The Basement Yard - #408 - Leave Britney ALONE!

Episode Date: July 24, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard Frank. What are the fuck are you doing? I'm risen This is that they do right is what the kids do they're just like you know take a picture and it's like What does that mean? I don't know I I I assumed it was like you don't think that's no that's like racism Stop I made that up. Oh People are who are gonna be watching this who are conspiracy theorists if you start doing stuff like this This is like some Satan shit like up down left right type of thing. Oh, yeah, there's like just like yeah Now I'm not gonna do a shot. You just I'm not gonna do it. Frank. He was right. I'm not gonna do it Yeah, well, we all know that you're an evil billionaire monster
Starting point is 00:00:34 That was like it's like this the fucking picture of like baffa met or like whomever like the fucking bath bath If baffa met not that hard sounds too close to bathroom mat Ladies and gentlemen that's comedy fuck multi-millionaire Bajillionaire Joe Senagato here. What are you gonna do? No, there's like a picture of like some fucking like Dity there he goes there he goes again. Look at him. Look at him. I'm doing it right though They're like a cooler way. You're doing the sign that you're doing the version. I don't know what you're doing. I think you're doing like the photo.
Starting point is 00:01:10 The woman on the video, the woman on the planet was like the guy back there is not real. Yes, I'm so glad you brought that up. I don't really know what the fuck that was about but there was a screen grab. Oh my god, am I 400 years old? A screen grab? Just throw dirt on me. I'm 900 years old kill yourself But that bitch, oh that was aggressive really aggressive I feel like there was there was a picture and the woman was like going like this and she had her other hand
Starting point is 00:01:41 She was going like this and people were like oh the fucking she was seeing a little monotony I'm just thinking I'm just thinking she's seeing like Matt and Jeff Hardy swam Tom bombing off of the fucking plane maybe maybe a bad move to doing a plane yeah I would say so but she said that she saw a guy like blank sideways or something like a lizard lizard person if you're on that plane and a woman goes yo there's someone on there who's not real I'm'm getting off. You're all gonna die. She said it. She was like, you're all gonna die. I'm getting off.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Are you? 100%. If I'm on the plane with you, I'm like, bro chill. I am too not. I am too superstitious. Like one person says it, then I'm like, oh, I have to get off now because I've seen final destination.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And, you know, that shit. She was right. That shit, although they ended up dying anyways, spoilerload for final a 20 year old movie at this point It was the final destination for their lives. Yes. I I'd have to get off Wall-E'd I don't know if you saw Wall-E'd posted a like a like a tweet It was like her and he's like this is what the woman saw that plane. It was just a picture Yeah, that that shit scared me. I'd have to get up and get off.
Starting point is 00:02:47 But I was starting to do in a Riz. Yeah, I understand. This is what the kid... I don't know what kids do nowadays. If you can keep me in on what kids are doing. Why would they... It'll be like, oh, post her a picture and they're just like... I'm not sure. And I don't get it. I don't get that. I don't know. But to be fair, you did post a picture on my space once like this.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And that's, that's sick. That yeah, it is. It was, it was a pretty cool picture because I was wearing a very colorful LRG hoodie. And it was, oh no, it wasn't zipped all the way up. It wasn't, this one didn't have, but it had like multi colored like crowns on it. It was kind of fire. And they were like throw up yellow. And they were like stop, stop that that stop. There was like purple teal yellow might have been in there. It was yellow, but throw up is not a color. It was like throw up for me for some reason. Fuck you. I've thrown up that
Starting point is 00:03:35 that color before. Like the lemon like gatorades. Like we've thrown up. That's like neon yellow. I know, but if you throw them up it gets a little darker. Does it? I've never thought I'll take your work. And the background was all fucking pitch black and someone was like you edited this picture. I was like no that was legit. I was at a school dance when I said like no this is an art moment and I was just like fucking like you were at a school dance. Yeah I was at a school dance when I took that. You know what I recently saw that I remember I hated so much? Hmm. I went to school in Connecticut. You know this, obviously.
Starting point is 00:04:09 And a lot of people that I went to school with like had grew up in like the sticks of Connecticut and were big like country music fans, you know, fucking whomever is big in country music nowadays. Morgan Wallam. That's your favorite, right? Okay. You brought him up, Joey.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Guy makes good money. But like, did you ever see people go to like a country concert and at the tailgate, they take a picture? It's the girls that do it. They take a picture with like laying down and their legs in the air cross with country like cowgirl boots on. What the fuck are you even talking about? It's dude, it is one of those funniest things.
Starting point is 00:04:41 It's laying up in the air like this? Bro, they're, yes, they're laying down. And they're laying down. And their legs are just in the air. Like not like with their butt against the wall or something. It's just like, that's the picture. That's the hope. And I remember, I'm like, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:05:02 That's what they would do. Yeah, I saw someone that I know recently did it. And I saw it and I was like, oh the fuck is this? That's what they would do? Yeah, I saw someone that I know recently did it and I saw it and I was like, oh this is still a thing people do. Like as adults, you blocked him. No, oh, it was someone that you used to work with me years ago, but like... Easy block, what the fuck? Or it on follow that. She's a nice person, I have no reason to block her, but... Dude, what do you talk?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Should I? Alright, mute, mute, mute, and block it. Me too? No, that's why you don't like my pictures, you, mute. I have never heard of you. I have never heard of you. Me too? No, that's why you don't like my pictures, you fucking bitch. I don't like them because I hate them. They're all of my children. That's not true. A lot of them are.
Starting point is 00:05:35 You just went back on your, some of them. By the way, can we talk about something real quick? Because no, go ahead. So where we are, there's a parking lot. Oh, here we go. And Frankie was like, you are, you hear it? I was like, I'm pulling into the parking lot right now. So I've pulled into the parking lot and I just back into a spot.
Starting point is 00:05:57 When I back into a spot, I look at the car next to me and I see this. And I'm like, you know, there's a dude jerking off in this car next to me and I see this. And I'm like, yo, there's a dude jerking off in this car next to me. And like, mind you, he can see me clearly. I'm backing up into the spot my whole car had to, I'm not even as close in his eyes in jerking home. I assume. So the dude next to me is jerking off, right?
Starting point is 00:06:22 I'm going, Jesus Christ, you guys jerking off next to me next me And I I was like fuck I gotta get out of my car So I get out of the car and I walk around the back I take the long way because I'm like I'm not walking by this jerking off window like that's not happening You'd be in the line of fire no man's land god forbid he opens his window and fucking shoots shoots are live around at you Don't put that on your universe. I go around the back of the car when I get to the front the door opens And I'm like I'm about to be confronted by and this fucking moron walks out Well, let's let's preface so I wasn't actually cranking it Right, I it's a joke. It's a bit it was a bit
Starting point is 00:07:00 How many times have I walked into the office and you're fucking on the couch and you're jerking off or you're fucking Spread Eagle legs face down ass of face down ass I'm my phone in my ass. Yes, like it's it's a thing straight guys do you know right and But the funniest part is that and this has happened to me with like Becca and like multiple time probably with you before too But like in my head it was like he's gonna see me, know it's me. And like, we're gonna get a cute little chuckle out of it. You know, just a way to break the ice when we first see each other.
Starting point is 00:07:31 You didn't. Just a cute little. So I'm sitting there waiting for you to watch me and I'm still pantomiming jerking off. Right. In my car, I did not see your face. I only, all I could see was a hand and I couldn't even see see into your lap. So I
Starting point is 00:07:45 had to wait until I knew it was you too because I was like, oh, what if it's someone that has the same car? Yeah. And then what I finally saw it was you, I was like, okay, I don't want to go crazy. And I don't know your, you're like license plate. I know that your car, like your car is silver. And I'm like, I'm pulling, I was like, maybe this is him. But like then I started pulling back and I saw a tinted back window. I was like, he doesn't have a tinted back window. I don't know why that was a thing in my head. So I wasn't even thinking of that.
Starting point is 00:08:10 And I was so, the hand, and like, part of like the shirt down, and I couldn't see the lap. And I was like, this dude's cranking it. And he must have his eyes closed because he's still going. Like, I'm right here and you got out the car. I went around the back. I was like, oh, he must be he must have brought Charlie today Like he's going to get him from like the other side or something like that and like or like out of the trunk
Starting point is 00:08:30 I don't know how you'd get your dog, you know If you'd like put him in the trunk or like suffocating or whatever put him asleep But I was like, oh he like doesn't see me and I was like let me just keep jerking off Vigging he'll come back around and we'll make eye contact No, and then you just started to walk in. I was like, oh shit, so I got out of the car. And I go up to you and you like dropped to the ground. I put on my shit on the floor.
Starting point is 00:08:50 It's like Frank, bro. I was like, I literally was so excited to come upstairs and be like, there was a guy jerking off next to me. Yeah, he was like, that would have been such a great opening to the show. And it still is, because that's how the cookie crumbles, welcome back to the basement yard Bam. Yeah, you know, and but I have done that too like it's something jerked off in a car No, I've never jerked off in a jerked off in a car. Have you jerked off in a car?
Starting point is 00:09:12 No, why are you saying like yes? I have like use your cars a bathroom. You piss all over it Frankie Oh, so I'll piss on the road, but not jerk. No actually that's my life Yeah, you're a lot of thinking's almost there, but no, absolutely not. Okay. P, I can like, you can defend peeing in your car. You can't defend fucking cranking it. Fair. Like if the cop pulls you over, you'd be like, I was about to pee my pants.
Starting point is 00:09:34 You're a burst. Literally had to go. Yeah. So I did it in my tinted car. Yeah. You know, no one's looking in and seeing it. Right. Jerking off though.
Starting point is 00:09:44 That's a complete different monster in that itself. It is a monster for sure Thank you. No, not that. Oh, why idea of jerking up in your car. I'm not saying you have a monster. I got a monster don't do I'm shocked you haven't jerked off in a car mr. Fucking King porn over here mr. Fucking no one's a king of porn you You might be the king of porn. I'm legitimately not. Can you name five porn stars? Of course. King of porn.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Frankie, no, you're delusion. You can't name. Yeah. You're gonna make me do this. Good. Name three rappers from, like in the last like five years. Lil Nas X.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Okay. Borderline. Okay. He's a... I'll do, I'll do, um... I said three and we're, he, he is a named one. Lil Uzi Vert. I can't believe he said him. Lil Uzi Vert.
Starting point is 00:10:43 He's a rapper. Yeah. Um. Uh, YPB Melly. Did I get it? Frankie, say that again. YPB? YPB Melly. What does it stand for? Young problem boy. Exactly. I don't know. Why do you know that name it's not why I You're right close it up. I follow world star hip hop on Instagram and they post a lot and sometimes I could see And what do you see from Y&W Milly? Oh, I would be I would be He's like on trial right now. Yeah, yeah, that's why's why. Yeah. And then there's, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh What the fuck? Lil Tay? No. Uh... Both of us last dude don't count.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Really? Why not? I'm naming him and you're saying they don't count? Hey, Lil Tay is a little Asian girl who doesn't make rap music. Oh, I... That's why. Oh, um... Cardi B. That was 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Okay, alright. Uh... I had Cardi B. Say Drake. Go ahead. Well, if you say current rappers Joey, I can give you current rappers Okay, whatever I rest my case though. No, your case is not rested your case is awake. I'm fucking I'm I'm waking this bitch up here We go YPB I
Starting point is 00:12:23 Don't know I honestly might be a little tapped out here. Yeah, I know. I'm making the stallions a pretty good one though. You said that one. I know, I know, that's why. Yeah. Alright, I might be a little... Give me some more. Give me more, like... No. Oh, um, the baby?
Starting point is 00:12:40 Okay. And the baby. Nope. I was very confused by those dub baby as one. And then there's... Baby? Okay. And The Baby. Nope. I was very confused by those. Do Baby is one. And then there's Baby. Nope. Baby.
Starting point is 00:12:50 There's a prefix. Little Baby. There you go. I was astonished to learn they were different people. Yeah. And I wouldn't be able to tell you a single song from either of them. Really?
Starting point is 00:12:59 Yeah. There was enough babies to go around, aren't there? That's why you're, you know, as happy and smiling. I don't know what that means. Oh, oh, I'm so... He's getting too far. He's getting... Yeah, I know! Take head.
Starting point is 00:13:16 You're the one who makes the fucking jokes. I just like that I have created this cult of personality that understands that you are a fucking complete monster. Frankie, why do you speak like that? You speak like what? I've created a cult of personality. I think that there are people out there that have VH1 behind the music.
Starting point is 00:13:32 That's how you talk. Like I'll put like David Adamborough. Everyone now knows. You suddenly became Australian. Very bad. You know what I realized? I can do an Australian accent only when I speak like Steve Irwin.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Croika, it's out there. Yeah, that's how the old sound right? Yeah, that's how the women the men whomever however they'd done if I Bullyed me because I said I wanted to go inside of a kangaroo's pouch I didn't bully you as much as I just pointed out the fact that that's basically of a genus So I feel like I was bullied you and all the biciality supporters out there can band together and go and just fucking rail inside a kangaroo either Are there supporters of the beach? Is it beast reality or beach reality? I think the adds more power to it, but it's just beast reality beast, but you know, it's why not the
Starting point is 00:14:22 can be in there Also, there has to be a different name. Like, if you have sex with like a bird, like, it's not, like birds aren't beasts. What are they? What are the birds, AV, AV Reality? AV Reality. Well, no, those are sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah, but it's like AV, AV, AV, AV. Arrow, arrow, arrow, what are we saying? Birds are the AV in species avian avian I'm Actually avion maybe so like you know if it's xypb melee I think like he J maybe thought of who little TJ No, I wouldn't be able to confirm. I think if it's like a bird, it's like aveality, dogs, it's canineality. Are you like saying that should be the case?
Starting point is 00:15:13 Or you're saying that is? I don't know. All I'm going to say though is obviously we're not supporters of B.C.ality here. But give it a worse sounding name. Because B.C.ality sounds like, that's like a, you know what it does sound like, and it's a missed opportunity, it sounds like a really sick pre-workout.
Starting point is 00:15:30 I'm guarantee you, I mean, I know there are pre-workets that are called the beast, and shit like that, but make it sound less cool, you know what I mean? BCL, yeah. Oh, or like, that's a cool, like a, like a band's name, or something. I'm sure there's a band out there. I mean, and then of course it makes me think of Mortal Kombat, but the animalities and stuff like that. You know that, right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Give me, can you name three Mortal Kombat characters? Sub-Zero, Scorpion. From the last two games. There's new people. I can only name people who are in that movie. Oh, so Sub-Zero, Scorpion, who else? Luke King. Okay. Jacks. Sonia. Whoa! Fucking, uh, Raiden? Subzero scorpion who else? Luke King okay jacks
Starting point is 00:16:07 Sonia whoa fucking Raiden yeah Bro I got a bag of this. I'm who's the goro whoa? I'm not kidding you who's the other one. I know a lot of them shit I'm legitimately shuckin Luke Cage That's a superhero. Oh fuck, not Lucage. Clo- Johnny Cage! There he is.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I'm legitimately astonished because I don't think you've ever played a Mortal Kombat game. I remember that movie. Also, no, I watched the new Mortal Kombat. Suck, suck, such balls. A, it's not great. I wasn't very bad. It was cool beginning. That beginning, bro.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Where fucking scorpion and sub-zero fighting? I always, like, when the scorpion comes out of his hand, I'm like very bad. It was cool beginning that beginning, bro. We're fucking scorpion and sub-zero fighting I always like when the scorpion goes out of his hand like ill. Yeah, you know why? What? Go ahead. What it kind of opens up and looks like oh like a pussy like a little bideenies Well, I wasn't gonna say that like just keep imagine scorpions like get over here Get over here, and it's like just a fucking dripping dripping Get over here get over here. It's like just a fucking dripping dripping Get over here We're 30 years old. Yeah grown men we can go full grown a bow right show, you know, Quanche
Starting point is 00:17:18 Ken Ken she I can I can keep going all day long. There's a boy right show And she I can I can keep going all day long. There's a boy ride show Nitarra Sindel Kitana Kitana bro Malina. Nope. Don't know Shang song. No. Oh Shang she no that's that's a horrible movie again. It's all right close enough You're doing good though nice pretty surprise. I wasn't actually jerking off my car I want to make sure I say that one more time. That was not what was that there was not actual hand on penis I was duped it Joey was dup to make sure I say that one more time. That was not what it was at. There was not actual hand on penis. I was duped.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Joey was duped. And, but you see how excited he got. The little bastard boy that he is. He was like, I'm going to talk about this. I was pretty excited. So, I mean, what else am I going to do with information? Dude's jerking off of it. Report it to the fucking police, Joey.
Starting point is 00:17:59 That's what else you would do. Like a normal human being. I don't have any. Oh my god, keep jerking off. My podcast is going to love it. You'd go like, normal human being. I don't have any. Oh my god. Keep jerking off my podcast is gonna love it. You'd go like oh 911. Hello There's a man fucking masturbating. What if I did that? Would you benefit it from me being a plus your damn right? You know what? I would put on a registry Would you confront someone who did like I would only confront someone if they were like outside of my house put it away
Starting point is 00:18:22 Would you confront someone who did it? Like, I would only confront someone if they were like outside of my house. Put it away. Would you do that? I would think that the good Samaritan me would. Because, no, be honest though. Even if it was like, you pull into a lot. I mean, I've seen homeless people jerking off
Starting point is 00:18:35 on the street before, but this is way more intimate. It's right there, bro. Bro, you know how close I've been to a homeless man jerking off? Say, tell me in feet. Six feet. Frank. Six feet, bro. That's just a man laying down away.
Starting point is 00:18:52 And this guy had a hog hat up. Big, all banana sandwich. Wow. I'm talking like fucking could blow the back out of an elephant, you know what I'm saying? It just looks like a tube sock filled with mashed potatoes. Yeah, just like absolute just full diaper Wow. Yeah, I mean you can't say anything to them then oh No, it's clear he was suffering from some form of mental illness if I would have said something I would have put myself in the literal cross hairs of his penis hole. Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:24 Can't do that. Yeah, I'm not brave enough for that kind of a shit. I'm a brave man when it comes to certain things. In that moment, I was a coward. When someone's like a insane person, I'm like, I don't want to, I don't want to. You don't step in. Unless they're like, like if it's just jerkin' it, like obviously that affects people, but if he was like chasing people.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Oh, that's, that's really it. That's what it is. That affects people, but if he was chasing people. Oh, that's a little more inclined to do something. Yeah. But if they're just sittin' there and bein' nuts, I'm like, I don't wanna escalate. Yeah. You know, different scenarios would have called for a different reaction from me. I don't know if I'm knocking on a window though
Starting point is 00:19:58 and go, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Bro, I'd be like, what are you, if I'm behind a glass window and there's like protection? Because how fast does a glass window go down? You know, like a car window? What do you mean, what do you mean protection from? What? What do you mean from what?
Starting point is 00:20:13 From any fucking projectile that might find its way out of the weiner? What are the chances you pull up on a guy? He's jerking off in his car and you knock him with the same time that he's ready to go. That's what those freaks like. They wanna be caught, subconsciously. That's why flashers, they wanna be fucking
Starting point is 00:20:27 their freaks and weirdos. What? Who's gonna defend flashers here? I'm just kidding. Funny the way he said that. Yeah, they're freaks and weirdos. So like me knocking on the window might be the thing that gets them there, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:20:38 It's like, I got finally, I got caught. Anyone who buys one of those long beige trench coats, we should like keep an eye. I'm pretty sure I'm glad that we've gotten rid of those. It's like a fashion thing. Although they'll come back around and flashers will come back out of the woodwork. They're like cicadas. They come back once every 17 years. 16, I think. I actually heard that that's not true. It's not. I saw a cicada the other day.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Did you? Yeah. Did you hear it? I heard it. they're talking shit to saw it and then I walked I was on a walk of my daughter and I saw the little fucking Exoskeleton they mul from you stepped on it. I did I love stepping I was gonna pick it up and bringing it into prove a point But I was just like that's a little weird you were gonna bring us a kataskin here. Yeah Thank you for not bringing one Shut the fuck I have Jesus Christ just scared the hell out of me. You ever eat one? Oh, yes, guess if I have
Starting point is 00:21:30 I don't also another thing I wanted to talk about real quick a little quick The queen of pop I made that up that's Madonna. Yeah, who not doing so well. Oh, yeah She I think she had like a stroke in the hospital or some Jesus also she's pretty up there right. She's got to be in her 60s or 70s right? Definitely not 60 Frankie. Older? She was big in the 80s which was what 40 years ago and she was like 20. She's got to be in her 60s. Madonna age 68. Oh shit she's 64. Oh damn I thought she was at least 75. What's wrong with your concept of time, Joey? She was the queen of pop in the 80s. That was 40 years ago.
Starting point is 00:22:11 I don't even know, bro. I don't have time lines of fucking when people were popular. I don't fucking know. I know that you should have cone tits. I know. You did have cone tits. Bro, I recently saw something and it was like, people compare current stars to Michael Jackson. And they was like, people compare like current stars to like Michael Jackson.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And they were like, there was something that like, it was a story, a new story from like the 80s or 90s and it was like Michael Jackson went to a basketball game and they had a, like an NBA game and they had to like stop the game because the fans didn't pay attention to the game. They were just trying to get pictures with Michael Jackson. And then it was like, bro, no one will compare
Starting point is 00:22:44 to fucking MJ, MJX, yesx because like Drake goes to a game and like no one bats an eye you know what I mean I'm sure they're batting eyes frankly well you know what I mean like it's not stopping an NBA game right like Michael Jackson would like halt stadiums and shit like that yeah Michael Jackson was something else I mean I don't really know to be honest with you I've just seen like clips and stuff, but I've not I you know were you a fan of his music or at any point hell yeah You're saying that like you're you're being very trepidacious there Define that because that's a tough one for me trepidacious I do like it has a tent like you're being careful around like saying like yeah, you like this music
Starting point is 00:23:23 I literally just said hell Yeah, okay I think his music is great Jackson his music was great. Yeah, some other stuff there that maybe you know That's an interesting conversation that I actually would like to have I'm not in like deaf because it's like too long Yeah, it's I don't want to get too into the weeds I've had this argument with a lot of people and it's like can you separate the artists from the music? And I'm like I don't know Michael Jackson. I don't like when I say I like Michael Jackson. I don't like Michael Jackson. I don't know Michael Jackson. No but but but the support of the music is support of the
Starting point is 00:23:55 person. But I'm not like you know supporting. It's like I hear it and I go that's a good song. No but there are people that like play the music continuously. I can't pretend the song doesn't sound good. It's just it's sad. I agree the music continuously. I can't put head in the song doesn't sound good. I just it's sad. I agree I don't want to support the shit. This is this is where I personally I draw the line Yes, I think I stop but yeah, I think you can Separate the art from the artist whether it be in fucking comedy, you know stand up because it was shit with like stand-up comedians and actors Yeah, you know like Kevin Spacey comes up a lot. They're like, fuck and bro.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Obviously don't condone whatever Kevin Spacey did and the accusations against him, but seven is a banger. He's in, oh yeah, spoiler, I guess, yeah. But I personally feel if there is a clear line between the criminality and the art that that person made, then yes, you can make that separation. For instance, if, and not if, Arkelli in his music, a lot of really heinous accusations against Arkelli in his music would boast about being the pide piper of R&B. I don't even know what that means. The
Starting point is 00:25:05 pide piper was a character in some folk, Lord. I'm not-do-fucking forgive me if I'm butchering where exactly it's from, but the pide piper would come to town, play a flute, and the children would follow the pide piper. You know what I mean? So like when your crimes are like seeping into your music and you're like it's me Achilles and the pod Piper and R&B and like fucking you know like ignition remix Then it gets a little weird but like you have a I know I know I know Joey ignition remix is such a fucking banger Do you know my my brother and I used to have a dance to that song?
Starting point is 00:25:49 Do you know it? I'm probably butchering it and it's so funny because I didn't remember this until- You had a dance to ignition remix? Yeah, but only like the- Why did you have a dance? We would just do it- we loved the song, yeah. And we would do it in the car. The dance.
Starting point is 00:26:04 And- No one thought you were would do it in the car, the dance. And no one thought you were fucking your brother in your car. I don't know why he felt like you had to explain that. Like, it would be like, to to kinda get a beep, beep, run in, I'll hand through my phone, bouncing it. And it's like the ignition.
Starting point is 00:26:19 I'll see. I'll see. I'll see. I'll see. I'll see. I'll see. I'll see. I'll see. I'll see. I'll see. I'll see. out the kitchen. Yeah, I don't think. Mama roll and like, just like, what you would do in a car. Like we wouldn't like stand up and fucking like,
Starting point is 00:26:28 you know, break it down. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It sounded like that. Yeah, I think everyone did this. Yeah. Two in the B.B. I mean, so the more. Run and answer the throw.
Starting point is 00:26:38 You gotta do that. Exactly. Bounce and on 24. Fos, yes. Fos. It was iconic that the ignition remix is better than the actual ignition song. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm gonna say that's a good thing. I'm but you were saying Queen of Pop.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yeah, actually I'm going to get to that. But we have ads. Yeah, pay those bills, baby. Yay! We have BetterHelp. BetterHelp. This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. BetterHelp is online therapy.
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Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah, and what you know what else you could do, you could also go to slash the basement yard. We tell you about it every single week. Quite frankly, I tell you about it every single week. And why is that? Because we love the support. We love the hugs. It's like a cozy blanket that you throw on us when you go with So I said, based on your sign up and realistically, there's something for you to do there too. You sign up for that first year. You get these weekly episodes one week in advance. So you get it on a conversation, the humor, the stupidity, mostly joey sound like Joey sound like
Starting point is 00:30:18 an idiot one week before anybody else. And by anybody else, I mean the other people don't are not patrons. And then that second tier, oh, that's where you get the exclusive episodes of the boys. The PACE, you know, which get a little insane. To put it lightly for you, we had a brunch episode because we hit 22,000 patrons. And we did about two hours, and by the end of it, neither Joe and I know exactly what happened. So you can go check it out,, size of the basement yard, you get access to any previous episodes that might be on there, which are hours and hours and hours of content. We know what we're going to do for 23. We're almost there. We're so close. By the time you see this, we might have already got it.
Starting point is 00:30:55 We also know what we're going to do for 24 and 25. We're trying to finalize that stuff for you guys in order to give you what you want, what you want, how you want it. All right. So just, you know, we've always had dreams of being a star and quite frankly, you'll be saying our name. So you'll see our star shining bright. We can reach any height. What's our name? slice of basement yard.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Go check it out, folks. I feel like that's high school musical. That's not high school musical, bitch. All right, I don't know. I just felt like that. It's not. It's something that if I were to tell you, I don't know, one, if you would remember, and two, it might blow your,
Starting point is 00:31:29 I was gonna say back for some reason. It won't blow your back out. It won't blow your back out. It might blow your mind. This reference will blow your fucking back out. Imagine there's a reference that just like, just completely like just like fucking, bends you over and just gives it to you.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Probably, yeah. So what you're referencing is not the Queen of Pop, but Britney Spears, who a lot of people are actually now celebrating that she's not an AI version of herself anymore. You heard those conspiracy theories? Yes, dude. TikTok runs wild with them. TikTok needs to stop with the British version. Look at the fuck and it's like look at the cutout.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Look at his glasses. They are in a studio. Yeah, I was like come on man but but maybe Britney Spears was smacked By the security team for a shit out of her for the number one overall draft pick in the NBA draft this year Say his name Victor Wembenjajma When when B Wembee Wembeejama. Wem- Wem- Wem- B. Wem- B.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Wem- B. Got it. I believe it ends with, oh. Wembenjayao? Wembenjayao? I don't know. Wembenjama? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Regardless. Wembenjama? Oh no. Wembenjama. Wem- B. Wem- B. Wem- W. W.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Big Wem- B. Yeah. Uh, which... He's about 10 foot tall, so he has security around him obviously, and she saw him in the lobby of a hotel, and she was like, hey, Victor, and his security just went, dude. And slapped Brittany Spears to hell.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Let's establish the base of this first. Yes. How do you feel about, we've been very vocal about our support of Hillary Duff. Kelly Clarkson. Where do you sit on Britney Spears? For I love Britney Spears too. Top three.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Lucky. Well, I wouldn't be able to. Toxic is the ultimate horni banger of all time. Toxic is fire. Yeah. When fucking wild shit. You're off a pitcher too I probably am when you hear that You hear that fucking violin yeah dicks shoot up. Yeah, they do shoot up Hit me baby one more time oops. I did it again
Starting point is 00:33:37 Oh, again, maybe one of the best pop songs ever. It's it's one of the biggest for sure. Oops, I did it again to my heart, bang, bang! It is Gamel, baby! Oops, you, oops, you. That shit is so fire. Bro, she fucking gets down in that shit. Hell, oh, she was like 20 years old too. What the hell? I'm not making the weird thing.
Starting point is 00:34:02 I'm just saying like, she fucking breaks it down. It was a lot of leather too. It was a lot of red leather. I, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was a lot of shiny music. And there was fire in that music video behind her too. And she was doing the fucking year old, bap, bap, bap, bap. Yeah, she was like in the middle of a volcano or something. It looked very volcano-esque. Yeah. I do have to say also.
Starting point is 00:34:19 And then she was, she was stepping on the heads of Simpson that song. If you, I don't know if you're paying attention. Oh, I didn't, I don't remember the video that well. I just remember that fire in the red Joey It's not that it's just like the song in general. I remember toxic. She's on a plane. She's a stewardess She's a is that okay to say is that a flight attendant? I don't know I think one of those might be offensive Whatever brawl. I don't fucking know. You're really offending the loads of stewardesses I that follow the show. What steward I stewardess I just say stewardesses Well, that's why I'm not gonna do it. Yeah, I I think we need to and I know the internet is hard at work protecting protecting Brittany
Starting point is 00:34:57 Let's let's make sure we stake our claim and we let the world know that we are Brittany stands as well. Oh, yeah big time We're spears beers maybe baby. Spears beers? I don't know. What's, that's cool. I'm cool with that. What is her follower's called? The Britney boys? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Britney boys? No. We have the Taylor Swifties. It's just Swifties. Swifties. We have the B hive. Okay. We have K-pop stands.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Are called what? Capoppers? Kippy cops? I don't know. What are the what? Capoppers? Kippy-Cops? I don't know. What are the Britney Spears fans called? I'm gonna look it up. What rhymes with spears?
Starting point is 00:35:32 Dear. I was gonna say something else. Beer. Here. Oh, the Britney Army. The Britney Army? Oh, this is a list of fandom names. This is perfect Okay, give me give me the fan give me who this the the artist is and I'll try to guess the fandom name
Starting point is 00:35:53 I'm gonna do an artist that you know Oh, there's a lot of people that I'm a pb-meli on there I don't know there's some people that I did not know that they had names like Avrilovine Oh, they're the skaters. No the black stars Cuz I don't know. There's some people that I did not know that they had names like Avrilovine. Oh, the skaters. No, the black stars. What the hell? We obviously know Gaga's the little monsters.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Okay, yeah. She's a very vocal supporter of her little monsters. Mm-hmm. Uh, Bruno Mars. Ooh, the rocket ships. Hooligans. Oh, BTS is the BTS army. Hooligans. Oh, BTS is the BTS army. Hooligans, I knew that, because he had an album.
Starting point is 00:36:29 It was called like, I think that Hooligan was like, in his album name or something like that. Carly Ray Jepson. Her fandom is called the Carly Barley's. No, it's her last name. Think of like, the Jep tunes. Hold on, hold on. Just think of like, people that but the jet tunes Hold on hold on just think of like people that I mean I don't really know how to describe these people to be honest Jeff in the gemstones
Starting point is 00:36:51 I think it's a derogatory term. It sounds like that kind of like like like how people used to say Jewish American princess Yeah, yeah, but it's like it's like it's like it's not like that It's a different type of person, but I don't know. So not Jewish. It's the Jeepsies. The Jeepsies. Oh, sounds like. Jeepsies. Yeah, I don't know if that's bad. I, I, to this day, I know we've gone over it on the episode. I used to think that was the omniscience.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I don't know what Jeepsies are. I don't. I know there are. I think that are like, no Matt, I don't want to say. I don't want to offend anyone because I don't want to make people upset. I don't know. The Jeepsies?
Starting point is 00:37:23 Yeah, the Jeepsys. I guess. She's only had one banger. What are we doing, folks? We need, I don't know. I don't know. I'm losing all hope for this now. Ed Sheeran.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Oh, there's something stupid. Like the fucking dumb brits or some shit. No. The fucking... The Cheerios. I kind of like that one, honestly. I like... I don't even know. I thought they'd be something like here.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Super British, like scones. When you read scones. Have you had a scone? No, have you? I've never had a scone in my life. I don't think I have. What is it? It's just like a-
Starting point is 00:37:54 I think it's just like it. Don't do that. What? Don't call, don't do that stupid thing that the brits do where cookies are biscuits and biscuits are fucking- For like- This isn't a cookie, you moron. It's like a breakfast pastry.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I think it's like a big fat cookie, but it's a try. It's not a cookie. It's like a big old, but like not. No, it's a pastry, you dumb fucking bored. Yes, but it's a little more set. Set, right? No, it's like a fat pillowy, full of slut. So like a quasson, just not as flaky. It So like a like a like a QuasĂŁo?
Starting point is 00:38:25 Just not as flaky. It looks like a biscuit to me. I wouldn't know what a I wouldn't know what a Skone was if it hit me in the mouth. What is a Skone? Skone is a traditional. Oh, it is a British baked good. So are cookies you dumb idiot? No, yes, stupid bitch. Are they?
Starting point is 00:38:43 I think they're like fat softer cookies. No, these aren't. These aren't cookies, bro. I think anything is a cookie if it's cookie-esque. It's not even-esque. Those look like biscuits. That looks like a cookie to me, bitch. That looks like a cookie! That's a biscuit, Joey. It says authentic, authentic British scones. 4.4 start for on this rating That looks like an biscuit can I ask you a question seriously? We'll get back to Britney Spears Do you like or know anyone that likes English muffins? me Fuck you. You know like English muffins dude. They look like little fucking fake breads that just like died on the battlefield
Starting point is 00:39:26 You've never like put you never like put him in the toaster take him out Put butter on him and then put like you put cinnamon and he put a little bit of sugar Let me tell you something not only if I not done that I never will at a spite for you and because English muffins Suck so many balls. They do not suck balls. They suck balls, dude They don't suck balls. They suck so many fucking big fat dirty bitch nuts. They don't suck nuts Bro, you open them and they look diseased like you that's what I imagine like a leopard. It's a lepper skin That's what I'm looking at like not like a fucking like something like appealing here that he just offended all the lepers watching I call yeah any lepers that had made it
Starting point is 00:40:06 This far I guess I apologize to all the lepers that are watching this right now I'm sorry my co-host is very disrespectful right now, but it doesn't look like lepers anyway I think leprosy went like 80 years ago Joey if there's anyone else around that still is leprosy and watches astonishing I only think I know about leprosy is that like Jesus like cured someone of it or something. Yeah, he cured all the lepers about leprosy is that like Jesus like cured someone or something. Yeah, he cured all the lepers. Those are animals. Lepers, it's he's cured in sickness. I thought he went and cured the big cats.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I'm not even kidding. You might be the dumbest person I know. Well, you thought he was going out to the jungle of being like, oh, that one's got a hurt paw. Yeah, I didn't know. I mean, I honestly thought it was like, there was something wrong with the lepers
Starting point is 00:40:48 and like Nazareth or wherever, you know, there were lepers. That's good. Yeah, there isn't, I don't think though. Isn't Nazareth in Israel? Okay, wherever the leper is. Jerusalem, I'm thinking. Jerusalem, I think Nazareth.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Leopards walk in the street of fucking Israel. I don't know, Joey Bethlehem, wherever the leppards would be. Yeah. And then he was just like, I'm gonna cure them all. I honestly thought that, but, anyway. Disgusting. English muffins.
Starting point is 00:41:14 No, they're good. Someone, Becca gets multiple boxes of them from like BJs and I'm like, these are trash. These are dumps. I can't believe that. They're gross. So what do you eat for toast? There you go. You answered your own question, but how do you know like a little fucking little circle?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah, and they taste like dog shit. That's wrong. No eat one raw. Eat one raw and try not to throw up Eat one raw eat one. It tastes like bread No, it does not Joey and also my mom makes English muffin peaches Your mom is a great woman one that I speak highly of often. I'm waiting for it in this moment. Yeah She's a fucking lunatic That's gonna be a wayward No, but she makes these English muffin peaches for a little
Starting point is 00:41:59 I think I've had your mom's English muffin peaches. I've had a seasoning I think I've had your mom's English muffin peaches. put up in pieces. I've had a halian seasoning on it. I think I've had your mom's English muffin pieces. It's a mahtronkin mouth. Yeah. I can put a little, oh, she's been making this thing. Now we're just talking about my mom's pizza. Listen to me bitch, saucing cheese on anything is good. Listen, pieces shit.
Starting point is 00:42:12 This is where I was gonna tell you something else. She gets non-bread, which by the way. I do love non-. We get non all the time. But look at me, look at me, you see my face? Yeah, not white. Yeah, not Indian. So the first time that I heard that my mom was making pizza on non bread, I was like,
Starting point is 00:42:25 wow, you guys are really have a health care. I thought it was a bread. I was like, oh, we're not bread, but it's bread. Like non bread. Like, NON bread. Fucking idiot. Idiot. But anyway, she puts it on the bread, right?
Starting point is 00:42:37 And then it's like peach. Some peach, uh, fucking, not paste, but like a jam. A ruggla, prosciutto. Some fucking goat cheese or something bro It's mad good. That sounds good, but Fuck the English muffins back to Brittany. Are you have something against the English? That's why of course I do they invented slavery Didn't they sound on over there? They probably I thought it was like way back I Like to blame them. Oh, they're the whitest so they can get the back. I like to blame them. Oh, they're the whitest.
Starting point is 00:43:05 So they can get the blame? Yeah, I like to blame them. I'm fine with blaming the ain't it. Yeah, I'm just gonna do it. What do they get to do? Invade us? Tried once. Didn't work.
Starting point is 00:43:13 So. Uh. Whoa, what are they gonna do? Said they're fucking, you know, go ahead. I'm not gonna. I can't. I got it. I got it. I got I gotta I gotta I got I got I got enough to learn when to step back
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah, where they been through they just lost their queen. Yeah, yeah, I loved her. They did What we spoke about we spoke about the queen people were like pissed they were actually up Oh, no I think we're talking about the royal wedding we were talking about the a lot of things anytime we bring up the queen They're like I know you you know, we're a speck, huh? I thought you know a speck hair. Did I send you this on on Instagram? By the way, I sent you something no response from you Dude, I'm not even listening to you right now I got a fuck who did I send it to definitely not me? It's so funny. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:44:06 It was, it's exactly about this. Okay, whatever. You go for it. I'm gonna try and find this thing. Brittany, we've established we support Brittany. Hey, Wembee. Bad way to start. And she also from Texas? Isn't he smacking like a, like a native Texan? His security?
Starting point is 00:44:21 Yeah, the story is that this security was just like, we didn't know. Someone was trying to grab his shoulder But it may sound woman. It's pretty it's pretty fucking spears bitch. You should be able to it's Britney bitch Britney bitch Now you're a bitch bro. Wembee bad way to start and get drafted to San Antonio He better call her up and say so many sorry's. Yeah, she better have a fucking stake in the spurs by the end of this I don't know if you guys are gonna be able to see this Oh man, I love that video. The British have been losing since 1776. They haven't recovered.
Starting point is 00:45:11 They've recovered. I think that's the answer. Sure? Yeah. England's, I don't think that's soccer. Oh, first of all, football, second ball. Sorry. Careful.
Starting point is 00:45:22 I don't know. Yeah. We're falling apart. I mean, we have Mark Zuckerberg and Fuggin'Ela and Must-Fide and each other and I call CM and I'm like, oh we just got messy though. We're okay. Yeah, mess is coming to Miami. Yeah. Miami's not even like a real place though. It's like, you know, it's like it basically a theme park. It is. It's not like a place. It's like a theme park for people to go point and laugh at Cubans Who does that you That's not me were there and you were like tell me about your sandwich That's what you were doing you were pointing and laughing at Cuban sandwich people ever seeking refuge from from Cuba
Starting point is 00:45:56 You were pointing and laughing at them. I was not what's a Cuban sandwich never had a Cuban. I've never had a Cuban I know Ruben sandwich Rubens are delicious by the way. How do I even know that is either? It's corn beef, you get stuff. Sour Crout, Thousand Island dressing. Are you making this up? No, that's a Rubin, they're delicious.
Starting point is 00:46:16 A Cuban sandwich is ham, Swiss, pickles, mustard. Hence why I haven't had it. Mm. Doesn't sound too bad. Back at Swerves Byher, she says they're incredible. Hmm. Doesn't sound too bad. Back at swears by, she says they're incredible. What does she know? Right.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Well, she married me, she knows a lot, bitch. Oh, she's got bad taste. Fuck you! Uh, what were you talking about? Britney Spears getting fucking slapped up. That's fucked up. She's got paste up, dude. How do you know?
Starting point is 00:46:42 Like jokes aside, she's a pretty iconic piece of American culture. Dude, she's Britney fucking spears, of course she is. Like you would think people know Britney Spears regardless of what age they are. All over the world, people know Britney Spears. Right? So like, it is unfortunate though that like the younger generation is gonna know Britney Spears for those videos she posts on TikTok where she's like, well it's like the way that we think about Madonna. We think about Madonna as like an aging pop star,
Starting point is 00:47:08 you know, and like to our parents, Madonna was like the fucking goddess of the music industry. That's fair. It is, I mean, it's true. Who's gonna be the current, like Taylor Swift is like the current Britney Spears, right? Maybe. For like the current generation.
Starting point is 00:47:23 Yeah, Taylor Swift, I feel like she's had a... JoJo Siwa? Oh, what the fuck are you talking about? She... Don't even mention, like, I not that there's anything wrong with JoJo Siwa, but like... This is, these are different things, Frankie. Good catch, Jo. What?
Starting point is 00:47:38 Good catch. Good catch. Good catch there, Joey. No, but I'm saying, like, you're mentioning Taylor Swift and then Jojo see what Jojo See what was massive and then she came out and like people like we don't want her anymore He's a musical artist she was she had music. It doesn't mean that she's Taylor Swift I don't know about that there. I had a fucking huge like business for all She's not yeah, she's not obviously she's not as big as Taylor Swift. Dancer, isn't she?
Starting point is 00:48:01 She's a music and Nickelodeon and all that stuff. You did a couple songs. You're not Taylor Swift. No one's arguing that, Joey. I literally just said, I just said she's not Taylor Swift. I don't know why I'm angry. I don't either. I think we can trace it back to your daddy issues, honestly. I think we can, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:48:20 You know what? I think we can trace it back to some sponsors. We have Seekyke on our show. Seekyke is where I buy all my tickets to live events. You want to go to a baseball game. Any sporting event really. You want to go to a concert? You want to go anywhere. You want to go to a JoJo seawash show? You want to go to a Taylor Swift show? You can get the tickets on Seeky. 28 million downloads. They're number one rated ticketing app. So it's not just me saying this. And I really do just buy all my tickets from Seeky.
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Starting point is 00:51:12 You can filter through specific ones who take your insurance, who are located near you, and treat almost any condition you're searching for. I've used a Zoc Doc. I don't really have a primary care physician that I go to every single time, so trying them out through Zock doc. I will find someone who has an appointment at the time that I can go. It will show the appointments, boom, you click on them, and that's that. Especially for people that I feel like we're getting to this age here. Usually your parents will bring you to the doctor and maybe you haven't
Starting point is 00:51:41 been there in a few years and you're like, well, I don't really know how to even go about this without looking like a psychopath being 30 years old and bringing my mom to a doctor's appointment. Go on Zock-Dock, type in your insurance and look at doctors near you. Like I said, they're patient reviews. You know who's getting a good rating, who people have good experience with, and you can go book an appointment with them. The average wait time to see a doctor booked on Zock-Dock is between 24 to 48 hours. So quick turnaround. Go to slash basement and download the Zock Doc app for free.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Then find and book a top rated doctor today that is zoc slash basement. So yeah, go check it out. Zock slash basement. Okay Frank. What the hell were we talking about? Well we were I think we were just wrapping up our conversation with Britney Spears and Wendy. I think who would she be able to slap him? I agree. The person that slapped paper with the newspaper. Oh fucking cockback smack the person that slapped her. Oh that's what I'm saying. She should be able to like, chuck a three. She should be, she should get some playing time in his first game. Just like put her on the court. Yeah right now they're in summer league. So yeah I'm saying like regular season, give her like three minutes. Yeah. I saw something recently and it said you get a chance at 20 million dollars or you
Starting point is 00:53:02 get guaranteed two million dollars. the $20 million, the chance is you have to score 10 points in a professional NBA game. No, no, zero. I'm not scoring a single fucking point. Not getting up the floor. You don't think so? No, no, no. I would need the entire team setting picks for me all the way down the lane, but then I
Starting point is 00:53:24 would be doubled and then I'm Yeah, then you're in trouble. I would I would have no shot. They would be zero percent I would give you ten points ten points a basket would be like a Stonishing no, I mean you you could shoot actually once less have you played basketball Like a game. Yeah, like a pickup game Like five years ago. No, I mean I played against like Greg like in March. Greg can ball up. Huh? Greg can ball up? Yeah. Can I beat him one-on-one? No. I got a high-doh bitch. You do. I think you can
Starting point is 00:54:03 board with the best. I could board with the best Can't shoot to save my life. I can if I think I think you could score a point in an NBA game And I would need two people setting a pick for me But even that I'm not confident. I would have to like you have 60 minutes to score 10 points in an NBA game No way and you'll you go up against the Bobcats like you the worst team you could think of the one that doesn't exist Yeah, no You go up against the Bobcats. Like the worst team you could think of. The one that doesn't exist. Yeah, no. You're playing a baseball game against a Montreal expose. All right, you go up against the,
Starting point is 00:54:33 the who's like a iconically bad team. Like a 2006 Warriors. All they had was Jason Richardson. Okay, that's it. Yeah. You're not scoring at 10 points? No, dude. These are professional basketball players.
Starting point is 00:54:47 You're going up again. I'll do you one better. I don't think that I could score 10 points in a college game. College, just in my- Any college game. Any? Dude, these are like basketball players.
Starting point is 00:55:00 In my opinion, the best athletes in sports. Do you think if Garrett Cole was pitching against you? Frankie, if I see the ball, I'm happy. If I see the ball. What about Randy Johnson? I won't see the ball. Also, I don't think I would step in the batter's box. I wouldn't either.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Against Randy Johnson, I'd be like, 102 off the fucking bump. No way. Lefty. Yeah, there's no way you're hitting that. You get 100 swings. Are you putting bat on ball five times? I'm not even saying maybe I'm not even saying in play. I would say maybe I would say that I could a hundred swing a hundred pitches
Starting point is 00:55:36 hundred pitches I think that I could probably hit the ball five times and When I say hit the ball the, the thing touches the bat. Not being in play. I'm not being in play. I'm not being in play. And not being in play. Just like, I think.
Starting point is 00:55:50 What do you have a better chance at? That, or you throw 50 pitches, and you have to get three swing and misses on Kangaroo, Virginia, Derek Jeter. What do you have a better shot at? Like, just getting swings and misses on Kangaroo Junior, Derek Jeter. What do you have a better shot at? Like just getting swings and misses? Yeah. A hundred pitches? 50. You have to get five, five swing and misses. Oh, probably the swing and misses. You think so? It's way harder to hit, right? Yeah, but it's coming from fucking noodle dick Joe. I know.
Starting point is 00:56:27 But dude, I have a better chance of, oh, I just have to foul Tiffin. Yeah. Oh, maybe that then? Oh, really? He's getting a hit is like the hardest thing. Randy, come in. Can you imagine Hall of Fame picture? 2001 World Series Champion Randy Johnson.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Can you imagine? No. I guys out there taking pictures of like fucking birds and shit now. I would be so, he's an NFL photographer. Yeah. I would be so scared to step in the batter's box. Oh yeah, no, you wouldn't be. I was afraid when I was fucking 15, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Like fuck. All right, moving on. Brittany's done, whatever. Yeah, I had all this stuff written down. Were you a Brittany boy or a Christina that's not a thing um I like Christina Aguilera yeah but she was like the naughty or Brittany that's what I mean like she was like oh she's like I'm a slave for you I was like pan that was Brittany Spears you fucking idiot oh is it yeah it's not yes it is I'm a
Starting point is 00:57:32 Shit that is pretty spheres. Yeah Christina was genius. Oh not a drowdy naughty dirty dirty Yeah, that was a fucking horn What song is that? That's that's is it rowdy? Oh It's dirty. It's too dirty to clean my act No, I don't remember that shit. I'm putting it on There are a little Christina. We're supporting her here How does this one? Oh, this is weekly Joey this weekly this weekly Joey See I'm just pausing it so like we play in it and bits Bill
Starting point is 00:58:19 Feel bro, I would be the best at dirty clean right? Bro, I would be the best at you dirty clean ready You know I'm saying yeah, I would be the best ad libert. That's a horny. Yeah, but yeah Yeah, I would be the best ad liver in music history No, it's Jim. Remember I ad lib the moan on a song that we did Yeah, I do remember yeah, but speaking of Randy Johnson, he was mentioned in that he was Jim Jones and Cameron. No, I would be better. Jim Jones just spoke in the back of his song. It was so fun. Yeah, he would just be like, oh wait, burger. Go into the store. What you buying? You know, but burn man sometimes. Burn man. There's a song. I forget what song it is. But at the end of it, it's like the song's like fading out. You just hear him and he's just listing things.
Starting point is 00:59:06 He says, jet skis, jets, Atlantic in the back yaw. And then he says, polish. It's die, dude. I'm like polish. There's a lost art, rap and hip hop during our time. At the end, like songs would end and then people would just talk the way until like the beat was done.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Yeah. You know what I mean? And we've lost that art. And I think we need to get it back. Okay, I'll put it in a call to the artists. All your people at Virgin Records. Virgin Records. Are they still around?
Starting point is 00:59:36 I don't know. At Bad Boy Entertainment. Call up your people at the rock, Joe. At the rock. Not the gym. Right. The rock of fellow records. rock. Not the gym, right. The rock of fellow records. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:48 We get down, baby. I want to... I want to... Where is it? Oh, this video, I wanted to show you. If you guys can't see this on video, like, I'll explain it anyway. But we're gonna...
Starting point is 01:00:01 Just watch. So the whites are out of control. Once again. Joey, the whites are off the list. You can't be once again out of control if you've been out of control since the dawn of time. The whites are off the list. It's a woman and she has a first of all the biggest Chocobar I've ever seen in my entire life that was a fat Gigantic Chocobar you could have done it with something way smaller, but she's shoving it like in her nose and smelling it so hard
Starting point is 01:00:35 She's sniffing it like cocaine. Let's be honest, and then she's and then she's eating like broccoli and cucumbers and shit Yeah, what are we fucking doing? Dude, why? This is my thing. It's like, do people not have the self-control to just eat vegetables and not eat chocolate? First of all, no. But second of all, that is the dumbest way to try and be like, oh, smelling chocolate and eating this is the same thing.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Also, it's just chocolate. It's not that, like I know people are addicted to chocolate, but like, you can not eat chocolate. Also, like dark chocolate apparently is very good for you you and it's also fucking garbage. Yeah, disgusting Honestly, I hate dark chocolate. It tastes like garbage. It legitimately tastes like I imagine Shit to taste like yeah I one time I was in seventh grade and I was in this woman's class and She gave out candy to all the kids and I ate this Kit Kat and I was thinking it was a Kit Kat
Starting point is 01:01:30 But it was a dark chocolate Kit Kat and I literally spit it up all over my book bag Bro people that like dark chocolate are my least favorite because they need to tell you You know what I mean? They're like oh my favorite extra dark chocolate. It's like you're not so dark Oh, it's against darker than dark, Joey. It's like 98% cacao or some shit. Oh. And you think you're saving the world by liking dark chocolate?
Starting point is 01:01:52 You're not cold, is it? No one, no one, you know what I like? Chocolate's better. Milk chocolate's way better. Any chocolate infused with caramel? Very good. A lint? Ooh.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Milk chocolate bar? Yeah. With caramel? What's the chocolatey like jizz in there? What is that? Chocolate jizz. Yeah, it's just chocolate. I just think of it as just soft chocolate.
Starting point is 01:02:11 Those truffles. God dammit. I can eat 4 million of them and live to tell the day because they are so fucking good. Yeah, not an expression. But I like the fact that they make bars now. It's like they come in bars. I didn't know this you never seen the bars No, they sell these bars and then if you open it, it just looks like they're like like chocolate
Starting point is 01:02:33 Comments like trapezoids and the Buddha no, they're still coming there. Put this the chocolate. Yeah, yeah, it's a Spurman there. Yes. Oh, it's like cold too no matter when you have it you eat it and it's cold Yeah, I don't by the way I know you get mad at me for putting shit in the freezer You do you do I do and I do and I know that but I don't do it for those because I want that inside like you wanted to melt in your My you just want it to like just like be inside you and just like go everywhere You think I don't know you're doing I know you're doing You think I don't know what you're doing. I know you're doing. But those are very good.
Starting point is 01:03:06 That's a good bitch. And my last apartment, the supermarket, right before you check out, there was always... Oh, I know. ...Lin Chalka Barter. I know, I know, I know. The caramel, oh no, what is that? It's the caramel ones that are also... No, but who's it?
Starting point is 01:03:19 Oh, Cadbury. They make it. Ew, you freak. Wait, hold on, bitch. Cadbury, Why do you want an egg filled with cream? I don't want the English you bitch. I don't want the egg you dumb bitch I like that they make a they make a bar and it's called Caramelo. It's got Caramel in it and it's good and Cadbury makes the chocolate Don't know about that there bad. That's not better than lint, but they do lint lint is the best chocolate in my opinion
Starting point is 01:03:46 You know what's like low-key fucking trash goodiva Yes, but also Girardelli I like Girardelli the Italian squares The Italians make good choice. I would say the Swiss lint is the fucking game of the crowd. Exactly. G'diva, I'm not a big G'diva fan. They get two pretentious with it. I'm walking in their store and there's fucking gold everywhere. Yeah. Good fuck you.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Just give me chocolate. I actually know because forever or share you are fucking incredible. But those aren't chocolate. What is it? It's coated in chocolate, but the inside is hazelnut spread. It's fucking Nutella, you know what I mean? Well, those are fucking good. I can eat 9 million of those
Starting point is 01:04:26 and be perfectly cool with whatever comes next. I like that they come in like trays. I do, and they're wrapped in gold and they have a little cup on the bottom. This is a fancy little thing we don't go in here. I like that the gold is connected to the tray. Yeah. Because it's not too garbage.
Starting point is 01:04:41 It's not very, it's one garbage. You know what I don't like? You know what I don't like? You know what I don't like? The fucking chocolate balls that are just like the cherries and the syrup inside. Yeah. Anything with cherry with chocolate? Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:04:54 It's fucking, I feel like I've been into it and I have a mouthful of just fucking ejaculate. It's disgusting. From a cherry. From a chocolate cherry. I don't like it too much liquid. Or when you get a fucking like a little box Or something and then it's like all this one's infused like it's like orange tart and it's like what the fuck are we do?
Starting point is 01:05:11 Are we still broke? Why don't people make these fucking you know eat that? No, they're like listen big chocolate I know you're listening just don't put those ones in there that are just like, oh, this is strawberry creme. Ew. Whoa, disgusting. I do like some creme, but not with the mix. I want a whole giant Whitman sampler of just milk, chocolate, and salted caramel. That's it, bitch. That's fucking it.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Why is it so hard? Make them different shapes. If you want to have fun, I bite into it and it's green. Yeah, no. If you want to have fun? I bite into it and it's green Yeah, no just if you want to make if you want to have fun make them shapes Well, that's it and listen up big chocolate. I don't know who the fuck came up with this but mint chocolate as a combo Just just just just find the biggest cliff and go straight head down. I agree. There's no need for it This isn't toothpaste time. It's chocolate time Becca's like oh, there's nothing more refreshing than a York peppermint patty.
Starting point is 01:06:05 And I was like, you know what sounds more refreshing than that? A fucking nine millimeter to my skull. Yeah, putting my mouth around the exhaust pipe of a big truck. That sounds better. I don't want ill. It's just like, I hate mint chocolate.
Starting point is 01:06:17 I feel like I would be like just like sucking on a fucking big old thing of just like cigarettes at that point. Ugh. It's disgusting. I'm just looking on a fucking big old thing of just like, cigarettes at that point. Ugh! It's disgusting. Oh god, we hate men chocolate, dude. Fuck this white woman. Who is she? Who are we talking about?
Starting point is 01:06:34 That white woman eating chocolate in a salad? Oh yeah, she was it, yeah, yeah, she's- That's way worse. To me. She's not even eating a salad. It's literally just like chopped up broccoli. Oh, that's delicious. I love broccoli, I'll eat it. No, me too, I'm saying it's like, it's not even eating a salad. It's literally just like chopped up broccoli. Oh, that's delicious. I love broccoli.
Starting point is 01:06:45 I'll eat it. No, me too. I'm saying it's like it's not a salad though. She's literally have chopped up broccoli, cucumbers, and like it looked like a carrot base. And I'm like, this isn't even a thing. It's not a, she's just eating like a... That's just, that's just, that's like, in my opinion,
Starting point is 01:07:00 that's weird because then you have an unwrapped chocolate bar right next to your face that you're not gonna eat. And it's like gonna do with that. What are you gonna you brought the boys to the park? You know let them go down the slide. You know I'm saying take one square off. Oh hold on You ever see those videos where they have like a chocolate bar and the guy makes cuts and then he like does something Yeah, it's still the same size sorcery. I'm telling you right now. I don't like it. I don't like it I don't like that. I don't like it. I don't want to see because I'm sitting there and I'm telling you right now. What the fuck is that? I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like that. I don't like it. I don't want to see it. Because I'm sitting there and I'm going,
Starting point is 01:07:26 where am I being? Legitimately, it's sorcery. I don't care to see it. I don't want to see it. Don't show me ever again. It makes no sense. You're taking some choked away, but it's saying the same thing.
Starting point is 01:07:36 I mean, there's a scientific sense to it. It's like in theory, it's like there's like a sliver taking off the top. Nonetheless, I hate it. If I see it one more time, I'm reporting the next video that I get tagged in. I agree. I think that we should probably get rid of those.
Starting point is 01:07:50 And mint chocolate. Yes, mint chocolate. Anything with like a fruit flavor to it, chocolate? Do you like, yeah, no. Disgusting. Do you like a sherbert sherbert sherbert sherbert? I like rainbow sherbert from Baskin Robbins, but But not actual sherbert where it's like the green, the white, the orange. Yeah, basketball robins is kind of... Your mom used to get those giant fucking tubs of sherbert. And I was just like, what? No, they look like loaves of bread. Yeah, what an 80.
Starting point is 01:08:16 And she would cut them like loaves of bread. Yeah, we would be eating ice cream sherbert bread. Disgusting. Disgusting. I've already... We've spoken about my favorite ice cream. We know yours too. Chocolate chip cookie dough. That's a good one. Disgusting. I've already, we've spoken about my favorite ice cream. We know yours too. Chocolate chip cookie dough. That's good one. That's fine.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Breyer's natural vanilla is. Yeah, I mean, I get it. I mean, I know I made 20 of you last time for that. You did. And I still think it's a little ridiculous thing. You stand by it. I do stand right on it. Okay. But yeah, you need a little bit more going on there.
Starting point is 01:08:42 But I do like that ice cream. I think it's good. I think it's a good to start. That's like, it's a good training bra ice cream, I would say. It's like if someone were to crack a beer and then drink a water and just like, and then drink a water, it's like, they make non-alcoholic beer.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Yeah, just have that. Yeah. Well, anyway, that's our advice for the whole episode. Hope you guys are doing well. Off the rails. Off the rails, big. But we're sorry, but not sorry. Do you guys are doing well off the rails off the rails off the rails But we're sorry, but not sorry. Do you know what I mean? No, we're definitely not sorry Frank Where can they find you if alvers 885 on Twitter the Freak Alvers and all of forms of social media and then go check out the patreon
Starting point is 01:09:14 Size of basement yard. We'd keep getting up and up and up. We listen. Here's an actual true story We hit 23 we're gonna be in the top 10 podcasts in the world on patreon. Yeah fucking insane number one We're coming for you bitch. Who's number one? Shane Gills. Okay, well Don't be like about he has 65,000. Yeah, he's a big he's a big we got some time before that got some time But listen babe with your support. There's nothing we can't do. We're gonna hold hands and we're gonna do it together, all right Don't say anything to sign off got it. No, I have it. I have to plug this show. Follow the, go follow the basemyard at the basemyard and tick-tock it Instagram. And that is all.
Starting point is 01:09:48 See you guys next time. Wow.

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