The Basement Yard - 5 Miles From The Spotlight

Episode Date: July 19, 2016

I'm with @ericdalessandro today to talk about his new movie, his acting career, and how awful YouTube is.. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to The Basement Yard. It is Monday, July 18th. My voice is all fucked. And I have a guest today, Eric. Just this hand. Hello, this hand. How do you say it? Della Sandro. Della Sandro. Fuck, Joe, I tried to make it cool and like Italian, but I couldn't. I know, I don't say it right.
Starting point is 00:00:18 I just brutally New York. Did I fuck it up with Della Sandro? But Della Sandro. Exactly. Yeah, I don't I try to I try to do it, but I can't. I'm all fucked. All right. But if you don't know who he is, they don't. Just me, they don't. Who he's he is Staten Island.
Starting point is 00:00:35 That's right. He is Staten Island. But long story short, I came across his videos years ago on YouTube and I was like, I don't know who the fuck this kid is, but he is funny. He's got something here like I'm Steven Spielberg. And I know talent. This guy's got it. Let's go VK. Let's make your stock.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Exactly. I was like, I know, I know, I know talent. When I see it, this kid's got it. But yeah, man, we we just reconnected recently, but apparently I'm off you. We both tried out for a guy code years ago. Yes, that's right. Didn't get it. No. Both went in both struck out. That would have been nice, but, you know, I was walking in,
Starting point is 00:01:18 you're walking out. We're like, hey, all right, maybe we'll see. Yeah, good luck. We're both going to get it. No, good night. I, I, looking back on it, I completely fucked up that whole audition. Oh, so did I. I like clearly I at that.
Starting point is 00:01:34 I don't even know like I didn't prepare like I didn't have lines. I didn't have anything. They would ask me questions and I was like, yeah, you know, you know, farts. I remember farts was one of them. You'd elaborate about farts. I had I was like, I like the haunted house to the door. And I was like, that's gonna I was like, I said that and I was like, waiting for a laugh.
Starting point is 00:01:54 And there was like, there was nothing there. Yeah, it was very awkward. There was like a room of like five people. There's one girl who was sitting there who like I brought him in and then I'm over there fucking bombing. And she's like, oh, I got to go get a drink of water. They gave her like the cut mark by the throat. And then she got hooked out.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I think she got out like in the middle of things. She's like, I have to not watch this because I'm sorry. Oh, my God. It was bad. But, you know, anyway, everything happens for a reason. I know. So, um, but yeah, man. So you recently put out a movie. Yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Called five miles from the spotlight. That's true, which is on YouTube for free for free. Yeah. And unless you have YouTube red, which I still don't understand what the fuck that is. I don't think people are going to they want people to buy YouTube. And I don't think it's yeah, what the why would I buy it's free. No ads, no thanks. Oh, three seconds.
Starting point is 00:02:48 No thanks. I'll pay. Yeah. What the fuck I like when it says like you can skip this ad at five seconds. It's like, no, no, no, please tell me more about Taco Bell's new Chalupa. I want to hear more of this. I want to watch the whole 30 seconds. I want to get this whole thing in. I'm really interested in this.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I don't know what you know. Add is what more than like 30 seconds, right? No, yeah, they're 30. No, some of them are like fucking. I'm sorry. I was fucking throw up a little mic. But yeah, they're 30 seconds. But sometimes like Vivo has like a minute, 30 ads.
Starting point is 00:03:13 I'm like, OK, what really? You can't skip after five seconds. I don't fucking know, man. It's welcome. It's so dumb, but it's not on YouTube red. Yeah, I'm sorry. We have got all this is going to happen a lot. I feel a lot of ADD in this room.
Starting point is 00:03:26 But yeah, you you put it out. We talked the other day for the first time in a while and he was like, yeah, I just put out this movie on fucking YouTube. So I was like psyched to watch it because like I'm saying, I'm not just saying this, but I actually really do enjoy like the videos that used to put out and shit. And that's coming from me. Not that I'm anything, but I hate everything that's on YouTube. And everyone fucking knows that, that I fucking everything.
Starting point is 00:03:47 But I was like, I was like, I just liked like all the shit that you put out. So I was like, I can't wait to watch this. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if it was going to be like this drama, like you very serious all the time, like, oh, I can't like, you know what I mean? I didn't know what it was. I was like, I gotta check it out. And I can't go to I can't stay up past midnight
Starting point is 00:04:04 because I feel like I'm a thousand years old. Like once it gets to 1130, I can fall asleep literally in three minutes. Like now that's like a talent of mine now. But I stayed up until like 2 a.m. or whatever it was to to watch this thing. There were certain parts that I was trying to rewind, but have you ever tried to fucking rewind? I'm an hour and a half long thing.
Starting point is 00:04:20 It's fucking you skip eight minutes with your phone. Yeah. Oh, God, I'm out of my mind. It was the dumbest thing I fucking Roku or the fuck. But I was like, yeah, fuck. So I was there. I wasted a half hour doing that. But it's like an hour and a half long, right? Yeah, it's an hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:04:36 An hour and a half long. Can you tell me what is it? OK, so for those of you who don't know who the fuck I am, and that's probably let's say 100 percent of you, I'm very similar to Joe. I've been making YouTube. You've been making like your own videos for forever, right? Like with your old mom's camera and stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Right. Yeah. I basically have been doing the same, except I'm not as heavily into like the YouTube community. You're not really either. But I was just always like, fuck this. I'm not going to write. It's weird, too, because like if people check me out, I have shit all over the place.
Starting point is 00:05:07 They'll see you and be like, OK, this is what this kid does. This is Joe. He's funny. He talks about stuff. My thing is like, oh, one's a music video. One's a parody video. One's a skit. One's a rap impressions video. One's a fuck. What the fuck is this kid? Right. What are you?
Starting point is 00:05:20 And it's like, I don't fucking know. Just laugh or get the fuck out of here. You know what I mean? So that's basically a little bit about me. So recently I made a I wanted to do like the anti YouTube video, which is like YouTube is supposed to be short to the point, topical, trendy. And I was like, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Right. I'm going to make a movie because my whole life I've wanted to make a movie. And I wrote a script. It's like I said, it's an hour and a half long. It's got a story. It's it's actually really good. I think people actually enjoy it. I also made an album to go along with it. I don't like saying like I'm a rapper because people automatically assume
Starting point is 00:05:55 I'm like in here and fucking grilled grills on him. Yeah. Yo, bad bitch, Rory. Skrrt. Yeah. Anyway, so yeah, that's so the album kind of like it's it's basically about like I'm from Staten Island. There's a lot of Staten Island references in there, but you can be from anywhere. It's like an underdog story.
Starting point is 00:06:12 You know what I'm saying? You understood. Right. There's no like fucking secret lingo. Like, man, you got to get up to fucking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We in WarVet Expressway to fucking get this thing. But anyway, yeah, so I did that. And let me just say about Joe.
Starting point is 00:06:27 He's a fucking great guy because number one, everyone on the internet fucking either like you're one of these YouTube kids who like collaborates and that's fucking not us. Or you are a fucking douchebag who hates everyone, especially like it's anyone just in general being from New York City, right? Which we both are. Everyone is never saying anything positive. We were just talking before and anybody doesn't like say you're good.
Starting point is 00:06:48 It's always like, I fuck that kid. Right. Girls like him. He's funny. Fuck that. Fuck him. So Joe sends me a tweet like five fucking years ago. That's how long ago was right around like around then probably five years ago. And he's like, Hey, man, you're funny. I want to get your email address.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I want to talk to you about something. And I was like, wow, this kid that speaks volumes of a person for real though. Do like that's incredible to reach out to someone who doesn't have as near the fucking following that you do and just be like, yo, you're funny, man. I want to like try to do something together. So that's fucking amazing for you. If your listeners don't know what a nice guy he is, he's a great guy. I'm blushing.
Starting point is 00:07:20 And we are now fucking. Yeah. I am completely naked at this point. So should we? Oh, we should have mentioned that before I'm naked. Yeah, it's it's hot in here. So yeah, take out right now. So yeah, you're so I appreciate that, Joe. And we have very similar points of view.
Starting point is 00:07:36 So people who like him and the way he screams that girl's dressing for Halloween or what the fuck he does. You will enjoy it and it's a little different. You know, it's like the actual movie. It's about 80 percent true, 20 percent fabricated. So don't get too crazy into it. Like if people I have people, I'm not going to give anything away, but I have people like, yo, man, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:07:56 Why don't you tell me that? It's like, dude, I've no interest in them fucking six. The fuck you asking me this for? You know, that's not true. What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah. So basically, but it starts out a year like it's like a fallen I've always thinking like, what would like a fallen fall from grace YouTube star be like?
Starting point is 00:08:10 Because I have I have a similar thing to Joe where I have. I got like I have I have a YouTube following, but obviously not as big as his and I would get recognized everywhere on stand out because that one's very small. And even though my videos aren't like in the millions, everyone on stuff for like a little while, not now, because I'm old and fat and stupid. But like for a while, I'd get recognized everywhere.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Like, you're the kid of Marie because I made a video called Maria Marie's sweet sixteen and that basically what made fun of one of these home videos. One of these one of these home videos of like you'll see of like these girls doing this week. It's basically the same exact party everywhere, right? With different dresses a week later. Same DJ, same candles. My first candle goes to my mother, my always FMA.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And it's like, all right, fucking, we heard this last week. The dad is like, these cunts did a good job. So basically that, you know, very made fun of like stand on and typical Italians and shit. So that got like me like famous around. I don't want to use their famous. It's very like, yeah, a less word than famous, very popular around St.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Allen. And for a while, that was like my thing. I got recognized everywhere I went. I did like an MTV Cribs video. I did a bunch of these other videos. So then I stopped making them for a while. And I was thinking like it'd be funny to like imagine if like Joe just stopped making YouTube videos. People were like, what the fuck happened to this kid?
Starting point is 00:09:26 And how funny would it be if I'm just like trying to drink myself at a bar? Like, hey, you're acting as Andrew. It used to be. Throw up all over myself. So I was like, that's where the idea came from. And then I incorporate like me trying to like, you know, get back at it. And it's like it has like an uplifting message at the end, but that's basically where, you know, the idea came.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yeah. I mean, so if you're even remotely interested in me at all and like kind of what I do, it's so fucking humble. It ties into a gold chain right now. I got a gold belt that says my name on it. Yeah, it says hashtag humble. Yeah. So, but like if you're interested in that like aspect of it, like, you know, the real the reality of the situation, the falling out.
Starting point is 00:10:10 That's why it was so interesting. That's why I liked it so much because I can relate to it. Like if I just stopped and like people would be like, why don't you? What the fuck do you do now? You know what I mean? Like kind of like that. And and it's like, like you're saying it's like uplifting, but it's also really funny at times.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Of course. I mean, people knowing me, it had to be funny. Absolutely. Right. And the acting is good. Your family's in it. And they're like good actors. Yeah, I mean, that's what I was blown away by that. You know, that's kind of where it came from.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Like me being around them for so long, they all kind of do the same shit. They just all got real jobs and fucking got out their lives. I'm sitting there thinking like, you guys don't want to keep doing these videos. Right, right, right. No, but it's awesome, man. Like it's it's very it's very similar to to how my life is. That's what I think we have. That's why I think I just like gravitated.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Told you so much because like I remember going through your channel and being like, here's a kid. He's just like older than me. Here's a kid is a kid who's got something. No, I'm like, but here's this kid from Staten Island, who's just like, you know, making these videos. He's not trying to make these like, OK, guys, today we're going to go through everything on my desk.
Starting point is 00:11:14 All right, here's a phone and like making these like dumb YouTube videos. Yeah, exactly. Like trying to appeal to that audience and just make sure to subscribe. Button me and hit the like button. I'll see you guys next week. I'm Terry Terry. Exactly. And yeah, you you weren't trying to do that, which which I liked because
Starting point is 00:11:29 like that's what 90 percent of these kids are trying to do. It's like, yeah, make it that way. Yeah. And so like you could tell that you actually cared about the shit that you were putting out and the fact that your family was in it. Like that that just like like I relate to that also because I used to have my family in all these videos. Of course, sketches all the time.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And like it would be exactly what we were talking before. It's exactly like how it's never like premeditated. It's always like, oh, fuck, dude, can you just can you do this real quick? I need to just say this last screen this. The last thing I did before I put it out. I put it out June 29th and I was like, dad, just scream. What did he say? Just scream as loud as you can on the top of the stage.
Starting point is 00:12:03 What the fuck? I'm I'm doing something. He was like covered in like compound working on fucking something. And I was like, just fucking scream it. All right, just scream it. Just shut up and scream it. All right. Yeah. Then I mean, yeah, my fuck I put everyone in my immediate family in
Starting point is 00:12:15 their spouses is in it like my both my future sister-in-law, but my actual sister-in-law, future sister-in-law and my brother-in-law. They're all their siblings, all my siblings, spouses are in it too. It's like, if you're if you're in my life, basically, you're in you're in the fucking. Yeah, I need you to be in it. I don't act. I don't give a fuck. Just do it. Like my girlfriend plays my girlfriend and she's not an actress at all.
Starting point is 00:12:35 But she did a good job because I'm just like the biggest dick director and like, do it again. Damn it. Literally, everyone in it did a good job. Like it was it was crazy. I'm like, yo, they're all good. They were. You know, I just they were so good. They were everyone was just so good.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I knew I knew just from experience of people's like, I could tell just like hanging out with somebody if they can like pull something off. Right. I mean, like so, you have like, yeah, you know, yeah. And I've been doing it forever. The other thing is like, what's what's cool about you and I is like when you and I started doing YouTube videos, it was different. It was way different. It was like, like you said before about all the kids doing like the same shit.
Starting point is 00:13:09 When we were doing it, it was like kind of weird. Like I say that in like five miles of the movie, which is like when I was growing up and I had a video camera walking around, people like, what the fuck is this kid doing to a video camera? First of all, it's huge. It's bigger than his head. Why? Why are you? I don't understand. Now it's like, oh, you make YouTube videos. Cool. Back then I was like, fuck this weirdo making videos.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And it's like, yeah, that's totally something that people don't understand. It's like, now it's accepted. Right. You know what I mean? I've been sucking decks before it was cool. So before when we started making YouTube videos, there wasn't. It was there was no it was not the social media boom yet. You know what I mean? It was like right before and you started doing it. And like people were like on Twitter, but it's like not everyone had a Twitter yet. You know what I mean? This is how long it was.
Starting point is 00:13:51 My first video was in 2007. People didn't have fucking Twitter. Right. I started making videos with Facebook. Like when Facebook rolled out that you can make videos on people's walls. I did. I did on my space. That was my first video. It was me singing like a fucking song. I was born to be alive, actually.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I was born to be alive. I was like, what the fuck? What am I doing? My other like masterpieces for when I was like 11, I'd like watch my I would like watch them in my mom's room, because there's the only room that had a VCR in it. And then that was it. That was my premiere. I'd watch him like, oh, it's great. No one ever see it again.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Right. Now it's like, oh, my God, I could put this on fucking YouTube. And then like when I got Final Cut Pro, my head exploded with all the editing I could do. And I was like, I'm going to fucking own this shit. I literally started making videos because. Well, when I was younger, I would make like sketches and stuff for my friend, Frankie, who's who's he's been on the podcast before.
Starting point is 00:14:34 But me and him used to make these videos and like cassette tapes. And we wouldn't put it anywhere on the Internet. I didn't even know how to do that. I didn't know it was possible. Like I just didn't know. I still don't really know anything about YouTube. I just upload and go away. Yeah. But we used to do that.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And we just show them show them to our friends and literally. I just wanted to make my friends and my family laugh. That's all. That's all I've ever wanted to accomplish. And when I first started, I would post a video. I had no idea how to edit. Like I taught myself how to use fucking iMovie, which is like a disaster now.
Starting point is 00:15:10 I couldn't edit on that if I try. Oh my God, it's impossible. Fucking awful. But but great if you're a Mac user. Yeah, I don't know who your sponsors are. Imagine they were like, sir. But yeah, the video is that I tried to make where I was doing like vlogs and shit, where I would just like talk to the camera
Starting point is 00:15:30 and like talk about a certain topic. I literally made those just to make like my friends laugh. I'm like, I hope they laugh because if they laugh at it, then at least you have that. My fucking friends who are in the video didn't want to watch them. They were like, yeah, I don't like about this. Yeah, that was another thing. Like eventually, my friends started to not give a shit. Like now they could care less.
Starting point is 00:15:45 My friends don't think you're funny, do you? I mean, no, they don't want to watch. And I'm not watching videos. Of course not. No, no, of course they don't, especially now, because it's like, I take inspiration from everywhere. So like even my old, my oldest brother, who's not funny. Let's get that out of the way.
Starting point is 00:15:59 OK, not funny. He has a good one every 36 jokes. He has good. He's one for 36. Like that's his average, right? So when he tells a good joke, sometimes I'm like, you know what? I'll kind of piggyback off of it. Like something I'll make it.
Starting point is 00:16:11 If I say something a little bit even similar in a video. Oh, this fucking kid. It's stealing all my material. Oh, my God, there's no you have no idea. Both my older brothers will tell everyone he steals everything from me. Right. I mean, a good amount of it is true. Yeah. But no, but like they when I was like younger, you like do what your older brothers do.
Starting point is 00:16:33 They don't understand that past the age of 16, I became funny to them. And I guess it's harder for them to to accept. But like it's the same. It's this fucking same thing out of my friends growing up. I wasn't like the funniest. I was I mean, to some people, I probably was. But like my friend, Steve and my friend, Brian, we just walk around and make them videos fucking hysterical.
Starting point is 00:16:51 I cried left the shit they would do. It's like they just didn't care to make videos. They would they would just like exactly like play video games and play with a ball and like let's make a make a fucking infomercial. They were like, all right, all right, let's just do it. Get shut this kid the fuck up. But like, yeah, man, it was totally very, very similar, similar situations for sure.
Starting point is 00:17:06 It's dude still now. Like I'm not even close to being one of the funniest kids in my friend group. Literally, my group chat is 14 people. And I would say nine of them are funnier than I am. And then like, but none of them want that in writing, please say that again. Please. But but they they just like. Like it's a different kind of funny that you could put it into like a video and just make it organized.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Absolutely. Like if you're just hanging out, like if I always tell people all the time, I'm like, if you were hanging out with me and my friends, you wouldn't even know I'm there because you would be distracted by the shit that comes out of my family, man. I'm not I don't stand out whatsoever. They're all trying to fucking scream and be the loudest and the funniest. It's not the same. It's not I don't stick out at fucking all at all.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So like it's again, we're not so different. You know, we're not so different. You and I real quick, let's let's we're about halfway through this thing. Let's throw a little sponsorship out there fucking. We're back with blue apron, which you probably don't know what it is, do you? No, you don't know what blue apron is. Of course you don't is an apron that is the color blue. That's a good guess. Close.
Starting point is 00:18:07 But so basically what this is, it's like a service that if you sign up for every, I believe Sunday, don't quote me on that. I'm already fucking up this advertisement. Shouldn't you know what they should know? But I mean, every every so often, they'll send you a box of ingredients pre-proportioned, okay, down to the salt and pepper. I say that every week, but down to the salt and pepper, garlic, fucking everything, right, and they send you instructions on how to make it.
Starting point is 00:18:32 The whole recipe and like step by step. And it's like, you just make everything. I'll take all in the box. It's all in the box at less than ten dollars a meal, which is amazing because we will live in New York City. So if you're spending a little late, where do you wait? I can't get a meal for ten dollars. No shot.
Starting point is 00:18:48 My mom charges me six different bacon and cheese. When I worked in the city, I would buy lunch every day for 13 dollars, I think. Absolutely. Like at least every day and breakfast. Oh, I'm sorry. That's another fucking $12 fucking bacon, egg, and cheese in the city. Five, six dollars or something. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I'm like, what kind of eggs are you putting in this fucking thing? Is that with a drink or no? Yeah, with like a fucking, you know, a water bottle or something. Fucking stupid. A large can. Don't get me started on the water bottle. 99 cents, Arizona. But anyway, so Blue Apron actually has really high quality stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:22 They you can make incredible meals with that. Like my mom cooks all the time. She loves, she loves her blue aprons. That's what she calls them. I'm making a blue apron. She screams that I'm like, OK, ma. They come upstairs and it's yeah, and all the, all the animals that they have, you know, the organic shit, they don't have them caged in the cages.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Shit on each other, shit on each other. You ever see those documentaries of the beef is raised. Humanely, chickens are free, arranged. I don't even know what the hell that means. You know, the ducks got condos. Exactly, right? They all they have, they have a good, they have it better than me. All right, I'm sweating my ass off.
Starting point is 00:19:53 It's fucking the fucking cows. The cows have air conditioning. You can customize your recipe each week based on your preferences and you never eat like the same meal twice. Sweet. 40 minutes or less. And check out this week's menu and get your first three meals free with free shipping by going to blue apron dot com slash basement.
Starting point is 00:20:10 That's blue apron dot com slash basement. That was very professionally. Dude, I am on fire with this. Seriously, the fact that I'm not selling things on commercials. You just need the, you just need the voice. Yeah. I like your tired of making your own fucking deal every night. For a single guy, though, dude, that sounds great.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Just order some fucking and it comes like in the mail and the first time I ever did this, I would love to get in my mail. Yeah, right. So my, you know, my mom is fucking, she's blown away by this. She's, she's always like, oh my God, a blue. Like she, it's like Christmas every fucking week. Yeah, she cooks every fucking night for 30 years. She gets tired.
Starting point is 00:20:47 She made like a conish the other day. I'm like, what's in it? She's like, it's a blue apron. I'm like, that doesn't mean what are the ingredients is the question. But she, she makes them all the fucking time, but it's, it's, it's good. I had the conish yesterday was fucking phenomenal. Yeah. There's a bunch of different shit in it.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I don't even know. So this, this, and he's selling what he knows. Okay. It's not just, he's just not just telling you to buy shit. Okay. Right. He validates the conish. My mom fucking loves it.
Starting point is 00:21:08 I made one like twice and then my mom makes them all. She doesn't let anyone do it anymore. That's great. She gets the things she's like, I got, and she like organizes it. She fucking loves it. But, you know, that's my mom, your mom's an actor. My mom's a blue apron cooker. My mom would love the blue apron, although, you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:27 She could take it other way. It's like, I don't dare do anyone else's cooking in my kitchen. Like some moms like that. I don't know if she is. She probably wouldn't give me shit. She probably just wants me out of the house. All right, Eric, we got it. I'll do the blue apron.
Starting point is 00:21:39 So, so what do you, so what are you doing now? But you were just in a, in a, in an actual movie. An actual movie. Yes. It's called Nerve comes out July. Like I just put down your whole fucking movie that you spent a lot of time on. I think you were in an actual movie. You did something you didn't just fucking do by yourself.
Starting point is 00:21:56 No, but I mean, the movie that I did actually looks like it's not just like a fucking long vlog. It's an actual, no, it's very well done. I'm fucking around. No, I know. I got to open this fucking. Yeah, you're fucking sweating. I'm getting really uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:22:06 I'm dying. Um, so yeah, I was, I have a, it's not a huge part. It's very small, but it's my first real, uh, role in a movie. It's called Nerve starring, uh, Dave Franco and Emma Roberts. Um, it's actually, I started the night to premiere. It's fucking awesome. And obviously I would say it's awesome, but like I was going into thinking it seemed like a teen movie and like maybe like high school girls will
Starting point is 00:22:26 like it and shit. It's fucking awesome. Machine Gun Kelly's in it. Um, he plays like, um, uh, is, is, is antagonists or protagonists? The good guy. I don't even remember. It's probably, I should probably know that. Anyway, he's a guy in the movie.
Starting point is 00:22:39 He plays like the, um, the badass in it. And like, uh, it's just so cool. It's, it's an app that you got on your phone and you either do crazy dares for money, you can either be a player or a watcher. So you either play the game and like have to go into a diner and kiss a stranger for a hundred bucks or you're just a watcher and you can just watch on your phone and make them do crazier shit. And it's crazy, man.
Starting point is 00:22:58 It's very like, um, it's very like, it's like a thriller, but it's funny as shit too. It's just awesome. The guys who, uh, who directed it, they made, uh, the movie catfish. It's actually Neve's brother. One of the directors, the guy with a really hairy chest. The guy's chest is out of control. It's a carpet.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I'm like, dude, you got to suck thing there. So it's his brother. Um, it's his brother. Uh, so it's Ariel, uh, Shilman and Henry juice. They, uh, they made it and it's fucking awesome. Very like the whole time I was watching, I was thinking like, this is so like now like you watch like, um, Beverly Hills cop or like fast times. Reginald, Ohio.
Starting point is 00:23:35 He's like, wow, this is such an eighties movie. You watch it. Like this is such a 2016 movie. It's all about the followers, the watchers and like all the credit sequences are like, you know, it has like Tumblr graphics and like Reddit and like SoundCloud. It's so cool. So now like the emojis and it's just really, really, really cool. And they filmed a bunch of it on Staten Island where I'm from, which is very
Starting point is 00:23:54 exciting for me and the people there, a bunch of like all different places. Like a diner on Staten Island, the Colonnade diner and like Fort Wadsworth by the Verrazano Bridge and Emma Roberts like goes to school, like supposedly in Staten Island. Just really, really cool. And, um, yeah. So that was, that's exciting for me, man. I got that, um, and I'm always making new music.
Starting point is 00:24:12 You can check out my SoundCloud as well. You know, like I said, the, uh, five miles album as well. But I think people would, you know, like to check it out. So how long did you work on that movie? It took me from start to finish about, uh, which one nerve or mine? Oh, nerve was originally I was supposed to only be there for like a day. I had like one small part. My agent sent the directors my videos and they were like, we got, this kid's
Starting point is 00:24:37 pretty funny. Let's put him in the movie. So thank them for that. But, um, I was only supposed to have like one line. And then they were like, we have this party scene coming up. You should come by for that. I was like, fuck, yeah. So I think I filmed for eight full days, which were like 12 hour days. Very long.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yeah. Still freaking really, really cool. Like I just was staring at them direct the entire time. Like this is the coolest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life. Yeah. So, uh, it was crazy, man. It was really cool. I filmed like a year ago and it just came out, you know, so it's coming
Starting point is 00:25:03 out to the 27th. It's on a Wednesday, I believe, but it's crazy. That's fucking awesome. Welcome back to the late night hour. We're taking calls, we're also taking panties. Take a panties. I haven't worn pants in eight weeks. I wish people could see these mics, man.
Starting point is 00:25:21 This really is like a 1993 NBA finals. This is it is or like they're all colored. They're different colors and nobody gets the orange, but me. Yeah, exactly. Do you always use the orange? No, it was red. Now it's orange. Now it's bright orange.
Starting point is 00:25:36 It was red. I don't know what happened to it, honestly. It looks like it got a lot of sun, but it's never seen anything because it's always in a basement. And so, you know what? It's actually, now I'm thinking about it. I didn't even realize that I'm still in a basement. I used to record this in my basement in my house and now we're here.
Starting point is 00:25:48 You're still in a basement. Still in a basement. Full circle. Basement yard. The basement yard lives. It lives. It lives. It lives.
Starting point is 00:25:56 But that's awesome, man. I feel like working on a movie would be fucking crazy. Like it's eight, 12 hour day, like eight days for 12 hours, right? Yeah. For a small part. For a fucking very small part. Right. And then imagine being like a main character in this thing.
Starting point is 00:26:13 It's like, I don't even know. It's crazy. You know, I mean, I don't think people understand. People probably think you just stand in front of your camera, scream about White Castle candles. And then that's it. It's just up. People don't understand.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Like that takes time. You know what I mean? To put it together and like say yeah, and that's the thing. I mean, we were talking about it before. Like the reason, like I'm sure you had the same mindset as me. Like YouTube was never like, OK, this is how I'm going to make money. This is what my career is going to be. And there's tons of kids that are like totally OK with being a YouTuber.
Starting point is 00:26:42 No, which I'm not. You know what I mean? Like I'm not trying to be a YouTuber. I do everything opposite of a YouTuber. Right. I don't post. I've all posted. Not on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I mean, I'm barely I like I do. When I do it, it's something like, you know, special. Yeah, I like to imagine it like like that. You know what I mean? Like like this thing I just did, which is a fucking huge thing. Before that last thing, it was like a music video, but it's like, I don't want to, you know, who the fuck goes on YouTube every week. And it's like, man, don't you guys hate when girls dress slutty for.
Starting point is 00:27:10 Yeah. Dude, dicks, dude, it's crazy. So when I man, this girl's sweeter than she's fucking. She has her conscious. It's like your conscience, asshole. Very good, very good. Very good observation, very good observation. But yeah, they're like, I liked how you.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Use YouTube as kind of like. I don't explain. It's like a stepping, like it's almost like a resume or like a profile. Pretty much. And it's something you should you should aspire to get out of. Yeah, I'm saying it should be like a stepping stone for me. It was it's always like, you know, try to gain an audience and then do it for real. I mean, it depends who you are.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Like if you're totally OK with being a YouTuber, do whatever you want. Go ahead, go ahead. But I'm just saying, like there's there's bigger opportunities out there. And I think we both saw that. And like I've recently fallen into this category now where I'm just kind of. I wanted to be because I don't there's not really anyone who does exactly what I do on YouTube. Like people do it in like a we kind of do the same thing, but not really.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Like everyone's super, super positive and like like this. And I'm just this loudmouth fucking kid from Queens. That's like it's kind of like an edited stand up routine almost. You know what I mean? Because most of it is now like it used to be me just like there would be bullet points and I would just go and just like do it, whatever. But now it's more scripted and it's kind of an act at this point. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:28:40 It's it's still who I am. It's still like my opinions, really. But yeah, yeah, yeah, my my it's become way more aggressive. And that's I think that's kind of like I don't think I don't think people want just it's you got to realize, man. I don't know if something you you have to realize. This is something I actually wanted to talk to you about. You have to assume.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I don't know if people know this, but you must assume everyone on the Internet is fucking a moron because you have to assume. I'm not saying that they are, but you have to assume that they are because, for example, like you just said, it's kind of like an act or like it's a scripted thing and people might just think, man, that's this kid all the time. Right. That's not. Well, for example, I had a video that I got on WorldStarHipHop and I was
Starting point is 00:29:19 doing impressions of Drake, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj and Rick Ross. Okay. I did it in front of my mom's piano. Some kid recorded my video with a cell phone, put it on YouTube saying, man, fuck this kid is rich motherfucking from the hood. He ain't from the hood. He's got a piano. He's rich.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And I'm like, number one, I don't know what these kids think a piano costs five million dollars. It was it was it's my mom's who's in her fifties and she got it like two years before that. So it's like she worked towards that her whole life to get a piano. Number one. And then I made fun of, I did Lil Wayne's voice. I was like, um, have a good day.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I said, I said, I'm a, I'm a goon. I said, I'm a goon. Like as little way because little Wayne would say, I'm a goon. This kid said, he's a goon. You know, a fucking goon. He's a rich white kid with a piano. It's like, what the fuck are you talking about? This is like, this is this comes back to the piano.
Starting point is 00:30:05 This is a fucking pretend thing. This is not real. I'm doing an impression. So like people must think a lot of the times, I don't know, but cause you, you're just kind of like more sarcastic or whatever, but like you must come across people who are like, man, that's, you must really fucking hate blah, blah, blah. It's like that was just something for a joke, man.
Starting point is 00:30:22 It's just funny. People, like what I get a lot of people are like, you know, you're real, you're a lot more quiet in person. I'm like, well, one, we're on the train. You're a stranger that I've never met before. And yeah, you're right. I'm not fucking always screaming about, you know, how could you tweet that? Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:30:36 I'm not always doing that. All right. Let's do it. The guy's sleeping next to you. Am I right? Am I right? Wake up, man. Listen to this.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I'm talking to you. So this guy's not. Moving. Can I get some help over here? I think he's dead. Right. And I used to like, like, um, like I said, it's, it's, it's more like an act at this point and, and, and, um, you just have to assume that someone important
Starting point is 00:30:59 will see every single, like, you can't make, you can't put out something that you don't think is good. Cause if you do that, then, you know, what if someone important sees that one? They see that video and they go, oh, fuck this guy. I know I'm already, you know what I mean? Like, you have to put out things that are like, you have one, the first impressions, everything. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Absolutely. I fuck, I kind of want to like delete everything I had like six years ago. Just like, Jesus Christ. I look, I look stupid. I mean, it's not that funny. It's kind of dumb, but it's like, whatever. Dude, my old videos are pretty horrendous. And like people will snapchat me sometimes, like watching your old videos.
Starting point is 00:31:32 I'm like, please stop doing that. Could you stop doing that? Please? That'd be great. You do it. I hate when people play my videos in front of me. Oh my God. Trust me.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Trust me. I know you don't have songs. I've been at parties and people will play song. I'm just like, shut this the fuck off, especially like my newer shit, which I'm actually kind of like proud of. I don't really don't mind because I took it more serious. But like, I'll have a song about like, like, like the impressions video I did, which is like, hold, drop it low.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I do Nicki Minaj and Drake and all that shit. And I like, they'll be like, right, look at me and like smile as a plan. Like, dude, shut this the fuck off because people there are thinking. I'm like, Hey, this is me. You like this, right? I'm on the opposite of that. I'm just like trying to stay the fuck in the background. Like, don't, don't pay any attention to it.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I'm just like, Jesus, that's so, so, oh my God. Oh, Joe, watching your videos. Okay, great. I don't want to be there. No, I don't at all. That's so weird. I hate when that happens. And like my, my friends will do it.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Like my friends are like, like my friends, like before this all happened, like they used to call me Joe from my space just to fuck around. Oh, of course. You're like, Oh yeah, he's Joe from my space. You're fucking pictures or whatever the fuck. And like that was, it was nothing. And then it was Joe from Facebook, right? And then there was one day where like my friend used to just always do it.
Starting point is 00:32:41 Like I was making YouTube videos, but they weren't getting like crazy views. But my friends used to always be like, yo, you guys know Joe Senagato? He makes YouTube's on YouTube. Oh my God. Like all the time for no reason. And then this one time I was in Rockefeller Center and my friend went, you guys know Joe Senagato's kid from YouTube. And they were like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And he was like, Holy shit. They were like, yeah. And that was the first time I ever got recognized because one of my friends did that. Oh my God, really? My friend, my friend, Eric was like, hey, you guys don't fucking Joe Senagato. They were like, yeah. Where is it? Like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:33:13 That's weird. It was it was crazy, man. But yeah, I don't like it. We were talking about before when people when we'll tell the story that when you're waiting for the iPad and like, how, how, how weird that is. Oh my God. It was just OK. So people don't understand and something that Joe definitely appreciate
Starting point is 00:33:29 is like when you're a quote unquote YouTube star or an internet star, whatever, whatever the hell you want to call it, the certain people who know what that is and like understand, because it's like it's kind of a new thing. So like I was waiting when I was getting the iPad. This is like, God, I don't even know when it came out. It's like four or five years ago. I'm waiting online at the Apple Store and like these young girls came up to me and I took a picture like this group of girls, they leave and then the people
Starting point is 00:33:55 around me are like, who the fuck is this kid? And then you have some young person like, oh, he's from YouTube. And they're like, what the fuck's YouTube? Then you have you have some young girl explaining the internet to a 45 year old man. Like, I don't understand what the fuck this is. Yeah, I don't know. Are you famous? It's like, not really, but I am. And it's like, it's like the most uncomfortable thing that no one else
Starting point is 00:34:14 can understand, only you in the world have I met so far to understand where I'm coming from. It's it's a it's a weird feeling because like I don't feel special. And then when people like or like, oh, I just it just I don't know. It just gives me anxiety. That's why I can't go to like VidCon or any of those things, because I just don't. I don't like those kids eat that shit up. Most most of those like, yeah, I'm here. Yeah. Take a look.
Starting point is 00:34:36 You want a picture? They kicked the door down. I'm here now. Yeah. Want to see that again? Like a vine? I'm here now. Yeah. It's like, mother, you fucking bitch. It's it's so weird. I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I don't like the feeling. And especially like that's the worst part when someone comes up to you and says, like, oh, yo, take a picture and that's totally fine. But then like the aftermath when people are like, who is this kid? And the worst part is the worst part is and it happens all the time when someone's like, oh, do you mind if I take a picture? I'm like, sure, absolutely not. I've never said no to take a picture ever.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Like I'm not like a dick, you know what I mean? I'm not like that. But so I'll take a picture with someone and the person who's taking the picture will say something like, dude, no offense, but I don't know who you are. And I'm like, I didn't ask you and I also didn't ask you. Yeah. I'm like, I'm not offended. Why would I be offended by that? Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:21 Like, I don't expect you to know. Because from the traditional definition of famous, you're technically not famous. I mean, you're not on TV. You're not on the movies, which you are absolutely by today's standard famous. But for people that have to like my my my theory is always like, if I have to explain to you what the fuck I do, then you should just don't ask questions. If I saw someone I was like, took a picture, I would be like, oh, who is that? I don't know. And I like, I keep walking.
Starting point is 00:35:45 But it wouldn't be like, hey, what do you do? Oh, you're funny. You taught me a joke then. I was like, shut the fuck up. Yeah. No idea what you're talking about. Just like, leave me the fuck alone. Yeah, dude. And there was a time that I was in Party City and some kid came up to me and he's
Starting point is 00:35:59 like, hey, man, can I take a picture? I was like, yeah, sure. Why not? I took a picture and then this woman in front of me turns around and goes, didn't realize I was standing in front of a famous person. Oh, God. And like, I don't know how to react to that because like, I'm really awkward in those situations. Like I have like anxiety and she was. What does she want you to say?
Starting point is 00:36:14 Well, you are. Yeah, right. And I was just like, haha. OK. Can I get my balloons now? And like whatever she she paid for her stuff. And then she turns around and she came back and she made her husband take a picture of me and her. So then I realized I'm like, this woman took a picture of me. She has no idea who I am. Like, what is she going to?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Well, who's she? First of all, who's she going to show that to? Exactly. She's going to explain you. Yeah. Just walking around. Hey, you know who this is? No, who is it? I don't fucking know. I don't know. I was hoping you did. I'm trying to find out. Fuck. Shit. All right. He's famous, though.
Starting point is 00:36:43 And I got I got him first. I don't get him. It's all people care about, man. That's really all they give a shit about. If he's always famous, I'll take a picture of him. I don't know who he is. I'll take a picture. Yeah, it's just like so fucking it's really weird.
Starting point is 00:36:53 And a hashtag famous people problems. Am I right? No, but it's it's fucking it's it's I don't know. It just makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't like doing it. I've explained this to people like numerous times, too. It's like it's fun. As long as they just like, hey, Joe, I love your stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Can I take a picture? And then don't be weird afterwards. Don't like make him feel weird. Don't be like, so my friend doesn't really like you. Why are you telling me this? No offense, man. Listen, Joe, I don't really like your last video. That's fucking great.
Starting point is 00:37:21 That's not going to do anything bad for me. That's not going to do anything good for me. I know. Why did you tell me? That's the question I got for you. Why did you feel that was important to do? Listen, Joe, the last one just work on it. You know, Joe, just get it together, man. I miss the old Santa.
Starting point is 00:37:36 I miss the old Joe. The buzz cut. I miss the San Diego TV one. Yeah, exactly. It was more about, you know, so Halloween's going up. Halloween has resonated with you. It just sluts on Halloween. It's really crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:54 I mean, that's how I that's I think I'm in the first one I saw of you. So I always have to go back to that one. So, yeah, it's cute. Sluts on Halloween apparently. I forgot what I was going to say just now. I totally forgot. I know. I had something good before.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Oh, I wanted to say, because when you when you just said right now, like someone's like, hey, you got to work on that last video. I just want to tell us. I don't even know if this like is related to what we're talking about. But like, I always tell people how much I hate L.A. just because of the whole vibe out there
Starting point is 00:38:23 and how people are just kind of. I've always said about Los Angeles. If it took away the weather, it'd be it'd be nothing. Oh, it's tough. Dude, I stood on a roof and I saw the whole city. I'm like, this place is terrible. I was like, I hate this place. There's no buildings.
Starting point is 00:38:34 But so the people there are just like, oh, to me, from what from my from what I experience, I'm sure there's exceptions. Like, I don't want one person to comment and be like, dude, I'm from L.A. And I don't even care about fucking acting or I get it. The man, there's exceptions to everything. But for the for the most part,
Starting point is 00:38:50 I feel like everyone's trying to climb some social ladder because they're always talking about like, hey, how many followers are you? Oh, I have, you know, I'm friends with fucking. I went to Bieber's party one time. It was so to me and Chris Brown. It's hard to have a conversation to get to know someone without them mentioning.
Starting point is 00:39:03 You know, I'm working on a pilot right now. It's always name dropping. It's always like whatever. And I've met with like producers and stuff. And as soon as they start, well, we've worked with this person and that person and I'm just like, I don't care. Can I, is it good? That's all like, I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:39:17 What are we doing? Yeah, I don't care. Are you gonna do something for me? Yeah, it's great what you did for him. But it was funny because I always tell people like I'm so New York, like I can't be anything else. You know what I mean? Like I'm just so New York.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Like a lot of people like will live in their town and then go to college away. And they're able to adapt to certain, you know, whatever. And I just think that I was born and raised here and I'm just like so New York, like, you know what I mean? I can't live in LA, I can't do it. It's also, so New York could be so many different things but for a lot of it, it's honesty.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, I'm not. That's what I mean. Yeah, there's no fakeness to that. Yeah, I'm just like, hey, I'm a fucking douchebag. I don't care if you know it. Fuck you. I'm gonna tell you exactly how I feel. And it was funny because like I put out a video called How to Drive where I had a whiteboard
Starting point is 00:40:08 and whenever I have videos with whiteboards, those are the videos that I'm probably most proud of. The videos with the whiteboards because those I think are, it's all like original content that I've come up with and they're like clever. And I think those are, like when I'm at my best is when I'm doing those videos with the whiteboard.
Starting point is 00:40:23 They don't do nearly as well as like these series that I've been, you know, doing like these, the idiots are the internet or and stuff like that. People of Walmart, people love those but these are like the most proud of with the whiteboard and I just do it. So I put out this video called How to Drive and I thought it was like very funny.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It's rare that I put out a video that I'm like, okay, this is like really good. I'm really, yeah. So like it's rare that that happens and that was one of the videos I'm like, I'm proud of this one, right? So I put it out and then like it does so like well, like it, you know, it was getting all these views
Starting point is 00:40:53 and you know, like no dislikes, you know what I mean? And I was just thinking about like, if I'm in LA, like everyone's like, oh dude, so that video is so sick, man, we should hang out. Like do us stuff. And then like, like it was doing well. And then the video, the difference between LA and New York is that like that would happen in LA.
Starting point is 00:41:10 And then the next morning when I woke up, cause I go to the gym with these two kids every morning, one of my friends was like, yo, that video you put out last night. And I was like, yeah, he goes, fucking worst video you ever put out. That was dying. I was like, yo, I needed that.
Starting point is 00:41:25 You know what I mean? Like you need people like that and I don't care. Yeah, exactly. And that would never happen in LA. Like everyone's always telling you like, dude, you're going to be the next. Like if there's never any of that, like bring you down to earth.
Starting point is 00:41:35 You know what I mean? My friend was like, you did that video you put out? Worse fucking. It's also like, it also kind of ties into what we were just saying because it's like one, one, at one point, I'm just like, dude, shut the fuck up. I don't really care what you think. The other thing is like, yeah, it's kind of great
Starting point is 00:41:48 that you can get just like brought back to earth. You know what I'm saying? You don't want people telling you you're fucking awesome all the time. You want something like, bro, you just get calm the fuck down. That wasn't even that funny. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:41:57 And it's like, like truly I really do not care about being noticed or famous or any of that. I really just like creating things. You know what I mean? Like it's really what I like to do. Like I just, I like voicing my opinion. I like when people like agree with my opinion. I like, I like to think that I have a point of view
Starting point is 00:42:15 that everyone can kind of relate to. I'd never think I'm wrong. So like, I like, I just like, you know, that's all I like to do. I could care less about, you know, that extra shit. I don't care. Like, you know what I mean? Like, it's hard for people to understand that though.
Starting point is 00:42:29 People probably think it's good. So full of shit. Yeah, they really secretly wants it. It's hard because they don't understand what it's like to just love doing it. You know what I'm saying? Because when you get to a certain point, it's like they didn't see the fucking years before that.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You know what I'm saying? People don't, maybe, I don't know, maybe she's a bad example, but like, even someone like Justin Bieber, like who people love to shit on him, but it's like, dude, that kid's incredibly talented. And maybe he just, I don't know, maybe he's a bad example too.
Starting point is 00:42:57 But like, you know, actors, people always like, those guys are fucking just like, but it's just, it's just so much fun. When you, when you did it, when you were 10, you weren't fucking trying to be famous. You were just doing it because you loved it. Yeah, exactly. People don't really understand that.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Cause like, cause it does come with, I understand you could get lost in it. Like after a while of doing it and you just kind of don't realize that you've become some certain person. Yeah, totally. But I think that's why it's good that I have, like I've been blessed, like I have, like my group chat is literally 14 people.
Starting point is 00:43:22 And like, we all grew up together. So it's like, I can't really change without them growing. That's also a very New York thing. Oh yeah. That, just you having that as a very like, lucky thing being from New York city. Yeah, cause a lot of people don't have like- Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Five friends, one friend. They have- Forget about five friends, the ones they've known, you've known them for a long time? Yeah, forever. Exactly. Me too. I've known for 28 years.
Starting point is 00:43:44 And they would be like- Only 26. If one percent of me started to get like a little fucking, like, oh, I'm cool. They'd be like, dude, what the fuck? Shut the fuck up. Yeah. Kick me out of the group chat.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Oh, totally. You know what I mean? You believe this guy? Yeah. It's like, everyone keeps each other in check. Cause imagine if you say something like out of line or like too crazy, you have 13 people going, shut the fuck up, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Yeah. You know what I mean? So it's good in that sense, but you know, that's that. And that's that. And that's that. Blue apron. Blue apron?
Starting point is 00:44:17 So basically that whole thing was for blue apron. Yeah. This whole thing. All my friends, 14 people, they all have blue apron. Very prestigious company. But yeah, man. I just gotta say enough. I can't say enough about this guy, Joe.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Back in the day, my friends, not my friends, but some people on Twitter would try to like start a feud. You didn't have that because you were on the winning end of it if there was a feud. So they would always be like, you'll fuck this kid. You're so much funnier than him and blah, blah. It's like, dude, he's a good guy.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Like trust me. Like you don't know, like this person, Joe fucking, I can't, I don't think people are, I need to sink in how good of a guy you have to be to outreach, to reach out to someone who you think is talented and be like, yo man, this kid's great. I like you.
Starting point is 00:45:02 We should like do something together. That's fucking, I can't say enough about you, man. And we're fucking again. No, man, I really do appreciate it. Just that's all I'm trying to say. I feel like I wasn't, I wasn't even thinking of it as like a nice thing, like let me do a favor. No, no, no, no, no, no, I know, I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:45:18 It makes it even nicer because it's like your genuine reaction to it. I really just like people who like to create things. I think it's like, insanely interesting. Like none of my friends do like any, like my friends are hilarious and like, you know, they're creative in their own way, but none in like kind of the same realm that I'm in.
Starting point is 00:45:36 You know what I mean? Like I see someone doing the same thing and it's like good and I appreciate it. You know what I mean? I like comedy. I like, you know, people who could put together skits and stuff like that. Like I'm never a person who's like,
Starting point is 00:45:47 fuck that shit. You know what I mean? Like I don't, like I'm not that kind of, I'm not that kind of person. No, I know. And um, fuck, I forgot what I was going to say. You said something before where it's like, people can be like create like funny,
Starting point is 00:46:03 but you don't, you have to be able to, like my friends and my family are so funny, but then they just like, that's it. They just go on. Another thing is like, you and I being from New York is a very like rare thing because this in LA or something like that, somewhere else you were saying like we,
Starting point is 00:46:22 it's basically like, if you meet people in like the industry, quote unquote, they're fucking weird and they're just nuts. Like I was telling you like before, like I did UCB, I did training at UCB and I did some like some acting classes and I did stand up for a little while. I still do stand up sometimes.
Starting point is 00:46:39 The people you meet are not like you and I. Me and you could talk about the Knicks. I had an acting class with this guy. I was like, I just don't get sports. I was like, I want to rip your fucking heart out. How am I going to be in the same room with this guy? Like I don't understand how we can like the same thing so much.
Starting point is 00:46:56 You know what I'm saying? Like so most people who we deem quote unquote normal are like us, not into being creative. It's like weird, like I was going back to before. So like that's why it's kind of rare to like connect somebody like you because you're just like me, a normal fucking, a normal person.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Everybody you meet and who likes to create is like, you know, I'm just, they talk with like, sounds like they're saying a question even though there's no question. I'm doing a lot of theater right now. Yeah, you're like, are you? I'm doing a lot of, you know. Is this a riddle?
Starting point is 00:47:21 What are you telling me? I'm just doing more like contemporary stuff right now. I'm just like, I don't even know what the fuck that means, sir. I actually got to get to 23rd shoot, the fuck you talking about? Yeah, I just, I don't wear socks anymore. I kind of gave that up.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah. All right, man. I don't fucking know. All right, great. Okay. I don't know how to talk to you. What do you want from seamless? Just let me know.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Your border bottle is made out of cardboard. I can't talk to you. The fuck are you talking about? Oh my God. That's so true because like I said, when I was filming that series, like we met a lot of... That's another thing you brought me in for, man.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Joe, you also brought me in for that elite daily thing. Like you're just, you're a great guy. I am a great guy. Oh yeah. But when we were doing that series, I met a lot of like improv people and I'm like, these people are string weird as fuck. Because you know what it is?
Starting point is 00:48:09 I think that when you move to New York, because a lot of people from the city aren't from New York. Of course not. They're like from weird places. Everywhere else in the country. Yeah. So when they get to New York,
Starting point is 00:48:19 they like want to soak it in. Oh man, dollar pizza. You know what I mean? Like they want to eat dollar pizza, which is garbage. Don't eat that. Oh my God. But they want to do that.
Starting point is 00:48:26 And then they go to comedy clubs. We have famous comedy clubs here and they want to, they're like, I want to do that. I want to entertain. I want to whatever. But if you, to me, you can't teach funny. Like you just have to know.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Absolutely not. And you have to be a funny person. There's difference between being an entertainer and being funny. You can entertain people. And like, you know, there's certain things you could do with that, but just you can't teach funny.
Starting point is 00:48:49 No way. You know what I mean? You can't teach that. And I think a lot of those people take these classes in hopes of being taught funny. Like how to be funny. You know what I mean? And that's kind of where there's like a weird-
Starting point is 00:49:02 Improv classes. You meet a lot of people like that. Like acting classes you don't, but you're saying like the improv people. Absolutely fucking lutely. Yeah, they want to be taught funny. It's like, man, I'm going to do these things. And I'm going to come out being like Will Ferrell.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And it's like, no, you're not. Right. Why are you here? It has to be there first, in my opinion. I mean, I don't know if anything. I've never taken a fucking class in my life. It's kind of like sad though too, because like you and I like,
Starting point is 00:49:23 we're always like, I don't want to say cool or popular, like you were never like a geek or like didn't get attention. I'm sure you're the youngest. You're the youngest on the youngest. We always got attention. It was never like hard to like stand out. So a lot of these kids want to like get attention
Starting point is 00:49:36 and they don't understand why it's not happening to them. You know what I mean? It's like, well, why can't it? Sometimes you just like, it's like the position you're in, I guess. Right. I mean, it's like a whole, it's a deep- It's a deep psychological thing.
Starting point is 00:49:48 You know what I mean? Like we don't have time for that. We can talk about for hours about that, but. Yeah, I mean, like I said, there's a lot of people that they go out there. Like, dude, I've seen a lot of stand-up shows where I'm like, my opinion doesn't mean anything.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Like, and I don't want people to think that I have the answers, but in my opinion, when I see some people's acts, sometimes I'm just kind of like, it's not in there. Like I can feel them forcing it. You know what I mean? It's kind of like, why? It's kind of, it just sounds like a dick though.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Like why are you doing this? I know, I know, I know. I felt like they would know better. Me, I mean, saying that assumes that you think that you do know better. Obviously, but like, some people, like if you go on American Idol and it's like, remember those guys, like back in the day with Simon,
Starting point is 00:50:30 it's like, I believe I can fly. She's like, no, it's not in there. I'm sorry. I'm gonna show you Simon. You're wrong. Yeah. I'm not wrong. You're fucking wrong, Simon.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I'm gonna show you that guy works at fucking Crack-A-Bowl right now. You know, or Panera. They're kind of thinking, I was like, yeah, you got tons of fucking choices right now. Think of anything. Not to say working at Panera is bad.
Starting point is 00:50:52 They got a delicious front-taker chicken, but. They do. Panera opened up and when I was like quitting Elite, it opened up across the street. I'm like, okay, now you guys move in. Now you tell me. Great, guys, good job. I would like to see the prices in the city.
Starting point is 00:51:07 It's probably like different. It's probably fucking ridiculous. It's probably $30. It's like, oh, you want a piece of fucking lettuce? Eight bucks, thank you. Yeah, I'm sorry, we charged for straws here. Sorry. Sorry about that.
Starting point is 00:51:15 I apologize. Go to fucking Subway if you want to have fast food. Free straws? Go somewhere else. You piece of shit. Go to Queens with that bullshit. Yeah, go back to Queens. Fucking Queens, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:28 All right, anyway, let's wrap this up a little bit. So. You don't have an accent. How do you not have an accent? I don't have an accent? I guess maybe to me. I have an accent when I get to a certain level of ass. Ass.
Starting point is 00:51:39 You say ass? You say ass. Ass? No, ass. Spanish kids say ass. They'll talk like with a lot of Spanish girls and guys. We'll be like, you know, I went to this fucking thing and this girl had crazy ass.
Starting point is 00:51:50 It's crazy ass. I'm saying they say ass. Like, I was mad. Mad. He's mad hilarious. He's mad hilarious. Yeah, yeah. The A's, man.
Starting point is 00:52:00 The A's, I don't know. But like, for me, I have no fucking. Maybe these, if you listen to this and fucking, I don't even know where fucking Wyoming, they're probably like, your accents are awful. You guys sound like fucking idiots right now. I don't know what you're talking about. But to me, because I come from Staten Island
Starting point is 00:52:13 where it's like, they're like fucking. They're like punching the face with their accents and stuff, but. What are you talking about? I feel like yours isn't really that bad. No, I don't think so. It's good. People tell me though that I have an accent.
Starting point is 00:52:25 When I say ask, because I don't say ask. When I'm flying. Oh, my girlfriend does that. I say X. X, I think I probably do too. And people are like, you sound like a fucking idiot. I'm like, okay, I just, I understand. I'm talking fast.
Starting point is 00:52:37 I'm sorry. You know what I mean? But that's kind of the only thing that people really get on me about. Wow, did you hear that? Aboot. Fucking. You're a Canadian, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:52:46 I went to Toronto one time, came back. I had a boot. Anyway, so where can they find you? If they want to find all your shit, your music, everything. The good thing is my Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, is all Eric Delessandro, E-R-I-C-D-A-L-E-S-S-A-N-D-R-O. It's like, geez, have a fucking longer name, dude. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:53:08 But yeah, it's Eric Delessandro. I have a bunch of shit, fish around for it. If you like it, like it. If you don't, I don't really give a shit. I mean, I would like YouTube, but if you don't, I'm not gonna beg you to subscribe. Make sure you hit that like button, man. And come back.
Starting point is 00:53:21 We did a video on his channel. You can go check that out. Yeah, no. We did another challenge video. We all drank fucking Tide and- Thumbs up if you want me to fucking go over to this in the hood and fucking rip his fucking pockets and see if he punched me in the face.
Starting point is 00:53:34 And then, wow, what a shock. Experiment. We're gonna ask homeless people for money. See what happens. Wow. You mean- They don't have money. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:53:44 You took a holster out of a cop's, you took a gun out of a cop's holster and arrested you. Wow. Try to taser a white cop, see what happens. Taser a black cop, see what happens. This is weird, guys. We are-
Starting point is 00:53:54 Guys, we're not making any progress here. This kids are fucking insane, man. This is actually some kid. I mean, we can talk about it. We're getting abstracted. There was some kid who just put out a video who was, he's famous for putting out prank videos. Put out a video like, yeah, of course,
Starting point is 00:54:07 all the pranks are fake. I'm like, what do you fucking mean? He just says that like, of course, I've been tricking everyone and making all this money. What? Of course. I swear to God. Those are fake?
Starting point is 00:54:17 They're blown away, right? Did you see the fucking- Every fucking reality show's fake. No one knows that either. Oh, obviously, come on. But people still don't think. They stop and they go, hey, you know what, can you guys have a fight real quick?
Starting point is 00:54:26 Yeah, of course, yeah. Dude, I can't, my sister loves the Real Housewives of New Jersey. Oh my God. And like, mob wives and shit. Those women fight about friendships 24 seven. No, she fucking said this about me. No, I'm going in there.
Starting point is 00:54:38 I'm going to fucking say something. Then they become friends. Okay, I just want to squash the whole thing, whatever. And then the next fucking- You're going to talk to me about squash? Fuck you, I'm not squashing you. What are you talking about? You're talking about my fucking garden now?
Starting point is 00:54:47 You're talking about my fucking squash? I'm like, okay, I can't watch this fucking show. My sister loves it though. It's crazy. But, so yeah, the movie, Nerve, when's that come out? July 27th, go watch Five Miles from the Spotlight live right now on YouTube for free.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Also the Five Miles from the Spotlight album. Go, go, go, go, go. Five, four. Self-destruct in three, two. Yeah, Five Miles from the Spotlight. Go check that shit out on YouTube. Yes. And thank you for coming today.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Thank you, Joe. All the way from Staten Island, New York. Took me six hours to get here. How long did it take though? Nah, for real. If there was no traffic, it would be easy, but it took me about an hour and a half. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Maybe two hours. Oh. Nah, probably an hour and a half. All right. This is so irrelevant. I know. We're just, check it out. And as always, thanks for listening, you motherfuckers.

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