The Basement Yard - Are Robots Gonna Kill Us?

Episode Date: June 18, 2018

On this episode, I'm joined by @DannyLopriore & @JoeyGatto to talk about artificial intelligence & other things that aren't as cool as that. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I have two guests one, you know him you love him It's Daniel O'Piore. Let it and the next we have standing six two That's generous six one six six standing six You're tall from New Jersey From New Jersey Joey Goddow Let's get on let's get a little let's get a little much. Let's get a little you know what I mean Anyway, Joey, we're gonna get to you first. I'm gonna talk about Danny You got a haircut I did and you got a beard cut I did because those shits were fucked up. They were they were pretty banged up
Starting point is 00:00:39 We were sitting down in the other room. We're like editing something and I should look at them like yo You need work. You need this needs work here. You want to know? Alana said the same thing to she was just like what's going on here? Yeah, we need to get this cleaned up Can you angle that mic so I can fucking hear you? Yeah, sorry. Sorry. I've been I've been having trouble with the mice the last couple times Can you hear me now? She's just kid. I'm sorry. I'm trying to run a podcast over here I'm sorry. Yo not to get off topic, but since you said can you hear me now? What a fucking the Verizon. Can you hear me now guy going to sprint? Disrespectful that is that is like the biggest like cheating on someone thing. Yeah, it's it's think about how much money though
Starting point is 00:01:20 They had to pay him Probably not a lot Verizon stops paying him. It wasn't like he was doing a commercial and then the next month he was doing sprint Fuck I felt betrayed like just as a consumer. That's why you gotta go. That's why you got to get on wing, bro What's good? No, but yeah, I understand. I remember saying that I'd be like, oh wow this conniving little cut Yeah, is that that's actually crazy conniving little cut. Yeah, you just got a haircut too. I did. Yes When's the last time you got a haircut? Not not soon enough. Who's the trash one now? I know now. I'm just you know, you know One of my friends described me as white trash once no like dead serious
Starting point is 00:01:58 But like not as like white trash but like we were talking like wedding crashers like like call them white rational reason No, no, no like so here's what I'll say. It was so funny because he was like We were talking about people's styles and the way that they dress or whatever Uh-huh, and my friend Dylan always always takes these like risks where he'll wear like cheetah shoes and Just like he started wearing distress jeans and stuff like that or whatever So we're talking about all this and then he goes. Yeah, and then you got Joey Like Joey kind of just dresses like you know like white trash like he wears like basketball shorts and a t-shirt I'm like dude. We only really hang out when we're like playing ball
Starting point is 00:02:36 Right like what are we supposed to wear here like I don't go to the fucking bar like that. It was so funny Oh disrespectful. No, this is I see Dylan dressed though. He does dress nice. Yeah, he's a very nice dress guy Yeah, he's uh, he rides the line, but that's it He does but that's a thing. I feel like guys like we could change the way we dress Like to and our haircut and our beard is like the closest thing to like cosmetic surgery I could ever do yeah, because I wasn't you who said the thing about the makeup Yeah, yo, so I always think like like you know like girls like I need like an hour to do my makeup And they spend all this money on makeup. I'm like, you know that sucks like I do not want to do that shit
Starting point is 00:03:14 I'm trying to sleep or something. Yeah, but yo if we're ugly, we're fucking stuck with it Yeah, like they could be ugly and just be like, oh, let me like brush this shit here brush that and then like Fire they can they have a shot. They have a shot two points. I think especially if you're going wait In a dark area a seven can become a nine. Well a dark area. Yeah dark. You're like a bar Broad day like are you I know the truth is exposed two points two points? I think I think you go up to two point I got plus alcohol. You could the number varies all over the spectrum I think the higher you go maybe the smaller the increase, you know But I think a four to a six is maybe more reasonable than a seven to a nine
Starting point is 00:03:56 But two points it will say is the max it's possible So that's a thing though, they could put I guess I could never get cosmic surgery But wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, you could I can't say you never I could what would you get? I don't know. Maybe uh Probably get like fake teeth or something fake teeth But like the nearest like real like like celebrity teeth like Bruno Mars teeth. Yeah, I get like, you know Bruno Mars teeth We're fucking garbage where they were dude. I mean, I just like like a pumpkin like billionaires Bruno Mars before then
Starting point is 00:04:32 Before oh really? I'm talking like 15 year old Bruno. Oh, we're not Christiana Ronaldo that fucking banged up heaters, too Oh my god. Yeah, he did yo Christiana Ronaldo's teeth. We're all fucked up that guy Like I would get like normal looking like rich people teeth and then maybe I would get like scrotox What the fuck is scrotox? I would get like like tighter balls Is that is that a real thing it's gotta be yo, I believe scrotox I feel like I've heard that before I'm coming out of your own mouth. I'm just saying I'm just saying I'm just saying if I was to do anything Cosmetically that would make me maybe feel a little better like I don't want better control of my balls
Starting point is 00:05:17 Wait, so what do your balls look like that you that are just like I need to do something Like dangly old-man balls, but I would like yeah, I would like like like just perched perfect balls Speaking of balls I think what I would do is maybe like a laser hair remove the balls because oh That's a good one. Thank you all here. Think about it You could shave like around like the dick. First of all, I don't shave my balls. Oh, I shave my balls I don't shave my balls. You don't shave your balls. No, you put razors near your balls I'm saying there's too many you can trim you can trim if it's getting crazy
Starting point is 00:05:47 Exactly trim, but if I could laser that shit off fire. Yeah, I'll dip it in that's got a laser sounds like the most painful Yeah, I would have all the time though. You got to knock me out for that. Yeah, and see shit Like I wouldn't like get like my nose or anything. No, I wouldn't either I I'm too afraid to do stuff like that. Well, if you had to get something if I had nobody knows Nobody knows what how they not know it's just one of those things you go in get it done and nobody knows cares That big one a cosmetic surgery, you know, what if you could get just abs so like this liposuction count Yeah, yeah, like Kanye West. I'll have like those such as the way y'all made Rob feel at the wedding and fly home early Yeah, I got like those such and then I got addicted to opiates. Yeah. I was on opioids. I
Starting point is 00:06:41 Went two days without opioids and then I went to the hospital Yeah, but I probably do that because I would want to be like ripped up. Yeah, but you don't have a muscle there Like you just be skinny. No, I'd be skinny. No, first of all You guys are sleeping on the kid. The boy's got some muscle down there. I think you look great. Thank you I'm saying though if I had like if I got like a little light bow suck Yeah, just pull a little bit out Yeah, so I'm selling out not a whole lot of maybe like, you know one fourth of the actual surgery and just get Get a little out of there. I'd be ripped up. Yeah, I'd be nice
Starting point is 00:07:10 Yep. All right, so that's a because I don't I don't have the dedication to like actually diet and like work hard Well, it's like also like if it's I feel like certain people store fat in certain areas Like differently. Yeah, but you can yours apparently are in your balls and my balls. Yeah, I just wanted like Tight tight enough. Aren't you like when you get cold on your balls? Yeah, like the rhino balls where they get they feel like old Like a old rhino skin. We talked about it. Have you touched the rhino before? Yeah, wait, where you never touched a rhino No, I've never touched a rhino But like Craziest animal you've ever touched pet. Yeah, like touched
Starting point is 00:07:56 Sexually Please what I don't know what you were talking about I touched a porcupine once. All right, not smart. Also also cut him off No, so I was a camp counselor when I was in high school and they had like weird animal day at the camp Oh, they always bring like the safari guy comes and he has them all and I was the only one like I was like, yo Let me touch this for you. I'm trying to stab myself real quick. Did it hurt? Only it like if you get hit once but like it like distributes on like, you know, your finger Yeah, it was pretty
Starting point is 00:08:29 By the way, that's what happens at camps. Is it a porcupine or porcupine porcupine porcupine for sure Porcupine. Yeah, porcupine. I think so. It sounds like I'm saying porcupine Which I'm okay with porcupine. It's fine. What's the difference in a porcupine and a hedgehog? Once smaller Once once faster the hedgehog is much faster and one son. It's not Sonic the porcupine. Yeah, it's I don't even know the craziest animal crazy how successful that was too. It's like, yeah, hold up. I got this idea There's this hedgehog, right? Yo, he's super fast. Yo, Sonic if Sonic never existed I don't think hedgehogs would either. Nope. I think we would have got a lot for their brand
Starting point is 00:09:13 We did a lot for the hedgehog brand. Oh, but cosmetic surgery. What would you get? I Said laser ball hair removal. Oh, yeah, although, you know a little bit out of here to help up the ab process Come on, bro. Can't beat that. No, fuck that. No, but I've held the Python before I don't think I've ever held anything cool Yeah, I don't fuck with snakes if there's three things we could just get rid of snakes Mosquitoes and spiders. I don't care what the fuck happens to the ecosystem or the rest of the world. I agree I'm done. I said I said we get rid of mosquitoes. That's a given
Starting point is 00:09:43 I feel like mosquitoes are way more dangerous than anything. They don't help anything Yeah, I gotta I gotta worry about like what's not all now. It's like frog food I think that's what they do. But you know what frog food frogs can go to fuck frogs What you like frogs the kind of cool. I don't dislike. I don't a picture of it. I don't wish death upon frogs. I do I do I Don't I just like I what are the way that come? What are you doing? All right. Hey, we wouldn't have Frogger without them. That's true. Oh, no What the other wait a other thing going back to the cosmetic surgery Yeah, do you think it would be weird if somebody got cosmetic cosmetic surgery for their pet?
Starting point is 00:10:24 What the fuck does that cuz like you already get your dog like neutered, right? Yeah, by the way, it's not cosmetic surgery. I'm just letting you know the whole tighten your balls thing I don't know. I think that's something you'd regret because my dog had some of the tightest nuts on this side of the Mississippi Yeah, and when he would lay down and the light would hit off him Shit's we're blinding shiny balls The reason I was gonna ask is when people get the dogs ears pinched up like clipped Oh, like that's cause that's cosmetic surgery Or I know cats will get their claws removed like yeah, are you for against that? Why do they clip dogs?
Starting point is 00:11:06 Ears because to make them permanently stand up It's a surgery. It's a cosmetic surgery. I would never do that, right? Just let them have floppy ears. Yeah, first of all floppy ears are fucking amazing. I'm all about the flop. I'm about the flop That's why I was gonna say Fuck that my dog Maybe if the ears were like so long that they were tripping over them I could see but then I doesn't really fall in the realm of cosmetic surgery That's kind of like we're getting into breast reduction. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, which is an okay surgery to have
Starting point is 00:11:36 What breast reduction if you need it? I mean, yeah, some people got hams that are fucking too big and your back's gonna fall off or whatever Just hammer life. It's insane. I would not give them to anyone else though So if I'm getting my tits done and reduced, I'm keeping those tits just in case I want to go bronze in those. Yeah Yeah, or I'm just keeping them like in a freezer in my basement Like, you know the freezers where they put dead bodies and then you find them like, you know, whatever Then there's just like this whole investigation Netflix documentaries
Starting point is 00:12:04 But I'm keeping them in that freezer just in case I'm back, you know what I'm going back Oh, and they go back to the doctor and be like, hey Shove these back in you wouldn't go down. Just like give him an old like an old slap Like when you're in the supermarket, you ever slap like a piece of You go down as my old tits. There's a rabbi. I just I look at these old titties. Yeah That'd be dope hanging What are you doing down there? I'm done. I'm not slapping my old titties around. Oh, all right. Bring a case of water when you come up to
Starting point is 00:12:36 All right Shut my door. All right. So if you wouldn't get cosmetic surgery, I don't think any of my dog in hell No, no, no on yourself Not really percentage you would get cosmetic surgery if nobody would find out Zero to a hundred a hundred being absolutely. Yes, I would say like 15 really is that a lot? No your confidence fuck. I would say me more like 60 I'm afraid of surgery. I'm afraid to be put I'm afraid to be put under because I'm gonna wake up and like Do I have everything I had before but do you have like a part of your body that like you're most obsessed with?
Starting point is 00:13:17 Obsessed with like either good or bad like yeah, I wish my nose was a little different or like I wish my hands were bigger or I wish I don't know not really I guess It's time to get vulnerable it's time to get vulnerable I think the only thing that like I mean to be honest with you the re-answer the real answer is like I don't right But if I had to choose something I would say like my hairline Like I have like a cowlick sort of on on one of the sides of my head Yeah, so the hairline goes up a little further. So if I'm like turned this way and My hair is that way it looks like it's pushed I have like a I got hit by something when I was younger
Starting point is 00:14:07 I have a scar okay, so it's like it goes up mad hot if you have all your hair No, I know but it's like it just goes it just looks so if like but the hair is parted correctly It looks like I'm my hairline for seating got you but like I don't really it's not that crazy right, you know I would want bigger hands. I Feel like I got little hands like a part of me is like look at that Wow, I got little hands dick to you. I got little hands. I wish I just had like a little bit bigger hands Like they're thick as fuck again. I clap you up. They're super thick for sure
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah, they're super thick. I could clap you for sure, but like I want a little bigger hands If I could also in sports like yeah, big move You ever go to like the NBA store and like match your hand up against like shacks and shit like yeah It goes around like half. Yeah, it's insane. I'm sorry. Would you change anything? Or a part of your body that you're obsessed with I'm not I wouldn't ever do anything which is why I didn't use the answer before I think I'm not a huge fan of my nose. I think it's a little big Really, and I think that's why I smell so well
Starting point is 00:15:16 I've got the nose of a fox on a separate note kind of related. I think it'd be fun to have like a 14 inch cock Oh No, no, no for like a day only a day Yeah, hold on 14 oddly specific number Yeah, yeah, where'd you get 14 because I thought if I went with a foot that was too like normal of a number So I went a little above that was was my and 13's unlucky. We also didn't want to say You don't wanna Oh
Starting point is 00:15:56 Shit, yo, that's funny. You ever thought about that what a 14 inch dick. Yeah. Yeah, it's guys. It's a lot That you would that would be so awesome while you're by yourself and the time would come to Perform and it would just be like too much. You can't get a 14 inch dick in a girl No, but maybe not Why would the butt be easier because the butts deeper? I Think I'm not up on my measurements. You need to call us and see She would know we call us. Hey, Asa, which is deeper the Vajra the age the BH. Yeah Yeah, but I don't know a 14 inch dick is did you know babies come out of yes, so yeah
Starting point is 00:16:44 I think we could fit a 14 inch digger. Yeah, it's a huge hammer. Yeah, I don't know What's like a perfect dick size? I don't fucking know but I think having like a 14 inch dick is just kind of like a having like a Ford F-150 Living in New York City with no driveway. It's like, where are you gonna park this thing? That was actually a very good As soon as I finished my sense, I was like that came out so smooth Oh, but it's seriously like having that because I recently had to get a new car and then I went now seeing like these big Trucks and shit, and I'm like, I can't park this anywhere like why then why would I have this too big tell them what you got
Starting point is 00:17:24 Listen, this is dope, but I need a Prius. This is definitely more reliable. You know, have you seen his new car? I saw pictures fire. Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna go get pies in it later We're gonna go get some pies later. We're gonna go get some pies just a three-way mandate to get some pies So you would get a penile implant is what you're saying. Oh, no, is that a thing? Yeah. Yeah, it is. Yeah, you can Yeah, mm-hmm. Wait, so what happens? I think they take a piece of your cone or something Wait and do what? You can't extend the length. But how do you extend? I have a friend who used to work at a surgery center who did this so I've had this conversation So wait, so wait, so you just cut your your shit in half and then add like a bridge. You can't make it smaller, by the way
Starting point is 00:18:05 Yeah, you can't. No, they put something in there. Yeah, so you can't go back to your normal size Well, I mean if I'm sure they can take like whatever the fake material out is but like, you know You can't like reduce My understanding as of now is you can't reduce your cock size, but you can make it a little bigger Right. I think the max is a cover. Is it covered by Fidelis? Yes, fully covered anybody who wants to But no, that is not my answer. I just wait wait wait wait wait. I'm still I'm still kind of like You can't just throw something in your dick and make it longer because there's skin and there's other Components here. I'm sorry if I made it sound easy. I'm sure it's a difficult
Starting point is 00:18:43 I'm thinking like you have to cut your your shit You have to cut your shit in half and then add like a bridge I thought they maybe they would cut down the tip the p-hole like down the middle and then put it in and then sew it back up Yeah, but what I'm saying is like you don't have enough skin Your dick's your dick like the skin is your skin. You have to get a skin You can't just stretch that to the absolute max. Yeah Is it like Tommy John surgery where they take like a ligament from your leg and put it in your elbow? Maybe throw like an ACL in your dick. That'd be fire. Oh fastest dick in the land. There's somebody out there with a bionic dick
Starting point is 00:19:17 Probably not. Can you yeah, they have prosthetic dicks. Oh, yeah, they do Well, that doesn't make their bionic. I don't think a bionic. I mean like controlled by like a remote Like it's just no, but that is the thing that they could pump it up Right. Also, it's telling us about that. That's a bionic dick Yeah, I don't want that. I don't want to get cosmetic surgery on my penis My penis is fine. Yeah, I'm cool. I'm I'm right, you know Like I feel bad like like imagine if you had like a micro penis Yo, I didn't know that that I can't find how it's done. I did not know a micro penis
Starting point is 00:19:52 I thought that was a diss. I thought it was like ha ha bitch you got a micro That's a fucking like medical condition. Yeah. No, what do you do? Cuz like yo when I was just rock your dick like slang when I was a kid like like like a like a diss was like Yo, you got baby meat. That's what they would say. Yeah a small dick, right? I just thought micro penis is like a sophisticated way of saying you got baby meat, right? No, I just I don't know you just gotta rock you just gotta rock your dick man It's like Mike. I'm sure there's some advantages to having a micro penis rock the mic It's probably I mean, I'll be honest porn audience. Oh, there's definitely there. I you could see it small dick porn
Starting point is 00:20:31 humiliation porn With the girls like this little fucking dick, you're like, I don't know how anyone's into this, but it's just like it's not that small You're so go easy on me. Yeah, that's the worst in like POV porn when they're like talking to you They scare you a little bit. Sometimes you'd like take fucking pussy. I'm like, yeah, I don't know Next video, I'm not sure skip I Hate the porn Those porn ads be like what a fuck somebody in your city right now
Starting point is 00:21:05 She's like, nah, let's just skip this like I'm just it's why I'm here. I don't want to That sounds like more work. We're gonna do the least amount Do you think having a micro penis is kind of like having like a cup boobs Like there's advantages like you probably don't have to worry about wearing Boxers that much because like you're not showing or something. I don't know. I mean running Might be easier for both parties. Yeah, they probably chafed like a nip. Oh Like the tip chafes against your shorts. That's terrible. Yeah, I Mean damn dudes
Starting point is 00:21:41 Thank God, this makes you just think like your dick can be in way worse No, but the thing with the dick versus a cup is like, you know, you meet you meet a girl And she's got a cup boobs, but then like you're like, oh, I like her like you take her back to the crib Like you already know what's up. She she doesn't know what's going on down there. Yeah, that's so much room for disappointment Think about the stress That is to be like, you know, I closed this deal all the way And I have to like show this person my micro penis. First of all, think about that's horrible Think about the women's perspective also. Yeah, it's like I like this guy like everything about him
Starting point is 00:22:17 But there's still something I don't know yet And you got to find out what what that whole thing is like And then they're stuck with it. I can't imagine Unfeeling dicks. I can't imagine that imagine unhaving to unveil Every day you're not every day Who's like every time it happens you kind of like It's kind of like, you know, when you drop your iPhone face down, you're like, uh, you try to check it real quick It's that's kind of like what it's like for women where it's like kind of like
Starting point is 00:22:47 Have you guys ever done other people's lives of like somebody with a micro penis would love to do that No, we haven't yo do that one. I can't just go out and get one, but I'll try what we're gonna say I was just gonna say analogies the phone thing. You're on fire today. Hey, your analogy game is stepped up I am doing You're good job today. You're one of those guys shake my hand. Thank you so much. I will say yeah One one type of guy you are not is You have a leaky sink my friend What your sink is leaky. What does this have to do with a micro dick? No, no, no, no
Starting point is 00:23:23 Oh, we're talking about dicks talk about man. Oh being a man. Oh being a man being a man. Yeah Isn't it kind of weird how like our generation like doesn't know how to fix anything? I Honestly, it's pathetic like around the house like we like I remember my dad. Oh the sink's broken Spend the whole Thursday under there. Yeah, just fucking fixing that thing. Yeah, I couldn't fix shit. Yeah, it's not good I'm worthless with that stuff. Like could you fix a door? What do you mean by fix a door that door on the frame put it back? I Be I'd be honestly, I'd be able to do it
Starting point is 00:24:00 I'd be I'd be kind of nervous the entire time. Honestly when I get something from my key I got to put that shit together. I get home. I'm like, oh fuck like what have I got myself into? Yeah, like this desk is a lot. I'm just jealous of those guys that are like, oh, you're fucking alternators fuck. Yo, just pop it Yeah Let me check it out. I'm sitting in there. He's like, you know when I tell you to start it start it I'm like, all right. She's like, you know, this guy is fucking such a man I'm a bitch. Yeah, this dude's hands are just like they feel like fucking matchbooks. Yeah, it's like this guy's touching Either this guy's making up for his micro penis. Yeah, he's just the coolest
Starting point is 00:24:38 I'll tell you when to start it. I'll tell you when to start it is basically like shut the fuck up Yeah, do what I say. Do it. I say you little bitch. Yeah, it's an alternator. You idiot You got cables you got I'll take care of it. Yeah Like fireman to the huh like fireman. Yeah, those dudes are pretty fuck badass. Yeah Oh, yeah, well, they all also know how to do all that. That's what I'm saying My experience that's what I'm saying My dad was a fireman all his friends and everything my dad had a construction business So my dad could build a house, but he doesn't he doesn't know the difference between a tweet and a twat, right?
Starting point is 00:25:12 Like he literally used to say, what is that thing you will with the twat? I was like dad. What are we talking about? I don't know. I don't remember having this conversation. He doesn't know the terminology I think like a part of that's a lost art. That's like an old-school fucking dad thing Yeah, like now there's apps to have people come and like do those things for you But yeah, it's it's pretty pathetic. That's actually interesting You know how people talk about like how technology has taken away a lot of jobs But this is probably one area where people have stopped doing this thing themselves and have hired Yeah, or people like a plumber like nobody knows how to be a plumber anymore except for a plumber. Mm-hmm like my dad was a plumber architect
Starting point is 00:25:49 Fucking contractor. He did everything. It could masonry. He did all that shit. What is masonry? It's like stone. That was an alchemist. Your dad was it My dad was a wizard. My daddy was a wizard. He was a magician But I can't do shit If I hang out if I hang a photo like a frame on the wall and it's level Yeah, right? That's another thing. So a lot of it too is just having the appropriate tools Which like I don't have a level I have a screw gun, but I don't have like a level And my dad had like fucking mitosaurus and table saws and fucking what all kinds of shit
Starting point is 00:26:27 And we'd be in the backyard and he just knew how to hold this hold the hold the fucking end like a man. All right Guided through a table. Everything was like a man. Yeah, hold this like a How's a man hold this my dad my dad was the most manly man in the world literally we had a bench press in my garage and he's like So lay down on the bench And I'm like
Starting point is 00:26:53 It's like dirty. I mean it was really dirty all fucked up He spits twice And then takes a towel and wipes it down And goes all right go Like dad, this is worse than it was before. Yeah, now it's dirty and spitty. I had to lay down though Did you did you put up that weight put up plates? Yeah, it was like it was like 115 pounds popping plates. Yeah popping plates. I did like one rep. It's fire though. It's sick
Starting point is 00:27:23 I was like fucking I don't even know how old I was but we do have to get that that sink fixed We do have to get my sink fence. Yeah I just say fence. Yeah, you gotta see your sink fence. I don't know But you know what's pathetic with when I first moved into this apartment I had a bunch of things that needs to hang and I was like, you know what I'm not gonna do it I'm just gonna stack all these things up hire a guy to Do all of it
Starting point is 00:27:44 And then I was like, what am I doing And then I I put them up But the thing is it is so awesome that you could hire whoever you want whenever you want It is but it also is like crippling in a way. I guess so what do you think about like people who like Don't like raise their kids and like have like nannies raised their kids I'm not crazy about that. I'm not crazy about that either. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I hear you Yeah Come on. Yeah, I mean, it's it's tough. I mean like I was raised by my mom
Starting point is 00:28:17 Um, but I guess I'm just trying to put myself in the shoes of someone who has like a really important job And like, you know, it's better than like leaving. Yeah, sometimes you can't can't work like like is the I just think it's so it's like you shouldn't have a kid. No, I just think it's so wack Like if your kid has like a softball game And like you can't like the nannies there Yeah, no for that's lack Nannies gotta go to baseball games. Yeah, the ones taking care of you and shit Kind of salary. Just like someone there to support you. Yo, nannies get paid, bro. Do they oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:28:46 Fuck yeah, like all day living nannies Yes Because you want the most fire nanny because they're raising your kids. Yes, like when someone nice comes in like They ask for it What is it like those Jamaican nannies are getting paid Jamaican nannies. Yeah a lot of nannies are Jamaican. Yeah Yeah Damn, I would want to jake jay makin Jamaican nanny haven't a Jamaican nanny be pretty fire
Starting point is 00:29:11 I think it would be hell. Yeah I think like the any ethnic any ethnicity is It's probably I don't know if I want a white nanny. No I wouldn't kind of need this I already know. Yeah, I come home. I do this. Yeah, you know, I don't need you to do this Teach me how to that's interesting. Teach me how to cook something cool A different like almost culturing your kid by having a nanny from a different background I think that's if you're gonna do that you got to go
Starting point is 00:29:39 outside your ethnic group Yeah, dude, you know what's funny. I was having this conversation with someone Man white people are gonna be so mad at me now I said and like I'm so obviously I know that I'm white. Let's not we don't have to go over that half of me is like No, but I was like saying how like Really really really white people are the worst All right. All right now. I want you to go in and tell me why I expected something so much more profound
Starting point is 00:30:09 No, no, no, no, I just like I don't know it just First of all, it's just weird. Can you define really really really white people like tying a sweater over your neck? Right. All right, like brad and chad. Yes. Yeah, like you like you go on a ski trip And you come home and you still have those ski Tags on your jacket. Yes from four ski trips ago Cut the fucking tags off. We get it. You're rich enough to go skiing. I get it. Yeah, exactly You got like six vacations a year Yeah, and look it's not it has nothing to do with the things that we're talking about
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's just like a certain type of person Usually does those things. Yeah, and I it's just Turns you off that's why I'm the reason why I brought that was because like I don't want that kind of nanny No, I don't want that. No, you know, I want my kid to learn some shit Yeah, I don't want you to fucking sit there and Talk to him about horse racing or polo or whatever. Yeah You fuck out of here. I don't want any of that. You're Lacoste sneakers. Come on We're looking way down the road like we're looking way past like just even being engaged or being married
Starting point is 00:31:10 We're talking nannies. Yeah, we're assuming we're all gonna be so successful that we're all gonna be able to afford nannies Yeah, then we could be like, you know what my job's so important. I cannot stay home We just did the whitest thing possible About talking about what type of nannies we're gonna have Oh, it's not good But it's really engagement. So this p david said ariana grande thing. Oh my god. Do you believe this? I mean, it's it happened. Is it real? Yo poor mac man. Who's mac mac? Yo moment of silence
Starting point is 00:31:46 For what? Oh, he got broken up with. Yeah, she likes to date weird white dudes Then she used to date big shon though, right? She's the big shon. She used to date this youtuber j brooks um Yo, one time I was at a party at uh, the janaskan's house Which is the group j brooks was in and I was hammered and I saw this It was when they were dating and I saw this girl with red hair walked through the door It was not ariana grande but my drunk ass was like like like blurry vision drunk ass saw her And I like I like ran away because I thought I was gonna embarrass myself and then I found her and it was some random red head
Starting point is 00:32:19 You ran away. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, oh my god. Like I went to go find someone and be like, yo, that's ariana They were like, bro, like she's over there She's like, no, it's not dude. The fuck you talking about But yeah, she she she uh, she dates dates dates a lot of people. She's not a lot of people She's not taylor swifton. The other thing is though her numbers are up there Yeah, no ariana's numbers up there with taylor swifters taylor swif gets it in dude. Yeah, she does But although although I don't think she gets it in not actually like look at them and that's why they break up or she fucks I think
Starting point is 00:32:53 So that's a why yeah, I think taylor swif fucks. Yeah, she's a powerful woman. I mean she is she is very she's a fierce woman and but I I think that Yeah, I think she I think she holds out. I don't think that's the reason why but I think she does on purpose It could be she tested the waters with guys Bad blood, but I'm saying I'm saying you look at the list, right? You got like uh, like celebrities who got like like a lot of relationships. They've been in right you got sure Taylor Swift's up top. Yeah. I agree. That's number one. He's fucked the world. Yeah, john mayer's up there Yeah, he's fucked the world and dude. He could have gone off quality
Starting point is 00:33:27 He might be the winner because honestly, I would probably saw off anybody part jennifer aniston wanted just to be in the same building as her Yeah, that's pretty white. But top five. I think ariana's up there and also it's kind of unfair What's her body count like? No, but it's also lacks with the body count. I'm talking about things We know about we have that kid who you're talking about the youtube kid. He fucked her, you know I after the time they spent together, I would I would hope so him I don't want to throw her under the bus. Listen big Sean mac miller p. Dave's That's four. It's all we know about that's four. That's not bad It's not bad. No, but I'm just saying relative to like celebrities who date other celebrities
Starting point is 00:34:10 I feel like that's more than we usually hear about. I'm not trying to say she's number one You're right. Taylor might be number one. Taylor's up there dude The reason I like ariana grande is because everyone she dates is less famous than her Well, she's mad. She's very famous though. Yeah, but she could date some like no big shot I would put him her and uh Big Sean kind of like on the same level at one point when they when they did when they dated Can't Rap music is not perceived like it is here internationally like pop stuff like like her edm stuff like around the world
Starting point is 00:34:45 Like she's really well known and also remember. She was like the star of a Nickelodeon show for a long time I don't know that she's got she's got a lot of more clout. She was on she was on victorious I love how like clout became like a huge word this year. I hate it. It's a word that I hate that I fucking Acknowledge. Yeah, I won't say fam or lit seriously. Why people ruined all that. See I'm not in back. Sorry guys But they did. Yeah, you know when like yo like listen Just to make it easy for you guys you guys can try and understand what I'm talking about when I say all this stuff Obviously, like take it easy if you're angered by this then fucking blow me an unsubscribe. I don't know what to tell you but
Starting point is 00:35:21 Fucking when when when like jake paul or logan paul or any one of those like white youtubers They're like dabbing because all the other dances from hip-hop culture is are too hard and you need rhythm But dab's easy. Yeah, so it's like all right. I'll dab and I'll hit them folks They do that. They killed fuck boy that word It was like What can I say something about clout clout? They ruined and also fuck boy is like, you know what it's the replacement for but Yeah, like It's kind of like some of these words have like like a necessary function
Starting point is 00:35:58 In in the world like clout like what like that's like street cred Like what other word could be used like I feel like it represents an idea of like temporary like relevance I don't know what other word to use like lit is stupid and fam is stupid There's so many other words that are interchangeable But clout like I feel like it gets the point across clout I guess because it's like kind of like a crossover like white people can use it. I guess I hate it. I hate like this whole clout shit. I just hate when when I just and I hate this Yeah, when when white people do this. I lose my mind. What is that my minds more than one my minds
Starting point is 00:36:35 But I mean for those of you who can't see I'm basically making the spider-man Thing with my hands and then raising my arms up and down alternating when white people do that like oh gang gang gang Like dude, you're literally from calabasas. Yeah, please shut the fuck up Please stop. You're ruining it. You're you're making us look bad. Yeah, it drives me nuts But she does date less famous guys, which is kind of dope. She does mac miller is significantly less famous than her And p davidson is significantly less famous. Yes. Yes very a lot a lot to be engaged to her After eight minutes It can't it can't be real has to be a joke. No, it's real
Starting point is 00:37:12 I think that they were might have been uh smashy smashy on on the low. Yeah, I was talking to my friend about this That's what she thinks. She's like they're probably either friends for a really long time So it was like you just got it's like getting back with your ex and then you know like things pick up faster. Yeah, yeah, or uh Or maybe just maybe think about how much we don't know about Maybe they had like an earlier thing. Yeah, where they were you know and then You know the whole mac miller thing happened and when that was going sour He was kind of like you can talk to me and then when that was officially done Then they were like, oh my god, you were there for me and like we had this thing before like let's just get married
Starting point is 00:37:49 Because he has tattoos of her That's so weird. He has like an ag on his hand and then some other thing behind his ear Mac like the bunny. No, no, no, no like her bunny ear logo. Let's tattooed on his ears Too early for that too early for that Honestly, I think all times are too early for that. I gotta have you gotta have my kid We were talking about this have to have my child in order to have that tattoo Yeah, for sure like the like jane getting big shawn tatted on her arm was like I like jane a lot, but
Starting point is 00:38:18 That's a level of commitment that my my brain cannot comprehend I get like Maybe a name But just a straight up picture. Yeah Never tattoo your own name too No My name. I know my fucking name. Yeah I gotta put joe on my arm the fuck
Starting point is 00:38:38 Who has that no like like a last name. Oh like on your back Yeah, what is this a jersey like come on Well, you're still in school, right? Yeah You're smart as fuck Yeah, I read Harry Potter. I'm sorry. Yeah, but what do you what do you study like quantum physics? No, but I actually like side note think that that's maybe the most badass major you could have quantum physics quantum physics or like astrophysics What do you study something physics? Machine learning
Starting point is 00:39:09 The fuck's that man Um, it's like the it's like the it's like AI but like the computer science part of it Wait, you're learning how to build robots Um, not the robotics parts, but like the the brains behind it Oh, I gotta talk to you then I gotta talk to you have a conversation with you now I work in a computer vision particularly so like how computers like process images and see stuff Okay, so here's the thing Fuck can you walk over to the other department where they talk about like the brain and whatnot and make sure like
Starting point is 00:39:36 Here's my real question. Are we gonna die? No Don't listen to Elon Musk. I'm not listening to Elon Musk. I don't even know who the fuck that guy like I don't know what he says Sorry, that's just he's a big, uh, you know Advocate that we're gonna be like killed by like AI in like 20 years. Oh, so me and him share that No, I I completely wholeheartedly disagree. Why because there's a lot of robots that are kind of freaky No, they're not Like the fee of the robot. Is that your tongue? No, I just anyone I'll beat the shit out of that robot That opens that door. Nope. The robot remember that one. It's like
Starting point is 00:40:11 I'm like open like wiggle opens the door. I'll kick that robot's ass. Yeah, you're not you're not beating up a robot Here they are a machine. Yeah, but I just if you definitely beat that robot up get a hose. Yeah, I'm pleasure Yo, people feel like robots get to go for the world. I'm like, yo when it rains They're fucked. Yeah until we until we make some shit that like it's waterproof. How hard is that? You could spray him with that flex seal bull shit. That's true. That's true. That guy is TFC flex seal like I slapped on the bottom of a boat. It's chilling. I think we would see like a west world type thing first Before like they took over the world. No, I think that robot of like you don't you don't think there's a possibility That a robot can get too smart and then be like that's it. Not just not in the next hundred years
Starting point is 00:40:51 Maybe kill like a baby or something that sounds like more but like I would if you leave an AI robot with your baby But there is no AI. Okay, let me explain something So there's something called artificial general intelligence, agi That's what you're describing like a robot who has achieved human level intelligence and by that we mean Can do all of the cognitive processes that you and I do at the same time with no intervention Then there's narrow AI, which is like how you can log into your phone with your face. That's just seeing or just seary hearing When you give it one task. Yes, it's as smart as a human But to have one computer who can do everything a human can do we don't have any idea how to do that one
Starting point is 00:41:37 We can't study the human brain really. It's kind of unethical. What we do know is very limited We have no idea how the human brain works um and same Two, I mean I can give you some examples. I know the the AI research director at facebook. His name is yan lakun He thinks that we are 20 years away from AI as smart as a mouse The guy who invented the algorithm that underlies all AI thinks that we need to throw it out and start over because it's not actually how humans think So like the academic community is so against that mindset
Starting point is 00:42:08 but no one hears them they just hear elan musk and The thing you have to keep in mind with elan is that um When somebody is selling self-driving cars. I think it's really good for his brand to come out and say Um, I'm really scared of AI. So, you know, this guy's scared of robots Then he's the guy I want buying my self-driving car from right like he's the safest with robots It's a branding thing. It's total bullshit and it's hype He knows and and to be fair to elan. He discusses other issues that involve like AI But every headline of every interview he does is like, you know, our robot's gonna kill us
Starting point is 00:42:44 But in reality, it's distracting from like issues that are happening now with AI that no one's talking about like something that just happened um The us military tried to hire google to develop like weapons And the google accepted and all the employees boycotted it And so we're not going to do that And then eventually google came out with like an AI ethics policy saying like we're not going to help build AI that kills people And um, there are so many things like this getting swept into the rug because all we're talking about is this Human like robot that is not going to exist for a very long time
Starting point is 00:43:17 damn First of all, I think you feel a little better. I haven't heard that that much that many bars In one small amount of time to be fair. I wrote my my final paper of my writing class. Okay. Okay. That makes a lot I feel very passionate about it because I work there and in that field and like I just see all these issues I can give you another example of like an AI issue that no one's talking about like hear it There was a study done by this Harvard professor her name is latanya sweeney and she googled herself
Starting point is 00:43:48 And um, she found that there were these ads popping up on the side that said like latanya sweeney arrested question mark So just she naturally thought like oh wow if someone with my name has a criminal record Like I should know about it because I wouldn't want it to be confused with me. I don't want to like to hinder my career So she clicked through the link pays the uh, the fee to find out more, you know from this site And it finds out there's no one with her name Who has a criminal record? So she's thinking are is google targeting ads at like racially associated names And she was able to prove that people with like african-american sounding names like uh, like latanya
Starting point is 00:44:24 She associated with that um were actually being shown these ads that associate their name with criminal records And then when you think about like there's actually a lot of studies also on how um If you were to submit resumes that were identical with white names versus black sounding names that the white names get called back Way more frequently So like there are algorithms that are really biased against certain groups of people And there's this idea we have that oh you take the human element out of um a decision Being made and there's no longer any bias, but it's not the internet. It's like racist It's not that it's racist. It's not like there's somebody at google coding like little racist algorithms or programs
Starting point is 00:45:03 It's the like It's the fact that uh the way that these things learn as they're shown examples So it's if if google, you know Uh is teaching the program like what kind of ads should go to which kind of people and and they're the examples They give have just shown that there are more racially associated names with criminal history It just kind of learns to push stuff that way and it's not it's not malicious It's it's just learning from past biases. Does that make sense? Yeah, I understand what you're saying. So, um There's a big movement now to come up with um programs that
Starting point is 00:45:39 like distribute opportunity Equally or um for another example is like, um mit put out a gender neutral ad and they found that it was getting filtered to men Like significantly more than women really and it's like, you know perpetuating this, uh The fact that women are kind of being barred from the the stem field and there's a lot more that goes into that But if they're not even being shown the advertisements, I mean that's that's a big part of it So like these are the issues that have to be talked about and now but only people talk about this fictitious AI that we are so far away from
Starting point is 00:46:12 So so you're saying there's no chance. They'll ever be like a westworld. Um No, no, it's definitely could happen But like the way it's talked about now is that like it's around the corner and it's not right No, because not in our lifetime. We will not we will not see a westworld type. No, I saw a great tweet He this guy he he does um AI research at google and he said if you could sketch out Um, like a an agi an artificial general intelligence like they could sketch out the atom bomb in the early 1900s He's like I'd be worried. He's like, but no one has any idea how to get a computer to do everything a human's doing
Starting point is 00:46:44 He's like, so I'm not going to worry about it until we could even put it on paper and theorize it Which just kind of furthers this point that like we don't even know how to fathom Getting that all to to work together the narrow AI is fire Like the siri the face recognition stuff. Yeah fire everything though. No, that's like when it was like the year 2000 Everyone was like, we're gonna have flying cars And like the next day I was like, oh, I'm my dad's super This car sucks. We were supposed to have flying cars in like 2001. Yeah, they were like, oh the millennium's coming It's over now. It's over now. Why 2k remember? Why 2k the whole world was supposed to have
Starting point is 00:47:22 Let me ask you guys like how do you feel about self-driving cars? Like are you worried about it? Are you hyper about I would I would never yeah, I would never really control freak of my car But you could take over. I mean like you don't think if they got like here's the thing I would be comfortable If everyone on the road had a self-driving car like iRobot like iRobot that makes the most sense to me Honestly, it does doesn't that. Yeah, of course. I mean even the thing like ilan musk Said like that underground like subway work, but it's like underground uber. Oh, yeah, like I would fuck with that Here's another thing too if the the road
Starting point is 00:47:55 Was just like a conveyor belt. That's what it is that was moving at a At whatever speed and you were could just get into this thing and just get onto the whatever And then you don't drive at all and the car just moves No traffic. No accidents. No nothing. Everyone gets and you know how long it's actually going to take you to get to a place Yeah, I just don't know how that's legal though to like have like a self-driving car Well, well, let me ask you this aren't computers so much better than humans at so many things Like why do you think you're a better driver than a computer? Just Because you're not it makes me feel safe. Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:26 It's the human element Why you try and you trust like tesla's and stuff. Um, I mean I wouldn't I mean right now I think the idea is like, you know, if you're on the highway where it's like I think easier because you don't have to worry about like pedestrian stop lights and stuff I think to them the highway is the easier part of ai or the self-driving cars I think I'd maybe let it run there. I think in a city. I'd probably still want to hold it and yeah Um, but no, I think it'll be good for the world Uh, I always think about how like drunk driving accidents will be a thing of the past
Starting point is 00:48:57 Um And if it was just a bunch of self-driving cars Yeah, because then you don't have to drive. Mm-hmm. You're gonna be drunk as hell in the front seat. Yeah, let's keep your keys Nuts, I'm self-driving. All right. I'm not driving today. It's serious driving That'd be that'd be cool though to like It's a very cool idea. I don't know if I trust it though like I said, I think to me in a perfect world it would be Nothing moves except the floor like it's just a big-ass conveyor belt you get on and it drags you fucking this many mile per hour
Starting point is 00:49:30 But that's like, uh, but I don't know how you would get on and off of that I also know how they would have made it. I think that might be really tough to you have to do it underground Why would you have to do it underground? You have to replace all the roads though And the issue okay, so they actually have the roads all the time No, but there's issues with this because um, I saw a video on facebook once that somebody had developed like a smart road and basically um It's like like the it was all digital like the the the lines in the road were digital and like it would adjust to um Like assist traffic. I guess like change lanes or stuff like that. I don't know. I don't remember honestly
Starting point is 00:50:03 There was a lot of benefits to it But like the top comment was like, what if this gets hacked? And then there are things where that's like an issue with the cars too. Like what if someone got a hold of your car remotely? Yeah That's the scariest thing for me. So like oh, well, yeah with automatic roads It's like what if someone just hacks it and shuts it off and what happens? Then no one no one gets into an accident though. You just stop moving. You're like, ah, fuck The conveyor belt is stuck on the get out of your car Oh, yeah, just leave my expensive
Starting point is 00:50:32 Robot car on the road. I know what you're saying. I'm just it could it could you could still drive it manually But once you get on the highway, just park it may have them now though, right? What self-driving car? Oh, yeah that you can use on the highway Yeah, you can see like teslas. They like drive themselves Like and I haven't seen videos of people who get on the highway Put it into the self-driving mode and then get into the backseat. I would never never in my life in a million years Do that. I would do it. Nope. Think about how more how much more productive the world will be you have mad road sex for that though Oh, yeah, it's like, yo, I got to drive to connecticut. Just thrash just thrash for an hour and 15
Starting point is 00:51:11 Hour 15. I'm not the whole time. I'm just saying Vehicle you just invented. There you go. Like the the bang bus. It's like a real thing Tesla needs to make the people are losing jobs. I feel like we just became millionaires people would lose jobs in porn Usually they have the driver the cameraman driver get the fuck out of here, dude No, everyone's worried about how ai's, you know affect the economy. No one's thinking about the porn But bang bus drivers and I think it's unfair to the bang bus drivers. I'm just saying Like Tesla's gonna have like buses and shit at some point Oh in ubers, there's no mean no more humans. They're already almost done with that
Starting point is 00:51:46 That's gonna be so weird just to be standing outside and just a car pulls up. You'll know it's your uber though No one's driving it You know what would be fire if your car could park itself and come to itself like a dog Yeah, like right now if I could like pull up to my apartment And just get out of my car and be like go find fucking parking and then when I want it I just hit a thing on my phone and it just shows up to me and then it has the spot to be like But it confirms like do you want me to park here? This is like, yeah, this is where I am. Yeah, okay with this. Yes. Yes. I'm so okay with it
Starting point is 00:52:20 Oh my god, that will absolutely exist before you die I'm gonna abuse that. Yeah God and I'll be screaming at little kids. You don't even know we had to drive around for hours around here Find road fucking parking. Yeah There's weird issues at regulations though. Um, like one separate from self-driving cars I always think about is like yo when they pass the laws that's gonna let amazon deliver shit with drones It's over for every business ever. I feel like people are gonna be swiping shooting down drones
Starting point is 00:52:51 Maybe yeah, I don't know that would just be so fire. Just be like hold up one second Open up the window Joe here. Oh, yeah, he's right here. He's Joe here. See you later. Peace out. Thanks for using prime now Those are scary though. I don't like that. Yeah I don't know drones just need to stay in like youtube blogs And stay out of warehouses. Yeah, you know amazon does now they look at like stuff that you're looking at and um, they basically What they do is they guess what you're gonna buy and they ship it to stores that are like amazon fulfillment centers
Starting point is 00:53:32 That are close to you They predict what you're gonna buy based on the time of year and what people in your area are looking at And then they can ship it to you faster. That's like part of their two-day like little scheme That's terrible. They literally guess what people are gonna buy and just bring it close to you Also, too, like they have it's fucking awesome. Yeah, and they also have like a deal with ups So like I bought a kindle and realized it was the wrong one Through prime now ups came the next day and picked it up and brought it back to the warehouse and brought me the other one Dude people like always talk about how they're like, oh, there's no privacy. Like I
Starting point is 00:54:06 google searched Uh real estate and then now all I get is real estate ads. I'm like, I just like why does that bother you? That's true. Like I get it. They're like, oh, I'm not I'm not safe But it's like, yeah, you're also just like posting like where you are every five fucking seconds on instagram and twitter So like what's the fucking difference here? Yeah, it's like I could find you if I needed to find you Yeah, I'm just like blown away by all this like AI shit artificial intelligence is like one of the most fascinating things But to have somebody
Starting point is 00:54:39 This guy this guy over here actually knows about it actually made me feel a little safer Yeah, I wouldn't I worry. I mean the the bigger issues are like Probably like issues with the economy and like we're talking about like the self-driving ubers Like, you know, like cab drivers are going to be a thing of the past and that's a huge amount of people who lose their jobs and Yeah, I mean even just like old people who are like getting pushed out of whatever industry it is like retraining like a 50 year old is really tough and So that doesn't mean we shouldn't develop these things but like I think that's what should be talked about So what so what are we gonna do? So, I mean, what do you mean? They're gonna make things in the past
Starting point is 00:55:20 There's gonna be like automatic like buses. Yeah Tesla already is making an automatic like 16 wheeler For what to do what transport transport. Yeah and an electric uh 16 wheeler I'm fucking blown away by this. I know it's scary. Do you fuck with Elon Musk? Oh, I think he's awesome I just don't like this one thing he does. Okay, cool. I feel like he'll never hire me though
Starting point is 00:55:45 I've publicly shamed him for this These comments he keeps making like A lot of times Maybe he might be interested in you though, you know, because you got you got some pizzazz there joey I see a bright future for you kid. Yeah, good guy. I do those. I do those I like him, you know getting like a compliment and like a regular accent is one thing But like an old Italian man accent is like it's really next level. No, but it's true. Come on joy boom bots This guy good kid. He's a good guy. We get this guy. I mean I was my foot my cousin's kid
Starting point is 00:56:17 He's got a good brain on him. I tell you I tell you between his eyes We literally met because we have a similar name. Yeah joy tweeted me. He was like, yo, we got the same name I was like we don't but what's up and the funniest shit. I DMed him. I was like, yo like Just think like thinking this was normal. I was just like, oh, maybe we could like grab like coffee or sometime like chill And Joe goes you trying to fuck That sounds about right Good guy. Good guy. Good kisser I could cuddle like a motherfucker to my tail right now
Starting point is 00:56:49 Tell you it's got cold skin, but a warm feel accents are so weird to me I'm really bad at accents. My British accent has embarrassed many people No, like just how different places like they talk different Yeah, what's one accent you wish you could you wish you had? Uh, probably English accents English or Australian because you get so much fucking you can do it You can do an Australian one though. Kind of You remember you you were wrestling over charlie. It's like, yeah. All right. Oh, yeah. All right. Yeah. Gotta take him down a little bit Then yeah, that's pretty good
Starting point is 00:57:22 My British my are always like wrestling animals because like I watched that fucking crocodile hunter so much Here's a tip for everyone at home who wants to do a British accent Just say anything and then you say mate at the end And and that's it. So give me give me a topic Uh football, um, so I was at the football game yesterday mate So What's the best accent you could do crikey mate, I'm sorry. What I don't know
Starting point is 00:57:53 I can do like a Spanish Hispanic girl hispani like you talk about that. Yeah, like, you know what I'm talking about, right? That's pretty good No, I'm fucking dead ass. I can do the fucking accent. No for real No, I know but like and then also like the old Italian guys What was the old telling not to like flash back to like Old joe sanagato videos. What was the name of the character when you did that accent? Just for me? Angela, Angela, I forgot about that. Angela. I did those videos where I sound like Charalette talking to people. Yo, one of the things that you said that I've used in like
Starting point is 00:58:25 arguments or just conversations that really stuck with me is This came up once this has come up a few times actually people are like, yo Like how do you feel like if a girl like wants to call you daddy? And I remember I talked about this with you once and you're like the only girls who could say daddy are like Really Spanish girls who say like daddy, but by the time that they're Spanish enough to say it They're calling you poppy anyway, so no one can say daddy I said that That sounds smart
Starting point is 00:58:51 I don't know you fart. I smell it. It wasn't me. Yeah, I threw dirt It is crunchy. I'll be honest with you. I didn't poop all day yesterday. Yeah, so you're ready to rock and roll I am realized The lack of ventilation and yeah, it's not a whole lot bad like hearing him talk. I was like one of these guys farted No, it's really actually fucking it's not but no, it's not good. It's definitely not good. No, it's like not that great observation No, he's fucking stinks. Okay. It's a little thinking. We got it. Everybody fucking poops Yo, hot fire book It's a book. Everybody poops. Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:31 I'm not even gonna get into that. No, I can't. It's like a children's book. You kind of missed your Your time there. Do you like the daddy thing or no daddy thing? No, I don't get called daddy I would be down with poppy though poppy's in the right setting poppy's absurd in a great way. Love it. I'll take daddy Yeah, why not? If it's if it's a party I think also I feel like when girls get drunk they say crazy or stuff like they let loose way more I feel like girls get real self-conscious. They're in sex
Starting point is 01:00:02 Like way more than what when they're drunk. No when they're not Oh I don't you know really I feel like it's the opposite because I feel like girls don't have to do anything like think think about it, right like you're having sex with someone and like in reality like it's kind of Like you coming a guy coming. That's that's the easy part, right? Like we could do that No problem real quick. Like if I wanted give me like three four come right now. Yeah For her she she's just got to really
Starting point is 01:00:33 Sit there and I will have had a great time probably I'll be thrilled that this all happened But it's not like that on the other side. I think girls want to be good at sex though Yeah, it's not like they like they don't want to be known as like A quote-unquote dead fish But I feel like a girl who was unhappy with their experience would would actually think like I wish that that didn't happen. It was so bad as where I would probably just be like Well, it was better than jerking off that night. Like at least I was there Jesus christ. No, I like to just take over and thrash
Starting point is 01:01:10 Listen, I'll be honest with you. Uh, we probably have to wrap this up because we got a whole mess of problems I just farted again. Oh god. All right. Yeah, please get out. I need to get out here. It's not getting good. No, no, no It's not a good time. Um, oh my god. Anyway, joey. Where can we Where can they find you joey? slash Keith Sanagato. What'd you say? quitter slash Keith Sanagato Danny the fucking the hospital Stinks in here fucking at Daniel Fiori on twitter and instagram. Jesus. Just follow my guy Keith. Don't worry about me
Starting point is 01:01:48 What's up, Keith? Dude, listen go go listen to joey on spotify. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you could do that joey got him He's also verified on instagram It's fucking bossed up So are you Fuck let's not get into details. Yo, can I get verified on instagram? Um, anyway, that is all for this week's episode of the basement yard. Thanks for listening You

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