thing if you have like you never heard of people taking like leftover like, you know, like turkey carcasses
Starting point is 00:25:16 or What's so funny about that? What's so funny? I don't know left over turkey carcasses What I don't know why that's striking me is so funny because it sounds like roadkill It will carcasses from like Thanksgiving. There's a carcass out in the parking lot. You saw that. Yeah, that rat's been gone There was a rat out who got hit in a way that his whole body came out of his ass Yeah, but it came out of his ass. Yes, I know. I saw it That's a carcass. That's a carcass. But all right, if you were to take that rat carcass
Starting point is 00:25:52 Don't you shouldn't and dunk it and like put it in water to boil It'll extract flavors and it'll come it'll become broth. Oh, so a broth is just like it's it's extraction with water extraction with water, so it's kind of like like a like a flavored seltzer but for soup If the flavored seltzer were flavored with fruit that you like let's sit in it. It's like it's like, let me ask you a question I'll do you this. It's like meat sangria That ill that sounds disgusting. Why sangria is just red wine and you throw a bunch of fruit in it and you let it
Starting point is 00:26:27 Fucking sit and chill and become awesome. Is that true? Yeah Nice. Wait, you never knew Not only did he not know what fucking broth was you didn't know what sangria was Though I knew there was wine and obviously there's fruit in it, but I didn't know that was it. I thought like Do you know why they call it sangria? No, I have no idea It sangria is typically made with red wine and it comes from the Spanish word sangria, which is Songs no
Starting point is 00:27:02 blood Ew, yeah So it's like the idea that's like because you know the blood of Christ, you know But with fruit and then it becomes cooler. It's like sangria Mm-hmm. I feel like you are on to something. I'm the last bar you made. I'm not on to it. I nailed it I got it. Wait, there's nothing else in there Uh, oh sangria. Yeah It's red wine and fruit. Yes, and you let it sit for a day
Starting point is 00:27:29 But then people make it with white wine or like they throw others like spicula. Nope Oh Whoa, that was quick You were able to be wrong really really really quickly. I don't know dude That's what I I don't know. Usually it just throw tequila into stuff Um, well, you can but in a broth you could I guess in theory put tequila in a broth I could do whatever I want. You could baby in this country. We do have some uh sponsors for today the first one being Squarespace
Starting point is 00:28:01 Squarespace is amazing. Uh, this is where you're going to want to go and uh, create a site for yourself if you have a Online online store you're selling anything you want to engage with an audience or you just want a beautiful website You can keep your products or the content you create on this site Um with Squarespace, they're going to help you build it And Squarespace, I've used multiple times uh to create websites and it is by far the easiest one I have ever used and it's the most involved like the most useful as well um But yeah, so if you have like an e-commerce store, you you want to create a website for yourself or your brand
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Starting point is 00:29:34 That's when I have my therapy in the morning. I love therapy makes me feel better has helped me through tough times And uh, it's like, you know a gym for your mind So you go to the gym even though if even if you're in good shape or whatever you go to the gym because it feels nice It makes you feel good and that's what therapy is too Um, so even if you don't have anything traumatic or anything crazy going on in your life, uh, you could still benefit from it Just to stay on top of your stuff, but better help makes it a lot easier to You know get a therapist because you start chatting with one in just under 48 hours I believe and they make it very easy to switch from therapist to therapist so that you can find the right fit for you
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Starting point is 00:30:38 Maybe someone is just going to be super sweet and give you the gift of the patreon slash the basement yard Is definitely where you want to be it's going to make your eyes. Ooh Twinkle just like the stars in space. All right, baby Just those those eyes are going to be shining Just adding beauty to your face There's a little there's a little easter egg for people over there And a lot of people might not be getting but nonetheless you want to go there You can get these weekly episodes a week in advance if you sign up for that first year then the second tier where that's where
Starting point is 00:31:04 You get the chef's kiss you get the little extra little dabba little extra dabba little everything bagel hot sauce on you You don't get any of everything bagel hot sauce So you have to get separately but you do get exclusive videos every single Friday where Joe and I get to just be ourselves just be a little kooky and crazy We're climbing those ranks. We're getting closer to 19,000 We're getting closer to 20,000 and eventually 100,000 where we'll do a patreon exclusive video of Joe and I Just making out for a full hour and a half All right, so go check it out slash the basement yard
Starting point is 00:31:37 For an hour and a half you said bro. I mean listen if we got to 100,000 patrons Frankie if we got to 100,000 patrons. No, you you wouldn't do it Make out with you for an hour and a half straight I think that if I made out with anyone for an hour and a half by the end of that I'd be like that was disgusting. Yeah, but you know what be grateful because six you're six Six year old six grade Joe would have killed to make out with someone Yeah, yeah I was like was it making out know it too, baby. Yeah, it's true. Oh man, um, but I wouldn't have been dying to make out with you
Starting point is 00:32:09 That's for sure uh anyway How are you offended by that? Listen, we're both straight men. We have no desire to make out with each other We have no desire to make out with each other. Yeah, but I I I think I would be a good A good kiss for you. Cool. Um, what was the thing that you were you were talking about before we came in here about buffalo wild wings?
Starting point is 00:32:40 There's a guy that's suing buffalo wild wings Because he's saying that their boneless wings are just chicken nuggets And if I'm being honest, that's what boneless wings are. I'm fucking joining this class action lawsuit, baby What do you mean? You're against buffalo wild wings? No, I love buffalo wild wings Although I didn't see the salt content in their sauces. You bring that up every single time you talk about buffalo wild wings I couldn't believe it Legitimately, I've never eaten out of buffalo wild wings. You know that? Oh, you're missing out. They're fried pickles unbelievable They're fried wings
Starting point is 00:33:11 They're parm garlic Send me to space and tell my mom that she can have what's left That's not an expression But I'm a big buffalo wild wing. I like do you like do you like, um, boneless or boned? It's not called boned. They're not no one's having sex with the wings as far as I know boned No, they're boned they're bone in the bone. Yeah, if the bone's in you're getting boned. No Joey, no because they're not getting boned because they had a bone in there to begin with They're not adding any bones. They're leaving. What's there? Well, no, you're they're boned. No
Starting point is 00:33:49 The wing is boned No I know that it's called bone in I know that that's what it is because the bone is remaining in fine when let me ask you Bone in let me ask you let me ask you boned in No, let me ask you. Yeah, if you were to walk out there and just get get Absolutely, like someone were to have sex with you put something in your butt. I'd be boned. You would be boned Why because they're adding a bone in they're adding to you. They're getting a bone in but they're adding It's an it's an addition of a bone into your orifices. Okay orify. Excuse me. Well, just one
Starting point is 00:34:25 Well, you might get it. You never know what you're getting your bones. It's true So you're you in that moment have been boned. Yeah But whatever Okay, I'm a big bone in guy. Yeah, me too because it adds flavor. I does it. Yeah, I like to chew on the bones You don't like to chew on the bone a little bit just like the end of it like I like just gnaw on it No, I pretend like I'm a tiger. I get very like are you a drumstick or a wing guy? You mean a flat? Yeah. Yeah, I like flats. You like flats. I don't mind flats I like getting my tongue in between the thing
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah, and you're just like And I just take my tongue through it and I get all the meat Yeah, oh when you when I can do that where I can just grab the wing like And then I take it out and it's just bone dry. I'm like, yo, that's really I look so cool now You do look cool. I would say, uh, we can't do that with a drumstick You can there's a lot of cartilage at the top though. I don't like to eat all that. It's a little cartilogy for me Yeah, I don't like that. I would say a flat
Starting point is 00:35:26 But with fat fat meat on it, you know what I'm saying and crispy skin. How do you eat a wing? How do you? All right, take yeah, we're eating wings. What are you just getting a runner stance? What the fuck are you doing? I have to prepare the wing because I go to town on wings If I serious question Bone-in wings, how many you think you can eat? on like Until you can't eat anything like up for sport or like is it a competition for sport all life is a sport I can eat. I mean, I usually order 12 and I can eat them and it's like not an issue not literally at all 15
Starting point is 00:36:02 No, dude more 20. I think I could eat 24 wings 24. We should do a wing eating competition. You and I Oh, man, that that would be I think I would fucking molly. How many you think you could eat? Bone in at least 30 30 wings. Yeah I could do wings and it depends on the sauce too because you know, I like spicy stuff Yeah, so like if it's too hot, I might it might take away from now you go like a nice bubble long Huh a nice, but or like garlic parm garlic parm send me to town Send me to town. Um, were you there when I like wet wings though. I like when they're wet
Starting point is 00:36:40 I don't like dry. I don't like dry robbs. I don't like dry rubs. I like it. I like I like meat with dry rubs But no, but then it gets wet because of the meat, right? No, no, there's no rub. That's dry. That's good even hand jobs Little little little moisture. Yeah, let's get some let's get some stuff in here. Get some moisture spit in the dry rub for all I care Somebody you get not dry. Yeah Yeah wings that are tossed dry But I like wet like mild sauce on them anytime Anytime I get wings I ask for extra sauce on the wings. So at the bottom, there's extra and I stop it Stop it. I like that too. I do. It's so good. Yeah, I'm gonna I just want you to be very clear
Starting point is 00:37:19 Yeah, I before we started recording started talking to you about my diet and how I've changed it Yeah out the window today At this conversation. Oh, you're gonna go get wings a hundred thousand. I'm down to do a wing eating contest I think oh, let's toss them in everything bagel hot sauce. That's hot though. We've done I mean, I would I would eat a million of them. Yeah, I think bagel hot sauce You were you the one I know Greg was the first one, but then you told me you're like, you know, I put it on chicken and I'm like dying Unbelievable. Yeah, it's I
Starting point is 00:37:46 and I'm not just saying this because You're the best friend of my entire life and my friend the entire world I've put that Yeah on At least 20 different dishes. Yeah Never found a weakness for it. I'll be honest with you fish Amazing. Oh, yeah, put it on fish. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:38:06 Jesus. Oh, yeah Wow a little uh Becca made uh like a little salmon bites She tossed them in like ginger brown sugar and stuff. Oh, yeah woman, I love A little a little dipsy poo a little on there Incredible, absolutely. It's really good. But do you going back so you think you could do more or less wings than me? uh I don't I don't know
Starting point is 00:38:33 I don't I'm not familiar with your eating habits. Oh, I'll tell you I eat a lot Yeah, I don't know I have like moments where like I could eat like holy shit I ate a lot today, but then other times where I'm like I eat like a bitch I have this problem where I'm never really full Got it. I can always eat You know how people say like oh, there's always room for dessert That's not what they say dessert
Starting point is 00:38:58 There's always room for dessert This is dessert. Yeah, I have always room for always more food I don't have that's my superpower. I rarely get dessert at restaurants. I almost always I was I was cooked into dessert the other day. How are you cooked? Dude, the guy came over and was like What are we thinking of for dessert? And I was like Oh, I don't and he's like, you know what you're gonna do You're gonna fucking and he was super talented waiter. Yeah. He was one of those cool waiters
Starting point is 00:39:29 I made the mistake of joking with him very early on and then all of a sudden and he probably knew you I don't think so. He never said anything. But anyway, he uh, He was like for dessert. He's like you got it. You're gonna get he's like, here's what you're gonna do, right? Just dominated me and then was like get this and this thing, right? And I'm like All right, I was like and it sounded good. I was like, all right, cool. I was like, can we just see the menu? There's like see what else is on it. He's like forget the man. Fuck the man Literally would let me see the menu. We've both been dominated by men in the same week Dude, he's like forget the menu. He's like get this and I was like, uh, what choice do I have?
Starting point is 00:40:05 You don't have a choice. He literally just shoved it down your throat. Basically, man. Good. It wasn't good. What was it? It was like It I don't even know bro. It was some espresso ice cream thing. It was fucking fire. No, it was good I'm not a big espresso guy, but I was like damn. I I You get you get you get a dessert all the time in ice restaurants pretty much I mean, uh, look last time we went out. I got that fucking maple creme brulee And I wanted to sit on it. That's another thing. I don't know what it is What is it creme brulee? It's like a cream custard. It's a custard and then sugar sugar on top And they use a torch to harden hardened sugar. I like hardened sugar. I do too. It's like glass
Starting point is 00:40:42 Have you ever had it or like seen a glass bottle? I have seen a glass bottle. What is that like sugar glass though? Oh, no Yeah, when I was because remember I did musical theater. Have I ever brought that up and um, there was a scene in fiddler on the roof Which I would have talked about You I don't think you came to see me in fiddler on the roof, right? No, I came to down to down kihote. Yeah, uh, man of lamancha. Sorry. I played in fiddler on the roof I played one of the ensemble of rom the bookkeeper In hindsight
Starting point is 00:41:20 Little insensitive That you were of rom that I like the way I was acting What were you doing? Who is of rom what of what culture are they? You've never seen fiddler on the roof. No Jews all of them. They're all jewish And you're not jewish. I'm definitely not. Yeah, and like looking back. I remember the direction from our uh Like our our theater director and he told me he was like
Starting point is 00:41:48 If you go too big it becomes like a like a cartoony and I was like go too big Oh, because you were being too jewish. I was being too like Insensitively jewish got it and looking back. Oops. Yeah, but at the time I I liked it like an accent and everything Well, I mean you're in a play. I well, that's that that's my defense. It's like I was acting You know like no one gets mad at like yeah, you weren't walking down the street pretending to be jewish. Exactly. I was it but you're of rom During like intermission Oh god He had some of the ensemble go out to like interact with people and he was like staying character. Wait, hold on
Starting point is 00:42:26 Time out you guys had intermission in high school And they sent you out as characters and you walked out there as of rom the jewish book To people you know and Yes, yep That's unbelievable and probably very insensitive. That's good or anti-semitic. Whatever word seems better. That's the one. Yeah That's the one but just like a hyper character But uh, yeah, I remember it was it was not great. How did we get here?
Starting point is 00:42:57 Uh, I don't know. You started wanting to talk about you being anti-semitic. I guess no, I'm not anti-semitic You were playing a problem though It was just a play. It's a beautiful play. You should if you've never seen the movie or I mean do it right now if you want Don't No, I'm not gonna donkey hote. It was cool though. I was fire Uh back to buffalo wild wings. Is that where we were? Somehow we got from buffalo wild wings to fit the Make the connection bro. Do you feel that you have ever been wronged by food that you would like sue an establishment over it?
Starting point is 00:43:36 No, if I get uh Food poisoning from a place. I'll never go there again like Crave in Astoria. Yeah, but it's like it also like changed. It's it closed Yeah, but also but I like never Yeah, and then also Uh subway I'll go back to subway, but not that subway which it's in vermont. I'll never get there again But I went there and I was like fuck that so like if I go into a place and I get food poisoning
Starting point is 00:44:04 I won't go back. It's so fucked up that all this bad stuff has come about subway because back in the day Oh, yeah back in the day you loved it a lot more when Jared was just running amok stop that and you loved it That's when it was good stop that. No, that's when you liked it It was better the only reason I supported it at that point in time because the sandwiches are good And because you invested heavily in Jared you said I believe in Jared. No, I feel like you yeah, but I never hung out with him You never I thought that he was a good spokesman and you were like, yo, he's actually a really cool guy You only chatted over email where you're setting you all no no you were like, yo, he's got a lot of good tapes And I was like, no, what are you talking about? I never said that I'd never said that about Jared
Starting point is 00:44:39 I said that about Steph Curry because he's a spokesman for subway now Yeah, uh, who's listening to me on subway? Four or five years ago and that was like that was I remember saying like this is it I went to a subway in Penn Station and I was like, this is a lot. Oh my god, dude Who was standing around you just you and the homeless. Yeah, basically That's why I didn't like it because I had a chicken. No, I had a chicken pizziola with fucking notes of piss No, that's sweet onion fucking chicken teriyaki. Nah, man I would always get a custom sandwich and it was fucking unbelievable and disgusting
Starting point is 00:45:15 Do you remember we made friends with the guy at subway and we always used to hang out behind the counter? Yeah, we would hang out behind the counter. Do you remember the girl that worked there that yes called Spanish love? Yes, I do she would give us free sandwiches and free cookies and free cookies and Yes, barks root beer. Joe is a big barks root beer boy. I did like root beer I hated it because you would always drink it and then burp the word barks and I hated it. I'm wrong You made that up because I don't burp Oh, Keith used to burp because you know what you're right. I am wrong in this situation Keith used to do that though
Starting point is 00:45:45 He'd go barks I remember they let us in the fridge one time They let me go in that back room where the bathroom was they had like all like their sauces lined up When I think about this in a clear mind What is happening because when we were from the ages of like 11 to 14 The guy at subway let us go behind the counter and be in the fridge be in the subway fridge The fucking ice cream guy let us get in the truck and drive around the neighborhood with him We were like dying to be enslaved
Starting point is 00:46:17 Like dying we wanted to get molested so bad. We wanted to be kidnapped and then So because you're up think about it like this when you make a meal you add a little seasoning, right? The molestation would have been the seasoning to our lives Oh That's not gonna be a clip now I can't say that We were we were very irresponsible Just cut this all out just cut it out Josh
Starting point is 00:46:54 The whole thing No, no cut it out go back to Go back go back go back. All right. All right. All right. What are we saying? We really were behind But that's crazy to think about Yeah, and I owed money I owed money to the ice cream guy and I owed money to this blocky stand guy Sipsurfing play. Well, I stole from them. I didn't owe them money. No, I owed the money too I owed them goods because I took goods from them. We owed them and Chelsea Chelsea would spot us. I owe Chelsea about 150 bucks at least all in slushy money and interest, you know
Starting point is 00:47:30 It's now probably like $6,000. Yeah, I know something like that. She's got a she's got a high pig. Yeah, I Don't know if I've ever been like wronged by food to sue them Wronged by food. Yeah, Frankie. Hold on to that thought. We do have some more sponsors for today The first one being fitbot if you're looking if you're looking to get in shape fitbot It's gonna help you do that summer is right around the corner when you really think about it And fitbot is a great app that creates a workout program that is personalized to your goals fitness level and available equipment So if you don't have access to a gym or you don't have any Equipment at home or you have like just dumbbells or something you can put that information in and it will create workouts based upon again
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Starting point is 00:52:05 And for 20 off your first order and free gummies go to hello and use the promo code basement. That is hello promo code is basement for 20 off of your order and free gummies. Okay, so go check it out And Now I mean We had stuff to talk about. I don't think we talked about any of it We talked about bone broth for an hour. We did talk about bone broth and then we somehow got to anti semitism But let's just stay on that I guess. Yeah, why not? Um, it's your favorite topic. Anyways, but we just talked about you of rom Stop it
Starting point is 00:52:43 But yeah, so recently in the news Kanye West, um Back in it back in the news. He's back in the he's back in the news cycle. Uh, he said that in a strange way His anti semitism has been cured By which jona hill, okay, well not jona hill jona hill's performance in 21 jump street listen, um, if only hitler could have watched 21 jump street Then we could have saved so many lives What the hell are we talking about? That's all he need. Listen, I think we've we've well established that mr. West is
Starting point is 00:53:21 severely mentally ill in whatever capacity there's stuff happening. There's some stuff happening there. I will say though If he is gonna be cured by watching movies tv or stuff There's a laundry list of stuff he could watch that might change his mind 21 jump street That's a strange one because I don't even think in the movie. Hey, there's not even like jewish hints Yeah, so I think there's no hint of jewishness. I think he's just so pumped by jona hill's just like radiation of Judaism That he's just like I guess this guy. He he fixed it So you know what and then he wrote a caption about like the most obvious caption
Starting point is 00:53:55 He's like maybe we shouldn't judge a whole group of people because of one or two people. It's like fucking dog Yeah, man That's the thing. Yeah, maybe don't go on your fucking social media platform And say you're gonna go def con three on an entire religion def con three or four. I don't even That's another thing. I don't know what that means. I think def con is worse when it's like at lower numbers like def con Oh, no hot five maybe I don't know the the levels of def con. I think def con the five is the worst. But what is def con? It's like a thing for like defense
Starting point is 00:54:29 Uh, something something con. Yeah communicate def con meaning def con means It just says Each of the series of five progressive levels of alert used by the us armed forces. Oh, what does def con stand for? defense readiness condition
Starting point is 00:54:50 Or simply defense a defense condition. So there we go. That's what it means. Oh, okay, so okay So they're gearing up. So there's different levels. I don't know. So five is the worst So it sounds like it one def con five. They have they have oh they have exercise terms for it. So def con one Uh, oh def con one is the worst. Sorry Break, I know I'm I'm fucked up. So five def con five means they call it fade out Lowest state of readiness normal readiness def con four double take Okay, increased intelligence watch and strengthening strengthened security measures above normal readiness
Starting point is 00:55:31 Getting we're getting there whoa He said def con three in his post and the exercise term for it is roundhouse So konye just basically he basically said he wants a roundhouse the juice the juice Increase in force readiness above that required for normal readiness There the air force is ready to mobilize in 15 minutes. Whoa Damn that you could do that that quick. I guess def con two is fast-paced Next step is nuclear war our forces are ready to deploy and engage in less than six hours
Starting point is 00:56:02 Def con one known as the cocked pistol Or cock it's nuclear war is imminent or has already begun maximum readiness immediate response Nuclear war. Yeah, that's not good Dick you imagine So when you're going on your social media and you're referencing a roundhouse kick a roundhouse kick on a scale that is used to Describe nuclear warfare. Yeah Don't do it Yeah, I hope that this starts a level of healing for him because 21 jump street real good
Starting point is 00:56:33 You know what would be even fun? Well, I think that it would be really funny If people just accept this Like they go Thank god It's like do we not yeah Like you know, it's like oh, but he's he's agreeing now. He's saying the right thing He literally said 21 jump street changed his mind wait till he sees 22 22. Yeah, that might put him back That might put oh no, because I was like, all right. I think no, I was really good. I like which one was 22
Starting point is 00:57:02 That was the one where my name jeff where they go. Oh, yeah, that was a spring break. Yeah That was really good. That was really good. Who is that? The girl on that that was so it's so funny Oh the girl from workaholics, right? Yes. Um ah Forgive me. I'm I'm forgetting her name. Why why did you just start talking like that? You know like I'm a co-worker. Oh, forgive me. Pardon me. I I apologize. I can't remember I it's like it's such a like a white girl name. Well, she's a white jillion bell. There it is
Starting point is 00:57:35 Yeah, that is a white girl's name. That is a white woman's name. I know a girl named jillion You know the same one white girl jillion. Yeah, who do we know jillion from the neighborhood? jillion from the neighborhood used to hang out with uh Sean and kevin Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She was white She still is Is she still is still kicking white. Okay. I think I saw her with cornrows once So wasn't her
Starting point is 00:58:02 Definitely wasn't her Uh, but yeah, man Kanye. Just just stop just come out and just say I'm sorry. Maybe this is his way of saying I'm sorry, but not yet. It's interesting way to do that. But you know, just be like, I'm sorry. I am seeking Help for my mental instability. Right. And I love everyone and I want to lead with love. Boom. Don't say you watch 21 Jump Street Yeah, also like you're like 10 years late on that. Yeah, it was a good movie when it came out. It's still a good movie. Yeah um And then also another thing I wanted to talk about was like the that tiktok girl that you brought up where she like Hides a bunch of shit in her ass. Yeah
Starting point is 00:58:41 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So tiktok user. I forget her name, uh, but uh, she boasts about the size of her butt and being able to hide bottles And and swords. She's got a big fat wagon. She's got she's got double time Wait, you say she's got swords in her ass. She says she can hide swords in it Okay, but what does that mean to put a sword in your ass? Like put it in and like, you know, in the hole not in the hole joey The crack put it in the crack like closer your back and then the blade goes up your back like like your like your wonder woman Wonder woman. Yeah, you don't remember in wonder woman
Starting point is 00:59:16 1984 one of them she had a sword in her ass Well, because there's a scene where she's walking in a dress like a gala with a sword in her back Or maybe it's the first one. Yeah, it's the first one not 84 And there's a sword and like people were like in order for her to do that it would have to be like the in her butt Oh, like the the what is it the the the the metal part the the mantle the the uh handle the handle Mantle
Starting point is 00:59:42 It's got a word or something like that But yeah, apparently she's hiding stuff in her butt. I wanted to ask you. Yeah, you ever hit something in your butt Between my cheeks. Yeah Maybe like a metro card if you had a big ol fat all Would you What would I put that? What would I need? I put you never put a metro card in your ass. Nope Come on
Starting point is 01:00:08 No, you don't like to have fun then. Oh, so this is putting a metro card in your ass and holding it between your cheeks Definition of fun is fun. Yes. No, it is Objectively fun. I remember when I was a kid. You never held anything between your butt cheeks. Of course. I have joey. What have you held? An apple Dude, you've never done that. You can't hold an apple between your ass cheeks. I can You can hold an apple between your ass cheeks. Absolutely, dude That's unbelievable. Is it Frankie? I feel like I could never do that I feel like it's pretty normal to hold an apple between your ass. Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:46 That's not normal. I'm talking about a metro card. Very thin. It is thin You're talking about a full apple. We've also discussed your butt sucks. Well, you said that. Nope people like my butt Who people have food see it who? April my mom says I have a cute butt. Yeah, your mom's your mom. Yeah, she's gonna say that because she's saying your butt is a Babe, whatever you're shoving apples in your ass. Stop. Stop that. I'm not shoving apples in my ass. I can If if if the situation called for it, I could I could hold an apple in my butt My phone, I'm pretty sure I've done that with my phone. I think I think I could put my phone in my I've never done it You've done that first of all you gave me shit for a metro card. You're putting your phone in your ass right now
Starting point is 01:01:26 Give me a shot. Give me a shot. Give me a shot. I'm gonna give it a shot You're gonna what do you mean? You're gonna step off step off real quick I Crushed it You barely had that thing hanging on It held on though. What's the but you can't put a fucking apple in there. I can I can get an apple I think maybe raw butt cheeks. You can raw butt cheeks. Yeah, this is a more grip. Yeah, exactly. Yeah Cloth pants no way
Starting point is 01:02:04 Pants pants on no way. Oh, I thought you meant putting pants between your ass heels. They what? No, uh, but I I you've never been like at a bar and like tried to like hide like a beer In my ass. Well, maybe not in your ass, but like in like your waistband Why would I have to hide it? I'm at a bar to like leave with it Wait, you all right, you've done it. Of course I have What is of course? Of course. Wait, you see you stole a beer hop in with the bros Wait in a cup. No in a bottle Okay, go bar hop in with the bro. I've also stole cups from bars as well. Obviously. I've done that. Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:41 Um, my mom's done that that thief. Yeah, good good for her. She's she's allowed to Yeah, you know But you have a couple bottles and the boys are like, yo, we're going to the next bar and I'm like, all right Give me a sec. I'll get a road soda You go to the bar you get two bottles and you put them in the waist Lining of your waistband, you know, and then you just And then you walk real slow. Hey, what's up? So when you get to the new place, you just take it out and you already got a beer or you drink on the street
Starting point is 01:03:10 Don't do that. Only in vegas I mean you drank those on the street Come on. What's better than drinking outside? Why is it not allowed? Honestly? I don't know a couple of just fucking freaks ruined it for the rest of us Well, I think that people are we're getting drunk and falling into the street and getting hit by vehicles Yeah, what's the difference between going inside and doing that and going outside and doing that one of them has cars Yeah, but you but You're gonna tell me there hasn't been a really beautiful day
Starting point is 01:03:41 And you're like god damn do I wish I could walk the street with like a fucking beer? I'll be honest with you I whenever I want to do it. I do it. Oh Yeah, you break the law. Yes good for you. I do can't wait until you're arrested Well, I don't think I don't think you get arrested for open container. They just give you like a little fine. I've gotten uh Pete and I once I've done it before too. Sorry kids if you're watching Uh, I've done it. I'm not proud of it I'm pretty I'm pretty I'm fighting the law. I'm pretty proud dude if I mean that's why like rooftop bars are great It's like I'm in the air and I'm outside outside and drinking. This is sick
Starting point is 01:04:18 But I've had like Like cops driving by and like, you know, just like fucking like ditching, you know into like a garbage can or something It's all right. There was a kid from our neighborhood who was younger than us Uh, and one time I was walking down Steinway And I forgot where I was going but then the cops pulled up crazy hard and I was like what the fuck is going on and then this kid Had a 40 in his hand on Steinway, which is a popular street in Astoria and uh, he's like yo, yo, just walk. I'm with you. I'm like
Starting point is 01:04:52 No, you're not. No, you're not. I'm not with you I was like put it down It's even like I for some reason feel more safe when I'm doing it compared to when I'm with someone that's doing it I haven't done in a very long time if I'm being really honest. Yeah, like if I'm drinking on the street I'm like I got this but like if I'm walking with someone they're drinking on the street. I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah, you know, I'm a little Do you remember when we were driving up to Connecticut and I would just look at this map and then as soon as we crossed into Connecticut, I would open a beer in the back seat. Yeah, I I don't know if that law still holds on
Starting point is 01:05:21 I don't think it does either. I don't think it does. I haven't done that in a while, but uh Yeah, this was like 10 years ago. Yeah, uh, but 10 years ago when I just turned 21. Oh my god, I'm sold I'm 31 years old. You're 31 joey. Relax. It's disgusting. You are disgusting. Well, no it not me time the pass of time Not disgusting beautiful incredible Yeah, what was that? What? You went like this. Oh, I I had a wet my lips. Oh, you were like the fucking joker
Starting point is 01:05:55 Take it easy there psycho. Um, anyway, I think we could wrap up here frank. Ah, man. Come on. Let's do another Let's go drink outside. Let's do another 12. It's too cold. It is a little cold today. The moment it gets nice though dogs What we're getting close to dog-sucking season coming back baby spring dogs good dogs the summer dogs summer dogs Oh summer dogs Make me baseball game dogs baseball game summer dog with beer I want to get a fat foot long dog. Oh Remember it's like bullshit on it. No. Yeah, I want to go like chili. Let's do an office outing to like a game
Starting point is 01:06:32 Duh, and let's just go and just dog it up. Yeah We should go to city feel though. Yeah, not Yankee stadium. I love the Yankees and Yankee stadium city feel a little nicer Easier to leave And yeah, actually that's not true No, it is Yeah, I could like walk home basically you could it would take a while, but you could yeah Anyway, we're gonna find you Frank if Albers 8085 on Twitter D Frank Albers and all the forms of social media then make sure you go check out the basement
Starting point is 01:06:59 You aren't on patreon slash the basement ever you can get these weekly episodes a week in advance And you can get exclusive episodes every single Friday. Thank you so much Bless you That was very quick. Uh, you get Say thank you. Got it. Thank you. No, you guys can go follow me at Joe Senegal I'll go follow the show at the base me on on tiktok and Instagram and that is all see you guys next time

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