The Basement Yard - A Fallen Vine Star

Episode Date: August 29, 2017

Your boy @DannyLopriore is on to talk about all kinds of fun stuff. This description sucks. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I am joined by one of my friends Vine star. Oh, yes Throwback r.i.p. R.i.p. So I'm homeless Yes, uh We set up a go fund me that you could you could donate and a patreon patreon difference between us. I don't know Patreons. I guess it's just like nerdier reason of go fund me I don't know. I wait actually. I think patreon is like a monthly
Starting point is 00:00:28 Basis it's basically like a bunch of sugar daddies So that's we Do you have that for you youtube? No Yeah, but people that subscribe like on twitch. I think if you subscribe on them you pay like monthly Do you I think so we have to look that up, but nobody subscribes to you like I mean they do No one pays for it. No, that would be so weird though. Just be like, yeah, I got my netflix my hulu my gel santa gata Fuck 999 a month. I got it. Yeah, it's 999 dollars a month. Just see like walk around your living room with like a hd gopro. It's amazing
Starting point is 00:01:02 Yeah, so uh Before vine died. Yes, you were big on that. I was you were like the antichrist. I tried to be You you succeeded. Let me tell you listen. You were the one that everyone was kind of like On edge like I remember one day you sent out like 30 in a row. Yes, and you're just shitting on everyone Yeah, I mean for me the whole time when I was doing it. I said, you know what if it's good to make fun of people In a good way like I was like, you know, let me just diss them I was smart at it because I was like, yeah, if I diss them and they like it It just only builds like my following. It was like a win-win situation
Starting point is 00:01:39 Yeah, so I could just be a fucking hater and like bitter and shit And then like people would just be like, yo I'm following them because I hate these people Or it would be flipped on the other way where those guys be like, you know, he's so funny He's making fun of me and then to help build my following which is kind of like what happened But I definitely what happened when it's when that's when the app first started I had one of the biggest accounts because I had a youtube following and I was like, oh fine And I jumped on it because it's like in the middle of my Super youtube like I was I was a youtuber back then so you you started on youtube what year?
Starting point is 00:02:12 2012 oh so you're fucking you're a veteran. Oh i'm in there You probably just signed like a good extension though. I'm like a five. I don't think so I don't know Like if I was on a football team, I would get that like it's a guayo just got cut. Yeah, right? You know I'm saying most accurate kicker in college. You never know what could happen. Hey joe bring your playbook We're gonna want to talk to you for saying coach wants to talk to you in his office Come out to youtube offices and bring your playbook. I love when they cut people on hard knocks It's the funniest thing in the world and I love how they're always just like all right
Starting point is 00:02:42 All right, yeah, all right. I really appreciate what you've done for this organization. Yeah, all right Yeah, thank you. Thanks for taking my job, sir. Appreciate it. Now. I'm gonna go back to my house Jeff fisher now. I'm gonna go call my girlfriend who hates me already. Yeah last season Jeff Fisher he cut somebody on the team on the Rams and The way he did it was so funny. He's like I wish we can he's like, yeah, it was good. Yeah, we're gonna have to let you go In the next episode, it's like Jesus Christ I'm waiting for the one dude on hard knocks
Starting point is 00:03:12 He's just be like, hey man, listen, we appreciate everything you did in camp He was reeled down to the wire was like you and johnson like we didn't know so we're going with johnson I have to let you go to my this is bullshit. Yeah, just flip that like flip the fucking table over and like Oh, fuck that. Yeah, just try to like just try to like choke fucking bill check bell check the death on HBO Oh my god, that'd be amazing. I don't because do you think they tell them before they go in there like Yo, listen like we're gonna cut you be like chill to fuck out They don't want out or you think they just let them go. No, I don't think if you're a player you're kind of like you can't Bug out if you're an NFL player because like because you're not gonna get another job
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah, exactly. Someone's calling the team like don't he was fucking choked me out There's got to be one and I'm waiting for that day where somebody just fucking flips out I'm sure someone pulled a nice cube and took a bat to like a painting in in someone's office It's like take like the general manager hostage in this office That'd be fantastic. Yeah, but so The fuck did we get segues? Yeah, nobody's getting cut today. Joe's doing just fine So youtube started 2012. When did you start getting? that uh
Starting point is 00:04:13 I don't know It was like no, I really don't it wasn't like fast at all Like it was like a very slow progression and I think still to this day a lot of people have no idea I am right even though like I have like two million subscribers And people like I don't think anyone in the youtube community really knows who the fuck I am That's a good. That's a good thing. No, I'm very good. Like I don't want to be a part of that at all That's what I was like Like how you were saying like I was beefing with people like on vine or whatever
Starting point is 00:04:39 Have you ever had like youtube beef? No, you know what actually I've never had come to your house motherfucker. I never had youtube beef, but I'm not kid. I'm not trying to sound cool or anything right, but a lot of them were like afraid of me And I think but I think that's because I was just like I'm from Queens Kind of you know, you're like the 50 cent of youtube. Yeah, it was like that for a little bit You come to me motherfucker. I shoot everybody on instagram Chew it a bit no, but it was kind of like that because
Starting point is 00:05:10 I'm not like because what what they what people on youtube do when they have like beefs and shit They make videos back and forth and at the time I was going to these like events or whatever right? So I would just like walk up to them like You know, but like not trying to like that's good. I'm not trying to punk these little kids who are fucking like, you know They're fucking eight pounds and shit like I'm not gonna you know like oh what the fuck's good Like I wasn't even doing that like I was being nice about it and shit because you know, obviously I'm not gonna try to intimidate this little kid So like Joe got arrested he tried to beat up an 11 year old last night and no they weren't like young
Starting point is 00:05:44 They were just like small little frail like nerdy dudes You can't do that. You can't be out there doing that But my whole thing is like youtube beef is like different because like when they when they cut like the videos and stuff They always do the cuts. Yeah, so like sound bites like you're a bitch like cut. Yeah, you're pussy ass Fuck you like and subscribe Yeah, you're not really throw like all right. Share this with your friends. All right. Thanks a lot See you guys on his channel. You go check that out too. Here's a three minute video of a drone Let me tell you some drones were not built for the government man
Starting point is 00:06:16 They were built for like sneaker vloggers and like youtube people Yeah They were because amazon was like, yeah, we could deliver packages and like youtube people be like, yeah, I could just make some dope shit That's exactly what happened to that because amazon said like yeah, we're no more no more trucks Straight up things flying and then they realized everybody in america is like a piece of shit So like you can't just have drones flying around just throwing rocks in the air that would that that would have never That would never happen. You could never call amazon or be mad about them losing that that's easily the most Loosable thing on earth
Starting point is 00:06:50 You know, you guys lost my playstation that you were going to fly to my house Didn't make it here in one piece just side of a plane and would you would you really trust like your macbook gonna deliver by a fucking Flying drone. I wouldn't trust a charger. That should only be dope because if you flew into your fucking house actually You just wake up and it's hovering above your fucking bed drops and like you sign for it and like pat the drone on the head And he just like goes off back into the world. Yeah, exactly like a pigeon Exactly. How the fuck do people do that? How do you train a pit? You watch games? Oh, yeah, Mike. Mike Tyson does that shit all the time I love I love my kids and like throw them out and like they'll come back to the same spot
Starting point is 00:07:27 Like what I mean, I get that part where it's like, oh you feed it and it's like you keep coming back Scientifically that makes more sense. Right. But in like game of thrones, like, oh, we need to send a raven And like what do you say to it? You go go to this place and it just goes and it delivers it to some fucking guy, right? I think they set up flight patterns, but I don't even know how that makes sense You just put like a leash on a raven But no, no, that's not the way to dead house raven to the wrong way. That's charlie's house No, no, no, no, no, no, come here. We're going to winterfell. We're not going to fuck
Starting point is 00:08:03 You know, I don't watch game of thrones. Well, you're a piece of shit. I know That's the thing like I'm most scared to admit to people and like it's like that and like wrestling Can't be a grown man. Like I love wrestling, but it's like I'll never come out. Be like, what's up guys huge wrestling fan How's everybody doing? It's like the first thing you say. What's up, man? You know the first day of school. It's like I'm dan Uh, I'm from new york love wrestling love wrestling And i'm 28
Starting point is 00:08:29 Hope everything's okay. That's that you never lead off with that. Yeah, like people be like, yo, you like wrestling even to this day Be like, it's all right. It's all right. It's cool. I mean, I why don't I I'm much like monday night raw like Once a week, so like yes I'm actually going to my first wrestling thing this weekend. Oh, yeah, it's everything like summer slam and I'm going to the the miners the nxt. Oh, you're gonna see bobby rude do the glorious. Oh, yeah, that's gonna be fucking Do It's the first time that i'm going to any of it because like me and my friends some of my friends they watch like every week and
Starting point is 00:09:02 Uh, I used to watch back in the day like the attitude era, which was fucking incredible. Yeah, it was the greatest thing ever Everyone watched wrestling that I knew everybody. It was like I get drunk in the south And wrestling now is it wwf it's it but uh I like fell off but every single year we always watch like the rumble Yeah, I do that too and rustle mania Got her and some I mean summer slam too like those three we always watch I I just do it I twitter gauge it. So like if twitter's popping. I'm just like, oh, shit. I gotta put wrestling on I was like now I got an excuse like my girl be like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:09:36 It'd be like, no fucking baron corbin's turned in the briefcase Shut up, bitch You wouldn't understand shut up shut up put on the usa network Before we got sidetracked to that I was I want to go back to like that youtube beef thing Have you ever felt like Somebody was ever coming at you though Uh No, the smallest thing never you never think that would ever happen. You never had like oh, it's my fucking dog is shit
Starting point is 00:10:05 That's never happened and I don't think anyone ever. Honestly. I don't think anyone ever would no maybe I don't really give a reason too But if they did like I'm not because like what what what has happened once is There was this girl that said some shit about some kid that I knew who was on youtube Oh, so I like went out. I didn't go after her but like she said some wild shit on a woman fire Pulling m&m Right talk about my use right to mariah No, but but she was being fucked up and all I said was like you're just like mad annoying and she's like you really want to do
Starting point is 00:10:36 This publicly First of all, she's like you really want to do this publicly and literally what I said was Like why are you acting like tmz is gonna pick this up and like people Don't do like Harvey would talk about this in private because you got Joe santa gato on the internet Talking shit some girl the fucking guy with the braids and the short little jiu guy like So we got the god Style there's a bunch of other shit on the side girls always ask that question like do you really want to do this right now Do you do you want to do this in public?
Starting point is 00:11:10 And then you really have to think and break that down if you argue with a woman in public You're losing if you're a man You can't you can't scream at a girl in public and and like that's gonna fly because you're gonna get like that one Passerby's gonna be like is everything all right here. Yeah, is everything okay? Are you okay, honey? Are you okay? We're fucking fine, bitch, and he's just like once I was a hitter excuse me. Excuse me. Yeah. Yeah I was talking to her. Are you okay? Then you're just like fucking mad now you want to break this dude's head It's like you got him killed, bitch like you're like beating him up and your girl's like stop it
Starting point is 00:11:44 That's never happened to me Sounds like it definitely a but it has I I'm really good at arguing in like a calm voice Yeah, so you're like a parent. I'm no I'm like a I'm like a fucking ninja. You know what I mean? Like I can be very calm and then I'll Because people when you argue and like you're disagreeing like people tend to get super loud right and I fucking disagree with that
Starting point is 00:12:09 One of my favorite lines is just like why are you yelling? That's the that's Yeah, because no one said that to me when I'm yelling. I'm like, fuck you. I'm gonna hit you Yes, because now you had to evaluate the entire situation. Now you're like, what did he just say? Am I yelling? If we'll fuck that I want to keep yelling, but if I keep yelling I'm proving his point. There's a lot That's a good question. That's a good question. I ask him a fight. Why are you yelling because then they're like, why am I so mad? It's his fault. I shouldn't be and then they're they don't even know where it went So I think I win every argument until I tell people about the argument and they're just like, no
Starting point is 00:12:39 You lost there's like you lost. I'm like, god damn it. You're right. Just walk back to the house I'll fucking man. I'm like, yeah, then I start arguing with them about winning the argument I don't think anyone on youtube has ever like done it. The only thing that came close was People have done so the mad I do those videos mad lib madness, right? Right, which are hysterical. I fucking love those ones you just fill out like a mad libs and You put water in your mouth and like hold it and they read it back and you have to try not to laugh So me and my brother Keith like made that up
Starting point is 00:13:11 Like you're the first people to do that and Keith's man Keep going. Sorry. This one That kid's man. I love him and one and this one kid Uh, I don't know how to say his last name. His name is Alfie something Alfie. He's super like british or english or whatever the Where the hell'd you guys get him? Where did who get who Alfie? His name is Alfie. He's on the internet. Oh, I thought he was like in your family But yeah, then we got Alfie. He's english. You're a job that's kid Alfie. No, he's he's a youtuber He's a big youtuber and he makes a video
Starting point is 00:13:43 Doing that and then so many people are tweeting it at me and doing all this stuff And someone tweeted it at me and then I just quote tweeted it and I said I wonder where he got that idea right And then people went passive aggressive shot in the dark right there because I because You know, I don't know why like looking back on it like I don't care You know what I mean? Like I don't want credits or whatever. I just didn't like that like some big Other person did this video and everyone's like, oh my god. This is a great idea And I'm like I fucking you know what I mean, right? So I was just like whatever
Starting point is 00:14:14 Uh, then he's like and then I didn't even like talk to him. I don't think but then he like tweeted me and said something about uh He was like, oh, I was watching My friends videos and I got inspired to do it. So that's why I did it. I haven't even seen your video Right inspired and like I don't think I even I don't know if I replied or not But I wasn't I didn't like, you know, so I was like the closest to like youtube Yeah, and then some blog like wrote about it. I was like the fuck is this shit It's like, oh my god. Joe santa gato went after I was like imagine that was your imagine that was like your job
Starting point is 00:14:48 Should I write those? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Can you write up like 2000 words fucking blog post About Joe santa gato or what was his name alfie something I'm about to follow him. Motherfucker stole my shit. Is he still popping? I don't know. Is he on full screen? Alfie if you're watching this Got you son With youtube beef is probably like a big thing. I was seeing those fucking The the paul brothers. Yo, first of all Those guys that shit's all over my fucking twitter feed and instagram those motherfuckers are everywhere youtube is in shambles
Starting point is 00:15:21 Right now, you would know better than me. Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't really you're the youtube g I'm really not because I don't really know anything about youtube or youtubers names and show me pulling the fucking mic By the cut of promo right now. Let me tell you something brother I've been traveling a long way dude. Sorry I took a feed here brother Everyone's making these diss tracks on youtube now like that's the thing like there's like full-on diss tracks But they're not though like they're like super corny get the fuck out of here. I'm dead serious I saw like a lot of people. I saw like a quick like a like a snippet on instagram
Starting point is 00:15:56 But like uh One of the paul brothers like right. I didn't know they were they're getting at each other They were at one point. There was like this big beef on the internet of Uh, that's what it was logan paul and jake paul like the fuck out of here. Yeah, and like this fucking country's in shambles No, it is it is it is And and oh my god the divide on youtube side. Are you like it was ridiculous dude team logan Was bloods vs. Crips out there blood vs. Crips imagine that you imagine you hated your brother so much like you got into an argument Your brother you were like fuck this
Starting point is 00:16:27 I'm getting in the booth Basically what happened? I got 16 for your ass. It's so it's the weirdest borrow my playstation It's so weird that that especially now like those kids specifically Logan that shit's a work though to do it. No, but it is it is work the kid jake uh He literally will use anything that's going on in his life right has a way to make money Like anything like he that literally you can solve that Like I don't even know if it was real or if there was an argument and then they they talked about it and they were like
Starting point is 00:17:02 Let's keep this going and start making like I mean, I'm sorry songs and iTunes and shit Who's buying these songs a lot of little kids a lot of little fuckers Imagine that was like like your day like surrounded by that see if like logan and jake paul were beefing We sound like haters, but the world needs to understand that That's retarded. I am a hater like yeah, I'm a fucking hater. Fucking hate it. It's stupid Just be like, yeah, I'm gonna fake beef with my brother and then we're gonna make fucking They made actual diss tracks towards each other. Yes, and then they made apology tracks towards each other
Starting point is 00:17:33 Damn, that's gangster though That's it is sire son Yeah, because you know nothing is better. That's like, um That's some gangster shit. That's like really beef with your brother. It's like It's like the bible. I wish they would have fought. I would have been down with that See that's what if they were smart, they would afford each other live on youtube. Yes, I'll fucking be don king of that Let's not gonna do that logan paul's great show in america. Let's go brother's own brothers can verse label Come on turn on youtube they could charge for that live
Starting point is 00:18:05 Yeah, youtube red. It wouldn't be a fight though. Do you have youtube red? I have youtube red for you for three months Oh What is the youtube? I don't even know what the fuck youtube red is basically just so I could turn my phone off and and listen to whatever I'm listening to Oh the head of that future like it's like, okay I like that. I love that soundcloud has that. Yeah that you could just listen and not be in the app Which is great, but you were talking about which which paul brother do you think wins in a fight?
Starting point is 00:18:32 Oh, dude, logan paul is gigantic. Is he big dude? He's like six foot like 200 pounds jacked six foot. It's not that I don't know if you say he might be a little taller I just love how you knew like his tail of the tape says he's got a 70 far ends reach He's gotta reach on this guy two two hundred and twelve pounds weighed in yesterday at 203 I think he played sports in college like he's a big dude. So he'll just wash him you think Yeah, he'll beat the shit out of he'll wash you too probably. Oh, he'll beat the shit out of probably wash me
Starting point is 00:19:01 Yeah, I got some hood tactics. Yeah, and this white suburban town that I grew up in I got some hood tactics, but I was the brownest person in the school for most of the time. So I was the most hood Yeah, most hood. They were like, yo dan, are you good? I'm like, I'm chillin Dan they're like, oh man. He's so damn cool. You got a 64 on your math test, but we'll give you 65 Just to keep your brown ass around. I said that's what's up We know how it is brother. Yeah, remember when you were a kid and did you ever have to get like evaluated in school? For what like just anything like what do you mean like evaluated? Every school had like that little office where like that ladies would always stay there and she would always like evaluate the kids
Starting point is 00:19:38 like the child therapist You never had that Oh, Dan, what school did I go to? Wait, but what did they ask? No, because they like bring you in that like when I was when I was a kid I went to this because I used to wild out when I was a kid like so I was really bad Yeah, I used to be like, oh garbage bin. Let's throw that in a class I was like, oh that looks liftable. Let's throw that and fucking miss basani's math class. Yeah, fucking bitch So like throw that in there
Starting point is 00:20:05 So then they like tricked me to go into this room. They're like, uh, Danny, please go to miss reps room So I'm just like, all right. Fuck it. So I'm walking And I see like the teacher's trying to trick me to like walk in there and it's like when you get in there They were just like, oh, so Danny like what are your feelings? Like what are you feeling? Oh, I never had any of that So I'm just like, I don't know like just touching something like on the desk Remember when you were a kid when you went to the dog like the fucking principal, you're like, I guess You just like fucking yell at me. Yeah, what so then I realized I was like, yeah
Starting point is 00:20:35 These motherfuckers are trying to put me in the resource room. So and you know the resource room Was where they got like everyone that was fucked up in the school and like put them in there So they would like finish their homework. Yeah, you remember that the resource room I dodged that basically by figuring out that they put me in this evaluation to see like if I was like completely crazy I was like, I'm not crazy. I'm just I'm just a dick. Yeah Yeah, don't want to do anything. Yeah, so you're never walking into the bathroom and for no reason Once so ever you would walk into the bathroom go over to the napkins Wet them ball them up and just throw them off the ceiling. Like why did we do that?
Starting point is 00:21:09 Why at one point where you're just like, you know, that's a great idea At some point I'm just like, I know what I'm gonna do right now. Yeah Like I want I want this place to be dripping water from the ceiling That's why and I don't want to get political at all on here. So I'm not but like That's why when I see kids that are 17 to 16 like talking about the government. I was like, dude I was pooping in urinals and I was 16. I was doing crazy fucking shit when I was 16 The last thing I was thinking about I was like, yeah, this government sucks. I was like, what the hell's going on? When I was 16, I wasn't thinking about anything. Yeah, I was hiring my friends
Starting point is 00:21:40 I'll be honest, when I was 25, when I was 25, I wasn't thinking about that Which isn't the age I am right now. You're 25. I'm 25. I'm 28 I feel 38 sometimes But I feel like since I'm since I'm 28, I feel like I just entered like my last max contract of life So if I don't get my body back in like the next four years and fuck for the rest of my life So I just signed like my last max contract of life. So I'm just working on doing that This could be like a joe johnson contract. Yeah. Well, I go up and down and wait
Starting point is 00:22:09 I'm like tom hardy or like daniel day. Daniel day lewis I wouldn't say tom hardy at all. Tom hardy changes weight a lot Batman. Yeah, but he's like a nine In hotness. Yeah, get the fuck out of here. Tom hardy's not. He's not that hot, bro Have you seen warrior being dead? Dude, I've seen warrior and it was cool because he's like you talk like this and like Hug nicknulty while he was crying But you know what? I mean, but my whole thing is tom hardy's not a nine. All right, all right
Starting point is 00:22:37 Tom hardy could be a nine accent though. He's got an accent That's a 0.5 right there That's a 0.5 on any scale and then depending on what region you are It could be a 1.5 in new york. You have a British accent. You're you're fucking You're fucking anything I wouldn't put him in a nine though. I would give him Like you're gonna tell me he's like if it's one through 10, you're gonna tell me all right fine. He's an eight four Where are you putting Gosling at?
Starting point is 00:23:03 Gosling's an eight seven Hey, you know what I agree. What about Brad Pitt? Which Brad Pitt Fucking the one crackhead depressed post alcohol Brad Pitt. He looks skinny as shit I did like a photo shoot in like a field and he was crying and shit. Yo, let me tell you something What happened to fight club? He was a 10.5 in that listen that bitch was crazy, but you lose some good pussy That shit will do that shit to you too. I'll be walking around like charlie brown Just like sad and shit like dragging a blanket all set
Starting point is 00:23:35 This is like what happened like my girl My pussy was amazing But uh Eddie Hoosier. Yes, I shat in the urinal once Did you actually shit in the urinal? Yeah, part of our senior prank was the shit in the urinal. No, no, no, no, no, no This was like plan g like shit in the urinal So like we had a meeting we're like, yo, we're gonna be like put fireworks in the cafeteria and then we were like
Starting point is 00:23:58 That's illegal someone could die and then we were just like two We're like, yo, let's release chickens in the fucking school because we saw it on something And we were like we're kids. We don't have money for chickens right now. And then we were like three Let's try and like cover the whole thing with tp or like everyone's done that So I said I just went rogue I went rogue and I was just in classic film class and I was like the school hasn't had the last of me So I just got my friend matt and I was like, yo, watch the door. He's like, what are you gonna do? I was like, don't worry about it
Starting point is 00:24:30 I just pooped in the urinal. I pooped in a different urinal every day for a week That was my senior friend. Oh my god. Yeah, I don't know what was you They do now they do they do now 10 years later. Suck me I pooped in the urinal But uh, yeah, that was my that was my senior friend. I feel terrible for janitor I I always say I think janitors specifically in like an elementary school or like a middle school Should be paid a lot of money. Oh, they should be paid more than the teachers It's it's incredible what they probably have to deal with some some janitors get paid like dependent like with district
Starting point is 00:25:03 You're in it's like not the worst job in the world because I have a couple buddies that like or custodians and uh Like pushing fucking Infinity like g38. So I was like, what the fuck is this? He's like, man, she's cleaning up dude. I was like Just getting this brand Putting sawdust on puke, you know how it is just fucking peeling off They got like the underbody kit like just killing it fucking blue neon lights just blue neon lights, but My whole thing is it depends janitors are also like the nicest people on earth
Starting point is 00:25:31 Like you wanted to be you wanted to be like best friends with your janitors My janitor was scary looking. Did you have a big school? He looks like you know the janitor from billy madison Yeah, so I burns that's what mine looks like miss lippy's car. It's green. They're like that dude. They're crazy. Yeah. Yeah Do you have a big school? What is big how many people did you graduate it wasn't like in my high school a lot of people that That came in like my freshman year. I remember first of all going back to like what I was saying your question It was like should it has been like 212 he's like, let me tell you So we shipped some three four hundred kids and from the inner city we formed a football team
Starting point is 00:26:07 We were the titans some people have like Fucking They graduate from a school was like 12 kids. Yeah, and I had didn't even know that was a thing Yeah, I went to a middle school like that. Did you I lived I was not like that at all I never went to a school like that. I lived in a small town in new jersey and I had like 11 people in my grade No, yeah, she was insane, but then my high school was like 138 students. I honestly have no idea How many there was a lot I have I think my skin I went my high school st. Francis prep was like the biggest high school
Starting point is 00:26:41 As far as the amount of people right not like the Campus or whatever the building or whatever, but my you have a poor memory of your school You're like, I think we got some kids So that means your school was big. It was yeah, I guess it was a lot of people Yeah, how many people wants your football games? That's an easy that's an easy way to find out Good amount. Yeah, so you had a big school. It wasn't like a texas football game when there's fucking the whole town Yeah, we're like like parents can't go to a restaurant at the game. No, that's not hold on to the ball, Bobby Like beat them up like friday night lights. Yeah beat the shit out of them tape his hands
Starting point is 00:27:16 Hold on to the ball. Yeah, imagine being a kid and that happened to you once That's you would be terrible You imagine being a dad and your life sucks that bad that all you do is drink and tape your kids hands Yeah, do you get along with your dad sometimes? Only when he tapes the football to my hands beats me. Oh, that's nice. If I get 150 yards, he lets me eat I'm gonna go with logan paul too I'm gonna go with logan paul too I'm gonna take a logan paul. We just brought that back. I'm gonna go with logan paul. I think it'd be all of that was
Starting point is 00:27:51 Was gratification and now I know I'm satisfied logan paul wash first round you think um Like because you said you beat like an 11 year old kid. You ever seen that kid? 11 he was just like 11 pounds. Yeah, he was 11. Uh, so did you ever you ever see that kid fucking jacob sartorius? first of all What an icon. I fucks with sartorius hard. He follows me on twitter. So I'm riding. Does he yeah, I'm riding when I'm hard You're riding with him. Yeah fall back. I respect that very hard. I mean you gotta just you gotta be loyal in this game Here's my thing then. I mean the kid knows the game. I'll be honest with the kid fucking figured it out Okay, can't hate on that. No, you can't and how old how old do you really think he is?
Starting point is 00:28:30 I mean we could find it out. I'm gonna google. I'm gonna say in between to just cover so there's not Dead air. I'm gonna say I'm gonna say 13 now He is 14 years old. Whoo Kind of creepy that I was in within one year Going on 15 october 2nd is his birthday october 2nd is his birthday and he's gonna be 15. He's definitely fucking I don't know if he's fucking. Yeah, I think he's he's probably a virgin to be honest with you. You think he's a virgin 14, right?
Starting point is 00:29:00 What does that mean? He would be going. I mean, that means he's not going to school. No way They probably have a tutor. You know, I know he's in schools and he's like music videos, but he's probably he's probably home school But this kid's this kid's dm's just gotta just light up with like this kid's seeing a lot of Bested titties. Yeah kids seeing a lot of titties. I'll be honest. That's what I'm saying. You know, he's getting nudes He fucks 14. I don't think he fucks. He's fucked for sure. He fucks. I don't know about that man I'm 100 in on him fucking not me, but he's he's fucking bitches I don't know about that I think I feel like I 14 because there's always that age that no matter what no matter how famous you are
Starting point is 00:29:43 No matter how much money you have or anything You're afraid of puss. He still can't fuck. Yeah, you're like, I just can't I think you might have broke down the walls of Fuck and I think I think he's doing think about how bad sexually you you probably are though to like 14 15 I lost my virginity at 16. I can tell you right now. I probably wasn't good at until 25, right? I wasn't good until yesterday and I'm 28. So I figured I figured it out. I lost my virginity. I was 13 Yes, and I wasn't 13 Yes, I was 13 I wasn't raped. That's what it sounds like. That's what they that's what they told me. The math teacher got a hold of me
Starting point is 00:30:17 Yeah, it was fine. I woke up in the cornfield like three hours later and everything was good. No, but my girl was uh at the time Yeah, and it was all right I didn't know what I was doing just flopped around like a like a fish for a little while until something happened And then I was and that was it Can you even like come at 13? You want to know what's weird is that I had that conversation going home. I was like that I just come Just like like touching my dick. I was just like is that jizz? Is this the jizz you speak of? Do you remember like when you figured out?
Starting point is 00:30:50 Jerking off. Yeah, I thought I broke my dick. You thought you broke What'd you do when I was did you ever like have a weird method before you're like, okay? This is how you do first of all when it comes to jay in it. I'm like LeBron James I came in the game early sun and it was dropping 20 a night right out of high school right out of high school Just dropping 20 like all-star games 17 in a row. Feel you triple double. Yeah They're gonna fucking put a statue of me outside of my fucking apartment after just be like this kid was a legend This kid was on the cover of slam magazine slamming his dick You have like little cuts and like me just like chilling like jay in it
Starting point is 00:31:30 This is gonna be like some dude. She's like, yo, he was like the greatest thing I ever seen man I don't know what happened to him, you know, he could jay it with his right He could jade in the rain. He could jade in the snow. He's the best ever the best ever a jay in it But yeah, that's 30 for 30 on yeah, yeah, there's gonna be a 30 for 30 on me jerking off But no, I can't remember the first time I tricked though. I don't either, but I do remember I remember like playing with it Yeah, I remember I remember doing You don't jerk off like this kids. Just letting you know just did you ever have like a weird Jerk off like
Starting point is 00:32:02 Thing because I know like what do you mean by weird jerk off thing? I just realized it sounds like I'm trying to make you say something so that I could tell my story Yeah, you ever like, you know, it's like bash your dick up against the wall until it felt good. No, Joe I don't have any weird jerk off things for you. It sounds like something you buy at walmart So, yeah, I need one of those Those weird jerk off things You guys got those Which ones which ones, you know the weird ones. Oh, yeah, it's 3.99 back uh aisle 28. Uh, thank you
Starting point is 00:32:41 28 this is a big store Road 28 walmart is mad big son. I've never been to a walmart in my life. Get the fuck out of here Well, you live like city shit. Yeah. Yeah, we got fucking casco kmart I've never been to a kmart either. Best buy Yeah, but the best Yeah, no, but uh, yeah, no, I don't have any weird. I don't have any weird jerk off things I want to get to your weird jerk off thing, but I'm a little afraid I tried to segue it into best buy, but I was like, no, no, we're bringing it back here
Starting point is 00:33:14 I'm not dodging this weird jerk off thing. I already I already figured it out So this is gonna sound like I'm lying, but one of my friends Never gonna practice jerking off Yo, it's just gonna sound like I'm lying He said that he used to jerk off like this Like he would just like oh, he jelt it like he's letting a rope go. You know what I mean? Like he's I can't even like people who are who's fucking Dawson from fucking street fighter He was doing this. How big is this guy's dick?
Starting point is 00:33:43 Jesus christ So yoga flame Fucking jerk it off. I don't know. It's it's hard to explain at the end of the day So that was his weird jerk off thing my weird jerk off thing is that I'm just like super sad after That's my weird thing. You ever watch porn and jerk off. You're just like, oh my god. What did I do that? Like you mean every time every time, you know, it's like immediately immediately like delete your fucking History on your internet. You know what's another thing where it's like go away You you jerk off and then as soon as you come you're like, you know, I'm done doing that
Starting point is 00:34:15 Dude You're like I'm not doing that anymore. I quit jerking off Every every three hours. Yeah, I get how people can't quit smoking not another basketball reference But I was like Michael Jordan like I won three titles. Yeah, Jay Z. I was done jerking off and then like I went to go Do other stuff. I said I got to go back home One another I've been winning chips ever since you know what I mean stay in the game Own it. Do you remember the first time? I can't believe I'm asking you this. No, I don't remember the first time All right, good. Let's
Starting point is 00:34:44 Let's move on from there. But yeah, logan logan paul winner. Yeah. Yeah, logan paul Uh, but watch at the end of the day. I don't think this kid's fucking maybe he is fucking He's fucking he fucks. He might be fucking Before we move on let's do the sponsors real quick. We got the first one here Actually, it's the only one mvmt watches Okay, the company started by two broke college kids that wanted to wear stylish watches But couldn't afford them. Uh, they figured out that by selling online They were able to cut the middleman and retail markup providing the best possible price classic design quality construction and styled
Starting point is 00:35:18 Minimalism over 100. Well, that's wrong over 1 million watches sold in over 160 countries Uh, everyone's buying these bitches. Um, I actually got a watch from mvmt It was like this black on black kind of watch. It was like a leather strap with like a black Face it's fire. I only I wear it on like watch occasions. That's what I call, you know, like christenings, uh birthdays, uh, you know, I don't really wear watches like that I wear, you know weddings like style, you know watch occasions But I wore it the last two weddings that I went to fire love it Um, anyway get 15 off today with free shipping and free returns by going to mv
Starting point is 00:35:55 By going to mvmt slash basement Uh, again, that is mvmt slash Basement join the movement. That's the tagline here. Uh, anyway, let's get back to the show Do you ever just killing it? Well, you were successful at a young age not that young but you were successful at a young age I mean, yeah, I was like I mean not successful. I was like, well, you know, I had no money But enough to get to the point like you can like I could turn this into a career Uh, what's the, I mean, I was like 20 or 21 when that happened, I guess
Starting point is 00:36:34 But I also was like working a job. Did you go to college? Yeah, for like a second. Yeah, me too It was sick. Literally a second. I walked there and I was just like, no chill He was like Danny. I was like, no, he's not here Danny not here man. Is that you? No, no, no different guy. No, I'm the janitor there Uh, the custodian. Yeah, the custodial arts. Cleaning up shit Hold on. Can we go back to that because actually cleaning poo this this I ain't cleaning my own This is fucking all over the place. We keep jumping
Starting point is 00:37:10 But the custodian has a weird it has a weird connection. Oh, it does the custodian thing I remember Because now I didn't even realize it because when you walk in when you're a kid and you walk into the bathroom of your school And there's pee everywhere and just like a pile of shit on the floor. You're just like, oh man, that's gross Yeah, and you pee and you get out and then you pee and then you pee on the floor. Yeah Someone's shoveling up shit Little kid shit, by the way, like nothing but kool-aid and lunchables Which is lunchables is basically like eating this death. It's like liquidy poop. It's just the fucking it's terrible
Starting point is 00:37:46 Dude, have you like I don't know why poop so funny so funny that's just like I don't like I'm trying to think like when I was a kid like pooping. It's just it's like if you poop on the floor Some fucking grown man's gonna come up there and clean your poop You it's like dogs in a way Here's the thing though. I was thinking of a scumbag that to me. I did that you figured it out though Yeah, because if you're a kid you don't have to clean up your own poop. No You just keep shitting wait if you know what if if you shit anywhere in any establishment
Starting point is 00:38:19 Eventually another grown person's gonna come pick it up. What age can you do you have to stop pooping wherever you want? I guess like five. I mean technically you don't have to stop You just gotta do it That's weird that there is like a cutoff age that where your parents are like, no, no you have to go poo poo in the It's like no no this we're this ends now. It's like nah, bitch. I'm shitting on the floor tonight Yeah, when do you start telling your baby? I'm not fucking doing this just pissing wherever you want Yeah, it's like I'm not changing your diaper. You go fucking change it Yeah, that's the other thing too like old even with like being old like when's like the old where do you get a pass for everything?
Starting point is 00:38:54 Because like when you're a kid You get a pass for everything you become a kid again essentially you could be an asshole Like a kid would be like you're ugly and you're like, oh But it's like dude if you were eight, I'd fucking punch you in your forehead, but no When do you get old enough to be like? Yeah, you could do whatever you want I think as soon as you just become like fucking nuts. You know what I mean? This got so sad. As soon as your ear hair just starts coming out That's weird that like ear hair is like a thing when you get older. It's just like give it to me
Starting point is 00:39:23 Sprouting It's so bad That's what you do reach an old age where you just get a pass for everything I've said that before where it's like when you're younger you get to do whatever you want people to take care of you And you live your life and then when you get old the same thing happens You're right back at the beginning But at this point you I guess you're a little more coherent. You just don't give a fuck Maybe because when you're a kid you haven't lived yet. You don't know that toilets or a thing
Starting point is 00:39:45 You're just like I'm fucking pooping here. Yeah, that's true. I bought you. Yeah, but when you get old You're like I you forget everything. I feel like yeah, then you're like I'm pooping here. Oh, I know I earn the poop here All right, I did three tours of Korea. I'll shit wherever I want exactly exactly If you want to create if you were in the army, you should be able to poop wherever you are 100% Absolutely, you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want. So you were saying Janitors Logan Paul's running that fight for sure two rounds
Starting point is 00:40:12 But um Yeah, that's that's the hardest thing though because as a kid imagine if you really did understand like oh man I really feel bad like So and so and so has got to come in here and clean up this pee Yeah, like you're getting changed and you're just looking at your mom like I'm sorry Well, that was sorry you had to do this. That was another weird thing with a kid Like you'd just be peeing in the toilet. You're like, you know what? I'm gonna piss over there
Starting point is 00:40:34 I'm just like fucking piss on the side and fucking Yeah, why why are you such a dick when you're a kid in a bar? Everyone's over 21. Why are we pissing all over the walls doesn't make any sense The whole the whole toilet's soaked and I know people are drunk, but like you got to be pretty fucking drunk to like Pissing the hand towel machine Yeah, and like like pissing the garbage can you now you're going out of your way to be a dick. Yeah, it's not funny anymore It's not funny. You know what I mean? It's not funny. Why are we doing this? It's not funny. Shitting up. We're so serious about it. It's not direct pissing is a problem. Not fucking funny. Okay
Starting point is 00:41:08 Fucking indirect pissers, but that was a thing or the kids. You remember? I don't know if it was ever a thing It was just nature. I think no, I think it was a thing I was here's the thing like were you a pants all the way down pier. Oh, absolutely not That always I'm like what dude the so unnecessary. What does your ass have to do with this? Who teaches I want to meet their parents Who teaches them kids just like you go to the bathroom and you pull your pants Take off your shoes and then you lift your shirt up all the way tuck it under your chin And you just pee and just like all right. I'm gonna do that
Starting point is 00:41:40 You have to be taught to be a no pants at your ankles pier Yeah, I don't know where that comes from or what's going on But kids always like corduroy pants. Here's the thing too like someone who's shitting on the ground Bravo, yes, because I was terrified to shit in the stall Privacy where I'm supposed to go. I was like, oh god. I hate shitting in public people. No, I'm shitting right now No, I hate shitting in public. I hate shitting in public. I refuse but there was one time I was out of the bar I could not help it. I shit three times. Yeah Yeah, you're kind of a notorious shitter, right? I'm
Starting point is 00:42:13 Could you could you always say you have like a diarrhea you say? Oh, I just have like IBS, but I like went away. Maybe diabetes. That was all self-diagnosed by the way IBS so you just never have whatever like you just have diarrhea all the time. No, no, no, but I no, I don't anymore But I used to I don't anymore Big now I use but I seriously like two years ago. It stopped just added to the blue like I don't know I have no idea. But I became a man all the time. I would eat and then like fucking 10 minutes later
Starting point is 00:42:48 just shitting My mom used to say like, oh my god, I don't feel good. Like I had diarrhea twice this month I was like, I had diarrhea twice today. Would you Like I was just it was I could turn anything into water. Would you have the same would you have like the symptoms diarrhea? No, it wasn't or just like you just want to die, right? You know, I mean all that just Sploting floating sweating, whatever. No, but I was just like I was just shitting And it was like normal because like it wasn't like diarrhea where you're like, oh my god It was just it was just fucking water coming out of you, right?
Starting point is 00:43:23 You ever you ever have one of those farts where you're not sure if you shit your pants or not. Oh, yeah It's like grant you're like Did it break the butt cheeks? Did it break the butt cheek? Well, I gotta go somewhere to check and then you go to the bathroom and check You're like, oh thank you. It's like when you drop your phone face down. You're like Oh Is there poop in my pants? Oh, we're good guys By the way, phone's good, but this podcast is notorious for talking about shitting and we never get out of an episode without doing it
Starting point is 00:43:55 It always comes back to shitting some day. Everybody poops. Everybody poops. Everybody poops. Everybody poops. Anyway Logan Paul. Oh, shit. Hold on. I'm I googled Jacob sartorius age. I didn't even realize he's got like a wikipedia page. You know what his real name is Francis Elliott The third That's like a tap dancer. Uh fontleroy jackson the ninth his name his name is jacobus his middle name You know what his actual name is What's the first letter are robert? No, you're not gonna guess rufus
Starting point is 00:44:32 Rolf Who names your kid? Rolf fucking terrible And this kid's 13. So hold on. I can't I can't be I can't be this stupid. Uh, so in 2004. Did you born in 2004? Uh, 2002 2002 Dumb bitch, um, bitch Come on. I don't want to get this wrong. I'll see you guys later I'm walking up Jacob sartorius
Starting point is 00:45:00 Who the fuck names their kid rolf and thinks it's cool How do you look at a baby's parents? I could see one parent being like, I love the name rolf But there's usually the other parent there to be like, no, that's fucking awful Not a name or a kid rolf, but two people found each other at the same time And had a kid and they were like, you know what rolf that works for me. Yeah, like that's same. I'm rolf Here's your baby. Oh, it's rolf. Even he knows it sucks. He doesn't know no one knows that's his fucking name Let me tell you something. No one's ever proud of their name is rolf Not even one, you know
Starting point is 00:45:30 No, I don't even spell rolf. It's a ralph. No, it's r o l f Rolf let's name our kid after a troll. That's what it sounds like. It just it's like Someone tried to spell golf, but there was a typo G and r are near each other. So this could be a mistake here Rolf not that golf is any better golf would be kind of a cool name though Golf. Yeah, I kind of like it. I want to name my kid just x Hey, baby. Uh, let's name my baby golf No, oh rolf. Yeah, let's do that rolf's better. The r is better
Starting point is 00:46:08 My mom almost named this is real last name sartorius. Yeah I don't know sartorius is a little more crazy than jacob sartorius sounds like a like a fucking gree god It actually sounds like a dinosaur kind of a sartorius He fucks stegosaurus sartorius rolf sartorius. Fox rolf. I'm dming him after this Do you think he makes girls call him rolf? I don't know. Think about how bad your sex talk game is when you're 13 Do you enjoy this? So great boobies. Does that feel really nice?
Starting point is 00:46:42 Doesn't this feel ever so nice to you? I think the word boobies Kind of fell off the map. I fucking love it. I love the word boobies. I mean boobies is so good That was like what that's what most of my content was honestly booby was sitting Was singing in my room singing about boobs and titties. Yeah, by the way, did that result in people just sending tits? No Yes So my whole thing was it's like it was weird it was it was The whole thing about that and like I I never got to a point where I was like, oh my god like super duper big
Starting point is 00:47:19 Yeah But 600,000 people's a lot of fucking people that that want to watch you every day sing about boobs. Yeah so At some point you do crack under the pressure So like it got to the point where I was like, oh titties, babe And like people would just be like, oh, I love it. It's amazing. And then it got the following got so big It'd be like titties. Yeah, they'd be like, uh, it's not your a work Turn it this way man. Yo, the fame's going to your head man. Like what's up, man?
Starting point is 00:47:48 You used to be on now. Now you're not on. I'm just like, oh my bad. I know bravado. Yeah. It's like, yo, I like your old work I miss the old Danny. I like your first album, son It's like I like your first tittie album these titties. I'm not I'm not believing what you're saying right now But uh, you should drop a tittie album It's coming straight up titties titties, baby every single song is about titties somehow Yeah, it has to be most fucking songs now are about titties. It's true That's why they'd be like, you know, this guy makes song about titties. I was like, do you guys listen to rap music? Everything's about like drugs and tits
Starting point is 00:48:22 I'm just doing what everybody else is doing Just more direct. You guys ever make music you and your boys? No, they're kind of my boys now. Yeah, we're boys now. We're boys. We're boys now When I first came to your apartment the first time, I don't know if I said it before but I got like a real entourage vibe because every one of your friends was here But I just think it was just like a random time that where everybody was together I mean a lot of people record podcasts here. So like so it is entourage Uh, not during the week like no like but on the days that
Starting point is 00:48:51 No coke and and women there are no Yeah, Sasha Gray comes out of a room You don't get the movie and then lose the movie and then get the movie back during the week, right? Every day we lose the movie and get it back. Yeah, that's entourage watch that show every episode was yeah, we can't get the movie James Cameron backed out It didn't get into Sundance. Martin Scorsese said no Vinnie you're poor again. Yeah, but uh, it's It is then it is kind of entourage you not that you're not not in a bad way your boys are all fucking cool. Shit. I love them I love you guys
Starting point is 00:49:30 Don't take this the wrong way next time I come in here be like, yo, you talking shit Oh, we are entourage now, huh? Yeah, but you do have a little bit of that feel and that's fucking cool. Shit to me No, it's cool. You know the coolest thing the coolest thing is like the reason why they come here is because they saw I'm assuming like they were like they thought it was cool that I was able to build something from my mom's basement And then I was doing the podcast shit and I was like, you know, I have all this equipment and people are like, oh like and they you know they
Starting point is 00:49:59 Because they're all like a fucking hysterical Yeah, they're all mad funny and they all have like their talents or whatever So they're all like starting pot. They all started podcasts and shit around the same time We did like I mean I'm doing the podcast the sports podcast and three of my friends We do that every single week and then eventually one of them branched off did their own thing and another one branched off I'm doing a podcast right after this For uh for some sports thing as well. There's no you're working a lot. See that's another we got real serious, but You saw my
Starting point is 00:50:28 You know, the cool thing is the cool thing is let me put this microphone Let me put it back because I need to uh, yes, everyone of my friends is amazing and I work really really really really hard I just thank god without him. That's rare. It doesn't be possible. It's rare though to like work that hard to do that all the time How many I just felt guilty like I would feel like I why no because I don't not that I felt guilty, but I was just kind of like I could be doing more obviously, you know, I mean like I was making youtube videos and then I would get paid, you know Very well, and then I'd be like, all right Rest of the week. I'm just fucking chillin spending money I don't spend money. That's no, that's what I'm saying. That's why it's like that's the other thing. Don't you're very smart about that
Starting point is 00:51:10 but This guy has an arcade in his living room guys Literally, literally yo, you know, it's funny. I'll be buying shit except for like metroid And like a big tv that video game that that's not that expensive though that tv. I only got because uh Someone I know gets a discount on them My girlfriend's brother the plug like a discount on tv's Shout out to the girlfriend brothers. Donnie. It's my guy
Starting point is 00:51:38 And he hooked it up, you know, no big deal. No big deal Donnie with the hookup. Thanks, brother. Yeah, but uh Yeah, so you're chillin. So you're chillin. How long you've been living here? Since march. All right. So you're plugged in I mean, they might kick me out. You think so. Have you ever got have you gotten a complaint here? Yeah, I haven't got a complaint. You know what I got in a complaint Like a broom on like the like a broom on the ceiling complaint like Yeah, I know I gotta complain because this past WrestleMania
Starting point is 00:52:11 I had some friends over back off, bitch And the hearty boys. It's mania. The hearty boys came back. Hearty boys. We went fucking ape shit. Fuck. Yeah Those are my guys. I'm gonna pick it over the heart. Jeff Hardy's my favorite wrestler Really ever next to stone cold Good safe. Good safe. Good double safe. Good double safe. I mean those It's like jupac and biggie. I like Jeff Hardy, but what was this thing? This dude, he's the fucking man He's the man. He's very he's very cool. I just I didn't know what this was. I just didn't I didn't know what it was
Starting point is 00:52:45 I know what this was. Oh, yeah, you know, yeah, I knew what this meant. Oh, yeah, I didn't know what this was I didn't know what it was. This is just sick, dude. I was like, dude, that's stupid, but you better jump off that ladder and Just do a front flip right now. Break your fucking neck for me. Thank you No, yeah, but we went ape shit and she was like, uh, are you having a party upstairs? And I was like, yeah, she's actually really cool. The woman who's below me shout out to the woman downstairs Shout the fuck out. Shout out to the woman downstairs. I know she's listening to this. No, she's fat. She's someone who's like Yeah, she's like, I mean, she has an explanation of what this is. She's a big Jeff Hardy fan Is she? No, I have no idea
Starting point is 00:53:21 Imagine she was just like, what do you guys did? She just wanted to come to the party Oh, you guys having a party up there? On 4th of july, I had them come up on the on the on the roof and watch. Is that the charismatic niggler here up there? Yeah, exactly The hardy voice You got did you ever do like wrestling with your friends when you were a kid? Dude, yes Some of the first videos I ever made were on Uh, a camera that if you wanted to edit it, you just had to rewind and then record over it Right and we just filmed
Starting point is 00:53:48 Uh entrances and promos and wrestling matches and they were all terrible and it was like a bunch of Characters like really bad to the point where one of them was do you remember one of yours? Oh, I remember a ton of them one of them was the bus driver. We love it. Uh, the shoe polisher What was your finish the polisher? I don't remember, uh, can you can you cut a promo? I'm gonna bluff you out. Yeah, the uh, the bus driver his was hawk and the horn and he literally like I'd be laying on the ground That's how the crowd knew the finishers. Yes, and I'm like, oh, oh It's not the crowd near the finishers coming. They'd be like, yeah, he's pumping Uh, toothpick tom was another one where he would just take his toothpick. You guys are like real 90s. WWE
Starting point is 00:54:29 Right there. Yeah, we bus driver shoe polisher toothpick. This is kind of creative though I've never seen that gimmick before. It's great the shoe polish. I've always the other ones To pick Tom who was toothpick Tom? Uh, it was my friend Frankie He had a he had a toothpick and he it was just me and him who would make these videos Shout out to Razor Ramon and he would just take the toothpick and just throw it. I Fucking it was over. Yeah, me and my me and my brothers had like a wrestling league Yeah, yeah, we had our own federation and shit
Starting point is 00:55:00 What was it called? But I was the youngest one in there I can't remember the name But I know we had it because we would like draw up like the fucking brackets and shit And we had Stupid to think about now, but I had fun But um, we would do that and like draw it and I was the younger one So I'd never won any belts like I was always getting buried
Starting point is 00:55:18 Like no one ever job No one ever put me over Until until one day my brother who was like the Vince McMahon. He was like we're putting him over I was just like, yes, they're like, hey Dan, we're gonna put the strap on you tonight. All right So just go out there have a great show and uh, congratulations. You worked hard for it I'm like in the kitchen. Yes Fucking champ and then I lost the next the next the uh the next show Damn
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yeah, it wasn't a long rain, but it was a good rain. It was a rain Yeah, I was over as fuck like the two people that would come and watch Loved it big fans big bigger than jeff hardy for sure. I don't know It was close We probably have the same amount Yours a little more graceful This thing's heavy as fuck. I know these are these are nice Okay, we're talking about the microphone saying some people aren't watching this. Yeah, I'm sure I do that all the time
Starting point is 00:56:12 We could scrap this. I just assume people can see me. You can scrap this an energy. What what? We're gonna edit this We're gonna edit this out for you guys, but um, I'm starting to sweat my fucking ass off. Yeah. I mean are these lights always here Yeah, I know that camera was here last time. Yeah, they they leave them here. I don't use them though because I'm an idiot But can you use them? Yeah, why not you turn the switch on we won't use them We're gonna use them so good doesn't empty need to go through a table Yeah, we need to put empty through a table empty shout out to empty going through the table
Starting point is 00:56:45 I forgot why oh Because he made a bet that actually that the hardy boys wouldn't come back at rest of mania And I was like, you know if they come back I get to put you through a table and he was like, okay Oh, so you you're the one putting them through the table Oh, yeah, like this is gonna be like a 3d. Oh, this is gotta get shot I'm gonna pick them up and someone's gonna grab his neck. Yeah, you guys gotta you guys gotta shoot that ugly boy style fire Three damn, huh three damn. Yeah for sure, but I don't know like this table is kind of hard. He's not going through this I feel you this has like a metal frame too. Yeah, someone's
Starting point is 00:57:15 It's gonna be a botch. This is a botch table This is a botch. This is a big botch table and a rib injury. Yes. Yeah, you know when the refs throw the x out Like somebody gets hurt Get someone in here coming from the back I fucking cack this jack like all fucked up in the fucking thing Shout out. I wonder what his x-rays look like not good. I would say not good Not good. Do you admit that you still watch wrestling because you kind of I don't you were going like this a little bit And because so I said now that we're more easing to the into the podcast
Starting point is 00:57:44 I said now I can get them I don't though like I don't watch like Monday night roll out or smack down or anything But I can't get I'm tired and like the Yankees are usually on I just something else. I don't have enough time and I I can't bring myself to DVR wrestling and justify Just be like I'm gonna catch him on some raw tonight Sometimes like uh after You know, sometimes my friends here is on Monday So like right afterwards we'll just watch like some of raw or whatever
Starting point is 00:58:08 But I've never like sat there and watched an entire roller tires. I used to DVR raw until my girl found it She's like, what's Monday night raw? I was like, oh, that's that's that's born Give me the remote. I'm sorry. Don't watch it. I have problems. Don't look at it. It's it's gross. It's butt stuff It's raw. There's no condoms Brock Lesnar went in No, who do you got? Uh, Samoa Joe. I think Samoa Joe is gonna go over too. Here's my thing. Okay. We jumped a lot of topics today We did it was fun. I was you know why I'm saying this because I was on the wrestling podcast that is here
Starting point is 00:58:44 I wanted to be on that. Yeah. No, you're supposed to be on yesterday, right? Yeah, I think next week So I said Right as someone who doesn't really watch like I don't really know the story right keep practicing with that No, but i'm serious because like if wrestling fans listen like you don't know the fuck you're talking about you fake I watch a lot of porn that much, you know, every night I watch enough to know everyone and kind of like whatever But I don't know the current story lines, right? That's called watching wrestling Yo, I know everyone that's like hired by the company so
Starting point is 00:59:15 I know some of their real names too. Brock Lesnar is fighting John Jones. He's not going to win the belt Well, it's Brock's Brock still suspended though Yeah, I know, but he's but it's like in a couple months. He could fight him No, it's up to December then he could fight in the UFC. No, no, but he has to enter like the usada Which is the testing Yeah, and it's like he has like six months that he would have to go through that of like pissing clean so he would have to He's wrestling right now. So, you know, he is super sourced
Starting point is 00:59:44 So you know what I mean? So he would have to take time off P as much as he can and like take whatever he can to get that shit out of his system AKA stop taking steroids or taking ones that are undetectable Which is Harvard. You saw it because they're like really good but um He would have to do that go six months And then you could fight John. So that shit will not happen at least for like a year They would not fight for a while. That sucks. It sucks. Well, that just kills my home
Starting point is 01:00:08 But but some old Joe I think was it could win. That's a good thing about that main event though It's because anybody could win. Yeah All those guys, but I don't think uh Braun Strowman will win Yeah, because he's still like kind of going like full retard like, you know Like Everyone I'm like, oh this guy can't read it. My thing was like, how is that guy going to cut a promo?
Starting point is 01:00:30 He doesn't talk. He's like, I hate Roman Reigns Everyone just like pops because everyone hates Roman Reigns, right? um Yeah, but I didn't know about broccoli. No, well, I hope you have fun at NXT. That's going to be super dope Dude, I hope so. They asked me like, what do you expect? I was like, not a whole lot of sex Are you gonna cheer louder? She's like, yeah No, because you don't want to have it be that one thing because you could potentially become like a mean If you're like flipping out like over something
Starting point is 01:00:58 And then they catch you on the TV Like NXT dude I'd be so down for that though that kid from the undertaker that was like Oh my god, that kid that kid's all the black dude when he got pinned. He was like He's cemented cemented in the in the history of the world. Love it. Love it. Love it. Uh, all right, let's wrap this up, huh? It's fucking hot as shit in here. I'm sorry. It's fucking hot in here. I had a great time though. Oh, I had a good time. You know, I think it was great. I think we had a good time. Yeah, I think we had a lot of you know, how was your time? It was good. Me too
Starting point is 01:01:30 Uh, where can everyone find you if they want to contact? Um, they could find me on twitter and instagram It's at danny low priori. I'm sure can we put it in the description? Yeah, boom It'll be it'll be easier like that. I'm not gonna spell my name. It's a very uh, italian. So I'm gonna try and spell it lop r i e re Nope, and you follow me on twitter so that's you're either retarded or don't like me
Starting point is 01:01:56 Wait, what is it then? It's lop Oh, there's oh the fuck am I doing low? Yeah, no the other isn't there's another row Yeah, let me get there. That's the one I forgot lop now. You got other o's don't There's too many o's in this shit. Don't you got other o's b? Well my name like if you read it It says santa gato like if you just read it people see s a n t they go, huh santi santiago santra gato People were just like santa when you were growing up. They're like you have santa in your name Yeah, people are like, oh my god gato. That's cat. Oh my god. You're santa cat Yeah, and I'm like
Starting point is 01:02:30 And I'm just like I'm a very allergic to cats. Yeah, so I hate santa. I like santa, but I hate cats, but it's lop r i o Re Don't you hate when you have to call places they'll too and you'd be like, uh, it's uh, p is in peter Or i is an igloo. Yes. I have the same shit. I use the same shit I use i as an igloo is an edward P is in peter. I don't Jesus. What is this this fucking bugs in here? Oh, this is going off the rails. Let me tell you Um
Starting point is 01:03:01 All right, all right, that is all that was it. Thanks for having me. If you're Not watching this you can go to slash baseman yard Put in the promo code baseman and you get a free month and then it's six thousand month after that. Yep Also, uh, if you sign up for full screen, you will get the extra yard, which is an extra 15 minute segment It's exclusively available on full screen. I'm crushing this right now. I'm not getting any of that This fucking bug is gonna get slapped, uh But yeah, I don't know what the fuck's going down, but we're gonna be doing some shit real quick. Yeah, you know I'm saying for show
Starting point is 01:03:39 Yeah, all day what logan paul and one, you know I'm saying let me pass one in that fight first round knockout first round knockout That is all See you next time. Hi dad. Hi mom

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