The Basement Yard - Are Camel Toes Sexy?

Episode Date: March 21, 2017

@LambVM10 is on this week to talk about wether camel toes & chokers are sexy or not. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is Monday March 20th. I am joined again back to back back to back By Nick my buddy Nick. Yeah Who'd you got back from South Beach, which I'm very jealous. I haven't seen nice weather in fucking months 75 degrees man Beautiful must be nice on the beach. I sent you some snaps. You're like, all right, please stop Yeah, I was all three of you all three of my friends went or four every time they hit me up I just said fuck you. Don't talk to me. I don't want to talk about it. They're all posting like in fucking order You know what people do like when girls go out they all post the same picture where I mean you guys did that
Starting point is 00:00:38 Everyone's on the beach. I'm over here sitting freezing my fucking ass off wearing layers Yo, one of my friends down there is she she goes to you and I went to high school with her She saw my snapchat and she goes you're on the beach. I was like, yeah, it's 70 degrees out. I'm like, yeah I've been I've been in 20 30 degree weather since People in LA it's like 60 degrees there. They're all like wearing winter jackets. I'm like, what the fuck is wrong with you people? Yo, it's crazy. They make no sense out there. Anyway, like they get their way. They wear beanies. It's 90 degrees. What are you doing? Stamage. Yeah, I don't understand. Yeah, I wouldn't understand. Sorry. Yeah, I need a skateboard wear a fucking beanie to be cool over there Got I got an arcade machine if you follow me on social media, you know that because I posted it ever works. I'm super proud of it
Starting point is 00:01:23 But it's either the dumbest or the best purchase I've ever made. I already got a I already got a high school on a game Yeah, he does 1943 the playing game, but I haven't heard of half of these fucking things honestly, but it's pretty sick but it weighs 200 pounds and I ordered it and They I mean, it's a curbside delivery. So Which basically what that means is you're fucked once they drop it off because I live so messed up They don't even help you know, well, they offered a service to have it like brought up to your place. Okay, $600 I was like blow a dog. You're not getting 600 hours for me for that
Starting point is 00:02:04 I was like, I'll haul it up there somehow and then So I had a plan they told me they were coming from nine to three and I was like, okay So I could just you know, whatever Marco and boss said they were gonna come over at 12 to watch the tournament So I was like, oh, they'll probably be here around 12. They're from they're in New Jersey This guy showed up at 847. Wow. I was fucking pissed. He's like, yeah, I'm outside. I'm like, oh god I had to get dressed real quick. I went downstairs. Dude, that never happens that they show ever the time Oh my dude, forget about it about 90% of the time. They'll show up about 15 minutes before they told you like yes Like to 45 they'll show up. Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:02:38 So I recorded a vlog for when I moved into my old place and we were waiting for Ikea I got there at 10 a.m. Just I was just sitting around in an empty apartment Well, they're like come they're coming from 10 to 2 they show up at 147 Yeah, that was it. I was there with you. I was like, oh my god But these guys showed up early. So it's just me and him and the guy was like half my size Right. He was like four foot tall Which would make me eight feet eight foot tall. Yeah, but he was like four foot tall this little guy He had a workout belt on I was like, okay, and he gets this thing off of the truck and he puts it down on the sidewalk and
Starting point is 00:03:11 For whatever reason I was like nervous to ask him But I was like I have no other like choice here and I was like to listen if I give you a hundred bucks Would you help me break it upstairs? And he goes, hello? I was like $100 and he's like all right cool. So I was like sick. So then he gets a strap I had the you gave me a hand truck. Yeah, so we put this thing on a hand truck first We had to open it was in this big-ass like box or whatever So we take it out and we put it on the hand truck and we get it up Just like the stoop stairs because my the place I live at now looks like a brown star on the outside
Starting point is 00:03:41 So there's like ten steps wherever so we take it up those stairs with the hand truck and then he goes no no no No, I was like what and he said you can't we can't you know we can't use this I was like so no hand truck. I was like so the fit the reason why this thing was invented. We're not gonna use it for that He was like no. I was like, okay sick. He takes a strap Right. It looks like an airplane seatbelt and he puts it underneath and he makes me like basically I'm picking this thing up But there's a strap underneath he's holding one end I'm holding the other and I'm lifting it and he's like guiding upstairs I it's 200 pounds and I haven't been to the gym in months. So I have no idea how well
Starting point is 00:04:19 I told you you should just you know, let go just Get to the top of the stairs and she's like, okay, push and it's just Just don't work out anymore. Oh, no, I'm done. I'm done with that forget it Especially if I'm doing videos on the internet they see me from like, you know the chest up You wouldn't even know what that bottom half me looks like it's a disaster down there guys So you're at the bottom of this thing. So you're you're basically holding the whole the weight basically because the guy asked me to He goes you strong. I was like, I don't really know how it is It's like, I don't know like it depends what you mean. Like I can't bench 315
Starting point is 00:04:52 I saw I said was I think I'm stronger than you and then he's like, okay So he puts me in the back and I'm pushing this thing and I it felt like it was gonna tip on me Like at points like I had to bend my spine. I was like, oh stop, you know At one point I had to lift it three stairs at one time. I still don't know how I did it But we got it up. Yo, your stairs are the worst because that one angle it does turn Yeah, we got lucky because that that one apartment downstairs the door just randomly opened So we we got a chance to actually go into the apartment and turn. Yeah So but this this was a disaster
Starting point is 00:05:27 So we got this thing up one flight of stairs and then so how it works in my building is there's a flight of stairs And then when you get to the top, there's three doors So one of those doors is mine and when you open it, there's a little hallway and then another flight of stairs And then you're in my living room So I get it into my apartment like in the hallway and it's not fitting around the banister There's just not enough room to make the turn to go up the stairs So mean this guy try he goes you want to pick it up in my head. I'm like, I'm not fucking you. Are you crazy? I can't lift 200 pounds over my head. I'm fucking Hercules. So, uh, I
Starting point is 00:05:59 Was like, I don't know why I was like, yeah, fuck it. Like I'll try He lifted this thing. I'd almost crushed my skull into the wall Like it came back and the weight hit me I hit my fucking back on the door like I just like hit the wall but we we tried to get it over the banister but it wasn't working so I had to hire a fucking moving company and That was nice. So I ended up. I mean, I gave this guy a hundred dollars for not getting it upstairs We got a one flight of stairs one 50. You got it up to That's what I wanted to do and be like, you know, you got a halfway. I'm gonna give you 50 bucks
Starting point is 00:06:30 But I mean one I didn't have $50 like I had a hundred dollar bill and I wasn't gonna cut it in half Yeah, videos must be nice. Oh, sorry. I have a hundred dollar bill like everyone doesn't have that but I wanted to but I didn't want to get into the conversation because he was gonna start going off about me and You know, whatever now, you know, it's where I live But Had a hire a moving company and they got it upstairs The guy who came was the strongest guy I've ever seen one dude like lifted it high as fuck And the other guy just guided it upstairs. I was like, yeah, you guys are the strongest people ever seen in my life
Starting point is 00:07:03 But you know, so that was a nice pretty penny, but now I got it. It's in the living room. It's all good You know, I was playing I was playing Pac-Man today Gallagher like I said, I already got a high score You didn't even know one of the games like, you know, that's a bomb and then it was a power-up Yeah, I was like, yeah, don't get those those are bad. He gets it. He starts shooting like 10 bolts at a time I'm like, all right, you gotta get those Stuck up on that shit. Oh Fuck all right Before we get into topics, let's just do knock this out of the way
Starting point is 00:07:32 These are supposed to be fucking mid-rolls and these people are just getting premium eight-minute slots I should be getting paid more Because I'm fucking greedy, right? All right. So anyway, the first one we got is me undies Which by the way, I think I've said this before but I've officially done it my entire underwear Like arsenal is me undies Because I got a bunch for free. I just threw the rest out. I totally retired boxers I got my pasta for for Christmas using your promo code. Did you? Yeah, of course. Yeah, and they have some subscription plans I mean, I got to open up this fucking thing here. So I know what the fuck I'm talking about, but
Starting point is 00:08:12 Here we go me undies elevate your underwear game to the next level. Okay, you perfected your wardrobe No, I didn't but what about the stuff not everyone gets to see? Only the lucky people get to see that Meanies are designed in LA and made from sustainably sourced Micromodal model a fabric three times softer than cotton I mean, dude, they're briefs. They're soft as fuck. It's just it's a it's a win and and and you're getting money off Okay, just do it if you want underwear get this shit And if you're not ready for a subscription because you can get a subscription plan
Starting point is 00:08:51 And you save money and time with that, but if you if you're not ready for that, that's okay. You can still save So go to me undies me undies often you 20% off your first pair Just use our special URL me undies comm slash basement and get 20% off your first pair So go ahead revamp your underwear drawer and you deserve it. Once again, that's me undies comm slash basement If you want to just throw out the rest of your underwear like I did My pops did the same thing, but he never wore, you know, he's he's old and Greek so he wore like the tidy Yeah, banana hammocks. Yeah You know, my dad used to walk around the house in underwear that was supposed to be like tidy whiteies
Starting point is 00:09:29 But they were loosey goosey. It was it was like I was like dad I could see your ball like just put your fucking ball. They just get tighter ones They were definitely like from the 80s My dad's probably never bought socks or underwear in his entire life Just waited until Christmas to get like to hopefully get one and then that's it but That's what that guy does Anyway, the next thing we got here is motherfucking my mom's favorite blue apron
Starting point is 00:10:01 Blue apron if you sign up, they will send food to your front door. Well ingredients. They'll send you ingredients I mean food same shit. What's the difference doing that? I don't know But it's all pre-portioned and they give you instructions on how to make certain things you get salmon Bacata with orzo and broccoli pork chops and miso butter with bucktoy and Marinated apple so we got nice shit here spicy shrimp coconut curry with cabbage and rice I mean, I wouldn't eat that don't fuck with shrimp, but sounds good if you're into that But yeah, I mean this is just good I mean I I have blue apron and it works for me because I just started living alone
Starting point is 00:10:38 And I don't know how to food shop that is a skill. I have not mastered yet I go out and I'm like I went to the food. I just I'm really good at getting snacks Like things you're not supposed to eat. Yeah, I opened up your door. I'm like, you have anything like not junkie I got skittles. I got Pringles and fucking cookies, you know, and I have eggs though I mean gotta have eggs. Yeah, you gotta you gotta have that But yeah, if you guys want some blue apron definitely sign up It's comes out to less than $10 a meal, which is a steal and it's like a gourmet if you will Check out this week's menu and get your first three meals free with free shipping by going to blue slash basement
Starting point is 00:11:17 That's blue slash Basement. All right Now that that's out of the fucking way we can have a chat here So anyway, I was on the internet And this thing popped up and I was like, what the fuck is this and it's kind of old But you've probably seen it before if you're you know regularly on the internet, but there's this Trend in Asia where it's like underwear that chicks are wearing that makes it look like they have a camel toe
Starting point is 00:11:51 Which I don't understand I've seen it. I saw it like as a meme someone. Yeah, put it up. Yeah. Yeah, and it's just like Are We like like I mean, I'm assuming this is for you for like you're trying to attract a dude Because who I don't understand like why else you would wear it and I don't even understand the attraction either Yeah, I'm like I'm walking around like oh, she's got a dope pussy. Yeah. I'm down. I Don't like it's no about pussy. Yeah, like I'm not staring at that. You know what I mean push-up bras I get yeah, yeah, that's different though Yeah, like those are out there and that's also like you're looking close enough to the eyes where it's not creepy if I'm looking down at your vagina
Starting point is 00:12:31 Yeah, it's kind of why it's like dude. What are you looking at? I'm not wearing a belt or like cool belt or anything like you're just staring and this thing It's wild because I mean they have different colors Also, it just looks like regular underwear and then it just looks like it's like you're wearing a cup if you if you're a dude Like you'd wear a cup. Yeah, except there's just like a line down the middle But I just don't get it like who are they attracting in Asia? It just makes it look like you got like a moose knuckle in your fucking pants, which I Which I don't even know like but our guys attracted to that yo not at all dude I just find it like if I see someone like a with a camel toe. I don't go. Oh, dude. That's so sick
Starting point is 00:13:15 I go like yo fucking girls got a camel toe. What an idiot I don't even your fucking pants out of your vagina, dude I don't even make it an issue like I don't even acknowledge it kind of and just like yeah I've maybe seen two three my entire life. How many people have you know, I thought that was retired I thought that was like an old thing like no gets camel toes anymore Like you said, I've never seen a girl. I'm been like, yo, she got a camel toe about it. I'm yeah Pussy dude. Yeah But I just don't understand. What about I feel like I
Starting point is 00:13:51 Was in I was in south pieces this past weekend. Yeah chokers Girls that wear chokers. What are your thoughts on them? I Because I feel like it's it's making a resurgence like girls are like they're they're into chokers now Yeah, I feel like that kind of came out of nowhere recently though Yeah, it's just out of nowhere. Every girl's wearing a choker and it used to be front I mean correct me if I'm wrong ladies, but it used to be like kind of frowned upon because I mean I associate chokers with like freshman year of high school
Starting point is 00:14:19 Like girls would just like wear them like all the time and I was like cool. Whatever. I mean, it was like I don't know to me it's like What does it just reminds me of like a 16-year-old chick who's like drinking bacardi on a party bus. That's what I think of chokers But does it does it mean anything like is the girl because the guys that I was with I was with they said Oh, yo, it means that she's down. She's a freak and I'm like, no that looks dumb I I yo, I can't I saw one. It was literally about an index finger like thick It was the weirdest shit ever. I thought at first it was you know, like that's a scarf at that point
Starting point is 00:14:55 If it's that thick it's a scarf But yo, I just like I've never seen a girl wear a choker and been like, yo, I want to get with it Yeah, like yeah, yeah, what is this? So we got chokers We got this thing you stuff in your pants to make it look like a dolphin's mouth Between your legs like this doesn't make any fucking sense. And what does that mean? She wears a choker. So she's a freak that can that is the dumbest You can tell that that theory is made up by a guy because it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard Well, the people that listen to this lovely podcast know the guy that actually told me that that was a med
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah, that moron swore by this thing. He's like, yo, I mean, she's a freak. Yo, I'm telling you No, there's no way that that's dude. I don't think anyone's ever done something like that. Some girls like, you know what? I love sucking dick. I need to go out and get a choker so people could tell That I'd do that. Yo, you remember what the one time we went to visit Frankie in Connecticut And the one girl was wearing white pants and when she told us about white pants She's like if a girl wears white pants and she's out she wants to fuck. Yeah. I was like, what? I was like, that's another lie. There's no way that that's true. I mean, I just don't I don't I don't know I don't know what that means
Starting point is 00:15:59 like What the fuck are you talking about like yet? I remember her and then another girl was telling me like There was a party she went to on high school and Oh, that maybe that's what you're talking about. She was like, if you wear white pants to a party like you're trying to Fuck some Fuck a guy Like what? What are you talking about? Isn't that kind of every party you go to you try to try to fuck a guy? No
Starting point is 00:16:21 You're trying to get with someone if you go to a party. I mean, no people would argue like i'm just trying to dance tonight I don't want to get crazy I just want to drink a four loco. What if she wears a choker This camel toe thing and white pants Jesus She's got a dick in her back pocket then I guess I don't understand those like things that was like tongue rings when we were younger Oh, yeah, tongue when people had tongue rings, you're like, oh, dude. She gives fucking gnarly head dog
Starting point is 00:16:49 I'm like, what? No, what first of all, I've never Got a blowjob from a girl with a tongue. Have you either? No, no, we missed that. We're definitely gonna get tweets about I feel like we're too old Though like at this point. Yeah, it's kind of weird 25 is got a tongue ring. Someone's got it right now like fuck you but I mean, I feel like that's you know That's a younger thing. Remember when dudes would get tongue rings. That was weird. Yeah I never I never got a piercing. Do you ever got any piercing? No, but there was one there was one There was a short time where I wanted to get my ears pierced and then uh, my dad found out
Starting point is 00:17:28 And that was the end of that He didn't tell me that I couldn't He just like ripped me apart Yeah, all right, what you fucking Yeah, what do you get next dresses? That's what he does. That's what he tells me. Yeah, okay. Yeah, get you fucking get get your earrings pierced get your ears pierced Get you dress your high heels and your lipstick. I'm like, all right, dad
Starting point is 00:17:52 It's cool, dad. You wouldn't understand I never I never wanted piercings. I've wanted a tattoo before. Yeah, I've wanted I've wanted a tattoo too, but I'm glad I didn't get one honestly. Yeah at this point now I feel like if you haven't gotten your first tattoo by 21 Yeah, it's just unless you know, I mean My whole thing with tattoos is when I was younger I wanted to get to get one, but I feel like I wanted to get it For not for me like for other people to just be like, look dude, I got a tattoo. Isn't that sick? But I'm bad bad ass. Yeah, but it's like too much of a commitment to me. It's like a lot
Starting point is 00:18:28 Yeah, dude, it's on you forever. I mean now there's all this advancement with removals and shit, but I've heard that those hurt Oh god, it's like a crazy and it goes back. Yeah, it's a lot of money and you gotta go like it's like a you have to make trips I mean, I do. I mean, this is a personal thing like I just don't I'm not into like tattoos Not that I'm not into it because like if other people have tattoos, I like it like I like oh, yeah People have dope tattoos. There's about three instagram accounts that I follow of tattoo artists Yeah, it's the last thing on my mind now. It's to get a tattoo, but it's just sick the designs Yeah, I just don't have an appreciation for like that
Starting point is 00:19:03 on me Nor do I think I can think of anything that you care about that much I would put that's another thing. I feel like that represents you like you're gonna put your favorite team or you know Something in your language or some shit or your country like one of my cousins has the entire Greece all of Greece like on his back Yeah, mad greek But that's the whole map that's something that symbolizes you
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah, and I mean Yeah, I mean, it's just a personal thing But I fuck with tattoos. I like them. I forgot what I wanted. I wanted to get one on my forum And my mom was like, you know, if you get that you're never gonna get a job. I was like, ma I just dropped out of college like I'm not getting one anyway I've always wanted one on my the inside of my bicep. I wanted the ny I feel like that hurts Yeah, I've heard that that's the most that I got really close to getting one And then spam actually told me because he had gotten one. Yeah on the inside of his bicep
Starting point is 00:20:05 And he said that The skin is so sensitive over there. Yeah, it is and that that's the worst there and on the side of your ribs Oh So when I heard that I was like, yeah, no shot He just talked to you out of that right away. It's like, you know, the only thing is like I don't like I hate to talk Shit about tattoos because I don't want to like Like I just feel bad like some people like I don't think it's talking shit No, like because I'm not talking shit. No, it's not for me
Starting point is 00:20:29 But I was like when I'm talking shit in the sense of what I'm about to say like when I remember a lot of girls were getting Uh dream catchers on their ribs Like to the point where it's like noticeable that a lot of people had them and it's like Do you just want a tattoo? Like do you want to just be part of something so bad that you'll just get a tattoo of a dream catcher? On your ribs and then make up a meaning for it Like just try to feel like it's one thing if you have if you get a tattoo and you have like you have the meaning for it But to get a tattoo because you you're like thinking of a reason like
Starting point is 00:21:05 What I'm trying to say is like they didn't have a reason to get it There was not a want the only want was like I want to show people that I have this But then you're gonna make up a reason for it. Do you know what I mean? There's a difference there Yeah, I get what you're saying. It's like they just make it up. So get a real dream catcher What about what about when people get names? Of like their girlfriend or their boyfriend. Yeah, that's a I think that's rough Now I understand if you you know your wife or your your husband your kids But like I feel like a girlfriend, especially
Starting point is 00:21:33 Sometimes you'll see on on on social media. They'll be dating for two weeks And it's like the the date is in there and you're talking about people already is 25 26 years old. That's like kind of Yeah, high school-ish. You know where it's even your wife. What happened to the undertaker had sarah across his neck Yeah, I got rid of that. Yeah, he got some like wild shit going on now. I don't know what that is But it's just it's just crazy. That's a big commitment. You'd have to start looking for someone with the same name Like, yo, I saw you much like what's your name jamie? How you spell that? Jai forget it. Nevermind. It's gotta be ie at the end But yeah, like you said tattoos, it's it's everybody's own thing. Yeah, I don't even I don't even know man, but
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yeah, anyway, uh, there was another thing that I saw on the internet Which was fucking interesting. Uh, some woman because I mean this it reminded you reminded me because you were talking about your You just came back from Miami or whatever Some woman recently had her headphones in On a plane and they fucking exploded In her ears. I've heard that about uh, one of the smartphones too had that issue too Yes, she she was listening to music and was asleep at the time She heard a loud bang and she woke up and her fucking headphones were on fire and she burned
Starting point is 00:22:49 Her fucking face. But my whole thing is like what the fuck's going on Why is this shit exploding the samsung that's what it was. Yeah, they were exploding I just like What's good? How do you do that by accident? How do you make a phone go out this might Fucking explode one day. Now. Do you think because I think this is dumb when you get on a plane and they stress out so much About having your you know powering off your device. Well, here's my thing. I don't know the reason why but you gotta do it Anyway, I feel you I do the same thing. I'm up in the air. I'm trying to have everything
Starting point is 00:23:25 I'm like, I'm not trying to interfere with the fucking radar or like Whatever, I don't know. There was an actor. I think it was alex baldwin. Yeah, he refuses He's like, yo, I'm not I'm not turning it off. They're like, you know, it's gonna ruin with I don't know if it's if it's him or his brother But they I'm pretty sure it was one of the baldwin brothers. It is one of the baldwin brothers I'm not sure which one it is but they refuse to like Shut their phones off But I mean like I don't I don't know what could happen
Starting point is 00:23:52 Fucking pilots up there. Oh And then, you know, next thing you know, you're in a river shut your phone off for a second Are you hitting turbulence like what we hit that one time in vegas? Yo, that was the scariest thing Every time I won the plane I think about your reactions and the people behind us got in like that Me and nick. We're all want to play me flu spirit, which by the way Don't fly
Starting point is 00:24:15 Spirit Yeah, for sure. If there's anything you take away from this this particular episode Don't fly spirit. It doesn't matter. I know it looks cheap. It looks nice. No Also, we're idiots because that was that was like in the beginning when we first started really going on vacations And we were like, y'all if it's cheap this is like my third flight ever And we connected flights to save what 70 bucks four hour layover. Yeah Sat in a fucking bar. Yeah in the airport But y'all the turbulence there
Starting point is 00:24:43 My god, we were shaking Dude, I'm like I was I was nervous about flying but after that trip. It's like Turbulence is nothing for me anymore. Like it doesn't scare me at all because that turbulence was insane To the point where it's like now when we hit turbulence. I'm like, we're not this is not turbulence. We're just you know, we're just shaking We were free falling for a couple seconds. It was so scary. It felt like a couple seconds, but yeah It was it was no joke. Everyone on the plane was like, oh, no, no Whoa So let me ask you what were the what were the people next to this lady doing?
Starting point is 00:25:14 Which lady that's a good question. Do you not like how? First of all, how do you not not shit yourself when you hear an explosion on the plane? Yeah, I would be you know, shit would come right right away mayhem. They would have to change me I'll have to go to the bathroom because I would be covered in shit Imagine having to get changed in that tight ass bathroom too Yo, but so I saw pictures of it and she heard like sides of her faces were like black with like I guess burns they didn't look like Really bad burns like they were black. So I guess it was mostly like smoke because burns aren't black. They're like
Starting point is 00:25:48 Kind of flesh color. I mean they are black, but like you could see whatever I'm not going into the fucking details of it, but Uh, she was fucked up. Obviously her fucking headphones exploded in her ears. I'm wearing headphones right now And these exploded. Good night. Could she hear like what was what was her? No, I think she was I think she can hear Still it's just that she had burns all over her face, but I'm just like First of all, how do you fuck up headphones and us and cell phones? Yo, so much so samsung so much so that when you get on a plane They specifically say that please make sure to turn off your your cell phones, especially samsung
Starting point is 00:26:22 Those are fucking exploding in the back. I'm like, are you kidding me dude? Recall them Or if you have a samsung leave that bitch at home. How's that? Yo, have you ever had headphones do that sudden static? Yes And yo, I was doing that one time actually recently two weeks ago I went running at a storey park with espo and And all of a sudden it happens to me and I just start bugging out as if I'm trying to swap out a b
Starting point is 00:26:47 Yeah, and you know just just imagine Swat you So I'm trying to I'm trying to swat out a b So just imagine how dumb that looks like from afar If you see just someone just trying to like get a flyer a b out of the way And I was just doing that and you know, I couldn't hear for for a little bit I know, you know, I was scared to put it back in like when your headphones get a little cracked and all of a sudden it's like And you're like, oh, fuck
Starting point is 00:27:12 I don't like that. I have a pair of uh Beats, which was you know, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever bought Beat headphones. This was one. I had I probably had 600 dollars in my bank account and I spent 300 of it on these have fucking you got those early too Like when they first came out, I remember you gave them to me from one of my trips to Buffalo You had given me the wow. What a fucking idiot. What what how far I've come. I wouldn't give you a fucking That's a lie piece of post it
Starting point is 00:27:41 Even though I've given you most of the posts The connects. Oh my god Yeah, I have I have a pair of beats and they're they're like all fucked up. I don't know how but they like snapped and They're all staticky every time you put them on the fucking wires hanging out of it Just and now everything's now you're looked at weird if you have wires Everything's why we've seen those new iphone. Yeah, I used to shit on people for uh The bluetooth which I still think are stupid. Yeah, I'm not a bluetooth guy at all like
Starting point is 00:28:15 At least look down at the floor. Don't like be don't just like keep moving like you're not like pretending You're not on the phone and talking to yourself I hate that like those businessmen. Yeah, hold on. Yeah, hold on. Uh, yeah, Jim Can we get a 13 and you're like, what's up? I'm like, I'm not fucking talking to you Like, oh, yeah, I'm sorry. You're just looking at me and talking. Yeah, it's like, what are you doing? And I'm from I mean, we're from New York. So if someone's like if I can't see the bluetooth I just assume you're out of your fucking mind and I let you go no one says anything Oh, the worst is during the the winter time, you know, you have your
Starting point is 00:28:46 Your hat over like the winter hat. Yeah covering the you think the guy's bugging out. Yeah talking about himself. I've I've Said what's up to I want to say like four or five people in my life that were had a bluetooth And they give you a look like you're a piece of shit. I'm on the I'm like you're fucking talking up. It's out loud in public And you're looking at me and you have it hidden too. Like I can't even acknowledge that you have that thing on Yeah Jesus
Starting point is 00:29:12 Fucking oh god I hate that it's dumb technology By the way, did you hear this other thing? about a Some school Some school fucking banned What was it? They banned tag at an elementary school in california, bro. They're cutting out physical education left and right
Starting point is 00:29:36 I know what the fuck is wrong with you people Yeah, you banned they banned tag at a school in california at elementary school Probably because some kid got tagged and fucking yeah, and fucking he was bleeding and Whatever the mom came up like this is unacceptable. My son's bleeding how this happened a little file Yeah, how about how about fucking make your kid play a sport get some balance in his fucking legs He's just sitting on the couch playing his fucking Wherever a nintendo switch or whatever the kids are playing nowadays. He's got no strength in his legs
Starting point is 00:30:12 Get him out there doing some squats run around who have some fucking balance You get her playing tag. So you ban tag. That's the dumbest thing. I've ever heard of my life Yo, think about this we now we're we're 25 26 years old and we say yo the younger generation Never gonna know what it's like to just go to the park and Dude, that's how we met and all our friends pretty much met that way We would never we didn't have cell phones And wow, I feel mad old now saying this but like we didn't have cell phones back then and we would just know after We all got out of school at 2 33 o'clock 4 o'clock. We were all at the park. We didn't need to
Starting point is 00:30:50 Hit up each other. No texts. No posts. No tweets. Nothing. We just knew Kids don't do that. Dude. You drive by the parks now. They just built a brand new park They just redid the park where we grew up Looks beautiful. No one's ever there ever at all These kids are there there. You know where they are. They're in the handball court playing handball smoking cigarettes Like What happened?
Starting point is 00:31:15 It's dumb. I someone's when I because I tweeted about this. I saw it on twitter and I tweeted out and I was like You know, it's just kind of ridiculous that elementary schools are banning tag and someone's like Someone tweeted me and told me some schools banned running on the playground probably because some fucking little fat kid Had asthma attack or some shit. Dude. That's what happens one one little incident It's like sometimes it's a freak accident and then people just take that and run with it and then before you know it You can't do anything
Starting point is 00:31:44 But that doesn't make any sense. Like how are they supposed to learn? Or get in shit like a running's dangerous. So I guess we just won't run. Everyone just walk around Or learn How to run like it just sounds like lazy parenting like lazy parenting Like your kid gets hurt. You're gonna complain because you got if I fell down And I got hurt playing tag My dad would be like what's wrong with you You get made fun of knowing your pops for sure. He yeah, he wouldn't go up to the school like my son has a
Starting point is 00:32:18 Scar on his need. He's gonna have for the rest of his life. You got to do something Bandtag no kids can run around anymore. Like how you you're supposed to learn If if your kid touched a hot stove, you don't throw the stove out You go don't touch the fucking stove because you're gonna burn your hand. Yeah, you learned your lesson. Yeah, exactly Don't just fucking throw the stove like all the kid got hurt doing this. Let's throw that out Make sure he doesn't do that anymore. What kind of fucking response is that? Well, they some schools don't even have recess anymore. They don't go out to the yards and just play around Yeah, just let the kids sit at the lunch table and get fatter
Starting point is 00:32:53 Yeah, but give them iPads Give him this candy crush. Give him this fucking food This this prison food and just let him let him just scarf it down Just peanut butter and jelly that's been in a Zip lock bag for three years. It's in the freezer. We thought it and it's you know It's good now that that square pizza square pizza was fired by the way I wasn't gonna talk shit about it. I was gonna say square pizza and then just move on but Now you both I was like, yo, I should you know my mom in elementary school. She knew one of the lunch ladies
Starting point is 00:33:28 And she would hold a pizza for me because if you showed up late, you weren't getting pizza Yeah, that was that was number one. That was a filet mignon of elementary school That was a go-to if you didn't get that you were asked out. Oh, it was so good. It actually wasn't square pizza now It was like it was a rectangle. Oh, yeah, it was like yeah It's like a rectangle, but it was like curved at the edges I don't even want to get into you know shapes and shit I'm serious But yeah, I mean off topic, but I used to get a nosebleed all the time
Starting point is 00:33:57 In elementary school, don't think about it because I talk about the lunch line because I you had to wait on this line And if pizza wasn't there you're not getting pizza. It's not like you could wait for it or whatever Um, you just weren't getting it which I imagine kids nowadays, but This is ridiculous. My son needs pizza. I fucking oh god. I hate it. Um But I used to be standing that line just randomly getting nosebleeds like I was a cocadic Like I did blow all the time. So my nose was just I never I never got a random nosebleed But I know a lot of people that did just I don't know where it just get random ass nose. It's I don't know why I just I wouldn't be picking my nose or anything. I just blood would just start flying out of it. It's just random
Starting point is 00:34:36 Keith used to get nosebleeds all the time Dude, I remember one time a nosebleed family One time we were just playing xbox at your house and you just started started bleeding You started bleeding like fucking Mike Tyson punched him in the face And then he got angry because he had to stop playing so you could go take care of it. It's like oh fuck this That still happens randomly to Keith um But yeah, just going back like I mean I I wrote this down about the the the banning tag thing a while ago, but
Starting point is 00:35:06 Yeah, it was either this morning or last night. I forget But I found this quote That jfk once said and jfk said do not pray for easy lives Uh pray to be better men Or stronger men. I don't want to fuck it up which applies here Okay
Starting point is 00:35:26 You don't make your life easier. Something's hard. Oh, kid. Oh son. That's that's too hard Oh, you don't don't do it then if it's gonna make you upset. No fucking figure it out You're you're crippling the kids by banning tag and banning running. Who the fuck bans running This isn't a pool. That's what they say a lot of a lot of kids issues are when they graduate from high school And then they go to college and then they graduate from College and they go into the real world because they've been pampered their whole time Yeah, you're just eliminating all the hard stuff. Oh, this is too hard. Oh, don't do it
Starting point is 00:36:03 Like what's gonna happen when your mom and dad can't walk you through that scenario? Yeah, they're not gonna be with you at the job interview and then you're you're asked out because you don't know how to handle Shit in life without having mom and dad there or whoever's your guardian Walking you through everything Dude the same thing that you just said if if I was to fall down and I went to my mom Not even my dad. My mom is is it's tougher when it comes to shit like that. She was you know, get up What are you doing? Yeah, I'm gonna go tell him because you fell. Yeah, tie your shoes better Don't trip or some shit like that. You know, I'm gonna go there and complain
Starting point is 00:36:35 Dude, it's it's it's really It's really nice schools are eliminating youth sports Like you know, you would have like your school basketball team. They don't have that. Yeah, no one fucking plays anymore Yeah, that's I sound like an old guy. I'm 25 Yeah, that's how I sound like an old dude. I sound like an old guy like the kids nowadays. They don't know but they really don't They want it. They want an app. They want to play 2k instead of real basketball Fucking yo, my uncle told me this he's like think about when you were 10 years old You would run out your house with no phone no wallet
Starting point is 00:37:08 No money Nothing and you go right to the park. He's like now kids at that age They can't do any of that without like their phone. Yeah, they're phone. Yeah Yeah, we wouldn't have anything I would out and it was like A punishment to not go outside. You can't go out. I would be devastated screaming crying now. It's like you can't go outside Yeah, that's sick. I'm just gonna go That used to be fucking on my computer tablet or whatever the photo
Starting point is 00:37:33 I know I know you're gonna hate this when I tell you but uh, I never got hit when I was younger Yeah, you need that so uh So my punishments were I couldn't go to soccer. I couldn't go to basketball You know, no practice for you that week or you couldn't go out couldn't go out to the park And that was worse for me because I loved it so much I love doing that that that hurt more and I would sometimes my mama tell me that I would beg to get hit In order, please please hit me. Please smack me so I could go to soccer
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah, because I and she knew that that hurt more by not going to that. Yeah, and that's how I learned my lesson. Yeah I mean I got both but you know The spoons. Yeah, you got you got you're staying home and I'm smacking in the face I don't know if I've said this story on here, but the the only time I got hit I was 20 Yeah, I never got hit at 20. I came back from Buffalo after transferring home now. Yeah, I was dorming for two years and Yeah, you're on your own when you dorm. I don't see my parents or I was playing college football too I wasn't I didn't see my parents for three months, you know from august to Thanksgiving And then in the spring too. I'm away. So when I came home one time
Starting point is 00:38:39 I told my mom I was going out. I came back way later the next morning. She chewed me out You didn't call you didn't you didn't let me know what you're doing and my mom's awesome in the sense that She's never like up my ass. She just tells me look where you going. You're going to jose All right, just shoot me a text when you get there and that's it Let me know in the next morning when you wake up. Everything's fine, you know But I didn't do that and then what I said there. I was like, yo ma come on. Let's be real I'm 20 now So she goes to hit me and she I grabbed her arm and I was like, all right, listen like that's not gonna work
Starting point is 00:39:07 It's like, all right, no problem. Y'all three days later. I came out the shower She hit me so hard that I fell back onto my toilet seat Smack the piss out of me. She's like, y'all beat your ass until Until I'm not I'm not living. Oh my god That's great. Yeah, I don't know my dad stopped hitting me. I guess because we stopped being bad because we were getting hit I don't know like I hate to sound like I mean, I think I Like I'm trying
Starting point is 00:39:38 I'm trying to word this in the most politically correct way, but I can't because I feel like I'm all four hitting your kids And like not like hitting them like, you know using weapons or like Really laying into it. Yeah, don't don't go ap start grabbing. Yeah, don't yeah, you know But you know a little little love tap like y'all like the way you would hit a dog On the ass like you're like, hey, you know, just like a quick little thing. Let him know. That's not good I got an idea. We're both football fans. Have your kid run routes and just peg the shit out of me Oh, I already plan on making my kid just do push-ups I know that's also like abuse, but like have them have them do like strong like a 10 yard stop
Starting point is 00:40:16 You know and just throw it before he turns around just Pin them in the back of the head. He's either gonna get hit or is he gonna have great hands in the league? Great awareness here for sure. If I pay off in the long run, you never know. There you go. Yeah I made you do push-ups instead. Yeah. Yeah, you gotta do 10 push-up. You didn't take out the garbage 10 push-ups You didn't do your homework 20 push-ups gonna be diesel at nine. Yeah, didn't do your push-ups 10 more push-ups. There you go Keep stacking them up Fuck it make strong kids Um, but yeah, I don't know. I just feel like
Starting point is 00:40:47 I've I just see a lot of A lot of that like there's a lot of kids Especially in like our neighborhood or younger kids and you could tell like They don't have a really good parenting and it's just like they're just misguided and they just don't They just think the world owes them Especially nowadays like the younger you get we get everything we want in in seconds Yeah, and that was never the case and now it's just like it after living that's that that Lifestyle since you were born you get everything you want in seconds because of the phone because of the computer
Starting point is 00:41:18 Because your parents just want you to shut the fuck up real quick here. Yeah, that's another tablet Sometimes the parents just give in. Yeah, they're like, please just shut up Yeah, here take take this game and just stare at your the screen for the next Fucking year of your life, but uh after living that you just become so entitled and you don't even realize it You feel like I I usually get everything I want immediately. So if I don't get this immediately You know that's not good. It's bad or I'm not gonna do that then I'm gonna give up on that I'm gonna try something else and if I don't get that immediately. I'm gonna try something else. It's like dude You gotta just
Starting point is 00:41:54 I don't even know the answer I don't even I probably sound like a fucking asshole And there's probably older people listening to this going like this kid doesn't know shit about the world And you know what? You're absolutely right I agree with you. I don't Yo, man, we have we have everything so easily accessible like you said and it's in our hands Yeah, it's it's yo one of my professors I had a professor for sociology and one of the first days of class came out encyclopedia
Starting point is 00:42:21 Yellow pages uh old-ass apple desktop remember the ones you sat on ps2 like the colored ones And then he had a bunch of other shade a calculator a compass a map He's like, you know, you see all this all this stuff on the table. He's like it's right here in your hands He pulls out his phone. It's crazy. He's like, you know, you guys have it so easy. Remember encyclopedias Oh, man, I still don't know how to use one. Yeah, I don't do there. It was like It's like numbers and show my yo I can't do this right now It's like, please don't make me openly encyclopedia
Starting point is 00:42:51 My dad used to say it to me all the time if I had a question about it wouldn't make any sense Dad, can I go out use the encyclopedia if you don't fucking know what you're doing? I'm like, okay, dad. Thank you Meanwhile that guy he can't he can't spell anything. He's he's do the crossword all the time and then he would just be like He would yell at mom my first one. My dad calls my mom john I don't know why your dad has called me nick I think twice. Yeah, and it was both times. I spoke to him on the phone like recently. It's like, hey, nick. What's up? I was like, wait, yeah, is this the right he used to call upstairs bobby freddy talking about me and keith our names are keith and joey Uh, I don't know who you got my mom's name is elizabeth. He called her john
Starting point is 00:43:31 So he'd be sitting doing the crossword. Hey, Josh uh How do you spell promiscuous? It's like that What are you doing? He would call dylan josh and he'd called josh dylan. He calls alan greg Yeah, yeah, he doesn't call anyone. I didn't know anyone's name at all But he remembers everything like he always used to yell at me about Having a contact list and my cell phone. He's like, what do you need that for? I'm like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:43:59 He's like, you got you gotta just remember it It's like it's it's nine digits or whatever the fuck it is. What if I say, it's like nine or 10 He's like, just remember it. What do you mean? I was like that. I don't need to I just put the name Just fucking remember he remembers everything He could get from here to alabama and know every street how to get to where I don't know how he knows it I feel like he just studied a world map For fucking five years of his life and that's how he knows that but he used to yell at me about the contact list he's like, what's
Starting point is 00:44:30 he's like He goes, what's uh, frankie's phone number. I'm like, I don't know How do you not know he just flips out he hates he hates technology. He has a flip phone Yo, I remember one time how he would he would randomly ask us questions that he'd hear on jeopardy And then if we knew the answer, he was shocked Yeah, I forgot what the one one that was like 150 percent of like 200 Yeah, that was the one and he said that your cousin went to Notre Dame or something And he didn't know the answer and then he asked all of us. No, he said this he goes. It's impossible
Starting point is 00:45:04 My dad's going like you believe this asshole Impossible And then we would we would tell him the answer to it and he was like, oh coach. He called everyone coach Yo, his dad joe's dad is top five favorite people He's great All right, let's wrap this the fuck up. It's been real uh guys The new show is coming the baseman yard show you're gonna get more details about it soon
Starting point is 00:45:31 But it's gonna be very fucking interesting. Nick, where can they find you if they want to contact you lamb vm 10 on twitter and instagram? I have a sports betting And daily fantasy podcast called at degeneration bets at degeneration bet on twitter Um, if you're a wrestling fan, it's wrestle mania season At squared circle jerks podcast is the name of the podcast Our brown friend frank and i run it at a cj pod On twitter and last but not least Veterans minimal. Oh the sports podcast that we do
Starting point is 00:46:07 One of my favorite things that I do honestly. Um, yeah, that is all Thanks for listening. Yeah, motherfuckers

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