The Basement Yard - Crazy New Sex Law

Episode Date: July 11, 2017

On this episode, @Dalibrandi & @AntVino are on to talk about a new sex law that was passed in NC. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard this week. I have two returning guests The last time they were on there was a lot of high-fiving going on a lot of drinking Dylan and the venerabac And I start with How are you guys doing, you know Joey? I have some you know Dylan I've been friends for 16 years now best friends This is the best he's ever looked. You know, I was thinking I was looking in the camera That's right there. It looks like you lost a little weight from from from the camera view. Yeah, you look the same. I love you I don't know where to go from here. This is just like a weird water today That's bad luck, what's bad luck? Cheersing with water is it toasting water? Yeah, I never heard that the other day Nick today actually I was I was
Starting point is 00:00:51 Um What is it? Oh, I was unloading the dishwasher and I was putting away cups and shit and I left one of the cabinets open He comes over and slams it he goes. That's bad luck It's like what to the Greeks everything is bad luck. Yeah, I don't it makes no fucking sense when Andrea comes over I put her purse on the floor and she told me that was bad luck if you put the purse on the floor I don't know what it means. We're supposed to put a purse on a chair on a bed. I was like This is good, who like who decided that's bad luck who decided walking under a ladder is bad luck. That's a good one Oh, I mean stepping on a stepping on a crack. Yeah, break up on your crack breaking a mirror
Starting point is 00:01:28 No, it's your mom's back. Oh breaking a mirror something different I never believed in any of that shit But I do have a little weird OCDs about Things like you ever try to get like when I'm walking two feet in the box two feet in the box like one two One I counted to but like I won't go out of my way. I'll go ahead and not do it So you'll look down the whole time pretty much most of the time probably but yo, have you ever never went under a ladder, right? Cuz I do ever wants to do that. I have to work with them I don't know if I've ever been I've actually been forced to walk under a ladder
Starting point is 00:02:08 Do you know what I did the other day and I felt like oh fuck I was actually sitting on the roof and and a bug landed on me and I flicked it and as I let go of my finger to flick it I saw that it was a ladybug. Oh I was like fuck. That's that. I think that's bad. No, it's good luck when a ladybug lands Yeah, good luck that bitch. So you had good luck and you have bad luck. So you don't kill ladybugs I don't think so if a ladybug is in my room. It's dead if there's a ladybug on you with no spots That's even better luck. No, it's just the age The spot is the age exactly so it must be a newborn. So you don't kill a kid. You don't kill babies never did
Starting point is 00:02:46 Yep, that makes sense to me. Is that even true? I know the spots is how old it is I don't think that's true. They're not like trees. You look it up the rings I'm I learned in school when I was little that if it has like three spots. It's three ladybugs Maybe like like weeks old or months old whatever their life cycle is but Spots is age Okay, ready, I'm gonna read this little paragraph and this is gonna end very very funny, okay? This is the first thing I googled ladybug spots the thing that comes up the spots on the back of ladybugs over the surface is Is the defense mechanism to avoid predators?
Starting point is 00:03:24 The spots come in different shapes and different numbers Some say that those dots tell us age since some ladybugs have 24 spots, which means its age would be 24 years That is not possible at all That's literally what it says. You can't it's too little have 24 spots How could you fit 24 spots on a ladybug? They're very small spots Joe. They're like you could fit like four Or very small spots. That's what I'm saying. You can't fit 24. That's obviously it can't be 24 Listen at the end of the day. It's a ladybug. My dog can't be 24 a ladybug good I'm right cuz it was mentioned in there. No, it wasn't it says some people think that basically saying like yeah
Starting point is 00:04:05 There's morons out there who think that the spots are The fucking age. All right. Well, how about this? How about this one? This is good Do you guys open your umbrella inside the house? No, you can't it's bad luck So you don't you know So you don't believe it you believe in that right you never do that you believe in gargoyles No I think Not cuz I work
Starting point is 00:04:37 Don't the hotel I work at we hand people umbrellas and we hand it's them open already and I when it's raining I had at least open like 40 a day Inside you're chill. No free umbrellas. Yeah, we give out free. Do you work at a five star hotel? They're gonna give you a free umbrella It's it's an umbrella We need these umbrellas we need to get in there Now they're like how about talking into the mic and not looking at him Yeah, big umbrellas are small you watch your throat like the king size
Starting point is 00:05:08 But it's kind of hard though cuz he's facing straight so he has to like exactly my neck hurts We're at a tilt take the mic with you then yo if you pull that mic off and do the rest of the podcast like a wrestler would oh My god, he did it Yeah, you have to give me something now. Give me a line. I don't know Please act yeah, give us you're holding a mic you want to back off the rails early good fact number 37 Don't touch the third ground You will die That's 37. That was a real fact. My facts are never real. I know that is a real one you can't fact number
Starting point is 00:05:45 999,000 The glass breaks the shoe fits These are all open for interpretation. Yeah, if anyone wants them You have to hold it like that anyway. I know I wanted to show you this clip of something So you guys know what VidCon is I wanted I was you know what no I Guess I know what it is because I know did you ever do mad mad mad mad con? What is it? Which one mad con or mad con? No, well?
Starting point is 00:06:17 What is it mad con mad mad MAG meet and greet? What is that what are we talking about? It's it's a it's like a convention where you'd go meet your favorite youtubers. Yeah, like you Right, cool. So VidCon is that like on steroids base. I wanted I was gonna ask you randomly like a week ago Maybe it was recently. No It just happened recently. I think so. Yeah, okay I was gonna ask you if you would like ever attend it because I really want to see what that's like No, I'd be your guest or something. No, I'll not to meet people but like to this No, no, no, that's your word against that. I am I I think it's a fucking horrific place
Starting point is 00:06:50 And I get we'll we'll get into that but yeah, I want to know Devinos actually come with me just things like that like we've been to there's like little ones little or little or digitor I got shit like that. Yeah, I um I got um dehydrated and I didn't eat all day and I didn't drink remember people thought I was drunk But why I wasn't I just didn't eat or drink all day because it was a one point for like What was it like six hours straight? Yeah of standing and taking pictures with people and I only went with him Just to sit at the table like like this you just sit there. You were taking pictures Yeah, I was sitting there like this on my phone and we was just sitting in and it was all of um
Starting point is 00:07:30 his friends And they were sitting down pictures and every friend and I'm just sitting there like oh my god I know you you know you were in Joe's pot like um videos. I'm like, oh, hey, what's up? Yeah sign this and I was like People Devinos signed a phone case. Yeah, I signed and a girl's face. You signed a girl's face Yeah, you were upstairs sleeping because I came looking for you. I'm like, where's Joey and some girl runs up to me Her face was already covered in autographs Signed my face. I'm like, are you sure? She's like, yeah, and I'm like where and she goes like well, wherever you see So where'd you sign? I remember it was like right here. I remember very clearly. It was like on her temple
Starting point is 00:08:07 And it was a lot people like were recognizing me a lot was very surprised and I didn't eat or drink for like the whole day I got dehydrated as Joey. It was in the shower and I almost fell how can we didn't drink the shower water? It was very hard to drink anything. I want to drink the shower. Don't you remember how sick I was? I was like, yo, I can't stand and then the next day we went to um The city in the city. What there was another event in the city the very next day Oh, I don't remember the names of these things mean either But we were there and I was just even more fucked up But I remember it was a Sunday because I said I want to go and watch walking dead
Starting point is 00:08:43 Most of that was like not relevant to whatever the hell we're about to talk No, I went to event we get it. You were dehydrated. That's what happens. People get dehydrated dick, but He should have had the shower. He's lucky. It was his podcast I'm gonna broke his face So anyway VidCon is like that whatever DeVino's talking about like on steroids and I went to a few of those things We were on stage DeVino came right and it's just like it was like the weirdest thing in the world It's like people these little girls. That's mostly the right for the target audience Well, those are the only people I wouldn't fucking go to one of these things
Starting point is 00:09:19 You know what I mean? Like even if I like watching someone on YouTube, I'm not gonna fucking pay hundreds of dollars I'm gonna meet you in California. They pay hundreds of dollars. You pay to get in. Yes, you got VIP So these youtubers paid up here. No So I'm saying like they don't they don't pay to appear but people will pay money to meet them So you have to buy a ticket to meet these people, right? Okay, so anyway Just give you a background. So there's this kid. His name is Christian Burns Right the burns Right
Starting point is 00:09:52 Simpsons excellent No, but uh fucking so this kid is was like he's like an Instagram model Wait, it's crazy. Yeah, okay. So right he's an Instagram model and Basically, he had like I think 20,000 followers on Instagram Which I don't know if that qualifies you as being an Instagram model. I don't really even know what the fuck that means What the fuck does that mean an Instagram? You're just a kid with a what you you I don't understand what that means Maybe do like brands like pay him to like take a picture of their stuff
Starting point is 00:10:30 $20,000. I don't think so $20,000 for that's not a lot right is that not I mean it is but like come you know what I mean You think he buys his followers. I Don't fucking know although you can't do this is what I'm saying I don't even know how I don't even know what that means Instagram model I don't know how that whole sudden you could just start calling yourself that or whatever He calls himself. I'm an Instagram. He's an Instagram. What do you do for a living? Well right now? I'm right now. I'm an Instagram model really. How's that fucking going? Oh, you know what that means is that you're a narcissist with a
Starting point is 00:11:03 Free app mm-hmm. Davino. Don't worry. I'm not gonna. I'll let you I'm not gonna ask you to define that word So anyway, I wanna this kid shows up and he has 20,000 followers He doesn't have a pass to get in because if you're like a creator or whatever one of these people They give you passes so that you could just walk into wherever the fuck you want to go and he had a fake one Like he made a fake one so they get in and they found out and they kicked him out Then he wasn't invited To my knowledge. No, okay, so then this kid starts freaking out and flipping out and screaming at some security guard
Starting point is 00:11:42 And I want to play this thing. I'm gonna put the mic towards the computer so you can hear But This is what the shit he was saying. Do people recognize him Hold on damn it. Can you face it towards us too? So we can watch yeah, I want to see it Oh You deserve to be died so that goes on for like minutes you deserve to be crucified Did he say you deserve to be died like that. He said you deserve to die He's a very nice. He's ever be crucified. He also said I'm attracted as fuck as fuck and I make way more money than you
Starting point is 00:12:55 Then he goes on to say to this guy who is a security guard at this place Look at what you're wearing yours that you you have a fucking uniform uniform Yeah, what do you mean if he had a real job? He'd probably have to wear a uniform as well Yeah, he has no idea about that though because he's got a strong jaw That's why that's what makes him a fucking Instagram model. Yes, I find this interesting because this I feel like the whole YouTube community Bases their whole like fan bases off positive things like believe in yourself Everybody can achieve their dream. Yeah, they try to spread all this fucking positive and that is not it
Starting point is 00:13:29 I think he's just looking for attention to make the video. Maybe you want to be video Yeah, he didn't I don't know if he took that though. He didn't take that. No, but he wasn't doing YouTube videos He's probably happy about that video. I mean I don't know people are not It's not well received. He might have taken that video was 10,000 followers now. He's down to 10 No, but you're not wrong because a lot of these kids on YouTube they They're fucking weirdos dude like they just are there the biggest divas in the world And they just like expect everyone to just kneel at their feet for shit. Mm-hmm. Sounds like someone we know some yeah, right?
Starting point is 00:14:04 Oh, oh, yeah Yeah That was pretty good. All right, go it Why can't I can go now? You're allowed to speak now Go ahead continue but I went to this one thing playlist live which is in Orlando and
Starting point is 00:14:28 That was like the last time I've ever been to anything because that was like That's like a step down from VidCon. It's like those are the two big ones So I went and I was like this is fucking disgusting like this is like psychotic is is it all that message? No, it's not. It's the complete opposite because all these people that you see on YouTube being like everyone's so glorious Just like spread positivity and hit the like button subscribe I just kind of flies and shit, you know Can I just say that I since I've been to like three of them people do stuff on stage for these fans like they try and sing
Starting point is 00:15:07 Like I saw people try to sing like that like these two girls and I'm like wait like you showed up fans try to sing No, no like youtubers like they tried to sing like I felt like people were just doing anything because there were people standing there Yeah, and Joey literally just sat there and spoke and there were girls falling on the floor I was just like and I hated doing it cuz I'm just like what the fuck like I'm not like they were doing a stand-up routine Like they just want me to stand here. Yeah, what is it? What is it like? There's a big-ass stage So there's just there's more so at this thing playlist live It's like you show up and there's a hotel and they're at this specific one There was two big-ass like towers right one of them
Starting point is 00:15:46 They filled with like all the fans whoever came and want to stay at the hotel in there The other one they filled with all the youtubers and Viners or wherever the fuck you're doing In there so that it wouldn't be like Intersecting you could have some place where you're not taking pictures or whatever But for the most part it's a fucking free for all you walk around there's people screaming Running around trying to get pictures autographs from people who they don't even fucking know You know what I mean? Like there's these little girls. They have no idea who the fuck I am They're like can I have a picture and I and I want to say it so bad
Starting point is 00:16:21 Just be like fucking no you have no idea who I am. That would be the end I Just feel it's just weird dude. I remember one time standing in a party city and There was this kid who was like off the line I was waiting online to buy my shit and this dude's like all do Joe a big fan. Can I take a picture? I'm like, yeah sure no problem. So I take a picture with him, right? Then I'm standing in line. That was cool. Whatever Lady in front of me turns around so Asian woman goes fuck didn't realize it was a celebrity behind me
Starting point is 00:16:50 And I was just like ha ha ha I had no idea who you were right then I'm like, uh, I'm like nah Whatever, I'm trying to like just that was like a weird sentence I don't like when people say shit like that. So I'm just like all right and then Like a couple people go she pays for her shit and then she comes back and she's like can't take a picture of you I'm like What see now Howard talking about would would she like go to her family like hey you guys know who this is What do you yeah, hey this guy? I don't know who the fuck
Starting point is 00:17:21 That's dude, did you say yeah sure? Yeah, I'm not gonna be like I didn't want to have that conversation They're like why you don't know the fuck I am That was so weird. I don't even get it. I don't get the mentality behind that You should just know fucking sense to me and that's constantly what goes on at these things And it's just weird because then you then at night at these things they have parties right so you can go if you're over 21 you can drink or whatever, but a lot of these fucking youtubers are on your age They're finding ways to get drinks. They're doing fucking blow in the hotel rooms and shit I'm like what the fuck is going on. You know what I mean? Like it's wild and then they'll talk shit about ever like
Starting point is 00:17:59 They're the shittiest people is it like a shady and it's like scary because when I meet them I'm like, okay these are shitty people and that would just be fine because some people are shitty, but they just control Fucking five hundred thousand impressionable kids that they could just project anything they want on to them So they're like wrestlers kind of I don't know how you got that right like they play like a character Like no they don't it will kind of I guess Right think about it But I get that vibe that they're it's just that all that one image, but they they will say whatever they have to say Yeah, but you made you made some of those kids really like we walked into a hotel and these
Starting point is 00:18:42 This girl started crying and I'm like, yo, that's crazy. How like you could just do that like a girl was in tears Oh my god, Joe, and I'm like, you know, that's why it's crazy. Yeah, you that's people really go that hard some girl I'm caught me and I was I went up Desk to get like a Tylenol because I was really sick and Over which one was no I was it was the dehydration. I was like something's wrong with me And some girl comes up to me. She goes, oh, I know who you are like you're in Joe's videos Can I have a picture? I said, yeah, I'm like are you guys coming in? She goes no we couldn't afford like the ticket
Starting point is 00:19:14 You know we're gonna wait out here and wait for Joe to come out I like I knew Joey wasn't coming out like I knew like he's not coming out He's got to stay in there for the whole day. I'm like, listen, I'm gonna go try and get him you know come out and say hello and Joe's an interview and he came out and you saw her and oh my god, Joey's like, oh, I know who this is and I'm like Wait, wait, wait, you knew who it was. Yeah, I'd met her before. Yeah, like she was a fan. I was like So you remember fans It's not hard. What do you mean? It's not hard. You said there's a trillion fucking fucking
Starting point is 00:19:46 Justin Bieber meeting the fucking hundred thousand people at a time I would remember if if five people came up to me. I see it five. I would remember I seen her twice That's I'm sober. I'll remember you but if I'm drunk I don't I've introduced myself to people like four different times, right? Yeah in the same bar where I met them Like whenever we go to Rockies minutes later. Hey Time Joe dude, I can't even tell you I forgot who it was but this one girl We were in Rockies and she was with someone we knew and I was like, hey, what's up? I'm Joe. She's like, I've met you three times here Then you feel like a like a dick. You're like, I must be just like I have a drinking problem
Starting point is 00:20:25 That's what it hits you or you're just like, I'm sorry. I have a drinking problem That's what Rockies does to you. I feel like you know Rockies does a lot of things to you. I spent two hundred fifty dollars there one night Which doesn't sound like a lot of money in a bar. It's a lot bar. It's like buy one get two free It's like so coins that you just for the hell of it. Yeah, like if you get a beat like two four What was that a two for Tuesdays if you go on Tuesday? It's like you get two beers you get two beers You want to laugh one time? That's crazy one time I was like four bucks one time
Starting point is 00:20:56 I was in Rockies with my brother and I told the bartender that I was bad because my brother was wearing my shirt and To make me feel better. I got two free drinks. Yeah, it's Not that you're sick. Why are you telling the bartender that just came back? I knew what she was I was like, damn, you know and I just did it randomly. You're just talking and I got two free drinks out of it That's how hard it is not who you are but because you are we knew we knew each other Obviously, what me saying it to a stranger and I didn't even I didn't even I left my car I'm notorious for leaving my cards in bars because whenever I open up a tab If I'm going up a tab, I'm gonna be drunk and then I'm going to forget my card there
Starting point is 00:21:34 I've forgotten my card in places where I had one drink pay for it. Keep it open. Yeah, left it there Fuck I went home like 30 minutes later. I'm like shit and then I have to go back That would give me the worst anxiety. Yeah, you don't look at your card to make sure like they like didn't write down the number and They're not buying stuff because they see the name. Oh shit He doesn't look at it doesn't manage his cards, like, you know, like I could definitely buy stuff and he won't have any idea Maybe I mean, you know think about that Think about what? You know people do cruel things in the world
Starting point is 00:22:07 You can take a picture the number and they could start, you know, and that's it 1500 limit on my card So the most they can spend is 1500 in one day. So do you go by some nights? So guess who's paying for that 1500 Dude, I remember one time in Rockies actually there was this woman there and she was like, oh my kid loves you, right? And she was like an attractive woman, but I could tell that she was a little older and I think I was 21 at the time and I'm like, oh, it's cool. And then like later on in conversation. I was just kind of like I Was like if you don't want me asking like how how old are you? And she's like, oh, I'm 30 and I'm like how old is I was like, how old's your kid?
Starting point is 00:22:51 She goes 15 and I was like, all right So if you do the math real quick, wow 15 My mom's my best friend, imagine She was buying drinks for me boss Eric and I think Keith I think I might have remembered her night She had to have spent like $300 three 350 probably had a mom buy me a shot ones a fan or you had your mom buy you a shot Caroline's she won't me. No, I had a mom a mom buy me a shot and her kids. I'm pretty sure they were underage
Starting point is 00:23:26 Hey, kids did shots today in this generation in this generation Yeah, Caroline's was fun. I remember that night. That was one of the greatest nights I was so drunk. Everybody thought I was a Uber driver for some reason. You were dressed. You were in a suit I was in a suit because I'm an Uber driver Yeah, they're like, hey, you're the Uber driver. I'm like, no Wait, they just said that no, I come up to you like are you Jose? I think it was because you said I looked like an Uber driver when you're doing it So on stage I said that some shit like that. I was like, it's my friend Dylan
Starting point is 00:23:59 He looks like an Uber driver and then everyone was just so I was the Uber driver That was so funny. So people for people who don't like know or like remember I had a I did a show two shows at Caroline's in the city these live shows and It was fucking fun. It was mad fun like everyone I knew not everyone I knew but like my whole group of friends and my family were there It was fucking it was fun. I had fans there that night Showed up. I really did though. It's pretty weird. Yeah, people are like, oh my god, Dylan You're fucking eyebrows are absurd Your hair
Starting point is 00:24:37 No, but I remember like uh when I first got to that place I Was like I just needed to drink like because I was like nervous, you know I mean, so I was like I drank and then I drank a lot And I didn't eat anything and then I'm sitting in the green room like 20 minutes before I'm supposed to go on and I'm like Fuck I'm drunk as hell. I was like shit. So I started chugging waters and by the time I got there. I was like fine but Jesus that shit was crazy and then afterwards it was like
Starting point is 00:25:03 Yeah, movie it was it was absurd like we they have a big ass room and then where everyone sits and then you could walk out and there's a bar with like a big open area and My friends are like sharks like chasing down all these girls and My mom's at the bar doing shots of chardonnay. Yeah, like people are like, oh your joe's mom was by you shots And she's like, I don't really do shots. She's like, I'm drinking wine. All right. Do shots. We'll get you a shot of wine Yeah, so she was doing shots of chardonnay. I was like, wow, what the fuck I went to work drunk the next day still Did you? Yeah, they didn't let me on the ladder I didn't get drunk like at all that like
Starting point is 00:25:46 A little bit before but I didn't drink for the rest of the night. I was so fucking tired. I was having a drunk I was drunk. I don't remember the night. I missed the first show Which I'm kind of pissed about but I got the second one He was working Be an uber driver dropping someone off Fucking uber driver Hello, Jared is seen now. We have to pause. I dropped the fucking this thing Surprise we're we're miked. Is it broke? Is it broken? What's going on?
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Starting point is 00:28:43 um North Carolina This is where my father lives Wow, I probably shouldn't have said that like before I about to bring this up I can only imagine what this is now. Yeah, so there was a new law passed. I guess I don't like, you know, whatever this is I'm gonna tell you Okay, sorry The the title the headline of this article relax. I'm gonna tell you you don't have to look you know
Starting point is 00:29:10 I'm looking at the picture. Why do they use okay? I have to see the picture now. No, it's not a it's just a girl Like that on her bed. No, it's not anything. She's she looks pissed. You're right. She should be pissed because this new law said The headline men legally allowed to finish sex even if woman revokes consent So basically Wait, wait, wait, wait, what is what is going on here? Is that in north carolina? If if you're if divino's a chick And I'm like, dude, I'm trying to fucking nail you And he's like, fuck. Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:44 Let's do that and we start having sex and in the middle of it. He realizes I don't want to do this and he goes no stop whatever I can go We already started and I'm gonna keep going And they can just and it's cool That's that's What is this? That's rape 1800s. I feel like I feel like guys Still like finish like even here like they don't care No, you can't hear
Starting point is 00:30:13 Like divino that is a crime. Yeah, we're trying to get it. All right. Are they giving the yes. It's okay in the beginning Like yeah, I'm down. Yes, but in the middle of it if she goes no, I don't want to do this anymore That's like, yeah, fuck that. No, this is a good question. Okay, but yeah, that's Reap is this like mid penetration or like hey, let's let's let's have sex and we're about to and then he's like no During this is like it has to be in already. Right. You gotta Then that's when this this whole situation begins Right first pump. She goes. No, it's too late too late. Like being on a roller coaster once you're on you're on, right? Yeah, like yeah, you can stop the ride
Starting point is 00:30:52 That's really getting on a plane once that shit Pull over. Yo, I think that's rape. Okay. That's right. Yeah, imagine this. All right Picture you're a girl. Okay. Why am I the girl twice? All right, joe picture. You're the girl, right? Yeah, picture you're the girl you're at a bar Okay, you're at a bar, right? Yeah, there's this dude that you're talking to Right. He's fired. He's fucking hot as shit. Okay. He's not ugly as shit Like that kid said, yeah, he's fucking hot as shit. All right. He's an instagram model Yeah, he's a fucking 40 000 followers. He has an eight pack
Starting point is 00:31:24 His shirt's off. He has an eight pack. He's fire dripping drives you to his house Drives you to his house nice ass car nice house. He just wants to show you his house He doesn't even want to go in. I just hit the goddamn jackpot, right? Yeah, okay So you're about to do it, right? Nice shoes. This guy is like he gets in you now And let's just say he's in my shit right now The foreplay was amazing like oh, I can't wait for the dick It's coming and you're ready for it. Yeah, it's like throbbing. Oh my god through the pants Now it's in soaked and some disgusting ass shit happens like
Starting point is 00:32:03 Like what do you know shits himself like like like he farts or like a bunch of mucus just falls from his nose And then he instead of wiping over you just You know and like eats it or something right? Okay, okay, and he stinks like shit Out of nowhere like old people shit first. He smelled like coconuts, but now it's the clothes are off It's old people shit. And he's hairy a lot of hair His tattoos were poorly put on retirement home shit off-center tattoos on his arm bad bad It says Nico on his belly button. Where's this?
Starting point is 00:32:36 It says Nico he has that you remember that uh, where's this going? Do you remember that sun tattoo that like sisco the dragon had yeah, he has one of those and it looks fucking awful Now the fuck is sisco the dragon the thong song remember that? Yeah, but isn't just sisco. He was the dragon sisco the dragon. No People if you guys watch this i'm gonna believe don't want me. Is there anywhere we can leave a comment on the videos We could right shut up. Okay, leave the comment sisco the dragon. I believe it's the dragon. Yo continue so he's Naked and he's in you now, but it's fucking gross. She was still on shut up. What do you do like it's too late? No, it's not. He's a dude. I don't want to fuck you. You fucking smell and then he's like yo, all right
Starting point is 00:33:19 I can mid five pumps No, it's one. It's one. All right, but i'm saying to you I took the whole thing you're gonna give him sex if you're having sex and he and she just goes all right stop I don't want to do this anymore. That's what you told me you have the right to keep going In North Carolina in North Carolina She says yeah, I want to fuck you. I'm all down for it and then to stop. No, you should stop Yeah, I'm obvious. What? I would you have fucking playing with that? No, I'm not sure He's gonna think it's good or not. Wait a minute. I'll know because you said yes to this right, but then they're like no
Starting point is 00:33:52 So we're gonna keep fucking going. No, that's right. You can't do that. You that's obviously rape. That's right. I mean It's hey, this has probably happened a few times. How can you I'm sure it happens all the fuck I don't understand how people go around raping people but who would change that like who who did it? Did they well like I'm assuming it has to be really bored and they just want to make a new law because that's pretty dumb Listen, I'm assuming they did this because it's rape. I can't think of a logical. It's rape What is it? I'm trying to fucking tell you but what is it over here like? What is it? Ah
Starting point is 00:34:28 So that's shake and bake I don't know how you can live with yourself after doing that like it's it's a fucking weird. It's a I don't even know terrible Why would you do that? I don't even like talking about Listen, it's very simple. These things are very simple. Just stop having sex with there. That's it. Yep That's all maybe you could ask again because it's like a new a new thing. Hey the the more you ask the better The more you get the better, but it was two girls. How does that work? Davino He just said Jesus Christ because that's the most ridiculous fucking thing I've ever heard of my life
Starting point is 00:35:05 Are you kidding? Davino You can oh my god God Jesus Christ, what are we doing here? Um anyway That is all for this Weeks episode. Um Do you guys want to plug your twitters or you want to remain anonymous? Should we blur your faces? What's going on? Yeah, we just put the the blurred thing over
Starting point is 00:35:29 censored Um, should I do twitter? I don't know what I did last time twitter instagram. I don't know Um at I don't even know my twitter. I'll brandy my no my instagram right instagram. Okay at D underscore a l i b r a n d i What about you? And you know he's a shame A n t b i i don't know
Starting point is 00:35:57 Oh my god. All right. Um Yeah, if you guys want to if you guys aren't watching this you can watch it on fullscreen slash basement yard Put in the promo code basement for a free month and it's only six dollars a month after that We are filming a hot dog eating contest uh For the extra yard So You're definitely gonna want to watch that
Starting point is 00:36:19 So definitely sign up if you haven't already so you can watch the hot dog eating contest. I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose no matter what Um going up against my friend boss Who thinks yo, he said he could out eat one of those guys. He's an idiot He thinks that in the hot dog eating contest. He wouldn't come in last and I'm like you which is they train all year I don't think he would come in last boss. They train all year Yeah, you're right about that Those guys are yo, literally who's that that asian guy that always that always won. He looks like he's in No, joy chest not spend dominating. Okay, but he's eating 70 hot dogs in 10
Starting point is 00:36:52 Men there's 10 15 minutes like that asian guy. He's my my size literally kobi ashi And he eats how many a shit ton of hot dogs They got to be yak. How many times do you think they bite their tongue in that Is that really what you just thought of? Yeah I don't fucking know. Who knows that Okay I think it's a good point What does that let that slows them down?
Starting point is 00:37:15 No, like they must they're going so fast. How many times do they bite their tongue? It's a lot of blood What five at least Yeah, like they bite their tongue while they're chewing the hot dog because I I think that's a lisa. They're they're about to shove 70 hot dogs in their fucking face I want to like do they chew the hot dog? They have to throw up right afterwards. They have to there's no way They just they have to eat the bread too, right? They've dipped it in the water. Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:41 That's disgusting. You ever had wet bread? No, don't plan on it. Well, I don't think they eat a hot dog for the rest of the year No, they have to they train dude But they eat other stuff too. Like I know they eat like Bowls and bowls of like salad or something like just to like Expand their stomach without Putting calories and so how many times you how many practice runs you think they have for what like throughout the year for the event They compete with other things like joy chestnut has won like Other like ribs or steaks or whatever different food. That's crazy different foods
Starting point is 00:38:16 I don't know. There was some what is that place in forest hills it's called a Fuck cheese a cheeseburger place and they have like a cheeseburger cheeseburger big ass burger They have and you get like the wall fame and he did it No, I mean, it's not hard like anyone could do it. I think I one of one of our friends did it. I can't remember who I've never even heard of it. That's crazy. They have maggots shakes. I like cheeseburgers. I want to try this hot dog I don't know if I want to try the hot dog eating contest. I mean, yo, I'm trying to get it's gross
Starting point is 00:38:46 Who's in it right now? Do you just me and boss? That's disgusting What kind of hot dogs? I don't know. They all taste the same. Yo, they hold it bare and like That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna take this strategy from tv And I'm gonna grab two at a time And then eat them like that I can eat hot dogs like all day. The bread is fucking tough. Yeah, you could eat hot dogs So you get to like six and then you're like, yo, this is gross. I could eat probably just straight up hot dogs like 10
Starting point is 00:39:12 I don't know. They're not big. Just shove them down. Um, no, that's not what I'm getting But if you eat six straight of anything you get sick of it at first Not if you're in competition You're just like, yo, fuck it. I really think that you guys are gonna. What's your like? What do you think you could do? It depends how long we're gonna go name a time. All right, so in 10 minutes no 10 minutes 10 minutes They're gonna be dead two minutes. Yeah Two minutes five minutes five minutes five minutes, you know long that is try and eat wet bread and hot dogs Two minutes is a long ass time if you think about it, but you're not thinking about the time you think about eating the dogs
Starting point is 00:39:46 You're thinking about the time if it's against the clock. All right, listen 10 minutes. I think I could get seven Just seven that's it. That's awful That's what that's that's bad. No I mean, that's It's not gonna eat a hot dog in a minute. It's kind of tough heat 70 in 10 minutes 15. I think that Wait, they only eat 15. They know they they do it for 15 minutes The women eat 15 hot dogs like that's there that I'll give you more than 10
Starting point is 00:40:20 And what do you say seven and 10 minutes in 10 minutes you think you can eat a hot dog a minute I'll give you more than that. No You're eating two at a time. I also have to eat the bread though dip it in the water Did you know that doesn't do anything for me? No, I don't know if I would dip it in the water I'm gonna need ketchup. I know that you know dry your mouth would be just eating bread like that. I know You got to put it in your mouth the bread and then drink the water Swallow what if one of us chokes and dies? I know cpr keep going keep going do not stop
Starting point is 00:40:50 Have a paramedic on the fucking shake. Well, he lost obviously you're doing this when tomorrow I'm gonna go with uh I have my money on boss So why I'm gonna go with in is it is how long is it 10 minutes that you're doing five or 10? I don't know. Okay. So if you do five, I'll give you guys I'll give you seven and five Yo, you're crazy. You're giving me two fucking minutes. You're eating two of them. How many can you eat? I don't need I hate hot dogs. I'll in five minutes. I'm eating fucking
Starting point is 00:41:21 Three hot dogs. How long does it take to die? Isn't there like do you think I know the answer to that? No, but I think there's like it's a long time like It don't matter. He's got to eat it. No matter I'm thinking about being in this, but I don't know try it. Why do it. No, I'm in Why not a lot of weight Just yak it You could be like the underdog. I'll put my money. Look. Can we bet on this? If you want don't bet on me. I'm telling you right now
Starting point is 00:41:46 I'd rather not Can I come and just have one hot dog? Technically. Yeah. All right. If you eat one in the span, no, I don't want to come hang out, you know Just have a hot dog. Have a beer. Yeah, just just hang out I'm gonna go boss last place has to suck a dick. So It's on you. I was gonna say something really I would do it just like a beat joey because I know I will Now I'll beat you. I think I'll beat you. No easily. He'll beat you. I would just work at a time But you have to eat four look right pieces of bread you have to eat four pieces of bread. Yeah, I could do it
Starting point is 00:42:23 What kind of buns we getting not potato? No potato buns. I'll kill you. You'll die that minute Like whole wheat buns. No whole wheat is heavy regular I don't like whole wheat is whole wheat's like heavy like not heavy, but like Filling filling. No, it's not isn't it regular gluten-free buns. I'm down go buy them. You are you worried about like Your figure. Yeah, no like Gluten-free bread too is kind of listen. Here's what we'll do We'll do the contest and then we'll just go sit in a sauna for three hours sweat it all out
Starting point is 00:42:57 That's even more gross. Yo, do you know how disgusting A fart would be after eating 10 hot dogs. Yo, that's like a burp. I don't want to eat that's gross I can't burp, but like I know boss can think about it though. If you're at a barbecue, you're gonna eat seven hot dogs Like I'm at if you're a hot dog. No, I'm not What the fuck is wrong with you? Like you're gonna eat like maybe seven. No, I'm not maybe three Seven three or that's a five different Five there you go. Yeah math. Here we go. It's
Starting point is 00:43:28 Four oh four you right brian high school if I'm at a barbecue. I'll have two I'll have four I'm still maybe it depends how long this barbecue is if it's an all-day event where we're like drinking and stuff Like yo, I'm having four or five hot dogs. You're not having seven hot dogs Seven hot dogs is a shit. That's gross if there's only hot dogs there. I will have five But if there's cheeseburgers two more is gonna kill you Yeah, three three like three minimum and they're nathan's hot dogs. So they're cracking. They're delicious
Starting point is 00:44:00 They're cracking. Yeah, you know when you bite into a nathan's hot dog it snaps It's like cracked to this kid. Yeah, it's delicious. I love it. I might have one tomorrow. There's a card outside my job For hot dogs and I also might think about everything I said on this podcast I did the military diet and you can't you basically can't eat anything for An extended period of time and then like the last day for dinner you have two hot dogs What did it feel like? Yo I'm telling you right now. I was convinced for like a good Two days that hot dogs were the greatest tasting things on earth
Starting point is 00:44:36 Really? I'm like, this is the best thing that we've ever came up with I literally felt that way because I had not eaten like anything that had any type of uh, Like taste to it or whatever and then you bite into a hot dog. You're like That's you know hot dogs are disgusting. Yeah, they are disgusting when you think about it It's just literally just the shit that gave you put everything. Yeah, it's just it's like basically a chicken nugget shit on a stick That's what it is. Yeah, it's disgusting and corn dogs. I I would rather eat someone's ass I don't think I ever had a corn dog. Dogs are the first of all, they're the whitest thing ever And second of all besides ladder golf. Do you know what that is? What ladder golf? No
Starting point is 00:45:16 What is it? It's the whitest game on earth. It's basically you've probably seen it in like at tailgates. It's like, um There's a mini ladder. There's like three rings and you take. Oh, I know. Yeah strings and balls and you try to Toss it. It's pretty fun. It's one of those like lawn games the town hole and can jam and shit The top is like more points the middle and then the bottom. It's cool It's like two balls and a rope and you gotta like throw it and they're like you gotta like nunchuck it. Yeah Yeah No, but I want to find out what it is now and I want to play it No, you don't want to play it. That sounds really good. It's like horseshoes kind of
Starting point is 00:45:50 It's like playing horseshoe. Yeah How do you play it was that like bachi you throw the the horseshoe around the stick if you get the closer to the stick the more points If it yeah, it's like the stick and you throw it like rings around it You know, Frankie told me about that drinking game once where it's called like something where the stump Does anyone know the name of it the stump game? Yeah, we all fucking didn't grow up in the woods, but he's like, yo, here's what you do You put a nail you get a hammer and a nail. I'm like already. I'm not ready yet I was like like a drinking game with hammers and nails. I'm not fucking playing
Starting point is 00:46:23 put a hammer Or I think I think it's a nail And you put it like in a tree stump and then you take a hammer Not picking this up throw it throw it in the air And you got to catch it and hit the nail on the way down Oh, that's not bad Davino that's such a like a hick game. What is that? That is the most hick shit. I've ever heard in my life What you're gonna throw you're gonna flip a fucking hammer not high. Yeah. Yeah, you get one little flip, but you're drunk
Starting point is 00:46:50 All right. Yeah, it's it's dangerous, but past this time You'd be interested in playing that. Yeah, I'm not playing that fucking game. Hey, Frank. You try to get me to play that I'll put a tarp in my pickup truck and fill water What I'll play anything tough. No, but what does that make you like you know what this podcast Wasn't my day. I'm so That was your way saying your country. What is that? I'm american as f as f Jesus, all right, that is all I feel like we did the outro like 20 minutes ago
Starting point is 00:47:21 Yeah, uh, that is all and we'll see you guys next time Oh man

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