The Basement Yard - #402 - The Most Expensive Thing I Own

Episode Date: June 12, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. You close enough. I'm closing up. I got to be a little modest bitch. Mm-hmm I got to be modest. Why? I don't want to give away all my goodies. Oh white shirt. I What are you talking about? Yeah, you know, I just want the world to imagine what's underneath my really tight shirt because I've gained some weight It's a what it's a white shirt. Well Okay, you're making it. Oh, oh what if you wear white shirt It's cool because you got it from fucking Mr. Mr. Off-White NYC or whatever it is. Wow, is that it?
Starting point is 00:00:30 Nope. No, who is it? I don't even know who you're referring to. Can I ask you a serious question? Okay. What is the most expensive like bland shirt that you have? Dude, I didn't figure this out the other day and I could tell you that right now it is horrible.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Really? Dude, this was like, I found it the other day. I'll show you a picture of it. It's weird that you're donating these clothes there are probably hype They're getting like fucking you know sometimes sometimes I'm like I this was expensive like who's supreme slippers are these I actually never bought anything from supreme I I don't know if I sent this to you, but I I found this shirt. It's a polo. Okay, and it's from Gucci. Oh you did show me this Okay, You did show me this. Yeah, I don't know why I bought it. Oh, you bought it?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Yeah, what do you think Gucci sent it to me? I don't know, I don't know what your relationship with Gucci is. I have zero relationship with the Gucci Frankie. No one from Gucci wants you? No, no, all right. But I bought a polo from Gucci. I think this was like, this was like years ago.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It was like four years ago maybe. Four, five years years ago Joey too soon No, no it was good. She four years ago. Four years ago was 2019 Joey Maybe 2018 it may have been 2019 whoa. That's too soon. I was living in East Elmer's when this happened So I bought it then in that house. That's really bad. Yeah, it was horrible. I showed you the picture though, right? Yes, it's oh, yeah I know it's a white polo and the fucking the color the color has like the Gucci colors and then at the ends that are like here It's got there squares that have like a tiger's face. Yeah Listen me. I'm glad. I'm glad. How much was it?
Starting point is 00:02:24 70 bucks Frankie I'm glad I'm glad. Hold on, how much was it? 70 bucks. Frankie? No. I can tell you this right now. More, hold on. I want you to know something. Okay. I just said a Gucci polo and you said $70.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah. For fun. For gigs and shits and shits. Shizzy gigs is. Shizzy gigs, shizzy. We're gonna go on and see if Literally anything costs $70 there. Oh, that's I thought you were say, okay, so more more than $70. $100. Frankie No, have you bought anything in ever? From Gucci. I come on Joey. See you never even guess
Starting point is 00:03:03 What why do I have to get I know I've never bought anything from Gucci or Versace or Burberry So no why would I have an understanding as to what any of these things cost okay? I'll I'll make it easier for you. Okay, okay. Is there how many is there a two in the front $200 this isn't the present. $250 there, Bob. Hold on, I'm gonna do something easy. I'm gonna go to wallets and small accessories. And then we'll go to... The smallest that you can find.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Key rings and keycases. Key rings and keycases. I don't know what a key case is. I don't either. Let's see. Let's see if we can have some fun here. Oh, good cheese. Good cheese like from Europe.
Starting point is 00:03:44 And you know, all those fucking weirdos over there They're doing weird stuff with how all sorts of things keys You know biscuits, okay here we go ready. Yeah, we're on Yes, these are keychains with letters Yes, it just says ACDE whatever. It's just kid. How much is that where the fuck is B bitch? That is true Where the hell what happened to be? Yeah, where's B? There's no B damn. They're kind of that's a little wild, but anyway How much is this it goes on your keychain? It's just a letter 30 bucks, right? Yeah, $380
Starting point is 00:04:19 Hold on hold on I'll click through I will show you babe. Is there diamonds on it? I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Versace he's dead too no Versace is live that movie house of Gucci with lady Gaga Adam driver and yeah, let all of them They all dead well. I mean those those prices will kill somebody. I'll tell you yeah Yeah, and I think you can find you so hold on so you fucking yes stupid. Yes little stupid bitch. Yes asshole. Yeah You went all right, so that shirt has got to be All right, hold the fucking phone if that's the re if that fucking stupid ass keychain with a single letter on it I may have sent you into orbit with that also. I'm trying to find the polo if it's still on the site I mean regardless I think if that keychain is $380 Yeah, that's a fucking keychain.
Starting point is 00:05:26 That shirt has got to be the, I would say $450. Right. Oh, I found it, I found it. I found the exact one. Oh, boy. Get your size and everything, size small. Just so everyone, men that are 5'6' where. Okay, this is the shirt, right?
Starting point is 00:05:42 This is a thing that I bought on a site. Yeah. You said what, 450? I say 450. I wish, Frank. Seven hundred and ten dollars. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you know what I do with the shirt? Never wore it once.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Put it in the bag. Just donated it. Dude, someone's gonna be... Someone had good will or salvation on me. Someone had good wills gonna go, who the fuck bought this? They were gonna say, oh, we're in Brooklyn. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Fucking asshole pieces of shit that we're backwards hats now. Yeah, no, it was not good. You weren't through a thing. I wore it one time. I remember specifically wearing it one time. When? I think I wore it to like a family Christmas store. You wore a $700 and $10 shirt to a family Christmas.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Dude, what's wrong with me? You put your arm around your brother Keith and had a $710 shirt on and Keith was probably wearing a $10 shirt. Yeah, that's why I like you. But I don't do that. I don't like that. No, you don't do it.
Starting point is 00:06:39 You did it though. I did do it. You did do it. So you might not currently do it, but you did it. So it happened. What other, I don't have you did do it. Yeah, so you might not currently do it, but you did it so What other I don't have anything else. I'm so glad. I'm so glad. I did do something I'll do something I bought I bought a pair of sunglasses the other day $400 less. Okay, that's not yeah They're through the 320 I think yeah, yeah, okay, honestly I don't have sunglasses are timeless
Starting point is 00:07:04 Okay, that shirt suck then suck now and we'll suck forever It's definitely not me at all. Why did I buy that? I don't know there was no point in my hat have you ever had a Gucci belt? No, Gucci Gucci. I have a good my wallet is Gucci That sucks too. How much was that? 250 bucks 300 bucks, I think that is so stupid! It's not, I mean, yeah. No, no, no, no defense. You have no defense. The world is seeing you for the douchey fucking best.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I have designer stuff. I bet most of the people watching this have way more designer shit than I do. They literally have two things. Joey, who do you think are watching this show fucking the big people have? Okay, my sister sister normal person? Yes, Joey your sister better shit
Starting point is 00:07:47 I but I think we've established that you know I'm a taste for more designer stuff We I've known her for quite a long time. There's none wrong with it. Of course. So how could you miss a that if you don't if you fucking if it's Because I am a I am here sitting across from you and I'm not able to make fun of your sister because she can't defend herself I can't make fun of the people watching the show because they can't I'm not making fun of anyone. I can make fun of you because you're here. You're pathetic and You're spending way too much money on a shirt that you've worn once and guess where it is now In a fucking donation bill homeless guys in a donation bit. Look at for them Someone is gonna take that shirt. Yeah, and they're not gonna wear it They're gonna sell it and they're gonna feed their family
Starting point is 00:08:22 Because you're a fucking elitist prick. I'm not a leotist. How does that elitist? Joey, I donated it. A shirt is $710. I don't have, Frank, I'm an idiot. I'm not an elitist. I don't think from head to toe my outfit is $500 right now.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Cool. Let's all strive to be you bitch. I don't know if striving to be me is the way to go. But this was $400, but nonetheless otherwise cool. Oh, I'm saying Come on Joey dude. I you know what I know I Have I've spent more money on megazords and then I have on designer shit easily Wait a sec. No easily. How much how much would you say that one shirt alone puts you above four megazords for me? Well, you don't have four You don't have four megazords. I do have a couple more than four you spent more on
Starting point is 00:09:12 fucking toys over the age of 25 Shut up Then I have a designer shit in my entire life. I only have three things that are designer and I don't use any Your whole life that shirt that wallet so that's what and then I have I have that are designer and I don't use any of the whole life that shirt that wallet So that's what and then I have I have that's a thousand dollars right there I have a pair of of nice dress shoes that are from Gucci too. Oh how much I Don't know Come on Joey. You know I don't know I'm fucking I can't believe all these things I bought years ago
Starting point is 00:09:41 And I still have my this is a boy that him and I would go and we would take a fucking dollar and we'd go get 10 Lafay Taffees and we'd be happy for it. Okay, let's not be mistaken. This is a boy. Yeah, but we were eight. Yeah, you're going to go buy Lafay Taffees right now. Never forget where you came, Joey. Never forget where you came from.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Don't buy nice stuff. Just buy Lafay Taffees. Is that the message you're sending? That's not what I'm saying, because that'll be a fucking nightmare on your teeth. What I'm saying is, don't forget where you came from Joey what you start making money billionaire Joe and now you're wearing What what would you do if I if I know this I know this bitch? They were 800 bucks. Mm-hmm. They were $800 800 plus 700 that's already more than my toys probably already more than my toys and then I and then I had the wallet
Starting point is 00:10:23 Which was 300 already more than my toys and I have and then I had the wall which was 300 already more than my toys And I have one other thing that I don't use anymore Well, I don't want to give it to someone because I don't want it anymore. What is it? It's like a double bag Oh, so let's let's round off and say 2500 from Louis Vuitton. Yeah, let's say 2500 is what you spend on designer stuff Yeah, that's not a lot dude. I have okay regardless. I have not spent half of that Frankie Okay, it doesn't mean that you're better person, like what do you say? I'm better person! Because I've spent 2,500, people have single bags that cost more than that.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Yes, yes, yes. I understand, now what's not even get into gifts that you've given that it might have been designer, but that's okay, that's the new here and right there. Yeah, different because giving gifts, selfless, completely understand that, I'm with you on that. But you fucking, I'm glad. This person doesn't want to buy you something fucking dumb. No, but here's the thing Everybody you also have that stupid ass fucking watch that you went the last time you wore it No clue. I wear it all the time. I've never seen it. I'm gonna wear it to the podcast
Starting point is 00:11:18 Well, if you if you're not showing off for these people you're showing off for I'm not showing off Yeah, you are bitch. It's an accessory. It's an accessory shop. If I showed up. Yeah. If I showed up with a fucking Gucci shirt or a Versace or a... Or... Or we don't like Belenciaga anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:11:38 They're not. Belenciaga. Yeah, whoever they are. Belenciaga. Yeah, we don't like them anymore, right? I don't know. If I showed up in a pair of fucking babes You would go babes this kid so out of touch It is insane if I show up in a pair of babes. I first of all not letting you in that's number one
Starting point is 00:11:56 If I show up in a pair of babes bumping bow out the fucking you're talking about All right, all right, all right, all right. If I show up in a pair of pinks, that's where he went. Decider thing. Okay, if I show up in a pair of YSL. In a pair of YSL. I don't know, if I showed up in head to toe YSL, you would say, look, look at who's here? Who is this mr. Fucking head to toe drip?
Starting point is 00:12:31 That doesn't even sound like me Of course I would why would I not say that if you showed up to do the podcast Covered in why even if I had oh if I pulled out a fucking Give me another brand name. Give me another like high-end brand name stuff You can honestly make one up right now, and I would believe it. What's what's Fendi okay Gavinci if I showed up and pull to your fuck with me You know it's not Gavinci
Starting point is 00:13:03 Balanced Siaga and Gavinci Frank, have you been inside a store or even out of the in the world? What's it? Okay. Givenchy. Givenchy? It's with the GIV. Right. E N C H Y. Correct. So what's the pronunciation? I'm not going tell you. Okay, I'm gonna stick with Givenchy then. Cool. That's my plan. That's what I want you to do. Okay, if I pulled out a fucking Givenchy wallet, you would look at me and you'd go,
Starting point is 00:13:35 Whoa, Mr. Fucking, who is it? Oh, starts making money. Only because you are dying on this hill that like, everything I own is $10 or less. No, like you're the fucking dying. You're mother Teresa. I'm not, first of all, definitely not mother Teresa. There's some stuff there if you look into it.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Really? What was she doing? Look into it. She was bringing that foul up her sex. I'm not gonna... Wait, what was mother Teresa doing? There's just some stuff she might have helped cover up. I don't want to...
Starting point is 00:13:59 Oh, the church, you know. But... How dare you, by the way. But, Joey, I remember you. I can close my eyes and eyes and remember you're referring to someone who was 11 years old and had one pair of sneakers and Three pairs of shorts. You never forget where you came from that doesn't mean that you just I want to be you just stay I want to I hold on to those moments with dear heartness whole dear heartness You pretentious piece of garbage. ME.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Yeah. ME, Frank. You think I'm pretentious? I hold on to those moments so dear. You are the boy that I fell in love with at the age of- Well, that's all. I don't know. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I'd like to know about this as well. People already think you want to kiss me. Now we've just found out more information. I don't know, keep going. I'd like to know about this as well. People already think you want to kiss me. Now we've just found out more information. I don't know. What I'm saying is, I hold on to the relationship that we had growing up, and I think a part of who you are now is your humble beginnings. And just don't ever forget that bitch,
Starting point is 00:14:58 because the moment you forget about your humble beginnings, you forget about me, your best friend. So I, so because I spent $2,500 on designer things which is such a low amount you have no fucking cool but you so badly wanted to be crazy because you're like well I have nothing that's not the standard bitch well I want you to just remember does your wife have anything that's designer no you piece of shit oh yeah that is my that is my fault that's my fault I don think so. But she's also not the type. I don't think she's like the type.
Starting point is 00:15:26 If I were to show up with like designer panties. She probably throw it out, right? No, she'd be like, thank you. But what? It's not her style. It's not her thing. I got her years ago. I got her a Michael Kors bag, but that was it.
Starting point is 00:15:40 We think that is. Designer. Yeah, but it was a smaller one. I was pretty broke at the time. Good. It was not like one of like a big crazy ones. Big crazy ones? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:50 They get like, are this. They're big where you can like carry dogs and them and stuff like that. Well, whatever. Fine. But you're best Earth. I just want to make this clear. The reason I hope you never forget your humble beginnings
Starting point is 00:15:58 is because you'll forget about me and our friendship. And you know how insecure I am. Clearly. I mean, you're making wild like connections here. I just want to make sure that you never forget me and always keep me around and love me as hard as I love you. As hard. That's it.
Starting point is 00:16:14 How hard do you love me? Pretty hard, now that I think about it. You put it in like, like how much pressure? It'll do. Like if you had to compare it to like an animal sitting on me, that's a lot of like how how heavy? blue whale one
Starting point is 00:16:29 Million one million one million whales sitting on on me on a twig. Yeah, what's less? I'm trying to think like a what's more breakable than you and a twig Okay, yeah, that's pretty hard That's what I feel about you. Thanks. Love you. Also last night, what? I took a nice romantic bath for the first time in my apartment.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yeah, I don't know. People, all movies and TV shows, people getting into like baths together. I have never taken a bath with another person I don't know if I I can't remember I have but it was in like Never mind Say it. I don't like saying stuff like that, but I it was one time But it was like those like fucking like heart jacuzzi's and like the fucking hotel where it's like We're in the honeymoon suite
Starting point is 00:17:22 It was a hotel because obviously you can't, in like an apartment tub, you're never gonna fit in that. Yeah. Two people, unless you're like crazy. I don't know who has tubs big enough, like, just hotels when they have like, stupid. The year of our Lord 2023, it's really difficult. I have been in a tub with my wife. I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Like a hotel tub. Yeah, it was at a hotel. We went to, when we went to, what's that place called? World of Yomish were Lancaster. We had a really nice hotel and there was a pretty big hotel. I'm pretty sure we got in that together, but I can't honestly remember. But I was by myself and I had a little thing.
Starting point is 00:17:53 You know the wood thing? The wood thing you put across. Yeah, wine? No, I didn't. Oh, just stupid. I should have. You really, you missed an opportunity there. Shut the lights off.
Starting point is 00:18:01 All down. All done. Music? No. Candle. yeah, what flavor? Those are called cents whatever tomato tomato. It was just like a linen. Oh clean linen clean linen one of my faves It wasn't it wasn't a Yankee candle. It was just like a regular candle But it like smelled like a linen. Oh not a designer candle. No, she's a regular glad you didn't fucking break the bank there Joey And but then I had a I had an iPad and I watched Ted lasso
Starting point is 00:18:34 Where's it like it's not in there, dude? Of course it does. It's absolutely is it one of those times because we have a tub at the house but it's not made for a size of me and I I have to like, in order to get my like, upper half submerged, I need to like, put my legs up against the wall. Like I'm like, oh, you know what I mean? So like the faucet would be pouring on your dick. Yes, so like I have to do that. Have you done that?
Starting point is 00:18:58 You ever hold on, let me ask you a question because now you're talking about a wild position that you're in there. Yes. Your legs go up against the wall. The faucet's facing down at your... My floor. Dick and Puss.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Yeah. Well, one of those. Well, back. Back, boy pussy. That's right. So it is pride month. Have you ever turned on the water and let it just hit all that stuff like your butt, like on your balls and your penis?
Starting point is 00:19:24 Have you ever done that? I think I have, but not for the purpose of it hitting my dick balls on butt. What was the purpose if it has? I think, so when I lived, when I was in grad school, this is like a yes or no. But no, but it's not a simple answer. When I was in grad school, I would take like two hour long
Starting point is 00:19:42 shower and baths because I was living on campus and I had an apartment to myself. And had all the time in the world. All of it. Two hours? Bro I would get in, take a shower, lay down, let the shower hit me, turn the bath on, let the water fill up, turn the shower on. So I'm in the tub, in the bath, with the shower coming down. It was a really great time. Why? I had a lot of time. And I was sad.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Right. Yeah. Oh, so you were like, I'm in the tub. I'm in the rain. I'm in the rain. I'm in the tub. I'm like laying in a puddle in the shower. But then also I go underwater and the sound of the shower
Starting point is 00:20:23 water hitting the water, like the tub water. Yeah, it was like Like that like a fucking puddle of mud song. Yeah Puddle of mud That's since that's dumb. I'll say that. Well, it was at my water. I didn't pay for water It was like the campus's water. So like who cares, right? Oh, that's not the concern. The concern is the fact that you may be completely dehydrated after taking a two hour water thing. What do you think I was doing in there, not drinking?
Starting point is 00:20:54 Yeah. You were used to your hydrating. I had like, I had like, you know, cups or bottles of water or something like that. I often drink iced tea. Ice tea. Yeah. What the fuck? What's wrong with you? Why are you like, what kind of iced tea? Pure leaf iced tea. Ice tea. Yeah. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:21:06 What's wrong with you? Why are you like... What kind of iced tea? Pure leaf, iced tea, black tea. Oh, you were drinking like tea. Yeah. Doesn't that also dehydrate you? Not as...
Starting point is 00:21:16 No, it's more hydrating than it is dehydrating. Why are you judging my... You think it's two hours' shower? Um, when I wasn't paying for water, now I would never do that. How long is your showers? Now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:28 Not like because you're in a rush and all the best. Not like when you just have the time. If I have the time, you know. Kids are asleep. Kids are asleep. Although I shower in the morning, I'm a morning shower boy because I want to start my day clean.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I don't want to fucking go through my day dirty. I would say if I'm going in and I'm enjoying my shower, 15 minutes, 10 to 15 minutes, I get bored in there. I get so bored. I get so bored, I start. I'm there for business. I'm there for business, cleaning, singing, the acoustics in my bathroom are pretty good.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Are they? Yeah, very good. What's your go-to shower song? Like, changes. I don't have a go-to. Oh, I usually do, like, you know, I did sunflower today, post-molone and got it. Go ahead, please guess. Swately. Yeah. Okay. All right. I'm so proud of you. Swately, who's part of Ray Sremord? Yep. I got that, right? You did.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Okay. See, don't fucking look down on me, bitch. I know my stuff When say that and then Georgia by ludicrous and Jamie Foxx. That's a good one. Okay. I Think cry mob field mob one of the mobs are in there, but Yeah, I know I was probably the newest song that you know And that was years ago, maybe no No, yes. I had a game on my phone that was like basically like a Tar Hero on my phone. And it was a, do a leap of song on there.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Yeah. I got you. Moment. I didn't. You said you. You said you. I got you. I got, I got you. Yeah, I don't got you
Starting point is 00:23:07 Well, that's what you said. It's not what I said, but you doubled down also. I'm a little jealous of your math It's pretty nice. It comes. You bath you bath bomb, baby So like I was taking a lot of baths at one point Mm-hmm, so funny to say but I was taking a bath at one point So like I remember in your old apartment you used to tell me all the time. Yeah, yeah, um, and that bath sucked because it wasn't it was so shallow that like parts of my thighs would be out Even if I'm laying down a lot of people I remember it because you pegged me with eggs in that. Yes, that did happen. You did.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Um, and my brother got me bath bombs for Christmas. And I was like, I'll try this out. Yeah. And it's disgusting. I didn't even get in. Oh. I saw it and I was like, no, and I just flushed it. I, a friend of mine from college, him and his wife opened
Starting point is 00:23:56 like a bath bomb company. And they sent me like a black lava bath bomb. And I threw it in and the bath water was black. That sounds not cool. It was pretty cool though. It's not good You feel like a seagull and like an oil spill I got it I got out my wife rubbed me down with dub soap That's cool shot the dub soap. Yo, they're saving fucking birds and juxtap just ducks Seagulls are they seagulls too? I don't think anyone cares be it. They're saving fucking birds and ducks. Just ducks. Are they Seagulls? Are they Seagulls, too?
Starting point is 00:24:26 I don't think anyone cares about Seagulls. Is a Seagull a duck? No. It's a bird. I think they're all frogs and toads, baby. Yeah. Frogs and toads. Frogs and toads.
Starting point is 00:24:35 They're different species. Even I know that. No, no. Joey. All toads are frogs, but not all frogs are toads. Explain how that applies to Seagulls and fucking ducks. Because all birds are... All Seagulls and ducks are. Because all birds are, all seagulls and ducks are birds, but all birds are seagulls and ducks. How are you, how are you unable to grasp such a literally completely easy concept?
Starting point is 00:24:57 Are you ignoring me? No, you're ignoring me. What were you talking about, bath bombs? Did you finish that? Oh, you were wearing a black one, yeah. I was in a black one, yeah, which I know you would hate because of the obvious connotation. Fucking idiot. I'm a little jealous here.
Starting point is 00:25:12 I'm not, I'm not like a watch TV in the bath type of guy though. I'm not either, but I was like, this is gonna be nice. Do you, have you ever read in the bath? People that, like, I'm a little... Lead in the bath. I have not. I want to make that very clear. No. But there are people that get in the bath and read.
Starting point is 00:25:25 And it's like, you suck. You're a bullshit. I can't read unless it's dead silent. And I'm like, just sitting on my couch and there's nothing else happening. If I'm in water, I'd be like, I'm in water. And I can't focus. Also, if I get water on the pages, it's done.
Starting point is 00:25:41 It's a wrap. The book is going in the garbage. I almost threw something out this morning. What, besides the $700 shirt? That I've thrown out. But I, I, I can't speak. I put a, like a muffin tin in the dishwasher and then when I was emptying the dishwasher this morning,
Starting point is 00:26:03 the muffin tin, I guess, sounds like I'm saying muffin tin, but it sounds like it, but it was like rust in each one of the things. Oh, toss it, gone. And I was like, well. Yeah, no, it's gone. No, but I've been bullied, so I didn't toss it.
Starting point is 00:26:17 No, you should, absolutely you should. I am giving you full, you get my stamp of approval. Yeah. You can throw it out. Okay. And get a good one. You don't get like, you know, one of those like dollar general one. No offense dollar general. I should get like a designer one.
Starting point is 00:26:31 I wouldn't do that. Does Gucci sell like? Frankie, no. Kitchen appliances? No. But you see what you just said? You just said, don't get the fuck in. Get like a better one.
Starting point is 00:26:43 That's that's that's that's all we're we're talking about right so explain to me how a fucking regular polo is an echo polo is not better than a Franky and Gucci polo an echo explain it to me explain tell me about all you know about why Gucci is so expensive tell me about the fibers the fucking you know about why Gucci is so expensive. Tell me about the fibers, the fucking, you know, the spider silk farm that they have. It has nothing to do with that. So what does it have to do? It's just about the fact that they can fucking charge it.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And it's a racket. Of course. So. But not all the time. Sometimes they have to know that. But there is science behind getting better, better kitchen appliances and stuff. Science.
Starting point is 00:27:24 I just bought a bunch of stainless steel pots. They're so sexy, dude I literally was gone for me. I wouldn't have gone with stainless steel the new thing I that we did recently It's safer, but we went with the ceramic green pans. I heard those eventually are not good Comes off and like Teflon and stuff eventually No, no Teflon that's what I'm saying those non-stick is poison. Yeah, legitimate It's I think it's called like the ceramic ones too. I heard there are like eventually. They're like it's no So like the ones that we have are coated in like an all natural thing. Oh, yeah That's what they told you didn't stay the steel. I mean listen whatever you don't cook so they're never gonna get used
Starting point is 00:28:04 Okay, but you got to make sure you season those bad boys. Season what? Make sure you know how to use them. You need to get them like real hot and season them. I am not about to go down this road with you. I'm just, I just wanna make sure that you know when you do it the right way. Same way, same if you get like any cast iron stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:23 Frankie, what do you think? You're an idiot. If, hey, if you wanna like any cast iron stuff Frankie, what do you think? You're an idiot If hey if you want to cook a steak you got to get the pan real hot What you think I was gonna do put it in the freezer first and then put the food on? No Joey you need to do the water test on the stainless steel It needs to skip across the stainless steel pan in order to make sure that it's non-sticky If you don't get it hot enough, it's gonna stick it's gonna ruin the pan and the food I'm just like you know I'm just like, you know, I'm just like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and I know,
Starting point is 00:28:50 and I know when you're never gonna admit that you fucked them up, but if you do, and I find out about it, oh my God, I'm gonna kill you. That's a big, that's a thing, I know. Murder. This is an emotional charge, I've been selling a lot today. We're yelling, I'm hungry. Yeah. It's a lot, that's a thing. I know. Murder. This is an emotional charge. The emotionally charged episode. We're yelling a lot today. We're yelling.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I'm hungry. Yeah. It's a lot going on today. Well, you want to kiss and make up before we get into the ads? We do have better help, is one of our ads. So if you guys are in a mood of yelling like me and Frank are, and you feel like you need to talk about it,
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Starting point is 00:31:24 and you'll get all of that. The four four week trial free postage and the digital scale like I said no commitments or contracts or anything You get all that stuff again at a You know click on the microphone at the top of the home page and type in basement. There you go folks So there you go. All right, and what do I gotta say? I got something to say and you know, and that's about baby slash the basement yard folks. It's Joe and I you like Joe and I you like to show you watch the show You tell your friends about it you send the clips. Well guess what? There's more of us maybe more of us you haven't seen and I'm not talking naked I'm talking just more of our faces all right visions of our pretty face sending you into hyperspace
Starting point is 00:32:03 There you go slash the basement yard. You sign up today. You get these week, episodes of Weekend Advance, and then that second tier. Oh my goodness gracious. That's where you get exclusive episodes every single Friday morning. And the summer's here, the summer of the suck,
Starting point is 00:32:16 dog suck and season is upon us. And what better way to start your weekends? Joe, end with me. slash the basement yard. Go check it out. Thank you. We get $22,000. We're doing a brunch episode. Yeah, we're doing a brunch episode. We're gonna have mimmies. We're gonna have bellies. We're gonna have some fucking pancakes. Oh, bacon. Bacon. Bacon? Yeah, I guess. Maybe we'll get Joe to drink a bloody Mary or two and we'll have some Eggs holidays
Starting point is 00:33:05 What is that called Benedict's trading. Me too. I'm gonna gave us up. That's what I think about. I think when I see X Benedict on the menu, I go, that guy, I told him. That fucking traitor. And he made this egg sandwich.
Starting point is 00:33:17 That treasonous prick doesn't deserve my harder and can't. I have no idea what he actually did. Oh, I don't think he, I honestly don't know either. I don't know either. I just know that the name name is like one of those names that we don't like You know he's a treasonous, you know tramp Troll up. What's that? I don't know cool. I think it's like an old-timey name for like, you know like hester print I thought that was like a like a British bus. That's trolley. That's trolley
Starting point is 00:33:40 I think troll up is like a like an old-timey whore Oh, okay cool. Look it up. Google that shit. Or I'll do it. I got you. Honestly, but it's not. Let's just go with it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Yeah, let's go with it. We're just going to say what we believe the word to be. Yeah. Okay. But yeah, every time I see eggs, benedicts, I go up. And I've only had it once, and it was a lobster, eggs, benedicts. I think that's one that I had when we were in... Key West.
Starting point is 00:34:00 It was really? I might have. I can't remember. Honestly. Yo, eggs, benedicts are slutty. They're very sloppy. Key West it was really I might of I can't remember honestly yo eggs Benedict are slutty um they're very sloppy you bite into them when it's like Yoke and then there's yoke saws on top of the yoke. Yeah, what I mean like it's yoked up That's the way it is I actually they're good. I think I I'm really excited to get to 22,000 because
Starting point is 00:34:24 Your boy likes a mosey. I haven't had a mimee and I'm gonna have one. You're gonna have to. Tomorrow. Oh. I have a flight tomorrow morning. I'm gonna load up. Oh, that's what the last time I had a mimee
Starting point is 00:34:35 when we were on our way to Puerto Rico. You didn't have one. I had, I had, I had a, I had a, I had a, I had a, I had a couple and I was, you guessed it, drunk. Oh yeah, I was drunk on that plane. First drink I've ever had on a plane. Was it the first one? Yeah, first time I ever had a drink and I was, you guessed it, drunk. Oh yeah, I was drunk on that plane. First drink I've ever had on a plane. Was it the first one? Yeah, first time I ever had a drink on a plane.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I didn't know they were like complimentary. So I was just like, I thought that afterward it was gonna get like tacked on to like our like seat charge. No. Oh yeah, no it's nice. That's fucking game changer. Well that's, I think that's just first class. Yeah, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:35:04 I didn't know. So, me and Frank had our flights paid for. So we were like, let's upgrade the first changer. Well, that's, I think that's just first class. Yeah, I didn't know that. Yeah. I didn't know. So, maybe Frank had our flights paid for. So we were like, let's upgrade the first class. Like, it's only like, first time I ever flew first class, it is a bit of a game changer. Huge. I, the best thing, I don't really, I mean, I don't fly first class that often. Yeah. That was the second time, I think.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Oh, well, three times. Okay. But, oh, because I got upgraded one time. But I've only been in the first class three times. But, like, paying a little more for, like, comfort plus is worth it because you get on the plane. But I've only been in the first class three times. But like paying a little more for like comfort plus is worth it because you get on the plane. And you get off the plane? I stood up to go use the bathroom
Starting point is 00:35:31 and I looked back at basic economy and I scoffed. Right. And there's fucking normies back there. I know. And I said, get your fucking money up. And then I walked away. And our seats were free. And I walked away.
Starting point is 00:35:43 Yeah. But yeah, I'm very, very, very excited. you should have seen me when I was coming back from Toronto. They were like They called my name. They're like can can can can Joe Senagano come to know and I was like oh I would have So excited. No, I was scared. Oh scared because usually they're like these people like they're trying to like find seats or whatever Oh, cuz they all said fuck. I was like I'm looking at my seat So I go up and I go up. Oh, oh yeah I'm like Santa goto and the guys like hmm. He's like oh we upgraded you to first class and then I was like oh my I felt like fucking Willy Wonka like I found the golden ticket. I was like a really want to happen it off my hands Like that bad bad bad bad make sure we're clear on Willy Wonka doesn't get the gold ticket
Starting point is 00:36:20 It's the kids that get the gold ticket talking about the talking about the fucking movie. Charlie. Charlie did get it. By the way, rewatch that movie, kid. Fucked up teeth. A little bit of the place. I know. Also the guy, Mr. Whittlesworth, what's his name? Slugsworth. Slugsworth.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Slugshorn. Slugshorn. Slugshorn? Slugshorn. Scary. He looks like a skeleton. He looks like the thinnest skin. He looks like exactly what I imagine Nazis to look like.
Starting point is 00:36:47 He looks like a lizard and wearing a person. If you were to put me on like the most like remote island and told me to draw a serial killer, it would be slughorn. Yeah, I don't. Was that his name? I don't even remember. Slugworth. Slug's worth.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Slughorn. Who's slughorn then? is that like a Harry Potter person? I think that's nothing oh Willie wonka bad guy well, he wasn't a bad guy slug worth. Okay, so who slug horn? Just just Google slug horn slug horn Oh shit Harry Potter. It is a Harry Potter, okay Professor slug horn. What what was that? Okay, Professor slug horn. Which one was that? Which professor? Oh my god, his name is Horace
Starting point is 00:37:34 That's such an old white. Oh, is that the old one that was like Voldemort's teacher that like fucking Dumbledore brings back? This guy. Yes, yeah, he was Voldemort's teacher and like Dumbledore's like you should come. You should come back to touch And he's like I'm not if I'm he's the one that stresses the, is a fucking armchair. Right. Right. I do remember that. I wanna go to Harry Potter world, dude. Have you been?
Starting point is 00:37:53 No, dude. It's so fire. We, you had mentioned that we would do like a, like a day trip or something. Yeah. That's where it should be. 100%. And we should just just fucking. I'm going back to universal like
Starting point is 00:38:06 For a picture on only episode maybe if we get to 25,000 bro It's so fun. I'm a little all the Harry the Harry Potter rides at uh I don't even know I just want to go is butter beer alcoholic or no no God damn it's fucking good isn't it's like a soda I want to go and have like you know like I wanted to fuck me up though. I do. I kind of bring a little nap. Oh. What does it taste like? Butter Scotch. So what is, you never had butter Scotch?
Starting point is 00:38:33 I haven't had it as my grandmother died. You were a functioning person back then. But I just don't remember the taste. Oh, well, I mean, it tastes good. I mean, the only way I could describe it is like, it's like asking me to describe like ketchup Like it tastes like ketchup. It's butter Scotch No, ketchup you could say there's like a hint of vinegar and sweetness and like you get like the tomato
Starting point is 00:38:51 I don't really have you know a pallet. Yeah, no, we do understand that. That's not what I was gonna say Yeah, I'm fucking mr. Fucking interesting how you went immediately to catch up mr. chicken fingers. It's ketchup one Chicken ketchup and two. I don't know what that has to do with chicken fingers. Um, so Let's let's go. I would love to I would love to go. Yeah, no, it's a lot of fun. We are a little ride They take pictures of you. Oh really? All the rides that we're moving on also the pictures are very expensive. Wow. That's a racket So I'm I'm deciding to move on you're deciding not to I. We're a little old maybe to go to fucking Harry Potter World together. Negative. Really?
Starting point is 00:39:27 Absolutely not. Oh well, I will say this. Al Pacino, a little old to be fostering, not fostering, having children. Yeah, he wasn't fostering. He's... Segway! Go for it. Al Pacino. So for those who don't know. Al Pacino.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Al Pacino. Also, you can't be too old for Harry Potter Learn. I just want to go back to that for one second. You can't be too old for Harry Potter World because... Nearly have this Nick. he's a ghost. He's a thousand years old, he still hangs around the castle. He knows it's fun too. So don't be a bastard. I gotta be honest with you, Joey.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I don't know if he has the choice. Two. Al Pacino, 82 years old, is now having a kid with a 29-year-old. Yeah, a little weird. A little bit of a gap. A little bit weird. This person was not out when Scarface came out. Is age just a number?
Starting point is 00:40:11 Um, if you believe it, but also experiences just a lot of it too. I feel like you shouldn't be like times three older than a person. Let's see, he's almost, no, he's not times three. Joey, what's 29? Bro, he's not getting on times three older than a person. Well, let's see. He's almost, no, he's not times three. Joey, what's 29th? Bro, he's not getting on times three. 87 would be 29 times three. He's 80 fucking two. Yeah, he's close enough.
Starting point is 00:40:34 I just think this is the thing. He's disgusting. He looks dead. He looks like he wears scarves all the time. He was at the Game Awards last year and when I was watching it, he came on season and was like, he'd look better as a corpse. He would look better in a casket. That was fucked up.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Well they do put makeup on you. Mr. Pacino, I'm sorry. He ain't watching. You think he ain't? He can't see. He's old. That's ageism, Joey. You're gonna really upset our 79 year old fan.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Our 180 year old fan. Al Pacino, being it... Yo. How... I didn't know that sperm work. Yeah, I don't... You have to imagine in like the early 90s he saved the load of his loads. Oh, do you think that's what it is? A frozen load? I would assume so because at fucking 82, what you what do you blast in just fucking cream of corn? That's what I'm saying Yeah, it's kind of be something like that. It's just like dripping out of you like fucking maple syrup Like there's no way I thought for sure your dick shots off and your sperm is like dude
Starting point is 00:41:37 We just I think at the age of 80 your dick just like puts a fucking top cap on puts that like you know Bang on a stick and just like walks away. Yeah It's not small. It's 80 years of service. You know crazy dude. That's wild. That's why I Good good for him. I hear's the other thing but also like we could say this what's at the quality of this child 82 year old come? Oh Yeah, this baby is gonna come out looking like Benjamin button Well the baby Benjamin button looked at like a long, a baby at first.
Starting point is 00:42:06 He was born old and died young. He can't be born old. Well this baby is gonna come out and look like fucking, you know. What's like an old, what's like an old. He's just gonna come out and it's gonna be like an expired library book. One that you, when you open the front and you see someone signed it out in 1958. Or one that has like a padlock on it. You got to open it like this and are so pretty.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah. This fucking Indian in the cupboard book is going to come out of this girl. Yeah. Or did it come out already? Here's the other thing. I'll say this. That was Native American, by the way. Oh, well, I was referencing the Native in the movie, Joey.
Starting point is 00:42:39 All right. And it's actually First Nation, you stupid bitch. Is that what we're doing now? I've lost count if I got to be honest with you. What were we talking about? Oh, Al Pacino. Yeah, but like, what 29 year old is let an Al Pacino throw down in the kitchen?
Starting point is 00:42:58 Like I'm saying. Listen, I don't wanna, I know true love exists. I found true love. I believe in true love. Uh huh. But if she was 82, frankly. But if she was 80, if I met my wife and or before she was my wife and she was 82 years old, I would say hey Ain't gonna work out. Let me actually a different question
Starting point is 00:43:19 Where would you meet her? Yeah, yeah, where do you meet eight on a two-year-old at a park bench? Just fucking screaming at a tree. She's like, well, I saw an old woman feeding pigeons and I ran over there. Where am I gonna meet this woman getting fucking driven in an ambulance? Yeah, I don't. Where do you meet eight year olds, dude?
Starting point is 00:43:40 Where do they don't leave? They just say. There's gotta be a dating app for 80 year olds It's gotta be called like you know like I think that's just a retirement home Well by the way why don't retirement homes have such negative connotations? I feel like I'm gonna go to yeah No, but because there's a lot of unfortunate instances of abuse both Who's gonna I saw a video physical and sexual there's some stuff there we might not oh the people the PIA We might not want to touch that one Joey. Let's just leave that one on the back burner Whatever
Starting point is 00:44:10 I saw a video though. I saw a video. I think on take talk Of course, it's real yeah, well no, it was real. Uh-huh, and it was in a retirement home and a guy was standing like this Right and I was a woman, an old woman, in like a wheelchair, and she was facing this way, and she was blowing up. And the person was like, just getting blown. Bro, no way.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Old man penis is gotta be, penis is her disgusting as it is. They're ugly as shit. Old man cocks, they have to be literally see-through. It's gotten, yeah, ill. Oh my god, you're a seeded in old man's legs. Yeah. They have that one giant vein that fucking goes like this
Starting point is 00:44:51 down the fucking, it just looks like sheets of paper that are lost. And you can see like layers of like freckles. You're like this one's dark, this one's super light. Yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, why is that? Why can I see your fucking- It's like a bunch of cheese. Yeah, I could see the blood running through your vein
Starting point is 00:45:06 Like I shouldn't see that I agree I'm the pain the pain is is and they're not like trimming their fucking balls. Are they know? For why it's kind of crazy that two weeks in a row we get Al Pacino looking the way he does at 82 and then Martha Stewart looking the way she does at 81 That's what I'm saying. He's about I was just instance since I mean we we have already established and discussed that one of those is you know Not the standard but if anything Al Pacino is aged no the both they're both at the standard I feel like Al Pacino is out there. Yeah, he looks bad for 82 both outliers Pacino Pacino's fucking you know he looks electrocuted
Starting point is 00:45:43 He just looks like he was hit by lightning. He looks like he spent a whole day in a sauna. Yeah, you know what I mean? Just like just falling apart. He looks like an old mitt. Not like that, let's not. Yeah, he looks like he's like, you know where those old, like the old,
Starting point is 00:45:59 the old baseball gloves that your fucking grandfather pulled out. And he was like, I caught a buff from Vilvizudo in this. I'll small web the whole things I got pillow. It's like an actual glove. Yeah, yeah, exactly. One that fucking honest Wagner used. That was good drugs. You like that one.
Starting point is 00:46:16 Yeah, speaking of honest Wagner. Let's wait, hold on, let's not forget about the fact. Al Pacino is an iconic actor. Obviously, a myriad of just incredible roles to his name, but he's really old and disgusting. Yeah, and you're 29. And hot. Oh, is she? I didn't even see what she looked like.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Yeah, she's hot. Also, she did date previously within the last five years. Mick Jagger. Another old, really old. Other side of old, he looks like him and Steven Tyler. Like, if you were to tell me that that's their fucking body right there, I would say, yeah, they're pretty cool. Yeah, Mick Jagger just looks like a vertebrae.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Yeah, he looks like when in like a chocolate from SpongeBob's like that. Yeah, but like cooler hair, you know what? And lips he's got sweet lips. No, he just don't like me Big chocolate. Oh, I don't know. Yeah, yeah Apparently probably had sex with David Bowie fired you bang David Bowie. Fired. You banging Bowie? Slam it Bowie.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Bowie? I was kind of... I paint my face like him. Oh, the fucking lighting bolt through the middle. Yeah. Yeah. And then have some weird...
Starting point is 00:47:39 Mick Jagger looks like... Mick Jagger and Stephen Tyler look like in Mortal Kombat when someone gets dipped in like a vat of acid and the skeleton gets pulled out. Like a poison apple. Yes. Yes. He looks like a poison apple. What that fucking old-ass gangly witch and snow white. The fucking shows you what happens to the poison apple. Yeah. That's what Mick Jagger and Stephen Tyler looked like. It's true. And it's just true. And honestly, it is what it is. But good for them though. Honestly, what are they gonna do? Write a song about us? Oh no.
Starting point is 00:48:06 40 years too late. No one cares about your music now. Yikes. I'll probably be a hit though. It would probably be a fucking fire. Anyway, if one of these guys are going to let's say come attack your home, you could protect it with simply safe. That is right.
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Starting point is 00:51:42 You know get 20% off. It's like having a, like I said, it's like personal training. You can go at your own pace and they'll comfort everyone home if you want. Um, and it's your own goals and needs. slash basement for 20% off of that. So go get it folks. Summer's right around the corner. Um, and I think that we should probably end this episode with, you know, we talked about Mick Jagger, Al Pacino. Yes. These are iconic people. Musicians. And I feel like, you know, Taylor Swift is kind of sliding into this category. Sliding in, she kicked the goddamn door. She did kick the cock. She kicked the cock. I don't know if she's going to slip. I don't know what I just said. Swifties get him. No, I'm a Swiftie. I just kicked the cock. I don't know if she did. I don't know what I just said. Swifties get him.
Starting point is 00:52:25 Um, no, I'm a Swiftie. I'm a Swiftie. I love Taylor Swift. I'm okay. I like her, I guess. No, I love her music. I am, her... I feel like over the last year, she became the Beatles. I think that she is just like gigantic anyway.
Starting point is 00:52:41 Yeah, but I didn't know. I guess I didn't have my ear to the ground and I didn't realize how that's shocking. I didn't know how big Taylor Swift was because reports have been coming out that her concert, because there was a whole thing with her concert tickets and ticket master.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Yeah, they were like $1,000 to like, and like they were like holding them back because all those ticket things By the way, you know like ticket master it to scam. It's a racket. I don't know about that. I don't want to say anything to I want to say that Okay, well careful because we have ads that are friends well um so I want to cut that out. There's a there's a company that's doing that. Let's go company that we know. Let's stay here. You ready? Taylor Swift. Fuck off. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:53:26 It's just like, I feel like I guess I didn't know because there have been stories coming out about $1,000 tickets for like nosebleeds. Yeah. Fucking like Aaron Rogers is going, which I guess I didn't know Aaron Rogers was like, I just had to do with anything. Well, it's just like random celebrities
Starting point is 00:53:39 that you never would have known. Then I hear that people are going to the concerts but listening and watching from the fucking parking lots. That's interesting. And now the story that just came out is people are fucking adults are wearing diapers. Why? They don't wanna get up,
Starting point is 00:53:58 so they just do their thing and their things. I don't before. I don't know, I don't know, but I don't know if I would be able to actually go in a diaper. I can piss in a diaper right now. Really? Yeah, dude. Shitting in it would be like a little tough.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Because like also like, shitting, like, can you imagine like, shitting standing up? Like, that's weird. I wouldn't feel normal. I've legit never shat standing up. That's not true, you've shit running. Well, that's not true. Like, I've shit, like, only sitting down and like, in a dead sprint on the way to a sit down.
Starting point is 00:54:32 But I've never shit standing up. Yeah, I don't think I have either. I can't, I can't imagine I have. Yeah, that would be very messy, you would imagine, right? Which one? Standing up. No, I think that's less messy than shitting when you're sitting down, maybe.
Starting point is 00:54:44 How? I'm shitting and mushing it immediately. With the fudge? No, you're not mushing it. What are you doing? You're sitting like this and shitting. Oh, oh, oh, I tell youitting world on his head. Standing up is actually more convenient. Huh, huh. I think that's why they're made for babies. Ying and yang. Yeah, and I guess people that are unable, you know, they're incontinent or whatever the channel is.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Al Pacino. Well, we can't, we don't want to make up rumors because Al Pacino's legal team will contact us. I don't think so. I don't know if he does poop his pants. He's opportune though. He's been through a lot maybe once or twice. Of course we've all shit our pants. I just I guess I didn't I didn't know. Imagine being at a Taylor Swift concert and you hear her singin' you belong with me. The one I got. The sla am. It is. Love story. Don't do it. It's a love story, baby, just say.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Yeah. You usually let me do that by myself. Well, I didn't know if you... I thought you wanted your own spotlight there. But once I hear that, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't... What is that, a banjo? I don't know what that is. It's the beginning of the song.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Oh, I wouldn't be able to tell you to be getting rid of those songs. We were with you, we were with you. Oh, I know. The other one I know. Bad blood. I know, we know it was the other one. I know. Bad blood. I know, we know we got bad blood. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, that one I know.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I mean, there's a lot of Taylor Swift songs. There is. And she's obviously talented. I mean, fucking dog. Mean? That shit is fire. Wouldn't be able to tell you. That's a good one. You could be making up a song right now. No, no, no, no. I mean, you belong with me. You know that one. I know that one. I know that one.
Starting point is 00:56:25 You know, mean. What's that song that he used to fucking love? I can't remember right now. I'm gonna go through her album right now. Yeah, go through her album. I know she had an album called, I think it was like 1989, right? Yeah. And it's the year of her birth.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Good. Yeah, that's a pretty obvious one. A Swifty's know that shit, bitch. What do obvious one. I swifties know that shit bitch What do you know about it blank space blank space? Yeah, no, there's a blank space We are never ever getting back together. That's a sleep That's a that's a bagger 22 is a fire one. I don't know about you. I'm feeling 22 people saying that to me when I turn 20 while this dreams Wow this dream, you know lover. That's a good one. I love it. Wait. What was the other one that you said that I knew the first one?
Starting point is 00:57:16 Fucking you belong with me. No, no, the other one where I was like love blank space like space. Which one is that? I got a blank space baby. Oh, and I'll write you name Fuck what is more of a swifty than I thought alright whatever was good. I'm about it. Yeah, dude But like I imagine being in a Taylor Swift concert and she's singing one of these fucking iconic songs and it just smells like fucking piss and shit Yeah, no no cool and it just smells like fucking piss and shit. Yeah, no, no cool. No cool, not rad. That would be, and getting,
Starting point is 00:57:49 oh, getting around those people would be so laborious. Oh my God, that would be the worst. What are you typing over there? You writing a paper? Oh, the song is enchanted. Enchanted, which one is that? Sing it for me. You're not gonna know it, it's a fucking...
Starting point is 00:58:03 Oh, just sing it, just sing it. It's a fucking... Just sing it. Go. Go. No. Come on. Like... Alright, nevermind. I don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I don't want to do it. And she doesn't have a lot of like... duets. I don't know her singing with other people a lot. It's really just Taylor. Yeah, she just brings the house down, dude. Taylor on the beat. I've always liked her.
Starting point is 00:58:23 And then I was real upset when Kanye interrupted her, you know, her speech. Or the V down. Taylor on the beat. I've always liked her and then I was real upset when Kanye interrupted her, you know, her speech for the VMA. Wasn't a big swifty back then. I wasn't a big swifty. But I love to love story though. I remember sitting at when I was a junior in high school. I don't know if the song had came out at that time or before that. It must have been but way before that. She started pretty country, didn't she? And now she's more poppy. Yeah, she was more like, I'm gonna lose the bail. Well, I should've came right out. She got off, she got me. Love story, Taylor Swift release.
Starting point is 00:58:54 2000, don't tell me you're here. Yeah. I'm gonna get, I'm gonna guess one, you tell me higher, lower. Okay. 2011. Lower. Like the number lower, the number lower the numbers lower
Starting point is 00:59:06 That's how that works. Yeah, yeah numbers work Joey 2009 lower 2008 yeah, yeah, so was I what up that was it 16 15 16 years. Oh wow what a year I know what a time for us to be fucking and you knew I was so in love with I you knew that we were listening to Taylor Swift, but we couldn't tell our friends because they would have called us gay. Yeah, yeah. But I was doing it anyway. I guess I just didn't,
Starting point is 00:59:33 I underestimated her popularity. I guess I, you must have. I didn't know it. I didn't know it. Yeah. Because when people talk about Biddle Mania, that's what it sounds like right now. People are like doing anything and everything
Starting point is 00:59:44 they get tickets. That was like when one direction came out do people were like close it really oh well if there's Taylor Swift fans are Swifties what are one direction directioners erections they're not erections they're erections there you go no they're not I'm an erection for one direction there's there's murmurs in the community that one direction may come back really Like get back to that be pretty big for me because of the uncanny resemblance. I have to say in Malik I'm gonna fucking beat you as hard as I can There are I was recently scrolling on tiktok and I came across the one where you told me to name the one direction
Starting point is 01:00:21 Yeah, that's still one of my favorite clips because I thought one of their names was Hunter. Yeah, and Oscar. I didn't know. Yeah. And then you were like, yeah, and I was like, I guess I like stumbled into it. Yeah, I can't believe it's over that. Yeah, that was a good one.
Starting point is 01:00:36 That was a good little prank on you. One direction was good, man. If you, what's the most you'd pay to go to a Taylor Swift concert? Me? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. What's the most you'd pay to go to a Taylor Swift concert? Me? Yeah I don't know it depends like I don't know one ticket. I'd say the most I would pick because I'm not a big swip single ticket What would like $500 get you? Right now. Yeah, I don't know not but I feel like that's a that's a good amount of money for like most concerts
Starting point is 01:01:02 Taylor, I just think there's something going on with Taylor Swift right now. Like it's like, you know, it's crazy. Taylor Swift tickets, let's see. 500 bucks for a ticket to anything, I think is good. Yeah, but we don't know if it's like legit. All right, let's see. The era's tour, that's what it's called. If we were to go to a Friday, let's do a Saturday in Chicago.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Okay. Let's see. Not available. Okay. Well, Frank, we just have this discussion about these tickets and I don't know what you're expecting. All right. Let's try this one here. You're also looking on the secondary market. This is correct. Yep. You are right. I. How much how much is a ticket go for? How much does a tailor swift concert ticket cost? Cheapest 969 average 1237 highest highest 10,000 highest 20,000. Yep. Highest 10,000 highest 20,000. Yep Listen Taylor, I bet your fan for 20,000 dollars You're letting me on stage and fucking performing and I'm getting the cut of whatever's yeah If I'm paying 20,000 dollars, you better play the guitar into my face. Yeah, I want to I want to you
Starting point is 01:02:16 But it hit me over the head with the guitar. Yeah, I want fucking full Jeff Jarrett treatment I want you to pull back and just cock and hit me right in the head cock back not just cock. Oh cock Okay Tell us we have to go give him a cock no that's not what I said Don't say that you're making it inappropriate switch is gonna get you look at what he look at how he disrespected her You should hear what he said about her boyfriend. I did who she dating. I have no clue. There you go She actually just broke up with her long-term boyfriend, but she's dating someone now Was she was she wrote an album about breaking up with Jake long-term boyfriend, but she's dating someone new.
Starting point is 01:02:45 She wrote an album about breaking up with Jake Gyllenhaal. It was a song. Oh, okay. Well, yeah. What song? I think it was all too well. Is that the one about him? Oh, no, that was about John Mayer, maybe.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Oh, she dated John Mayer, too? Yeah. Good for her. Yeah. Really iconic. Is she a billionaire yet? I'm sure she's on her way after this fucking tour. Yeah, after this tour, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:05 She's going to do the Eras 2 tour. Yeah, or maybe she'll just, I call it whatever her new album is to. I don't know. It's her new album called The Eras. I don't think so. What is it called? I don't know. See, now you sound like an idiot.
Starting point is 01:03:17 It maybe it is. You sound dumb. We should see how good our... Honestly, when I hear Eras tour, I think of like, she's doing songs from every era of like different albums and stuff, but I could be wrong, our Swift hair is. Honestly, when I hear Erra's tour, I think of like, she's doing songs from every era of like, different albums and stuff, but I could be wrong, I have no idea. Well, I guess.
Starting point is 01:03:31 I would have the time of my life at a Taylor Swift concert though. I'm sure I would have a good time when it's not many songs that I know about. No, there's not many that I don't know. All right, what is the name of the first song Taylor ever wrote, Joey? Is it Tim McGraw, our song Lucky You, or Picture to Burn?
Starting point is 01:03:49 I don't know. I'm guessing how I'm trying to... Our song is a fucking banger, though. Really? I'm trying to see how much of a Swiftie you are. Our song is honestly no sleeping out late night now you're in the... Alright, I'm not doing this. This might be a good Patreon episode one day. You're gonna quiz me on Taylor as well. I'm gonna see how much of a Swiftie you are, bitch.
Starting point is 01:04:04 I don't really know her birthday or personal shit, but I know songs. We'll find Swift. I wanna see how much of a Swift you are, bitch. I don't really know like her birthday or personal shit, but I know songs. We'll find out. I mean, you know what year she was born 1989? Well, if it wasn't for that album, I wouldn't know. Yeah, I mean either. But yeah, she's dating someone who you definitely don't know. Oh, I thought you were saying that like I would be able
Starting point is 01:04:17 to guess it. Is it, is he a musician? He is. Oh. Is he a rapper? You know, I don't know current raps. No. All right, so then he's a country music star.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Wrong again. R&B. I don't know what to call it. Pop, I guess. Poppy? No, okay. You're not going to know. Do you know the 1975?
Starting point is 01:04:39 The band. Yes. Yeah. Who's the front man? That's who she's dating. I don't know. I don't know the 1975. I know I know the band. I don't know many songs. Maybe if you name them I don't know. Well, she's dating that guy. Oh, okay. Well, that's very controversial. Oh, why the fandom is split I don't know why what's going on? Well, they don't think he's good enough for her Well, let's tell a swift and
Starting point is 01:05:04 It's the the head man of the 1975. The head man. The lead vocalist. Yeah, lead vocalist, come on. Swift. Swift. I can call you by your last name. We're on a first name, last name, based.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Swift. Swift, yo, Swift. Do you think anyone calls her T-Swiss? I hope not. Or T. If she does, they're no longer around her. Tate, Tate. She's got cats, right?
Starting point is 01:05:25 She's got cats. That's her big thing. One of her claim to fame is like she loves her cats. Really? I think so. News to me. Oh, I knew that. I'm a Swiftie morpher's ripped in the new bitch. But anyway, I think we can end there. Tell the Swift. Shout out. You want to know what's funny the other day? I was trying to sing you belong with me and I just kept singing the beginning of Call me maybe Hey, I just met you or like the no the beginning. I threw a wish in a well I just I couldn't come up with the beginning of you belong with me and I just kept doing Carly Ray Jepson's
Starting point is 01:06:01 2012 hey you figured out no Bro, do you remember what fucking call me maybe did to this nation? Do you that was you don't even know because that was bigger than COVID bigger than COVID Well, well careful there bigger than well You don't last people but it was bigger than COVID arguably you never know because you don't understand the Stranglehold the grip the choke hold that called me maybe had on sorority girls in 2012. Dude, legit everyone. But you don't understand? Bro, I was pledging my fraternity at the time with Pete.
Starting point is 01:06:34 Bro, that song came on. You would have thought these people were fucking, they were gonna chop their limbs off to give them away to Carly Ray. Yeah. It's a catchy tune, man. It is, man. Let me tell you, yeah, F-Alvers 885, I'm TwitterD FreakAlvers, and all the forms of social media. And, you know, hey, Joe, I just met you, and this is, I haven't just met you.
Starting point is 01:06:54 I've known you for 30 years. And this is not crazy, but you have my number, so please call me. You guys can follow me at Joe Sanagato. Are you angry with me? I'm on all social media. I'm ignoring you. And you go follow the show at the base me art on TikTok and Instagram and that is all Patreon baby. Big slash the base me art. See you guys next time.

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