The Basement Yard - Meeting One Of My Childhood Heroes

Episode Date: September 20, 2016

On this episode with @AntVino, I talk about how it was working with The Rock. We also talk about some other stuff but I forgot what it was, I'm tired. Cut me some slack. Ok bye. Learn more about your choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to the basement yard. It is Monday September 19th, and I'm with my good friend and Basically co-host I guess you you could say since he's on 87% of the podcast. Mr. Anthony De Vino It's great to see you. It's good to be back. Isn't it? It's a hundred percent great, and I'm proud So I just got back from Vegas But it wasn't one of those like Let's get drunk gamble or a money and flirt with strippers kind of trip it wasn't like that it was just it was for work and It was really cool. Oh geez. I got a justice microphone stand, but
Starting point is 00:00:45 You know if you've been keep what the fuck was that? little interruption The delivery guy banged on the window scared the shit out of De Vino I was nervous you and I was like pull up the the fucking blind so we could see who it is He's like yo stop. I'm not nervous Who what kind of robber would knock excuse me? Do you have time? I would like to come in and take everything I I saw me pulling up the blind shotgun to the chest. No hockey game later That's what you're worried about your hockey game. Oh, I gotta make my fucking hockey game, but I got my food here
Starting point is 00:01:17 Maybe I'll just like break all podcast rules. What is it and just eat? Where'd you work on crave? I? Was gonna say I do you're gonna say create you guys it no not create if you guys live in the Astoria Queens area Crave is amazing. They're cob salads are a plus. They have great food there Anyway What the fuck is all right, just why I came I came back from Vegas And I flew alone which is kind of sucky like the flight there's like five and change I think and It was just trash. What were you gonna say? Did you fly jet blue? I flew Delta on the way there and jet blue on the way back whether TV's on both sides
Starting point is 00:01:58 Delta I mean Delta was cool jet blue on the way back had like and I upgraded on jet blue too on the way home I tried to upgrade on the way there because like I've never sat first class in my entire life It's cool, and I couldn't I couldn't do it on the way there So I sat in middle seat and there was a larger man sitting to my left. I'm sorry on the way there as well Yeah, right so we were kind of rubbing elbows the whole fucking time, you know, it was just like I'm like ah On the way back. I also had a mostly but I upgraded and I actually got the first row Isle who more leg room a lot more. Yeah, it was only like 70 bucks. I'm down was Was the jet blue flight that you were on was it the one that we had coming back from Vegas
Starting point is 00:02:41 Remember how it was like a club inside there? No, a blue light. Yeah screens were huge and I was so excited to watch that TV No, I passed out. Have you ever flew Virgin? No, their whole shit like you get on that plane It's like neon pink and blue lights. It's it's really nice. I don't know how fuck. I just burnt my hand on this shit. I I Flew Virgin when I used to do Money used to work at a lead daily used to go to LA all the time and that would be the flights We're talking about dope now, which we're talking about fucking flights now
Starting point is 00:03:13 Anyway, so I went to Vegas because I have been working with the rock on his YouTube channel and I've been hosting this Contest called rock a promo where people would come on and they cut promos and You know, they would make up wrestlers and have their gimmicks, whatever and the finale was in Vegas and I met him there And The guy's fucking he's great. He looks awesome. Awesome dude. He's really cool, man You would think that someone I mean, he's the biggest actor in Hollywood like he's the highest paid You get made like fucking 70 million dollars last year. Jesus. So He we filmed it at like a boxing ring. It looked like that. Yeah, it was
Starting point is 00:03:55 so we filmed it at a boxing ring and We had gotten there like hours before he got there Because we were like rehearsing and we wanted we didn't have him for a long time because he had like a bunch of shit to do That day he was like presenting and accepting an award at mr. Olympia. Wow and So when he got there I was just standing in the middle of the ring Just kind of going over my lines or whatever and I could feel the energy in the whole room Just like shift towards this guy because he's such a presence, you know what I mean? And I wasn't star struck by any means, but it was more of just like I was amazed at how
Starting point is 00:04:28 Everyone was reacting to him It was just wild like I'm just like it was just crazy, you know what I mean? So like I didn't approach him or anything and and he knows me because I've been working with him on his channel and stuff But we had never met Like face-to-face mm-hmm like I had spoken to him a couple of times like we haven't like met face-to-face and That was the first time and he was having a conversation with someone and then he just like stopped it And he's when he saw me. He's like, hey, what's up? And we were just talking a little bit and we were just fucking around the whole time
Starting point is 00:05:00 Like he was like my boy. He's all like in between takes. We were just fucking around and like joking and stuff and One of the girls who like we needed like a ring girl Or you know what I mean? So yeah when when the producers landed they had gotten there before me They just kind of walked on the strip and like the first hot girl They saw the like do you want to be in a video with the wow with the rock wow And then she was like, yeah, whatever so when she got there. I wanted to tell him the story because She was rehearsing her thing and then I was like, I'm like, yo you see that girl And he goes is that your girlfriend and immediately I just snap answered and I was like, yeah, don't fucking look at her
Starting point is 00:05:40 We both started dying laughing, but I was like, no, I told him the story I was just funny how we just like walked and like picked this girl like we didn't pay an actor or anything We just found school like you want to be in the video like yeah, fuck it Wow, but he was mad cool man. The whole thing went really smooth and and we got some like extra Content together so that'll come out soon Who knows when that'll that'll come but It was it was a lot of fun. He was a cool dude. I saw a picture of you guys It looked like you weren't that much shorter than him. He's a big guy. Well, I'm 5'10. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:06:09 I would say he's probably six three. Yeah six two But he's massive. Yeah, he's wide. He's huge. Yeah, and he's like 40 something He's in like phenomenal shape. The first thing actually said to him was like, wow, you look real skinny He's a house dude. He's fucking enormous. I can imagine It's huge, but it was man. It was really cool. It's really cool experience and The coolest part for me. I'm sorry. I'm eating everyone's like shut the fuck up eating. I'm sorry I have chicken here, man. I saw her whole plate of broccoli. All right. No, that's salad. You sure? Yeah, man, you don't know you don't know the difference. I saw broccoli. I had just saw a green
Starting point is 00:06:43 You immediately went to broccoli. Yeah By the way side note, we're going to a bar after this in the city if you want to come Do you want to come? We're gonna watch some money in that game. This is completely off the record of the podcast I just told you I was oh, yeah, you have hockey time shit was going man. Why I'm sorry a lot of people are going I'm sorry, but I'm sorry. This is a real of irrelevant to the fact that we're doing a podcast right now But we're in the city by Marcos house. I really know he lives. There's a bar over there apparently jealous. I'm gonna drive anyway Fuck were you talking about? Broccoli no before that the rock a lot of hugs
Starting point is 00:07:18 What the fuck was I gonna say I forgot damn it this always happens Oh, I was gonna say the coolest part about it is um, so he walks in he like demands that he doesn't demand that attention I'm saying like he just attracts out of my attention and then once we started rolling It kind of became like we had such good chemistry between the two of us that it became like not him It was us. You don't mean that people were like, you know what I mean? So it was just cool to get that kind of validation that like, you know You're able to like not compete because obviously he's so successful But just like you're able to like it's it's possible to get where this guy is at with what you know, I mean
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah, exactly. That's just kind of how I thought that it was really cool but even like they had like a smoke guy because like we had smoke for Like some effect or whatever but the guy was like do you guys know each other and I was like no It's the first time I like I actually met him. He's like, you know I thought you guys were like best friends like friends for because the chemistry was so good I was like, oh, thanks. It was it was really cool man. It was really cool experience My fly home sucked a dick and like dude I don't know how people just like go away and like have to move for work
Starting point is 00:08:28 That's like the most grown-up shit ever because I went to Vegas Which is arguably one of the funnest places in the world and all the people that I work that I was working with like his Production company and their crew. They're all awesome all fun to hang around with But just being so far from home and all my friends and everything and just like having a room in a hotel by myself Was like the shittiest Feeling ever. I'm like, yo, I would go insane if I had to do that. Yeah, but you were there for a day Say you I know you have to like exactly to it You know, you never know you you can't you can't say something's gonna suck until you try it out
Starting point is 00:09:04 You know for a while. I know but it was just like, you know, this is I could do it You know what I mean if I had to do it like whatever, but it was just like fuck your room look huge Yeah, I had two beds in my room. I don't know why they booked that one Nice, so I was like, you know, I slept in one and then I said an alarm for 3 a.m. And when hit 3 a.m. I woke up one to the other one Did you have any like free time at all after like did you well the first day? We got there and when I got off the plane I was super because the day before I filmed a bunch of veterans minimum stuff on the podcast
Starting point is 00:09:33 So I stayed here late and was editing and shit so I had to upload that that night and then the next day I had a flight really early and I don't like to eat before a flight because I feel sick. Yeah, I just don't fuck with that, but I I When I landed I was so hungry and just tired because the fucking air really kills me Mm-hmm, and I just ordered room service and then went to sleep and slept until like Seven and then we went out and we actually went to a hypnotist show which was fucking insane. First of all this guy
Starting point is 00:10:06 Oh god, his name is Greg, but his he's like act not act his act is called the shocker. He's a magician and dude, I Had never had a magic trick done to me ever So I was like you have to do a magic trick to me like this guy So the first thing he does is he hands me a full deck of cards just in the box Puts it on my hand and he goes just to think Of a card, right? He's like don't think of an obvious one like king of diamonds ace of spades He's like just think of a random card and I was like, all right, so I'm thinking of one
Starting point is 00:10:38 And I'm thinking in my head jack of hearts, right? So he's like do you got it? I'm like, yes So then he takes my other hand puts it on the deck and then I just flip my hands over like this And he goes, okay, I'm gonna take this deck of cards out and he's like one card's gonna be flipped over So he starts fanning out the cards the jack of hearts was the only one flipped over and I had never said it That's crazy. I don't know how the fuck he did that, but I never said it then Another one is I took he goes here hold my wallet, right? So now I'm holding his wallet uh
Starting point is 00:11:10 And where the cards and the driver's license would go is facing away from me So I can't see it. So he's like just hold it like this. So I'm holding with two of my fingers Then he's like give me your phone. So I give him my phone He takes a picture of me with the flash holding the wallet, right? And then he gives me my phone. I put it back in my pocket Then he goes, uh And then he and then I'm looking at the wallet. There's like no driver's license There's a couple cards like whatever and then he goes he has the deck of cards And he says pick a car out pick a card out of the deck
Starting point is 00:11:39 So I go through I pick a card out. I show everyone it's a four of diamonds He's like put it back wherever you want. So I put it back He starts shuffling it and then he Like starts fanning them out and it's like when you you know when you grab like the edge and you're He goes tell me when to stop so he does that I go stop He pulls out some random card and he goes this is your card. I'm like, no He's like, oh fuck He's like, uh, I almost like forgot because he's like the flash on your phone
Starting point is 00:12:02 It's kind of like the men in black thing where you just forget stuff. It's like just do me a favor Can you check your phone? Uh, check the photos dude the picture he took of me In the wallet where the driver's license was was the four of diamonds. That's insane. Yo, I was fucking flipping out I'm like, what the fuck is this guy? How do you do that? Yo, I have no idea. It was really fucking crazy. That's some chris angel. I was blown away I was like what and then the producers and stuff like right after it's like we already reacted to whatever and then like 30 seconds later, they're like, yes All right, we're gonna set up these shots like whatever start talking about the video that we have to shoot like later on
Starting point is 00:12:37 And I'm like hold the fuck on are we gonna just forget what this guy just did Yo, I was I still have the picture of me holding a thing with the fucking four of diamonds in the driver's where the driver's license is Yeah, that's crazy. Yo, when he was like check your phone. I was like, there's no way There's no way if you flipped it over and so that there was nothing there I did that's the thing That's the thing I flipped it over and I looked and there was nothing in there So I was like, what the fuck is going on man? It was fucking crazy. I want to be a magician. So do I
Starting point is 00:13:07 Right now I want to go to magician's school. Do they have that? I hope you know, they have like electrician school and stuff Magician school. I know we have clients. We have the mcdonald's uh, um, what is it called the mcdonald's uh college? Damn it There's a mcdonald's college that you go to college to be mcdonald's. Yeah To work in mcdonald's. I doubt that. Yeah, it's called the hamburger. It's called community hamburger academy That's where I went community college. That's where I went. I didn't I didn't even make my first day of college Nope I enrolled and enrolled out
Starting point is 00:13:42 That's good. Yeah, it's inspiring, you know People can grow up to be like just like anthony divino. I think I still be in college today after seven years To be honest, like I wouldn't be able to do it. How many credits do you think you have? eight nine two I don't know man. I'm I probably would have failed out of remedial classes. Well, thank god. Yeah, you know what? Electrical is the way to go. Didn't you hear some stupid shit on the radio on the way here? That's just like yo
Starting point is 00:14:12 This is what it's getting bad at least 15 minutes ago I'm I listened to the highway. I love country music and what is the highway? That's what it's called the highway It's a radio station called the highway You act like you listen to the highway. I mean, I like culture music in your car. You act like it's not there Which one it's on xm. I don't have xm. Fuck. I'm sorry 94 seven though. That's a that's a country That's what I listened to too. There you go when I'm in the work van So they're talking about like All right, um, they said the government just passed some law or act or whatever an act
Starting point is 00:14:46 Saying that pretty soon when you go to walmart, you're gonna have um shopping carts Controlling themselves Do you fucking believe that? A fucking and they said listen, you could like reserve your shopping cart from your car on your cell phone Before you get to the shop I'm like, are you kidding me? So it's just an act of laziness that they're all fucking stacked outside Yeah, so that shit's gonna come out and say hello. How are you and drive for you? It's gonna have a camera in the front. They said some stupid shit, but now imagine these
Starting point is 00:15:18 Shopping carts in the parking lot, you know how people won't put their shopping carts away? They just leave there's gonna be driving along. I'm mad. They're just gonna be driving along by themselves Tell me tell me that's not some crazy shit right there That makes no sense I would bug out if I ever saw like that happening in the in the parking lot. I probably run around with them Why Why don't you just like make something way cooler than that if we're gonna create like that's the dumbest like that's the least of Our worries, you know what the cool pushing a shopping cart. We can't fucking do that
Starting point is 00:15:45 It's an act of laziness. I'll push a shopping cart. Give a fuck. I have mad fun on shopping carts I love pushing the shopping cart. I feel I'm driving and shit, you know Run and jump on it. You know, I don't want to I don't like when I'm shopping I almost wouldn't let someone push my cart. I love pushing the cart. I wouldn't want to do that I just um bullshit. I I enjoy the uh, the old people shopping carts, you know the ones that you sit and then you drive around I've never had one of those you ever experienced that you just got to go over there and take it You know what I wanted to but I've always wanted
Starting point is 00:16:15 Like an old person scooter Oh, man, I wish and I want one of those things that you sit in and it takes you up the stairs Oh, my god, even though I have no injuries. Yeah, just just I just want to not be able to walk upstairs a five minute ride Yeah, it's crazy. They're very slow. Yeah, you need to get them more expensive once they get a little faster up the stairs A little booster. Yeah, let's go grandma. All right Hurry the fuck up get the fuck up there. All right Yeah, it's awesome That's as dumb as like, you know in the because I was just in airports or whatever, but like they have those
Starting point is 00:16:48 Fucking moving walkways. Yeah that you just step on and it just takes you like why do we have that? Like I was in the airport I'm just watching these people with their luggage like walking and then they'll go out of the way to step on this I guess it's like an escalator, but it doesn't escalate. It just Horizontalates. Maybe it's a horizontal later Maybe they're tired. I like to walk even if I'm walking on that thing Yeah, you're walking anyway, and this just takes you faster because we're fucking lazy. We got to get to places What the fuck for the elderly, you know, it's not for the elderly. They had him in vegas everywhere
Starting point is 00:17:23 I know it was just dumb. Yeah, but create. Well, I don't think it was shit I don't think it'd be dumb in vegas. Imagine you're hammered and you're walking and you get on that thing I think forget it. You're done. I don't know Do you think it's easy to walk on that? No, just stand still for a little while catch your breath Dude, first of all getting on those things and getting off them are like You know not the easiest Next time when you're hammered next time I see them I'm going to start off at a sprint and I'm going to sprint on to
Starting point is 00:17:50 You're not going to be able to do that sprint on to it and keep going It's like you know what it's like It's like jumping out of a moving car and trying to walk. True. You know what I mean? I could do that too. It's a little less. I did that on the van Well, then remember when usa was playing we were at rockies and we won I grabbed on to that van and he like took off at 30 and I jumped off and I ran I landed and I ran That is the most I caught it. Why the fuck would you do that? You were there? I don't remember this. Yeah, remember they had the
Starting point is 00:18:17 USA I was probably hammered. They had the little guy usa fucking place soccer I don't watch soccer all year around iraqis, but usa plays Mm-hmm, and a portugal plays well not during the world cup. I only room for uh, usa actually like reopened trade a little bit Because cruciano ronato. That's my guy but I was probably hammered. Do you remember that one time? Uh, who was it? usa was playing belgium, I think And where were we at rockies and there was a midget dressed as uncle sam. Yes. That was the game that we won
Starting point is 00:18:49 And I jumped onto the car. No, they weren't playing belgium because they lost to belgium I had boat shoes on I think no I forgot who they beat they won though. They did win. They did win. I forgot how they played. Yeah, you're right So it wasn't belgium because they lost that day, but They played somebody and we beat them and there was a midget dressed as uncle sam And he was running across the bar With a bottle of something and he was pouring it in people's mouths. He was pouring it in my mouth I was fucking hammered because of this guy. It was good. I'm like, oh, you're a little crazy bastard up there, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:19:19 It was a good day. I had fun that day people were passing him around like a trophy There was beer everywhere when they scored. It was like being at the flying puck for the ranger playoff game Yo, that was the best that I can't wait to go back. I can't wait. Yo every time they scored pitchers a beer in the air Everyone was soaked with beer everybody. There's a bar next to Madison Square Garden where the Yankee Yankees hear me where the rangers play and It's called the flying puck and it's just a rangers bar. So when they're away Or even when they're home really but mostly when they're away. They were home. Were they home? Yeah, they were playing next door
Starting point is 00:19:51 Yeah, well it was playoff. So that's why it was packed But usually like when they're away like a lot of rangers fans will go to this bar and just Watch the game there and it should be bigger Ha ha like it should I love that like they have booths and stuff On the side and like they should just get rid of those because You know fuck that remember but yo they blast the game and when they score they blast a horn That was a goal song. Yeah the goal song and then yo, oh my god So we went to uh, I think it was rangers penguins. This was years ago. Yeah, probably three years ago. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:23 And I have a good one for this go ahead And uh, there was these guys that I just like when I got drunk I kind of just wander off in the when I'm in places and just meet people and there was these Four like four or five like meat heads Like all jacked dudes and two of them were twins and they were like Five eight Right, they were shorter than me and they were jacked and they were like headbutting each other. I'm like, yo you guys are fucking nuts right and uh
Starting point is 00:20:51 We became friends and then whenever the rangers scored Everyone in that place would just throw beer in the air and fucking go insane Everyone was covered in beer and then they would just keep buying beers for me The good thing about that was brandon brandon was right in the front of the bar if brandon or kevin, um weren't there We wouldn't have gotten beer because I'm short. I couldn't make it my way to the front I do you remember I invited that girl to come come meet us and she came in all like I think she was dressed in white I don't and she was standing. I'm like, yo, you might get what she goes. No, I don't think I will I'm a little far back when the rangers scored. She was covered in beer. I was like, well, this is the worst first date my bad
Starting point is 00:21:32 Sorry Oh wait, that's the same day Hold on time out All right I'm sorry. I'm swallowing my friend But there was this girl that I know who came to new york from florida. She happened to be in town This is good. This is really good So she just happened to be in town and I'm like, I'm going to this bar next to msg where she was like kind of near her
Starting point is 00:21:57 Hotel I was like, I'm going to this bar near near msg if you want to come and watch in the rangers game And she's like, yeah, share whatever So this is the first time I'm meeting this girl in person and I'm with divino nick and I don't know someone else was there. I forgot. There was a there was a couple other people I think I think eric was there eric was there and I remember it was around october too because go ahead Yeah, cuz So this girl comes in and she's wearing like a tight shirt and she's uh Her area she's a she's busty a good amount of showing though, right? So she's got a lot of cleavage going on, right? So
Starting point is 00:22:35 Love it. Divino has had one or two at this at this point in time. I'm feeling friendly at that time I'm in a good mood. He's feeling he's in a good mood here. Okay. Mind you like I said, this is the first time I mean this girl actually and we had not spoken in a while I just happened to see that she was in new york and I was like, you know, fuck it. Yeah, I'm going to this place Do you want to hang out? so Anyway, I forgot how it started, but hold on. No, no, no Oh, I'll tell you divino just goes out of nowhere. Louie. Let me tell this story because I was talking to nick
Starting point is 00:23:06 You didn't hear it. No, I didn't I was whispering nick. I was like, yo, those girls tits are fucking nice And I was like, yo, he he bet me he goes, yo, I bet you won't ask her Like if they're real or fake. I was like, you're stupid. Of course. I will you know, he goes I'll buy you a beer. So I go, okay, stop now you were talking to her and I interrupt and I was like, excuse me And I was like, now listen, I have a question. She goes. Yeah, what? No, no, no, what you said was Excuse me and then and then she's like, what's up? And it's like, excuse me. Can I ask you a question and she's like, what's up? And then you went Okay, so I'm an asshole, right? They said something like that. Listen. I'm really a nice guy. I'm not an asshole
Starting point is 00:23:44 You're like, I'm really a nice guy and I just turned my head. I'm like, oh, yeah, you put your head down You put your eye watching you like no divino made conversation go. Listen. I'm really not an asshole and I go nick I'm drinking Sam Adams No, it's pumpkin ale. I was like, I'm drinking Sam Adams pumpkin ale It was so much quicker than that though. Divino literally I'm standing there and Divino goes Excuse me. Can I ask you a question? She's like, yeah, what's up? And then he goes, listen, I'm a really nice guy I'm not an asshole and then I just went oh, fuck And he goes he turns to nick and he goes
Starting point is 00:24:13 Uh, no, wait, what is it called? I'm drinking. Yeah, he goes. No, you didn't even say that you just turned him You were like Sam Adams pumpkin ale. Are you tits real? And then I was like, oh my god Divino Yeah, I had no chance at the world dying laughing. You just said it that quick like no hesitation. He was just like Uh, can I ask you a question? Uh, by the way, Nick, I'm drinking Sam Adams pumpkin ale Are you tits real and she's like what no and she said yeah, they were all like damn those good Yeah, so that she was nice and uncomfortable That was the same time that we found legends remember we went to legends. I met Ron Dugay. Oh, oh, yeah, man
Starting point is 00:24:48 Oh my god, please. I need to tell that story But first let's get to this fucking sponsorship here. I think we're about halfway I can't tell because the thing died in the middle of it. So the time is all fucked up But anyway, blue apron is back if you listen to the podcast, you know about blue apron If you sign up for their shit You get a Periodically you get stuff you get food in the mail. Okay. They send you a box It's got freezers on the bottom of it and they send you a bunch of stuff and it's cool because they send you um
Starting point is 00:25:17 I'm sorry. They send you a bunch of ingredients down to the salt and pepper everything you need It's all proportioned already pre-proportioned and there are meals and it comes with a step-by-step Uh instructions on how to make them So it's cool if you want to get into cooking or it's cool if you're just like cooking and making cool meals My mom fucking loves this company And i'm not even lying My mom told me to hit up the guy that helps me with the advertisements with the podcast and goes ask that guy for more Fucking blue apron. It's awesome. She's fucking loves it. She was upset because it comes like on sundays for us
Starting point is 00:25:48 I don't know if that's the same for everyone, but it comes on sundays for us and the week that it didn't come She was like, is it is it over? I'm like, yes. I'm sorry But anyway, if you want to sign up for blue apron, um It's it's less than 10 dollars a month for less than 10. Sorry. It's less than 10 dollars a meal And uh, you get really nice stuff. You get like spice pork Spiced pork tacos with avocado summer vegetable pizza with garlic leaven broccolini. So it's like you get cool shit It's not just you know your standard lunchables meal If you want to sign up you can go to blue apron dot com slash basement. That is blue apron dot com slash basement
Starting point is 00:26:25 And if you sign up, um Get your first three meals free with free shipping. Okay blue apron dot com slash basement And now back to devino Wait, just to go back to blue apron. Yeah, I opened your refrigerator Recently and I look because I was looking for I guess water because all you have is fucking beer sometimes and um I looked over to the sign. I saw all these little bottles these tiny small little bottles They look like fucking fireball bottles little ones and I'm lifting them up and it says like all these different types of dressings
Starting point is 00:26:54 And I'm like, what the fuck is this? They look you know, dude, they send you everything like if you have to butter the pan They will send you butter like it's like they send everything. That's so cool. Yeah, it's awesome But anyway, so that night after we watched the ranger game Yo, I was one of the best nights That was a really fun night. Yeah, uh, we went to this bar called legends It's an lsu bar and lsu was playing somebody. I forgot. I want to say all all all wow all burn, but I can't remember game It was a big game packed We get there and
Starting point is 00:27:25 After the game like it was started to clear out and then ron dunge. Who's like an announcer He was a former hockey player for the rangers years ago. And now he's like an announcer He works at msg. He was at the end of the bar. So divina spots this guy And just like hammered. Yeah, he goes up to y'all dude. You're ron du gay. How's that conversation? All right, so like I go up to him like, oh my god, you're ron du gay and he's the nicest guy in the world He's like, yeah, man, you know, that's me and I'm like, yo, listen I was like, I was at the revealing of the new rangers jerseys at rock a fella center And you were ice skating with my mom and he goes I was and I was like, yeah
Starting point is 00:28:01 You were holding her hand. My dad wanted to beat the shit out of you, bro And he goes no get out of here. Really? I was like, yeah So I'm ready for this So I go yo ron. He was with two smoke shows. Oh my god. They were girls. Yeah, two of them And first I go, can I buy you a drink and he goes, nah, man Come on, look at all these drinks I have in front of me from people and I was like, all right fine So I was like, listen, I was like, this is before his haircut This guy, this guy, by the way, is like famous for his hair. Not like famous for his hair
Starting point is 00:28:31 Be as a nice haircut. It's like, I think he's single. I'm not sure Good for him. Go for it. You know, you got him. He's single So, so, um, I go to him like, yo ron and I'm like, you bag mad young pussy Because you have nice hair and he was in tears. He was like, yo, you're the man and I'm like, I'm sorry I gotta go now. I'm sorry. I was like, it was very nice meeting you. I have a picture of me and him on my instagram You have to scroll all the way down to see it. By the way, you guys, he's making it sound way less Uh, let me, let me, he went over to him about 20 times. Yeah, I did. I'm sorry. He came back and was like, yo, that's ron du gay And he's like, you want to, you want to meet him? And I was like, no
Starting point is 00:29:07 And he's like, all right, I'll tell him and he walks back over there and starts talking and comes back Yo, I can't believe that's ron du gay and then whoever we're talking to is like, you know ron du gay? Yeah, that's him over there. I'm gonna go talk to him and you went back. He went back so many times. He was so drunk You know why it was it was funny because he was hammered too He comes outside and I'm in mid-conversation with Eric and he he goes. Oh my god Fuck raining outside. Like, yo, he was he was he was wrecked the way he was talking was wrecked That was a good night. That was a great night. We discovered that that bar and now we go there all the time Yeah, we have to go back. Yeah, I haven't been there in a while. I'm ready to go this weekend
Starting point is 00:29:41 I'm kind of down too. Well, she doesn't play anymore. They play I think alabama in november. That's when I'm going 100 percent. Yeah, but that's like two months away It's gonna be a live game. It's gonna be a live game. You remember when I was there and those girls come up to us like You wanna do some fucking blow? Yeah, she had the coke. We're all good, dude. She had a dime bag of cocaine in her mouth She goes, you want to and she starts smacking her nostril with her fucking finger You want to come with me to the bathroom and uh, you know, and I'm like, no, I don't thank you though Very I appreciate it and then she dropped it on the floor. I was crying
Starting point is 00:30:11 She she comes up to me. She goes, do you want to do some fucking blow? And I was like, no, I'm right. She goes Are you lying? And I was like, no, no I don't and she's like you fucking liar and I'm like You know, I'm not lying to you. Why would I lie about that? It was so weird It was not about that life. She looked like this girl that I used to date too. She was blonde. I think yeah She was good. I thought she was good. I was like, oh, this girl's good. I maybe I'll try buying her a drink See what happened. She came in it was funny because she came in with some people that we knew and she looked totally fine But then like 20 minutes later, this girl's like eyes were like half closed and we're like, she's fucked
Starting point is 00:30:51 And she was just she came back from the bathroom wide awake as a fucking Dammit wired. Yeah, she must have just shoved it straight into her bloodstream right through the asshole She changed her batteries or something. Oh, yeah, she did that whole fucking eight ball Then there's another time that we went there and it was a girl with her boyfriend Oh god and Long story short She ended up blowing Some kid that we were with in the bathroom. Her boyfriend was calling her on the phone. It was calling her on the phone
Starting point is 00:31:21 I thought that only existed in like porno's new york, huh? New york. Welcome new york legends legends and uh Legends in the city. Maybe we get blown by someone's girlfriend. Love that bar. So that was terrifying I'm like, how can someone do that with their boyfriend's right fucking there? And it was crazy because while she was talking to one of our friends her boyfriend was like Eight feet away. Yep. She disappeared for a little while and she's blowing Somebody blowing dudes
Starting point is 00:31:49 That's I guess that's that's a keeper there. I guess that's that's today's generation. I guess I don't think so if a girl told me yeah, my boyfriend's here. I'd be like, all right. Nice to meet you Nice to meet you. That's very very good. And our friend didn't know that she had a boyfriend. I don't think No, he came out and said to her boyfriend here somewhere. Oh, he probably knew when the phone rang I gotta go. My boyfriend's calling me. He's here. Yeah. Oh Oh, oh god. Oh god That's stupid That place was a fucking disaster though. I
Starting point is 00:32:18 I want to go back to flying puck now. I'm just thinking about that. Well, I want to get down some beers Whatever is really what I want to do. I'm down bro. You know, I'm down Tonight though. I'm going out. You should skip your hockey game. Let's go. No, I've I've been waiting for tonight I had a hockey game last night. My legs feel like jello and now I'm going back. You had two two games in a row Yeah, it's crazy Well, it's like once like we our game tonight is at like 10 o'clock Why the fuck is it so late? I don't because I don't know man because That's the schedule and it's all the way out in farmingdale. It's like 45 minutes away
Starting point is 00:32:52 How long are they like an hour? Yeah, it's uh, it's 15 minutes each period. Should we get home at fucking midnight? No, no, no, it's 15 minutes each period. Um, the clock doesn't stop So you're gonna get home at like the night maybe 11 30 12. Yeah, not bad. Fuck that dude On a monday. I know it's insane like don't these people have to go to work tomorrow on a tuesday It's like a men's league. So, you know a lot of anger The fuck does that mean? I love it every single second of it. That's hot By the way, I wanted to bring this up before but I totally forgot it set my mind
Starting point is 00:33:25 But when we were talking about like dumb shit when you're talking about the walmart thing When I was on the plane home by the fucking way so my flight home from vegas was saturday And I was landing sunday morning at 5 a.m. Who is that a red eye? Yeah, so at Like nine o'clock i'm in the airport and i'm on twitter and I see that bombs are going off Oh, in new york city and i'm like this is lovely. I'm about to get on a flight to the fucking new york city
Starting point is 00:33:57 There's bombs going off. So i'm fucking having a panic attack. I'm like fuck man Like you know what I mean? Like I know in my mind. I know i'm like i'm Like Let me just put it this way the thought of not getting on the flight had crossed my mind But I wasn't actually going to do it, but I was thinking like maybe I should just didn't shouldn't get on this But I was like, you know what? Let's just let's just do this But I was I was terrified and then I wanted to forget about it. So I stopped looking at my phone
Starting point is 00:34:24 Just stopped looking at my phone and then like when I got on the plane All the tv's had cnn on them and all like oh, they found a pressure cooker It might be a second bomb. We don't know if it's terrorism. There's bombs going off in chelsea. I was like fuck fuck fuck It's like please everyone shut your tv. I was so scared, but this one guy next to me his tv played this commercial And it was the dumbest fucking thing In the world like obviously you have those dump commercials where it shows like Just these stupid white people like oh, I don't know how to work a hose and they end up like Fucking choking themselves or whatever, but it was it was stupider than that like it was about a flashlight. Okay
Starting point is 00:35:06 Not a flashlight easily confused with a flashlight not the thing you put your dick in It was a flashlight But they were talking about this flashlight like it could change the fucking world and the thing that was the dumbest thing about it was that To market it they said, I mean you could use it to look for stuff you can There's different modes you can do morse code and like whatever and then they showed this one thing that was like a self-defense mode Stop with a flashlight. Okay Self-defense mode then they showed a woman and their husband sleeping in a bed and a robber
Starting point is 00:35:41 Which is like a stereotypical robber dressed in all black with like a black beanie on Sneaking through a wide open fucking window Coming in the house and the wife goes Jerry I mean, I don't know if she could I could there was no audio. She's like Cedric And the guy's like, oh my god wakes up. What does he do doesn't grab a bat Not a gun not like he didn't look angry either
Starting point is 00:36:09 He reaches into his nightstand pulls out this fucking flashlight Runs downstairs finds the robber And then puts it on self-defense mode, which is just a flickering light Probably really bright Who fucking cares man? If so, it's breaking into a home and you shine a light at them. They're gonna be like, wow, dude You got me. I'm getting the fuck out of here now Like no the guy has a knife You brought a you brought a flashlight to a gunfight
Starting point is 00:36:37 So they the guy's flashing this fucking flashlight out. I'm like, oh please And the guy the guy looks like it's the sun is three inches from his face. He's like, oh, no He's like melting and shit and he runs out of the house. I'm like, this is the dumbest fucking thing ever Who's using this for self-defense? Are you laughing? No, I was so mad. You know why because when I think about it There was a Meeting where a bunch of fucking idiots sat around a circular table and were like You know, you could use this for self-defense. It's really bright. Just shine it at a robber And then they go away
Starting point is 00:37:11 And they're like, yeah, we're gonna put that in the corner like you're the fucking idiots Mm-hmm That's crazy. I hate it. They they invent the dumbest things Yeah, now we have the fucking now walmart the the prices aren't enough now. We need to Not push carts. Let's raise the people's taxes so that we can build these carts that move themselves dude Pretty soon that entire store is going to be full of those fucking horizontal
Starting point is 00:37:39 How is what would I call them? horizontal tours how escalators? What? What was I calling them though? Horizontal leaders horizontal leaders. You're gonna not you just step into the store And it'll do the rest. That's when obesity will start start We're all fat, dude Yeah, I think we're we have we're at bronze right now. We need to get but we need to get back up to gold I said this on my vlog
Starting point is 00:38:05 Like I think we used to be the fattest country in the world and I think mexico like dethroned us mad rice In mexico. Oh, yeah, I guess tacos and bread. Yeah, enchiladas and beer guac Some dosakis a little bit of gummy worms. What? The fucking I'm just throwing words now. You're just throwing fucking words out there. YOLO Stop, please take that off. I'm not keeping that in there. I want people to know that you say that I don't say that did you see my snap like last week?
Starting point is 00:38:40 Somebody had yolo decal on the back of their windshield. Stop it. I was so upset. I was you know What makes me really upset now you talk about decals when people have like A family decals like oh mother Father and then there's two kids and a cat like dude. Fuck you guys I I yo, do you never heard me remember when I was talking about that a long time ago? I was like, what if what if the cat dies you still have the cat in the back Have you seen the star wars one no the parents or storm troopers and the kids are wookies Really shut the get the fuck out of here that shit
Starting point is 00:39:16 I hate all decals now that we're you know and bumper stickers. I have a pirate decal in the back of my car Yeah, see you're dumb. It's matt black. You can't see it. That's what makes it cooler. I drive a pickup What do you pick up nothing you tell me You picked me up. Oh, oh, I did in the bike. It came clutch. That's it. Yeah, I did the second day I had the car that was awesome though. I was out there in the rain. It was fucking great. Anyway, um Did this bother you Stop. Yeah, it's fucking. That's the worst thing. I look good in one of the videos that I put out I forgot what it was. I think oh, it was it was on my vlog channel
Starting point is 00:39:54 I was like eating as I was talking And like a couple people left a comment like does anyone else want to rip his fucking Face off because of this shit Sorry, so That's one of my pet feet pet peeves. Okay. Oh time to wrap this And I choked on a fry. There you go. All right Time to wrap this up because I cannot speak and I need to eat this because my my chicken's getting cold now Son of a bitch. What time is it? Um, I don't know but
Starting point is 00:40:21 Dylan's going to hem my jeans. He's hemming your jeans. No, he's gonna fit them for me And then we're gonna get them hemmed today. I don't know maybe well He's gonna fit them for me so I could get him fixed what time you're leaving for your game. It's 7 30 right now Game starts in an hour. I gotta get home. I gotta go home change and then drive into the city and then just You're so lucky. Oh, I'll have a couple beers, but I'm not gonna drink and drive. I would be Would it What I'll have a couple of beers, but I won't drink and drive. Yeah, if you your body can True, you're right process a beer in an hour. I do the same thing like I have like two beers
Starting point is 00:40:52 Is there a lot of people going I don't think so It's like me Marco, I love how I'm just explaining our the plans. I wish I was there Marco's there. I love Marco Yeah, he's a great guy. Oh, I actually gotta have I'm gonna have Marco on Uh soon because he told me a story and I was like, I don't like this is unbelievable I need to be there for that. Marco's my go-to. So Marco's like one of the kids that like He he just got added to our friend group not too long ago He's always been friends of our friends But now he's kind of like in with us. You know what I mean? But this kid's a psycho
Starting point is 00:41:25 And he told me a story the other day when we were at the The uh, this the beer garden watching the UFC fight. He was there. Yeah And uh, he told me some story. I was like, yeah, you got to tell on the podcast and he's like, absolutely But it's fucking hilarious. Um, but anyway Uh, divina, where can they find you if they want to contact you both instagram and twitter and You know at sign Before everything
Starting point is 00:41:54 Okay, and uh, yeah, that's it. I'll see you guys tomorrow with a new video. I think you know unless uh Who knows who knows what could happen between now and then, you know a cyclone Shut up or uh Or some more bombs or an alligator stuck outside Just shut up. All right that dumb shit. Sorry Pat's nation. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you had to throw that out. Here we go. All right, and as always thanks for listening your motherfuckers

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