The Basement Yard - Blackout Keith Strikes Again

Episode Date: August 30, 2016

On this episode, I'm talking about the VMAs, Madden, & a brand new blackout Keith story. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome back to the basement yard it is Monday August 29th I am by myself today it's just me in this fucking tiny room sweating my dick off because I have an air conditioner for this place but this room is like down a little hallway like you got to make a turn and then there's another turn and then you got to go down a hallway and that's how you get to this room so if I have the AC blasting in the living room it's gonna take eight years before it gets to fucking here so this room is to forget about it I got to shut the door also it's hot as fucking here man I'm just I'm sweating already we're not even one minute in with 30
Starting point is 00:00:34 seconds in here I'm sweating my ass off we'll mode over we'll see what happens if I start to stink I'll help pause that take a shower come back anyway yesterday was the VMAs which I didn't catch a second of I know people I usually do like VMA reviews on YouTube but I'm not gonna do one this year I just refuse to watch it I don't know I actually didn't refuse to watch it I had some things to do so I just forgot it was on or whatever I would have watched it and like tweeted about it and like whatever because you know the kids they love the Twitter but yeah I didn't watch it because first of all I was out to dinner
Starting point is 00:01:12 and then second of all I wouldn't watch it anyway if I was home because the night of was on the season finale or the finale for the whole fucking show if you don't watch that show watch it okay it's fucking amazing and I'm not getting paid to say that I'm just a big fan of the fucking show it's about this kid who like he's on trial for this murder that he's like connected to but he didn't do and I don't know what happened and then it's all this whole fucking thing and you have you have anxiety the entire time the first episode is great it's enough to get you on it's not like you know some people have shows that they
Starting point is 00:01:51 recommend to you and then like the first episode you're like alright this is fucking like it's a bunch of character development or whatever this is not like that the first episode you're like dude what the fuck and then it just gets worse throughout the whole show it's great but that that show ended and I'm kind of upset about that but that was a great fucking show the night of it's on HBO if you want to go watch it any fucking way so I wasn't watching the VMAs but I was watching Twitter at the time that it was happening and how I don't know how fucking long it was but people were tweeting about this shit for like five
Starting point is 00:02:25 hours I'm like how long is this fucking show it was like 11 30 12 and people are still tweeting about it now that I'm thinking about it that might have been because they like air it don't they air it later in the West Coast or something I don't fucking know it was it's fucking dumb though man it's just yesterday I don't know for whatever reason like I never get like this like I always hate the people that tweet stuff like I'm not watching the VMAs cuz fucking I don't care okay like they try to cool like okay we get a video you don't care you're the man you don't fucking care you're the man but I actually didn't watch but I
Starting point is 00:02:57 don't know why for whatever reason I was like getting literally angry watching like not fake angry cuz you know how like all my videos are like angry you know what I mean it comes it's like for the most part they're angry this I was actually angry like for real angry just watching people tweet about celebrities and I'm just like this is insanity like why are they putting these people on a pedestal like that it's insane like I don't get it like I never thought a celebrity was like important you know what I mean like everyone's the same we're all just fucking people I'm a fan of your work you know what I'm saying but
Starting point is 00:03:42 like dude I'm not gonna he looked at me where did he fucking he stepped in this spot I stepped in this I've literally saw people tweeting from the VMAs like in there like I'm breathing the same air as whatever the fuck whoever it was Kim Kardashian or some shit I'm like who gives a fucking flying shithole I don't know what that means but I literally I don't get the I don't get the obsession but celebrity I don't I don't understand it's like a dumb it's a dumb thing man and award shows in general have become this stupid fucking spectacle first of all you have like the pre-show where you have like the red carpet and basically
Starting point is 00:04:23 it's a contest between celebrities who can wear the dumbest fucking thing and get away with it you know what I mean who the who's who can do that you know what I mean fucking remember when Lady Gaga used to do that she's just come up dressed in meat or she's wearing like a crow's nest around her head it was just like what and now everyone's doing that like people just come out of the woodworks they show up they're wearing a dress that's made of like I don't even like chicken feathers and diamonds or whatever and these people like who are you wearing who gives a who's gives a shit I can't go buy this chicken diamond dress
Starting point is 00:05:01 anyway I don't give a fuck let's get to the show show me some fucking awards I want to know who's best new fucking dick I don't know it's dumb I don't know that whole thing is stupid it's just oh god it drives me insane it really does it's just it's all fake it's all fake they're all wearing makeup even the guys they got stylists the best people in the world their hair is good they're too a fucking tea it's not real it's all fake and we're just sitting there just so entertained by these people and their stupid fucking stories I had these shoes okay it's a funny story I had these shoes right okay I'm sorry let me catch my
Starting point is 00:05:42 breath I had these shoes and I was walking and the heel came off and then the fucking host no yeah yeah the heel came off so then I got different shoes I had to go to fucking Mark Jacobs or whoever the fuck I don't know what's like a big designer what's that guy's name with the funky ass hair oh god he makes like those weird shoes he's always wear is like the the gay dude he always wears like crazy colors Jeremy Scott or something Jeremy Scott I think it's like a pair of shoes that it's like rainbow colored there's fucking wings on them and like a swinging gold medallion I'm like what the fuck is this outfit
Starting point is 00:06:26 this is all dumb and not just me I'm stupid you know I mean nothing I have is expensive I don't know how to dress but that's just my opinion I think it's all fucking stupid you know back in the day people wore suits girls wore dresses now people are wearing meat I don't really know where we went wrong I don't know when we started doing that people started wearing food and shit people started wearing you know random objects fucking Miley Cyrus last year I remember she was wearing all kinds of shit she came out on stage dressed like a fucking clown she literally came out wearing a kite I remember that specifically she wore a
Starting point is 00:07:03 kite she came out in a box this box fucking thing with a face hole and she had her head through it it was a kite you put a string on her and you throw her in the air on a windy day she's taken off if she was wearing a fucking kite okay it's insane it's insanity and we're all just in here like oh my god it's so great I love it it's crazy it's all good like it's so fucking stupid man like when people like I listen Beyonce she's very talented amazing amazing artists whatever you want to call her whatever really like her work but the way people talk about this woman is fucking unhealthy yeah queen all of
Starting point is 00:07:51 Twitter last night was just yeah I'm like dude relax let her perform you know what I mean it's just I don't know man it's I really don't understand it but that's I'm fucking dumb I just don't get it I don't get the whole celebrity appeal I never thought people were more important than anyone else anyway so I didn't watch the VMAs but what I did watch so the other day I'm on Twitter I haven't been that active lately because like I said I am in a downward spiral downward spiral at the moment trying to claw my way out I am completely out of a rhythm and I need to get it together I need to start getting healthier and I
Starting point is 00:08:34 think it's down to my injury really because I'm kind of just immobile I'm not immobile but I can't do the things that I want to do like the gym helps me so much and if I can't work out in the morning I'm just completely thrown off like I need to I need to be able to do that but like it's coming along but you know I'll eventually get out of this fucking hole and then everything I'll be fine I hopefully you know I want to start eating healthier and shit too but you know yeah that's never gonna happen I just like saying that but whatever the fuck was I talking about oh so I was on Twitter the other day and someone
Starting point is 00:09:13 tweeted me was like go check out the trending hashtag McChicken and I'm like what the fuck and I go to the hashtag what are the trending topics on Twitter and I see McChicken it's like the first one which by the way McChicken's amazing like I haven't had one in years like I refuse to put McDonald's in my body anymore because I will literally shit in minutes and have a stomach ache for like close to a month and I'm not kidding if I ate McChicken like I used to go to McDonald's like every so often like when I first got a car and like I wanted an excuse to leave the house at 11 o'clock at night I'd be like oh fuck it
Starting point is 00:09:52 dude let's go to fucking McDonald's and get a McChicken and I don't know why I did that voice I don't even sound like that so I used to go all the time and get McChicken's I would get to McChicken's because they're small it's like you know microwavable everything right this piece of chicken that's made from like all chicken feet and eyes and they just blend it up and then make it into this patty thing and they deep fry it that's the chicken and then it's this one piece of like old lettuce that they froze and it's from like 1930 and they just defrosted it then some like mayo that I don't even want to know what the
Starting point is 00:10:29 fuck that shit's made out of and then these buns that are probably made from like bits of plastic and recyclable things and I would throw two of those in my body right then I'd get a shake and I don't know if you've ever had a McDonald's shake or if you have self-respect and you haven't had a fucking McDonald's shake let me just explain there's not a big enough size of a McDonald's shake okay they're all small even like if you put a McDonald's shake in a big gulp from 7-Eleven I could drink that and be ready for another one like they're so fucking good so I would get to McChicken's this fucking
Starting point is 00:11:13 shake and then an order of like medium fries because I thought I was like oh I can't get a lord so it's crazy I mean I'll just ate all this bullshit 10,000 calories or whatever it is and you know what I would do I would take the fries and I dip them in the shake and throw them in my stupid fucking face and that's why I look the way I do okay I wear shirts and videos you guys can't see I there was a time I would say January February I was in great shape no no no I'm sorry March April May I was in phenomenal shape now it's just all out the window and it's just gone and it's not because of McDonald's like I'm
Starting point is 00:11:53 just saying like I just have bad eating habits like I mean I've said it before like my metabolism like thank God I have the genes that I do because if like the way I eat I should be fucking disgusting and I know like girls say that all the time I eat like crazy like I'm an animal like you should see me eat I just don't came with I I'm not saying like I really do eat bad like I'm not like you sit there and you eat your order of a burger and fries and you're like oh my god I eat so much like no you ordered that and then you ate it that's what people do with food I mean like I will sit and eat like a whole thing of
Starting point is 00:12:31 Oreos not a whole thing but like you know when you get the packs and you got to peel back the thing and then like the whole middle whatever listen okay the Oreos okay you know they have that peel and then you put it back on reseal whatever it is which is bullshit by the way so when you peel back whatever Oreos you can see with your eyes which is like 85% of the Oreos I can eat in one sitting okay there's some that are like in the corners that are blocked and you can't see those those I don't get to just because I can't reach them easily while I'm fucking drinking some bullshit Tropicana not healthy thing that has
Starting point is 00:13:15 like 80 sugars it's burning a hole in my stomach and then I'm shoving fucking Oreos in my mouth it's it's gross whatever ones I can reach with my hands I will eat and I can't stop or I could sit and eat candy all the time it's like my mom sometimes will go out and like buy like a big bag I like tootsie rolls dude tootsie rolls I don't even like they're good they're alright okay they're not like in my top five or anything but I could sit there and fucking eat a whole bag of them cuz I don't even know why I have a crazy sugar addiction it's it's and it's really bad I think it is I want paleo for one month and like no
Starting point is 00:13:55 like one and a half months I want paleo which means no bread no dairy and no like I think the term is simple sugars meaning like just candy and all that bullshit like there's sugar and like fruit and stuff but that's okay but I did that for like a month and a half and I have to tell you every day I felt like a fucking heroin addict and I'm like I just need one fucking Skittle please God just give me a fucking Skittle and that's all and one day I ate like I think it was like mini M&M's no you know I did I had I got M&M's with the peanut M&M's I was like oh they got peanuts in them those are good for you it's like it's
Starting point is 00:14:37 fucking M&M's it's surrounded by chocolate and some sugar shell and after that forget about it fell off I was like fuck paleo I'm not eating salads and grilled chicken anymore just stop fucking doing that anyway let's get to our sponsor by the way we're gonna stay on food here this is such an easy segue into this shit carnivore club this is a exclusive club for meat lovers okay get a subscription to carnivore club means getting a brand new selection of cured meats delivered to your door once a month so basically I've had it done before my mom loves it my mom loves all these sponsors that will send free
Starting point is 00:15:19 food to the house because she doesn't have to go food shopping and just makes all of it she's like oh my god and she just hoards it all our fucking fridge is filled with shit but anyway they have fancy stuff like spiced Spanish salamis I don't know what the fuck that is but they have that it's it's top quality and high-end meats and they send you this cool box it's like in this like crate that looks like you know you know you see those videos on Facebook where they transport chickens we're like you see you know it's like pita like videos were like this is what happens to chickens and they have those like crates those
Starting point is 00:15:57 wooden crates where these stuff like 10 chickens in those are the crates that they send these meats in and they're really cool I have one in my room now and I use it to hold some like papers and stuff but yeah they send you a box of premium meats up to your doorstep and you just need to go to and sign up online make sure to use the promo code basement also that'll have you another 10% a box of premium cured meats delivered once a month and again don't forget the promo code basement which will get you 10% off your offer okay get your fucking box of meat delivered to your
Starting point is 00:16:44 door it's actually really cool though I have a couple of services that I pay for that are like that it's like you it comes out of your account but you don't really realize because it's not that much money every month so it's like when stuff just shows up to your door you know what I mean I have a couple of things like for instance this carnivore club thing you know they that it just shows up you're like oh I have food now you know what I mean and then there's other stuff for like clothing it shows up it's like oh I have an outfit it's you know it's better than shopping because I can't shop like not that I know how
Starting point is 00:17:15 anyway I don't know how to fucking dress like I said before anyway by the way I just want everyone to know I bought Madden recently right so it's the football video game NFL Madden whatever the fuck you want to call it and my fucking I don't know what's it what's the word I don't know my fucking heart's gonna explode because of this fucking game right my what is it what is that I don't even know oh my god my blood pressure I'm sorry sorry sorry I'm retarded anyway fucking when I play this game even when I'm winning I'm screaming today today I'm playing it at my house and my mom is upstairs in the kitchen and I'm just
Starting point is 00:17:58 thinking about that she can hear me and I'm screaming at these people like they can hear me oh crush them and she's just probably thinking I'm fucking insane you know it's funny though I'm not as bad as Keith like Keith dude he when he plays video games he's literally fucking insane we used to share a room in the top floor of my house and my mom's room is right next door to that one right and if my mom sneezes I can hear it like she's sneezing into my ear canal it's the walls are paper thin so Keith would be up at like 1 a.m. on a school night like when we were in high school and shit he would be up at 1 a.m. on a school night
Starting point is 00:18:39 playing Halo and when he would die he would say the most crazy shit like I remember one time one time he was just like oh what the fuck oh my god and then my mom would just come out of a room and fucking kick our door down and be like you shut the fuck up all right everyone's gonna wake up for you fucking wake everyone up we gotta wake up we gotta work tomorrow you gotta you go to get to bed right so she'd leave and then literally one time it happened literally as soon as she shut the door he died and just went suck a dick suck my dick and then she yo she came in beat the shit out of this kid came in shut the
Starting point is 00:19:27 game off I'm pretty sure she threw a fucking Brock Lesnar elbow at this guy his head was open bleeding everywhere no but shit now she didn't make him bleed there was never any blood but there was a lot of bruising there was some you know but I don't know that's all contusions that's what it was but she beat the shit out of him she almost threw our fucking Xbox out the window because of him so many times but you know that's what happens that is what happens anyway I'm exhausted right now I don't know if you can tell that's the reason why I don't have anyone here because I'm so exhausted and I feel like if anyone's
Starting point is 00:20:06 here like I don't really want to interact with anyone now you know you just don't want to fucking see anyone and it doesn't matter who it is you know God could come back and he beg you want to hang out like dude it's not right now just like ask me tomorrow I'm just in a bad mood haven't had a lot of sleep eating like shit I've been drinking this entire weekend Sammy's birthday and we went to this French place in the city called La Durée and it's like the most fancy place I've ever been in everyone in there like probably has tons of money it's just like it's a place where you go to you like walk in and buy macaroons
Starting point is 00:20:44 those things what the fuck are those by the way I don't know what those are or what everyone's fucking you know deal is with those things and just because they're like pastel color they put them on Instagram and it's pretty they taste like cardboard they taste like shit I don't know why anyone likes them sorry so anyway you can walk in and get macaroons and stuff but then there's like a restaurant in the back and there's like three different rooms right there's the first room that looks like the Titanic like I feel like I was on a boat because like the floor like I don't know how to explain it but just look
Starting point is 00:21:17 like the Titanic okay you remember the scene where the fat lady is telling that joke like wait what's the fire and then everyone starts laughing it looks like that room that they were in in the movie and then the next room is like this nice white regular dining room look at place and then the outside is like this garden area which is huge as a bar and whatever and it's just really fancy and it's like you know a nice place and that's why I went so I'm like oh it's you know it's pretty you could put everything you want on Instagram whatever so anyway the fucking lady I walk up to this thing it says please wait to be seated first of
Starting point is 00:21:52 all everything's in French in this fucking place so I don't know what the hell this sign said I figured out that it said please wait to be seated but I had to figure it out like it was a fucking you know jumbo whatever like all the words were scrambled and then the lady is sitting there she's 80 pounds six to just weird-looking woman and I'm like hi I have a reservation and she goes I'm like what's up and she was and I was like I have a reservation it's for Joe Santagato and she goes okay so she had a French accent and she was a it was a whisper job the whole time I'm like come on man fuck I wanted to
Starting point is 00:22:35 like put my ear in her mouth like please just fucking tell me what you're saying and she's like just go wait in the back and then by the bar and I'll come get you when there's a open seat even though I had made a reservation so we go to the back and we're sitting there and I ask her I'm like oh you want to get anything to drink or whatever she's like I kind of want to order a Jack and Coke but I feel like that's not the place for this like she was like should I like I felt the same way kind of cuz like I don't want to be like yeah let me get a fucking you got PBRs back here or what cuz it's like a fancy ass
Starting point is 00:23:08 place and you don't want to sit there you know I feel like Jack and Coke's like a redneck drink I don't know I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about everyone there's like drinking sparkling wine like oh my god this is so fucking like fuck you dude you piece of shit yeah but so when we sat down finally we sat down the fucking whisperer walks over she's like you're like just walk us I don't know what the fuck you're saying she sits us at this thing first of all we're like three inches from these other dudes who are sitting next to us and they're having lunch and now our knees are touching the whole fucking time it's like
Starting point is 00:23:46 we're sitting in the backseat of a car it's actually a really nice place I'm not trying to make it sound bad if you want if you're like it's in Soho if you want to go check it out go check it out it's a nice place it's nice place it brings somebody you know if you like French food the menu also in French that was a toughie and by the way the waiter another whisper job she walks over and she's closer to Sammy and she says something and I thought she was introducing herself and I go hello and she looks at for she says something then looks at me and I go hello and then Sammy goes yeah tap water is fine and
Starting point is 00:24:24 I'm like fuck did I fuck that up like she was she asked if we wanted tap water like sparkling water or whatever the fuck rich people drink I don't know and she was whispering the entire time and I was trying to explain to her what I wanted but I didn't pronounce anything and like whatever it was called I wasn't pronouncing right I was just putting it in like an American accent I was like Klobley they saw wish and she's like I don't do what the fuck's that mean I was like please come over here so I could point and it's just you know it was a disaster but it was nice there was birds flying around it was nice I did sweat
Starting point is 00:24:56 my ass off a little bit there I'm a sweater by the way and like not like an item of clothing obviously I'm a sweater like a I'll sweat I could sit down and sweat like it doesn't like I'll sweat anywhere it's great I'll sweat through my shirt not a big deal like if I wear gray big mistake like I just can't gray is a color that I need to wear in the winter I don't know why I continue to wear it during the summer because my armpits just look like I got shot with a water gun or some shit but anyway so later on that we did that and then later on the day we I had a like a surprise party set up for her because you know surprise
Starting point is 00:25:37 party I've never done it before I've never had one done to me I've never organized one ever but we're at my apartment and I had everyone go to this bar that's like this fun bar it's called break it's on it's in Astoria and they have like pool tables and ping pong tables and like Jenga like human size Jenga human size connect for all these fun games shuffleboard and a bunch of shit and so I had everyone go there and they were waiting there and I was I told them I was like everyone get there like six and I'm gonna bring her at seven right so I'm at my apartment and the Giants are playing the Jets that day
Starting point is 00:26:17 and she knows I'm a huge fucking Giants fan so I tell her I'm like yo our reservation because I told her that like our we had reservations for dinner at some place on Broadway that was like a couple blocks away from this place break so I'm like yeah we our reservations are at 8 30 but why don't we just go early instead of just sitting here for two hours or three hours and we'll just park and we'll go to break and just watch a little bit of the game maybe have one drink and then just go to our whatever and she's like all right cool and I did I told her that was my plan right I thought this is all gonna
Starting point is 00:26:52 happen and then we were gonna get there at 7 o'clock fucking surprise and that's it but no at fucking 645 I decided okay now's a good time to spring this whole thing on her and I said hey why don't we go to break and just like hang out watch the Giants game and then we'll go to our thing at 8 30 we have like an hour to an hour and a half to spare she was like oh yeah that sounds great and in my mind I'm like perfect and then she goes I just need to go back to your house and you know redo my makeup and hair and legs and fucking ankles and shit whatever they do women she she's over there blow drying fucking nails painted
Starting point is 00:27:31 all the whole nine right she's doing all this shit brushing her teeth again chewing gum spitting it out put another one in whatever she does this whole fucking thing and now it's like 7 30 and everyone there is text me where the fuck are you and I'm like I'm sorry there's just thing we're and then you know long story short we got there and she was very surprised there was a lot of people there was a lot of people there I didn't expect that many people to go but a ton of fucking people the surprise was so loud it fucking scared me and I knew it was coming and we just fucking drank the whole time and Keith
Starting point is 00:28:11 was like oh my god I forgot about Keith Keith we're at that bar and people are doing shots and shit and he's like you know I'm not gonna drink because my leg hurts right I don't know how that adds up by the way but he's like I'm not gonna drink because my leg hurts I'm like all right he was fucking hammered by the end of the night drunk off his ass okay I'll get to what happened with him but anyway after the bar we're like dude let's go to this place tavern and because they have karaoke and me and my friend Frankie we're just like if there's a microphone and if I have a sip of beer and there's a microphone around I will
Starting point is 00:28:53 sing that's it right so we go there immediately we sign up we do fat bottom girls by Queen fucking light it up it was amazing I felt like I was on stage performing to a crowd it was great then we did fucking Hey Jude which is like the go-to I we always do Hey Jude that one always happens Frankie always does dream on by Aerosmith we always do Hey Jude by the Beatles and then if we get if we have time we do my boo with Usher and Alicia we're on a first name basis with these people Usher Raymond Alicia Keys but anyway Keith is fucking hammered at this point right so I come home and I'm in the basement sleeping and
Starting point is 00:29:45 then I just hear like a oh my god here we fucking go Keith comes up to me and by the way when Keith gets drunk he's a close talker okay he gets two inches from your face I can smell his fucking everything I could smell his asshole through his mouth that's how close he gets anyway so he stumbles on the stairs and he comes to me and he gets fucking inches from my face right I think it's a stranger trying to kiss me and like what the fuck are you doing he shines a light in my face I don't know where he but he's like I lost my phone and I'm like what he's like I lost my phone oh no it is I called it I was
Starting point is 00:30:28 kind called back and he's Spanish I'm like what he's like someone called back they're Spanish and I'm like what does that even mean right apparently someone called my house in the middle of the night it was like a telemarker and they were like I had an accent and he was like oh this is the guy who has my phone and he thought some Spanish guy took his phone so he's like I don't know where it is so I'm like okay I'll find your fucking phone so I get up and I'm walking up the stairs and then we get to the top we get to the top of the stairs and I'm calling his phone and if sure enough it's like right there on the floor just
Starting point is 00:31:08 vibrating like your phone's right here oh my thank you I'm sorry and then he starts doing the whole I'm sorry thing if you ever heard me tell well if you ever heard heard me tell a blackout key story this kid when he gets drunk just starts apologizing right I'm sorry I'm sorry they woke you up sorry I'm like alright just go to fucking bed so I put him in his room he goes to bed and then apparently in the middle of the night this kid fucking did a cannonball onto a table in the fucking hallway because my mom tells me that like in the middle of the night she's like did you do you see did you hear your brother I'm like
Starting point is 00:31:46 no what happened she's like he fucking broke the table at the top of the stairs there's a small little round table at the top of the stairs in the hallway on the second floor he must have got at he must have left his room and just walked straight and then jumped in the air and landed on it because this thing the fucking legs one was down the stairs the other one was like down the hallway this thing fucking exploded there was shit everywhere the table was broken I'm like what the fuck Keith he's fucking passed out he didn't wake up until like 2 p.m. the next day and he just the best part was like I woke up when I woke up
Starting point is 00:32:27 in the morning like my mom came down she was talking about Keith or whatever and I'm like is he alive and she's like oh yeah we've been checking on him periodically and then we we're sitting down we're having breakfast or whatever and I exaggerate he didn't come down at 2 p.m. but he did come down it was literally like 1 30 like it was after 1 o'clock and he comes downstairs in boxers and a long-sleeve shirt that he wasn't wearing it's not like he fell asleep he like put that on on purpose in the middle of summer comes downstairs a long-sleeve shirt in boxers as soon as he sees everyone he goes yeah and I
Starting point is 00:33:07 was dying I'm like oh the fuck is wrong with you upstairs like kicking the fucking table apart oh my god this kid's a fucking psycho but that was my weekend that was it I just been drinking for the past two days last night was at dinner so Terry Collins the manager of the Mets which was funny because I walked in and Sammy's brother Donnie he's like he texted me he's like yo Terry Collins is here and I'm like really so we get there he's the manager of the Mets I don't know if I said that but whatever so we get there and it's Terry Collins I'm like oh shit I thought he was fucking me like it was some old guy who looked like Terry
Starting point is 00:33:41 Collins so I'm like oh shit that's dope and then these girls who were having dinner there knew me so they came up and they were like oh hey we're big fans you whatever we took pictures and then I said to Donnie I'm like yo isn't it funny how like people do that to me and we're over here like yo that's fucking Terry Collins like it's like it's just funny how it just you know there's different levels of fucking things I don't know the fuck I was going with that honestly I don't really know but it was weird but he was a nice guy we were sitting down and like yo fuck it let's buy him like a glass of wine so we tell like we didn't
Starting point is 00:34:12 want to bother him because he was eating like dinner with his wife and we told the like owner like yeah we want to get Terry like a bottle of wine or something and he's like he's like you know what he's like he lives he like lives down the block he comes here all the time we always comp him so you know there's nothing for really for you to buy for him but I'll let him know and he let him know and then he came over like 10 minutes later as he was introducing himself he was that we're having a conversation it was really nice guy Terry Collins great guy great shirt by the way he had a shirt on it had fucking
Starting point is 00:34:43 cars on the cuffs I was like dude I'll take that shirt off your back he's like you like this shirt I'm gonna go home throw it out anyway that's pretty much it man I gotta get out of this rut that I'm in and hopefully I'll start tomorrow I keep telling myself that but it's it's really hard like you know how it is like when you're stuck in a fucking you're stuck in a routine like a bad routine and you know it's bad for you and you just keep doing it and it's like tough and then it gets to like two o'clock and you're like well it's too late now to start I'll just start tomorrow and then you keep doing that God's too late so
Starting point is 00:35:21 I'm gonna try I'm gonna try tomorrow and try to get the fuck out of the same because all I need is three days of a good routine and then I'm in you know what I mean I fall in and out of behavior very easily like I can fall into good a good routine and and fall right out there like at the same rate like I just need to figure out the fuck out but anyway that is all for this week's Basement Yard as always thank you for listening you motherfuckers

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