The Basement Yard - Babies Are Dumb

Episode Date: August 6, 2018

On this episode, Danny & I are talking about how dumb babies are, food poisoning, & other things. I don't remember. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. It is your boys Joe and Dan. What up, what up, what up, what up? Skinny D, Versace D. Skinny D, Versace D, you know, just bein' me. That was a little too much. What was that, a haiku that you prepared? Skinny D. No, Versace D. What are we, we're doing the numbers? Versace D. Wait, what is, what is haiku? I think it's five seven five. I thought it was like, so it would have to be like, I thought it was like three six nine. Damn it. Can't you move my saika too much? That's definitely not it.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I don't know. But, Versace D. No, you have to sign for it. Yeah, I fucked up. Whatever. He's Versace D. Look at him so skinny boy. Versace D is... Fuck. Shut up. Oh my god, that was awful. That was the worst haiku in the history of coups. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna edit that in post. Speaking of Skinny D, I might be chasing you here. I just lost like four pounds in two days. It's great. You were sick.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Yeah, I had food poisoning, I think. Do you know, without saying the establishment's name, do you know what it was exactly that got you? I could, I could have a guess. I only ate two things that day and the thing in the morning is a place that I eat from all the time. Right. In the place in the afternoon. I periodically eat from and I didn't start to feel very sick until that point. Okay. And when I threw up, it was that. Oh. So, like, I guess it was that. If you're throwing up, you're a rare puker. Yeah, rare puker. Very rare puker. So, if you're throwing up, you're sick. Yeah, I mean, I'm either drunk as hell, which that doesn't happen often either. I've maybe thrown up from drinking like three times my entire life and...
Starting point is 00:01:45 Wait. Yeah. You, realistically, you think you can count, like, the number of times you've thrown up on one hand? In my life? Yeah. No. Oh. I thought you were saying, like, in terms of actually being sick throwing up. No. I've thrown up, uh, I don't know, more than five times. I hope so. What do you mean you would have? Damn. Have you thrown up more from being drunk or being sick? Sick. Sick. I've only thrown up for the same thing. Yeah. I mean, yeah. I've thrown up from being drunk maybe three times. How awesome do you feel after you fucking puke, though? Dude, when I threw up from food poisoning.
Starting point is 00:02:25 You feel amazing. Because I couldn't sleep the whole night. It literally, I'm not even kidding. It might have been, like, the worst night of my life because I was in so much pain and my stomach was so bloated. That's the worst. And I was just like, yo, I just, like, I didn't know what it was because I didn't feel like I was going to throw up. I just felt like, yo, I, you know, I got a shit or, like, whatever. Well, that's one of those weird situations where you don't know if you have to puke or shit. Yeah. Yeah. It's awful. And sometimes it's a little bit of both. I got that from a food truck once and it literally felt like my insides were dying. Yeah. It was, it was terrible. My small intestine was just like, yo, what is going on?
Starting point is 00:02:59 Yeah. It was weird because I hadn't eaten a lot that day. I went out drinking too. Like my diet wasn't good for the past, like, I think I had drank three days in a row. But not like bad drinking. Like I had like one beer one day and then the next day I had like two beers. And then the third day I had like five beers. Yeah. So what's the timeline though? What? Like what would you eat it on a Saturday? Or a Friday? It was the same day. Same day. Yeah. Damn, getting sick on the weekend blows. Yeah. It knocked down my whole weekend and I had plans. Like the next morning I was going to drive out with my brother in Long Beach and go to this thing. And then Sunday I was going to go out to this place
Starting point is 00:03:35 and like couldn't do anything. You drive out there? Yeah. How far is that from here? It's like 15 minutes. Oh yeah. I was going to say just Uber it. No. If you can't, you can't Uber if you got to take a shit. First of all, I'm not going anywhere. It's not even the point that you have to take a shit. Yeah. No, I'm not doing that. Being sick. No. No, it's terrible dude. I only take Ubers here. You're a huge Uber person. I haven't been, you're a big Uber pool guy too. Love Uber pool. Dude, I get here for $3. You know how much the train is? $2.75. Yeah. Pop that quarter and give me some luxury. Yeah, man. Do you often get people like with you? Yes. Yeah, I honestly have taken Uber pool one time. Yeah. I'm not even completely sure how it
Starting point is 00:04:21 works. And this was like when it first came out. So say they pick me up here. If we're driving. Do they pick you up where you are though? Lyft does. Uber doesn't. Okay. But since like the formation of where the studio is, it's like they always come and get me right outside, which is awesome. Okay. If you're in Manhattan though, they'll like you have to walk two blocks to meet them. There's like meeting spots. It's not terrible. But most of the time when I leave here, nobody gets in the car, which is good. But like every once in a while, you get some like like mothers with babies and stuff and like drunk ass people and like some like you get some all stars in there. I don't see. Yeah, I took Uber pool. I took Uber pool one time. Yeah. I
Starting point is 00:05:13 couldn't even tell you why I did it. But I was in Manhattan. I think I've had some weird Uber experiences. Yeah. But I was in Manhattan and like whoever got in, it was like near Times Square. I got on barefoot. Yeah, it's gross. I'm like, bro, we're in Times Square. We're not like if this was this would be different. This would be different if we were in like Greece. Yeah. Or like some like some favela somewhere. Yeah, come on. Yeah. You know what I mean? Which I get. You know what I mean? Yeah. You got Calysis. You could run on the floor like Tarzan doesn't even hurt. Yeah. I mean places like that. Even places like just beach areas like South Jersey. We're in Long Beach. Yeah. I get it. You're sandy. We're not near the water. We're in Times Square.
Starting point is 00:05:55 We're on an island, but that water isn't water. Yeah. Any water you're near in Times Square, don't touch it. Don't touch it. Don't drink it. Don't drink it. I'm surprised you didn't get sick from that guy. That's what I'm saying. I might have. I was terrified. Now it was a, I don't know if it was a guy or a girl and I think about it. He was just so focused on the feet. I was completely distracted. I hate feet. I do. And I also hate feet that have been walking around in Times Square that are like half ashy, half like, you know, whatever. And at first I felt bad. I'm like, oh, maybe the guy's homeless. But I'm like, wait a minute. If you got an Uber. Yeah. You got a bank account. You got a credit card. Yep. You got money. Sometimes. And you got a phone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:35 You're not homeless. And a pretty good phone. Yeah. To be calling Uber. Dude, you're not, you're not. There's no excuse. You're a big, you're an Uber Xer. Where does Uber X? That's like just, just right. Yeah, just, yeah. What's your go to thing when you get an Uber? What does that mean? Like, like, how do you greet, how do you greet the, uh, the Uber driver? I mean, it's always a little awkward. When I get into an Uber, the first thing I always say is like, what's up bud? I'm a bud guy. Do you say bud? Yeah. You say boss. You're a boss guy. I'm a boss guy. What's up boss? How's it going boss? Yeah. Yeah, you're a fucking laid back piece of shit, aren't you? I have a laid back piece of shit. I'm gonna, hey, how's it going, buddy?
Starting point is 00:07:18 Do that one more time. How's it going friend? I'd never say that. How's it going friend? That's terrible. What's up my friend? Yeah, no. My friend's not that bad. I don't like when white people say it to like Arabic people. Yeah. Cause then I feel like it's like there's some. You're reaching out. Yeah. It just seemed like my friend. You're awkwardly, you're awkwardly reaching out. Frying to plate it. You know what I mean? Yeah, bridge the racial gap. It's, it's, I don't like that. No. So I don't say my friend at all. No. I just say buddy. Yeah. I say bud. Do you keep going after that? Here's the thing, right? In Ubers, I think it's, it's proper etiquette to ask what's up. Yeah. Or how's it going? How's your day going? Right. From there, you're done. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Because here, here's the thing. I grew up working service industry jobs. So I was like a pizza delivery guy. I was a waiter. You know, I worked like that and you're always taught to not engage because you're not there to talk. They're not there to talk to you. They're there to provide a service. Right. You're there to provide a service. So I know in the back of my mind that Uber drivers are probably told that like don't talk to the customers unless they talk to you maybe. Right. And then I'm here sitting like I shouldn't talk to this guy. He's doing his job, doing his thing. I don't want to. What was that? I'm like half burping in here. No, no, no. The hand thing. What? That's all of it. I don't know. My hands are flying around today. I don't know what's
Starting point is 00:08:51 going on. That's another thing too I want to get into after this. But um, see me, I'm a big like small talk guy. Are you? Yeah. What's your Uber rating? 464. I got you. I wish my 40 was a 464. Yeah. We both have different jobs right now. I hope so. You're checking yours right now. I'm checking my Uber. I'm checking my Uber score right now. My Uber rating has dropped. Because you're never outside. Yeah, but I come 4.79 is mine. That's fire. Small talk, dude. Ask people how they're doing, but every once in a while I have an Uber driver that just goes off the rails. Do you ever like, do you, are you one of those assholes that says like, so uh,
Starting point is 00:09:35 how long you've been doing Uber? Um, I used to be. I used to be. That's an easy cop out. That's an easy. That's a bitch question. That's a bitch question. I used to ask that. Now I just go, how's Uber treating you? How's Uber treating you? How's Uber treating you? All of them say they hate it. Do they? Yeah. Some of them say, I hate it. I take too much money. I just like that. I think they take like 30%. You know what it is? They have to pay monthly things in New York City. And they're 10.99 or two. Yeah, it sucks. So they get killed. Yeah. Dude, why is it that when you, when you get into an Uber, you put on this accent and you talk out of the side of your mouth, like you're like on a construction site with a pencil in your ear. So yeah, he's gone, bud.
Starting point is 00:10:21 How's it doing? How's it treating you? I think, how's your fucking day? I think that just comes, that's a New York shit. I don't know what it is. You know what I mean? You know, you got your hands on your hips. You got a pencil in your ear. So let me check this out real quick. Yeah. Yeah. It's a fucking day going. He's got like jean shorts and like a polo tucked into his jean shorts. Hell yeah. Every button's undone. Sweetie. So sweaty. Have you ever said sweetie in your life? No. That's the most piece of shit word. Yeah. Sweetie. Sweet hot. Sweet hot. It's pretty bad, too. Sweet hot. Let me get two beers. That's how you know a guy. Shoot that guy. If a guy calls a girl a sweetie or a sweetheart, he will treat that woman like shit. Yeah, oral hitter. Oral
Starting point is 00:11:04 hitter. Yeah, when he gets upset. That guy's, that guy's a loser. That guy's throwing a couple sweets. Sweetie, let me get two. Let me get two. Thank you. Can we get some ketchup? Sweets. Hey, sweetie. Thanks. Thank you, sweetie. Thank you. Thank you, sweetheart. I was just like, oh, Jesus. Oh my gosh, shut the fuck up. Get the fucking bill already. Yeah. Get me out of here. Get me out of this fucking booth. No, but I've had ubers with with some good, good, good and bad people. Like, every once in a while, it sparks up a conversation, but it's weird when you get an Uber pool, you'll be having a conversation with the driver, then somebody gets added and then it's just awkward silence. You know, you can't
Starting point is 00:11:45 continue that conversation because you don't know if that person's going to be mad. His rating's on the line. My rating's on the line. Do you guys share a rating? Like, he rates a car or he rates separately? He rates you and I rate him. Right. But I'm saying in a pool, there's multiple people in the car. No, no, no, no, no. You don't rate each other. But I don't, if I, if I say something and I'm talking too much and that person complains, she might get the driver. Yeah. And then he might hit me up. It's not bad. Damn. I get fucking pissed when my rating goes down. I don't even realize, like mine was at like a four eight. Yeah. Which I don't know. What was I jerking them off? Like, how did I get a four eight? A four eight in New York City. An Uber driver told me even mine,
Starting point is 00:12:30 4.79 is like unheard of. 4.6. First of all, 4.6 is pretty good. And you could easily raise it if you were just like outside when they came. Dude, I'm, but I, I, the guy, when they get here, they're a minute away. I walk right downstairs. Yeah. You pull over. What, like, what do you want? That you want to keep driving and open up the door when we need to dive in? Like they pull over, I come right outside. It's the small talk, man. I guess so. I don't really talk to people. They want to feel humanized. Here's another thing. You pick up the phone in Ubers? Never. Damn, I do. Are you that guy that talk? Like, would you take a phone call on the bus? Yeah, but I would be whispering the whole time. I can't stand people. No, I don't pick it up like,
Starting point is 00:13:11 it's Susie. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, what? Hold on. No, I'm on the fucking bus. I can't hear anything. I'm not, I'm not that guy, but I'll be like, you know, I literally do this. What's up? Yeah, I'm on the bus. I'm guilty of that. I'm guilty of that. I'd be like, I'm on the bus right now. Yeah, but I'm not going to be like, you know, like those people who have a Bluetooth in, they're always just like, what? Yeah. Oh my, you tell him that Q1 was way better than, and then you're like, what do you say? And the guy's like, I'm on the fucking phone. It's like, suck my dick. You have a thing. I can't see your other ear. I'm a big noise police guy, though. What do you mean? Like, if someone's talking on like, like on a, on a bus mad loud, I'll tell,
Starting point is 00:13:54 I'll tell him to shut the fuck up. Really? Yeah. Oh, I won't, but I'll definitely be upset at my head. And then you'll be, you'll be walking away. Like, do you ever like do scenarios in your head when like people do shit? I should have said something. Yeah. Yeah. Or just like, yeah, I should have beat the shit out of that motherfucker. Like my whole thing is like, I gauge the train and see if everyone's upset by, uh, hey, yeah, if everyone's cool with it, I'm not going to play superhero. And then also I got to be able to make sure I could beat the shit out of this person. Yeah. Cause if I can't, I'm going to have to take this hell. We got, we got problems. Yeah. We got problems. I might hit him with the polite like, Hey man, like, you know, it's a lot of people in here. Like, let's just
Starting point is 00:14:33 quiet down a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm not, I'm not that guy. Like I'll let it, I'll let it run. I've seen some shit on the train that I'm just like, Oh my God. I wanted to play out just to see how bad it gets. It's awful. I will, I would never let like some crazy shit, like a dude hit a woman on the train in front of me and not like that. I'm not that one of those new workers that are like, Oh, I see some say some, not really though. Yeah. But if it was every time you saw something, be a lot of phone calls, be a phone call every time I get on the fucking train. Yeah. I got this kind of minutes. Yeah. Get on the train. Some guys like, he's got a snake around his fucking neck. I'm like, what? I remember one time I got on the train. I got on the queue
Starting point is 00:15:19 and there's a guy sleeping there and like, I was standing, I was sitting across from him and he was just sleeping. For some reason I was like, I'm just going to watch this man sleep. You watched a man sleep. He literally wakes up, makes eye contact with me and just goes, so it goes right back to sleep. Like I was in his apartment and like, I'm like, I've known him his whole life. That just shows you the type of shit you had to deal with on the fucking train. Dude, it's just like, it's crazy. And I love the, the see something, say something thing. Yeah. Cause it's just, it's, who am I calling? I go on a train and see a guy covered in parrots and bird shit. What am I calling? Ace Ventura? Yeah. I was on a train once. His guy had like
Starting point is 00:16:02 three rats with him. That's what I'm saying. And they were like, died. Like he died, like died their fur. Do rats have fur? Yeah. Yes. Yeah, they're gross. Probably. A rat is fucking disgusting. Disgusting. Did you see that fucking thing that they found that like horse bat? The bat man thing? Oh my, how disgusting was that? That looks like a bat man. It looked like a bat horse man. A bat horse man. A bat horse man. And it looked like a, like a scrote. A what? A scrote. A scrotum? A scrotum? Yeah. I didn't know if you're saying scrote or scrote. No, no, no, no. What's a scrote? I don't know. That's why I thought you said that. I got confused. A scrote? A scrote? An actual crow? I don't know. I don't know. But you saw that picture of that thing. I saw that. I didn't like it. It
Starting point is 00:16:51 was terrifying. That's the reason why I don't go on caves. No. Yeah. Big time. Fuck caves. Yo, like, that thing will kick your fucking ass. What is that? Head of a horse. It looks like a kangaroo. That too. A kangaroo horse man bat. A kangaroo horse man bat? You're not winning that. Frankie's not beating that up. A kanga whore bat man? A kanga whore man bat. Yeah, that's what it was. A kanga whore man bat. A kanga whore man bat. It was very good. Are we saying bat or bat? I don't know. Why are we like saying like an African accent? You're saying it. I kind of just followed your lead there. A kanga whore man bat.
Starting point is 00:17:35 A kanga whore man bat. Yes. Wow. It sounds like a real thing and you were like, yes, it was great. Yes. Indeed. Indeed. Did you just do this area? Yeah. Yo, fuck those things. First off, I saw a real bat. Gloves are coming off. No one's safe around me. If you brought that thing anywhere near me, I'm leaving the room or I'm letting everyone know I'm going to kill this thing. Oh, I'm not killing it. I would kill it. No, you wouldn't. Yo, if that thing, come on. Yo, I just got chills. I got chills. I literally just got chills. I got to bring up a picture of it too because I do have to remember how disgusting it is. If that thing waddled or flew into this room, what? What do you do? If it flew into this room. Do they fly? I mean, they got wings. Yeah, but it's like a
Starting point is 00:18:27 tattoo. It's butthole of the thing. I mean, you know, I don't know what kind of. I'm still very weirded out that things have the possibility of flying. I don't like it. I hate it. We should get rid of that. I know. We should make everything grounded. And you were also talking about parrots, birds. Well, possibly the worst pet selection of all time. I know people have birds like parrots are cool because a parrot you can look at and be like, holy shit, like a parakeet, which is a loud thing in your house. Not into it. Get a cat. I don't like anything like that. I don't like anything I can't like play with. And now someone's going to be like, I play with my bird. Guess what? No, you don't. You don't play with your bird.
Starting point is 00:19:18 You play with your bird. Does it fetch? Yeah, you have. Are you having fun with your bird? Yeah, you don't play with your bird. You corner it in a cage. You grab out your hands. You hold its wings so it can't fly away. Gently pet it head like this. You pet it like an asshole. Pet it like an asshole. And then you place it back into its confinement. Where did you ever see a bird getting pet? Like this is great. Only time I ever see it is when those dudes have those hawks. That would be something. Yeah. Can you imagine that? Yeah, you just like you just have like a that big ass glove. I wonder how much those gloves actually are. Like the Thanos gloves. Yeah, you know, it'd be dope just to like stand outside on the street. No bird just have the thing out
Starting point is 00:19:59 like this. People would be like, probably hold it around. You're like, when's this bird get back? It's just suddenly just like, he's coming. He's coming. Just give it a minute. He's eating something probably. One second. Dude. He's coming. He's coming. He's coming. Those hawks can pick up like dogs. Yeah, it's terrifying. It's scary. Do you see that video that bald eagle eating something? You don't realize how big a hawk is because when you see them up in the sky, like flying around the sun, which is awesome. When you see them doing that, it's like you don't really realize how fucking big they are. They're gigantic. Huge. It's scary. Fuck yeah. And even to go back to like the Uber shit, like I even feel weird like
Starting point is 00:20:47 like they bring their fucking pets on the subway. It's disgusting. That's kind of nuts. I'd be afraid to bring my pet on a subway. Yeah. I feel weird. I feel we're bringing myself on a subway. Yes. I feel we're bringing my dog in an Uber. Yeah, you do that now. Yeah. I'm surprised they like, they're cool with that. Well, I have, legally, they have to because he has like paperwork, but some of them could be like, no. Yeah. Yeah. They get you like, nah, fuck your ESA letter. You can't have them. That's fire. Yeah. Oh, that's fire, right? I mean, you know, I just feel weird. Like I wouldn't want a dog in my car that I didn't know. I'd be down personally. I love dogs. Love dogs. I love, I love dogs, but it's like
Starting point is 00:21:34 if they hit me up. If they hit me up, it was like, yo, I got a dog. Do you mind? I'm like, yeah, if it could ride shotgun. Yeah. And I'll just pet that bitch all the way to their destination. I always call ahead of time and ask them, but I've been in Ubers with like crying babies and shit. No. Yeah. See, that's Uber etiquette as well. Yeah. You don't bring your crying baby into an Uber pool. Get an Uber X. What a ridiculous thing to say. Someone has a child. That's crying. And we're like, get this thing out of here. Get it out of here. Oh, it's so fun being an asshole. No, it is, but like, get an Uber X, get an Uber X, pay the extra $6. Take the fucking baby. Have it comfortable. Do people eat in Uber pools? They do sometimes and I can't fucking stand that
Starting point is 00:22:30 shit. Dude, if you think about how self-awareness that you don't have, you have zero to eat in front of a stranger in an Uber where there's hundreds of people in every day. Is that even allowed? It's not supposed to be. Because, dude, even in my own personal car, don't eat in my car. No. Wait till we get there. Yeah. Unless you're eating like something handheld here. Yeah, like a lollipop. Yeah. There's something that's going to be concealed within your lips. Or like a starboard, something you could pop in your mouth. Pop in. If you're popping or sucking. You could pop and suck in the car. You could pop and suck in the car. All you want. Pop and suck. Pop and suck.
Starting point is 00:23:14 But don't chew and chomp. No. Pop and suck. Yes. Chew and chomp. Stop. It's insane to think that people chew and chomp. Because, dude, I remember growing up, I was taking the bus every day and then like airplanes and stuff. Not every day, but like, you know what I mean? But like when you're on plane, and people eat stuff like fucking tuna. First of all, the grossest substance on earth. Tuna. Tuna? Tuna. I mean, I personally like tuna, but tuna is disgusting. I know a lot of people that say that. I'd rather have garbage. Egg salad is the grossest portable sandwich. That's tuna to me. Yeah. It's tuna. It smells the same. It's disgusting. It's the same level of, you know, I wouldn't ever even want eggs
Starting point is 00:24:04 like with mayo on a sandwich, unless there's like bacon or cheese in there. I'm not just going to eat mayo-y eggs on bread. The only way I would eat that is if there was a hundred million dollars in there. Really? Yeah. Do you have tuna? I swear to God, tuna, like growing up. I don't have like a sensitive stomach. Like I'm not like, oh my God. Like I'm not like one of those people, right? Sounds like you have a sensitive stomach. Well, when you eat fucking contaminated, God knows what. Yeah, that's true. But by the way, that's another thing I just hate when people do. What? When you see something gross and they like fake, they go, oh my God. I was like, you just fake gag? Yeah. You fucking bitch. Puker. Fuck out of here. Yeah, fucking puke or not. Just gotta throw up on
Starting point is 00:24:45 my hand or like, get the fuck out of here. Dry heaving pussy. It's not even, it's a fake dry heaving. Why do you fake a dry heaving? Yeah. What did I just say? I don't know. Fake dry heaving. What was the fuck was I just talking about? I don't even know. Tuna. Tuna. Your hatred for growing up, like my sister loves it. My mom loves it. They would eat it. And when I'd be doing the dishes, if there was tuna on something, I wouldn't even touch it. I'm not doing that. You're not doing the dishes. And I just leave it. And I'm gonna be like, why did you do that? I'm like, I did the dishes. I just didn't touch the shit that had tuna in it because it's fucking disgusting. I hate cleaning out the thing in the sink that catches all the like food. I hate that.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I hate it. Because it always drips on the way to the fucking garbage. Now it's on the floor. Yeah, you gotta tap it out. Tap it in. Yeah, I hate that. And then when you put it back, not all that stuff comes out. No. You gotta put water again. I hate it. I hate it. We are such bitches, dude. Do we hear ourselves right now? It's ridiculous. How much of a difference? It is disgusting. No, it is disgusting. It's icky. It's icky gross. It is. It is icky gross. That's one of my favorites. That is a tanny liner. I love saying icky gross. It is so icky gross. Oh man. Another thing about babies. Yeah. You ever look at, I need to frame this the right way. Right. But you ever look at a baby and just like for the spectrum of the earth, like everybody
Starting point is 00:26:13 that's on the earth, like where the fuck are we going right now? Let me just talk a little quick. All right, I'm ready. All right. Just hear me out. Yeah. For the spectrum of the earth. For like the spectrum of the earth, all ages included. Yeah. Everyone. Yeah. You ever look at a baby and just be like, that thing is so stupid? Yo, all the time. You do? Yeah. Oh, yo, babies. They're so dumb. Why are you such an idiot? Why are you so dumb? Here's the thing. And I know people are going to be like, like people are going to think I'm joking and be like, dude, what are you talking? It's a baby. Like give it some time or whatever. But hear me out. Okay. Because babies are so smart. Yeah. And so dumb. I know they can learn. You can learn 19 languages. Exactly. In like two years
Starting point is 00:27:05 when you're when you're a baby can't say a word. You can just hold you could just red shirt a whole language and wait until you're eight and then just speak it fluently. But then you can't say data, daddy, whatever, mama. And just part of it is just annoying. It's annoying. Grow up. I know. What are you crying about? We were we were that stupid at once. That's another thing that bugs me. We were babies once. Yeah, fucking idiots. We're idiots now. But we were like certified idiots. Yeah. Like I wonder what a baby's IQ is. I mean, it's just it's funny to me. I'm going to look that up real quick. It but keep going. Keep going. What are you looking at? I'm looking at what a baby's IQ is. Are you aware how IQ? It's an individual thing. But like you could grade them
Starting point is 00:28:03 on like a what test is a baby taken? Oh, they could have babies take tests with number two pencil. No blanks. No, like put the circle in the hole or whatever. And the triangle and the triangle hole. I don't know. I don't know about this. I'm trying to find it. I can't find it. But I'm sure it's not high. No, yeah, babies are dumb. Babies are super dumb. But so smart. I know. They're like dogs. Just with more potential to eventually speak. I guess that's a beautiful thing about a dog though, too. They don't they bark, but they don't speak. That's another thing. Why can't dogs talk? I know. Speak. You understand what I'm saying. Yeah. And you can like repeat what I want you to do. Fucking parrots can talk and they suck. I know. If there were no other
Starting point is 00:28:57 animals that could talk, I'd be like, Joe, what are you talking about? But parrots. Why are they special? Dude, they used a parrot in a courtroom once. What? Yeah, they used a parrot testified once. I swear this is true. A parrot testified. Parrot testifies in court. Oh, what? Yeah, a parrot testified in a murder trial. A parrot. A parrot testified in a murder trial. What the fuck did it say? Because it's probably like, help me, help me. Like it was probably like being a parrot and like it heard what was happening during the murder. Don't fucking shoot. Don't fucking shoot. But it could be heard on a video that family members recorded several weeks after the killing in which they insisted he was mimicking the couple as they
Starting point is 00:29:52 were arguing. A fucking parrot, bro. Don't fucking, first of all, if I get a parrot and that shit is yelling don't fucking shoot, I'm throwing that parrot out. Yeah, would you guys get this parrot? Yeah, because I'm not, you know, now they got Alexa and shit. Yeah, Alexa's the parrot now. We weaned out the birds. We brought in the electronics. But that's crazy. I didn't know that. Dude, imagine like getting away with a whole fucking murder and then all of a sudden your birds like don't fucking shoot. You're like, dude, first of all, your bird seed all those years. I would really have to question the judicial system if they fucking were took my word. They took a parrot's word over mine. That's funny. Well, it's a murder, not that funny.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Murders aren't funny, but knowing that like a lawyer was like, we're gonna have to get Mr. Sprinkles in here. Did they make the bird step onto a Bible? I do. I do. We swear to tell the truth the whole truth. I do. Oh my god. Don't fucking shoot. That's nuts. Imagine hearing that in the middle of the night. First day you have your parrot. No. That's why it's another reason why not to own birds. It will snitch on you in court. Not only that, but like I don't want anything that could just talk at like randomly. Yeah. You know what I mean? I wouldn't want. Now think about it. I wouldn't want my dog to talk. No, because if in the middle of the night, he was just like, yo, I got a shit. I'd be like, yo, who is that? Because you got to think about
Starting point is 00:31:31 it. You get scared. Dogs are so complaining. Yeah. They'd be like, oh, I'm so hungry. Or he'd come up to your table and be like, yo, can I get a fry? Like get the fuck away. I know. Just get out of here. Just give me one. Shut up. He's like, dude, all you do is like yell at me. Sit down. Okay. Fine. Yeah. I would love to hear my dog voice. I wish I could just text my dog. Like, yo, you good? That would be sick. Like I could leave the house and just text him. Be like, yo, you like hungry or some shit? I'll come back. Wouldn't that be fire? We can't figure this out. Like rolling on the floor laughing. Like you, but it'd be like roughing on the floor laughing.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Okay, Danny. What would a dog, what would a dog's lol be? B-O-B. I'm going to get ahead of this. Let's just end this now. Barking out loud. Oh my God. Rolling on the floor laughing can actually beat them because they do roll over. One more time. I'm going to get ahead of this. I know. We're going to cut this. Yeah. Cut the cord on this. Get the train stopped. Yeah. What the fuck are we talking about? How stupid babies are in like tuna sandwiches? Yeah. Babies are dumb though. No, yeah. Not smarter than me. No. But like all jokes aside, like you get, you see what I'm saying though? They can easily learn like five languages, but they can't talk. Yeah. And what we're talking about here is just looking
Starting point is 00:33:03 at something for what it is on the surface. Like that baby will not be able to survive by itself, nor can it talk. It's stupid, but it can learn way more than me. I know. A part of me is just jealous. Yeah. And it's also, it's going to live forever because I'll be gone before it. I have a 30 year head start on this thing. Yeah. All right. Before we go any further, let's get to the sponsors here. The first one we have is Blue Apron. The leading meal kit delivery service in the U S. This is the only reason why I eat. Okay. So basically what happens is I'm not going to read this guys. Basically what happens is they send you a box to your door and it's got these meals that you pick out online. And it's pre portioned meals with instructions on how to cook it. So not only do you have a nice
Starting point is 00:33:48 meal that night, but you also have the recipe and you can make it for the rest of time. So this is great if you want to start cooking or get into cooking or, you know, make a nice meal for somebody. This is the way to do it. So it all comes pre portioned down to like the salt and pepper. You know what I mean? Every last bit you use, you don't have to throw anything out and it's great. And it comes out to less than $10 a meal ships right to your door and it can be cooked in under 45 minutes. What is better than that? This is time efficient. This is fire. Okay. Blue Apron offers 12 new recipes each week and customers can pick two, three or four recipes based on what best fits their schedule. And it only sends non GMO ingredients with meat and no added hormones,
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Starting point is 00:35:12 pack or package or whatever the hell you want to call it that delivers new brush heads every three months for just $5, including free shipping worldwide. So it's basically like having a new toothbrush, you know, on refresh every three months, you got a new toothbrush basically. And it has some vibrations, which is nice, which is nice. But yeah, this is a phenomenal toothbrush. It's not like one of those hard ones. Like, I don't know, some reasons like toothbrushes have these like little plastic pieces that stick out and they like make your gums bleed or whatever. This is nothing like that. This is a great toothbrush. And it's cost efficient. It starts at just $25. And if you go to slash
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Starting point is 00:36:39 I was walking over here. I went to get water for you. And I said, you know what, I don't think I've ever hugged Joe in my head. I don't know. I don't know. You don't think we ever hugged? I'm 99% certain we've never sober hugged. Drunk hug? Drunk hug could have a different. Drunk hug is not a real hug. Drunk hug just sounds like sex. Yeah. Drunk hug is sexual. Drunk hugs. Yeah. What do you get when you make drunk and hugs? Drugs. It doesn't count. I don't know where that came from. First of all, are you not a big hugger? I fucking love hugging. Damn, what's wrong with me? Yo, let me ask you a question. Was I too fat for you to hug? What? It was. I like the size. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:41 something to hold on to. Yeah. Warm me up. You know what I mean? I just can't believe it. We just haven't had a reason to hug. I mean, we hit a million. We should have hugged. We dapped. We dapped. Tan hugged. We're big dappers. Yeah. Do we do? What about a half hug? That's like a, yeah, but that's like if I haven't seen you in a while. I guess. Like when I got out of the hospital, like we did one of those. Actually, yeah, maybe during that time you hugged me during that time. Yeah. Just to be like, take it easy. Take it easy, big guy. I got you. Don't worry. You're gonna be okay. Maybe that. Yeah. But that was like an, like an empathetic hug. That doesn't count because you, that's an empathetic hug. Like, hey, hold together, guy. Hey, man. We'll take care of you. I'll take
Starting point is 00:38:23 care of you. Don't worry about it. But like, I hug Franky. That's awesome. This conversation is pretty ridiculous. I know. Stupid babies and no hugs. Is there anything I got to deal with? There was something I, stupid babies and no hugs. There was something I wanted to say before, but I totally forgot now. It was so funny. I'm sorry. It just popped into my brain because I was. It was during the hugging conversation. You forgot? Yeah. It was a little back. Well, you said you are a hugger. Yeah, I'm a hugger. I like hugging. Who doesn't like hugging? Oh, this was the question I went to propose. Yeah. This is what I remember. Thank you. If you had to go the rest of your life
Starting point is 00:39:07 without kissing or hugging, which one? I love hugs. That's what I'm saying. Like hugs are like way more embraceful. Keep the kisses. Because like, you ever like, hold a grip, like you hold them and you feel them just like release into your hug because they can tell it's real. Yeah. And they go, yeah. He's embracing me. Stay. You can't do that with a kiss unless it's like getting really sexual. Yeah. Like, yeah, but like, I feel like no one really knows how to kiss. Like, I feel like in the back of everyone's mind when they're making out, they're like, I don't know if I'm doing this right all the time. All the time. It never feels like organized in there. Well, just like throwing our tongues
Starting point is 00:39:51 around. Yeah. It's not like an organized thing, but I'm saying gross. Like a, you know, kissing is disgusting. Kissing is gross. It's disgusting. Isn't the mouth like the dirtiest part of the body? It holds like the most bacteria or something. Yeah. I mean, I would argue asshole, but we could just say, dude, it's on the podium. It's on the podium for sure. It's qualifying. Hugging, though. Just like a nice. Yeah. I couldn't live without that. I am. I'm team hug. I'm team hug. I wish you. I would never say, like, I would, I mean, kissing, whatever. I'd rather hug you. I'd rather hug you. It feels better. Yeah. It's just like it's two people becoming one. Well, I think so. Depends how hard you do it. Dude, if me and you hugged right now, it wouldn't be genuine
Starting point is 00:40:40 if because it was just because of the lack of hugs. Right. But like, if something is to happen, like, say, we're going to do a fantasy league, right? And we both qualify for the finals and we're watching together. We might have like a real hug near like, yo, let's go. Let's go. We're in the finals. But other than that, I haven't got one yet. We'll work on that. Okay. I'll keep it in the bank. Awesome. See if I could. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. I'll throw one at you when you're not expecting. You're also a weird good buyer. What? Because you're usually like on your phone. Yeah. Like when I'm saying goodbye to you. So like, sometimes I'll have my fist out for 30 seconds. Yeah. Just just just sitting there. Rotator cuff starts burning. Potassium, everything running out.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Lactic acid building up. Yeah. And then you'll literally look at me and just go not sometimes not even pound. You'd be like, I'll see you later. I would never do that. And then I turn and I look at my fist and then it just like blows away like dust. That would never happen. I have never, you had your hand out like this and looked at you and saw your fist and saw you and go later. Twitched one time you did it to me and I thought about the whole way home. I thought I was getting fired. Oh, I would never. I feel so don't you feel like such an asshole when you miss someone's like it's why is that such a thing too? Like if you get left hanging, I feel like such a piece of shit. I feel like such a like a loser. I'm back in high school. I mean lunch by myself. I know.
Starting point is 00:42:22 It's just like, oh my God. It's embarrassing. I don't count. It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing. I don't know why that is so embarrassing. I don't know either. It's a prideful thing. I think so. Yeah. But I mean, what do you mean? Like I'm a bad good buyer. You're a bad good buyer. Here's the thing. I'm okay with the Irish exit. It's one of my favorite things to do to people. I don't like if I'm out. Here's what I hate. We work together. Yeah. There should be a proper hello and goodbye. I think it's just that you think I'll see you tomorrow. Yeah. No, I don't mind like I'm cool with just like I almost get upset when people all the time go out of their way to like dat me up hello. I'm like, dude, we're gonna just say hi right here. Like it doesn't have there has it
Starting point is 00:43:10 doesn't have to be physical contact. What about like side hand? I don't care. Like if you're hand is fine. But like that's not even the point because it's the fact that there's any contact at all. If I am nowhere near where you're walking in and you see me from afar. If I just saw you 12 hours ago, you don't have to go out of your way to come over. Yo, what's up man? How's it going? I mean, I personally, I don't feel that way. And also I hate when I go to a family party and it's time to leave. Now I gotta say bye to everyone individually. It's one of the worst things. It's literally one of my least favorite things. Kisses on the cheeks, handshakes, everyone's got a different grip. Everyone's got everything weird. And then some ants go left,
Starting point is 00:43:52 some ants go right. I'm over here almost kissing everyone in my fucking family tree. Yeah. Then there's like the old school ones that you got kissed both cheeks. Then you don't know if somebody needs help carrying something to the car. You need some fucking help. It's the worst. Jesus, I was supposed to leave 20 minutes ago. I know. I hate that. It's one of my least favorite things to do. I hate it. Are you a big fan of holidays though? I know you love Christmas. I love holidays. Love Thanksgiving. Yeah. Goodbyes. Hate them. Hate them. Get rid of it. Do you consider New Year's Eve a holiday? New Year's Eve is a chore. It really is. I don't like showing it. Especially here. Yeah. I wish I lived in like bumble fuck somewhere. I'm really starting to hate Halloween.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Halloween sucks. I get scared on Halloween. Because here's the thing. Not for nothing. Like we don't look like, at least for me, like I don't live in the hood. No, but you look pretty damn close. I live close enough to be like shit could happen tonight. Yeah. And like I don't like that feeling. No. Because I know growing up, even me, like I was an asshole. Like I was throwing eggs at cars, which in itself is mad dangerous now that you think about it. It could kill someone. Yeah. Because you hit the windshield, if it scares somebody or blocks their vision, they could drive into a pole or drive into another car. And then there was people shooting paintballs at people. Yeah. And you know, throwing shaving cream cans and shit. Mischief night. It was Mischief night.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Also, there's like gang initiations that night also where like, you got to beat somebody up. Yeah. Or like there was, there's, there was certain things in my neighborhood growing up where it was like gang initiation night was on Halloween, where they would just have a certain thing every year. Like there was one year where like, somebody brought like a chicken pot pie or like punch a mom, like six moms, we know, like that, you know, I've got punched in the face. Really? Or like someone gets cut or like whatever. Yeah, shit like that. Or like drive around with your lights off. And then the first person who high beams you, like you'll put your lights on, you just tail that guy and then fuck him up after when they get out. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Like shit, like, so it's like, it doesn't happen all the time. No. You know what I mean? And it hasn't happened in a while. But literally two blocks away from me, about like six years ago, some dude opened his door for a trick or treat, shot him in the stomach with a shotgun. Around here? No, no, no, around where I grew up. I wouldn't ever went trick or treating ever. It wasn't, but it's not a, it's not a bad neighborhood at all, especially now more than ever. It's way more like gentrified. Back in the day, you could have caught an L out there. Yeah. Like it was legitimately like a scary night. You know what I mean? But like you were, you were like, I was a kid and you lived for it. Yeah. You're like, yo, I can't wait to like.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Another thing is too, we're too old to be dressing up. I actually like it. I know, I like it too, but we're too old. You know what I think we're too old for? Face paint. Cause I did that like two or three years ago. It's a chore. Yeah. It sucks. You got to come home drunk, take that shit off. No, no thanks. I'll tell you what, it's not coming off. It's not coming off. I'll do, I'd rather do my bedsheets the next day. You'd rather do laundry than watching trains. Hell yeah. Fuck that. Yeah, why not? I only got this kind of time. What was your best Halloween costume that you ever wore? Just in your mind, right? I don't know. I was, I was a ninja one year and I was like fucking hype. Is that a sword?
Starting point is 00:47:16 Ninja was a big one. I played with that sword for like a year afterwards. I tried to get a star costume when Starboy came out. What? I wanted to be a star. A star. Like a, where a star costume. Like a five point star. Yeah. When Starboy came out. I'm like, you know, right now, terrible idea. No, but here's why. Here's why. I wanted people to be like, oh my God, like you're a star and I'd be like, actually I'm a motherfucking star boy. Get it right. Yeah. It never came to fruition. Thank God. No. Yeah. That's horrible. I saw, I saw the horribleness. I mean, I saw, I saw it. I saw the horrible. Starboy was not that long ago. Two years ago. This is way too old for this. Yeah. Yeah. Way too old to be like just a
Starting point is 00:48:05 giant star. I want to do this here. I'll tell you what, I'm not hanging out with you on Halloween. No, you're going out on Halloween this year. I don't know. Could this be your first Halloween off? No, like if none of my friends wanted to go out on Halloween, I wouldn't follow her. No, I would never lead a Halloween charge. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is like, I'm, I'm okay with not going out that night, but all my friends like, dude, we're going out. So I'm not going to not go. Right. You know, I don't like Halloween. No, I don't live for it, but I don't like New Year's Eve either. Or I hate, unless I stay home, unless you get your own place. I stay home. If you like, I don't, I hate going out to a club, to a bar,
Starting point is 00:48:56 to anything on Halloween, a Halloween on New Year's, but if you get your own place, it's great because you can have the only the people that you want there, like whatever. But I would do that. Yeah. But like, oh, yo, it's $150 like open bar. Everyone has it. No, you're just waiting online for hours. I don't like it. It's terrible. I don't consider it a holiday. I really don't. No, I'll take the day. I'll take the day as well. I used to like it. Can I take the day? What? Will I be allowed to take the day? Oh no. Do I get major holidays? I get major holidays. If you make me work Christmas. Are you insane? Christmas. I'll get a text. There could be a million dollar deal on the line. You got to
Starting point is 00:49:42 work Christmas day. I'd like suck my fucking ass. Christmas day. Yeah, you don't even, yo, honestly, you think I'm joking? Like people may think I'm joking when I say that. I take Christmas so seriously. Me too. Like fucking love it. I almost beat the shit out of my sister because she was like, let's open our gifts on Christmas Eve. I'm like, if you think I'm going to let you ruin a tradition, you got another fucking thing coming. Bitch. I almost spit in her face. The only thing I hated about Christmas was as a kid, just let me open the presents. I slept all night for this. Why do we got to do all this other shit? What do you mean? Like it was never like, in my family, it was never like, yeah, let's wake
Starting point is 00:50:30 up and open presents. It was like, wait, wait, wait, like your sister's going to come and we're waiting for your aunt to get here. I'm like, yo, fuck those people. Let me open my direct shit. If it's from mom or dad, let me open that shit. Yeah. All right. I'm tired of this. I'm not waiting for fucking my aunt to get here. And then her kids are going to be younger than me. So they get to open their presents first. I got to sit here like an older douche. No. Let me open my shit. I'm sorry. Listen, parents get punched over shit like that. Yeah. That wouldn't fly. Was your family like run down the stairs and start ripping shit up? So here's the thing. There was some preparation. Parents love doing that. We all slept upstairs for the most of my childhood.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Sleeping upstairs and coming downstairs on Christmas, one of the best feelings of all time. Yeah. It was a bunk bed and a bed. Yeah. Me, Keith, and Thomas in there. My parents' room and my sister's room were all upstairs. You guys had three boys in one room. Fuck yeah. Me and Mike. Me and Mike were roommates until we were like 24. There was also like two years of my life where my dad was also in that room because he had really bad sleep apnea. My mom couldn't sleep. Jesus Christ. There was four people in one room. Me and Keith were in a bunk bed on the bottom bunk together. Damn, dude. This might have been way more than two years by the way. Yeah, humble beginnings. Dude, me and Keith shared a room until I was 22. Yeah, me and Mike too. Me and Mike too.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I never had my own room. Me and Mike had jail cots next to each other. We were basically fucking prison, prison mates. Just to give you an idea, I never had my own room until I moved into this apartment. Yeah. That was March of last year. I realized that I didn't have my own room until I was like 26 years old. All of this is mine. I could just beat it whenever. I could just throw this over there. Yeah. I don't have to worry about cleaning up this side of the room. It's great. It's a wonderful feeling. So here's the thing. Bringing it back. We all slept up there. Yeah. So what would happen was it was usually me and Keith. We'd get up first and just start throwing haymakers at people like, get the fuck up. Yeah. I'm talking 647 AM. Yeah. And now my dad
Starting point is 00:52:51 sleep apnea, not getting a good night's sleep. He's been up and out all night probably. Also, big guy. Big dude. I can't punch this guy awake. No. So I need a bigger guy. So me and Keith always went over to Thomas. Yeah, dude, help us get that up. Trying to go downstairs. And then another thing my parents used to do, line us up in size order. Jesus. Like the fucking hoos down in Whoville. We'll be in fucking size order. However you and Keith height wise back then. I don't remember. We were close. Close. I'm taller than him now. But like we were, it was fluctuating. I was, you know, I was younger. So I was tiny too when I was younger. Like I was small. But oh, you get down there. And once we got down there, I will say it was a free for all. We weren't
Starting point is 00:53:40 waiting for anyone. The only time we ever waited for anyone was when my brother got older, the basement, we turned into a bedroom. Yeah, he stayed down there. So we'd have to wait and like, someone would have to go past the presence. We have to go past the presence to go get Thomas. Yeah. And then we would meet. So that was the only thing. And like this, these past like few Christmases when my brothers moved out, we'd wait for him to come over to start, which was fine. But this past Christmas was like, yeah, now I don't give a shit. Like now it's just about getting gifts to like the kids of my family. Giving gifts for Christmas is my favorite thing in the world. I never thought it would be because I will say as a kid, I was a selfish fuck. All I wanted was
Starting point is 00:54:23 what I wanted. Yeah. And I had one aunt, my auntie vet shout out would get me anything I wanted, like exactly what I wanted. Like whatever video game I wanted, she bought it. Whatever fucking basketball thing I wanted, she bought it. Ever. She bought it. I bought it. I bought it. Jews on my feet. Now it's so weird. You killed that right there. I did. It's not good. I'm getting after it. You're getting better. For sure. We got to make a song. We should make a song. Okay. But now there's something so weird. Not even anywhere near Christmas. And I just got the Christmas spirit right now. I'm going to go buy you something right now. But no, like just seeing like somebody so happy just giving them something is a great feeling.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Yo, so like two years ago, I think was the first year that I made a lot of money. So I was like humble brag a little bit. Well, it has to I have to say that for the story because it'll sound ridiculous. But it's pulled out as Louis Vuitton wallet. You're saying? Yeah, I made a lot of money that year. So it was the first year that I was ever able to like buy presents for my family. I went apeshit. And I was like, yeah. So I bought Keith a laptop. Awesome. I bought Thomas like this kind of laptop. It was a MacBook. Oh my God. Yeah, it was like legit. Like I still has it now. My sister I got like a $2,000 Chanel bag. Awesome. Which was fire. And yo, shout out to Shannon. Yeah. Oh, you still rock that bag.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Man, I haven't seen that bag. You know, it sucks though. That's what you got to deal with when you buy bags. Yeah, because it's like seasonal. Yeah, they're not. It's like this is a winter. And like, if it's $2,000, you better wear this bitch into the ground. See this wallet, I'll have this wallet forever and use it every day and use it every day. Yeah. Girls, they got to switch it off. Yeah, I understand it. Huh? Would you get your mom? What do we get my mom? We got her these pots. I can't remember. We got her these pots and pants that I went off for my mom, but I don't even remember what the hell it was. But we got these pots and pans that she wanted that were like $1,200 or brand new. That also comes back to
Starting point is 00:56:48 you because she's going to be cooking it up. Oh, it should be throwing down. My mom's a ridiculous cook. Yeah, waterproof. Yeah, but we got a bunch of stuff. I got Thomas like this camera and like this other shit and like it was just great. Like I spent like close to $10,000 and it's just like it's the best feeling in the world. And you know me like I never spend money. You never spend money. So for me to do that, it was just like, oh, it like hurts so bad as I was doing, because I felt like I always feel like spoiler alert. I always feel like I'm too purchased away from just going broke for some reason, which you're not. No, that's a good mentality. I'm too purchased away from being like, I want to make another one. That's my problem.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Yeah. I love Amazon Prime now so much. It's like, I'm going to be broke. I need a raise. I need a raise. But no, like you were saying, giving stuff and seeing stuff that like people actually want is one of the best feelings of all time. It's amazing. And it was funny because this past Christmas that just passed, like they didn't know that was coming. I just blindsided them with all this shit. How are you doing this year? What do you mean? Like around Christmas. I'm just saying, you're doing okay? Oh, why? You want a Christmas bonus or something? No, I'm just saying. Oh, you want to buy gifts for each other? Yeah. You want to do a secret Santa? Yeah, we should. We don't know who's getting who. No, we should do it on the show. Just mean you.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Yeah. Oh, I'm down. Yeah. I'm super down. What's the limit or minimum? 400 bucks. Minimum? Yeah. All right. $400 minimum. That's a high-ass minimum. All right. All right, $250. $400. Yeah. $400 minimum. I didn't just know I could buy you anything that has- No, no, no, it's maximum. Oh, it's a max. No, no, we go mini. Mini. Yeah. $400 minimum. We got a minimum and a maximum. Yeah. $400 minimum. $250 to $500. Okay. Let's do that. All right. I already know I'm going to get you. Really? Yeah. I don't want to spoil it though. It's definitely something I would never probably buy. Yeah. It's something that I know that you would love to have, but you would never justifiably buy it for yourself. It's so funny. Yeah. All right. I'm down. Yeah. Let's see. Then we'll do it
Starting point is 00:59:01 literally here. We'll have a Christmas episode. All right. So here's the thing though. I say we go, because this is the kind of person I am. I go big gift. That's the real gift. Then I go mad little gifts there. Like sentimental. Not sentimental, but just like either funny or like, you know, whatever. It didn't cost that much. Yeah. We could do, yeah. I'm down with that. Yeah. Because I want to be able to just like keep pulling. Oh, I love opening gifts. I love getting a bag of gift. Bag of gift. A bag of gifts. Part of me that, to me, that sounded right, but I knew it wasn't. Yeah. Yeah. And just opening up and there's just, oh, there's more. I love that. Like for my sister with the Chanel bag, what I did was there was this jacket from whatever the fuck it was,
Starting point is 00:59:48 like H and M, not H and M. I don't know. One of those places, I don't fucking know. And she had wanted it, but it wasn't a lot of money. It was like maybe $85. Right. So I wrapped the bag in it. So when she opened up the bag, the bag and like took out that fucking whatever that is, paper mache, whatever, paper mache. And she saw the jacket. She goes, Oh my God, it's so, and she lifted it up and the bag came out and she lost it. Yeah. It was awesome. Yeah. It was great. Shannon got blessed. Blessed. Where's that bag at, Shannon? She has no idea. No, no, she knows where it is. No. But I can't wear it. I guarantee you she's using maybe three times. It's the thought that counts. I guess so. Also, another thing too. I love Christmas.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Like socks and shit? I love it. I get that shit now. Not always. Go on. I don't, like, whenever people buy you socks for Christmas, they're always long socks. Yeah. Give me some ankle socks. Switch it up. Switch it up. Don't give me these. My mom got me high. Love you, mom. She got me high. She got me high blue, like Columbia socks. I was like, Mom, when am I ever going to wear high blue socks? Yeah, you can. Never. Never going to wear these. Yeah, no. One month out of the year, maybe if I go to like a cabin. You know, my mom got me. Like a couple of Christmases ago. Yeah. A lava lamp. I'm like, Ma, what year is it? Yeah. Did I like grow up smoking pot? Did I just wake up in 1997? Yeah. Why did you get me a lava lamp?
Starting point is 01:01:29 That's, you want to know what that is? Oh, shit. I forgot about you. You know what it is? It's my mom. Yeah, I feel so bad for my mom because my mom, she never knows what to buy for us. And like, she'll get us clothes and stuff like that. She wants to get you like items as well. She doesn't want to be boring or whatever. So she just blocks around Target and she's like, Oh, I'll get this and that, you know. Realistically, I look at it like my parents now, I tell them every year not to get anything. And here's why. I lived under their house for like 25 years. They don't owe me anything anymore. Yeah. You know what I mean? I'd rather try and get them something. Fuck that. I want something to
Starting point is 01:02:08 open up. Yeah. Yeah. But I, I say that, but they're better. Yeah. Some marked. Yeah. But this past Christmas was incredible because the year before that was the one where I went crazy and I bought everyone stuff. Yeah. And that was awesome. This past Christmas, I got crushed with gifts. That's my sister went off like she had great gifts. She got me like customized socks that had Charlie on them. Awesome. I seen those. And the jacket that had Charlie on them. It's awesome. And there was just, they were all, that's a thoughtful gift. They were all thoughtful gifts. I almost cried. My mom, my sister and Thomas were crying. Really? Yeah. It was just like a very nice. It was crazy.
Starting point is 01:02:58 A Christmas. It was a long, we had a long year last year and it ended up working out like near the end of the year. So there was like some things set and some good things I meant. Yeah. And like people just started crying and almost got it. Like you ever see those, there's, it's right, it's hung up next to my computer. It's, they sell those things where it's like the stars in the sky on a particular date at a certain time or whatever. And it's when I was born. And that was like the last thing I opened. And I don't even know why, but that got me so emotional. Yeah. No. I was just like, I was a guy that doesn't believe in horoscopes. Yeah. They got you. I don't know. It was just like, I don't know. I thought a thoughtful gift goes way
Starting point is 01:03:41 further than like, you can only get that from your family. Yeah. I, dude, I only would, I'd rather have the thoughtful stuff. Yeah. You know what I mean? Another thing, quick downer, crystals, it's a upper and a downer. Christmas will be here before you know it. I hope so. It's August, bro. I hope so. It's fucking August. Summer's over. Well, I mean, it's not. Because we nervously scratch our nose. You know, you know why? I think the, the summer is not what it used to be because when you're grown up, it was already summer in like May. Loved it too. You
Starting point is 01:04:26 were rocking fucking whatever you wanted. In April, my shirt was off. Yeah. Now that doesn't happen. It doesn't start getting consistently summery until like the end of June. My shirt doesn't come off until like November. Right. You know, at home in the shower. Yeah. But the, but the, you know what it was? I think it, it's the weather. That's why I feel so short because it's not like June 1st. It was like, oh my God, it's still, it's June. It's hot as hell. It wasn't like that. No. And it hasn't been like that. So that's why it feels like, oh my God, it's already over. But it's also going to be still hotter in September than it usually is. Yeah. Because when school starts, when you're younger, you're like, oh, it's breezy.
Starting point is 01:05:08 In my head, I still counted September as summer. Technically, I think it still is. But like the first two weeks score joke. Yeah. It's like, you don't really have homework, syllabus, football practice, and then like you're trying to smash. Well, August, you have fucking camp. Doubles were terrible. Yo, I had three days. Yeah. That's illegal now. They can't do that. I'm pretty sure they do it. I was doing it when I was in high school. That wasn't that long ago. I'm pretty sure you can't do it. Yeah, that was long ago. It was eight years ago. Dude, I went to my 10-year high school reunion a year ago. It's nuts. It was fire. What was it? I thought it was going to be whack. I got so hammered. It was so
Starting point is 01:05:52 fun. Dope. God, I'm just drinking so much. Yeah, mine's going to come up. It's going to be interesting. High school was like, are you going to go? You know what, they had a five-year one, I think. Yeah, it doesn't count. And I was like, I'm not going to go because I didn't really, I had friends in high school, I was on the football team, and I was friends with a lot of people, but I didn't hang out with them outside. But looking back on it and looking at the pictures and seeing everyone, I wanted to go. I would go just to flex. I'm not that guy. I don't give a shit. I'm going to go to the 10-year one just to see everyone and be like, because I haven't seen these people in so long, and I was cool with them.
Starting point is 01:06:35 But probably be some teachers there too, maybe. I don't think any of my teachers would remember me. Yeah, I think you said that last one. I think two of my teachers would remember me. Maybe they knew, maybe they know of me now after the fact, but I only know like two teachers that would actually remember me because they had me. Yeah. You know, like one of my gym teachers. You had a big school though. United school was enormous. So I mean, but a lot of, I don't know, like I was a quiet kid. There was certain classes where I picked my spots and I would be like the funny one, but I wouldn't. Comfort zone. Yeah, I just, you should go. You'll have fun. It's two years. God. I'll be 31, 32 when you go to your 10-year high school reunion. It's fire. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:27 It's just like, it's getting to the point where it's like, I'm actually starting to realize I'm going to be 30 years old. And it's like, not a big deal to me. I don't, I feel like 30s aren't, you know, 40s is where you're like, dude. Yeah. Buckle up. I look at it like this. I'm 30. I don't have any kids and I'm not married. I'm doing something right. You know, like people that have like kids at like 15 fucking life's like over dude, unless you have like LeBron James. I know his mom was young when she had him. No athletes coming out of my sperm. I'll tell you that right now. No way. Not to the point of like, this is why we did it. Yeah. You know, my brother had a kid when he was 16. Thank God he's like an anomaly that he's like successful. Like I could never,
Starting point is 01:08:23 I could barely raise a dog. Yeah. You know, oh, speaking of that, I was in the ER. Eli, my puppy, he's fine. He had some gastrointestinal infection, but he's doing fine. As I was in there, a fan was in there. Really? Yeah. And she was super sweet. And she just goes, can I shake your hand? I was like, of course. She's like, I love your shell. I hope your puppy gets better. How the fuck did she know about the puppy? Oh, because I was we were in the animal hospital job. I hope your puppy gets better. How the fuck do you know what's going on? How do you know this? Yeah, who talked to you? That's so funny. Yeah, that's so nice. It was, it was really nice. So if she's listening, thank you so much. She was very she hugged her.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I want him back to the hug. I wanted to. I think she was like 14 word. Keep distance. You know, she asked for the handshake. So all right. Yeah. Anyway, let's get into the Patreon questions. I got a few here are segment called what the fuck does Patreon want? What do they want? What do they want? So if you are, or you're wondering how to submit questions for this, you can sign up for our Patreon, Wow. My voice cracks. I crazy. Patreon spelled P A T R E O N dot com slash the basement yard. And in one of the tiers, you get not only the ability to send us questions for this fucking segment, but you also get access to a extra episode that goes up every month, only on Patreon. That is a full length video that people have been asking for. So there you go.
Starting point is 01:10:01 But anyway, the first question comes from Lucas Roberts. He says, if you could go back in time and talk to yourself, what would you say about sex? What would you say? You're doing it wrong. Yeah, it's not how it, it's not how it goes. It's slow down a little bit. Take it easy. What would I say? I would coach myself a little more. But you're not going back like while it's happening. You're going back and you give an advice. Like in the bedroom where I'm like guiding his hips. I go down a little more. What does that mean? Like eat somebody else. Oh, more. Yeah. But you didn't do that enough when you were growing up? I would have figured that method out way faster. Oh, right. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I think I just, I would have said like, just like chill out. It's not a big deal. Yeah. You know what I mean? Cause I feel like when I lost my virginity, I, I, you had put it on such a pedestal for so long that you're like, that was it. Not that it wasn't that, that it's, that was it. Because I mean, you also have to understand that when you lose your virginity, it's not like you're having the greatest sex ever. Yeah, I was hooked ever since. I mean, shit goes in, shit comes out, and then you go, that's pretty dope. But it, but you had talked about it for years. It's more scary than it is enjoyable. Right. You're like, I hope I don't get pregnant. I hope I don't get STDs. And I hope I'm doing this right. Right. But I don't know. What would I say about sex? I probably
Starting point is 01:11:34 would just be like, yo, this is where your penis goes. Well, I would probably be like, yo, it's going to get way fucking better. Yeah. It just, it gets doper as you go. Yeah. It's only going to get way more dope. It's only going to get way more doper. As soon as dudes stop calling girls sluts, it gets fired. Yeah. Super fire. Because that's when everyone's like, let's just fuck. Yeah. It's great. Next question comes from Maggie. They want to hear, she wants to hear our opinion as guys. Is it okay for girls to propose to their boyfriends? No. I'm not a big fan. Because here's why. If you have to propose to your boyfriend, he doesn't want to marry you. That's how I feel like in my head. If it's gotten to that
Starting point is 01:12:22 serious of a point. Because we're already socialized to the point of thinking like the guy's supposed to do it. Yeah. So for you to just do it, it's like, all right, but that's not how I'm not saying this shouldn't be a thing. But I understand what you're saying where it's like, we're socialized already into thinking the guy doesn't. So the guy will do it when he's ready. Right. Yeah. So the girl for her to do it would then mean that the guy's not ready. Yes. It would mean like, yeah. Right. Yeah. It would just be like asking a girl and knowing they're not ready. Yeah. You know, if a girl starts talking about getting married and like hinting at it and stuff like, here's my band that I want. Yeah. Take a hint. Yeah. Right. But if she's not talking about it at all, and you just pop it
Starting point is 01:13:08 on her, that's not fair to her too. Yeah. So I just think keep it with the guys. I think also just like hetero relationships, obviously, of course. As a guy, my ego is too big to be like she proposed to me. Yeah. And like, what's she gonna do? Give you an engagement ring? Are you gonna wear an engagement ring? Like, yeah, my girl got me this engagement ring. I don't know. See, I, yeah, it would, it's too weird. I understand that I shouldn't have a problem with that, but I'm flawed, I guess, because I just would be affected. I would just be like, can you not? Can we just, yeah. Like, I feel like my family would look at me weird. They'd be like, dude. Why didn't you do it? Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. That's a weird thing.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Team guy. I'm team guy too. But I am, I do think at some point, it'll change. It could change. You know, but in my lifetime, I don't think, you know, by the time I'm married or like whatever, I don't think this is, you know, but sorry, Maggie. Austin Rohn says, what was the biggest mistake you made, Joe, while starting all this up business wise? How did you learn to how, how'd you learn how to run a sex? How did you learn how to run a successful business? That's a good question. It is a good question. All questions are good questions. That's a good question. I don't know if I've ever made a mistake that stands out as the biggest mistake. I just think I'm constantly making mistakes as cliche of an answer that is, because I don't like to
Starting point is 01:14:52 make giant decisions like that. I'm more conservative than, you know, I mean, I guess some would say the biggest mistake was not going to college and just taking a leap, but that's the only reason why I was able to do any of this shit. Yeah, but you saved a lot of money and you've made more money probably. Right. I think that, I don't know. Dude, you would have went to college to be a fireman. That's true. Nothing wrong with a fireman. Yeah, but I didn't have to go to college to do it. Yeah. And that's like a mechanic. That's like people that go to college and become real estate agents. Yeah, you can just check the course. You know, it's like, what are we doing here? I know, but I think a lot of people do it. I guess, like, I guess there's
Starting point is 01:15:35 other things you learn to college to like social skills and shit, but like overrated. Yeah, I don't know. It depends who you are. What do you think your biggest mistake would be though? I don't know. It's hard to say. It's hard to say. I think that I consider myself someone who's open to criticism and open to learning new things like every single day. So I try to learn as much as I can to not make mistakes. I've definitely made mistakes, but nothing jumps off the paper as like, oh, this was the biggest mistake you've made. I mean, listen, I don't have a successful business, but I see the way that you work, but I think you have to make mistakes. I mean, it's all trial and error. Yeah. Like if you didn't make mistakes, how are you going to be
Starting point is 01:16:22 successful? Yeah, of course. I don't know. It's hard to say. I think my biggest mistake right now would probably be, see, but I don't consider it a mistake. Some people would consider a mistake that I don't post consistently on my main channel. Yeah. Because there's a ton of money to be had whatever. It's just, if it's not as fulfilling, I don't consider it a mistake, but I could see how some people would be like, that is a mistake for this business. This is where the business stemmed from. Like you are hurting your business, which is true. Right. But I don't necessarily consider that, you know, successful or unsuccessful. For me, the, the successfulness of my business came from me just being like, I'm going to do everything and say whatever the fuck I want. Yeah. People's,
Starting point is 01:17:03 people start places all the time. Yeah. You know, and that's another thing. I'm always down to start from zero. Yeah. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like the base we are now has created its own sort of brand and that essentially started from zero. Of course. And I wasn't like, if anything that gives you more confidence, because if you think about it, you've done it, why can't you do it again? Yeah. So in realistically stepping away from posting all the time has allowed you to gain other attributes. Now that I think about it, I think my biggest mistake would be any moment that I ever thought I couldn't, I wasn't capable. Right. That thing is the biggest mistake anyone can make. Yeah. Nothing like super real, but especially when you're trying to
Starting point is 01:17:56 start a business or like run a business or whatever, the moment you start doubting yourself, and then you're going through the motions and then you're, it's just, you can tell. People can tell. You know what I mean? Or once you start, especially on YouTube, like once you start making videos that you'd be like, oh, people will want to see this instead of making videos that you want to watch, that's a mistake as well. Right. Which I've done in the past. You should love what you're doing. Right. You should or enjoy it. Like enjoy watching it at least. You know what I mean? But yeah, I don't know if that answers the question Austin, but there you go. Yeah. Our final question, Michael Onesto says, do you feel like it is harder to be a famous YouTuber
Starting point is 01:18:36 now or when Joe had just got started? Why? What do you, what do you think it takes to be quote unquote famous on YouTube today? Been a huge fan since the original YouTube page. Give up the hard work boys. Thank you, Michael. I definitely think it's harder now. It's way more saturated. Yeah. There's so many people doing it. A lot of garbage. I mean, it's all garbage. Yeah. Sure. I think it's way harder now. When I was doing it, there was no one really doing what I was, there was no one doing what I was doing. Right. Like, I'm not going to say that like, but people like Cody Co and his boy Noel. Yeah. And you know, there's a bunch of pages like that now. And I think more so, he's more so in the YouTube
Starting point is 01:19:23 community than I ever was. Yeah. But I was always someone that people knew about, but didn't recognize because I didn't want to be a part of it. I didn't go to VidCon. I didn't go to meetups. I didn't, you know, interact with YouTubers and I hate going to LA. So I never knew any of these people. So I wasn't ever in the circle. But I think that I was the one of the first ones to do that style. Like that cut style of, it feels like a stand up comedy routine. Yeah. I did it down into a video. Yeah. And it was, because when I started all of YouTube was just like, it was weird, very positive. You know, I'm wearing a beanie and talking about fucking coffee. Yeah. It wasn't any like, like, and then I came out of nowhere. I was like, the fuck's up,
Starting point is 01:20:12 fucking this and that, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. What year did you start? Huh? What year did you start? 2011? 2011. Jesus. Yeah. So there was nothing like that. But I just did it because I thought it was funny and I wanted to make my friends laugh. But I think that that's why I was able to get where I was at because I filled a void. It's something like didn't really exist. And it was like, let me just get this. And there was no like crazy production behind it. It was just like, I remember my mom's fucking basement. Yeah. I'm just yelling at a camera. Yeah. But I think a part of you recognizes that it's changed so much. So it's caused you to evolve. Yeah. Like on your own level, just be like, I have to do other things, whether it's invest or,
Starting point is 01:20:53 you know, figure out other ways for me to supply content. Yeah. So I think that But you were ahead of the curve on that, I think. Yeah. I would even go as far to say, and I mean, and I would be willing to admit, if someone disproves me, that I, wow, my voice is like, I'm really like being sick. Yeah. But I would even go as far to say is that I sort of open the door for a lot of these people. Like someone like Cody Co, right? Like I don't think that happens without seeing it being possible by me doing it. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. But this is a kid who took what I was doing and completely perfected it to work for YouTube and is running with it. Yeah. And he probably has the best YouTube videos right now, if anyone.
Starting point is 01:21:49 But like that's what I mean. Like, and that's essentially what I did as well. Like I looked at someone like Jenna Marbles, who was more quirky and like whatever and not really off to the side, like off base. Yeah. She was like the biggest person on the platform at the time. And she was doing like, there were similarities with, I knew I was looking at her and I'm like, oh, someone's talking to a camera. Right. And like, that's all they need to do. It doesn't have to be like a sketch or doesn't have to, you don't need multiple people. It could just be you in your room talking about whatever. And I took that and I was like, you know what, I'm going to use like a gritty, I wouldn't say angry, but like a dirty version of comedy to come across.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Because there's nothing like that. It's all like this quirky and like, hey guys, like, how's it going? Like he was like kind of like, like kind of like a dirtier like talk soup. Not really. So you know what it is? It's just like, you look at Jenna Marbles doing it and she's talking about whatever she's talking about. And then you know, it's more quirky and like whatever. And I'm more like angry. Everything's a joke. It's supposed to be fun. Yeah, coming at you like whatever. And that changed a little bit over time and like whatever did what it did. But the fact that was able to be successful. I think, you know, someone like Cody Co, who was a funny dude who was doing vines at the time can see me and then
Starting point is 01:23:12 other people have come after me and say like, okay, this I could do this. You know what I'm saying? Like, because I mean, it's no mistake that this kid has millions of fucking subscribers. On YouTube, like he was making vines. He was big on that. And then he could see saw the opening and could be like, yo, I could do this shit. Like, you know, whatever, because clearly it has worked before, you know, I should have. Yeah, because there's tons of people on vine who couldn't make the jump. You want to know what it was even just in my personal thing. Like I had 600,000 followers on there. I was like, I should have started crossing over. Yeah, you know what I mean? A lot of that is like finding something and then like also just having the work ethic to like
Starting point is 01:23:52 keep it up, keep it up. Yeah. But um, yeah, so I don't want want to come off like snobby or something when I say that. I'm not saying like, I first Cody Co. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying like, for Cody, you're able to see vine. All right, vines going down. That's a smart kid too. Vines going down. It's like, all right, where am I going? And then you can see that it's just possible because you see people and I don't even know if this is true. Like, I don't know if you like saw me or saw like whatever, but I do think at the time, because at the time, like all I was doing was watching YouTube and I didn't see anyone doing what I was doing. So that's why I did it and ended up working out for that reason. But like I said, he just took
Starting point is 01:24:33 that and ran with it and made it his own thing and like, you know, I'm in no way saying that this kid is cocking my style or anything like that. You're saying completely different, but I'm just saying like, you're saying take like as in, you know, you could remodel something. Yeah, like, and Cody also adapted the reaction reactionary channel thing too, where it's like, you were able to take what I was doing, where I was just like talking about a subject and going going after it, and then taking that style of like, Oh, an angry cursing, like not clean, like coming at you sort of thing, right? And then mix it with the reactionary channels that we're also doing very well. And then now it's just like, those kind of videos crush. And now I can, I can even see now,
Starting point is 01:25:15 there's multiple channels copying his style of things. Like, I'll see a random YouTuber who has not that many views. I'm like, this kid clearly is a Cody Kofan because this is exactly what he does. It's shot. Exactly. Yeah. Would you ever think of like, almost taking it back? Like, what he's doing and being like, you know, I could flip it my own way. Uh, I don't know. I do think that he, he's really good at it. Yeah. What he's doing right now. I'm more so just like, I think what I was doing is people love it, but I don't like, I think it's played out. Yeah. And just because there's views on it doesn't mean like, you know, I just don't like it. His stuff is great. He knows what he's doing with it. I don't know if I would
Starting point is 01:26:06 even be better than him at it. Yeah. Um, but I don't know. Maybe one day I'll be like, you know what? Oh, I'll do this now. Yeah. And maybe that could, could come from inspiration from him or from somebody else or whatever. But I don't know. But I think that to answer this question, I don't mean one off on like a fucking Cody Kofu to answer what was mad weird. But, uh, I think that it is way harder now, which is also a testament to the people who are famous now on YouTube because there are so many people doing it and everyone has to start from zero or whatever. Like, like I said, back when I was doing it, no one even knew it was a job. No one knew that you could make money from it. So no one was really doing it. It was just like, it was just like a thing you did for
Starting point is 01:26:48 fun or whatever. And now it's like a, it's a calculated business decision. Like I'm going to do this. This is what I'm going to do. There's editors, there's producers, there's this, there's that. And to make it now is like, it's tough. It's tough to do. Um, way harder now. What do you think it takes to be famous on YouTube today? I don't know, man. Like, I mean, and it's, it's hard for me to, I mean, I'm sorry, but I'm bringing up Cody again. This is the only person I could bring up because I don't really know of anyone else who's doing it. And, uh, like I follow the kids. So I see his stuff, but it's like vlogs and shit now, right? It's a testament to his stuff. Cause it's like, as long as it's good, people are going to think it's funny. Like I remember
Starting point is 01:27:27 seeing this kid's videos and they were getting like 40,000 views and I still thought they were funny. And it's just you, it's consistency. It's like, you know, if it's good, more people are going to laugh and think it's funny. The other thing too is I feel like media has gone so much to live. Yeah. Like that's the new wave is streaming and like doing live stuff and like vlogging. You know what it is? It's when, when people just try to copy each other, you get lost. Yeah. You know what I mean? You have to do something else. Yeah. You know what I mean? You just, you have to, you can't, uh, just do the same thing. Like for me, when I first started out, I was taking topics and I was going after them talking about that. Then it turned into, uh,
Starting point is 01:28:09 there was some sketches that I would do or there would be a topic that I was talking about with sketches thrown in and then it became, uh, reactionary to pictures and stuff like that, like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then, you know, that was what I was doing for so long. Like it's just like little things like that are just small transitions to like trying different. But you're integrating new things. Right. Exactly. Yeah. And, uh, but now you just have like Cody's channel is a big channel now. And you know that if something funny happens on the internet, this kid's going to find it and he's going to do a reaction video to it and everyone's going to see it. Right. Because he's the one now. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. You capitalize on
Starting point is 01:28:48 so, but also the point I'm trying to make is if Cody makes that video about this specific video that went viral and it was terrible or whatever, blah, blah, blah, and he makes fun of it, it's hilarious. But then all these other channels are making reaction videos to the same video. And it's like, why am I going to watch all of these? No, like there's no reason to. So that's, that's where, you know, kids go wrong. Kids are like, I want to be a YouTuber or whatever. They see like, you know, oh, Cody talks about this video. I'm going to talk about it too. It's like, that's not the way to go because you're getting lost now. Yeah. Like he's going to be bumped up. And it's like, I already saw this video. Like, why the fuck am I going to watch someone else
Starting point is 01:29:24 react to the same exact video I just saw? Yeah. Like you got to just find your own way of doing things. You know, you can't do the same exact content as someone else. I mean, even like those Paul kids. That's another thing. It's like, you know, they live extravagant lives now. I honestly, the vlogging thing was a mystery to me. Casey Neistat invented it. Yeah. I mean, he probably didn't, but like he was the godfather of vlogging, everyone knew his vlogs, whatever. And everyone adapted that because it took less work. Yeah. It was, it was more work physically, more time to have to spend editing, but less creative work, which I would argue is more taxing. Yeah. But that style just became super popular.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Everyone started doing it. And then I think it was just pure consistency and like an insane work ethic out of Logan and Jake Paul. Yeah. I'm doing it every day or whatever the fuck it was that you had to see it. And they both had big Facebook pages too, because they were both big online. Yeah. So I mean, they, you know, they made out on that. But, uh, but that's another thing. Like then you have kids who are like, you want to be a vlogger and you just start vlogging from ground zero. It's like, all right, but why am I watching this? At some point it's work ethic or talent has to take over at some point. Yeah. Well, it's, it's, I guess it's, it's, it's a, you have to do both. You have to eventually, and I think work ethic is a talent. Sure. I think,
Starting point is 01:30:54 I think like if someone's willing to fucking make a video every day, even if it's awful, it's hard to make a video every day. I wouldn't be able to do it. You know, clearly I can't do it once a week. So, well, you, you have a love hate with it right now. Yeah. Which you're outspoken about, which people should be able to understand. Sure. I mean, we can go on and on. Like, like and subscribe If you want my advice, my advice is don't try. Well, you know what? Do it because you like it, but don't set out to be like, you know, I'm going to be a famous. Yeah. See where it takes you. Just do it. Just do it because you like, I didn't start doing it because I wanted it to be like a calculated, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Right. And I don't think anyone really does that. I think when you do that, you set out to be like, oh, like you're from ground zero. Like, yo, this is going to be a dope thing. Yeah. Like even all the Viners and like the Paul brothers, whatever, dude, they didn't start doing it because they're like, yo, there's so much money in here because it was zero dollars in vine. Yeah. Like no one was making money at all. Only thing was possible. Only thing we were making was like money off, like doing ads. No, but I'm saying that wasn't even a thing at first. No, the platform was new. Everyone was doing it. It was just funny because we saw it everywhere and it was like, oh, I can make funny stuff. And who doesn't want to try and be funny. So it's like, you just do that. And
Starting point is 01:32:11 eventually the followers come and as the followers come, that's when someone contacts you and they go, Hey, man, you can monetize this. You do this, you do that. Oh, now, now it pops the chest. There's an opportunity to make money here. That was the biggest, that was the biggest mistake I made. I should have like took care of that and like made a Facebook page and YouTube and like took over when I could have. I yeah, that was one thing that I got lucky with thinking like, you know what, I'm trying to do every single social media there is. I was on every single platform. It's smart in hindsight, but it wasn't like a calculated decision at all. No, but in hindsight, it was the right thing to do. Oh, absolutely. It was the right thing to do. But I like,
Starting point is 01:32:50 I just did it because I was like, I just, you know, my Instagram, like my Vine was like 600,000. My Instagram was like 7,000. I never crossed promoters. Right. Like I just hit 60,000 followers today. It's lit. It's lit. Go follow Danny. Go follow me on Instagram. All right. Well, I think we can wrap this up here. Where can they find you Danny? Instagram and Twitter at Danny low priority. All right. And you guys can follow me on Twitter at Joe Sanagato and the twitch slash Joe Sanagato. And that is all for this week's episode. Thanks for listening. Yeah, motherfuckers.

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