The Basement Yard - Chatting With My Old Boss

Episode Date: June 27, 2017

I have my buddy @TylerGildin on to talk about how I was as an employee. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard this week. I have Mr. Tyler Gilden Finally on the basement yard. It's been you've never been on right? Never been on ever. I hope you would remember. No, I don't know I've because I feel like we've hung out like a couple times. We've hung out. Yeah, just not you know officially It's all right. So if you guys don't know I used to work at a company elite daily and Tyler here was like my old boss Uh part of my I guess you kind of hired me in a way Well, I was pretty much forced into hiring you
Starting point is 00:00:31 Well, that's a nice fucking way to put it. No, I mean, all right, so Let's give context. Yeah, I found out about the joe sanagato. Oh god. So what is it? I guess 2000 I had a shaved head back 2013. Yeah, you you did not look as well put together as you are right now Which is scary considering how not well put together you look. I'm not wearing socks So you can only imagine what I look like and I saw your underwear on the floor in the bathroom too Sometimes I underwear away every time I'm here that you have underwear on the floor in your bathroom You know, I just I do my thing. That's what I do. So I'm told by I had been elite daily for Two months at a time and I'm and I'm the humor editor and running the humor section and I'm told
Starting point is 00:01:11 Yo, uh by the CEO the founder. Yo, we got this youtuber joe sanagato is coming in Like he wants to work with us. It's gonna be awesome. He's gonna help us and I was just like Fuck this youtuber And I'm thinking I'm the humor guy. What do I need this guy for? But I'm like, all right, fine. Yeah, I took out some of the stuff I'm like, okay, you know, he likes to talk to himself fine. Okay, uh, so I go I go and I go to meet him and I guess it's hard to describe what the elite daily original office was But you know, it was like, uh, there's a fucking fly in here. I got a complete mess Uh, so there's uh, it was like a we had a backyard patio type area, right? Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:46 So I'm uh, joe's meeting with uh, like our founder at the time Uh, so he's like so, uh, he messaged me like hey come out meet joe So I come out and it's I didn't know who joe was because there's three guys there Uh, and apparently joe thought that when you go to like a interview meeting you're supposed to bring your friends So it was joe plus two Which made no sense So I didn't even know which one joe was and then one of the guys was Was talking to me who I thought was joe, but it wasn't why was that guy even talking?
Starting point is 00:02:15 So firstly, why'd you bring him and secondly? Why was he talking? I honestly don't know who the second person was, but I do remember one. I remember I brought my friend uh boss we call him boss, but Remember bringing him. I don't remember who the second person was, but it definitely wasn't him Who was talking to you, but so so the guy you don't know is talking honestly No, no, no, I know who they I know who he is. It was one of my friends. I just don't know which one it was but Looking back on it
Starting point is 00:02:43 That really made no no sense at all. No sense Why you brought these two guys? I don't but I don't know they were bigger than you because you were kind of like Scrony shaved head and then they were like, I think they were wearing like big north face jackets and like backwards I don't know the whole thing was weird But they're like, yeah, one of them is joe and uh, you're gonna work with them for a little bit. It was so weird vividly having a conversation with uh, I think it was johnny davin then, um Um You and then when when people would be talking like
Starting point is 00:03:16 Every so often one of my friends would like chime in That's why I didn't know if he was like your manager or your bodyguard like you're like he was talking one guy I vividly remember him speaking more than you did Uh, and I was so confused like why this guy rolls deep to like interview meetings I honestly I couldn't tell you and you want this story gets worse too because I vividly so I mean I was kind of like working freelance with them at the time. They were paying me Per like video that I was doing this little weird series that was super unorganized. It was just like in the beginning It was before anything. I don't even know
Starting point is 00:03:56 Oh, this was before that meeting actually. Okay, so it goes back. It's worse So before this I had a meeting with them And I was working with them like freelance and doing like I was getting paid money per video that I was making for them And I remember that I had to go in to get my check My last check from them and We had already agreed that this, you know, wasn't working out. We weren't gonna work together So we just went our separate ways. So I still had this last check there that was there just like for a month or like whatever
Starting point is 00:04:30 and I don't know why but I We were in the city and I was like, oh those offices around here And I had to go somewhere and for my friends and I was like, hey, you mind going to the office to pick up my check They one of my friends picked up my last check from elite dailies. Well, who are so your friends go? They pick up your checks. They come with you to interviews. Where are they now? That's what I want to know why they don't do shit for me
Starting point is 00:04:56 Something they do something they do a lot if they Probably would spit in my face if they if I asked any of them to do something like this If you asked them to do it, maybe they would because they clearly are like your henchmen No, they're not it's just like that was so weird. I don't understand like why I did any of that and then after that Uh, it was when I had the meeting with you And then nothing happened Right and then I came in for a video shoot and then I was offered a job And then we ended up working together
Starting point is 00:05:23 For a very long time two years. Oh, yeah, I mean, yeah, joe was joe was Joe was the day, you know, some people are nine to fivers joe was a nine oh five to four fifty fiver Joe was five minutes late five minutes early to leave You know, I don't think you I don't think you even know what the office looks like at five o' one or five o'clock for that matter Only on fridays only on fridays only on fridays when we drank would joe stay later And then joe always killed the excuses joe used the same excuse with him a five times Yes, you did the same excuse. Oh, it's my best friend's last hockey game You used that excuse so many times how many last games did this guy have?
Starting point is 00:06:05 Listen, you're a hockey fan. I am. I don't know. There is a series here So technically it could have been his last game, but they keep winning. So it's now. This is his last game so I use that like twice because it was like a series and they were down and like it was a do or die They ended up winning so they went to a next game So I was like, yo, I can't come out or whatever. It's my friend's last hockey game And he's like the fucking you're talking about like you just told me how many games this guy have And then like two months later. I was like sick or something. He's like, yeah, I get it
Starting point is 00:06:37 Your friend's hockey game. You can't come in. Yeah I was good on the uh, whenever, you know, people would give me the uh, you know I can't make it in text and just guilting them on their sickness and claiming it was fake Yeah, it was good times. Um, it was good times. He's not lying though when he says that 905 to 455 But it was closer than that my so we moved into a new office And they put the video team this is when they moved the video team to The front by the front door, which was away from everyone else. So you couldn't even see me. So basically
Starting point is 00:07:11 Not a lot got done Well stuff got done, but just not like enough, you know, because no one was there But you were always good because you genuinely Obviously understood humor and like cutting the gmy episodes at the time the format it was was pretty easy It wasn't like this was taxing work on you and you got to go to la what two or three times for shoots Yeah, I mean three like yeah three four something like that It was that was fun I mean, listen at the end of the day it was good and I think it was good for both parties
Starting point is 00:07:37 I mean, obviously you're you know, your presence was helpful for us and I think you learned some skills Hopefully he learned something there. Oh, yeah, I learned everything for me working at elite daily Literally anything I know about video learned it all there. I didn't know shit before I got there. You know, we know We were very much aware you were like that like, you know that the special guy we had Oh, there's joe like say things, you know really carefully It's like we're gonna switch all the editors over to premiere. That was what you just stay And just stay on fuck that that was a big thing So we decided we were gonna check transfer everybody from final cut x to premiere because we're growing the team and like
Starting point is 00:08:12 That made more sense because it was you know compatible with bigger graphics packages and more people were gonna get And we tried to explain that to joe and joe is just like I have no idea what you're even saying guys. I'm gonna be straight up honest with you I shouldn't I I'm not qualified for this job anymore. So I'm gonna stay on final cut and just do it You were the only one on final cut. You and you and Sal was the only ones on final cut I I remember vividly sitting in like editing meetings And everyone just talking and just this was near the end because the company was like exploded like we
Starting point is 00:08:47 When I first started working there, there was like 25 people. No, I think it was even less when you first started there I think it's probably closer to like 20 or like 18. Right. It was it was me you And then two camera men that was the whole video team and then by the time I left it was like 20 people or something like that and uh So when the team was growing whatever they were obviously hiring people that knew what the hell they were doing And they weren't just some fucking youtuber or whatever So I'd be sitting in the meetings and they'd be talking and using all these terms and talking about these programs or whatever And I'm just like, I don't know what the fuck is going on. These weren't complex terms
Starting point is 00:09:22 These really were pretty standard. Well, literally you could the first day of school They probably teach you all this but I was just like I don't I can't do any of this. I just This is not what I do But you were you were you were good for uh, so you were good for you know So slack was like well first was idiom and then it was slack But you're always good to like message funny things too and like we could have good side chats Like if I was wherever really like bored I could side chat you and have a good conversation It kept it kept me, you know while things were getting stressful. It was it was nice to do that
Starting point is 00:09:49 Numerous times. I remember walking into your office. It's always fun too because Tyler was like head of video And then as people got hired there was just a bunch of people like all of us that were just whatever and You know, he's the boss. So they're all kind of like You know, don't say anything to tyler whatever but like me and tyler like we were like friends because it was just us too It's kind of funny But I would never do that in front of everyone else But it'd be funny because like he would call me to my office sometimes and I sit down and people
Starting point is 00:10:18 I feel like people would think I was like in trouble and we just talk about like the islanders and the rangers and shit It was it was kind of hard just like Yeah, and I also just knew there was always it's always so much I was going to get by like trying to really manage you So I was just kind of like, yeah, I'll be the funny side guy. I'll be all right I think you learned a couple things though. I think you learned a couple. Oh, yeah 100% I mean it's a good thing. So I mean minus that one video we did that was horrendous. Oh my god And it's it's still no, no, no, you can't it's not out there, but I took it down You'd private it. I private it nobody will ever find it. We have to get the and I don't have access to the youtube channel anymore
Starting point is 00:10:52 I'm no longer there. So I have no access So we shot a video We're gonna call her out right now. We are we it's not all her fault. No, I think it's mostly ours Yeah, no, it's significantly. I will except for one major detail when we first started out like over time There was series put in place blah, blah, blah But at the time me and him were just writing scripts and then pumping them out whatever and if we can get Someone who has some sort of following in a video then we're like, okay, we're gonna Write something based around this person also when it was a good-looking girl
Starting point is 00:11:22 Uh, it wouldn't matter what kind of following No, no No, but it was definitely after the jade and james the city Prado like we were definitely going for right We had a mandate from some guys who wanted to see Hot girls hot girl content. So right we were just following So What was the title of this video? Uh, is she hot or is she crazy? Right? I honestly couldn't even tell you like
Starting point is 00:11:47 How the script went do you remember? Or just like the the general Just whatever it was it was so bad. It was just this girl. She's a model her name's katlyn o'connor She was in the video nothing against katlyn o'connor nothing against her. We did a huge disservice to her right. She was it. Oh I don't know what happened in the video honestly. It was really bad. What the fuck is this thing flying around in the room. Anyway Uh, it was really bad, but I remember at the end of it. She was hitting me paddling us Yeah, she was hitting me with a belt or a paddle paddle. I think I had my shirt off and I was bent over on a bed Like it didn't make any sense. It made no fucking sense
Starting point is 00:12:29 It was so bad and not only that it was shot with so like the guys who shot the shot out with with with two cameras but the two cameras were They were not like in sync with each other one of them was and we didn't edit them to be they weren't color corrected They weren't color corrected. So from one angle everything was really like overexposed the other It was just it was such dog shit and like not only like were we bad But the production value was bad the concept was bad everything was awful And I remember because I was away Uh when the video like patch robbed or when I got cut of the video and I was so furious
Starting point is 00:13:02 About it. I remember uh like calling max g and free and that was actually what led to as hiring greg parker Was that I was just like This team doesn't know what the hell they're doing. This is horrendous And we need to get some better team in here and that actually started it but that video sucked It was I remember you were like, all right, I know what I'm gonna do and you added this like The graphic the graphic the graphic at the bottom that ever that salvaged like the video to the slightest bit It did every time she said something like a little crazy some Picture of I don't even know what the fuck it was would pop up like some weird noise
Starting point is 00:13:34 Or like a or like a hot emoji depending on what she did if it was deemed crazy or hot I mean the concept wasn't that bad. It was just the execution was absolutely dog shit It was It was something it made me rethink a lot We never forgot that we would talk about it all the time. Yeah, anytime something good would happen Like the emmy After we won the emmy we were just like That katelyn will con her video though. That video was so that was the worst fucking video
Starting point is 00:14:00 But I think you needed to hit a low that bad for me to be like we got to bring in greg parker We have to start thinking about production value. It was the low of lows. That was that was the worst video Well, also you're forgetting a big detail is that we they also shot a music video with audio push that night At the they did firehouse. So the guys didn't even want to be there So that the two shooters the only shooters we had didn't want to be there So they were not like they were pissed off that they were there which is weird because you think like oh It's a hot girl, but they didn't care because they want to go to the audio push Uh
Starting point is 00:14:30 Shoot and that's why yeah, it was it was terrible. I also slid in her dms at the time as well Did you I did that makes one of us? well I was single at the time And I was I was like I forgot what uh, why she was in new york for something and that's how we were shooting with her, but no Yeah, I think it was like it was like around christmas time. She's like, oh, are you gonna like go ice skating or whatever? She was like, yeah, it was like a short conversation. I was like, um, what am I doing here?
Starting point is 00:14:57 Why am I doing this? Why don't we make another real bad video together? Like because she was so impressed. I literally was 150 pounds Bald head not bald, but like shape basically bald. You were very shape. I mean when we did the extreme dracover video I mean, oh Your head was fully shaped. I drink you want to talk about some so oh my god That's another video is actually relatively funny. That that video is actually relatively fun There's a video called extreme dracover. That was actually funny That was one of the first things I think we shot the first thing we shot was my fucking brain my fucking brain
Starting point is 00:15:30 And then I think extreme dracover was like two or three one of the one of the first couple ones, right? So my fucking brain was good too That was a really good one uh We shot this video where it was like I was this person who wasn't sensitive enough So my friends gave me an extreme dracover To make me more sensitive or whatever actually actually was like
Starting point is 00:15:50 It was a decent concept the production value. We were at a time where we didn't have the best, you know, right But it was actually decent But the the point the thing that I remember from that shoot. I know exactly what you're gonna say Yeah, there was some kid there From it was your friend It was my yeah It was like he was my friend No, he was a guy who went to Syracuse with me and he was an actor and I he played this role
Starting point is 00:16:10 You can't blame him. He played the role Hey, I'm just saying there was this one scene where they wanted me to sit like And just they were gonna shoot my profile of me just kind of like moving my head to a beat And then he was just gonna pop up And then the dude like popped up like mad close to my face like almost kiss me Which was the point right and then like I and then I didn't like Budge or anything. You know what I mean? I didn't and then we got the shot And then and then you because you would always do shit like this. He would just be like
Starting point is 00:16:43 You know what? I don't think he was close enough. I need him to be closer It's gonna be funnier and I was like, you know, you fucking we didn't even end up using that I don't think but he was just wanted to do it to make me uncomfortable plays on loop on my computer all the time Just that one scene that never made it. So the next time this kid pops up his nose Literally his lips were so close to mine Me and that kid have a great relationship Because you'd say it and then the camera guys and anyone else who was on the shoot be like, yeah, you gotta I think so as well. And then the kid is like a aspiring actor at the time. So he's like, yeah, cool. No, I got it
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yeah, no, cool. Whatever. It was just he's popping up. He's fucking inches from me. It's actually a pretty good impression Yeah, that's exactly what he was like. He was pretty spot on but he was playing his role His role was like this like weird australian like really way too close to your type of guy Oh, come on the one shot where we see you go back to us go back to him and he's dancing with you Come on. That's actually pretty funny. Yeah, if you go watch that video I streamed drake over. It was pretty funny It was it was I remember being super hype at the time And I was also when like it was like the like the height of like ripping on drake
Starting point is 00:17:48 Like I feel like drake doesn't get ripped as much anymore. Like he's kind of like this kind of done with him peak Like sensitive. Yes peak. Exactly. This was this was peak. Uh drake super sensitive Oh, man, and then you you know, you kiss the guy, whatever. I feel like a lot of people don't like, uh I tell people at the time early daily was probably the best nine to five job I'll ever have because it was just like, oh, so they'll make nine to five job. You're gonna ever have any Best job I come into sometimes like I've ever had but it was just it was crazy Like I feel like a lot of people Won't experience something like that. We literally every friday
Starting point is 00:18:29 There would be cases of beer and the whole company would just be hanging out and then there would be just this What was it a taco spot downstairs? Yeah ticombi Yeah, ticombi was the taco spot. Oh, and we would go Was the name of the restaurant, you know, yeah, ticombi was like You wouldn't know or what's going on here. Yeah, it means taco. Yeah. No taco spot was ticombi Yeah, but I mean we would just all head down there and just like shit
Starting point is 00:18:56 It was it was just a lot of fun and then the retreat, you know what I totally messed up ticombi The reason you're confused is ticombi was the taco spot at the other office that you were in at Wahoo's was the taco spot. You're right. So I apologize. You're not that stupid. No, it was a smart guy. The place. I don't know about that But you're not that stupid the place is the place was called wahoo's ticombi was at the next office Yeah, we had three offices I remember like one like one of our founders
Starting point is 00:19:20 He would call me into his office sometimes and be like and I'm like what the hell's going on? Am I getting fired finally because They found out that I am unqualified for this and he'd be like I got jim b and double barrel. Do you want a shot? I'm like, it's 11 a.m. I don't want anything Remotely close to this and then I would have to do it and it would it would taste like a knife Yeah, well, I guess your your your productiveness went from like two to one That day yeah, so I can't do anything. I took a shot. I'm done. Thank you. Yeah, but that was the old days
Starting point is 00:19:53 I mean, you know as the time went on and became a real company We couldn't do that. That was what was nice about the startup being at a startup Right being at a startup. You can do whatever the fuck you want and what we did And the group of friends and camaraderie we had was very was rare, which was super cool And in time I still you know, I still I was at least I for over four years So but that early stages was just it's hard It was even hard towards the end to explain to people what it was like then I know it just You they couldn't wrap your mind around because we were actually like like at this point now
Starting point is 00:20:21 You know towards the end, you know 25 person team a 10 person team in LA like a real legitimate production company and it's like no we were just a bunch of Foolish ratchet hooligans trying to just Make a couple of videos get drunk and get santa gata to do something productive That's it was really all we all we did And they would try to get me to smoke weed all the time All the camera guys they'd be like if we hit a million views on a video I'm like, yeah, fuck it. I'll do it if we hit a million views on a video because I don't smoke
Starting point is 00:20:49 And I didn't we hit a million views actually I I know we did and they forgot but Recently it's a good thing about being high recently. I I met I don't know who it was but someone was like Have you still not smoked weed or whatever? I was like no, I haven't and they're like We you know we hit a million views back at like an elite like you know years ago You've hit 300 million views since then what I was like, yeah, I just I I don't know I just I never did but that was fun. Also, you know the the retreat was like The greatest the retreats were probably the greatest thing
Starting point is 00:21:25 You you weren't in the Hamptons that first year. No, I wasn't that was before me But you did club getaway twice or just once once so you have to you were at the original club getaway Which was the better one anyway, was it? Yeah for sure the club getaway So for anyone who doesn't know I mean I had Carill on on the basement yard And he talked about club getaway and you know, I talked about it briefly But we went there with elite and it was so fucking fun literally like a sleepaway camp. That's what it is It's a sleepaway camp for you know adults And you can go there for like a three-day weekend and that was like our company retreat
Starting point is 00:21:54 We must have rolled deep there with like 60 yeah, at least you know at least 50 people. I mean it was pretty big It was awesome and every single Was it every day? You would send out a mass email to everyone in the company about who the top five Performers were it was it was it was the rankings. I was doing like it was like fantasy was it daily. Yeah Yeah, what do you mean? That's like what you do like like fantasy football We would get a we get an email from Tyler everyone in the company. I would say like oh
Starting point is 00:22:24 Greg today is Is the top guy for fucking I did like a top 10. It was like what you do with fantasy So he took 12 beers and then threw up so firstly that was part of the you know That's part of the morale the power rankings are huge people People loved those actually people like afterwards told me that like that was my first weekend Like I made the power rankings and like it totally like opened up things for me And I was like that's what I'm here for killed it. So I'm here for did you ever be power rankings? I never did Yeah, I didn't do anything of value back then
Starting point is 00:22:51 Yeah, no that sounds about right That was a pretty good quarterback during the football game. Oh, yeah, didn't you you had a big touchdown? I think so I was playing quarterback. I was throwing dimes out there making it rain I think we had a touchdown. I think you threw me a pass So I'm sure you sure you didn't make the power rankings if you I'm pretty sure I didn't I feel like I would remember Yeah, I probably just like fuck this guy's got enough followers This guy doesn't need this anymore affirmation here. Okay. We don't need this guy. This piece of shit. Let's let the other person Let's let the well the copy editor who knows nobody let's let her feel good about herself
Starting point is 00:23:23 Yeah, yeah, you killed today on the fucking wait. That was when Kelly She made the power ranker because she was like she was power boring by herself because it was like her first week And she was like the only girl on video and she was that was She was working like in the office like two days and then she went on a retreat Yeah, so so did so did uh, David both and they both just started and they got to go to the retreat They only came to the company for the retreat That's amazing and they liked everyone to this state. That's interesting Do you remember?
Starting point is 00:23:51 So there was like a boat house or whatever and with like a bar. Yeah, I was like the club Yeah, and I stole a bottle from the bar. I don't know what like I'm not even that kind of person You saw a bottle. I stole a bottle from the first one. I stole a bar at club get away Yeah, I stole two you should go proud of yourself the first one I was like on a stage and I was pouring it in people's mouths like I'm fucking Like a wrapper or some shit and then one of the people come up to me. They're like, where'd you get that? I was like, oh, I brought this and it had that metal thing on top To like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:21 How to pour drinks and they're like, where'd you get that and I was like, yeah, I you got I took this from the bar But then afterwards we were sitting outside and I was telling the founder at the time I was like, yeah, I took a bottle there, but the guy got fucking mad at me. He's like, yo, can you go get another one? I was like, okay So I went back in and got another one and then we walked up the hill and we were all passing around telling stories We were telling stories. We were telling like sex stories and then Shit stories It was a good story about somebody's bowels
Starting point is 00:24:50 Going off mid. Yeah It's amazing how that's we both the same time remember that story Yeah No, because that was the only one that stood out because everyone was telling these stories about like crazy sex stories or whatever and then all of a sudden this one guy Just starts going this one time this one time and like I think he said like in high school whatever he's like I went to this party and uh I was gonna hook up with this girl, but I had to shit and uh
Starting point is 00:25:15 Long story short I ended up shitting myself. We're just like dude. What are you just yeah? It was awesome out of nowhere. These guys just like yeah, I took a shit on myself It was also at that point where it was like It was like there was like almost like the beat was about to drop like everyone was like ready for like the heightening And he just dropped the she's like no, no, I then I shit myself. We're like all right. Shut the fuck up, dude Yeah, it was just killed this whole thing. No, that was all you needed sometimes you need that just to I'm gonna go back there Club get away. Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:44 Just us two No I don't fucking blame you No club, it was fun. I would definitely uh, I go back there It's I think I think I think you can go uh, I mean there was like bachelorette parties and like I know There were people from like texas that knew about it that came I was like what the fuck I think I think promote to these fucking people kids are there during the week Like I think it is a day camp for kids during the week. Yeah, I think that's what they
Starting point is 00:26:09 They were saying they were saying on the weekends on the weekdays. Yeah, it must be it's club getaway or whatever then then they said the the The counselors they call it club get laid because they all just like fuck each other or whatever Yeah, there was actually a dude you have dinner Just like on these benches and this tent with like everyone who's on the campground And it's like a buffet style or whatever everything's all inclusive and I remember when I sat down Uh, there was a girl at our company that was sitting across from me And then there was some dude there and then he just got up and left as soon as I sat down
Starting point is 00:26:45 I was like, who's that? She goes, uh, he came here by himself So like people go there by themselves to try and just like Fuck girls, I guess. I didn't know that was like a thing People do things, you know people go places to fuck girls But like in the woods to a sleepaway camp you're gonna go fuck was that your first time in a camp because you're not Jewish Yeah See, I mean I went to summer camp all my life. So, you know, wasn't yeah, wasn't that different for me big jew guy Over here big goyam over here. So yeah, you know, is jew offensive
Starting point is 00:27:15 Is jew offensive? Yeah, like Depends how you say it if you say as fucking jew then he has probably offensive If you say, oh, he's a jew it's like it makes anything offensive. I have fucking white guy Well, I mean if you're like, yeah, he's not gonna come with us because he's a jew and then like, yeah, that's offensive If you're like, oh, hey, here's my friend. He's a jew then that's not offensive I remember vividly me asking you one time. I was like, oh, you once asked me the dumbest question I don't remember what as I hope you remember. I do. I think I think this is the one I was like
Starting point is 00:27:40 He's not my phrase that too at work. I was like, so uh Do you jews do easter? That's what you That's what you asked is like san ago. I'll get the fuck out of here I was like, dude, I got shit. I gotta do right now. I don't need this ignorant goyim in here asking if jews do easter. No, jews don't do easter You asked me that the fact that you asked me that is so insane. Like that's a true story that you asked me that I vividly remember that because I went back and went back and asked my friends. I'm like, y'all is like jew offensive like
Starting point is 00:28:15 Piss this kid off or not Oh my god, there's no pissing off. It's just like, are you that dumb? I'm yeah, I'm pretty I'm up there But here's the thing so you jews you guys do easter No, no, it's just not One of the things we do. I just like I've never met. I've I didn't know any jewish people ever until I got to elite. I never met any I didn't know what they were. What'd you think we were? Just just these jewish people first of all
Starting point is 00:28:46 For a long time I thought you could Oh, I want to hear this one now Let's what let's think about what we're gonna say joe Let's think I thought that So there's acidic jews. Yeah, so I thought like, okay Those are one type. Yeah, and then people who were yarmulke's 24 7 or the other But then I didn't think because you don't wear a yarmulke 24 7. So I was like, there's no way I don't wear yarmulke
Starting point is 00:29:13 Ever but I'm but I mean like at weddings. You probably do Yeah, you have to think about it. Yeah I'm gonna break that by oh why not bring your own yarmulke if they give him out. I'll wear it. Yeah No, but that's what I thought. I didn't know there was like jews. I just kind of you know, don't wear anything and just walk around Yeah, you know, there's this regular, you know, uh, there's so many rules Like you guys have the things that go by the doorways the mizes is you don't have them. How come but I'm not jewish Not really religious I'm more Italian than you. Jeff. I think you might be I'm more Italian than you might be
Starting point is 00:29:46 Do you do easy? That was That's a question that I'll do. Yeah, right when you said it. I was like, yep. Nope. That's uh, yep. This kid's an idiot. Yeah, yeah That's kind of yeah, yeah, that was bad. I don't I don't know But like I said, that was the first time I was exposed to any jewish people my entire life anyone. I've never known was Like spanish black Italian or greek. That's it. I'm glad I was able to you know expand your horizons You were you, you know, everyone elite daily. There's a lot of jewish people there A lot of a lot of fucking juice. There was no I think there was a good there was a decent mix though
Starting point is 00:30:20 I mean, I mean, there was there was there was definitely a decent. I think overall is a good Uh mix of people. I think which is what made it so cool Good times so like overall one to ten kind of Let me actually question. Do you know what you're about to ask me? You're gonna ask you for one kind of chore you and the run the jewish uh rickster scale Jewish are you guys? How do you are you? How do you are you it's not a bad it's not a bad game. All right, so we're gonna take a religious turn here
Starting point is 00:30:49 So what's the difference between Hasidic? Judaism And yours and my Judaism. I think it's just level of just people who are like orthodox super conservative and like verse reform like i'm I don't know what any of that meant Yeah, don't worry about it. It's it's really like do you want to wear? Long curls and peyuses and hats or do you know want to wear uh, what's peyuses? Is that the outfit? That's the uh, the oh the curl the curl is called a pass. How do you even grow that because It's impressive. I don't even know if they curl them in the morning. I have no idea. They have to nothing grows like that
Starting point is 00:31:29 Nothing would naturally grow like that So that's great. So if you walk into like a Hasidic Jewish household Every night they have the Like, you know, my mom had the ones that go So how much more do you want to bash here goes the Jewish audience? How much more do you want to bash Judaism god damn Jews? God damn it Oh man. Yeah, like like, you know the scene in like in Greece. He obviously Greece
Starting point is 00:32:01 Of course, I don't know like, you know in like sandy and they're all having like the girls The rollers have all the rollers just in front of the ear just right here. Yeah, and then you know, you let them out there and everything. Yeah I feel like I learned a lot I mean, that's I'm actually trying to be a rabbi. That's that's my goal Uh post elite daily life. What are you doing these days? Oh, yeah, I'm educating people on Judaism. Do you eat kosher? No, I don't eat kosher. No You've I've we were just eating bacon before this you know, I don't eat kosher I don't know the rules man. I don't know anything like it's the craziest rule. There's so many
Starting point is 00:32:39 Crazier like in terms of like listen, I'm Catholic. I don't know the rules for that either They say I'm not supposed to eat meat fridays during Fucking god knows what and then there's certain monday. Like, I don't I don't know when ash Wednesday is and shit I well, you know, I'm sunday. I hope what I hope you know a day of the week. It is Today is Wednesday. No ash Wednesday you idiot. Oh Oh, yeah, it's on a wednesday. You know funny story, by the way, my brother Keith. I want to talk about dumb runs in the family we We're out drinking at my friend's house
Starting point is 00:33:10 On a saturday woke up on a sunday and we hear the church bells because he lives like a cross street from the church He goes he goes. Oh god. Is it ash wednesday? He just woke up with that. Yeah the first thing he said it's like is it ash wednesday? My brother Keith. I was like, it's fucking sunday. How could it be ash wednesday? You just said The right answer That's so funny. It runs in the family. We're all you know, we're all dumb when it comes to Religion religion. Yeah, I just went to the Vatican when I was in italy. How was that? It's pretty cool
Starting point is 00:33:44 I tried to convince my wife to ask what time she bought services where uh, I couldn't get her to do it I told her I'd buy her a gift. I feel like they wouldn't even know what the hell you were talking about. No, they would They would just be super offended. You know, they know other religions. Yeah, they probably do those guys those guys over there It was beautiful though. Honestly. It's crazy. You haven't been there. Wait. How are you allowed in the Vatican? They screamed yeah, actually it was a circumcision test actually Oh, man, I went in there and I'm circumcised Are you I am so you're kind of Jewish. I'm like I gotta be at least three percent. Oh, wow. That's good. You know what I mean? At least I feel like the other way it looks weird the turtle neck. Yeah, no, I'm not a I'm not a fan
Starting point is 00:34:26 I mean That came out so wrong. I used to say that all the time. It's like dude if I was like If I was a girl and I saw an uncircumcised dick for like if my first dick Was an uncircumcised one you wouldn't know anybody though I feel like I would because girls before they see their first dick in person have to have seen a dick before that Right Like I feel like they go on they you know, they have sleepovers and They what?
Starting point is 00:34:57 With like girls and they're like, oh, let's let's watch porn and google dick Like and they look at google images and look at dicks and that's like how they know And they have the curlers in their hair exactly, you know, what was it called again the pegasus pegasus. Yeah, exactly pegasus Same thing. It's all it's all Greek gods in the end. Yeah, of course Pegasus pegasus penises just look at all up. He has to be fine. Just google pee and see all the top Those are gonna be the ones you get there, but I feel like that's but I always said that Why am I saying that I always said No, but I
Starting point is 00:35:35 I always say this, you know If I was a girl, my first thing was uncircumcised. I'm out. I'm running. I'm going. What the fuck is that thing? I'm out of here. I'm Joe Santagato and if I was a girl the first thing I saw was uncircumcised. I'm out literally I've honestly I've said that way too many times that I'm comfortable with telling You know what? Hey man, that's that's That's your mantra stick to it. Anyway, let's get into the sponsors real quick The first one we have right here is my mom's blue apron. My mom's favorite
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Starting point is 00:37:58 Is the pope there Do you think i'm the expert in all religions now because I went to the Vatican? I mean you looked around he wasn't there. I didn't see him There were there were dead popes. They had like two what yeah So they bury all the popes there. I think I think majority of them The ones who man, I wish you were a religion expert because I want to know how you become pope You got to be just a really dope priest an all-star I think you got to be a cardinal first
Starting point is 00:38:30 You know anything I know albert puhals was a cardinal for many years He was a cardinal. He was a cardinal. I hate the cardinals for beating them. That's uh in the uh, oh six Was that cause bell trend? Yeah. How does he not swing? How does he caught looking? How does he not swing? There's one thing you have to do in that situation It's swing and he didn't swing. How's that that game? It sucked. You were there And I yelled swing and he didn't swing You gave him the advice and he didn't take it. It's absurd usually carlos listens to me Usually we had a good relationship, but that's how you didn't listen. That's kind of that's
Starting point is 00:39:08 That I feel like that was the Epitome of the Mets that at bat. Yeah, I mean for like the foreseeable future Well, I think the next two years they blew leads down the stretch and lost on the last game of the season to the marlins To not make the playoffs. That was the epitome of the Mets with that fucking two straight years I feel like that at bat though was kind of like We just became the Mets that we're going to be no, no It was more like no, we're back to being the Mets because that year like they were good and then I was like, oh wait No, we're the Mets. I forgot. Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:41 We can't forget this. We were the Mets and then they got good again Years later and now they suck again So I was I was at the world series game that they lost when kensity one I was I think that game also sucked game five probably just stopped going at games I don't think you're at historic bad med games. It's just me. I think if I'm at the game or not There's a good chance. They're gonna blow it in a crushing way Crush it Mets love to crush. I should have met up with the pope
Starting point is 00:40:07 Don't give some good luck or whatever to fucking To the Mets. That's how that works, right? Yeah, that would have probably been if I started the pope. Do you think the pope like the pope would have been like, hey I'm a jew. How about that? But you but that's not like important right now. We need to know a cinder guard to get healthy Yeah, cinder guard and sass. What is uh, you know injury suck? Yeah Sass is a beast Oh god
Starting point is 00:40:32 Now the fucking beat right now is Aaron judge. Jeez. What's this guy's doing? First of all that guy What are you gonna say? What are you gonna say that guy? I want you to think of like what's gonna come next honestly, I'm not proud but He's huge. He's what is he six? Eight. I don't know. He's like a behemoth. He's bigger than most people in the nfl He's a behemoth. Yeah, I'm gonna go out on him here and just assume his dick's nine inches That's all I'm gonna say four inches wide. It's a thing people are afraid of that's what I'm gonna say That's it. Thank you. That's pretty good. Uh hypothesis there. There's a good chance that I want to meet him and I want to ask him
Starting point is 00:41:11 Maybe he's circumcised. You think he's been to the Vatican He's circumcised at the Vatican He's circumcised. He's been to the Vatican. He must be circumcised. Those are two questions You gotta ask back to back. You circumcised how about the Vatican? Yeah, he's circumcised. Okay, come over. Come here You got pegasus. What was it called? Paseas You felt the fish. Yeah, I don't I don't I can't remember anymore. Oh, yeah, this is yeah, we're all over the place right now um Do you need to reel it in? I think we I think we need to we need to yeah, we need to wrap this up. I feel like
Starting point is 00:41:48 Before I start sweating more. I've been sweating this entire time. We actually had to stop in the middle of this Yeah, so someone can give me a paper towel. I'm actually shocked and stopped again because I'm profusely sweating my ball and ass region and the gooch Water park Just yeah, it's just soaked New york city in the summer is yeah, splish splash
Starting point is 00:42:14 Splish splash down there. No, but splish is like a fun place. First of all, splish splash. It's more like Hurricane Katrina. Splish splash is a fun place. It is a it's a fun place, but If I if water touches my face, I'm pretty much Guaranteed a fever the next day That's what splash. Yeah When was the last time you went to swish splash? Maybe three years ago. We're honestly, where is the splash riverhead? I haven't been in years. It's it's it's you get sick
Starting point is 00:42:46 I think the last water park I went to was like mountain creek I've never been there Mostly because a lot of my friends are like, oh, we got to go there. They got a cliff. It's like 40 feet high You jump off and like do that sounds fucking dangerous. I'm not doing that. I I did that and when I was younger And it just made me so much more confident in life. I was like, I jump on this cliff You see me there. No, I felt good or uh At splish splash they have the cliff diver They call it the fucking slide that you can see from the highway
Starting point is 00:43:14 I think it's like 150 feet high or something like that. It's really fucking hot is 150 feet high No, it's like 150 feet. It's really high and it goes straight down And I'm like, fuck that. I'm not going on like I care about my life Like I understand that people are having fun. There's like seven year olds going on it. I'm like, I don't care I'm not going to be the one that the screw goes loose and do you not do upside down roller coasters I'm not a big roller coaster guy But I would but here's the thing. I wasn't a roller coaster guy when I was younger Because I was afraid
Starting point is 00:43:49 Right now I would go on them What if you went with your two buddies who you brought to your interview? They would text you your two henchmen. Yeah, fuck it. Does the the Vatican got a roller coaster? I'll go on that one. The Vatican's got a great roller coaster. We're gonna come right back to the Vatican every single time It's just a cross that goes back and forth. That's the whole Vatican ride the whole time. Yeah, by the way when I was younger splish splash You stand near the cliff diver. Oh, you got you got sucked. That was part of the thing But also the girls when they would come down Wedgies
Starting point is 00:44:20 Half a tit hanging out. I was that guy It's not guy boy. I was 11 that man I was like, I just saw ariola for a second I'm in that's all I needed. I would hold that For maybe four months. That was like that was my first ariola was uh special Even now Dude, even like a shadow where I'm like, was that I'm not even sure if that was I assume it is possibly was that yeah Yeah, I agree or you don't know if it's just like, uh, you know like because it's like
Starting point is 00:44:51 Maybe she's tan. It's a tan line. Yeah Even the tan line is kind of no you tell us great because you feel like a difference in skin color is always nice I feel like You know, it's just a difference. I don't know what it is You seem like a real diverse guy. I don't know what's going on with me today. Honestly, we're all over the fucking place Um, this stuff I've been drinking is called tiger thunder. So maybe that's why I don't know if there's cocaine In here or not I got victoria right in mexico, right? You have a mexican beer
Starting point is 00:45:23 This I don't know where this is brewed, but it's called tiger thunder. I'm not excited about it Anyway, we're gonna wrap this up here. Um Where can they find you if they want to contact you or if you want to plug anything or whatever you want to do Find me just uh, you know, usually, uh I'm at the Vatican At the Vatican getting circumcised Every five months hanging out guys at pastes and I guess I guess twitter, you know at Tyler Gilden on twitter It's probably good enough for me and uh, not an elite daily anymore
Starting point is 00:45:59 But figuring out the the next steps and hopefully we'll find something cool to do together Probably most likely you'll see me and Tyler working together in the future Uh, also we're gonna be What the hell was I about to say also, uh, if you guys aren't watching this You can go to slash basement yard put in the promo code basement. You will get a free month It's only six dollars a month after that Uh, and you also get the extra yard, which will we will be on Uh, which is always fun. It's like a 15 minute extra segment and
Starting point is 00:46:30 Yeah, that is all And we'll see you guys next time

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