The Basement Yard - #424 - Fatherhood With Cody Ko

Episode Date: November 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the base Welcome back to the basement yard today me and Frank have a spit what normally you're like Frank okay I'm like hey have it's different. We have a special guest. We have Cody co today look at him go Let's see that he's got his own camera and shit. He does he got he I just have to say yeah way better treatment That I've ever gotten here. What does that mean? Just like he like you welcome him with like open arms like I saw you guys hug and like you had like a real Central embrace. We did I've never had one of those I don't know how sensual it was I didn't really feel that he you didn't oh Not that it I just like Damn I thought that was chill. I thought it was chill. Yeah, it's fine. This is gonna be weird because normally I'm like this
Starting point is 00:00:43 Now I have to do this. So this is- Wait, where are you normally? Right here, but I'm normally just staring at you in the inside. Oh, but I have to leave the one to me too. Smoky eyes, and now I have to stare at you in your smoky eyes, so. Wow.
Starting point is 00:00:55 I gotta like pivot and stuff like that. Compliments are flying today out of you. Do have to say, inviting another white man here hurts me a little bit. Yeah, I know you're outnumbered now. So let's just see. Yeah, that's what it is. I a little bit. Yeah, I know you're outnumbered now. So that's just, yeah. Is what it is. I was gonna say we do have a,
Starting point is 00:01:09 me and Cody have similar sort of careers in a way because we started doing YouTube as white dudes and then we found a not white person to podcast with. You know what I mean? That is true. What's your ethnicity? I am Colombian, Greek, and Egyptian. He always says like, you're definitely not.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Definitely not what. He's like Egyptian, I'm like, come on. Yeah, my dad is Alvarez, dude. My dad is 100% Colombian. Yeah. That is a fact. My dad's a big, big Colombian. Yeah, when you think of a Colombian, dude, he looks just like him.
Starting point is 00:01:43 They always say, Yeah, no mustache. Must crime. Fun fact, my dad and mom went to his mansion for their honeymoon. Honeymoon. Honeymoon. Yeah. Was he. Yeah. Wait, was he alive? I think he was either just like freshly dead or like in hiding. Freshly dead. Yeah, my mom tells the stories all the time. Freshly dead. First of all, I have a question. Dude, so hold on, if he's in hiding and then your parents like, we're gonna just walk in a cell. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. I don't think it was like a plan.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Who should dad, dude? Yeah, who does he know? That's where I'm out of this happen. My dad knows people, I guess. I don't know. I could also, I'm probably just gonna get like a fucking bull in the back of the head as soon as I leave. Yes, seriously. So honey, we just got married. Let's go to a fucking war zone. Yeah, my mom was like, they had like Komodo dragons
Starting point is 00:02:33 and like big, my, she told me they had like crazy animals walking around and shit like that. Damn. And my mom, definitely out of her element, not, not fitting in over there. Yeah, she's a little bit of a Karen. She's Greek. Is she a...
Starting point is 00:02:47 Oh, damn it. Yeah. What's a, wait, she's Greek and, oh, she's Egyptian. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, you know what, I believe you know. Because I forget, your mom's very like, she's brown. Fucking, careful. Careful.
Starting point is 00:03:00 What? 26 years you've known me and now you believe me. Yeah, honestly, because I never thought of about that. I thought that she was also like Colombian or something. But now I think that I know she's Greek. Yeah, okay. Makes sense. The hair gives her way full white for you, Cody.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Yes, I'm fully white. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Full white. Full. There's no like pep, just like the white shit. I just looked like 23 and 8, dude. What? Yeah, white shit.
Starting point is 00:03:21 It's a Canadian white, yeah. Oh, you're from Canadian? Canada? I'm white though. Canadian. I'm from Canada. Yeah, yeah. watching it. It's a Canadian. Oh, you're from Canadian? Canada? I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the fucking Canadian. I'm part of the United States. You really want to know? Yeah, I would love to. It's above us. Fucking wouldn't need you.
Starting point is 00:03:45 I got him so good. Which state? It's like right above the middle. Which middle state? Yeah, the middle. The middle. It could mean anything. The middle of our country,
Starting point is 00:03:55 Continental-ish. Yeah. Right above. Continental-ish. I don't think that's how you use that word. Continental. By the way, Calgary is nowhere near Manitoba. Oh. So you know, you fucking got it.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Absolutely not. I love it. See, that's what it is. When people, he already knows, you just say shit. He's got that classic white gas lighting. Here it is. Now, you're not going to double gas like the whites right now. That's not happening.
Starting point is 00:04:22 But we appreciate you being here in Japan. No, thank you for having me. Can I just say I'm a huge fan of this show? Thanks. And I love what you guys do and I know you guys don't have guests very often. So I very much appreciate you having me on. Yeah. When I hit you up and I was like, wait, what? Because I'm laughing because before we turned the cameras on, he was like, you guys don't really do guests.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I was like, oh, we had to rub all of a sudden. He's like, oh, okay. It's not a question. He was like, what was that? We're like three years ago? So like, okay, oh, okay. I was like, oh, okay. He's not special. He's like, what was that? We're like three years ago? He's like, oh, okay. So you never have guests on that. Yeah, basically. No, well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Well, the part that you didn't realize is at the end of this, you have to pick which one of us you want to kiss. Yeah, that's fine. No pressure. Wait, why do I have to pick? Oh, I'm sorry. At least I'm in the conversation. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:05:01 But you and now you and Joey linked up to do a show years ago. I wanted to talk about that because I thought it was really funny. It was when I lived in LIC he came because you were going to some event I think. And we recorded an episode of his podcast and I just ended up talking about like diets the whole time. I named it like Joe Sanigato the the dietitian, or something like that. No, but I remember it being funny though. I honestly don't remember. I just remember being like, why did I?
Starting point is 00:05:30 I can already tell you, it's definitely not funny. It was, I can guarantee I knew exactly what it was because around that time he had chewed my ear off about intermittent fasting. Oh, yeah. Well, I was like fucking around with it, but I was doing fucking around with it, but I was doing a lot of different shit.
Starting point is 00:05:46 My sister is a registered dietitian. Same. And, oh, that's fucking weird. And not from Canada though. Okay. She's from Manitoba, all the way across, you know. Yeah, yeah. I knew it wasn't.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And not white. She is not white. Everything's about race on the show, by the way. Everything. But at the time, he had said to me, he was like, do you know that breakfast is actually not the most important meal of the day? I don't know what the fuck it is.
Starting point is 00:06:11 A fallacy. No, this is not a fact. This is what you said. Whether you were fucking around and really just like kind of pushing my buttons a little bit. What was I saying then? That it's not, because you were talking about intermittent fasting and you were like, it's a myth created
Starting point is 00:06:22 by big cereal. Big, big breakfast. Big milk. Wait, wait, I was just listening to this podcast. It was all about marketing. And this guy, he was like a marketing master. He came up with one of the biggest probiotic brands and invented the entire category, basically.
Starting point is 00:06:41 And he's done a lot of historical research on marketing. And the one thing, the one like really cool case study that he was talking about was bacon was never a breakfast food until like the 40s when this brand wanted to sell more bacon and they got like a like handwritten notes from like 5,000 doctors that said yeah we think that bacon in the morning is probably a smart move because it's like it'll give you more energy throughout your day. So they made that a breakfast food just to sell more bacon.
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yeah, at least it was with cigarettes too. It's like you got a back egg smoke of cigarettes be fine. So I'm on his side, you can't trust anything. I will say big bacon, we should have known not to trust big bacon. Big milk, we got a huge problem. Big big milk, big milk is all over it. Gigantic milk, we got a big problem with them. They just like came out of nowhere like by the way it
Starting point is 00:07:28 Good for your bones Dude it's crazy cuz now orange juice Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but every mom everywhere was convinced that like helped your eyesight Carrots wait is that carrots is real good vitamin C vitamin C. Yeah, yeah, cuz they put yeah But I think no beat a bullshit carrot is the one that's responsible for carrots fixing your eyes That's big carrot no it's big bunnings big carrots real please. I love carrots You can love carrots. It's not bad for you like it the fact you're like you're getting manipulated by Idiot bro
Starting point is 00:08:01 You're gonna eat carrots and be like yo suddenly. don't eat glasses. Like this isn't happening. I'm getting attacked right now. And I don't like that. Also what does good for your eyes mean? But that our eyes vision? Eyes, yes. Eyes, no, no, no. Seriously.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I think that makes your eyes gooder. Gooder. Yeah. The white parts are whiter and like they're not as like big care. I want to make things more white. I see it. It's all that coming.
Starting point is 00:08:24 See this one saying everything's about race, but I think you know. Nope. There's a thing that's like if're not as like big carrot want to make things more white. I see it, it's all that common. See, there's some saying everything's about race, but I think you're on them. No, there's a thing that's like, if the food looks like a certain part of your body, that's the part it's good for. Like they say, like they use the examples of carrots and eyes. And they're like, look at carrots. Shouldn't it be your dick?
Starting point is 00:08:37 No, trust me, I've had enough carrots and they're wearing it. No, but like for me, it'd be like a baby carrot. If you cut it, if you cut a carrot, when you look at the inside, it looks like an eye. It doesn't. It does, didn't literally. It does, it's got like the ring. Literally, the other ring.
Starting point is 00:08:54 It doesn't. And then they say, well, not so good for your brain. What does a walnut look like? Frankie, okay. A big blanket statement that whatever food it looks like is going, it's helpful for that. Name a third. Don't, don't, back me up.
Starting point is 00:09:10 What's good for your ears? Well, no, I was gonna talk to you. Do nothing. Cool. Cause your ears are completely separate. So if you really want to understand. I don't. As soon as you're in front of the air,
Starting point is 00:09:18 I know the bullshit. No, I'm not gonna start it. I don't know. If you really want to know. Ask your sister. She'll back you with Jess to start this conversation by saying your sister was a registered director Yes, and then she tell you the yes, she she backs the up on this she does she backs me up on this
Starting point is 00:09:31 She doesn't she does no was Joey was all oh mister that is so on brand for Joey to be like I'm gonna talk a whole podcast about dieting He's such like a he comes on here and drops like little like like oh I'd be like oh What was your weekend? Like I was great man went for like a six mile run and I want to fucking strangled him. He's running a marathon I hate that I do hate that. Why because it sucks It's told him I ran like three miles once and he lost his mind I was like it's not even that crazy. He comes and he's like oh
Starting point is 00:10:02 No, I ate such great food today. I was like, oh, what do you have? And he's like a soy impossible sausage. And I'm like, find yourself a building and jump right off of it. I hate it so much. I don't do that. Wait, so you're against eating healthy or working out
Starting point is 00:10:19 or what? Absolutely not. I mean, contrary to what I look like, I'm pretty, you know, I'm pretty pro eating healthy. I have, I got dietary issues, you know, Tommy, my tummy's a bad guy. He's got a rumbly tummy. I do have rumbly tummy.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Did I say that? Yeah. But like, I just, I hate it when it's like the whole thing about the person, you know, like Joe will go out and he'll have like 16 beers and he'll talk about how he had like fucking like vegan nachos and I'm like, come on dude, talk about the 34 course lights that you poured down to. Yeah, yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:49 It's admirable. It's admirable. So you're here running the New York marathon? Yes. That's crazy. Yeah, that is. It's awesome, but we're not going to talk about it anymore. Oh, because I don't want it.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Well, I don't want to like, don't piss him off. Yeah, exactly, I don't. No, I mean, oh, I'm like making my whole thing. Joseph's on it. That's's pretty sick and that's admirable Anyone who like goes out of their way like if you were to like make like a whole YouTube channel or like Something you would think that's fucking like Yeah, who would do that? That's why I'm like a merch like merch. You know like merch for it
Starting point is 00:11:23 You do you doing it is sick. If he did it, I would tear him to shreds. What do you on right now, what's your? Nothing, nothing? Okay, no, yeah, what am I? Right now, what's your cook routine right now? No, I'm not really like doing anything. I mean, I haven't even ran a half in my life,
Starting point is 00:11:42 so it's not like that insane. I would like to run a marathon one day, but it's a little... Fasting, you know, I wasn't even fasting. It was like, it was like, it's your mid-shokest thing. I think that's, because I think you tried it for a little bit, I think. I used to do that, I liked it a lot.
Starting point is 00:11:59 I did try intermittent fasting, it was 16-8, it would have the fuck. Like, 16 hours off, I know. I like that a lot. Is it, like, does it actually work? Like, for someone like me who loves food to death, like, I would just eat and eat and eat. Like, it just helps me, it's just like an easy rule to follow and it helps me control calories, I find.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I don't do it really anymore, but like, when I did do it, I liked doing it. I do it. And kind of like, you like learn how to live with being hungry in the morning. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get to eat breakfast that I often eat anyway, so I'm not like hungry because you don't think it's the most
Starting point is 00:12:31 more hard meal the day. Here we go. That's it. That's your sister does your sister say it's the most important meal of the day. I think she said the the adage is that it is very important because it is, you know, in the name, you're breaking the fast.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So like you want your body to start on a somewhat healthy kick for the rest of the day. You know, not sitting there saying like, you have to suck down a sunny D and, you know, oh, I could suck down a sunny D. I would crush a sunny D and a cool aid. Really? I actually haven't had a cool aid since I threw up
Starting point is 00:12:59 when I had one. I had a red cool aid, food punch, I guess. And I threw up all over my mom's stairs that were carpeted. She was not happy, dude. She made me clean it. What was this? This was. That one two weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:13:11 That one was eight. That one Trevor Walls is on the podcast. Well, one of those people, if I throw up, if I could throw a lot of the podcast, whenever I throw up from something, I'm like, well, that's that. I'm never doing that. Yeah. Either the restaurant or the food.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I'm like, I'm done with that for life. Yeah. Either the restaurant or the food. I'm like, I'm done with that for life. Kelsey is the same way. She'll like, we'll like eat, like, we'll have like Thai food, and she'll have like a weird piece of chicken and be like, well, that's it for Thai food for six months. I do the same thing. I don't make sense. You get burnt and you don't want to get burnt.
Starting point is 00:13:37 You don't touch the stove if it's hot, you know what I'm saying? You try to say that expression, but you didn't. Like, around about way, we understand. It worked. I'm like that, but not with the specific food, just with the whole restaurant. I do that to that. So I recently ordered something,
Starting point is 00:13:53 and it was like a spicy chicken sandwich, but it was like 99% breading, and it was too much fucking oil. And I said to my wife, I was like, I don't care if I were to get just like a single drink from this place, I will never do it again. We're never stepping foot in this place. I got wild food poisoning from that place, Crave, closed down.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Thank God. Crave. It was like a small restaurant. Yeah, it was like a small restaurant in a, in a, in a, in a, where we were, but I remember was like, you know, my stomach is on fire. And we went ax throwing. Yeah, so you did. Yes, we did. Yeah. Like, oh, we're going to go out afterwards. I'm like, I'm going to go home and, I And we went ax throwing. Yes, you did that. Yes, we did.
Starting point is 00:14:25 Like, oh, we're gonna go out afterwards. I'm like, I'm gonna go home and I'll be there. I think that was my birthday. I thought I had a bowel obstruction because my stomach was like just filled with like what felt like fluid. And I'm like, there's a, I have a cork in me somewhere. And I need to like, you need it.
Starting point is 00:14:41 And then I just started throwing up like crazy. You needed a, it was awesome. What are they called? Enema, that's what you needed. That would have fixed the whole. Did you listen to the part where it came out here? Oh, well, well. What I needed was a bottle of epicac.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Oh, I mean, you had one, apparently. Yeah. Yeah. I took a bath, that's what did it. Isn't that weird? Really? I was up all night, like I can't sleep, because I feel like, I don't know what's happening.
Starting point is 00:15:04 I don't know where it's going to come and I just couldn't sleep and then eventually I just Fucking threw up everywhere. It's awesome. Not sick. I actually felt amazing after I was like I go like You can go 10 rounds or Tyson right? Yeah, I was like I'm a chill one. I can just like do but anyway You're having a baby soon. Yes. When is the due date? January early January early January. Early January. That's where my daughter was born January. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Oh, nice. So congrats. Thank you. That's the perfect time to have a baby. Because then you just, in addition to having a baby, which is an excuse to just say no to everything, you can now just stay home because it's cold. Yes, I know.
Starting point is 00:15:42 It's perfect. Well, he lives in that life. That's right, Cold-ish. Cold-ish. But I am actually very much looking forward to just staying at home for three months. Yeah. And not doing anything.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Yeah. Not feeling guilty about not doing anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a good idea. I'm really pumped for that. What? You got a baby. I can't go out.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah, exactly. I can't travel. I can't do shit. Sorry. Now, you're, I think you said off air, you're having a boy, right? Yeah What name are you going like cool names like you're gonna go with like you know like this is corthoc the barbarian or you get a Go with a this is how did you know that?
Starting point is 00:16:15 Did you did Kelsey tell you corthoc I went to Manitoba and there's a big name in there There's a big name in Manitoba. You're not assuming you're not saying our name. Winnipeg I think. There you go. To name our son Canada, because we're Canadian. Yeah, yeah. You're not saying the name. No, no, we haven't said it.
Starting point is 00:16:34 We do have one that we really like, probably like 98% decided on it, but I don't know if you're the same way, like I want to like meet him. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the exact same way. Do you have any names here like, definitely not that? Yeah, a corthoc.
Starting point is 00:16:49 If it came out, if this child came out corthoc, that would have been pretty sick. I would ask, I'd be like, what is that? Maybe there's something I don't know about. It's a Throcky King, that actually the king. Well, my nephews, their names are Zeke and Steel. Really? Yeah, my brother. Well, my nephews, their names are Zeke and Steel. Really? Dude. My brother. Dude, his kid's dead. Growing up, I like asked my parents the number one name
Starting point is 00:17:11 that I wanted to like name my future child was Zeke. Yeah, Zeke. For some reason. Zeke, not Corp thought? Yeah, not Corp thought, but they're not. No Zeke and I guess that was it, but I knew a kid named Steel growing up. Yeah, yeah, it's like a white lacrosse name apparently like a long Island.
Starting point is 00:17:29 I brought this out there. It's kind of a steel and gas name. It's kind of no. It's like, I think there were like, wasn't there a like a kids cartoon? And like I was named like Max Steel or something like that when we were kids? Oh, it sounds like porn dude. I think you're confusing porn. Ah, cartoons dude. I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna be stupid. I think you're confusing What are you talking about that steel cockers? Yeah, it's like some big steel dick or something. I don't know no, I Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was like max steel, but like are you go you don't obviously
Starting point is 00:17:57 Not gonna tell us the name. That's fine. But like are you going? I'll tell you off air Shit, wow. Yeah, I will. I yeah, I will. I've been telling people. It's kind of interesting. I like that. People's reaction, because they're not going to change our minds. Right. But it is kind of like it's fun to see some people
Starting point is 00:18:13 are like, uh, some people are like, oh. So it's not a name like, like, and I'm like, so you don't like it. And they're like, no. Yeah. No, no, no, it's cool. It's cool. Yeah. We had, like, you fucking hate it. And they're like, no. No. No, no, it's cool. It's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I can see it. You fucking hate it. I can tell. I just like, I can't taste it. You know? I can't. I just, you know, I have to see him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:34 With my first daughter, we told people the name. And everyone was like unanimously, was like, oh yeah. We love it. Her name is Ruby. And my second daughter, Ruby. Oh, that's sick. Yeah. If I have a daughter, I want to name her Rudy, because Ruby and my second buddy Ruby. Oh, that's sick. Yeah, I want to if I have a daughter I want to name her Rudy because that's my grandpa's name Rudy Rudy
Starting point is 00:18:51 Yeah, I like that. That's a name. I don't know it is When she said I was like yes, but I never thought of that. Oh like root it. Yes Thank you exactly. Let's let's let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, let's, And we from short from Mayveth, right? But like we didn't tell anyone because we had another name in mind and we told I forgot who it was someone in my family We told the name and they were like oh, okay, and we were like oh, it's so you're gonna you're gonna hate this child I'm like no, no, no, we're gonna love the baby no matter what but it's like it's a weird like introductory thing It's like you you're using a name that you obviously don't like. And it was just weird. I guess if it's someone in your family
Starting point is 00:19:48 that has a really like, if it was somebody else, then yeah, that would be, that would like, throw me off it a little bit. Yeah, and then we had other names that after, you know, maybe it was porn and we were like telling our family like other names that we had. And my brother flat out was just like,
Starting point is 00:20:04 okay. We're like, you know, like flat out was just like, okay. We're like, you know, like that. He's like, no, pretty live of you. And I was like, what the hell? I was like, what the hell? My brother's like woke up. He's gonna name his daughter Joe Biden. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is my beautiful, this is my beautiful daughter, Kamala. And this is my other daughter, AOC. There you go. Yeah. But. Yeah. This is my son vaccine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:28 My son vaccine. Kind of cool. And I know. Are you vaxes of fucking sickness? This is like, man. Dude, that would be pretty sick. Yeah, me. Was it name of like, Vaxif?
Starting point is 00:20:36 There you go. There you go. Something. Weapon? Weapon. I kind of like that. What's the one, what's the, the famous one that people always bring up is, uh, um,
Starting point is 00:20:44 well, Climidia would be a pretty sick person name. I thought it would, oh, was the one, what's the famous one that people always bring up as a- Committee, well, Committee would be a pretty sick person name. I saw the one, oh, amphibian is what I said. amphibian pilot inspector, you remember that one? What? There's a celebrity. I think it's Jason Lee, I think, and he named his- What the fuck is Jason Lee?
Starting point is 00:20:57 My name is Earl, I could be butchering this one. Oh my God, the Pro Skater? No. Yeah, yeah. He's a Pro Skater. He was a Pro Skater, still is I think really I think like he named his answer a little time to get into the pockets there we've been taught I think he named his kid pilot inspector and expector and that's fucked up and
Starting point is 00:21:19 inspector was spelled with a K which makes it like Wu Tang yeah which makes it a little like scarier's back to deck. Damn, dude. Yeah, which makes it a little like scarier. I didn't even know that was like a job. Hey guys, hey to interrupt, we do have some sponsors for today. The first one being BetterHelp. BetterHelp is online therapy counseling, if you will.
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Starting point is 00:25:19 All right, so there you go, folks. Enjoy. Professional skateboarder. Jason Lee, is that him? Yeah, he's, yeah, this guy? Yeah, look at what he's doing. What is he doing? The famous actor from Alvin and the Chipmunks, Joey, come on.
Starting point is 00:25:30 I honestly have no idea who that is. Oh my goodness. Yeah, you definitely do if you see him. I know Bruce Lee. Does that help? He was also in mall rats, right? I don't know. He's in something.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Mall rats? You live in LA, you should know all movies, everything, always. That's true, yeah, that's how LA works. That's the prerequisite if you're gonna move in. Are you like nervous about being a dad? Are you like ready? I'm pretty, I mean, I'm definitely, I guess a little bit nervous
Starting point is 00:25:57 because I don't know, I'm a mixture of both. Like I'm like super fucking pumped, but I know my lifestyle is gonna change drastically, and I feel like I'm pretty, like anal, it's kind of a weird word, but to use there, it's like anal about my time. I'm walked in, I was like anal dude. I was just thinking anal. Yeah, when do you find out what they wanted you to film next? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yeah. But okay, yeah, I mean, like I'm anal about my time and like my schedule So I know like having to change that completely Is gonna be like it's like a little bit of a scary thought, but I don't really mind it that much Yeah, I mean like I know we're gonna we're gonna be fine Yeah, it's it's an adjustment. Yeah, I mean, you know, and then you know fucking priorities and shit like that Let Joe tell you about it. He'll tell you all about where's Kelsey from?
Starting point is 00:26:44 LA, okay, so her parents are like around like yeah, they're priorities and should like that. Let Joe tell you about it. He'll tell you all about it. Where's Kelsey from? LA. Oh, okay. So her parents are like around. Yeah, they're pretty close to us. Oh, that's nice. And you're in Princess Island, Canada, I'm assuming. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:52 My sister just had a baby two weeks ago. Is she in Canada? She's in Calgary, yeah. Oh, okay. But it's like a pretty short flight from LA. And it's cool that we're gonna have kids that are like, basically the same age. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Which is awesome. So I'm just fired up. Is that your first knee-sert nephew? Yeah, and your sister's the registered dietitian Did she name the baby breakfast? She did she named it bacon. Oh my god, dude. There's so many better jokes Big big comedy came right back there Did she name it? Listen man, you know this this is how the saw this is the sausage. That's the sausage. More breakfast foods. Now I'm like it. I'm coming around. I'm coming around. Did she name it diet tissue?
Starting point is 00:27:34 What's the name? Diet tissue. How old is your sister younger? Older. She's 35. Yeah, 35 because I look at him like he Our sisters are the same age. That's why yeah the only reason that he would know because your sister is also 35 she's a lactation consultant, so is she really yeah damn Got all the bases covered. Yeah We're the idiots of the family And everyone else has got to cover it as far as like, you know, whatever you need.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Diage to lactation. We just did a like breastfeeding class. So yeah, I'm also a lactation consultant now. Pretty much, yeah. I've been a specialist in 15. I'm 15. Exactly. That means you have been breastfeeding.
Starting point is 00:28:21 That was the first time you sucked a 10. The boobies, boobies dude. Yeah, yeah. The first time at 15. You don't remember what my, I don't was the first time you sucked a tin. The boobies, boobies, dude. Yeah, boobies guys. You sucked a tin for the first time at 15? You don't remember what my, I don't remember the first time you sucked a tin. No, I don't remember the first time, but like my, there's a joke, my middle school girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:28:36 She would refer to me as the milkman. Why? I don't know, and he sucked your tin. Yeah, it was not like out of the, like, she's not lactating. She definitely wasn't, but like, you know, I don't know, and he sucked your tits. It was not like out of the, like, she's not lactating. She definitely wasn't, but like, you know, I don't know why. Like that was like a crazy thing. Like everyone, I didn't know that by the way,
Starting point is 00:28:52 when I was younger, I thought that like, at all times milk was available. Yeah. Well, you suck on it long enough, I'm sure it will come out. That's a real thing, you know. We talked on a different podcast that I do. We like interview people and honestly, and there was a girl who had a breastfeeding fetish and she's not lactating or anything and she's never had a baby, never been
Starting point is 00:29:10 pregnant and she's like if you just sit there and like suck on a tip for like four hours eventually. Milk will come out. Yeah, it like tricks the brain like the and the ladies say the science to hormones. I don't know. But like it legitimately like tricks them like the brain and the science to hormones. I don't know the science. But like legitimately, like tricks them, like the brain and the hormones into thinking, like, oh, they're sucking because there's something here. There's a baby that needs the milk.
Starting point is 00:29:33 So it'll just be like, all right, let's, that's like panic milk though. It's probably sucks. Yeah, that's probably sick. The panic milk? Why not? I don't know. I'm like, where's that coming from?
Starting point is 00:29:43 I still don't get it, dude. I don't get it. It doesn't make sense. I don't understand. Well is that coming from? I still don't get it, dude. I don't get it. I don't understand. Well, you're the specials. No, it's fucking crazy. It's insane. It really makes it clear that we're just like animals.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Yeah, it's like, it's wild. Like, we're no different from little fucking puppies that come out of the womb and are like, you know? Yeah, and like, one more time. Yeah, I was like, the same thing. That's what literally, like, human kids, like, they come out, they're like eyes are closed, but somehow they like find the nipple Yeah, and they know how to like breathe and sneeze and like do you know and they weren't in there They weren't breathing in there. That's yeah, that's the point that they're just in their chillin and everything is going through
Starting point is 00:30:17 This in water. There's something which is like why would they cut that off? Yeah, it's these awesome. Well, that's why I just be connected. Yeah, like a wallet, like a chain wallet. Everything you need coming through your fuck. What? Like a chain wallet. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's your hip. Got it.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Well, that's why there are some people that take like more like natural ways, like approaches to birth. And they give birth in bathtubs. Yeah, yeah. They say it's like a more natural way to come into the world. You're going from fucking one one pull into the other Literally pull sometimes they blow up a pool putting your living room and you just fucking fart him out I knew someone I knew someone that did a birth tub bath what a birth tub bath
Starting point is 00:30:58 Well technically, yeah After the birth it was a birth tub No, I knew someone did a bath tub birth and then someone else took a bath in that birth tub That's not good. Yeah, it sounds like I ritual of some sort No, it was like a like and it was like years and years and years ago when it was like a freaky like you know Super hippie thing to do, but I might we might do it in the cold plunge Fire just come out. Just baby's just fucking comes out Joe Rogan. He's just holding him like two minutes.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Yeah. Just two minutes. Do two minutes. You'll be fucking fine. That's kind of crazy but is it they can breathe like underwater basically right? They have to look at what comes to the two. Yeah. By the way, three straight men here. Yeah. Yeah. The least qualified. It's nice to know that you also don't know a lot. What comes through the two? That's insane. By the way, three straight men here? Yeah, yeah. The least qualified. It's nice to know that you also don't know a lot about it either. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And I feel like something that's similar, what you said, when you had like your first kid too, every single guy, because like my sister has kids, my brother has kids, like all the dudes say the same thing. Like when they first have children in the first couple of months, it's like, dude dude I'm fucking useless like I can't do anything. There's no point. Like they just want the mom the mom has to do pretty much everything and you're like, I walk around the house. Do you want me to? Yeah, you're a butler dude.
Starting point is 00:32:15 It's like go get that. Yeah, and then shut up. Yeah, that's the first one of the first thing I said thing was like there's no point for me to be here. Like, I gave her the seat, and that, like, I could have walked away, and she could have done it all by herself. Isn't it crazy that somehow men were able to trick women into thinking that we were better than them? Yeah. Like, they're doing all the shit, and we're like, cool. But we're, we're in church.
Starting point is 00:32:38 It's art, we're the, right. Man, that's not much to be told, but you know what's harder being a CEO. Yeah. No. Ha! That's what, that's what, that's not much we talk, but you know what's harder being a CEO. Yeah That's what that's what is a pharaoh. I mean women can also be see I know but I'm saying like back in like the 60s That's when this fucking first started Women can work Frank Jesus. Oh, don't don't turn this around on me. Now. It's fun. I just say Don't don't turn this around on me now. It's fun. I just
Starting point is 00:33:10 No, it's crazy though like the pharaohs and stuff. We're all like these dudes and like oh my god He's a god just like this like it's just a dude. Yeah, I'm like that was it But a woman gives birth and everyone's like all right. I don't know big deal. It's like how is this not a big deal Yeah, this is incredible like this shit is happening. They. They are creating life and then walking around with the most discomfort I could ever imagine. Like I remember something, it was like their organ shift and it was like their, like things are like up here, their ribcages like out there. Becca was like, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:33:37 My wife went in with both of our daughter's pregnancies. She was like, oh, you see that right there? I was like, oh, is that a cute kick? She's like, no, that foot is pressing up against my ribcage right now and I want a scream. Yeah, I don't need, can you imagine what that's like? Dude, our kid goes fucking crazy in there. Really? It's every night. Our stomach is like It's fucking crazy. Yeah, she's ready. It looks like like in alien or something You know when someone has like one under the skin
Starting point is 00:34:05 Yeah, yeah, it looks like that. I can't even imagine what that would be like like from the inside like there's like a thing Would you even around? Why why pass me this question? So I'll ask you if you could feel what it felt like to Carry a baby and bird the baby. Would you? Damn, that's like a feel like it's a loaded question. Yeah, dude. You better not be fucking Twitter people are watching this Twitter Yes Of course, yes, I would like to go through that I'm a little curious and curious sure like I would like to give I don't think I like to give birth
Starting point is 00:34:42 Simulator. Oh, yeah, I would do that. Oh, yeah, just like the prank like just strap on the belly. Yeah No, but they put like muscles stimulators on you and they crank it so that you could feel like contraction. Oh Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, so it's like you can simulate a birth in that way. Are you supposed to do that while she's actually? That would be I'm sure that's been done before well all the nerves I'm with the baby. Yeah, I'm with the hunt. Yeah, she's like hold my hand I'm sure that's happened at least once yeah because that what the conversation came up because I was saying I was like I can only imagine like how like Rewarding it feels to like bird these beautiful children and like seeing them grow and she's like would you do it?
Starting point is 00:35:25 I was like no, no, I would not yeah, I mean I feel like that's just you know That's a toughy to kind of I've already made it 30 one years without even thinking we also it's also hard to find the time to do that When we're busy being see Because we're working jobs, you know Frank Whoa We're working jobs, you know Frank Busy being 60s man. That's what it all started. It was a good time. Yeah, you just wasn't for who Joey you you for them You for them apparently you just drink scotch all day smoke cigarettes indoors and I Don't never you have the life to go home and hate your life. There's this fucking not.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Oh, that's not the way. Like mad men. No, I'm joking. Let's get that out of the way. There's this fucking Chinese guy on TikTok or on Instagram or something, but he posts these reels and it's just him going out in a Range Rover. I don't know how this guy like has money or afford this or whatever, but he drives his Range Rover out.
Starting point is 00:36:24 He buys like 15 cartons of cigarettes, puts them in his truck or in his trunk, goes home, throws them all in a drawer, takes out a pack, and then he orders like $300 worth of delivery, cracks like 10 beers and just sits there and smokes and drinks and eats. That's the whole thing. That's the whole thing. Yeah, and it's fucking a dream life. What? What?
Starting point is 00:36:48 What? I've never... Arden's of cigarettes. I can't imagine. I can't imagine. Slowly committing suicide right there on Instagram. But imagine being that comfortable with that. I just like have nothing to lose.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I'm just like having a little bit of a meeting of your vices and being like, this is my life. And I'm cool with that. I'm gonna die early. Yeah, and I'm fine with that He's got no marathons to run or anything Yeah, absolutely I don't need much out of this life I just want these goddamn cigarettes. I've never smoked a cigarette, but there is something so appealing about smoking indoors What you're like I never smoke to cigarette, but there's something so appealing and you went oh
Starting point is 00:37:25 You're missing out You should get on them I've had a point like addicted to him dude Give it like Ted once the kids start talking back. That's the perfect time to do it got it go because nothing nothing like Nothing drives home like a angry dad yelling at you like they're just yelling at you And then they just ash a cigarette on the table That's true actually. I'll just add that to the front yard.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Freezing is fucking cheese. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My fucking kids hate me. Yeah. A horrible teenager. And you gotta do this. Yeah, keep your jacket closed. Are you worried about when your kids become teenagers
Starting point is 00:38:01 and they start hating you? When they come teenagers? I've read some tweets from dads recently that are like, oh yeah, my kids are at the age now where they fucking hate me. And it's like the biggest heartbreak I've ever felt in my entire life. Yeah, they probably just want like,
Starting point is 00:38:14 independent so badly. I thought what? They probably want independent so badly that they're like, okay. Yeah, I mean, I think like, I don't think I ever really hated my parents, but your parents are sick. A lot of teenagers are like, really. like really dude. I hated my parents a lot
Starting point is 00:38:27 You know, where you should you then? Oh, I mean, I'm sure I said and did some shitty my parents hated him That's for sure. Yeah, and that was nice for his parents, and I wear my parents So, you know, what do you think about that? It's just like I think it's weird because I might my wife I've like said this. I'm like oh there's gonna be a time where the kids hate us. And my wife is like, oh, I don't think I ever argued with my dad growing up. Like he was my idol. And I was like, oh, fuck, man.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Damn, that's fire. Yeah, that must be nice. But yeah, I mean, I'm more interested in finding out like when they find this show. You know, I like know that's that we set on the internet. Yeah, and like done. And they're just like, that's gonna raise my rights. Because it's all gonna look so dumb in like even five years.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Like five years ago, I can be like, what the hell was that? You know? No, totally. But 10 yet 20, like 18 years from now, you're gonna be like, what's that doing? I really hope the internet just like doesn't exist. They just cancel it, they're like, we're just gonna-
Starting point is 00:39:27 It's something else entirely. And almost it's like, you know, this is like the dusty VHS. You can't really run anymore, you know? Oh, it still exists, but they like can't find a way to like, what does it even? Yeah, exactly. I think it's gonna be like,
Starting point is 00:39:40 it becomes so polluted with so much that like, you can't find one thing. You know what I mean? It's gonna be harder to find one specific thing. Yeah, yeah. It's gonna be 800 million versions of it out there. Yeah, you gotta go to some sub-community and sift through a fucking box. Yeah. I feel like all that live streaming shit will probably be replaced TV.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Like those people who just live stream, they their entire day like I feel like right now It's like a popular thing on like twitch or whatever the fuck yeah, dude IRL That's what I was just trying to think of the word that it was it's like ironic to that it's like IRL But it's all kind of like set up and it's fake just like reality TV. It's all BS. It's nuts to see. And everyone's like, But a lot of them just go out and do it in public and like go to parties and just do it. Yeah. So it is sort of real, but it feels like wrong. Yeah, it's just, that's just so weird. That might be the moment that you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:40:35 It's like, yeah, it's like, I just mean like for the other people. Oh, yeah. It did about like this because your, your, same age as us. If we grew up in 2004 and someone came in with a camcorder to a party, like a house party or something, that person would have been thrown down the stairs and their camera would have been smashed a bit.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Like, what's going on? Yeah. I don't know. Smash the bits. It would have been little bits. What was that? It was a British accent. Yeah, I know, that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:41:04 More of like why was my question. Because we're doing that now. Oh, that's cool. I had to admit, I feel ganged up on here. Yeah, I don't like that. No, I was on your side for that. Oh, thanks, man. I was on your side.
Starting point is 00:41:16 Fuck you, fuck you, dude. But yeah, so I mean, you're having a kid, you're running the marathon. Really nice. You get to sneak one in right before you have a child. Yeah. Because I don't know, the training regimen for that. How long do you actually train for Marathon? Marathon's not that crazy. Training-wise.
Starting point is 00:41:31 Months? Four. No, I was like, yeah, probably four. I don't know, so I did an Iron Man in April. That was the actual, I trained for eight months for that. So this is kind of like- And I've sort of been, I've been just sort of running on and off ever since then.
Starting point is 00:41:46 So like the serious training for this has been like two months probably. Is Iron Man the one where like you'll be like you like jump over like an inflatable Dorito and then you get tased? No, that's American Ninja- Ninja Warrior. Oh, okay. Are you- Can you do that? It's next man, but stop it, you! Or that's- You remember MXC?
Starting point is 00:42:03 You ever watched that? Oh, I do. Oh. I love that show. I love that show. Yeah, dude. We're like dubbed it. I'll talk that one. And like trying to get up a mound, they're like, we're just gonna roll this boulder down.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Yeah. It's like knocks everyone on the mound. I remember very specifically watching that show because it would come on after, like when, when raw, WWE was on like Spike TV. Yeah, Spike TV. And then it would come on right after. And then Joe, you remember, he used to hand-write the entirety of that show, Mansors, and he would recite it in his normal life.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Oh, this is okay, that's a bit. Yeah, I get it, that's a bit. Also, I didn't even know what the fuck you were talking about, but now I do remember what that show was. Who was it? Who was it? Already one. You remember Mansors? I know it was Jimmy Kimmel.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Yeah, Jimmy Kimmel. No, that was the Manshow. That was very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very was Jimmy Kimmel. Yeah, Jimmy Kimmel. No, that was the man's show. Oh, that was really happen. No idea. This is Sam Rola. Golden Arrow for men entertainment. It's like, let's go on a thing and hate women real quick. Yeah, starting in 1920.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Yeah, yeah, I mean, you know. No, it was like a show where it was like a guy. It would like they'd like pose a question like, oh, I don't know what's going on, but like every time go out my far to weak like big fucking stinky butts, and it'd be like here's the science and answer for you man It was so oh fuck I remember that I got a Man serves so it was like a scientific but like stupid questions that men ask Yeah, you know like dude my girlfriend's knockers are too big. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:43:29 Just like stupid shit that like was you know appealing to the lowest common denominator of people. That's good. And Joey spike TV. Yeah. I never answers four seasons. Look at the fucking flyer. Dude. Is that a dude and just call like muscle muscle cars dude that is not a dude.
Starting point is 00:43:47 I can't see that looks like a that's a woman. That is a not dude. Yeah, that's a mixed tape cover. Yeah, that looks like they look like they repurpose the poster for hustle and flow. Just put a scantily clad woman up scantily clad. Okay. Thank you William Shakespeare. but it's scantily clad woman. Scantily clad, okay. Thank you, William Shakespeare. Guess who's back with more advertising?
Starting point is 00:44:10 Hello, we do have Babel though. Babel's an awesome company I wanna tell you about. I mean, I've probably told you about it before. If you listen to the show, but Babel, awesome, love it. He's gonna teach you how to speak a new language. And I love Babel, I've been using it for a while now because I wanna get better on my Spanish. It's okay, I took it a lot through school, but for some reason I can't retain anything.
Starting point is 00:44:29 With Babel, it makes it a lot easier. And I feel like they've done it the right way, and they sort of gamified the experience of learning another language, whereas school just didn't do it for me. And especially us Americans, most of us only speak English. And you spend five seconds in Europe and you're like, everyone speaks two or three languages, and now I just feel left out. So Babel's gonna help you out with that. If you use Babel, like I said,
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Starting point is 00:45:56 One of them being just the smells. Okay, they have incredible sense here. Cool fresh aloe, pine tar, rain forest rapids, I could go on and on. But you need to be using this soap. It's high performance natural products, no harmful ingredients. So you know, we got to pay attention to the stuff that we're putting on our bodies. You can't just be, you know, putting grease on your body or whatever. You want to use this soap.
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Starting point is 00:47:20 three soaps and get three for free. Six bars of soap will last you maybe forever. So go to slash basement and go get your free soaps. Start smelling good, fellas. What are you talking about? Man, sirs. Man, sirs, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:38 MXN. So would you ever do like American Ninja Warrior? Do you think like that? Oh, I would definitely do that. Doesn't that look like the most fun thing ever? It does. 100%. I would 100% do that.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Do you have the same? There's a place by me where I live that is it's like set up that way. It's like a whole thing like that. They have the wall that you have to run up to. No way. Yeah, it's like a whole thing. Yeah, you can get like a day pass and just go.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And then they have like nights where like you can- Should we do it? I love it here. Yeah, we can be Ninja Warrior. Like I've walked by there get like a day pass and just go. And then they have like nights where like you can- Should we do it? I'm like, here, here. Yeah, we can be Ninja Warrior. Like I've walked by there on like a Friday night and there's a bunch of people in there like fucking doing like crazy shit. Drink excessively and go.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Hey man. That would be so fun. I feel like- He was gonna shit on me and then you said it would be fun and now he's like, hey man, maybe, yeah, maybe. No, I was gonna say I feel like I'm not gonna be able to do a lot of those things Sober me neither. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you need like the confidence that alcohol would get
Starting point is 00:48:31 Are you like you know what I mean? I'm so dumb that I'm like I could get up that wall no problem But then you walk by it and you're like that's high though dude I watched them from the couch just like looking like I was just like looking like this. This guy's just like, dude, grab the ring. It's right there. Grab it. This guy's fucking unathletic. What is this fucking guy? The one hammered at 10am.
Starting point is 00:48:55 The one that gets me his light. It does not have his shit together. They have to like, fucking like, pull the bar out and then like go up and pull the top of the same. Zero. That's how so gross. Zero. Yeah. That's how many of those I would do. Not even a full.
Starting point is 00:49:08 That's just such a perfect American television show. Really is. Just like one of those things where you hear the concept and you're like, what? Yeah. And then with that work and then it's on and you're just standing there like, you know, and you look down your watch and it's been 45 minutes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah. Like American Gladiators love that show. I, bro, I, let's take normal people and put jacked athletes and beat the shit out. Well, do you remember, um, uh, speaking to Spike TV, you remember pros versus Joe's? Love that. And it would be like, can this fucking plumber from Wisconsin catch a pass off Michael Irvin?
Starting point is 00:49:39 It's like, no, we cannot do it. And he'd get like torched. Like, let's see if this IT guy can go three rounds with Mike Tyson It was literally a boxing one. I think it was like dailah oil was in there just Really yeah, they would put like regular people and they would have professionals I remember it was like shack was I think it was shack it was boxing actually or something like I'm actually normal person being punched by a four-year-pound man. Yes. Who's ten foot tall? Like this is insane. The only one of those shows that I realistically thought like of like the like sports
Starting point is 00:50:10 Competition shows that like I could fucking do this was either guts or legends of the hidden temple Do you you remember legends in the hidden Can't that's right. What did you guys watch? Just like a sap come from a tree Okay, that's offensive. Dude, that's like a racist, I feel like. So, we're canceled, dude. Imagine like American Ninja Warrior. It's 23, man.
Starting point is 00:50:35 You can't say shit like that. But for kids, and it was like a Nickelodeon competition show where they set it up as like an Indiana Jones style. Like you need to run from a falling boulder and like put the Teet my childhood entertainment was fucked up like I'd never watched SpongeBob. I never get references as an adult What did you what did you so I think I watched Johnny Bravo? That's a good one. Oh, yeah, that dude was a massagingistic piece of shit full on like a salt or two
Starting point is 00:51:01 That's really really I'm just kidding. I didn't watch it Is that where you got the hair smooth problem? like a salt or two. That's really, bro. Yeah, I'm just kidding. I didn't watch it. Literally. Is that where you got the hair swoop from? Because he would just be like, oh, he's like, he just like picks up a woman like puts her in her car. I was like, what the fuck is going on? Yeah, oh really? Yeah, I was watching with those rose tinted lenses off.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Yeah, no kidding. Yeah, what is that man? Is that what you're saying? No. Rose tinted rose color, back me up here. Thank you so much. It's like when you see things like in there. There's no one there by the way.
Starting point is 00:51:29 In like the current like, yeah dude, he'd be like, oh come here mama and he like grab her inner thigh and like be like, you're coming home with me. Let's do the monkey. I remember one time he said it like, do you like your eggs like sunny side up or fertilize or something and I was like like dude, I'm seven I got deaf. I don't know what that means, but like what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:51:49 Wait, so Johnny Bravo, what else? That's like the only one like oh, oh rocket power or rocket Yeah, yeah auto and were you a skater growing up? Yeah big time. Yeah, well, I mean like I was never that good But I loved I mean I was like fucking oh god damn it god damn it Can you guys edit this yeah, we can prefer not to kind of I'll tell you off air who I fucking hung out with Two days ago, but it is I was just gonna start naming people so I'm glad I well yeah Like yeah, yeah, I mean, it's like Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, a little bit, wasn't very good either. I was just a little bit. I always like was too much of a bitch. Yeah, I'm like, I'm gonna hurt my ankle.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Yeah, like there was some kids our age at that point that would just throw themselves like up rails and just fucking like a, we're willing to get hurt. And I was always, I could never like crack that like, fear barrier. Yeah, I'm the same way, my brother who you met, that's my brother by the way. Oh, it is?
Starting point is 00:53:02 Yeah. One of my brother's. Not Greg, the other one. Yeah, the one with the glasses. Keith. Yeah, yeah. But he was like that. And he used to just like for no reason, like jump into bushes and shoot.
Starting point is 00:53:15 We would be walking down the street and Keith would see a bush and he'd go. Dive in. Perfect. And he would take, and he was, the other part of this of this it's very dangerous is he was very fast yeah so Keith running and then jumping into a bush was like a fucking sedan coming down the street and hitting it like he was going through this thing but that's what a lot of like our early early like me doing something like getting kicked in the face by Keith and then Keith diving into bushes and then Joey like just on the camera you know like that's what it was and and you know I could see why you didn't want to like get into I mean I was a dude I was scared I was like you guys are kind of getting a hurt I think and Keith broke his neck not bush diving but like
Starting point is 00:54:03 playing football you did no you did no you broke his neck broke his neck not bush-diving but like playing football. Yeah, you did no He broke his neck broke his neck did. Oh my god. Yeah, we're playing football. No He didn't have the For like the drill No Like the Frankenstein No, he just had like a neck brace, but it was funny because like he was a Savage when we were younger and he would like
Starting point is 00:54:22 Throw his body at people so we would play like tackle football Obviously it was not pads and shit just like in the park and we were younger and he would like throw his body at people so we would play like tackle football Obviously it was not pads and shit just like in the park and we were playing these kids And there was a they brought some kid who was like 24 and we were like fucking 16 years old And he was huge and he just fucking like just hit the fuck out of this kid and he ended up like breaking his neck So he's just walking off and he's like, oh, I think I have like whiplash So he's like I'm gonna take a like, he's like, oh, I think I have like whiplash. So he's like, I'm gonna take a play off. And like, he was like our best defenders. They were like, trying to play like, dude, come on.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Like, you're fine. Like, it's just a little, whatever. And he's like, nah, it's like something doesn't feel right. And he went to the doctor and the doctor was like, you're good. Like, don't worry about it. Put him in a soft collar. And then he was still in a lot of pain. And then we've backed to the doctor.
Starting point is 00:55:01 And then a different doctor was like, your shit is broken, dude. And he needed a neck brace. And he wore a neck brace for, I don't even know how long a while. It seemed like years but it was in probably like four or five months. But this is also like the same kid that like when we were playing tackle football, he would like tackle someone get a Charlie horse stand up and run in a circle and screaming broke his leg.
Starting point is 00:55:20 He thought he broke his leg and ran like 50 yards. I was like, I feel like it's good though. I feel like it's totally fine. He would have been a good sk you know he's like it's good though like it's fine I he would he would have been a good skater like he skated so me and him I remember I got the shit slapped out of me once because of skateboarding but you're dead no no no son of mine is gonna skate for you oh you're gonna like football but we were skateboarding you're gonna be like football. But we were skateboarding. You're gonna be an artist. Yeah, you're gonna paint. All right, you're not gonna do anything gay like skateboarding.
Starting point is 00:55:49 You used those emotions, dude. But we were skateboarding or something, and I think that those are kids who was like older, and he like, I think he like threw keys, border something. So I took his board out of his hand, and I threw it in the fucking street, and I just stared at him, and he just slapped the dog shit out of me the fucking remember those I Think their Egyptian those twins the ugrie brothers. Yeah, no what brothers? Ugrie ugrie. Yeah, I say their brother. They're brother. Adam. Yeah. Oh my god dog shit slapped me dude
Starting point is 00:56:22 Horace really and I literally was just like, this kid was like 24, showing up playing basketball with a bunch of 12 year olds. Six, five. Head to toe, LeBron gear. Head band, wrist band, finger sleeve, no exaggeration. And he had two younger brothers who were fucking psychopaths. Yeah, they were. And that's so funny because I saw them get the shit smack
Starting point is 00:56:46 out of them by my fucking Greek neighbor. What? I never told you this story. I don't think so. Really quick story because I know you don't care and really speak to our big story. No, this is awesome. No, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:56 These kids were just like, the ultimate- Let's just keep talking about like- You ultimate trouble makers. They got to a fight in the school yard where we went to elementary school. And it became like a 40 kid brawl. I look over, I see Joey like sparta kicking a kid in the chest.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yes. Yes. But so I hear like a ruckus outside my house. And I go outside and my neighbor was like this old Greek man. And he had a kid who was like around our age and he had the kid by the collar and we're like what's going on? And he's like, he's yelling, the Greek dad
Starting point is 00:57:33 is yelling at the Uggri brother and he's like, that's their last name. That sounds like when you get the mask and the fresh mask. I know. And he's yelling at him and I'm like, what's happening? And he's like, him and I'm like what's happening? And he's like he came to my house. He broke the the fucking thing that holds the the hose on the side of a house He's like he broke it off the wall and then he leave and then it was like that's it and he's he open hand from a From a middle-aged Greek man damn getting open hand smacked hurts so bad dude also very illegal. Yeah, like insanely
Starting point is 00:58:08 The whole thing if you don't want to get hit Your cops show up. It's like well you did break the house. What is this how is supposed to do just lay on the ground? Somebody has to fix this. That's how it was like you got Rob. Maybe you don't go there again, dude fucking figure it out Yeah, I was talking about that the other day because like Halloween I used to be like Like a little like leave your shoulder a little bit when you're on like on Halloween But I don't think that kids do anymore when you were younger. Did you like throw eggs at cars and shit? No? We didn't know never yeah, we did like for Halloween. Yeah, that's what we did What was like how you're in Canada like just like trick or treating?
Starting point is 00:58:44 Fun We did it. How do you even can into like just like trick or treating from like fun and like training in parties? It was like a utopia. People were outside hugging it. It really was. It was like pretty, pretty pleasant. But I lived in a neighborhood where like houses were pretty far apart. Flex.
Starting point is 00:58:56 The yards were miles in miles. I think we would like drive to different houses and like that. Wow. It was like that. We lived out in the country. So like. Wow, it was like that. Like, we live out in the country, so buy like farms and shit like that. Nice. So like the Alabama of Canada. I wouldn't say that.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Exactly. It sounds way more better. It sounds a little different to be honest. No, like where we grew up it was all mostly like either apartment buildings or townhouses. So you can go down two blocks and hit a hundred, a hundred and twenty houses. I just read this tweet that was like, it's so funny like being a parent now, because like when I was a kid,
Starting point is 00:59:35 trick-or-treating seemed like this like epic, unbelievable adventure that you go on. And then when you're an adult, you realize it's like 45 minutes and like six houses. Yeah. And then you go home He was just complaining about that because when he's like he takes his kids trick-or-treating is like they go around the block And I'm like I'm good. Yeah, yeah, but it probably seems to them like they went on this insane adventure we would go out with like King-sized pillowcases. Yes, and fill them up and then fucking dump them and then fill them up again So it was more epic
Starting point is 01:00:06 100 and now people are worried because there's like you know predators and stuff out there Which where do they come from the predators? Yeah, were they not there when we were kidding? No, they definitely weren't they just showed up Yeah, they did that's the thing. Yes, no one was preyed upon just just they just showed up Yeah, also I've been seeing a lot of tweets of like you know Well, it's is kind of fucked up because they're like parents and stuff, but like kids showing up to a house, and it's like take one please,
Starting point is 01:00:29 and the mom's like, fucking, you dumps the whole thing in her bed. Yeah, I just saw that. And I'm like, that's weird for a parent to do, but if you're a kid, it's like, that's what we did. You're not gonna take. Yeah, but I remember the first time we did that,
Starting point is 01:00:40 there was a house like not by our house, but it was kind of like where we went to school, right there on like the Big Boulevard. And this place every year went balls out for Halloween decorations. And we went, it was like one of the last times we went trick or treating, we went and there was a giant
Starting point is 01:00:57 like fucking Donkey Kong barrel of candy. And it said take one. And the candy was like, you're gonna hate me for this But it was like seasonal juicy fruit. So it was like Halloween juicy fruit sticks and stuff So we dumped the whole thing and as we ran out a bunch of like like toddlers and like young kids came So we gave them I don't know if you remember that we gave them a bunch of candy, but nice kids. Yeah, that's nice Yeah, by us it was eggs shaving cream. Like, you would, on Halloween, you'd stay away from parks because they were legitimate like war zones.
Starting point is 01:01:30 That sounds fun as hell though. It's like, so, I mean, it's also like mad dangerous, but like, there's a certain age where it's like, like, Halloween's about trick-or-treating, even like, you can go on your own. It's still just about that, but then eventually, it's like, everyone gets covered in fucking shaving cream just like shaving cream fights or some shit.
Starting point is 01:01:44 And then it's like, there's throwing eggs at cars. And then I remember one year, like, I was with, like, we met up with like a bunch of other kids from the neighborhood. So there was like 30 people and people were throwing eggs, like some of the people at the, in the group were throwing eggs at cars. And I remember there was a car that drove by and they threw eggs at us. So they turned around, so I grabbed one of the eggs
Starting point is 01:02:10 and like stepped out on the street and threw it and the guy opened up the van door and it went into the van and I just kept running and then I just heard like, and I was like, oh my friends are dead. Yeah, it was a red van. But it was a paint ball gun, but I was like, I think all my friends are dead now.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Oh, like he shot something. Yeah, he was shooting paint, like a paintball gun, but I was like I think all my friends are dead now. Oh, like I was shot something Yeah, he was shot he was shooting paint like a paintball gun at the crowd of children That's what you have the sketch. Yeah, it was literally Halloween for you You know you're watching the warriors. That's what it was. I'm not even kidding like the basketball like the basketball team. Yes Everyone was deaf curry dude. Everyone was at it. Is Jeff Curry, dude? No, it was insanity and it's definitely not. Like, yo, if you went down the street and you saw crowd of kids, you went the other way because you were gonna get hit with something.
Starting point is 01:02:54 And shaving. Dude, I remember this is a real story. I remember I went home for something and then when I came out, I came back out because my friends were like, oh, we're by like PS2 or something. And there's a guy, and I see my friends just sitting on the sidewalk, and he's standing in the street, and he has like his hand on his head, like he has a gun. And he was like a off-duty policeman.
Starting point is 01:03:17 And I saw my friends sitting there, and I'm like, I don't know that he's an off-duty police officer. Like they eventually told me, and I was just like, no, and I just fucking walk the other way like my friends my died a night But I'm not gonna go over there and get killed with them. They wouldn't sell the kill to death Yeah, I'm just like killed to death, dude. My friends got killed to death It wouldn't sell eggs unless you were over the age of 18 The whole month of October So like I you know my mom would like send me me like with like a five like go get some stuff from the corner store and I couldn't find eggs.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Yeah, dude. That's awesome. Sad. And you guys is having fun eating candy. Now it's all fucking predators, yeah. Yeah. Where'd they come from? They were not there before.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Yeah. I haven't seen a lot of I found a razor in my twizzler videos, which those are actually. Yeah, now it's fentanyl Oh, do that candy because well, I mean it's think about it. What makes so much cooler to it from what I know of drug dealers And I don't know a ton they love giving away their stuff for free. Yeah, you know, that's what they want to do Right, that's true. Yeah, that's that's a really good point. That's what they're gonna do the more generous Very they've been known one of the biggest really good point. That's what they're gonna do the more generous very They've been known one of the biggest known things about drug dealers is like they're always generous people take it Givers go ahead their givers. Yeah, good dancers as well good dancers
Starting point is 01:04:36 What is that? I don't know dude? Anyway, we're just gonna wrap it up here. I said I want a bow good dancers. You guys enjoy that gonna wrap it up here. I said, I want a bow. Good dancers. You guys enjoy that? Listen. But Cody, where can they find you and, you know, look at all your stuff?
Starting point is 01:04:50 Well, I mean, I guess just Google my name, Kodiko. That's so far. And if I can plug something, I do have a new single that just came out on the eight. And it's called Not Going Home. OK. Do you guys like house music? I do.
Starting point is 01:05:03 I think you'd like it Just found out even know what is always the 10th. Yeah, yeah, he's like do you like house music? I think it's for you I think this one might be for you But something told me that it's for you, dude. Oh, that's sick dude. Yeah, so listen to that for me And I want to thank you guys so much for having me on the show Yeah, and I would have sat here for another three hours because this was basically just watching you guys do. I don't think I really said anything honestly. Yeah, this was great. Yeah, we appreciate you coming on.
Starting point is 01:05:33 You guys will go follow the show at the base of my art on TikTok, Instagram, or wherever the fuck else. And that is all. We'll see you guys next time. you

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