The Basement Yard - Homeless Backpacking For Three Months

Episode Date: July 18, 2017

On this episode, I have @Maxiiimilian_17 on to talk about his drive across the United States & his upcoming trip through Europe & Asia. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard this week. I have a new guest my buddy max is on Max lives an interesting life Not really. I don't know why I just set that up like you're fucking Batman or some shit, but Recently you just drove back from fucking Where you from California? I don't know. I'm fucked that up. I'm sorry From Japan no, but you you I mean you lived in the neighborhood and then you moved to California Yeah, so I why did you move out there drove out there? My parents were you drove there from New York first and I drove back this year wait
Starting point is 00:00:38 Why don't you drive there last year when I move there? Oh, I thought you were out there like way longer than that. Am I crazy? No, I'm bugging I vacationed a couple times and then just decided I wanted to go out there. I see you live there That's me. That's where your home is Right now I don't really have a home. Why did you drive and not fly? Because I needed like a ton of stuff out of my car. I was like I have to pay like fucking five bags. So I was like might as well just drive my car here I live out my car practically right now. You live out of your car. All my stuff is in my car So you're like a straight-up hippie right now straight up. Absolutely. I've changed in the streets of New York
Starting point is 00:01:14 Like I'll go to my trunk and I'll just like open like where am I wearing today if people walk by like they see me This guy's clearly fucking homeless over here. What the hell's going on? But like what is that? Did you drive by yourself? my roommate From Diego. No, I meant like when I first moved out there with one of my friends my friend Milton Oh, okay, and then you drove back with your roommate. He had a fucking permit. He didn't even drive So I drove the entire way there. How long did that take you like a week? So it took a week, but like
Starting point is 00:01:45 So how many hours of a day are you driving? It depended like the trip so going to Pittsburgh. We left here like idiots at like 3 p.m So we I wouldn't go to like New Jersey at 3 p.m. A ton of traffic. We got there like 11 p.m Ended up staying and just like an Airbnb of like this Random lady actually crazy story. I met someone in Pittsburgh and I was telling them about like my Airbnb And they're like I know her they know her I was like this man. What are the odds? I was like what I was like wait, what do you mean you know her and what she didn't say? Oh, I know her she just says a name and like I went to my Airbnb and like
Starting point is 00:02:23 She's like oh Gladys you're like fucking yeah, that's what I was like hold up. I was like, let me check and it was Gladys I was like, all right Wait, but is this one of the Airbnb's where it's like she's still in the house. Yeah, you rent a room Well, she lives in like a story. Oh Yeah, so it's like a three-story house and she was like second floor is yours like she lived in the first floor and She kind of just like like did you guys like share a kitchen or something was it like in a part? No, what I showed a kitchen I mean, we didn't cook you ever go to Airbnb. I know but my groceries for one night No, but I mean, that's so weird though. You so you basically slept in the same. It wasn't like a separate apartment
Starting point is 00:03:01 No, it was technically it was all the same house Did you guys like watch TV in the living room together? Well, I spoke to her which is how like the lady knew her cuz like she I was talking to her She's like, yeah, my husband lives in Canada. I'm trying to sell this house Like all this just like really different information Didn't need to know so when I was explaining to this lady that I met from in San Diego who's from Pittsburgh I was like, yeah, this lady her husband's in Canada. She's trying to sell her house. She's like I fucking know I mean, how many people do you know like with husbands in Canada like a three-story house trying to sell it? Yeah, I guess so
Starting point is 00:03:33 That's fucking weird. I would never stay in one of those places. I'm afraid of being murdered I'm shoes cool, but I had another let my second Airbnb on that trip was the weirdest thing it was swingers Wait, hold on. Where what state was this Colorado? Figures, yeah, if I had to pick a state, I'd say that one honestly. Well, we look at the Airbnb and I was like, this is beautiful Why is it so cheap? This is beautiful. They're trying to Get the downstairs we walk in like they're super chill. They're like, oh, you know make yourself at home We're talking to them and like oh like while we're talking to them randomly He's like, I hope you read our bio
Starting point is 00:04:10 And I was like, of course man, I was like, of course I read your Bible for coming to your house, man So like we go downstairs after and I was like, I gotta check this guy's bio like I don't know what's going on Yeah, we look at the bio and it literally says like openly nude like swingers this and that and I was like shit So that's what I was like, yo, let's go get food. So we leave the Airbnb Go to Walmart Come back and the dude's shirtless standing behind the counter. So all we see is shirtless drinking a glass of wine I was like, he's dick out right now. I swear if he's dick out when he comes out that counter Not staying here tonight and his wife was like changing to like some booty shorts and just like a tank top
Starting point is 00:04:49 And I was like, he might be dick out. Yeah, they both change into very comfortable clothing Right, they were making a move. There's two living rooms and they had dinner in the living room where we were staying downstairs I was like, why do you gotta do that? And they're like, oh, you guys can join us. I was like, we're good It's me like like a guy friend milked it. I was like, oh, we're good like trying to get like triple team dry Like like what like they're perfect. Let's change before they get home. It was so bad. Oh my god The way you didn't get a like a knock on the door. Hey, uh, got really bad. So best part about Colorado is weed is absolutely legal Like you just walk into a store same as buying alcohol So we go the people like it you just smoke in the middle of the street and shit. I
Starting point is 00:05:34 Think it's like saying there's public intoxication So like you got to be careful with that like you can buy it anywhere But they can't just like walk on the street smoke it. Oh, I mean you could I mean technically people walk around with bottles of alcohol All right, if you get caught you can get a ticket It wouldn't be a fat ticket you wouldn't get arrested, but it's the same thing as like public intoxication, right? But we go out to smoke at night get obliterated high come back to the house I swear to God, we were it was Copa America. Wait, this is the same. There's a swingers the same house Oh, yeah, how many nights we were there one night. Oh, okay. Yeah, all the time in one
Starting point is 00:06:05 one night So we we go outside come right back in I swear to God There was porn on our TV stop I swear on everything wait like just playing porn like soft-core porn You know your TV you don't see dicks like you don't see vaginas is real soft straight up rubbing a lot of friction And we had a Copa America playing so we're like there was definitely soccer on this TV not porn Yeah, no one puts up more porn when we left so someone walked in so this is like the bedroom that you guys are staying in Yeah, the bedroom so she walked in put on porn and then just probably got him
Starting point is 00:06:37 She probably thought she was like this is what's gonna get them. They're gonna get in the mood. Yeah, wow It's definitely odd trip the way there. What did you say? What is that conversation like where your buddy? Like as soon as you walk in you're like, yo, hold on. I swear it was it was kind of like Unspoken we both knew what to do to shut the TV off one straight to fucking sleep. Did you lock the door? Absolutely, I would put a dresser in front of that bitch because I would have been so afraid I was I was pretty terrified And you know, it's crazy the house is absolutely beautiful walking is not what I expected of my night Like we walked in didn't read the bio, of course, that's where it that's where it all went wrong
Starting point is 00:07:15 Openly nude may try to fuck you Or you know, I mean she tried to get triple teams. Oh, yeah We want to put it lately dude I never got that like you know they see those pornos where people are just like please fuck my wife so bad like dude Why don't you just learn some new learn some new moves or something, you know, or just I don't know Like I just don't understand that appeal especially when there's two strangers Who just drove into town one night and you're trying to be like, yeah, no, this these are the ones I want doing Did you read our bios because
Starting point is 00:07:49 We got a bunch of STDs. You didn't read our bio either. You do not want us to fuck your wife. Trust me So what else happened on this on this fucking on the way to California? Nothing really went to Vegas first time in Vegas. You drove from Colorado to Vegas. That was the worst trip of all I drove that in 12 hours. It was one day That's the worst thing Before we got to Colorado sucked We want to see Kansas City don't ever go to Kansas City. Why there's nothing there Like because after you get to Kansas City, then you have to drive through Kansas and it was awful
Starting point is 00:08:24 It was the worst like four-hour drive ever. Why is this? There's literally nothing like imagine seeing nothing like a scene in Forest Gump Where he's just running through the wait, have you never seen Forest Gump? I have okay, but I'm saying like like flat ground nothing not even cornfields not a Tree in sight nothing just it was so bad. I was like, wow, this is this is a terrible state Well, there you go all the Kansas listeners just dropped right off So after yeah after Colorado There's nothing happens there you got to California was fine
Starting point is 00:09:01 Well, we went from when we went from Chicago because I went see my parents my parents move there like a week before We started the road trip and going from Chicago to Kansas City Kansas City was like our mid-stop before we went to Colorado and My friend put diesel in my car So we're driving black fumes coming out of my car. I drive a Nissan Altima does not run on diesel and Black fumes are running my car is topping off at like 40 miles an hour. I'm hauling ass going like 5,000 RPM I was like, this is probably not how things we're gonna explode
Starting point is 00:09:34 Yeah, like this is nothing so I pull over go to the first gas station and then turned off my car It wouldn't turn off to that. I was like, well, I shouldn't have turned it off I'd rather have like burned the diesel out or what I could but I didn't know it was diesel I just thought my car was destroyed. Yeah, and So I tell the people I'm like, hey, can you guys call someone at the gas station? They're like, oh, we have a mechanic and this and that so they called them they show up three hillbillies like one real big Dude like huge. I've never made this big. Definitely. His name is Bubba Fuck I used to have his card. I could have got you damn
Starting point is 00:10:09 Would have called him up right now. Let me know if you have any trouble give me his card after But it was him some really skinny dude and probably an 80 year old dude that shouldn't even have been working They all travel together and they're trying to find out what's wrong with my car and whatnot and One of the guys like rubs it and taste it stop. That's the most hick shit. I've ever heard of my life With his finger wait, taste it. Wait, look at the lack out of the exhaust pipe on my muffler. Yes out of the exhaust pipe and just goes He's like that's diesel Actually said that's diesel diesel. He said diesel. He's like that's diesel I'm sure hope it is the most hick shit. I've ever heard of my entire lives
Starting point is 00:10:50 I'd you only see that in movies and he's like well We got to drain this lifts my car goes under sucks it out gets a mouthful of diesel stop it out And then like they start draining it slowly like they siphoned it. Yeah The other guy what we call him Bubba Bubba Bubba pulls out an 18 rack Stop this trip really seems like it didn't happen. I wanted to write a book I have to come with you now. I wanted to write a book. I was like, this is the most amazing But different trip of my entire life. It's gonna siphon out diesel fucking gas out of your car He's like Bud Light. How are you doing? Well Bubba and the old guy?
Starting point is 00:11:28 We were just chilling and I had to drive after they siphoned this out So I wasn't drinking my friend Milton is like six beers deep with Bubba I'm just sitting there like I Wish I kind of wish I could and he was like oh you should come out with us He was telling us about he's talking to like a 22 year old this guy was like 40 He was like she's at the bar waiting for us like shirt full of grease just completely dirty I was like man, hopefully he was taking a shower. But yeah, probably not. Let's be honest Was were any of them wearing overalls?
Starting point is 00:11:58 No, wow. Yeah, just white shirts This is great regular white shirts. That's amazing It was pretty interesting this trip was already worth it by the way Let me just say you could have got there turn around like I already got all I needed here The trip back home was another experience Oh god, I feel like like unique if you drive across the country shit's gonna happen at least one experience Like that was our one experience like getting the diesel in our car where we had to like You're always gonna run into like one car problem along the way on the way back
Starting point is 00:12:30 Colorado again, and uh, I stopped took an edible my roommate took an edible I was like, I'll be fine. They sold in four packs. I was like, I should take one edible I'll be okay driving right mellow. Usually if you sell things in fours, it's like One of them's like cool. Like a kick cat. Yeah one kick. It's not gonna fill you up. Yeah, you'll be fine No, it was it was worse. It was like eating like four Kit Kat It was so strong And the guy made it seem like it's perfectly normal. Obviously we're in, Colorado He probably smokes a shit ton of weed. Yeah for him
Starting point is 00:13:02 I take it on like half hour in my car says like low psi And I'm starting to get real high starting to slowly kick in It's got a delayed fuse Shit like this is getting really rough So I pull over because I don't want to keep driving with low tires in case something happens Um at this point I'm 100 maxed out high
Starting point is 00:13:25 I Go inside the gas station to pay the 150 for like I get like change And I I pay the pump And I started inflating my tire I'm like, all right. Everything's going real well. At least I got this problem fixed get back in my car It says emergency tire extremely low He was emptying your car. What did I do? Yeah, I go around The car my car tire was practically flat
Starting point is 00:13:53 And I I watched it happen like it wasn't like that, you know, so it's like I was like shit you had to have no so I had to ask them I was like does your machine work like this is your air tire pressure machine work. They said no Well, she said I don't know right, but I took that as no no shot. See my tire is pretty Yeah, pretty fucking flat and it's not what's supposed to happen So she gives me a dollar 50 of her own money and brags about it as if I'm supposed to be super grateful She's like, I'm gonna give you a dollar 50 of my money And I was like
Starting point is 00:14:26 Yes I deserve that. That's what should be happening. Like I'm in deep shit right now. I can't move and uh Comes out with me. I put it in and then like we feel the air pressure I swear, I could have blowed harder. Really? Yeah, it was like There's no nothing in your time. It was so bad and my dad goes Oh, like try lifting the tire like take the pressure off the floor my dad Smart guy He's like take the tire completely off the floor. So there's no pressure on it like no weight and then try inflating it
Starting point is 00:14:53 So I did that Stay the complete same at least I didn't lose air could have been a lot worse, right? I was like, well, this is going nowhere So I start calling towing services in Denver and they're like you're like a hundred miles out of the city of Denver Because we're close to the border. You're fucking stranded at this point. We're close to Nebraska. We're like an hour away from Nebraska And literally stranded and this is a shell. This isn't a random gas station I was like, you know, I expect a little better service at a shell honestly speaking. Yeah, and so I
Starting point is 00:15:25 I just oh I spoke to the tow service and they're like, oh, we're gonna charge you for a tow if we come out there I don't want to fucking pay for a tow for a little bit of air. It's probably gonna take Honestly speaking a minute of their time Right, but I do get the inconvenience of them having to drive out But I was like, come on, I got 350 bucks even a hundred. I would have done but he was like, that's 300 alto No, absolutely not paying 300 for a little bit of air. Right. So I was like, well, we're gonna try doing this. My car is heavy as shit If it was just me and my roommate, it would have been okay. I would have been fine with driving, but I probably had like
Starting point is 00:15:57 600 pounds of just random shit in my car Along with me and my roommate. So I was like, all right, well, let's try driving over to nearest gas station Which was how far away first of all, it's called come and go come and go Okay, great But the gas station was like two miles away. It wasn't too bad. Okay. Like I said, I was peaked max max high Drive to this gas station and I don't see the gas station. It was On the next block. It was like half a block away. I pulled into a car wash And I'm like looking at this like super confused. It was like it was like 10 different stations
Starting point is 00:16:36 And I'm like so high. I'm like Where are the air pistons? So like I'm looking around my roommate's really high too. She goes. Oh, it's right there So I'm like looking at it and I'm like, oh, that probably is it So I go like I pay for it said six dollars. I was like this pretty expensive for some air. This is some high quality air This is really good air Denver air is actually pretty great. You know, exactly. That's what they say. So um Pay for it. Like I drive in and then there's like a little button that says go
Starting point is 00:17:04 I'm like looking around everywhere and I realized it's a fucking car wash I was like I just drove to a car wash. I did like there's no gas station nearby And when I drove, of course, I got the car wash You already paid for anybody. I got the car wash. Wait, so what the fuck happens here? Go and the thing just comes down towards washing your car. Yeah, it's it's literally like you drive in You press go and then there's like a timer and it counts it down And it literally just sprays the soap on like it obviously no one's really like rubbing right a little people run at your car clean it
Starting point is 00:17:37 Yeah, it was just it was kind of just like a water wash soap and then just like these giant air tubes that just dry your car And I was like, I might as well get a car wash. It goes bugs all over my car Like I'm driving through the like middle of the country And I drive out of this place now. I'm like, all right. I need to find this. I look half a block. I'm like It's right fucking there. I go there conveniently. It was free to the air. Everything was great after that drove to Nebraska stayed out there for the night Oh my god, that was my moment coming back after that. Everything was pretty simple. Yeah yo I'm trying to picture you pull it up to this place and being like, oh, yeah, this is the gas
Starting point is 00:18:18 You hit the button like, oh, here's the air and all of a sudden soap just starts coming right on top of me I'm like, oh my god, that's amazing before we go any further. Let's get to the advertisement today. I have one It's harry's razors, which I still use because they sent it to me for free in a nice little box Um, but yeah, harry's is so confident. You're going to love their blaze They'll give you their trial shave set for free when you sign up at Slash basement just pay for shipping. Um, it's all about a great. What does this say? Harry's is all about a great shave at a fair price. Okay, that makes sense over three million people have switched two harry's
Starting point is 00:18:57 Uh, everyone in my family has it. My brother also uses harry's and they send you Uh, in the trial kit, there is a weighted razor handle five precision engineer blades with a lubricating strip and trimmer blade Uh, rich lathering shave gel and a travel blade cover So that's a lot of shit that you get for free. All you have to do is pay for shipping Claim your free trial offer from harry's today $13 value for free when you sign up. Just cover shipping
Starting point is 00:19:24 To get your free trial set again. Go to slash basement right now. That's Slash basement and now you're going on a new trip. Uh, yeah going to travel through europe asia and africa I can only imagine what the fuck's gonna happen here there even four days Huh leaving four days. How long are you gonna be going? Uh, three and a half months Towards like the end of october i'll be back This is gonna be a disaster just quit my job and travel back here like been here for like four weeks now and then leave to travel My mom was super pissed
Starting point is 00:19:59 Super pissed my mom's like you quit your job, which was your career to just go travel. I was like, that's exactly what i'm doing My it's a good idea. It's all right. God. I'm 22. I literally just turned 22 I was like at this point. I think I should be doing that like I could work the rest of my life I really want to so did that are you pretty confident that you'll get Like a job like the one you had Like again, I hated my job. Did you hated it? Yeah, I mean I walked in every day. It felt like a standing cubicle job What were you doing? Uh, i'm a programmer at an engineering firm So I always program like fifth axis machines, but once you get a program like set like an engineering firm
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's like you come in every day and they're like, oh this company needs 500 medical parts And you just stand at your machine and run them and your program set like occasionally a tool will break But it's so boring. It's so boring. I was standing there. It was be like just watch it happen Change the tool or change the part new part and run 500 of them a day I was like this is this awful This is what i'm gonna do. This is not what i want to do for the rest of my life Yeah, you'd rather drive into colorado and hang out with the swingers for a night. Exactly. I still have their airbnb You know, I could always contact them whenever
Starting point is 00:21:09 Yeah, let's get a discount. I'll take my shirt off next time. What's up? Change my tv channels I was with my roommate who's a girl so they probably wouldn't have been more excited. They would have been like come It's like, oh, yes, we don't even pay. We'll pay you come through Oh my god. So wait, what's your first stop on your new uh, uh, london I'm fucking terrified man. Oh like the terrorism stuff is going on Oh, I like to do attacks, but it's not like you could like spot Terrorists, you know, like imagine it was that easy
Starting point is 00:21:37 Like you should like walk through. I'm pretty sure none of it would happen then when across the street I see a terrorist. I got I should cross the street. She's like, no not that guy. Here we go So i'm gonna be in london for a day and then head to barcelona for one night and then Over to pampaloma for running with the bulls and hopefully don't get a bull horn. You're running with the bulls Sadly, well not sadly, but i'm fucking petrified. I'm super excited. It's a little mixed. Who's idea was this? Mine are you are you going with anybody? Yeah, my friend dakota from sandia. His name's dakota. He's from san diego All right, we getting that dakota from san diego
Starting point is 00:22:13 Yeah That's correct. That is his Jesus that's crazy, dude How does that even Processed through my mind. No, but like I don't even like what how did that happen? How are we still doing that running from bulls in the street? I actually I think this year is the last year which is why we were like we have to go Oh, it's the last time they're gonna do it because it's getting really dangerous every year a couple people get a horn through their stomach
Starting point is 00:22:39 You're like, oh, we gotta do this People are dying. We gotta get this out on this shit. Well, I think it was like the last two years only It was only one injury. They're getting a little better And both times it was a security person So it was like people Hang out the way and it's like Shit, you know, like that really sucks like imagine working that and Being like an officer working that I can't believe you have to work that I like I feel like if people want to be idiots
Starting point is 00:23:06 Like let them be idiots don't like put security out there like what the fuck are they gonna do? Yes, Ted bulls if I was you I'd wear like helmets bulletproof vests Definitely a vest Like a weight vest And I think awaits for sure Snap my fucking knee in half Oh my god, but you get super drunk before you do it too. Like it just adds to the experience, you know Fuck that
Starting point is 00:23:33 You're gonna get drunk beforehand. I mean you get a horn through your stomach. At least you won't feel it as much I think I think if I was fucking hammered, I would feel every inch of a horn through my stomach He's like fuck don't say that I'd like to think wait. So that's that's what they do. They get hammered beforehand and they just start booking it It's like a it's like a camp So they have a camp of people of Practically idiots just like EDC basically it's EDC of bull running And it's like people get really wasted and like you spend the night there or whatever
Starting point is 00:24:07 Us there's some people that are professionals And they what professional like bull runners Runawayers run away years professional bull runner wayers. Hey, that sounds pretty good. What does that pay your resume? Yeah, right. I uh I do this every year. Check this out. Have not gotten hit So Those guys are the ones that like run next to the bulls and like they slap them and shit and you're like That's that's not me man. I'm just running
Starting point is 00:24:34 Fuck that Is there like what if you get tired like another kind like oh make a quick left and you want to just be pretty awesome So, uh, I told myself I was going to start doing this didn't do it But I ran a mile on a treadmill in six minutes barefoot the other day and I was like, you know what? I'm just going to train to be you were in the gym barefoot. No in my my uh, no I let you have a treadmill Put out like a little leaf and like a string and I went training to be Tarzan No, but yeah, I ran at barefoot and I got like a blister on my foot
Starting point is 00:25:05 But I was like it's probably going to be something like that. Are you going to be barefoot? No But why would you? I thought that like it helped in some way I was able to do it I was kind of impressed with myself like I Six minute miles pretty solid hate running. No, I hate it too. I definitely cannot run a six minute mile right now The fastest I've ever run a mile was like 6 30 It's not bad. It's not like terrible. I can't do it 30 seconds later. It's like 30 seconds is far Like when you think about it
Starting point is 00:25:36 That's that's far And you were barefoot. Wow, my voice cracked. You were barefoot and I had my shoes on technically I was lighter too So Maybe with maybe if you were barefoot you can do no shot No fucking way. I hate running back. So wait, can you like How far is it? Do you know it's a mile? It's exactly a mile. Oh, it's exactly Yeah, and then you run into the coliseum so like and then the matador is like the people that kind of With a little red flag. Yeah, so they lower the bowls. It's a butchering of bowls, which is pretty sad
Starting point is 00:26:05 Wait, hold on 10 days butchering 10 bowls so 100 bowls die This is they do it 10 days in a row 10 days starts from the fifth to the 15. Are you doing it more than one time? We'll see how day one goes You're gonna see a guy get horned right in front of you like, uh, we are done doing this We're gonna cut this short day. I mean if day one goes really solid I might do it again But I got a drone so no one's put out drone footage yet And what we plan on doing was not only running it but then flying a drone over getting some awesome like aerial footage
Starting point is 00:26:39 And there's no tall buildings in the in the area. So you fly it like 150 feet up and you could literally follow the bulls like It's Like I said, it's bulls running a mile. I don't think they're running at full speed Just because there's people in the way and there's other bulls in front of them So they probably run it in a matter of like Nine minutes But a drone I'll be fine to capture all that and then I don't know if it'll be shot down if I fly over the coliseum, but
Starting point is 00:27:04 We'll attempt it Dude This is heavy shit I don't know I've still been fucking terrified I am The more we talk about it. Actually, I'm like he's like I might have shit my pants on I'm just a tad bit
Starting point is 00:27:19 Dude if I'm walking up the stairs and I hear someone walking up behind me I'll book it because I gotta get scared. I don't like when things are like behind me like kind of You know, so I can't imagine like signing up to have a fucking bunch of bulls. Was it 10 bulls? Yeah, 10 bulls just sprinting behind me. I feel like the scariest part isn't like that. I can't do it It's that watch some retard. Sorry Watch some idiot Trip right in front of me And there goes me. Yeah, there goes me
Starting point is 00:27:47 You look well because imagine me turning back and I'm running I'm like the bulls are close and some idiot just stumbles right in front of me It's like, oh there I go to next 10 people, you know, it's like a I feel like it's just So what happened so you just get pummeled? I mean, they wouldn't like headbutt you but you get stepped on by 10 bulls Well, that's a couple ribs at least the street. I would say it's probably about Like 13 12 feet wide. It's like a really kind of narrow street, but 12 feet A bull is only about three feet and then if they're running like two next to each other
Starting point is 00:28:21 So like a lot of people when they're running if they're tired or whatever, they'll just hug the wall Not that a bull can't just come up to you and absolutely destroy you if you're not gonna work But some people just like run to the sides or like they'll jump over there I've seen videos of people running full sprint scared and they just jump over the divider like headfirst And I'm like, you probably got more injured I've been doing that. Yeah anything, but it's not like a straightaway either. It's like through there's like turns and shit, right? Yeah, it's it's kind of like zigzaggy, but it's it's not no sharp turns. Now you're running and boom It's you're like break down
Starting point is 00:28:56 I just like twist your ankle do it down and in over the middle. No, it's yeah, it's kind of pretty much straight. It's just little Loops, but is there like Little alleyways that if you're like tired, you're like, just book it into the alleyway and let them run past you Real well, there's so many people like it's such a big event and then this year being I'm pretty sure the last one they're gonna put the fastest and biggest fucking bull there Maybe the first couple days. That's why I'm running the 12th. So at least I got seven days You know, they can butcher the first 70 top alpha bulls. Yeah, I'll take the back end Like the guys didn't quite make the cut for like, you know, so these guys were just doing for fun at this point
Starting point is 00:29:35 I fuck it and uh I think the coolest part though is going to the calcium because You get to like see the matadors like do their thing and all the people are standing to the sides of the calcium But the only thing I heard I know someone that ran it and They said the only thing that's scary is like when they like when the matadors are doing their thing You can't see if a bull's coming your way because there's people in front of you and there's so many people So like you're saying that's to say you're like Four people back in the corner and a bull just comes fucking running straight out. I think that's more dangerous
Starting point is 00:30:07 Wait, what? Like there's multiple people in the calcium where the you're gonna be in the calcium Like you're running into it I plan on making it in there like they they close it out after a certain amount of time So let's say if I was to fall and I'm like I hurt my knee and I don't want to run anymore Whatever the reason may be I might not make it into the calcium because they close the gates after After bull number 10 gets in there, which sometimes they'll separate one will get a little tired or one will fuck someone up before it continues
Starting point is 00:30:32 Right. So like once 10 gets in there and they count them out um Then they kind of just Close the doors. So wait once once you're in there. They do their little little yeah, then they do it, which is Absolutely fucking day. I think that's more dangerous anything I just want to run into the stadium I don't think I'd be standing in the front and be like I want to see this and then a matador in front of me like
Starting point is 00:30:55 You ready like absolutely not. Is that how it's supposed to go though? They're like It's coming towards you guys Well, it's not towards you, but like if the bull keeps running like they're probably about 10 feet ahead of you If the bull keeps running straight, it's gonna hit someone You know, like if the bull can't stop can you get into the calcium and just kind of like book it Over some wall or something like the wall's there. Yeah, it's not too bad This is the most wild fucking tradition I've ever heard of it's crazy that it's been Like held for so many years
Starting point is 00:31:25 Like it's been forever people have died doing this. I'm assuming. Oh all like all the time But people die across the street, you know, I mean like are you not gonna cross the street for the rest of your life? Um If there was one particular street where there were 10 bulls running down that motherfucker, I'll probably avoid that one A car is bigger than a bull They're not chasing me though I mean Not that you know of I guess so
Starting point is 00:31:57 That didn't make sense I don't think but it was a good attempt I feel like But we tried we tried and you have a gopro too. They're gonna use it. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna strap it onto my head So, hey, maybe maybe you're going down. It's not the worst thing in the world Get some good footage footage some broken ribs from some viral content though It's like this guy got destroyed It's like all you see is like a straight run and then enter you straight scott because I'm Five feet in the air and then just bull fucking feet hooves. What do they have? I don't even know they have feet Do they no they definitely hooves. I don't know dude. How fucking big is a bull?
Starting point is 00:32:35 Pretty solid. I'd say less than a ton though Less than a ton. Obviously less than a ton. What do you think they're 2 000 pounds? I mean, I'm sure rino's more than a ton I'm gonna say how I'm not sure about that. How big is a bull I'm googling this right now. How much does a bull weigh rather than how big man tells you like centimeters? It's like 184 by Give me home depot measurements here It's about a fucking 170 by eight. Hold on. What is this? Yeah, shout out to the wi-fi What are bulls used for okay wrong thing how much
Starting point is 00:33:18 How much does a bull way Holy shit These things are heavy, man They're around a ton. I fucking told you 2 000 pounds That's you're gonna run from I thought they were like cows like they were like, you know
Starting point is 00:33:38 200 pounds or some shit cows not 200 pounds. Yeah, how much is a cow? I think I'm just like I'm at least my metro I'm gonna go 800 How much does a cow weigh? I Where is it? Oh, these things are fucking huge, too Dude, am I just I'm blown away by this. How much does a cow? They're like it done also Wow, oh god damn. Look at every 2000 pounds. Yes, I guess we could compare dude. No now this changes everything because if you fall
Starting point is 00:34:11 You're getting stepped on by cars Do you realize that you're getting run over by 10 cars? It's only one wheel Yeah, it's like four feet. I mean what doesn't mean he's gonna you think bulls gonna run all four feet over you He'd probably trip. I mean that that that he might get two in there though the first two A one Or one or a horn To the mouth dude. I did I had no idea
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yeah, these things are massive. How tall is a bull six foot seven? I've never looked a bull in the face And I'm sure I never want to six foot seven I feel like this is a cool idea and then you get there and you see the bulls and you're like I just I'll just Apply my drone Cool to watch I guess dude. No for sure doing it I haven't told my mom my mom didn't even like me skydiving let alone being chased by temples 10 cars however we want to call him. Did you go skydiving? Yeah, how was that?
Starting point is 00:35:06 Fucking awesome. I think you've done a lot of things Uh Recently I would say like within the last two years I've Like towards the end of college I started just because you have like once you get some money You can do whatever the fuck you want, honestly speaking. So like when you're younger, you're like, I want to do all this I want to do all this. You don't have the money for it And you get a little older you get a job You're like I can now do this and I can now do this and kind of start exploring doing weird shit
Starting point is 00:35:29 I don't think a lot of people think that way honestly They just like talk a lot of shit, but you're like it's kind of dope that you're like, fuck it. I'm just gonna do it now See what happens A lot of people waste money on stupidity too. Like that's the other thing like We wanted to teach people also like how to budget travel So like how to travel on Like little amounts of money and do the dopest shit out there Like me and my friend Dakota were both taking like a notebook kind of writing everything down
Starting point is 00:35:56 I've gotten like tips from friends and we're gonna budget it all and Of course we have like money saved up. I have a couple credit cards too. They're just like empty ready for this trip For whatever might come my way medical bills But just kind of Teaching people how to travel for as little as possible because no one travels as as much as they should just because they don't feel like they have the money Even though it's so easy Like anytime I go it's at least like A thousand bucks go anywhere or like people go to fucking Thailand for like 500 dollars in a month. That's including your stay
Starting point is 00:36:34 Yeah, incredible Thailand's far as fucked up. Isn't it? It's like it's it's like a 700 dollar round trip It's not even that bad. No, but I mean like just like hours on a plane. Oh, it's like 24. It's on the other side of the world Oh, yeah, good night. I would never do that Like I don't think I'll ever reach that side of the world just because I can't do that take two of those brownies I took Well that that'll do it. I'll have to do that But I was talking about like Australia like how it looks nice and shit or grease grease is not that bad though
Starting point is 00:37:01 I think Was grease like nine Yeah, it's not it's like 10 hours less No, but London is seven from New York. So I feel like grease would be like 11 12 10 yeah, well you're on fire today because yeah, it is a long 11 12 That's through the road. That's cow. I suck at such an asshole. I'm like, yeah cows are fucking 200 pounds like Dude, I'm 180 like I think a cow weighs 20 pounds heavier than me. I'm a fucking idiot 2,000 pound cows ridiculous. But yeah, it's like 12 hours. I go to Vegas. It's five and a half
Starting point is 00:37:39 And I just want to shoot myself. That's crazy people like Bubba Yeah, they probably go to cow tipping imagine going car tipping How do they do that? No, that's a good point. Do you ever thought about that? I never actually thought about before I knew how much a cow weighed just now It's like, how do they tip them? They're like sleeping and you just have to book it and throw a shoulder into it and hope for the best It's not one person. It's like seven shoulders. Is it there's no way one person's tipping over you think you could tip over a car I mean
Starting point is 00:38:07 No, it probably hurt to even dent a car. Yeah, no, I mean like punch a car. Yeah, but a car isn't It's like wider so it has a better Balance or whatever. You know what I mean? So if they're skinnier and also they have like kind of little legs So I think if I give them a good push, whoa And they just hand on there's that or you dislocate your fucking shoulder or that Yeah, you stand there in pain. First of all, both my shoulders have been dislocated. I think actually my left shoulder hasn't so I'd have to go lefty I'm not I'm not it's not your strong arm. Yeah, it's not my strong arm. I'm not your strong arm I'm not fucking confident in me tipping a cow
Starting point is 00:38:43 But what happens when you go to cow tipping you tip and they fall over and then you just like You're all excited I think you just you're out and then some hit comes out of his fucking house with a shotgun Team competitions who could tip the most cows and serve around town I'm almost positive that has to happen in the middle of the country somewhere. If not, I hope they're watching an attempt I know there's like midget tossing or whatever What you know, oh now I'm about to educate you but it Midgets how much does a midget way?
Starting point is 00:39:15 No, but there is a midget tossing uh Competitions, I got a video right here. Look They got the dude strapped up in like a parachute thing. Do they get paid? That was a bitch ass toss. I was like three feet. I can throw my little cousin further than that. Yeah, what is that? That's terrible. That was really good. That guy's probably that's like the amateur competitions. Look for like professionals You know, it's crazy. All these guys have they were like bikers I mean like they look like
Starting point is 00:39:46 Sons of anarchy Well, he just tosses or the midgets. No, actually both But I feel like I don't know. They're gonna be pretty badass to be like, yeah, fucking toss me. Can a midget. Can a midget be In a biker game I mean, you just I guess I can imagine riding motorcycle. That's the other question That's a really good question
Starting point is 00:40:11 Have you ever seen a midget on a motorcycle? No, but they could get in that little pod Connected to the motorcycle. I think it's a booster seat for motorcycles Oh midget, isn't the one well little people little people dwarves Midgets is disrespectful I had no idea that midget was disrespectful. I thought that was just like a it's definitely little people a unit little people Yeah, little people I can't keep up
Starting point is 00:40:50 Oh, yeah, I feel like dwarf I thought like I feel like I hate to be called a disease imagine like hey cancer Yeah, I got fucked up. It's like no, I'm uh, my name's jeff. So You can just call me that but you have this disease. Yeah. Yeah, I guess I call like someone like based on their disease. Yeah, it's like, how you doing hepatitis? That's very nice Oh, shit. I just feel like If I call someone I feel like dwarf is more disrespectful I mean, I mean, I'm in no place to say which is what but I feel like dwarf is kind of like It sounds like little little people. Yeah, it was like the I don't know
Starting point is 00:41:28 There's still a show on tv where it's like the little people who have kids and the kids are like taller than the parents or whatever Yeah, yeah I forgot that's called. I haven't seen your little little big family Little people big world. Oh, there you go fucking kyle's killing it from the closet Crush it. Yeah, he's a big midget guy midget expert. Yeah dwarf. I'm sorry. Oh, no, but like I feel like dwarf is like It sounds like uh, like very lord of the rings And like gimmicky, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, hobbit too. Like that is clearly just stuff like
Starting point is 00:42:02 You know, I mean, but I don't know man. I think I'd rather be called a hobbit than a dwarf I feel like I would rather be called a midget if I was it Little person. Yeah Also, little person sounds like you like a kid ish I feel you know, I mean little kid little person little guy. Yeah, like I'm a fucking grown adult. Like don't try to You know what I mean? Call me. I don't know. Call me. I don't know. Uh But yeah, uh, so you're starting a youtube channel. Yeah, we're all this shit is gonna live, right? Yeah, do you know what you're calling that? I don't know. Uh, just my name max manikov. Just keep it kind of simple
Starting point is 00:42:37 So, uh So, are you gonna is this gonna be like one big ass documentary video or is it gonna be broken up? So i'm thinking since i'm going to so many cities so europe asia and africa is kind of Separated so starting off in spain, which is spain's huge. I always wanted to go there never been there Been to like a lot of south america though So i'm like excited to be able to talk spanish as we get fluidly easy to translate So I want to spend a lot of time out there And then portugal as well then go into morocco like marrakech casablanca
Starting point is 00:43:07 And then kind of just shooting up north all the way to like Stockholm, sweden So going through like france, switzerland, germany. Are you taking like a bunch of flights? Uh, probably not. I'll probably take like buses Jesus I'll probably take a flight back from Stockholm to get to like back to the mainland because Stockholm is It's like going to england practically. It's it's like separated from the rest of europe Right, so when I get to Stockholm, I might fly to Stockholm from germany. I guess when I get to the top Go out there come back and then go through like poland check republic all the way down to like italy greece
Starting point is 00:43:41 Maybe israel, I don't know This is a lot. Is it was it three months three and a half months. Yeah, do you have like any? Estimate of how much it's gonna cost honestly speaking it's I already have like the first 15 days paid for so I have spain morocco and uh Portugal paid for and it was not much like like I said, we're trying to do everything on the budget like we have more than enough saved up in case of emergencies, but We uh, we booked a car for our first 10 days going to live out of a car drive through all of spain
Starting point is 00:44:18 Uh, we have met tons of people in san diego. It is crazy how friendly people are compared to here. Yeah and we met these people from Switzerland and from germany and three different people live in three different parts of switzerland and they told us to visit them And we told them we're like look This is not one of those things. I know I know like most people would be like, yo come visit me out of court Like i'm gonna see you in switzerland all three of you and then we're gonna go to uh, germany That's awesome. I remember one time I was in a bar and we were watching a football game and somebody was wearing a mississippi state Uh shirt
Starting point is 00:44:51 This is when like dak prescott was in college and they were like making a run And he's in the bar with us and then my friend eric comes up to me mad drunk with this kid under his arm And he goes, bro, we're going to the national championship game when mississippi state gets there and we're staying at his house I was like, what? I'm not fucking staying at this random drunk kid's house. He's like a whole fucking torture plan ready Exactly. He's like, yes. So I was like, oh my god. So you're visiting all these people and fucking where's it stock home? Uh, yeah, I have two friends in stock home Uh, they we actually lived with them back in san diego. They're foreign exchange students
Starting point is 00:45:25 So they told us like we just like met a ton of people and then I have family in spain as well So we have like a lot of different places to stay Greece one of my friends is going to be out there when I visit So he was like, you could stay with me and my family. I was like, this is fucking amazing Met some girl from israel like really good friends with her now and going to be staying out in israel with her and then thailand and like all of southeast asia is kind of just Doing it, but it's so cheap That you don't really need a place to stay like you get at like a whole villa like a giant
Starting point is 00:45:57 Place yourself for like 10 bucks I swear to god, it's insane. Hey, we go later right now. Look it up right now an airbnb. It's fucking crazy Wait, we're going to airbnb right now airbnb. Yeah And where's this in thailand? Yeah, it's like giant villas like you could probably house 10 people And they're so cheap In the middle of the woods And it's only 10 bucks. Yeah, they're absolutely incredible I
Starting point is 00:46:22 Gotta look now. Oh, I gotta put in dates and shit Fuck a date just All right, here we go. Oh wow everything is under a hundred dollars everything everything This place is gorgeous Garden and Bangkok what These are these are homes sounds like a porno Garden and Bangkok garden of Bangkok. Yeah, I don't know this one beachfront condo
Starting point is 00:46:47 52 bucks It's crazy entire home apartment three bedroom penthouse with river view 120 bucks Well, you're looking at places where like people try to appeal to tourists like if If you go on there's other websites that my friends have like told me about that have traveled southeast asia You find even cheaper places people are legitimately like I will rent you my whole villa for $10 And they've stayed in them and it's awesome. I'm gonna get scuba dive certified as well Super random where in thailand. It's a hundred dollars in Bali
Starting point is 00:47:18 Like Indonesia It's a hundred going there too and they pay for your stay for three days So it's like for technically like i'm paying $30 a night to stay and then you also get scuba dive certified I'm probably never using it. I was gonna say the fucking you do it in my life, but it's it's it's a cool idea Just be like, yeah, I'm scuba dive certified. I think I see pictures for indonesia. It looks beautiful. Yeah, it's All of southeast asia is absolutely incredible Like the whole like elephant things like when you see people swimming with elephants and whatnot. That's all like northern thailand Uh, you can go to I heard taiwan is beautiful
Starting point is 00:47:50 It's it wasn't on my map, but a lot of people have been telling me I should definitely go to taiwan But i'm not hitting china or japan sadly Why? It's expensive like compared to the rest of southeast asia because I mean you had a tokyo and it's like It's meant for tourists to go there and it's super expensive compared to like the budget that we're working on Not to say that if at the end of my trip. I'm like, oh, I got an extra like $5,000 left. Let me go to tokyo for two days might as well, you know, but To start the trip. We're definitely not going to tokyo or nothing against it, but it's so expensive out there
Starting point is 00:48:24 Dude, that's fucking crazy. I can't wait for going to like this. I mean, my friend. We're just talking about today. We're like in four days I'm not gonna be home for almost four months And you're gonna be like all over the fucking place like, you know, and you like living out of a car and hoping you're not gonna die Sweet of the horn. Also, whatever places you're staying at Swingers, swingers and swingers a lot weirder. Probably a lot weirder Thailand's got a lot of She-mail hookers
Starting point is 00:48:55 I'm just like making that up. I feel like I'm being racist. No, there's definitely she-mail hookers. There's That's a solid guess. It's solid. I feel like that was a solid guess Yeah, I don't think that's on google, but You know, I know I know my she-mail hookers don't know how much a bull ways though. That's that's the trade-off there You know, you know, what how much a bull ways now? I know now. I can tell people I'm gonna ask people that. Did you know that? I'll fuck you Did you know a car away that much of Smart guys this guy does went to MIT
Starting point is 00:49:29 Pick a random at dolphin No one knows so much of dolphin ways I'm looking that up now. Now. I need to know. What are you guessing? Uh, I'm gonna I gotta go high now. I don't want to say 70 pounds. No, I would say I'm going 800. I'm going 500 Higher this is like the price is right Dolphin how much I got 501 I got one dollar at Andrew. How much does uh dolphin?
Starting point is 00:50:00 Way Dolphins way Where is it? Okay killer whales 8,000 or 12? It doesn't say Oh, here we go The bigger more moderate sized dolphin including the popular bottlenose dolphin, which as an adult weighs 300 to 400 pounds Boom the price is right
Starting point is 00:50:28 Come on down me. I got that one killer whales are heavy as fuck though Dude, do you want to know now? I want to know how much does a humpback whale weigh? I'm gonna go ahead and say 24,000 pounds. I'm gonna say a higher. Oh my god 50 66,000 pounds That is a lot 24 was a stretch of weight and that's a lot of British money as well
Starting point is 00:50:59 66,000 pounds. How much is the pound? Just crushing google right now. I'm gonna go ahead. I mean, it's fairly close You just have your question. Is it? I don't know another question. I don't I think we shouldn't stop All right. Anyway, um Where can uh people follow you or like do you have the youtube channel set up yet? Yeah, the youtube channel's up I put up like two drone videos Uh, just real simple just little snippets And then from there you're gonna start like the real vlogging and traveling out in uh overseas So what's your like twitter or like whatever that people could find you on find the youtube channel also
Starting point is 00:51:37 It's on my instagram. It's like a link on my instagram. It's m a x I i i m i l i a n max million is my name, but just three eyes. It was taken kind of sad Count this point a couple years ago. It's been like that for a while now. Yeah, uh, did you have to Like tell someone get off my name. No, no, right? My name is not common at all It's not like joe smith joe santa gato people don't even know how to fucking say it But you know like some people used to have like weird names and then They started blowing up and then they wanted to put their out just you know, well people buy shit They like
Starting point is 00:52:11 Like I had to do that for for like a website or something Like as soon as you start getting attention, they'll buy on the website and then they just hold it hostage like uh 400 bucks For the dot com like suck a cock. I'll change my name before I give you 400 My uh my friend owns a website. It's called a dog or muffin Dog or muffin eight dollars a year for it and it's literally pictures of dogs and muffins and you have to Choose which one is a dog or a muffin. They look pretty similar You should really look this up This is I really want you to look this up
Starting point is 00:52:43 Because when we found out wait, I've never made fun of someone wait He pays for this eight dollars a year. He pays eight dollars a year. Does he still run it? I fucking hope so dog or muffin. We found out about this in april dot com. No, it's not there Falling away. I'm gonna google dog or muffin Yeah, it was like pictures like that I don't see it. No, let's look at it. Some of those look like these are google images Oh, okay Oh
Starting point is 00:53:18 They do those are like chihuahuas and those are like blueberry muffins This was the entire website. That's it. It was just one picture. There was nothing else. No content My friend dakota actually helped my friend put like a ask a question Just to give it a little more attention No one asked a question man. No one's visiting dog or muffin. How much weed does that kid smoke? We're probably a fair amount. He drinks a fucking lot his brother So when I moved to san diego, this is how I knew these kids were real shit His brother's in like a punk rock band or whatever and he
Starting point is 00:53:50 Just he works in like a business field like a finance company. Oh insurance company And so he has like a way of the job, but he's like he does music and honestly he is the most Creative like off the top of the head kid ever if you just ask him the most random topic He'll give you anything anything and I've never not laughed Yeah, I mean with a yeah with a website like dog or we walked in and it was it was on and I asked him about it I was like, what is that and he's like, oh, it's I own this I've never been more surprised. I was like, what do you mean you own this website? He's like, yeah eight dollars a year Like made it sound like every penny made it sound like a bargain. He's like, it's like eight bucks a year
Starting point is 00:54:27 That's like you won't believe this steel Oh man, what a what a steel but his brother Probably about a month after living in San Diego. We threw Not a crazy party, but everyone got drunk and we chill at the house everyone went to sleep I woke up first one up. This kid is passed out on like the footrest Butt naked dick out dick out. I I have I have I put on my snapchat I put it back in like august and it was the funniest shit
Starting point is 00:54:59 I've ever walked out to because I walk in this is the last thing I'm expecting a dick Well, first of all, I look like a girl. He's very he's very long hair. He's like in a punk metal band So he has like long hair and all you see is like someone naked like and then hair just over the face and I was like Wait, that's a drunk bitch. Yeah Over and killed her, you know, so I like walk over full dick balls. I was like I was like, all right. I shouldn't have seen that but and First thing I did was knock on every I woke everyone up in the house. It's probably the most fucked up thing
Starting point is 00:55:34 Yeah, this is bad karma probably came my way. Yeah, but I woke everyone up I was like you guys have to see this everyone runs to the living room to like holy shit And it looked like I'm like there was Beers tipped over in the living room like there was shit everywhere because like I don't know what happened I went to sleep. I thought things were okay Woke up in that I said that I was like It must have been real rough Shit went down after hours. I've I've never seen drugs like I've seen them in
Starting point is 00:56:03 California It's crazy like out here like first time I saw cocaine. I was like I ran. Yeah practically ran over there. It's like Probably I have like 17 16 year olds like you run through some coke. You know, like what are you doing? No, I don't what are you? I just want to be here. I'm so okay. You got butt light instead Take it anything anything. Okay. Go go go. What are you talking about? I've I've seen kids walk into parties and take rooms It's nice. Um Would you ever want to stand like in a room on shrooms in a party? Like you're seeing like dragons
Starting point is 00:56:33 I don't even know like full of dragons Aren't you supposed to do that by your like with like a spotter and like a small room so you don't care yourself and shit like I mean, maybe if you take a shit time, I don't know these kids are probably experts But it's weird like I've walked into kitchens multiple times in california like a house party and people are just Doing bumps mad regular. I'm like This is odd. This is really weird I remember the first time I saw someone do cocaine. Actually, it wasn't cocaine. They were like Blowing pills up their nose. Jesus christ. I was just like what the fuck like I was just at this party
Starting point is 00:57:05 I was like it was regular whatever. I didn't even like drink at the time. Like I was mad young. I was like 16 I was like no, I was like 15 Yeah, I was like 15 years old and I was just like sitting there. This kid just puts a pill on the table I'm like, you see like offering that to me. I don't know what he says. I just like stood there and he starts crushing it I'm like, this is happening Snorts it and I'm like I'm kind of tired. So, uh, I gotta go home. No, I actually I no, I didn't know who the kid was But I heard that I mean
Starting point is 00:57:40 R. I. P. He ended up overdosing. Really? Yeah Damn, but not that night. But like yeah later on but like I feel like that had like kids that start so young doing Yeah, crazy shit like that. Like they don't think Anything's gonna happen after they do so many drugs and it's like, yeah, I'm gonna take 15 today Because 14 didn't do the job yesterday. It's like you just killed yourself. Yeah What that is insane, it's literally it's I'm like terrified at drugs. I'm absolute like I will smoke a little bit of weed and drink alcohol like
Starting point is 00:58:14 But the amount of drugs I've seen in california, it's scary And it's so accessible everyone knows someone that can get you like the crazy shit You ever heard a I'll say this before you say it. Nope DMT Oh, hey, I think I have heard of that. I suppose it's like the craziest drink of all time. I know ddp diamond owls page Dude, there was one kid in my high school one time. He was like, oh dude, you gotta do stuff I'm literally not making this up. I'm paraphrasing for the most part, but the words that I'm using are like Actual words. He was like, yeah, you take a banana peel and like, you know, like the soft shit on the banana peel scrape that off
Starting point is 00:58:55 This is real so far. Then he says put toothpaste on it And just he said something about a microwave and leaving it on your windowsill and letting it dry for like a couple of days And then you eat and you get so high I'm like, dude First of all, who the fuck thought of that? Second of all, you're eating a banana peel with two toothpaste on it. I mean the first guy that did that. Yeah Guys, I found out what gets you really fucked up Well, how many like, you know how much trial and error you have to go through like what else am I putting on this fucking man?
Starting point is 00:59:27 He's gone through everything. How'd you get to toothpaste? Like everything in the fridge already put Like, all right, everything in the living room, everything in the fridge. Let's go to the bathroom try shit over there But yeah, it was it's ridiculous. I'm just like, I can't do it, man I just want to just get me a fucking An IPA or something, you know, that's a IPA is a weird aftertaste, man Yeah, they are you gotta get used to them just like anything else. But anyway, we're gonna wrap this up So again, where can they find your what's your twitter? Uh, twitter is my name max million. I'm a x I m i l i a n underscore 17
Starting point is 01:00:03 And then your instance and then they they can find the youtube channel through there, right? Yeah, well I prefer if they want on the instagram because I already have the little snippets on the instagram So you guys could check them out. It'd be hard to find on twitter because I I was retweet random shit, man twitter's the best It's the funniest of the funniest shit. Nice for you. All right. Well, that is all Um, if you guys aren't watching this you can go to slash basement yard and sign up Uh, use the promo code basement for a free month and it's only six dollars a month after that otherwise
Starting point is 01:00:39 Whatever, I don't even know where I was going with that to be honest with you Uh, stick around for the extra yard me and max are doing some shit. I don't really know what's going on yet Maybe we'll make that drug that I was just talking about with the banana peels and the toothpaste We're gonna google the recipe. I've been googling googling everything on this fucking show, but that is all We'll see you next time

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