The Basement Yard - Heated Arguments About Dumb Topics

Episode Date: October 17, 2017

On this episode, I have @Frank_Alvarez80 & @Pmolino27 on to argue about cereals, fast food restaurants, & other meaningless things. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I'm joined by Frankie I was not expecting that and my cousin Pete is here peabop peabop beep-bop beep-bop It's too busy drinking beers. Sorry. What is that? peak organic autumn IPA organic beer Well, let me guess the only were you a vegan. What is the aluminum grass-fed or something dude sick nailed it? Yeah, that sucked. Is it a non-pressure? Yeah, sorry. It's not a jack-o-traveler pumpkin shandy bullshit That's a fucking good pumpkin beer. What's it called? It's by um traveler. They're jack-o-traveler pumpkin shandy It's fucking delicious. Yeah, nothing. The only thing I've ever had pumpkin that I've been like this doesn't suck balls
Starting point is 00:00:49 Everything pumpkin tastes like absolute shit. It's delicious But you also have the opposite of taste then I Okay, so that's not a sentence. You want to try again? You and I have opposite tastes. There you go I'm pretty much everything on the planet. That's not true. I just don't like seafood. That's it. You don't like seafood. I Uh, let's go pull this one out of your fucking asshole I eat spicy food. What? There are other things that we've spoken about. There are other things we've spoken about I can't remember them off the top of my head. Oh, yeah, no, no, you never know, but you're definitely like, but no, absolutely not
Starting point is 00:01:21 I don't know. There's definitely this definitely happened before and I know this because The other person that fucking disagrees with everything I say is you Pete 100% You literally anything I say you disagree with you just said one of the best things you ever had is pumpkin shandy No, I said the only good pumpkin thing I've ever had was the pumpkin shandy I never thought it was the best beer. Have you guys ever had pumpkin pie? No. Well, yes, I have and it literally tastes like cat food I don't know how anyone like enjoyed like pumpkin spice latte is like the thing whenever that comes out Whenever that fucking one leaf falls off a tree. It's not going crazy. I'm gay Yeah, exactly. They want to go get their drinks. They want to put their uggs on and shit. Oh, oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:02:02 I'm about uggs. By the way, let me just get set the record straight there. I'm about them. Never owned a pair No, I've never owned a pair either. I get a men's uggs, but like my sister She doesn't have them on they're on me. Really? They're I mean, I wouldn't wear them outside. Do you guys have the same size foot? Your sister looks like she'd be like a size One we are not the same size foot, which is why I get yelled at just squeeze into them. Yeah, I fuck them up They're expensive. They're expensive. Maybe they are but they're made out of like kangaroos or some right? Well, they're from It's got a kangaroo on it. It's got to be one of the ingredients. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's got to be made of kangaroo
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah, I'm pretty sure which whatever By the way, I just want to inform everyone Frankie is currently dressed Uh I don't like a whole monitor. I'll say seriously Seriously, I don't understand the joke behind this. What it was casual friday. Exactly. Yeah, usually I'm in slacks and a button up You just said slacks. Nobody says slacks under the age of 50. All right. What do you want me to say? I was in my dress pants No one speaks like that and no one posts civil war says slacks
Starting point is 00:03:06 You could just say a lot of people said a slacks Exactly and my knickerbockers. Is that what you want me to say in my pantaloons? You're going the wrong way Yeah, you're making yourself worse Yeah, I don't I really don't get so I put on like keep digging. He has a he has like a dry fit polo Tucked in tucked in hard by the way. It's super tucked Don't pull it and that's my id and his id badge is still there His id badge is on this guy. Oh, he needs a walkie-talkie and you could just go work in a high school. Hey stop running Listen, it was casual friday. So you're the opposite of class week. I wore jeans
Starting point is 00:03:44 Is jeans is cool for casual friday. Why wouldn't you do that every single day? These are like jeans. They're not like jeans at all Yes, they are like They don't look like jeans. They don't feel like jeans. They definitely feel like jeans jeans are denim. That's not denim. It's like a It's fenham I don't get it. You're wearing the exact same thing just with jeans. Yeah But he's not casual friday. No, every it's casual friday. Every day is casual friday casual friday I'm disgusted by this. I don't understand it. Anyway, my voice is cracking already. I hope everyone's having a good time Oh boy, I'm hungry
Starting point is 00:04:20 I haven't eaten all day and I won't Way too hungover. Oh, yeah. Oh, and you're going out tonight, too Trying not to really You've been talking to me convinced me to go out with you all day the whole week. Yeah, the literally the whole fucking week Yep I just want to inform everyone about a story that broke recently. Frankie brought it to my attention Pulled up the article right now Title is man breaks into a burger king and drinks gallons of deep frying oil now
Starting point is 00:04:52 My body hurts listening to that sentence. First of all I what does oil taste like by itself? Is it good? I I can't imagine I can't imagine you like olive oil is I fucking love olive oil You'd like drink olive oil. It's weird like you drink it. No, I don't he's been like in my kitchen Well, I've been cooking just like Take a little dabs off his finger Extra virgin olive oil is delicious the extra virgin part. It's pretty much the base in every like almost every Salad dressing. Yeah, but like butter's good, too
Starting point is 00:05:21 But I wouldn't fucking just start chewing butter because you'll die like if you like so you'll fucking oil Not olive oil by itself is not bad when it's heated up and used to fry shit then it's fucking awful Well, this is a deep frying oil. This is not good in a burger king. That's yeah, you exactly Zero right there. This is oil extracted from fucking Oh, just gross shit. You imagine what Could you imagine drinking a gallon? I can't drink a gallon of fucking water. The texture would fuck me up alone What the of what is straight drinking oil?
Starting point is 00:05:55 Yeah, it's like it's too. It's like not thick enough to like chew So you swallow it and it's like slick and it's like right under the consistency of syrup How much did he drink? It says gallons 25 gallons. Stop it. No, a florida man found an extreme way to cheat on his diet last night First of all, this man's on no fucking diet. Yeah, there's a picture of him. No diet here. Looks like a cartoon character He literally looks like a knee. I mean He looks like a straight up knee Like a swollen knee like a knee like you just tore your ACL. I'm not kidding you
Starting point is 00:06:29 I said this before and I will say it again from his forehead To his stomach is a straight line. There is no like no break. There's no like no neck. No definition No, literally no neck from his chin to his chest is literally straight. Yeah, his head looks like a thumb. He looks like grimace Maybe he's really good. Maybe he is really this guy's a big dude. That's why he went to burger king to fuck with them This just just seems like oh this dude's 510 pounds Not bad. Hold on a sec. How did he get in there without people noticing pure Fucking determination frank. Where was he hiding? No hiding the place was closed and he drank more than 25 gallons of used
Starting point is 00:07:12 I'm actually getting disgusted. It said used oil from the deep fryers. I wasn't hungry. Where did they put that? Don't they get rid of it? I couldn't tell you I mean Upon arriving at the restaurant they found 510 Romeo Carter That's like a to be honest great name. It's Romeo Carter's a great you did not expect what he looks like That's little Romeo and Aaron Carter combined that would that's this guy looks like he ate both of them
Starting point is 00:07:38 And that's him and then some yeah Chugging down oil directly from the deep fryers 41 year old guy has already ingested dozens of gallons of cookie oil, but was drinking it with an Apparently unquenchable thirst What it's young basalts or something. Yeah, he must have been first of all the guy I literally have be real I hope it's not I seriously like my heart is in my throat right now. It's in Miami. It says Where everything anything happens in florida. Yeah, that's a different country. Here's the quote. Okay, my wife My wife's put me on a tofu and raw vegetable diet. He has a wife
Starting point is 00:08:14 That's And I am all for there's you know, every ass has a seat and there's love out there for everyone But that was a weird way of putting it. Yeah, it was every ass has a seat. It's true Every ass has a sight. You're just jaded. You're an overachiever. Yeah, how am I an overachiever? I'm pretty much every girl you dated except a few Is like significantly better looking than you You're you're not wrong there. Yeah, you are not it's insane. You're not
Starting point is 00:08:43 I'm I can confidently say that they all are it's a modern marvel. Oh, I don't know about all but Who no not all who is the one that's not significantly better looking than me rhymes with Don't say it. Don't say it. But just like you type it on your phone. Yeah, of course type it on your phone I'll just whatever But anyway, this is the quote my wife's put me on a tofu and raw vegetable diet and I couldn't take it anymore Uh, he went to the restaurant to get a couple burgers, but it was closed He was starving into press and I totally lost it He lost it. So instead of going into the freezer. I didn't date her Pete
Starting point is 00:09:19 I did not date her. I was thinking slept with you didn't date her. Um, you're correct You bitch But why the fuck doesn't he like turn it on and then go get food from the freezer and then start cooking it I don't know. But this is just real This can't be real How hungry are you if it's 25 gallons? It can't be real if it's like a gallon I believe it and again, it's one size of him He's a big guy 25 gallons is probably like an appetizer. That's straight up like a suicide attempt. I feel like
Starting point is 00:09:53 Yeah, he tried taking his own life. Yeah, you would die I don't know how his body is not just quick. That can't be real. We're stupid 25 gallons, dude No way it's 25 gallons. Maybe it's 2.5 tempted 25 gallons Maybe like the sun. I don't know. Maybe yeah, maybe he like put them in cups I don't fucking know but that's absurd. Yeah, that's Florida. Maybe he said like I already drank like I don't know like 25 gallons And then they just smug about it. Yeah, fuck it man. I drank the whole fucking thing. They can't like They can't check that Can they in fact check it like well this fryer holds
Starting point is 00:10:29 30 gallons and there's only five left. So he must have drank 25 I love how you went into accent like mid-sems mid-sense great and he did a hick one and it's in miami Do you want me to do what like but what do you think that guy Spanish girl? What do you think Romeo Carter sounds like? Huh? What do you think Romeo Carter sounds like? All I have in my head like an orc from lower the rings all I have in my head right now is the guy from men in black the the the alien Yeah, yeah The most last time you guys had fast food
Starting point is 00:11:08 Uh, I haven't had it in years. Does taco truck count? No, all right. Let's go like the big eight like taco bell burger king McDonald's first of all, can we just rank these real quick? Number one is mc donald's. I can't wait burger king I will fucking fight you on this one. Let's go. All right. Let's go mc donald's burger king wendy's taco bell Uh, let's throw a chicken one in there. Chick-fil-a Chick-fil-a. Yeah Popeyes kfc Which one?
Starting point is 00:11:39 Popeyes and kfc are the same thing. So Popeyes slash kfc. Okay, but one's got the Louisiana flavor one two three four five six subway Count subway as fast because like subway is fucking fast If we're going by that definition, they're microwaving in front of you Would have all right have it fresh. What a fresh out of the fucking microwave. What about would you count dunkin? Dunkin donuts who eats meals there? If you do i'm
Starting point is 00:12:08 Judging you a lot. I don't but i'm saying like the only time that you eat meals from dunkin donuts Is if you're on a road trip and it's on the side of the road or if you're straight up just homeless and you just collected enough Um, I guess subway should be in there. Should we throw a pizza one in there like dominoes dominoes? Yeah, let's throw dominoes dominoes or papa johns dominoes slash papa johns. Okay dom slash Pop I don't think chipotle would go in there. I again like if chipotle did go in there It would beat them by chipotle is its own thing. I feel like yeah, it's more it's more like Is there like an avio avius one that we're missing? I don't think so
Starting point is 00:12:46 We named a lot of them We have seven right now. I think I just typed into google classroom. Yeah, there's like dairy cool white castle I mean that's dead last obviously I don't know about that joey Okay, okay, okay, okay joey's gonna write this based off of how quickly it makes him fucking lose his bowels. Yeah, and Wait, are we saying like the best one is like the worst like yeah, the like the best is like good Oh like it tastes the best. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay out of all these Okay, we got mcdonald's burger king wendy's taco bell chick filet
Starting point is 00:13:20 pop by slash kfc dominoes slash papa and uh white castle I know my number one. I know my number one easy easy and it's definitely not the same definitely not I know what you're gonna say because you're you're a country boy. You're gonna say fucking chick filet Chick fucking filet. It's not that great. Yeah, but it's I've never had chick filet. It's not that great. It's fine. It's good, but it's not that great
Starting point is 00:13:47 I will tell you what number one is by a fucking long slide. What best believe it's taco bell Oh god taco bell is my kryptonite Dude, it's like d-level taco bell literally like it's on it's on northern boulevard So like if I wanted to go get it like late night like me and keith for some reason We're not straight until you get it back here. No, so that's what I would do. I would play a game Right, and I would drive and we'd get it through the drive-thru As soon as I would eat it at the light And then be like let's try to get home before I you know, you really should go to the doctor
Starting point is 00:14:21 From someone that has stomach complications, you should um, can't just keep winging at your whole life. Look chick filet is good But I've never had it. It's not like when I first had it because they opened one in north haven Where I literally five feet from where I worked. Yeah not long ago and people were camping out People got nuts for it. Yeah same thing all around people were fucking camping out for what for the food And like also I think like the first like hundred people got like free chick filet for a year Yeah, they did it the same one. Um, on a summer out east. It was the first hundred people got free chick filet for a year Which like like a limit of like one Yeah, it's like you get like one like meal like a number one
Starting point is 00:15:02 That's super solid. I would take that. It's awesome. I would take that too. You gotta camp out like a day You know how much in front of a fast food store. That's kind of psychotic Yeah, I wouldn't be able to look myself in the face. Yo, but seriously people and and I had it and I was just like All right, like it's fine. It's it's chicken But that's I wasn't like moved What's it? What's moved you on this list? It wasn't a religious experience The game was changed when the Crunchwraps Supreme came out. I remember that shit. Dude, you know how fun All right, I will agree that maybe the best fast food item
Starting point is 00:15:34 What single item supreme it has it all it has It's so good. It has it all it's it's a taco in like a pancake form It's so fucking good. I almost forgot about the Crunchwrap That might jump talk about a couple moves not the number one, but maybe like it's a hard number one for me The Crunchwrap Supreme is like Is that when they have like the meat and then it's like a a shell then they just put cheese and then another shell Yeah For no, I don't know how many shells and then wrap it and then that's what I meant wrap
Starting point is 00:16:06 I meant wrap it and then there's like there's like there's for no reason for every reason There's nacho cheese in there, which makes it fucking dope and sour cream, which I'm a big fan of sour cream guy Um, dude, I don't know how you argue with Taco Bell So you like I don't you know, I'll be honest with you And I know this is like I don't mean to be a frontrunner But I feel like McDonald's is super consistent. You're crazy. I will consist hot take right here I'll take Burger King over McDonald's. That's the dumbest fucking thing. I've ever heard of my entire
Starting point is 00:16:41 I'm gonna go and say I would take Wendy's over both of them. I would take Wendy's over both of them Absolutely Wendy's over both of them What stop it Wendy's is so fucking good Wendy's is fucking garbage. It's like fresh like it's legitimately Oh, it's fresh and the burgers are square. Yeah So what so you know, it's real dude What burgers do you know no joke they're like double this like thickness double the girthiness of a McDonald's burger Yeah, Frank likes some fucking thick girthy and they have the second best fast food item ever Which is the frosty the baconator the baconator is good, but I had it once and I literally had to sit down
Starting point is 00:17:15 I'm not fucking around. I'm not kidding whenever I went to McDonald's because I used to go on like I was on a streak Where I'll just eat fast food all the time when I was like 19. I first got my car. I'm like, it's late I just want to drive somewhere McDonald's. I would get the snack wraps A large fry and then a shake and then dip the fries in the shake I swear to god, I would eat until my chest hurt Like I like I would get like like we feel like someone's sitting on my chest Dude, I'm not good. I will take the the spicy chicken from Wendy's is so fucking good Like and and then I'm saying Burger King's next like Burger King is like to me better than fucking McDonald's like McDonald's is like
Starting point is 00:17:54 McDonald's is nostalgia food at this point. Like I eat it because I'm like I remember when I had a happy meal That's your your inner voice is that I remember when I had a happy meal No, I will say uh Burger King's burgers are better. Yes. Yep, but everything else is McDonald's chicken is better McDonald's has better everything else, but the burgers at Burger King are better The fries are clearly better. Let me just admit. I'll give McDonald's fries Can we just admit and I'm gonna judge you if you guys don't that we've never had like a fish sandwich from any of these places Never I'm not a fucking idiot. Not an idiot. What it's like. Oh the mick lobster roll is coming out
Starting point is 00:18:34 I couldn't stay farther away. Yo, first of all, imagine mass produce lobster rolls The chicken is barely chicken. What is the fish? I don't know. It's like low like low tide whatever I'm pretty trashed up pretty much gum that they cook and then just put into a sandwich, right? That's what I think it is as well I So at least we agree on that. Yeah. All right. It's like a fried ACL tendon Out of the ones that you named. What's what's your lowest ranking one? I know mine Mine is definitely white castle easily. No way. I love white castle. No, you guys are stupid. What's your lowest one then? Domino's Let me sit list garbage. I just wrote initials. I'll understand it
Starting point is 00:19:19 First of all, Papa John's is is fucking amazing. They're both dumpster fires Frankie I'll come across this fucking table right now. Listen, how how dare you? Papa's kfc is the lowest No, what are you dumb? That's that yo, that's psychotic. Did I really just get that reaction? Yo, it's top four like how you dare both of you seriously How fucking dare both of you you both are new yorkers and you think that Taco Bell and and Papa John's are excuse me. You think the dominoes and Papa John's are good It's literally like eating fucking Play-Doh Frankie. Stop yelling at me. I never stop at John's and dominoes when you're like I want some pizza you eat it because you're fucking like I'd like to hurt myself right now
Starting point is 00:20:00 Yes, but it doesn't mean that it's not it's fucking awful. Like it is disgusting. Have you When was the last time you had Papa John's? Not nearly soon enough What they do now is they they actually cornered off a section of the box to put this quote on quote Dipping sauce. What do you mean recently? They've been doing that for years. It's not a sauce It's just butter. It's butter. Yeah, it's garlic. It's their garlic butter, dude. It's fucking It's literally like 40 tablespoons of butter with like a single like a little
Starting point is 00:20:34 Bebop of fucking garlic. Yeah, it's yo, and it's it's disgusting. It's so good It is I won't tell you this though. Domino's their cheesy bread who Oh, that's pretty a sinistic I put a sinistic in my ass Every morning if I could Sinistic are really fucking so good the side items that dominoes are better than the pizza The what the side items of dominoes are better than pizza. I'll agree with that. Papa John's pizza is better than domino's pizza
Starting point is 00:21:01 There, but that's like saying that getting fucking Chlamydia is better than getting gonorrhea. They both suck But one is better than the other Yeah, but they're they still suck. Yeah, they do Um, it's like what's the what's the word smelling piece of shit Can we just agree on this at least me and you yeah that this kid's a fucking moron for saying the Popeyes KFC What a dumbass. What a dumbass with Chick-fil-A on the list Who gives a fuck because I would never had he's never had Chick-fil-A to his defense. So what I have
Starting point is 00:21:32 Oh, you want to hear some overrated shit in an outburger? Just not. Yeah, it wasn't a bad good. You know what is good though. Shake Shack. Shake Shack is great Shake Shack if it was on this list would be easily be a number one. Yeah, I don't know it easy But I will tell you what if it might be a toughie you have it my easy number one And I will fight this until I'm dead as Chipotle that place is the greatest place pretty amazing You've never like I don't understand. It's so fucking good All right, hold on. We got to talk about uh, what else we have on here? Oh, we kind of talked to wait What's your deal with white castle? You actually like that shit?
Starting point is 00:22:08 Are you serious? I love white castle white castle. You can eat no joke like 40 fucking burgers. White castle is probably on my top four That's the that's how I am. That's high. That's a hot take But see we can do a whole separate thing for just burger places like there's so many burger places checkers Checkers never had checkers checkers fries or Checkers shakes. All right, just thick. Who is the best fries? Easily mcdonald's but I don't know. Wendy's fries are really good fucking unbelievable Wendy's fries idiots and then and then burger king is thicker fries burger king has thicker fries, but By the way, this has been a serious conversation about
Starting point is 00:22:48 By the way guys, I just wanted everyone to know that me pete and frank do this about literally everything in the world We get very into this very into it usually ends with pete legitimately being angry with me Seriously, he's like I think once he told us in his apartment. He was like, I hate every belief you have I hate your opinions. I hate your opinions Okay, I'll say this. Okay mcdonald's Which on this can if it disappeared off the earth, you wouldn't even notice pop ice kfc for me Chick-fil-a
Starting point is 00:23:24 Yeah, I mean, I've never had it. So I guess I wouldn't I would literally white castle. I think is like is dangerous I walked into white castle one time with five dollars And I had like three burgers and a drink and then I left And I literally had diarrhea for three days. I'm not kidding three days go and expecting it Yeah, three days. Yeah, come on. I expect that night to sleep a little like lose a couple hours Come on, but I don't expect a three-day bender of water shoot anatomy. Come on. Uh, you get you know what you're getting yourself into Can we just at least you know the burgers here are fucking garbage? Let's be honest White castle has the worst burger. They all are they're all trash. They're all I mean
Starting point is 00:24:01 That's why I like chick-fil-a because I don't like face food burgers like they were these burgers are gourmet In that list in that list I will take wendy's burgers over the other burgers But if shake shack was on there easy win. Oh shake shack so I can have a look. Yeah It's like their cheese fries are disgusting though. I think I've ever had the cheese fries shake how about How about McDonald's just getting a salad on the fucking menu like what and then make ribs You got ribs. I don't understand the McRib craze. Also, there's no bones What are they? It's just mashed up meat. It's mashed up meat made to look and the way yeah, they make it look like ribs If they make it look like it there's bone in there
Starting point is 00:24:40 Yeah, it literally is like when we were younger and we would put play-doh in that fucking presser machine That can't made it look like a burger. That's what they do with their fucking ribs Uh, and I love now. I know it's been like people have said this before but I love now where it's like now 100 chicken It's like, oh, that's what about back when I was eating this every day What? I Greased me
Starting point is 00:25:08 What's up? And I stay away from those videos that people do like we took A mcdonald's a mcdonald's burger and left it out for a week. Look what happened looks just as good Dude, you know, it's crazy that scared me There was a video that was going around on on facebook of some dude taking like a big mac And then pouring like molten lava on it and nothing happened and the burger was just like i'm cool Yeah, it just didn't move. I got this. Yeah. It was like, uh, no cool sick I was like, how am I supposed to break this down in my body?
Starting point is 00:25:41 Lava is being poured on it That's why you have three days of diarrhea that there you go. Your body is literally fighting it You know what they say like if you swallow gum it's in there for eight years. I feel like that probably all mcdonald's Oh my god. Yeah, just like yeah, it's in there. It's we can see it like if I got an x-ray right after I ate it You see like everything. It's not coming out. Let's be honest The reason that we like mcdonald's growing up is because of the fucking toys First of all, I I barely got happy meals. Oh, I love the fucking toys. I just got my kill Give me a 20 piece. I'm gonna eat seven of them and then just like throw the rest out when I was a kid
Starting point is 00:26:17 Yeah, that's it and dude fucking Wow the McFlurry's those are fucking good. Holy shit See, I'm reading your face and I can't tell what the next word's gonna be out of your mouth Because you look on it because you look kind of disgusting. I do that about it 30% of the time I know what he's gonna say like the rest. I'm just waiting for the next word. He'd be like, yo, dude Holy shit, and I'm like cliffhanger. Good bad Where are we going? No, they're fucking amazing like let me get fucking m&m's and just You know what I can I hope we can all agree to is literally like licking the bottom of a fucking hobo's foot
Starting point is 00:26:56 What sonic Never had that dog shit. I had it like once it's fucking really not good I got a hot dog from there and you know, they come out with their They're fucking roller skates. That's why we got a hot dog and I legitimately like The hot dog bun was water The fucking hot dog bun What does that mean? It was water like they you know when you get like a While when we used to get like hot dogs off of like street vendors
Starting point is 00:27:24 And they would take it right out the water and the water wouldn't even have the second to drip off it and right into the Bun so the bun would just soak up all the water. So underneath was like quicksand Yeah, that's what the fucking bun was Yo, I when we I drove to ohio and we stopped at this place. I forgot the name of it But we it was like this uh kiosk. It looked like and you order your food off of that and I got a hot dog The fucking bun tough
Starting point is 00:27:55 Just tough Like it was just like I didn't know if he was gonna go amazing. Yeah, right? I don't know or awful I like being hard to read No, but it was just it was just rough. It was just it and the and the fucking The hot dog was just like I had to My teeth had to touch in order to break the skin in order to break the skin. That's not good. I hate the whole thing Nothing gets me more than like Like
Starting point is 00:28:21 Wiener shaped like foods In inappropriate. You said wiener. I know in inappropriate buns Like my dad once put a sausage in a hot dog bun and I wanted to fucking throw it It's like a dad. Let me get this That's not what it's made for You know, you're not a hot dog sausage. Yeah, it's a fuck. What's up fuck? Oh, I just got mad I just got mad at him. What's the fuck? What's the fuck?
Starting point is 00:28:51 I hated it. I was so mad at him for it I was just gonna say something and I totally forgot. I love how you just said wiener You're really a dad mode with the uh He says wiener. He says nudies. He doesn't say news. He goes. Oh nudies. I'm like, oh god He Frank's just staring at himself in the mirror and he's like, all right. Shootin the gun All right A week for the gym feeling himself Actually gonna be a week six
Starting point is 00:29:18 Oh, shit. Oh, yeah Um, all right before we move on. Let's do these fucking sponsors real quick Ah The first one we have here is me undies the most comfortable pair of underwear you will ever own Made from a sustainably sourced naturally soft fabric that is three times softer than cotton. Hello Uh, pretty much all my underwear right now is fucking me undies because they sent me actually I think I get a package like every month some free underwear. How much you're in a package? Uh, just just two I think two or three. It's a lot of underwear. Yeah, but it's fucking dope
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Starting point is 00:30:29 Right now go to me slash basement. That's me slash Basement 20 percent's a lot 20 percent's a fucking ton. That's a lot Um, anyway next we have blue apron Blue aprons is the number one fresh ingredient in recipe delivery service in the country Basically what happens is this box is going to show up on your doorstep It's going to have a bunch of food inside all pre-portioned labeled Fucking instruction on how to cook that shit
Starting point is 00:30:57 So not only do you have a nice meal, but you also have the knowledge Of how to cook these things for the rest of time shit like garlic butter shrimp And corn with green beans salad and roasted purple tomatoes. What? Purple tomatoes. What about purple potatoes? It says tomatoes Yeah, I've never heard of a purple tomato. Soy glazed pork and rice cakes with bok choy And marinated green beans Um Affordable for less than 10 dollars a person per meal. Blue apron delivers seasonal recipes along with pre-portioned ingredients to make delicious home-cooked meals
Starting point is 00:31:32 Check out this week's menu and get your first three meals free with free shipping by going to blue apron dot com slash Basement that's a blue apron dot com slash Basement purple tomatoes are a real thing guys. Let me say oh shit. That looks like a cherry. Wow Wait, why are there purple ones? Because there can be you know what kind of grosses me out when things aren't the right color Like on st. Pat What like on st. Patrick's day when they make green beer? I'm like
Starting point is 00:31:58 Love it. Yeah, I know it's like it's cool for a second, but you're also like it's a little weird. Do you remember they make green ketchup? That was awful. Oh my god. No, I just made me gag up as a kid The green and purple ketchup purple. Yeah, I had them both. I'd love them both. No, the green ketchup was fucking disgusting Secured. How do we how did it fuck you up? I like didn't eat ketchup for like a year Because to me it probably in my head. I was like this taste grows. I'm never pussy Green ketchup is disgusting It was it was good back then. No and the purple one was just ketchup But purple and the green one was like dill pickle flavor. I remember it. It was fucking good
Starting point is 00:32:34 Also, there was one year on on Thanksgiving. Uh, my mom made corn, but it was like that like Like the pilgrim porn porn I think you're onto something. Yeah, I think that probably exists pilgrim porn It's you know, it's just you know, people would belt buckles and top hatches getting after it Um, the corn that has like red In it I was like, I can't do this. That's disgusting the Like the brown like the brown corn kernels. Oh, I mean, I'm googling a picture of it so we can see I'm a corn
Starting point is 00:33:09 First of all, there's a straight up Red corn. Look at all these colors of corn. That's fucking crazy. That's actually kind of cool Yeah, I want to eat purple corn like immediately your body can't break Like immediately your body can't break that down. So could you imagine the fucking Shitting out that comes out of you. Yeah, that'd be like a party in the bowl Yeah, sorry That sounds like a cereal. I think a party in a bowl. Oh wait, I have a new argument Oh, no, it's gonna be best cereals. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:41 What's the best is a tough one. What is a really the best one? We need it? I have two answers We need to go what we're going for though. Yeah For fucking good We need to write down 10 No, no, no and then rank them. No, I just want to I just want the first one that pops into here I go and we'll just kind of rank it. You guys are gonna hate me for this. Yeah. Yeah It's gonna be like total or something. So if you say life, I'm gonna punch you I am gonna say life. I love life. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:34:10 You guys are fucking idiots. It's so fucking good. It really is good. That was the cereal you were gonna say I swear to god, I was gonna say life fucking life. It's so good, but I'm also a big fan of raisin bran Oh my god, grandpa big big fan of uh, can we say real cereals? Lucky charms. Look lucky charms Lucky charms is the biggest imposter on the cereal world. Oh, it's trash. What 10% of the cereals good. The rest sucks Oh my god, it's fucking good. Dude put more marshmallows in there or I'm fucking out of here or just all marshmallows Yeah, that too Crunch berries Captain crunch captain crunch crunch berries
Starting point is 00:34:52 Go ahead. You just made a face. Go ahead break that down. No middle of the road for me. It's not like Top I know that joey's gonna say some horseshit like cocoa puffs Or fucking cocoa puffs are good. No, they're not. Yes, they No, they're not No, I think so near the top. I know these are near the top for me. Joe. You probably like like kooky crisp First of all, it's kooky crisp. I don't know what kooky That's the commercial
Starting point is 00:35:20 First of all, that cereal is like not good as cereal, but like I'll eat it out of the box Yeah, but to put put it in a bowl with milk. I'm like, all right. I'm a fool I don't even think this is cereal. You know what I mean? But um, cinnamon toast crunch is up there It's good if it should be for everybody. I don't know about big like fruity cereal guy I like fruity pebbles. Pretty pebbles. Pretty pebbles. Yeah, literally just fill my body. Yeah. Yeah. Love fruity pebbles You know else is good and this might be a close to the laugh answer kicks Love kick a big kick very very very kicks. Love it. We found what we agree on. I like the kicks This is game-changing. This is weird. I'll be honest. Um, what else is in there that I actually really fucking like
Starting point is 00:36:02 Can we all agree? What the fuck is a honey smack? Yo, they're so good for like The first four scoops and then you're like, I'm totally over this but I gotta finish it now And then your piss just smells like straight up honey. Honey. Honey combs. Honey combs are good. Honey combs are good Oreo o's French toast crunch. They made they brought that back recently. They brought it back. Yeah, it's available in a target near you. You know, it's good Waffle crisp is good. Yes. Waffle. Never had waffle crisp. Wow. What a bitch
Starting point is 00:36:35 That was aggressive. So two classics that I love honey. Not Cheerios are great. Yeah, 100 Frost flakes are frost flakes. Yeah I'm also a big fan of uh, rice krispies Cocoa krispies never never had them. Not a cocoa krispies guy. I'm like, I'm okay with rica I'd like mini wheats more than rice krispies. I love frost and mini wheats I don't really like mini wheats, but I only like the really frost too much going on the ones that are like super pilgrim I'm not about apple jacks can have my whole family if they want. Yeah, I love apple jacks fruit loops Yeah, go back and forth with fruit loops. It's insane. It's like law for me. It it makes it
Starting point is 00:37:11 It's weird. It makes like a weird film in my mouth. Yeah, I can get that You know, when you go to eat the milk and it has that that film you're like, okay. Why is my milk bending? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's very strange. Here's a cereal that If you're not gonna say what I'm thinking but all right corn pops Yeah, gotta have my pops I'm over them. I like corn pops. Take it or leave it with corn pops. Yeah, I'm not about tricks I feel like when tricks lost when they lost the fruit shape they went down Dude, it was they go to just that was my favorite cereal growing up and they fucking ruined it
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah, I mean and I'll never forgive them the fruit The fruits didn't taste anything like the fruit. All right, obviously I don't know about you guys, but halloween is coming up. So I will I go off for some frankenberry and blueberry What the fuck is that? I don't think I've ever eaten those in my life. What is that delicious? They're just like halloween centered Uh Cereals and they're fucking delicious. They're only around her house. Yes Frankenberry and blueberry. Oh, is that the same family as counter ocula? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh
Starting point is 00:38:17 Oh, I've never had this shit. It's so good. Are you shopping? I had a local target near you I've never had a target of plugs or golden grams I know that's like you eating bitter. Oh, honey's What the fuck is that those fucking candy bars? That's literally sit at the bottom of the shelf of every store you go to you want to know. It's fucking garbage races pups Yeah, I'm not a big Reese's like I wouldn't say garbage, but I'm like I like peanut butter But like peanut butter overdone like is too fucking much. Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:48 What else do we have here? Can we just agree that fruity pebbles are amazing But they were even better during christmas time when they would do just the red and green fruity pebbles. Yeah, holy shit Holy shit I'm gonna have to go out and buy like 10 bucks of cereals. First of all, I would love fruity pebbles just in my fucking face Everywhere and now I just like want to go to the store to get it on the table Oh, I love fruity pebbles so much. Oh, I just found a picture of just like a lot of cereal here Wow power puff girl cereal. What is going on? They make that
Starting point is 00:39:22 You know, what's insane Really good and super versatile cereal checks Wow, yes, good. Yeah, I like checks a lot. It's super versatile cereal. You know, it's an unsung hero frosted cheerios Have you ever had frosted cheerios? Frosted cheerios are are I can't I'm I know I'm not I'm not getting behind that Fuck that shit. I fucking love for us. I'm not getting behind that fruity cheerios are too much They're trying to be too much like kicks, you know kicks did it first I like cheerios trying to take over the cereal market
Starting point is 00:39:56 I don't It's super versatile Nesquik made a cereal People ate that What the fuck that's like a tang made a cereal Yo tang shady those commercials back good stuff Yes, you want to you want to know what was the best thing ever growing up You remember when nickelodeon made those ice pops that had the slime in them
Starting point is 00:40:22 Yes, yeah, I do and the slime just tasted like just fucking the best thing ever when I went to nickelodeon Studios, you went to nickelodeon. Yeah. Wow. So in 2000 I went to nickelodeon studios at universal studios, florida I remember that from all the shows summer sanders. Yeah, and uh They like we went in and did like a tour of the studio and they had like They had like props and shit and they were like, oh, does anyone want to try slime and gack? Because it's fucking edible. Right. So this dumb ass right here I was like, sure. Why not? So they like took me to the side and gave me like a spoon of slime Which was just colored applesauce and a spoon of gack, which was just colored pudding
Starting point is 00:41:06 And I hate applesauce Yeah, I'm a big gack guy. Oh, I hate applesauce. I hate applesauce I said that recently to my girlfriend. She's like, you haven't had the right applesauce. I'm like, is there fucking right applesauce? Who is this? I feel like it's moths and everyone else. Yeah It didn't make sense dunkaroos yo, if this is a recent picture of summer sanders Oh, hello, Billy the answerhead is coming up right now
Starting point is 00:41:38 Oh, whatever the fucking sound was remember doubled there I do yes, I would love to be on one of those shows. Oh, that would have been great Legend of the hit temple. I would have killed to be on. Do you know how bad I wanted to be a silver monkey silver snake Silver snake green monkeys Blue barracudas purple parrots. You're making things up. I guarantee you it's purple parrots. You might be right No, I'm looking it up legends of the hidden temple Teams I feel like Frankie knows stuff like this for some reason, of course red jaguars blue barracudas
Starting point is 00:42:14 purple parrots Silver snakes orange Monkeys nope green monkeys green monkeys orange. Don't tell me Um It's an animal Thank you It is of the
Starting point is 00:42:29 Oh, you're not gonna get this orange Is it a fish? No, it's not a fish. Uh, does it fly it does not fly does not it's a regular animal What is a non regular animal? Does it crawl it crawls? On all fours. Yes You're asking the wrong question Oh god
Starting point is 00:42:53 You're getting close orange. Is this like one of the new ones they added for like the last season before they got cancelled? I don't think so Orange does it roar it does not roar. Is it a predator? Two thing everything's a predator two things. Yeah, is it a carnivore? Yes, it is Um, I got to be honest. I forgot every previous question I've asked technically orange I'll give you a really easy hint. Okay. It's in a reptile
Starting point is 00:43:22 Orange iguanas. Yep. There we go. I knew I like I remember seeing the shirt Because it's like the curved iguana, right? It's like I love instead of fish. Does it fly? Oh, so it's a regular animal What other shows were there back then? Do you remember Nickelodeon arcade where they had like the giant because I remember like the channel nick gas Oh, yeah, you remember how fucking lit that channel was they had the uh, what was the one that had the aggro crag that was gas No, no, that was uh guts guts Guts
Starting point is 00:44:04 That show I wanted to be on the aggro crag. I love what a fucking easy thing. It's insane. I'm seeing these kids I'm like, look at this fucking nerd. Yeah. Well, these people are running through the fucking legend of the hidden temple thing And I'm like, how do you not get through that in 0.2 seconds? Yeah There's that guy that comes out of nowhere and grabs the kid. Yeah, there's very illegal now. Very weird. Oh, yeah And he like backwards too. Yeah, like literally out of a little but fucks this kid out of nowhere On tv And it's they got to like put together an idol. You remember that shit. Yes. Yeah What was the guy's name the like the big head that would talk it was like emo tep or some shit
Starting point is 00:44:42 Emo tep. What was his name? I have no idea. I have no idea legends legends of the hidden temple giant face guy His name is If it's emo tep, I'm leaving all mc. Oh Close that was close Emo tep. Where'd you get that? I don't know. I think I don't know. Look it up. It sounds familiar though
Starting point is 00:45:06 How do you spell that emo tep? Emo tep. I That's a real like. Oh, yeah, that's like a thing. Yeah, really? Yeah, I don't know what it is. Well, am I wrong or they used like roll boulders at the kids on the aggro crag Yeah, they did they literally would drop foam fucking boulders I mean the guy up top must be like fuck these dudes. Fuck these kids. I would fucking do it for state Can you imagine just fucking throwing those at these kids? It's a good good job. How about american gladiators? It's like literally people like, yeah, we want you to beat up pedestrians
Starting point is 00:45:42 Yeah, that show was not as fun though because like I as a kid I was never like I want to be on this, you know Yeah, I was never crazy, but because those guys were savages like I can't compete because they were actual like athletes Like the kids on these shows were just like idiots Oh, what are those shows were that I wanted to be on? I don't know double dare was my shit Love double dare 2000. Do you remember the one where you had to climb inside the giant nose and find the flag and find the flag? And it would slime you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was my shit. And then there was the one where uh, it was like a pool It was a pool and they had to like dig through it
Starting point is 00:46:15 That's all I remember and there was the the one I always wanted to do was the giant gumball machine You don't remember that it was a giant gumball machine And they would jump into it and then at the bottom it would open and they would come out and they'd have to grab the flag off a pole I don't remember. Oh my god. That's the one I wanted much about that show Double dare. Yeah, not like an insane amount not like enough to Yo, how about ben savage the guy who plays quarry on on boy me's world? Probably just was fucking slaying 90s post-pact. Oh my god. Topanga didn't stand it. Topanga got a test. Thank you
Starting point is 00:46:50 Do you think he was bagging topanga? 100% I don't know. Topanga's fucking good. I if anyone on that show was pulling it was the other kid. Yeah Sean hunter. Sean hunter was a sexy dude Yeah, no lie too young to for me to say that he fell off They really did Is Nickelodeon like around? Yeah, but it's like fucking peppa pig and you know beep beep bop And it's like shows about kids like going through puberty
Starting point is 00:47:18 The educational stuff So like I remember when we were younger, we'd get home and it was our real monsters. Yeah It was double dare 2000 and then like the rug rats new episode. Hey Arnold. Hey Arnold. Rocko's modern life I never you this is my rocko sucks cock. I was not a big rockos fan enough. Fuck rocko Have you ever seen like any like the like sexual innuendos behind these shows like rockos? Like he would literally the red and simpy is literally like an adult show. Yes, like they I never liked that. Well like red and simpy too. There's an episode where he has like a playboy Uh, I mean rocko's modern life. Yeah cat dog fire cat dog
Starting point is 00:47:52 One fun day was open up her baby was born in a good little sir. I Still love that fucking show Heat What are the shows dug? I like dug but it was too like Yeah, it was too like soft And then it would go like It was roger klotz bro. Wasn't that soft
Starting point is 00:48:16 roger klotz and pork chop fucking mayonnaise patty mayonnaise What a fucking whore You remember I think I showed you the the bow burn them song where he's like I'm like dug's friend sketer whenever I meet her because I sketer so hard people call her patty mayonnaise It's heat. Thanks for bringing that Take your word for that. It is good. I'll take your word for that Uh, man life was so much better and then like I remember saturday night. They'd have like teen nick. We're like, oh Oh, watch it. Do you know what I was terrified of deathly afraid of the the halloween episode of boy meets world
Starting point is 00:48:50 They yes, they used to scare the shit out of me too Where they like wasn't scary at all where they like randomly would like pick people off or some show. Yes. Yeah, it would go dark It was it was weird. I was like, yo, you can't watch this and it's a fucking boy meets world Yeah Well, then they fucking tortured us with are you afraid of the dark and that was horrifying I'm pretty sure if I watched are you afraid of the dark now? I'd still be scared I shit you not there was an episode recent like that. I remember from when I was younger that I watched recently It was like this is fucking terrifying. Yeah, like legitimately terrifying
Starting point is 00:49:20 I uh, we should watch it after this. Do they have my like netflix? They have one youtube all of all episodes all of goose bumps is on netflix Goosebumps was good. I only remember like two episodes. I remember a lot of dude the fucking Trailer screams me out. Oh my god. Yeah It's like a weird bottom bottom And then the dog's eyes turn. Yeah Yeah, but the guy with the suitcase it opens up. Yeah documents go everywhere everywhere. He doesn't give a fuck He doesn't care. Yeah, whatever. I'm just not gonna have those then those were like the original trading cards
Starting point is 00:49:54 Like you remember kids used to bring fucking goose bumps To school like and they would had they were like rough like there was texture to that Yeah, like and then there were the ones that were like the special ones where it was like you would read pages one through 20 And then it'd be like go either to page 21 or 46 or and then it would like jump you around the fucking and then all of a sudden you die and you're like I never took my hand out the first page Those fucking those were sick I the only one I really remember like in detail is the one with the chick with the mask and it got stuck to her body
Starting point is 00:50:24 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I did not like that. I remember the um, I was afraid of masks the doll guy Oh, the ventriloquist living dummy. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I don't remember that You don't remember that she was the most popular one the movie. It was like a the show. Yeah, it was like six episodes Yeah, it was like part like one two three four. Oh, I did not see this night of the living dummy that shit was what's slappy That was his name. I wasn't there. I'm probably like I was probably too afraid There was um, then there was say cheese and dye where like they Yeah, you would take the pictures the people and they'd disappear. Right. I do remember that one. Um There was the one with the vines in the basement
Starting point is 00:51:00 Oh, stay out of the bay or don't go into dad's basement or some shit like that, which it sounds like a porto Definitely don't go to dad's basement. Yeah, their dad was fucked a living plant that would like eat chloroform Yeah, I remember that one. I remember that show like vaguely. It was like the basement. I fucking loved that show Yeah, it was good. There was one episode. I remember all stein. What a fucking guy Did you see the movie recently that came out the goosebumps movie? I remember there was one. I didn't see it It's it's actually pretty good. Really? Yeah, scary It was like no, but it was kind of funny like jack black is a fucking treasure Jack black's cool. He's dope. Fuck with jack black. He's good
Starting point is 00:51:38 He's basic. He's pretty sick but uh Yeah, those shows fucked me up Bad are you afraid the dark was way scarier 100% super scary. Fuck that They definitely have the episodes because they were like 10 episodes or like 10 minute episodes And they would run like three in a clip I'll tell you this the one thing that I got out of that show though is I threw so much sand into a fire Oh, yeah, any bonfire. I would just be like, let me just throw this sand in there
Starting point is 00:52:07 Put it out. It would put it out every time. Yeah And I Frankie from the Midnight Society declare this story Night of the beadley boop boop And they blow out the match and then you freak out. Yeah God it's starting. Yeah Are you getting scared? Dude, the one that I saw if we pull it up after this, it'll freak you the fuck out It's about like a clown that comes to life. Are you scared of clowns kind of guy? No, but this episode
Starting point is 00:52:39 I'm afraid I legitimately couldn't watch. I'm definitely afraid of like dolls Yes, don't dolls and little children. Yes, dude. I'm giving my kids up until they're like 14. Oh, yeah Yeah, I'm not raising them at night at least I'll raise them during the day No, imagine waking up and like your six-year-old daughter's like standing next to staring at me. Don't even say that I swear to god I didn't even think about that till right now when you said it that I'm gonna have kids one day and they're gonna have nightmares And they're gonna wake me up I'm gonna wake up and there's gonna be a child standing to start my bed and I might hit it daddy
Starting point is 00:53:10 Someone's in my room Good. I'll lock my Good luck sweetheart. I'll lock I'm putting them in their room opening the door locking mine I'm gonna I'm gonna give them cell phones and I'll be like listen anything happens. Do you have a nightmare? Text me call the police text me text me because then I'll come to your room. Don't come into mine I don't want to wake up with you next to my fucking bed. That's terrifying. Oh my god But there was that one movie that just came out was called like
Starting point is 00:53:38 Annabelle Fuck that. That's about a doll. Oh, yeah, you were just saying I just saying dollars dog. Yeah, that sucks That's you know, that's based off a real doll, right a real raggedy. We're gonna skip over this combo Look it up It's a real doll Ed and Lorraine Warren are like who like those movies are based off of they're like real like ghost hunters And they actually like it's a real raggedy end all and in their house They have it behind like a pane of glass and it's like do not touch this That's it
Starting point is 00:54:11 I don't believe he wants to go right into that house. Yeah, I don't be like, what's up with this? Listen, I don't believe in ghosts or that stuff until it someone tells me not to fuck with something because they'll come for me Then I believe in them Then I'm like They can sense that I'm like scared. I need to leave. Yeah, I'm an easy sell for ghost stuff Yeah, it's like out of out of sight out of mind for me if the door slams. I'm terrified But besides that I'm like, yeah fuck ghosts. Yeah, dude. Oh, dude. I was at uh, we were driving onto Yes, you will you'll just get fucking plastered and sleep probably I was driving to uh highlands like the patrops
Starting point is 00:54:47 They have their summer house there and on the way there they started telling ghost stories like yeah Our place might be a little haunted because there was one night that uh, I think it was johnny woke up and and they have saloon doors To their bedroom And like he he woke up and he saw a shadow and then no one was there and then he laid down in bed And he said the doors just like went Out of nowhere and we're driving there like i'm on the way there in the car And i'm looking over at him and i'm like, how long goes this? Don't fucking continue
Starting point is 00:55:19 This was like two or three years ago. Yeah, let's take it as uber at home It's I dated a girl who was like in like those like ghost hunting clubs And uh, what you said those ghost hunting clubs like you're supposed to know Like they're like people like get together and hang out and have a ghost hunting club and She would on our college go around some shoots and hoops going she would go into this building That was like notorious for being like supposedly haunted. Oh my god, uh maxi. Yeah, and uh She would legitimately like she'd come back and she told me some fucked up stories She'd be like they would have things where it's like they're heat detectors
Starting point is 00:55:53 So like when the heat like when the temperature drops real low It's supposed to mean that there's like a ghost or something or spirit there And basically when it drops real low it takes a picture And she's like there was one day we were there and literally the thing just fucking Going off and I was like I would I would leave that place. Yeah, I would fucking jump out the window Wasn't the story like it was an orphanage that burned down. Yeah, not burned down It was just like an old orphanage and like there were like shackles in the basement and shit, which Have you been like in the basement?
Starting point is 00:56:24 No, no, because it was supposed to be haunted. It was fucking creepy like it legitimately like you could see it and be like Yeah, this probably was where they held fucking kids Psychotic shit. I don't know why people fuck with that stuff. No, I don't fuck with any of that. No I just try to be you know, I'm a nice guy. Nice guy. Just walk through life. Enjoy shit. You know Eat some fucking cruddy pebbles. Beep-bop. Beep beep Why are you all in my ear talking about a whole bunch of shit that I ain't trying to hear load up All right, should we uh, by the way, everyone just wanted to inform everyone that I am
Starting point is 00:56:59 One month sober and I will be celebrating with a beer and I am and I am 13 days and I'm Not happy No, I mean, it's it's fine Yeah, it was easier than I thought it was gonna be but like it's just not like it's not fun No, it's way more fun to be drunk. It's not like I don't even care about drinking I just like I don't even care about being like drunk. I just like beer. Yeah Like just like with dinner like I see my brother with dinner having a corona and I'm like you son of a bit
Starting point is 00:57:27 We'll see like I wouldn't do that. Like I'm not like craving a fucking Coors Light right now All right, if I drink that I'm trying to You know blackout. No, right. I'm definitely like that or like a glass of whiskey or something Oh, I would love a glass of whiskey. Oh, you want to do that? Uh, you guys you come over and watch the Yankee game if you want Why don't you watch it here? Oh because I said I would watch it at home with my family. Okay. That's so sick dude But then I would have to fucking unless I sleep in my mom's house. Why are we planning plans on the podcast?
Starting point is 00:57:56 Hey, uh, I forgot you guys are here. Sure. Uh, welcome back everyone else. Anyway, let's talk about shitting real quick Um, yeah, let's wrap this up um Frank where can they find you? Uh, if not in a dumpster Um, uh, twitter frank underscore alvarez 80 instagram f alvarez underscore 80 Follow me talk to me. I like to joke and talk with people Also, do a wrestling podcast out of san agato studios called the squared circle jerks Uh, we talk wrestling bullshit and uh, we live the dream. So give us a follow
Starting point is 00:58:32 Pete solid. Uh, you can find me on instagram p. Milena 27 not a big twitter guy Not a big twitter guy. Don't do another podcast. Sorry frank Hit that motherfucker. We you should do a podcast about beer. We should I've been saying this Pizza beer salesman literally the smartest part like he's the the webster of beer All right, that I like to joke around so uh, tweet me. We'll joke around Anyway, that is all thanks for listening

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