The Basement Yard - Let's Talk About Education

Episode Date: August 8, 2017

Let's Talk About Education by Santagato Studios Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard today. I have a get have you ever been on the show? No Well, yes, I have but like not the the TV show not the TV one. Yeah. Yeah, like the we talked about What do we talk about? I don't know probably like shitting and jerking off or that's all the show is about it's either Literally, I don't know somehow every single show. We're like by the way shitting like we'll fit it in like always Took a nice shit just before I got here. Yeah, exactly speaking of shit We were just talking about Well, I was we were before we started we're talking about like what the health like this new documentary that everyone's fucking talking about I think it's kind of ridiculous like they equate everything to cigarettes like I talked about it briefly on one of the last podcast but
Starting point is 00:00:45 Milk is like a big one that they talk about where it's like it's literally doing nothing for humans But we just drink it like no tomorrow and I like I don't know why one day I woke up and I love Milk like I I mean I don't not anymore, but I just woke up one day. I was like, I don't even want to try it It's not like I even drank it and felt gross. I was just like I just don't Want it anymore. I haven't had in like a year and a half and you eat cheese just fine everything like that I mean, I don't eat cheese like an Italian person like they just like I can't just sit there and be like Oh Cheddar and a cracker like I can't do that like I I used to love that I can't they say that as you get older you're you can get lactose intolerant
Starting point is 00:01:28 You just become it out of nowhere That's what happened to me I used to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and I used to drink a glass of milk and then I used to be like I Have to take a dump diary of my brains out right now Immediately like I have to do it from a PB and J. That's what I'm saying So I'm like I must be allergic to something I can't eat peanut butter and jelly no more So the only time I had milk was that like peanut butter and jellies so I had milk one day And I hit the bathroom the same way the peanut butter and jelly and I slowly started to realize like it's not the peanut butter and jelly
Starting point is 00:01:56 You know, it's crazy now that I'm thinking about it Growing up. I've all I always felt like I had IBS Like always because I always had like literally I'm not even kidding a three minute window Like as soon as it got to my brain like You're gonna have to take a shit soon. I had three minutes before it was exiting my body Which means 30 seconds in because like the last three minutes of an emergency and it was always an emergency and it never was like a solid Milk is horrible for you
Starting point is 00:02:32 Like I would tell what like my mom would be like, oh my god I have diarrhea like it's terrible. Like, you know, this is like the second time I've had it this year and it's like August I'm like, it's like my I've had diarrhea like five times this fucking week Me like are you shitting me right now? But that's how it was and I think that maybe it was cuz it was drinking milk I used to chug milk I would get home from the park playing basketball and instead of drinking water I'll just go right to the milk gallon and just start throwing it down like disgusting now that I think about it
Starting point is 00:02:59 I'm like that is so gross. I've never told us anyone before but I used to sing a milk song. Okay My brother used to make fun of me. Wait, why would you say milk? It's so delicious and I would drink it That was it. Yeah, that was the whole song. Yeah, and I still you're gonna get a gram. I Still think it's delicious Today, but my stomach won't allow me to drink it It's like whiskey. I think it's delicious, but my stomach won't let me drink it anymore Wait, you shit if you take whiskey too. No, no, no, just college, you know College you said too much whiskey. Oh, okay. Yeah, I mean I
Starting point is 00:03:35 Can't do it anymore there 80 gallons of it in your body Then, you know, I used to have a bottle of Jameson in the stash at all times at school That'll do it. Yeah, that'll definitely do it. That's what happens when you give a kid an office in his it was bad I I mean look growing up was tough. I'll be honest with you There were six of us in a house and I drank a lot of milk and there was one bathroom And me and my oldest brother who takes the longest shits out of anyone in my family Had the same bowel movements, I guess because he was always in there before I was and I had to just I can't tell you how many times I was on the verge of tears outside that door like please
Starting point is 00:04:14 Just Because he would just hang out in there like he would I feel like he was fighting like on purpose Like he was trying to he was clean would clench his ass so that he wouldn't You know what I mean? Like just get out I'm not gonna tell you which brother it is because they'll kill me if they found out I also grew up in the house of six people Four boys always had to shit, right? So a lot of dumping I was taking a crap one day right and my brother comes in
Starting point is 00:04:39 And he's like yo timmy I got to go right now and I'm like dude. I'm literally in the middle I can't stop. You're gonna tell me. Okay. I'm like, yo go to the garbage can go to the garbage can Yo, he pulls down his pants and puts his his hand behind his ass and Legit like shits like a ice cream cone would come out into his hands He's a young kid at the time. I'm like, yo, he's like, what do I do? Oh my god, I don't know One of your brothers what are my brothers in their young kid? He was a young kid at the time What is a young kid though? Like eight that is way too old to shit in your own hand. That's true
Starting point is 00:05:14 He should have shot in the garbage can I told him that eight Second is it second or third dude. I was walking to school In second, was I I might have been yeah, I definitely was second grade. No, I wasn't But that's that's way too old to be shitting in your own hand. Wow. I need to find out who that was So bad. I'll tell you after. Yeah, definitely. I need I need to have a conversation with them Can you imagine that? I mean I would rather I would shit in the tub before I would shit in my hand, right?
Starting point is 00:05:45 Or like a garbage can or something, right? Or just like shit in the shower and just keep stepping on it until I just can't Oh, that's disgusting By the way, I hope for everyone who can't watch everyone who is watching you'll see this Yankee candle here I went to bed bath and beyond the other day For a neutral bullet because I want to get a blender so I could start having smoothies in the morning Because I always skip breakfast because I just don't want to cook in the morning But smoothies are pretty easy to make so I went and bought that and then I ended up spending $300 on god knows what
Starting point is 00:06:18 You know some of that was spent on many candles like this one I'm kind of like a middle-aged divorced woman with Yankee candles. Like I fucking hoard them I see candles and they're so expensive. They're fuck. It's wax What am I paying for? It's it's ridiculous. I uh, I had a house warming. I was it two days ago You were there. Where was it two or three days ago? Two or three days ago, right? And all the house warming gifts I got were all like Bed bath and beyond gift cards. Oh, yeah Dude, I felt like an old man. I'm like, what is it? You don't want them swing them because I will abuse that
Starting point is 00:06:53 I love that place. I've never even been inside What what do I have to go inside bed bath beyond for first of all Not for nothing. They got a pretty cool like artwork really and the one near us There's one that that has like an art section. It's got pretty dope stuff. I'm in the market. I hang up in my apartment It's from there. I'm in the market for some art right now. Are you? Yeah, not I'm in the market for some art. Well, we have a big-ass wall has nothing on it That's true But if you go there, they have really cool stuff like the the thing I have above my piano
Starting point is 00:07:21 That's it looks like a bunch of old Vinyls of like classic rock. I found that there and it was on sale It was a fucking line through the actual price 20 bucks. I was like steel. Thank you Something feels wrong about buying art from bed bath and beyond though. Yeah, I mean, it's definitely not like ideal I'm not like a purist in the art. I feel like I would be not representing What I stand for I've I've bought art though from like These
Starting point is 00:07:48 You know not well known people just people who I see like retweeted on my timeline I'm like, oh shit like that's awesome. I'm gonna have that And I'll just fucking buy some of the stuff I have here That Kanye stuff is really cool. That Kanye stuff was really cool. Yeah, that was made by this girl. I believe she's from Brooklyn um Started following her on instagram. I believe her instagram is like air's art or something like that But yeah, she I I I know her through a mutual friend
Starting point is 00:08:17 I didn't know this until afterwards by the way She but she got retweeted onto my timeline on twitter and I saw like this thing that she made It was that exact paint painting and I was like, oh, are you selling this? She's like, oh, I can make you one if you want you want me to like customize it But like JS on the jacket or whatever of the bear. I was like, yeah So she made it. She was like, yeah, I want something like that man. Yeah, it's fucking awesome. I want like some No one knows. I was like heavy into it at one point. Like I was searching. I remember art is fucking expensive though It's like 250 for like this little but one thing
Starting point is 00:08:51 One you bought it for one million one year later. It's worth two million two years later. It's worth eight million I mean, yeah, that's why that's what jz says. Is that what he said? Yeah I didn't know that. Yo, it's fire album if you haven't listened to it yet, but 444. Yeah, I haven't heard one song off that That's grow man. Shit I don't really know what that means I'll take your word for it. Um, anyway Tim is a teacher. I am What grade?
Starting point is 00:09:15 I've sixth right now, but I've taught sixth seventh and eighth Which one is the most trash? I'm gonna go with seventh because that's seven seventh. I was at my worst I was that I was the worst person I've ever been in seventh grade everyone It's it's a combination of like hormones are going nuts Like you got these kids who don't know what the fuck's going on and you're like, oh, I'm like because usually I mean for the most part in New York City, it's like You go kindergarten to fifth grade. That's one school and then six to eighth So when you get to a new school in sixth grade, everyone's kind of like calm and then seventh grade you're like
Starting point is 00:09:46 Not sixth grade anymore. Right and then you're like you think you're the man, right and you're comfortable, right? You know all the teacher's names, right, you know the administration's names eighth grade's not great either I'll be honest with you the eighth grade's a little better because they start getting a little mature Right the only problem is you start dealing with like the sex stuff in eighth grade Yeah, people getting fingered in the back. Yeah Has anyone gotten fingered in your class not in my class? No, but I've had I've had kids get caught having sex in my old school like in the hallways and shit You caught them. No. Oh god. Thank god. I wish people were fucking at my bed. That would be all the time
Starting point is 00:10:17 Yo, people were fuck. We went to the same middle school. Yeah, they were fucking. They were fucking like crazy I remember one girl in sixth grade told me she was like you're a virgin. I was like, yeah just like Loser I was like I'm fucking sixth grade. No one's ever seen my dick before Like just me and I think my mom My two best friends and my brother and my friends out They lost their virginities at like 12 and 13. Yeah, that's just out of control. Yeah, I agree
Starting point is 00:10:44 And I'm chilling there and everyone in my school's having sex 12 year old. Let's not get into that. I'm not even gonna I don't even know. I don't I don't know. I don't know like I I don't even know what you China at 12 I'm pretty sure I would Just combust. I remember when he told me my first question him was how do you know when it's over? I It's a good question for a 12 year old to ask It's a fair question because I still asked that about lesbian porn
Starting point is 00:11:10 I'm like, when do they decide that we're done? Here, you know, is it kind of like when the first one gets really tired? You're like, listen, we've been at it I came multiple times. I am satisfied. Trust me. You know, because I'm assuming it's not like just one time, you know They're going at it. I mean, I don't really watch lesbian porn You know, I don't really watch it either. That's not my thing Yeah, it's not it's gotta be a dick I've said that multiple times on this show too many times that I'm comfortable with to be honest with you I'm gonna leave the porn with you. Yeah, it's considering I teach six graders. Well, you know, that's good
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yeah, you know, sorry tim. It's all right right in there. Um, anyway, I kind of wanted to talk to you about Just school in general you graduated. I did have a master's degree. You have a master's degree So you graduated twice three times three times. See you in high school No, I don't count high school And I dropped out after a semester Uh, I just want to get your opinion kind of like on school in general like do you think that it's super necessary still because
Starting point is 00:12:22 I feel like back in the day it was like You if you didn't have a diploma, you're not getting shit, which I still kind of think is kind of true but I don't know just in in general like do you feel like school is Actually educating people or doing something else. All right. I think that school is obviously necessary You obviously need to be an intelligent person. Right. You can't go through life not being able to read You're going to struggle. Yes. You can't go through life not being able to do math. You're gonna struggle Let's let's just college. I'm talking about more more
Starting point is 00:12:53 Obviously, I think it's very necessary to go through all schooling until well I think that where it starts is at the base level because What's going on right now in school is everything's about college readiness and if you Look at any type of I don't know if you know what the common core is But it's like 48 states have adopted this common core that every school in 48 states All the sixth graders have to be able to meet certain standards Right in order to pass into seventh grade. I thought common core was just like this ridiculous new Thing it's ridiculous because I because I heard like because I forgot someone showed me like
Starting point is 00:13:30 They were doing multiplication like the kids because My my mom works out of school. My brother works out of school My sister used to work at an after-school program And they are all telling me like yeah, these kids have this thing called common core now that you know a simple multiplication Equation is broken down 19 times to get the answer when all you had to do was this like the way that we were taught And now it's like completely different so that all right, so that much I agree with Like what they do what they do is instead of saying like what's two times two they'll say Jimmy has two um, I don't know apples apples, right?
Starting point is 00:14:07 And he wants to add two more apples how many more apples are there or like instead of saying what's this divided by this They'd say this is the percent of tax. How much are you how much are you adding to the total number? So they put it in like a a form the problem is that You're taking the same education and you're giving it to kids in rural Kentucky or the rich part of wisconsin or like Like the like new mexico where there's a complete immigrant population And this that's the same education you're giving to kids in the bronx and it's it's there can be a uniformed Set of tools like one of my favorite things is an educator that I try and strive to every time I I teach is
Starting point is 00:14:51 There's always this quote that sticks to me and it's If you judge an elephant on its ability to climb a tree It will live its entire life thinking it's stupid So I like that. Yeah, so education I think when you try and centralize it and you try and make everything about college readiness All right, how are we going to get these kids ready to go to college? All of a sudden you got Double periods english double periods math social studies. What is double periods double periods like two periods in a row? Oh, wow, right? How long is a period? I haven't been this for 45 minutes. Okay periods 45 minutes
Starting point is 00:15:24 Then you got 45 minutes. That's it. I feel like yo, I was in school. I was like yo periods are fucking forever I would sleep through half of it It's crazy. I was like, yo, when is this over man? I need to get to gym the first college class I took I was like What do you mean? This is gonna last an hour and 30 minutes I know there's no way I'm making it through no way. That's three times. That's not even though During my semester, what I don't even remember what that's a lecture hall like how you have like
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yeah, however many kids in that class. I'm like, oh, they think I'm gonna show up here I don't know I'm here like this guy doesn't know my fucking name Yeah, that's ridiculous. So everything is like so now it's double period because you need to know how to write an essay When's the last time you wrote an essay? And the what they're being tested on is not even the contents of their essay. It's can they support with evidence or Do they use the right structure?
Starting point is 00:16:18 And it's like you you're teaching them how to structure their ideas and you're grading them on their ability to structure their own ideas in your way I feel like in an hour day. It was kind of like a paragraph five sentences go for it and like express yourself and whatever the answer is explain it And if the answer made sense, you got the you know, it was right But these days it's like that that's those standards I think are And becoming college ready is taking away from what college is
Starting point is 00:16:49 And it college is supposed to be a place where you learn and you grow Do you think it's more of like so now what you're saying is They focus more on the structure than what's within You know, it's just they they focus on getting them ready for the remedial classes and not like What schools should be is like Find your purpose like I remember even when I was in high school. We had auto shop. We had wood shop We had uh Like uh, there was a nursery. We could take care of babies. Uh, there was a there was a pool
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah, I swear to you. There was a shop mart. You got a nursery. Yeah. Yeah. I had 4,000 now. Yeah Yeah, I had 4,000 kids in my school. Yeah, I know like my graduate class was a lot of them had babies by the way A lot of them have babies. Yeah, I went to we live in New York City. Like I just went I just want to remind everyone But my I love my school experience. It was real. It was it was I loved it But I had all these opportunities and I had a journalism class And that's what made me want to be a journalist that journalism class that teacher miss cats if you're listening now shout out yeah, I like I don't know. I never had like a wood shop class or anything like that or
Starting point is 00:17:53 Homec or whatever like I never had any of that stuff, but in high school The only class that I even can remember that was kind of I forgot what the name of the class was but basically this is the class that I learned how to write a resume Like I had to write one. You know what I mean to come up with like that I could see as useful, but for the most part a lot of the stuff that I learned in high school I have no idea what the hell it was Or like anything
Starting point is 00:18:20 You know, I have no idea like what is the purpose behind summer reading? I don't know that's the most important thing you could do. Yeah, but I understand like reading for the I don't understand that But like quizzing me on the book What is that doing? I agree with you. I think the whole Testing standardized tests standardized everything is complete nonsense. It's made by the man to keep The the powerful where they are and the not powerful where they are. It's got deep. How the fuck what do you mean? all right Little little things like like I just said the structure, but let's I'm I teach in the South Bronx, right? My population is
Starting point is 00:19:00 98 percent African-American 100 percent poor right, right 100 percent these people are in the ghetto like this is the South Bronx and When you see a test and they're giving you tests and this it's a poem from 1912 and They have to answer questions about it or it's a story about a yacht not a boat A yacht and it's a story and they're instead of talking about what going down the hallway There's an entire story about the corridor
Starting point is 00:19:28 right And you when you when you're in it you start seeing things like that and you start seeing things like what if they gave the rich kids Like some ghetto slang on their tests. How would they do right right? This is not in the lexicon of their everyday life They're not saying yacht. They're not saying corridor So when you're testing kids on their ability to understand this uniformly You're gonna take this kid who who is just like confused because it's not part of his life Right
Starting point is 00:19:59 And you're gonna call him stupid and he's not he's gifted as fuck And he's he has everything to offer as much as everyone else does it's just that there's a system in place That makes it so he can't succeed and it's not just black and white too. It's classism. It's keep the poor poor and the rich rich Oh That's what that's what we're going. That's yeah I mean It is what it is like that's that's the new that's the new the new people who are in charge and i'm making that a I can I can honestly say that like I have a photographic memory
Starting point is 00:20:30 so I can I would literally put it to the test in high school where I had an english class where we had to take vocab tests and literally some of the tests they just wanted us to Take the word that was like the word the vocab word and then know the What's the opposite? Antonym the antonym of it right Not even the definition like why I'm like, how does it help me right? But anyway
Starting point is 00:20:59 I would walk into class and I on purpose I would not study And then I would look at the book And just hold it in front of me and I would just stare at it Close the book and get I've never gotten under 100 on one of those tests ever Because I could just look and I'm like, oh that's I could see where it is on the page And just write the answer every single time I got a hundred and and like I don't know any of those fucking words Critical why would I know the what is the antonym doing for me?
Starting point is 00:21:27 It's critical thinking. I mean I I mean I agree with you to a certain extent, but at the same time I think that vocabulary needs to be put back into the Absolutely, but that's not gonna that's not gonna do it. I'm not like I'm not learning that way I even what I have even said that where I'm like, I wish I could broaden my like My vocabulary because I feel I haven't been to school in so long and I don't like read as much as I should so I don't Have a huge vocabulary. I think it's like these entertain this though, right?
Starting point is 00:22:00 So let's let's say you were in school and you had to learn these words But instead of having to learn these words because it was on a test Instead you had to learn these words because in your class you were gonna do an activity That you needed to know the words for like you're gonna make a poem or you're gonna have a you're gonna be in a play Or something like that right something practical something you could actually use use use right not just what is this word? What is the opposite of this word right right? Would you have been more excited to learn those words? Uh, I would have been yeah, I don't I wouldn't want to say excited because I don't think I would be like excited But I would like I would have a reason to know
Starting point is 00:22:37 I need to know what this means Right because I mean obviously when you're in school you want to get the shit done and if you'd like have to get it done for a reason then You know I think that's I've always said that like that I feel like that's why they do Hands-on stuff with science because the only way you're really going to learn is when you actually just do it Like you know what I mean like sit there and actually physically do it because then you could understand it's better You're going like your body is doing the things that you're learning. I agree
Starting point is 00:23:02 But if I just read it in a book, I have no idea what to feel like I'm just I'm just trying to appease you by saying the words that Are going to give me a good grade. I don't I'm not really retaining the information exactly And I think that's why the whole point the whole thing of testing and college readiness is really just a mistake And I think that's a it's a giant mistake that it starts there and it goes there like and I don't want to talk shit about my school My school has great progressive thinkers in charge
Starting point is 00:23:29 Particularly my principal and my vice principal and They have great and they they encourage this they encourage as much as possible like Yes, we have to give these kids tests and yes I have to do well in them and yes, they have been improving because we've been but the reason they've been improving is because we're taking it outside of just like Write this down because I tell you to And I think that's where it all goes wrong like if you if you can go to a
Starting point is 00:23:55 comedy class In college, I bet you would have loved that class Yeah, I think people would take that or or something that you would like Like cut videos together. I'm sure they have those classes, but you know Yeah, but what do you have to do instead if the right essays for the first two years? Yeah, why? Yeah, I don't know. I mean I don't know And that's why
Starting point is 00:24:23 That's the root of that's the root of everything before we start fucking flip it out. It's the root of everything I know Yo, would all these would all these say another thing that keeps that is keeping kids stupid in my opinion is Look at You see all this like health information coming out. We were talking about how milk fucks you up, right? Right and I drink kefir, by the way. Kefir is a It's like fermented milk, which just like sounds disgusting, but I haven't tried it yet. It's in my fridge though I gotta do it. You know all this process shit fucks you up, right?
Starting point is 00:24:52 and You know, they're feeding the kids this shit to keep them going and You know kids in the in the ghetto don't get the same food that we do like you can't I can walk outside of my house right now my apartment And there's five supermarkets within a three block radius right five and two of them are organic like
Starting point is 00:25:13 I can get good food whenever I want These kids don't have access to that they come in they they're eating takis and sodas for for breakfast Next they have fucking processed meat and bread They're stuffing that into their face lunchables and shit and you you wonder why they can't spend a second in their seats It's because they're going they're going fucking insane inside their bodies fighting against them And that's some purpose that they're eating. Yeah, that's all the food they're eating. Oh my god. It's horrible and trump just took away the standards for food and
Starting point is 00:25:44 The standards already were so low And he took them away You can feed the kids anything now dog shit dog shit. It's on the menu. It's crazy anything to cut costs and you know, that's true because I feel like I was always like a kind of Lively I guess is the right word that I was like, you know, I was very energetic always in school Like I was never like one who would sleep but every single period when I came back from lunch
Starting point is 00:26:12 out I'm out like no matter what the class Even if it was gym, I was just like you know Going through emotions still getting buckets, but You know just hanging at a slower rate But yeah, I don't I don't know. I guess that's I guess the thing I do I I literally to it's to the point now like now that we're talking about like food and health or whatever
Starting point is 00:26:33 If I don't work out in the morning, I have like the worst day Like it's impossible like I at least have to go And just go there even if it's like the worst workout ever Which it was on monday monday was the first time that I I went to the gym when I got back from vegas I took a week off because I was like I I can't I need to like catch up on sleep like figure my shit out Uh, but monday I went and it was terrible. I couldn't lift anything but
Starting point is 00:27:00 You know just having that You know what I'm saying like getting going and moving around like it goes a long way and if I don't eat well It's just like it's fucking night and day. It's terrible. It's really really fucking It's so easy to tell the difference if I just eat like pizza for three days straight. I'm just fucking out for two days I have no energy. I want to sleep. I'm just like laying around like it's it's fucking it's crazy So when when there's no fucking standard for the food that you can that you feed these kids You know how you're gonna get them to learn the shit that is not even you know Doing what it's supposed to do and you're probably eating good quality pizza
Starting point is 00:27:38 This is a microwaved pizza like how you're supposed to eat a microwave pizza and then go to a classroom and learn about fucking soul studies Have you have you It's hard. I'm a soul studies teacher like you're not about to sit here and let you uh my bad You know talk shit about rectangular pizza Because that was my shit. Yo Nah Fuck come on man. You like the rectangular pizza Cut his mic off right
Starting point is 00:28:05 The rectangular pizza was everything when I was in fifth grade. Uh, but you liked it Fuck yeah, I like that shit it had a rectangular pizza Fifth grade but But did you like it because you were mad hungry or did you like it because you like pizza, bro All right. Yeah. Yeah, but if they gave you like the slice or the long one, which one are you picking? Bro, it's a long one. Really? I don't I just a rectangular made it so good. I wouldn't need it now
Starting point is 00:28:34 I'll take the slice now pull it back then rectangles. I was all about shapes And a chocolate milk two chocolate milks two chocolate milks a rectangular pizza and some corn Yo, that's probably the worst thing you could have Triangles of shape man What triangles of shape what I say triangle Oh, because you're all about shapes you could do the triangle anyway. No, no slice is not a shape. That's a slice
Starting point is 00:29:01 It's different I was all about the rectangles. I didn't like chocolate back then so I was I had the chocolate I didn't like chocolate. I don't like chocolate stills of this day. Oh, that's stupid That's wrong anything bitter. I hate it, but I had the monopoly on the one percent milk That was my monopoly the light blue Was what that was all me. That's all we drank in my my house growing up. We never had whole milk If we had whole milk my sister would literally turn the house upside down She would freak out. I'm like relax. Like we're trying to grow. I was still like, you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:29:36 Thinking that's like a dumb thing too. I think that they marketed milk was like you've drank and you have strong bones It's like, well, that's not fucking true. Like no, I mean that it does have vitamin a and d which is good for you But at the same time it's just it's protein But it's fucking cow protein like that protein is supposed to build a little baby cow from little baby cow to a giant mammoth Beast of a cow. Do you know how much a cow weighs? I did this on that. I had max on the show and he because you know, he went running with the bulls That was crazy. I know and he's living life right now. He is shout out to max. Yeah, he's homeless. It's great It's awesome. It's amazing
Starting point is 00:30:10 But he was when he went running with the bulls and then we were talking about like how much is a bullway And then I was like, how much is a cow? Do you do you know, you know, what could I guess? Go ahead? Yeah, I do. Is it more than a ton or less? I'm not gonna tell you A ton and a half Was that like 3,000 pounds? A ton is 2,000 right? Yeah, so no, it's like it's like a ton. It's like around a ton. Oh, I said I said like 600 pounds No way. Yeah, I'm stupid. There are humans that are 600 pounds
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah Get off their bed or whatever, how does that happen? By the way, how do you let it get to 600? Because at that point it's not like genetic You have a purpose You are doing that like I can understand getting to like 300 But you're doubling 300 You don't get to 300 ago. I need to turn this ship around As a former fat person and still a chubby person that is on the borderline of fat. I'm probably still fat
Starting point is 00:31:07 I Don't know I would like to tell you but I thought that I like I got the 260 and I was like I can't live like this anymore I thought I was having heart attacks. I was like, I gotta I gotta lose weight immediately Dude, when I get when I hit like 185, I'm like, we need to turn this around. This is bad I was like, we need to go back down here. I can't I can't lose weight for the life of me It's crazy. Like if I lose like three pounds. I'm like through the roof. I'm like, I did it Like I swear to god. So what I hear like our friend nick and you like you guys lose fucking weight like crazy And I'm just like
Starting point is 00:31:40 I can't yeah, but I went from 260 to 210 and he went from 220 to 180 That's different than no, he's not 180. But whatever. It's not like I was not listening. He's gonna kill me He looks very good. He lost a lot of weight. Nick. You look great, but you're not 180. We both know it I'm not even 180. I'm like 180 too Nick going from 185 to 180 is a lot harder than going from 260 to 210 Well, maybe not all that but like 260 to 250 You can shed them like quicker, you think I mean, if you go from like a super unhealthy lifestyle as soon as you change your diet, you'll drop
Starting point is 00:32:15 I dropped 35 pounds on diet alone garbage, dude. Not. I mean, actually, no it was garbage Mine is like, all right. Like I'll have days where it's like, okay, just this is like You're gonna die if you like this every day. Like I sort of got some days I'll have like I'll wake up in the morning. The first thing I'll eat is like Oh, wow, there's a pack of skittles on this fucking counter that I didn't finish last night. I'll have those for breakfast And then I'll have like some water
Starting point is 00:32:44 And then for lunch I'm oh pizza. Why not? Pizza again for dinner. Fuck it. Why not? And then just like the whole day you eat bad shit and then like You go binge drink on the weekend Hold up before we move on with the show. Let's get to the sponsors here Uh, we have these days. You can get practically everything on demand. I like our podcast Listen, listen whenever you want when it's convenient for you So why are you still going to the post office and dealing with their limited hours? When you be getting postage on demand with anything you do at the post office
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Starting point is 00:35:26 Like like a hundred of them. Yeah, dude. They're delicious though. I don't know what to tell you They taste way better than the cigarettes. Let's admit that you can all agree to that, right? They taste better than cigarettes never smoked cigarette. I have never smoked a cigarette. How do you know? I'd be terrified to smoke a cigarette to be honest with you. I wouldn't be terrified But I'd be like, I just can't imagine how that tastes good. I stopped my cigarette. Everyone here smokes, I think, right? I stopped at four cigarettes a day You stopped I got to four cigarettes a day and I was like, all right now. I'm having four cigarettes a day I need to chill. I don't even know you smoked cigarettes. I used to roll myself
Starting point is 00:35:56 You're such a like it. Well, I used to also get like marboral light when I was lazy, but I used to try and roll myself I don't know the difference between fucking cigarettes. I have a gold one. I don't know I used to do your own cigarettes. I used to get I used to go to clubs back in the day and Spanish clubs were the shit you you live in New York. You've been to a Spanish club. This is the rules and you What was the name of it? I My name's at the wasu. I've been to all of them. I've been to one
Starting point is 00:36:24 two Might have been to a club. I was at a club every weekend when I was a kid I was an animal so was I but I was like whenever when I was underaged Always at a club as soon as I turned 21 never had a club ever Over it. My club streak states like 23. I was like from 18 to 23. I was from like 17 to 20 Clubs only now. I refuse to step my foot in one Hate it. I yeah, I'm not a big fan of him anymore Everyone on that line who's a guy is trying to fight someone that night for whatever
Starting point is 00:36:55 I have no idea why I feel like if I was single though, I'd still want to go because that's the easiest place to I like bars. I think it's a more chill environment and girls are just kind of like, yeah, what's up? Yeah, no cool. I'm a veterinarian and shit, you know You want to do a shot of jaymo or something? You got to play to your strengths. You're a good conversationalist. I'm a good dancer It's how I dance in bars. I dance in bars all the time It depends what bars you go to some bars have like that open area in the back that you could like dance That's true. I've done work there too that I've done work there All right, but those are my kind of places. Yeah. Yeah, I'm down
Starting point is 00:37:27 But like the bar the bar where you could bar when you first walk in and in the back There's a dancing thing with a dj. You're like heaven. What's up? I feel like those things only exist after like our prime But anyway, I when the when the bachata would come on and like the merengue You know, I could shake it a little bit, but I wasn't great at it and you know The type of girls that were dancing to the other music were more up my alley at that point Okay, so I would go outside and I'd smoke a cigarette And it would be hot as fuck in the club and it would be in the middle of winter and I'd go outside And it'd be like a nice reprieve. Right. So I go smoke a cigarette. I go back inside
Starting point is 00:38:01 Or and then it kind of got to the point where I was like smoking cigarettes Like I just had the pack from the club that night. Oh, let me have one Right and just they just kind of dude, you know, I went through like a hookah pen face hookah pen hookah pen Not proud I went through an actual hookah face I know I was there. Yeah, my ex-girlfriend like dude. I was in that hookah phase with you. Do you remember that? So that was like when it happened our whole age age group was in the hookah phase of that way Yeah, there was a there is still a hookah craze. That's just crazy, but drakes going through it right now
Starting point is 00:38:35 Every third post on instagram is him with a pipe. But anyway, uh back then For whatever reason, why would we meet up all the time? I feel like we would meet up to talk about stuff Was it the t-shirt company? Maybe we like when I was younger before any of this happened like there were so many side hustles That I was like trying to build or like everyone I knew like we all had this thing that we were like, oh We're gonna do this. We're gonna do that. We're gonna do this with that. There was always something like we were never like Yeah, I'm trying to be a fucking a vet. I don't know why I keep bringing up Really like
Starting point is 00:39:10 None of that it was always just like all right How can we build this business blah blah blah and we would always meet and we'd always meet at that hookah place I don't even know what's called. What's it called? Rotana. No, no, no We never went there. Oh, you talk you talk about the run next to rotana It'd be called the VIP VIP call the VIP. I don't know what it's called moonlight or something like that Eastern nights eastern nights. Yo, good good fucking memory because you said moonlight. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, good. It's called eastern nights Which I don't even know but there was never anyone in there and we would go and there was just one Table that looked like he was in like a roped off section
Starting point is 00:39:41 So I'm like, oh, we're in the VIP so we called the VIP and then we would smoke hookah Which I hated which apparently is worse than cigarettes so much worse Didn't know that dude. You said you were going through a hookah phase at that time. That was like my side hookah spot That's how much hookah I was smoking at the time. Yeah, that was bad But then after that for whatever reason I was like because I don't smoke cigarettes I don't smoke weed but I was like, oh hookah is like whatever. I don't know one day I just did it because But it's vapor and then yeah
Starting point is 00:40:09 And then I was like, oh these and then someone introduced me to those pens that you just like press the button And then the light turns red and then you like smoke it and then smoke comes out And I would buy those all the time I don't think I've ever seen you smoke a hookah pen Yeah, I mean, I haven't done it in years. So like I don't think I I didn't like have one and like do it in front of people Like no, you're just on your own It wasn't something I was like You need to do
Starting point is 00:40:35 No, I didn't like blow o's or try to fucking The vape where you oh my god the vape the vape videos. I'm not gonna lie. I'm number six Oh, here we go. I mean My yo, I hope you don't die person doing vape videos Why die because it's really dangerous. Is it? Yeah. Why? Yo, the reason I stopped smoking hookah. I was at hookah for the third time that day and my boy and my boy louie Had a blackberry at the time he pulls out a blackberry and goes look at this and he's like it's like
Starting point is 00:41:04 Each hookah pull is like 10 cigarettes each and and yo I used to Do contests where who can fill up their lungs the most and blow out the most smoke All the time. So like I got shook od is I just stopped smoking right so I mean, you're gonna die like 15 years earlier I hope not man But like the people who blow in vapes like that's their profession like your profession is putting that in your lungs and blow That's a job Dude the people who vape on instagram and stuff
Starting point is 00:41:34 They're getting your surprise that like videos could be a job I'm smoking a vape. Yeah, people love that shit They do man. It's kind of it's kind of cool. I'm not gonna lie. It looks cool. I would never do it I would never like pay to go watch someone do it though Nah, they just like get average they have mad followers and they get advertisements. You know how it goes vape king Yeah I don't I don't know They just opened up a new vape store by my spot. I feel like vape's gone though
Starting point is 00:42:03 Vape stores are popping in new york right now. Do you know anyone who likes like vaping like if I go out to a place And I see a dude with like it looks like a beeper and he's smoking it and blowing smoke. I'm like fuck this guy I've never like got him. I got I want to talk to him, you know, you know, a lot of people are vaping weed nowadays So yeah, so like you can go out in public and smoke weed and you know, but like they're blowing it and I'm like, oh It smells like fucking fruity pebbles. Yeah This fucking guy's vaping not those guys. Yeah. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I have smoked a vape though I was in philly For some youtube thing
Starting point is 00:42:38 One of those awful things I went to I went one of those Went to you went with you to one of those there you go. Which one um press play johnny performed Maybe oh, yeah, and then we went to your summer house afterwards. Yeah Do you remember that good times? Not really. I hate those things. Yeah, that was right. That's I was lying Yeah It was terrible. I I remember being like I'm definitely gonna go to this one because it's right near Highlands and we could go there
Starting point is 00:43:05 It was it was Highlands afterwards was excellent. Oh, it was very excellent. Shout out to Highlands, New Jersey. Shout out Highlands, New Jersey doesn't get enough love It's kind of it's very small. I was gonna say rightfully. So it's like that big But you know what it's full of heart If you say so I don't you know, that's up to you. Yeah, but anyway back to school. All right, uh I Think you know, um
Starting point is 00:43:32 This is because people asked me this all the time because since I dropped out Of college I went for a semester and then I dropped out But uh, people ask me like should I go to school or whatever and I net I will never encourage anyone to not go Because I feel like that's wrong but I do tend to feel like For the most part depending on what people want to do
Starting point is 00:43:56 You know, because obviously if you want to be a doctor, it's not like oh, I'm just gonna drop out and I'll learn it on the fly Like no, dude, you're fucking cutting humans open like the fuck is wrong You know what I mean? Or if you want to be a lawyer or if you know stuff like that You obviously cannot do it on your own, but I feel like now more than ever. This is the time where It's the most The most easy is not proper grammar easiest Yeah, it's the easiest time in the history of the world to create your own business because there is so many platforms for you to Market it, you know, you the internet is huge youtube's huge twitter instagram anything can go far viral at any time
Starting point is 00:44:38 So if you have an idea for a business like I oh, that's what I always tell people like it's one of my main things is like You should have because if I was back and I was 19 years old I wouldn't have done what I did because when I was 19, I dropped out of college and then I was like I'm just gonna work this pizzeria job and That's I'm just gonna whatever because I was doing youtube at the time But I didn't even know that you could make a living off of it. I didn't even know that You know, I didn't know anything about it. I just did it because I like doing it. It was literally just like a hobby of mine
Starting point is 00:45:11 um But if I was 19 again, I would literally Go to college and pick a field that I was sort of interested in And pursue that while having a side thing because I think now more than ever Everyone should have the side thing that they do You know what I mean? It shouldn't be just this one thing unless it's something like doctor lawyer nurse like it one of these professions that You know, you need all of your attention into these things
Starting point is 00:45:40 And it's extremely lucrative as well But I feel like everyone should have like a side thing that they do because again now more than ever You could build anything on your own and I always felt that school for me was so easy and I don't know if that's just because I do have a photographic memory or if things just come easier to me But it was always so easy to me to the point where I never actually put my full Like I never I feel like I never tried ever throughout my entire career in school ever tried and
Starting point is 00:46:12 I felt like the only things I got up got from it were Discipline and organization. Those are like the main things that I felt like It taught me but I don't feel like it taught me much I think you have to be true to yourself and like It's hard for it to be self-reflective at 18 years old, right? But you got to look in your mirror and say, yo Is school really not for me or am I just a lazy piece of shit?
Starting point is 00:46:40 Right, you know, so like yes, and you know the saying to yourself I'm a lazy piece of shit is not a bad idea either You know like because you you notice it and you know what it needs to be working hard You know what I'm saying? So if you really look at yourself in the mirror and you're like, you know, I make these banging fucking smoothies I love smoothies. Yeah, right and I would love to open up a store that sells these banging smoothies because I know they'd sell I'm gonna call it Jamba juice Exactly like why not, right?
Starting point is 00:47:08 If that's the case and you got a hustle and you really want to do it Like I don't have a problem with people not going to school if that's the case Or if you're just like you're not a school person and you'd rather work with your hands Like go to a trade school. Just because you don't have a college degree does not mean you are nothing And I think this in this society we've We've put that on people like if you don't have a college degree you are nothing right and it's stupid It's like I got that like a lot from you know, even some of my extended family members that like if you're if you because
Starting point is 00:47:38 My whole family for the most part is varied by the books where they're not my immediate family We're more just kind of like this fucking little crazy group But for the most part our extended family are like you go to college You play a sport you graduate you get a good job and then that's that you have kids But it's like, you know the classic american dream thing And for me, I was just kind of like yeah, I'm not I'm not doing that You know like we're our family specifically it was so different like my sister Was in like nine different colleges and then what I got her masters and now she's doing speech pathology and shit
Starting point is 00:48:13 Then thomas went and did the olympic thing and keith dropped out. I dropped out So it's like fuck are you guys doing you know, so we were kind of like the shock in the family But for the most part people would look at you like you're not like when I first dropped out of College people are like you're not going to school. So like what are you gonna do? You know and you know people think that you're not educated, but me. I don't know if it's just like Being ignorant or a cocky or something, but I feel like I'm very educated I'm smarter than most people that I meet honestly I really do because I I'm not like like you said you have to be real with yourself and tell yourself like
Starting point is 00:48:49 Are you lazy or is this really not for you? And I I did that when I was in college. I was really like You know, I said it on on the podcast with divino that I did I signed up for college late So I had to go to school on saturday and sunday at eight a.m And never missed a class and had a three five So Like I was there. I was doing it and I honestly felt like yo this isn't for me if I was lazy Like I'm going to fucking class on saturday and sunday when I'm hungover or some shit, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:49:16 So like being real with yourself is like the main thing and knowing like Is this really not for you or you're trying to like take an easy route or whatever I literally just I don't know what it was. I was just like I can't fucking do this And I didn't even have a plan either, which I think is the dumbest thing I don't think any I don't recommend that to anybody like if I can go back That would be the thing that I would change and just be like Have a plan in place before you just jump ship and just take this fucking
Starting point is 00:49:43 Risk like I would never do that again in a million. That's insane because the risk worked out, man No, it did you know like it's so it's funny that you'd say that you know what it is too I I think that it's because That's the only way that I function like one of my backs against the wall. I never do anything ahead of time Ted I this morning. I woke up I didn't even tell them what time to come here and I didn't know you were going to be on I asked you at like one o'clock in the afternoon. Yeah I do nothing like I can't I don't know why I that's why I tell people all the time like I don't work hard
Starting point is 00:50:13 I don't have really good work work ethic But as soon as I start working, which it's going to be like late like I like the deadlines like tomorrow As soon as I start working like I will not stop until it is done and like, you know I mean like I'll put all of my effort into it, but I just like can't do anything ahead of time It's it's bad. It's like the worst quality I have Well, they they say that uh, you can't rush like art or whatever And yeah, I don't I don't feel like an artist. I don't feel like anything special or anything like that I just like saying I just feel like, you know
Starting point is 00:50:42 Or for artists, I am not able to do it ahead of time. This would be so much easier But like I was watching uh the defiant ones. You ever seen the defiant ones? I saw I saw the one episode where They talked about dr. Drake signing Eminem. Oh, that was the last one I think it was the second the last one It was like the third episode or second or oh, yeah, and that the third one is about Anyway, so he was like uh, you can't force inspiration right in some people's minds. I feel that way too But I do what I gotta do sometimes. All right, that's that's part of being a teacher Because sometimes you don't feel like grading, but you gotta I can't even imagine that like
Starting point is 00:51:21 I can't I really can't like when I think about teachers. I'm like how Especially teachers in my high school. I went to a private high school. They don't get paid that well No, private school teachers are some of the most underappreciated people in the world I think that teachers should get way more than they're getting paid for because they I feel like they work more than most people Like you work all you wake up you go to school. You teach these fucking assholes all day And then you tell them they have to write Essays about abraham lincoln and then you go home and you read 30 essays about abraham lincoln Yeah
Starting point is 00:51:57 Fuck that are you kidding me? You know what I mean? And then when you work in a private school You don't even get paid that well. It's like, you know I look what is pay at the very core of pay right pay is what society values something to be worth right so If you give teachers 45 000 a year, uh, it like private school teachers, that's how much they make I think you're gonna get 45 000 quality if we if we want education to be right in this in this world I'll bump that pay up Let's get six figures for the teachers Yeah, if we get six yo if we get six figures for every teacher
Starting point is 00:52:39 We stop ordering fucking textbooks and we instead get an iPad for every kid in new york city And we put it we put them in the classroom. You know, I have iPads in my classroom I'm telling you my my school is is fan-fucking-tastic. I love my school We do everything for these for these kids and they thrive because of it and I love being part of that But if you get everyone an iPad if you if you stop buying textbooks if you stop buying paper You're gonna save money if you do it these iPads only have to renew once every like five years or so You could even probably get apple to do it for free for some for some of these places, right? And you get and you pay teachers the correct amount of money
Starting point is 00:53:15 Watch how much the education goes up Because now what you're doing is you're getting the minds in the classroom Like it's no longer a job where you have to do it because you love it It's now you do it because you love it and you're getting fucking paper, right, you know, so like if I could if I'm not i'm comfortable where i'm at like me and my girl We both have we live together and we both have a teacher salary and combined We make a pretty good living so like where i'm not i'm not complaining about it but
Starting point is 00:53:45 If there was more money in it, there would be more people in it. It's very easy to be a bad teacher Oh, it's extremely easy like Awful teachers. It's really easy to be a bad teacher, especially if you don't got an administration up your ass my like my my last administration was a Piece of shit to the max like if I ever saw this guy in public I would not hesitate to slap him right right across the face. Yo, I sued him in shit like it was real. Wow. Yeah, and he uh And he did not give a fuck about anything and he just let me do whatever the fuck I wanted And you know because I loved it. I did a good job, but if I wanted to I could have done literally nothing all day
Starting point is 00:54:25 It's that easy to be a bad teacher. I mean dude, I've had teachers like that. Yeah that they just don't care I just like well Yeah, I was I was in a study hall once right so my teacher he used to have us for uh history But he used to never want to teach he used to come down and used to bring us upstairs to his room Like the leadership room was called or he had his little office so he could do whatever he was doing So he would be in another room and it would just be literally free time And one I I also had him for first period. Uh, it was uh propaganda and something else You had a propaganda class
Starting point is 00:54:56 Yo, one of the best one of the most informative classes I've ever had and one of the reasons why I'm so Informed about what's going on in the media today propaganda class propaganda class. Anyway, so I had a literacy and propaganda class That's what it was called and I wrote him a fucking phenomenal paper Like one of the best papers I ever wrote ever wrote and remember the old word art things on microsoft word Do you remember those things? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so I it was like a yeah Like I put literacy and propaganda and like I was trying to make it like blue arching. Yo, I put it in a fucking sleeve If you know me like I was the kid who got the shit back and tossed it in my book bag and never saw it again
Starting point is 00:55:34 Like I put that shit in a sleeve that was real And like so he took us upstairs in his room and I look in the corner and I see a fucking paper on the on the floor with the With the the lettering and I look at it. I'm like, yo, this is my paper. Mr. V like This is my paper. It's like, yeah, bro. It's where I leave it On the floor in the corner. You're pissed. I was so angry And he ended up giving me like 85 on the paper like you didn't even read this shit. Just gave me an 85 piece of shit Yeah, I mean, that's a solid score. No, but I wanted more See like I was never like proud of my work
Starting point is 00:56:08 Like I never cared like I was just always just like I don't want to as long as I don't have to go to summer school I'm just like cool I If you want to be if you want your kid to be good If you're listening and you have a kid right and you want it to be a good student There's one thing I do one thing only Find out what his interests are Get him some reading material about that
Starting point is 00:56:27 Start having him think critically Like that's it. That's all you need. I did not pay attention in any of my English classes I didn't do any homework, but I always had the newspaper every day In my lap reading well classes going on the sports section And then I would read the rest of the newspaper because the newspaper I loved the newspaper when I was a kid I like I loved it like having a newspaper in my hand was like the big the best thing for me Dude, that is the fucking like the worst thing I've ever
Starting point is 00:56:54 I loved, yo, I love the sports section of newspaper like every I would read it every day Dude, I can honestly say I've never read the sports section of a newspaper That's crazy. You should and I'm like really into sports. Never read it. I used to I used to love it. I used to go sports section horoscope opinion news Mike Huh? Lupica Uh, no, I was a post fan. So Mike Focara was my favorite writer. Joe. Joe Sherman Yo, the post Sherman the post kind of sucks on the front pages, but the back pages are the best in town
Starting point is 00:57:22 Post is wild with their headlines. They're like Anthony Weiner shows his cock. They'll put that on the fucking front. It's like they don't give a shit It's real out here, man as someone who started off as a journalist and got into teaching later and saw like the transition All the rules will be all the rules of journalism being broken right now all of them really all of them all them all them No one cares. No one gives a fuck. It's all about clicks No one gives a fuck That's all it is. That's how it is on youtube too. Like people will straight up lie
Starting point is 00:57:54 In their titles and like they go so hard with their thumbnails It's just like just get people to click on it. They don't even cares if it's good Or put the retention rate is I have no idea People click on it. They're like, this is fucking stupid and they just leave do one of the um One of the craziest things that I always say to johnny or to anyone who I'm talking to is I don't know why we live in a society where the views matter more than the likes Yeah, like when you look at a youtube you're like shit that has 20 million views But like you don't see that the fucking it looks like a
Starting point is 00:58:28 A burnt cigarette to the to the bottom Because the whole thing's red because this shit. Shit sucks. It's the worst thing ever like the rebecca black thing Oh, man, my friday like that. She couldn't sing god bless her soul. She donated all the money. She got the charity Did she really yeah god bless her soul. She was a good kid. I know rebecca black. I met her once really Yeah, I went to one of those youtube things and she was there and I had just landed and I was in my hotel room and she comes in because she knew the kid that I was with And I think she was a little drunk and she was drunk drunk. Yeah drunk She wasn't this wasn't like that when the video came out like this was years later
Starting point is 00:59:09 Uh, and then she was saying stuff and like she So weird to say now, uh, she was saying like, uh That she was so mad that friday blew up like that because now she could never be taken seriously as a singer I mean, I was like, yeah, I was like, yeah, I feel her though. No, I mean, yeah, I get that I was so excited to like be there for that conversation. Like that breakdown was awesome I was there for that shout out rebecca black I mean out rebecca black 10 years later. Like have you heard another single from her? So she was right. Uh, yeah, I haven't I don't really know what she's doing, but yeah
Starting point is 00:59:45 Yeah, one time for the one time one time for it. I feel like I'm gonna pour out one of those mics. Yeah pour out pour out something Did you really you didn't really and you didn't even and you did it behind the the fucking trophies so the camera didn't even get it For beer on your desk. I ruined the table This is like cloudy this looks like Like a person with a uti piss can Like it's a little cloudy, you know what I mean, you know like right after sex when you pee and it's a little cloudy You know what I mean? That's what I that's what I mean Is this getting too real am I getting I'm I'm too out. I'm too there. You know what I mean? I don't I just
Starting point is 01:00:26 I can't I uh, it's cloudy pee man, and it's also like really sloppy. What's sloppy just everywhere. Oh my god after sex pee is just You got a clean after it's it's like it comes out in nine different ways I'm like how many dick do I have? I had a dream one time that I had two dicks well, uh, and then I was having sex with Two women at the same time with my two dicks dude. What about the chicks? The sigmes twins the famous ones there was pictures that leaked to them
Starting point is 01:01:02 both suck in a dick Well at that point they both have to commit to it. You can't just like one be a fan of it Think about though like think about though people There are sigmes twins out there that are connected like at the neck or at the hip or something like that If one of them's fucking like you're just there, dude. You're in it. There was a movie about that once we like great kaneer And someone else. What was that great kaneer and um, who mad daemon mad daemon, right? What was that call? Fuck twins? I don't think now that was a day in the video movie stuck on you. There it is
Starting point is 01:01:35 I knew kyle would know I knew he would know yo, that was a great one And then they and then I'm the sigmes stuff. He's in it. Yeah, I mean, yeah, he's he's all talked about all the time yo, if you did For other people's lives. I am a sigmes twin. Oh my god. You should do that. Yeah, you should do that. Thank you No problem sigmes twins Because the first question I literally would ask someone was I gotta start drinking before I go on that show So I could like have the courage to ask certain questions But like the first thing I'd be like, yeah, so how you doing like so like when you when you're fucking like
Starting point is 01:02:05 Do you put like a sheet over your You know what I mean? Because that's I mean that's a serious question because You know If you're a sigmes twin and and you're having sex with somebody You're kind of long for the ride. How do you approach that? Like I'm guessing sigmes twins don't have much sex. No, I maybe they do I don't want to be offended. I'm sure there's like I'm sure I do. I want to know I want to know what's going on You know what I mean? I want to know who's fucking I want to know if you're having sex and the person and your sibling isn't like
Starting point is 01:02:37 They're just watching like You should or is it always a threesome? That's what I was gonna say. You should ask them ever have a threesome Right. They have to They have to God I can talk about this all fucking day and it also has to be different if it's two guys and two girls that's different Why I feel like two guys could have sex with the same person a little easier than two girls can sign me's wise I think it's very hard to have sex with the same person when you're connected. It's a fucking hip
Starting point is 01:03:06 That's true I mean maybe girls could have sex with the same person much easier than if they're connected. Yeah, because they just lay down Yeah But if you're the guy and he's moving you're like, well, you know, you got to do this You got to do this episode. Now we're just speculating. I'm not even like getting anything out of this. I'm moving though Is this disrespectful? This is good. I don't think anyone who's siamese is listening to this. Is that even the right term? I was gonna say like They're not siamese so
Starting point is 01:03:37 she Conjoined twins siamese isn't the right word. I've been saying this is it I mean I was thinking siamese I think conjoined is the politically correct term Yeah, I fucked that up with midgets by the way midgets isn't the right thing Uh, it's little people. Yeah and or dwarf We actually, you know, what's funny. Were you here for that? You were here for that So if we're the midget talk, right, we this is actually max was here for that I'm saying it again. God damn. Yo, can I just say one thing before you if I was a midget. I mean a little person if someone called me a little person
Starting point is 01:04:08 I would be so offended by that. Thank you. I said the same thing Listen and I get a pass here because I talked to a little person and she understands that I have no ill will towards there I'm not saying midget with like a negative connotation. That's just the only word that I grew up knowing but I This say I said the same exact thing I was like if I was a little person and someone called me a little person I would feel like emasculated. Fuck you. And then if they called me a dwarf, I'd be like, this isn't fucking harry potter dog Like don't call me a dwarf
Starting point is 01:04:40 I'm a midget and I'm proud of that shit. You know what I mean that but you know, unfortunately midget has a negative It's a derogatory term to them. Exactly. So I was like, I understand and I'm sorry You know, but I talked we talked to a little person and we asked them all kinds of stuff and we talked to them about sex You know, we asked them like, you know, a lot of people feel like You know, little people don't have sex or whatever and they're like and she has a boyfriend who is of Quote-unquote normal size. Do you know what I would love to ask and I don't know if you ask this or not Do they feel bad about being fetishized? We did ask her and she's like, yeah, sometimes you you know, she's like it's easy to tell now, you know
Starting point is 01:05:18 And she was really cool about it too. She's like it's easy to tell now like You know, when people are just kind of like, oh, I gotta cross this off my fucking list Yeah, whatever, you know I gotta hit a little person and she did actually tell me a story that she was in college and someone She had sex with somebody and they took a picture of her and just Bro literally fucked a midget and it went around campus and she's like, I just had to get over that She was really cool about it. Honestly, she was really cool about it But she she also said she's like, you know
Starting point is 01:05:44 Honestly having sex with a little person isn't that bad because we can do a lot of stuff that normal people can't do and I was like Yeah, you can Because yo, she said that and then me and greg looked at each other like and there was a pause for like a good eight seconds And we were just like it was silent. We're like Yeah, you know what? She's right. Are you pick them up? How do you not immediately think of the like eight different things went through my mind when you said that just a tombstone You know what I mean? Undertaker
Starting point is 01:06:13 1998 Tombstone that's all that popped into my head, which is a very hard move to do with the with the you know 100 plus pound person 100 plus 100 110 plus whatever. I don't know how much are people weighing nowadays? I don't know if I All right, anyway, uh I have to pee so bad. So we're gonna wrap this up um If you're not watching this if you're just listening
Starting point is 01:06:40 Uh, you're a piece of shit. I mean, uh Yeah, if you want to watch this you can go to slash basement yard Put in the promo code basement and you get a free month and then it's $6 a month after that And we also have a show called the extra yard. That's like an extra 15 20 minutes as exclusively available on fullscreen So definitely go download that and tim, uh Where can people find you if they want to contact you or whatever at veterans minimum Was where I really want them to find me. I was gonna say that I was just in the beginning and I didn't because I'm a piece of Shit, that's all good me and tim do a sports podcast called veterans minimum
Starting point is 01:07:14 There's two other people that are on it, but shout out every week. It's us We do sports every friday it comes out if you follow at veterans minimum, then you'll find me Yeah, he's there at tempitrap everywhere else, right exactly But veterans minimum is what the follow follow that x follow that at veterans minimum Uh, and yeah, that is all and thanks for listening. We'll see you next week That's cool

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