The Basement Yard - I'm Never Going Into A Cave

Episode Date: July 16, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I am joined by Danny and his two gold chains. Oh, yeah, his broken ass and Hey, hey Styling and profiling Styling profiling looking good hurts sometimes of course pain is beauty pain is beauty I think that was Bill Clinton who said that yeah or Albert Einstein. I think it was like mother Teresa I don't know. I'm thinking Thomas Edison now Anyway, today's a special day for the basement yard We have something set up here that
Starting point is 00:00:31 Kind of helps us and helps people who enjoy the show the show by the way has been doing insanely well So thank you to everyone who's fucking listening because there's a lot of you now If I could clap if I could clap right now, I would but my hands Yeah, I thought you were doing a tea like oh hold up time now I gotta go take a dump, but if you were trying to clap was drunk in hand trying to clap I'm trying to clap you know time out real quick. I gotta go take a dump but we
Starting point is 00:00:56 Set up a patreon Which if you don't know what it is basically it's like a crowd sourcing site platform whenever you want to call it and There's tears To how much money you're pledging or whatever and you get rewards with those tears And we know people have been asking for like oh dude We want the full video and we want more episodes blah blah blah. This is like a nice trade-off here Because for us, it's not one camera. There's a lot of work involved with if it's a full video Oh, yeah, I mean so a lot of work for Danny guys a lot of work
Starting point is 00:01:33 Doesn't eat guy doesn't eat doesn't eat anymore Representing about his diabetic. Yeah, it's just straight once I found out the I had diabetes I was like, I'll take anything that's green and has zero calories. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you so much anyway, so right now You can go to slash the basement yard if you'd like to support the show and reap the benefits of that patreon spelled P-A-T-R-E-O-N Com slash the basement yard. No, but anyway, let's just go through a tier
Starting point is 00:02:03 So like everyone knows what they're getting with this. Okay for the first tier. It's called the smoky tier. Love it So if you want to be smoky, this is what you're doing. All right It's five dollars. This is a monthly thing. It doesn't you don't have to keep it as a monthly thing But whatever for the month you will get this The five dollar tier is you gain access to every episode a week early So if you go right now and you're like, oh, I want to be smoky and you do the five dollar thing You will get two episodes essentially because it's this one that you're hearing now Which is obviously Monday and then the one that's going out next Monday on SoundCloud and iTunes
Starting point is 00:02:37 You will have access to through patreon only you only you right Also, what you get with this tier is a patreon exclusive episode every month So an episode that won't be posted anywhere except patreon Okay, so you get an extra one. It's gonna come out the last Thursday of every month. Yep. Yep, and you also get Bigger balls probably. Yeah, bigger balls for sure. Which is a steal for five bucks Hell, yeah, I know you would pay five dollars for bigger balls. Yeah, I'm big and I'm big into balls You're I don't know why you're so into your balls. I just feel like ball like you guys must be just like not good No, I have perfectly fine balls. I just want great balls. Oh, okay. I want to look like planets
Starting point is 00:03:20 You know, I'm just just hanging droop as you know older just yeah, they're fighting gravity and shit Yeah, just like pulling it down ever since I saw like that always sunny episode. I was like, I want my I want my balls Look like planets. All right When you learn something new about doing every day, what are you gonna do the next tier? It's called the super smoky tier Love the name of that one. Yeah super smoky Anyway with this tier You get the Patron exclusive episode obviously every month first of all everything you get you and the next tier up you get everything
Starting point is 00:03:56 But that has come before so I'll just go through it though Just sort of something and on the website too. There's like But The patron exclusive episode that you get every month That's like at the extra one because this comes out every Monday, but it would be the last Thursday every month It will be a full video podcast to be able to watch the entire thing all the way through if it's an hour You're getting an hour of video all right back and for so for all those people in the comment section I want a full video. Yeah, now you can get it now
Starting point is 00:04:25 You can get it also you gain the ability to send your questions Directly to me or Danny or whatever For a chance to be on this new segment that we're doing at the end of every show called what the fuck does patreon want? Which I love that name someone. Yeah, and you know, honestly, I thought about that for like two seconds I was like, let's call it what the fuck does patreon want but at the end of every episode We're just gonna answer questions that people send in like three questions or five questions, whatever So if you want us to talk about something like yeah, just like you'll be able to send us that if you hit this tier And you also gain access to every episode a week early. So now with this tier in total you're getting
Starting point is 00:05:04 The chance to be on the what the fuck does patreon one segment at the end of every show You get access to every episode a week early and you get the extra episode But it's a full video episode. Yep. This is all through Patreon the next tier which is the $25 tier is you're getting everything That we talked about beforehand. So it's a full video podcast everything the access to the week early You know, your balls are bigger stuff like that and you also get a promo code For 25% off all merch
Starting point is 00:05:35 Every month and that will send it to your 20 the $25 dollar dollar. That's the fire tier. That's the fire That's fire. So you get yeah, every month will send you a promo code for 25% off all merch and then everything that came before it So you tell me Here we go. I get 25%. I'll say I got a store. Yep. I get a full video Yeah, that everybody's been asked for. Yep. I get the episode a week early Mm-hmm, and you get and I get to submit questions. Yeah fire That's why it's called that is a properly named here and now the holy shit tier, which is called. Oh 100% 100% You get everything that's come before before it the patreon exclusive episode full video
Starting point is 00:06:24 Access to every episode a week early Fucking and we'll give you a free bundle of merch, which is like three items two to three items We'll just send it to you for free. Whatever And this is something that you don't have to obviously pledge $50 a month for the rest of time Right could be a one-off because you're like, I just want to abuse the merch thing and then I'll drop down to a different tier I don't care. I don't care But yeah, this is this is just a nice little like trade-off with this money we'll be able to like get better equipment or hire somebody or
Starting point is 00:06:53 You know possibly fund a tour if we want to take this show on the road, which I think would be fucking awesome I think it would be fucking awesome, too. Yeah, because I would just be fucking hammered. So yeah for all those people asking I'm drunk with everyone. All those people asking us to come to Chicago or come to Toronto or come to somewhere else Brazil Brazil Wherever yeah, this is where that money would go, right? Yeah, this isn't just gonna go to Danny's Versace robe collection. No, I think Figure it out. We'll fix it up. Oh fix it post But yeah, that's the that's the patreon. So that's something we just set up and listen. This isn't like something Mandatory or that we're begging you to do. This is just something really cool because we could provide more content
Starting point is 00:07:40 For everyone. We want to do the full video podcast. Everyone would love to do it It's a lot of work and it would take away from other things But if there was incentive for us to do it and it's something that people enjoy and you want to support the show And you want to show your support. This is the way to do it And we appreciate everything. Don't feel like you are obligated to do it. Don't feel like, you know, whatever All right, the other thing too is the show has been so successful recently. Yeah, me and Joe We're just talking about it and we just wanted to tell everybody thank you friend from the bottom of our hearts bottom of Dan's balls bottom of my balls his good balls my good balls not great balls. Not great, but good
Starting point is 00:08:20 Thank you guys all for listening. Yeah shows fucking blown up. It's going nuts It's my favorite thing to do. So it's like it's really exciting that that's working out We want to put a jetpack on this thing and we want to take it as far as we can Yeah, honestly, if we get enough money from patreon, I'm all look into getting JPEGs. Oh, yeah Do they exist? Yeah, JPEGs exist for sure. Do they yeah, they're not great, but they're but they exist Why are they not great? I feel like you y'all wouldn't get a jetpack that wasn't safe. Well, that's the thing if they were more safe You would see them. I Can't even tell if you're lying to me. No, I'm not. I see it on YouTube. I'm not talking about the water one. No
Starting point is 00:08:58 Fire. Yeah fire like a jetpack man. Yeah, I see a jetpack Remember that game on Facebook. No, you don't remember that jetpack man. Yeah. No jet man What is Facebook game on Facebook, that's the term I've never heard. You know, you never played like Farmville. Oh, wow Farmville. Yo, I was beating bitches up in Farmville. Yeah farmville was Fucking corn I was farming over there. I would suck though. If you left your friggin farm for two seconds You were toast. Yeah, it's like oh it flooded. I'm like the fuck dude People always sending you invites to play games and shit. Oh my god, dude. I fucking hated that shit. They still do that I don't know. I'm sure those people out there still play Farmville probably like competitively. Yeah, we're in the eSports era
Starting point is 00:09:42 Someone's out there. They're the best Cropper farmer, whatever the fuck it is on the planet. So would you say like Like on speaking like of online games. Yeah, like aren't shooters. Yeah, what would you say? Like you were the most addicted to Candy stand mini golf. Oh my god. Yeah, every friggin. Oh my god Dude, do you remember Of course every tech class that you had computer class mini clip Yeah, you go you go right there. You know mini clip. Yeah, of course mini clip calm I played the what's that thing with the ball that bounces off the thing? That was a really bad. Okay. Is it the one that comes back and forth? Yes. No, no, no not like Atari not like tennis
Starting point is 00:10:24 It's like it. Oh, it's called like break out brick break out. No brick something break. No brick breaker brick breaker. Yeah, that's it It was like that it was on mini club calm, but but candy stand you can go on you could like put it was like Oh, it was the best. Yeah, it was amazing line up that fucking golf club line that shit up. That was the best I was not good at it You're not yeah I don't think I've ever hit a hole. I think it was ahead of its time to be honest. What? Yeah, it was way ahead of its time to a far ahead. There's another game called hot dog stand to where you had to successfully run a hot dog stand That sounds awful. Yeah, it was great
Starting point is 00:11:02 You know what game I was nasty at remember typer shark. No, oh It was like some dude in the water and there was a bunch of sharks coming towards him Which is kind of morbid for like sixth graders Yeah, there's a bunch of sharks coming towards them and they had words on them And you had to type the words to kill the sharks, right? Otherwise they'd eat the dude. Oh So they'd have multiple sharks coming and you're like, oh shit. I got onion Pepper and like so you would have to type the words correctly and the sharks wouldn't get them Yeah, and if you type them wrong, I think they moved a little closer like even quicker like they got some you know saying
Starting point is 00:11:34 Do you remember that game too where like the states would fall and you would have to type what state it was It was just their shape first of all That's I'm not I can not go with that. I Can't name this like I can name at one point in fifth grade. I was able to name every capital Ask me a cat. Ask me a state. I'll tell you the capital I'll go with the famous cheerio commercial one. What? Remember the cheerio commercial like what's the capital of Vermont? Well, I wish you didn't ask me that one. Wait, wait, wait
Starting point is 00:12:06 Bitch, I don't know. I'm on pillar. I would have never got that. Yeah, that sounds like a Pokemon. Well, what's the capital of New York? Please tell me you know the oh my god I was about to say Jesus Christ. It's Albany. Yeah, what about New Jersey? That is Trend yes, yeah Pennsylvania Follow I don't know Philadelphia. Yeah, yeah, I get I get scared cuz I know I know I know Capital of California. I
Starting point is 00:12:40 think that is Sack yeah, Sacktown Sacktown. Yeah, you're ready for a hard one. Yeah capital Montana Helena that's nice suck me dry. I knew that one capital Idaho. Oh Des Moines Or is it boy? Is it Boise? No, that might be it It was Boise in Idaho. It's you just said Idaho. No, I think I said Idaho
Starting point is 00:13:08 I was Des Moines. Yeah, that might be it. I've been Ohio's Columbus. Yeah, and then Detroit. What Detroit? What West Virginia is good, but Raleigh. Oh, no, that's North Carolina. North Carolina. West Virginia is like might be South Carolina to be honest Morris town It's not Morgan town Morgan town West Virginia. I don't think so. I used to I yo in fifth grade I had a test that was like you need to know I think it was 20 of the 50 capitals and I knew all of them I got like a thousand percent on this quiz like it was like extra credit for every single one you got right
Starting point is 00:13:46 So I got like 130 on the test. It's like Charleston or something. Yeah, West Virginia. Yeah Would you say it was? I was Morgan town. That's like we're like the football team. Just a bit off I think it's Charleston. Yeah, but now I'm now I'm like, but if you show me a map And you're like, yo name the states. Yeah, I think I can get How many you think you could get how many states out of well, this has extra Joe right now This has extra Joe written all over. So this might be the next one. Yeah, I think I could get 20. Oh, I know I'm getting more than that. Like I'm gonna low. You're gonna get more than 20. I think I could yeah Cuz you could get like the outer part like anything in the Midwest. This is where we're gonna lose it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:14:28 Well, you tell you know Well, I'm talking about like the mid like the middle of the country. What's the capital, Arizona? Damn, I know this one Spelled weird Spelled weird. Yeah, Phoenix. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck spelled weird Phoenix is a weird word. I guess but you know, if you were a kid How would you spell Phoenix? F E E NYX. Yeah, I would spell it F E N I C K S Phoenix
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah, that's not right. No, that's why you weren't in the spelling bee. No, I was you lost. I beat you Oh, yeah, that one. I beat you in that one and then I lost in one and then I won and I came back with a vengeance and I forgot about that. Yeah, yeah But uh Speaking of a vengeance. Mm-hmm People were going in on you on Twitter a little bit the other day I don't know if it was them going in on me or me going in on them. I think it's a mixture of both You know what it is like and what we're talking about is the Kylie Jenner self-made thing. Okay, so for people who don't know
Starting point is 00:15:40 Chicks on the cover of Forbes. She's a fucking billionaire Her company is worth a billion dollars. Well, whatever it was. It was 900 million. So it's a billion. She's worth a billion Yeah, let's be honest here for sure and People lost it because it was like she's not self-made And I don't I think she is I think she is self-made. Well, you were making you were making some good points I have good points. I think everyone is just going into the point of like, you know what it is I and I the reason why I was rich already, right? This is like this is I always get into it with people when it comes to the Kardashians and it's only them and it's not because I liked them because I don't watch the show
Starting point is 00:16:17 I like Kanye's music, but that was before they even know we existed, right, you know, and I'm not you know I'm not one of those people that likes their show So it's nothing to do with them personally anything I would say you're one of the least people like their show I don't I've never watched it. Yeah, so like whatever the only reason why I do it is because they're easy targets And it's it's just easy for me to prove people wrong, right because you can't no one can convince me that Kim Kardashian is like a fucking whore All right, you know what I mean? Which is like an easy thing you could just say It's like oh, she dated around Hollywood. It's like dude. They're all fucking each other. Yeah, that's what they do
Starting point is 00:16:53 Like dudes like straight men have fucked so many famous women. They start fucking dudes. Yeah That's how much fucking is going on in Hollywood. So don't give me that All right I think also like the people that are big in Hollywood like you have to be a certain type of person and like They all have a certain type of lifestyle that was created out there though, of course, you know, it's like you're only gonna fuck the elite Yeah, you can't go fuck the barista. No, unless he's fucking hot as hell. Yeah, but you're not gonna wife that No, you know what I mean? They'll date each other. Yeah Because imagine dating somebody that was equally or more famous than you
Starting point is 00:17:34 I mean, it's just insane So we're talking about real famous. Yeah, we're talking about like dashy and level famous not job famous Yeah, but anyway, so with with this whole self-made thing. It's like I proposed the question People are like what is people like she's not self-made and I'm like, okay What is self-made then do you have to be poor to be self-made and then everyone's like no, which I don't think you have to be Right, you don't have to be poor to be self-made because one immediately a middle eliminates the middle class Right anyone who had any type of money is now not self-made because they had money. Yeah, it's like, okay Well, I don't know how that's possible. So it's like, okay now middle class
Starting point is 00:18:16 Right, and they say no, you don't have to be poor. So, okay, you're in the middle class technically and their argument is that Kylie had Money and all these relationships and she was already famous. So it was easy for her to whatever But to a poor person someone in the middle class has Insane advantages as well, right? You were able to go to a performing art school. You were able to Take private lessons with whoever because your parents could afford it. You were able to Whatever just go to these specialized schools or whatever. It's like that is a crazy advantage Of course, you're getting a look just from that if you get into Juilliard, you're getting a look
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah, because you came out of that school, of course that is well I mean, that's different you got like audition for that school, but whatever I also think there's like different like definitions like I could see like Like and by different definitions I mean like labels like inspiration of like people that are self-made like you're talking about like LeBron beings is self-made Yeah What an athlete has to be self-made but it's okay if you're good or bad You're right, but you could be a really good athlete, but not really good at business
Starting point is 00:19:26 like for him to be 16 years in the league and Really not a peep of trouble the only thing that they did was the decision which he donated all that to charity anyway Yeah Like that kid like grew up horribly. Yeah, and he's gonna be a billionaire. Yeah Like I think that's the definition of what people think of self-made. Yes, but that doesn't mean that there's there's not room for other That's I agree. I agree because if you really think about it, it's like She's got more money than Kim
Starting point is 00:20:01 She has three times her net worth. I just saw a fucking business insider article that said that yeah, that's business insider like that She's probably got more money than all of them combined That's what I'm saying except for the mom and you know, here's why people are like, oh my god She's not self-made because she had this she had that blah blah blah. It's like yes I get what you're saying. I understand why people feel that way, but I'm posing the question of Do you have to be poor? No, you don't have to be poor So you're upset that I already have money and fame and that's why I'm a billionaire dude We're talking about a billion dollars. Yeah, that's it's it's an impossible number to reach
Starting point is 00:20:33 It's not the fact to reach that number when she's healthy 20 ridiculous It's insane. So if a kid for people to tell me like like yo, I get it I like to me and I don't know if this works into like whatever but my thought process is You can be a self-made millionaire Yeah, right you could do everything yourself become a millionaire. Mm-hmm You can't be a billionaire no
Starting point is 00:21:02 Like there has to be some sort of help of course something That's like the even the same thing like we were talking about it like Drake, right? Yeah, Drake was like He's his own thing now, but everyone forgets like Lil Wayne co-signed him Yeah gave him all this money and gave him the platform. Yeah, Lil Wayne doesn't do that. Who's to say Drake? It doesn't matter how good you are. Yeah, who's to say? Yeah, you know, but I still look as Drake is self-made So do I because you created something my thing is you create something from zero It's like she has to start from zero and then build it to be self-made It's like but that's what happened. She came into a family of money and fame
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah, tons of people have money and fame and some big butts and those big ass knockers. Yeah, some big butts and titties You get thrown into this family that has money and fame. Yeah, they don't have a makeup company. No, it's not like It was the Hilton's and you're like running the hotels now and that's why you're a billionaire like that's not what happened She had money and fame which all those people do out there. Yeah, they all do on some degree and no one's a billionaire So I took I took my opportunities. It was like, you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna have a cosmetic line called Kylie's cosmetics and Do my own lip kits and I'm gonna promote them through snapchat I'm gonna promote through Instagram. Yep, and I'm gonna do this deal with snapchat
Starting point is 00:22:23 So I can get on their discovery page and like these things are in order buh-buh-buh-buh, but also here's the other thing though It's like the cosmetics themselves. There's surgery going on there For what deep like her lips and like what does that have to do with it? No, no, no, no But what here's what I'm saying is is that do you think that was all part of the plan of like the launch of the makeup kit? Or do you think that happened first and they were like, you know, let's just run with this. I Don't think it was like a calculated thing like that. Like let me put Fillers in my lips to a shit tiny lips. Yeah, so she was like look at my sisters They're all like they all got a bunch of shit done in there the fucking hottest people in the world
Starting point is 00:22:59 And I got tiny lips. Yeah, and like Hotter than me and like come on. Yeah, I need to get it together here. So she threw a bunch of fat in her ass Got her teas done through some stuff in the lips and then here we are I'll tell you this Travis Scott better put a ring on it Soon as fuck possible. I mean at this point. Well, yeah, he's gonna have to sign something probably though Yeah, she's giving away that company. Fuck. No, you know Kim and them are gonna be like seriously Kylie like You can't like you just can't Like mom Kylie can't give T Scott like all this money to you dollar sign. Yeah, yo, um, but here's my thing also, right?
Starting point is 00:23:40 A bill like we're talking about a billion dollar company and people are asking about Twitter like why are you so fixated on the dollar amount? Because it's like yo No one does that This is a billion dollars unheard of it's unheard of and you're also and you're also not avoiding the fact that she had advantages No, no, yeah, exactly. So here's the thing, right Kim Who is way more famous than her? Yes, way more more followers on everything. Yeah, she has had sold an app She sold
Starting point is 00:24:13 I'm sure she's getting a big-ass cut from the show. Yeah, Kim. I'm talking about and then I think that those emojis and shit Kim emojis. Yeah, and like there's other stuff. She's sold, but she can't sell for a billion dollars. Why because it's You because you guys all work with the same people. Yeah, the only reason why this Kylie thing worked is because Kylie did it Yeah, and it's not because she has more people looking at her. It's because of the way that she did it She just I don't know what it was. I couldn't tell you but they work with the same fucking people man Yeah, if anything Kim has better people. Yeah, she's Christian. Chris Jenner knows what she's doing Yeah, dude Chris Jenner Chris Jenner knows what the fuck she's doing that bitch better being a textbook for people to read Oh my god, holy fuck
Starting point is 00:24:58 But so she grew her own social media page. She could have been like I'm not posting yeah I'm not that because they were in the background on that show It was the Kim Chloe and Courtney show. Yeah, they were in the background like when they would cut to that house They'd be walking around the background like stray cats and shit. Did Kylie get a show? She did right? I don't know I Think we all had like spin-offs when I've never worked out Yeah, also she like also like single-handedly like ruined snapchat, too Not snapchat did that she's got power though Of course she does like and she has she has that age group in the palm of her hand and she was able to market
Starting point is 00:25:36 I do I don't know what she does, but she's active on snapchat She took over that at the right time because it was just like it was blowing up and that's where all though that age group Was consuming content so she jumped on there. Yeah, she's doing her thing. She's showing off her lips She is doing like, you know, she and that y'all it's just To to chalk this up as just like yeah, she had money in fame It's like dude tons of people have money in fame and they're they pour millions of dollars into companies and they all fold Yeah, like it happens constantly like we saw what happened, but you just talked about it. Didn't they have spin-off shows? Yeah, they had spin-off shows
Starting point is 00:26:11 Why didn't those work out? I have the audience. This is the same platform. It's TV same people. Yeah, didn't rock. It just happens Yeah, but with Kylie it works like yo, you got a star from zero It's like yo, I did start from zero because I was born to this family of money and fame. Yes, but I didn't inherit a makeup company She also had to make herself relevant amongst like these beasts that like we're already like huge on the internet Everybody knows who they are. Yeah, like she pushed her way to the front of all of them. That's nuts You know to me that's self-made because you built something by yourself. Yeah I don't I think that you can still be self-made while you're rich and then also like if I have two million dollars. Yeah, right? Just just think about this. I have two million dollars
Starting point is 00:27:00 And I decide I'm gonna I do this let's do this, right? Let's say I have two million dollars and I do this I do podcasting whatever and then I go out and I create a Fucking skateboard company. Yeah, right and because I have two million dollars like that I Inherited fame. Yeah, and that's another thing How much of that money was just given to them? Because you gain it by association like why she not getting any credit for being on the show like it's keeping up with the Kardashians Like I am on the fucking show and I was collecting checks from the show. Yeah, and then I was doing appearances because I'm very famous
Starting point is 00:27:38 Why is that now? Why am I not getting credit for that? Yeah? Oh, you were born into this family. I was like, dude The thing is you know why one people hate them, of course, they're easy targets That's why I love having these conversations. I'm like, you know, think about this logically So I'm just saying too if I have two million dollars and I do podcasting whatever and let's say I was given that two million dollars for my Dad, right, but it was just to have like it was like my life savings. Whatever, right? And then I go yo, I'm gonna start a skateboard company. I Don't know the fuck I'm doing about skateboards and I start a skateboard company and you know I use the money that I had
Starting point is 00:28:13 for my dad To pour it into this company to start a company from zero and now I figure out how to market it to my following that I gained on my own I learned how to Just like relate to these people and like I know like good looks or whatever I don't know. There's a bunch of people involved work. You make it work and it becomes a billion dollar company You're gonna tell me I'm not self-made right because my dad gave me two million dollars. Yeah, I mean Oh, I started from zero and I poured my own fucking money into it, right? How is that not me?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Well, everyone's gonna say you got it from your dad. Yeah, but he but I ran this company. I know I know Like yo, like why isn't Rob a billionaire and he had a sock company. What happened to that Rob? Yeah, you know what I'm saying It's not it's different dude. Like you have it's itself. It's I did that. Yeah, that is me It's zero. Do you consider yourself self-made? Yeah, because I saw people asking that question to you. Do I consider myself self-made? Yeah, I do yeah But regardless of your background or not, well, this is different because literally no one else was doing anything Right. I was making videos. I was editing all of them. I didn't even have like an editor or anything Yeah, so I just put everything out and just collected money
Starting point is 00:29:23 Tom But that doesn't mean someone who has money and built their own thing can't be like self-made And then another thing I was thinking about too like after like she probably created mad jobs for people too Of course she did she got a fucking old industry over there. Yeah, so You know The universe the universe has funny ways of like also coming at people like you know like and by the universe I mean like Twitter and like that shit, but like in suck my dick Yeah, I'll buy all your books and burn them. How's that? Yeah fucking muggle my billion dollars. That's that's the thing
Starting point is 00:29:53 It's like it's trendy. She can buy it bothers me Well, she could it's trendy. She could have easily said no, I'm not gonna do it and Been like I don't want to do it. That's what fucking Kendall did. Yeah, she was like, I want to be like taken seriously as a model And that's what and that's the road. She went down. Yeah, you know, they both I she's self-made too Dude, they all created something. That's what I'm saying. Nobody knew who these fucking people were at what point Do you give credit? That's why I keep asking like it. Do you have to be poor? Is it only poor people? You know because I did this myself dude. I built this company like
Starting point is 00:30:30 The money doesn't matter like how many startups are there in the world that people call themselves self-made But they have partners who are investors who are not involved in the product at all They invest a hundred thousand dollars into the product and they collect their percentage when the company sells It's like without those people without that head start without that money I can't even function But I had to learn how to do it and what road am I gonna take and whatever and she is the sole Marketing point. Yeah, and you only her and you can't do that You can't be successful without that the help of other people in this world. It's impossible
Starting point is 00:31:05 That's another thing. You can't be a billionaire without help, please There's no way just fucking please unless you stumble upon oil, right? Then it's like well Yeah, or like fine like there's a fucking gold mine under your fucking backyard Even then people would be like you're not self-made the earth gave you something about you don't own the Grat the underground space. Yeah enough of that shit. Yeah All right before we move on let's get to the sponsors here starting with Harry's Harry's is all about a great shave at a fair price Which is why over three million guys have switched to Harry's three million. That's a lot of guys. That's a ton of dudes
Starting point is 00:31:40 That's mad dude. That's a lot of that's a lot of facial hair being shaved. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah Company started by two guys Jeff and Andy Just sound like two guys to me ordinary guys nothing special, you know good product though They stripped out all the unnecessary features like the vibrating handle. What does that even do? I don't know the heating blades. What are we? What's going on starting fires on my face? Yeah Like how many lubricating strips do one person exfoliation? I'm good. Come on. Just I just need a shave. That's it. Don't get crazy Um, don't get don't get crazy. I have Harry's comes in a really cool box It's very sleek. Hmm. It's like getting a watch almost their company. It's like you get it
Starting point is 00:32:23 It looks like you're gonna watch like it's like dope. It's fire anyway a Good shave comes down to good blades because Harry's owns the factory They're able to deliver amazing quality blades for just two dollars a blade compared to the four dollars or more You'll pay at a drugstore Okay, and Harry's is so confident. You're gonna love their blades They'll give you a free they'll give you their trial set for free when you sign up at harrys comms slash Basement and all you have to do is pay for shipping. Okay, so right now you can claim your free trial offer from Harry's today
Starting point is 00:32:52 It's a 13 dollar value for free when you sign up just cover shipping. All right If you're gonna shave that face get a free trial set dog Jesus And it comes with a weighted handle a razor handle Five precision engineered blades with a lubricating strip and trimmer blade rich lathering shave gel a travel blade cover All right, $13 for a frizzle. Did I just say that you did but it sounds good Please hit me. I will to get your free trial set go to harrys comm slash basement right now that is harrys comm slash
Starting point is 00:33:27 Basement Next we have oh, we're staying in the bathroom with quip Quit the toothbrush Quip I do. I love quip. I love quip. It's it's great. My toothbrush is gold. It looks fire baller I see it anyway I don't want to read any of this stuff, but it's it's an electric toothbrush that like it vibrates But like not crazy, you know when you put toothpaste on a toothbrush and you hit the the vibrating button Yeah, and it sprays everywhere. I hate that
Starting point is 00:33:57 I'm like, yeah, I gotta clean those mirror the sink everything it doesn't happen It's like just the right amount of vibration. It's great and there's like these pulsing alerts Hmm, so it's like you're brushing then it'll stop it like hop up up and then you got to go to the other side So it's like someone's telling you how long you're brush for you know because sometimes I get home when I'm drunk And I start brushing I'm like, I think I've been here all day. Yeah, like I don't know if I'm here I got too much to do it. I don't know what's going on. Yep, so it just helps And Because the thing that cleans your mouth should be should also be clean
Starting point is 00:34:25 They have a subscription plan that refreshes your brush on a dentist recommended schedule, which is fire Because I get I got my package in the mail and it was just like having a brand new toothbrush How often do they do they switch? I mean for it's you get new brush heads every three months for just $5 including free shipping worldwide So every three months you basically get a new toothbrush. It's just like the battery thing is like the same. That's worth it Which is awesome. Yeah, I have to do this. I mean, yo, I'm telling you I'm not even kidding. This is awesome I hate my toothbrush now. You ever buy toothbrush and you hate it immediately. That's like y'all first of all This is way too thick. Yeah for my face. I'm brushing my gums. Yeah, it's all I hate that. Yeah, like these are great They're it's I just I can't say enough about it. What's that promo code? Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:12 Quip starts at just $25 and if you go to slash basement right now You'll get your first refill pack free with a quip electric toothbrush that your first refill pack free at slash basement It's spelled at G. E. T. Q. U. I. P. Dot. Com slash basement Go get that I'm going. Oh, yeah, and Harry's anyway But yeah, I mean a dude underground space though. What?
Starting point is 00:35:43 These Thai kids I've been dying about these Thai kids. That was a wild You look like it Donned over me. That's so yeah Speaking underground space because we didn't talk about this the Thai kids getting caught in that cave is some of the craziest shit I've ever seen from the first I'm just gonna start from the jump. Yeah, I ain't going to no fucking cave, dude You can't pay me Any amount of money to step foot in a cave fuck no bitch if you came to me were like, yo What's up? I don't give a shit if I'm 10
Starting point is 00:36:19 I don't give a shit if I'm 12 a Cave chill bugging. I'll wait out here. I'll y'all I'll stand watch. I'll stand watch. I'll I'll be out here Make sure You know we could still get out like wasn't it a restricted cave to like you're not supposed to go in this cave? If you're asking me, I think that all caves should be restricted Yeah, first of all, what's in a cave that we're gonna be like? Oh, this is sick Look first of all, why are you going in a cave? Yeah, is that fun? Not even with a guide either It's just cuz you're fucking dumb coach who's like who's what 20 who holds I kid
Starting point is 00:36:54 That's really a response. Listen. Yeah, here's the thing, right? I feel bad because these kids went through it Yeah, and it was a mistake all I'm saying is Don't go on caves if I wanted those Thai kids dads. I Know the coach came out last. I'm waiting for that coach No, man, I mean that coach you're gonna have a talk. No cuz he's a kid. What's he a kid? I Fucking guess The crazy thing was but one of the guys died though one of the Navy SEALs. Yeah, it's terrible. It's awful It's awful dude. The water was so murky that you couldn't see in front of you like your hand Jesus. I
Starting point is 00:37:34 Have anxiety thinking about it. I cannot you think those would you have PTSD from that? Do you think no? Cuz you got out right? Yeah, because they that what that what happened was I mean do it I can't say I don't know but These kids I would for people who don't know the exact story They went to this cave and then it started flooding. It started raining So they kept going further and further into the cave because I don't in the lab It's just it's scary. It's scary. It makes you it's a nervous laugh. Yeah, it makes me anxious I know thinking about it. So it kept
Starting point is 00:38:10 Flooding and it kept having to move back to the point where now the cave the cave flooded and in order to get out they would have had to swim for like four hours Which isn't happening. Well, they were like 12, right? Something like that. Yeah, they were 12 of them. This was were they a soccer team? I don't know. They're like some kind of team Yeah, it was like a team of something but they Then they found a spot where it's like, okay, it stops raining. This is where the water is coming up And they were just stuck in a cave. Fuck dude the initial
Starting point is 00:38:47 Thought in my head is like Which one of these kids is the strongest? Pick up a rock and just fucking beat me. Yeah, just hit me as hard as you can because because I'm not gonna Start to death in here. Fuck no and then and the other thing too about like being stuck in a fucking kid You don't know what's fucking in there, dude. That's the scariest part. First of all That's my real reason for not stepping foot in the cave because I don't know if there's bats. Oh, dude bats disgusting Disgusting animals. I don't care Peta come after me dude fuck bats and you know what I think bats are so gross that pita is like
Starting point is 00:39:22 They're fucking disgusting someone punches a bat in front of a pita guy. He's like, dude, you know Do you think you're back? There's a bats wing. It's disgusting. Yeah, it looks like a fucking ball like a ball sack under Under a light ball. Yeah, you like you stretch over you stretch your nuts over a lamp. That's what that's look like That's what that looks like disgusting. Yeah, and they're just like just like yeah, they're gross They have like wet faces. I don't want any part of it. No, I don't I don't like bats So that's my that's one of my fears and then my other fear is There's some there's animals in here. Yeah, and I don't know I don't know them Yeah, I don't fucking bear tiger. I don't watch any I don't watch enough discovery channel to like be confident and like
Starting point is 00:39:59 This is a good cave. Yeah Could be bare sleeping in here. No, is it hibernation season time even planet Earth when they go in caves Even as majestic as they make it look I'm like fuck this cave Yeah, no not fucking with this cave. No if I was one of those Thai kids I would have been awful in there. I would have been really bad. I would have been really bad You would have been really bad too. Yeah, fuck. Yeah But yeah, but they were feeding them resources to write because there was divers that would go down and by the way Those is your gangster. There were yo those guys are
Starting point is 00:40:32 Superhumans, I can't believe people like that exist. Yeah, that's I'm like, I can't I'm gonna get me started and also these kids Also superhumans. I don't know It's just it's crazy to me the fact that all of them lived is is insane The fact that they were able to go because I'm gonna get to that. Hold on Some parts of this cave like the walls were so sharp that they felt like knives This is what the reports were that they felt like knives and some of the places were so narrow that you had to hug the Oxygen tank because if you had it on your back, it wouldn't fit. That's how tight it was Jesus in some areas And you had to do this for four hours and what they did was they sent divers
Starting point is 00:41:15 Into the cave and when they got to the kids There was a rope right that the kids were attached to the divers and the kids had to get I mean obviously Had oxygen tanks and stuff. Yeah, they still fuck. They still had to swim. They had to teach them how to scuba They had to yeah, they had to scuba. They had to fucking swim for fucking hours. I think it was I Really hope I'm not off with that. No, because that is absurd. It's absurd. Honestly. I'm not even kidding my cut off 20 minutes Yeah, if they told me yo 21, it's a 21 minute swim. I'm like literally go get the rock How are they getting food down to them because they were putting them in they were just diving and then giving it to them and then going back Yeah, so what I needed my lexapro?
Starting point is 00:41:57 Yeah Am I calling back an inhaler? Yeah, I need an inhaler A lot of pin. I need a milligram of clonopin a day. Yeah, and I need that lexapro sir Thank you, and it's just like it's crazy that these kids are just like yeah, okay. I'll go. Yeah, I'm gonna be thinking about that I'm gonna be like this water is gonna go down at some point. Yeah, I'm like, you know what? Can we just like drill in from the side? Can I climb something and that's at one of those points where you can't stop? No, you go. It's like a roller coaster. Yep. You're fuck. It's like an airplane
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah, in the dark under fucking water I would lose my mind I would lose my fucking mind I wonder what they were eating. What do you think they're eating? I don't fucking know. It's like what are you worried about their diets like rations? Yo, those kids are fucking gangsters. I will say this great conversation starter for the rest of your life You know that cave? I was one of those kids You know, it's just we don't really like to give details about what happened there But I was the first one to go how long till they make a movie about this I don't know Tom Hanks is gonna be in that though Tom Hanks is always in those movies Ron Howard's gonna direct it
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, everything is already already in the work. Oh my god. They're crushing it already It's probably a halfway written. It's already been Greenland, but No, but those kids are are just like incredible dude and also What the fuck was gonna say fuck also Wow, I just lost my thought. It's alright. I'm so upset. It's okay punch me in the face. No, it's alright You have a really cute fucking bandana on today though. You really went all out for the World Cup I also didn't even do this on purpose. Yes. Oh my god. Yes, I have no chance I promise I didn't who puts on a US soccer shirt a man who's desperate for clean shirts. That's true
Starting point is 00:43:55 You know what I mean? We got to get our guy in here. Who's that Jerome? Oh, yeah, we got a holler at Jerome Yeah, yeah, he's gonna do some cleaning shout out to Jerome shots of Jerome one time. Joe's a good guy. He's not listening. No, he's not I Yo, also I Did you see the video? I think I showed you the other day, but you sent you sent it to me It was I don't know that guy's name. It was like the host of like the x-factor or whatever But it's an old white dude of the Mel B video. Yeah, well, he's like grabbing her ass getting after it too. Yo, first of all so for people who don't know old white fuck on
Starting point is 00:44:34 X-factor don't know his name Was sitting on a couch With old white fuck it was Simon Cowell old white fuck MLB's on the end It's not like she's hidden in between people. Yeah, she's on the end She's towards the audience and this dude has his arm around her and He's got a full-on bear trap. Yeah Grip and he gives her a good cheek. He gives her like a couple of these He bounces it around in there, you know what I mean? He holds on and then shakes it a little bit. I
Starting point is 00:45:05 Thought they were like I thought he was I thought he was like gay. Yeah, I don't care if you're gay I don't shake my butt meat. Yeah on TV She got freaked out by it Who wouldn't dude all white fuck Fucking bounces my meat. Let me tell you something anyone starts jiggling my ass We're gonna have a conversation. We're gonna have a conversation. Yeah, we're gonna have a talk me in you. Yeah Yeah, that was the craziest thing ever that just goes to show just like these people think they could do it over the fuck They want I know and like no repercussions
Starting point is 00:45:40 That's it. Well, well, even like before like how you were talking about like Hollywood and like power in Hollywood Hollywood is probably the grossest place like thank God you never moved to California I don't know if I could ever do that you would be such a scumbag like way worse than first of all No, I wouldn't what I would be is arrested for punching people in the face. Yeah, and flipping deaths in Offices. Yeah, I could see that. I'm nuts. It's just like You can't go around flopping me. You can't jiggle ass. No, you can't start on TV That's really not giving a fuck. That's when you know you want it dude. That's what I'm saying That's why I I specifically said she was the closest to the audience. Yeah, and
Starting point is 00:46:25 He jiggled the cheek closest to the audience gave her the old flat He had a death grip on that bitch It's insane. It's like I don't really like when like Pete like you ever been a bar like a guy Just like it's like hey man, like what's up like even like a fan alright touches my shoulder Yeah, hey man, what's going on like and then like he knows who you are like like yo, I love your videos Yeah, it's a little weird, isn't it? I it's not the most comfortable thing to have someone grab you right that you don't know like cuz it's like you've been drinking They've been drinking like I've seen you meet people
Starting point is 00:46:59 Yeah, and you saw you saw me get recognized once was the funniest thing of all time guy gets off his bike Me and Danny are walking into H&M some guy gets off his bike. Yeah, yeah, hold up You let me suck you titties I was like, yeah, yeah He's gave me a he's gave me a damp just goes. Yo, I should it's funny as shit. I just got on his bike and rode away That was great, but I say like do you feel uncomfortable in those situations? No, I don't I really don't I don't feel uncomfortable when people recognize I honestly I get more uncomfortable when I can see that someone does recognize and they don't they don't say anything Yeah, and then they'll just like keep looking because now I feel weird. Yeah, well that happened to me in Italy
Starting point is 00:47:41 I told you that on the show before and they were like I could tell she knew like who I was shout out to Maddie She's very nice good supporter of the show. She's the best but she was like and I was like, oh man, I got one. Yeah, and then I was like the basement yard has made it All the way to Italy all the way to Italy random Street in Italy, but it's like what like what's a cutoff for you? I would think like random random touching is a little weird. So here's the thing if someone puts their hand on my shoulder That's fine, but you know how like you have one of your drunk friends like grabs you by the shoulder and like shakes you I'm like, come on, bro. It'll be a bitch. Yes. You want to eat?
Starting point is 00:48:16 Yeah, so it's like I don't do that, you know Yeah, and like me and you we'll make fun of each other and we'll say certain things and like whatever but you're you're not a part of that Yeah, so don't say that to me. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like I know you definitely a point three bro or just like something like you know, yeah, like that's every little weird Yeah, that'd be a little weird like I don't I don't like that also And I didn't think these hotness ratings would take off so much in the comments People went off Some people are so like into the decimal. Yeah, they love it. They love it. Yeah a point three
Starting point is 00:48:51 No, it's a point two. Yeah, like crazy. If you lose like 10 more pounds easily a point four I'm just like, yeah, these people one way too far away. Just so you know like fair warning for anyone who like, you know, whatever No one likes that shit. Like don't try to join in on the on the The the the inside jokes that people have because that's happened to me before and like it's very awkward it's happened with someone that I professionally work with Right that listens to my podcast and when I was out a group of my friends There's this one friend that we make fun of and like blah blah blah and he came out
Starting point is 00:49:28 And this is a professional dude who's an adult and has said this and was and was just and was being a little too One of the guys one of the guys and making fun of him and I had to be like, yeah, not you You told him say yeah That's gangster. No, but it wasn't gangster because it was more just like It's not right. Yeah, and I know you're not trying to I know you're not a bad guy and you feel like this is fine I'm just like, you know, it's not cool, right because it's like I've known this kid my whole life Yeah, I earned the stripes that like yeah, you can't do that Would you do have to you you have to earn stripes to make fun of people of course like you have like friends that I know now
Starting point is 00:50:09 Like I can't I like even to the I've known him for months. I haven't earned like we could make fun of each other yet Yeah, yeah, not like anything crazy. Isn't that weird how like at some point your mind subconsciously Just like we could just do this now. Yeah, like we can make fun of each other. Yeah, I guess so we got there quick Yeah, I would say around week one. We were calling each other names. Yeah, I think so. Yeah No, but I was gonna say like one example of that is that one time cuz like yo like the flip my haircut the flip or whatever I Created the Jimmy Neutron third grader joke, right because I was being self-deprecating, right? bars bars I Was being self-deprecating. I was saying that like oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:50:54 I know my hair cuts trash and me only me only me and second graders have this haircut and People say that joke to me now as if they came up with it I'm like, I'm the one who fucking said but you know Jimmy Neutron looking ass, but not and not just that right? So like it's just a running joke and I understand it's like it's funny. It's like whatever, right? But then someone in person Like y'all y'all big fan of like whatever blah blah blah you open that hair cuts trash And it's like you're you are not part of it, dude. Yeah, you know what I mean? And I let it go because I know yeah, but like how far can you go?
Starting point is 00:51:28 like if I was out somewhere to be and like something like and They were like yo like yo you're an 8.2 now. I'd be like, yeah, that's dope But you know before you were fucking gross. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, dude This isn't for you. Yeah, this isn't like your joke. All right, let us be us like we're joking around when you say it around when a stranger does it It's like yo, yeah, like To the fuck out sometimes like heavy like sometimes like I'll disable comments Like on IG, but it's like only if I like post like a picture of my mom or like something I do the same thing because you know the internet to be like, you know that your mom
Starting point is 00:52:05 I fucks with your mom's. I just feel like yo chill not trying to read that. It's Just let me enjoy this, please. Let me just enjoy this have this Can I just tell everyone how much I love my mom, but isn't that kind of weird though? How we do that which one it's like tell people that you love your mom. Yeah Yeah, but it's cool to let people know that you love your mom Here's what makes me sleep better at night, right? I I think of it as like I see how pointless Instagram is and 95% of it is pointless right of just like look at me, you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:52:39 The other 5% is just like it's content. Yeah, whatever But the part that helps me sleep at night is like I'll be able to look back on this one day Which will which it will be nice. Yeah, so it's it's sort of like having a photo album That's why I kind of look at it, too It was like like I like I periodically I always scroll all the way back and I look and like oh, yeah You remember that day and just make sure you like think of old stuff. Yeah So that's why I like posting about stuff like that is like oh, I can go back and I could look like I don't really you know I don't care. You know, I am you get to wait too many comments anyway. You don't read them anyway
Starting point is 00:53:13 No, not really I try like I try not to especially because I told you that one time I I deleted a video off of Facebook and I was so mad at myself what video was it? It was one of the podcasts we did it was when we were talking about the Royal Wedding. Oh, yeah, first of all Let me go off you protect yourself. Yeah, everyone that was defending that Royal Wedding and like the comment section Relax Relax saying it's the Royal Wedding We're Americans. Sorry. We don't know everything about your culture. It's a show It's a show and we were talking about why it's weird. Yeah, okay. Yeah, all right
Starting point is 00:53:54 It was much as you think our president's weird He which we say which we say on this show if you scroll back five videos You will see us talking about his fucking nasty probable dick. Yeah, okay. No one was taking shots at the Queen We're just trying to Yeah, it's funny. All right Shout out to the Queen. She's like, oh you think that because she doesn't know how to wave correctly like she can't run a country What about your president? That's like dude. I'm not comparing. We got fucking some guy up there Yeah, we didn't vote for you all kinds of shit. It's just like it's just get to a point where that one
Starting point is 00:54:27 I was just like what am I fucking and Anderson Cooper? I talk about dicks. Yeah, I don't do this. Why are you guys? Why are you offended right now fucking attacking us? Oh, I fucking don't lemon like you a little Scalemia alone. I'm like with people when I see them going off in the comments like that I it just like it angers me because I'm like if you would just look at the video after and before this you would know There is no reason to be upset not one piece of malice not one Actual real thought. Yeah, it's just we're having fun here. Have fun. If you had a couple of questions It's all it's all ahead. I had a couple questions. All right. Why you guys still have a queen other places have Queens
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah, it's just you know I associate Queens with like Disney movies. Yeah, all right. I'm sorry like Game of Thrones. Sorry. She got dragons Not a queen then. Yeah, I don't make the rules. I'm sorry to everyone that got upset. Yeah, but anyway I went on Facebook and a bunch of people were going off on me and they were saying like You know, usually I agree with you and usually you're very funny, but this is disrespectful. Oh my god And I'm like what so I keep reading which is the trap that you fall into when you see something like that And you know, and I'm like and they and there's just a bunch of people
Starting point is 00:55:49 Saying the same thing because that's what happens what I used to do when I would post videos on Facebook is I would post it And then I would keep refreshing and I would delete Negative comments. Yeah, of course not because I was offended and not because it hurt my feelings But because it sets the tone for the video before anyone you don't want that to gain traffic either And I don't even care about that when I think about I'm thinking about it like this if I go to a video Yeah, and the first comment is this is wildly Disrespectful you are now going to watch that video through a lens of like I'm waiting for the disrespectful part Well, that's the part though, too. It's like you've
Starting point is 00:56:23 You're not like yo All all press is good press. No, no one's over here trying to be negative about anything Yeah, I'm not fucking being shocked value over here. What's going on? No, but I saw that and I was like, you know what and I took it down and then afterwards I was like what the fuck am I doing? No, I know I know what I said Yeah, and I know it was funny and I know I was joking around. Yeah It's a thin line these days and but nobody's like but I never even get close When that video got posted not one part of me was like
Starting point is 00:56:55 People are gonna be offended by this. Yeah, like oh some people might be like no I've done other videos actually that I'm like this might not I don't know how this is gonna go But anyway, I'm like no one gives a shit. No, you know what it is No one cares until it directly affects them. Yeah, but even though. Yeah, but here's the thing that's that's fucked up That even brings it also because of this 90% of my videos are what? 80s of the internet yeah people of Walmart Stuff like that show a person and make fun of them. Yeah, which is what and and obviously I'm not
Starting point is 00:57:29 Bullying. Yeah, and I'm not like go fucking tell this fat bitch that she like I'm not like doing that Yeah, also nobody here is going for the Nobel fucking Peace Prize either. That's what I'm saying But I'm saying like if that is what you love watching. Oh my god. This is hilarious. Oh my god That's so funny. Yeah, blah blah blah, and then I say something about the Queen. You're like, yo, hold up It's like, yo, I just shit on all these people and you fucking ate it up. Yeah, and loved it Yeah, but now I'm like, wait, hold on. I live here. This is my queen. Yeah, you're going after It's like first of all, I wasn't going after anyone. No one was going after anyone We just wanted to ask a couple of questions
Starting point is 00:58:05 It was not and most of it was about how Americans are so obsessed with it. Why are we obsessed with it? I don't have no, I don't know People waking up at four o'clock in the morning and fucking watch out to watch a wedding to watch a wedding It's crazy. It's nuts. Not even the good part of the wedding. I'd watch the party. Yeah, I want to say them get down Hell, yeah, also it also ties back into like the self-made thing like People getting offended by that it's like the only thing like not you don't know these people Yo, Danny the self-made thing right so people are like this is preposterous. It's like dude You're not on the fucking list. Yeah, why are you upset? Mm-hmm? You're not honest
Starting point is 00:58:47 I can understand if someone on it was like listen, I came from dirt and I made this billion-dollar company You're gonna put her on there with me, but you're just some asshole with a Wiz Khalifa Twitter account Yeah, your dictionary comms social media intern and you're like, here's the real definition of self-made to fuck your books Yeah, okay, and Fuck your Twitter account. Yeah, and then whoever made the definition of self-made was self-made too Oh So don't talk to him. Wow. If I think about that too long. I'm gonna get a nosebleed. Yeah, I know dive dive into that Yeah, that's I'm gonna I'm gonna need time to chew on chew that. That's that's wild. Yeah, I'm deep sometimes
Starting point is 00:59:27 No, no, I'm pretty shallow. Yeah, you show But my brain's good. I mean I've had some concussions. I've had two I've had more I've had more One more question. Hold up. Well, sorry Would you rather be a president or a king though what much rather be a fucking king the fuck wants to be a president That's true. Yo, honestly, though, who wants to be a president? No one if you came out Yeah, you gotta signs up for that. No, that's that's crazy That's where I think you have to be like
Starting point is 01:00:06 You have to be a sociopath to be like the president dude, why do you want to be the president? Even if like you're the coolest president of all time You just feel like yeah, whatever whatever I do close to half of the nation Hates me and I have to do all this shit. Oh another thing. Oh You sign up To be possibly assassinated. Yeah every day people have to follow you around because someone's gonna kill you. Yep I'm signing up for that. I'm good I'm chilling and my salary isn't even all that. No, no, I'm gonna assassinate over here
Starting point is 01:00:45 I'm good. I'm good. We got to put snipers 10 miles away. Yeah to protect me and hide people in plain sight. Yes Those jobs are fucking crazy. Imagine that was your job. Well, like a secret service. Like no, yeah but you were like a plain clothes like Like someone that's in the parade like acting like a prick. They have those. Yeah, and it's like yo if anything pops off I'm just going full fucking Rambo. Yeah, just double That's awesome You're a bad motherfucker if you're doing that dude They're fucking awesome guys like that make me feel like such a fucking bitch. I am a bitch. I am a bitch
Starting point is 01:01:24 You're a bitch. Yeah, I'm a bitch me too. Yeah, you're a fucking bitch. Yo, we're Oh my god, these guys just like these guys were just like, I feel like they could they'll stare at me and I'll cry But yeah, I just don't have it. It's just like a whole nother level of like human being man Insanity, it's just crazy. You ever walk by somebody that's like so like Well, you're not you're not sure you're like 510 511. I'm like 5859 Be ever just walk by a guy that's like 6 3 and just jacked and it's just like What's going on for me? I
Starting point is 01:02:05 Just like why not me Why not me? What's going on here? Would you pay would you pay a hundred thousand dollars? I know you're gonna say and yeah, I would to be six Yep, I would do it in a fucking heartbeat easily. I would pay a hundred thousand dollars be six three fuck Yeah, yeah, yeah, because six three the perfect height because it's like big you're big But you're not like disgustingly huge. Yeah, you know, yeah six three and Also, like immediately. I mean if we were both single guys you're six three you walk in a bar you have
Starting point is 01:02:43 Talk about advantages You want to talk about head starts? I wasn't even start start being six three I'm also the first thing that pops into my mind was I'm dunking that ball. Yes I'm slamming that down if I could dunk a basketball. I would never shoot no I would just straight shack just try to dunk all that fucking ball. I'm gonna jam this shit in there. I Would pay what's what's the most you would pay to be at six three like realistically you would get it done and be like pain-free Like snap of the no recovery like like they like metal rods and you know you're just six three like a genie wish I don't know. I probably a hundred thousand. I think a hundred thousands like my top number, too
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yo being six through be fire it would It would fuck And my dad is six you met my dad. Yeah, he's big. Yeah, six two six three Thanks a lot mom I put Puerto Rican lady. I'm right stuck in the middle Can't wait to someone run up runs up on your mom. I love your son show. It's great You're fucking idiot for being sure they're gonna do yo, yo shout out to your dad for being tall, but like for real your mom She ruined it. Why'd you do that to your son you ruin your son's dreams
Starting point is 01:04:03 All right later, thanks for the picture. Oh, can I get a pic real quick? Oh Man, can you at me? Can you at me? Yeah, but also a I Pardon me feels like I would even take six to Yeah, I would for a hundred thousand 80k 80k is a layup dude six two easy. Yeah Talk about eight point twos You get me at six three. I'm I'm
Starting point is 01:04:39 Flirting with that, you know, you know, like when you like the big strong guy would go to the carnival and hit that thing It would go all the way up through the thing. That's what it would be like Shoot all the way into space like the old cartoons. Yeah That'd be fire I'm excited about the patreon though. No, I know me too. I should say before we wrap up because we're gonna wrap up here This would be the part of the show where we do our segment or we take questions from you guys So again, if you go to the patreon slash the baseman yard You get the super smoky tear or anything after that
Starting point is 01:05:15 You get to send in questions And we're gonna answer them. I'm gonna answer the shit as there was you're like, all right What the fuck does patreon want pull out the blap top start seeing who's asking what yep And why answer your questions and also if you're answer if your question doesn't get picked that week It could get picked to be get picked a week after so it's gonna stay and you could send send in a million I don't you can send in a million, you know, it's just a lot of times like we're gonna be selecting them at random But we're also gonna select ones that either go kind of like what the show that we're doing So there's some luck in there
Starting point is 01:05:48 There is some chance that you will be in there But don't give up if you don't get on the first show, right? Yeah, you just keep sending them in keep sending them in We're gonna go through them. Um, but yeah, anyway I'm gonna go through We're gonna find you Danny, you guys could find me In the studio probably for the next eight years editing this full video podcast Editing this full video podcast, but you can find me at Instagram off Jesus this guy. What's going on? Where they find you? Sorry, I'm already seeing final cut in my head. So I'm like, I'm already editing this out
Starting point is 01:06:28 Now you can find me at Danny low priority on Instagram and Twitter and Joe, where can they find you? Oh, you guys can just like follow me on my social media Everything's at Joe Sanagato my twitch stream is slash Joe Sanagato and again the patreon patreon spelled P-A-T-R-E-O-N dot com slash the basement yard. The other thing is too. I wanted to ask you before we leave What's up? Are you ever gonna play another game besides fortnight? I'm over it. I'm over fortnight, too. Yeah, I want to play something different Are you gonna wait for like a new call duty? I'm not gonna wait. It's like months away
Starting point is 01:07:01 But I'll probably play the current call duty or like FIFA or some shit FIFA FIFA's mad phone. Oh, yeah Anyway, that is all for this week's Fucking episode of the basement yard again if you get the patreon You're getting next week's episode today as well So just know that and then moving forward you'll always get it a week in advance and I'm also just gonna say that episode Was really funny. It's amazing and there is an extra guest on it. It's not just me and Danny There's an extra guest and I don't want to give it away. Yeah, never mind All right, that is all for this week's episode. Thank you for listening. See you next time. Bye

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