The Basement Yard - Marco's Big Debut

Episode Date: September 27, 2016

On this episode, I have my friends @AntVino & @M.Gonzo28 on to talk about Marco's trip to NO & other stuff. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 welcome back to the basement yard it is September 26 Monday two guests here today I'm not by myself thank God people freak out when I'm by myself sometimes Davino's here he sleeps here he doesn't leave so he's always here I don't leave so he's here and we also have one of a new guest here one of my friends Marco he is here he's four beers deep I think only three only three but we're working on for don't worry about it and Davino apparently this kid has been begging me all day like can I introduce Marco so go ahead did you you know well you already said his name so sorry make up that out of the picture I just want
Starting point is 00:00:40 to say he's my hero and everything he says is not false okay okay that was awesome that was what you waited for that was the whole thing no because I was supposed to intro him and it didn't happen you could do like the bio though yeah you do like a bio look so quick background story on Marco here pride is gone pride is gone great quick quick background all right so like I was saying it like in previous podcasts I've said that like I've known the same kids I've known my whole life like since like fourth grade and then along the way some people get added and the reason why I brought that up the last time is I don't
Starting point is 00:01:15 remember actually but I was saying how like it's just getting fucking worse and everything's all fucked up like there's just more legends being added and this guy is a new addition the latest the newest the latest addition to the to the group chat friend group and he's a he's a wild card here Marco he likes to party I remember specifically in Vegas we're in the cab and he just like added like I forgot but me and Buster sit in the back and kids wired the entire trip we're all burnt out from the sun and just drinking and he's like wired and then we're like yo how are you like did you sleep he's like yo I'm convinced no one does Vegas
Starting point is 00:01:53 like I was like I'm not gonna fight you on that the the the first day that we got to Vegas when we went to daylight that we we went to daylight we partied all day and me and Marco met these these girls how many how many how many were there four there's four of them and they were like we're going to hack and hack a Sam okay we're going there tonight and no so they were like we're going to see we're going to see Calvin Harris tonight and I was feigning to see Calvin Harris so she goes we can only get you two guys and if you want to come and we went how was that I don't think DeVino made
Starting point is 00:02:37 it to dinner DeVino fell asleep a little bit a little bit I heard that you were standing sleeping we were listen to this first of all it was no listen it was like tenant we went to dinner with them and I was like more I was like yo I wasn't the girl was telling me a story I don't know if I was sobering up but I was like falling asleep at the table and Mark was like you'll drink Red Bull vodka so I was drinking Red Bull vodka like to win that's why I was so wired that's why I was drinking the whole time and we get into Calvin Harris and it's 10 o'clock but in New York it's like what is it 10 11 to it's 1 o'clock so
Starting point is 00:03:13 like I can't adjust to the time yet and I'm sitting there two more Red Bull vokas and Calvin Harris isn't even on stage yet Mark was like oh you want to leave like let's go you're tired I was like I will stay here until he comes on stage and I will in fucking joy it and damn did I fucking enjoy it I was dancing I don't know if I was I was awake through it all but I don't know I was fucking dancing I don't know what where the hell I was that night no lose it on my money at I don't know what I think everyone else wants to sleep cuz I don't know I don't know I actually wait that night I was
Starting point is 00:03:44 gambling that night the next night I fucking was just out I just fucking went right straight right to street you're me right to sleep we should we went to encore no that was Friday that was right Friday encore which was fucking hilarious that was not you're talking about every no those out the next night yeah we're talking about the night before oh mark we landed on this is a long time yeah we landed on Thursday and we went to daylight and then Hawkinson yeah hacky sack whatever the fuck it's called great place I can't wait I've never been there her good never mind I'm gonna go fuck myself no
Starting point is 00:04:19 regrets um anyway the reason why like originally I told Marco like I was talking to Marco and he told me the story and I'm like dude you have to tell this story on a podcast cuz it is fucking hilarious because people all the time they're like yeah I love when your friends are on and I love the stories you guys have and I'm like okay he gets right Marco has some stories so you give the background story about you had a little bit of health problem I wouldn't call it a health problem it was I developed a cyst on my on my lower region where you know my glutes the back where yeah by the back right on my
Starting point is 00:04:59 ass crack okay oh there we go just making sure so this was this was a little while ago I'm all good now but at the time I was seeing I was seeing this girl we don't have to give a name right no no no yeah we're good she's a girl that's all yeah and yeah so this was like right in the middle when it was really bad and like I was bleeding a lot and a lot of puss and stuff Jesus what were you could you sit down no I was very hard to sit it was very hard to walk like oozing yeah and I saw I had like paper towels and stuff down there like 24-7 oh my god actually recommended that I buy some pads to
Starting point is 00:05:43 wear nice wait you get some to have some period pads I wore those for about a week that's what he was really that's right inside yeah it worked because I could keep it on all day it's great product not a band-aid not a gore it's just a period pad yeah I would wear a diaper you know I'm so excited for this yeah you know this already no I haven't heard you haven't heard this story I'm excited about it I don't think it's great but okay so um so yeah so it was I hadn't seen her in a while and we also hadn't had sex in a while I guess so right so like when we saw each other we just like decided to start having sex
Starting point is 00:06:21 right and in the middle of it I felt myself getting a little like runny I guess hold on a bleeding no no runny right now most girls go I have a period my period and the mark was like no I'm bleeding from ass yeah no so I didn't want to say anything so I tried to like ignore it off like I what nothing was happening right get up and go to the bathroom but as I turned around all I hear is her yelling oh my god you're bleeding oh shit and how much blood are we talking by the way like a significant amount a significant amount significant amount like if someone walked in you
Starting point is 00:07:06 like someone was stabbed here no not that let's all right but like I'm trying out I'm trying to run on to like her bed oh yeah yeah so it was like a bloody nose kind of bleeding yeah okay so so yeah so then we went into the shower and I cleaned myself off and we continued in the shower so that way the blood wow she's a trooper oh boy if you were bleeding I'd be like you gotta you gotta go home man you don't feel good well no I was sleeping there that night so I had nowhere to go so she had nowhere to go she was stuck with me so she's very nice for yeah she's a trooper man imagine someone just blood all over your shit
Starting point is 00:07:46 you'd be like oh god I would tell her to go home and bring the sheets with you well you're like the nicest guy ever then fuck Jesus Christ I would I would just been like kind of not in the mood to have sex but that's just how I react to blood blood's not my shit you know what I mean I'm not one of those people that sees blood they pass out and they like fucking whatever I'm just saying like blood's not my shit so I would be like okay blood's here let's just kind of watch a movie now after I clean my sheets she was like no I was getting the shower just give her that blood and start right up I like this girl I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:08:16 give her a high five she's actually a very big fan of you she's she asked me to meet you a bunch of times but it never came together that's nice she's great she sounds like a great girl and you just got back from New Orleans too I was just the most fun you've ever had that was that was I would rank New Orleans ahead of Vegas actually I think that if if we all made it a trip like we did to Vegas oh yeah we have to it would be one of my buddies went to to New Orleans and I hadn't spoken to him a while and I just like texted him out of the blue like dude we got to hang out soon whatever he's like I'm in New
Starting point is 00:08:54 Orleans right now he was sending me videos it's just mayhem yeah just like total mayhem in the streets mayhem yeah for the Bourbon Street right it's just literally maybe a mile of just bar after bar after bar and you can drink in the street everywhere in New Orleans like not even just on Bourbon Street like the whole entire city you can just bring out your beard or whatever and just walk around drinking I just like all dive bars and shit yeah my dad my dad told me he him my mom went to New Orleans fucking psychos and the he told me goes yo you if you go you won't you won't survive you won't come back my mom
Starting point is 00:09:37 actually had gone like a week before I went and she was very concerned that I was going to be taken advantage of by a hooker that's she was a scare that was her that was her warning to me she was like she's like hey you better watch it yeah she's like Marco there's hookers in all the bars okay you have to watch who you talk to watch your wallet kidnap you yeah exactly so what's that fucking movie where they kidnap American taken no Liam Neeson favorite actor by the way very good high-fives yes no hostile what you remember hostile never seen that word I mean it's not in New Orleans but it's like you go abroad and
Starting point is 00:10:15 like they they have these girls talk to these American guys and say oh yeah come with me and then I don't know why I did like a that was good terrible but they they like drug these Americans and they put them in a hostel and they just start fucking fucking with them like cut their Achilles and just like you never seen this shit I gotta check out there's like three movies I'll check it out hostile doesn't take place in Brooklyn one of them no when when I don't know maybe I don't fucking know probably going on right there when you say cut the Achilles I've seen a movie where they cut the Achilles and it's not they like they
Starting point is 00:10:48 cut the guys Achilles and they're like oh I'll get head walk and you can't yeah physically can't so he just collapses don't they do that in the human centipede they do something like that oh my god first of all house of wax human centipede human centipede one was like bothered me it was it was kind of cool oh my other than me I can't believe what we're gonna say so human centipede to have you seen the second oh yeah yeah when it's like a long chain oh yeah there's there's one girl in the back of it she's an Asian girl and we actually know her she's one of the people that I know that really I go to Spain some and
Starting point is 00:11:22 summers and she's one of the girls that goes to Spain in this I'm not like great friends with her she's friends with my cousin right but yeah she was she was in the back of the chain of the human centipede which is crazy why would you be happy to be in that movie I would be I'll be through the roof are you kidding me you're shitting me it was a little budget film yeah but it was it's like you know big man everyone knows human centipede it doesn't matter how much money that it's a costume what what I've seen somebody like put a costume together as a human centipede but with the three people Halloween yeah I seen
Starting point is 00:11:54 it they won an award at the bowling alley who did oh they were the human centipede it was just to blow up dolls behind a guy's ass oh actual people were like connected at the end oh no that's terrible have you guys seen the third one there's three there's a third one that it takes place in a I don't know I've watched all of these but there's a third one that takes place in a prison and the guys but it's the third one is just terrible it's just psychotic the guy basically makes the entire prison inmates into a giant it's like it's literally a hundred people in a centipede see that's when you got to give up making the movie
Starting point is 00:12:28 like where can I see this enough is enough that one I don't even think that the second one you had to like you know find it shady I watched it in like one of those legal websites yeah the second one I feel and it got like point three right it was not good I didn't like the the bad guy in the first one his face is still imprinted in my head he was creepy the bad guy in the first one is the bad guy in the third one oh I like that I'll watch it the guy in the second one was like just just all free he was yeah I didn't like him it's a director of the movie the fat dude yeah I don't know why I know all these details I know the
Starting point is 00:13:11 girl like this guy were you on set I'm an expert did she make a lot of money off of that I don't know you have to you you get paid you know thousand dollars I mean you get paid a good amount of money to be in movies did a low budget movie right I'm not even sure I don't remember the movie I don't even remember if she had lines or anything Joey we watched the human centipede at your house didn't we the first one of the second one first one I watched the first one at Dylan's house that's where I kept making fun of the guy's like voice because he was just super excited about being this fucking weird scientist who is the worst part you
Starting point is 00:13:45 know it's crazy the that movie people's faces are in asses and sewed to the ass and shitting in mouths so weird you know I mean and the worst part to me was like there I remember this one scene in the first one where like the chick the first two people that get caught by this guy they wake up in like this makeshift hospital in the basement of this guy's house and they're connected to IVs and this one girl just I guess gets so scared that she just oh no yeah she's trying to get out but they're like tied to the bed post whatever then she gets her hand free the guy comes downstairs she goes to like run away and then like
Starting point is 00:14:23 the IV is still in her arm so just like rips off her arm like just it was the most painful I've ever you know when you see like someone get kicked in the balls you're like okay my balls hurt mm-hmm that was the most painful thing I was like what the fuck is every time I see something weird like that I get a weird feeling in my ass I'm not gonna lie to you like when I see something happen like gross I'm like oh my ass oh your ass I don't know maybe it's just me for me it's like my stomach or my like biceps basically my lower body feels weird okay real quick before we before we move on let's get to the sponsorship here we
Starting point is 00:15:05 got Harry's raises good stuff good stuff great stuff so I have I've worked with Harry's before and they've sent me like their product their razors and their whatever the fuck that comes in this box that's the best way to do an advertisement to be honest but I I had a bunch and I had extra so I gave him to my sister's boyfriend and the other day like randomly he just goes y'all those razors he doesn't sound anything like that but my best razors forever is my fucking life like all right nice so there you have it an actual fucking what's that called testimonial or whatever anyway they have high quality high
Starting point is 00:15:45 performing German blades okay German blades that's how you know it's a fraction of the drugstore costs plus no pesky peck plexiglass cabinets to unlock either there you go it comes like a really fucking cool box and shit like that it's about half the price of other big branded blades they ship for free to your front door the star set is an amazing deal for $15 you get a razor moisturizing shave cream and three razor blades which the cream by the way actually works my fucking neck always is like dry I get bumps and shit so it's nice but if you want to go to Harry's you go to Harry's calm and Harry's will
Starting point is 00:16:20 give you $5 off if you type in my coupon code which is basement okay so go to Harry's calm h a r r y s calm and enter the coupon code basement for $5 off okay okay there you have Harry's now back to the face in the assholes real quick where you brought up centipede to so if I mean I'm sure people for the most part have seen human centipede one right right because that was like a big thing yeah the second one I don't even know if you could watch it now because I remember you got like banned in like every country except like Chile yeah like some weird fucking country where they don't give a shit what happens to
Starting point is 00:17:02 anybody the guy he's the director is that really true that guy's sick because I remember him it's weird because just like this we there's this moment where he's like a parking garage yeah guy he likes it's in a booth or whatever and he's sitting there watching the few centipede one yeah in the movie right and he's watching as this guy's sewing and they're shitting each other and he also jerks off with sandpaper in that movie which is sick fuzzy I don't remember yes he does I do I do too much about this movie now yeah that's the only thing I remember and some chick was like giving birth in a car I remember that I think
Starting point is 00:17:50 am I crazy I might be making I know that I know that jerking off with sandpaper part is true the birth part I might have just thrown that in there I'm not sure but yeah it's a fucking weird thing what is the third one called you know or it's just human centipede three so human sense be three all right the fact guys actually there's no like rise of the ass or whatever it is oh no rise of the hundred I don't know why I said that that was fucking terrible do you do you remember the first one when the dude is about to take a shit oh no he's like I'm sorry I'm so sorry yeah it's like Japanese or something and then bad guys
Starting point is 00:18:25 like yes give him protein something like that first of all the guy in the front was like the most upset which I don't get because I would love to be in the front yeah I wouldn't love to be if I had to be somewhere yeah if we had a flip of coin and I got first pick I'm taking front everyone you can get connected to my ass whatever dude the images in my head it's bothering me can you imagine being in the middle now that's a fucked up place ass and mouth ass and mouth you eat shit and then shit out the shit you ate oh I'm so upset that was crazy dude middle piece really fucked up you have to you have to think
Starting point is 00:19:02 that some like weird like European dude is just in his house he's probably try to connect squirrels together and then I think that's what happened actually in the first one the guy was like doing it on dogs and it worked or whatever because that's how those psychos do they like tried on dog fucking animals probably try you know I mean and then they moved to humans I don't want to talk about it no more why how's your ass oh it's hurting just so weird that's weird where like if any if you see someone get kicked on the ball like on my ass no like if I'm I can't really explain it like if I see something really
Starting point is 00:19:40 gross I mean oh my god my ass something gross something weird I can't explain it like when it happens I'll be like yo my ass hurts this is what I was talking about like my balls hurt so crazy shit yeah it's weird speaking of gross I don't know why this just popped in my head but you guys do you remember rotten calm nope I think so rotten calm when I was super young I don't think it exists anymore if it does pain Olympics like I mean I think pain Olympics I remember that I was terrible I don't know if it's like exist but I don't know if it's called rotten calm or just rotten something but I remember rotten being in
Starting point is 00:20:15 there but it's just basically a site with a bunch of pictures of actual oh I remember dead bodies dude yeah it was the fucking grossest well thing that's on it I'm pretty sure it was like famous because of the OJ trial whatever they had the pictures of the bodies on there like somehow these fucking people got them probably some like weird Asian technology like whatever firewall whatever they call it they couldn't get taken down by the FBI or whatever but they had a bunch of pictures on there and I was like the grossest shit in the world well now it's a it's a website for horse mutton the fuck is that what is
Starting point is 00:20:49 that I don't know horse mutton it says still hungry for horse is that a cake is that a cake still hungry for horse mutton here you go it says lemon pie I don't think so I think it has to do with horses by the way can you explain something to me Marco because I almost let this slide probably not like it yeah so I'm Marco snapchat story back to this like yeah I'm sorry because it just my mind again so I'm Marco snapchat story I'm clicking through whatever I'm seeing I'm like oh this place looks sick just watch people on the street no something I click to the next one and it's something just like British check
Starting point is 00:21:23 it she goes fuck my arsehole please and then that's the whole snap and I didn't ask him about it because I didn't fucking like no you know what to even like hey what's with the chick scream and fuck my asshole what was that about she's good looking to she was she was very pretty she was a phenomenal girl she was very adorable she was very like a naive person I think she's very innocent very innocent she was very innocent so um so why was she screaming fuck my ass so so we sound to it I know everyone's like yeah she sounds real fucking innocent fuck my ass all were you guys good friends so well I met her
Starting point is 00:22:03 there we come good friends yeah we were hanging out for quite a bit she's coming she's actually coming to New York she's making like a trip around America she said she'll be in New York in the next couple of weeks so she's gonna hit me and my friends up and we went hang out over here sweet um which sounds very legit yeah um get our arsehole first of all arse is my favorite shit in the world when people say arse I'm like yeah it's like arse doesn't like an asshole is an asshole an arsehole it's like a different thing I don't know what that is but it's not I can't be an asshole it sounds too cool
Starting point is 00:22:34 British no I know but it just sounds too cool it's got to be something else I love the British well I thought she was Australian at first she might have been Australian I'm honestly I have no idea she was British okay I asked her if she was Australian she was British I watched that snap story I just didn't have it on like the volume oh yeah that's a good one I know man I'm so yeah so we met her on the street and guys were throwing beads down to her so like she could show her boobs to them and she had no idea what the beads meant so like we explained it to her we told her what the beads meant and then she was like oh okay so
Starting point is 00:23:06 like she flashed me and my friends like really quickly which was nice of her this is very nice girl so she was just like hey can I get some beads like I want some beads like guys like you know guys are up top like a bunch of frat guys just like throwing like literally chucking beads at people on the street like like grenades is it hard to get those like did we just think at one of those hotels like on bourbon no not on bourbon like I that would have been miserable like it was bourbon street also never closes like 24 so there's no shot you're sleeping yeah basically you would never sleep we need to go to a bar
Starting point is 00:23:35 like 8 a.m. and like it'll be open with people in it like it's just always packed yeah it's always a madhouse like that I got there seven o'clock at night on Friday yeah but um yeah it's always packed it's always packed it's crazy but yeah so then she was she was telling us she brought it up actually how she never has had anal sex she just brought it up out of nowhere because that's what comes up in conversation like literally out of nowhere I guess I just have the face that people want to talk to that about okay what's up man I never did any of before so what else you got I guess so I don't know what she's like yeah I've
Starting point is 00:24:11 never done anal yeah and then she's screaming please fuck my ass no I don't understand I get what she's saying so I was just like oh do you want to try it blah blah blah well we unfortunately we did not try it but damn she was like yeah and then then she was like and then I was like oh can I get film you saying that and then she said that and it was it was nice that was great we need to go yeah yeah we do need to go yeah I really wanted that's the next like place I want to go so it sounds awesome Vegas is out of the picture next year no it's not out of the you can go to two places in a year dude it also wasn't well it was
Starting point is 00:24:45 much less expensive than Vegas like the drinks and stuff they have three for one deals wow I paid $7 for three beers multiple times so you basically spend like 30 bucks and you're gone and I'm down I guess you spent 30 bucks and you get half a drink so yeah half a drink half you just get to ask somebody a question for $30 a teaspoon people want you like take a picture of me I'm dressed as a pirate the $30 thank you you're the fucking man I I we took that picture didn't we Marco with Ralph you were there oh yeah I was with Dominic or Justice Pirates Dominic and Dylan oh my god I got one of their numbers and pirates
Starting point is 00:25:23 I asked her I asked her what her name was and I was like oh like she was like oh my name is Cherokee I'm like okay is that your stripper name or your parents named you that and she's like no that's my real name and she was kind of feeling me like she was like feeling up my arm and she knows like yo listen like this is my last day like you want it you want to chill tonight like what's up she goes I can't take your number because I'm on camera but like write it down for me and you know I'll hit you up later and I was like all right this girl has to be a prostitute a hundred percent she was like feeling up my arm and shit well I
Starting point is 00:25:55 gave her my number and she didn't call me I wasn't upset it happens I think she was kind of just working you bro it could have been that she wasn't even that good I was just really drunk and I was like I'll fuck isn't that nice how's the weather in New Orleans oh it was great when we were there it was is it like that I mean I don't know if you know but is it like that like all year around because like we can go in like much or no shit yeah like February February is Marty what's Marty bro February oh it's in March February yeah that's probably just that's yeah a shit I'm sure that's like
Starting point is 00:26:28 this was packed out I can't even imagine what it's gonna be like in Marty you probably can't move in this year it's probably be terrible I look amazing I'm trying to do that I love like dive bars and just fucking not jobs you know it's all it's literally all dive bars Braving Street where and and there's a strip club there's like 12 strip clubs within like two blocks it's retarded like that's just bad business was all make money too yeah I did but it wasn't my wanting to cuz like I didn't want to like spend money at a strip club it was that girl that the arsehole chick no no no the one that I sent you guys the
Starting point is 00:27:08 picture of oh yes which I was good yeah we don't have to discuss that right but yeah she wanted to go to the strip club so I went with her and yeah and the strip clubs were good though yeah they were they were good dude I went to a short club once in Manhattan just like a random basically a dive bar strip club because it was just so like not cool just like some like I don't do I went in there and it was just like the girls were just kind of like yeah and no one in there was happy all the dudes were just kind of just weird and upset it was just I was not cool I went to my first strip club with Dom and Dom and it was
Starting point is 00:27:53 in the city and it was just like I don't I don't like going to strip clubs now like throwing money at girls just like you know like paying for it but if you're a female I was watching this girl get a lap dance damn you get the full everything girl gets to grab her tits her feel her up everything if you're a guy you don't you don't get the touch this oh my god an ugly ugly stripper gave me a lap dance Dylan grabbed him goes get my friend a lap dance she hopped right on I was like no no no whatever you know like I had no choice like she danced on me for two and a half minutes I gave her like ten singles I was like okay I'm gonna save
Starting point is 00:28:31 the rest of this for later and then whatever else I have in my pocket she goes no it's 20 bucks a lap dance I was like but you suck like your trash like hey she's trying I was the girl on girl the girl I went with got a lap dance and it really turned me on tell me not I was I would have been like that was great and that's yeah yeah I think about it like strippers like when they they're dancing on like dudes they probably do dudes all the time we're fucking like super weird yeah and like doing with like just whispering weird shit I could take you out of here and just like what's your sign yeah I love you I do
Starting point is 00:29:09 that once to Nick like Nick when the first time in Las Vegas we met these girls from like Utah and I was like how I was like where you guys from they're like Utah I was like I fucking sucks you guys got the jazz out there I'm like but I was just fucking with them but Nick got one of their numbers and we're back in our room and it's like 4 a.m. and I'm texting the girl from his phone and I'm just like saying just the dumbest shit just cuz I'm just fucking around and then she was she was sleeping obviously and I'm just texting her no one's answering and then I just wrote I think I love you that girl woke up from
Starting point is 00:29:45 a random text from this guy that she like just met I think I love you oh my I was begging to see them the next day because that would have been the most awkward fucking experience ever that's pretty cool yeah but I just got back from Vegas that was I missed that place man really good I just got back to but well yeah it's like I went there I went there for like work so it's like I couldn't really enjoy it but just like walking the show I actually saw this one I forgot what it's called man but it's just one like it looks like it what's the place in Orlando City Walk yes so it looks like that but just on steroids and
Starting point is 00:30:25 it has like this zip line above you and you just there's like people flying over your head that's so cool and there's like a bunch of places to drink and everything's lit the ceiling is like a LED lights and it's just the wildest shit sounds pretty cool yeah and I went to fucking a magic show I love Orlando you know yeah here we go you talk about Orlando why do you love Orlando I'm good thank you I I hate Orlando because of the weather because I sweat as soon as I get like I'm on the plane and I sweat yeah that's the worst weather ever I think I've ever been humid yeah dude my fucking air thigh ball gooch region was
Starting point is 00:31:05 just stinging red don't wear a tree don't wear underwear at all sometimes I don't do that I like to be on there I would sweat through my pants probably yeah you would normally sweat a lot anyway oh dude I'm a fucking sweater yeah and I'm an abnormal sweater too like I only sweat on my right side of my body that's which is it's weird the dermatologist worried I had like thyroid cancer because like you know I'll sweat too much yeah I'm cool I just sweat a lot it's just like it's just my shit have you guys ever worn jeans without boxer no what am I you know I like doing it because it's like I'm ready for anything you know
Starting point is 00:31:43 what I'm saying I could I could really you want to fuck bet my the tip of my dick hurts right now thinking about that no basketball shorts with nothing underneath well that's just like flopping around everywhere then yeah I'm telling you the truth like when I had a girlfriend it was like I wore shorts with nothing on underneath because it was really quick I feel like like boxers aren't that much of like an impediment just fucking anywhere literally half a second longer well when I've had a dream once where I was sleeping in my boxers and listen to this hold on I was I went to bed in my boxers listen I went
Starting point is 00:32:23 to bed in my boxers yeah and I had a dream in my dream I was wearing my boxers and people were pointing at me laughing so your room I was surrounding your listen no it was just whatever I was doing in the dream so I woke up in the middle night put my shorts back on went back to sleep continued whatever I was dreaming until this day I will never sleep in boxers I only sleep in basketball shorts or cargo shorts if I'm feeling really sick in boxes all the time not only box I have to wear basketball shorts huh I switch it up I like I don't know I can't I can't wear a shirt though there's no way unless I'm
Starting point is 00:32:57 like hammered and I wear like an undershirt like no like a light brisk t-shirt why brisk wear no shirt bro a light brisk no I can't wear a shirt I get itchy one time I went to bed in the winter you don't get cold no man turn the fucking heat up or get I love being hot oh like I love you like to sweat when you're sure no no I like to sweat but I like being I'd rather be hot than cold you like to snuggle you actually begin the cold because it's like your your upper body can get cold but your lower body is hot yes I only get the blanket my blanket is fucking yeah thousand degrees under there that's it
Starting point is 00:33:34 is freezing on the outside and so do you guys ever have trouble like controlling the temperature when you sleep what do you mean like is that me I don't know there's some interference it sounds like the predator honestly why is it as somebody's phone's near the fucking thing oh my phone's here too so what are you controlling the temperature like sometimes like like in the summer it usually happens like if I don't have the AC on I get really hot but then I turn on the AC and I get really cold like I can't get comfortable you know like yeah I go back and forth it happened to me like every time I I put my AC on I wake
Starting point is 00:34:08 up in cold sweats yeah I was like am I just like sick like what the fuck is happening but I don't my AC is old as fuck it's probably just blown as asbestos in my fucking room wow asbestos is bad but um I still sleep till today like I'll have my AC on and when I go to sleep but if my dad will come in and turn it off I wake up instantly with like a bloody nose yeah man I'm like yo dude in the morning like yo what the fuck bro like I like I can't breathe when you turn off the AC and he was like fucking 40 degrees outside and I'm like yo it doesn't matter like I can't breathe you gotta leave the AC on make over to bloody yeah
Starting point is 00:34:44 multiple times I'm like I can't breathe bro you know he'll shut it off I'll wake up at like 237 and I'll walk over to the window I put it back on and I can't sleep in silence the TV has to be under the air conditioner if I sleep in silence it's a horror movie bro I something bad's gonna happen really yeah it's really bad it's not see bosses like that too he can't sleep without like the TV on yep he's got to have the TV I can sleep like in any way you know you can't sleep on planes insidious will happen in my room if it's quiet I need the quiet dude I knocked the fuck out on my plane ride home today it was amazing yeah I
Starting point is 00:35:23 got home at 1230 and I went into work at two I landed on like two hours sleep like I didn't sleep last night all I did was sleep on the plane and I had to drive right into work because I had to do work today you drove into work yeah you drove into the city now I work in Westchester is my office I work for Pepsi by the way guys shout out to shout out to Pepsi okay that's our stop buying Coke and buy Pepsi there you go isn't that's our second sponsor by the way yo do you remember when Keith used to get bloody noses all the fucking time you know this kid would just be standing and just blood would be gushing out of I remember I
Starting point is 00:36:08 didn't know like instantly like someone turned on a faucet and it'd be a lot probably more than the blood that was coming out of your fucking cyst just a lot of blood are you sorry I had to recircle and bring that back are you are you okay now I'm okay it's like I don't like how'd you get rid of it I feel like the listeners don't really want to go into the details yeah I mean it's kind of late for that so they had to like drain it once and it's like a needle yeah they like basically just cut it I'm not fucking did you watch it I would watch how he's gonna watch his ass they put video cameras these you know so I couldn't feel
Starting point is 00:36:42 them cut cut me because it would hurt you gotta get an epidural yeah see I just got the feeling in my ass right there because for ever I know what it does all right next it makes you numb from like the waist down I still have to get surgery though I still have to get surgery what really I'm getting it in two weeks can I come why is they gotta take it actually out yeah they have to get like oh it's okay all the stuff out I don't know can I come if you want you want to drive me my take off work is it one of those like surgeries where they have people glass window and the client in the in the crowd like above like that
Starting point is 00:37:17 Seinfeld episode where you can watch you can look down and watch this and I'd have signs like milk though it falls into the guys I have I have signs go go yeah get out nice incision good shot good shot what is that for like to teach to teach like my students yeah I'm really like it's gonna be really weird for the surgery because the way I have to sit it's like so like because obviously the doctor's gonna be like cutting in my ass right you know how like when girls go to the gynecologist they're like the legs I know I'm basically like that but like the worst on my stomach yeah so you're face down ass up yeah and I'm
Starting point is 00:37:59 gonna have to lay there for like 30 minutes 30 40 minutes yeah I'm awake and they're gonna have to stare at your ass my ass is not pretty I don't doubt that at all I don't think that's nice so sorry about dude that's crazy that's just this passed out person with his ass is not passed out oh you're awake they just love the area oh my god I'm so sorry so I'll be like I don't know maybe I'll listen to music or something maybe I can have my iPod in there we'll see my boy one of my one of my friends is a nurse and he has to like sit in on surgeries yeah and he said yo some wild you'll never know if something went
Starting point is 00:38:44 wrong because they won't tell you unless it could cause like a turn in internal bleeding thank you internal bleeding then they have to tell you they have no choice but if something happens and they do something wrong they don't have to tell you nothing you'll never know and he goes they talk about the craziest shit like you know did you watch like that episode of graze it out of me yeah it was pretty cool oh snip you know it's weird he goes they're so casual like they're like yeah wow yeah man wow that's crazy all right let's you know it cut the ear it's probably a lot easier than we think is that stupid that's
Starting point is 00:39:25 gonna be the dumbest thing I've ever said yeah it's not easy you go to school you pay a lot of money it's a couple fucking organs cut this cut that you're chilling oh you know what's what's scary probably doing a c-section yeah I can't even think about birth like I can't even think about it weird feelings am I asking I can I express this to girls all the time where I'm like I I don't know how you guys could just walk around and be happy when you have this like dark cloud just always over your head like one day I'm gonna push a human out of this thing it's beautiful though no I'm sure it is I'm sure it is yes it
Starting point is 00:40:07 afterwards it is but the process is how you can't sleep on your stomach you know how bad I don't sleep on my stomach oh I do sit my back or sleep on my right side no I sleep on my stomach no I can't do that I sleep on my exclusively left side I always sleep more I don't miss my bed is like a queen I think so yeah or full oh fuck do you know or a king slept in there when you weren't there that's not a king but I always sleep more I only sleep on like literally I sleep on two feet on my whole mattress Marco your same two feet your bed takes up your whole room I've never even been to this kid's house I have yeah I'm blessed I'm yeah so my
Starting point is 00:40:52 apartment is it's a great apartment but my bedroom in the apartment is very small the rest of the apartment is pretty big you have a balcony I have a balcony from my bedroom yeah but um that's worth it yeah but my bed is a it's a queen I believe and my it's basically like three fourths of my room the rest of it is for me to like walk around what was that anyway you never heard that song it starts off I forget it yeah maybe just shut the fuck up I don't sick all right anyway we're gonna wrap this up here we're at 42 minutes 42 minutes deep is that the
Starting point is 00:41:34 longest no there was one time I don't know I did one with like Danny Frankie my cousin Pete was here he's in the room and Danny was fucking hammered I was just saying the dumbest shit in the background like Danny was on the first ever podcast that I ever did on the basement yard and we talked about this dude who had a 19 inch dick or some shit and then he the second time he was on was recently it was a couple episodes ago I forgot what it's called I think it's called pre-gaming pre some pre-game something right with the pre game is in the title and Danny like the entire episode like you just hear him like say
Starting point is 00:42:07 the weirdest shit like right like someone be telling a story he'll just say like that like that like the weirdest stuff and you're like what the fuck it's because hammered I love the whole bottle of James in that night I didn't realize how drunk he was until after we stopped because he like we went out to a bar and then he left like 10 seconds later but whatever Davina where can they find you you already know you can find me on Instagram Twitter and snapchat at ant Meno and TV I know and Marco so I changed my Instagram name to make it shorter just for this so you guys follow him you guys could follow me if you want
Starting point is 00:42:45 it's uh what did I change it to hold on hold on m.gonzo 28 28 28 28 hold on let me yeah let me let me make sure he's unsure now I'm pretty sure it's m.gonzo 28 m.gonzo 28 yes give me a follow yeah I wonder if they're still filming Spider-Man at the block yeah they are filming Spider-Man I'm gonna go to this enjoy that I saw him already has to be here any second I'm so happy I'm not you guys can have we're just gonna drink beers watch Monday Night Football yep oh I can't wait to watch Monday Night Football are you gonna stick around you know what I am I was supposed to go home and play some NHL no just watch football I will I
Starting point is 00:43:29 will you go all right anyway thanks for listening your motherfuckers

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