The Basement Yard - How Much To Get Pooped On?

Episode Date: June 4, 2018

On this episode, @FAlvarez8085 & @TheLambShow come on to talk about how much money It would take to let someone poop on you.. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I'm joined by Frankie and Nick the hoist with the moist What I'm trying to get it going. I don't know trying to get what going the new intro. Yes one more time Like you're gonna be like welcome back to the base me. I'd I am Joe Senegato your hoist with the moist Let's like agree to never Again, that'd be nice. I'm so down. So your jaw like unhooks and gets like a very like a big underbite Welcome. I don't know why I went like that. Yeah, so it's weird to see I'll be honest with you We should have started this podcast about two hours ago But Frankie was chasing the UPS truck the whole time. Well, you both were chasing it. Yeah, he had no choice
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yeah, it was the ride over here. You're sending videos into the group chat like fucking like Frank's like so the problem is UPS trucks are brown and the bricks in this neighborhood are also brown. So they blend in it's hard to find the trucks I'm just saying camouflage. He's like, yes. Yes exactly camouflage. Well, it was tough It was a very elusive truck. Well, let's just give some context here There was a package showing up to Frankie's house and he fucking missed it Yeah, we went out to lunch and that's when it came when we came back to your place And we were gone literally up the block and I said that I was like, yo, I want it like it usually gets here between 1 and 2 We left it like 1 15. Yeah, and then we come back and it's gone like the guy left a note and the note
Starting point is 00:01:26 Doesn't even say like oh like we'll be back tomorrow or blah blah blah. It just says your name and the date. That's it It's like, yo, this is you. This is your name. Here's today. Why would what the point was the point of that? No fucking clue. They use it like he's right. They'll say be back try again later tonight or Post office. Yeah. Yeah. So at least like give me some sort of info. So that's why I'm fucking Tracking these damn people down. Yo, no lie. We stood out We we found one and it was like we had a homerun. Oh my god. Yo, there it is And then we stalked the dude Yo, he was on his lunch break. Yeah, yo, we waited outside on a restaurant
Starting point is 00:02:06 You guys are just no like camouflage stayed about he was at so we we see it in front of Shaw's On 21st Avenue. Yeah, and I'm like, all right. So I go into the deli. He's not there And I didn't even like we walked in like just me sir No, I like opened the door and I like looked in and then he went down down trade fair And then he saw him you were popping into every store. Yeah I literally look into Rocko's and there he is putting fucking grated cheese on his pizza and then Frank He's like, yo, I found him. I'm just gonna wait until he finishes eating. You know what up to him Not when he's eating. Yeah, it's not Tom Cruise. It's a male man. They're more volatile
Starting point is 00:02:44 What makes you say that he could have just simply I gotta piss them off and he's trying to eat and he could be like No, I don't have your fucking thing and not like that's true. You know, yeah That's the same thing that you always said about interrupting someone at the gym when they're working out. Yeah Yeah, I don't like that like certain intimate setting. That's how he explained it to me Yeah, let them do their thing. But yo, what was great was we're stalking this dude and the whole time I'm wondering. Are you even allowed to just take a package of even if it's yours? Yeah, I never knew that Yeah, I don't think you can every driver. We stopped about three drivers every time I'm like, yo, did you ask him if it's even doable? He's like, nope
Starting point is 00:03:17 I didn't ask him and you know why I didn't because on the bar code like on the piece of paper It has a barcode and it says like scan your delivery and They're supposed to scan it in so it says like oh you missed it It'll be back tomorrow when you check it like when you track it and they didn't fucking do that Right this guy literally just put the date my not even my whole name my last name just like a real piece of shit He's what Alvarez and then didn't scan it in So I had no clue what was going on
Starting point is 00:03:46 So I told all the guys like no like I checked this number and he didn't scan it. He's like, oh, that means I did They didn't wait. Hold on. What did this conversation like how'd that go when he walks out of Rocco's because I know you're right there right there Excuse me, sir. No, I'm so I live over on I was leaning up on his truck Yeah Yeah You're like excuse me the whole time I'm saying to myself There's no way we're coming to your podcast because this kid's gonna get arrested. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:11 Like there has to be something that's illegal about that entire situation. I mean you definitely can't stalk people Yeah, no, I don't think it was stalking like I used evidence to find them Yeah, I think down UPS trucks You don't want to be found don't be in a big giant brown fucking van Wait, but didn't also you were following a truck and then you lost it well So that was after the first yeah, you guys aren't really good at this No, we are pretty good this kid almost killed us just does a u-turn on dip Mars Boulevard You know, I it's a shit show go in both directions. Normally. I'm a pretty like safe conservative driver
Starting point is 00:04:43 I not today. No care and the whole time we're saying yo worse comes to worse. We just tell him we need this Yeah, I need this bad. You don't understand every person I went up to we went up to we've been chasing you guys all day We went up to know we did we went up to three different drivers and we lost one and we lost one who might have been the one That we found at the end. We don't know. Yeah, that's true. Oh, I hope it was the one that way Yeah, I think about it a lot I've been thinking about it since But and I said to the guys like listen like I need this now Like so if you have it and all them at as soon as they fucking started they were like nope not me
Starting point is 00:05:16 Nope, they saw like the handwriting. They're like nope. No, no, no, no, no So I was just like what the fuck I was getting pissed. Apparently. There's a fucking UPS truck for every block in New York I'm so confused because I feel like if I tried right now to go find three UPS trucks I wouldn't be able to find them you would be surprised the guy told us that they It was for three blocks like each driver. So I'm telling Franky. I'm like, yeah, how many of these guys are there? I didn't for UPS but FedEx and all that. Yeah, the first guy's like all I only do from Here to the airport and I'm like, all right, let's drive back that way see if we can find someone We found another guy and he's like, oh, I don't do that route
Starting point is 00:05:53 And it was like after it was from like what like 38th Street to like 31st or something like that Yeah, going down towards so that's the guy that told me he's like there's a guy that does 46 47 48 49 Street and I'm like that's fucking that's us. Yeah, so we're we're driving We have a plan. We're like, yo, we're gonna look down this road I'll look down this road like we'll go up 46 down 47 like fucking snaking our way through and then we're like we don't find it We're like, all right fucking and finally we found someone and it's on 49th in between 49th and Hazen and the guy's like, no, that's that that's the guy next to me
Starting point is 00:06:29 I'm like, what he's like, this is my my like cutoff dude I have never heard of anyone needing a package this bad Do you understand? You know what it is and once the world knows what it is they'll understand You got to tell me I think everyone's just thinking it's just like a giant dildo floppy dildo custom. I mean That has some medical use so I could understand what medical use dude. You're gonna tell look. I'm not a there's literally zero Medical first of all in like the 20s They used to use like vibrators and dildos on women to like like a leviate stress and like like psychosis I'm gonna need to hear more of that. Yeah, this can't be true. I swear wait
Starting point is 00:07:12 So if a girl was like, yeah, I'm going insane. I'm just like I'm going psycho. Yeah the solution in goes The suction cup they just like in goes the wet wabbit. The excuse me. It's a it was an infomercial. I saw it Danny The wet wabbit. Yeah for a dildo. Yeah, you watched a dildo infomercial. It was on TV. This gets deep There's layers to this story. I didn't even know that that was possible or a solution back It was on TV and Danny and I were drunk. I didn't know they had dildos in the 20s I thought they just had like wooden things. They had vibrating dildos, but didn't they like play with tops? rabbit rabbit vibrators buy the wet wabbit and they were both spelled with W's. It's very important to know that wait. Is it wet?
Starting point is 00:07:54 I Think that's what it helps with when was it created? I mean, it's recent. No, I know but we're talking about I want to that's the That's definitely a dildo. That's for sure. That's all right I'm gonna look up like no Pawn just tell no because you already started this shit So you have to have some sort of background information in the 20s and he must have looked into it had to yeah 20s. There's vibrators Yeah, of course What is off course? I didn't know they had electricity. I thought we were still Amish. No, no in the 20s. There was electricity. No Vibrators candles back then. Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:28 I'll look that up lanterns You're googling psychosis and vibrators man invented vibrators because doctors were tired of giving orgasms. Wait, wait Put your phone down and let's just think about this that statement is without information Doctors are tired of giving orgasms. Are you telling me that back in the day when women would come into the doctor's office? Like, you know, I just been really stressed. I'm starting to get some they had the solution. They were just fucking them. Yeah Yeah, or just like like they're like that this story is like they would come in for like being like hysteric and The doctor would be like, I know how to clean. I know how to fix this up without drugs slap the glove on. Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:15 And yeah There's your solution. Did you just actually read that though doctors? No, I'm tired of giving That's what the headline is but I I've heard of this before I Feel like he's making this up Article fucking right now now granted is from the internet. So everything needs to be taken with a granny salt But this is a newspaper clipping from 1906 It's great the Barker vibrator enables you to enjoy massage at home invigorates the nerves and entire system benefits the complexion and scalp and Banishes soreness that doesn't look like a good time. You have to look at this picture. It looks like one of those old-timey phones. Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yo First of all, this looks like those things that cats climb on like catnip. No, the catnip that they don't climb on it They get high off. You know what you're talking about climb and they're like made out of like wool or whatever Yeah, yeah, like the little towers. Yeah. Yeah, why is this thing so tall? Because the technology back then to make something vibrate. I guess there's a lot different. Yo, this is fucking crazy I can't believe you guys didn't know this. No, I had no idea. I didn't know that they were wrong back then I thought this is like and they made like homemade ones because there have been sex toys around from like like 200 BC, but yo 1906 you just don't have the technology or the like
Starting point is 00:10:36 Sanitary Things I don't even know if I'm correct right now. I just can't imagine there being like, you know in black and white times This is from vice, which I think we could say like vice is fairly credible, right? Yeah Over 100 years ago The vibrator was invented to relieve doctors whose fingers were frequently cramped from treating hysteria Afterwards became a popular household appliance to help women get off on their own Yo, do you know how much fingering has to go on for you to be like? Yeah, dude, I am blown away. How many you think a day?
Starting point is 00:11:13 Apparently all of them My 9 a.m. Is coming They definitely enjoyed work, I mean but as much as you get great women, I feel like fingering would get old little quickly Yeah, that's like Like is like filling a hole for them like fingering for them is just like putting your finger in like goop. I Don't know goop is but I'm saying like Yo, just think about that there had to been so much fingering back in the day That doctors got together and they're like we gotta figure something out
Starting point is 00:11:48 Because this is getting out of hand again. I can't shake in and bugging out. Yo, do you think like I wish you could be in that meeting Where they were just when do we stop practicing this by the way? Why do they stop going like You know what? Maybe kind of weird. The doctor shouldn't be fingering maybe like the 50s because Up until then it was like commercials for like cigarettes like smoke one for in front of your baby. It's good for them Give it to your kid. It's a smoke on a plane and shit too. Yeah I mean, this isn't the most ridiculous tactic to help
Starting point is 00:12:19 De-stress people. I just don't get The logic of I'm stressed out Like yo, you can do it. You're like we've been masturbating way longer than 100 years ago Also, how lame was sex back then that they had to go to the doctor to get off like they're their significant other couldn't Or they couldn't do it themselves Had to be like strictly missionary back then probably And like legs wrapped around and like hugging and a lot of bush
Starting point is 00:12:47 Yeah, that's fine I'm just I'm saying like a lot. Yeah. Well, I mean obviously for sure That's why there was this is cool until the until the end and everything's just like Now we're all sweaty and it's a mess. No, you know, yeah, exactly. But um Yeah, so what were we? Well, it was not a deal. Your package was not a deal though It was not a deal. I totally forgot what we were talking about. I was like, how are we gonna bring this back? How are we gonna get out of here? I didn't get a dildo. What'd you get? It was stuff to play fortnite
Starting point is 00:13:16 Oh the gaming pc. Yeah Yeah, we all started we all started making uh twitch accounts and we've been streaming first of all that shit is so fucking fun Yo, it's it's incredible. I cannot even begin to explain So for those of you who don't know Like if you go to or like download the fucking app, it's like Well, yeah, my voice cracked. Yeah that time if you download the app, it's just like uh live streaming app But you for the most part play games on it, whatever. Well, that's how it blew up. It was for gaming. It was for gaming
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yeah, yeah, so we just go on and we like play game and it's like for Kids who are like serious gamers are like nasty and we all just go on and we just like fuck around on xbox live parties And it's it's a lot of fun, uh, but Yeah, frankie was buying the pc so he could start streaming on his account And I guess you missed that and I know how obsessed you are With fortnight and you with yeah, I I Recent not recently about a month ago. I hit you guys up 25 hours No, I'm going on two days since I played and I have 49 yesterday before we started recording vm
Starting point is 00:14:17 I'm like, yo, I can't do this. I need to like run a solo on your account or something That's why you gotta download on your phone. I can't do that I play it so much already that if I have it on my phone, I'm gonna be a mess. It's bad Yeah, it'd be even worse than now, but I hit you guys up and I was like, yo, I gotta tell you guys something I've never been more obsessed Over a girl or anything in my life. Like this video game and the way he said it. He's like guys It's bad. You know, he was like guys. This is bad. I have never been this upset. I've never felt this way before I'm like nick
Starting point is 00:14:47 Relax, yo, it is I I think that I think that the colors of the game There has to be something in that like Beyond something the colors. Yeah, no. I think he's onto something like yo think about it What video game in the past we've been playing video games for years Yeah, some of the best moments of my life have been on the xbox live party. I promise I'm not lame But he's had a girlfriend. Yo, it's just It's a mad good time when you're playing video games, right? But these colors is mad like fluorescent colors and shit and it's just so bright where I I swear to you
Starting point is 00:15:18 I know I'm not a conspiracy guy, but I think there's something in the graphics that like just keep you glued, bro I think so. I mean that's hilarious. Like, yo, look at cod cod is all like very like Like sepia tone fucking colors sepia sepia sepia I don't know I'm glad you asked because I was lost. Sepia was not sepia was sepia sepia sepia brown Yeah, it's it's mostly brown. It's like it doesn't pop off the screen tones Like it doesn't look fun like it looks fun. Yes, but it's not like you're looking at it like whoa Like this is amazing and it also looks a little realistic too. Yeah with this one's
Starting point is 00:15:55 Clearly cartoon. Yeah. Yeah. Well when we downloaded the game It was Danny and I were on xbox and we were getting ready to play a few cod matches But it was like a fucking like cod has those updates where it takes nine years Yeah, and I was like, yo, this game is free. Do you want to try it out? Like everyone's talking about it Let's fucking try. Why not? And he's like, yo, honestly, I'd rather try pub g player unknown battleground Because he's like I like that like realistic looking stuff like I don't like this cartoony looking shit And it's similar to cod pub g in a sense. Yeah, and then we downloaded it and it's been no hold bars No holds barge. Yeah, we're fully addicted to fortnight. It's not good, but like
Starting point is 00:16:34 I literally try to figure out why That's the case. I think it's just because it's the last man standing thing. It's like hard to win It is because we've played cod and we've gone on winning streaks Where it's like, yo, we we're not getting off until we lose like when we lose I'm getting off and we'll end up playing for another two hours. I almost feel like if you're really good at fortnight It's probably less fun I don't like if you won all the time. I I don't think it would feel like it would lose Yeah, I mean and then it's not fun to watch those people because it's like, you know, what's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:17:06 Yeah, you know what I mean like the people that are streaming like ninja myth all those like big time Yeah, people watch streamer. Yeah, people watch them because they're ridiculous. Yeah, that kid ninja is fucking cashing out right now Oh my god, would you say the other day he said in his stream that he had how many subscribers? I think it was like Well, I think over 200,000. Yeah, he's making 800,000. That's what the number was that we came Yeah, he's making 800,000 dollars a month off of subscribers and that's not including like donations and shit That's 800,000 dollars a month dude tier one subscription is five bucks five bucks So you get half of that right? Yeah, so just think of if they're all tier ones That's 400,000 dollars off subscriptions right there. Uh, excuse me 100,000 dollars off subscription
Starting point is 00:17:50 No, 400,000 dollars off. I was right the first time off subscriptions a month alone And then tier three is what like 1499 or something like that. I think three is oh no 24 24 99 Yeah That's insane. Yeah, and it's crazy. Like this is catching on. He's probably making like he's making easily a million dollars a month Off of this shit. I don't know. I mean, it's insane. I would love to see like Donations are those tax like those taxable? Yeah, which is which is bullshit. So I've I already so if I give you money you need to claim it. Yeah Which is garbage. Yeah, I guess because it's like that's trash. Yeah, that's terrible
Starting point is 00:18:29 Because gift like cash and gifts are supposed to be non not taxable income But through this it is That sucks we we got to talk about this game because it's literally everywhere You see athletes doing the celebrations everyone's playing fortnight people are complaining about kids in school That's all they're talking about. There's only two kinds of people that aren't playing fortnight It's the people that either don't play video games at all or it's the people that are just like I'm not fucking doing that. I'm just like it's mainstream. Yeah, like boss. Yeah, like boss
Starting point is 00:19:01 Boss loves watching it, but won't download it and play it. I'm like, yo, you have so much pride. You're not cool And it's Completely free. Yeah, you don't need to put a penny. That's like a big ass ad. Yeah So hold on question. Do you think that that's one of the reasons why this game is so big 100%? Because it's free. Um, I don't know. It's a yo, it's a trick It's free to play anyone could go play the fact that it's readily accessible to anyone It gives them the the opportunity to try it. You know what I mean? Like pub g you want to try it 50 bucks for the game, you know what I mean? You can't just like download it down. I didn't know that
Starting point is 00:19:33 I thought that that was free. No pub g is not free And then everything in the game is cosmetic. So you'll download the game and be like, wow, it's awesome. This is free Oh my god. Look, it's 2000 v bucks for a fucking skin where you look like a Yeah, and super powered fucking venus flytrap or whatever. Yeah, and skins for for those people that might not know It's like the costumes basically and then all the funny dances you could buy those also No, and it's all there's nothing that gives you an edge over anyone You might have a dope skin and dope dances, but that makes you know better than someone that doesn't have that stuff I don't know. I just feel like it, uh
Starting point is 00:20:09 I I don't really know too much about like games like that or anything. I know that like There was a there was a game that was very similar. I forget the name But it was like h1n1 h1z1 h1z1 h1n1 swine flu. That's the swine flu So there was that game that's kind of like very similar I What drew me to it? It was just that it was hard to win and like you just want to come in first Yo, the first time I won I screamed like I almost passed out. I was so I was I was mad hype I almost passed out and I feel like it's like heroin like now you're chasing the
Starting point is 00:20:41 Chasing the dragon chasing the dragon. It's like, yo, I need to get that high again And yo, that was the other thing we were talking about how we play you guys make fun of me because I had game fly Because yeah, no, we didn't make fun of you for having game five We made fun of you for always reminding us that you had game I had game fly because you know, we would buy madden in august and come september We're playing a different game. I just spent 70 dollars on a video game. So I'm like, you know, I'm just gonna rent them That's smart, right? But this game I've been playing in non-stop since I think the end of january
Starting point is 00:21:07 Every I haven't played anything else Many I played other stuff, but I played the show. Yeah, I played the show. Yeah. Well, I don't have another system Yeah, I played that man. I've been playing got a war which Fuck you um, but It's just it's so good and it now has Like the machine behind it because if you think about it twitch is probably making so much more money Because of fortnite and twitch is backed by amazon. So they're selling that shit like fucking crack. Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:37 and I think like They do a good job with like marketing and stuff too Yo, I don't see any commercials or anything. Well, they're not doing commercials Like I've seen like youtube ads of them doing fortnite now too, but I think subtle things like when when you look at What marketing even means now, right subtle marketing in my opinion is like the greatest We were just talking about this, right? So less is more the instagram account instagram is huge right now and everyone is always posting like clips of like fortnite whatever And by the way, you guys can go follow that mf gaming team
Starting point is 00:22:10 Let's go got some clips from all of us do it first of all going on that account and just watching keith is worth it Alone and then with everything else in there. Trust me the rest of us exist too. Yeah I'm watching keith go. Fuck And I can't wait for him to scream suck my dick and then my mom yells down the stairs Shut the fuck up. It's gonna be my favorite. Anyway, uh, they see that right? I think that because you ever see those videos where it's like, yo, there's like three gold scars here Yeah, that in itself is like let's do that every so often because that's gonna make it on the internet Or let's throw a certain things in the game on purpose because people are gonna
Starting point is 00:22:45 Take this and put it on social media or whatever and it's kind of like subtle in that way And then when you then they did the fucking thing with uh marvel With Thanos and shit like that was huge and that movie is probably gonna be like one of the highest-grossing movies ever Closing it on two billion dollars That's absurd two billion with a b And and nowadays people say a lot of people are saying that they don't even go to movies Like that's like a a new thing that a lot of people don't go to movies. Yeah. Yeah. I mean video games are taking over
Starting point is 00:23:14 It used to be like a fucking ordeal to have to get them Like I remember literally do you remember when you would have to wait actually until fucking midnight on a monday night to get a video game? Now you get it digitally downloaded onto your fucking your console and then as soon as it turns midnight It's just ready to go Also the people that own these like shady video game spots not like game stop or eb games Like the big chains the franchises and shit, but the one you know, like the neighborhood video game store Yo, you want you want mad in three days before? Yeah. Yeah. Give me like 10 10 bucks extra. Yeah, you're like, yeah, let's go. Fuck it. Don't play it online. It's my mom. Don't play it online
Starting point is 00:23:52 That was the thing they would always tell you don't play it online. We'll get in trouble Play that shit online immediately What's your favorite video game of all time? I can't pick one. I'm gonna cheat. I'm gonna pick a series Grand Theft Auto Without a doubt. I my junior year As Dominic
Starting point is 00:24:10 I cut school for an entire week to play Grand Theft Auto. You cut school for an entire week I had told my mom that I was not going to school that whole week I might have went monday because I had to go pick up the game from Steinman And then I didn't go to school the entire week at all. I had told her months. Which one was this? I think it was it was Grand Theft Auto 4. Yeah, which one is that? St. Andreas. No, that was new york. That was the last new york one. Oh, so it goes three Nicolabella. Yes. So yes three vice city San Andreas 4 or 5 vice city's fire My first memory of Grand Theft Auto was you had Grand Theft Auto 3 on PlayStation 2 and you go to your house
Starting point is 00:24:47 and I remember We would be playing the game like in your living room But we had to like play it quietly because your like parents like Like they liked it, but they didn't really know what it was right and they let you play it And I remember there was like a girl walking across street and Grand Theft Auto a big thing behind it It's just running around and just fucking aimlessly like just like shooting massive amounts of people Yeah, and I remember I was just like kill that whore And like you were like, oh shut up. I never fucking forget that
Starting point is 00:25:13 Dude that that game when you really think about it like I would never let my kid play that It's insane. There was a match going on. You could pick up like prostitutes and shit. Yeah, you pick up prostitutes Moving around. Yeah, you you'd get your ds. Yeah, you can get your dick sucked Yeah, your money would start going down as the longer she's in the club. You remember that your health would go up too? Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then like you would what I would do is then I would kill her after she did that and then take the money Yeah You know that game was so fucked up And I also would be like one of the most fun things to do in Grand Theft Auto is just like get chased by the cops
Starting point is 00:25:45 So you just take your car just drive it on the sidewalk I remember I remember in Grand Theft Auto vice city There was a cheat where you get the tank and anyone you run into with the tank they blow up blow up Yeah, and you just turn like the rocket thing around so when you shoot it like propels you forward So i'm just fucking racing and I have like five stars at this point That's when they bring out like the tanks as well the helicopters No, she was mad fine, but there's like a thing. It's like Technically you don't need to kill anyone to win the game
Starting point is 00:26:17 It's like you can like go along and just like follow the missions and not kill anyone and still win It's just a lot harder. Yeah killing people's fun. Dude, so do What was wasn't there a game that there was a controversy behind wasn't it there that cod Well, yeah cod modern warfare 2. I believe there was that level where you go into an airport with like russian, I think it was like russian terrorists and You just like open fire on these people in I think it was in france And a lot of people called for it to be banned because it was very like this is promoting like mass shootings and stuff
Starting point is 00:26:52 And they said they were like play the level again. You don't need to shoot anyone To fucking win the like to beat the level and it was like wow, that's fucked up like There's a lot of shit with those games Like I remember remember the whole hot coffee thing when you would fucking there was a mission in san andreas where you would get fucked What like hillary clinton wanted to ban video games or some shit? It's called like Everyone would always blame gta for anything that would go on people are still doing it Yeah, and we've been playing video games our whole life and we've never thought of doing anything is yeah
Starting point is 00:27:23 I don't really like see that as like a connection honestly It makes zero sense because yeah because like I played all those games like all and I've did I've done the worst things in those games that you could possibly do where I'm just like Yeah, I'm just gonna spray all these innocent people on the sidewalk to get all the weapons Yeah, and just like shoot rockets at people and it's like I'm clearly we're just you know It's it's it the reasoning is fucked up. So I think the terminology for it is like inductive reasoning So they're saying like here are these like mass shooters
Starting point is 00:27:55 All of them have played video games video games are what has something to do with it when you need to really take the Mass population that actually plays video games and see how many of them go and commit these crimes Yeah, where it's like 0.0000001 Percent so it doesn't fucking make sense and people just to push their own agenda Just blame different things instead of saying like maybe we're fucked up as a country I also kind of think though like a game like GTA is a bit much for like an eight-year-old Yeah, like my parents are probably irresponsible Yeah, well then that's on them parents suck. That's what happened. Yeah. Whoa
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Starting point is 00:29:09 will even help you decide the best class of mail based on your needs. No need to lease an expensive postage meter What is a postage meter and there is no long-term commitments? I used to use back in the day when I was shipping out merch. I've said this all the time when I do this It's it's very simple. I don't do too much Mailing at the moment But when I would have if I have to ship anything or if one of my family members have to ship anything Everything's done with My sister's always sending back shit that she's buying on the internet because she buys everything and uh
Starting point is 00:29:42 She uses It's just it's very simple. You print it. You do it at home and then you just that's it um And right now You can enjoy service with a special offer that includes a four-week trial plus postage and a digital scale You can just go to click on the microphone at the top of the home page and type in basement that Click on the microphone at the top of the home page and type in Basement this is the easiest way to send your mail. Okay Not to mention it's the most convenient. I'm right. That's that's there's no question. Okay. It never closes
Starting point is 00:30:17 It's a website. You could print postage at like 2 a.m. If you wanted to I don't know what you'd be mailing at that time But you could do it if you wanted to so again Click the microphone at the top of the home page and type in basement anyway What what's uh, what's your pick? Favorite video game of all time boy. I mean, I've been very uh Supportive of the batman arkham stuff. I've been very supportive of bio shock If you guys have never played bio shock the bio shock series is fucking amazing
Starting point is 00:30:45 But if I can narrow it down to one I fucking love banjo kazooie Oh N64 dude banjo kazooie is so fucking fire or like but it's n64. Yo dude n64 was heat Yo, n64. I never owned me neither. Probably my favorite system. I don't know how that makes sense I've never I don't think I've ever even played a game on n64. You're missing out on so much It's kids line smash brothers That's not that was the first one. That's like dream game cube. Well, there was the original smash brothers from nintendo 64 But then I never I've never played that like mario party never played mario kart all those games
Starting point is 00:31:20 They all came out on gamecube. Those are super nintendo. Well, there's super nintendo. They had some for 64 Yeah, I didn't play 64 dude 64. You're missing out like I had I had uh Super nintendo and then it was playstation 1 playstation 2 and then the xboxes. Yeah, I had My father had nes I never had super nintendo, but espo had it And we used to play it in connecticut all the time and then n64 playstation playstation 2 gamecube Uh xbox xbox 360. So what the fuck is your favorite one? Oh console. Oh, no banjo kazooie
Starting point is 00:31:54 Dude banjo kazooie is so fucking good. Like it's hard. It's fun. The colors pop. I saw you like two weeks ago You were on it dude. I have it on my xbox and it's so fucking fun. It is so fun What about you metal gear solid really the first one? Fucking metal gear started was amazing. I think it was like the first game that we bought with the playstation We were deciding between two games and we asked some dude. We're like, yo Like which one should we get and he's like, well, if you like Uh shooter games get metal gear solid. I was like, fuck. Yeah. Remember the good old days when games Remember memory cards with like oh, wow. You're gonna get memory cards the same shit. I remember they came with demo discs
Starting point is 00:32:33 But hold on that. Wow. Yeah, the memory card was like your life revolver on this. Yes. Where the fuck's my memory card? Dude, I still have my name on it. I still have a gamecube memory card Oh It's because it only child only child. He's put his initials on it. No, but I would go to some of my fucking Yeah, of course he did. She's sneaking in saving games Uh, dude, that shit was like Such a simpler time cartridges were just you fucking pop them in every now and then you blow in them Which you're not supposed to do because it actually fucks them up. Really? Yeah, I was blowing into those things. Dude, me too
Starting point is 00:33:07 I was fucking I that's where I learned Yeah And also, weren't you not supposed to clean your disc? I've cleaned I've done the worst stuff There was like thing it was you had a you had a machine. I didn't friend. You had a horrible machine He had this thing that you would take the disc and you put it in and it would spin it and clean it I remember I went to like game stop and they were like, oh if your disc is scratched Turn a sock inside out and then and then with like rubbing alcohol rub from the inside out and it fills the scratches And it was like I did it
Starting point is 00:33:38 Didn't fucking didn't fucking work that definitely ruined your game And then you would have to go and buy no one not only that but yo, how devastating was it when your game stopped working disc era was a I was like Because you were never getting that game again. Your mom's like, I don't give a fuck The most stressful shit was like when PlayStation 2 started up and it was like it like started and then you waited for it to like You know what I mean? Like I like go through and like start the game up and it would just kind of just like idle there at that like opening screen
Starting point is 00:34:07 Like the loading screen. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah terrifying Absolutely terrifying. I miss playstation 2. Do you have playstation 4? A lot of the games you can get on your playstation. It's not the same Spyro collection coming out. Spyro! Spyro was dope. Yo, that game was so good. Spyro collection is coming out soon Better get on it. I'm definitely getting that better get on it. Keith crushed spyro Like he was nasty at those always fucking crash bandicoot too Crash bandicoot collection on ps4 Oh, yeah, I was seeing gameplay from that and I'm like this looks like a lot harder than I it was fucking tough And donkey kong. Danny brought that thing over that had like the super nintendo. Is it still here? I'm gonna steal it
Starting point is 00:34:48 I don't know, but the dog. Yeah, I saw that thing the donkey kong Level where you're in the the fucking cart and you have to jump from track to track Mad hard. Yo impossible Impossible the one of the hardest games I've ever played was fucking lion king on the super nintendo What yo, I never played there's a lion king video game. Yo impossible Okay, impossible The like first level you got to fucking fight like nine hyenas Bedtime for frank and then the next level
Starting point is 00:35:18 I didn't know they had a game for that. It's like a puzzle that you need to solve To this tune of just can't wait to be king great song And it's like you need to scream at monkeys to make them like flip a certain way and like jump on giraffe heads Fuck yo, it fucked me up that game. Yo, how difficult is it to text while playing video games? Oh, I've given that up I gave it up. I mean or like call games like call of duty though You like you have like a good minute and a half To like yeah to the next game game loads as soon as games start though
Starting point is 00:35:48 I literally forget that I'm even if someone was breaking into my house And the game had already started just keep give take what you need You got 10 minutes before the game's over. So first of all, you can't hear shit either because of the headphones We have we all have the turtle beach covers. Yo, it's crazy. Yeah, like my mom will call from downstairs Nothing like you said the house could be burning It wouldn't matter and I have I left the door open because on wednesday nights When I stream the twins come and record brodo And I left he's like, yo, I'm on my way there. I'm like, all right, so I went down. I left the door open
Starting point is 00:36:21 I'm playing also on a field of hand on my shoulder. I was like They were like next to me. I didn't hear any of it like them come in them walk up to me I didn't hear anything. Did you put his hand on my shoulder? It's scary. Yeah, that's scary. Shit I I when I'm in video game mode like I don't want to like If if I'm not like trying to like talk to you on twitch, leave me the fuck alone Like I feel bad because like I'll get phone calls and I'll just be so angry It could be anyone it could be my mom my dad my girlfriend. So it's like you just won $10,000. It's like I'm like, yo, come on stop and it's like people know when I'm playing video games. They just call me
Starting point is 00:36:56 Yeah, let me ask you a question. What video game makes you the most angry call of duty. Yeah call of duty I I like I because when it gets bad in call of duty, it gets bad Like you go like nine straight deaths you yet Nothing is more infuriating than a fucking throwing knife Being thrown across a map and landing on your toe and killing you Yo infuriating I have fucking flipped out playing that game Well, we make fun of you for the rage quit. I rage quit constantly. You know when it's coming We'll look and we're like, yo, how are we losing and then this kid's game attack
Starting point is 00:37:30 He's one and eight and we're like, all right. See you later, Joe. Or like I know what it's coming now, too We're like, we'll be playing I'll go guys. This is the one Because I'll start like at the last game we'll do bad and then I'll I'll come to the next and go 012 like real fucking there was Yo, there was one match where our team was winning no joke by like 20 to 30 kills and there was like A minute left and you were like four kills under a one a 1.0 kd Which means the same amount of kills the same amount of deaths You were like four and eight and you were like
Starting point is 00:38:02 Rage quit gone I can't and I was just like, yo, we were winning it drives me insane. It really drives me insane there was one time I went one in 20 And I was playing with to like set a record. I was like, yo, I'm gonna die like 30 times Yo, nothing's what nothing makes you feel Like a piece of shit more than when you let your team down Yeah, it's like, y'all we lost by one or two kills and then you look at one and 18 One and 12 you're like, sorry guys. Yeah that game also like really gets you angry at people
Starting point is 00:38:29 Like your own friends I can't tell you how many times I've cursed our own friends out while we're playing because we'll lose by exactly like that Like two kills Yo, I can't play with this person ever again. It'll be like, yo, devino went like four and 19 And we'll be like, yo, get him the fuck off xbox. Yeah Get away Go get the fuck out. I literally I said I was like, I will never play Call of duty with ferg or devino ever again
Starting point is 00:38:52 Do you remember danny some kid was seemed like socked. He sent him a message. Yo, never play again. Danny got reported banned for three days Be silent. Oh my god. Yo, I guess like that though sometimes man Start throwing jabs at people like yo, I can't I can't I can't play with this guy no more man. I'm done. I'm done That game drives me insane. Yeah, I can't and keith yo keith with halo that is It comes to the point where my mom my sister will like sit me down and be like Does he like that game? Like why does he continue to play it? He's never happy because he could have like he'll be 20 kills in a row not one smirk as soon as he dies
Starting point is 00:39:27 Wow Like just flip out yo Y'all the famous story is like When I was living at home me and keith shared a room and it was like 3am by like a school night We weren't supposed to be up keith's playing halo. My mom's room is right next to ours And he's playing and he just goes oh suck my And then my mom just comes in the room and she's like you better stop. It's a school night. You guys get to bed. All right
Starting point is 00:39:57 Dude as the like when the fucking Door hit the latch in the wall Oh She comes in and she's fucking ripped it out of the wall. She's like, yo, you're not fucking playing. Yo amazing. Oh my god It was my favorite. I'm shocked. I didn't smash More fucking guitars playing guitar hero because that game you said Yo, that game used to get me so mad I like I broken guitars by playing it because I'll strum too fucking hard when I'm pissed
Starting point is 00:40:23 I'll just strum the strum right out of it. Yo, remember in high school I'd be like, yeah, you guys want to see Frankie play guitar. Yo, yo, he used to like Like I was like off. Yo, I was like a party attraction. Yeah. I was like, yo, you guys got to watch Frankie play guitar Yo, we went and backpacked Not a joke backpacked put the fucking rock band on our in our backpacks and walked to sunny side to go hang out with sally Just to play rock band so she could see how good we were and by we I mean me Yeah, were you good at it? No, nice. And then I never got past like it was hard and then extra. Uh, no expert extra
Starting point is 00:41:03 I remember you used to play yo, you and espo when you would play the drums. It was like super stiff. Yeah No rhythm. It was just like, yeah, it was all fucked up. It was bad. And then that's the day we ate the kumquats Uh, what's up? We ate kumquats. What is that? Yeah, so this it was like she was she she was korean your imagination Yeah, she's korean. So she's like, yo, you guys got to try this thing. All right, we both bite into it It's like, you know, we were like super immature. No, no, no. There was more Background first of all, I already know how you guys react when she goes. I have some kumquats. No, no, no That's not what they were called. Oh, okay. That's what we called them. Yeah. Oh, they're not called that. No
Starting point is 00:41:41 We just made that up she goes and we'll tell you why we made that up So we're at her house and she's like guys. Are you hungry and we're like, oh, you know, like whatever She's like, I have like korean fruit. Do you want to? Yeah, and we're like sure and she's like, oh, I got this korean pear Do you guys want it? We're like, yeah, sure. She cuts it up Delicious. Oh my god. Yeah, you know the best pear I've ever had in my entire life and I keep track okay And then she's like, oh, do you want to try this? It's called like yebong ding dong Some korean name that we didn't know so we're like, all right, and I yo I threw back
Starting point is 00:42:19 Through back this pear. Yeah, and it was so delicious that this kid's thinking the same thing that I am that yo The next thing she's gonna give us is gonna be just as good. Yeah, but we're sitting there I should like hands in front of us and I go I go yo nick we're just both looking like yo, it smells like it smells like come He said I know Like yo, it smells like come Like it like did you eat it? Yeah. Yeah, we both did did it idiots I don't know what come tastes like, but pretty close
Starting point is 00:42:53 I mean, you know the smell was literally the exact same thing They were gross as fuck The funniest part is that I ate it and I kept burping it up and it was still in my mouth Oh, and then we asked her she had the pears and she's like, I'm all out of them Your dumbass saved some pears. Oh Actually, I'm the dumbass. Yeah. Yeah, I saved one and I so he's like yo he washed it down with pears And I'm like yo fuck I don't have any pears
Starting point is 00:43:19 And we had no money or anything so I had to buy Domino's pizza to get the taste out of my mouth. What the fuck was it? I hope I never know But we called it cumquat because it smells isn't a cumquat something. Yeah What is a cumquat? No idea. I have it sounds like it might be some something. I'm pretty sure that's a thing Like it's like that's what that's what we we named it. We've just been sick of that. I think it's another fruit But I hope it's not the one cumquat. Yeah
Starting point is 00:43:52 Are these them these are like a Are these them No, oh No, that would have been great. Those look like canepas Who? Canepas. Oh, I don't know that person. I don't know the fuck. You don't know what canepas are? No, I don't know who that is They're good, but they looked what did they look like it almost looked like an apple I think it was like a green. It looked green. I don't know It was bad
Starting point is 00:44:18 Do you remember those like little jelly? It was like an asian thing That puja in third grade had dude. Do you remember those? No, it's way more. They were like they looked like gumdrops sort of They were little they were shaped. They were like little cups that look like nipples Okay, kind of yeah kind of like nipples and they were like half circles And then you would peel the top off and it was like a fruity gel thing I do remember those they were fire and there was like there was fruit in it
Starting point is 00:44:48 Yeah, there was like a piece of little fruit in it and there was like Dude, those were so good shout out to puja. Pooja. Where is she? I don't know. I miss her You think she's listening to this? I hope so if she is give us those fruit gels or send them puja if you Got them. Yeah, puja if you got them send them if you got them mail them if you don't got them Find them. Do not talk to me find them Yeah, those things I remember I once like sucked on it and it just went straight down like those things were it was like And you like wait to see dude. I you know, I almost like I almost killed myself
Starting point is 00:45:23 For I only had context. Come on. Yeah, let me add context. No, but like I had a it just reminded me I had a Like a the fuck are those like a gob stopper or something? Yeah, like the mini jawbreakers or something Yeah, yeah, like that and I it got stuck in my throat. Oh, and I'm like my own hero. I saved my own life Because I could not and I was by myself in the basement of my mom's house and I was mad young and I was like Like nothing was happening, right? I couldn't even talk And I just like leaned over a chair and then jumped and let the chair hit me like In the diaphragm, I guess and it popped out of my mouth Wow, isn't that insane? That's I could I should be dead after real estate. You need to do a video on that. Yep
Starting point is 00:46:07 insane I think the last time I was on your show. I talked about the subway sandwich when I almost died. Oh, yeah Like legit. I was like, yeah, I'm out. Yo, so I'm out. Yeah Yo, mom I'm out. I'm dying right here. I was in the passenger seat She was she was driving and I'm eating and then she's talking to me and I'm not responding And I'm just like And then I ended up like putting my whole hand in my mouth and just spit it out
Starting point is 00:46:33 And you know what I started doing after laughing I was laughing my ass off and my mom was ready to beat me with a pipe if she had one Yo, I legitimately once almost choked on spaghetti Spaghetti as spaghetti's Like there was like nine in my throat and I couldn't swallow for some reason So I literally like pulled out strand by strand and lived Jesus You're a hero. Thank you. You guys both are you both saving it? We all saved each other. That's true
Starting point is 00:47:01 I don't think I've ever saved you. No, I don't know you're talking. I almost killed you in Connecticut. Remember when I Yeah, oh, yeah, I almost fucking died. I don't think we saved each other. I almost killed you actually It was the it was the island the little island where we would sit on It was like a float that goes out into the water and like there's like a bunch of seats in it Yeah, an island. So I don't know how I explain it. Yes So I don't know how you ended up having to come up from What you were doing under there and then you went under one of the seats and I didn't know you could be there
Starting point is 00:47:31 So I jumped from one side to the other And I land as whole first on this kid's like forehead. Yo forehead Under the seats it was like mesh Yeah, so like you can like in theory like go under and like come up for air under the seat and then go back under Probably me being the piece of shit. I was I was probably like this will be funny Or I'll grab someone's foot and scare them And but I think it happened at the same time. So as his head was coming up for air Ass hold down. Yeah
Starting point is 00:47:58 directly on the crown of my head I I had my arm like this like on the tube. Yeah, if I didn't have that I was dead 100 percent At one point we were like, yo, he's down there for way too long. We need to Yo, I pulled myself out and I had a concussion a hundred thousand percent Hundred thousand percent. Did you feel the rim of his asshole on your forehead? Maybe I did. I wouldn't know I was fucking gone I remember the rest of that day the only thing I remember is that I used to ask I had asked like the same like 10 questions
Starting point is 00:48:27 Continuously and they wrote it down on paper. So anytime I would ask they just give me the paper And then they would have my response because it was the same every time. Do you remember that? Legend Frankie has done this three times in his life that being one another time and then another time One time that's how that's how numbers work So there was there was one time I was at my aunt's house and Frankie calls me. Yeah like what's up psych I ran to a tree in central park and like I don't remember anything
Starting point is 00:49:01 and I'm like What is okay like are you all right and then he would ask me all these questions and I would give him answers and then He would hang up on me and then call me back and have the same exact conversation so I'm like At I still don't honestly believe that he does this when he has concussions Because he's done it too many times, but I'm like no one does this Why are you doing this?
Starting point is 00:49:26 And I tried to trick him that time and I was like I just told my and then he called me back It's like the third time in a row now I'm like gonna shut my phone off because I'm getting angry and I'm like You're a fucking great friend. Yeah, I'm like, yo I told my mom about this and she's worried So we're driving back from my aunt's house to pick you up And then I hung up the phone And then he called me back and had the same conversation again
Starting point is 00:49:49 So that's when I knew that he was not fucking around because like yeah, if you're getting your mom and boy Yeah, you're like, yo, I'm actually good a little bit. I'm starting. I'm starting to come around Yo, I remember like he's a repeater when when you had your acl surgery and I came to visit you That was the creepiest shit ever I go to visit this kid and we're having a conversation Jess is there his sister and then he just knocks out Like narcolepsy 30 minutes go goes by He wakes up and continues the conversation we were having
Starting point is 00:50:20 I forgot it. I'm talking with Jess the whole time. Like, oh, how's he doing? What? He starts the conversation Convo continues again knocks out Say I was like, oh, what's this kid doing? I don't do well with like like medical shit Like I kid you not like those concussions like we're fucking a hundred thousand percent real like I remember what happened And then I remember literally like a blip Of the things like for the rest of the day and then I remember like the next day I remember like I woke up in the hospital like I came and remembered in the hospital and like
Starting point is 00:50:51 Same thing in Connecticut like and then the day when I got my knee surgery. I was on fucking morphine percocets Everything so I was all fucked up I like I've only I've had two concussions one was I had memory loss And I just don't remember anything but I think I was just like on autopilot like I wasn't over here repeating questions You know, do you think I have cte probably? But I specifically tried not to
Starting point is 00:51:19 You cheated on me when I asked you Specifically asked you not to damn. I feel bad because I played a role in that My asshole did at least you That asshole was to blame for a lot of things. I mean if we would have assumed it would have been one person It would have been you. Yeah Thanks. Thanks friends. I'm gonna agree to that speaking of assholes right before we leave Frank you just perked up. Well, what?
Starting point is 00:51:43 That word no, but I wanted to just talk about this because it happened like two weeks ago And I forgot to talk about it on the podcast But there was this video of this woman that had the shit so bad that she just like walked into a store And I guess someone was in the bathroom. She's like, okay, and she just pulls down her pants Wallsets and shits on the ground in an a stab in a building in in the store So like an Eckerd or yeah, I just and like not really A hidden area. Hey, you gotta go. You gotta go We were playing manhunt one time
Starting point is 00:52:14 and I took a shit right behind like a Dumpster and I think it was you that was coming to get me probably my fucking luck and I wiped with the boxers And I'm holding the boxes. I'm like, yo, if you come and tag me I'm throwing these shit boxes at you and Franky just ran away. That just seems like a good strategy to me To me that honestly if someone's gotta go they gotta go I completely understand it And I hate this whole fucking rule like people are like, oh, we have bathrooms, but they're only for customers
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah, what is that? Like I've done that where I've had to use the bathroom so bad I literally walked into a Starbucks and they were like it's for customers only And this this was before this whole now fucking thing with Starbucks And I was like, all right, I'll take a croissant Unlock the fucking bathroom. Yeah. Yeah at that point just buy like a pack of gum Winner fresh customer now It's lame, but they do that to keep it clean and shit And you don't want just like rain the people just going in there
Starting point is 00:53:09 I guess but like I got a dump dude. There should there should be I like I'm cool with that as far as pay But yo if I got a shit like I got a shit like you want me to shit myself If I shit myself in your Store because you're not letting me in because I didn't buy anything I am dumping it all over the floor and smearing it in should not be a crime to shit in public Because there yeah, but yeah Thank you for saying that thank you for saying that it shouldn't be a crime to shit in public because who's shitting in public like
Starting point is 00:53:43 I want to do this. Yeah, you don't volunteer. It just it's an emergency. You gotta go I get the peeing thing because it's like, oh you Fucking dicks out and there could be kids walking around. It's a little weird like whatever you gotta go You gotta go. Yeah, but if you got a shit like that's not turning anyone on or like anything Is it Except that like small percentage of people that like to be shit on I mean there's always the exception to the rule Yeah, I feel like they're like all in dubai though That people that like to get shit on that like that like to shit on people
Starting point is 00:54:12 Oh, I mean for the right price. I'll fucking do it. What get shit on shit on people Who's gonna pay you to shit on them? I think you pay to get shit it on No, no, no you pay to shit on not get shit it on give me money. I'll do what someone wants You're the shitty not I'll be the shitter or the shitty. I don't care. You'll be the shitty I'll be if you pay me like yo, I'm gonna give you a million dollars to shit on you Oh, wait, hold on. You're way too high like come on if they said that though All right, I'm saying like someone comes to you like yo 25 000 dollars. I'm taking a shit
Starting point is 00:54:42 On your chest. Yeah, and I'm sick open up Yeah, open up what that ass Yeah, I'm down too. All right, all right 25 k. Yeah, I'm going lower. I think that's as low as I would go No lower than 20 k Maybe 19 I'm saying I'm sorry. Yo, realistically 10 000 dollars To shut up my chest. Yeah probably I could have an app
Starting point is 00:55:11 I'm thinking in my head now like I could get you down to 900 bucks I could tell no no no no no. You might get me. I need help Send help, please. Yo, I saw a video on instagram once of this dude It was like mad russian and they were like, yeah if they just this dude was just like He's standing there with his shirt off and his friend hands him hands of money and he takes it counts it Puts it down and then his butt and then he lays on the floor and his buddy takes a shit on his chest And it didn't look like 10 000. No, yo, honestly
Starting point is 00:55:42 I Would have some like things I need Like this is gonna happen be like, all right, let me at least do it like in a bathtub. Yeah. Yeah, you know what I mean I mean, you gotta do it in a bathtub so I can just get the fuck up and just shower right there All right Here, I'll I'll paint the picture for you. Okay here. You're adding wrinkles. This is gonna be this is gonna be You know a realistic offer, right? You're in a bathtub
Starting point is 00:56:07 right Guy's not sick or anything Nice fiber diet, whatever So it's gonna be it's not gonna be a Kind of shit. Does that understand my solid right? You can wear goggles just in case Okay, you don't have to look either Which I think is a big one to be honest. I'd want to see You sure yeah, I don't want to see I need it if it's happening. I need to be like I need to watch. No, I'm not watching
Starting point is 00:56:35 no, but so You're in a bathtub. You don't have to you don't have to look you can wear goggles if you want And he's gonna shit on your chest Right and and it's only gonna be people in that room room's not big. It's a bathroom, right? So maybe Seven people No one's allowed to talk about it ever again And the guy's like yo I'll give you
Starting point is 00:57:02 $1,500 no That's not enough What if he agrees to shit In between your rib cage So it's not that high. It's not high. It's not near you're like, oh my god It's not here between like right here and your belly button just like right here. He just 1500 bucks No, that's not I mean at that point does it make a difference if it's your chest or the roof? Yeah, it doesn't fucking matter. It could be my feet my fucking chest my oh you could shit on my feet
Starting point is 00:57:33 Literally not a lot like way like not it has to do like literally 800 bucks I'm thinking like the 1500 bucks like that's not enough for me It's 1500 bucks Yeah, that's that's literally pennies in today's society Yeah, but you just get it out of nowhere But that's a whole ordeal. Yeah, but like this is that's a whole fucking ordeal. It's not an ordeal Yo, because you shit and everyone goes And then you just roll over and it falls off and then you shower hard for like a whole year
Starting point is 00:58:10 No, 1500 is not enough Yeah, I think that When the situation presents itself and like for real, I think you get swayed. I'm saying I might be down and it's not in hundreds Yo, seriously, so it looks like a lot more. Do you want to shit on me? No I don't want to shit on anyone for like an experiment Are you like asking me to volunteer here? Like for the story, I'll let you like note free a charge shit on me All right, wait What the fuck is yeah, I just offered you 1500 dollars. You told me no
Starting point is 00:58:44 And now you want me to just do it on the house for the story Dude, you're like my best friend. Oh, we said like now. Damn I caught that I caught that. Yo, so wait So wait 1500 for me or letting me shit on your chest. No for you. I'll let you do it for free I know because I know if you came to me, it would be like you needed it Needed what to shit on your chest. Yeah Why in what why would I need that you just you've been having a rough week, you know Your only your only solution is that why would you go to someone like if you came to me like listen, you know
Starting point is 00:59:13 Like I I need you for something like you'd be coming to me It's like my obligation as a friend is to help you out as much as I can if that means Taking a deuce on the chest that me that's what it means That's friendship. I think we just found a new video for your vlog channel. I'm just like blown away here If nick no way Yeah, no no way. Yeah, I wouldn't we have a rough situation. I'm Greek dude. I'm at harry too Like I would be like, yeah, like if you need this, I'm here. I'm here for you. I don't need it. It's my frank I don't need it. My chest is your canvas
Starting point is 00:59:46 I Appreciate it. I'm very I'm I'm grateful, but I don't I don't know you offered money and and then it's like he's like Nah, but it went from not under 20k to 10,000 to like y'all just do it If it's you man It was some rando I'm gonna try to fucking profit off this like $1,500. No 2000s the max rando. No way, but for like you if you can do this, I'd be like, yo frankie 2000 play with it No
Starting point is 01:00:20 No, what if to place a human shit that that it doesn't come out of the ass it just like I have it and I put it on you 500 bucks I don't see the action happening so it could be like I could just treat it as that's the only thing is I would need a shower directly after need to be in a bathtub and I need to watch I'd need to see that. Yo, hold on because I remember how your your ethics confused me Yeah, they do you know why because this kid smelled like shit the entire vagus trip Not the entire vagus trip the last day was bad. Yo, no one wanted to be with it Like we were wondering who was gonna sit next to you on the plane. Yeah, it was good. It was great
Starting point is 01:00:59 You remember I was spraying loads of fucking deodorant into my pants. Yo, yo, I'm just like I'm just very good. Wait. All right. Hold on. Hold on. What about pee? Fucking like 30 bucks Yeah, what about what's worse getting shit on your chest or in your hand? Uh, hand Hands worse. Yeah, because how much do you put your hand in your mouth? Like during the day, you know what I mean? Like your chest just don't put it in your mouth Yeah, but like it's such like a like it's such like it just escapes you. You know what I mean
Starting point is 01:01:29 I'd probably go hand. Yeah, that's what I that's literally what I just said. No, you just said that hand is worse No, I'm saying I would pick I would pick the hand like yeah shit on my hand. What no Because then you don't want to watch but you want to feel it in your hand You're not gonna feel it on your chest. You're not but it's not like you're not feeling it You're not feeling it. You're just you're it's there. It's just literally like it's on your heart But it's placing something on your body like you're getting shit in your hand You got to feel that right getting shit on your heart That's heavy dude. It's hard and listen this heart's been through a lot. Yeah, all right same
Starting point is 01:02:08 Yo getting shit on your heart is the most disrespectful shit in the world pun That shit on her heart That's crazy. That's dope, but like pee. I'd rather get pee in my hand. I'd take pee anywhere except the eyes Anyway for obvious reasons burns Me does it I think so. We're just assuming we are. I think he burns. Yo, if you came to me and you're like, yo I need to pee on someone like go for it. Oh if I get like a jellyfish sting you guys could pee all over man
Starting point is 01:02:41 Oh, no, I'm saying like no sting no medical issues. Oh nothing You just want pee. I don't want it. But like if you said like yo, I need let me be very clear I don't need to do anything to you Don't need it and here's another thing. No one's gonna need to do it No one's gonna need it No Stranger things have happened. That's all I'm gonna say Okay, I think on that now we could we could wrap this up. I already I learned too much about you to be honest every time we
Starting point is 01:03:09 I'm not going less than 20 For free. He goes. All right 10 maybe. I don't know. I'm like and he's like, you know what do it dude Just shit on me. Listen. I have a very strict ethical code. I love how he was like, would you be willing to? Shit on me for an experiment. I'm like, all right. That's enough of that. Uh, anyway guys, where can they where can they find you? Uh You can find me at falper is 8 0 8 5 on twitter on instagram On uh, twitch as well if you like to watch us there, um We have a good time. Nick and I co-host with our buddy Ernie a wrestling podcast. Why don't you get npr on that?
Starting point is 01:03:52 I don't know why you're like ASMRing right now. Uh, we uh, we co-host a wrestling podcast called the squared circle jerks Uh, you can find us on itunes on soundcloud at scj pod cast and then uh on Twitter at scj pod. Am I right? Oh, yeah, if you like to hear us just bullshit about life Yeah, it's good and wrestling. That's the point of it, right? Yeah. Yeah I'm uh, the lamb show twitter instagram twitch I host a sports betting. It's not legal. So i'm not that much of a piece of shit turn up Sports betting and daily fantasy podcast called degeneration bets. Obviously wrestling inspired and yeah Oh veterans minimum too with joe. Oh, yeah sports show at veterans minimum
Starting point is 01:04:37 uh Yeah, all right, cool. Yeah guys and go go check out twitch away. We just started doing that. Um Everyone said all their shit, but yeah, it's a fun time. Anyway, that is all for this week's episode of the basement yard Thanks for listening. I'll see you next time

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