The Basement Yard - Let's Talk Politics... Kinda

Episode Date: October 11, 2016

On this episode, I'm talking about my injury, the presidential race, and more! Do you actually read this stuff? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is Monday, October 10th, and I actually am alone this time, but have no fear I have some shit to talk about. First of all, this is actually breaking news Not that you care too much about this breaking news, but I literally just got off the phone with my doctor and I have a High-grade Partial tear in my ACL So fuck me I am crippled it's official I am crippled until I get surgery I guess I don't know I'm not actually crippled because I could walk around like here's
Starting point is 00:00:40 My thing right one of my biggest fears is surgery and it's not because of Pain or whatever. I just don't like the idea. Wow. My voice is cracked. Good night. I don't like the idea of being put under and And just fucking you're just sleeping and they're working on your body like it's just weird like I just don't like it, you know but you know, I just don't want to get surgery because I Can walk around right now and I'm fine and you know, I'm not I can't like Play a game of football on the street like run around and juke and whatever but I could move I could you know I could ride a bike I can walk around I could go up steps down step like I have no pain whatsoever
Starting point is 00:01:20 The only pain that I have is my leg is fully extended and it's like in the front of my knee and then you know they I took an MRI and they said that It's a high-grade partial tear in my ACL which means it's anywhere from 50 to 75 percent torn It's not completely torn, but it's fucked But if I want to play sports again, I mean I asked my doctor if I can you know just rehab it because I've been working on the at the gym with my new trainer Frank Duffy who I've known my entire life. So if you guys want go follow Frank Duffy. That's my trainer at Frank Duffy Fitness
Starting point is 00:01:54 I believe let me check that real quick. I'm just give him a quick little shout out here on the podcast just to let Frank Know what's up. I really appreciate what he does for my fucking Frank Duffy Fitness du ff y Fitness Frank Duffy Fitness. That's my that's my trainer the guy with the big head anyway What the fuck was I talking about? So yeah, my knees all fucked up, but you know this kid he's a good trainer and we're gonna start rehabbing it or whatever And you know originally my plan I still don't know what I'm gonna do, but my plan is kind of just to You know keep a rehabbing and see how it goes if a month goes by and I feel like you know I still can't really juke or
Starting point is 00:02:35 You know it's still a little unstable not that it feels unstable because it feels totally fine But if it starts to feel like you know fucked up still after a month or two I'm just gonna be like you know what whatever just gets a surgery because I just don't want to be crippled when I'm older That's my biggest thing But the guy said there is a possibility that you could just rehab it and you'll be fine And you don't have to worry about it, but you know It's quiet for the football season that's all I'm gonna say Also, I'm not the only one who's crippled my dog
Starting point is 00:03:04 Well, he's not crippled I'm just throwing that word around by the way, I don't know why I'm doing that, but my dog recently just got his enormous balls cut off I Had to do it had to do it to him usually dogs get it at six months. He got it at I think nine months I waited a little longer I read some things on the internet that may if you know if you delay it just a little bit might be a little better for him blah blah blah, so I waited a little longer and We made the move and he got his nuts out and I could not be more heartbroken because let me just say the vet that we have
Starting point is 00:03:39 We you know during the week, it's just a vet place I don't know you just go in your dog does she look at your dog and leave fucking you leave But on Fridays, they do surgeries where they fix dogs. You know what I mean? So I went there to pick up Charlie last Friday and I walk into this place and it is just a nightmare It is a dog fucking prison because I walk into the back and I you just hear like ten dogs barking And then you walk into the back and there's a bunch of cages and they're all like wet and like drugged up looking with stitches and cones on just like miserable like
Starting point is 00:04:19 Like you know, they don't even have it in them to bark like they're all fucked up and I thought I was gonna see Charlie and just he was just gonna be like a big mush and just like melt and just like oh But he was in a room they had to put him in a different room because he was flipping out I Walk into this room is like all right. He's going crazy and he Looked like he was totally fine. It was like he didn't have surgery like he was jumping and we're like hey stop fucking jumping You're gonna rip your stitches But yeah, so he we came home that day and
Starting point is 00:04:52 You know, I had to get a bunch of drugs and stuff for they like antibiotics and painkillers and stuff like that But the first day he was alright the second day. He was cool now It's literally like he's back to normal like I like you know, they give him no cones. They look like fucking Satellites or whatever that go around the dog's head so they can't bite their stitches or lick their stitches So he was wearing those and those are like extremely Inconvenient like especially in my house like there's a bunch of shit around This dog's walking into the table then the coffee table then you know the couch and he's huge So he's running around and he's fucking bumping into shit scraping everything
Starting point is 00:05:28 So I'm like, you know what I went online and I bought this like soft collar collar that looks like a Neck pillow like they would get at an airport if you want to sleep on your flight it looks exactly like that and you can get it for your dog and It's useless honestly because he could still reach his dick if he wanted to I just have to be on top of him Like hey, don't do that, but I just feel bad like I have it in there. It kind of keeps him away He hasn't really gone after it honestly But Yeah, he could still reach it. So they're kind of dumb for that like I when he sleeps
Starting point is 00:06:01 I put the big cone on Because first of all the little cone. It's like goes around his neck I mean the soft cone it goes around his neck and when he lays down It's kind of like pressing into his neck. So it makes him snore. So I'm like, you know what? Let me put the regular one on so that you know when he's not biting his dick off at 4 a.m. And I can't even because I'm sleeping or whatever But yeah, my dog my dog's balls are are done and it's so weird because when I tell people that the first thing They say like did you keep them? Do you have his balls?
Starting point is 00:06:33 I'm like, what do you talk? Do you think I'm gonna go into the vet and I'm gonna be like, excuse me Do you have like or they're gonna offer it to me like they're gonna be like, yeah We had we kept him just in case you wanted that we weren't sure if you wanted them To keep the nuts But we have them like That doesn't happen And I wasn't gonna ask either, you know walk in there like hey by the way weird question, but just
Starting point is 00:07:01 Shot in the dark. Do you have his balls still and can I have them? You know, I just want to hang them on the wall These things were huge by the way, I'm not even kidding like I'm not even trying to make a joke here His balls were bigger than mine Not even like not even trying to make a joke not trying to make you smirk I'm just trying to give you the facts His balls were bigger than mine and I am a 24 year old human This dog is nine months old with grown man balls It was if they were crazy when he would lay down they would like hang out the back and they were shiny
Starting point is 00:07:41 God they were so shiny So it must have been polishing those things in his fucking sleep because I don't I've never seen things shine like that Like diamond nuts. It was ridiculous Did you get that visual did you get oh? my god I'm so upset though, man. I can't every time I look down at this paper because I wrote down my dog And I are crippled every time you look down. Wow my voice is cracking again guys. Oh my god What is happening?
Starting point is 00:08:13 That's what happens. I had ice cream here before this Ben and Jerry's cinnamon buns that fucking ice cream. Oh, I Put on snapchat the other day. I was like dude. I would let this ice cream fuck my Mom and my my future daughter my wife not my mom my wife my future wife and my future daughter at the same time Ice cream is amazing. My mom's off limits. It's not that good Yeah, but every time I look down at this paper I see like I'm crippled and the reason why I don't want to get surgery especially right now is because I Just got off these two injuries. So I haven't been to the gym in so long So like I'm so out of shape and I want to get back into shape and if I get surgery
Starting point is 00:08:55 I'm out for another two like two months at least You know before I can start like working out and stuff I mean probably shorter because I'm a fucking idiot and I'll just like you know figure out ways to work out, but Yeah, I then by the end of that I'll just be hideous. I really will like if I get this surgery I'm after it like I'm you're gonna see a transformation. You're gonna be like, okay. What happened to this guy This guy you got popular and all of a sudden he thought he could just let it go That's not how it works, but that's exactly what would happen to me cuz I just get gross my body just changes like this It's insane
Starting point is 00:09:33 So I really hope I don't do that, but you know Whatever Ready for this side right now if I was to fucking get surgery I would have to start eating better and I don't know what to eat. So you know what I would do Oh, I would use the sponsor blue apron Fucking blue apron guys. They're back sponsor in the podcast fucking love these people not more than my mom loves them though It's insane. They actually Bought a bunch of spots on the podcast for next year
Starting point is 00:10:07 So get used to hearing them, but they bought a bunch of parts next year My mom is through the roof like she's so happy that we're getting this shit But yeah blue apron basically you sign up for their service and they send you food in these boxes Every week a couple of meals They have everything is pre-portioned Pre-proportioned. I don't know the fucking word honestly. I'm not even like reading. I'm staring at the paper that has like Talking points, and I'm just not reading anything like I'm just looking at it I don't know what I'm doing right now, but
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah They have Like the best kind of food like I'm not even kidding like they don't have like shitty pork or whatever they have like really good stuff organic stuff and Like there's stuff like spinach and basil pesto gnocchi With summer squash and like spice pork tacos with avocados like they have serious meals and and basically with blue apron They send you all the ingredients Pre-proportioned and they send you instructions step-by-step so you can make it on your own
Starting point is 00:11:09 So and you just take that with you forever now you just have that Knowledge of how to make that dish all the time my mom's remaking stuff all the time She's always like this is the blue apron. I'm like all right. We get it. You love the fucking thing and it's affordable It's less than ten dollars a meal which if you're from New York is Pretty fucking insane. Okay, so if you want to get blue apron You sign up Hold on I got a switch pages here. I'm an asshole Check out this week's menu and get your first three meals free with free shipping. Hello
Starting point is 00:11:45 By going to blue apron comm slash basement. Okay, that's blue apron comm slash Basement blue apron a better way to cook I'm a great spokesman guys. It's really it's out of control. How good I am at that but Yeah Blue apron guys my mom fucking loves the shit. So I guess you will too because She loves cooking and stuff Anyway
Starting point is 00:12:13 Let's get to the big portion of this fucking podcast. All right And I don't really talk about politics Because I don't know anything. I don't know anyone's policies I don't know what the I don't know what half the shit they're talking about even means all these terms Foreign affairs whatever that means. I don't fucking know what I do know is that Hillary and Trump are both Fucking idiots. That's what I know and I don't need to know what they fucking maybe they'd make good presidents Who the fuck knows I know that they're both idiots
Starting point is 00:12:52 That's all I know and like I said, I don't know what their fucking policies are I don't know anything but the way that these people act this whole Fucking race has been ridiculous. I just don't understand it between the shit that comes out of Trump's mouth It's just absurd like some of the stuff. He says it's just insane and I know all his supporters are like Yeah, well, it's true. Yeah, I'm like, all right. We get it. You fucking psycho the social media is the weirdest part Like I saw I actually saw a vine video of Hillary Holding up a cup that says like Chillery chillery Clinton she drinks out of it. She goes. I'm just chilling
Starting point is 00:13:40 What the fuck is that? Who are you pandering to? It's like she is completely lost She's like an old she reminds me of the mom from mean girls like trying to be a cool mom Trying to be this cool hip fucking woman like fuck big hip I want to be safe and fucking Prosper in shit as a country like what the fuck are you talking about? I'm just chilling Oh my god, like I watched a debate for like 10 minutes and I'm like, what the fuck is going on Like what are they talking about the guy will ask the question
Starting point is 00:14:15 They'll like begin to answer the question. They're like reiterate the question like oh, how do you feel about you know? Pollution it like oh well pollution. That's a good good thing. But before we get to that. How about Hillary's fucking outfit right now? What are you wearing grandma? It's like what are you talking about Trump? Answer the fucking question, bud Hillary does the same shit. They're all just jumping around not doing whatever They're walking back and forth in the stage like it's a fucking rap battle like disson each other It's like It's going on it's really crazy. I'm like, what is this? I thought there was gonna be a segment where they break out and start doing they start lip-syncing songs like lip-sync battle
Starting point is 00:14:55 Whatever the fuck that shows called with LL Cool Jays throwing pea sides into the camera Like what the fuck is going on? It's really crazy. And you know what the worst part is like With social media now like you can see how dumb people are as a whole Like I go on social media like during these debates and people say the dumbest shit It's like it's really alarming first of all. No one even cares about What they're talking about and when I say no one I don't want something like hey
Starting point is 00:15:29 Whatever I'm saying majority of the shit that I see on Twitter It's just everyone making memes and fucking these vine videos They're adding music to it and like the thug life with the sunglasses come down It's like it's just a bunch of jokes like they watch the debate for jokes It's like they just want to see these two fucking comedians Go head-to-head. It's really insane. It's like It's really nuts. They just want to see these. They just want to be entertained. No one really gives a shit All the people that I've seen they don't know it really gives a shit. They just like they know
Starting point is 00:16:05 Like I this is gonna be funny. I'm gonna tweet this is gonna get me retweet. It's gonna be dope It's it's it's alarming man. It's really crazy and I think politics turns people into morons because They look they sound like football fans. Like I just hate the Cowboys. I'm a Giants fan I hate the Cowboys because there are division rivals and I just hate them like for no reason I hate them. You know what I mean? And that's how everyone hates these people and that and that like Trump supporters will hate Hillary and Hillary supporters will hate Trump and I It's hard to understand Because for me, I'm like the way I'm thinking of it is like these two people have the same goal
Starting point is 00:16:47 They want to be president and they want to better the country You know in their own way, whatever wherever they fucking want to do people act like if one of these people get into the white house Shit is gonna just light on fire and we're all gonna fall into the center of the earth It's like these two people are running to try and better our country And we fucking hate both of them You know what I mean for the most part. I and I haven't really You know people that hate Hillary Don't really like Trump the ones that I've met like I haven't met like I'm sure there's the fucking
Starting point is 00:17:24 crazy radical people that show up in rallies with Trump's gonna save her like just like these, you know, whatever like painting the sides of their trucks with that spray paint like like those kids and In high school like homecoming queen. They like spray paint this side of their fucking car or whatever Uh, yeah, they're spray painting the cars. I'm not talking about those people. I'm saying people that I know people who are who are You know into politics, whatever they don't really like Hillary. They don't really like, uh Trump And the same goes for this like I don't really know like I don't really like this one. I just don't want this guy more
Starting point is 00:18:01 You know what I mean? It's like we don't really have a good choice. That's how I feel it, you know I like I said, I I don't know anything and it's bad and I'm not saying that's the way to go I'm not saying that's cool. I actually think it's terrible that I don't know anything and I should know but I don't and uh You know, it's awful and and you know, hopefully next year I will be more responsible and I will register to vote And cast my vote, but it's just I can't do that if I don't
Starting point is 00:18:31 necessarily know You know what I'm I can't go based off other people's opinions. I've never done that my entire life Like just took your word for it. Like oh, Trump's a racist. He's this. He's that he's that bad guy sounds like a bad guy Hillary. Ah, she does this this or that. Oh, she sounds like a bad person. Like, where do I go from there? You know what I mean? I just don't know. I know I like like I said, I just know that these two guys are idiots And it's really crazy like the social media that they're like fucking kids It's like kids in high school. It's really like a high school president race
Starting point is 00:19:01 president of the class It's really what it is these fucking like the debates they get up there and like we're good. We're gonna have uh, hawaiian punch in the water fountains Uh, free cookies with every lunch meal. They just promise stuff And we go, yeah And then they get elected and four years isn't enough to make any sort of change like that and nothing happens And who's gonna fucking elect one of these people for another four terms after this, huh? I mean, who knows a good happen one of these people could be good
Starting point is 00:19:33 We don't know until they get in there I personally think like it's hard to say because I really think that you know everything before a presidential uh election is just horseshit like people just Promising things and saying things and and when they say them then people believe that they're going to happen in these first four years In these four years that they have as president But I don't think so like I really don't I don't think that they you know at least drastic changes like People think that I know people think this is about trump
Starting point is 00:20:06 Just because he's in the medium more Uh, they think that if he gets into the white house like fucking he's gonna deport everyone and We're building walls and we're gonna in the us is gonna have a roof over it and no birds are gonna be allowed And like just nothing you know what I mean like I I I know that the people think that's gonna happen But like that's a pretty drastic thing that I don't think Can happen in four years, but what the fuck do I know? You know, I'm just an asshole who sits here and talks to his Microphone while uh, he's by himself
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's very sad when you think about that And I'm gonna be honest. This is this is like a decent sized room But I farted like a couple minutes back and it's still around here and I don't really like it I really hate it. Honestly. It smells really bad But yeah, I just I don't like people who can't have Conversations and for the most part People that I see that are heavy into
Starting point is 00:21:04 Not heavy into politics because I don't want to generalize. I just Well, I am general. I am generalizing, but I'm saying like people who are super trump and super hillary Like can't even have the conversation about the other person. You know what I mean? And I don't really like that because it's like Then you sound kind of brainwashed and not You know, it sounds like you want them to win just for your own Benefit because you'd be like, yeah, that's my guy that I wanted to win blah blah blah like you're not really concerned in about You know the and a lot of people don't even know
Starting point is 00:21:37 Shit man, like a lot of people I know like oh, no, I'm not voting trump I'm like, why not? Oh, he's a racist I'm like, do you know anything about his policies? No, but I'm like, you know, he's I heard he was a racist And I'm like, all right, what the fuck and then you know the same thing about hillary and like I mean, I don't support support either of them because I don't know shit that they do I can't say that enough. I really don't I really I really have no idea I don't know what to do here
Starting point is 00:22:03 And you know, it's weird like people just talk about this for attention They just want retweets and like whatever like there's people from canada tweeting like, oh, I would never vote for trump You would never vote for a fucking anyone because you don't live here. What do you mean? Or like these 11 year old girls like oh a fucking hillary no way Mike you can't vote for five years. What are you talking about? Jesus Christ I wish I knew I wish I knew more so I could I could you know
Starting point is 00:22:36 Have an intellectual conversation about this on the podcast, but I really can't because I don't I don't know I just I don't like the way that things have been going like they're like On twitter making like witty internet jokes at each other and just It's just so weird And and donald trump has is completely out of touch with reality Like he'll say things like oh, I don't I don't dislike mexicans. I i mexicans work for me like what dude
Starting point is 00:23:05 That doesn't like mean anything like you can't That sentence isn't saving you don all right Fucking don and then he had these tapes come out recently of him saying oh, yeah, I tried to fuck her but uh I couldn't fuck her whoever the fuck he's talking about right? If you don't know there was tapes that came out with donald trump and this other fucking nerd I forgot who he was but uh You know they're just like I guess they didn't know the mics were on or something
Starting point is 00:23:36 but they're talking about some chick that they're about to meet up with and They're just it was just like the nerdiest conversation like donald trump's over there like oh, I tried to fuck her but uh, yeah It was unsuccessful. I uh, I uh I went at her like a bitch You know I had I didn't close and then fucking this guy. I forgot his name. I think it's fucking billy For whatever reason. I don't know why but he was like, oh, yeah, come on don. You know He was just hyping him up and shit and then uh
Starting point is 00:24:04 Dude donald trump said the fucking I'm sorry, but this is the funniest thing And I know that some people are gonna be like you're insensitive whatever But to think that this sentence isn't funny is ludicrous to me because what donald trump said was He's like he said I'm paraphrasing paraphrasing to a certain extent Right the punchline is a quote But the ship before is not He says something like when you're famous or when you're big
Starting point is 00:24:33 He's like you can do anything you can grab you can grab women by the pussy What You can what? You can what don you can grab them by the pussy Like What the fuck does and fucking nerdy billy over here is going? Yeah, I understand like like he fucking understands Dude what kind of sense is that I was fucking blown. I was laughing for an hour I'm like this guy's crazy
Starting point is 00:25:08 Grab them by the pussy You can't make this shit up You could grab them by the pussy Oh my god Dude, oh god, and that wasn't even the worst of it. I mean it was but But the worst part of it for me was like Then this woman shows up and she's an attractive woman. By the way, let me point out that donald trump I tried to fuck her he tried to fuck her
Starting point is 00:25:40 While he was married to his like fucking 45th wife Right, who's who's you know, whatever and she was pregnant at the time. So, you know tried to fuck her Yeah, you tried to fuck her don But anyway, so this woman shows up and then the the other dude just starts getting real fucking Weird And he's like, oh, how about a hug for the donald? That's another thing this guy was calling donald trump the donald I mean Could you be any more fucking?
Starting point is 00:26:15 Oh god I just want to spit in his eye Like you're such a dork How about a hug for the donald just like trying to like whatever after donald's like I tried to fuck her He fucking goes. Oh, how about a hug? You know because hugs are sick from hot women That'll get me going right. So he goes. How about a hug for the donald? And she goes. Oh, yeah, she hugs him whatever and he then he goes. How about me? How about hug for me?
Starting point is 00:26:40 It's like, oh my god, you fucking virgin This kid's gonna go home and jerk off about a hug These are grown adults Okay in high places Who want hugs from hot women To fulfill their fucking dumb Sexual fantasy. I don't even know so he could go home and jerk off to the thought to the hug
Starting point is 00:27:04 later I bet he was super excited to feel her bra on his chest like How about a hug for the donald's? Oh my I've never wanted to punch someone so hard right in the fucking face Oh Jesus and then it was even more uncomfortable because that's uncomfortable in itself Then they're walking and then the fucking nerdy virgin billy over here goes Oh, if you had to choose between me and the donald who you take it
Starting point is 00:27:32 What Oh, what'd you just say? Oh my god Fucking virgins, man God damn it You sound like me a freshman year of high school If you had to fucking how far have you gone with a guy? That was the only thing that was missing How far have you gone with a guy? How many times have asked people that in like eighth grade and freshman year of high school?
Starting point is 00:27:57 So like how far have you gone with a guy? That's sick dope What bra size are you like those questions that you would ask When you were like a fucking virgin and like just anything made you excited like when I was younger I could jerk off to anything women's wearing clothes. It didn't matter, but I don't know why I brought that up. I'm sorry But this that those are the only questions that were missing and I'm sure like if they had time he would have eventually got to those questions so like You ever had sex with uh a boy
Starting point is 00:28:29 Fucking virgin billy What a fucking asshole. I hate that guy Dude, I hate you have no idea. I don't even know who he is. I gotta look up his name I gotta give him a shout out on this podcast Oh, man, hold on. I gotta find it Oh, man, it's billy something billy billy
Starting point is 00:28:51 fuck billy bush how fitting his name is billy fucking bush And I think he works for like mbc Let me get his twitter here. Oh, he doesn't have twitter, huh? Old mr. Bush doesn't have twitter, huh? He's son of a bitch. Oh, he was from the today's show
Starting point is 00:29:14 Right Fucking loser. He got suspended Oh god, this guy's a piece of shit How about a hug for the donald? How about get the fuck off tv and in a box just put this guy in a box I feel like that's what we should start doing like people when they start acting fucking weird Just put him in a box You know what I mean? And I guess that's what you know prison is whatever but I mean like an actual crate Like put him in a crate fold him up
Starting point is 00:29:41 Put him in a fucking box like he's Like we're sending him to some fucking Like what they do to chickens You know what they do to chickens when they're sending them to those factories to be slaughtered Let's just put people in boxes And just drive them like across the highway and then just leave them in like montana and let them find their way If they get back they can go back to whatever how they were doing But sometimes people need to be jammed into a fucking wooden box
Starting point is 00:30:10 And drove across the country and just left out there because I don't understand Oh my god, if you had to pick between dude, you're a grown man This is a woman This is very uncomfortable And i'm pretty sure there was cameras around This guy is just crazy Like I would never say that to someone Like if I was by myself
Starting point is 00:30:32 Not I mean if it was me This this woman and some other guy. I would never say something like that. Like how uncomfortable is that? This guy's saying it in front of a camera and in front of people. Do you know what that means? He's a psycho and a virgin Jesus Billy bush God damn it. I hate that guy. I wish he had a twitter. I would give him a shout out right now You guys can go follow him seven tweets and stuff
Starting point is 00:30:58 Ah, sorry. I got off track here Hillary's still a fucking idiot too, by the way. I don't I don't I want to distract from that. I think she's so stupid I think that uh SNL has been shitty for the most part past couple years, uh They actually did put out that episode where margot robbie was pretty good, but they are gonna be just amazing In the future with all this shit
Starting point is 00:31:25 With either one whoever wins they're gonna kill Just make fun of them every week. You're chilling Oh god, I'm sorry. Um, anyway Let's uh Let's move on here and I'm by myself. So you know what that means I uh get a little inspirational here And uh, if you're sick of it, I'm sorry, but I can't help it Uh, I'm not gonna give you a speech or anything. I just wanted to say how
Starting point is 00:31:55 like thankful I am for everything Uh Because now I feel like there's been a shift in kind of my friends and you know, the people around me with the way that they approach Life or the world, you know what I mean? I like to think that
Starting point is 00:32:16 You know since We got the ball rolling on a lot of projects like the veterans of minimum stuff and and you know, my channel has been doing well And there's a couple other projects that I'm working on that people can sort of see Whatever that they're thinking like, okay Things are possible like joey's, you know doing this and that and I'm not you know the most important part That I try to stress to my friends and the people around me and and hopefully to you guys you get it to Is that like I'm not trying to use whatever platform I'm given now to promote other things that I'm just starting
Starting point is 00:32:49 Like I really try to grow things by themselves Organically without shoving it in people's faces because I know how people are because I'm the same way Like if I sat here and was like guys Go fucking do this Some of you might be like I'm down like I like his stuff. I trust him whatever Or but most but I feel most people would be like I'm not fucking doing it. Fuck you dude I'm not gonna do that just because you told me to you know, whatever
Starting point is 00:33:18 So I don't like shoving things in people's faces like most youtubers They'll post their videos like 20 times in a week. I posted one time on tuesday. It's a you know, I mean I don't tweet about it like crazy. I don't whatever I put it out because you know, it's not It is my job to market it, but it's not my job to just Force you to watch it like people watch it if they want to watch it. You know what I mean the people who look forward to it We'll see it
Starting point is 00:33:43 And that's it. I don't I don't want it to be just like I'm forcing you to do that And I used to do that all the time. I used to like bribe people into fucking Retweeting the video. I'd be like, you know retweet it and I'll fucking DM you like Like I'm the pope like you should you you're gonna get a dm. It's gonna be fucking sick like like, you know Like it's a privilege to talk to me like that's what I used to do like it was ridiculous, but uh Yeah, so I don't I try to build everything from the ground up, but I want everyone to just see that like You know, you can you can do it. It's just very easy and I think now You know a bunch of my friends
Starting point is 00:34:19 When they have an idea, it's not like the idea stays You know, usually like people get ideas like you have that like drunken conversation with your friends But you're like, oh dude, I wish I could invent like a fucking This that like helps your fuck like, you know, I mean just like some stupid idea. I couldn't even think of a fucking Example Uh, one of my friends had a really good example, but it exists already He was like if there was a button that you could press on your cable box
Starting point is 00:34:47 So that and then your remote beeps Like because I you lose the remote all the time and we were drunk and we're like, oh dude, we're about to be fucking millionaires I said we like he came up with the idea and I was like, oh, we are about to cut millionaires Like I already like took the idea from him, uh, but Yeah, I think the the idea like stays with them They're like, oh, I'm gonna start doing this whatever and like a lot of my friends the way that they're thinking is is changing and And they're getting more creative Uh with their stuff and not just my friends like some of my family members as well
Starting point is 00:35:19 Like they start to see like, you know, just being creative is such a fulfilling feeling Like I think it's like a drug to me. Honestly. Like I really think about if I couldn't Create things like I would just go insane and end up killing myself because it's really that serious and I'm not like Even exaggerating when I say that because I just have to Just creating something anything You know what I mean and not doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again like You know what I mean? It's just being creative. I think is good for the mind
Starting point is 00:35:52 And it just helps it helps you you're happier I think because when you create something and you have it it's done It just feels good that you did it and you have this thing now. You know what I mean? and A lot of my friends and family they're just Being more creative and I couldn't I couldn't be happier and I hope some of you guys You know, I don't know if you've listened to the last two, uh Podcasts that I did where I was just rambling and giving speeches and shit
Starting point is 00:36:20 But I hope that if you did you are either taking a step forward or starting to even just think about Cool creative ways and creative ideas and just just doing doing shit. You know what I mean? Just new ways to Just I don't know just express yourself. You know, I mean like that's all we can do like uh When I think about like life Oh god, there we are we he said it When I think about life No, but seriously when I think about life, it's all just like expression. You know what I mean? Like we're all just
Starting point is 00:37:00 Wow we're all just uh Expressing ourselves all the time and thinking of new ways to do that and just like what can make us happiest And and and whatever and I think that I really think I don't know if it's true, but I really think that uh Creating and laughing are the things that keep us alive Like more than oxygen and food obviously, that's not true, but I'm just you know what I mean Like they're up there
Starting point is 00:37:28 I think that you know as long as you have those two things you will be totally fine if you can create You could be productive and you could you know use your mind and whatever stay sharp and create these things And you laugh you enjoy your life. You'll be you know, that's all you all you need and I really feel like I really feel like that's it and I think my friends are getting it now because a lot of them have ideas and they You know sometimes they talk to me like what do you think about this? What do you think about that? You know even with the veterans minimum thing like we just did video
Starting point is 00:37:58 We just started doing video right and one of my friends who's in it Like now he'll text me and be like yo I have an idea for for a video or I have an idea of how we should start the video or how to do this and like He would never in a million years You know talk to me about something like that if we didn't Start doing this, you know what I mean, but now that we started doing it. He's like oh This is fun. I like doing it. I'm a part of it. So it's just like now. He's got ideas He's sharp, you know, I mean he doesn't even he didn't even realize how creative he can be or how creative he is
Starting point is 00:38:30 because he never You know used that You know what I mean like it if you don't use it you will lose it No, but it like if you don't even try to do certain things You don't even know how good you are at them or you don't know, you know How creative you can be or what kind of things you can create So I thought it was just super cool that you know He's doing that and you know, there's a couple other other stuff that I don't want to mention yet because
Starting point is 00:38:57 when they come out then we can talk about them like whatever but uh Yeah, man. I'm just super excited. I'm super thankful for that because that's literally all I've wanted to do for my entire life is just to just make cool shit and just Show people that it's very possible possible and that You know, it's To me. It's the most important thing
Starting point is 00:39:20 That you can do is to have your own thing and it feels good to have You know the things that you have you can say that you I don't know how to I fucked up sentence up. I don't know man. It just feels good that you Create things like these are yours. They're in place now You know, I mean even if it's small things It doesn't matter a painting like I wish I could paint you have no idea I would just move to a farm and fucking wherever and just paint. I don't know why I would paint in a farm
Starting point is 00:39:50 I don't think you're supposed to do that there. You're supposed to farm But I would just move into a farm and start painting But yeah, man, just making a painting. It's just like I'm blown away. It's fucking awesome, man I really do love it that making music and just Videos and shit, man I've always been fascinated with making videos like making something out of nothing and cooking actually One day I'm really gonna get into that like there's two things that I'm not into now that I'm really gonna get into Like and that's making music and cooking making music sort of I'm into because I could play piano and I really
Starting point is 00:40:27 Liked it and I actually just got a beat pad too because I want to start You know making not making beats because that sounds so fucking like Like everyone. Oh, I make beats and like, you know, I'm not trying like just like music, you know, I mean like cool shit but That shit is so hard, but I really I'm into that I really, you know, one day want to make music and and be able to play, you know
Starting point is 00:40:52 At least three instruments and I can play piano sort of now but you know By the time I'm dead, I'll know three instruments and I'll know how to cook a lot of things Like I like that blue apron is honestly helping a lot That's a step in the right direction. Like if you want to start figuring out how to cook
Starting point is 00:41:14 I mean, they have instructions on how to do everything and I'm an idiot. So if I can do it, you can do it Uh, wasn't paid for that plug. Okay, you get that that one that one's on the house blue apron Uh, but yeah, like I used to tell my mom I'm like if I like I can't go sit on a desk and do the same thing every day If I was to be anything else besides what I'm doing now This isn't like true now, but it was at the time where I was like, I would have You know considered going to culinary school because like cooking is like cool because You're not necessarily making the same thing every time every time is brand new and you can make it in new ways or whatever Like yo, I can watch
Starting point is 00:41:54 That like chef junior show or cake boss or like all these like, I mean, I mean cake boss is basically fucking an art project But you know the chef juniors and and those chef shows whatever those are great. I could watch those all day I'm fascinated and it all looks delicious and I'm over here every day. I'm having like chicken farm and pizza I wish I could make whole shit, but yeah Uh Anyway, just to sum this up Uh, I'm crippled Blu-ray print is good stuff
Starting point is 00:42:25 Hillary and trump are idiots Their supporters are psychotic And I'm thankful for my friends For the listeners who are who are inspired and have gotten the ball rolling. Congratulations to you on that And that's fucking it. I think I don't know man. That's all. Uh, thanks for listening you motherfuckers

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