The Basement Yard - Biggest Flexers Of The Century

Episode Date: May 14, 2018

On this episode, @DannyLopriore & I are talking about Lil Tay, Airplanes, & more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. Just me and Danny. Oh, yeah, just hanging out Just hanging and banging getting after it getting after it hundred percent. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, you're fucking volumes all fucked up. Is it I think I just fixed it. Did she yes, you did did she would you say I don't know Did she threw a random she in there. It's nice. Sometimes you got to do that You got to do it. Anyway today. I want to start off this podcast by talking about the one the only Little Tay youngest flexor in the game youngest of the century Wow, not even of the game. That's a hundred years. That's ballsy There's been some pretty big flexors in the past hundred years. I would say she's the biggest one Yeah, just in my time. She's probably in the larger scale flexors. She's in my top three. I would say without a doubt
Starting point is 00:00:47 It's it's hard to argue that oh for sure Anyway for people who have no idea what the fuck we're talking about there's like this little Asian girl I think she's like She's 100% Asian. I never knew I Mean I just gave it the eye test. I think you could tell I'll I'll check it out. I'll dive deeper. Okay But yeah, anyway, this possibly Asian Little girl she um, she's like ten years old or whatever and she's on Instagram with like stacks of money And she's like and she doesn't even like do you best little Tay right now?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yo, what's good guys? It's the biggest flexor of the century Lil Tay your girl my sick cost more than your crap It's yeah, it's not even a good attempt. I know at whatever but the reason why I wanted to bring her up So like yeah, like I was saying it's like this little girl on Instagram that like makes these videos with like money and like Pretends to flex whatever I think it's supposed to be like satire and like kind of ironic and funny whatever but Her mom the reason why she she originally got famous. She has a million followers on Instagram Yeah, that's crazy. So the when she first got famous was because she was inside like mansions and like she had these cars or whatever and
Starting point is 00:02:04 Her mom worked in realty. Oh and Now her mom got fired from her job because they were taking videos in these people's houses and open people's houses. Yeah, I mean I Think rightfully so she oh yeah fire the shit out of her. Yeah fucked up How do you think you're not gonna get caught doing that either? I think that maybe she just thought it was just like whatever didn't give people will do anything for For followers to be honest with you. It's gotta be a crazy thing though, especially now Like it's different like when we were younger like Macaulay coconut was like the kid star
Starting point is 00:02:38 What the hell how did you just pronounce his name Macaulay coconut Macaulay coconut? Yeah, that's his name Isn't it you said like Macaulay coconut? Oh, maybe it's just my accent. Yeah, you sounded like whole coconut was in the middle of that Holy coconut dude Macaulay coconut brother. He was in a home alone dude. Yeah And home alone to brother yeah in New York City, dude, by the way home alone three refuse to watch it No, as soon as I saw he wasn't in I'm good on this. I'm not in the Marinette. No None of them are in a random ass kid. The reason I'm tying her back to that was like that was like a kid star You're right like
Starting point is 00:03:14 Usually doesn't go well. Is it gonna be the same for like these Instagram kids? I don't think I mean No, it's not my right. It's well. No, it's not gonna work out. It's what I'm trying to say. Okay, of course not Probably I don't think it's hard for it to work out I feel like if you if you're famous from a young age, how many people were famous from a young age that turned out Oh, yeah, they're good not a lot not a lot not a lot because I think about how hard that is I know like yo, you're like eight years old. You what's good? Instagram I'm flexing. I swear to God I mean what I say and my mom didn't tell me to say this. That's see that's the thing and her mom's probably pulling the strings back
Starting point is 00:03:54 There. Oh, yeah, that's fucked up. I know it's weird. You're your daughter looks weird, man Also, like when that kid's like 15 I See, I don't know if she really believes she's the biggest flexor in the game. No, I don't know I think that's century century century. Yeah, not in the game myself. Not in the game. Not in the game the fucking century Fuckin century like when she's 15 like goes to parties Like this kid's gonna be embarrassed as fuck probably. I Don't think so. Do you see like all that's all kids care? All kids care about is that follower amount like they'll put up with anything just to that. Yeah, she's flossing hard
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah, and one of my buddies Greg was just in LA. He goes dude. It's crazy out here now He's like literally all the kids are walking around with like these sticks with cameras on them Just pointing them at them and just walking around with like filming themselves. I believe it. I believe it I can't imagine living there. That sounds awful. No What is good? Biggest flexor of the decade. Yeah, I can't do that. Yeah, what's good flexing hard. It's a Tuesday. Yeah, I don't know Yeah, it's just like can we just be can you just be a person? So I wonder what's gonna happen with her mom I guess her mom is just gonna go full just management of little tight now
Starting point is 00:05:02 I mean, she was managing her from what I read. She's like her manager Which just means like she's taking all the fuck up. Oh, yeah, she's keeping every one of those Yeah, she's starting a quote-unquote college fund really no, I'm making this up. Oh, it's like oh, no college, but maybe she'll go like the The bad baby route Makes some music and just start rapping dude. Everyone raps or makes music. It's they all signs like Atlantic Yeah, Atlantic will take anybody anybody they signed. What's his fucking face? They signed him too. Yeah, but that was a good yodel boy. Yeah, that's all fucking fire famous was fire famous fire
Starting point is 00:05:40 And he's also just like he's just like a little cowboy fucking kid, you know, he is the less risk of anything dude the Yodel boy Yeah, he's that's a smart investment. Yeah, it is. I mean over fucking Little Tay and fucking bad, baby, you know, you know, they're gonna get in trouble at some point doing silly stuff But had baby. Yeah, didn't she just like get off probation too? I don't know. Well, she beat the shit out of her mom First of all, I love how she says like I didn't beat the shit out of my mom It's like we saw a video if you're pitting your mom. Yeah, what do you mean? Also never crossed my mind to beat up my mom My mom could probably fuck me up. I'm still afraid of my mom
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yeah, like now I can I'll I'll kick the shit my if you're watching this you already know Yeah, like in theory like I'll kick I'll kick my mom's ass. Yeah, but a party's still a little afraid I'll let my mom get like 20 shots in but that 21st shot. It's gonna be too much. I might kill you with that You know, I broke my mom's rib Yeah, like in recent history. How I was drunk. It was the Super Bowl. Wait, listen, listen, okay This sounds good already, everyone's like you hit your mom Yeah, I know I might have told the story before but um, I was drunk and it's a Super Bowl and I was wearing a Superman cape Right. This was like two years ago and I'm in the kitchen and I see my mom and
Starting point is 00:07:08 I hug her but sideways and I bear hug her and she's like ow And I was like, oh shit and she's like she didn't break her rib But like something happened and her rib was like bruised or something like I fucking I bruised my mom's rib You know what I call that? It's a big time loving Tough love right? He loves his mom. I love the shit on my mom. Hug it out I'll bruise that fucking rib to let you know rib will get better love love gets stronger. So little ribs. It's the best thing Don't not worried about it. Exactly. You know, my family never let that go
Starting point is 00:07:41 So you're trying to kill our mom first of all if your family gets anything on you They will never let it go. No, they still say that to the say every time I hug my mom. They're like, hey Hey, I'm like relax. I learned my lesson. She must have felt so bad for you. No, she did it No, she's like you fucking ask the fuck are you doing you idiot? I'm so sorry I felt terrible the funny part is is that we're also just overlooking the fact that you were wearing a cape and it was a onesie It was a onesie that had a cape on it. Was this like a theme party or no, you just wanted to go hard that day. It was cold It was called out how long was the cape was the cape like real long or was like one of those short It was definitely in the middle of my ass like it was
Starting point is 00:08:24 You're getting after it. I had a cape on Like yo, yeah, yeah, wait a second. Okay Like If I walked in a kindergarten teacher, yeah, that's good. We're gonna get to that and we're gonna get to it one second Yeah If I walked into your house and I didn't know you yeah, and I saw you wearing that cape and Like say I was friends with like Heath or somebody. Yeah, I'd be like your brother's a little off, right? That's exactly what I would think I was wearing it. It was bright blue
Starting point is 00:08:55 It looked like a Superman outfit and then it had a cape That's awesome. Yeah, I'll tell me this funny story when I was younger because you we were just at my mom's house and There's that landing for the stairs like the stairs come down. There's a landing. Yeah, and then there's two steps When I was younger, I would jump off that with like a thing wrapped around my neck like a cape I'd be jumping off it and my mom's like, hey, you're gonna hurt yourself and I looked at my mom with like a disgusted look And I was like ma I'm wearing a cape. Yeah. Duh bitch. I got superpowers. Yeah. What do you I'll be fine, huh? Jesus, you're okay. I can't get on the roof. I know and I was dead serious and I believed it
Starting point is 00:09:36 Do you remember I feel like everyone went through a nunchuck phase, too? Oh, yeah I had a nunchuck everyone was like yo, I could actually fucking do this But they were always like they're always like not real nunchucks No, no, they were like you there were just it was something in the middle That was like almost broken. You're like I could just or like a sock. Yeah, it was like a bar soap in it You're like, yeah, I could fucking kill it. Yeah, those are scary though. What nunchucks Realistically though, I've never seen like a nunchuck though like when has a nunchuck been used in battle and like yo, that's hurting someone Never that's what I'm saying. Who's nunchucking the other thing that's kind of weird though is like it's my least favorite ninja weapon
Starting point is 00:10:15 That's for sure. Yeah, I would never do that. I go sword stars None what other ones we I would go nunchucks over a bow staff Excuse me like a like a bow staff. What's a bow like what Donatello has? Oh, no, I'm going staff You don't staff staff is fucking dope Distance. Yeah, man. Yeah, a lot of blocking a lot of control too. Yeah, what is Raphael's that you fart? No, no, damn it. We keep getting these fart noises What is Raphael have?
Starting point is 00:10:48 The other knives, what are they called though? I don't know. Those are fucking crazy. They're not tridents Are they I mean you could like cooks of lucky on them. I know It's also we it's also funny how like they never like Leonardo has swords never cuts anyone Yeah Raphael never impales anyone Michelangelo use those fucking nunchuck stuff None chuck the shit out of you. It was none chucking. That's for fuck sure, but nunchucks suck Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're not a great one when I was in middle school. There was this kid
Starting point is 00:11:22 Fuck I forget his name, but he was supposed to fight someone you remember fights in middle school Yeah, it was awesome. Could you talk about it all day all day all week? It was like planned It was like a football game. It's like yo Friday 2 p.m. Meet me by the boss everyone walking downstairs Everyone's like oh my god And then you have like your it was like fucking west side stories like everyone had you're a crowd behind you walk up How bad are the teachers that they can't spot this that's what I'm saying and like that you don't you don't hear anything Yeah, why are these 80 students walking down to this flagpole in unison? Yeah, they're doing this Like why like I know they're just being kids
Starting point is 00:11:55 You ever see those videos of like North Korea when they like March or whatever exactly what it looks like everyone's legs are It's like the Rockettes like everyone's legs are in the same pick your sides, too Yeah, I know but the reason why I brought this up was because one of the kids brought nunchucks To school. I'll be honest with you. Were they real? What are fake ones like thin like thin ones for like when you're a kid like so you don't fucking hurt yourself I wasn't the ref. I wasn't checking his gloves and the nunchucks Nunchucks wasn't doing that, but he had nunchucks. He didn't use him though. He just had him in his hand I spent none chucks and you in
Starting point is 00:12:30 Chucks I think that's how you I think so No silent K in there. I'm not gonna look it up. I'm not looking it up I'm just gonna take I'm just gonna I'm gonna do you spell it that way for the rest of my life I'm done spelling words wrong for a long time. I think I'm done spelling words correctly. Yeah. Yeah, I'm done Listening to other people as far as how words are spelled. Yeah, I agree if I think it's spelled this way It's my truth God, it's so true
Starting point is 00:12:55 Not my word. You just opened a huge door for me. You're welcome. It really goes a long way. You're so welcome You know, you know, she could uh, but if go just to go back to a little tape for a second do you think that Her instagram following Is gonna continue to grow or do you think she's just gonna fall off? Like now that like they can't go in like these mansions and shit No, I think that she already established herself She'll find places but I do think that all these people will fall off eventually
Starting point is 00:13:24 But it's interesting because like you can't help but think like there's no longevity and what these people do eventually the tide's changing It's like, all right. Yeah, we're moving away from this and like, you know, because instagram just came into the spotlight like it was facebook at myspace facebook Twitter yeah, and then now it's and then it was like twitter snapchat kind of whatever and now it's instagram like everything's instagram now So eventually when you move away from that platform, it's like, all right What do you do and youtube was in there as well and it was vine was in there as well So it's like you it just keeps moving on down the list You know what I mean? So once it goes away from instagram, but it's weird because you have a million followers
Starting point is 00:14:02 And no matter what that has monetary value. Yeah, of course So it's like you're they'll fall off and no one's really gonna care and maybe their engagement will go down But they could still make money off their instagram. That's why I said like the the fucking bari baby girl Daniel Borgoli, she doesn't have to work a regular job for the rest of her life. She has mad followers on instagram It's like, you know, even if no one cares about you and you fall off completely There's still 12 million eyes here or whatever it is. I mean even even if she didn't rap Yeah, no, she'd be fine. She'd be fine. You just you probably fucking signed a nice deal with them too Hell yeah, she's probably made millions
Starting point is 00:14:40 You know what we gotta do we gotta beat up our fucking mobs, dude. I know. Yeah, that's the only way Didn't dr. Phil gets any of that money No, no Dr. Phil is out here fucking changing your life changing lives changing the rap game changing the rap game Changing that social media game that too. Damn dr. Phil is like the wizard of Oz. I know you get on there. You're good I mean for a little bit Who else has come off that show like Do you ever see that dude that's like that moonwalks on dr. Phil? Yes
Starting point is 00:15:12 That is one of the funniest ones. I've ever seen in my entire life He's like, I got a perfect score on a whatever like the hotness scale or something It's like a hot or not like six weeks in a row. What do you know about talent? Just like fucking does the moonwalk That one was an amazing episode. I love that shit. I forgot what it's called But it was like I used to watch a lot of dr. Phil like back in the day. It's probably not the best for you. No dr. Phil I don't know all those shows seem like a little fake to me. I think they're all fake
Starting point is 00:15:41 Yeah, like even with that girl. I think they were like, hey listen, you're gonna be on the show Just like be yourself or like go for it, you know Yeah, like I don't think they're just like let's just go out here No, because tv is all like super fake or whatever like I don't know if I've talked about this before But did I tell you that frankie was gonna possibly be on a tv show? Oh really? Yeah, so they were filming a show around here. Yeah kaufman studios And it was neopatrick harris had this live tv show that he was doing it was like trivia like whatever And they're like, we're gonna pick anyone from the crowd and they're gonna come up here and blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:16:16 But it's not really just anyone from the crowd And I'm assuming this is still the case for precious ride as well where they pick like 30 people that could be possibly picked And they put them in a room before the show like earlier in the day Yeah, and then your plus one which was me sits on the other side of the room Then they have everyone Go around and stand up and say something about themselves like it's the first day of school So And the reason for that is because they want people with energy. They don't want to get someone on tv
Starting point is 00:16:43 It's like, yeah, whatever. I don't really fucking care It didn't include the plus ones. Did you have to like say something? No, I didn't thank god I was just like I was enjoying the fact that this is kind of psychotic But the people were taking it so seriously and you could tell they're like They have to be theater majors or something. Yeah, they're like, this is my break Yeah, because they were like standing up and they'd be like, hi I'm jacob. I speak five languages and I've traveled to seven continents and it's like super extra jacob sit your fucking loud ass down Take it easy jake
Starting point is 00:17:15 What did franky say? Uh, man, I don't remember. That was probably a gem too though. Yeah, I think he like was Like piggybacking off of the fact that everyone was saying how they speak like multiple languages or some shit. Yeah, and he was like I think he's he said is like I speak one language and whatever and everyone's like laughing or whatever Um, I could see him saying that. Yeah, something like that. Yeah All right before we move on let's get to the sponsor here The the the only one we have today is harry's razors Which is the only razor I will put on this glorious face. Well, not on my face. I do my neck
Starting point is 00:17:52 I got to keep my beard. Otherwise I go from like I feel like I'm a seven four right now But if I shade my face completely I'll be down to like a five. That's just realistic numbers there. Uh, but love harry's smooth Smooth on the skin. You don't even buy some bullshit from like, you know, some store That's like you get 20 of them in a pack for two dollars and they just cut your neck up You don't want that stuff you want harry's razors guys
Starting point is 00:18:17 Uh, they knew a great shave comes down to the great blades made of the sharp durable steel that lasts That's why they bought a factory that's been making some of the highest quality blades in the world for over 95 years and uh By selling directly to you over the internet They can offer these blades at a price much lower than the leading brands Just two dollars per blade compared to four dollars or even more in some cases And uh, you can get a 13 dollar value trial set that comes with everything you need for a close comfortable shave It's a weighted handle
Starting point is 00:18:48 five blade razor with lubricating strip and trimmer blade Uh, some shave gel travel cover It's a bunch of stuff in here 13 dollar value trial set. Okay Right now everyone can redeem their trial set at harry's dot com slash basement Again, that is harry's dot com Slash Basement do not leave your house with little cuts on your faces anymore get harry's
Starting point is 00:19:14 harry's dot com slash basement Get those blades coming in and uh, yeah Anyway, but yeah, it's just like weird But yo, you know those like it just reminded me of those shows remember mori back in the day. Oh, yeah Dude talk about Not being pc and super insensitive for it. Yeah, they used to have an episode which i'm not gonna lie I loved
Starting point is 00:19:38 But it was it was just called guy or girl And they would just have these people come out And some of them were like transgender. Some of them were uh, like just Cross-dressing, I guess or like somewhere, uh, what's that thing called? Um Trent no no no no You know what i'm talking about the dudes who put on makeup drag drag. Yes. Um And and like that and they would just like have people pick like oh, is this a guy or a girl? Nope, it's a whatever and it was just like, yo, can you imagine that being on tv now?
Starting point is 00:20:14 I know also mori was like epic stay at home from school television. Yeah, it was ridiculous It was like, yeah, like I couldn't I couldn't even keep up with the family tree. It was like, yo, my step grandma Is fucking my brother's Ex sister-in-law. I'm like, what is going on? I love the episodes too when they bring the woman back like six times and like it's never not one of them is the dad I love I love those ones. She's got like five dudes. She's like one of these mother fuckers It's like no actually it's it's not any of these guys. It's like never used to have like Those shows. Yeah, dude. They were so not to say they used to have like quote-unquote freaks come on
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yes, like people like oh, it's like boiled skin boy or something. I'm like, yeah, what are we doing here? Yeah, or they would like fuck with people with like phobias phobias Oh, I heard you're like deathly afraid of peaches and all of a sudden all the screens behind them Which is turns of peaches. Yeah, and they run backstage. It's like mori Jerry, what are you doing? Yeah, Jerry springer was wild too. Yeah, Jerry springer was like He was the biggest instigator of all time. Was any of that real? Probably not maybe maybe some of it and then they were like I think in the beginning It was real. Yeah, and they're like this works
Starting point is 00:21:29 Let's keep doing it and finding people who are whatever and maybe interviewing people and finding out like okay This person's literally like unstable and they'll probably throw fists or whatever imagine hosting a show though Or it's just like your guests physically fought each other and it was okay And it was like normal And they got broken up and then a jerry chant breaks out jerry jerry It's like we'll be right that we'll be right back after this is my final thoughts. Yeah To it these fucking people trying to kill each other It's like this fucking hick-ass woman. She has like her shirt off her bras half on. She's like he loves me
Starting point is 00:22:03 He loves me. I'm gonna fuck him in the church. I'm gonna fuck him whenever I want He don't love you The best was the little things in the corner because when you just tune in you're like, I don't know what this episode's about in the corner be like, uh I need to tell my Girlfriend that I fucked her sister at church. There's some crazy shit. It's like My dad's gay. Yeah question mark and you watch it and then that part never comes up. My mom's a virgin. Yeah How's his pause?
Starting point is 00:22:32 Yeah, it was just so weird. Yeah, those shows are the best though I fucking missed that shit. It was that The jerry springer that and then what's his face guys on show too? Steve Wilkos Did you ever see the video of when he gets so mad that he picks up a chair and throws it at the set and it sticks into the wall No Dude It's amazing. It's that good. He picks up a chair. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:55 I don't know what happened. He was like yelling at someone. It's like you don't hit a woman or something I don't know. I'm paraphrasing and he just picks up one of the chairs and throws it at the wall And it sticks into the wall and everyone's like, oh Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve. Yeah, it was wild I know you don't hit a woman. You also don't throw a chair through through a wall either. I mean, yeah, you're set. Yeah Get those ratings get those ratings, but I'm worried about your anger a little bit too. Yeah The rage inside you is building my friends. So get it's getting a little crazy Another thing that was super weird is that sometimes People would first of all, you remember when guests would come out? Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:23:31 They would have like the two people there the couple and and they'd be like um, cheating on you with uh Your sister and then we'd be like, oh Let's bring out Rebecca. We flew out. We spent money to get her here. So you guys could fist fight. Let's get Rebecca out here She comes out like, yeah, what the fuck's good. I don't fucking care. I suck my sister's boyfriend's dick Yeah, and then she gets over that they start making out hardcore. Yeah, and then there's a fight that breaks out Oh, it's just it's mayhem mayhem. Imagine that it was real like really real and that happened to you once I just I can't like I mean, I would never think of like handling my problems like just going on. I don't know like
Starting point is 00:24:11 I'm not sure who I'm who I'm pregnant by let's go to mori. Yeah, let's get more to figure this out Yeah, they would always come out and fucking make out with like dude right there. Yeah. Yeah, I'll do what I want to you Yeah, it's he's mine It's a weird as fuck making out in public. So weird Dude, I hate that the other day. I saw someone I'm sitting I think I was at the dog park with charlie. There's people on the bench. Just like Just like I'm like Just like that this get your
Starting point is 00:24:41 Just like indoor voice, you know, I'm saying like, you know, I mean there's indoor voices and there's indoors There's no making out in public. No at all. No unless you're inside a club. No Make out inside a club. It's kind of like whatever making that's kind of weird Because like it doesn't pleasure you really at all I mean, it's kind of dope. It's dope. You know, you know, it's it's the cause of like the first Ever anxiety you experience though. Yeah, for sure. I'm not gonna be good at making out Remember that was like a legit fear. I know You're like, yo, I don't know if I'm gonna be good at it
Starting point is 00:25:13 It's like what what do I look like right now? Making out Yeah, you're like, yo, do I how how much how much speed because I yo in eighth grade I was dating this girl She was quick. She was a quick uh quick kisser Like she had a lot of movement I was like, yo Like one of the like Like in and out like yeah, I mean that looked like a hummingbird
Starting point is 00:25:37 Yeah, is that what it was like? You're pollinating a flower. What are you doing that? I could do it That was good. That was that was fire sexual very sexual. But yeah, she was moving like crazy And I was like, I can't even like keep up. I can't even move my tongue this fast. She had a strong ass tongue A lot of muscle in there. Yeah, it's a muscle. Have you ever opened your eyes while kissing somebody? Yeah, I have to isn't it weird. It's so weird So like I think it's only weird like I think it's normal to open your eyes and kind of just scope out the situation Because I don't like keep my eyes closed for too long. Yeah, because I want to know what's going on I don't know if anyone's trying to blindside me or like, you know what I mean? I don't know what's happening
Starting point is 00:26:13 I don't want to I want to check it out. Make it seem like okay. We're good again. Let's check those. We'll get back to this Surrounding so I'm saying like I'm trying to be safe. Yeah, there could be a fucking alligator on the floor Like this guy comes over. He's trying to rob me like I don't want to be getting robbed while making out You're your most vulnerable state right there That's By how long you keep your eyes open for though. Are you doing one of these like I'll probably just No, you don't you don't go bug-eyed. Well, how would you oh you do one of these? You're just checking it out. Like you just woke up in the morning. You're just like
Starting point is 00:26:45 It's like a very slow blink the only thing that would be weird is I would love to see myself doing that with like open eyes Yeah, like outer body just like me just being like Yeah, then oh that's strange as fuck that's strange if you keep your eyes open the whole time while making out That's weird. Yeah, that is very weird The only thing imagine if you opened your eyes and then some their eyes are open too And then you're like you're stirring each other's eyes. You're too much is like connecting with their other. Yeah. Yeah, so weird She's like, yo, what the fuck dude opening your eyes while kissing is mad weird I don't know if I even like do it that much
Starting point is 00:27:22 Like I feel like I just do it like periodically like are we still doing this yet? We are all right, and then we It's also like I don't know like when you have like a girlfriend for a while. It's like How long are the make-out sessions anymore when you're a kid all you do is you just make out hard Dude, you remember being a kid and you're like, I'm just gonna make out for 40 minutes right now. So harsh You're both your faces were just soaked with just like gross It's nasty But it was sick
Starting point is 00:27:52 awesome And then sometimes you like touch the inside of your thigh but like closer than the knee not near your dick And you're like, this is good enough for me Maybe touch those titties Remember the first time you grabbed a tit. Oh, yeah, you were like, this is I was like I I felt tits I felt numerous tits before yeah, you know feeling tits. It's awesome Top three things up there. I'll tell you that Try to remember the first time I touched it
Starting point is 00:28:26 I have no idea. It's probably seventh grade. I have no idea. I couldn't even tell you I have no idea, but I mean I don't know They're just great. I don't know that fucking scene from four-year-old version is so funny though. It's like a bag of sam Yeah, that's so funny. Oh, man. That's a fucking classic. Have you ever felt a fake tit? Um, yeah Yeah Which what's your thoughts? They're like
Starting point is 00:28:57 You look disgusted. No, I'm not disgusted. It's like What's wrong with like a natural a natural tit like a natty a natty tea like a fake tea is like It just it takes it takes the essence away from for it for me The essence see I felt but if you want to get them go go for it. I'm not like against them But I throw those naddies out there I mean, I think yeah, the naddies are dope. Naddies are fucking dope But also like I felt two different fake teas. Yeah, one of them was like Yikes, like hard. Yeah, it was hard. Yeah, but the other ones I was like, I can't even tell what you know
Starting point is 00:29:40 That these are fake. They just feel like boobs Yeah, so yeah So it depends where you go the one the one that I touch was hard Hard as fuck and like cold freezing I just felt cold like this is like an inanimate object inside your body. That's what it felt like. Well, it is Well, it's a bag you want them to feel naddies. You want to feel naddies You want to feel natural
Starting point is 00:30:06 Where are we going right now? I don't know It's very strange. Well, we fell down the fucking titty rabbit hole there Oh, I saw this thing trending on twitter And I was interested to see what your answer would be. Can I ask you? Yeah If you had to watch one movie From start to finish For 24 hours straight straight no credits either no cell phone Just watch the movie just watch the movie not fall asleep not fall asleep
Starting point is 00:30:37 24 hours what movie you doing Uh Probably like forest gump that's a great one just because like first of all Good movie great movie one of my favorite movies mine too Longest fuck I think yeah, it helps. How long is that movie? Uh, it's probably two and a half hours Yeah, I mean I would want a movie that's long so it's like you get to watch it less times But you gotta soundtrack is fucking fire from forest gump. Yeah, it's amazing. So like that's another thing that helps
Starting point is 00:31:12 Also, it's a very diverse movie too. There's a lot of storylines So that kind of makes it interesting like just to watch the same movie over and over again with like one sort of and it's got tom hanks Who's the fucking man tom hanks tom hanks is the man? I love tom hanks. You gotta try to see how long this friggin movie is It is 142 minutes So, yeah, it's almost two and a half hours. Yeah Not bad. So I would watch. Yeah, I would watch something like that or like the godfather something long So I only have to watch it like seven times
Starting point is 00:31:42 If that math is even right, yeah Well, yeah around there if it's like three hours long. Yeah, three and change something like that, but um Yeah, I don't know. I could I could I even do that? I don't even I don't ever see those things where it's like, yo Can like nasa was like, yo, we'll give you $16,000 if you lay in a bed for a month could never do it ever No, I feel like your body would never recover from that either Me I feel like I would stand up and my spine would be like, nope And you would just turn into a puddle of water or like dust Like your spine would just like wither away. Yeah, this isn't willy wonka
Starting point is 00:32:13 These fucking people laid in a bed for their whole lives and then they're just gonna get out and they're they're fucking that grandpa's like Fucking dancing down the road or whatever. It's not happening. It's also only like $16,000 Yeah, a hundred thousand No, but it's a month 16,001 months. Fucking awesome. Yeah, it's a lot of money. Actually That's a ton of money in a month. What are people usually making like Three four two. Yeah, probably like two to four two to four. Yes. I'm like that and you get 16 That's a lot, but to lay in a bed. Fuck that dude. Fuck with my health. How do you pee in poop? Probably just get a roll over or pee in one of those like
Starting point is 00:32:49 Lieutenant Dan Things Damn, I might have to steal that movie too Shawshanks mad long too That's a good movie. Yeah, Shawshanks long. That's a good fucking movie I don't think I could watch anything of 24 hours in a row. No, how many times do you think you could watch your favorite movie in a row? What is your favorite movie three tops? Probably Forrest Gump. Really? Yeah Yeah Remember the Titans is up there for me. Remember the Titans
Starting point is 00:33:20 Forrest, I just let like I could I could watch Forrest Gump from any time that it's on Yeah, I could just pick up for anywhere. I've seen it so much Yeah, it's a great and just enjoy it all the way to the end. It's hard for me to change the channel when it's on Yeah, you know, it's crazy too. I like Titanic Titanic is good. That's another one. That's the longest shit. I couldn't watch that 24 not too Way too depressing and it's just like pretty depressing though, too Not really. Dude, The End of Forrest Gump is pretty downer. Well, yeah the end, but for the most part It's fun. If Jenny would have jumped off that ledge
Starting point is 00:33:54 We've had a conversation about this, but you know free bird playing What a good song. What a great fucking movie Would you Like yeah, who I'm out when they did that song about yeah, just do a solo for like nine minutes I always think about That solo right in free bird also guitar hero, too That too, which I love playing because I feel like I'm actually playing it. Yeah, but I can play free bird Don't worry about it. How do you go into the studio and record that?
Starting point is 00:34:24 just Just go just fucking shred just shred and they also have two guitars playing at the same exact time I won't point turn that solo. Yeah Who the fuck are these people? They're amazing. Um, r.i.p. R.i.p. But uh goddamn planes I hate planes. You hate planes, too, right? I don't fuck with planes Don't fuck with planes roller coasters I don't know. I don't fuck with the like six flags. I don't see how that's fun. Yeah No, because you wait on lines the whole fucking time and someone's like, no, you get like the pass
Starting point is 00:34:58 It's all right. I don't like what everyone was. I got everybody's got the pass. I'm saying I haven't been the six flags in like Maybe 15 years. I've never gone. Never gotten six. I've never been there. No I'm I'm I'll I'll water park it though. Yeah, I'll water park it But I'm not going on that fucking cliff diver shit. No, no, no 150 feet in there. What do you think? I'm fucking I'm playing with fire over here. You ever see like those 90 degree slides too. That's the one Yeah, I'm good on that. Do I saw someone go down there head first one of the lifeguards maniac I'm like, yo, you're a fucking nut job. No, not for me. Lazy river though fire
Starting point is 00:35:32 It's all right. I like it. I mean, I'm not crazy though. No, you're there with your boys Just getting getting the day started. I'll go on everything else in there Besides the cliff diver because I'm like, yo, this is too small and like I'm good. I'm good. I'm good on the speed. I don't like going that fast. I don't like going that fast in anything I don't mind going that fast like I guess in a car I can't like as long as I can't feel the speed Yeah, like an airplane flying down that fucking thing like an airplane. I'm scared of but it's like it doesn't feel like you're going
Starting point is 00:36:06 700 miles an hour. Yeah, it's like you feel like you're just going like at a steady pace Yeah, I just I like to sit on the aisle. Yeah, so it just feels like I'm on a bus. Well, that's smart Yeah, that's smart You kind of just put yourself in that headspace like I'm on a little shaky bus. Yeah, once that things start shaking though I get that Like a dog that just heard something I get like that. Yeah, anybody else feel that anyone? I didn't know what's going on here. No, but I I was fortunate Not fortunate, but I
Starting point is 00:36:37 So the first time I only had been on a plane once in my life. Yeah until I was 21 So we went to disney world and I don't remember that plane ride at all. Yeah, the youngest fuck. Um, but When I was 21 we went to Miami and I was like, yo, I want to sit window want to watch everything like blah blah blah And I just like gave myself an anxiety attack. Oh, yeah, I was just like, yeah Oh No, it wasn't it wasn't that bad, but I was looking at my yo
Starting point is 00:37:05 We're fucking high and then I started going off about like whatever. I mean to Miami. It's like two and a half hours It's not so crazy. So like I was just like freaking myself out. So then I Was like fuck that and then I was going to Vegas. I'm like, oh fuck. This is like double the amount of time in the air And but we were on a spirit Flight aerons. Yeah, and it fucking bounced us around like crazy. It was like the worst turbulence like I don't think like most people That don't travel like, you know, crazily Won't experience the kind of turbulence that I experienced on that flight
Starting point is 00:37:39 Because a lot of times like we'll hit mini turbulence Yeah, the little shakes and my friends would be like, you know, turbulence was crazy. I'll be like, dude, that was literally we were not I was this didn't feel a thing. Yeah But uh, yeah, it was throwing us around. I was on a flight back from new orleans Hey coming into new york, there was a storm too and we were getting tossed Like like drop in elevation and I was like, yo, this sucks But I always look at the stewardesses And they're chill. Yeah, if the stewardess is up and walking around, I'm good. Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:12 But once that fucking bitch walks herself in there, I said, oh, Jesus. What's going on there? I said, you're not locking yourself in there, are you? So as long as you see there, okay, you're good Yeah, as long as they're no panic. No, first of all, if I've heard stories about sometimes on flights The the mess fall out they fall out by accident Yeah, dude, that would freak me out if they fell out and we were on the ground I'd be like, I'm getting off this plane. Yeah, I'm not going for fucking inflate that goddamn raft right now I'm jumping off this bitch and there was one time when I did rock the promo with the rock I had to fly to vegas by myself
Starting point is 00:38:47 Which I was fine by that time because like now I don't get anxiety attacks on planes. I don't really care Uh, obviously like when there's bad turbulence, I'm still like Yeah, like I kind of look around and smile like we're fine, right? Yeah, but uh, I was in vegas And I'm waiting for my flight It's like five in the morning And I'm sitting in the airport my flight boards in like 15 minutes and all of a sudden I find out there's like a It wasn't five in the morning. That's that's a lie. It was like 10 at night There was like a bomb that went off in Manhattan
Starting point is 00:39:18 And I'm like, oh Yeah, I'm like, oh my god in the air at this time. No, I'm in the airport. Oh, Jesus So I'm like, yo, oh fuck. I'm like now I'm like freaking myself out and I'm like getting scared because I'm like, yo I don't want to go on this plane Like because they were like, yo, I think they first of all there was a bomb that went off in Manhattan And then there was also like two mysterious packages like found other places. Yeah, and I was like, yo I'm terrified. Like I'm like, I don't want to land in new york right now. Fuck this
Starting point is 00:39:46 So I was like figure myself. I'm like, oh my god Like I don't want to get on this plane But then I'm like stranded in fucking vegas Like I don't Like I could have got a hotel, but like I still was like, I'm not about to go back to the strip I would have been fucking terrified too, but I got on the plane. Everything was fine. But it was like, you know, it was terrifying It was terrifying. Do you think there's really like an air marshal on every flight? What the fuck are they gonna do? No, I don't know. But like there's the guy
Starting point is 00:40:08 Isn't there like the rumor like there's always like an air marshal on there I don't even know what an air marshal is like a cop that is on an airplane. Is he like arms? No, he's it. Yeah, but he's in plane close Oh, that's cool. Yeah And like you don't know who it is. It could be anybody on the plane That's kind of dope. Yeah All right, I mean, I don't you know, I don't think about that. I think about the plane Nose diving into the Atlantic. I know the Atlantic. Where am I going?
Starting point is 00:40:35 Yeah, you could go into europe. I mean, yeah, I guess I've never gone. I'm going That's right. I'm terrified One of the flight. Yeah, was it eight hours nine hours eight hours going to italy Eight hours is probably my ultimate max. That's that's how I feel too. Yeah, like eight hours max And if I was going eight if I'm gonna be on an eight hour flight eight hour flight I'm gonna get first class And I'm gonna get A couple x annex. Oh, yeah, I'm definitely taking something for like, yo, I'm sleeping on this fucking flight
Starting point is 00:41:07 There's no way I'm gonna stay up for eight hours and be afraid on a plane. I'm definitely taking something go and sleep Yeah For sure. Yeah, no chance. I'm going up there Clean as a whistle get the fuck out of here. No Not doing that. I couldn't do it. I could have I've only taken something because my sister has anxiety meds So I took something from her once. Yeah, I took like half of what she gave me Uh, like I just broke it in half and took that and it's just like I don't really think it had an effect I think it was more of a placebo like it had a placebo effect for me if I was like, okay, I'm good
Starting point is 00:41:40 I'm not gonna have an anxiety attack because once I had an anxiety attack And like you know, it wasn't clonopin. I wouldn't have taken that. It was some other shit, but uh Once I had an anxiety attack. I was no longer afraid of The plane going down. No, I was I had anxiety about am I gonna have an anxiety attack And then it was just like a vicious circle. That's exactly what it is Like even for like when I have anxiety attacks like that's exactly what it is It's like I don't want to have this. Yeah, I know I'm not gonna die Right, but I don't want to like have the feeling of being like, oh man. Am I gonna die? Yeah, you're not gonna die
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah, everybody's okay. Everyone's good, but I am afraid of an eight hour flight though So you're gonna have to help talk me through that one. I'm gonna need a big jump have talked Like Like hour on the phone before just like bro, you got this I am I am like that with every flight that I take like I have to hype my like I'm I can't sleep the night before Dude, I'm going into this flight like like I'm playing the super bowl Like I have to do this and I have to win. Yeah, I have to conquer this thing. Yeah, you know Like I could never like
Starting point is 00:42:47 There's people out there that have like legit phobias are flying. Have you ever seen that? They have classes that you could take To learn how to not be afraid of planes you pay a certain price and you go up with other people that are afraid of planes and you land Yeah But like can you fix phobias? Yeah, uh in a way you can through like therapy and like other shit And just doing it and just doing it So like like one person was mad scared but like learned they could do it
Starting point is 00:43:16 And then one other dude like they landed somewhere. He's like, I'm gonna rent a car and drive home. He's like, I'm not I'm not flying back Fuck that dude, fuck that dude I I kind of feel him though because I had a flight coming back from vegas And we were circling the guardia for mad long And then we had to go land in ac
Starting point is 00:43:40 And then when we landed they wouldn't let us off the plane and then now I'm just like furious because I'm like, yo I was right there like I was right there and then like it didn't happen and I was like, you'll fuck this I'm gonna get off and just take it like out uber and just pay like whatever the fuck it is I've done that too like times. I'm like, y'all pay a $50 uber to get the fuck out of here. Yeah 100% See those those jobs got to be tough jobs like I could never do a job Like working on an airplane ever Oh like a stewardess hell no Yeah, it's kind of crazy. Hell no like I feel like you're putting your life in the line every day. Hell. Yeah, it's kind of scary
Starting point is 00:44:11 Can I ask you a question? What? If you were doing like youtube and Basin yard and all the other stuff. Yeah, what do you think you'd be doing right now? Probably like cat calling women from a construction site Yeah, it's so crazy though how like your life could just be astronomically different Yeah, I think that for sure. I probably would have tried to be a fireman because I did take the test Oh, you did. Yeah, I took the test and I got a 99 or 98 or something like that How old do you how old do you have to be to take it like in 18 19? I'm not sure. I may I I think I took it
Starting point is 00:44:51 four years ago Like four years ago. I took it maybe you've been a good fireman Yeah, I think I could have done a good job But like I I by the time I got the call I was already kind of like established with what I was doing I was like, all right. Like I knew what I wanted to do. Let's say for this one Yeah, this job's a lot. Yeah. Yeah But Yeah, probably I'll probably do that. But most likely I probably would end up working construction. Yeah, probably that's what everyone does around here
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah, they're all like in unions and like yo god bless those guys because those dudes Work insane. Dude the guys right across the street from here building a building and I'm just like looking outside like yo I can't even just imagine like every day just goes up more and more. Yeah I couldn't do it. Isn't it wild how like I like this is gonna sound like I'm high or I'm dumb or oblivious or whatever when you stare at Manhattan Yeah, it's like yo humans built this shit. I do it all the time Like like there's no one like impressed when I went down to do my passport. Remember I had to do all that shit Yeah, I was by the freedom tower. I looked up. I go how the fuck did somebody one design this
Starting point is 00:45:57 and then two build it I don't I don't know It's it's it's it's crazy what like what humans are like hateful And you ever see those old pictures of the people who are building like the Empire State Building They're like sitting on a fucking metal beam just in the sky above the clouds Who are you just like eating a baloney sandwich like talking about the Yankees Yeah, and like I can't wait to go home hit my wife. Yeah, right? Yeah, they were hitting wives back there
Starting point is 00:46:22 They were hitting wives hard hard back big big time. Yeah Crushing them crazy. Yeah, say like I don't know what I'd be doing I probably this is gonna sound mad weird, but I probably be like working with kids Probably like what does that mean like you'd be like a I was gonna say pharmacist. That's not what I wanted to say. I was gonna say pediatrician No, no way. I wish I could about I don't have the brains for that. Like I would be like a counselor Like a high school like a guidance counselor. Yeah, something like that Like you want to give advice to children? Yeah, well, I worked with kids before like I like
Starting point is 00:47:00 Start talking about titties started saying about titties. It's gonna be hard to get a job now at this point Yeah, but working with kids is mad cool because kids are just cool Like they're mad like simple like they don't need much Yeah, you know, I'm yeah, I'm so Keith is really good with kids like really good with kids Like they just I fucking love kids for whatever reason kids are cool. Um I'm not that good with kids because I don't know how to talk to someone When I can't talk to them the way that I normally talk to anybody So like you can never engage like a little kid like at a family gathering like a birthday party or something
Starting point is 00:47:35 I could but I wouldn't be that good at it is what I'm trying to say I could you're not gonna be that guy. It's like, oh man. Like look how like cute that is like he's hanging out with Like the kids over there. It's nice. Not you Probably not but also that's probably because like I don't really have an attachment to any sort of kid Yeah, you know, maybe when my when my sister has kids, it's like that's a different story Well, that's why I think my sister will probably have a kid within the next two years And I'll probably just be like a blubbering mess. Yeah, and just like Just being a hey
Starting point is 00:48:04 Tussle his hair sport. Yeah, just that kind of guy automatically start tugging my shirts in. Yeah You know what I mean? Uncle Joe. Uncle Joe. I I have an uncle crazy. Uncle Joey There is always a crazy uncle Joe. Yeah and your family sadly I'm gonna make my kids call my sister uncle Shannon. I can't wait. That's hysterical. That's great. I call her that now Uncle Shannon. Yeah, that's a great nickname actually. Thank you. But uh, yeah, so like I was an uncle since I was eight So I've been around kids. See that's probably why like I have no real attachment to kids Yeah, so like it's other people's kids like I don't want to go up to other people's kids And like I don't know the boundaries like am I supposed to touch it? Yeah, like yeah, whenever like people are holding babies
Starting point is 00:48:40 No, it's true though. It's a lot. It's it. There is a lot of that shit Like not only just like, oh my god It's a weird guy touching a baby because obviously like your cousins and stuff don't think that of you But I also just feel weird because I'm like, you know, you're like a newborn baby It's like, you know, don't touch like it's like a dog. Do I hold a tent? Not even it's like it's like drooped over You feel bad. Like how do I hold this thing that and also the fact that they're like fucking newborn dogs? It's like wait, they can't go outside. They haven't had their shots Or you know, should I wash my hands before I touch your kid? Like I don't like I don't like all that stuff
Starting point is 00:49:09 You don't know the rules a lot of rules also It's just kind of weird to think that we were babies once Yeah, this is gonna sound like I'm high. But yeah, dude, we were babies once we were jizz ones Yeah, we were jizz That's fire and we won the race of our lifetime. So no, everyone's a winner at some point. Yeah Everyone's a winner. Yeah, you you won the first race you were ever in Yeah, and you probably beat millions of people Damn, I feel like a winner right now. I know like like I like yeah, I could do this
Starting point is 00:49:42 I like won the new york city marathon. That's basically what you did except it was jizz Except it was jizz Oh Man that is hysterical. Yeah, I don't know Do you think you'll ever have kids? I think we talked about this. I'll definitely have kids. You'll have kids Yeah, kidding me, especially like I mean, I'm definitely nowhere near ready for that. Yeah. Yeah, you know, I don't even think I am and I'm a few years older than you Yeah, no, I'm not ready for that. But but I do think that when my sister has her kid
Starting point is 00:50:14 Oh, man, I'm gonna give me this. Yeah, it'll be a good gauge for you actually Yeah, she's like you're gonna want to like Fucking babysit all the time. I'm like probably the best thing is an uncle though, too. You get to give it back Yeah, it's amazing. Yeah, you're like, all right. See you. It's like, yeah, that was cool. Oh, by the way, he threw up fix that Yeah, he shit himself. I'm not touching. Have you ever changed a diaper ever When would I do that? You've never changed a diaper ever. No, damn, dude. You got a lot to learn Dude, I can't imagine that I could change a diaper with one hand I've been changing diapers stubs eight, which is weird. I felt like I just got out of mine. That's so weird. I know
Starting point is 00:50:53 Yo, baby shit a lot, don't they? Yeah, and there's shit stinks. There's shit stinks and it's all like mush Yeah, I'm not looking forward to that now Yeah, I forgot there's like and they like piss on you. They're spiteful fucks throw up on you, too I don't mind that like it's like it's not actual throw up It's just like They spit up that don't even know how to throw up. They're so dumb. I know How dumb you are as a baby. He's such an idiot. He's a dumb stupid idiot Don't even know how to throw up properly. No, they're just like
Starting point is 00:51:25 I'm like, all right You know what I'm saying? Like get some fucking Yeah, get it. Yeah, fucking you fucking puke on me, bro Yeah, if you're gonna puke on me get after it. Yeah, cheese Don't just do this like little let it dribble out of your mouth bullshit. No, fuck that go all the way for it I hate that about babies. Would you rather have a boy or a girl? first A boy boy, right
Starting point is 00:51:46 Man, I'm so afraid of having a girl I'm actually so afraid of having kids because like I said, I don't know how to interact with children Like if my kid came home and was like, yo, there's these kids that are bullying me I'd be like getting the fucking car. We're going and I'm gonna fuck this kid up Like a like a seven-year-old kid just beat the shit out of him I think there was a story of a parent got on a bus one time with her son and like somebody like the bully was sitting in the back He was like, yeah, if you bully my kid again, I'm gonna come to your house and kick your dad's ass That's fire. Like I would fuck up a kid's dad. Yeah, he's like, I'm gonna come to your house and beat up your dad
Starting point is 00:52:20 I was like, yeah, that's gangster. Do you know what you remember true detective? Yeah Well not Russell Crowe. What the fuck's his name? I always get them mixed up Colin Farrell. Colin Farrell. He beat the shit out of that kid's dad on the lawn That's exactly what I was like, yo, did you do this again? I'm coming for you next That's fire That season sucked though. It was terrible. It's the worst. I think they're doing a new one though I don't know But I would beat up someone's dad for bullying my kid
Starting point is 00:52:45 It'd be so wack if you went to go beat up someone's dad and that dad just beat the shit out of you Just you and your fucking loser son just walking home to sell jam you and your loser son Just because everyone's getting the shit being that don't tell your mother. Yeah Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I'm terrified of that and like daughters you have to worry about so much Yeah, like I'm probably gonna be like you remember that scene in bad boys, too Where you like grills that kid when you say this over the fuck are you? Motherfucker, you look 30. Yeah, like who the fuck is Reggie? Yeah, that's a great. What are you doing here? Huh? Yeah, I would probably be the same way. I ain't going back to jail
Starting point is 00:53:25 I love that fucking see, you know, it's so funny my sister when she was because like my sister probably had it the worst Because she has three psycho brothers. Oh, yeah, and then my dad who's a loud fuck You bring a dude to our house. It's Good luck. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like you gotta survive. Like, you know, you should talk to vin Uh, my sister's fiance about the first time he came over He's like, yo, it was Keith immediately farted as loud as possible. I was just like, what? I can't fucking fart in front of this kid. Like he like it was just crazy But I remember one time one of my mark in his territory one of my sister
Starting point is 00:53:58 One of my sister's boyfriends from like high school. We used to we used to be like, uh Like the first time he came over he was just like an Like it's nice to when we're done with dinner. You help clean up. Of course and like us being dickheads. We just like walk away You know what I mean? So he we make him do the dishes So sometimes it was just like a running joke. But yeah, you just get this kid over here do the dishes right now But like we would just fuck with people like that. I did dishes the first time I was in your house In my apartment. Yeah, I just hate dude. I can't I can't deal with this right now. I just hate dishes Driving nuts. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, what are you gonna do?
Starting point is 00:54:35 Wait, are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? I don't know. Like realistically, what are you gonna do? Like sometimes I think about it. What am I gonna do? Just the fact you're talking like that with a Yankee hand out and so oh, yeah I don't think in the world I don't know Yo, you ever see those guys at Yankee games that have like the wife beaters with the Yankee jersey with like Gold chains and like a beret and like the Yankee tat Yeah, like on their back shoulder
Starting point is 00:54:58 Fuck you don't little don't and they I love when they scream at the players like they can hear them and they're like They're in like the 400 section. Yeah, and they have all the answers. So you see you bum You got a scoop that they had to share But thanks Thanks, you know what? You're right. Thank you, sir Shut the fuck up just getting hammered at like 10 o'clock in the morning. Yeah, we gotta go to a baseball game soon Yeah, we should it's getting to that time and they're and they're amazing now. So Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:23 See greatness Witness witness turn up Who's the best athlete of all time? Damn, I had this conversation just just a quick one. So like it It depends what you mean by that Do you mean like the most accomplished or do you mean like athletic just the best athletic person of all time? Athletic we're talking about like skilled everything. Yeah uh
Starting point is 00:55:48 Probably like bow jackson or some shit probably right stupid as an all-star in the mlb and mba. Oh, not the mba nfl Yeah, it's insane But like Michael Phelps. Oh my god Like because we had this conversation veterans minimum measure being that dominant at anything You've ever done fuck even connect four imagine that it's weird if you lose Yeah, what? I guess the best in the world
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah, and this dude just like like that's insane like that's why I want to you want to put someone like him up there Or like, you know someone like Gretzky, but I don't know if Gretzky could shoot a basketball. Yeah, LeBron LeBron LeBron could be like all pro like tight end It honestly also might be LeBron. Yeah, because I'm pretty sure he could play whatever the fuck he wants Yeah, just like be a professional air judge I don't know how good. Yeah, I think he was like all stay basketball someone like Ovechkin though, right? One of the best hockey players in recent history or whatever Seeing that dude shoot a basketball. I got this guy fucking isn't an athlete at all dude even see him when McGregor shot that basketball
Starting point is 00:56:56 Shot like a girl Dude beat the shit out of you I know Shot a ball like a girl look at him I always hold like how you look playing basketball in high regard like if you could look good playing basketball Even if you don't hit all your shots, you just look good. I think I think it's the most athletic looking game Yeah, like you have to have a lot of like coordination. There's finesse. There's like all this shit Yeah, but if you can't play a ball, it's like, yo, you're mad stiff
Starting point is 00:57:21 It's like a lot of starting and stopping and doing like Little things to try to put yourself out of and and an athletic advantage Jesus That was tough. That was rough tongue twister. I know Yeah, I think I think that it's probably like bow Jackson Yeah, I always wanted to ask you that question because we talked about like for a second yesterday She came up and we think it was in a fight bow Jackson or the brawn Um in their primes. Yeah, like running up the wall bow Jackson bow Jackson Because he was a house. Yeah, he's probably so much stronger than LeBron. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:53 And like he played football so like he knows how like I know LeBron played football But like bow Jackson played football LeBron played football when he was 10 times bigger than everyone Yeah, and then like quit playing like his junior year because he was like I'm about to make a bajillion dollars playing basketball Yeah, so like if bow Jackson like just grabbed him And just picked him up and slammed him like bow Jackson at 18 versus LeBron at 18 It's gonna be a long night for LeBron. Oh my god. Yeah It's like bow Jackson was like that house. Yeah, it's the house the cursor walker. You ever see that guy? Oh my dude. Herschel walker today. I know it's jacked jack jacked
Starting point is 00:58:28 Which athletes you think get the most butt soccer players, right? Oh, fuck. Yeah, they get the most cheeks Soccer players are probably crushing it. Yeah, dude someone like uh buffon. Oh What a fucking sexy italian man. Yeah, and he's like 50 Hey man, Hank longquist. Yeah, they're smashing hard. I think any european athletes Girls love athletes, especially in europe. Yeah, well soccer players are gods out there. Yeah like ronaldo's probably had sex with A million women
Starting point is 00:59:00 If you had to put a realistic number on how many women he's had sex with what do you think? I would have to sit down and like really do the math, but I think I'm gonna just gonna throw out like 10,000 Anywhere from like eight to 10,000 Because you know, he's european too, right? Probably had like those weird like orgies and shit. Yeah, like orgy houses Like it's all just come over. Yeah, keep you dick out. I mean Like when I think of like puss layers, I think of I think immediately comes to my mind is like ronaldo and like de caprio Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:33 And I think ronaldo's like on a whole another level because he's way hotter than leo. Yeah, he is Like leo's not like leo used to be like hot. Yeah, cuz like leo was like a heartthrob. Yep Then he was just like i'm just gonna dad by it and just be a good actor and like vape like wear like fucking it was like Yeah Coley on hats. Yeah, I know you're talking to smash
Starting point is 00:59:58 And he did and he did and he does and girl awful beard It doesn't look good. No, it is. No, he doesn't but he's fucking he's fucking fucking the night away I don't know He's killing it ronaldo though. I think that Yeah You have to give it to him just on looks he can't walk out. He's like I think he's had a lot of work done though The fuck's that mean to me? Yeah, sure wouldn't work You ever seen like pictures of ronaldo when he was younger? Yes teeth rolled fucked up. He had like acne
Starting point is 01:00:28 But who doesn't yeah, it's true when you're when you're rich your teeth would just become. I mean, yeah One day and some because you go to the dentist. They just they just know you have money and they just fix them So I'll just give you all new teeth. Yeah, but oh you want amazing teeth that aren't real here. Take these veneers. Take them all bastards Let's get rich Yeah, let's do that. Let's do that All right, anyway, I think we could wrap this all the way up. Oh, yeah, Danny. Where can they find you at? Danny little priority on instagram and twitter
Starting point is 01:00:59 Uh, and you guys can find me on twitch slash joe sanagata. I'll be streaming on monday and wednesday nights and shit and also There's merch the Go check that out if you want to buy some merch. It'll be there and that is all Thanks for listening

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